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Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:41 pm
by She Devil
Gudrun looks uncertainly between the two, and longingly at the bags of coins. He scratches the back of his neck thoughtfully and eyes Gunharr cautiously, sizing him up.

His eyes flicker between Ingvar and Gunharr, then finally he steps forward and fingers the pouch Gaeirmund is holding.

"What do you want from us?" he asks of the captain. "Following is easy.....but what do we have to give up?"

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:33 pm
Captain Gunharr moves closer and produces another small leather pouch; tossing it this time to Ingvar.

It's high time you lot learned your true purpose on Helluland. Your King has sent three ships to this barron waste of a Fuck hole..... Do you think your kind actually wishes to colonize this land. There are much greener pastures to the south. No... there is some other method to your king's madness and I have known this all along as have the other ships Captains.

Each ship holds a witch and bard... All that one needs to activate Odin's final rune; that rune which he so greedily kept for himself. Odin's secret is on this island lads and I aim to find it. You walk in the land of Midgard Gudrun and it's mountains are filled with tombs to the gods. The walls of Asagrd itself are close by. I can hear the Fenris Wolf howling for vengeance. I will take you into the mountains and whatever riches you lay your hands on are yours to keep.

Or continue on boys... Wander this frozen rock aimlessly til you find the skraeling blood you seek. But know I can can give you glory enough for Odin's head to turn and take notice that the boys of Gunharr will take their place in Valhalla by force if necessary..

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:53 am
by Basketvector
Ingvar tries to snatch the bag of coins away from Gaeirmund (oc. but probably misses if Gaeirmund resists).
snatches bag of gold (1d100=75)


"You better have enough gold for all of us 'Captain'", he says snidely.
"Walking through the icy wastes until we freeze to death doesn't sound like fun... but it's better than being mindless walking corpse, so you better keep your men the hell away from me Gunharr. I don't give two shits about Odin's rune... I want money. Lots and lots of money. And TAIL. LOTS of tail."

Ingvar growls and nods to himself, then looks to the other livng human to see what they will do.

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:48 pm
ooc- Captain Gunharr tossed Ingvar a leather pouch.

There's more than that in them mountains Ingvar!

Ingvar opens his pouch and the brilliance of the gems feeds the greed in his heart. The other Vikings begin to gather around Ingvar, gazing with hungry eyes at enough wealth for its owner to easily afford enough land to be considered lord.


Gueirmund's pouch contains similar treasure.

As for the Tail you be requesting! Harr! I think we can work somehting out....

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:34 am
by She Devil
Gudrun's eyes gleam at the money getting tossed around. "Ingvar! You are right to think twice! I want money....and....and tail too!" He smirks shyly, then pats his chest indicating his loyalty, "I will follow you captain! But if I wind up blue in the face.....all bets are off!"

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:32 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Gaeirmund still looks skeptical.

"Gold is fine and all, but I'm not sure I know what you're telling me. Do you mean we'll win our way into the favors of the gods, or fight them for a spot in Asgard? No amount of gold is worth the wrath of the gods."

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:36 pm

Gunharr laughs and slaps his last remaining zombie follower on the back. Hildegarr caughs up black oil and smiles through stained and broken teeth.

There's no fighting the gods son... We'll leave that to the great Black Wolf and the Ragnarok! There's glory in the mountains Gueirmund... Glory the gods can't ignore! They will have to let us in once we show them what we're made of! Once we have the Rune and the secret! This I promise! Gold, glory and life eternal in the halls of the king!

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:07 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Gaeirmund grins, relieved.

"Well, if it won't anger the gods, I'll do anything for gold and glory."

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:41 am
by She Devil
Gudrun raises his sword in the air, and grins, revealing a few missing teeth as he does.


He slaps his chest in agreement with the Captain.

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:31 am
by Basketvector
Ingvar rolls his eyes.

"All right goddammit... we'll follow you Gunharr. But you ain't my captain - and if one of your zombies gets out of line I will split you in two with my cack, got it?"

"Wipe your mouth Hildegarr"

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:07 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
"To the mountains!"

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:40 am
by Basketvector
Hey Mi-Go and She Devil -- DSIGFUSS had to send his computer away to be repaired. They told him 2 weeks, but he's hoping to be back on sooner than that. I guess we're on hiatus for a bit. Check back for more exciting barbarism!

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:40 pm
All the Vikings take their turn gazing at the pouch of colorful gems; each with a look of greed twinkling in their eye. With Melkorka and Oddlog gone, their numbers have dwindled. Ingvar, Tristan, Logain, Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Broddi and three other Viking oarsman remain.

The men get little sleep through the night with Captain Gunharr and his zombie henchman Hildegarr saying little but keeping a wary watch over the camp. The sun rises and the men head out. Captain Gunharr waits for the men to gather their supplies before addressing them.

We’ll be making a short detour before we head to the mountain boys. There’s something we’ll be needing… and someone!

Gunharr grins and begins to walk ahead of the other Vikings. He jestures for Logain to follow and the two talk awhile on point as Hildegarr lags behind them.

Tristan casts Gaeirmund a sideways glance and takes this first opportunity to speak with the others without Captain Gunharr’s undead ear listening to their every move.


Before this terrible curse befell the Captain, I heard him arguing with the witch of a rune hidden in the mountains. Odin’s rune. That must be what he’s after.

ooc- Roll Viking Mythos or Read/Write Runes. (Whichever is higher)

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:55 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
(Is the 00 for my character a score of zero or one hundred for Viking Mythos? Anyway, Rune Reading at 01 is probably higher.)

Gaeirmund has never heard of Odin's Rune.

"Odin's Rune?" he asks, not wanting to seem ignorant, "why would he be looking for that?"

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:55 pm
ooc- I'm going to assume everyone fails the read write runes check. If you pass then you get to add skill points when you reach the next chapter.

Tristan lowers his voice even lower.

Odin' Rune... Long ago, Odin uncovered 18 magical runes. They are source of his power over the gods. Over time he has shared this power to a lesser extent with his people but he kept the eighteenth rune for himslef.

Tristan bows his head and recites a verse from the Eddas. All who hear it, recognize it from their childhood or can recall it sung by bards in Taverns.

An eighteenth I know: which I ne'er shall tell
to maiden or wife of man
save alone to my sister, or haply to her
who folds me fast in her arms;
most safe are secrets known to but one-
the songs are sung to an end.

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:37 am
by Basketvector
Ingvar catches up with Hildegarr.

"So you ugly fuck, what's the underworld like? What happened to your buddy, Oddlog? You zombies eat him or what?"

sniff sniff
"God, I thought you smelled like shit when you were alive!" "You smell like shit Hildegar! Rotting shit!"

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:27 pm
Hildegarr slowly turns to Ingvar as he follows his blue skinned master. It seems like Hildegarr almost cracks a smile as Ingvar goads him on.


Odddddlgggg! Hengh! Shiiiiiiit! Hennnnngh! Hnnnn!

The Vikings continue their march along the ocean for close to an hour until Logain finally comes running back to the group.


There's a skraeling on the beach. Captain... er Gunharr needs him alive. He says he's important and possesses something... A knife that will lead us into the mountains.. So no killings you skags!

I need Volunteers.

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:57 pm
by She Devil
Gudrun peers into the distance curiously. "A knife? How could a knife lead us?" He scratches his head and wrinkles his brow thoughtfully.

Finally he shouts, "I'll go, Captain!" He seems surprisingly excited by this point.

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:35 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Gaeirmund produces the knife he looted.

"I've already got myself a Skraeling knife, and it doesn't seem to lead anywhere!"

Re: Chapter 3: Fallen Friends : Ingvar, Gaeirmund, Gudrun

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:19 pm
Captain Gunharr smiles at Gaeirmund.

The knife be of the gods lad. From the old days. It's power is linked to these lands. Bring him and the skraeling back to me alive. It seems the scramasax has chosen it's wielder. We'll need him to guide us through the mountains and carry the burden of the blade's power. Quickly before we lose him lads!