Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unulaq nodded, "Home sounds good... but let us start by heading due west, and we will adjust later once we hit ice. That way, if they do try to follow, they will go the wrong way." As he took his reigns in hand he said, "We'll stop half way and Thorrin can ride on my sled, giving your dogs a break from the extra weight."

Unulaq snapped the reigns and called out the command for the dogs to start running. He started running as well pushing from behind, allowing the sled to pick up speed quickly until he was winded, and jumped on the sled to rest up some.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The dogs continue barking as Tornuaq and Unulaq strap Thorrin down to the sled. To make room for the thin Norseman, they had to toss some of their supplies but nothing to important; just some blankets and food. Nothing they would need for the four hour sled ride home. The two Viking torches are closing the gap quickly, now only 100 m away. The dogs bark furiously as The brothers get their dogs back under control in the pitch black arctic afternoon.

{O.C. Ride Dog Sled check and a Listen check please.]
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc: Ride Dog Sled (45%); Listen (45%) (1d100=23, 1d100=36)

Unalaq (I've been spelling it wrong ... hehe) continues to drive his dog sled in the darkness with little complications.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Drive Dog Sled 45% (1d100=97) and Listen 55% (1d100=78) I hate that damn site, I never make a roll on there.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq's dog's are going ballistic. With all the barking and the yelping, Tornuaq just can't get his calls through. He can't get the dogs under control. With the approaching Viking torches getting closer and Thorrin bleeding profusely, the sled dogs just won't let up. Unulaq on the other hand has no problem starting his sled and tears off ahead of his brother.

Tornuaq: Luck check

pm coming your way Unulaq.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Luck 60% (1d100=35)

Tornuaq knew he had to keep the dogs moving in a forward direction and yelled at the top of his lungs the command for them to be silent.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq looks over his shoulder and notices the problem that Tornuaq is having. He commands his dogs to turn wide to the right. His intent is to hopefully draw half of the approaching party into following him. If both the men with the torches continue to close down on Tornuaq's dog sled, then Unalaq will circle back to reunite with Tornuaq.

If they split up, he will continue to lead the trailing individual off through the snow and ice and away from Tornuaq's concern.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq begins to edge his dogs forward. Luckliy the dogs are trained to follow the lead sled and since Unulaq's sled sped away without a hitch, Tornuaq's dogs quickly followed suit. His sled lurches forward as the dogs begin to run. Tornuaq fails to notice that one of his dogs had fallen dead and was still attatched to the sled line. He hears a terrible yelp as one of his healthy dogs trips over the dragging corpse and brings one whole side of the team down to the ground with him. The sled continues forward and runs over one of the fallen dogs. Tornuaq hears a loud cracking noise as the sled runs over the rear dog's leg.

Sled dog check: Tornuaq

Now even closer (75m) the two torches separate. One torch follows after Unulaq and the other continues towards Tornuaq and Thorin and the growing dog sled crash.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

After a short distance, Unalaq looked back and smiled knowing that he succeeded at splitting up the two followers. He headed toward a small hill and rode around it then drew his dogs to a halt. He ran back to the side of the hill, spear in hand, and waited for the torch-bearing person to come about, hoping to catch him by surprise.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Dog Sled Driving 45% (1d100=55) Yes! So glad I failed! Sarcasm of course. Image Image

Tornuaq tried everything he knew but nothing was working. Having a dead dog really hurt the others and now that other dogs were injured it was impossible. He pulled the reigns and shouted for them to stop, he knew he couldn't go on like this, it seemed like it was time to confront these torch bearers.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq can't get his sled under control and it tips over crushing his wounded dog under its weight. The sled comes to a sliding stop and Tornuaq jumps clear. Thorrin begins to undo his straps and calls out to Tornuaq!


Tornaq! Hjalpa!

The torch closing in on Tornuaq moves even closer (25m) and Tornuaq can see two men wearing shiny shirts charging his overturned sled. Each grizzly bearded man holds a bright long shiny blade that sparkles in the light of the torch. They both yell their battle cries as Tornuaq readies himself.

Unulaq leads the second torch away from Tornuaq and he feels something fly, whizzing past his head. An arrow by the sound of it.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq quickly spins around and uses his spear tip to cut the straps on Thorrin. He knew that there was no way for him to fix this before these men in the shiny shirts got to them, instead he began to cut the surviving dogs loose, hopefully they would be useful in helping him fight.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq can hear the Viking's boots crunch against the cold hardened snow as Tornuaq manages to free two of his sled dogs. Thorrin howls in pain as he raises himself to his feet. To Tornuaq's surprise the red haired Viking begins to sing in the most soft and handsome voice he had ever heard. It was truly beautiful.

Thessir songmadur EG vita , hver ne Thad ad vera sonur af mannskapur ne drottning í a konungur domsalur vita.

A Thridi EG vita : ef sar Thorf oxl koma af a stafa til dvol minn foes ; hveaer AG syngja Thessi songur , hver munu sljor Theirra skylmingamadur , ne Theirra vopn ne tunnustafur geta sar.

thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th

Tornuaq could not help but turn to watch Thorrin, despite the two brutish looking viking soldiers headed his way. Thorrin stood standing now, one arm leaning on one of Tornuaq's extra spears, the other holding his still bleeding gut.

Then the Vikings were on them.

ooc- Tornuaq : roll Initiative (1d10 +DEX), Strike, Parry or (Dodge in place of Strike, Parry), Damage and add a brief description of your intentions. (That's 4 rolls.)

ooc -Unulaq : You are not yet in combat. arrows are being shot in your direction so a dodge roll could be made. Also give me a brief description of where you are now headed and your plans.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc: I thought there were just two people following us, and one turned off to chase me?

Also, if you don't mind me asking, how are they firing arrows if they're holding a torch at the same time?

And I already mentioned my intents in my last post... but I will reitterate:

After a short distance, Unalaq looked back and smiled knowing that he succeeded at splitting up the two followers. He headed toward a small hill and rode around it then drew his dogs to a halt. He ran back to the side of the hill, spear in hand, and waited for the torch-bearing person to come about, hoping to catch him by surprise.
Dodge (50%) - rolled a few extra ... use them in sequence if you want. (1d100=31, 1d100=74, 1d100=73, 1d100=21)
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

o.c. - One torch two Vikings.

Sorry bout the last bit though Imp. I got all caught up In Andrew failing two consequetive dog sled rolls. Poor Bastard.. I'll go back and fix it tonight.

Roll a Hide and a Dog sled check to get control of your dogs.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc: Drive Dog Sled (45%); Hide(55%) (1d100=94, 1d100=48)

Unalaq could not bring the dogs to stop around the hill, so he jumped off and let the dog sled continue on without him. He knew the dogs were trained to return back to his home even without him.

After bailing, he hid behind the hill and awaited the two Vikings that were chasing him. In this darkness, they wouldn't be able to tell that the driver had dropped off the sled until it was too late.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by Andrew »

Initiative (Dex:12) (1d10=10)
Attack (Sword 70%) (1d100=9)
Dodge 39% (1d100=46)

I can't roll damage I have no idea what the weapon does, bone sword isn't listed. So if you could just roll the damage for me to speed it up.

Tornuaq stabs his spear into the ground and draws his sword, instead of attacking at first he shouts, "Godur!" He then pats his chest and says, "Tornuaq!" He then points to Thorrin and says, "Thorrin! Godur!" Then with a questioning tone he says, "Hjalpa?"
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

oc- Andrew your bone sword does 1d6+1. In a combat round you can attack and parry or just dodge. If you parry a steel sword, your weapon has a 20% chance to break. Also both Unulaq and Tornuaq are wearing hide armour. Resistance 3 (absorbs the first three damage)

Unulaq jumps off his sled and the dogs come to a stop but continue to bark. He sneaks up a snowy hill and hides in ambush. The two Vikings follow the sound of the dogs and head for the sled. Unulaq remains hidden on the hill as the Vikings pass.

Tornuaq meets the two Vikings head on in a clash of sword and bone. Tornuaq stabs at the the first Viking and is surprised to see his bone sword pierce the shiny metal like a spear through blubber. The Viking cries out in pain and swings feebly for Tornuaq's head. Tornuaq ducks the blow with ease and readies himself for another attack. The second Viking runs past Tornuaq and knocks Thorrin down to the ice. Thorrin stabs at him with his spear but mises his mark. The Viking, holds Thorrin down and shakes him demanding in his own tongue.

Thorrin! Hvar er hnífur?

Thorrin cries out as his stomach wound throbs with pain.

Oc- Tornuaq does 5 + 3 = 8 damage.

oc - Unulaq - surprise attack roll and damage if you want to attack as the Vikings pass or you are free to change your mind and post what you do..

oc - Tornuaq - Inititive, Strike, Parry?(If you want to), Damage
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc: Ok, had to look back to see what I said my spear was in the last fight ... any chance you could write that on my character sheet to help save time? My memory sucks. It's a stone spear, 1d6+1 damage. I have +1d4 melee bonus for str+siz.

Spear attack at the trailing Viking (1d100=15)
Spear damage (1d6+1+1d4=9)

Unalaq waited for the Vikings to approach, and the first one to run past, then attacked the trailing one by surprise (hopefully the same one with the bow ... since that's the one Unalaq is upset with, the nerve of some people - shooting at complete strangers). He leaps off the hill, bringing down his spear with some fury into the back of the Viking.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day Unulaq and Tornuaq

Post by Andrew »

Initiative (Dex12) (1d10=6)
Attack Sword (70%) (1d100=31)
Damage (1d6+1=7)

Tornuaq now knowing that these men in their shiney skins could bleed like men, wasted no time in his attack against the man before him. He would kill this man and help Thorrin the best he could.
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