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Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:45 pm
Eldgrim wakens shivering on the snowy banks of Helluland. The sun has set and the moon lights the plains, highlighting its subtle rolling features with eerie glow. Eldgrim’s armour, that he was forced to cut free as he fled the Icebreaker, lies neatly stacked beside him. His shield and sword leaning precariously against his suit of chain mail. Just a few meters away Eldgrim can see a large sack tied with a leather strap.

Eldgrim remembers little of the attack on the Icebreaker before it sunk. Flashes of memories….Demons with red eyes… frantic swimming in bloody violent waters…. His Viking brothers screaming for help before disappearing below the waves.

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:00 am
by Sowelu
I must be Dead
Eldgrim thought to himself as he leaned over to inspect his Equipment. A searing pain shot through his Spine up to his shoulders and forced him to slump back against the Snow.
No.. i must not be dead or i wouldn't feel such pain
He remembered the Frantic swim to shore after the Longboat was attacked, wondering if he was the only one who made it ashore
for long minutes he lay there trying to recover his strength.
Finally sitting up he rested his arms over his knees and inspected his surroundings, his sword shield and armor were beside him, though he cannot imagine himself swimming to shore with so much weight, it was an impossible task. someone must have recovered them for him.
Expecting danger he donned his armor,slung his shield over his back and sheathed his sword.
Eldgrim Glanced over at the Sack
I dont remember you...

after a quick check around the Banks for any footprints or tell-tale signs of life, he cannot find much of interest.
Satisfied that he was alone he fumbled for a moment with the leather straps on the sack, eager to see what was inside

ooc: rolled 68 for Tracking which i think is a fail (under 50 is a success?) but its not conclusive whether he found anything or not, up to you GM!

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:36 am
Eldgrim cannot see a soul or any sign thereof. Judging by the snowfall gathered on the sack and his armor, he's been unconscious for a while now and any tracks most likely would have been covered.

As Eldgrim opens the sack he is reminded suddenly of Tristan,the mountaineer. He was one of the few Vikings to make it off the Icebreaker aboard one of the smaller dragon boats. He was running sacks very similar to this one back and forth from the storehouse to the dragon boat before Ingvar lowered it. This discovery did not bode well for those aboard the dragon boat for if the sack was here, then Tristan and the passengers of the dragonboat most likely perished with ther rest.

Inside the sack was a wide assortment ofclimbing gear. Three full lengths of rope, hooks, spikes, gloves, flint and tinder, rolled parchment and torches that were now soaking wet.

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:44 am
by Sowelu
Perhaps i am the only one then.
Eldgrim was repulsed by the idea that he and his fellow raiders had been defeated by the Island before they even made landfall.
he knew there was little he could Accomplish on his own, but standing there with sword in hand on the shores of his enemies land didn't give him many options, first things first he decided to look for some shelter to dry out the gear before setting out to look for any other survivors. He took out one length of rope and Wrapped it around his Torso three times from Right Shoulder to Left hip before Tying the end of the rope to the Sack so that it would sit comfortably on his back, and set off at a trudge in search of a Cave or structure.

It is all the Witches fault, her being on board was a Bad Omen

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:00 pm
Helluland is as it's namesake... "Land of Flat Rock" in the Viking tongue.
To the North west, Eldgrim can see mountains.... To the North East... vast plains of rock and snow. To the south... the sea.

Having spent a fair amount of time wandering the volcanic fields of Iceland, Eldgrim knew that the trek would take him the better part of a day. Time he did not have as night had fallen and the cold was biting his very core.

ooc- Spot Hidden check.

ooc- Idea check.

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:13 am
by Sowelu
Eldgrim did a full turn scanning the horizon for some kind of Landmark where he could start his Trek
Squinting he thought he could make out something jutting just out of the landscape, but it was almost impossible to tell as the only colours as far as the eye could see were merely different shades of white.

As the icy cold of the Heluland Nightfall began to claw up his arms and legs he knew he had to think of something fast

OOC: heres the rolls
Spot Hidden Check 1/45 lol
Idea Check 64/80

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:52 am
ooc - It would be suicide to travel across the plains without warming and drying yourself.

Far to the East, as the coast turns, Eldgrim notices a tall rocky outcropping that extends to from the ocean to the ending of the rocky beach. A small herd of Harbour seals are taking shelter at it's base.


Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:19 pm
by Sowelu
Eldgrim decided that he would make his way toward the outcrop and hopefully find somewhere to shelter himself from the wind.
however finding a suitable spot dry enough to light a fire would be a problem...

on seeing the seals his stomache snarled with hunger, Eldgrim wondered if he could sneak up on a straggling pup, but knew he should find a spot to light a fire first.

ooc: sorry bout the long wait between posts there, got back from tassie on sunday and my computers broken, but im getting a new one over the next few days and will be able to post regularly.
thanks for the brain teaser GM lol

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:34 am
ooc - No worries man! You gave me plenty of warning. Glad you are back. You should post that you went to Tasmania in the bar. I bet people will love to hear about it. Like what exactly does one do in Tasmania? :lol:

Eldgrim approaches the outcrop and a few of the seals closest too him dive into the sea. Others on the beach but still huddles next to the rocks don't seem to have noticed him yet.

ooc- roll sneak.

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:44 am
by Sowelu
Eldgrim does his best to remain unnoticed by the group until he can get as close as possible, staying low to the rocks and moving with practiced stealth.

Sneak roll: 33, pass

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:16 pm
The harbour seals huddling close to the rocky outcropping don't notice the stealthy Viking as he slowly inches his way towards them. As the wind picks up, the seals huddle even closer together for warmth and begin barking in low tones. One of the larger seals breaks away from the pack and looks at Eldgrim through the haze of snow and ocean spray. He pays him no mind, however, quickly wobbling to the ocean and slips in.

The other seals don't break from their organized huddle. Eldgrim gets to with 20 feet of the group before his movement is tested once again.

ooc- sneak. If you pass then you can get right up to them. Tell me what you do. If you fail they dart and you must make a DEXx5 roll to keep up to them.

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:01 am
by Sowelu
Eldgrim creeps ever closer to the outermost pup, unslinging his shield from his back and holds it aloft ready to club the life out of the poor creature, he just barely keeps his footing on the Rocks made treacherous by the ocean spray

Sneak roll - 54, passed by 1 =/

ooc - is it healthy that i went straight to Seal Clubbing?

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:02 am
ooc- Who wouldn't?

The pup doesn't notice Eldgrim sneaking up from behind. Just as Eldgrim raises his shield, the others gain wind of his presence. They begin shiffling for the water and the pup turns to look up at Eldgrim before the Viking brings his makeshift club down/

ooc- roll Spot Hidden
ooc- roll club

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:38 pm
by Sowelu
ooc: Alright sorry i took months to get back on this, have been busy with coursework and some relationship issues, i should be able to make the occasional post to keep eldgrim alive (depending on how much the GM hates me now, hah!)

As he raised his heavy shield above his head he realized just how much the frantic swim shore had taken out of him, his limbs were all but drained of any strength and he found himself unable to follow through with the strike, Eldgrim needed rest, far from the oceans spray or the snows biting chill.

spot hidden fail

Club fail

*palm to face*

Re: Chapter 3 : Vikings : The Lonely Road (Eldgrim)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:04 pm
ooc- Ha Ha! Between you and Andrew I think you have the bad roll market covered!

The Seal quickly darts away and slips into the icy waters. Eldgrim puts a hand up to his face and shields himself from the blizzard. The cold bites at his wet skin and a panic washes over the Viking traveller like none he had ever known. If he didn't warm himself soon, he would certqainoly die from exposure to the arctic environment of Helluland. In desperation, Eldgrim presses up against the rocky out crop with no other cover in sight. Then a warmth sneaks through the chill of the powerful winds buffeting his backside and Eldgrim feels heat emenating from the rock. A faint orange glow seems to poke it's head through a space between the snowy beach floor and the rocky crag just meters away from where he crouched shivering. '