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Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:00 pm
by amarriner
At the Bakery
Syrinx wrote:True to his estimation he arrives at the bakery by half past nine. Buff is panting by beside the chair Timms occupies on the outside serving area of Miss Pine´s Bakery.
Jack Roberts strolls into the bakery just as Timms is finishing up. As he orders his morning breakfast, Jack spots the latter and walks over to him. You're Timms, right? I had done a little digging and asking around at the police station about people who were involved in the search for Richard Cardigan who might know a little more about the woods surrounding the Miskatonic. They mentioned your name and showed me your picture so I hope you don't mind the intrusion, but I was wondering ... well hoping, really ... that you wouldn't mind if I asked you a few questions. Or even better, if you wouldn't mind accompanying me to a law office around the corner and talking the situation over with an acquaintance of mine. I know this is all very sudden, but we could use a fresh perspective on things and you might just be the man to help us out. What do you say? Jack scratches the scruff of Buff's neck.

Cliched and a little forced, but it works, right? :)

Arkham Historical Society
Arch and Donald decide to head over to Albert's office to see if he's in yet. They greet Miss Dalton on the way in and she directs them into the professor's room. He's there shuffling through a few school papers, but greets them eagerly and is ready to get started again on the trail of things. He asks them to give him a moment while he finishes up his filing so they wait in the foyer and small-talk with Dalton.

Presently, Albert comes out of his office, hands a few things to Miss Dalton and ushers Arch and Donald through the door and out into the warm Arkham day. They mention heading to the Historical Society and he concurs so they pile into the Ford again and head over there. Once there, they head inside and ask Janice Putnam if they can meet with Peabody.

After another few minutes, Peabody does finally come into the Hall and greet the trio. Good morning again, gentlemen. I hope this day finds you well. I hope the bridge article was of some help. What can I do for you? Ghastly news about that murder, right?

If this gets too unwieldy, I'll split it into two threads. I suspect you'll all meet up again at some point, though.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:59 am
by Dave Syrinx
"Who want´s to know?", Rascee asks as he looks the man in his mid thirties over. "Been digging some yourself have you?" Actually the company could be welcome... He watches Buff´s reaction, the fact that this falla´hadn´t lost his hand was evidence enough that he was solid. Timms demeanour changes and the lined face sows a hint of a smile, "Just pick up the tab here, and I´ll see your firends, Mr?"

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:23 pm
by TakeSolo
Arch Ackland

Arch tips his hat. Good morning. Did you know the victim?

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:57 pm
by amarriner
TakeSolo wrote:Arch Ackland

Arch tips his hat. Good morning. Did you know the victim?
Well no, I don't think I do. However there's something ... familiar about her that I can't quite put my finger on. Williams is a fairly common surname, to be sure, but for whatever reason it's striking a chord with me. Something in relation to that bridge you asked about yesterday perhaps. Perhaps not, I can't say at the moment. At any rate I had just started researching it a bit, but have nothing to show for it just yet. Maybe it was something about where she lived? Peabody trails off a bit here as if he's asking the question to himself. Hmm, I don't know. Maybe not.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:02 pm
by amarriner
Syrinx wrote:"Who want´s to know?", Rascee asks as he looks the man in his mid thirties over. "Been digging some yourself have you?" Actually the company could be welcome... He watches Buff´s reaction, the fact that this falla´hadn´t lost his hand was evidence enough that he was solid. Timms demeanour changes and the lined face sows a hint of a smile, "Just pick up the tab here, and I´ll see your firends, Mr?"
Oh, I'm a fool, my apologies. The name's Jack Roberts. Jack genuinely seems sorry and offers a handshake to Rascee. I'm afraid digging is part of who I am. Just can't help it. I'm a P.I. by trade. Only been in Arkham for a few months, but yeah that's the vibe I give off, I'm afraid, Jack says with a smile. He then promptly pays the bill for Rascee and steps towards the door. Shall we? Are you ready? No rush, mind you. We're just heading a few blocks south to the Saltonstall offices.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Timms nods and pushes the chair clear of the table. He exits through the door Jack presently holds open. Buff trails after him at a leisure pace. Knowing the town, Rascee leaves the cart outside the bakery. As the pair of rugged men walk towards the offices Timms clears a pipe and lights it using a match against the palm of his hand.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:59 pm
by amarriner
Jack leads Timms through the streets of Arkham to the corner of Gedney and Hyde. The offices of E. E. Saltonstall are there and Jack enters. He asks the secretary if Gregory is in and she points him towards the latter's office since she recognizes Jack, though she doesn't know who Timms is.

Gregory is sitting behind his desk, trying to clear everything out so he can concentrate on the Atwater/Cardigan case. He's just returned from the diner after reading about the murder in the paper.

OOC I took the liberty to returning Gregory to his office, hope you don't mind, Samuel.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:22 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
amarriner wrote: Gregory is sitting behind his desk, trying to clear everything out so he can concentrate on the Atwater/Cardigan case. He's just returned from the diner after reading about the murder in the paper.

OOC I took the liberty to returning Gregory to his office, hope you don't mind, Samuel.
That is why I left his destination vague, I figured you could meet us up on the street, here, or wherever.

Jack! I was just about to start looking for you. Have you heard about the latest murder? The crazy Atwater boy is out there, and I'm sure he's behind this. We better get him back in, and quick.......Sorry, who's this?

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:11 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The lined face of Rascee remains watchful as he waits for Jack to deal with the introduction. His business, not mine... He looks at the desk to make out what´s the man is working on, and to get an idea of what kind of fellow this Gregory guy is. (Sloppy or tidy?)

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:39 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The desk looks messy enough. Timms decides to get this over with, "Rascee Timms, I gather you have some questions about a grave? Or maybe the Cardigan fella´?"
He scratches the stubble on his chin and waits for the man behind the desk to acknowledge the new arrivals.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:21 pm
by TakeSolo
Arch Ackland

According to the paper, the address was 374 Curwen St. Does that stir up anything for you?

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:04 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
I wonder what the Advertizer wrote about it. Seems thay have a different approach to things than the Gazette that I get. Might you have today's Advertizer Mr. Peabody?

OOC: I'm sorry if I mixed up the name of the other Arkham newspaper. correct me if I'm wrong.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:01 pm
by amarriner
To Arch, Peabody says, Nothing jumps into my head. It's across the river up in the north side of town. Some call that neighborhood Northside, in fact. Actually, I think it's on the same block as the Gazette. Not too far from the asylum, now that I think about it. Just a few blocks west.

OOC: Yep, the other paper is the Advertiser.

To Donald, Peabody says, Hmm, let me see if I have today's. I'm sure I do ... Peabody shuffles off into another room where the investigators hear him shuffling around for a bit. Mrs. Putnam is neatening up her desk. Presently Peabody comes back in and shows today's Advertiser. Nothing more here, I'm afraid. They pretty much report what the Gazette said. Just that Mrs. Hope was found dead by her maid early in the morning.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:53 am
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Yeah, well she had a number "1" incised on her head. Anything to do with numbers about the bridge?

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:05 pm
by faytaladdiction
Jack Roberts

Jack simply stares at Atkinson, a blank expression on his face. As Timms speaks Jack snaps out of his seemingly never-ending daze. I found him at the cafe down the street. Some of the boys down at the station think he could be of some use, he knows the woods around the Miskatonic. Any new information come in while i was gone?

Im sorry i haven't gotten around to posting this past week, i've been so busy i just haven't had a chance to sit down.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:52 pm
by Samuel
Gregory Atkinson
Nice to meet you Mr. Timms, any information we can get will be a help.

Nothing new, Jack, but I think we need to get on this latest killing first, I hope my gut feeling is wrong and want to prove it.

Why don't we talk to the police and see what else we can learn, and also see what the Professors are up to, I'm sure they have heard about all this.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:48 pm
by amarriner
Historical Society
zielonobrody wrote:Donald Lutherhagen
Yeah, well she had a number "1" incised on her head. Anything to do with numbers about the bridge?
Peabody thinks hard on this one. Hmm, no not that I can recall. Nothing is sticking out, at any rate ... He almost seems a little unsure, but doesn't have much else to say about it.

Saltonstall Offices
You guys could head over and meet the others at the Society if you'd like as I'll assume you all knew you were going there eventually today. Otherwise, you could go to the Police Station as you mentioned, or the Asylum. Just let me know your next move.

Short post, just getting back into the swing of things here. Sorry for the pace of this game.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:53 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Oh well... I guess we'd like to hear what you can tell us about the history of the bridge then. That's what we came here for mainly.

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:37 pm
by amarriner
zielonobrody wrote:Donald Lutherhagen
Oh well... I guess we'd like to hear what you can tell us about the history of the bridge then. That's what we came here for mainly.
Peabody thinks hard on this before answering. I've been trying to think on that, actually. Nothing comes to mind immediately other than the article I showed you yesterday. Here, let me get it again ... With that, Peabody leaves for a minute to get another copy of the article ( ... 331#p55317). He rushes back into the room obviously more frantic than before. By the gods! I can't believe I'd forgotten. You asked before if I'd known Miss Hope, and I said I didn't think so, but it sounded familiar! Look at the last sentence of my article! "My particular thanks to Mrs. Nina Williams Hope of Arkham, who supplied information important to my tale." I'd interviewed the poor woman while researching this article! Curse my aged brain! I wonder if something could be gleaned from seeing the murder site. I don't know that the police would let us in, but it might be worth a try!

Re: IC: Scene 12 - Day 3 Begins

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:07 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen
Mein Gott, there's no time to waste in that matter. Although I think e may need the asistance of a fellow Private Detective if we want to see the site. Let's hope the police didn't dislodge any important clues in the Hope residence. Oh my, pun not intended... Let's go.