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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:26 am
by trixie
Yuralria pauses her brushing and looks at Sedna quizzically, "What happened Sedna? Did you do something wrong? Or is it just his way?" She goes back to brushing gently, resting her one hand on Sedna's shoulder. She could still feel the electricity from her touch alone, and it was close to addictive to her senses.

I will not want to return to my people....I just know it.

Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:09 am

My brother forbid it.

Yuralria suddenly finds herself shooting up through the water. The comb she was holding, replaced by a long grooved spear. She passes by Ijiraat of all different arctic varieties, their red eyes watching her closely. Yuralria zooms past them all and is suddenly propelled out of the water and into the arctic air where the cold finally hits her.

ooc- roll a DEX x5 to see if you land good or fall on your ass. :P

Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:12 am
by trixie
OC Friggin Invisable Castle! She bites it big time...rolled a 95.

Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:57 pm
Return to Chapter 3 : Sedna's Comb