IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Bill Johns and several other people attempt to understand the significance of the appearance of a new drug named Morpheus and its use in an experiment with college students as test subjects.

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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

OOC,Cheers. What happened to everyone else? I must admit I've not been keeping an eye on the other threads. I knew some had dropped out, but not everyone else!
Bill took the speedloader. "Thanks, Sergeant Hendricks. Say, have you got a shoulder holster? Don't really want to carrying my piece in my pocket. Not exactly great if I need it in a hurry."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,You really only need to keep an eye on your own thread, anyway. Most of the other players simply stopped posting. [b]Kathleen[/b]'s player said a couple of months ago that he needed a few weeks to get some things sorted out in real life, but he's been gone a lot longer than that. The other two players who were active in this game most recently haven't logged in for months now as well. Even if none of the existing players return and no new players join, I'm willing to continue running the game as long as you want to keep playing. If you do want to stop, though, I'll understand.
"There's a holster in that box the revolver came in," said Hendricks. "Don't forget it. It's meant to attach to your belt, but I can get you a strap to put it on if you prefer it as a shoulder holster. More than a few guys do. Hold on, I'll be right back." He vanished into the back room once more and returned quickly with the strap, to which he affixed the holster. He handed it to Bill. "Here you go."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

OOC,I'm happy to carry on if you are. I've run my own games and it's really frustrating when people just stop posting :(
Bill quickly stripped off his jacket and took the holster from Sergeant Hendricks. He slipped his arm through the shoulder loops and shrugged his shoulders to settle the harness comfortably. Picking up the revolver, he slid it into the holster and snapped the thumb break shut. He nodded his thanks to Hendricks and, picking up his jacket, turned to Yaeger. "Ready when you are, LT. Where to next?"
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

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"Back to HQ," said Yeager as he and Bill left the police academy and returned to the Mustang, "unless you have a better suggestion. By the time we get there it should be time for lunch. We can all discuss the case and our next steps back at the office. Charlie and Harry should be there too."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

"Lunch sounds good to me," grinned Bill. "I always think better on a full stomach."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

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"Yeah, me too," said Yeager as he started up the Mustang.

The drive back to headquarters was uneventful, and the two of them returned to the office shortly before noon. The detectives on the day shift were busy working, except for those that had already started their lunch. Yeager went over to the desks where Charlie and Harry sat. "Let's all talk about the Anderson case while we eat," he said. "Amy, coffee all around, please." He ducked into his private office for a few seconds to retrieve a brown bag containing his lunch while Amy Cooper went over to the coffee machine and poured a cup for everyone. He pulled up a chair for himself and another for Bill, then slid into his seat. "So, what have we got?"

"So far, Brian Anderson hasn't done anything unusual, Lou," said Charlie. "The guys tailing him reported that he took a bus to University City and went back to his frat house, then to class."

"I got in on the experiment," said Harry. "It starts tomorrow night at 8:00."

"Good going," said John. "We'll put a wire on you so we can record what's happening, even when you're asleep. I'd feel a lot more comfortable if we knew more about Dr. Gregory Anderson before you go. There's something hinky about that guy."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

Bill looked up from his cup of coffee. "What do we know about Anderson?" he asked. "Do we know where he's from? Who sponsors his work? What does the university webs.... yearbook say about him?"
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

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"All good questions," said Yeager. "Right now we don't know much about him at all. You spoke to him last night and were inside his house, so you'd probably know more than any of us. Harry, what happened when you spoke to him this morning?"

"I didn't," said Harry. "He wasn't there. There was this lady professor who was helping him with the project named Nancy Remington."

"Was she cute?" asked Charlie.

"Yeah." Harry grinned.

"Gentlemen," said Yeager, "please try to keep your minds on the task at hand. Maybe the prof wasn't there to interview you because he wasn't back yet from his son's arraignment, or maybe he had something else to do. Charlie, did the men following Brian notice if his dad left with him?"

"They said he left alone," reported Charlie. "We don't have anyone following the prof. He could be anywhere now."

"Okay. He's not going to disappear. He has a job, a family, and an experiment to run. We've got some leads to follow up. We need to see what we can find out about Professor Anderson, and this Nancy Remington too while we're at it."
OOC,[b]Bill[/b], you may roll Idea.
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

OOC,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3005957/]Bill's got his thinking cap on (Idea Roll). (1d100=93)[/url] Or not, as the case may be :(
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,In that case, you get no additional information here. You're free to speak up at this point with anything you can think of yourself, however.
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

"Perhaps we oughta start at the university?" suggested Bill, "See what we can turn up. We might want to check out the university library as well, see if he's published anything - it might give us some ideas as to where his head's at. Honour societies too, if we can get that sorta infomation?" Bill sighed. He's got used to the internet and a host of - mostly reliable - information at the touch of a button - going back to trawling through journals and books didn't fill him with a great deal of enthusiasm.
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

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"That's a damn fine idea," said John Yeager. "You want to take care of that angle? I'll arrange for a car to spin you down there."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

"Um, yeah, I can do that," replied Bill. "Should be pretty straightforward."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

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Yeager picked up the phone to call to arrange a ride while Bill returned to the lobby and went outside. He didn't have long to wait before a squad car pulled up, driven by a young uniformed officer. "The lieutenant said you need a ride to University City," he said. "Hop in, Sergeant."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

"Thanks," replied Bill as sat down and pulled the door shut. "If you can drop me a block or so from the main entrance and I'll walk up from there."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

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"Sure thing, Sarge," said the officer, pulling out. He drove west across town, across the Schuylkill River into West Philly, past the train station at 30th Street, and to the campus of the University of Pennsylvania. Bill knew from his time there that there were several libraries, but the one that would probably serve him best would be the Biomedical Library not far from John Morgan Hall, right next to the Robert Wood Johnson Pavillion. The officer pulled up not far from the edge of campus. "This good enough, Sarge? If you need a ride back when you're done, you can call Lieutenant Yeager from any payphone and he'll send someone to pick you up."
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

"That's great, thanks," replied Bill as the car rolled up to the kerb. He got out of the squad car and looked around. Some of the newer buildings Bill was used to seeing were yet to make an appearance but stranger still were the 'old' buildings, now grafitti-free and in good repair.

Bill shook his head and started walking down the street. He'd been pretty square at university, not like the full-on, kaftan-wearing, free-loving hippies that were around at the time. He looked around at the youngsters passing by, wondering if he'd see his old self and what he'd do if he did...

Five minutes later, he arrived at the Biomedical University. Making his way through the revolving doors - replaced by electronic doors and the ubiquitous metal detector in his time - he approached the front desk where an older woman sat, stamping books and updating records in a rolodex. "Excuse me, ma'am," he said, discretely showing the woman his shield, "I wonder if you can help me?"
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Of course, sir," said the librarian, squinting at the badge through her glasses. "How can I help?"
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Philulhu »

Bill glanced around to make sure they weren't being overheard. "I'm seeking some information about papers or articles written by one of the professors here at the university. Might you be able to point me in the right direction?" It occured to Bill as he asked the question that perhaps he should have perhaps made an enquiry at the Dean's office first. He'd hoped to make a low-key visit but he wasn't sure this was the best way to go about it.
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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Big Brother(Bill/John/Jerome/Tony/Remy/Markus)

Post by Mr. Handy »

The librarian smiled when she heard Bill keeping his voice low, and she answered him with equally low volume, though Bill realized that she most likely did this to avoid disturbing those studying and not out of the same sense of discretion he had. "Of course, sir," she replied. "The card catalog is here, right beside my desk." She indicated it. "You'll find research papers over in the Periodicals and Reference Section, over there." She pointed out a section in one corner of the library.
OOC,[b]Bill[/b], please roll Spot Hidden to see if you notice anything while glancing around. Also, roll Library Use if you want to look up [b]Professor Anderson[/b] and find anything he may have published.
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