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IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:15 pm
by amarriner
St. Mary's Hospital
Receiving Room
Tuesday June 7, 1927 8:30 am

After a restless night's sleep Gregory is awake as ever on Tuesday morning. He hears a rapping on his front door. He opens it to find Jack stading there waiting for him. You ready? he says. Cab's waiting out front.

The two pile in the cab and head to St. Mary's to check on the strange man they found last night. The hospital is far less crowded this morning and they easily find a nurse who knows what's going on. Good morning gentlemen, how can I help you?

Miskatonic University
School of Human Conduct
Tuesday June 7, 1927 9:00 am

Albert strolls into his office after his morning class. There were a lot of absences today for some reason. That was probably for the best, though, as his mind wasn't really on the class. Mickey comes in almost immediately after Albert hoping the professor has any information. Albert sits down and phones the sanitarium.

At first the lines are busy so he hangs up and tries again ... same result. He tries three or four more times before almost giving up. The last time he tries he gets through to a gruff secretary of some kind, What is it? If this is the press I don't have any comment!

Donald is currently making his way towards the Sanitarium. He'll be pulled into the fold with the others shortly.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:26 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston
What is it? If this is the press I don't have any comment!
Here is Professor Albert Winston, from the Miskatonic University. I'd like to talk to Dr. Hardstrom regarding the young Atwater. If he can't talk now, I'd appreciate if you could connect me with someone that could give me some information about the young man's condition. I examined him yesterday and I'd like to know if there is some change in his conditions. Albert explains to the woman who answered the phone call.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:42 am
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
amarriner wrote:St. Mary's Hospital
Good morning gentlemen, how can I help you?
Good morning, Nurse...? My name is Mr. Atkinson and this is Mr. Roberts. We are working for the father of Richard Cardigan I'm assuming the whole town has heard of the event, but will elaborate if she has not heard and there was an older gentleman brought in here last evening who was not in a very good state. We would like to inquire as to his condition and possibly have a word with him. This is a tragic affair and any explanation would could provide for the family would be somewhat of a small consolation to them.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:58 pm
by amarriner
Miskatonic University
Miss Scarlet wrote:Albert Winston
Here is Professor Albert Winston, from the Miskatonic University. I'd like to talk to Dr. Hardstrom regarding the young Atwater. If he can't talk now, I'd appreciate if you could connect me with someone that could give me some information about the young man's condition. I examined him yesterday and I'd like to know if there is some change in his conditions. Albert explains to the woman who answered the phone call.
Yeah well, Dr. Hardstrom is a little ... busy right now. He's being interviewed by the police! That's their word for it, anyway--interviewed. I call it an interrogation, myself! He didn't have anything to do with that boy getting away, I can tell you that much ...

St. Mary's Hospital
Samuel wrote:Good morning, Nurse...? My name is Mr. Atkinson and this is Mr. Roberts. We are working for the father of Richard Cardigan and there was an older gentleman brought in here last evening who was not in a very good state. We would like to inquire as to his condition and possibly have a word with him. This is a tragic affair and any explanation would could provide for the family would be somewhat of a small consolation to them.
Nurse Brody, dear, thank you. Oh that poor man. His condition is rather bad, I'm sorry to say. He woke up late last night screaming and in terrible pain. Nothing we could do seemed to help him in the slightest. We were able to question him much, though the police wanted to. He just kept shouting, Atwater, Atwater! Awful. I don't know how he's alive, to be honest with you, sir. He just seems to old. And to be buried alive like that for God knows how long?

At any rate, unfortunately you won't be able to talk to him just now. We decided to transfer him to the Sanitarium just a short while ago. With all they're going through today, though, it might be some time before he's settled in there.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:38 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
amarriner wrote:Miskatonic University
At any rate, unfortunately you won't be able to talk to him just now. We decided to transfer him to the Sanitarium just a short while ago. With all they're going through today, though, it might be some time before he's settled in there.
Thank you, Nurse Brody, good day to you. To Jack: I guess it's back to the San for us. Gregory leaves to find a cab back across town. He keeps screaming Atwater's name, hmmm....

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:23 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston
He didn't have anything to do with that boy getting away, I can tell you that much...
I beg your pardon, you are saying the young Atwater left the Sanitarium? Winston asks surprised.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:29 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

After a restless night, Mickey got himself ready and made his way to Albert's office. Keen to head out to the hospital to check on the progress of the man from the campsite, Mickey wanted to check if Albert had an update.

Seating himself down whilst the doctor is on the phone, Mickey look stunned to hear Albert announce that Altwater is no longer at the sanitarium.

Impetuously interrupting Albert, Mickey says, What happened? Where'd he go? Did he discharge himself or has he escaped? It's nothing suspicious is it?

Realising that Albert will obtain all the answers to these questions more quickly if he quietens down, Mickey settles back down in his seat and looks expectantly at Albert.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:55 pm
by amarriner
St. Mary's Hospital
Samuel wrote:Gregory Atkinson
Thank you, Nurse Brody, good day to you. To Jack: I guess it's back to the San for us. Gregory leaves to find a cab back across town. He keeps screaming Atwater's name, hmmm....
Gregory and Jack walk back outside the Hospital. While Gregory looks for a cab, Jack says, Wonder what she meant by "what they're going through today" ... He sees a paper boy on the corner and walks over to grab a copy of the Gazette. He rushes back to Gregory who has just successfully acquired a cab for them and shoves the paper at him. Look at this!!!
Arkham Gazette for Tuesday June 7th, 1927 wrote: BREAKOUT AT THE ASYLUM!
Late last night, an inmate escaped from Arkham Sanitarium. The patient, Henry Atwater, was being treated for severe shock of unknown cause since the past weekend. Not many details are known, as yet, but police are looking into the matter.
The article goes on a bit, but nothing much else of interest is there.

Miskatonic University
Miss Scarlet wrote:I beg your pardon, you are saying the young Atwater left the Sanitarium? Winston asks surprised.
Huh? Well he didn't really leave so much as escape. Don't you read the papers! We've had press and coppers all over the place this morning. You want me to see if I can get Dr. Hardstrom away from the police? I don't know if they'll let him, but I can try.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:18 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

I was in class since early this morning, didn't have time to read the papers...

Don't bother calling him, but if you can tell Dr. Hardstom I'm on my way. This is very strange...
Winston shakes his head as it was hard to believe all of this is really happens.

He hangs off the phone and turns to Mickey. I'm sorry, we have to go to the Sanitarium right away. It seems Henry has escaped... Mickey, please get today's paper on my desk. Ms. Dalto always put it there. Check for any news about Henry, would you?

Meanwhile, Winston will make a quick call to the St. Mary's Hospital to get an update on the old man's conditions.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:47 pm
by amarriner
Miskatonic University
Miss Scarlet wrote:Albert Winston
He hangs off the phone and turns to Mickey. I'm sorry, we have to go to the Sanitarium right away. It seems Henry has escaped... Mickey, please get today's paper on my desk. Ms. Dalto always put it there. Check for any news about Henry, would you?
Mickey dashes out of Albert's office and returns in a second or two with a copy of the Gazette for today. Take a look, Dr. Winston! On the front page, they both read:
Arkham Gazette for Tuesday June 7th 1927 wrote: BREAKOUT AT THE ASYLUM!
Late last night, an inmate escaped from Arkham Sanitarium. The patient, Henry Atwater, was being treated for severe shock of unknown cause since the past weekend. Not many details are known, as yet, but police are looking into the matter.
There's not much else of note in the article.
Miss Scarlet wrote:Meanwhile, Winston will make a quick call to the St. Mary's Hospital to get an update on the old man's conditions.
Albert gets right through to s receptionist who puts him on hold briefly so she can get the information for him. He learns that the old man is being transferred to the Asylum. There may be some delay getting him checked-in because of the goings on there today, but he'll be there within the hour. They still don't know his name or what he was doing there.

I'll post a new Sanitarium thread tomorrow with everyone there unless there are other posts today where people wish to do other things before reaching the asylum.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:30 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Refreshed and reted, Donald puts on a pair of khaki trousers, a blue shirt and a beige coat and decides to take advantage of the beautiful morning and walk to the Sanitarium.
A morning stroll always turns out for the best. he says while humming to himself joufully, all the unpleasantries of yesterday clearly forgotten.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:10 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston thanks the receptionist and says he's going to the Asylum right now regarding another patient. He'll try to check what he can do there to speed up things to the old man check-in.

Albert reads the note on the front page only to confirm what he had heard from the nurse.

Mickey, we have to go there right now. The old man is also being transfer to the Sanitarium. Maybe we can find Donald in our way out. He says and tells Ms. Dalto he'll be at the Arkham Sanitarium for the next hours.

Then he leaves his office heading to his car in the parking lot.

Master, if we have luck we can meet Donald in our way out of the University and ask him to come with us.

Re: IC: Scene 5 - Day 2 Begins

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:45 pm
by amarriner
Actually, Donald is already at the Sanitarium. I just didn't post for him because I didn't want you guys to know about the escape yet. :) I'll be posting a new IC thread shortly.