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OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:48 pm
by amarriner
Welcome to The Condemned!
This thread is for chatting about anything out of character. Speak your mind! :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:36 am
by HellBlazer
Hello everybody! Hope we have ourselves a good game!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:58 am
by amarriner
Welcome aboard, HellBlazer. We're pitching character ideas and doing some rolling in the Character Gen. thread (though you and I have already chatted about what you might be). Give it a look and ask any character-related questions there. Then either PM me your character or post it in that thread for me to look over.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:31 pm
by Zombiedla
I'll be following this game. Good luck everyone :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:29 pm
by Dondero
Hi Hellblazer....we meet again!! Glad to see you made it over here, after the premature death of our other game! :D

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:52 pm
by amarriner
Zombiedla wrote:I'll be following this game. Good luck everyone :)
Hey there Zombie! Thanks for following along. I hope it's a fun game.

Also, Miss Scarlet is going to be our sixth player. I'm not going to close this game to new players as 6 is plenty and I don't really want more than that right now. So I'm looking forward to getting things started! We're almost there.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:31 pm
by zielonobrody
Throw in a "Visitors" thread, so visitors can comment on our gaming skills and keeping skills ;) And an itsy bitsy rules idea: if we could bold any character or NPC names(I saw that on some other thread).

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:04 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:Throw in a "Visitors" thread, so visitors can comment on our gaming skills and keeping skills ;) And an itsy bitsy rules idea: if we could bold any character or NPC names(I saw that on some other thread).
Good ideas. I'll get those in sometime today. Thanks!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:40 am
by zielonobrody
O Great Keeper of Ye Olde Mysterese! :D Since the student and coach are ready to go, we might as well begin(maybe that'll mobilize the rest of the players to hurry up with character creation ;) )

Alright alright, I'll wait quietly :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:26 pm
by Dondero
lol...I'm good to get started when you're ready too, amarriner!! Aren't we an enthusiastic bunch?? ;)

Looking through zielon's background, there' s not going to be much common ground - jock baseball coach vs uber-nerd. Assuming just a vague association?

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:50 pm
by zielonobrody
Maybe you're gonna be the newest addition to the team ;) Come to practice, I'll see if there's anything I can teach you(if you're any good). As I've written I employ mostly nerds to the team :D

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:50 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Hello folks,

I'm glad to join you in this game. I posted in "Character Ideas and Generation" about my character.

If Keeper approves it I'll be ready to play soon. :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:56 pm
by zielonobrody
We're glad to have you along on the death squad(or insanity squad, whichever it'll turn out to be) :)

I'll be trying real hard to go insane asap and I intend to have a lot of fun along the way :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:00 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:O Great Keeper of Ye Olde Mysterese! :D Since the student and coach are ready to go, we might as well begin(maybe that'll mobilize the rest of the players to hurry up with character creation ;) )
Well, actually I'd considered that. ;)

I'm looking forward to getting started and since you guys are pretty enthusiastic (as Dondero mentioned), I'd hate to lose that. In order to get you two together, I was thinking of having one of the two students mentioned in the adventure description be on the baseball team so Donald knows him and since he's a botany student as well Mickey would know him, too.

I guess my only hesitation is that Riotopsys would be left by himself for a while until the lawyer and the investigator get started as I thought his character would start with them. Although, maybe I can work him in with Miss Scarlet's character as well.

I guess let's see how today goes and I'll make a decision from there. Sound good?

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:03 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I usually try to get alive, but get insane is always an option. :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:08 pm
by Riotopsys
I'm ready when you guys are

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:13 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'm sorry the delay in posting the Character Sheet, but for me the site was out until now...

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:33 pm
by Riotopsys
Miss Scarlet wrote:I'm sorry the delay in posting the Character Sheet, but for me the site was out until now...
same here just got it back within' the last hour or so.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:36 pm
by amarriner
Riotopsys wrote:
Miss Scarlet wrote:I'm sorry the delay in posting the Character Sheet, but for me the site was out until now...
same here just got it back within' the last hour or so.
Me, too. I think it was down a bit last night as well. Hope everything's okay!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:09 am
by Samuel
I submitted my character, sorry for lagging a bit, awaiting approval and am otherwise ready to go. I'll post a background once our respected Keeper gives me the thumbs up.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:59 pm
by amarriner
Samuel's and Hellblazer's characters are complete (though Samuel's is not in the DP thread just yet) so we're all ready to go! I'm going to get the initial scenes up today and you can start posting in them. No one had any issues with what I mentioned in the Character Gen thread so that's how I'm going to start things.

There will be two separate threads for the two groups until you meet up (which shouldn't take too long). I don't mind if you read both of them, but be sure you keep your character's knowledge separate from your own. :)

Lastly, thanks again for playing. As I mentioned this is my first time as a Keeper so I hope it goes well. Feel free to let me know if you think it can be going better or tips on improvement. Thanks for bearing with me!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:24 pm
by amarriner
Sorry for the double-post. The two threads are up and players can post any time. In the "Students" thread, only Mickey is active right now, but he'll be picking up Albert and Donald in short order. Enjoy the game!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:42 pm
by Dondero
Great intro, amarriner...hope we can all do justice to all your hard work!!

Forgive me for being old, stupid and a technophobe, but what's a RSS Feed? Would I know if I have or need one???

PS Don't worry about being a new Keeper, we'll be gentle with you! :twisted:

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:47 pm
by Riotopsys

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:24 pm
by amarriner
Dondero wrote:Great intro, amarriner...hope we can all do justice to all your hard work!!

Forgive me for being old, stupid and a technophobe, but what's a RSS Feed? Would I know if I have or need one???

PS Don't worry about being a new Keeper, we'll be gentle with you! :twisted:
Hey Dondero, thanks! I really hope I can do a good job. :)

As Riotopsys mentioned (and linked to), RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. Essentially there is RSS reader software out there (Google reader is one, Firefox has something I believe) that you can give RSS feeds to which are no more than web addresses (URLs). The reader software periodically checks these feeds to see if there is new content and if so will tell you about it. It's somewhat analogous to an email inbox (sort of). So, if you subscribed to the RSS feed for this game, for example, any time there was a new post in The Condemned forum your RSS reader would tell you about it. It's pretty slick. I use Google Reader, but I'm sure there are others that might be better or just as good.

So instead of going to 10 different websites to see if there's anything new, you just use your RSS reader and it will tell you (all in one spot) whether there's new content (and what it is) on all 10 sites. Of course you can subscribe to more than 10 feeds, too, natch.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:48 pm
by Dondero
That sounds pretty good...if I'm feeling brave, I might give it a go...thanks guys!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:38 pm
by Samuel
Dondero wrote:That sounds pretty good...if I'm feeling brave, I might give it a go...thanks guys!
Most email/news clients can read RSS as well (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) I use Thunderbird and it's nice to see all types of new messages in one place window.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:34 pm
by zielonobrody
I'm sorry if I missed anything important, but I think not. I'll be going to sleep in about an hour(yep.. different time zones) so if anything is to happen to me today, I hope it happens soon :D Otherwise, I'll reply in the morning(around 1AM NY time). I hope It won't be too big a burden for everyone. I hope you don't use me as a living shield(yet :D )

Cheers! :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:59 pm
by Dondero
I think we're almost ready to meet our Human Shield, zielon!!

Phew, this has been quite a night of posting for me.....exhaustion looms ;)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:31 am
by zielonobrody
Nite everyone :) Hope you don't mind me barging in on the action :)

Keeper, please don't kill me in practice :D

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:33 am
by amarriner
I just got in, but am headed to bed so I'll be replying to both threads in the morning!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:16 pm
by amarriner
In case it's not understood, you don't need to wait for me to post in response before someone else posts. Especially if you're in a conversation or one character is asking something of another.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:16 pm
by Samuel

Speaking of locations, which map are we using? I do not have the Arkham supplement, and the maps online either show different parts of town or conflict with each other. It isn't the biggest deal, but I'd like to get a good visualization for the area we are in. Can you point me to an online map that agrees with yours or something?


Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:27 pm
by amarriner
I'm using the one from the arkham supplement which I believe was the one reproduced in the newer rulebooks. I'll see what I can do about getting a copy up here. I'm not sure there is one online already, but I'll try to find one.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:01 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I scanned this map. Is this the one you are using?

Map of Arkham City:

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:19 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:I scanned this map. Is this the one you are using?

Map of Arkham City:
It's similar to that, but expanded a little. I'm working on getting it up for you all. Should have it relatively, soon.

On another subject, I'm typically far less active over the weekend, so you might get a post or two out of me, but most of the time I'll be posting during the week.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:31 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'm sorry. Only now I realize this is only the northern part. This is the complete one.

But it's not detailed as the other one. I'll scan the other half and post here, if it's OK for you.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:35 pm
by amarriner
Sure if you want, you can post it. That's the map I have, I believe. I'm going to mark it up with the locations we've been to and post it. Probably won't be until Monday, though, unless I can find the time to do it this weekend. Thanks!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:50 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'm sorry the map is already marked. It belongs to my husband that has used him a lot. But I'll scan the other half. :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:58 pm
by amarriner
Oh no problem at all, thanks! I might just end up using the one I have, but it can't hurt to have yours up for the time being. If I do get mine up, I'll post it in a new thread so there's no confusion.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:22 pm
by Dondero
Come on "Students, Professors & Coaches"!! The "Lawyers, Interpreters & Investigators" are beating us 29 posts to 28....and we were thrashing them yesterday! They must have had a surge of posts today What? You mean it's not a race? Oh, OK then.....

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:23 pm
by amarriner
Dondero wrote:Come on "Students, Professors & Coaches"!! The "Lawyers, Interpreters & Investigators" are beating us 29 posts to 28....and we were thrashing them yesterday! They must have had a surge of posts today What? You mean it's not a race? Oh, OK then.....
And it looks like the two groups might be merging soon ... :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:18 pm
by zielonobrody
Dondero wrote:Come on "Students, Professors & Coaches"!! The "Lawyers, Interpreters & Investigators" are beating us 29 posts to 28....and we were thrashing them yesterday! They must have had a surge of posts today What? You mean it's not a race? Oh, OK then.....
Phew! That was close! :D I tied the game. we're going into overtime. It's golden goal or bust, ladies! (no pun in ten did).

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:25 pm
by amarriner
Since all six of you are in the same physical place now, I've locked the two separate threads and started a single new one. Any of you can post in the new thread now as you're all together, though you haven't all met and two of you inside the sanitarium while the rest are outside.

If I'm jumping places too quickly please let me know, or if I'm not giving you enough time to roleplay well let me know. In other words, if there's something you'd like me to do or not do just tell me. :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:33 pm
by Dondero
Well, I'm thoroughly enjoying this so far....don't think I've ever played in such a fast paced start, it's great! Kudos to all my fellow players where English is your second language, those are some pretty amazing posts!

Just one question, amarriner - do we need to think about equipment and/or weapons?

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:39 pm
by Samuel
amarriner wrote:Since all six of you are in the same physical place now, I've locked the two separate threads and started a single new one. Any of you can post in the new thread now as you're all together, though you haven't all met and two of you inside the sanitarium while the rest are outside.

If I'm jumping places too quickly please let me know, or if I'm not giving you enough time to roleplay well let me know. In other words, if there's something you'd like me to do or not do just tell me. :)
I'm still waiting to hear from Jack, in case he has something to say or do, but as Odine has already inferred a bit more than a business relationship, I would assume Gregory would be a gentleman enough to have gone outside after her to ask what is wrong, and inquire if she needs help.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:43 pm
by zielonobrody
[concerning weapons] What good will it do if you KNOW you''l be disassembled in the long run? :D I can improvise with a tree if I have to. Any redwoods lyin' around? :D

[concerning kudos] Actually I learned English as my second language in Pennsylvania for 5 years... no wait... darn! that means no kudos 4 me :evil: That was a long time ago though and I was seven...

[concerning down-time] Since the Keeper's informing us about his down time, I'll inform that I'll be out on Wednesday, as I'm playing a concert. and the next weekend goes down the drain with two more concerts. free beer for me :D

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:49 pm
by Dondero
I know what you mean...I'm also playing in the Haunting, and I'm getting more use out of a crowbar, a screwdriver and I've just put together a lassoo. I like how Cthulhu gets you to improvise. Besides, what kind of weapons could a botany student have access to - a trowel maybe? Some never know when they'll come in handy I suppose :o

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:52 pm
by zielonobrody
A scythe! Buhuhahaha! :lol:

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:03 am
by Dondero
Great idea....although with your planned absences, zielon, Big Donald may end up meeting a scythe up close and personal courtesy of the Grim Reaper.... :twisted:

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:07 am
by zielonobrody
Oh please, as if I didn't know already. What I do for fame... ;)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:19 am
by Dondero
Hey, rock on Fugu Fish!! Great site - good luck with the concerts....don't forget your Cthulhu buddies though when you're a big star ;)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:28 am
by Riotopsys
Samuel wrote: I'm still waiting to hear from Jack, in case he has something to say or do, but as Odine has already inferred a bit more than a business relationship, I would assume Gregory would be a gentleman enough to have gone outside after her to ask what is wrong, and inquire if she needs help.
Sorry, I just got the idea in my head that she want's to be married by thirty I hope i'm not stepping on your concept, Gregory just jumped out as a good candidate.

by the way I am enjoying the way this is going my self, I've never done a pbp before how am i doing.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:40 am
by Miss Scarlet
Dondero wrote:Well, I'm thoroughly enjoying this so far....don't think I've ever played in such a fast paced start, it's great! Kudos to all my fellow players where English is your second language, those are some pretty amazing posts!

Just one question, amarriner - do we need to think about equipment and/or weapons?
"Muito obrigada", which means "Thank you very much" in Portuguese. I've studied English only in Brazil, but playing pbf help me a lot.

About guns, Winston has a gun... :P

Edit: And I'm loving this game, specially the players (you folks are very good).

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:15 am
by Miss Scarlet
Arkham Maps

The map is big so I scaned it in four parts.

| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |

Part 1: Image

Part 2: Image
Arkham Sanitarium is at East Derby St. with North Peabody Ave.

Part 3: Image
Miskatonic University is indicated on the map (top left side).

Part 4: Image

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:22 am
by HellBlazer
you are ALL beating me in posts.....sorry for being so quiet....
I just got home and it is 230 in the iam going to bed but i promise as soon as i wake i will catch up on all that is going on in our story.
so just bear with me for a few hours and ill read all the new stuff in the "lawyers , interpreters and p.i" thread ect.... and ill add to the story , i dont want to hold you folks up but i do appreciate it.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:27 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Don't worry. Take your time. We, fortunatelly, got more time than you, but you don't need to hurry to catch up on us. This is the beautiful of pbf, you can play when you can play. :)

Have nice dreams...

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:53 pm
by Samuel
Riotopsys wrote:Sorry, I just got the idea in my head that she want's to be married by thirty I hope i'm not stepping on your concept, Gregory just jumped out as a good candidate.

by the way I am enjoying the way this is going my self, I've never done a pbp before how am i doing.
No problem at all, doesn't change my character at all. He has had a bit of a hard time, so with a new job and a nice girl that seems interested, maybe he's starting to think things are finally looking up. Oh the poor sap, how little he knows, Mwuh ha ha ha ha (cue dramatic music).

My first also, I like it. Trying to get a weekly meeting together when everyone has jobs, kids, etc. does not work like when we were in high school. I am no judge, but it seems like everybody, including yourself, is really into their characters and that makes a good game. I would guess that the real game killers in play by post (or forum, or mail, etc.) is going MIA or not playing a character consistently.

Out of curiosity, where is the "Grayest place on earth!"? Seattle? Wales? Maximum Security Prison? A gray paint factory?

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:18 pm
by Riotopsys
Grayest place on earth!

Is an inside joke between me and a college roommate about Western New York, after looking out our window we decided we only needed a pallet of 4 colors to paint any scene here black, white, brown, and safety yellow.

It's an abysmally depressing place.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:31 pm
by Riotopsys
Does invisible castle just like to give high numbers or something? at this rate we might as well reserve a room at the sanitarium now.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:09 pm
by HellBlazer
Riotopsys wrote:Does invisible castle just like to give high numbers or something? at this rate we might as well reserve a room at the sanitarium now.
you're telling me!!! I might have to pull my gun to get us into that patients room! :twisted: just kidding of course.
But now I know what skills as a private investigator that I should have focused on in character creation , oh well if i stay alive i can upgrade him later.....

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:45 pm
by Samuel
Anyone want to figure the odds on if we'll make it through the first day? Is there another dice rolling service out there? I'm beginning to think that some malignant force may be exerting its dark will against us.........

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:58 pm
by Samuel
Riotopsys wrote:Grayest place on earth!

Is an inside joke between me and a college roommate about Western New York, after looking out our window we decided we only needed a pallet of 4 colors to paint any scene here black, white, brown, and safety yellow.

It's an abysmally depressing place.
Here's what it looks like out my window (if I walked a few hundred yards with it in my hand). I'm only bragging because it has been seriously storming for almost a week straight, but finally, the sun is out again!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:12 pm
by Riotopsys
Ok as soon as the batteries charge for my camera I'll show you how lousy it is here.

I've been to CA everything was gorgeous even the trash.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:50 pm
by Samuel
Riotopsys wrote:Ok as soon as the batteries charge for my camera I'll show you how lousy it is here.

I've been to CA everything was gorgeous even the trash.
You obviously didn't spend much time down Fresno and Bakersfield, nor the trailer parks in the north part of the state. I do like Sonoma County though. I must, considering the rent I pay (ugh).
Last week at this time I was at a friends house riding out the storm. Power was off at my place and the 70+mph gusts had their way with my trees. It isn't always perfect weather here, just usually. :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:25 am
by Riotopsys
Samuel wrote:
Riotopsys wrote:Ok as soon as the batteries charge for my camera I'll show you how lousy it is here.

I've been to CA everything was gorgeous even the trash.
You obviously didn't spend much time down Fresno and Bakersfield, nor the trailer parks in the north part of the state. I do like Sonoma County though. I must, considering the rent I pay (ugh).
Last week at this time I was at a friends house riding out the storm. Power was off at my place and the 70+mph gusts had their way with my trees. It isn't always perfect weather here, just usually. :)
we caught part of that storm too, took out several trees, and 30k houses were without power. we faired well ourselves thow

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:14 am
by amarriner
Lots to respond to so I'll do my best here. As I mentioned, weekends are tough for me so it's likely I won't post much on them, sorry. I shall do my best, though. I'll post in the IC thread tomorrow.

Invisible Castle rolls
You should see my character in Miss Scarlet's "Murder in Arkham" game. He's had two rolls of 100 on SAN checks so far so I feel your pain. :)

I'm definitely enjoying the game so far so I'm glad you guys are, too. Seeing as it's my first game as a Keeper, I'm really hoping for things to go fairly smoothly!

New York
Ah a fellow New York Stater. I'm on the east side of the state just outside of Albany.

Yeah it would probably be beneficial to give a bit more thought to equipment that you might be carrying as well as things you might have where you live. Not a huge deal just yet, but it might come into play soon. As a general rule, if it makes sense for your character to have something I tend to let you have it. Certainly feel free to run things by me, though.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:54 pm
by amarriner
Back in business for the week. Again sorry for delaying things over the weekend, but that's going to be a constant thing, unfortunately. I feel bad because we have a good amount of momentum going and I don't want to stop it.

Incidentally, I was happy with the way the two groups met up. I wasn't sure where they were going to meet up, but the Sanitarium is a good a place as any and certainly the timing seemed to be just right.

On with the game! :)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:25 pm
by zielonobrody
I have another proposition. That when a new page appears in any topic, we look back to see if there is any ooc stuff that we posted earlier or some dualities in our posts and remove them. I think that way we can make the story more readable to future viewers. Or when we finish a topic maybe?
Another thing I thought of. If the topics could be numbered in the order that things were happening, sort of like chapters, it would be clearer to viewers, no?

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:02 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:I have another proposition. That when a new page appears in any topic, we look back to see if there is any ooc stuff that we posted earlier or some dualities in our posts and remove them. I think that way we can make the story more readable to future viewers. Or when we finish a topic maybe?
Another thing I thought of. If the topics could be numbered in the order that things were happening, sort of like chapters, it would be clearer to viewers, no?
Yeah that's a good idea to number things. This adventure isn't really broken down into chapters, per se, so I've labelled them as scenes for now. Well only one scene so far. :)

As for editing the old posts. I don't want to do that too much, but maybe if there's something really confusing or some conflicting posts we can do that at some point.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:27 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Winston is waiting for Mickey or the Coach to introduce him or for the others to introduce them. I'm not considering what Jack said because he came out before Albert. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:32 pm
by zielonobrody
I think Donald doesn't have anything to say at the moment. wake up people ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:38 pm
by Dondero
Yeah, he's too busy making eyes at Ondine!! ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:48 pm
by amarriner
Sounds like Albert wants to take Mickey or Donald. Just let me know who's going and I'll get you in to see the patient. You'll also have a chance to talk to the detective, if you want to as he leaves.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:51 pm
by zielonobrody
Does Donald know The Patient?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:56 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Nothing against the other group :) but I think it would be better for the patient to see a face that could recognize from the campus. Maybe it'll help him to begin talking.

I'd rather be the Coach, because Mickey it too agitated and it won't do any good for Henry. zielonobrody, do you want to see the patient?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:00 pm
by zielonobrody
I was thinking the same thing, but I wouldn't want to scare him even more with my looming presence... But I'll go. I won't be available tomorrow though, so we might hit a stop if we don't finish in an hour, cause I gotta sleep a bit. Tomorrow's the big day for me. My band's first full length concert :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:04 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'll be here. Now everything is in our keeper's hands. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:06 pm
by amarriner
I'm done for the day, unfortunately, so we'll have to pick up the patient talk on Thursday. There can still be more discussion between the characters outside the asylum before then, though, if they want to.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:08 pm
by Miss Scarlet
On Thursday will be. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:19 pm
by zielonobrody
I'll try to squeeze in a post or two around 1230 CET, but that's probably all I can manage. Till then!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:54 am
by Riotopsys
Sorry guys like I said earlier work to day was nuts, I didn't ever get to read my mail till 6 hours into the shift.

You can tell your supervisor that the equipment is obsolete until your blue in the face. he won't understand until its got smoke rolling out the back out it and no vendor wants to touch it, that it is, indeed, time for a succession plan.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:03 pm
by Riotopsys
Riotopsys wrote:Ok as soon as the batteries charge for my camera I'll show you how lousy it is here.

I've been to CA everything was gorgeous even the trash.
got my camera fixed, behold the horror
p1010015sm.jpg (40.08 KiB) Viewed 1189 times

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:40 pm
by Miss Scarlet
This is what I see from my window. On the left is the Sheraton Hotel, on the right is one of the 8 buildings that compose the area where I live. It's usual here to have some buildings surrounded by a fence (no need to be a high one), with swimming pool and sport areas, some small shops.


It's now 6:40 pm (daylight saving time).

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:51 pm
by Riotopsys
Wow nice, a little bit of an ocean view, and sun.

thanks for giving us a look.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:02 pm
by zielonobrody
Nice:) My view is similar to none of the three shown, but it's not very interesting. This is the view from my window:

My hearing has been wasted today. But it was fun :) I put in earplugs halfway through... boy, what relief. I'm never waiting that long again. It'll be better tomorrow... hopefully ;) Since I'm totally wasted(tired, not drunk), I'll hit the bed in 5. Till tomorrow!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:53 am
by zielonobrody
Smooth move HellBlazer! I wouldn't have thought of that myself. I guess I was anticipating entering too much and it clouded my vision ;) Beer4U !

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:00 pm
by Samuel
Sorry for the extended silence, I unexpectedly got laid off Monday and have been scrambling to get things in order. I'm glad to see the scenario carried on without me. I will have a good amount of free time for a while, so expect more direct involvement. I think it would be useless to go back and fill in the missed dialog, so assume polite responses, small talk and attentive listening from Jack's part in the previous exchanges.


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:04 pm
by amarriner
Wow, sorry to hear that, Samuel. That really sucks. :( Hope everything turns out okay.

Obviously no worries on the game. Yeah we've progressed a little, but not too much really so you're not really that far behind or anything. Feel free to respond whenever you'd like.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:57 pm
by Riotopsys
Samuel wrote:Sorry for the extended silence, I unexpectedly got laid off Monday and have been scrambling to get things in order. I'm glad to see the scenario carried on without me. I will have a good amount of free time for a while, so expect more direct involvement. I think it would be useless to go back and fill in the missed dialog, so assume polite responses, small talk and attentive listening from Jack's part in the previous exchanges.

Sorry to here that, I know how much it sucks to find work. Just remember when on an interview Lie to everyone, especially your self.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:19 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I hope you find something soon, Samuel. My best luck wishes for you. :)

Winston will post now. Busy day for me and quiet for him...

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:05 pm
by zielonobrody
I guess I should roll for Listen if I bend down and try to listen, yes? I will be doing so. I mean Donald. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:09 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:I guess I should roll for Listen if I bend down and try to listen, yes? I will be doing so. I mean Donald. :)
Actually, don't bother. Once you get closer you'll be able to hear the words he's saying without rolling. Don't worry, though, I'll call for another roll after the next post. ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:12 pm
by zielonobrody
oh well. i'll just remove it then. I got a bit ahead of myself. sorry.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:13 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:oh well. i'll just remove it then. I got a bit ahead of myself. sorry.
Nah, don't worry about it. You can leave it. No big deal.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:10 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'll wait to see if zielonobrody was succeed in the History roll (I wasn't, it was close though). Then I'll post with Winston.

Good luck, "old chap". :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:15 pm
by zielonobrody
I have failed MISERABLY!
History Check (1d100=91)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:50 pm
by Riotopsys
I ran 400 1d100 and compared it with a flat distribution. invisible castle's mean, median and, standard deviation all checked out close to the flat distribution. We're just really unlucky i guess.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:03 am
by zielonobrody
That's fantastic! :D Oh, no wait... no it's not :evil:

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:05 am
by Miss Scarlet
I've been reasonably lucky. I got 22, but I only had 20% (basis skill).

History: 20% (almost)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:12 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Zielonobrody, did I step over your character's action? I sincerely hope not, at least it wasn't my intention. As you wrote "So they either leave or stay, no difference." I thought it'd be better if they had left the room, so I placed the following dialogue outside the room.

Then when they left the Sanitarium, Albert went to talk to Mickey and consequently with Detective Stuckey.

I sincerely hope you don't mind Albert's actions regarding your character. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:00 pm
by zielonobrody
No. Just as I intended :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:14 pm
by Miss Scarlet
That's fine, then. :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:24 am
by amarriner
Hey guys--my weekend is extended by one day this week so I'll be resuming posting Tuesday. Just wanted to give you a heads up so you didn't think I'd disappeared come Monday. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:55 pm
by Riotopsys
I've never played a Woman before this is quite liberating. Shes an emotional powder keg.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:28 pm
by zielonobrody
Darn, what'll you stir up next? PMS anyone?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:39 pm
by Riotopsys
Hay I found something interesting at the same time as out game
The Dunwich Horror by H. P. Lovecraft wrote:In the summer of 1927 Wilbur repaired two sheds in the farmyard and began moving his
books and effects out to them.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:52 pm
by amarriner
Riotopsys wrote:Hay I found something interesting at the same time as out game
The Dunwich Horror by H. P. Lovecraft wrote:In the summer of 1927 Wilbur repaired two sheds in the farmyard and began moving his
books and effects out to them.
That's cool! If you go to Dunwich maybe you can check in on the Whately's. On second thought, maybe that's not such a good idea. ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:51 pm
by amarriner
Sounds like you guys are getting ready to head to the campsite. Since I'll be gone over the weekend as usually try to figure out how you want to get there. It's a few miles outside of town. Albert has a car, but it might be a pretty tight fit for 6 people and not much room for anything else. Speaking of which give some more thought to what you'll be bringing if anything. We should be able to get you there on Monday, hopefully.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:35 am
by HellBlazer
hi all , sorry for being silent for a is swamping me.. ill try to read up and post this weekend..for just say i stick with the group?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:36 pm
by zielonobrody
No problem. We'll just use you as a live shield next time ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:13 pm
by amarriner
So what's it going to be, all? Heading to the campsite? How are you getting there and what are you taking? If you're not going there, then where to? :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:29 pm
by Miss Scarlet
As I understand it, we are not far from the Law Offices of E. E. Saltonstall and Associates. We could go there, Mr. Gregory Atkinson could get another car (they said the company will let them have one for the investigation), then we head to the campsite. Winston could follow their taxi.

I suggest Winston takes Donald Lutherhagen and Mickey O'Dwyer, and Gregory Atkinson, Ondine Dumont and Jack Roberts take a taxi to the offices and from there they could go in the company's car.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:38 pm
by zielonobrody
sounds good to me :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:39 pm
by amarriner
Sorry all, today's been crazy. I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:45 pm
by zielonobrody
Go git'em Cowboy! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:08 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Samuel wrote:Sorry if it seems like I'm railroading the story, but my character's situation and persona makes me think he will be wanting to satisfy his boss ASAP, and not dilly-dally with contemplation. I know this can be lethal in Cthulhu, but I have to be true to him.
No problem for me. Winston would do the same but he doesn't have any boss on his tail, so he can consider going back to the Campus before heading to the campsite. But I think we can consider we'll arrive there at almost the same time, because I don't think it will take much time to Donald and Mickey get ready. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:46 pm
by amarriner
Okay so here's what I think we have so far:

Gregory, Ondine and Jack are heading right from the law offices to the campsite. Someone else mentioned you getting a car from Saltonstall, but I figure it's probably more likely that he'll just want you to take a cab. I don't think he'd have a car for the firm. So that's fine, and the firm will pay for it so you guys are set there.

Mickey, Albert, and Donald are going in Albert's car, but are stopping at the University again first, right? You'll probably arrive shortly after the other group, but not that much different.

You guys all got to the cafe at 11:05 am. Figure it took about an hour to eat and then another 45 minutes or so to get straightened out and on to the site so you'd get there in the vicinity of 1:00 pm or so.

One last thing to ask: Stuckey mentioned two ways of getting to the site. You can take Cabot Road off the Aylesbury Pike and walk a half-mile up the river or take Bowen Road and be a closer, but the Detective did mention that the bridge was out that way and it might be tricky. Just need to know which cars are taking which route and what the second group is going to do at the university. We can finish up all the pre-campsite stuff in the Bijou thread.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:08 pm
by Miss Scarlet
First, I understand Ondine would go to her apartment.
Ondine wrote:When Gregory arrives with the car Ondine takes a seat and asks to swing by her apartment, where she collects an electric torch and a set of unstylish practical boots.
So, it'll take a little longer for them too.

Second, Albert won'd do anything. He'll just take Donald and Mickey to the University to get some stuff. He'll be waiting for them.

Third, what Donald is going to do:
Donald wrote:Donald will search the attic for his old trekking backpack. He'll take a hunting knife and a utility knife, a blanket, trekking shoes, spare socks, an electric torch. He'll change into something more comfortable for the outdoors and he'll take a coat. Something to make a fire. He might look wierd with a backpack on his back, but what the heck.
I don't know about Mickey because he didn't post yet.

Fouth, Winston will drive out the Aylesbury Pike, take Cabot road and hike a short way north along the river. No tricky roads for him.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:33 pm
by Dondero
Sorry I've been AWOL for a while, work has been a bit of a nightmare. I'll try and get a post in tomorrow, once I've caught up a bit. My posting will be a bit patchy over the next week, got loads going on. I'm also on a work jaunt to India for a week or so from next Thursday so no posts from there....normal service shall resume weekend of 16th Feb! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:27 am
by zielonobrody
You think that'll stop us? You'll be dead when you come back, mark my words. Gah! that sounds as I knew something. I mean your character will be dead ^^

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:13 pm
by Riotopsys
Um.. Is this game dead?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:16 pm
by amarriner
No this game isn't dead. I just didn't get a chance to post yesterday (I did post on Wednesday). Thanks, Miss Scarlet, for updating me on the second group's travel plans so you're right they will arrive roughly the same time. I'm just waiting to hear how the second group (Gregory, Ondine, and Jack) want to get to the campsite then I'll start up a new thread for you there. Post any pre-campsite tasks you want to accomplish in the Bijou thread.

I'm still in on the game, and I hope everyone else is too. I know HellBlazer and Dondero said they've been busy of late and Samuel as well so I think that's the cause of the downtime. By no means is the game dead, though, as far as I'm concerned.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:50 pm
by Miss Scarlet
amarriner wrote:Thanks, Miss Scarlet, for updating me on the second group's travel plans so you're right they will arrive roughly the same time.
You're most welcome. That's why I'm here. :)

And btw, I'm still really here. :D This game is not dead, it just takes a slower pace. Nothing to worry about.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:50 pm
by zielonobrody
Treat this like the normal break between RPG sessions :) You can't really focus all your thoughts and strength into everything at the same level all the time. I'm sure we're all anxious for it to get back to the original speed :) I'm afraid it'll take a week or two, but we'll get there, so "no worries, eh?" :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:36 pm
by amarriner
Exactly. There'll be fast-paced times and slower-paced times, but I'm definitely not abandoning this game by any means. Again, the current status is this:

Group 1 (Albert, Mickey, and Donald) are heading out to the campsite in Albert's car via Cabot Rd (route #1) after making a quick stop.

Group 2 (Ondine, Gregory, and Jack) are going as well in a taxi paid for by Saltonstall after making a stop as well. I just need to know which route you're following and then we'll open up another thread for the campsite stuff. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:16 am
by Samuel
amarriner wrote:Group 2 (Ondine, Gregory, and Jack) are going as well in a taxi paid for by Saltonstall after making a stop as well. I just need to know which route you're following and then we'll open up another thread for the campsite stuff. :)
Since nobody else has responded, I'll say we take the same route as the others, with a mention to the cabby that we'll be wanting to be picked up at the same spot just after sundown, whatever time that is.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:58 am
by amarriner
Perfect, okay then you're headed to the campsite all in the same direction. As Miss Scarlet mentioned you'll be getting there about the same time. I'll have a new thread up tomorrow for that.

HellBlazer, you still with us? Haven't heard from you in a bit ...

Also, I know Dondero mentioned he'd be a little less active for a short while here so we'll probably keep this slightly slower pace until he's back with us full-time. :) My apologies, too, for not posting yesterday. I strive to post every weekday, but the last couple have been rather busy. Sorry about that. Should be back to normal now.

As I said, new thread/scene tomorrow!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:53 pm
by amarriner
Okay I know we're in a slow-down period, but I'm getting a little nervous. Miss Scarlet is still around, and I know Dondero is away for a bit. I've not heard from HellBlazer at all, though. Riotopsys and Samuel, are you guys still in this? I'd like for people to at least post here in the OOC thread (if not--as is preferable--in the IC thread) just to say you're still in the game. I just want to make sure we have our players.

I'll send HellBlazer a PM to see if he's still around and if I don't get a response by say Friday or so I'll look for a replacement. If you others could just post here in the OOC thread at least by around Wednesday that would be great. As I said, I know Dondero is away for a bit and I know Samuel has been busy so if we just want to go slower I'm okay with that (I have to go slower sometimes too!). I just want to make sure we're still going!

Thanks! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:08 pm
by Miss Scarlet
You know I'm still here. You can't get rid of me so easily. :twisted: :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:29 pm
by zielonobrody
Yup. i'm here. I just totally don't know what I should be doing. This whole examination session at my U and the slowness has sort of pushed me off track. I'll try to contribute something tomorrow on what Donald is doing.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:02 am
by Miss Scarlet
A briefing: we went to the Sanitarium, spoke to Henry, met the Detective Stuckey, had lunch and now we are at the campsite, as volunteers, trying to find Richard. Winston saw something odd about crows and he's heading to the place where they are concentrated.

Donald is at the campsite to help find Richard too.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:01 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:A briefing: we went to the Sanitarium, spoke to Henry, met the Detective Stuckey, had lunch and now we are at the campsite, as volunteers, trying to find Richard. Winston saw something odd about crows and he's heading to the place where they are concentrated.

Donald is at the campsite to help find Richard too.
Yep, that's a good synopsis. Thanks! I'll wait for another player or two to post IC before posting about what Albert finds near the crows.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:21 pm
by zielonobrody
I'd like to give Donald a bit more charachter, by suggesting that he used to go camping and hiking a lot. Denmark is a beautiful place, I'm sure there's lots of places to camp and trek, so Donald knows a bit about camping and will try to look for things that were done wrong. I don't know, maybe they made a fire and didn't dig around it to make it safer? Maybe the tent was put up sloppy? What should I be rolling for if this is OK?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:38 pm
by Riotopsys
still here, nothing to say

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:59 am
by Samuel
Hi, still here, but wondering what happened. I've been a little busy, but not overly. I have been relying on the email notifications for updates, but haven't received any since Feb 4. I realized it had been over a week since I last got one and decided to check in. I guess something went haywire somewhere, because obviously the game has moved on since the 4th. I posted quickly in hopes of getting things going, and will check manually from now on.
We can always say Jack got drunk and passed out at the cafe....

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:37 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:I'd like to give Donald a bit more charachter, by suggesting that he used to go camping and hiking a lot. Denmark is a beautiful place, I'm sure there's lots of places to camp and trek, so Donald knows a bit about camping and will try to look for things that were done wrong. I don't know, maybe they made a fire and didn't dig around it to make it safer? Maybe the tent was put up sloppy? What should I be rolling for if this is OK?
Sure that sounds fine. You don't need to roll at all, just post in the IC thread to say that's what Donald is doing.

riotopsys wrote:still here, nothing to say
What is Ondine doing? Is she helping with the search? Helping Albert check out the crows?

Samuel wrote:Hi, still here, but wondering what happened. I've been a little busy, but not overly. I have been relying on the email notifications for updates, but haven't received any since Feb 4. I realized it had been over a week since I last got one and decided to check in. I guess something went haywire somewhere, because obviously the game has moved on since the 4th. I posted quickly in hopes of getting things going, and will check manually from now on.
We can always say Jack got drunk and passed out at the cafe....
No worries. Glad you're still here. It might be that you missed the new thread that came up so weren't subscribed to it. You can subscribe to the entire sub-forum, too, as well as using the RSS feed which might be better. YMMV, of course. :)

Looks like we're getting back on track. I'll give HellBlazer until tomorrow and then I'll NPC Jack and possibly look for a replacement. True, Samuel, it would be okay to leave him behind, but he might be useful to you guys. Dondero should be back next week per his last post. I just need to know what Ondine and Donald are doing (I know zielonobrody mentioned what he'd like to do, but I want to see the IC post first) and then I'll move things along IC. Let me know if you have any questions.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:07 pm
by Samuel
Miss Scarlet wrote:Albert Winston

I can ID him too, if it's him. Richard is my student. Albert comments with Gregory, being positive until there is no more hope.
Oops! I guess I should check my facts first. I thought Albert didn't know him, but obviously I was wrong. Best to read up on the past stuff next time.....

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:58 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Don't worry. :)

Gregory didn't know Albert. They've just met. He doesn't have to know all about him. It's perfectly reasonable he made that remark.

But, if you want to know... ;)

Donald and Albert are Richard's professors
Mickey is a friend.
Gregory, Ondine and Jack were hired to find Richard, by his father.

Am I correct?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:11 am
by Samuel
Miss Scarlet wrote: Donald and Albert are Richard's professors
Mickey is a friend.
Gregory, Ondine and Jack were hired to find Richard, by his father.

Am I correct?
Quite correct, I just forgot, it had been a bit since I went over the earlier posts, but I remedied that now.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:54 pm
by zielonobrody
ah, finally the Castle had mercy on us ;)
Sorry for the delay. I changed computers and totally forgot I was playing here :P

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:00 pm
by Dondero
Hi all, I'm ba-ack!! Looks like I've got a bit of catching up to do. Wow, looks like you kept Mickey relatively unscathed too!

Normal service will now resume from me (at least until my Easter holiday anyway!)


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:17 pm
by zielonobrody
welcome back :)

One question concerning rules:
Do we change our sanity level ourseves after losing some? I'll just change mine right now.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:29 pm
by amarriner
Yes, welcome back, Dondero.

Re: Sanity
Sure, you can change it yourself. That would be great, thanks. If you edit it on your own, though, be sure to leave the original value there for reference. Same goes for any other "disposable" stats. Disposable Sanity ... I like that. :)

Re: Jack/HellBlazer
I haven't heard back from HellBlazer so Jack will be NPC'ed by me for now. Would you guys prefer to keep it that way or do you want me to look for a replacement player? Either way is fine with me so I figured I'd give you guys the option.

Jack just failed both his other Sanity rolls and has thus far lost 15 sanity points. He's not doing well, needless to say. He's lost more than 1/5 of his sanity in less than a game hour which, per the rules, puts him at indefinite insanity. However, I'm thinking of just keeping him at temporary insanity so he can be back with you guys shortly after the campsite scene. Sound good? So I still need to know if you guys want him to be NPC'ed by me or if you want me to get a replacement player.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:37 pm
by Riotopsys
NPC's is fine by me

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:50 pm
by Dondero
If you're ok to NPC Jack, amarinner, then that's ok by me! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:23 pm
by zielonobrody
Let's give the guy a chance :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:46 pm
by Samuel
Might want to take a look at what Gregory rolled before making any long term character decisions........

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:25 am
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:Might want to take a look at what Gregory rolled before making any long term character decisions........
Actually, no, Gregory is okay (to an extent, anyway). He didn't take more than 5 in any one roll and he hasn't lost more than 20% of his Sanity in a game hour. So other than the fact that he's pretty shaken up, he's okay on the insanity front. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:35 am
by Samuel
amarriner wrote:
Samuel wrote:Might want to take a look at what Gregory rolled before making any long term character decisions........
Actually, no, Gregory is okay (to an extent, anyway). He didn't take more than 5 in any one roll and he hasn't lost more than 20% of his Sanity in a game hour. So other than the fact that he's pretty shaken up, he's okay on the insanity front. :)
Oh that's good. Some past GMs I've played with would have taken that 100 as an extra blow to the SAN, bastards. I'll just wait until the shock wears off.....

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:57 am
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:
amarriner wrote:
Samuel wrote:Might want to take a look at what Gregory rolled before making any long term character decisions........
Actually, no, Gregory is okay (to an extent, anyway). He didn't take more than 5 in any one roll and he hasn't lost more than 20% of his Sanity in a game hour. So other than the fact that he's pretty shaken up, he's okay on the insanity front. :)
Oh that's good. Some past GMs I've played with would have taken that 100 as an extra blow to the SAN, bastards. I'll just wait until the shock wears off.....
Yeah I considered that, but seeing as how you had to roll three times in quick succession I think that's plenty! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:06 am
by Miss Scarlet
About Jack, did you roll another Idea roll when he lost 7 points? He might get two “temporary insanities” and one “indefinitive insanity”.

As the character got them, I think the best to do is NPC him until you could give him an honor death. If he was in better shape, and you think the player won't come back, I advise to get a replacement. We are at the beginning of the game and it'd be easier for someone the get where we are and what we are doing.

Did the crow rip the finger off?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:10 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:About Jack, did you roll another Idea roll when he lost 7 points? He might get two “temporary insanities” and one “indefinitive insanity”.
Oops, no I didn't. I think I'll just rule that he has a fairly severe temporary insanity for now. He won't be of much use until the following game day, let's say. I think it would be good to keep him with you guys, but he can take a break. :)

Thanks for the thoughts, all. I'll NPC him for now, and if the need arises I'll look for a replacement.
Miss Scarlet wrote:Did the crow rip the finger off?
Yep, and flew away with it. The finger is completely gone. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:12 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'm sorry for the bad joke, but is this a crow + 1? ;) :lol:

How strong is this crow to rip a finger like that? I'd like Police protection to be standing near those vicious creatures... :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:05 pm
by zielonobrody
that is not the question. the question should be "how rotten was the finger to have come off so easily?" :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:24 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I think I prefer a stronger crow instead of rotten fingers... :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:02 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody hit the nail on the head. It's not so much the strength of the crow as it is the current "freshness" (or lack thereof) of the finger ... :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:38 pm
by Dondero
I'm guessing my Natural History check came up with a big fat zero? :(

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:50 pm
by amarriner
Dondero wrote:I'm guessing my Natural History check came up with a big fat zero? :(
Oops, I must have missed that somehow, sorry! I'll give you the results in the next post (but by way of a preview, nah nothing much showed up ;)).

Sorry guys, a little busy today. I'll send Cardigan's body and the new person back to Arkham in my next post tomorrow and you guys can then decide what to do next. Sorry for the delay.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:21 pm
by amarriner
It's roughly 3:30-4:00pm now and it'll take you 45 minutes or so to get back to Arkham proper. Just let me know where you'd all like to go and what you'd like to do and I'll get you there!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:08 pm
by amarriner
Missed posting yesterday, sorry. Looks like Albert and Mickey are heading home for the night. What are Ondine, Donald, and Gregory doing?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:42 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Remember, if there's still time, Winston will go to the hospital to check on the old man. I was thinking more check on his conditions, than talk to him.

I'd like to know which exames they did to check how he is and the results. Maybe talk to the doctor in charge.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:00 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:Remember, if there's still time, Winston will go to the hospital to check on the old man. I was thinking more check on his conditions, than talk to him.

I'd like to know which exames they did to check how he is and the results. Maybe talk to the doctor in charge.
Sure, that's fine. There should definitely be time. Just waiting to hear from Donald, Ondine, and Gregory before moving on.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:45 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald will go home but will ask Albert to contact him come the morn. He'll be glad to accompany him to see Atwater again and the old man and wherever they took Richards body.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:27 pm
by Riotopsys
Just have someone drop miss Dumont off at home.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:38 am
by Miss Scarlet
Winston can do it.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:42 pm
by amarriner
Okay, Albert is taking Mickey, Ondine, and Donald home, but is going to stop off at St. Mary's for any extra information. I'll get a new post up for that today or tomorrow (still waiting to hear from Gregory, too). Once that's complete we'll move on to Day 2!

Anyone who wants to (who's going with Albert) can post in the new thread, of course, too. If you'd prefer to stop off with him before going home, that is. I'd like to try to pick our pace back up a little bit. I've been slow in posting, I know, so I'll do my best to be more on top of things. Hopefully everyone else feels likewise. If there's anything else I can do, please let me know. We're still at the very beginning, but things are starting to pick up!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:26 pm
by zielonobrody
yay! :geek: :mrgreen:

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:51 pm
by zielonobrody
C'mon people, let's get this show on the road shall we?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:49 am
by Samuel
zielonobrody wrote:C'mon people, let's get this show on the road shall we?
Okay. I now have something resembling a normal schedule, I'll get caught up and can commit to more regular postings. I'll come up with a good short post to cover what has been neglected.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:03 pm
by amarriner
Here I am saying I want to get things moving and I don't post yesterday. :(

Sorry about that. Should be good from here on out. Hopefully we can get roughly one post from everyone per weekday.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:42 pm
by amarriner
Okay looks like we're ending the first day. I'll let you guys decide what the first stop tomorrow will be and when you'd like to arrive there. I'll get you there either tomorrow if you've decided by then or Monday otherwise! Let me know if you have any questions.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:12 pm
by Samuel
I guess Gregory will head down to the Sanitarium like he said, and wait around for the rest, as he and Jack do not have the best rapport going with the doctor there. Maybe Jack can see if the cops have found anymore evidence, as I would assume they will be getting pressure to go over the whole scene again.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:53 pm
by zielonobrody
I'm thinking I should like to know where we all live. It might clear things up a little :)

Donald will be taking his morning jog in the morning (duh) and I think he might just take a walk to the Sanitarium to be there around 9AM, unless he's got lessons on Tuesday(and I think that's for you to decide, so go ahead :) )

What's the deal with Hellblazer? I think I haven't seen him around some. Any word Keeper? Might I suggest trying to find a replacement if he's not responding while we're still not knee deep in dead? ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:10 pm
by Riotopsys
Guys, I'm dropping out, this games is just so slow I no longer care what's happening.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:18 pm
by Dondero
Well, I'm still here. Still enjoying things! :) To be honest, the slower pace suits me for complaints from me!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 9:45 am
by zielonobrody
same here. anyone else left? ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:04 pm
by Samuel
Of course.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:25 pm
by Miss Scarlet
It's very fine by me. No problems at all. I'm enjoying the game. :D

About what Winston will do.

Next day will be Tuesday.

I'll have to check Winston's appointments. Can we consider he has one class early in the morning? He could have students to attend in the afternoon, but he can cancel that if it's necessary.

After his morning class, he'll call Dr. Hardstrom in the Arkham Sanitarium and ask about Henry Atwater.

Then he'll go to the hospital to check the old man.

Albert lives near the Miskatonic University.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:31 pm
by Deckard
Any chance of joining a game...plz help

Thanks for any reply


There's no fool like an old fool

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:30 pm
by amarriner
Okay replying to several things here (sorry I missed a day yesterday).

zielonobrody wanted to know where everyone lived. I don't mind too much where you all are so if you want to specify where you live, by all means go ahead. Otherwise I'll just assume to head to your work or an appropriate place in the morning.

Hellblazer, I'm assuming is gone. I PMed him a while back. I'm going to NPC Jack for a bit but if we find we need another player I'll look for one.

Sorry to see you go, Riot. As Dondero mentioned the slower pace works for me, too, and I'm glad we still have zielonobrody, Samuel, and Miss Scarlet. So the question is, do we drop Ondine from the game, or NPC her, or find a replacement? I think I'll treat her like Jack for now and NPC her (though it looks like we have an interested player who might be able to take over). Deckard, give us a bit to determine what we'd like to do with Ondine and you might be able to take her over.

Lastly, things people are doing for the next day. Jack goes with Gregory to the Sanitarium in the morning and will meet up with Donald there. Albert has an 8-9 class and is going to call the Sanitarium afterwards. That just leaves Mickey. What're his plans, Dondero? Ondine will not go to the Sanitarium, but she'll be available should you guys want to meet up with her again. Once I have Mickey's plans I'll posts new IC threads.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:47 pm
by Dondero
As everyone seems to be heading to the sanitarium, Mickey will head off to the hospital to check on the patient. I think Albert's going there later on too?

btw, this may be really be bad timing, but.....I'm going on holiday to the Maldives for two weeks over Easter. Apologies, but there'll be no posts from me between 21/3 - 5/4. Never fear, I will be back! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:55 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Winston will call the Sanitarium to check on Henry. If there is no news, he'll go to the hospital. Mickey can come with him. They could meet early in the campus and talk about what to do that day.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:44 am
by Samuel
I'd like to say I misunderstood, but, frankly, I just screwed up. I thought (for some reason) that the old crazy man was going to the Sanitarium, but he is obviously going to the hospital (St. Mary's). Since this is the case, Gregory will be going to the hospital in the morning, since that makes soooo much more sense. I won't speak for Jack, but I will assume he will be doing something useful.

As to the (now) NPCs, I think Jack is a viable, useful character, and should be given to another willing player. However, Ondine seems to have written "herself" into a corner, and could disappear gracefully (perhaps to reappear at an opportune moment in the future...). Another player, PC, could be brought in at this point without any issues (the circumstances are wide open, with the hospitals, police, lawyer's office, etc., etc.). I think someone else to add to the dynamic would be good.
Just my thoughts, but the game will continue regardless.



Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:58 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I agree with Samuel regarding Jack and Ondine. Just my thoughts... :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:45 pm
by amarriner
Okay, I'll think about having another character join (maybe Deckard) possibly next week. No worries on Mikey being gone for a bit. I'll just NPC him until you get back.

On to the new thread. I'm going to post it in a moment. It'll be one thread even though you'll be split up momentarily. I have a feeling you'll all be going to the same place soon. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:24 pm
by zielonobrody
I await my que :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:45 pm
by amarriner
Sorry all. My easter duties extended a day further than I expected. :) Back in business!!! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:53 pm
by zielonobrody
here's a rhyme:
well well well.
what the hell?

thank you. can we now get on with the show?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:55 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'm following the game, I'm just giving you some time to talk then Winston and Mickey will arrive at the Sanitarium.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:51 pm
by zielonobrody
I think we're done talking :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:21 pm
by amarriner
Just let me know what you guys want to do and I'll get another post up. As Miss Scarlet said I was trying to give you guys some time to roleplay and discuss the situation.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:52 pm
by Miss Scarlet
As Zielonobrody said they were done with talking, I posted with Albert.

After greeting Donald and Gregory, Winston will excuse himself and enter the Sanitarium. He'll try to talk to Dr. Hardstrom (if it's possible). If it's not he'll look for someone that could tell him the details of what's happened.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:55 pm
by zielonobrody
Well, I think I made my Spot Hidden :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:14 am
by Samuel
Here's a little side note. I read lots of webcomics and always look for more (yes, I am a geek, but then playing this game makes that an easy assumption...). Anyway, I found a Cthulhu related one today and thought I'd pass it on if any are interested:

It's set in present day Innsmouth. The author has apparently done at least one previous work in that "world" which I am going to track down. This one is just getting started, but has my interest so far. Check it out, maybe someone else will enjoy it.


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:18 pm
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:Here's a little side note. I read lots of webcomics and always look for more (yes, I am a geek, but then playing this game makes that an easy assumption...). Anyway, I found a Cthulhu related one today and thought I'd pass it on if any are interested:

It's set in present day Innsmouth. The author has apparently done at least one previous work in that "world" which I am going to track down. This one is just getting started, but has my interest so far. Check it out, maybe someone else will enjoy it.

I enjoy webcomics, too, actually so I really appreciate the heads up. I only subscribe to a few, but certainly anything Cthulhu related is welcome in my RSS reader! Thanks!

I probably just have to familiarize myself with the comic, but is this part of an overall storyline? Is the entire comic based on the Mythos? You said you just stumbled on it so you might not know. Either way, thanks I'm definitely interested! And if you do find the other work, feel free to pass that along, too!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:37 pm
by Samuel
amarriner wrote: I enjoy webcomics, too, actually so I really appreciate the heads up. I only subscribe to a few, but certainly anything Cthulhu related is welcome in my RSS reader! Thanks!

I probably just have to familiarize myself with the comic, but is this part of an overall storyline? Is the entire comic based on the Mythos? You said you just stumbled on it so you might not know. Either way, thanks I'm definitely interested! And if you do find the other work, feel free to pass that along, too!
I haven't delved far enough into the author yet to know if it is "Canon" or whatever, but without giving away too much, Deep Ones have already appeared and it is not very far into the story. I think this story is continuing an earlier work, but that does not seem to be in a web based form, so I am not positive until I find some excerpts or something. I guess we'll have to keep reading to find out.
BTW, probably NSFW, as there are some gory bits and some nudity (not too much, just enough to offend the faint of heart).


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:01 pm
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:I haven't delved far enough into the author yet to know if it is "Canon" or whatever, but without giving away too much, Deep Ones have already appeared and it is not very far into the story. I think this story is continuing an earlier work, but that does not seem to be in a web based form, so I am not positive until I find some excerpts or something. I guess we'll have to keep reading to find out.
Gotcha yeah it looks like the archive goes back to last June or so. I'll probably start from there and then get going with the more recent ones as I catch up. It's already in with my RSS feeds so I'm in! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:41 pm
by zielonobrody
I've read them all already :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:47 pm
by zielonobrody
On another matter, Could you please be more specific about the hole in the ground that Donald and Greg found? How small is it? Does it look like a bowl with wet cheerios stuck to the walls(as for the pebbles)? In which place is the stick stuck in? Are there more than one stick, more than the one with a piece of cloth? What type of cloth is it, what color is it, how big is it? A pic would be helpful :) Thanks.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:58 pm
by Samuel
zielonobrody wrote:I've read them all already :D
I found the earlier work, or at least part of it. Same author, different artist, it is called "Starkweather". It is available for free download at, along with lots of other comics, etc. I just started downloading, will let you know if is worth the time.


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:38 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:On another matter, Could you please be more specific about the hole in the ground that Donald and Greg found? How small is it? Does it look like a bowl with wet cheerios stuck to the walls(as for the pebbles)? In which place is the stick stuck in? Are there more than one stick, more than the one with a piece of cloth? What type of cloth is it, what color is it, how big is it? A pic would be helpful :) Thanks.
The sticks and the pebbles aren't really that important. What is important is that the hole spans the wall. Meaning, it looks like someone would be able to use the hole to crawl under the wall ...

Sorry if my description was poor.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:05 pm
by Samuel
zielonobrody wrote:On another matter, Could you please be more specific about the hole in the ground that Donald and Greg found? How small is it? Does it look like a bowl with wet cheerios stuck to the walls(as for the pebbles)? In which place is the stick stuck in? Are there more than one stick, more than the one with a piece of cloth? What type of cloth is it, what color is it, how big is it? A pic would be helpful :) Thanks.
Since Donald is the one who keeps finding things, I'm going to follow your lead on this. I'm sure Gregory will want to take charge when he can be more useful, but right now he's probably trying to catch his breath running around. :-)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:37 am
by zielonobrody
oh come on people. what are we waiting for. If you don't intend to post, than say so. If you're waiting for someone else to post, than say so. If you're bored, than say so. This is getting irritating to say the least.

Can we please look for a new player or two to get things moving again? I don't think that four is enough.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:21 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'm waiting for Amariner to post, because I had posted with Albert leaving Dr. Hardstrom's office. But then he remembered about the old man and Albert made some last remarks. I'd like to know if Dr. Hardstrom will comment about them and Mickey asked him a question.

Then I'll look for Donald and Gregory outside.

And I agree with zielonobrody in what he said.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:51 pm
by Samuel
I need a bit of clarification. I thought we were inside the Sanitarium walls still, with the hole leading outside, but it sounds like zielonobrody thinks we are outside the walls with the hole going in. Which is it? Did I misunderstand something? The answer will allow me to proceed.

-(Confused) Samuel

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:57 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I understood you are outside the Sanitarium and you are following some footprints from under the window at the Sanitarium building until the walls around the property.

I understood the hole is in the wall surrounding the property of the Sanitarium.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:14 pm
by amarriner
My apologies for not posting at all this week. I was away at a conference, but was supposed to have internet access at my hotel. Alas it was down the entire time I was there. I'm just getting back now and trying to get settled in and will resume as soon as I possibly can. Sorry again for my abrupt absence.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:49 pm
by amarriner
Okay we're back in business here. Once again I'm very, very sorry for having a silent week. I should be back on track now with no problems. Hopefully we can jump-start this game again. Sorry!

I'll post looking for a player (at least one) for Jack. If I get other interested parties, I'll recruit them for either Ondine or a new character altogether. Let me know if you have a preference otherwise I'll just choose.

Also, to clarify. The wall surrounds the entire grounds of the Sanitarium. It looks like the hole was dug INSIDE the Asylum grounds in order to get OUTSIDE. Let me know if you need more details, but that's the most important part. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:30 pm
by zielonobrody
My bad. I really thought we were outside the walls :) So much for reading and understanding ;) I'm a bit out of mind lately...

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:35 pm
by amarriner
Okay it looks like we will have a replacement for Jack at least. I'm going to get him up to speed and then have him post here.

In other news, I didn't post yesterday because I was giving your characters time to post about their reunion. I didn't want to miss another day, though. So let me know what you all decide you want to do and I'll get another IC post up. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:19 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Winston is waiting for Donald or Gregory to tell him what they found. Then he'll coax Mickey to enter the hole and see where it goes. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:53 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:Winston is waiting for Donald or Gregory to tell him what they found. Then he'll coax Mickey to enter the hole and see where it goes. :)
Well the hole just goes to the other side of the wall. ;)

Sorry, I guess my description of that part was severely lacking! :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:32 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I understood that, don't worry, but somehow I though we should have someone re-doing the way Atwater did to escape, maybe just to try if it's possible for a human being escape that way...

No need to get Mickey dirty. We can go around the wall and locate the exit of the hole and check for more footprints there.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:16 pm
by zielonobrody
I'll be away till friday evening, so don't expect anything more than what I'm about to write for a few days :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:55 pm
by Samuel
Looks like we're all in agreement on the next course of action, so I guess we'll wait for new Jack's thoughts and then jump into action.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:01 pm
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:Looks like we're all in agreement on the next course of action, so I guess we'll wait for new Jack's thoughts and then jump into action.
Sounds good. He's responded to my PM and is currently catching up on the game. He said he should be able to post Friday sometime.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:16 pm
by justinhorner
Greetings, folks, Replacement Jack here. Have caught up more or less and will begin actively posting once I get more clarification from El Keeper about where I am exactly. Then, off to find the breakouts!

I'll usually be able to post daily sometime in the middle of the workday, and once or twice on weekends. Looking forward to it.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:02 am
by Miss Scarlet
Welcome justinhorner!

I hope you enjoy the game as much as I do (Dr. Albert Winston). :)

We are now at the Arkham Sanitarium. Henry Atwater, friend of Richard Cardigan, was commited there after being found with memory loss. He didn't say much and then he escaped from the Asylum.

Richard Cardigan was found dead near the river (near the place where they went to camp) and beneath him we found an old man (that now is in the Asylum).

We are there looking for clues about how Henry escaped and where did he go. Jack and Gregory just found a hole that cross beneath the walls of the Sanitarium (and footprints from the building until this hole). Winston is about to point which window was from Henry's room and we're going out to check if on the other side of the hole there are footprints that we could follow.

And that's all folks. :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:31 pm
by zielonobrody
Miss Scarlet wrote:Welcome justinhorner!
How'dley doodley :)
Miss Scarlet wrote: Jack and Gregory just found a hole that cross beneath the walls of the Sanitarium (and footprints from the building until this hole).
Hey! I found both! :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:35 pm
by Samuel
Welcome, justinhorner.
zielonobrody wrote:
Miss Scarlet wrote: Jack and Gregory just found a hole that cross beneath the walls of the Sanitarium (and footprints from the building until this hole).
Hey! I found both! :D
And I was looking at the pretty flowers, apparently.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:25 pm
by amarriner
Yes, welcome aboard, justinhorner! I'll respond to your PM after I post this ...

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:17 pm
by amarriner
Okay, splitting up again. So Jack and Gregory are headed to the campsite again. I'll get a post up for them momentarily. Donald and Albert hit a bit of a dead end, so will they be joining Mickey at the University? If so, I'll post for the three of them as well. Feel free to make any last posts in the Sanitarium thread beforehand if you'd like.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:55 pm
by amarriner
I haven't heard from Dondero/Mickey yet, but I got him, Albert, and Donald on to the University just to keep things moving.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:03 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I know Mickey doesn't know Atwater, but since he had mentioned going to his room before, I thought he might know where it is...
Do you think it would be possible to take a peek at this Henry Altwater’s room too?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:06 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:I know Mickey doesn't know Atwater, but since he had mentioned going to his room before, I thought he might know where it is...
Do you think it would be possible to take a peek at this Henry Altwater’s room too?
Yeah no worries. I got them there. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:15 pm
by Miss Scarlet
No worries. :D Just work (Winston is trying to do all he can in this period of time while Donald and Mickey go looking for Atwater's room). Because, beside a Cthulhu investigator, he's a teacher too. ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:34 pm
by amarriner
I added 'Dormitory East' to the Arkham map we're using.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:40 pm
by amarriner
Sorry guys, I wanted to get the "Campsite" group to the Gazette today, but I'm not going to have time to write that post today. I'll get to it ASAP tomorrow. The "University" group can let me know what they're going to do as well. Thanks!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:00 pm
by zielonobrody
Hey! I'm having a real hard time posting lately. I just resigned from two of my other games, including one that I didn't even manage to read up on my character's previous doings :oops: ). Since this game is progressing rather slowly, and I've put a lot of work into playing Donald, I'll try to stay with it. I probably won't be able to post more frequently than twice a week, but I'm still gonna play :)
Anyway, what's up with Mickey?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:24 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'm glad you'll try to keep Donald alive. He's a great character. :)

And talking about real life, I'll be away from May 25th to June 11th, without internet access. :(

But I'll be back. See you all then. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:56 pm
by amarriner
No problem, zielonobrody. This is a fairly slow moving game anyway.

Okay so Miss Scarlet is going to be away for a while coming in a few days. I'll just NPC Albert as necessary if that's okay to keep us moving.

I had an interested player for another character, but they must have changed their mind. I'll post again in the "Looking For" thread.

Again, sorry for all my delays here. Been busy IRL, unfortunately. I'll do my best to get back on schedule, though.

EDIT - Also updated the Arkham Map we're using with the Gazette and Library locations.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 12:47 pm
by zielonobrody
where are you dear Sir? :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:52 am
by Samuel
zielonobrody wrote:where are you dear Sir? :)
It was a fairly big holiday weekend in the States, I know I have a bit of a hangover still, our Keeper may also be feeling similar....Maybe give him an extra day to recover. :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:37 pm
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:
zielonobrody wrote:where are you dear Sir? :)
It was a fairly big holiday weekend in the States, I know I have a bit of a hangover still, our Keeper may also be feeling similar....Maybe give him an extra day to recover. :D
Yeah not a hangover, per se. Just recovering from making the rounds with the baby and trying to stay sane! :p

Anyway, back to business. We have two interested players. One who is going to start next week per his post and another that can start any time. I'll see what I can do about working them into the story. I assume no one has any objections to new players?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:15 pm
by zielonobrody
Absolutely not. I encouraged one of them to join :) Let's get this show on the road :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:00 am
by TakeSolo
Hey, I'm still here ready to play. I just haven't recieved any new PM's from the you amarriner, but I'm ready to go whenever. Should I just keep checking for any new posts on my character being added in? Or will you PM me when your ready?

By the way, hi everyone my name is Ryan and I'm joining in your game I believe. I posted my character over at the Personas thread.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:38 pm
by amarriner
TakeSolo wrote:Hey, I'm still here ready to play. I just haven't recieved any new PM's from the you amarriner, but I'm ready to go whenever. Should I just keep checking for any new posts on my character being added in? Or will you PM me when your ready?

By the way, hi everyone my name is Ryan and I'm joining in your game I believe. I posted my character over at the Personas thread.
Nope, you're all set. Keep an eye on the Gazette thread, I'll get you in there soon. I rarely post on the weekends, as an FYI. Sorry I didn't get back to you at the end of last week, though.

Welcome to the game, TakeSolo! Thanks for joining. You'll be joining the "Gazette Group" shortly. Everyone else, take a look at his character sheet just to get an idea of who he is.

We should have another new player soon for the "Library Group", too.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:56 pm
by TakeSolo
I wish we could get this game moving... :( I'm so anxious to learn more about the story and we're posting like once every 3 days. I can respond anytime since I can log on to the site with my iPhone. Let's get this going!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:17 pm
by amarriner
This is partially my fault as I haven't been keeping the pace myself. I'll do my best to get back to posting more regularly. Miss Scarlet should be back soon and she's a very regular poster. I think we may have lost a few players, too, but we should be able to continue. Another one appears to be in the wings. I'll ping him again soon to be sure he's still interested.

Sorry, this summer's been much busier than I anticipated. I'll do my best to get back on schedule.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:47 am
by TakeSolo
that's ok I'm just really excited to be playing this is a lot of fun and I just started :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:10 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Hello folks,

I'm finally back. I had to stay away two more days beyond what I expected and came back sick. I got an allergic reaction to air conditioning (I was working about 15 hours / day in a closed air conditioning room) that took me directly to bed when I put my feet at home. But I feel better now.

I'll read the posts you made and post with Albert. It's good to see players wanting to play. So, let's play. :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:53 pm
by zielonobrody
It was so hard to post without you. glad you're back. let's get back to roleplaying. I'm having final exams at the moment, so I can't promise to be regular, but I'll try to react asap.

Keeper, please don't wait for roleplaying. Just try to keep the game moving. If somebody misses a spot, then too late, maybe they'll try harder ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:36 pm
by amarriner
Welcome back, Miss Scarlet. Yeah you guys are set to go in your thread. I think we've lost Mickey, but we might be getting a new player for your thread as well.

zielonobrody--I'll try to keep things moving, but I do have to give the players some time to react to things. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:30 pm
by zielonobrody
Hooray! It's alive :D come on Miss Scarlett, post already :ugeek:

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:50 pm
by Miss Scarlet
I'm so sorry folks for this last delay. I thought I was better, but the hours I spent in front of the computer (on Monday) made me understand I'm not that good. I'm still coughing, with body ache, and headache (to be in front of the computer for many hours)... I have an appointment with the doctor for next week because I thought some days resting at home would be enough to get me better, but they don't... :(

Anyway, I took today to update my games here so now let's play! :)

Hello Ryan (TakeSolo), you are more than welcome. I hope now we can have a good rythm for this game. It's a very interesting story and I think you'll like it, but I'm suspicious because I'm huge fan of CoC.


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:53 pm
by zielonobrody
I'm going to a local convent in two weeks :D yay! I'm trying to organize my buddies to take part in the Arkham Horror boardgame tourney but so far no good. If they won't want to I'll go and have some fun by myself playing CoC on paper and Munchkin Cthulhu :]

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:11 pm
by Miss Scarlet
That's great! We'll have here in Brazil (São Paulo to be precise) an International Meeting of RPG in the first weekend of July. Unfortunately this time I can't go because of work. Last year there was a very interesting CoC tournament. Everyone plays the same adventure and there is a vote to select the 5 best players to play the "final round" and the best player of all won a prize.

CoC normally enters in the "Jurassic Games" category. Most of the people there prefer DnD (the most popular tables). But I don't change a good CoC game for any DnD. ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:03 pm
by amarriner
Nice, Arkham Horror is a lot of fun. Well, I've never played the original, but the remake is a good time. Don't have any of the expansions, myself, but I'd like to get them someday.

Now might be a good time to reconvene and merge the two groups back together. Seems like you both are wrapping up and the times are close enough to work out. I'll get another Bijou Cafe thread open so everyone can meet and catchup there. Feel free to make any last posts in your current threads, too. I'll respond as necessary and probably lock them on Monday if appropriate. Also feel free to chat in the Bijou Cafe thread about your next move as well!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:00 pm
by zielonobrody
amarriner wrote:Nice, Arkham Horror is a lot of fun. Well, I've never played the original, but the remake is a good time. Don't have any of the expansions, myself, but I'd like to get them someday.
I have the King in Yellow expansion but it's not that great. But maybe we just don't have a good strategy for it yet. We'll catch up on playing in the summer I hope :)

carry on people :) see you monday amarriner :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:36 pm
by TakeSolo
Woo! I'm excited we finally started getting this going. Let's get some more people to fill in for the ones we lost as well, if possible.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:34 am
by Samuel
zielonobrody wrote:Donald Lutherhagen

We could check out the other side of the bridge. If they didn't cross it because it's collapsed, maybe they swam over?
I informed myself since nobody seems to be interested in telling Donald about the bridge. sheesh...
Not to be bitchy or anything, but we did check out the other side of the bridge and didn't find anything:

"The two have to walk back to where they left the cab as get the cabbie to drive back out Cabot Rd, up the Aylesbury Pike a bit further north and then back onto Bowen Rd to the fallen bridge. He relents, knowing he'll be paid, and picks the two back up there. As he drives them back into town, Greg and Jack see a lot of trees and forest, but not too much else."
(From "Scene 7a - Campsite Revisited, June 7th")

And it was mentioned in the current thread:

"The campsite had nothing new to show us, then we took the route back across the old bridge to see if perhaps they had used that route at any point, no luck there either. The reporter had nothing new to add either, but mentioned a man named Peabody who seems to know a lot of local history."

So unless I misunderstood any of that, I don't think that we need to go back to the bridge for the time being.

However, I don't see anything productive in Gregory or Jack going back to the San, as we pissed off the doctor there, so splitting into two groups makes sense to me. Any thoughts?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:10 am
by TakeSolo
Either way works for me. In my opinion, it's probably best I stayed away from the Sanitarium since they didn't want any journalists coming in.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:36 pm
by zielonobrody
Samuel wrote:
zielonobrody wrote:Donald Lutherhagen

We could check out the other side of the bridge. If they didn't cross it because it's collapsed, maybe they swam over?
I informed myself since nobody seems to be interested in telling Donald about the bridge. sheesh...
Not to be bitchy or anything, but we did check out the other side of the bridge and didn't find anything:

"The two have to walk back to where they left the cab as get the cabbie to drive back out Cabot Rd, up the Aylesbury Pike a bit further north and then back onto Bowen Rd to the fallen bridge. He relents, knowing he'll be paid, and picks the two back up there. As he drives them back into town, Greg and Jack see a lot of trees and forest, but not too much else."
(From "Scene 7a - Campsite Revisited, June 7th")

And it was mentioned in the current thread:

"The campsite had nothing new to show us, then we took the route back across the old bridge to see if perhaps they had used that route at any point, no luck there either. The reporter had nothing new to add either, but mentioned a man named Peabody who seems to know a lot of local history."

So unless I misunderstood any of that, I don't think that we need to go back to the bridge for the time being.

However, I don't see anything productive in Gregory or Jack going back to the San, as we pissed off the doctor there, so splitting into two groups makes sense to me. Any thoughts?
My bad then.

Let's see what Miss Scarlet has to say about the situation.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:02 pm
by amarriner
Just to chime in and (hopefully) clear things up slightly. There's nothing important on the "other" side of the bridge (that is, across the river from the campsite). Jack and Greg did go there to check it out and didn't find anything of note. The bridge is out, but they doubled-back and got around the river further downstream and drove up the other side to the old bridge.

Peabody is a good lead, but like Samuel said, the characters might not realize that just yet. Perhaps, though, Greg is getting irritated at the dead ends (which you mentioned in one of your posts) and just wants something to follow up on. Besides, he can't go back to Saltonstall and say he has nothing to tell. :)

Or perhaps, what Peck said about local superstition hits a nerve. And maybe, since Peabody is a local expert, Greg does think it of import. Think about what you want to ask Peabody about, too, when/if you do talk to him (that goes for all characters).

As far as splitting up, that's fine, but if you prefer to stay together, Albert can probably convince Hardstrom to get everyone in. I won't keep some of the party out this time. Either way is fine with me, though. You guys can decide, and I'll either make split threads again or have one consolidated.

Lingering thought, too, from waaay back. Gregory was supposed to have another meeting with his client (the French woman from the beginning of the story) tomorrow morning. It's not really important to the story, but if you want to roleplay that you can. Just let me know. Otherwise we'll just postpone it indefinitely. Small point, but didn't want to forget it.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:26 am
by Miss Scarlet
Albert will simply ask about the old bridge over the Miskatonic. He doesn't want to influence Peabody with the tales of an old man beneath a dead body and a patient that escaped from the Sanitarium. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:18 pm
by TakeSolo
Is anyone still playing?...I check this forum every day like 5 times a day and no one posts. I can't post till someone else does. I mean I know you guys all have stuff going on but posting takes no longer then checking an average person's email...

Sorry for thr rant I'm just a bit frustrated.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:29 pm
by Samuel
I will be presumptive and say we are in agreement to go see Peabody now. Unless someone objects, perhaps the Keeper can start that thread and get us moving again.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:31 pm
by zielonobrody
that means monday. Mr. Keeper is out of teh interwebz on weekendz ;) Let's go see this Peebody person :p

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:48 pm
by TakeSolo
Sounds okay to me.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:54 pm
by amarriner
Yeah I figured I'd get you guys over to the Historical Society as it seemed like that was the direction you were headed, but just wanted to wait a little in case anything else came up. I don't like to make assumptions for the players. And, as zeilonobrody said, I'm not around on weekends. I'm in the midst of getting another post up for the Society. Should be up in a hour or so.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:31 am
by zielonobrody
Yo amarriner! Yo' turn :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:51 pm
by amarriner
Unexpected ISP issues this week. My access is spotty. I'll post as soon as I can and as often as I can, but please be patient with me this week. Sorry!!!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:50 pm
by amarriner
My apologies for last week. Should be back on track!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:21 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Dear colleagues,

I didn’t abandon you, and I’ll never do, not on my own will. But I went through a series of “happenings” (some goods, other not so good) that prevent me from enter the game.

First, I had serious internet problems; I was without internet for a week. Unfortunately I don’t have other options, so I have to “live” with this one.

Then, because of this, I had to anticipate my work trip, because I need the internet to work and I spent more time there that I had expected. And although I have internet access there, I can’t enter the site. Not even my private e-mails I was able to access. New job, new conditions. We have to adapt.

When I came back, I got an infection, probably because of the last illness I had and it wasn’t well cured. I’m still doing some exams to search the cause of my problem. And because of that I don’t know when I’ll be able to dedicate time to the games, because I still have to work. I hope it’ll be very soon because I miss the games so much.

Hope to be back soon,

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:41 pm
by amarriner
Hope you get better soon, Miss Scarlet, and that your situation in general settles down. Good luck! I'm sure the game will be here for you when you get back. Wouldn't want Albert to miss out on the fun. :twisted:

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:01 am
by Samuel
Happy to hear from you Miss Scarlet! I think the three of us still onboard are about to get somewhere, we have some real clues to follow up on, at least if someone can take away my character's skepticism. :D Hope you can join us soon, wouldn't want you to miss out on the carnage!


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:55 pm
by TakeSolo
So when's the next thread opening? :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:14 pm
by amarriner
Actually, I was going to post today asking what you guys wanted to do. I posted about the picture, but no one really responded to it, so I'm not sure what the characters want to do. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:31 pm
by Samuel
I think we were all set to go to the Sanitarium and talk to/about the old man. After that, perhaps one more look at the bridge, if time allows.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:25 am
by TakeSolo
Sounds okay to me, and I definitely want to check the bridge out after we hit up the sanitarium. The plot thickens! :twisted:

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:15 pm
by zielonobrody
Sanitarium thread please :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:46 pm
by amarriner
Folks--I will be away on vacation starting this Friday and through the following week. I won't have internet access at all so I won't be able to post (I might be able to post Friday before I leave). I'll be back on the 18th. Sorry for the delay!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:39 pm
by zielonobrody
We should still have enough time to see the bridge. Donald had an idea(which he will soon share with the other investigators) that maybe it would be a good idea to grab a shovel and enlarge the grave that the man was found in. maybe some clue will arise? Other than that I think we should visit the bridge once again and go to sleep.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:09 pm
by Samuel
Sounds good, Gregory will go along with doing something practical (shoveling), and maybe something impractical will pop up as well.....

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:03 am
by TakeSolo
I don't know what to do next....I want to say something to the old man but I wouldn't know what. What about checking out the bridge again? My photos don't seem to match up with what you guys saw. And we haven't seen this symbol the article speaks of. Maybe we should go take a closer look.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:31 am
by zielonobrody
let's go see the bridge first then. we can go up to it from two sides, the campsite side and the other side. Is it possible for us to get to the other side by car?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:48 am
by TakeSolo
Sounds good to me, I hope everyone didn't just disappear...:( things are starting to get good

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:05 am
by Samuel
Not disappeared, just waiting for the next scene.

BTW, I will be in (of all places) Bakersfield next week. I'm cleaning up/out my uncle Bill's place (passed away at 93, was still driving until last winter), and there is no phone service at the house currently (let alone DSL or better). I'm hoping to "borrow" a neighbor's wireless, assuming there is any around, or at the worst find a hot spot near by. I haven't been there in years, so please keep moving on or NPC me for the next week if I can't keep current.
I'm sure all will be well, but just in case....

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:40 am
by zielonobrody
I'm going on vacation on saturday for 1,5 weeks, so let's play till friday and take 5.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:23 am
by TakeSolo
Your going on vacation for 5 weeks????!!!!......Won't you have internet access? I mean, not to sound rude or anything, but "playing" this game takes maybe 10 minutes out of a day.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:52 pm
by zielonobrody
one and a half weeks dude :) I'll be back the 27th or 28th.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:00 pm
by TakeSolo
Oh!!! you meant 1.5 weeks. Your message had a comma ",5 weeks," and I got confused sorry! :oops:

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:29 pm
by zielonobrody
sorry, we use commas here.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:36 am
by TakeSolo
Oh I didn't know that ok. Sorry for the mix up

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:52 pm
by amarriner
Okay, I'm back from my vacation and ready to go. Looks like zielonobrody might be out for a bit, though. So while we attempt to get back into the swing of things here let's discuss your next move.

It sounds like you guys want to head back to the campsite/bridge. It's starting to get somewhat late in the afternoon. It's roughly 3:30pm or so and it'll take at least 40-50 minutes to reach the campsite by car and then the walk afterwards (from the end of Bowen Rd like you did before). It'll probably take just 30-40 minutes to get to the broken-down bridge (which you can also walk to the campsite from, as well). You can reach the bridge from both sides, but you really won't see much different on the other side than you'll see from the side the camp is on so that will save you a little time.

You won't get back into Arkham until later in the evening most likely. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just wanted to let you know before you head out. Things will be ... heating up ... slightly on the next game day. :)

So, if you want to head to the campsite, no problem. I'll get you guys there. Just wanted to get a consensus and see where we're at since I've been away for a week. Good to be back!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:26 pm
by TakeSolo
Sounds good to me...heating up?! Oh boy, someone's going to be a drooling mess on the floor before the end of this :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:29 pm
by amarriner
TakeSolo wrote:Sounds good to me...heating up?! Oh boy, someone's going to be a drooling mess on the floor before the end of this :)
I wouldn't be surprised. :) Not just yet, probably, but anything's possible ...

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:43 am
by TakeSolo
I'm getting antsy :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:19 pm
by amarriner
TakeSolo wrote:I'm getting antsy :)
Heh, yeah I know what you mean. We've had a slow game of it. Still summer is close to over which might help a little. Anyone else still around? I think zielonobrody should be back soon or might be already. Samuel?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:32 pm
by TakeSolo
I'm always here :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:06 pm
by zielonobrody
Should Donald take his mighty two handed broadsword? What do you mean I never said anything about him having one? oh well... I guess a baseball bat will have to do. We might as well call it quits for the day and meet up the next morning to see what's new.
I had a thought. Since Miss Scarlett is away, could I suggest the doc might like to keep an eye on the old man during the night? I dunno.. just a thought.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:56 am
by TakeSolo
that's actually a pretty good idea...although why do I have a bad feeling about it :p

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:03 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:Should Donald take his mighty two handed broadsword? What do you mean I never said anything about him having one? oh well... I guess a baseball bat will have to do. We might as well call it quits for the day and meet up the next morning to see what's new.
I had a thought. Since Miss Scarlett is away, could I suggest the doc might like to keep an eye on the old man during the night? I dunno.. just a thought.
Sure that would be fine (have the doc watch at the asylum). TakeSolo, do you still want to go to the bridge, or use zielonobrody's idea of waiting until the next day. Samuel?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:24 pm
by TakeSolo
um either way is fine with me. If it's late in the day we might as well head out the morning early!(after tea of course!)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:13 am
by TakeSolo
I think my gaming group fell off the face of the earth :(

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:08 am
by zielonobrody
you're not talking about us are you? Let's go to sleep and take this to the next day, it's been long enough :evil:

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:33 pm
by amarriner
Okay, I'll start up a new day thread in a moment. Feel free to write anything else in the old thread, too, before I close it up. You guys will all start at your "homes" and can meet up later at a designated time and place (either the University, the Asylum, or Saltonstall's--doesn't matter too much).

Yeah looks like we might be down to only two players? Haven't heard from Samuel yet, and I'm not sure what Miss Scarlet's status is. I'll give things a day or two and then look for some new players. Glad you two are still here. I know this is going slowly, but hopefully we can get things going.

EDIT - I didn't post yesterday because it was a holiday in the US, and I wasn't able to get to a computer for any amount of time, sorry.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:03 pm
by TakeSolo
Yeah, I assumed that was the reason, but I check this forum literally every day haha. I was just getting anxious, I'm excited to get this rolling. It does look like we are down to two players :( We need some people who can stay on...

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:48 pm
by zielonobrody
I'm sorry, but I need to take a two week break from the internet. I hope we have more players when I come back :) Can we do that? just leave the game where it is for now, and continue when I come back, or someone else drops by?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:37 am
by TakeSolo

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:13 am
by Samuel
Well I just got back from a nasty place called Bakersfield. Sorry I wasn't in contact, but I had to ride a bike 2 miles to an internet cafe and the last thing I thought about when I was there was anything fun related (I have been cataloging and selling the estate of a deceased relative). I see zielonobrody is off for some time now, and my character is not currently active. I'll think of a way to start the "morning" and post that, and then keep an eye out for updates.
A juicy murder happens and everything really slows down, bummer. Talk to you soon!


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:36 pm
by TakeSolo
Okay so what's going on then?...Do we have a date we all return or...?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
´Scuse my crashing your conversation here.

I just wanted to say that usually game speed will pick up - it might take a while and it´s worth waiting for. Everyone have different phases in their every day life, right? If it´s slow take a look at the spoiler below.

My game has slowed down a bit (LA Skinner) but hopefully the players will stick around or return after absences. It only takes one active player and a GM to keep the game moving! I´ve had up to five active players and at the moment about three. Saying this I invite everyone who has an itch to play to visit the Amazonas at the LA Skinner game.


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:15 pm
by amarriner
Hey there, Syrinx. :)

Sorry, players, for not responding to this sooner. Let's just hold off until zielonobrody is back (looks like about another week). Glad to have you back, Samuel, and we still have TakeSolo (thanks for sticking with us). That's three, and I'll post a request for a couple more, too, and see if we can get any fresh blood. We'll get there!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I might squeeze in a character, if I may? I have to read up on the background though. And, yes hello guys, poor manners on my behalf.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:03 pm
by TakeSolo
Howdy, it's always good to see a new face. I sure hope we start back up soon! Btw I like the new forum layout. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:52 pm
by amarriner
Syrinx wrote:I might squeeze in a character, if I may? I have to read up on the background though. And, yes hello guys, poor manners on my behalf.
Turns out zeilonobrody's absence was a good thing as I was busy as hell last week, too. I'm good to go now, though. Syrinx, you're absolutely welcome here if you still want the slot. PM me when you're ready and we can get started. Also, we have another person who's PMed me, too, so we have two more potential characters which would be great!

zielonobrody, are you back with us yet?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:33 pm
by zielonobrody
sure thing boss :) I gotta get back into it. seems playing here has gone out of habit. gotta get back to LA Skinner too :) If any of you are entertaining thoughts about joining there, seriously, do it.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:17 am
by TakeSolo
Okay I have no idea what you just said Zel but I'm glad your back!! Let's get this game rolling!!!!! I've been itching to play you have no idea!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:06 am
by Dave Syrinx
:D Our Polish friend might have used an idiomatic expression turned English there! Like in Swedish, "No danger on the roof!" - which means, "No worries!"
What he might mean is if your thinking about joining, and that comes out like "if your entertaining thoughts about joining." Right, Zielonobrody?
Got to love it! My own word order will be wicked some times too, as English is my second language.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:58 am
by zielonobrody
Yeah, I meant thinking about, but I believe it's an English phrase. I may have gotten something wrong. I don't use English on a day to day basis. Just casually, lacrosse practice, here, some forums.

let's get this show on the road please :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:27 pm
by TakeSolo
Hmmm No I understand what you are trying to say I think...

I don't know what "LA Skinner" is. Also you said "if any of you are entertaining thoughts of joining there" as in what I assumed was "LA Skinner" That is why I was confused. But anyway, your up zel! We are waiting for your post I believe. Go check out Day 3 I'm sitting on the M.U. steps waiting for you. ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:05 pm
by amarriner
Yeah, zielonobrody go ahead and meet up with Arch whenever you're ready and continue that thread. I'll get the new player(s) in as soon as I can. Samuel, feel free to post on Gregory's activities, too. We can get him met up with the others.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:16 pm
by TakeSolo
btw Sam I have family that lives out near Bakersfield :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:34 pm
by Samuel
TakeSolo wrote:btw Sam I have family that lives out near Bakersfield :D
The Valley is a really big place. My Dad lives near Bakersfield as well, but he's almost 4 hours away. Distance is relative in a desert (and yeah, it actually is one). Anyway, where do they live? Have you ever had the (dis)pleasure of visiting the Bible Belt of California? I shouldn't knock it too much, I bet everyone here has had food from there (think tomatoes, lots and lots of tomatoes), but I used to live in a little armpit of a town called Los Banos (translate that!), and am not a big fan of the San Joaquin Valley.

I have completely lost track of time (in game) and can't find all the relevant posts, but I think I put off the appointment with the french woman again, and am not sure if it is this day or another. This will effect what Gregory does first thing in the morning. I'll be sending him to report in with the boss again at some point in the morning, but if there are no urgent appointment's, he'll probably have a leisurely breakfast and coffee first thing.

Welcome Syrinx, it looks like we're ready to get moving in earnest again. Yay!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:10 am
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:Amarriner:
I have completely lost track of time (in game) and can't find all the relevant posts, but I think I put off the appointment with the french woman again, and am not sure if it is this day or another. This will effect what Gregory does first thing in the morning. I'll be sending him to report in with the boss again at some point in the morning, but if there are no urgent appointment's, he'll probably have a leisurely breakfast and coffee first thing.
Today (in game) would've been the day you would meet the french woman at the office again, but it's not entirely necessary. Only if you feel like roleplaying it. If not, we'll just assume you called in and postponed it again and told Saltonstall you'd rather spend your time getting to the bottom of the situation. If we ever get another Ondine player we can bring that back into the fold (or if you just want to roleplay it), but it's not crucial to this story. So, by all means, Gregory can have his coffee. I'm thinking I'll somehow work Syrinx's character in with yours to begin with (unless something else comes up sooner). Perhaps when you get to the office.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:50 am
by Dave Syrinx
The LA Skinner reference was to my game in the Modern Era section her at Yog. LA Skinner Game
The game will move to a new forum when the characters relocate to New York from Los Angeles/ Manaus. I pushed for the game just before I applied to play here.

You´re welcome to check the new game out in October when the current scenario episode is wrapped up.


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:36 am
by zielonobrody
cool charchter Syrinx :) Welcome to the game :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:06 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Thanks Z! Hopefully I can play the part and not start rambling nonsense anytime soon. Amarriner; if I went too far in time aspect, make Timms halt in his lumberjacking and throw him in to some action!
Cheers all!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:27 pm
by amarriner
Syrinx wrote:Thanks Z! Hopefully I can play the part and not start rambling nonsense anytime soon. Amarriner; if I went too far in time aspect, make Timms halt in his lumberjacking and throw him in to some action!
Cheers all!
Nope, no problems here. I'm pretty loose with timeframes. Just gotta get you worked into the thread here. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:59 am
by zielonobrody
Hey keeper, are you there? ;) Mind you, if you see your nick in any of the topics, please reply :) I'd suggest being a bit more flexible. Don't wait for us to write: "OK, take us somewhere" or "let's do this" if nobody answers within a day let's say, just take us there, or make us do what we had in mind. I think that might speed things up a bit. If someone is absent, just NPC the characters, I'm sure they won't mind as you probably know the characters well enough already to NPC them. If they come across some important, life threatning situation, PM the player. I have notification turned on, so If I'm gone and you PM me, I'll be notified via email. If everyone turns this on, I think we can speed things up a lot here :)


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:21 pm
by TakeSolo
That'd be great...

Hey Amarriner, I have a friend who is dying to get into this game...he said he is going to set up his account tonight. You think we have room to squeeze one more in?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:42 pm
by amarriner
@zielonobrody: Sure, I'll do that to the best of my ability. Don't forget that almost 100% of the time, I'm not available on weekends, alas, but I'll do my best to keep things moving. I hate assuming for the players as I don't want to make a move they wouldn't have wanted to, but I'll see what I can do!

@takesolo: Yeah absolutely, I'm sure we could definitely do with another player. He/she can take over any of the current NPCs (Jack, maybe) or start a new one if they'd like. Just have them PM me.

EDIT: Dammit, as a side note (and this has happened before), I replied to TakeSolo in the IC thread on Friday about the availability of Albert's car, but I don't see that post any longer! :x No idea what happened to it, but it is available for your use.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:40 pm
by faytaladdiction
Hi guys i'll be taking over Jack Roberts.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:49 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hi Fay!
So let´s get our hands dirty doin´some diggin´then! Welcome to the game!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:56 pm
by amarriner
Yes, welcome to the game, fatal. I'm going to be moving you and Syrinx's character to meet Samuel's soon, but if you want you can RP you and he walking through Arkham until I do so (tomorrow most likely).

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:25 pm
by amarriner
Fataladdiction, you can post any time in response to Samuel's and Syrinx's posts in the IC thread.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:45 pm
by TakeSolo
Hey Amarriner I'm sorry Faytal had homecoming this weekend so he's been busy. He said he will post later tonight/tomorrow.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:53 pm
by amarriner
No problem. Just wanted to make sure he was still in. You and zielonobrody can continue at the Society whenever you'd like, too. Peabody had responded to your question.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:32 pm
by Samuel
Did we lose another Jack already? I'll just move on with it all if no reply soon.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:39 pm
by amarriner
I'm sorry for the delay. We've had a sudden death in the family. Please bear with me this week. I'll be back as soon as I can.


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:49 am
by zielonobrody
Sorry to hear that. I'm not going anywhere.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:23 pm
by TakeSolo
Hey is everything okay with you Amarinner? I figured since the boards have been a bit silent, I'd post and see how things were going.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:30 pm
by amarriner
Yeah I'm okay thanks. And I'm really sorry for dragging this here. I haven't forgotten about you guys, and I'll be back as soon as I possibly can. I'll do my best to get posting again by the end of the week. My apologies. :(

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:28 pm
by faytaladdiction
No rush, Take all the time you need.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:57 am
by Samuel
Well that was scary, I was working away two Thursdays ago when POW!, something shorted and burnt in my charger and my laptop died. The battery didn't last long enough to figure out anything but that both my Windows and Linux installs were DOA. After tracking down a new charger, I then spent all weekend trying to recover my data (multiple websites and databases for clients, I need to do more regular backups). Thanks to Knoppix and it's wonderful built in support for NTFS, all is well and I have a freshly formatted hard drive and the latest Ubuntu along with XP SP3. Much better that buying a new laptop.
Anyway, glad you're back, amarriner. Syrinx, faytaladdiction, the ball's in your guys' court for our scene.


Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:52 am
by TakeSolo
Sorry for the short hiatus on my part. I'll post when I get home from work late tonight.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:45 pm
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:Well that was scary, I was working away two Thursdays ago when POW!, something shorted and burnt in my charger and my laptop died. The battery didn't last long enough to figure out anything but that both my Windows and Linux installs were DOA. After tracking down a new charger, I then spent all weekend trying to recover my data (multiple websites and databases for clients, I need to do more regular backups). Thanks to Knoppix and it's wonderful built in support for NTFS, all is well and I have a freshly formatted hard drive and the latest Ubuntu along with XP SP3. Much better that buying a new laptop.
Anyway, glad you're back, amarriner. Syrinx, faytaladdiction, the ball's in your guys' court for our scene.

Sorry to hear about your laptop, Samuel, but glad to see you're a fellow linux user. :)

Anyhow. So the group from the Historical Society is going to head over to the murder scene (a very good idea :)). I think this is a good opportunity to get everyone back together. I'll work on putting a new thread together (I'll try to have it today if I can, but it'll be Monday at the latest). In the meantime, let's have the Saltonstall group finish up their doings at the offices and head straight to the scene to meet up or make a quick stop at the Society first if they want to.

If the Society group gets to the scene first, I'll just stall them with the coppers until Jack arrives to smooth things over. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:58 pm
by Samuel
Linux for general use, but I keep XP for Photoshop, Dreamweaver and a bunch of games. WINE and it's ilk aren't worth the effort, dual boot is easier, and although GIMP is okay, Photoshop is so much better.

Since there's no comment from Jack, I'll take Syrinx's lead and get us moving. Sorry to faytaladdiction if I'm skipping you, we can always go back.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:57 pm
by amarriner
Yeah there are definitely some limitations to linux (and yeah WINE doesn't do a great job in a lot of cases). Gotta love linux, though. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:55 am
by zielonobrody
I wouldn't have any use for Linux on my computer. Sure, it would probably work faster, but there's just nothing else I could use it for. Watching movies? Listening to music? Surfing the net? Is it really worth it?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:33 pm
by amarriner
I'm sure you're right, zielonobrody. I just like it. But then, I'm a geek, too. :)

Actually, I really like a lot of the connectivity stuff available. And (believe it or not) the ability to do so much from a command-line.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:50 am
by TakeSolo
Hey guys I really really really apologize my friend Faytal hasn't posted at all. He's been really busy and I roped him into this thinking it wouldn't be a problem for him to post. He used to be online a lot but he has been training and weight lifting to get a scholarship for school. I keep bugging him to post and he said if he can't post by next week (that was last week) he will tell you guys you can find a replacement. I don't know if he will be on here again though, that's the problem. So I'm here to say you guys can find a replacement. I'm really sorry :( I feel bad since I suggested him...

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:10 am
by TakeSolo
Where did everyone go?... :(

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:38 am
by zielonobrody
I'm still here.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:10 pm
by amarriner
Sorry, I'm still here. Busy Monday and Tuesday this week, sorry.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:05 pm
by amarriner
Again, still here, but haven't been able to post. I'll get back ASAP!!!

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:53 am
by Samuel
Hello gang!

Sorry I've been MIA for a while now, but I have a really good excuse. I started dating someone back in November, and she kind of insisted we go on a trip, her treat. Anyway, I'm just back from Tahiti (literally, no BS) yesterday, and am starting to catch up on things. I only had time to find my passport and back a small bag before being whisked away.
BTW, she's almost 20 years older than me. That's right, I'm a "kept boy", I have myself a bona-fide Sugar Mama. I should be ashamed of myself, I guess, but I'm not.
I'll read through what I have missed and start contributing again.



Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:25 am
by TakeSolo
I was kind of having a bad night and that post just cheered me up lol :D

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:53 pm
by Samuel
I'm glad, TakeSolo, the situation cheered me up mightily as well...

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:54 am
by TakeSolo
Why does it feel like this game is moving one post a week :(

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:36 am
by zielonobrody
hey gang. I guess I'm back. I'll try to post consistently if ammariner promises to do the same ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Welcome, dude! Let´s get this murder solved shall we?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:56 pm
by TakeSolo
Is Amarriner still around? :(

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:26 am
by zielonobrody
seems like... NO :( hasn't been online since DEC 8th.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:49 pm
by Samuel
Possibly a case of Holiday madness. I'm willing to wait until after the new year to see if things get moving again.

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:21 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, I agree. I want to see the second victim! And I can hold my breath a few more days ;) .

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:26 am
by TakeSolo
Oh man :(

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:17 pm
by zielonobrody
After a month of absence from the GM, I guess we can put the game on permanent standby. Anybody try PMing him?

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:33 pm
by Raiko
I'm currently awaiting a reply to a message that I've sent to amarriner, as it appeared that he was about to restart this game before he went offline again. Hopefully he's still planning to continue. :)

If I don't hear anything in a week, I'll move this game to the graveyard for the time being. :(

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:06 pm
by zielonobrody
Haven't heard back from him in like 6 months. PM's still hanging. Too bad, this was looking like a fun game. I'm tempted to restart it, or run it to a conclusion when I finish the haunting of mine, but I'm not sure if the Higher Powers would allow such a blatant hijacking ;)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:29 pm
by Raiko
I'm sure that nobody would mind you "hijacking" this game, my attempts to contact Amarriner have been fruitless so far and I would have been archiving the game today if you hadn't expressed an interest in taking over.

How about if you try to rustle up interest from the old players over the next week or two, and there's quite a few new players looking for Classic Era action at the moment.

If Amarriner returns during that time, then you'll have done him a favour by getting players together, if not then the game is yours to continue.

Welsh took over Lure of the Nile when the original Keeper vanished, originally just intending to keep it active until they returned, and it ended up being one of the longest running and most successful games on the forum. :)

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:04 pm
by amarriner
Hi there!! Yep, I have the unfortunate tendency to "go dark" from time to time. :( I would love nothing more than to pick this game back up. My only concern is that I don't have the time to commit to it. I think that I could probably swing it, but I'd hate to leave it hanging (again!)...

Re: OOC: Chat

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:26 pm
by zielonobrody
I don't mind if it's slow just as long as it doesn't hang :)