OOC: Character Creation

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OOC: Character Creation

Post by ghill »

This thread is for creating and discussing the characters you'll be playing in Watch the World Burn. [With Credit to Mr Handy]

So far we have five players: Mr Handy, Biored, ImpInTraining, royya and BenTheRat. At this point until I'm confident I can handle it, the game is closed to new players.

We'll use standard character creation from the book for generating stats. Please make the following rolls:

Roll 3d6 each for STR, CON, POW, DEX, and APP.
Roll 2d6+6 each for SIZ and INT.
Roll 3d6+3 for EDU.

Personal Wealth will largely be determined by your character concept and Keeper fiat.

You can use Invisible Castle to make your rolls, both for character creation and in the game. You'll need to register and log in there in order to make entries in the Note section describing what you're rolling, but it's free. In the Character Name box, put the game's initials in brackets followed immediately by the character's name, and be sure to use the same spelling consistently to make it easier to look up old rolls. For example: [SO]John Doe

Those are the only rolls you need to make for character creation. You are free to distribute the 3d6 rolls amongst the five stats that are rolled on 3d6, as well as to choose which 2d6+6 roll goes to SIZ and which to INT. EDU can be raised by making your character older. If you're still not satisfied with your rolls, let me know and we'll work something out. If your rolls are abnormally low, I may permit a reroll of the entire set.

You'll also need to decide on your character's age. The minimum age allowed is EDU+6, but you can always choose to make your character older. For every 10 full years above the minimum, you get +1 to your EDU (which also gets you an extra 20 occupational skill points). However, for every full 10 years above 40 (i.e., starting at age 50), you must reduce one of the following stats by 1: STR, CON, DEX, or APP.

Your character has the following derived stats:
Idea: INT x 5
Luck: POW x 5
Know: EDU x 5 (maximum of 99)
Damage Bonus: Calculate STR+SIZ and consult the following table

12 or less: -1d6
13-16: -1d4
17-24: +0
25-32: +1d4
33 or more: +1d6
Maximum Hit Points: (CON+SIZ)/2 (round fractions up)
Maximum Magic Points: POW
Starting Sanity: POW x 5

I generally disregard the the guidelines for occupations and and permit players to apply skill points to whatever skills they feel most suit their character concept. You get 20 x EDU skill points plus 10 x INT skill points. For the purpose of this game work out the two sets of skill points and then add them together. I'm trusting you to create a well rounded, believable character guided by your concept not a specific career.

While I generally disregard occupations if you describe yourself in terms of your career then please take a moment to look over the associated skills, it would for example be unussual for Dr Jones not to be competent at Medicine and first aid.

The only skill that cannot be raised is Cthulhu Mythos, which always starts at 0%. The other skills have base levels of 1% or higher, and the points you spend add to those base levels. All characters use the modern skill lists. To see the list of skills and their starting levels (as well as other useful info), see the Quick Start rules for Call of Cthulhu: http://www.chaosium.com/article.php?story_id=87

Starting skills should not be higher than 75 without a good reason which should be clear in your character concept. Older, more experienced characters are more likely to have exceptionally high skills, so they'll get more leeway in this area than youngsters. In any event, you shouldn't have any skill higher than 90 to begin. Spend all your skill points during character creation, as they're of no use once the game is underway.

Any questions PM me.

if the above seems overly daunting I'll happilly generate a character for you either based on your concept or not.

Well post all completed characters to this thread.

Oh FYI, the last time this was playtested the characters were: an IT Programmer, a session musician (former US Army now living in the UK) , former doctor now working as a rep in the Pharmasutical industry, an extreme sports enthusiast and a proffessional photgrapher (weddings a speciality). I'm not saying wether they had the right combination of skills or not :)
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Greg Hammer (played by ImpInTraining)

Post by ImpInTraining »


Player: ImpInTraining
Name: Dr. Greg Hammer, MD
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Occupation: Doctor of Medicine
Current Residence: Boston, MA
Colleges, Degrees: Ph.D,
Birthplace: Boston, MA

STR: 8
CON: 9
SIZ: 9
DEX: 13
APP: 9
INT: 14 (Idea - 70)
POW: 17 (Luck - 85)
EDU: 18 (Know - 90)

Sanity: 85
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points: 9 -1 -1 -1
Magic Points: 17
Damage Bonus: none

Background: Growing up wasn't easy for Greg. He didn't really fit in with any of the cliques. He tried his hand at computers, but just couldn't get the knack behind computer logic and programming. He certainly didn't excel in physical sports, but he got very good at dodgeball - a skill that grew out of self-preservation. He attempted to befriend some of the more seedier classmates, but his lack of roguish skills frequently got him detained at the local police station while the others laughed at his expense. He even joined the 4H club and scouts to learn about nature, but his hay fever got the better of him. The one thing he did excel at was studying, and he knew people well - inside and out. Wisely, Greg went into medical school after he graduated. He didn't have a scholarship to see him through, so currently has a huge debt owed for his professional schooling. Greg recently graduated college with his Doctorates in Medicine and was eager to be gainfully employed. He found a job at Boston General in Massachusetts, and is in the UK about to start a short European break after having attended a symposium in London about brain surgery.

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT. Checked skills followed by a *)
Accounting (10%): 10
Anthropology (01%): 1
Archaeology (01%): 1
Art (05%): 5
Astronomy (01%): 1
Bargain (05%): 5
Biology (01%): 31
Chemistry (01%): 1
Climb (40%): 40
.Computer Use (01%):11
Conceal (15%): 15
Craft (05%): 5
Credit Rating (15%): 35
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 0
Disguise (01%): 1
.Dodge (DEX x 2): 46
.Drive Auto (20%): 40
Electrical Repair (10%): 10
Electronics (01%): 1
Fast Talk (05%): 5
First Aid (30%): 60
Geology (01%): 1
.Hide (10%): 20
History (20%): 20
Jump (25%): 25
Law (05%): 5
.Library Use (25%): 45 *
.Listen (25%): 45
Locksmith (01%): 1
Martial Arts (01%): 1
Mechanical Repair (20%): 20
Medicine (05%): 65 *
.Natural History (10%): 20
Navigate (10%): 10
Occult (05%): 5
Operate Heavy Machine (01%): 1
Other Language: Latin (01%): 31
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 80
Persuade (15%): 55 *
Pharmacy (01%): 31
Photography (10%): 10
Physics (01%): 1
Pilot (01%):1
Psychoanalysis (01%): 66
Psychology (05%): 60 *
Ride (05%): 5
.Sneak (10%): 20
.Spot Hidden (25%): 45 *
Swim (25%): 25
Throw (25%): 25
Track (10%): 10

Fist/Punch (50%): 50
Grapple (25%): 25
Head Butt (10%): 10
Kick (25%): 25
Small Club (25%): 25

Handgun (20%): 20
Machine Gun (15%): 15
Rifle (25%): 25
Shotgun (30%): 30
SMG (15%): 15

2 suit cases, Several changes of clothing, medical bag with various doctor tools, first aid kit, laptop, tennis shoes, dress shoes, 3-piece suit, notepad & pen, smart phone with camera/camcorder, a couple spare memory sticks for smart phone, wallet w/ID and traveler's checks, digital wrist watch (Timex), bathroom bag with hygiene necessities.

STR, CON, POW, DEX, APP (3d6=8, 3d6=9, 3d6=17, 3d6=9, 3d6=13)

SIZ, INT (2d6+6=14, 2d6+6=9)

EDU (3d6+3=18)

Salary (1d10=8) - pretty good roll, but it doesn't really fit with my background, so make it what you want.
Last edited by ImpInTraining on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:29 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mr. Handy »

The instructions for Invisible Castle are a little out of date. Last year Invisible Castle added a feature that allows you to enter the campaign's name into a field, so there's no need to put the campaign's initials in brackets before the character's name any more. I continued doing it in my older games for consistency, but for the games I've started since then I use the campaign name field.

Character creation rolls (STR, CON, POW, DEX, APP, SIZ, INT, EDU) (3d6=10, 3d6=11, 3d6=8, 3d6=14, 3d6=10, 2d6+6=9, 2d6+6=15, 3d6+3=12)

Player: Mr. Handy
Name: Liz Penhaligon
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Occupation: College Student
Current Residence: Cambridge, England, United Kingdom


STR: 8
CON: 10
SIZ: 9
DEX: 10
APP: 11
INT: 15 (Idea - 75)
POW: 14 (Luck - 70)
EDU: 12 (Know - 60)

Sanity: 70 -1 (69) +5 (74) -2 (72) -5 (67) -5 (62) -4 (58) -1 (57)
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 97
Hit Points: 10 -3 (7) +2 (9)
Magic Points: 14
Damage Bonus: +0

Background: Liz Penhaligon is a student at Cambridge University. She stands at a little over five feet tall and weighs about 110 pounds, with brown hair and a cute smile. She can be somewhat shy, and while she has numerous online friends all around the world, she has few in real life. She is a consummate nerd and proud of it, and she has a quirky sense of humor and insatiable curiosity. Liz wants to be a paranormal investigator, like the sort she's seen on various television shows. She believes that there is a scientific explanation for everything, and she wants to find such explanations for the various supernatural-seeming phenomena out there. She grew up around computers and has a natural talent with them. She is also very observant and is usually alert to her surroundings. She has taken a course in CPR so that she is prepared in case of an emergency.

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT, Checked skills followed by a *.)
Accounting (10%): 10% +1 (11%)
Anthropology (01%): 21%
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%): *
.Computer Use (01%): 66% +1+3 (70%) *
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 02%
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2): 20% *
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%):
.First Aid (30%): 55% *
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%): 55% *
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): 60% *
.Listen (25%): 55% +8 (63%) *
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%): 35% +6 (41%)
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Other Language: French (01%): 31%
Own Language: Albanian (01%): 01% +13 (14%)
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 60% -25 (35%)
Own Language: German (01%): 01% +25 (26%) -13 (13%)
Persuade (15%): 15% +6 (21%)
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%): 40%
Physics (01%): 36% +4 (40%)
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%): 30% +2+3 (35%) *
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 55% +6 (61%) *
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%): *
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

Handgun (20%): 20% +3 (23%)
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%): 30% +2+1 (33%) *
SMG (15%):

Wheeled suitcase containing luggage (clothes, travel necessities, souvenirs etc.), laptop in carrying case, smartphone, digital camera
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
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Re: Character Creation

Post by royya »

Player: royya
Name: Jacob Greenberg
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Occupation: Solicitor and a Rabbi
Current Residence: London, UK
Colleges, Degrees: UCL law school, M.A
Birthplace: London, UK

STR: 10
CON: 9
SIZ: 13
DEX: 12
APP: 14
INT: 17 (Idea - 85)
POW: 14 (Luck - 70)
EDU: 16 (Know - 80) (roll 15 -> 16 for 10 years+)

Sanity: 70/70
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points: 11 -1 -1
Magic Points: 14
Damage Bonus: none

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT.)
Accounting (10%): 16%
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%): 36%
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Computer Use (05%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%): 16%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2):
Drive Auto (20%): 24%
Electrical Repair (10%):
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%): 69%
First Aid (30%): 37% = 30% + 7%
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%): 75% = 68% + 7%
Library Use (25%): 67%
Listen (25%): 35% = 25% + 3% + 7%
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
.Occult (05%): 25%
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
.Other Language (01%): Hebrew: 59%
.Other Language (01%): German: 15%
.Other Language (01%): Latin: 45%
.Other Language (01%): Arabic: 34%
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 75%
Persuade (15%): 65% = 54% + 10%(Bonus CH1) +1%
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%): 34% = 25% + 9% *
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%): 59% = 50% + 9%
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Small Club (25%):

Handgun (20%): 23% = 20% + 3% *
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Personal bag - Cellular phone, wallet, flight tickets and passport, pear and apple wrapped in a nylon, Cabbala Siddur (praying book), notebook, 3 pens.
Norico Type-59 with two magazines and a box of ammunition

Rabbi Jacob Greenberg (Greenberg is Green mountain in German) was born in the U.K 33 years ago. He is a grandson of a German synagogue's cantor that fled to the U.K before WWII and married a local British woman.
Jacob is not an Orthodox but a Zohar Cabalist. He is spending his free time delving into the mysteries of the mystical Zohar book of the cabalists stream, giving him knowledge into the Jewish myth and occultism. He knows Hebrew and a little bit of German from his forefathers. In past decades, in Latin Europe and the Muslim countries it was forbidden to write in Hebrew so scholars wrote in the language of the church and the Maghreb so he studied Latin and Arabic so he'll be able to read Jewish manuscripts and tomes.
In addition, he is an attorney, working in a local office in central London.

for STR, CON, POW, DEX, and APP (3d6=14, 3d6=12, 3d6=14, 3d6=9, 3d6=10)
for SIZ and INT (2d6+6=13, 2d6+6=17)
for EDU (3d6+3=15)
Last edited by royya on Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:08 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by BenTheRat »

A work in progress
Player: BenTheRat
Name: Clayton Kelly
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Occupation: Unemployed / thug
Current Residence: London
Colleges, Degrees: none
Birthplace: Bethesda, Gwynedd in NW Wales

STR: 12
CON: 11
SIZ: 16
DEX: 13
APP: 7
INT: 11 (Idea - 55)
POW: 6 (Luck - 30)
EDU: 10 (Know - 50)

Sanity: 30
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points: 14
Magic Points: 6
Damage Bonus: +1d4

Background: Clay grew up in the small town in Wales where his parents owned a small store having moved from their home in Belfast to avoid the violence there. His mother wanted him to go to college but Clayton's first love was football. At 15 he was accepted into the Cardiff City F.C. Academy. To Clay's disappointment he quickly realized he wasn't as good as he thought. He played for the under 21's still living his dream. But an illegal tackle during his first match took his ankle out and sent Clayton to the hospital. 10 weeks of surgery and rehab were painful and gruelling. When he returned to the academy, he had lost his place on the 1st team which threw Clayton into a dark place.

He no longer could move or cut like he could before and a fear of being tackled led to several turnovers during games. It was not long before Clayton quit, and he was on the streets. At the age of 19 he was living on the streets in East London. He hooked up with a gang called the Limehouse Massive. He does small petty crimes mugging people or breaking and entering for cash to feed himself and pay for his flat, he isn't particularly well connected but he can typically get hold of illegal items given the time and the cash. Although he has received several cautions he has so kept a clean sheet with the police, and kept out of jail.

He has gone up to Heathrow looking for an easy score, either tourists coming into town or maybe some unattended luggage to snag.

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT. Checked skills followed by a *)
Accounting (10%): 10
Anthropology (01%): 1
Archaeology (01%): 1
Art (05%): 5
Astronomy (01%): 1
Bargain (05%): 5
Biology (01%): 1
Chemistry (01%): 1
Climb (40%): 40
.Computer Use (01%):11
Conceal (15%): 45
Craft (05%): 5
Credit Rating (15%): 15
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 0
Disguise (01%): 1
Dodge (DEX x 2): 56
Drive Auto (20%): 20
Electrical Repair (10%): 15
Electronics (01%): 15
Fast Talk (05%): 5
First Aid (30%): 30
Geology (01%): 1
.Hide (10%): 20
History (20%): 20
Jump (25%): 55
Law (05%): 5
Library Use (25%): 25
Listen (25%): 25
Locksmith (01%): 1
Martial Arts (01%): 1
Mechanical Repair (20%): 25
Medicine (05%): 5
Natural History (10%): 10
Navigate (10%): 10
.Occult (05%): 5
Operate Heavy Machine (01%): 1
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 50
Persuade (15%):15
Pharmacy (01%): 1
Photography (10%): 10
Physics (01%): 1
Pilot (01%):1
Psychoanalysis (01%): 1
Psychology (05%): 5
Ride (05%): 5
Sneak (10%): 40
Spot Hidden (25%): 45
Swim (25%): 25
Throw (25%): 25
Track (10%): 10

.Fist/Punch (50%): 70
Grapple (25%): 25
.Head Butt (10%): 30
Kick (25%): 25
.Small Club (25%): 55

Handgun (20%): 50
Machine Gun (15%): 15
Rifle (25%): 25
Shotgun (30%): 30
SMG (15%): 15

Equipment: Knife, billy club, Baikal semi-automatic 9mm with 1 clip of bullets. Backpack with food and water, spare set clothes, jacket, cell phone with camera and all the goodies.
Last edited by BenTheRat on Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Call of Cthulhu
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Re: OOC: Character Creation

Post by ghill »

Name: Albert Quirky
Age: 42
Sex: Male
Occupation: Mature Student/Photographer
College, Degrees: Fine Arts, Masters in Photography & Digital Media, currently studying for a doctorate in Modern media
Birthplace: London

Appearance & Personality:
Albert is not the fittest specimen on the planet. He is a skinny man, greying prematurely with his hair tied back in a lank pony-tail. Trying to hold onto his youth he still dresses in a similar style as his teenage years - drainpipe black jeans, a T-shirt of whichever his favorite current band is, a leather bikers jacket and cowboy boots.

Albert has a love of live and fails to recognize or understand that he is no longer cool or hip or that he is reaching early middle-age. After his wife of 20 years divorced him, Albert returned to university and has been reinvigorated by the experience - being surrounded by young, inquiring minds and young people that want to party and have fun.

Albert has spent most of his adult life travelling around the country photographing rock bands and selling the images to magazines and websites. He got his first gig by forging a press back-stage pass to a David Bowie concert back on the 80's. The images that he took sold well. A natural with a camera and with a good eye for detail - Albert managed to get himself into several more high profile concerts with his own forged passes, snapping images of Springsteen, Madonna, Queen and Michael Jackson.

His reputation as a music photographer grew and very quickly he no longer needed to forge passes to get into the vip or back-stage areas.
SPOILERS,However, that didn't prevent him practicing his skills and he built up a lucrative side-line in forging concert tickets, back-stage passes and the like. His legitimate photography business helped him clean his illegitimate gains. Though not criminally minded he has produced other type of documents when necessary and is always able to produce a 'clean' driving license no matter how many points he has accrued.
At the age of 40 his wife and partner of more than 20 years divorced him and emigrated with their 2 children to Australia.

Albert returned to higher education - ostensibly to put back into the system and help pass on his experiences but also to study the scanning and encryption technologies that were making his forgeries harder and harder to produce. Being on a campus surrounded by young people, the vibrant music scene has given Albert a new verve for life.

Languages Spoken: English

CON 13
SIZ 10
DEX 12
APP 11
INT 15
POW 16,
EDU 17 (15+2),

Idea: 75
Luck: 80
SAN 80
Know: 75

current Sanity:
phobias/mental disorders:

Hit Points (= (CON+SIZ)/2):11
current Hit Points:11 -3 8 -4 4 -6 -2
Magic Points:
current Magic Points:
Damage Bonus: +0

Occupational/Professional Skill Points (= EDU X 20): (should be highlighted in italics) 340
Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points (= INT X 10): (should be preceded by a dot (".")) 150
Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text)

Accounting (10%): 35
Anthropology (01%): 1
Archaeology (01%): 1
Art (05%): 45
Astronomy (01%): 1
Bargain (05%): 50
Biology (01%): 1
Chemistry (01%): 1
Climb (40%): 40
Computer Use (01%): 21
Conceal (15%): 15
Craft (05%): 5
Credit Rating (15%): 15
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 00
Disguise (01%): 1
Dodge (DEX x 2): 24
Drive Auto (20%): 20
Electrical Repair (10%): 10
Electronics (01%): 21
Fast Talk (05%): 40
First Aid (30%): 30
Forgery: 80
Geology (01%): 1
Hide (10%): 10
History (20%): 20
Jump (25%): 25
Law (05%): 5
Library Use (25%): 60
Listen (25%): 25
Locksmith (01%): 1
Martial Arts (01%): 1
Mechanical Repair (20%): 20
Medicine (05%): 5
Natural History (10%): 10
Navigate (10%): 10
Occult (05%): 5
Operate Heavy Machine (01%): 1
Other Language: (01%): 1
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 80
Persuade (15%): 50
Pharmacy (01%): 1
Photography (10%): 80
Physics (01%): 1
Pilot (01%):1
Psychoanalysis (01%): 1
Psychology (05%): 5
Ride (05%): 5
Sneak (10%): 50
Spot Hidden (25%): 60
Swim (25%): 25
Throw (25%): 25
Track (10%): 10

Fist/Punch (50%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Grapple (25%):
Fighting Knife (25%):
Small Club/Nightclub (25%):

Handgun (20%):
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Property/Equipment carried on expedition:
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Re: OOC: Character Creation

Post by carnage_lee »

Investigator Name: Adrew WadeOccupation: Journalist
Colleges/Degrees: Journalism (OU)Birthplace: Eltham SE9
Mental Disorders: Sex: M Age: 40
STR: 9DEX: 10INT: 15Idea: 75
CON: 16APP: 10POW: 13Luck: 65
SIZ: 8SAN: 65EDU: 17Know: 85
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99Damage Bonus: none
Accounting 10%Anthropology 1%Archaeology 1%
Astronomy 1%Bargain 40%Biology 1%
Chemistry 1%Climb 40%Computer Use 20%
Conceal 15%Credit Rating 15%Cthulhu Mythos 0%
Dodge 36%Drive Auto 60%Electrical Repair 50%
Electronics 36%Fast Talk 60%First Aid 30%
Geology 1%Handgun 35%Hide 10%
History 40%Jump 25%Law 20%
Library Use 40%Listen 40%Locksmith 1%
Machine Gun 15%Martial Arts 1%Mechanical Repair 20%
Medicine 5%Natural History 10%Navigate 20%
Occult 20%Operate Hvy. Machine 1%Own Language: English 85%
Persuade 55%Pharmacy 1%Photography 30%
Physics 1%Psychoanalysis 1%Psychology 25%
Ride 5%Rifle 50%Shotgun 30%
Sneak 30%Spot Hidden 35%Submachine Gun 15%
Swim 25%Throw 25%Track 10%
Fist/Punch 60%Head Butt 10%Kick 25%
Grapple 25%

Andrew Wade was born and grew up in Eltham, on the outskirts of London. He didn't enjoy his schooling; being an easy target for bullies due to his lack of stature, even today he barely tops 5' 5" in his socks. He developed the usual defences to the name calling and assaults, namely a talent for jokes, an ability to dodge and run and if all else failed using his own fists in self-defence. The latter often landing him in hot-water with the school authorities.

He did enough to get by; attaining his CSE certificates in all the main subjects - his comprehensive school didn't put students with Andrew's perceived lack of ability into the O level examinations.

After school he didn't have the interests or qualifications to hold down a steady job; he worked on building sights, factory assembly lines. At 18 he signed up for the army - after his basic training ending up in the REME, where he learned his electrical and mechanical skills. After four years he was out of the army and back in Eltham, where he picked up right where he left off... doing 'dead-end' menial jobs.

Whist working as a cabbie he became the regular driver for various staff at the local paper (the 'News Shopper' had an account with the cab firm he worked for). After a while he got involved in lugging bits of kit around for the journo's as they reported on local events.

He took a Journalism degree with the OU, completing it over four years - ending up working as a 'stringer' for various regional and local rags.

~Yesterday he got a call from one of his contacts suggesting that he investigate the demise of Professor Gosshamm, suggesting that there maybe links with organised criminal gangs - could be a juicy story....

Hit Pts: 12

Damage Log:
-3 = 9

-3 = 6
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Re: OOC: Character Creation

Post by ghill »

Alex Avlonyali Albanian Fixer
Male 42 years old

Alex is everything investigators should want in a fixer. A Tosk from Southern Albanian his English and Russian is excellent, his German and Italian not much worse. He’s a good driver who knows the whole country as well as all the back country roads. He has a reputation earned from his exploits during the Kosovo War, subsequently he is reasonably well known and better still he’s respected.
Alex has worked for a number of different organisations and is not overly troubled by the more unusual requests. He has sources for most things although investigators will still require a successful roll against Credit Rating as it is their money Alex will be using to drive any deal.

STR: 14 CON: 14 SIZ: 11 INT: 13 POW: 15
DEX: 12 APP: 12 EDU: 11 SAN: 65 HP: 13

Damage bonus: +d4

Punch 40% 1d3+1d4
Kick 40% 1d6+1d4,
Grapple 40%,
Large Knife 45% 1d4+2+1d4,
Pistol 45%
shotgun: 55%
Dodge 30%,

Languages: English 55%, German 45%, Italian 45%, Russian 50%, Albanian 65%
Skills: Climb 50%, Fast Talk 45% Hide 50%, Jump 40%, Listen 40%, Spot Hidden 40%, Drive Auto 55%, Archaeology 15%, Credit Rating 55%*, Navigation (land) 45% Persuade 40%.

*Doesn’t represent cash, represents his ability to open doors using his reputation and contacts – investigators will have to pay for anything he arranges for them.

Gear: Work Clothes, 12ga Dbl Brl Shotgun.
Description: Typical man of the mountains.
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