Innsmouth Horror (ic)

The sleepy seaside town of Innsmouth harbors a dark secret. The diabolical Deep Ones have infiltrated and taken over, led by the Marsh family. With the aid of Mother Hydra, they plan to bring forth Quachil Uttaus, which will spell doom for us all unless a small band of unlikely heroes can uncover and thwart their schemes.

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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »


Turn 6 Upkeep

ooc: Speed <1 Sneak >4


Turn 6 Upkeep

ooc: Lore >5 Luck <0
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 6 Upkeep
Science Building
OOC,[b]Hank[/b] increases his Fight from 3 to 5 and decreases his Will from 2 to 0. He's going to go monster hunting in the Uptown streets. Hopefully that Clue that just popped up will keep.
As Hank and his father walk out of the lab, they pass an excited-looking graduate student. "Did you hear about what happened Uptown?" he asks.

"Uh, no," says Hank, "but I'm sure you're going to tell me."

"The Sheldon Gang's been up to its old tricks. Some of them dug up an ancient burial mound to loot it, but they got so scared that they actually went to the cops for help!"
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 6 Upkeep
ooc,Roland changes his speed to 2 and his sneak to 3.
Great Hall of Celeano.

Roland had just finished burying the second corpse. He wiped the sweaty rot from his forehead and looked at Malone.

Now we can finally get back to the case....

What is the case again sir? I'm afraid I've forgotten...

Roland thinks hard scratching at his temples with an empty ball point pen.

Dammit! I got no idea what we're doing in this damned town. All this crazy cock-a-mainy nightmare stuff's got me so wound up I...
A portal suddenly flashes into existance directly behind Roland. The three investigators look up in stoopified bewilderment. The Monkey holds tightly to Malone's lapel as the three are lifted violently into the air and thrown into the light.

Soon after much madness and dispare...they stood in front of the entrance to a great suspicious hall carved in shadow and twisting rock. And by stood I mean sprawled and strewn about like stuffed animals on a child's floor.

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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 6 Arkham Movement.
Another Dimension
ooc,Ursula moves into the second space in Another Dimension..
Ursula, driven completely paranoid by the mere presence of the squid canoe, decides to put on another pair of panties for good measure.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »


Turn 6 Movement
Esoteric Order -> Gilman House Hotel
ooc,[url=]Evade check (1d6=1, 1d6=4, 1d6=6, 1d6=1, 1d6=3, 1d6=4)[/url]
Silas runs down the steps, two at a time, and jumps on to his motorcycle. He guns the motor and roars away from the Esoteric Order. Hopefully, he can get some r'n'r at a hotel he knows of in Innsmouth.

Intuition tells him to go careful, so he cuts the engine and glides silently to a stop one block away from the hotel; he was right: a police barrier runs across the street, several men wearing blue uniforms are guarding entry and exit. Silas wheels his motorcycle down a side alley, leaving it propped by some trash cans. He climbs a fence, lets himself drop down the other side and finds a door. Strong fish odours tell him he's found the kitchen door of the hotel.


Turn 6 Movement
R'lyeh -> Black Cave
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 6 Movement
Science Building->Uptown streets
OOC,[b]Silas[/b] isn't going to make his way to Y'ha-Nthlei to grab those Clues? [b]Hank[/b] spends 2 movement points going to the Uptown streets. [b]Hank[/b] does not need to make an initial Horror check against Mi-Go. [url=]Combat check against Mi-Go (Fight 5 + 4 [Shotgun]), Round 1 (9d6.hits(5)=5)[/url]. [b]Hank[/b] gains a Unique Item. Mi-Go is removed from the game. [b]Hank[/b] does not need to make an initial Horror check against Deep One. [url=]Combat check against Deep One (Fight 5 + 4 [Shotgun] - 1 [Deep One]), 6 counts as 2 successes, Round 1 (8d6.hits(5)=4)[/url]. [b]Hank[/b] claims Deep One as a monster trophy.
"Let's go check it out, Pa," says Hank. His father nods, and the two of them leave the campus and head back to Uptown. A peculiar buzzing echoes from overhead. Looking up, Hank sees a bizarre flying creature swooping down on him. Without even thinking about it, he brings up his shotgun and blasts it dead on. There is nothing left of the thing, but something it was carrying fell to the ground. He picks it up. "I don't think I've ever seen a bug that big before."

He barely has time to catch his breath before a something that looks like a cross between a frog, a fish, and a man comes at him from around the corner with its claws extended. Hank whirls and fires, filling it full of buckshot and dropping it. "That guy sure was ugly," he says. "Even uglier than the first guy I fought."
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 6 Movement
Great Hall of Celeano.

Roland stands up and looks around.

Where in shit holy fuck are we?
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »


Turn 6 Arkham Encounter
Gilman House Hotel
Despite the horrible stories you've heard, the desk clerk seems genuinely pleased to see you. "Welcome to Innsmouth," he says. "Welcome home." Draw two Innsmouth Look cards.
ooc,Due to Silas's "tainted blood", he draws one extra Innsmouth Look card; all three cards state: "You do not have the Innsmouth Look."
Silas wanders along a carpeted hallway, but stops at the hotel's reception desk. He is about to "ping" the service bell when a beak-nosed clerk uncoils, snake-like, from underneath the desk; the clerk offers no explanation as to what he was doing.

"A guest. Welcome! to the Gilman House Hotel."

"Gimme a room, with a window overlooking the street."

"Why, of course. Fill in your name and address in the register."

Silas scrawls "S. Marsh" and the ship "Inscrutable". He slides the register back to the clerk who pauses a moment and then smiles greasily.

"Welcome home, sir."

"I want black coffee, eggs and ham sent up to my room."

Silas is peering out of the room's window at the police in the street below when he hears the door open and the "chink" of crockery. As he drops the chintz curtain back into place the maid is placing a tray on the table beside his bed. She is bent over from the waist, so that all Silas can see of the maid are broad hips in a cheap, shiny skirt and a slim waist. She pours the coffee.

"Anything else, Mr Marsh?"

Silas's thoughts skip to his recent unsatisfactory encounter with the smelly harlot. It was in a back room of the inn where his ship disembarked. The disarray of dirty petticoats; the knowledge he wasn't the first that hour. The heat in his abdomen expands and burns, hot blood races to his head. The maid stands straight, turns round.


Silas drinks in the voluptuous, hourglass figure; the ruby lips enclosing perfect, white teeth; the long, aqualine nose; and the lopsided, watery eyes.
ooc,Silas gains 1 Sanity.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »


Turn 6 Arkham Encounter
Black Cave

ooc: Lore check to close gate to R'lyeh (1d6=1, 1d6=6). Gate taken as a trophy. 4 Clue tokens spent, and "Research Materials" discarded to seal the Black Cave.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 6 Other World Encounter.
Another Dimension
ooc,Ursula spends lucky cigarette case and collects 1 spell..
Ursula fumbles for the falling carving but it comes crashing to the ground destroying whatever important script was written all over the construct. Instead of getting her panties all in a bunch, Ursula lights a cigarette from her lucky case. As the smoke fills her lungs she studies the pieces. Not all the writing was destroyed… To her own amazement as she was stranded in this other dimension… Ursula deciphers some of the writings.
roll,1st roll: 2nd roll
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 6 Other World Encounter
Great Hall of Celeano.
ooc,Roland collects gun.
Taking his first steps into the great hall, Roland discovers a corpse, now merely bones and sinew after years of obvious decay. He kicks it half, expecting the dead man to jump up and and a wheelbarrow to carry itself off in. The skeleton does no such thing....

Roland spots a small satchel sticking out from under the body. Roland pulls the satchel free and searches its contents for some explanation. The satchel held some old dried up plant material, a wallet and a gun. Roland slipped the gun into his trench coat pocket and studied the wallet. The ID was of a colored man with wild thick black hair. He wore a multicolored hair band quite shocking for the early 40s. The man's name on his license was Johnny Allen Hendrix. Born November 27, 1942.

That's strange Malone. His license says he's only a few years old, yet he looks in his twenties.

Perhaps time works differently in this place.

Roland ponders the name and places the wallet in his pocket next to the gun.

Well Johnny.. You're dead now and this hand cannon will do just fine.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Turn 6 Mythos

Order of Dagon Suspected!
Although no proof exists, it is suspected that the Esoteric Order of Dagon released 2 monsters into the Church Green streets.

Marsh Refinery: monster surge: Dark Young, Ghoul and Ghost.
Movement: Dhole -> Northside, Shoggoth -> French Hill, Byakhee -> Uptown.
Clue appears at: Y'ha-nthlei.
Headline: Deep One and Ghost
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Monster surge: Deep One, Shoggoth and Star Spawn.
Movement: Shoggoth (Graveyard) -> French Hill.


Dust card.
The endless dreams of terrified anticipation began to take their toll on me, the dark rings under my eyes and shaking hands telling the tale to any who bothered to look.

Lose 1 Sanity. Do not pass the first player token this turn.

Turn 7 Upkeep
Gilman House Hotel
ooc,Fight <3 Will >4.
Silas swings his legs off the bed and sits hunched--elbows on knees and palms resting in his eye sockets--and exhales a long gust of breath. The bed covers shift as the maid wriggles beneath the eiderdown...and it all comes back to him: the frenzied coupling; he is a strong man, but.... Silas chuckles in a self-mocking way, and mutters.

"The mutant bitch rutted like a beast. Jesus! Silas, you sick mother', you're getting desperate."

At the washstand he "flobs" a ball of mucus into the bowl--it tastes of sardines.


Turn 7 Upkeep
Black Cave
ooc,Speed >3 Sneak <2.
Standing In the mouth of the cave, Patrice scans outside for any sign of danger. She thinks she spots the hairy calf stump of the troglodyte she thumped.

"He's still lying there, then."

It dawns on her that the man is dead, so she shrinks backwards, deeper into the cave.

An insistent buzzing comes from a stricken gold-bug lying amongst the stones; Patrice realises the gold-bug is the remnant of the destroyed gate--the gate to the other land. Stepping carefully, as if the gold-bug is a turd on the sidewalk, she looks for a rocky outcrop to perch upon, where she can re-read the King in Yellow.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 7 Upkeep
Uptown streets
OOC,No changes.
Hank reloads the shotgun, having expended both barrels. No sooner has he done so than he hears a flapping of wings overhead.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 7 Upkeep
Great Hall of Celeano.
ooc,Roland makes no changes.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 7 Upkeep
Another Dimension
ooc,Ursula changes her sneak to 3 and speed to 2.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Turn 7 Movement
Gilman House Hotel -> Devil Reef
ooc,1 movement point to the Factory District, the other 2 movement points (Motorcycle) utilising Silas' "Able Seaman" ability to Devil Reef.
Silas softly steps through the hotel kitchen. Huge stainless steel vats sit upon a row of gas stoves, bubbling furiously; the atmosphere is choked by noxious steam. A chef--a beefcake of a man--wearing a gut smeared apron and holding a cleaver, chops desultorily at a hunk of nameless meat; he is muttering to himself.

"Where is she? that good-for-nothin' daughter of mine."

The chef stops and turns to Silas.

"Oi! No guests in the kitchen.

"It's Mr. Marsh isn't it?--I know that no one else is staying here at this dump. Hey, my surname is 'Marsh' as well; you're not from Innsmouth?"--Silas nods--"Well, that means we are cousins! And here comes another relative of yours."

The door behind Silas swings open and in bustles the maid.

"Dad, I've been...busy--"

The maid notices Silas; Silas stares at the maid; Dad sees his daughter's unbuttoned blouse; Dad flushes crimson with rage.

"Why you--"

The chef looks apoplectic. Silas ducks under the chef's raised cleaver and sprints for his life.

Turn 7 Movement
Black Cave
ooc: Lore check to read King in Yellow. (1d6=4, 1d6=6, 1d6=6); Patrice gains 4 Clue tokens, discards the King in Yellow and loses 1 Sanity.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 7 Movement
Uptown streets
OOC,[b]Hank[/b] does not need to make an initial Horror check against Byakhee. [url=]Combat check (Fight 5 + 4 [Shotgun]) against Byakhee, Round 1 (9d6.hits(5)=3)[/url]. [b]Hank[/b] claims Byakhee as a Monster trophy.
The black shape swooped down from out of the sun directly at Hank, keeping him from seeing it clearly. "Pull!" he shouts, without really understanding why, and he fires his shotgun at the thing. The buckshot obliterates it before it even gets close. "Darned birds are getting worse."
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 7 Movement
Hall of Celano (2)
ooc,Roland moves to the second space on the Hall of Celano otherly world.
Roland continued down the hall of Celano with Jimi Hendrix’s pistol in hand. Malone and the monkey followed close behind, Malone nervously wiping dried monkey semen from the corner of his lapel.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 7 Upkeep
Another Dimension to Witch House
ooc,Ursula moves back throught the gate in another dimension to the Witch House.
Ursula steps through the gate and adjusts her panties. It had been a long and suggestive canoe ride and Ursula was happy to be rid of that foul dimension's perverse stink.

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