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IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:51 pm
by amarriner
Arkham Sanitarium
Tuesday June 7, 1927 9:10 am

Donald turns the corner of Peabody and strides onto Derby bringing Arkham Sanitarium into full view. The weather is very warm even early in the morning, but he enjoys it and the walk from the University was excellent exercise. As he nears the Asylum, Donald notices a lot of activity. Much more than he anticipated. There are several police cars and from what he can gather quite a few press folks around the open gates.

Once he finally reaches the entrance he sees the two factions talking hurredly and excitedly to one another. Some people go in and out of the building, some are kept out by the police. Before he gets too far, Donald sees a cab pull up and out of it spill Gregory and Jack.

Mickey and Albert will arrive shortly. I'll wait for a Gregory and Donald to post a couple of times and then the other two will show up.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:16 am
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

Well good morning to you sirs! Shall we go in and find out what all the commotion is about?

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 2:47 am
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
zielonobrody wrote:Donald Lutherhagen

Well good morning to you sirs! Shall we go in and find out what all the commotion is about?
Excitedly: Lutherhagen, the Atwater kid escaped last night, we have to find out what is going on!

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:54 am
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

A bit dumbfounded by this declaration, Donald's jaw drops open and he just nods in response, a shocked look to his face and his eyes seeming to be looking into some other dimension, but clearly not at his surroundings.
Escaped..? Why, where, from what? He's just a kid...

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:36 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Meanwhile Donald and Gregory are talking, Winston arrives with Mickey.

Seeing both there, Albert goes in their direction.

Good morning. I'm assuming you have heard the news about the young Atwater. I couldn't find more than what is in the newspaper today. Reporters and the Police didn't leave much space for the staff to work, so I decide to come in and try to talk to Dr. Hardstrom to find out more details.

And by the way, the old man we found yesterday at the bank of the river is being transferred to the Sanitarium.
He completes to give the others the information he got.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:09 pm
by amarriner
Albert tries to make his way through the throng of police and press. Surprisingly not many people try to stop him. He walks up the steps to the Sanitarium and into the huge building before finally hitting a barrier. Detective Stuckey is here again. Mornin' Doc. I suppose you're here to see Hardstrom. Can't let you see him just yet. Maybe in a few minutes, though. We're still interviewing him. Should be done shortly, though. He was actually asking for you, too. We might have some questions for you and your friends when we're done with the Doctor.

Mickey follows Albert in. Donald and Gregory can come with him, too, or work the outside of the Asylum.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:28 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

No problem, Detective. Anytime you want to talk, but could we wait in the waiting room? It'll be more comfortable. He asks.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:50 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson

Due to he and Jack's last run in with Hardstrom, Gregory is relieved that Winston made it, and he is content to let him take the lead inside the hospital.

To Jack: Why don't you see if one of your friends on the force is around, and find out where the kid's room was and how he escaped. Maybe we can pick up some clues they missed....

Gregory will take a stroll around the perimeter of the main building keeping his eyes open for clues.

Let me know if and when any Spot Hidden rolls are needed, hopefully Jack or someone else with a better chance will help out or go over the same ground.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:14 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Gregory will take a stroll around the perimeter of the main building keeping his eyes open for clues.
I'll go with you. I don't really feel comfortable going in there.

Sorry. I guess I wasn't in the mood for in depth roleplaying. sorry if I kept the game up.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:25 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:Sorry. I guess I wasn't in the mood for in depth roleplaying. sorry if I kept the game up.
Not at all! I just don't want to keep moving you guys from place to place without ample opportunity to post and use your characters to their fullest.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:03 pm
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:Gregory will take a stroll around the perimeter of the main building keeping his eyes open for clues.

Let me know if and when any Spot Hidden rolls are needed, hopefully Jack or someone else with a better chance will help out or go over the same ground.
Jack heads off into the throng of cops leaving Gregory and Donald to themselves. They begin a slow walk around the perimeter of the Asylum. Huge, thick walls tower over them and block out the sun putting them in shadow. Both of them get a chill up their spines as they move around the building.

Yeah both of you roll Spot Hidden

Miss Scarlet wrote:No problem, Detective. Anytime you want to talk, but could we wait in the waiting room? It'll be more comfortable. He asks.
Sure thing, Doc. Let's go. Stuckey leads Albert down a short hallway and into a small room with several chairs. It's quite here as opposed to the din of people shouting outside so it puts Albert a bit more at ease. So what are you here for, Doc? What do you know about the Atwater kid? I know we spoke yesterday, but that was before he split on us. I'd like you to tell me everything you know ...

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:44 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston
Detective Stuckey wrote:So what are you here for, Doc? What do you know about the Atwater kid? I know we spoke yesterday, but that was before he split on us. I'd like you to tell me everything you know ...
Well Detective, I don't know Henry Atwater very well. I know he's a student of the Miskatonic and a friend of Richard Cardigan. Richard was in my class and when he missed, another student Mickey O'Dwyar came to my office to ask my help.

He knew Richard went camping with Henry and we found out Henry was here. As a psychiatrist I know Dr. Hardstrom, the director of the Asylum. And I came here to talk to him about Henry. He was so kind to allow me to talk to the boy.

He was incoherent, he spoke about lightning, but he had no sign of being hit by a lightning. I thought he could have been traumatizing by seeing Richard being stricken by a lightning. The only words we could get from him were "River ... water ... lightning ... old ... tent ... them ... power ... book". I didn't know what they mean... I could guess he was by the river (with water) and saw a lightning. But the other words don't make any sense for me. I couldn't find anything about any book...

My only conclusions are that he was not stricken by a lightning, but something related to one traumatized him. He had no physical problem, only his mental condition was affected.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:55 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson

Needed a 25, rolled 26, I finally get a good roll, and it is just one too high, sigh.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:26 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

Although a bit frustrated and deconcentrated by the news, Donald quickly falls into the rythm of looking for clues. This is just like picking mushrooms when I was little...

4! :D

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:53 pm
by amarriner
Stuckey listens as Albert speaks. He seems to be very suspicious of Winston and Mickey. They get the feeling he suspects them of some wrongdoing. Uh huh. So you two wouldn't have any idea why this Atwater kid would want to escape would you? Sounds like Hardstrom shouldn't have let him off sedation after all, huh? Mickey keeps quiet, and Albert is a bit offended by the cop's tone.

Gregory and Donald scour the perimeter of the Asylum for clues. Not a whole heck of a lot is presenting itself, however. It's a warm morning, and the ground is a little soft because there were some light rains last night. With their backs to the west side of the building, suddenly Donald stands upright and looks straight ahead. He walks over to a patch of ground just under a huge oak tree. It more damp than the rest of the soil in the area and he can just make out some faint footprints moving away from the building in the mud. Apparently the police haven't gotten around to searching the grounds of the Sanitarium yet ...

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:07 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston
Detective Stuckey wrote:Uh huh. So you two wouldn't have any idea why this Atwater kid would want to escape would you? Sounds like Hardstrom shouldn't have let him off sedation after all, huh?
Detective Stuckey, Dr. Hardstrom is very, very respected doctor and psychiatrist. He wouldn't be in his position, as Director of this institution if it wasn't so. If Dr. Hardstrom thought he could reduce the medication for Henry, it's because he thought it was the best for the patient, which I agree with him, for a simple reason. In his state of mind he couldn't do much. You may not believe in us, but you can consult any psychiatrist that review Atwater's file and he will agree with what was done. Winston takes a deep breath to regain his calm. He was more offended by the fact the Detective doubted Hardstrom diagnosis than because he might be suspicious regarding his activities and Mickey's.

If you want my opinion, and I don't know all the facts yet, Henry had help from outside. I don't know who or why, and I think this is your job to find, but in my opinion Henry didn't have the capacity to escape the Sanitarium. And I'm basing my opinion in what I saw yesterday. The young man I saw yesterday wouldn't be capable to escape. Albert is very incisive in his affirmative.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:26 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
amarriner wrote:Outside
Gregory and Donald scour the perimeter of the Asylum for clues. Not a whole heck of a lot is presenting itself, however. It's a warm morning, and the ground is a little soft because there were some light rains last night. With their backs to the west side of the building, suddenly Donald stands upright and looks straight ahead. He walks over to a patch of ground just under a huge oak tree. It more damp than the rest of the soil in the area and he can just make out some faint footprints moving away from the building in the mud. Apparently the police haven't gotten around to searching the grounds of the Sanitarium yet ...
Well would you look at this! These cops really don't know what they're doing. They didn't even come outside the walls to see where he went, they're concentrating on inquiry and forgot about LOOKING for clues. Let's try to follow these tracks shall we Gregory?

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:51 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:Albert Winston
Detective Stuckey, Dr. Hardstrom is very, very respected doctor and psychiatrist. He wouldn't be in his position, as Director of this institution if it wasn't so. If Dr. Hardstrom thought he could reduce the medication for Henry, it's because he thought it was the best for the patient, which I agree with him, for a simple reason. In his state of mind he couldn't do much. You may not believe in us, but you can consult any psychiatrist that review Atwater's file and he will agree with what was done. Winston takes a deep breath to regain his calm. He was more offended by the fact the Detective doubted Hardstrom diagnosis than because he might be suspicious regarding his activities and Mickey's.

If you want my opinion, and I don't know all the facts yet, Henry had help from outside. I don't know who or why, and I think this is your job to find, but in my opinion Henry didn't have the capacity to escape the Sanitarium. And I'm basing my opinion in what I saw yesterday. The young man I saw yesterday wouldn't be capable to escape. Albert is very incisive in his affirmative.
Hey, listen Doc. I have to exhaust all avenues. I like being thorough. If you take offense, well I can't help that. I just need to figure out what the hell happened here? It's not like escapes happen all the time.

So you think he had help from the outside, huh? Any thoughts there? Who?
Just after he asks the question, another cop walks into the room and whispers something to Stuckey. Stuckey nods and the second man leaves. Looks like they're about done with Hardstrom. You can talk to him as soon as we're done.

Both Donald and Gregory are a bit surprised by the fact that no cops seem to be checking out the footprints. Maybe they saw them and figured they wouldn't get much from them or they just haven't seen them yet. Either way, the two figure they're able to investigate them should they feel they're important enough.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:30 pm
by Miss Scarlet

Albert Winston
Detective Stuckey wrote:Hey, listen Doc. I have to exhaust all avenues. I like being thorough. If you take offense, well I can't help that. I just need to figure out what the hell happened here? It's not like escapes happen all the time.
I agree with you and that's why I did my best to cooperate with your investigation. But when you start implying things, I can't shut up, especially when dear friends are involved.

And by the way Detective, Freud can explain your behavior. Although I don't like it, it's perfectly clear, and I'm sorry for you...
Winston didn't finish his sentence on purpose.
Detective Stuckey wrote:So you think he had help from the outside, huh? Any thoughts there? Who?
Albert is glad with the interruption because it gives him time to take a deep breath and concentrate in why he's here, to talk to Hardstrom.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:52 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Mickey remains quiet throughout the interview with Detective Stukey. Tugging his cap down further, Mickey slumps in his chair, This feels more like an interrogation.

Steadfastly looking at the floor while Stukey and Albert go back and forth, Mickey has done enough Psych at Uni to guess at what Albert is implying regarding his reference to Freud. Barely stifling a laugh, Mickey sits in his chair, shoulders shaking as he tries to suppress an outburst of laughter.

Trying to get Albert out of the room before he says anything more outrageous, Mickey says, Come on , Dr Winston, let’s go see your colleague. Thanks for your time, Detective. Mickey gets up and waits outside for Albert to finish up.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:46 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
zielonobrody wrote:Well would you look at this! These cops really don't know what they're doing. They didn't even come outside the walls to see where he went, they're concentrating on inquiry and forgot about LOOKING for clues. Let's try to follow these tracks shall we Gregory?
Good eye, Lutherhagen. These cops are more like those idiots that chase Chaplin around in the shows than a real police force. I bet we find Atwater quietly sitting under a tree not far away. The last part said in obvious sarcasm. Let's get moving and see what there is to see. You have better eyes, I'll follow you.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:05 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

Good eyes. Ha! Not what htey were twenty years ago. More years, less joy is what I say. But enough of my rambling. Let's go. Eyes in the ground Donald sets off down the trail.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:22 pm
by amarriner
Donald and Gregory start walking in the direction they feel the footprints were pointing. They don't see any other footprints along the way, so far. The ground is covered with thick grass and even though it's a little wet, it doesn't yield any more prints. They're headed in a roughly southwest direction back towards Arkham proper. Presently they come up to one of the large walls that surround the Sanitarium. Looks like it might be a dead end.

Another Spot Hidden please, gentlemen! :)

Stuckey just grunts at Albert's comment. He doesn't seem phased, but he more than likely didn't really understand it either. Other than to know he was being insulted. Yeah, listen to the kid. Let's go see Hardstrom. He leads Mickey and Albert out of the waiting room and down several hallways. They arrive at Hardstrom's office and head in. Hardstrom looks extremely tired and haggard. There are three more police officers in the room with him Stuckey motions for them to leave and they do.

Morning, Albert. Hell of a day, huh? I'm glad you're here, Hardstrom says.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:56 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Eric Hardstrom wrote:Morning, Albert. Hell of a day, huh? I'm glad you're here.
I say... And this Stuckey. I know it's only insecurity, but I lost my temper when he doubted your diagnosis. I'm sorry my friend, but we are under stress and this man instead of helping starts making accusations. As it was lead him to solve what's happened. Albert takes a deep breathe again. It seems for a Psychiatrist he has to review his concepts because he has to be in control of himself.

Then he smiles to his friend behind the desk. I know what you are going to answer me but I have to ask anyway. How the young Atwater managed to escape from here? I only could imagine he had help from outside, because he was in no condition to do it by himself... Not in the way he was yesterday...

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:44 pm
by Samuel
amarriner wrote:OUTSIDE
Another Spot Hidden please, gentlemen! :)

33, no good

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:23 am
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
amarriner wrote:OUTSIDE
Donald and Gregory start walking in the direction they feel the footprints were pointing. They don't see any other footprints along the way, so far. The ground is covered with thick grass and even though it's a little wet, it doesn't yield any more prints. They're headed in a roughly southwest direction back towards Arkham proper. Presently they come up to one of the large walls that surround the Sanitarium. Looks like it might be a dead end.

Another Spot Hidden please, gentlemen! :)
Well this is unexpected... Would he risk going back into the Sanitarium? On the other hand, it's the last place the cops would look, isn't it? Donald scans the area...

Another Spot Hidden :) (1d100=24)

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:59 pm
by amarriner
Donald and Gregory scan the wall and the grounds for any other clues, but don't find much of anything. They're about to turn back towards the Asylum when Donald sees something out of the corner of his eye. About a fifty yards down the wall to the west. Hey, what is that? he asks. He and Gregory hurry over to the spot on the wall. When they get there they see a small hole dug in the soft ground. Sticks and stones pepper the hole, and it looks like a small piece of cloth is stuck to one of the sticks jutting up from the earth.

Hardstrom answers, I'll be damned if I know how he got out of the cell, to be honest with you. After we backed of the sedatives he was a lot more alert and awake. He certainly seemed more normal but was still a little ... odd I guess. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there was just something off in the way he spoke and his mannerisms. Didn't seem like your typical MU student, I suppose.

As far as having outside help, that certainly sounds reasonable. Still, I don't know how that would be possible. There's no evidence of it, at the very least.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:25 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Did he say anything else than what he had said to us yesterday? Winston asks.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:41 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:Albert Winston

Did he say anything else than what he had said to us yesterday? Winston asks.
I'm afraid not, Dr. Winston. As I said, he was a bit more alert, but he steadfastly refused to talk to us much. Or not at all, in fact! The poor boy must've been in shock, I suppose.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:17 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Don't worry, Eric. I'll help to find what has happened here and how this boy has escaped. And we'll show to our dear Detective Stuckey that he should trust in very good doctors. He smiles to his friend. I won't take much off your time. I imagine you have a lot of things to do. Any news I get I'll talk to you. Thank you for receiving me. Albert says good bye and heads back to outside the Asylum to meet the others.

Let's go Mickey, let's see if we can find some clue to solve this mystery. Or if our friends are ahead of us and have already found something...

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:41 pm
by amarriner
Thank you, Albert. It will be a trying day, to be sure, but nothing I can't handle, he says with a smile. If you come back a little later, you can see the patient from St. Mary's, if you'd like. We just have to get him settled into a room and with all the activity this morning we haven't had much time. Give me a couple of hours.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:34 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

With all that happened regarding escape of the young Atwater I forgot about the old man we found yesterday by the river. You know he was found buried under the body of Richard Cardigan, that student I have mentioned to you.

It was very odd this whole situation. I was told that this old man has damages in his column as he was forced to be in a curved position. And the only thing he said until now was "Atwater". That's why I'm so curious about this now, because somehow both cases are related.

Of course, I'll come back later to check on him. I'd really love to talk to him, but I'm not sure if he'll be able to... Keep an eye on him for me, Eric. As I said, maybe those two cases are related...

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:57 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Mickey had been quiet up until now, feeling a bit overwhelmed about being in such close proximity to such experts in their fields. As Albert was finishing up his consultation with Hardstrom, a thought occurs to him, Dr Hardstrom, do you lock your patients up in their rooms? If so, was there any evidence of forced exit from the room? Or possibly even forced entry?

Nodding at Hardstrom's reference to the new patient being transferred to the hospital, Mickey was eager to be outside of the confines of the others. I'm definitely an outdoors person, thinks Mickey.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:34 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
amarriner wrote:OUTSIDE
Donald and Gregory scan the wall and the grounds for any other clues, but don't find much of anything. They're about to turn back towards the Asylum when Donald sees something out of the corner of his eye. About a fifty yards down the wall to the west. Hey, what is that? he asks. He and Gregory hurry over to the spot on the wall. When they get there they see a small hole dug in the soft ground. Sticks and stones pepper the hole, and it looks like a small piece of cloth is stuck to one of the sticks jutting up from the earth.
Well I'll say. Why the heck would he want to go back in?
Donald ponders on the possibilities. He's somewhat shocked that the escapee would choose to go right back in, unless he went in to get someone else out. He shares this thought with Gregory.
We should get moving and start our own investigation. The cops are clearly airheaded around here. I suggest you go in, and find the other side of this hole, and I'll join you once you get there. I'll stay here and guard just in case he decides to come back in. And I'll look around for some more clues. Call my name when you get there and wait till I get there. If it's out of bounds, find dr Winston and then come and get me.

When Gregory walks away, Donald takes to searching the area for clues. He also pockets the strip of cloth from the hole. He tries to remember if it's the type of clothing the patients of the Sanitarium.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:46 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:Albert Winston

Of course, I'll come back later to check on him. I'd really love to talk to him, but I'm not sure if he'll be able to... Keep an eye on him for me, Eric. As I said, maybe those two cases are related...
Oh, indeed? I'd not gotten much information from the police or the hospital, to be honest with you. The cops seem more focused on the missing person than they do this other patient coming. Can't say I blame them, really. Certainly, you're more than welcome to come back a little later, or tomorrow if that's more convenient, to talk with the man. Once things calm down a bit here, it shouldn't be a problem at all.
Dondero wrote:Dr Hardstrom, do you lock your patients up in their rooms? If so, was there any evidence of forced exit from the room? Or possibly even forced entry?
Yes we do lock the rooms, young man. There definitely seemed to be a forced entry or exit--though I'm not certain which. The lock appears to have been disintegrated somehow. It's quite puzzling!

Donald examines the scrap of cloth found in the hole under the wall. It's hard to tell because it's a little muddy and sort of small, but it definitely appears to be the blue color all the patients wear at the Asylum.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:30 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
Actually Donald, I think we ought to get the Doc and Jack and anyone else willing to help. We know the kid got out here, which is more than the cops have figured out, so I think we ought to get a search party together and follow after him outside the walls. Gregory walks back to the San, scanning the walls to get an idea of the position the hole is at on the other side, and also to see what kind of land it is (woods, streets, etc.).

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:55 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston says good-bye to Hardstrom and heads out of the Asylum looking for Donald, Gregory and Jack.

He spots them coming back to the building and goes to meet them.

Have you found anything? We've just got interrogated by that Detective Stuckey and talked briefly with Dr. Hardstrom. Indeed the young Atwater escaped, because he was locked inside the room and the lock seemed to be disintegrated. And the old man we found yesterday at the river was transferred to here. Later today maybe we can have something about him, but I wouldn't hope much...

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:26 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Miss Scarlet wrote:Albert Winston
Have you found anything? We've just got interrogated by that Detective Stuckey and talked briefly with Dr. Hardstrom. Indeed the young Atwater escaped, because he was locked inside the room and the lock seemed to be disintegrated. And the old man we found yesterday at the river was transferred to here. Later today maybe we can have something about him, but I wouldn't hope much...
Well actually yes we have. The cops seem to have ignored the Sanitarium grounds and we've found tracks. They lead to the outer walls where the boy dug a hole under the wall. Here's a bit of cloth that he left behind. I bet we could examine the window he got out through too, from the outside I mean. We haven't thought of looking at that. We were just about to find you to go outside and look for the tracks leading from the hole under the wall outside. We can check out the window first, or we can try to start the chase already. Maybe he didn't go far yet...

OOC: See you all on Friday. Get on with the show. Keeper, roll for me if necessary, please.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:58 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Very well, I think I can find the window, since I was in his room yesterday. Then we should check outside the walls if we can find any tracks over there. Winston says and looks back to the building trying to locate where Atwater's room was.

Keeper, I think Albert can find the room, since he has been sometimes at the Asylum and knows where Atwater's room was. Is that ok?

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:46 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Mickey muses on what he and Albert learned from Dr Hardstrom. Upon meeting up with Donald and Gregory, Mickey listens intently as they describe their find.

Taking the bit of cloth from Donald, Mickey peruses it, and hands it back. Heading over to the hole by the wall, Mickey scans for any evidence they may have missed.

Heading back to the others, Mickey agrees that they should try and track back to the window.

OOC - Apologies, very quick post. Let me know if any rolls needed! :)

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:24 pm
by amarriner
Yep, Albert and Mickey can tell where the room was from the outside.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:54 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston points the window of Atwater's room. Then he takes the piece of cloth. It's consistent with the interns' clothes.

From where the footprints you found came? From under his window? After getting an answer for his questions, he'll tell the others that is best to go out of the walls and look for some footprints or any clue at the exit of the hole.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:37 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

Yep, let's go. I'll just examine the window here. He scans the window for any unusual signs of breaking in, or some such. Then Donald ushers everyone outside the walls towards the apparent exit of Atwater under the wall.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:26 am
by justinhorner
Jack Roberts

I'd say following the tracks is a bit of a longshot. If it happened early enough yesterday to make it into the papers, the boy could be miles and miles from here by now. I'd suggest a few courses of action: one, we gotta get into that boy's room--period; two, at least a couple of us should go back to the campsite--of the hundreds of places he could be off to, I'd say the campsite is worth a second peek. Third, we should visit the newspaper and talk to the reporter who broke the two stories on this. He's certainly got his ear to the ground somehow.

So, who's up for a spin back around to the campsite and then a little tea time visit to the Arkham Gazette?

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:55 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Very good thoughts Mr. Roberts. I agree with you but I'd like to try the footprints for now. I know it's a long shot but I think it's our best option for now.

As you say it's not necessary all of us to do this, maybe Herr Lutherhagen and I stay here and you, Mr. Atkinson and Mickey could split to do the other tasks. What do you think?
Albert looks around the group waiting for their replies.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:06 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
I'm up for a walk. Somehow the vision of going back to the campsite does not entertain me at all. I'll follow the tracks if they lead anywhere. Although you may be right that the boy could be far away by now. Then again, he may not be far. Who knows?

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:43 pm
by amarriner
Examining the footprints is a difficult task for the group, but they do their best. The ground is soft and there aren't really many good prints at all. Luckily it seems like this area of the grounds is not that heavily trafficked so it's likely that most of the footprints they find are of the same person. As best they can tell, the prints do go roughly in the direction away from the window and towards the wall. That's everyone's consensus anyway. Other than that, there's not much they can discern from where they are. The window appears unbroken and the bars that line it are un-tampered with.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:54 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston will go out of the wall to check if there are any footprints near the exit of the hole.

OOC: I think Donald will go with him.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:43 am
by justinhorner
Jack Roberts

If I can find at least one other person to come with me to the campsite, then: Well, we'll just leave you all here to wander in circles. Whoever's so interested to visit the Gazette, meet us there in two hours. Jack et al make their way back to the campsite.

If I can't find anyone to take up my offer: Well, I suppose many hands make light work. I'm heading over to the campsite. Whoever's so interested to visit the Gazette, meet me there in two hours.
Jack makes his way back to the campsite.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:50 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
amarriner wrote:The window appears unbroken and the bars that line it are un-tampered with.
Wait a second, how the heck did he get out? The bars are in place, the window isn't broken, this doesn't make sense!

I think we ought to see what we can find on the other side of the hole, but if that turns up nothing then the campsite is a good idea, but I think before that we ought to see if the boy has gone back to his parents or the University also. Mickey, do you know if Atwater has a room there?

That reporter might have some ideas, good thinking Jack.

It seems to me we could get a lot done in a little while by splitting up. I could go by the boy's parents place, Mickey could check the dorms, Winston, you could see if he's shown up at any classes, Lutherhagen can follow whatever he can find after the hole and Jack can follow up on the reporter. Does that make sense to everyone? We could meet up at the cafe in a couple of hours and catch up on what we find, and if nothing else then head to the campsite.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:38 pm
by justinhorner
Jack Roberts

I like your thinking, Greg, but I think we gotta get to the campsite sooner rather than later. The reporter ain't goin nowhere

Jack's off to the campsite

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:41 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
I think both university topics can be covered by one person. Since Dr Winston would clearly prefer to look at the other side of the hole, and I with him, I suggest that Mickey check the dorms and classes. Is that OK with you Mickey? I'm off with the doctor. See you all in a few hours at the cafe as last time.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:06 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston agrees with Lutherhagen and both head to outside the wall to check at the exit of the hole.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:15 pm
by amarriner
Alas, the other side of the hole doesn't hold much in the way of information. This side of the wall faces Derby street--across from which is the entirety of Arkham proper. Donald and Albert can't help but feel a little bit down as it looks like Atwater fled into the city and could be anywhere now ...

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:47 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Well I didn't expect that I must say. Where do we go now? Maybe the reporter? Or first the University and we'll pick Mickey up along the way. Maybe he's still walking there and we'll catch up to him along the way. You're by car, yes?

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 6:50 am
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Yes, I have my car parked outside the Sanitarium. And it's a good idea to pick up Mickey. Do you think we should go talking to the reporter or meet the others at the campsite?

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 10:15 pm
by zielonobrody
I was thinking that Mickey didn't get to the U yet, and that we could catch up to him before he got there and helped him. Might be quicker. Then we can go to the reporter, after we investigate the U. I don't think Mickey would like going to the campsite. We found his friend dead ther... This makes Donald go a bit pale, probably from the return of the thoughts of what happened back there.

Re: IC: Scene 6 - Sanitarium, June 7th

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 2:18 am
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

All right, let's find Mickey and check the University. After that, we'll talk to that reporter. Winston says entering in his car.