IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

A new day dawns, and with it new horrors. Tensions are rising at Warren Air Force Base, where traitors lurk behind the scenes and the fate of the world may be at stake. A daring mission to Montana is launched, where an isolated ranch receives new visitors - and trouble. In Omaha, the zombie menace seems to be over. The few surviving law enforcement personnel attempt to restore order, but criminals are not going to make it easy for them. Preparations for evacuation are underway at Brooks High School, and a dangerous new threat lurks.

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IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

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Z-Day + 1 - 5:55 AM Mountain Time - 4 miles east of Scobey, Montana
In the wilderness-
Tricia Barrett ran. Her lungs and her legs were aching, but she had to keep going. Any minute now, if they hadn't already, the neo-Nazis would wake up and discover her gone, and then they would come after her and track her down. They had acted nice before, but she couldn't count on that if they caught up with her. The infected were terrifying enough, but these creeps were even moreso in some ways.

Tricia knew the Bell Ranch had to be around here somewhere. She didn't know if anyone there was still alive, but it was the only place she could think of finding shelter. Pre-dawn light was just starting to crawl over the edge of the horizon ahead, to the east, but it was still very dark as she raced through the wilderness. Just when she thought she couldn't go on any longer, she caught sight of a fence up ahead.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the ranch grounds-
In desperation, Tricia scaled the fence. She knew she was trespassing, but she hoped that Clyde would understand. Sticking to the shadows, she approached the ranch house, taking care to remain quiet.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

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On the ranch grounds-
Tricia crept around the side of the ranch house to the front, where she saw three people walking up to the house's front porch. Two were women, a blonde and a redhead. The other was a man with blond hair. All of them looked young. The redhead carried a shotgun, and the others carried pistols.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the ranch grounds-
Tricia backed up as the blondes headed her way, hiding around the corner and watching the door as the redhead knocked on it. A moment later, Tricia heard it open.

"Caitlin!" cried a man's voice. "Come in, quickly! Did you come here by yourself? Where are your parents?"
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the ranch grounds-
"Two others," said Caitlin at the front of the house. "It's okay, guys. Mom was... and Dad..." She trailed off.

Tricia flattened herself against the wall while the young blond people walked by her without noticing and rounded the corner to the the back door.

"We back here," called the woman. "Don´t know if you were druzʹya!" She knocked at the back door. "Anyone out there, Sven?"

"I don't see anyone," said the man.
OOC,[b]Tricia[/b] is moving to the thread linked below.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the ranch grounds-
Tricia ran through the woods to the southwest as fast as she could. She was terrified, and she only knew that she had to get out of here before the skinheads got their hands on her. They'd never let her get away a second time.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the ranch grounds-
Tricia ran harder, her chest heaving. The trees seemed to stretch on forever, but she knew she had to come to the perimeter fence eventually. As she ran, she heard a twig snap and saw the three skinheads creeping through the trees towards her! They were same ones who had come for her earlier this morning. She tried to duck behind a tree, but her own footsteps made noise. She flattened herself to the back of the tree, panting for breath, terror clutching her heart in its icy grip.

"Someone's here!" said Lt. Joshua Stuart to the two men with him. He drew his pistol, and they held their M16s ready. "Spread out and search."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the ranch grounds-
Tricia heard a faint sound in the distance, back the way she had come. It sounded like Lara calling her name.

Joshua Stuart seemed to hear it too. He cocked his head. "She's here, I know it," he said. "Let's find her fast and get out."

Tricia huddled in her hiding place, clenching her eyes shut and praying. God, please don't let them find me! she thought.

But it was all for nought. She soon heard footsteps in front of her. "There you are!" said Lt. Stuart, grabbing her by the arm. Tricia's eyes flew open, and she saw the other two skinheads on either side of him with their rifles ready. "HELP!!!" she screamed, her heart about to explode.

"Come on, let's move," said Joshua. He hustled Tricia off to the southwest, the other two men following.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the ranch grounds-
Tricia wept as Joshua dragged her along to the southwest. "Don't fret, my darling," he said. "We're not going to hurt you. Whatever possessed you to run away from us?"

"I got scared," she said.

"Of us? We're the good guys."

"How'd you know she was here, sir?" asked one of his men.

"I heard someone in the distance calling out her name, back to the northeast. It sounded like the blonde we saw earlier this morning."

"Oh yeah, she's hot," said the other man, the biggest of the three. "Maybe we should bring her with us too."

Tricia looked horrified. "No!" she gasped. "Look, I'll go back with you. I'll do whatever you want. Just...just leave Lara out of this."

"Of course," said Joshua. "Now let's get moving."

They came to the edge of the treeline. Ahead, the ranch's perimeter fence was visible, and just beyond that was a gray pickup truck. They crossed the open ground to the fence.

"Ralph, you go first," said Joshua. "Tricia, you follow once he's over."

"Right, sir," said the big man. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and started to climb, but his progress was slow. After a minute, he made it over and scaled down the other side. He unslung his M16 and stood warily, watching.

Tricia gulped and followed him over. Once she was safely on the ground, Ralph took hold of her arm.

Joshua tried to climb the fence, but it proved difficult for him. The other man, however, managed it with practically no effort. Joshua tried again, and this time he made it.

In the wilderness-
"MIke, get in the back," said Joshua. The other man nodded and climbed into the bed of the truck, then sat down and gripped his rifle. Joshua opened the driver's side door to the pickup truck's cab and got behind the wheel. Ralph opened the passenger side door for Tricia, and she got in and slid over to the middle seat. Then he got into the shotgun seat and slammed the door behind him. Tricia was trapped between them, squeezed uncomfortably. She leaned back and closed her eyes in despair as Joshua started up the engine and spoke into the CB radio. "We've got her," he said. "Head for home."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the wilderness-
Johsua happened to glance in the rearview mirror as he pulled out and headed west. "We got out of there just in time," he said. "I saw that girl Lara back there, and she wasn't alone. That rancher and the redheaded girl were with her, and they had long guns. We could've taken them, but it's better not to take chances on one of us getting shot. We got what we came for."

Tricia craned her neck and looked back in despair. She couldn't see them, but she knew that her last hope of rescue was gone. Certain that she was doomed and that she would never see them again, she buried her face in her hands and began to cry.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the wilderness-
Tricia sobbed as Joshua drove onwards. A few minues later, the compound appeared in the distance. The pickup truck drove up to the front gate, which was heavily guarded. A squad of six skinheads led by one with sergeant's stripes on his sleeves was just inside. Behind the pickup truck, another gray pickup and a gray van arrived and pulled up behind them.

"How did it go, sir?" asked the sergeant.

"The mission was a complete success," said Joshua. "No casualties on either side, no violence."

"Well done, sir." The sergeant and his squad moved aside, and the vehicles rolled in. Tricia looked up and out the back as the truck crossed the threshold. She knew in her heart that she would not leave. They would never let her escape a second time.

Outside the officers' quarters-
Joshua's truck split off from the other vehicles and pulled up outside the officers' quarters where he had taken Tricia last night. He parked, shut the engine down, and got out. Then he took Tricia by the arm and pulled her after him. The other two men got out of the truck as well. "Good job, guys. If you don't mind, Tricia and I would like to be alone now."

Mike and Ralph chuckled. "Have fun, sir," said Mike. He and Ralph took up posts outside the front door, while Joshua took Tricia inside.

In the officers' quarters-
Joshua led Tricia down the hall and over to the door to his bedroom. He opened it up and dragged her through it.

In Joshua's room-
Tricia had never been in Joshua's bedroom before, a fact for which she had been grateful. Now she was here, and there was no way out. The walls were decorated with Nazi flags and other paraphernalia. There was an oak writing desk and a comfortable leather chair. There was also a comfortable queen-sized bed in the corner. A small door to the right led to a private bathroom, a closet was on the opposite wall, and a window was at the back. Joshua locked the door behind him and gripped Tricia's arms. "What the hell got into you, running off like that?" he demanded. "You could have gotten people killed! You could have gotten yourself killed!"

"I...I'm sorry," she said.

Joshua's face softened, and he took Tricia's chin in one hand and tilted her head upwards. "Oh, I can't stay mad at you, Tricia. But I'm going to make damn sure you never do anything like that again. I could have lost you! But I'm so glad to have you back." He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her close, and kissed her hard on the lips. She squirmed in his grasp and started to weep again.

Joshua finally broke off. "That was worth everything you put me through," he said. "What's wrong? Don't be sad, darling. You're safe, and I'm going to make you very happy."

"Please, no..." she choked out.

"Now, now. You made me a promise. You said you'd do anything I want, remember? I'm going to hold you to that."

"I'll do what you want." Tricia lowered her head. "I was just asking you not to."

"I'm afraid I can't help myself. You're just so beautiful. I've waited so long for this." He started to unbutton her blouse.

"No, please, don't...I'm not ready..."

Joshua could not be dissuaded, however. He breathed heavily as he continued to undress Tricia, determined to have his way with her now. Tricia's pulse raced out of control, and she felt dizzy and lightheaded. Please, God, no! she thought.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In Joshua's room-
Tricia whimpered as her blouse, her shoes, and her skirt all fell to the floor in quick succession. Once Joshua had her down to her underwear, he pressed her backwards onto his bed, where she lay on her back. He removed his belt with the saber and pistol hanging from it and draped it across the chair. He removed his shirt, revealing some tattoos, including a large one of a swastika on his chest. He put the shirt on the chair too. Then he unlaced and kicked off his boots before removing his pants and laying them across the shirt. Tricia swallowed as he advanced, clad only in his boxers and socks.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In Joshua's room-
Tricia shuddered as Joshua climbed on top of her and straddled her. While she knew her plight was hopeless, she felt she had to at least try to stop him from taking advantage of her. She tried to knee him in the crotch, but her legs hit nothing but air as she flailed them wildly. Joshua struggled with her as she squirmed, though he couldn't pin her down. She screamed and wailed as he yanked her panties down over her hips and knees. Terror gripped her when he lowered his boxer shorts, and she turned her head away.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In Joshua's room-
Tricia acted quickly, before Joshua had a chance to overpower her. She thrust her leg right at him, but he deflected it with his arm. She screamed again as they wrestled, and this time he seized her wrists. She tried to break his hold, but she could not.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In Joshua's room-
Tricia knew she was losing this fight, but she tried one more kick. Her aim was true, and Joshua couldn't block it, but he easily twisted out of the way. Then he got between her legs, locking his own legs around hers to hold them still, and he pinned her wrists to the pillow on either side of her head, crushing her into the bed with his weight. Though she struggled with all of her flagging strength, it wasn't quite enough. Joshua held her fast, and there was no escape. She squeezed her eyes shut, tears leaking out from beneath her eyelids.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In Joshua's room-
Tricia clutched the pillow with both hands, squeezing for all she was worth, screaming herself hoarse, but it didn't make her feel any better. Though she couldn't see with her eyes closed, she could still hear the bedsprings creaking as Joshua moved up and down on top of her, still smell his breath when he kissed her, still feel him inside of her. It was far too much to bear, and her spirit broke. The anguish overwhelmed her, and she was well aware that her life from this point forward would consist of nothing but repeated rape. If I please him, it will go better for me, she thought. It's the only way I can survive. And he did save my life back at the diner. Maybe...maybe it won't be so bad. If I want to do it, it isn't really rape. And he isn't bad-looking. I need him, to be safe. Nobody else can protect me. Surrendering, and losing a part of herself in the process, Tricia ceased her struggles and returned Joshua's embrace with mad abandon. She moaned, but with pleasure.

Joshua took it as no less than his due. She's a good girl, he thought. She just had to make a show of resisting to make herself feel like she hadn't done anything wrong. But now she's in love with me, just like I knew she'd be. He enjoyed nothing more than the thrill of conquest, and he took Tricia passionately.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In Joshua's room-
Some time later, Joshua and Tricia were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Sorry to disturb you, sir," said Mike on the other side. "A couple of the guys spotted a chopper setting down not a mile south from here! The captain wants us to check it out and get a closer look."

Joshua groaned and reluctantly separated himself from Tricia. "I'll be with you just as soon as I get dressed!" he called, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"Don't go," pleaded Tricia, sitting up and wrapping her arms around him from behind.

"I have to, darling. But don't worry, I'll be back."

"Take me with you!"

Joshua looked back and faced her. "It's too dangerous. I don't want anything to happen to you out there. Stay here where you'll be safe."

"Then how can i be sure you'll come back if it's dangerous? Please, I can't bear to be without you!" She clung to him tightly.

Joshua sighed. In the end, he knew he'd be unable to resist her charms. "All right, but you'll have to do exactly as I say. Let's get dressed."

Joshua and Tricia put their clothes on, and Joshua retrieved his equipment. Then they went out into the hall where Mike and Ralph waited. The four of them went outside.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Outside the officers' quarters-
Two men were standing outside when Tricia and the skinheads emerged. They saluted."Tell me what you saw," Joshua said to them, returning the salute.

"Sir, a helicopter set down on that plateau about a mile south of here," said one of them. "It looked military."

Joshua glanced over towards the plateau. "Yeah, that's a good vantage point," he said. "I see it all right. There are some military types milling around at the chopper, plus a sniper looking our way through a scoped rifle. Get our own sniper to draw a bead on him. We're going to go check it out." He took Tricia by the arm and led her over to the pickup truck, followed by Mike and Ralph. He opened the driver's side door and gestured for her to get in. She did so and slid over to the middle seat while he got behind the wheel and Ralph got into the shotgun seat from the other side. Mike climbed into the bed of the truck.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

At the gate-
Joshua drove south, back to the gate through which they had originally entered.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Run Tricia Run(Tricia Barrett only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

At the gate-
The guards inside the gate opened it up, and the truck rolled through and continued heading south towards the plateau. The guards shut the gate after the vehicle left.
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