CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

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CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

Post by Job »

(OOC - The original Chapter 4 thread took place on the EnWorld website, but not finished. This post begins at a point near the end of the Chapter 4 thread on the EnWorld website, at a point in the action when the U.S.S Gabrielle pulls away from the NYC dock to put distance between her and the explosions and fire.
For ease of reference, here is a link to that EnWorld thread at the post just prior to this one, our starting point here on Play@YSDC)

Job wrote:A loud series of cracks and poppings erupted from the dock and reverberated across the harbor, then a large section of the pier shed roof collapsed in a shower of sparks.
As the Gabrielle idles out in the harbor about 50 yards from pier, awaiting the tugboats, the three boxcars on the pier edge rumble down the explosion- and heat-buckled tracks and into the river. Starkweather shouts and grimly watches the 3-foot wave of water expanding from the dock.

At about the same time, James Starkweather pulls a set of field glasses from a nearby crewmember and examines lights of another ship departing down-river, towed by tugboats. George and Father Rucker both hear him furiously mutter "The Tallahassee! The bitch has beaten me!"

Job (the tortured one).
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Father Rucker

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Royya's Avatar wrote:
Job wrote: Quickly looking around the main deck, the priest notices a few situations that might require his assistance. There are three stevedores struggling to tie down a load of large wooden beams. A drum of oil is lying on its side near the railing and is spilling liquid into the river. And a red-underwear-clad crewmember is sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands.
Not wanting to add more menace, Father Rucker decides to be helpful where he is most needed. And comfort is one of his specialties.
Walking to the stairs where the man sits, Father Rucker lays his hand on the man's shoulder.
Are you all right son?
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George Barrow - Scientist

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Anatomist wrote:
Job wrote: "The Tallahassee! The bitch has beaten me!"
'Who sir has beaten you?' 'Is that a ships name?' George strains his eyes in the darkness to see the ship or the thing Starkweather is looking at.
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Wade Watkins - Physician

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Wade Watkins' Avatar wrote:"Get the dead off this boat as soon as humanly possible. I don't want disease starting to spread." Without the slightest hint of sorrow in his voice, he continued on looking for more injured.
The ship had pulled away from the dock, so removing the dead would have to wait.

In looking around the ship, Dr. Watkins found a number of stevedores and crewmen with serious burns, deep cuts, and broken bones. Wade provided what assistance he could on deck, but sent many to the medical room knowing that Dr. Greene would capably handle the rush.

Job. (the tortured one)
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Re: CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

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Royya wrote:Walking to the stairs where the man sits, Father Rucker lays his hand on the man's shoulder.
Are you all right son?
As Father Rucker approached the crew member, he noticed the man's burned hair and blackened face and hands. The man's hands were trembling and his shoulders shook. The priest could hear him repeating words in a foreign language with a cadence that sounded like prayer:

"...orar para nós sinners, agora e à hora dos nossos morte..."

Job (the tortured one).
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George Barrow - Scientist

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Anatomist wrote:'Who sir has beaten you?' 'Is that a ships name?' George strains his eyes in the darkness to see the ship or the thing Starkweather is looking at.
Starkweather's jaw muscles clenched rhythmically as he continued studying the ship, then he lowered the field glasses and also his eyes, muttering to George, "It's Acacia Lexington. Her expedition just departed New York City for Antarctica."

Job (the tortured one).
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Martin LeBlanc - Photojournalist

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Martin LeBlanc's Puppeteer wrote:Martin stirred on his bunk in the infirmary-he felt the throbbing of the engines as the ship left dock. His injuries had begun to heal and he looked forward to once again being useful...
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Re: CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

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Her port side midships scorched and blackened, the U.S.S. Gabrielle is towed to a new dock downstream at Pier 66 within an hour. An army of policemen, reporters, and gawkers are on hand to welcome them into their new berth.

Once the ship is tied off, both Mr. Starkweather and First Officer Turlow are met by police for questioning.

Job (the tortured one).
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Re: CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

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While the police begin their investigations, you hear a voice booming over the ship's public address system, announcing "All crew members and stevadores on ship are to report to the ship's mess for instructions. Repeat. All crew members and stevadores are to immediately report to the ship's mess. That is all."

You arrive at the mess hall and are met by Professor Moore who is sporting a new pair of eyeglasses. He asks you to sign a logbook as you enter and then instructs you to take a seat. Anyone who is injured is told to report to the medical facility.

After everyone has arrived and signed in, Professor Moore organized teams to begin assessing the impact of the fire on the expedition. Some seamen are assigned to estimate repairs to the ship, some are instructed to take inventory of equipment that has already been loaded on board the U.S.S. Gabrielle, and some are instructed to return to the burned pier and work with firemen to take an inventory of whatever equipment and supplies are salvageable.

[OOC - These tasks are not assigned to player characters. Your characters are free to take whatever actions you believe are important.]

Job (the tortured one).
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Wade Watkins - Physician

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Wade Watkins' Puppeteer wrote:Wade silently rises and moves off to inventory the medical supplies. He takes his time and makes a detailed record, stopping every so often to check on his patients.
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Father Rucker

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Royya wrote:Prof. Moore
Father Rucker addresses his academic mate.
I pleased to see that you are all right.

Our time is short and I'll talk briefly ... I came here because the captain turned down my application to join this journey, god's will caused me to arrive in this terrible moment, but I see it as an emissary.
I planned to meet the captain on personal and convince him to let me join. I can help as a scientist and as a father. Not to speak that Antarctica is a fascinating place to be.

Father Rucker eyes the Prof.

Will you help me Prof.?
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Øyvind Raknes Sled Driver

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Anatomist wrote:Øyvind stands up from his chair and puts a big dose of snuff under his lipp. 'Im gonna be off to take a look at my gear, dogs and gramaphone' 'i hope all is in shape and ready to go' he walks out the door taking a glance back on the meeting.

'This day has been full of unconveniant happenings for our expedition, pluss that competitor leaving this same night.... Wonder who on this crew is a spy and saboteour, to many acidents today... I better talk to George about it... '

'George! would it be ok i visit you at the lab after im done checking my stuff?' the tall norwegian yawns at George turns around not waiting for a answer.
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George Barrow Scientist

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Anatomist wrote:George nods at Øyvinds back understanding the norwegian wanted a moment of privacy....

'Sirs... and lady offcourse' he talks to the meeting 'I recomend all of uss check our personal gear and keep an eye on things and if possible noticing if anything seems out of order' 'we have been having many accinets the late time, we should be carefull'

George walk over to fahter Rucker 'I dont think i got the pelasure mister....' 'you a new crew member or here just for the soul conforting today?'
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Father P.J. Rucker

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Royya wrote:I'm known as Father Rucker, Prof. Rucker and you can call me Paul as well..
The priest smiles to George

I came here by the will of Christ ... but I hoping to be a member

Father Rucker shakes the man's hand. And you are my son, who are you?
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Re: CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

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Wade Watkins' Puppeteer wrote:Wade silently rises and moves off to inventory the medical supplies. He takes his time and makes a detailed record, stopping every so often to check on his patients.
A few hours later, Dr. Watkins completes his inventory. Everything appears to be in order; no drugs and supplies are missing. All medical equipment was installed on the ship a week earlier and nothing was damaged.

Martin is resting comfortably, although occasionally he moans and writhes in the bunk.

The other seriously injured man is in much worse shape than Martin.

Wade's earlier assessment of the man's injuries:
  • third degree burns visible across face and neck;
  • severe blistering within the man's mouth and tongue, bloody foam flowing from the man's nose and up his throat as he breathed; rattling, bubbling breath; likely critical lung damage from the explosions and fire;
  • Wade peeled back the man's burned shirt and saw multiple contusions and cuts, likely from flying debris;
  • a 2-inch puncture in the man's chest wall, bleeding profusely, with no visible item protruding from it. It was either from a flying glass shard, or large wood splinter that the man pulled free...
    ...or a knife wound? Wade quickly pressed his hand to the open wound to temporarily staunch the bleeding.
The man had little time left.
Following surgery to repair the man's wound, and an hour cleaning and wrapping his burns, Wade knew that his chance of survival was slim.

Job (the tortured one).
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Re: CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

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Royya wrote:Prof. Moore
Father Rucker addresses his academic mate.
I pleased to see that you are all right.

Our time is short and I'll talk briefly ... I came here because the captain turned down my application to join this journey, god's will caused me to arrive in this terrible moment, but I see it as an emissary.
I planned to meet the captain on personal and convince him to let me join. I can help as a scientist and as a father. Not to speak that Antarctica is a fascinating place to be.

Father Rucker eyes the Prof.

Will you help me Prof.?
Professor Moore listened intently to Father Rucker, nodding frequently, although occasionally interrupting him to give directions to a passing dockworker. When the priest finished, Moore looked at him for a few long moments and then smiled without really smiling.

He reached up and clapped Rucker on the shoulder, saying, "Do you know what you are asking, my friend?" He laughed and said, "Sure. I'll see what I can do. Your God must not like you very much!

You may relax in the Ship's Mess while I go talk to the commander."

Job (the tortured one).
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Re: CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

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Anatomist wrote:Øyvind stands up from his chair and puts a big dose of snuff under his lipp. 'Im gonna be off to take a look at my gear, dogs and gramaphone' 'i hope all is in shape and ready to go' he walks out the door taking a glance back on the meeting.
As soon as Øyvind nears the hatch to enter the hold, he hears the nervous barking of the dogs within. As he clmbs down the ladder, he can see them running back and forth in their cages.

Job (the tortured one).
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Father P.J. Rucker

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Royya wrote:Once back to Shore and with the promise of Prof. Moore to handle his joining to the expedition, Father Rucker will bring his stuff from the hotel to his new cabin. On his way he will buy the local newspaper, wanting to know if someone wrote about the harbor incident, and if police officers commented about any line of investigation.
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Øyvind Raknes Sled Driver

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Anatomist wrote:
Job wrote:As soon as Øyvind nears the hatch to enter the hold, he hears the nervous barking of the dogs within. As he clmbs down the ladder, he can see them running back and forth in their cages.
'shhhh' 'shhh' 'rolig nå skattene mine' 'shhh' 'shhh'
'Calm down my treasures'
(OOC: Handle Animal (1d20+9=18))
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Re: CHAPTER 4: IC - Departure

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Royya wrote:Once back to Shore and with the promise of Prof. Moore to handle his joining to the expedition, Father Rucker will bring his stuff from the hotel to his new cabin. On his way he will buy the local newspaper, wanting to know if someone wrote about the harbor incident, and if police officers commented about any line of investigation.
Father Rucker did indeed find a news article in the next day's newspaper.
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