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IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:23 pm
by amarriner
Arkham Sanitarium
Monday June 6, 1927 10:15 am

At around 9:40, Albert, Donald, and Mickey climb into Albert's Ford and begin their trip across town to the Arkham Sanitarium. The status of Cardigan weighs heavily on their minds and they're mostly pretty quiet along the way. Once they eventually pull close to the sanitarium, Albert parks the car and they exit walking up to the large gates. An orderly opens them, and the group steps inside while the gates slowly and silently glide shut behind.

They stand in front of the sanitarium itself now. A small walkway leads up to it with benches flanking it on either side. Ondine Dumont sits on one of the benches visibly upset and crying.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:32 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

Upon the gate closing behind them with an eerie clang...
This place gives me the shivers.

After parking and leaving the car, if the crying lady makes eye contact, Donald sends her a warm smile. Women do get so pretty when they cry. Unless they do it too often.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:41 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Feeling strangely claustrophobic, Mickey agrees with Donald’s comment Yes, I know what you mean.

Mickey notices the lady crying on the bench and immediately feels sad for her. Keen to go over and offer comfort, Mickey holds back, only too aware that his facial appearance can have the effect of making these things worse. Instead he waits for Dr Winston to do what he does best, He must deal with this kind of thing every day.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:45 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

during her sob she catches the eye of fit older gentleman of the group when he smiles back at her she can't help but stop and give a weak smile back. I guess some men in this world can still recognize a lady, I'm not going back in there

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:32 am
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston arrives at the Sanitarium and doesn't bother with the gates shutting behind them. He's thinking about the young Henry Atwater. Although he doesn't remember him from the Campus, he's thinking what could have happened to him to force him into an amnesia state.

As entering the building, he looks to the lady sitting in a benches crying. He feels sorry for her, but now his mission is other.

Inside the building he looks for some nurse or attendant who could put him in contact with the Sanitarium director.

He turns to his fellows and says: I'll try talking to the director to know about Atwater's condition. Then I'll know if it'll be possible to talk to him.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:34 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Mickey raises his eyebrows upon seeing Dr Winston pass by the lady crying on the bench. I guess it’s a case of priorities for him; help those in the greatest need of his skills first.

Suddenly reluctant to enter the asylum, he watches Dr Winston stride confidently in. Mickey hovers nervously by the bench, taking off his cap, and clears his throat, Excuse me, ma’am, is everything ok? he asks gently, hoping the softness of his tone will deflect her inevitable attention from his face.

Looking down, he asks If there’s anything I can do for you? Maybe someone I could call? He moves as close as he feels comfortable to by the woman, whilst maintaining a respectful distance

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:25 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

{french}Oh thank you no, I...{/french} the blank stare returned clues he into he mistake Thanks you no this place is just to much for my fragile sense abilities, Hopefully my associates inside will be able to get that horrible Dr. Hardstrom to let go about their business soon so we can leave

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:08 pm
by HellBlazer
Jack watches on as Greg attempts to persuade the good doctor into allowing us to see the boy early.
Jack waits for Greg to finish and pulls him aside with a whisper in his ear

Why don't you let me try my hand at persuading him Greg? , I have talked my way into tighter spots than this. Why don't you go see how miss Dumont is doing outside , or you can wait here.

Omg..sorry guys I just made things worse :(

Jack approaches the doctor and pulls out his Identification

Excuse me Doc but my name is Jack Roberts and I am a private investigator working for Mr.Saltonstall I was brought in to help with the quick recovery of his son , now the only person on earth who knows exactly what happened out there is that boy that is in your charge. It would really help matters if we could avoid another trip to this asylum , now I am a former police officer and I have dealt with these kinds of situations before and every hour that passes increases the chance of never finding the lad.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:29 pm
by Riotopsys
thank god Ondine left or she'd really be in a sorry state.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:40 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
HellBlazer wrote:Why don't you let me try my hand at persuading him Greg? , I have talked my way into tighter spots than this. Why don't you go see how miss Dumont is doing outside , or you can wait here.
Seeing the futility of trying to change the doctor's mind, Gregory rushes after Ondine and does not hear the results of Jack's attempt to sway the doctor. Good luck, he thinks to himself, the doctor is getting pretty worked up as it is.

As he exits the building, Gregory brushes past a determined looking man heading in, and notices a couple of other men by Ondine. He heads quickly that way. My dear, he says to Ondine, that was quite an abrupt exit, whatever is the matter?

Gregory then realizes he had just interrupted a conversation. Excuse me young man, I am a bit worried about my friend here.

Gregory will be too busy with concern over Ondine to say anymore to the other men, or to notice any screaming, crashing and other sound that are suspiciously like a man being tackled, bound, drugged and carried off, that may, or may not, be coming from inside the hospital. <snicker> And I thought I rolled badly!

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:58 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

I'm So sorry Gregory I thought I could go it there and hold together, but it reminds me too much of some old stories. Once that Dr Started yelling at you I just lost my composure. I'm sorry..,<sniffle> is Monsieur Roberts having any better luck reaching the Atwater boy?

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:22 am
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
As Dr. Winston seems intent on going in, and the lady seems to be getting any needed comfort, Donald follows him in.

C'mon Mickey, I'm sure the Gentleman can handle the situation.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:33 am
by HellBlazer
Samuel wrote:And I thought I rolled badly![/color]
Yeah that was a brutal roll on my part.... oh well I am not breaking any laws.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:05 am
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

OOC: I was thinking: Winston is from Arkham. It's been a short while since he came back but I think he would know the name of the Director of Arkham Sanitarium. He'd probably had gone there to see a patient, to exchange ideas, some reason... Can I consider he knows Dr. Hardstrom (they are not exactly friends, but they know and respect each other)? Is that possible? Please consider what you think is best.

Albert enters the Sanitarium.

If he knows Dr. Hardstrom and sees him in the hall he'll directly talk to him: Good morning Hardstrom. I'm sorry to disturb you but could we talk about a patient?

If he doesn't know him, he at least knows his name. He'll look for someone that could help him: Could you tell me where is the Dr. Hardstrom's office, please? I'm Dr. Albert Winston from Miskatonic University and I'd like to talk to him.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:39 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Nodding when he hears the sense of Donald’s words, Mickey is about to go into the asylum and leave the French woman to the care of her friend, until he hears her mention “the Atwater boy”

Doing a double-take, Mickey says Hey, wait a minute, are you here to see Henry Atwater too? What’s going on, are you cops or something? Have you got any word on my friend, Richie? Have you found him?

After firing his barrage of questions at Ondine and Gregory, Mickey looks at them hopefully and expectantly.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:57 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

About to embrace Gregory when Mickey's questions hit, after which she let's her arms fall.

Cops, Heavens no, we're here in the employ of Herbert Cardigan to find his son and unless the other third of our group has had any success We've waisted time visiting here

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:33 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Mickey marvels at the strange coincidence, Richie’s dad….. Realising he needs to explain himself to the strangers, he says, I’m Mickey O’Dwyer. I’m a botany student at MU. Richie Cardigan’s a buddy of mine. Pointing to the Coach, by way of an introduction, he says This is Mr Lutherhagen, Richie’s baseball coach. We realised this morning that Richie was missing. This was kind of our first lead.

Nervously smiling, he says to Ondine and Gregory, You guys move fast! Running their words through his mind, he says So you’ve not had much luck getting in to see Henry Altwater then, huh? Maybe Dr Winston will have more joy – he’s the resident psych lecturer at MU; he’s got a way about him, and I doubt he’ll take no for an answer.

So, what’s your next move? You seen the campsite yet?

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:06 am
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
Regaining his composure after a slight flushing of the face.....
Dondero wrote:Mickey O'Dwyer
Nervously smiling, he says to Ondine and Gregory, You guys move fast! Running their words through his mind, he says So you’ve not had much luck getting in to see Henry Altwater then, huh? Maybe Dr Winston will have more joy – he’s the resident psych lecturer at MU; he’s got a way about him, and I doubt he’ll take no for an answer.

So, what’s your next move? You seen the campsite yet?
Actually, son, we were planning next to see if we could find any of Richard's friends, but it looks like we may have had a stroke of good luck after bad.
What do you know of the boys' camping trip? Did Richard give you anymore details of his plans this past weekend?

Gregory gallantly chooses to stay outside with the distressed Ondine, which has absolutely nothing to do with anything whatsoever except his since of honor and friendship.
Is Lutherhagen inside or out? Gregory will nod a polite hello to him at Mickey's rapid introduction if he is.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:09 am
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

Caught off guard by Mickey's behavior, and by the situation that is at hand, but decides to go along.

Seems a nod is all I'll get from this one. Maybe he thinks me a rival. Well, a little flirt always cheers an old man up.

Donald returns the nod, but remains silent, occasionally glancing towards the distraught (??) lady.

If the lady happens to be introduced as I think should be happening, or perhaps she feels left out and introduces herself, Donald has a surprise coming her way(nothing flashy, minor flirt).

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:20 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

wiping the last of the tears form her eyes and straightening her hair
Pardon our rudeness, My companion is Gregory Atkinson and I am Ondine Dumont. then offers her hand to Mickey and Donald

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:50 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium

Before Albert enters
HellBlazer wrote: Excuse me Doc but my name is Jack Roberts and I am a private investigator working for Mr.Saltonstall I was brought in to help with the quick recovery of his son , now the only person on earth who knows exactly what happened out there is that boy that is in your charge. It would really help matters if we could avoid another trip to this asylum , now I am a former police officer and I have dealt with these kinds of situations before and every hour that passes increases the chance of never finding the lad.
Hardstrom just about loses it at this point. He's fed up with telling people no, and it seems like more people just keep coming and badgering him about his patient! How in the hell am I supposed to treat this poor lad if I'm not left alone!

I, frankly, couldn't care less who you are, sir! I feel bad for the missing boy, I really do, but he's not in my charge. Atwater is and he is my only concern right now! You lot barging in and spewing questions at him in his current condition will only make things worse! He's not even speaking coherently right now! Now please leave!

After Albert Enters
Miss Scarlet wrote:Good morning Hardstrom. I'm sorry to disturb you but could we talk about a patient?
Hardstrom is still fuming from dealing with Gregory and Jack, but when he sees Albert he calms a bit. He's attended lectures with Dr. Winston and holds him in high regard. Good morning, Albert! So good to see you again. A patient? Oh don't tell me you want to see the poor Atwater boy, too? Hmm. He stops to think for a moment. Clearly he's torn. He truly feels that Atwater shouldn't be talking to anyone right now and the best thing for him is rest. However, he does feel that Albert might be of some help in diagnosing the problem.

Okay, Albert you can go in. You can take one person with you, but that's it! I don't want a room full of people asking him questions. Just two people--no more.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:00 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Hello Eric. I see this whole incident is causing a lot of distress here. He pulls Hardstrom to someplace apart from the other man.

As a matter of fact I'm here to talk about Henry Atwater, but I'd like to talk to you first to know how he is going and then evaluate if it's a good idea to talk to him now. The other student, Richard Cardigan, is in my class and he's a very good student, one of the best. So you can understand my concern, but first is the conditions of Henry. I don't like to force anything because it could only make things worse.

But tell me Eric, how is the boy? In which conditions he was found? How is he now? Which treatment is he receiving?
He asks one question at a time, giving Hardstrom time to answer them.

OOC: Folks, Winston will call someone to go with him, probably the Coach, since Mickey is very agitated with the situation. But give him sometime to talk to Hardstrom. :)

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:18 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium

He's not doing well at all, Albert. He was sent to us just yesterday from St. Mary's as they felt they couldn't treat him. Evidentally he was found wandering the streets Sunday morning. From the sounds of it not much has changed in his mental state since then. He seems to be in relatively good health physically. He's very incoherent, though. I've not been able to get any kind of rational story or even single thought out of him! We had him heavily sedated for a time, but have recently backed off of that to see how he responds. Apart from that there's not much we can do as yet. Since he's not really talking and doesn't seem to hear us, though I can't be certain of that.

Detective Stuckey from Arkham PD is in with him right now, so you can go in when he's finished, if you choose to.

Yeah you six can decide who you think should go with Albert (if anyone) and just let me know.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:30 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

He's being incoherent... Interesting. Is there any sign of lightning? The papers mentioned something about that... Do you think he could have been hit by a lightning and in consequence of that he lost his memories? Then Albert lowers his voice. Do you think is a good idea the Detective talks to him right now? Which interrogation techniques he's planning for the poor boy? Winston seems concerned by the possible damage a police interrogation could cause in Atwater's mind.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:31 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Riotopsys wrote:Ondine Dumont
Pardon our rudeness, My companion is Gregory Atkinson and I am Ondine Dumont. then offers her hand to Donald
Yeah, I know Mickey too :)

Taking Ondine's hand gently and bending down almost in half, Donald gently touches the back of her hand with his lips. It's just the way he was brought up, or maybe... Still holding her hand and looking straight into her eyes, he says:
A pleasure to meet you Madame. My name is Donald Lutherhagen, but I'd be delighted if you'd call me Donald.

Letting go of Madame Dumont's hand, he extends his hand to Mr. Atkinson.
Donald Lutherhagen, pleased to meet you. I'm sorry if my clothes are a bit casual, and maybe a bit dirty here and there, but I had to cancel my teams baseball practice in the middle of it due to the sad news. Richard is my best shortstop. I hope he's OK and we find him soon. I'm expecting Gregory to have taken the hand put before him.

If anybody cares to notice, Donalds scent is that of rather expensive cologne mixed with a bit of sweat. Of course he's still using the cologne he used to buy while his wife was still alive, so both fragrances compliment each other really well, and the sum of them is quite pleasant and still managing to be definitely manly.

Concerning going in, I'll be away for a while, so if anybody wants to go instead of me it'll keep the action going. Donald will take care of the Lady engaging her in casual conversation, but as to let Mickey share his thoughts also

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:35 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium

Hardstrom says, Well probably the most frequent word he's said is "lightning". However, whether that means he's actually been struck or not we don't quite know yet. It seems as good an explanation as any, though. Certainly it's the only theory we have at the moment. I believe that's what they initially concluded at St. Mary's, too.

Oh don't worry about the detective. He's a blustery sort, but he's harmless.
Hardstrom smiles. Anyway he's not interrogating Atwater. At least not yet. Henry is not a suspect or anything like that. Stuckey just wanted to ask him a few questions. Believe me, I'd rather not have him in there either, but there's not much one can do with when the PD leans on you. At least not one in my position.

Perhaps a love triangle brewing outside the asylum? ;)

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:43 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

I understand, Eric, I understand... He says refering at the Police's request.

I know the lightning is the most plausible explanation for that, but I'm not too convinced. If he had been stricken by a lightning shouldn't he present any sign of burning? And if he's in perfect "body health" I think it could be the trauma to see the lightning striking his friend, Richard, than himself. What do you think?

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:48 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium

Hardstrom responds, Yes, that's just it, Albert. There doesn't appear to be any physical indication that he was struck by lightning. Since that storm was rather bad, your idea makes a lot of sense. Still, I honestly don't know what happened out there. Unfortunately, the two people who do know are either ramblingly incoherent or missing entirely! Hopefully Henry, once he's feeling better, can shed some light on the subject. Until then, I'm afraid all we have are hypotheses. Nothing more.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:59 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Indeed my friend, indeed. Well, I'll see who wants to go with me to talk to Herny. I'd like to be one of his friends. To see a friendly face always helps.

Please, let me know when we can talk to him.
Saying that, Winston will go outside the Sanitarium to talk to the others, unless Hardstrom has anything to say.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:16 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston goes outside the Sanitarium and sees the group talking. He approaches them and greets.

Good morning. And waits to be introduced to those he doesn't know.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:02 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium

Hardstrom says, No problem, Albert. I will let you know when Detective Stuckey is finished.

I will wait until you decide who will be going in with Dr. Winston before posting again unless I need to step in for any reason. Just let me know whenever you decide. When you're ready, Detective Stuckey will exit the asylum and Hardstrom will come out as well to find Albert.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:06 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Mickey stifles a laugh at Donald’s extravagant greeting of Ondine. What a smooth operator. Urgh, you’d think he’d know better at his age. Gross!

Mickey shyly shakes hands with Ondine and Gregory, Pleased to meet you both
Samuel wrote:Actually, son, we were planning next to see if we could find any of Richard's friends, but it looks like we may have had a stroke of good luck after bad.
What do you know of the boys' camping trip? Did Richard give you anymore details of his plans this past weekend?
Well, I was meant to go camping by the River with Richie last Thursday, but something came up and I had to take a raincheck. I’m not exactly sure which spot they were camping at, although….Mickey rummages around in his bag and retrieves the newspaper, Yeah, here it is….half a mile north west of Cabot Road. Just off the Aylesbury Pike.

OOC – I’m assuming Mickey has camped there before with Richard, or will at least know the spot?

Sensing a bit of rivalry between Donald and Gregory, Mickey is beginning to feel a bit like a gooseberry. Shaking his head and rolling his eyes he thinks to himself It’s hardly the time and the place for this. Still, I guess it’s just Mr Lutherhagen's competitive nature.

Sighing, Mickey asks if Gregory and Ondine have any other information they could share. Mickey waits until he sees Dr Winston emerge from the asylum, Doctor, is everything ok? What’s happening? Surely they’ll let you of all people see Henry? he asks, appalled at the thought of the doctor being refused access to the patient.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:45 pm
by amarriner
Dondero wrote:OOC – I’m assuming Mickey has camped there before with Richard, or will at least know the spot?
Mickey has a pretty good idea of where it is and could definitely find it without too much trouble. However, Richard had many camping spots along the Miskatonic so it's hard to say for sure if this is one he's used in the past or not. Mickey knows he's camped in roughly that area before, but possibly not that exact site.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:54 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston
Doctor, is everything ok? What’s happening? Surely they’ll let you of all people see Henry?
Albert can't help himself on smiling about the sequence of questions Mickey's made.

Then he looks at the others: I'm Doctor Winston, Albert Winston. And you are? He asks before telling what's happened inside the Sanitarium.

Re: Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:18 am
by HellBlazer
amarriner wrote:Inside the Sanitarium

I, frankly, couldn't care less who you are, sir! I feel bad for the missing boy, I really do, but he's not in my charge. Atwater is and he is my only concern right now! You lot barging in and spewing questions at him in his current condition will only make things worse! He's not even speaking coherently right now! Now please leave!
Jack is a little perturbed by the doctors response but also realizes that he is speaking the truth.
I understand doctor , good day.
With that Jack turns and heads outside to meet up with the others and notices that his group has almost doubled since he last saw them , he approaches and shakes hands with Donald,Mickey and Albert.

Greeting's, Jack Roberts P.I., I assume you have met my colleges already could we have stumbled upon some visitors for young Atwater?

Well needless to say I had no luck with that doctor and we really need to focus on another lead ,you okay Ondine? .
He pulls out a cigarette and sparks it , exhaling through his nostrils

I'll wait for you guys to bring Jack up to speed about what Mickey has said.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:00 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Realising that Dr Winston was waiting to be formally introduced to the group of people, Mickey took the initiative and made hurried introductions. Dr Winston, this is Ondine, Gregory and Jack.

To the three, Mickey says impatiently, Doctor Winston’s our psych professor at MU.

Getting more excited and animated as he speaks, You’re not going to believe this, Doctor, but these people have been hired by Richie’s dad! To investigate his disappearance. That’s good news, right? The more chance we have of finding him. They were here to see Henry too, looks like we all lucked out. Mickey says this last sentence with resignation in his voice, and his shoulders slumping.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:24 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston
Dr Winston, this is Ondine, Gregory and Jack
Nice to meet you lady, gentlemen. And he nods his head as a compliment.
Doctor, is everything ok? What’s happening? Surely they’ll let you of all people see Henry?
Answering your questions, Mickey, well the situation does not seem good. Henry Atwater is until now incapable to speak coherently. And the doctors couldn't determine what his problem is. A Detective is talking to him now and when he finishes Dr. Hardstrom allowed two of us to go talking to Henry, myself and someone else. I'd like to be someone Henry could recognize from University. It'll help if he sees a friendly face.
You’re not going to believe this, Doctor, but these people have been hired by Richie’s dad! To investigate his disappearance. That’s good news, right? The more chance we have of finding him. They were here to see Henry too, looks like we all lucked out.
It's good to hear you are here to help finding young Richard. I hope we have luck and could find him very soon.

And also I hope we have luck talking to Henry. That could feel more comfortable in a presence of someone from the University and be able to talk to us and tell what's has happened at the camping site... He thinks.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:06 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
I'll go then. I think I can handle it. If you could tell me some basic things I should or shouldn't do while in the presence of the boy, I'll be ready. I'm a calm person.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:18 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

There's nothing especial to say. The most important now is Henry can see familiar faces people that he could recognize from some where. It'll help him to trust and maybe to talk to us.

He's in shock. Maybe because of a trauma of seeing a lightning so close. Maybe because of something else. It's impossible to know for now. We're going inside to try making him talk coherently. He's just said some words until now and none of them making a sentence. Accordingly Dr. Hardstrom, one of the most frequent words is lightning, but without further information to connect it it's difficult to figure what's happened to him and to Richard.

The he turns to Ondine, Gregory and Jack: I'll try my best to get some useful information from him and you can be sure I'll tell you everything he says, if he says anything at all... Let's hope for the best.

Richard is one of my best students and I hope the Police could locate him in no time.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:40 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Grateful for Donald’s intervention, Mickey didn’t really feel up to interviewing the catatonic student. Although Donald could be quite an intimidating man to be confronted with, Mickey was concerned that his nervousness and immaturity might distress Henry Altwater further.

Knowing his skills will be of use in other areas, Mickey turns to the other group and says The interview with Henry might take a while, if you guys have a vehicle, do you mind if I tag along? Have you got any further leads or lines of enquiry?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:23 am
by HellBlazer
Jack Roberts
Yeah probably a good idea if one of the schools coaches goes in to see the boy , maybe it'll help with his memory....
Well good luck to you both Jack says to Donald and AlbertHopefully the poor boy will open up to familiar faces.
Dondero wrote:
Mickey turns to the other group and says The interview with Henry might take a while, if you guys have a vehicle, do you mind if I tag along? Have you got any further leads or lines of enquiry?
I don't mind at all , actually I think you may be of some help to us young man , although we did walk here so we need to find some kind of transportation if we are to be useful at all.....
Jack turns to his companions
What do you think? , the boy could help us a lot but we need a car.

Jack finishes his cigarette and flicks it to the cold hard pavement of the asylum.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:41 am
by Riotopsys
Sorry guys crummy day at work, no time to post

The law firm should be able to provide a car if this is as important as Saltonstall says. A quick walk and we can be on our way. Were should we meet up a restaurant, the university, or Saltonstall and Associates.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:27 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium

As the group is conversing near the benches on the sidewalk, the doors swing open after about ten minutes. Dr Hardstrom walks out with a large burly man smoking a cigarette and wearing a badge. They speak for a few moments and shake hands after which the man with the badge starts to walk down the sidewalk nearing the group and heading towards the gates. Hardstrom stands atop the stairs to the asylum and speaks to Albert, Whenever you're ready my friend. Just remember, only one other person!

With that he eyes the group, turns on his heel and heads back into the sanitarium.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:35 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Albert notices Hardstrom at the main entrance calling him. Time to go. If you excuse us, gentlemen, lady. Shall we go Herr Lutherhagen? Winston asks the Coach signaling with his hand for both go inside.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:57 pm
by Riotopsys
Ok so out side we have a PI, interpreter, student and a lawyer. Ondine will sit and watch what transpires with the detective so until then. Bye.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:58 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Lead the way Doctor.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:50 am
by HellBlazer
Jack watches as the two men head for the asylum , and notices the cop strolling toward the group.

Maybe I can get something out of this fellow, give me a second jack whispers to his party.

If I tell him I used to be "On the job" , maybe he'll help me out.

Jack intercepts the detective and extends his hand

Hi there , Jack Roberts P.I. if you've got a moment could I have a word?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:40 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium
The detective eyes Jack and shakes the proffered hand. Ray Stuckey, Arkham PD. What can I do for you? Stuckey's demeanor does not seem helpful for unhelpful. Just sort of ambivalent. He's a little gruff, but by no means unfriendly. As he let's go of Jack's hand he scans the other three people outside. He finds it strange that there is this group of people here. He supposes it's because of the Atwater boy, but is surprised none of these seem to be from the press.

Inside the Sanitarium
Albert and Donald follow Dr. Hardstrom through the asylum--down several corridors and past many doors. He finally stops at a door labelled with a '17' on it. Hardstrom takes out a set of keys and unlocks the door. All three step inside and the doctor closes and locks the door behind them.

Albert and Donald see Henry Atwater for the first time. He appears to be a relatively normal college student from what they can tell. He's lying on a bed with his eyes closed. Short-cropped dark hair, and average height. Atwater doesn't stir at all when they enter and they can't tell, at first, if he's asleep.

Hardstrom says, As I mentioned, Albert Atwater was fairly heavily sedated yesterday so he's probably a little groggy because of that. He's probably awake, though. Henry has just been laying there with his eyes shut for hours now. I'll stick around here so go ahead and do whatever it is you've planned on doing.

When you respond now, please include the "Inside" or "Outside" header in addition to your character's name for clarity's sake.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:46 pm
by Dondero
Outside the Sanitarium - Mickey O'Dwyer
Riotopsys wrote:
The law firm should be able to provide a car if this is as important as Saltonstall says. A quick walk and we can be on our way. Were should we meet up a restaurant, the university, or Saltonstall and Associates.
Eager to be off and feeling like he can make more of a positive contribution, Mickey shrugs at Ondine's question, The University works as a rendezvous for me....

About to head off with them, Mickey turns and sees Jack engage the cop in conversation. Mickey moves over, to hear what's going on, but, deciding that too many cooks might spoil the broth, remains silent.

OOC - Sorry for the silence and short post. Normal service will resume shortly, but, for the moment, I don't think it's wise to cramp Jack's style!

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:24 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Inside the Sanitarium

Albert Winston

Calmly, Winston looks for a chair and puts it near the bed. He sits down and looks to Henry.

Hello Henry. I'm Professor Albert Winston, from the Miskatonic University. I don't know if you know me, but I'm at the School of Human Conduct. Could we talk for a while? He says in a lower tone of voice not wanting to disturb much the patient.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:40 am
by HellBlazer
Outside the sanitarium-Jack Roberts

Well Detective stuckey, me and my two associates here , he says as he points to Greg and Ondine , are working for the law firm of E.E Saltonstall , it seems that the father of the missing boy is a very respected client and we have been brought in to help with the recovery of his son. Now myself being an ex-detective out of Chicago ,I know how important it is to follow up on any leads we come across as soon as possible.

Jack clears his throat

We are just about to head down to the supposed campsite , I was wondering if you had anything that could help us... maybe an exact location of the site the boys used ? any information you give us will be greatly appreciated.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:57 pm
by zielonobrody
Inside Sanitarium

Donald Lutherhagen

Donald follows Dr. Winston's lead and takes a seat next to him. I'd better not say anything just yet, so as not to startle the boy.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:37 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium
Atwater makes no physical response to Albert for some time. He's so still that Donald swears he's dead for a moment until he notices the shallow up and down motion of the boy's chest. After a bit, he mumbles a few words that neither Albert or Donald can understand. They do hear him say the word "lightning" twice, though, and they hear fragments of other words, but nothing that makes a coherent thought of any kind. His eyes actually flutter open briefly, but he doesn't turn towards the three men at all.

This is pretty much how he's been since he's gotten here. In fact, he seems more talkative than yesterday! Hardstrom says with a big grin. Heh, I'm not sure how much ol' Stuckey got out of him. I bet not much.

Outside the Sanitarium
Stuckey nods at Greg and Ondine before responding to Jack. Saltonstall, huh? I don't know how you can stand the guy. I've had several run-ins with him. Kind of an unpleasant sort, the detective says. None of the others listening to him get the impression that Stuckey is very pleasant himself.

Yep, we did find the campsite. Checked it out yesterday and a few more men were going out today with some local volunteers. It's out west of Arkham, along the Miskatonic. You have to head out the Aylesbury Pike and either take Cabot road and hike a short way north along the river, or take Bowen road which puts you closer, but the bridge is out on Bowen that goes over the river so you have to be careful.

We didn't find much yesterday except for that bloody shovel those sensationalists in the press thought fit to print. No sign of the Cardigan boy, and this Atwater fellow didn't have much to tell. I don't care what the Doc says, I still think they was struck by lightnin.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:50 pm
by zielonobrody
Inside the Sanitarium
Donald Lutherhagen
In a soft but still very rumbling voice, that sounds like mountains on a stroll: Gosh, his breath is so shallow. Are you sure that he was this way before the policeman left, Dr. Hardstrom? Would you mind if I got a bit closer to see if I can make out what he's mumbling? Or maybe Dr. Winston, you could try? Concern clearly visible on his face.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:56 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium
Mmhmm, he's been like this for a while. The breathing is a concern, certainly, but we check on him frequently. I think reducing the sedatives he was getting should help as well. You can certainly get closer. Please don't actually touch him, though.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:03 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont - Outside
amarriner wrote: Outside the Sanitarium
Stuckey nods at Greg and Ondine before responding to Jack. Saltonstall, huh? I don't know how you can stand the guy. I've had several run-ins with him. Kind of an unpleasant sort, the detective says. None of the others listening to him get the impression that Stuckey is very pleasant himself.
Ondine issues a short unladylike snort of laughter
amarriner wrote:
We didn't find much yesterday except for that bloody shovel those sensationalists in the press thought fit to print. No sign of the Cardigan boy, and this Atwater fellow didn't have much to tell. I don't care what the Doc says, I still think they was struck by lightnin.
Detective, just as a point of reference, what was it the Doc thinks happened if not lightning?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:06 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium
Riotopsys wrote:Detective, just as a point of reference, what was it the Doc thinks happened if not lightning?
Damned if I know, miss. Some kind of psychology mumbo-jumbo. I'm not sure he knows exactly what's going on just yet. 'Specially since the kid ain't really talking anyway. I'm sure he's got his theories, but I think it was plain ol' Mother Nature.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:12 pm
by zielonobrody
Inside the Sanitarium
Donald Lutherhagen
Stands up to walk closer to the boy's bed and carefully leans closer anticipating any words from the boy. If there is anything close at hand, he leans on it for support to lean closer, so his head is level with the boy's, about half a foot away from it though. If there isn't anything to lean on, he'll be farther away just to be careful.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:23 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Inside the Sanitarium

Albert Winston

Winston pays attention to Henry's reaction to his word. Even "no reaction" has it meaning in Psychology.

OOC: Can I roll Medicine and Psychology to evaluate Henry's conditions? Or could you roll for me and give me the results?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:51 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium
As Donald approaches, Atwater mumbles a bit more. It's a little stronger possibly because of Donald's proximity--possibly not.

Henry says, River ... water ... lightning ... old ... tent ... them ... power ... book.

His eyes open again as he says these things and shut once he's finished speaking.

Sure roll either of those two, Miss Scarlet, for Albert and I'll let you know the results. Also, both of you please roll History (I believe it's 20%--the default--but I'll check your sheets to be sure).

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:03 pm
by Dondero
Outside the Sanitarium - Mickey O'Dwyer

Standing close by the Saltonstall employees, Mickey listens intently to the conversation taking place between Jack and Detective Stuckey.
amarriner wrote:We didn't find much yesterday except for that bloody shovel those sensationalists in the press thought fit to print.
Mickey brings out the newspaper and checks the report, Er…Detective, sorry to interrupt, but there’s no mention of a shovel in the press report.

Feeling the need to clarify his presence, Mickey shrugs and mutters a nervous, I’m a friend of Richie Cardigan’s.

With all sorts of gruesome possibilities whirring through his mind, What’s the significance of the shovel? Is it evidence? Has it been used as a weapon? Or used to dig something? You have checked for disturbances in the ground?

Aware that firing off a barrage of questions at people was becoming an unhealthy habit for him, he realises that this may not be the best target for interrogation, so he mumbles an apologetic Sorry, blushing slightly, I’m just concerned about my friend.

OOC - I know the shovel was mentioned in the game app, but I couldn't see any mention of it in the newspaper report, but I may have missed it! :roll: so I'm treating this as new information. Feel free to put me straight!

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:26 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium
Whatcha' got there, the Gazette? Naw, it was in the Advertiser. At Mikey's questions, Stuckey starts to get a little defensive. He's a big burly sort and not used to having to explain himself. 'Course it's evidence! What do you take me for? Shovels usually are used to dig things, aren't they? We haven't yet determined the significance of the shovel, but we soon will. I think they used it to defend themselves from a wild animal of some kind. Bear or wolf or something. Stuckey seems less than convinced at his own theory. After Mickey apologizes he lightens up slightly. Well, I can understand you being worried about your friend.

Dondero wrote:OOC - I know the shovel was mentioned in the game app, but I couldn't see any mention of it in the newspaper report, but I may have missed it! :roll: so I'm treating this as new information. Feel free to put me straight!
Oh no, no worries. You're right it wasn't in the Gazette article I gave you earlier. :) It is new information.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:43 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont - Outside

Mickey, there are plenty of reason for a shovel to be at a camp site, lets not jump to anything rash.

Um.. I'm assuming the infection in Stuckey voice was bloody as in "blood coated shovel" not "Damn shovel"

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:46 pm
by Dondero
Outside the Sanitarium - Mickey O'Dwyer

Sorry, Detective, I meant no offence. Just seems a little unfortunate doesn't it: a wild animal attack and a lightning strike? That's some camping trip that Richie and Henry had themselves don't you think? Gee, I'm glad I never went with them, after all.

It'll be interesting to see the campsite for ourselves.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:57 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium
That's why I don't go traipsing around in the woods! There's some weird things going on out there. Give me the city any day!, says Stuckey.

Correct, Riotopsys. I meant a shovel with blood on it. Good distinction, sorry about that.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:50 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Inside the Sanitarium

Albert Winston
River ... water ... lightning ... old ... tent ... them ... power ... book.
River, water - I think he's meaning the Miskatonic River. If I remember correctly they went to camping near the river.

Lightning - it could mean they were stricken by a lightning.

Old tent - was their tent old? Or is he referring to anything else?

Power, book - this doesn't make much sense. Were they taking a book with them or did they find a book there? But if so, where? In the middle of the woods?

Albert thinks remembering all his studies about Medicine and Psychology to understand, to connect what Henry is saying with his present condition. And what it could mean to Richard and his whereabouts.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:24 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium
Miss Scarlet wrote:Albert thinks remembering all his studies about Medicine and Psychology to understand, to connect what Henry is saying with his present condition. And what it could mean to Richard and his whereabouts.
Albert assesses the patient as best he can given the short time frame and limited resources available to him. He definitely agrees with Dr. Hardstrom in that there doesn't seem to be any physical symptoms manifesting themselves. No burns, cuts or bruises are visible. Atwater definitely seems groggy, but that's most likely due to the sedative. Dr. Winston is not sure of the cause of the mans psychological problems--he feels that something very traumatic happened which has caused him to regress to where he has trouble putting words together. He definitely does not think Atwater was struck by lightning.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:37 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont - Outside
amarriner wrote:Outside the Sanitarium
That's why I don't go traipsing around in the woods! There's some weird things going on out there. Give me the city any day!, says Stuckey.

Correct, Riotopsys. I meant a shovel with blood on it. Good distinction, sorry about that.
You can say it "Stop being a pita. I don't mind"

Weird things, detective, the way your talking it sounds as if you have information the public may need to know about that area. Just what sort of "Weird Things" are you referring to?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:27 pm
by zielonobrody
Inside the Sanitarium

Donald Lutherhagen
Miss Scarlet wrote:
River ... water ... lightning ... old ... tent ... them ... power ... book.
River, water - I think he's meaning the Miskatonic River. If I remember correctly they went to camping near the river.

Lightning - it could mean they were stricken by a lightning.

Old tent - was their tent old? Or is he referring to anything else?

Power, book - this doesn't make much sense. Were they taking a book with them or did they find a book there? But if so, where? In the middle of the woods?
I believe you missed one Doctor. "THEM". I have some other thoughts than yourself. If you think this is all we'll get out of him, how about we leave him be, and converse outside?
So they either leave or stay, no difference.
I'll start off with a comment to your thoughts. Old and tent doesn't mean they go together does it? We can check that out at the campsite, or ask Mickey if Richard had an old tent. What I can't come to understand is who THEY are. Are they old? Have they got power? Maybe they scared the boys with a little illusionary trick into a mental breakdown? Oh gee... I don't know what to think.
Donald seems a bit upset and distraught. He's thinking heavily, his brow full of deep wrinkles , his lips tight together and his cheeks moving with the air he's distributing around them unconsciously.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:50 am
by Miss Scarlet
Inside the Sanitarium

Albert Winston

Albert looks a little longer to Henry, thinking about what could cause his conditions. Then he stands up.
I believe you missed one Doctor. "THEM". I have some other thoughts than yourself. If you think this is all we'll get out of him, how about we leave him be, and converse outside?
There's a lot of interpretations, Herr Lutherhagen, but it's better to leave Mr. Atwater to rest for now.

Winston leaves the room and before continuing his conversation with Donald, he talks to Hardstrom. Eric, could you ask someone to pay attention to what the young Atwater is saying and write it down. Maybe we can get some clue about what's happened and what's caused his present condition. Anyway, thank you very much for your help. I'll keep you informed on what we conclude. It might help his treatment.

Then he walks toward the main door, discussing with the coach what possible interpretations Henry's words could have.
I'll start off with a comment to your thoughts. Old and tent doesn't mean they go together does it? We can check that out at the campsite, or ask Mickey if Richard had an old tent. What I can't come to understand is who THEY are. Are they old? Have they got power? Maybe they scared the boys with a little illusionary trick into a mental breakdown? Oh gee... I don't know what to think.
You are right, Herr Lutherhagen. I was only speculating. Maybe if we talk to O'Dwyer he could help us in a better interpretation.

Absorbed with his thoughts, Winston arrives outside of the Sanitarium and notices the group is now gathered around Detective Stuckey. He approaches them and introduce himself.

Pardon me, Detective. I'm Dr. Albert Winston from the School of Human Conduct at the Miskatonic University. I've just talked to the young Atwater and I understand you've talked to him to. He told us some words and I'd like to know if he said something to you too. Maybe we can compare this information.

OOC: I'm considering both Winston and Donald left Henry's room. I think it wouldn't be the best behavior for a Psychologist to talk in front of the patient.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:09 am
by zielonobrody
Inside the Sanitarium

Donald Lutherhagen
You are right, Herr Lutherhagen. I was only speculating. Maybe if we talk to O'Dwyer he could help us in a better interpretation.
A bit lost in thought Donald only nods and follows Dr. Winston out of the Sanitarium and sits down on a bench to contemplate.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:09 pm
by Samuel
Outside the Sanitarium
Gregory Atkinson

Shaking his head after coming out of of his introspective stupor, Gregory catches up on the conversation:
amarriner wrote: Detective Stuckey said: Whatcha' got there, the Gazette? Naw, it was in the Advertiser.
Do you have a copy of the Advertiser article on hand?
amarriner wrote:Detective Stuckey said: I think they used it to defend themselves from a wild animal of some kind. Bear or wolf or something.
Well it certainly wasn't wolves, sir, there hasn't been any in Massachusettes since, what? before the Civil War? Common knowledge. I'd say any wild animals they would have fought off would be more likely some sort of bootlegger or other criminal.
Riotopsys wrote:Ondine said: Weird things, detective, the way your talking it sounds as if you have information the public may need to know about that area. Just what sort of "Weird Things" are you referring to?
Yes, could you elaborate please?

So those are not all at once, and are delivered politely, not scoffingly. Got my paperwork and such caught up, and am ready to stay on top of things here. Thanks for all those good thoughts.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:45 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium
As Albert and Donald walk outside, Dr. Hardstrom pokes his head out the doors as they're walking down the steps. We'll keep an eye on him, Albert, and as you know will document everything he says and does. Feel free to come back tomorrow if you'd like as I suspect he'll be in much better condition to speak. Hopefully the sedatives will have fully worn off by then. With that, he heads back in a closes the doors to the asylum.

Stuckey, now feeling a bit like one of his interrogation victims, fields the groups questions:
Miss Scarlet wrote:He told us some words and I'd like to know if he said something to you too. Maybe we can compare this information.
Well, I'm afraid I didn't get much out of him. He didn't seem to want to talk much. Dunno if it was the lightning's made him mute or what. I asked him some simple questions, but got no answers out of him. Poor kid didn't speak a word to me.

Samuel wrote:Do you have a copy of the Advertiser article on hand?
'Fraid not. Didn't have much more than the Gazette did, though. Just that bit about the shovel.

Samuel wrote:Well it certainly wasn't wolves, sir, there hasn't been any in Massachusettes since, what? before the Civil War? Common knowledge. I'd say any wild animals they would have fought off would be more likely some sort of bootlegger or other criminal.
Gregory gets the impression Stuckey wouldn't know what a wolf looked like if it came up and bit him. He's not exactly what you'd call a nature person. Well, still coulda been a bear. But I wouldn't deny it coulda been a bootlegger, too. We've had a lot o' problems with them lately.

Riotopsys wrote:Ondine said: Weird things, detective, the way your talking it sounds as if you have information the public may need to know about that area. Just what sort of "Weird Things" are you referring to?
Aw, you ought to know if you've spent any amount of time in this town. Whispers about things on the outskirts. People go missing, or worse come back crazy like poor Henry, Stuckey says pointing a thumb back at the sanitarium. Me, I don't think there's anything supernatural about any o' that stuff. Simple explanations, I'm sure. You know how superstitious the folk of this town are, though. Things that go BUMP in the night and all that.

No worries, Riot. You're not being a pita. :)
I think I answered everyone's questions, but if not feel free to ask them again. Stuckey won't get mad. :) Otherwise he's about to leave.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:10 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

A bear, officer, you must be joking, it would take more then a shovel to discourage a bear. As for "things on the outskirts" I alway chalk that up to shotty police work. {french}Miserable lazy Oaf{/french}

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:28 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston pays attention to the answers of Detective Stuckey trying to understand what about a shovel and a bear. He keeps quiet and when the detective leaves he'll ask Mickey what was said.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:14 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Eyes widening at Ondine’s scathing retort to Detective Stukey, I can only imagine what that means in French, and it ain’t good!

Retreating from the group, Mickey spots Mr Lutherhagen sitting on a bench being uncharacteristically quiet. Concerned, Mickey goes over to join him. Hey, Mr Lutherhagen, how’re you doing? Was it really bad in there? He inclines his head to the asylum.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:32 pm
by amarriner
Riotopsys wrote:A bear, officer, you must be joking, it would take more then a shovel to discourage a bear. As for "things on the outskirts" I alway chalk that up to shotty police work. {french}Miserable lazy Oaf{/french}
Stuckey's eyes narrow a bit as he stares at Ondine. Apparently that comment didn't go over well. He waits before speaking. You wanna be careful who you're talking to, Miss ... With that he lumbers towards the big gates and off the asylum grounds.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:22 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Nodding as he bids farewell to the Detective, Albert heads to the bench were Her Lutherhagen and Mickey, he asks: Mickey, do the Detective said something interesting about the case? I've heard something about a shovel. I don't remember anything about it in the newspapers. Does the Detective have the impression there was an animal attack at the campsite?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:53 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Still sitting beside Mr Lutherhagen on the bench, Mickey responds to Dr Winston’s questions.

Yeah, the report in the Advertiser expands slightly to what was in the Gazette. It mentions a blood-stained shovel was found at the campsite. The detective seemed to think it may have been used to fend off an attack by a wild animal. Nodding his head to Ondine, Mickey laughs I think Miss Dumont pretty well represented our feelings on that assumption!

His voice taking a more serious tone, Mickey asks Dr Winston, How did it go in there with Altwater, Doctor? How’s the kid doing? Did you learn anything useful?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:41 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont
Dondero wrote:Mickey O'Dwyer

Still sitting beside Mr Lutherhagen on the bench, Mickey responds to Dr Winston’s questions.

Yeah, the report in the Advertiser expands slightly to what was in the Gazette. It mentions a blood-stained shovel was found at the campsite. The detective seemed to think it may have been used to fend off an attack by a wild animal. Nodding his head to Ondine, Mickey laughs I think Miss Dumont pretty well represented our feelings on that assumption!

His voice taking a more serious tone, Mickey asks Dr Winston, How did it go in there with Altwater, Doctor? How’s the kid doing? Did you learn anything useful?

Thank you, Mickey that's sweet of you. turning to Dr Winston Sorry, I simply detest men like that. We've motioning to Gregory and Jack been hired by Mr Cardigan father to investigate his sons disappearance and seeing the state of local law enforcement I understand why. Please how is Atwater, we seem to have the same goal so surely a pooling of effort would be wise.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:18 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
Riotopsys wrote:Ondine Dumont
Please how is Atwater, we seem to have the same goal so surely a pooling of effort would be wise.[/color]
Smooth. Yes, how is the boy? And after the answer... Ondone is correct, we all have the common goal of finding Richard, and I can't see how teaming up could do anything but help. I suggest we take a look at the camp sight and then help with the search parties. That ought to make the old man happy.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:26 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Suddenly breaking out of thought, but clearly not satisfied with the conclusions he came to.. if any.
I could use a bit of lunch, wouldn't you all? I'm sure there's a quiet coffee shop somewhere nearby. I'd prefer to cut my stay here to a minimum. We can discuss things there.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:46 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

Magnifique, I would adore lunch, shall we. she offers her arm to Donald

I'm evil lover's triangle here we come.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:27 am
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Stands up and takes Ondine's arm and tries to find a comfortable position due to their quite different heights. Donald momentarily cheers up and leading the Lady towards the gate, engages her in polite conversation, his old charming self once again.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:08 am
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston
Mickey O'Dwyer wrote:How did it go in there with Alwater, Doctor? How’s the kid doing? Did you learn anything useful?
Ondine Dumont wrote:Please how is Atwater, we seem to have the same goal so surely a pooling of effort would be wise.
He's still under the effect of sedatives, although Herr Lutherhagen could hear some words from you. I'd like you Mickey to try to understand them, to find what meaning they have.

And Winston quotes the words Henry Atwater had said: River ... water ... lightning ... old ... tent ... them ... power ... book.

Do these words have some meaning for you? Winston will wait for Mickey's answer before saying his conclusions, not to influence the student.
Donald Lutherhagen wrote:I could use a bit of lunch, wouldn't you all? I'm sure there's a quiet coffee shop somewhere nearby. I'd prefer to cut my stay here to a minimum. We can discuss things there.
It's a good idea. We can continue our conversation in another place more comfortable and more private.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:12 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer
Miss Scarlet wrote: And Winston quotes the words Henry Atwater had said: River ... water ... lightning ... old ... tent ... them ... power ... book.

Do these words have some meaning for you? Winston will wait for Mickey's answer before saying his conclusions, not to influence the student.
Mickey shrugs his shoulders and says Well I could have a pretty good guess at the first five words and say that they're all camping related. As for "them", "power" and "book", I really have no idea. No mention of a wild animal attack then?

Watching Ondine and Donald depart arm-in-arm, Mickey thinks That old smoothie, as he casts a peek at Gregory to see what his reaction is to their behaviour.

Looks like we're heading for a bite to eat then , as he trails behind the others looking glum.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:27 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
zielonobrody wrote:Donald Lutherhagen
Stands up and takes Ondine's arm and tries to find a comfortable position due to their quite different heights.
Gregory rolls his eyes at Ondine's obvious attempt to make him jealous and chooses to ignore her childish actions. That might have worked when I was young, but I am just too tired to play games now, he muses to himself.

Following the others, he suggests: Why don't we go to this nice little café I like on Independence Square, it is only a couple of blocks away. Seems like a perfect location for restaurants and such.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:04 pm
by amarriner
Samuel wrote:Seems like a perfect location for restaurants and such.
Yep, that would be fine. It's walkable, too, but Albert will probably want to bring his car along. I can get you to a specific cafe if you'd like, or you can just post IC wherever you end up. Doesn't have to be any particular restaurant.

EDIT -- Scratch that, I'll get you guys to a place. That's the better way to do things, probably. I'll get you there in a new thread shortly ...