CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain [George & Martin]

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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Job »

9:20 a.m. (EST) – Thursday 7th September, 1933
Anatomist wrote:George walks into the room and while turning to see the door he asks 'Did you already enter the neighbour room?'
"No, not yet. Come on, I chiseled the hinges free from the doorframe, but I need your help to pull this door out. I was afraid that if I pulled the door from its frame by myself, it might fall over and the noise would attract attention," says Martin.

Together, George and Martin were able to quietly pry the door out and they gingerly set it down next to the opening. Captain Douglas' room is a disaster and it apparently has been searched by others, and none too gently. The former occupant's belongings are strewn about, his luggage lies opened, and the bed linens are torn from the mattress. The floor is covered with scraps and shards of items that have been carelessly smashed.

"What a mess," hissed Martin. "George, you're a scientist and are trained to find information where others see nothing but chaos. Why don't you search the room while I keep a lookout for the cops?"

Job. (the tortured one).
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Anatomist »

'Ill do what i can' George starts a search and will use some time one it trying to not miss a clue.
GM,I did a mistake at rolling dice. I only rolled one dice where i wanted to make 5 (to reflect George's time use), made a second roll of 5 wich results are: [url=]Spot Hidden ( 1d100=22, 1d100=2, 1d100=98, 1d100=28, 1d100=18)[/url]
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Job »

George steps carefully into the room, trying to avoid making any noise or moving any items. This is difficult because of sheer number of things that litter the floor, including broken glass, papers, clothing, cups, and trash. George sees a number of areas of interest:
General Instructions,I've numbered the descriptions below for six areas that are of obvious interest that George sees from the adjoining doorway. This is a complex scene, so you should think about the order which George will look at these areas and whether he'll examine them in detail so that I'll have an idea of how much time he'll spend on each. For example: [list]First, #3 look very carefully for up to 5 minutes, then #1 quick scan no more than 30 seconds, then #4 take each item and put all in pocket, then #5 look over good but not for long, then #2 don't look at, then #6 brief look out and at edges.[/list] In your next post, you can keep it simple. You only need to tell me which numbered area he'll look at first. Or if you want, you can give me the first two or three areas that you'll look at (this will make our play-by-post move quicker). It's up to you how detailed you want to get. NOTE: [u]moving things may make noise[/u], especially if the item is large, like a desk or the mattress.
1. Stepping over an open, empty suitcase, he spots a framed picture on the floor with the protective glass broken, next to an overturned wooden chair. It appears to be of a seagoing vessel, but he'll need to move some papers and pick it up to get a better look.
OOC,Let me know how George wants to deal with the suitcase and this picture
2. Between the chair and the desk are a number of articles of clothing lying on the floor.
OOC,Will George pick up or move or examine these?
3. As he moves to the far wall, George sees that both drawers have been removed from the room's desk and dumped on the floor. As he moves closer to the desk, George sees that there are papers, letters, and personal effects scattered in a wide area. If George stops to carefully gather all of these items, it will take a number of minutes of time. The edge of a small bound book is peeking out from below a few letters near one of the drawers.
OOC,Does George want to gather all of the papers? Does he take the book? Does he wish to examine each item as he picks them up (which would take many more minutes)?

4. Under the desk is an overturned wastebasket. There are balled-up scraps of paper that litter the desktop and also under the desk from the basket.
OOC,Does George want to gather all of the papers? Does he wish to examine each item as he picks them up, smoothing them out to read them (which would take many more minutes)?
5. The bed is stripped, and the mattress is askew.
OOC,Does George want to examine the bed and under it?
6. The window is slightly open, with its curtains fluttering gently.

Job. (The tortured one)
*Map Copyright 1999 by Chaosium, Inc. A large proportion of the text is copyright 1999 by Charles and Janyce Engan. (with edits by Keeper)
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Anatomist »

ooc:,As of the picture George stands at the doorway to "zone" five: the bed. The description below follows the logic from there. If George stands anywhere else, please tell me to adjust the description.
George opened his eyes wide open watching his feet and where he could put them without making any noise. The scene was mayhem! His brain whent into a concentrated state of mind. He tried to remember lectures on Investigation he had attended to, trying to remember how accurate this really had to be.

He first examines the bed and under it (#5), then stepping over an open, empty suitcase, he spots a framed picture on the floor with the protective glass broken George picks it up to get a better look (#1) not intending to take this with him,(skips #2), then George sees that there are papers, letters, and personal effects scattered in a wide area, George picks those up and will take a look at each when he gets out of the room. The edge of a small bound book is peeking out from below a few letters near one of the drawers, George picks this book up putting it in his pocket (#3), then ignores the overturned wastebasket (#4) moving to the open window taking a carefull look (#6).
George has been moving very carefully in the room, he turns around and while moving back he will take a look at the articles, grabbing them for later examination(#2).
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Job »

Anatomist wrote:George opened his eyes wide open watching his feet and where he could put them without making any noise. The scene was mayhem! His brain whent into a concentrated state of mind. He tried to remember lectures on Investigation he had attended to, trying to remember how accurate this really had to be.

#5: He first examines the bed and under it
AREA #5: The matress is well-used and stained, but with no apparent areas where items might be hidden. George moves a few pieces of broken glass and paper at his feet, gets down on his hands and knees, and looks under the bed. Amidst the debris, George spots a broken picture frame in the far corner. George can't reach it without moving the bed (or a lot of debris under the bed). He can reach the frame more easily if he first walks to the side of the bed near the window.
George gets the frame later,[color=#00BF00]NOTE: I assume that George will do this when he gets near the window. See the green text under area #6. [/color]
Anatomist wrote:#1: then stepping over an open, empty suitcase, he spots a framed picture on the floor with the protective glass broken George picks it up to get a better look (#1) not intending to take this with him
AREA #1: The photograph remains in the frame without the glass, and the two ships are named the Arkham and the Miskatonic. A date of 1930 is written in ink on the bottom corner. Does he take this photo?
Anatomist wrote:skips #2
AREA #2: Skipped.
Anatomist wrote:#3: then George sees that there are papers, letters, and personal effects scattered in a wide area, George picks those up and will take a look at each when he gets out of the room. The edge of a small bound book is peeking out from below a few letters near one of the drawers, George picks this book up putting it in his pocket.
AREA #3: It takes approximately five minutes for George to carefully (without making much noise) gather the letters, certificates, and papers. There are a lot of them, and many are handwritten. George collects a stack that is about an inch thick. The small bound journal is a ship's log from one of Douglas' voyages. When George picks it up (along with the nearby letters and papers), he notices that there are a number of other similar journals under the papers.
George collects the books,There are a total of 5 journals; I assume that George collects all of them and adds them to his pile of papers.
Anatomist wrote:#4: then ignores the overturned wastebasket (#4)
AREA #4: Ignored.
Anatomist wrote:#6: moving to the open window taking a careful look, then attempts to retrieve the picture frame in the corner under the bed
AREA#6: George finds nothing of interest with the window. In the alley below, there is a rather large pile of trash that lies directly underneath this window. George temporarily puts the papers and journals on the bed, then carefully moves a number of items so that he may lie flat on the floor and reach under the bed to retrieve the picture frame. The frame is entirely broken, and he gathers the pieces and the picture. As he stands up, he sees that there are two men in the picture...

...when Martin pokes his head into the doorway and urgently whispers, "George! I heard a number of cars pull up in front of the hotel, and car doors slamming! We need to get out of here!" George quickly gathers the journals and papers from the bed.
Anatomist wrote:George has been moving very carefully in the room, he turns around and while moving back he will take a look at the articles, grabbing them for later examination(#2).
No time.

Job. (the tortured one)
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

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George on instinct pulls off his jacket and ties it around the articles and journals and let the drop down on the pile of trash beneath. He then moves as quick he can towards Martin. 'Martin, if anyone ask us anything' 'ill fake ill and you help me get to the doctor' 'the evidence is in the alley in my jacket' 'we need it badly'
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

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Martin looks worried and whispers, "George, I don't think that we should risk getting stopped and questioned by the cops! We'll be arrested for tampering with evidence, breaking and entering, or worse! The SS Gabrielle will leave New York without us!"

Martin cracks open Room 21's door to the hallway, looks and listens for a moment, then quietly closes the door and turns back to George, saying, "It's definitely the police! They're questioning the clerk." He moves quickly to the window and looks out, "Geez, that's a long drop to the stone pavement below! If we jump from this window, we might break an ankle. Maybe we should just put that door back into place between the rooms and hide here. And hope that they don't notice that we broke in..."

Job. (the tortured one)
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Anatomist »

Job wrote:Image
Martin looks worried and whispers, "George, I don't think that we should risk getting stopped and questioned by the cops! We'll be arrested for tampering with evidence, breaking and entering, or worse! The SS Gabrielle will leave New York without us!"

Martin cracks open Room 21's door to the hallway, looks and listens for a moment, then quietly closes the door and turns back to George, saying, "It's definitely the police! They're questioning the clerk." He moves quickly to the window and looks out, "Geez, that's a long drop to the stone pavement below! If we jump from this window, we might break an ankle. Maybe we should just put that door back into place between the rooms and hide here. And hope that they don't notice that we broke in..."

Job. (the tortured one)
'God almighty, lets jump' and without seeing back George did something he never thought he will, he sat on the window and slides out and down towards the pile of trash in the alleyway below
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Job »

9:40 a.m. (EST) – Thursday 7th September, 1933
George jumping,In your above post, I changed your word "dumpster" to "piles of trash"; no dumpster around. ;) Also,from your wording, I assume that George ran through Captain Douglas' room and jumped from that window, which had the trash below it. You'll need to make a Jump roll! If you are successful, then George is not hurt. You may describe the result, if you want, whether good or bad. :D
Job. (The tortured one)
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Anatomist »

George felt his bottom slide of the window 'oh God' he said to himself and closed his eyes hoping it would go ok. He fell with a *thump* on top of something not to hard, but hard enough to make his but hurt a bit. He grabed his jacket as fast he could moved out of the way to look up and see after Martin.
ooc,epic roll :)
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

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Anatomist wrote:George felt his bottom slide of the window 'oh God' he said to himself and closed his eyes hoping it would go ok. He fell with a *thump* on top of something not to hard, but hard enough to make his but hurt a bit. He grabed his jacket as fast he could moved out of the way to look up and see after Martin.
As George stood, he felt a sharp pain in his butt cheek and noticed that there was a tear in his pants and some blood. He also noticed clumps and smears of rotten garbage on his clothing--along with a god-awful stench!

George looked up to see Martin lower himself from the window, then jump the remaining distance into the trash pile. Martin landed relatively well with only a minor cut on his arm. Like George, however, Martin's clothing was wet with slime and pieces of spoiled food that carried the smell of something that had been dead for days.

Because of their cat-like jumps, neither George nor Martin had made much noise and they didn't appear to have attracted any attention.

Job. (the tortured one)
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Anatomist »

'Lets go Martin' 'To the Gabrielle' George walks calmly to the street, peeks around the corner in both direction, if the coast is clear he will turn away from the Hotel and look for a cab.
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

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Martin climbs from the pile of rubbish, then brushes something brownish--it looked like a wilted cabbage leaf--from his shirt, leaving behind a sizeable smeared brown stain. He looks up at George, and says, "A heck of a neat jump there, George old boy! I'm impressed. OK, yes, let's get out of here."

As the two explorers walk casually from the alleyway, turning in the opposite direction of a number of police cars parked in front of the hotel, Martin sniffs and comments to George, "I don't want to be rude, George-O, but... you do know that you smell a bit ripe, eh?"

A moment later, he breaks out in a laugh and hails a cab.

Job. (the tortured one)
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

Post by Anatomist »

Job wrote: As the two explorers walk casually from the alleyway, turning in the opposite direction of a number of police cars parked in front of the hotel, Martin sniffs and comments to George, "I don't want to be rude, George-O, but... you do know that you smell a bit ripe, eh?"
'oh God' ' George says again 'I dont even want to start think on why kind of microbes we got on us by now' 'You know theres a new drug called Penicillin taht can be used to fight these invisible microorganisms?' 'ah... you might now' 'its quite new' George raises his hand to a cab waving it in.
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

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Anatomist wrote:'oh God' ' George says again 'I dont even want to start think on why kind of microbes we got on us by now' 'You know theres a new drug called Penicillin taht can be used to fight these invisible microorganisms?' 'ah... you might now' 'its quite new' George raises his hand to a cab waving it in.
Martin looks at George then chuckles, saying, "I'll leave that up to you, George. Biology is not my field."

A short time later, a cab pulled over to pick up the two explorers. "Take us to pier seventy-four," said Martin, as he climbed into the car with George. The cabbie pulled away from the curb, then almost immediately began sniffing and rubbing his nose and peering into the rear view mirror.

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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain

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9:50 a.m. (EST) – Thursday 7th September, 1933

Only two blocks later, the cab driver pulled over and jumped from his car, opening the door on Martin's side and yelling, "Get out please! You stink up my cab!"

Martin did his best to persuade the cab driver to drive him and George the rest of the way to the docks, but he was not successful, unfortunately. The red-faced cab driver continued to holler at the two explorers, "NO! You smell like dead fish! It will take me weeks to get this smell out. No one will take my cab!"

Martin offered him five dollars, but again the driver refused. "No. Out you go!"

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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain [George Barrow]

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George offered an additional five dollars to the cab driver, saying, "Here. This money plus my friend's money will pay for your cab to be cleaned. And a lot more!"

The cabbie sighed and took the money, then walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He rummaged around in the trunk and returned with a blanket. After urging George and Martin from the vehicle, he covered the seat and floor then told them to get back in.

The cabbie hopped back into his cab and finished driving them to the pier.

Along the way, George and Martin began examining the papers, journals, and photos from Captain Douglas' room.
Items found,[list]2 PHOTOS [list][*]The photo that George found under the bed depicts two men in their late middle years, one in a captain's uniform. It is obvious that the two are brothers. The photo is dated 1929. [*]The other photo (already briefly examined by George in the room) is of two ships; the[i] Arkham [/i]and the [i]Miskatonic[/i], with a date of 1930 written in ink in the bottom corner. Nothing else to add.[/list] 5 SMALL BOUND JOURNALS [list][*]From a quick glance, these journals date from 1920 through 1933. The entries are brief, infrequent, and mainly technical shipboard information (e.g. miles traveled, crew discipline, ship repairs, etc.) These will take additional time to read through.[/list] PAPERS, LETTERS, PERSONAL EFFECTS [list][*]The pile of papers contain packets of letters from Captain Douglas' brother, most of which appear to be personal, rather bland and likely to be only important to Captain Douglas. [*]A few seaman's certificates that are standard items for a Captain to hand out to his crewmen; not of interest. [*]A crumpled sheet of paper with the following handwritten note: [color=#0000FF][i]"A. Lexington QB-0505". [/color][/i]Several checkmarks are ticked next to the phone number. [*]There is one--apparently unfinished--letter from Captain Douglas to someone named Philip that seems relevant perhaps. [img][/img] [url=]Direct link to image of the letter[/url][/list][/list]
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain [George Barrow]

Post by Anatomist »


'Oh God' 'this letter has lots of clues on what might have happen to the Captain' George looks worried at Martin 'Lady Margaret' 'Its that name familiar to you?' he shuffles the items. 'Look at this photo' 'that must be his brother' 'we could try to locate him' 'maybe it's philip'. He takes out his handkerchief to cleanse his glasses 'these 5 small journals will do for bedtime stories i think'. George takes out a note from the pile'Look... A. Lexington QB-0505' 'wow, right?'

'We need to hurry back' 'Moore and Starkweather will be pleased to see all this'
ooc,i asume i need to roll som stuff to get more info on what Martin and George know about the ships Arkham and Lady Margaret, Who the man on the photo is, etc. George will anyways ask Moore and Starweather when they get to the ship. Maybe you want to wait with rolling until then?
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain [George Barrow]

Post by Job »

Anatomist wrote:'Oh God' 'this letter has lots of clues on what might have happen to the Captain' George looks worried at Martin 'Lady Margaret' 'Its that name familiar to you?'
Martin leans over and looks at the letter, "No. No, I've never heard of the Lady Margaret. I could do some research at the Times Building if no one at the Gabrielle has any information."
Anatomist wrote:He shuffles the items. 'Look at this photo' 'that must be his brother' 'we could try to locate him' 'maybe it's philip'.
"Yes, I think that you're correct, George! I wonder when the funeral will take place? Philip is likely to be there. I'll make a call when we get back," says Martin.
Anatomist wrote:George takes out a note from the pile'Look... A. Lexington QB-0505' 'wow, right?'
"A. Lexington... Acacia Lexington, possibly. And her phone number. If it is indeed Acacia, she and our Commander had some sort of a disagreement," observes Martin.
Response from Job,[quote="Anatomist"]i asume i need to roll som stuff to get more info on what Martin and George know about the ships Arkham and Lady Margaret, Who the man on the photo is, etc. George will anyways ask Moore and Starweather when they get to the ship. Maybe you want to wait with rolling until then?[/quote] No rolling needed yet, unless you want to make some sort of History or Idea check. Martin has no further information than what I've described above.
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Re: CHAPTER 2: IC - Death of a Sea Captain [George Barrow]

Post by Anatomist »


'Lets change clothes at the ship inform Moore and Starkweather then we can go to the times' 'i remember that you was wanting to go to the Police station as well' George peeks out the window looking if they where getting near the pier.
~Bony End of Story~
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