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Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:19 am

Tornuaq slept soundly next to the pale faced stranger as Unulaq stood guard. The whales and the Ijiirat were gone but both brothers could still smell danger in the air.

Unulaq could feel the shiny blade in his ijirat skin pulse with life as he stared at the fire. The fire took his mind off the knife but he had been keeping it safe from his brother's greedy eyes for well over two hours now and he could feel the blade getting to him. Not enough to overtake his will, like Unulaq was sure it had taken Tornuaq but he could feel it was more than a tool. It had a presence and possibly even a mind.

Tornuaq had not slept a wink. He pretended to sleep when his brother looked in his direction. Sleep was important out in the open snow. A tired hunter was a careless hunter and a careless hunter was as good as dead out here. Tornuaq could not stop thinking about the blade and the mountains. His urge to charge headstrong into the mountains had left him, but Tornuaq was angered to his very core that his brother, whom he loved so dearly, could keep something so important from him. He did not yet need the knife, but Tornuaq knew he would have to have it soon.

Maniitok had been gone now for six hours and should be arriving at any moment with many of his people if everything had gone to plan. Now shivering from the cold and the eerie sort of omnipresence of the knife, Unulaq looks over at his brother and finds him staring right at him from across the fire.

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:01 am
by ImpInTraining
"Tornuaq, you are awake," Unulaq states the obvious. "I was thinking about the shiny stone knife. I think it is more than that, like it has a life of its own." He looked down at the fire and edged a little closer to keep the chills off. "I wonder if it speaks in another language."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:59 pm
by Andrew
"I already knew that Unulaq, you need to throw the knife aside, it is dangerous, throw it out to Sedna for only she could harness the power of the knife." Tornuaq could barely believe his words. He wanted Unulaq to discard the knife so he could take it back without force but throwing it to Sedna? Where had that come from? Could a knife, no matter what life it held inside it really make him turn against his brother? He loved Unulaq and maybe they'd come to blows over a woman or something more important but he could never harm him over a knife... impossible.

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:38 am
by ImpInTraining
Unulaq shook his head, "No. If this man turns out to be violent" he motioned to the sleeping Viking, "I will give it to him... and he can be driven to the mountains."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:12 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq's expression turned to anger, "You wanted that knife for yourself! You tricked me into thinking that it was evil when you wanted it all to yourself. Hand me the knife Unulaq, I love you, you are my brother and it angers me to the core you would trick me so you could have it. Give me the knife Unulaq or I will take it by force..." Tornuaq's eyes grew wide and he placed his hands over his mouth in disbelief. In a low soft tone he said, "I'm sorry brother, cast that thing away!"

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:01 am
by ImpInTraining
Unulaq tilted his head and remembered a story he was told when he was young, about a little man who found a magic whale's bone, and how it transformed him into a loathesome beast... he called it 'his precioussss.' He nodded, "Yes... I think it is best to cast it away. I will just take a little walk down to the water's edge. Let Sedna drive it to the bottom of the ocean." He stood and turned from the fire, "Watch the Viking. I'll be back soon."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:02 am
by Andrew
OOC: Nice! Give me my precioussss! Now you stupid Eskimo!

Tornuaq eyed him suspiciously, "How will I know if you have really thrown it to Sedna or if you just hid it? How can I..." Tornuaq stopped in mid-sentence, it was his brother, of course he could trust him. They may have had their feuds and petty competitions but when it came down to it, Unulaq would never do something to harm him or let something stay around that would do so.

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:21 pm
Unulaq walks away from the fire along the shoreline. When he is certain Tornuaq can no longer see him, Unulaq stops and readies himself to throw the knife in the water.

[o.c.- pm me and tell me what you do with the knife please. please keep it to yourself what you did. I know you two are thick as thieves. haha!]

Tornuaq watches his brother walk away from the fire and a great sadness takes him. The pale faced man seems to share Tornuaq's sentiments as he groans. He mutters something in his own tongue and then continues to moan as if he were in considerable pain. The dagger's hold on Tornuaq is not as strong as Unlualaq takes it further away from him. Still it would have been nice to hold it one last time. [o.c - my precious]

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:23 am
by ImpInTraining
Unulaq heads down to the water's edge, looking at the angry seas. He kneels down and recovers the tainted package from his boot, stands up, and throws it as far as he can throw it into the water.

With the task done, he heads back to Tornuaq and the Viking. "That knife will bother you no longer, brother."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:58 am
by Andrew
Tornuaq smiled and said, "When you put distance between me and the knife I could feel my struggle ebb away even, it was not so strong. Brother, can you ever forgive me for the way I acted? I was not myself but I was weak when I should have been strong, I apologize for my words and my weakness."

He stoked the fire a bit and added in a low tone, "Still... I wonder what was so urgent in those mountains."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 10:44 am
by ImpInTraining
Unulaq looked off toward the mountains and said, "Perhaps one day when the winds are not so cold, we will retrieve the curse and seek out its mysteries." He smiled at Tornuaq and shook his head, "I know it was not you... for the way you behaved was so ... well, it was not you speaking. The knife has a curse upon it. And now we know why this Viking came to be on our beach."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:20 pm
by Andrew
"Agreed, he was searching for the mountains. I wonder though why our people attacked him, what could he have done to provoke them to attack?" Tornuaq wondered aloud, he took out his old knife and began to inspect it's quality and sharpness, he half heartily smiled and added, "Still though, it was a rather nice knife."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:13 am
by ImpInTraining
Unulaq nodded. "Perhaps this stranger has friends who would like to trade - their weapons for our hunted kills." He looked again at the sleeping stranger and lifted an eyebrow, "I do not know why he was attacked by our cousins. We will find out eventually."

He leaned back and pulled his clothes tighter around his exposed face saying "I think I will nap for a little while. Can you stand watch?"

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:08 am
by Andrew
Tornuaq stood and grabbed his spear and looked at the sea, "Yes of course, get some rest, it has been one interesting day." Tornuaq took a few paces towards the water but stopped, the sea had done so many strange things today that Tornuaq wondered what was next.

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:11 pm
Tornuaq can't help but think of the knife as Unulaq sleeps. It's not near as powerful as when it was his, but the shiny blade still held his thoughts.

[o.c. You feel like a smoker who has been smoking for years and then gives up smoking. Day 1 all you can do is think about smoking even though you know you don't want a cigarette. Every 5 minutes the knife pops into your head]

Another hour passes and both Unulaq and Tornuaq are startled to attention when the pale faced stranger suddenly sits up and screams. His eyes wide and filled with terror as he looks upon Tornuaq and Unulaq from across the fire. Both brothers can see the delerium etched in the white man's eyes. Who knows what the ghost man sees this far into his fever.

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:44 pm
by Andrew
DSIGFUSS wrote:[o.c. You feel like a smoker who has been smoking for years and then gives up smoking. Day 1 all you can do is think about smoking even though you know you don't want a cigarette. Every 5 minutes the knife pops into your head]
OOC: I know EXACTLY what that's like. Although I still smoke, hopefully Tornuaq has a stronger willpower than I do.

Sitting next to Unulaq and staring at the pale stranger, Tornuaq just sits there wondering what horrors is running through his mind, Tornuaq then pulls out a cup and packs it with snow and holds it next to the fire to melt. Once it's water he tries to offer it to the man.

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:55 pm
by ImpInTraining
"How long does it take them to get here?" Unulaq asked, tiring of babysitting this Viking. "I could have come and went and come back again by now." Unulaq touched the back of his hand to the Viking's forehead to feel the fever. "This man needs help that we cannot give. I think we should try to get him back to the sleds and make our way home."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:52 pm
by Andrew
"I agree, it's taking way to long, I wonder if something happened to Mannitok or if the elders are in disbelief." Tornuaq stated. He stood and looked at the man to where their sleds were, "What is the best way you think of taking him? His screaming will frighten the dogs."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:58 am
by ImpInTraining
"We could bind and gag him. In fact, that is probably a good idea so he does not throw himself out of the sled while we are riding," Unulaq stated. "I have some extra reins for the dogs at the sled, just incase some break. Should be strong enough to hold his hands and feet together."

Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:26 am
by Andrew
"Agreed." Tornuaq simply stated as he stood once again.