Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

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Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq awakens wrapped in furs next to a small fire. The heat brigs the Dorset hunter new life. Still weak from his traumatic ordeal, Tornuaq opens his eyes to see Qannaq poking the fire with his spear. Looking around he can see two sleds and their accompanyment of dogs.

ooc - The sun is now just beginning to set. It will be completely dark again in 2 hours.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq shook his head slowly, feeling ashamed. He failed in his mission and wasn't used to failure. If he had found the knife he knew things would be different. However he knew that was also the area where Unulaq threw it. Either the tide had moved it or it was never really thrown into the sea.

He looked at the fire and Qannaq but didn't say anything, he failed, knew it and would now pay for the repercussions. He knew he would never be the same.
coffee demon
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq is also silent. He looks appraisingly at the young hunter, assessing his health, and carefully watches the horizon, in case the White Giants decide to head inland.

He passes Tornuaq another piece of seal fat that he's been heating on the whale-oil fire.

"Eat another piece, then we'll continue."

Qannaq doesn't make eye contact with Tornuaq. The older hunter thinks it was shameful to run from the camp with such reckless abandon.

[OC: Sorry for the huge pause, I'll try to post daily from now on.]
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq takes the piece of fat but just holds it while thinking about Yuralria and how he failed her.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq waits, watching Tornuaq, but his patience is wearing thin. Eventually he speaks up.

"Eat it, or you'll die of cold on the ride home. You're acting like a child. I've ridden until the sun rose to save your life, now do your part, or you can stay here."

With that, Qannaq blows out the fire, collects the remaining oil in a bladder, and checks the leads on the dogs in preparation for the journey home.

He unties the leads to Tornuaq's sled, signifying that the young hunter should be able to act under his own power from here on.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq sits up and stares hard at Qannaq. "A child! A child does not run out into the night for what he believes will help the village, the elders and the shaman with no regard for his life. Leave Qannaq if you believe I acted as a child. In the waters out there is a knife that Unulaq threw that is important to what goes on. I know of this knife, I have held it and felt the power within, it is essential that we have it." With that said he stuffed the whale fat into his mouth but he had no intention of returning to the village.

He wondered where the voice went off to, he hadn't heard it since he awoke and was beginning to wonder if it hadn't lead him astray. Perhaps it was trying to get him out of the way, kill him off even. Leaving the village, traveling across the ice and then jumping into near frozen waters was a thing only the mad would do... then again hearing a voice that only he could hear was a thing of madness as well and it all started with that knife.

Tornuaq shifted his eyes from Qannaq to the ground and the fire he had shown the older hunter died down. Maybe Qannaq was right about leaving but he was certainly wrong about himself acting as a child. He felt a strong surge of violence spread throughout his body but squashed it down. "Maybe Unulaq never threw the cursed thing into the water after all, that could be why I didn't locate it. He knew I was under some spell and would have told me he threw it to Sedna even though he held onto it. What I did wrong was not speaking to Unulaq before I left but even then I would not be sure he wasn't keeping it from me." Tornuaq began in a mild manner, speaking to Qannaq but still looking at the ground, he then looked at the older warrior and said with more fire and passion, "We have to know though where it is, that knife I believe with all my heart is important to our people. I am a good hunter Qannaq, no matter what your opinion is of me and now I hunt the knife. I will find it even if it kills me to do so."
coffee demon
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq watches the younger hunter sternly, assessing him as he speaks. He remains standing silently and thinking for a long time after Tornuaq finishes speaking.

"If you need this knife, I will not stop you. I helped you once, and rescued you from Sedna, and still you will hunt for this knife. Then I respect your decision. It is something within you."

The elder hunter knows much about the movements of birds, fish, animals, and the wind, but magic and decisions to do with the fate of the tribe are best left to the chief, the shaman, and the council. And, perhaps, sometimes the fate of the tribe must be left to earnest young hunters like Tornuaq.

"I will leave you my provisions, and tell our people of your plans. We will follow the caribou in the spring. If we have not seen you by then, we will mourn your loss."

[OC: I believe it's fall right now? I'm imagining that Dorset people camp in the same area for the winter, and would be easy to find. Qannaq is an older man, and is in denial that the White Giants and the strange omens will change his peoples' annual movements.]
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Figuring that the older hunters teach the younger...

"Of course I will see you soon." Tornuaq began, a smile on his face. "You have taught me well over the years." With that he stood and embraced Qannaq. "Thank you for helping me by leaving your provisions and letting our people know. I will be behind you though by no more than a few days at the most. I must take a better stance and think through my hunt more carefully."
coffee demon
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq returns a warm smile. He helps Tornuaq pack up, and gives him all the remaining seal meat that Qannaq packed with him. There is no need for words. It is well understood that the young hunter's skill will be sorely missed - the absence of anyone in the tribe means one less set of hands to help out.

It is a compliment to Tornuaq that Qannaq doesn't mother over him with advice. Tornuaq has shown his knowledge time and again. Anything he will learn from now on, he will learn from experience, not words.

As Tornuaq mounts his sled, Qannaq speaks for the first time in fifteen minutes, delivering his standard farewell.

"Good hunting. Good weather."

The elderly hunter stands in the snow amongst his yapping dogs, watching Tornuaq drive away until he can no longer be seen. He notes the direction Tornuaq heads off in. Then he eases onto his own sled and, with a shout, heads back towards the village.

[OC: Qannaq would visualize the layout of the land in the direction Tornuaq takes off in, and try to imagine where he'd be headed. I would think he'd have a decent idea, based on the hunting routes his people took, or the easiest geographic routes. Or maybe he's heading straight back to the White Giant camp?

Apologies for taking so long to post.]
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq said his good byes but didn't get far. He looked at Qannaq and looked out to the mountains and then to the water. Something felt all wrong about this, he needed to see Unulaq first before he did anything. It would be pointless to carry on a search for the knife if his brother had it all along.

With that he rode back to Qannaq. "Qannaq, I think I'll be joining you on your journey back. I need to see Unulaq. I believe he is my best chance of finding the knife."
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq nods, and continues driving for a while.

Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps he's not a young, driven hero, and is indecisive and afraid. No matter, I was young once too. Whatever is going on within Tornuaq, he must face it alone, eventually.

As the sun reaches its zenith, barely reaching over the horizon, Qannaq stops the sled.

"That way." He points northeast. "To the coast, for the combing ceremony, and the blessing of the caribou hunt."

Qannaq aims for a direction that will intercept the rest of his people on their way to the coastline. He doesn't want to be alone with Tornuaq on the edge of the water, waiting for the others, in case he falls into madness again and jumps in.

[OC: According to the Keeper:

The tribe is meeting at the combing ceremony about 2 hours sled ride from here (North east) Everyone from the tribe is expected to meet there so the Shaman can dive down into the icy waters and comb Sedna's hair. Sedna will then give her advice and bless this years cariboo hunt.]
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq and Qannaq ride their sleds with little said between the two Dorset hunters on their journey. As they ride further north, they spot a long trail of smoke rising into the sky. The Thule village to the west burns.

ooc – stop if you want to discuss it. If not then continue on. You expect to head off the Dorset tribe in less than an hours worth of riding.
coffee demon
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq points out the smoke in case Tornuaq didn't see it, and turns in that direction without discussion. If other people on the island are in trouble, it is only right to see if they need help.

[OC: If they make it to the village without incident, Qannaq will dismount from his sled and crawl to the top of a snow drift to peer at the village before they're in sight of the place.]
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq nods to Qannaq and follows the older hunter, he knew enough to know that there was still things he could pick up and learn. As they headed towards the Thule village, Tornuaq does what Qannaq does unless otherwise instructed.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq and Qannaq race across the snowy planes towards a small Thule fishing ground on the base of the Weasel River. Smoke rises into the morning sky as the sun nears it's apex. It will be dark again in a few hours.

ooc - Spot Hidden check please

ooc - Qannaq. Ride check please.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Mon Jul 28 19:54:26 2008 Andrew 1d100 18 Tornuaq: Spot Hidden (60%)
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Snow flurries rise and fall all around the two Dorset hunters, making it difficult to spot anything through the blizzard. The small Thule fishing outpost a few hundred meters from the Weasel River is burning and that is impossible to miss; as is the Weasel River itself, which should be frozen over at this time of year. Now it runs freely, carving a watery path across the icy plains, up towards the mountains.

Tornuaq, however, sees something moving quickly towards the river away from the smoke. Two beasts... kicking up more snow than a charging Cariboo. They both glint in the failing sunlight as they continue their charge towards the river and the two Dorset hunters.


ooc- knowledge Own Kingdom check and your actions.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Own Kingdom 40% Rolled 91%

Tornuaq quickly begins looking for a way across the river.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq knows the river is shallow in places but he can't for Sedna's good graces remember where. The river is simply too dark to see the stones.

ooc- Tornuaq. Roll Idea!
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Re: Chapter 3 : Eskimos : Warming Up : Tornuaq and Qannaq.

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Holy shit! He remembered us! :) Tornuaq: Idea 55% Rolled a 05%
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