IC: A Trip to Chinatown

From the times when the investigator split up.
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Timour Rukov
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Post by Timour Rukov »

Timour yawns as he's forced to listen to Maksim and Johnny drone on and on about what they felt was best when he'd obviously already told them what they should do.

Timour exits the car and tips his hat down over his face, "you go nowhere without me Johnny. We're both paid to do our jobs and it seems we must find a compromise for I am no more staying out here than you are."

Pulling his fighting knife from his ankle sheath the big Russian looks the Chinaman in the eye, "if you think the gun too much there are many other ways to skin a cat."

Timour would do as much as he could manage quietly until the need arose for heavy firepower and then he'd settle this dispute with hellfire and brimstone.

Shouldering his machinegun Timour motioned for Johnny to lead on.
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Maksim Rukov
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Post by Maksim Rukov »

Maksim watches them go sadly and spends the rest of the time checking the car door locks and waiting for one of the enemy to sneak up to his car, smash the window and slit his throat. He wonders if the discovery of his mutilated corpse would give the other two pause to reconsider their methods and wished he so much as a Derringer with one bullet to ensure he wouldn't suffer all that much.

Here they were, all risking their lives, on an unfounded suspicion that the others could potentially be somewhere. What were they going to do when they reached the right floor? Rifle the men's pockets and hope they found more match boxes? It was idiotic.

The worst thing was, if he did manage to tail the others back to their lair, he could do nothing until he managed to get back to the others, and they were likely to have moved on by then.
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Post by thewhatchamacallit »

OOC- Uh, and Maksim doesn't go with them because..?
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Maksim Rukov
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Post by Maksim Rukov »

Maksim is as sneaky as a kitten on catnip on the precious vase shelf at a store. Therefore, he is staying put, right where he can potentially do something more productive than giving everyone away.
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Post by Grafster »

Maksim Rukov wrote: Maksim is as sneaky as a kitten on catnip on the precious vase shelf at a store. Therefore, he is staying put, right where he can potentially do something more productive than giving everyone away.

[OOC: Yeah. In a roll playing game sending one person is always the right move.
Since you roll a sneak roll twice, and either failure triggers a “failed” result, sending an additional person is always mathematically more likely to lead to failure.
(Unless the second person has 100% or something and doesn’t need to roll).

The odds of Johnny successfully sneaking are about 50%. The odds of Timour sneaking are about 10%. The odds of both of us successfully sneaking around together? 5%

Of course, IC, Johnny doesn’t know that Timour has no sneak skill. Good thing we have the BAR.
We gonna get ourselves a lot of xp.
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Post by Raiko »

[OOC: There is a fire escape on the side of Andrei’s apartment block (an external one).

As Timour has decided to carry a BAR over his shoulder in the middle of New York, I’ll need a Luck Roll (-20%) for Timour in order to avoid Joe Public, if the luck roll fails then I need a sneak roll or a conceal (halved) roll from Timour to avoid creating a disturbance.

I also need a sneak roll from Johnny and from Timour to get to the fire escape un-noticed by the guys in the car. This roll has double the normal chance of success (max 99%).

If you don’t fancy those rolls, it’s not too late to leave the BAR.Leaving it means just a sneak x2 roll each is needed, and a failure will still allow a luck roll (even if the guys in the car spot you, they still may not be suspicious, provided you’re not carrying a machinegun).]
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Post by thewhatchamacallit »

758831 [mon]Timour 1 1d100 [29] = (29) Luck- carrying anti-personnel device in NYC, nobody sees nothing, right? Luck -20%= 50% 2006-12-04 03:59:09

That lucky commie :wink:

758833 [mon]Timour 1 1d100 [91] = (91) Chap-2 Timour Sneak passed guys in car- Sneak 10%x2= 20% 2006-12-04 04:04:24

Look out for that enmpty trash can! Doh!

Better let us know what's around for cover...
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Post by Grafster »

[OOC I love it when the Keeper doubles my skills.]

Johnny scuttles through the shadows toward the fire escape with rather deftly.

Chapter 1 - Sneak (50%x2) - Sneaking up the fireescape of Andrei's apartment
1d100->[8] = (8)

Johnny sighs (quietly) as he glances back at the Russian.
He's got one heck of a deathwish. Still... I couldn't wish for a better distraction.
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Post by Raiko »

Spotting the Russian ‘sneaking’ around with a machine gun, the driver quickly puts his idling car into gear and, with a squeal of tyres, accelerates down the street.
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Post by Laraqua »

Maksim will attempt to follow. I won't log in to my other account coz I burnt my fingers and am attempting briefness. :oops:
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games: http://stwildonroleplaying.blogspot.com/
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Post by Grafster »

[OOC: Sorry to hear about the fingers. Hope it's not serious.]

Johnny slips up over to the fire escape and begins to climb. He motions for Timour to stay in a convenient shadowed doorway or something.
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Post by Raiko »

Middle East Side - New York
9:30pm - Thursday 15th January 1925

Maksim drives away, trying to catch up with the fleeing 'cultist' car.

The ladder at the bottom of the fire escape has already been pulled down, so Johnny climbs warily, when he reaches the fifth floor he finds that the door has already been forced open with a crowbar.

Glancing inside he can see a darkened hallway, doors to apartments line each side of the corridor. Andrei's apartment is 505, it should be the third door on the left, at the front of the building.

[OOC: I need a sneak roll from Johnny if he goes into the corridor, and a sneak roll from Timour, if he looks for a good hiding place]
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Post by Grafster »

[OOC I'm assuming that you'll make Spot & Listen checks for me as appropriate.]

Can't see anything from out here. Or hear anyhting either.

Johnny rests his cane against the wall near the damaged window. He checks his revolver to make sure it’s loaded before tucking it into a coat pocket.
As he slips into the room his sleeve catches on a jagged piece of the window frame and tears loudly.
Chapter 1 - Sneak (50%) - Sneaking into the hallway [1d100 -> 89]

Very professional Wong, Johnny thinks to himself and he stands silhouetted in the window frame.
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Post by thewhatchamacallit »

760139 ]{mon}Timour 1 1d100 [53] = (53) Sneaking inside Andrei's building to the fifth floor- Chap 1 Sneak 10%
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Post by Raiko »

Inside Andrei’s Apartment Building

As Johnny steps cautiously into the corridor he can hear Timour clambering up the ladder behind him.

He steps carefully along the hallway until he reaches door 505, Andrei’s apartment, but unfortunately a loose floorboard creaks loudly just as Johnny arrives outside the door.

Andrei’s apartment door has also received the attention of a crowbar, it has been forced open, then pushed shut again. The warped and splintered door may well stick if it is opened.

[OOC: Listen Roll please, BTW I’m assuming that Johnny’s ‘small handgun’ is a .32 revolver. If you want something different please say so now.]

Outside on the fire escape Timour reaches the open door to the fifth floor just in time to see (and hear) Johnny reach Andrei’s apartment door.
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Post by thewhatchamacallit »

761206 [mon]Timour 1 1d100 [2] = (2) Listening, chap 1 outside Andrei's apartment- Listen 50%

Couldn't have rolled that for the sneak?
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Post by Grafster »

Johnny frowns and thinks to himself, Can't seem to hear anything. Maybe they've already left?

Chapter 1 - Listen (25%) - Listening at the door of Adnrei's apartment [1d100 -> 49]
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Post by Raiko »

Timour catches up with Johnny outside Andrei’s apartment door. He’s not certain, but he thinks that he heard cautious movement from inside the apartment.

The noise stops after a split second though, now there is only silence.
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Post by Grafster »

Johnny considers pulling out his gun but doesn't.

Johnny stands to the side of the doorway and carefully pushes the door open.
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Post by Raiko »

Andrei’s Apartment – Middle East Side, New York
9:35pm – Thursday 15th January 1925

Johnny - Luck (65%) = [70]

The splintered door scrapes quite loudly against the doorframe as Johnny pushes it open, both investigators cringe at the noise and peer into Andrei’s apartment.

Once their eyes have properly adjusted to the darkness, they see that the living room has been trashed; furniture is overturned, cushions slashed, cupboards and drawers emptied onto the floor. It will be difficult to cross the cluttered floor stealthily, especially in the poor light.

There are doors leading to the kitchen, and to a hallway from the living room; both doors are open half way.

[OOC: If either of you move or speak I’d like 4 separate d100 rolls from each of you please]

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