Travis' Journey: Realisation

Herein you will find the earlier chapters of those unlucky enough to visit the quaint little tourist town with a weight in their hearts.

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Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laine »

It's been so long since I spoke with him, but it feels like he berates me everyday. My every step is guided or misguided by my early life experiences. Walter.. did he make it through the night?

Perhaps he should be concerned about making it to work on time, planning out the year or even just brushing his teeth, but instead his concern is with Walter and by proxy, Emily. He will reach for his phone to see if she called during the night. As he picks up his phone he drops the tear soaked panda to the side of the sofa.
Last edited by Laine on Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laraqua »

There are no missed calls.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laine »

I guess they must be okay..I mean she would have called, right?

Travis will pry himself off the sofa and head towards the bathroom to turn on the shower, he strips off his clothes and reveals the sickly frame underneath. His bones are the most prominent features and they pertrude out from underneath his skin as though they will cut through at any moment.

Why couldn't I have been blessed like Walter or Calvin?

As he steps into the shower he will crouch down near the faucet and his tears will join the water flowing down into the depths of the drain.

Too many times to count...

He finally answers the question that the young girl's voice asked.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laraqua »

The water feels strangely cold against his numb skin and the shower provides little refreshment to start off his new day. At least he has plenty of time to prepare himself for another hard day at work but the weeping face of Walter from his painting haunts his mind. It's almost as though they are crying together, forever. At least he'll be able to find out from Emily at work what happened and how it all went.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laine »

After he steps out of the shower Travis will go through his early morning routine of a cup of tea and some toast(if he brought any food). He attempts to make himself look professional with his work shoes, a pair of slacks and a dress shirt. Despite his care his clothes seem to drape off his body as though he were a coat hanger, finding clothes to fit his body type had always been difficult.

I'll have to go back to the book store later today for my own car.

Despite the stress and circumstances the previous night it was probably the most excitement he has had since the time he and Calvin ran away. When he collects all of his things he will head out the door to Midwich.

The future still holds hope and that hope are the children of this town. I must be strong if I am going to be there for them.

The sun never seemed brighter when juxtaposed against the torment of his dreams.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laraqua »

The sky is clear with a beautifully shining sun reminding him of why this is a resort town. It almost seems to banish away the horrors and excitement of the night before, almost as though the whole fiasco was nothing but a bad dream. Only the lack of his car could truly convince him that it wasn't on so fine a day. The walk to Midwich is over almost too quickly and soon he is striding up those stone steps, through the little lobby, and past the reception desk where seven little boys and girls are waiting. There's no sign of Emily.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laine »

Travis tries to put on a smile and a calm demeanor in front of the children, but sense of unease is on his mind.

I hoped she would be here...

"Good morning everyone, are you waiting for Ms. Latham?"
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laraqua »

The children all nod and look at him quietly. These children aren't like the children he's used to. They're not the squirming, energetic children who are all sunshine and entitlement (in a good, deserved way, of course). They quietly squirm, shuffling from foot to foot, scratching heads, and watching with the slightly pinched expression you would expect to see from school children from the 1930s who are being spoken to by the school principal.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laine »

They're oddly orderly...

Travis turns to the receptionist desk to see if there is anyone covering for her. If not he will attempt to recall what he can from the sign in procedure that Emily had shared with him the day before.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laraqua »

Travis can see the sign in book sitting just behind the counter. It's a fairly simple procedure. Name and check-in time followed by a check-out time when they start heading home. Rather laborious considering the student numbers and the lack of a computer but it's been school policy since Midwich was founded.

"Please, sir, we were here for about ten minutes, at least," said one.

"Don't be silly," said another. "They won't spring us. We're here early anyhow."
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laine »

"Alright, I am sorry you've been kept waiting, but thanks for your patience. If you can give me your names and I can sign you in so it shows that you were on time."

Travis will reach behind the counter, take the book and the pen and begin to write down the names of the children as they talk.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Post by Laraqua »

Oh well, at least he has a chance to learn a few of their names. At the early morning progresses, more and more children arrive to be checked in. Some are accompanied by parents. Some come in unescorted. He doesn't see that little girl who had spoken to him yesterday morning.

Principal Roseworthy passes him at 9.00AM and gives him a strange look but doesn't ask him about it. "Can you please see me in my office after?" is his only comment.
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Re: Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laine »

I hope he isn't upset , I was just trying to help out..Maybe Emily spoke with him though?

When he is done with the last students, Travis will make his way to Principal Ross' office and knock on the door before entering.

"You wanted to speak with me, sir?"
Principal,I believe his name was Ross and the insane principal was Roseworthy?
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Re: Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laraqua »

Principal Ross tipped back his chair and smiled at Travis. "Ah yes, I just notice you doing Ms. Latham's job and while I appreciate it, it really isn't your role. I mean, what did she go off to do anyway? Why isn't she at her desk?" He leans forward. "Or is something the matter? You look... Yeah, well, is everything all right?"
Ergh,damn me for making their names so similar!
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Re: Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laine »

" I apologize, infact I only meant to sign several of the children in because they said they had been waiting for some time and I noticed Ms. Latham wasn't at her desk this morning. I didn't realize that I had spent an entire hour of my day there. I was hoping that she'd check in with you this morning..."

Travis gazes akwardly downward as he says that..

I guess the cat is already out of the bag so to speak

"I mean I just figured she'd call her supervisor if she wasn't going to be in. I haven't seen her since yesterday afternoon."
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Re: Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laraqua »

"Oh? Well, this isn't like her at all. I mean, she was always punctual. Never had a sick day off, even when she probably should've, unless I twisted her arm. Do you have any idea what might have happened to her?"
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Re: Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laine »

Travis is clearly nervous, but he can't with hold information from their supervisor.

He's our boss..I mean he'd wasn't my fault.

"Well, Walter Kauffman was in town and she wanted to go to his book signing over at Andy's.."

Travis fidgets with a pen that was still in his hand from when he was having the students sign in.

"There was a situation there and Emily decided to stay with Walter because he had an emotional break down and she didn't want to leave him by himself.."
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Re: Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laraqua »

"Walter Kauffman?" asked the principal. "Don't know the guy. Still, that's even more not very like her. Thought she was, well, y'know ... not that there's anything wrong with that!" He steeples his hands before him on the desk. "Still, she should've called. That's unusual behaviour. She has plenty of personal leave available." He shakes his head. "Strange. Very strange. Well, maybe you should head back to doing what you're doing and I'll call her at home."
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Re: Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laine »

"Yes, I hope that she is okay. Would you like me to continue to cover for her or work on prepping the classroom and curriculum? I wouldn't mind seeing the school library and picking out children's stories, if possible. I have my own personal collection of children's stories, but it would be nice to have a look at what is available here."
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Re: Travis' Journey: Realisation

Post by Laraqua »

"Uh, well, I think you should cover her starting and ending shifts where she checks the children in and out. The other teachers can deal with our rather arcane library system if the children want to borrow. Actually, if you want to check out those books, could you do that, or make a point to do that, at recess and lunch? That's when the kids often go and borrow things." Principal Ross smiles proudly to himself. "Yes, I think that plan will cover all of our needs."
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