IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

An old house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to find the house's dark secret.

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IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by zielonobrody »

Tuesday, March 14, 1922
Providence, Rhode Island

You find yourselves returning to the same diner this all started yesterday and reminiscing on the mostly crazy events that have occured since that time while you sip your beverage of choice.

Andrew, Calum and Karl find their thoughts drifting, but finally Calum voices the newest information he's found at the Hall of Records.
Calum,You did not find the address to the Chapel of Contemplation unfortunately.
Karl,There was no gallery information about the insane painting from the house. It's irrelevant in any case, no need to pursue the topic.
OOC,Welcome back people. Glad to have this finally running :) I've decided to forego my practice of rolling real dice. Let's move to invisiblecastle.com for dice rolling. Please post the clickable version of your rolls. Most likely I will ask you to roll, but if you feel the need, you can roll for something yourself, in the worst case I'll tell you "Are you stark raving mad? You can't do that!!!" ;)
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by andyw666 »


Calum makes an epic foray, for a little guy, into a huge slice of apple pie, taking some time to do so. Occasionaly he glances at his alleged colleagues, and Calum seems still wounded by Marrison's insinuations.

Finally Calum pulls out his pipe and half disappears into aromatic tobacco smoke. He pulls out his notebook.

"So, I guess we have to decide if we are going to continue trusting each other? For my part, what I told Marrison is what I saw, I can't explain it and I didn't cause it. The man's just a clod headed thug for hire who gets hurt and then turns on the nearest thing to him - me - like a wild animal."

Having got this off his chest, Calum turns to his notebook. "I have made some progress on the archeological aspects of this investigation though."

"The civic records stated that the executor of Walter Corbitt's will was one Reverend Michael Thomas, pastor of the Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets. Whatever the hell that was."

"I made some enquiries about this church and found that the Chapel of Contemplation was closed in 1912, and the Reverend was it's head over it's last years of existence. No clues as to why it was closed in those records though."

"I haven't had any luck finding where the church actually was or anything further about the Rev and any assistance there would be much appreciated."

Calum appears to be making an effort to be more polite to the others.
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by zielonobrody »

Karl,The Chapel of Contemplation certainly rings a bell, but you can't pinpoint any specifics.
Andrew,You know a Mr. Dooley that works the same area as you do selling newspapers and cigars. He's certainly old enough that he might know something or other about the area.
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by AlexanderCecena »

Andrew nodded a bit, paying attention to Calum's findings.

" There is a Mr. Dooley that works my block, he's pretty old and could know something about this whole deal.."
Andrew, despite the best of interests in staying sober for their adventure, drank from his flask rather than the coffee offered at the diner.
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by SPLH »

Michael Peterson enters the diner, looking around. When he spots Karl over his round glasses, his smile widens. He joins you, nods to Andrew and Caleb and sit down across Karl :
"How are doing, Karl ? Yesterday night was a bit too decadent for my poor self, and I spent the morning try to keep my head from splitting ! So, how's this ghost hunt going ?"
Out of habit, he keeps his right hand under the table, but you have all seen it is slightly deformed and gloved.
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl was writing notes in a notebook with his gold-plated pen, mumbling, "... Church of Our Lord... Granter of Secrets..." He looked at what he wrote and contemplated something... then continued writing, "Rev. ..." looking up at Calum he looked like he was about to ask for the name, then he recalled, "Ah yes... Michael Thomas. Certainly sounds intriguing, doesn't it? I'll have to see if I can dig anything more up on this enigmatic religious sect."

He looked up as Michael Peterson showed up. "Michael," the portly fellow said with a smile as he stood up and gestured to an empty seat. After Michael had seated, Karl explained, "It has been most fascinating. The last tenants are stark-raving mad. Their children whisked away to relatives. The windows of the building were all nailed shut - including the cellar door as well. The lovely lady we were with during this investigation, Pearl, went comatose for all intents and purposes... just by staring at a painting. Poor Dan was shoved out of a second-floor window by a rabid bed... if you can believe that. Calum saw it with his own eyes." The man seemed absolutely thrilled about the whole thing. "I must take pictures... I will need more film, undoubtedly."

Karl dug out his own gold-plated flask from inside his jacket and looked around before lifting it up in a silent toast to Andrew and taking a snort. "I am afraid I couldn't find out more about the painting. No gallery markings to mention. Theoretically, we could take it to an art expert and possibly learn more about it, but I think that might be a waste of time when there is yet so much to discover about this mysterious house and its ghostly residents."
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by andyw666 »


Calum notes Michael's concealed arm and, attempting to be polite, raises his coffee cup in greeting rather than offer to shake hands.

"Calum Childs, the Bo...,"
Calum catches himself, "- I mean Karl and I are working on the same - ah - matter. I'm assisting from an archeological perspective. Are you in the same line of work as Karl?"

"On the topic chaps, I did find reference to the court case in 1852 and a refernce to a second court case in 1866, both involving Corbitt, but I'm afraid I failed to find the actual court files. I was never at my best in the library, so if anyone wants to assist with that too, it could be useful."
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by ImpInTraining »


Karl nods, "Absolutely. I'll be happy to help. Oh, and what do you all think about maybe rounding up a medium and having a seance? Try to rowse the spirits that live within those walls..." he grins like a kid in a candy store.
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by SPLH »


"A rabid bed, eh... Well, I'm not doubting your word, gentlemen, but maybe some drifter was hidden there and trying to scare you out. And those old Rhode Island houses are full of scary paintings : you should see my great-grandfather's ! I couldn't look it straight in the eye for the death of me till I was a full grown lad. I'll grant you that the mental collapse of both man and wife at the same time is unusual..."
He pours himself a healthy cup of coffee. To Andrew and Caleb :
Well, I'm always happy to make new acquaintances, and even more so when Karl is doing the presentations. So you are trying to dust up the history of this house ? Who is that Mr.Corbitt ?
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by AlexanderCecena »

Rabid beds and injured friends, to tell the truth I can't quite recall its been such a long time. Alcohol must finally be getting to me, eh?

He smiled softly, but only for a minute before he took another swig. nodding to Michael
I'm sure we're gonna find out right quick if its a drifter or a ghost. I still insist we ask about your church of contemplation. At least ask Mr Dooley, that is. Anything much more? Something specific to ask?
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by zerostate »

Will Crigler enters, and comes towards the table smiling...

"Mister Childs," he says in greeting to the one man he was certain he recognised. "Erm... Mister Peterson? I think we may have met yesterday." Then to the others, "Gentlemen..." Looking at the people he notices their expressions. "You seem to be discussing something of interest."
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl leans back, tucking his flask back in an inside pocket of his jacket and responds, "Only possibly the most haunted house in the entire city. I'm very fortunate to be a part of the investigation." Karl stood and introduced himself to the newcomer offering his hand to shake, "Name's Karl Werner, Psychic Investigator. Perhaps you've heard of my magazine, The Seer?"
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by zielonobrody »

Calum,yes, you know this Will Crigler person. He's the one that put you up to this investigation in the first place, asking you to fill in for him at this very diner the day before.
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by SPLH »


"Oh, hello, Mr. Crigler. I'm happy to see that you survived last night's debauchery as well. Your proposal has started quite an adventure. I've just jumped aboard as well, and with Karl on a supernatural track, it's always an express !", he chuckles.

To Andrew : Church of the Contemplation, you say ? I am not familiar with that parish, and yet I thought I knew most of the congregations in Providence. I have as a patient a Father Calloway, who spends most of his medical examination cursing them in turns in the name of the Roman Catholic Church ! God bless his soul, I like the man, but : "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" John 4:20"
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by zerostate »


“Wow, so you turned up something interesting at the old house?” Will questions Karl, shaking his offered hand. Then adds,Seers... No, sorry I haven't. I'm a journalist myself for Views Magazine.”

“So,” he addresses everyone, “you guys gonna tell what you found?”
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by AlexanderCecena »


To Michael "To each his own, really, but if it's got to do with whatever spooks are squatting there, then I suggest we know what we're up against. Unless your patient knows anything, that is."
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by ImpInTraining »

"There hasn't been any spectral manifestation," Karl exclaims, "but I'm sure it's bound to happen. The poltergeist activity as proven by the bed attacking Dan Marrison is a clear indicator of how active the spirits are. I agree, we should conclude our preliminary research before going much further into on-site investigation... because we may need to know the names of the departed souls we will be conjuring later."
ooc,Any chance Karl knows an actual medium... or perhaps knows enough about how to do it himself (as a 'psychic investigator') that he could try a seance without outside help?
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by zielonobrody »

Karl,I'm sure the Seer advertises a few "mediums" that you could call up.
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by SPLH »

Karl, I am willing to do my part on this ! Is this mysterious Church of Contemplation connected to the house, or to those poor lost souls who dwelled there ? I can ask around in my own congregation, to the pastor even. I planned to see him tomorrow anyway.
Michael takes off his glasses and gives his friend Karl a concerned look.
"As for the conjuration, I told you countless times I think you shouldn't dabble in magic yourself. I appreciate your passion to solve these mysteries, but the dead should not be disturbed slightly, and only if we can bring them peace and forgiveness."
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Re: IC Scene 12: Back for coffee

Post by ImpInTraining »

Karl responded, "Walter Corbitt was the previous owner. The records stated that the executor of Walter Corbitt's will was Reverend Michael Thomas, pastor of the Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets. Seems quite mysterious and sinister... and perhaps a good reason as to why the house is haunted today." He chuckled at the notion that anything could go wrong with a seanse, "Michael, I've been to literally hundreds of seanses, and nothing untoward had ever come out of it. There is no better way to get information first hand from the dearly departed. But of course, if you are scared... I would understand your wanting to set it out."

Karl looked at the bill and put down money on the table to cover his part, then stood and wadded his napkin in a ball and tossed it on the table, "Well, let's get busy, shall we? Daylight is burning away. I'll make a couple phone calls to arrange a medium for tonight, and meet you at the library."

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