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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:43 am
Yuralria lets loose two arrows from her Inuit bow and both find their mark. The first sinks into the ijiraat's shoulder (2 damage) and the second merely grazes the wolf, never penetrating its thick hide. The ijiraat already on the move towards the Shaman continues its charge. It lunges for Yuralria's throat but she ducks under the wolf's reach and turns to face it, her bow still in hand. The ijiraat growls and cricles the Shaman taunting her in a low gutteral tongue.


Die Shaman! You will never reach the mountain.

Meanwhile Ogtuk-Luk and his own wolf ready themselves for their next exchange. The wolf leaps first into the air but Ogtuk-Luk pushes the beast aside with his ivory spear. (9 damage) The beast recoils as Ogtuk-Luk pins it to the icey ground. It yelp out in excrutiating pain but it's ferocity never ceases. Something holds the beast's loyalties tightly to its own desires. Barely alive, the ijiraat seems to care little for it's own life. All it craves is Dorset blood and plenty of it.

Ogtuk-Luk's rolls :

The battle is thick with noise and Ogtuk-Luk can hear his people screaming all around him. Fortunately, he can still hear his chief shouting orders.


To the dogs!!! Two of them circle round to the dogs!

Having his own wolf pinned, Ogtuk -Luk has a chance to survey the battlefield. In the dim clouded moonlight Ogtuk-Luk can see his chief standing over Maniitok still holding his stomach and bleeding all over the snow. An Ijiraat lie at his feet as another snaps at his outstretched spear. Two more of his Dorset brother's lie dead, a hungry Ijiraat feasting with insane hunger on their open spilled bellies.

Ogtuk-Luk hears another familiar scream. His Shaman is in danger, Just off to the south, Yuralria stands with her bow against one of the Ijiraat. Ogtuk-Luk feels his sacred bond to Yuralria burning in his chest. His duty calls him to the Shaman but his kill is not yet complete and then there is the matter of the sled dogs and his chieftain's orders. Ogtuk-Luk[/b] must choose.

OC - Ogtuk-Luk : Sanity check 0/1
OC- Also, Ogtuk-Luk. I need your rolls. I rolled for you this round to get things going again. (standard init-1d10,strike-1d100, damge 1d8+2, damage-1d4) Yuralria, you are now in melee and must pull out a handheld axe or a spear. Your rolls are now needed too! Welcome back people and here we go!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:01 pm
by trixie
Yuralria pulls out her axe and swings it, slicing wildly through the air at nothing in particular.

[O.C. Axe, Hand, Stone / 10% / damage: 1d6 +1 / 1 handed / HP 15 / Impale: Yes / Parry: No / KO: yes

Initiative 5 (+ dex right?14 = 19)
Axe (10 is base rate right...wish i'd known how sucky that is) rolled 37

I'm assuming you need no other damage rolls considering I suck so bad. :( ha ha ha

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:01 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luke swings his spear with all his might. and without looking turns to run to Yuralria . He must protect her even if He must Give his life to do it.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:33 pm
Having pinned the wolf to the snowy floor, Ugtuk-Luk pulls his spear out and thrusts again at the wounded beast. His spear barely grazes the creature and Ogtuk-Luk darts off to his Shaman's side. The red eyed wolf, fearless and savage, growls at Ogtuk-Luk as he flees.

Come back to me human. I will tear your flesh for the horned one.

The wolf circling Yuralria lunges in for the kill. His claws rake at her hide dress slitting it down the back. The shock of the pain and the cold air sends bolts of fear into Yuralria's heart. Ogtuk-luk arrives at Yuralria's side just as the wolf readies himself for another attack.

ioc - Yuralria - 4 damage.

oc- initiatives please, as well as what you are doing...

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:15 pm
by trixie
Yuralria attempts to spear the wolf, but once again, she misses horribly.

"Careful Ogtuk-luk! They may change on you! They are not real wolves!"

Yuralria steps back to let Ogtuk-luk have room.

[O.C. Init (5)]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:18 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk runs straight at the wolf and plunges his spear into it. He hears Yuralria's words but his sights arelocked on the wolf. Link
He only wishes He had stopped her from being hurt.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:04 am
The wolf nearest Yuralria snarls at Ogtuk-Luk as he joins the fight but continues his work on the Shaman. (Due to Ogtuk-Luk’s low initiative)
As Yuralria extends her spear outwards, he snaps at her throat searching for fresh meat and finds it. So tight is his grip on Yuralria’s throat that she can’t help but think that her time in these lands has come to an end. She can feel her blood quickly draining from the freshly opened wound. True fear grips her heart and she is helpless to stop the wolf whose grip seems only to tighten as she struggles.

OC- Yuralria takes 5 more damage.

Swinging Yuralria by her neck like a rag doll, he opens a nasty gash just short of her jugular, spraying blood all over the snow. Then her savior, Ugtuk-Luk, finally separates the two by spearing the wolf hard enough to loosen his grip. Ogtuk-Luk stands like a stone statue between the wolf and his Shaman holding his spear out in as threatening a manner as he can muster given the situation.

The wolf circles the two, searching for an opportunity to sink his teeth into the Shaman once again and taste her magic.

Give me the Shaman Skraeling, and I will let you walk away from this with your life!

OC- wolf takes 5 damage form Ogtuk-Luk’s spear.

OC – If Yuralria stays behind Ogtuk-Luk she can use her bow again with a -10% circumstance penalty. If she attacks the wolf with her own spear, she will leave herself open to be attacked again by the wolf who clearly wants another piece of Yuralria.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:33 am
by trixie
[O.C. #?*!?*!# :evil: Still need to know where to record damage. Do I need to keep record or are you? Is Yuralria half naked now with her throat hanging out? :x ]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:37 pm
OOC – I’ll keep track of your damage. Your throat is badly cut but you are still up and moving and fully clothed. Unless you want to be naked. Then yes, you are naked and bleeding badly.

OOC – need your rolls Eskimos. And I suggest you post your rolls with your OC comments or be trapped in combat limbo forever. Mwa Hahah!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:00 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk stands steady but with ã cold sense of dread creeping over him . He readys himself to attack.
ooc. int. 10 , strike 60 Link

He stabs his spear with everything in him if only this dreadful beast would die. He well bath in its blood.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:07 am
by trixie
Yuralria struggles on the ground. The seam of her dress has split entirely down in the back, but she struggles to get her arrow on her bow, despite falling out of her dress. The arrow flies off though, missing the dog entirely. She lays her head down in frustration, and attempts to scramble away from the scene, hoping Ogtuk-Luk would have better luck.

[O.C. Initiative 8+14=22]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:53 pm
As Yuralria scrambles away, the red eyed wolf tries to leap past Ogtuk-luk but he is quick and thrusts his spear deep into the Ilijiraat's chest. The wolf falls to the ground, bleeding and darts off into the night, leaving Ogtuk-Luk and the Shaman to lick their wounds. As the choas settles, Ogtuk-Luk hears the sled dogs barking and Qannaq's low hollow voice cursing the beasts as he tries to protect the sled dogs from the advancing Ilijiraat.

Chief Kalituk and his Dorset warriors have slayed two of the beasts, but three men lie dead on the snow. Yurlaria sees Chief Kalituk fall to his knees over a fourth man as he clutches at his throat trying to stop his precious life blood from flowing out through his gaping wound. He cries out for Yuralria, pleading for assistance and as he calls out, the injured Dorset warrior's name, Yuralria realizes the injured man is not a man at all, but the boy she left at the fire. He bravely sought to help his people but was not strong enough to face the savage Ilijiraat.

Shaman! Help! Fraqanaq is dying. Help me!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:26 am
by trixie
Yuralria clutches the folds of her dress in attempt to keep the garment on her body, running quickly to Fraqanaq’s side. The thought of this young boy dying on his first hunt was one she couldn't bear, so young and innocent. Surely Anningan would see his own young warrior in desperate need and come to help him? Yuralria hated to pray to Anningan though. He was a difficult and troubled God, angered by women approaching him with their ‘petty needs’. Circumstances have left me little choice though…

"Quick! Hold his wound tightly!" She barks at the Chief, slipping her hand under the back of his neck and holding him tightly.

Yuralria takes no notice of the wound in her own throat as she begins to rummage through her pack for her precious herbs. She pulls out a green leafy herb from her small hide pouch, crumbles it in a clenched fist, and begins to sprinkle it all around the boy, shaking her bone rattle as she does and beginning to sing. Her eyes close, and her head bobs to the rhythm, seemingly transporting herself to another dimension where the blood on the snow is not evident, and time suspends all furies of life and death.

"Heeeeey...eeeeey....Malina…..your mercy, heeeeey….eeeeey….Anningan…your own…..heeeeeey……eeeeeey….Sedna…..release this…….heeeey…eeeyy….holds from unknown……”

She pats the earth on both sides of her in beat to her chanting, sending little flecks of snow to dust the clothes of the boy. Her brow is furrowed in concentration, and a vein pulses in vexation along her cheek.

“Anningan….your own…..heeeeey….eeeey…..heeeeey…..eeeey…..” She finishes her chant in a whisper, hoping her healing spell will work its magic. He can’t die….he just can’t…..

[O.C. Do I need any rolls?]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:40 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk follows close behind Yuralria . She well not be injured again while He still lives. No matter the cost to himself.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:25 pm
Chief Kalituk does as he’s told and assists the Shaman alook of grave dtermination on his face. Yuralria calls out for Sedna’s help and with her magic closes the wound leaving a terrible red scar across the boys face and neck. Sometimes there is a price to be paid for strong healing magic. The boy begins to breathe normally and the Chief smiles at Yuralria. Only two surviving Dorset warriors stand behind the chief praying quietly for Fraqanaq. Fraqanaq will need rest before he is fit to be moved.

Ogtuk-Luk makes his choice and stays with his Shaman, keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding landscape for any approaching Ilijiraat. The darkness remains thick and Ogtuk-Luk can still hear the barking of sled dogs, the ferocious growling of wolves and the cries of his people as the remaining Dorset warriors lend a hand to Qannaq.

OC- Yuralria - San check 1/1d6

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:39 am
by trixie
Sanity: made it by the skin of my teeth! phew!

Yuralria rests back on her heels and holds the boys head in her hands.

"Hush, young one. Do not try to move. You will need to rest now." Yuralria's eyes show a cloud of darkness and anger. These Iijirat have rocked our people for far too long. They must die!

She looks about the small camp at the rest of her people and her heart sinks in desolation. "Ogtuk-luk! Go....I will be fine. You must help save our people. You are a mighty one with your spear. You can defeat the Ijiirat. as many of our own as you can!" By the expression on her face, Ogtuk-luk could likely tell her gratitude to him for his watchful eye, but her heart went out to the fellow villagers being torn to shreds. They were crying out in pain...would it be too late to save some of them?

Yuralria begins to prepare a potion to help Fraqanaq win his strength back. She pulls the ingredients from her pack, combining snow and a few tonics she'd taken with her. She shakes the mixture, floating her one hand over the small sack and mumbling incoherently, Once she's blessed it, she begins to help Fraqanaq drink.

"Be careful, Fraqanaq, it will give you strength, but watch out....not too much."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:02 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk must obey Yuralria but he does so with a great fear for the shaman. He runs to the other hunters around the dogs. He will kill these beasts. They well not bother his people again. As he runs he can't help but admire the chief his fighting skill was so impressive.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:00 am
Fraqanaq’s eyes open and he smiles up at Chief Kalituk. The Chief puts his hand in Fraqanaq’s own and returns the smile graciously.


You are a brave warrior Fraqanaq. I would be honored to have you join this years hunt. Some other boy can carry the spears. You will ride up front with me!

Fraqanaq’s heart fills with joy as he passes out. Yuralria has stopped the flow of blood from his deep wound with her skills as a healer and closed it with her magic. Kalituk offers Yuralria his hand to help her to her feet.

Thankyou Shaman! I wish you could help them all.

Three men lay dead in pieces all around them. Their limbs severed, their throats mauled. The beasts attacked with no warning and with such savage ferocity and persistence. Maniitok was gravely injured as well. He would also need healing.

What did they want? The Ilijiraat… I heard one of them speak to you Shaman. What did they want?

Meanwhile Ogtuk-Luk and another Dorset warrior charged through the night in hopes of saving their companions and by the sound of things… their sled dogs. As they reached the apex of a small snowy drift, the tragedy of the Ilijiraat’s ambush became abruptly apparent. Two Dorset warriors lay dead as Qannaq and another Inuit man named Faroo fought for their lives against the Ilijiraat wolves. Qannaq, bleeding profusely from his right leg, rested in tremendous agony while Faroo swung his spear wildly about him. One Ilijiraat lay dead by Qannaq’s spear and another proceeded to kill the Dorset party’s sled dogs one by one. A third Ilijiraat wolf was badly injured and growled madly at Qannaq and Faroo.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:15 am
by trixie
Yuralria wastes no time in rushing to Maanitok's side after noticing him lying in agony in the snow as well. She has to force herself to not look at the brutally wounded other bodies however, and stops herself from wretching on the spot. The limbs laying in the snow were so terribly horrifying....

Trying to keep her cool, Yuralria begins to work the same spell as she did with Fraqanag, feeling in her pouch to pull a small pinch of the same herb, sprinkling it around him, and chanting her magic. She can't help but stare into the cold, horrified eyes of Maanitok, laying on his back in the snow, a victim to his wounds. Not Maanitok! Not him....surely he could not die!!! He is the only one to lead them to the stranger! Without him.... Yuralria pushes her own horrible fears aside once more and tries to concentrate on her spell. Her eyes close and she rocks back and forth, feeling inside thoughts of desperation for Maanitok and his plight. Her forehead furrows in vexation, and she begins to hum.

"Anningan....your mercy....your own has fallen....prey to the beast....Anningan....please...."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:27 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk runs towards the ilijiraat killing the sled dogs. He stumbles on ã chunk of ice. int. 4, strike 39
He continues towards the beast and the sounds of yelping sled dogs.