Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

An old house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to find the house's dark secret.

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Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Tuesday, March 14, 1922
Providence, Rhode Island

After a brief trip Calum, Mike, Andy and Will manage to locate Andrew's acquaintance, Mr. Dooley a local salesman with his ramshackle newspaper cart. Mr. Dooley seems to be in his late 70's, a short man with what's left of his white hair encircling a bald spot that reaches the back of his head. He's dressed well and has a smile for everyone.

What can I do for you Andrew?
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

A car speeds by and you hear the screech of tires. Karl steps out of the vehicle and advances to the party chatting on the sidewalk, a strong scent of burnt rubber surrounds him.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl nods to Mr. Dooley and says "Pardon me..." then addresses his companions, "I was unable to secure outside assistance, but I feel I am well-enough versed in what we need done to get it done." He looked back at Mr. Dooley, who looked like the man was waiting for something and then commented glancing over to the others, "I thought you all would have been knee deep in your studious efforts by now. Are you just getting here?"
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Mr. Dooley
The boys seem to be tongue-tied here, but you seem to be a man of words and action, and you all seem to have a problem of some sort as you wouldn't come by here in a heap like this. Let's hear it then.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl Werner
"Mr. Dooley, I presume?" Karl says stepping forward and extending his hand. "My name is Karl Werner, I publish 'The Seer' magazine." After shaking the man's hand, he clearly sees that the man hasn't heard of his magazine (which is no big surprise - since it has a very small following - not that Karl would admit that), "Oh, you haven't heard of it? Well, no matter."

He withdraws his hand and glances at the others to make sure they were alright before continuing. Then facing Mr. Dooley fully, he says "My friends and I are doing a report on a house nearby. There were many strange happenings at this place over the years... and unfortunately, the newspaper archives aren't all-revealing. So we were hoping someone who has so much experience in the local history such as yourself might be able to help us clear up some matters and tie up some loose ends."

"Have you ever heard of Reverend Michael Thomas, or the Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets?" Karl asks and awaits a reply.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Mr. Dooley seems genuinely sorry that he hasn't heard of Karl's "The Seer".

Hold on a second boys, I need to fetch my remembering device. He chuckles a bit and turns to a kiosque near which you are standing. It's filled with newspapers, cigars and tobacco, apparently the workplace of the old man. It also makes the man's reaction to not having heard of The Seer more genuine.

Mr. Dooley emerges from his kiosque pipe and matches in hand and starts puffing. A large cloud of aromatic smoke follows him for a bit until the pipe is well lit. This takes about two minutes of puffing and re-lighting. He sits down on a large boulder by the sidewalk and enters fierce contemplation, all the while puffing away regularly. The pipe smoke is strangely relaxing and carries a hint of vanilla and berries. After a while Mr. Dooley finally returns to reality.

Well boys, if I'm not mistaken there was something called the Chapel of Contemplation somewhere around these parts. I can't recall the details as it's long gone, but I'd gamble on the fact that it's somewhere in the forest at the end of Narrow Lane. Not much of a forest, but it's a bit hilly, so it might still be hidden there somewhere. That's your best bet I'd warrant. If I recall correctly it went down in a bang, but the story was covered up discretely, you won't find much in the newspapers.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl Werner

Karl nodded to the man, appreciative for his remembering device. "We are very grateful for that information, Mr. Dooley," Karl says looking to the others and nodding, coaxing them to nod as well. "Do you remember, by chance, who was responsible for the fall of the chapel? And just by chance, do you remember a fellow by the name of Walter Corbitt?"
Last edited by ImpInTraining on Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zerostate »

Will Crigler

Will adds, "If you don't recall, perhaps you could direct us to someone who might know?"
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

You're quite welcome, I hope it helps you along.

I can't say that I remember much more. Must have been the law involved since it was hushed. Don't recall any Corbitt chap though.

Nope, all the old guns from around here are long gone, institutionalised most. Must be something in writing that you could find from long ago wherever they keep this sort of stuff.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl Werner

Karl sighed, "Only place I know to look is the newspaper archives, and we came up pretty empty there. Now maybe if we could find some old diaries, but that would be near impossible." Karl looked down and to the side thoughtfully, then asked the others, "What about that one book we found in the place? Maybe it has information within about this Chapel?"
ooc,I forget who took the book.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl Werner

Karl sighed, "Only place I know to look is the newspaper archives, and we came up pretty empty there. Now maybe if we could find some old diaries, but that would be near impossible." Karl looked down and to the side thoughtfully, then asked the others, "What about that one book we found in the place? Maybe it has information within about this Chapel?"
ooc,I forget who took the book. A-hah! Karl has it... a diary from W. Corbitt. What a dumb ass I apparently am.
Karl retreated to his car and returned with the book, "Yes, I think maybe we can find more information in here."
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

On first glance the book is large and rather worn, and looks like it might take a few days to read. Upon inspection it is written in a slightly older version of the English language than currently used. There are some graphs and glyphs and drawings inside as well.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl Werner

Karl bids Thomas Dooley good day, "That is unless someone else has something they'd like to ask this kind fellow?" He leads them off to a more private place to discuss the diary. "I found this nailed up within a cupboard on our first tour through the house. I meant to mention it earlier, but it had slipped my mind. I think it might be worthwhile to spend a couple days to read through it and help open our eyes to what might be happening." He opened the diary and thumbed through the pages, skimming various paragraphs to get an idea of what might be contained within. "Strange, he included graphs, glyphs and other drawings as well. Obviously this man was into the occult."

Having done a quick skim through the book, he offered it to the others, should they be curious as well. "Maybe we should go back to the house and read. There could be mention of markers we can find within the house itself, maybe in the cellar. That door was also well secured, if I recall correctly. Two separate bolts... a bit peculiar on an inside door."
Last edited by ImpInTraining on Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

ooc,I don't recall any doors being nailed shut, it was just pitch dark in there. The windows were in fact nailed shut.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,Corrected... thanks.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zerostate »

Will Crigler

"Well if no-one has any better ideas, I for one want a look at that diary," Will says.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »


Calum had been rummaging around finding the city map that had been bought, and was for the moment ignoring Karl and his book.

Calum introdues himself to Mr Dooley. "Calum Childs, I'm interested in the history of this chapel place Mr Dooley."

"Do you think you could show me on this map where the forest you're talking about is?"
OOC,Oh GM, hopefully Calum has the map or it's nearby?
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Mr. Dooley
When Calum doesn't manage to produce a map, Mr. Dooley offers him one from his kiosque. I should have thought of that earlier.
He marks a large uninhabited piece of land at the end of Narrow Lane with a red pen, it's a number of blocks away from the house and might take some time to search.
OOC,Anyone have some spare players we could use for Andrew and Michael?
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl nods to Will, "Certainly. We'll make a cooperative study over it. That is... if you don't mind."
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »


Calum is clearly delighted to have a map and the possibility of field work.

"Thankyou very much for that Mr Dooley. You must let me pay for the map, and I'll buy a paper too, and I definitely think you should have a cup of joe on me to cap it off."

Calum fishes out enough coinage to pay for all of the above and gratefully hands it all to Dooley.

Returning to Karl et al, Calum pipes up, "Chaps, I'm sick of pouring through files for the moment. I believe I shall go and have a look around this forest. Is anyone interested in joining me?"

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