The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

"RUN!" Unalaq commanded Thorrin and hoped the man understood as he waved him off with a hand. "RUN!" he called again across the battlefield. There was no way they would beat the odds here without some sort of help. "Meet up later! Keep heading to the water!"

Unalaq grabbed on to the other Viking's arm, the one just previously healed, and helps tries to help escape the massacre, hoping against hope that they could run faster than the lumbering zombies.
ooc,passing up on my attack to try to escape. Should I roll dodge or something?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - yes. A successful dodge will allow you to avoid all adjacent attacks.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Dodge - success,[url=]Dodge (50%) (1d100=5)[/url]
Call me, Mr. Dexterity!
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Ash »

Faroo makes two grapples and fails the second. Is he dead meat at last?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


ooc - I think I lost Kinaktok. L

Kinaktok fires two arrows into the slow moving head of the approaching zombified Viking and it stumbles to the snow, brackish sea water oozing from its wounds. Kinaktok takes advantage of his freedom of movement and runs south east towards the sea as Unulaq had suggested. Once out of reach, he stops and notches another arrow, hoping to help Faroo in the face of an overwhelming horde.

Unulaq drags the cured Viking as he flails about, desperately trying to get his bearings of his new surroundings. His eyes are wide with terror from the shock of being suddenly resurrected and now surrounded by his blood thirsty kin.

Thorrin smiles grimly at Unulaq and waves his sword in a flurry of motions, half sword play and half dance, the bard’s blade cuts through the undead like hot bone through blubber. Sensing the intentions of the zombie ahead of him he then slashes at the reigns connecting the remaining sled dogs to the sled. The dogs tore away from the zombies and sped off into the dark.

All eyes then turned to Faroo as one of the zombies tore into his shoulder coming up with no less than a pound of flesh. (8 damage.) Faroo howled in pain and scrambled for safety. He was able to momentarily free himself from the undead Viking with half his shoulder in his stench filled mouth but the second pulled him closer... clawing at his legs and biting into his thigh through his thick hides. (4 damage) Faroo was helpless to escape. In horror filled agony, two more of the zombies closed in tearing at his chest and neck

, removing precious flesh and bone as if it had never belonged to Faroo. (6 damage) As if his frail form was meant for massacre at the hands of these undead demons.

Then finally.. Faroo’s screaming ceased and the sounds of tearing and crunching were all that was heard from the young hunter the venerable Qannaq had once said held so much potential.

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

"RUN!" Unalaq exclaimed to the Norse men, knowing they didn't understand him... but hoping they'd follow his lead. He started running to distance himself from the zombie hoardes. He knew it wasn't the bravest thing to do, but fighting that number against them was a fool's errand. Now he sought only to find safety from them, or a defendable position where they might stand a fighting chance.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Unulaq and the now panicked Norseman race away from the frenzied zombie horde. The Dorset hunter has little to no trouble outrunning the undead Vikings and soon they turn back to the center of the combat to feast on the fallen sled dogs and Faroo. Kinaktok runs in the opposite direction and he too clears the horde in no time at all. After freeing the dogs, Thorrin slashes again at an approaching zombie, beheading the creature with his ensorcelled blade. He then sprints over the fallen corpse and joins Unulaq grabbing the free shoulder of the raised Viking to speed Unulaq’s progress away from the chaos of the horde.

When all is finished, Thorrin and Unulaq come to rest close to 100 feet away from zombies. He cannot see Kinaktok but at last sight the Dorset strategist was in the clear. They had lost all three of their sleds to the Viking zombies. What dogs had escaped, there was no sight of them.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Exhausted and frustrated, Unalaq fell to his knees and cried out in anguish to the skies above. He knelt there for a while, panting, recovering his breath, and trying to fathom what had just happened. The image of Faroo fallen in battle would haunt him for the rest of his days.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- Unulaq Roll Spot Hidden
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Spot Hidden - Success!,[url=]Spot Hidden (70 or 78%) (1d100=26)[/url] - can't remember what that +8% was for next to that stat... but it doesn't matter.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The snowfall slows for a brief moment and under the light of the near full moom, Unulaq spots Kinaktok limping away from the zombie horde with three of the undead demons on his tail and gaining ground. Kinaktok appears to be injured. Ahead of Kinaktok, a hundred feet or more, Unulaq swears he sees the silouette of a woman dancing. Then, once again, a flurry of snow picks up around the Dorset Hunter and the image is lost to him.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq pointed in the direction of the dancing woman and said "We should go that way." He knew the Norse men probably didn't understand him, but he didn't really think about it. He hoped to head off the zombies that were tailing Kinaktok.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Midnightlight »

ooc - Sorry for being gone so long guys. Did you miss me?

Kinaktok continue to struggle forward, the cold winds hampering his own vision. He risks a look back, stopping for a moment.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Here is a basic map. Showing everyones locations.


Kinaktok has not seen the dancing girl. Roll Spot Hidden to see her.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,Holy smokes, that's a lot of Zombies. I'm going to assume getting around them is out of the question. What do the arrows represent? Wind direction? Or are the hoards of zombies actually travelling somewhere?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Yes, the hoard of zombies is moving east. It's been pretty blizzardy out there so you could not really see an end to their numbers. Upon first glance it appeared as though they were moving in a long chain. When the snow broke for a short tim and Unulaq saw the dancing girl in the distance, Unulaq could see that the zombie hoarde was close to 100. You guys killed like 15 or so in the battle. There is an end to them though just not right in front of you. Going around them woul take 2-3 turns. If you want run through them. You would need to make 5 successful dodge/parries. to avoid getting hit and dragged into zombie warfare tactics. :)
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,and the dagger we seek is still off to the south, right? Seeing as how the zombies don't seem to be chasing us, I can safely assume we are not being spotted right now. I'm not prone to battle with a bunch of undead, not in this game system where the combat system doesn't favor the heroes. So our options are either head east a ways, then cut across behind the parade of zombies and head back north-west to see if we can locate the dancing girl, or we can continue south and forget about all this nonsense. Just out of curiousity, does Unalaq know what is off to the west from here that the zombies might be all interested in?
Curiosity got the better of Unalaq. They'd have waited this long for the dagger, they could wait a little longer. He simply must find out what was going on with the dancing girl, and help Kinaktok if at all possible. He directed the two Norse men east-south-east to parallel the zombie parade and cut across once they had all made their way past.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

OOC,I should have specified. the dancing girl and Kinaktok is south. The map is flipped. Just how I made the encounter. Works out though cuz you want to go that way anyways. :) I'm assuming that you wanted to run "right" around the zombies after the horde walks past you. I'm hoping Midnightlight posts soon. I should give him a chance considering how long I took.
Thorrin seems to get the idea immediately from Unulaq's frantic but precise hand gestures. He says something in Nordic to the other Viking and he nods. The Viking bends presses his wound and motions for the two to leave him.

Thorrin and Unulaq dart south west keeping their distance from the horde. The snow was thick but Unulaq's keen hunter eyes could see the end of the zombie parade a short distance to the west. Additionally the horde was thinning near its edge.
ooc,IF you want to cut through now you only need to make two dodges or three parrys to avoid the horde. :evil: It will save you 2 full rounds of running to get to Kinaktok.

ooc- If I mistook your meaning when you ran please correct me and I will change the post.

The map should look like this for directions..

--- S
--- N
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq considers the risky move of cutting across now that the hoard has thinned out some. He knows he could probably avoid their slow attacks easily enough, but he had to think about others as well. The Viking the had picked up was wounded, and perhaps not as agile as Unalaq. So he elected to proceed with caution and continue around to the end of the zombie parade.
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