Wed Sep 6 - Morning

New York City, 1933.

A man is missing and the girl wants him found. What more do you need to know?

This game will be run using the Trail of Cthulhu (copyright (c)2009 Pelgrane Press).

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Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Gaffer »

[ooc - I'm going to keep everyone in a single thread for the morning activities. Lets try to deal with things briefly. If there's anything you want to keep secret from the others, please place it in a spoiler labeled "Private to GM" and please respect this privacy.]

The day is chilly and breezy with intermittent showers. Esposito is at his desk by eight. Dex rolls into the office about nine. Delores gets to Macy's soon after they open the doors at ten. Langdon still hasn't shown up after ten.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex will spend the morning catching up on paperwork, leaving notes for his partner, making some phone calls on outstanding cases, handling business with his secretary, etc.
Around 1 pm he will try to meet up with Lila for lunch, spending part of the afternoon with her before she races off to rehearsal and the evening show. He promises her that once the case is done, he will take her out to dinner and make up his absence. He makes sure to take his medicines, change his bandages, etc.

In the afternoon, he will come back to the office and make a phone call to some old Prohibition Bureau agents to see if they have some free time for this evening. He expects to strike out. He'll also clean his pistols and the revolver, packing most of his hardware in a small carryall to be distributed later. Since he has no idea what is going on, he'll give a call to his lawyer to make sure his will is up to date, then when it gets close to 4:30, he will close up shop, send the secretary home, and head out to his car to pick up Delores and Langdon.
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Delores Brown
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Delores Brown »

Delores spends a very busy and rather expensive morning in Macey's. As well as a new outfit she also picks up some gossip about the secretary of one of the bigwigs at city hall. Turns out that he's been blowing his expenses on her instead of his wife. Delores tucks that particular titbit away to pick up once she's finished her current adventures.

She lunches with an old friend before returning home in the early afternoon. A long soak in the bath and an hour in front of the dressing table and she's ready. She's already out of the door as Dex is pulling up at the kerb and sounding his horn.
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Gaffer »

Esposito strikes out at his own station, but when he phones his old friends in Brooklyn they report that it looks like the 'dance' is on at the old church. They've gotten their sergeant to agree to bring about a dozen beat cops to the site, starting at seven o'clock. Dex might want to pick him up on his way to Langdon's place.

Meanwhile, Dex's federal contacts aren't interested in anything as cock-eyed as a religious cult of some kind. They're gunning for Luciano and the Dutchman these days.
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by FrankyEsposito »

I didn't expect much from my precinct. They're all too worried about their careers to actually be bothered with protecting the city.

I call up Angelo to see how he's doing, get the family story. He's a little wigged out, but there's nothing to do for that. After I hang up I call up a florist and send Siobhan some flowers I can't afford. The card says only "I'm sorry."

I take the afternoon off. I'll probably catch some flak for it, but I don't care. I spend some time riding the subway, walking through Central Park, sitting on the beach at Coney Island. Inevitably, I find myself in Hell's Kitchen in front of an Irish priest. Father O'Malley and I talk for a while about good and evil, right and wrong, laws and ethics. He's not as upset as Angelo (or maybe just better at hiding it) but I know he's concerned. He doesn't even blink when I ask him to take my confession. I've sinned, alright. (And it's been ages since my last confession.)

Lighter in heart (and heavier in Hail Marys) I head back to my place to put on my dancing shoes.
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Dexter Ford »

(To Jump start things...)

Dex will stop by Esposito's around 5:15 or so to pick him up, then swing towards Langdon's apartment around 5:45 to pick him up, and then drive to Delores' to pick her up by 6:15 at the latest.
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Gaffer »

Since Delores's place is closest to Dex's office (and home), I'm going to make her the first one picked up.

At 5:45, Dex pulls up outside the Murray Hill Hotel where Langdon has his suite. Franky and Delores are with him in the car.
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by FrankyEsposito »

As it starts to get darker I get more and more fidgety. To say that I've got a bad feeling about this doesn't begin to describe it. I debate taking out my flask and having a nip. I could use it. To steady my nerves. I decide to hold off, for now.
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Delores Brown
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Delores Brown »

Delores shuffleson the back seat nervously, straightening her dress for the umteenth time. Frankie's fidgeting is making her edgy. "Settle down, will ya?" she nudges him, "It's just a dance, right?" She smiles wryly, trying to appear more confident than she feels.
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Gaffer »

The doorman strides over to the car. Someone needs to go inside, since Langdon's not waiting out front.
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by FrankyEsposito »

I'll go get him. I badge the doorman -- no time for games -- and head for Langdon's apartment.
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex will stay in the car, and show Delores the satchel of firearms: two Colt .45 semi autos and a .38 revolver. Also a cosh, a switchblade, and two pairs of handcuffs.
"Anything in there you think you could use?"
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Gaffer »

Esposito's buzz is answered by Langdon's man, Jamison, who looks rather haggard. Once Esposito introduces himself, Jamison admits him to the apartment.

"Mr. Vilas has mentioned that you're a policeman, sir. I'm quite worried, as Mr. Vilas went out last night and didn't return. That woman called and invited him someplace. I suggested he should call you or Mr. Ford, but he said there was no time. She was picking him up and he 'had a chance to really get the goods on that crowd.' That was around ten-thirty last night and i haven't heard from him since. I'm quite concerned."
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by FrankyEsposito »

Damned amateurs.

"Did he say anything else? Did she come here?"

If Langdon's apartment is close enough to the door -- or if there's a convenient window -- I'll holler for Dex to come in. Otherwise I'll beat feet down to the car and bring him back up. We need to case the joint, see if he's left us any bread crumbs.

Damned amateurs.
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Gaffer »

Esposito crosses the sidewalk just under a trot and raps on Dex's window. In moments, all three are at Langdon's door, leaving the doorman with instructions not to let anybody move that car.

"I believe Mr. Vilas met her downstairs, sir. He said something about 'slumming in Red Hook.'"
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex gets out when he hears Esposito's words. He opens the door for Delores, grabs his satchel, and then follows him into the building and then up to Langdon's apartment. "Are you telling me he went with the woman even after everything he knows? Is he trying to be a hero?"

He carefully places the satchel on the floor by the door. He then looks about the apartment. "Where do want me to start, detective?"
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Gaffer »

"I think he wanted to impress you gentlemen," says Jamison in a dispirited tone, "Is there anything I should do?"
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by FrankyEsposito »

"Check the bedroom -- maybe he's got an appointment book or something. Delores -- check around the phone for a message pad. Maybe he wrote down an address. I'm going to go talk to the doorman."

I'll ask this guy the usual -- did he see them leave, what time, was it the red coupe, etc. Not that any of it's going to help. When that futile exercise is over I'll head back up and see if my cohorts have found anything.
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Gaffer »

Langdon's appointment book is by the phone, but nothing is entered beyond 'Dinner at Flannigans.'

The doorman tells Esposito that Mr. Vilas got home last night, but came down again less than a half hour later. A red coupe pulled up and Mr. Vilas got in. He believes it was a dark-haired woman driving. He hasn't seen him since.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Morning

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex will search Langdon's flat (making spends as necessary) and if he doesn't find anything, he will meet up with Delores. "Anything?"
If the answer is no, he will find Esposito, making sure Delores is with them. "I think we should check the damn dance. It's likely she dragged him off there. Didn't you say they were some sort of cult....which would make Langdon a sacrifice?"
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