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IC: Scene 4b - E. E. Saltonstall & Assoc.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:12 pm
by amarriner
E. E. Saltonstall & Associates
Monday June 6, 1927 6:05 pm

Jack and Gregory hitch a ride with the cops. Jack seems to know a few so he talks them into it. They get back to Arkham around 6 in the evening and the police drop them off at the law office. The lights are on inside as Saltonstall rarely leaves until 8 or so.

Re: IC: Scene 4b - E. E. Saltonstall & Assoc.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:07 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson

Wanting to get this over with quickly, Gregory will ask pretty much just march right into Saltonstall's office and report:
Bad news, boss, we found Richard Cardigan dead.
Unless someone else is in the office with him, then:
Mr. Saltonstall, we need to talk alone, right away.

Re: IC: Scene 4b - E. E. Saltonstall & Assoc.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:11 pm
by amarriner
No one is in the office when Gregory walks in. Saltonstall looks up from his documents, eyes wide: What? What the hell are you talking about, Atkinson? What do you mean he's dead? Gregory can tell he's trying to think about how he'll break the news to the boy's father.

Re: IC: Scene 4b - E. E. Saltonstall & Assoc.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:32 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
amarriner wrote:No one is in the office when Gregory walks in. Saltonstall looks up from his documents, eyes wide: What? What the hell are you talking about, Atkinson? What do you mean he's dead? Gregory can tell he's trying to think about how he'll break the news to the boy's father.
Better him than me...
We found his body by the shore of the river by the campsite, the cops missed it entirely, and it doesn't look pretty, sir: scavengers started to have their way with it.
It gets stranger, though, there was a living man underneath Richard's body, he seems old and crazed and nobody could get anything out of him. They took him to the hospital, we'll have to wait until morning before we can find anything else out.
I'm hoping that you can get to the boy's father before the cops do, it might make it easier on the family, and I don't think Mr. Cardigan will be very happy with the police about this.

Re: IC: Scene 4b - E. E. Saltonstall & Assoc.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:40 pm
by amarriner
Unbelieveable! The body was there the whole time, and the coppers never found it?! Herbert's probably going to want to sue ... He pauses in thought for a moment. Poor Richard. Poor Herbert! So who the hell is this other person? I don't recall anyone other than Atwater going with Cardigan. I think he had something to do with it! Saltonstall is apparently forgetting that the man was buried underneath Cardigan, but he seems undeterred. Well, get to the bottom of this, Atkinson. I want to be able to tell Herbert we're doing our best to figure out what happened despite the police. Need to find out if there's anything more they missed, you know?

Re: IC: Scene 4b - E. E. Saltonstall & Assoc.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:59 pm
by Samuel
amarriner wrote:Well, get to the bottom of this, Atkinson. I want to be able to tell Herbert we're doing our best to figure out what happened despite the police. Need to find out if there's anything more they missed, you know?
There's nothing else I can do tonight, but we met one of Richard's professors and he seems to have some pull at the Sanitarium, so I'll be there first thing in the morning. Between Atwater and this old man, somebody has to know something. Maybe Jack can help out with the cops, he seems to know some of them.

Re: IC: Scene 4b - E. E. Saltonstall & Assoc.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:40 pm
by amarriner
Jack nods. I know some of them. Sometimes that certainly helps. There's a few that don't like me much, but I have a good rapport with the department.