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Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:20 pm
by amarriner
Albert tugs on the hand a little, but the bloated corpse is weighing down whatever (or whomever) is beneath. The tugging brings more screaming from underneath. The cop finally snaps out of his temporary shock and moves in to help Albert. He begins pulling on the corpse to get it out of the sand and turn it over while Albert pulls on the living arm.

After some intense straining, the policeman gets the corpse turned over and off what's attached to the arm. Albert notices, with dismay, that the rotting corpse is, in fact, Richard Cardigan. The body is in very bad shape because of the crows, the river water, the sand, and just general decay. Albert feels awful for the boy.

What's now plain, too, is that the arm that reached for the cop is attached to a living person. The cop and Albert both haul him up out of the shallow grave. He appears to be a very old and hunchbacked man. His skin seems to be charred black and he has very little hair on his head. Small scraps of cloth are the only clothing he wears. His eyes dart from Albert to the cop and back again. They're wide open, and Albert thinks he's either scared or in shock or both.

Before either the cop or Albert can question him he screams again and then shouts very loudly, HENRY ATWATER! With that, he collapses on the sand. At first, Albert thinks he's dead, but then notices the man's chest slowly moving up and down rhythmically.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:07 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Witnessing the proceedings at the campsite, Mickey can no longer restrain himself upon hearing the cry of Henry Atwater's name. Getting no answers to his questions where he is, he rushes forward to the others at the tent, shaking the arm of the nearest person and exclaiming breathlessly What's going on?, the pitch of his voice reaching a high level.

OOC - Time to join the party I guess!

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:11 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

All the screams and shouts have made Donald even paler. His bare hands suddenly draining of blood and unnaturally cold. He seems weak and strained. Not saying anythin and definitely not looking back, he slowly walks away. This is too much for me.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:30 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

You better don't come here, Mickey. I can tell you we found Richard. He's dead, and it's not a good sight... Please, stay with M.lle Ondine. Winston asks as he sees the young student approaching.

And now Officer, I'm a doctor. Do you allow me to examine this person? And Albert points to the old man who shouted Henry Atwater. And I think it's better to call for reinforcement.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:14 am
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

Ondine is pulled toward the river by Mickey stunned by the revelation some one is still alive. Winston who is that, who's with you?

From two to three what in the world is going on here?

I'll roll san if we make it their

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:10 pm
by amarriner
Okay you can examine him, but be careful. We'll be needing to question him! I'm going to get some backup now ... With that the cop runs back towards the tent to call in some more police.

Before Albert even attempts to examine this new person he notices that the man looks very, very old. Charred black skin and tatters for clothes. It's hard to focus with the sudden realization that Richard is dead, but if Albert wants to examine this new figure now is the time.

Roll Sanity (1/1d3) for seeing Richard dead, Miss Scarlet (thanks for the heads up about this! :)) Anyone else who gets close enough to see the corpse will have to roll Sanity (1/1d4+1) as well. If Mickey or Donald see it, roll an extra Sanity (1/1d3) as well.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:35 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Miss Scarlet wrote:
You better don't come here, Mickey. I can tell you we found Richard. He's dead, and it's not a good sight... Please, stay with M.lle Ondine.
As Mickey heads over to the campsite, Albert’s words pierce him like knives. The realisation that his friend’s corpse has been discovered prove too much for him, and he begins to sob uncontrollably. Reaching out for comfort from the nearest person, he clutches Ondine for support. My friend…..Richie……dead. Oh my God.

A part of him is sure that a mistake has been made. Maybe Dr Winston got it wrong? This kind of thing only happens to other people after all. About to head over and point out that the body can’t be Richie, Mickey is struck by the force and severity of Albert’s words. Veering away from the campsite Mickey feels the need to vomit… must be the shock.

OOC: I haven't rolled for sanity...Mickey's skirting around the edge of the campsite. If you feel that he's seen enough to warrant a sanity roll, particularly in view of the fact that he's got the closest relationship to the deceased, then let me know and I'll roll up next post! :)

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:55 pm
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont

What is going on
she looks over at the scene and remains surprisingly calm
2 san checks, and san loss (1d100=49, 1d00=1, 1d4 1=4, 1d3=1)

Sacrebleu! Ah.. Dorctor do you need assistance removing that, err.. ah him! or should I get more police!

Edit: lost 2 is that right. Yay!

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:18 pm
by amarriner
After a few minutes some police come spilling out of the forest. They'd been on the search for Cardigan, but the officer stationed at the tent who witnessed the recent events had gone off to retrieve some of them. They're now starting to mill around and several more come in periodically. There's now about 8 cops around the body and this new person.

They're mostly talking amongst themselves and asking the posted officer what happened and who this person is. He doesn't have many answers for them, but the group can tell that they're getting ready to transport the living person back to Arkham--possibly to St. Mary's Hospital--and then also trying to work on getting Cardigan's body back to the morgue.

Right, I don't think Mickey has to roll until he comes in full view of Cardigan's body. He's okay for now.

Yep, Ondine lost two. Nicely done!

I'll probably end this scene on Monday so if there's anything else you'd like to do before it ends post now. If I have to extend it I will, but it can probably be finished up by then. You'll know where everyone is being taken so you can make your decision on your next move when this comes to a close.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:37 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

After taking a few moments to pull himself together, Mickey breathes deeply and decides to do what he does best - make a study and analysis of the plant life and natural environment around the campsite. In his own way, he wants to feels like he's contributing something to this investigation, plus it helps take his mind off the circumstances. Feeling sure that none of these cops are experts in this particular field, Mickey thinks Who knows, maybe there'll be some kind of clue here?

Mickey works efficiently at scouring the area, and without realising it, veers too close to the campsite and bears witness to the remains of his friend.

OOC - Sanity checks (sorry, I cocked up my first lot of rolls!):

Choking back tears, Mickey continues to work diligently around the campsite, taking samples and using his botantical knowledge to determine whether he can detect anything unusual.

OOC - Natural History check:

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:55 am
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Sanity roll for seeing Richard dead. Lost 1.
Ondine Dumont wrote:Winston who is that, who's with you?
It's Richard, M.lle Dumont. We found him... He's dead... Winston express his grief through the tone of voice he says the last sentence.
Police Officer wrote:Okay you can examine him, but be careful. We'll need to question him! I'm going to get some backup now...
I'll just check his condition, to know how he is and which kind of care he needs now.

When the other policemen arrive, Winston points at the dead body: It's Richard Cardigan. He was my student. I could recognize him.

Then he points the old man: I don't know who he is, but he isn't in good condition. He needs special care, so it would be good if you could provide transportation back to Arkham and take him to a hospital. The only thing he said was "Henry Atwater" then he passed out.

Albert steps back and lets the officers to do their jobs.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:17 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:I'll just check his condition, to know how he is and which kind of care he needs now.
From what Albert can tell the man looks very old. He's not sure if it's because the man's skin looks charred or if he really is old. He's breathing steadily and seems healthy enough. Albert's best recommendation would be to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. The man must be pretty hungry and dehydrated by now--and in his current condition there's no way to determine his mental state. It appears as if he's been stuck under a rotting corpse buried in sand for at least a day or two now ...

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:46 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston will reinforce his opinion that the man should take to a hospital immediately.

Then he'll look around to see if his colleagues are well, after all it was a shock after a shock. Dead body, old man buried beneath Richard...

His attention will be called by Jack, who seems to be in shock. He'll check on him and recommend he'll be taken home for resting until next morning, at least.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:04 pm
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

Donald walks to the nearest tree stump and sits down to catch his breath and recover a bit. He hangs his head between his knees and takes a few deep breaths. When color returns to his face, Donald walks over to Ondine. I'm sorry I left you Dear. Come, let us leave this dreadful place and catch our breath.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:30 pm
by amarriner
Dondero wrote:Choking back tears, Mickey continues to work diligently around the campsite, taking samples and using his botantical knowledge to determine whether he can detect anything unusual.
Mickey does a fairly thorough search of the area (or at least as thorough as can be given he's upset about Richard). Nothing seems odd or out of place at all, really.

Finally some more cops show up and they begin the work of carrying both the body of Richard Cardigan and the still alive and as yet unidentified man back to the cars on Cabot Rd. Jack asks a few of them where they're being taken. It appears Richard's corpse will be sent to the morgue, of course, and this new person is being sent to St. Mary's Hospital initially so he can be stabilized and given everything he needs.

With that many of the police disperse. A few remain to round up the rest of the civilian volunteers. Some of the volunteers are still spilling from the adjoining woods and aren't really sure what's going on. They're simply being told to leave and being thanked for their assistance. The police don't feel it's in their best interest to give these people all the facts just yet. They'll just have to read about it in the papers tomorrow morning ...

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:23 am
by Riotopsys
Ondine Dumont
zielonobrody wrote:Donald Lutherhagen

Donald walks to the nearest tree stump and sits down to catch his breath and recover a bit. He hangs his head between his knees and takes a few deep breaths. When color returns to his face, Donald walks over to Ondine. I'm sorry I left you Dear. Come, let us leave this dreadful place and catch our breath.
yes, it's fine Donald you we're needed, I think it would be best for us to return now. Gregory and Jack seem disposed my I ride to Arkham with you.

I just need to get home, I don't need to know this.

let's just hope the Doctor finishes soon

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:48 pm
by Dondero
Mickey O'Dwyer

Having kept busy and his mind occupied, Mickey notices the activity slowing down around the area. Making a mental note that the injured man has been taken to St Mary's hospital, Mickey packs up his gear and wanders over to the others. Not feeling up to offering comfort to Jack and Gregory, and seeing Albert is still busy, Mickey makes his way over to Ondine and Donald, and hovers nearby not really saying much to anybody.

Finding it difficult to comprehend that Richie is actually dead, he mumbles We gotta find out who....what....did this. Are we sure we've thoroughly searched this area? These cops don't look as if they know what they're doing that well.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:54 am
by Miss Scarlet
Albert Winston

Winston manages to keep a shovel when the cops are leaving. After this, he'll begin to dig at the same place they took the old man. When the others come around he says:

I'd like to see if there is anything here that could have some importance...

Albert wants to dig where the old man was to check if there is any clue left.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:53 am
by zielonobrody
Donald Lutherhagen

Seeing Albert start to dig and not noticing any Police intervention as of yet, Donald decides to keep watch over him in case some Policemen think of interrupting him. Lousy Police. On the other hand Albert seems to be keeping his cool and his mind focused.

To Ondine and Mickey:
Why don't you two go back to the car and wait for us a few minutes. This won't take long. Take a breath and get a drink of water.

Re: IC: Scene 3 - The Campsite

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:17 pm
by amarriner
The police are so focused on getting Cardigan's body out as well as the other man they don't pay much attention to Albert. Besides, many of them are busy herding the volunteers out anyway. Albert digs down a bit, but there's not much to be found, alas. He just sees more wet dirt ...