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Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:23 am
by HellBlazer
Jack Roberts
Yeah probably a good idea if one of the schools coaches goes in to see the boy , maybe it'll help with his memory....
Well good luck to you both Jack says to Donald and AlbertHopefully the poor boy will open up to familiar faces.
Dondero wrote:
Mickey turns to the other group and says The interview with Henry might take a while, if you guys have a vehicle, do you mind if I tag along? Have you got any further leads or lines of enquiry?
I don't mind at all , actually I think you may be of some help to us young man , although we did walk here so we need to find some kind of transportation if we are to be useful at all.....
Jack turns to his companions
What do you think? , the boy could help us a lot but we need a car.

Jack finishes his cigarette and flicks it to the cold hard pavement of the asylum.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:41 am
by Riotopsys
Sorry guys crummy day at work, no time to post

The law firm should be able to provide a car if this is as important as Saltonstall says. A quick walk and we can be on our way. Were should we meet up a restaurant, the university, or Saltonstall and Associates.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:27 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium

As the group is conversing near the benches on the sidewalk, the doors swing open after about ten minutes. Dr Hardstrom walks out with a large burly man smoking a cigarette and wearing a badge. They speak for a few moments and shake hands after which the man with the badge starts to walk down the sidewalk nearing the group and heading towards the gates. Hardstrom stands atop the stairs to the asylum and speaks to Albert, Whenever you're ready my friend. Just remember, only one other person!

With that he eyes the group, turns on his heel and heads back into the sanitarium.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:35 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Albert notices Hardstrom at the main entrance calling him. Time to go. If you excuse us, gentlemen, lady. Shall we go Herr Lutherhagen? Winston asks the Coach signaling with his hand for both go inside.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:57 pm
by Riotopsys
Ok so out side we have a PI, interpreter, student and a lawyer. Ondine will sit and watch what transpires with the detective so until then. Bye.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:58 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Lead the way Doctor.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:50 am
by HellBlazer
Jack watches as the two men head for the asylum , and notices the cop strolling toward the group.

Maybe I can get something out of this fellow, give me a second jack whispers to his party.

If I tell him I used to be "On the job" , maybe he'll help me out.

Jack intercepts the detective and extends his hand

Hi there , Jack Roberts P.I. if you've got a moment could I have a word?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:40 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium
The detective eyes Jack and shakes the proffered hand. Ray Stuckey, Arkham PD. What can I do for you? Stuckey's demeanor does not seem helpful for unhelpful. Just sort of ambivalent. He's a little gruff, but by no means unfriendly. As he let's go of Jack's hand he scans the other three people outside. He finds it strange that there is this group of people here. He supposes it's because of the Atwater boy, but is surprised none of these seem to be from the press.

Inside the Sanitarium
Albert and Donald follow Dr. Hardstrom through the asylum--down several corridors and past many doors. He finally stops at a door labelled with a '17' on it. Hardstrom takes out a set of keys and unlocks the door. All three step inside and the doctor closes and locks the door behind them.

Albert and Donald see Henry Atwater for the first time. He appears to be a relatively normal college student from what they can tell. He's lying on a bed with his eyes closed. Short-cropped dark hair, and average height. Atwater doesn't stir at all when they enter and they can't tell, at first, if he's asleep.

Hardstrom says, As I mentioned, Albert Atwater was fairly heavily sedated yesterday so he's probably a little groggy because of that. He's probably awake, though. Henry has just been laying there with his eyes shut for hours now. I'll stick around here so go ahead and do whatever it is you've planned on doing.

When you respond now, please include the "Inside" or "Outside" header in addition to your character's name for clarity's sake.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:46 pm
by Dondero
Outside the Sanitarium - Mickey O'Dwyer
Riotopsys wrote:
The law firm should be able to provide a car if this is as important as Saltonstall says. A quick walk and we can be on our way. Were should we meet up a restaurant, the university, or Saltonstall and Associates.
Eager to be off and feeling like he can make more of a positive contribution, Mickey shrugs at Ondine's question, The University works as a rendezvous for me....

About to head off with them, Mickey turns and sees Jack engage the cop in conversation. Mickey moves over, to hear what's going on, but, deciding that too many cooks might spoil the broth, remains silent.

OOC - Sorry for the silence and short post. Normal service will resume shortly, but, for the moment, I don't think it's wise to cramp Jack's style!

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:24 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Inside the Sanitarium

Albert Winston

Calmly, Winston looks for a chair and puts it near the bed. He sits down and looks to Henry.

Hello Henry. I'm Professor Albert Winston, from the Miskatonic University. I don't know if you know me, but I'm at the School of Human Conduct. Could we talk for a while? He says in a lower tone of voice not wanting to disturb much the patient.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:40 am
by HellBlazer
Outside the sanitarium-Jack Roberts

Well Detective stuckey, me and my two associates here , he says as he points to Greg and Ondine , are working for the law firm of E.E Saltonstall , it seems that the father of the missing boy is a very respected client and we have been brought in to help with the recovery of his son. Now myself being an ex-detective out of Chicago ,I know how important it is to follow up on any leads we come across as soon as possible.

Jack clears his throat

We are just about to head down to the supposed campsite , I was wondering if you had anything that could help us... maybe an exact location of the site the boys used ? any information you give us will be greatly appreciated.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:57 pm
by zielonobrody
Inside Sanitarium

Donald Lutherhagen

Donald follows Dr. Winston's lead and takes a seat next to him. I'd better not say anything just yet, so as not to startle the boy.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:37 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium
Atwater makes no physical response to Albert for some time. He's so still that Donald swears he's dead for a moment until he notices the shallow up and down motion of the boy's chest. After a bit, he mumbles a few words that neither Albert or Donald can understand. They do hear him say the word "lightning" twice, though, and they hear fragments of other words, but nothing that makes a coherent thought of any kind. His eyes actually flutter open briefly, but he doesn't turn towards the three men at all.

This is pretty much how he's been since he's gotten here. In fact, he seems more talkative than yesterday! Hardstrom says with a big grin. Heh, I'm not sure how much ol' Stuckey got out of him. I bet not much.

Outside the Sanitarium
Stuckey nods at Greg and Ondine before responding to Jack. Saltonstall, huh? I don't know how you can stand the guy. I've had several run-ins with him. Kind of an unpleasant sort, the detective says. None of the others listening to him get the impression that Stuckey is very pleasant himself.

Yep, we did find the campsite. Checked it out yesterday and a few more men were going out today with some local volunteers. It's out west of Arkham, along the Miskatonic. You have to head out the Aylesbury Pike and either take Cabot road and hike a short way north along the river, or take Bowen road which puts you closer, but the bridge is out on Bowen that goes over the river so you have to be careful.

We didn't find much yesterday except for that bloody shovel those sensationalists in the press thought fit to print. No sign of the Cardigan boy, and this Atwater fellow didn't have much to tell. I don't care what the Doc says, I still think they was struck by lightnin.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:50 pm
by zielonobrody
Inside the Sanitarium
Donald Lutherhagen
In a soft but still very rumbling voice, that sounds like mountains on a stroll: Gosh, his breath is so shallow. Are you sure that he was this way before the policeman left, Dr. Hardstrom? Would you mind if I got a bit closer to see if I can make out what he's mumbling? Or maybe Dr. Winston, you could try? Concern clearly visible on his face.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:56 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium
Mmhmm, he's been like this for a while. The breathing is a concern, certainly, but we check on him frequently. I think reducing the sedatives he was getting should help as well. You can certainly get closer. Please don't actually touch him, though.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:03 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont - Outside
amarriner wrote: Outside the Sanitarium
Stuckey nods at Greg and Ondine before responding to Jack. Saltonstall, huh? I don't know how you can stand the guy. I've had several run-ins with him. Kind of an unpleasant sort, the detective says. None of the others listening to him get the impression that Stuckey is very pleasant himself.
Ondine issues a short unladylike snort of laughter
amarriner wrote:
We didn't find much yesterday except for that bloody shovel those sensationalists in the press thought fit to print. No sign of the Cardigan boy, and this Atwater fellow didn't have much to tell. I don't care what the Doc says, I still think they was struck by lightnin.
Detective, just as a point of reference, what was it the Doc thinks happened if not lightning?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:06 pm
by amarriner
Outside the Sanitarium
Riotopsys wrote:Detective, just as a point of reference, what was it the Doc thinks happened if not lightning?
Damned if I know, miss. Some kind of psychology mumbo-jumbo. I'm not sure he knows exactly what's going on just yet. 'Specially since the kid ain't really talking anyway. I'm sure he's got his theories, but I think it was plain ol' Mother Nature.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:12 pm
by zielonobrody
Inside the Sanitarium
Donald Lutherhagen
Stands up to walk closer to the boy's bed and carefully leans closer anticipating any words from the boy. If there is anything close at hand, he leans on it for support to lean closer, so his head is level with the boy's, about half a foot away from it though. If there isn't anything to lean on, he'll be farther away just to be careful.

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:23 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Inside the Sanitarium

Albert Winston

Winston pays attention to Henry's reaction to his word. Even "no reaction" has it meaning in Psychology.

OOC: Can I roll Medicine and Psychology to evaluate Henry's conditions? Or could you roll for me and give me the results?

Re: IC: Scene 1 - Arkham Sanitarium

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:51 pm
by amarriner
Inside the Sanitarium
As Donald approaches, Atwater mumbles a bit more. It's a little stronger possibly because of Donald's proximity--possibly not.

Henry says, River ... water ... lightning ... old ... tent ... them ... power ... book.

His eyes open again as he says these things and shut once he's finished speaking.

Sure roll either of those two, Miss Scarlet, for Albert and I'll let you know the results. Also, both of you please roll History (I believe it's 20%--the default--but I'll check your sheets to be sure).