3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

A 1940s pulp game for Call of Cthulhu....Infiltrate the Ahnenerbe and join the enemy in Berlin. Accompany the expedition to darkest Afrika to uncover a secret best left alone. Nazis! Archaeology! Exploration and Madness!

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3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

Tripoli Harbour District - Port Warehouses


Tom knew he was in trouble from the moment the shout sounded out across the narrow harbour. He immediately gave thanks to the hours of training he had put in at the track as he sprinted down a darkened alley, littered with detritus. Kicking a wooden crate aside, he leapt and flung himself over a 7 foot high chain-link fence; the sound of pounding feet close on his heels and more angry shouts in Italian.

All he had to do was look at the contents of a cargo ship, but he hadn't counted on the officious Italians posting guards onboard. He hadn't noticed them until he was right on top of the three men and then all he was left with was to run. He pulled away from the men and then ducked into shadowy doorway, sucking breath...

OOC - Thought I'd throw you in at the deep end. I'll fill you in on further details as this little chapter proceeds. What will Tom do next?
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »


Thomas retreated further into the darkness of the doorway, deliberately slowing his breathing. Slow your breath, your heart will follow. His body responded, as years of training and experience taught him, he moved further into the doorway, away from his pursuers. He looked around, trying to taking in his new surroundings as he went.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

Tom took stock...'okay breathe'...the repeated mantra allowing him to clear his head from the adrenaline surge that was coursing through his well-honed muscles. He was in a foreign city, in the middle of warehouse district within the port and dusk was rapidly approaching. The docks were virtually deserted, but the Blackshirts had spotted him and were now on his trail.

Occasionally he caught a glimpse of them roaming in pairs, searching. They were still distant but it was unlikely that his hiding place would remain safe for long. He had heard shouts and answers, they would have the exits covered. If Ellie were here, she would have a plan already. His partner was cool-headed in a crisis but had split to find out about a Nazi plane that had landed at the small airstrip outside of town.

Now, what to do...dare he go back to the ship and get a look at that cargo or should he split and make a dash for it???

OOC - This is only intended to be a short introduction as your partner is currently meeting with the expedition in the hotel at the moment. Have fun, the choice is yours :)
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

With the edge taken off the adrenaline rush, Thomas thought about his two choices. Finding out the what was on the cargo ship was important, but it if he got caught it would threaten the whole operation. Let's see what these fascists are hiding. Thomas slipped out into the night streets, looking for a way to re-infiltrate the ship. Like riding a bike, hopefully.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

OOC - There are groups of guards searching, though non too vigorously, around the area. You will need to make me either a Dex x5 roll or Sneak roll (whichever is highest) to avoid detection on you way to the ship.

His mind made up Thomas darted out of the doorway and began to pick his way stealthily towards the ship. He moved from cover to cover, using the growing dusk to aid him in his movements. He had made it halfway, when a patrol rounded a corner ahead of him...'Had they seen me?', the thought crashed in his mind as he ducked down behind some crates...
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

Thomas stayed behind the crates, waiting for the guards to walk past. He silently hoped that his pursuers were too focused on trying to catch him on the streets to bother finding out how he had gotten in the first time. He waited for them to leave before continuing towards his objective.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

The patrol moved away leaving a clear shot at making it back to the freighter. He barely broke sweat as he pounded between row of barrels and crates. After dodging around the path of an oncoming patrol and several nervous minutes braced under a stinking fishing net, Thomas worked his way back to the ship. He could see three men on the deck, two working at the far end - loading boxes into a crane's cargo net - and a third loitering by the gangway smoking. He also saw at the near end of the ship, the bow, the anchor chain stretched from the darkened water to a deck mounted capstan...

OOC - Either course of action will require another silent move / dex roll please unless you can think of anything more inventive :)
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

Thomas looked over the ship, trying to figure out the best way to sneak on the boat. Go for the anchor, Thomas thought. Quickly moving to scamper up the chain to get to the deck. Unfortunately, as he made way up the massive chain, his weight caused the chain to clank. Cursing his luck, Thomas hoped he could slip behind some cover before anyone came to investigate.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

OOC - 1d100=36 Guard fails listen roll...

Thomas' strong arms easily dragged his body out of the ink-black water and over the side of the ship. He threw himself onto some sacking behind a lashed up tender. The shelter of the wooden craft provided him with an excellent place to catch his breath. Glancing back into the dock he noticed the patrols were noisily making their way around, with a crash of boot and the occasional voice raised in anger.

The smoking man smirked and called something to someone unseen up above on the bridge and Thomas heard a faint laugh in response. A hatchway led below but it would require some more stealthy movement to reach up without being noticed...
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

Thomas waits for the chatter on the deck to give him an opportunity. As the sound of laughter wafted in, Thomas makes his move. He skulks to the hatchway, and slips inside. Don't think I've had this much excitement since Berlin! Thomas thinks, allowing himself a small smile.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

OOC - I purposefully not letting you get too far ahead of the other thread in case you were worried this was dragging :)

With care he made his way into the narrow companionways of the vessel.

OOC - Luck roll please.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

GM - Luck Roll,[url]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3421102/[/url]
OOC: Not sure what to describe...
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

Thomas almost walked straight out into the cavernous hold, but caught himself at the doorway just in time as he heard voices talking is hushed tones, he could only make out one of the voices clearly....

"I will be on my way in the morning," ...

"no there is not time for that" ...

"just see that the boxes are transferred with the others," ....

"make sure you do it swiftly, before it gets light. They need to blend in with the rest of the cargo" ...

"that's right Alexandria"...In a smudgy glow from an oil lamp he could glimpse several men standing amongst a variety of crates and boxes.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

Thomas crouched behind some cargo trying to hear the conversation. Alexandria. What are the fascists up to? Thomas thought as he listened in to the conversation. He waited, hoping the group would move on so he could get a look inside the boxes.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

After what seemed like an eternity the men left and Thomas, leaving it another five minutes, had the confidence to emerge from his hiding spot. He prowled gently over to the crates and began to look carefully at them. Most were regular crates, however a few off to one side bore the logo of the Ahnenerbe and a destination of Alexandria on their attached labels.

OOC - Another luck role to avoid discovery at this point as a guard may happen upon you...
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

GM,Luck Roll: [url]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3435334/[/url]
Looking both ways to see if the coast is clear, Thomas headed to the boxes, and tested the boxes to see if he could see what's inside.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

Thomas pulled at the crate lid, finding it nailed firmly shut. He cast around and his eyes lighted on a crowbar and he hefted it. Taking care to avoid noise he gently placed the pry under the lid of the nearest crate and applied pressure. With a low creak the lid rose slowly on the nails before it came free.

He placed it to one side and move some of the wood-shaving packaging aside....He reeled back in horror at the figurine contained within...his mind writhed trying to comprehend the squad, basalt idol...

OOC - San check please, with a 1d3/1d8 penalty for the reeking evil in the box. Note that substantial failure will result in him creating some sort of noise.
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

GM,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3442161/]Roll for sanity[/url]
GM,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3442165/]Sanity Damage[/url]
Thomas struggled at the sight of the grotesque form. Through luck more than effort he observed the item in stunned silence rather than shrieking terror. He had too think quickly.
OOC,How big is the figurine? Would I be able to pocket it? Are there other goodies?
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Airbornexo »

OOC - The figure is pretty big (the size of a stone garden ornament) maybe 3' square in dimensions roughly. It is also heavy, not too heavy for Thomas but he will have to focus all his might on it and wouldn't be able to take it far...

Thomas held himself together regarding the blasphemous image before him...


He then looked and saw at least half a dozen similar crates...
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Re: 3: Black Shirts! [Cpt Impossible]

Post by Captain Impossible »

Thomas closed the crate door, bracing himself for what he knew he had to. He made his way to the next crate. Well, Thomas, you were promised you'd see new things on this mission. They weren't lying! Thomas took a slow breath, exhaled, and commenced prying the lid of the next box with the crowbar.

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