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Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:03 am
by ImpInTraining
"It is Sashila," he responds, holding the girl in his arms. "She's suddenly stricken with visions and growing weak. I thought you should know right away. Will she be all right?"

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:49 pm
by trixie
"Visions!?" Yuralria snaps, with a jerk of the head, then looks at Sashila darkly. Her expression changes after a split second, to curiousity, and she puts a hand to the girl's face. "About what? What do you see?"

Is that a medicine or insight roll I should make?

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:00 pm
by ImpInTraining
Unalaq responds, sounding very concerned, "She saw many dangers for Tornuaq. Said that many choices he will have to make that will effect us all. She saw a man with skin the color of the sea. And a mark on Tornuaq's face and a growing sadness."

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:57 pm
by trixie
Yuralria furrows her brow pensively, then appears to have come to a conclusion, "I'll be right back. I must ask the gods for guidance." She walks away and soon disappears into the blowing snow.

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:47 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Cannot you ask that on the way back?" Unalaq calls out to the blowing snow. He looked to Sashila, saying "We should not stay out in the open much longer." He was concerned that the wandering Vikings might just happen along at any time.

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:07 am
ooc - Trixie see pm.

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:43 pm
by trixie
Yuralria turns around to Unulaq with a perplexed look, "Yes, I suppose you're right. We should move on. I will ask the gods later, in the private of my hut." She looks at Sashila worriedly, then raises her spear from Sedna in the air, "Come my people! We must be off!"
As the villagers begin to walk, she looks over at the snow where the Chief had been standing, and sees the Chief's spear still standing in the snow, moving gently in the wind. It seemed so......lost. Cast off. She looked around for the Chief again, then said to Unulaq, "Do you know where the Chief went? It is not like him to cast his spear down and walk away. I fear.....he's left after Aglakti. What do you think Unulaq? Has he left us to pursue her?"

Yuralria looks around as the tribe begins to move, and counts heads, taking care to make sure the boy was with the group. She knew better than to let him out of her sight.

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:29 pm
by ImpInTraining
Unulaq frowned when it was pointed out the chief was missing. He looked back to Sashila and slid his hand down her head with a smile as he said, "Rest... if you want, you can ride in my sled. But before we leave, I must check on Chief Kalituk." He stepped away from her and said to Yuralria, "I'll see if I can tell from his tracks," as he passed by on the way to where the spear stood.

1d100=15 (Track = 50%)

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:51 am
ooc- Trixie see pm for spells gained in the ceremony and stats for your new Gift from Sedna. "The Narwhale's Tooth."

Unulaq races to the chieftain's spear.

Wanatum (The Chieftain's spear) stands, burried past it's long ivory tip, the winter gull feathers fluttering haplessly in the arctic breeze. The Dorset hunter can see Chief Kalituk's foot prints follow in Aglakti's direction, but not along the same path. Where Aglakti travelled East, Kalituk travelled slightly North East.

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:55 pm
by ImpInTraining
Unalaq frowned and looked to the others... the whole tribe was seeking leadership, and their very chief wandered off. What was going on in this mixed up icey world?

He yanked the spear out from the snow and called Mannitok over. Thrusting the spear into his hands, Unalaq said, "Chief Kalituk has headed off," he pointed to the north east, "that way. I don't know why... but it does not feel right to me. I am heading after him. I need you to lead the tribe back home. Keep them safe." He starts to turn, then looks back a moment to add, "And watch over your sister. I worry for her... she is being influenced by something else and we know not if it is good or evil."

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:17 pm
Unulaq picks up the spear and hears the distant beating of drums. It feels light and powerful in his hands.

He then hands it to Mannitok and his Dorset brother drops it from the sheer weight of the thing. It sinks into the snow. Mannitok stares wide eyed at Unulaq. The legends... I've not killed a bear brother..... I cannot hold it.

ooc- roll Idea Unulaq.

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:27 pm
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Idea (60%) (1d100=95) :P edited my above post accordingly.

Unalaq looked down at the spear in the snow and back up to Mannitok. "I ... I am sorry. I was not aware." He hefted the spear up again and shook his head. It looked like he was to be the leader for the time being. "All right then. Maybe you and Faroo can go after the chief instead. Here.. take my spear," he grabbed his spear up from his dogsled and handed it over. "I will lead the tribe back home."

Unalaq headed over to his dogsled and got it ready to ride and helped the others who were slower to get ready, all the while informing them to spread the word, "We are leaving right away."

When he saw Yuralria, he said to her, "If possible, can you send a message somehow to Aglakti? Let her know the chief has wandered off... heading in a direction somewhere east from her."

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:45 pm
by trixie
Yuralria simply nods, and lowers her eyes. "The chief has relinquished his role as our leader. We will need to choose a new Chief. The elders will remember the proper ceremony, but....I fear we should keep this news from them for the time being, given their recent.....instability."

Yuralria looks uncertainly at Unulaq and her eyes flicker to the snow at their feet. "Our people need leadership at this time more than ever. And......I can think of no one more fitting than you, Unulaq."

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:01 pm
by ImpInTraining
Unalaq looked to Yuralria with a smile and nod, "I appreciate the confidence... but believe me, this is only temporary. I know that well. I just want to get everyone back home safely."

He calls out orders to the younger Inuits, instructing them to get the dog sleds ready. He helps the older ones get comfortable within a dog sled and makes sure they are bundled up for warmth. And before they all set to moving, he looks one more time toward the direction where the chief headed off to. Shaking his head in moderate disappointment, he calls out to his own dog sled, "MUSH!" and lifts the chieftan's spear high as he passes everyone to lead the way.

ooc: Did Mannitok and Faroo leave after Chief Kalituk like I instructed them?

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:12 pm
by trixie
"Temporary.....yes." Yuralria smiles to herself, and averts her eyes from Unulaq's gaze, knowing full well what 'temporary' meant. She was the 'temporary' shaman after all. Aglakti had spoiled hopes and dreams for the tribe with her fixation on the bear and his hauntings after hours, and Yuralria had been trained as a possible shaman, should they ever need one. Of course she didn't resent her role....did she? And she felt no need to dash Unulaq's dreams of being free from responsibility. It was a lot to take in, after all.

Yuralria assumed her sled as well, next to Ogtuk-luk, with her thoughts fixated on the chief and Aglakti. Chief Kalituk had always had a soft spot for Aglakti. Perhaps it was one she could understand only too well. Responsibility had a way of breeding discontent and yearning she recognized through her own feelings for Tornuaq. Suddenly her gut wrenched and she felt the familiar, icy cold grasp of unsureness grip her as usual. Tornuaq! Would he be waiting when they returned! Or was he gone for good! The thought of never seeing him again makes me want to jump back in the water with Sedna, never to return. What would my life be like without him! No piercing blue eyes to get lost butterflies every time I turn the corner and see feeling of electricity when my hand grazes his..... She felt a lump rising in her throat, and the thick choke of emotion, and swallowed hard in retaliation.

"Quickly! We must get back!"
She shouted to the rest of the villagers. Oh....I hope he's there waiting for us!

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:00 am
by Ash
Mannitock. So we must go together to find the cheif? asks Faroo to his companion.
Come, grab some Huskies and lets make haste Eastward. Are you ready?

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:25 am
Yes brother! Mannitok replies to Faroo.

If Kalituk has left us... I don't like our chances.

He flashes Faroo a nervous grin as he rushes to the dogs. Faroo and Mannitok gather two of the four sleds remaining after Tornuaq had made his emberassing escape before the Combing ceremony had begun. Before they depart on the trail of their chief, Faroo notices the Thule boy Torngasak staring at him with pleading eyes. Faroo and Tornuaq had found the Thule boy on the edge of his war torn village. They had all but dropped off the boy with the Dorset before Tornuaq had raced off into the snow. Now Faroo was leaving and the mysterious Thule boy wated to come too.

Yuralria spots Torngusak lingering near Faroo as the Dorset tribe prepares to move.

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:43 pm
by Ash
Climb aboard youngling. Or have you got somewhere better to be? Speaks Faroo calmly.
Is it alright Mannitok?

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:56 pm
by trixie
Yuralria notices Faroo inviting the boy and approaches Torngusak from behind, then puts her hand on his shoulder. She smiles wanly at Faroo, appearing much like an overbearing parent, then looks to the boy with a certain concern for him.

"Torngusak, I'm not sure that's the best idea. You should stay with the group. You're the only one that can understand our new friend. And I still need to perform my ceremony on you, to help get your language back."
She smiles at him, then strokes his hair reassuringly. "You can ride with me?" she offers. "You can hold the reigns if you like."

Re: Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb : (Yuralria, Ogtuk-Luk, Unulaq )

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:43 pm
by Ash
Yah yah shouts Faroo to the dogs as they speed away to search for the Cheif.