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IC: A Trip to Chinatown

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:31 am
by Raiko
This thread currently for Maksim, Timour & Johnny only, it will contain spoilers for all other player, so please keep out. :)

If you're meant to be here scroll down....

Timour’s Car – Central Park West, Heading South
9:00pm – Thurday 15th January, 1925

Maksim hasn’t driven very far from Elizabeth’s apartment before he and Johnny both notice that they are being tailed. A Packard Touring car pulled away from the sidewalk as they left the Dakota’s garage building, turned after them onto Central Park West, and has stuck closely now for over a mile.

It’s too dark to tell how many occupants the car has.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:46 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Somebody loves us," Maksim says with a tight smile. "I'm worried about the others now but it's better we don't draw attention to them while we have a tail. What do you figure I should do? Attempt to double back on them? See what we got? Or assume they're armed with machine guns and ready to fire? I can shake 'em, I can try to get us in a better position to check them out, I can draw them into an ambush. What do you want I should do?"

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:54 am
by Grafster
OOC: Raiko – thanks for handling the rolling for me. The death cold still has me in its tight grip.

Johnny nods at Maksim, “Good eyes.”
“No. Nothing drastic yet. Last time we were trying to keep them from finding out who we really were. They know now. No. It’s time to take it slow. We’re just some fellows out to have a drink or two. We’re heading to my neck of the woods anyway.”

As the drive continues Johnny casually keeps track of the car behind him, trying to see anything.
“The question is: who are they. And what do they want? They could be with the voodoo nuts. They could be with the Carlyle’s, though that seems passing odd, her security force was quite tight and it’s possible that having gotten her name, they got the address of her apartment and are staking it out. Of course you wouldn’t normally follow us, you’d follow her Miss Downing

“There is also the possibility that the police are following us. Nine deaths is quite a few, and this most recent one is sure to set off a panic. Could be that someone has panicked and is looking for someone to pin the blame on. A couple of foreigners and a Chinaman make worse targets.”

“If it’s cops they’ll just follow us. If it’s not… this criminal conspiracy that Jackson was worried about may be trying to clean up the mess from this morning. They’ll probably drop their voodoo shtick and come out with guns blazing. If that happens it would be better to do it in Chinatown. I’m not keen to make any more headlines tonight.”

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:35 am
by Grafster
Grafster wrote: They’ll probably drop their voodoo shtick and come out with guns blazing. If that happens it would be better to do it in Chinatown. I’m not keen to make any more headlines tonight.”

Johnny glances over at the brothers, "Unless, of course, you're worried we can't take them. Then we could go to the police."

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:11 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I'm unarmed, but for this car," says Maksim. "I'm not sure if Timour brought the BAR but I know he no longer has his handgun. Wherever we park, let's do it public enough to scare off two-bit hoods but private enough that we don't get a dozen civilians shot. Unless you'd prefer we circle the block a few dozen times."

"Is anyone else worried about the others? The way I see it, we might not be the only ones followed. If each of us is followed, that shows they've got a lot of money and a lot of men. Of course, I don't want to just swing by and get the others in trouble."

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:12 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour grins and racks a round into the machinegun's chamber, "unless that car holds twenty one men I can take them all," he says refering to the twenty bullets in the clip of his weapon. "Turn around the others are in danger and I was a fool to leave them."

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:17 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim nods and scans around. He's either going to attempt another bootlegger's turn or, if he recognises a decent alley that is not a dead end, pull through quickly to ensure the other car is forced to continue on by the line of traffic. Either way, he drives warily and with an eye out for pedestrians.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:01 am
by Raiko
Maksim sees his chance just south of the park. As he drives away down 8th Avenue from the busy junction with 57th Street and Broadway Maksim swerves to the left, across the a small gap in the oncoming traffic onto 56th Street.

Horns blare all around in the busy evening traffic of the Theatre District, but the tail doesn’t have a chance to follow, the gap is gone, and they are forced to continue south for now. Another quick turn and Maksim is heading back north, this time on Broadway.

Now he must choose a new destination, before the pursuers have chance to find him again.

[OOC: Maks could head back onto Central Park West, or Columbus Avenue to approach Elizabeth’s apartment from the front or the back.
Or he could turn east on 57th Street at the next junction, turning south again later and heading towards Andrei’s apartment, or Thomas’ office which are both in the nicer parts of the Lower East Side (close to downtown)– Chinatown is also down there, but not such a nice part]

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:22 am
by Grafster
As he assumes his position, left hand clenched on door, right clutching hat and cane Johnny makes a mental note. No teasing them. Their culture apparently doesn't include teasing. At some point I'm going to need to get them to start following instructions.

Johnny smiles wryly.

If he knows where Andrei's apartment is he'll suggest going there. I think it's the kind of thing Johnny would keep up on, but that will be Raiko's call.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:28 am
by Raiko
I think all three of you would know where Andrei lives.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:31 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim starts heading towards Andrei's place since that was the last place he remembered hearing they were going. "Don't suppose anyone knows where Thomas lives? That one's on his own but then ... the others aren't armed."

He will drive exactly on the speed limit where possible.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:03 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour looks at his pocket watch and then over at the speedometer, at this rate they'd arrive just in time to stop the assassin's from cleaning the blood off their machetes.

"Uh," he mumbles looking at his brother and motioning for him to speed up with his hand, "do you want to save them or bury them?"

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:14 pm
by Maksim Rukov
<<Khrenoten',>> murmurs Maksim, sighing as he pressed his foot against the accelerator. <<Kakogo chyorta.>>

Khrenoten = Swear for bad situation.
Kakoto Chyorta = What the hell...

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:57 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: Sorry for leaving you hanging. Ok I need a spot hidden roll from each of you please]

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:06 pm
by Laraqua . 38 when Maks had 45. Lay it on him. What's he see?

EDIT: Fine then! Be that way. At least I passed! :P

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:07 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
75 over 50, fail

L lose the period after the 3 :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:19 pm
by Raiko
Outside Andrei’s Apartment Building
9:22pm – Thursday 15th January 1925

As he drives towards Andrei’s apartment building Maksim notices a car parked outside with two black guys in the front.

Glancing up at the windows he can see that the lights are off within Andrei’s apartment, but then he notices the flickering of flashlights inside.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:31 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim drives right on by. "Okay, looks like they knew where to head. Before we assume they've got the others, let's find ourselves a phone booth and call the apartment. If the others are kidnapped, I think the gangsters will want to 'ransom' them - get us to come to some convenient location. If the others saw those rather obvious signs and hot footed it out of there, well, the bad guys will let the phone ring out. We go in there guns blazing and the others are caught, we might just end up walking in on an execution."

If the others admit to not having seen the bad guys, Maksim frowns. "You didn't see...? Oh, there were these two men in the front seat of their car. Black men. And upstairs there were flashlights going about."

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:43 pm
by Timour Rukov
"Our friends are in danger then," says Timour opening his door getting ready to jump out even if the car does not stop.

"Let me take the two on the ground now, it will startle the ones upstairs and by our colleagues time they may need."

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:58 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Wait!" Maksim snarls, but slows down just in case. "I'll let you out but you wait. If they try and leave, watch for our friends and stop them only if you see them coming out with a gun to their back. If they don't leave or you don't see them, then wait for my signal. If they get executed because you couldn't let me make a phone call..."

At which point, Timour's either leapt out at 20 miles per hour, or they've passed the building.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:10 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour waits, (he wasn't actually that good at jumping out of moving cars) but displays his displeasure with a Russian snarl, <<"Were the lights on?!">>

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:23 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim keeps an eye out for phone boxes but as soon as he rounds the corner, he does a U-turn and parks on the side of the road behind another car, hoping to stay somewhat out of the enemy's sight while being capable of seeing if Elizabeth or the others come out the door.

"Flashlights only. They were being sneaky but not sneaky enough. If they wanted to trap us, wouldn't they leave the lights on? The only way they'd keep it looking dark was if they either wanted us to think Andrei and the others are asleep - which is unlikely considering how little time has lapsed - or they don't want to startle the others when they got home. Think about it. If one half of the team had just come inside, why would you make it look like no one was home? Why not make it look comforting? Unless..."

Maksim's eyes widen. "The others didn't make it back. Think about it, they might have gotten a tail too, but they wouldn't know how to shake it. That taxi they called... No, I'm getting too paranoid. Please, brother, I'll help you do what you need to do but we need to think on this. Thomas went home on his own. The others probably aren't here. If we race in there and get ourselves shot up, who's going to help them."

He grips Timour's arm. <<Please, brother, don't let me lose you too.>>

"If we call the cops, they'd rush over in force, it's a toff's building. Ten minutes, tops, for them to get here, we can watch and wait and if they leave, we follow them. We follow them back to their den. You want to be aggressive? Let's find where they take us. Go back to the nest. Make it go up in flames if we have to."

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:12 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
At this point Timour is sulking but listening to Maksim's advice.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:24 pm
by Raiko
There is a pay phone further down the street that Maksim has parked on. It's out of sight of Andrei's apartment and the 'cultist' car parked outside.

[OOC: Please give Grafster chance to post before leaving the car]

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:07 am
by Grafster
[OOC: Sorry. Still sleeping a lot right now.]

Johnny says, "Lets leave the ones in the car for now and go upstairs through the side enterance."
"The men in the car won't be terribly interesting, but the searchers may have, or know, something."

"Calling to give them warning seems like a poor idea. I'd rather take them by surprise."

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:15 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I wasn't about to ask them who they were," says Maksim. "I thought someone with less of an accent..." At this point, he looks at Timour. "...could pretend to be someone else. Just in case they answer or get one of those we know to answer. This may be a little late to get a phone call but it's not exceptionally so."

"If you make a disturbance up there, however, you might well find the ones downstairs coming after you, anyway, at which point you'll have two sets of enemies bearing down on you, not to mention who else might be lurking on this street."

"Of course, the most blood-thirsty and easiest option is to drive by slowly and shoot them in the car with the BAR before rushing inside via both front and side stairs." He snickered. "They wouldn't be expecting that. But then, all we'd be doing is killing more henchmen. Still, now that I've said my piece, I'm willing to let you two decide."

"I think I should stay in the car, though. Tail them if they leave. If we risk splitting up, we need to know another place we can meet."

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:16 am
by Grafster
[OOC: Wasn't the BAR in the apartment? Did we really re-wrap the darn thing and then carry it down the house]

Johnny says "The goal is to avoid gunplay. If we start a fight down in the street the people up in the apartment may notice as well. If they have guns we'd be in a bad position. We seem to agree that the men in the car are probably not imporant."

"If we deal with the men upstairs quietly and quickly then the men in the car may not notice us. If they do? They will probably wait. Their job is to sit in the car and keep it ready. If they come up they come up but they'll have to run up several flights of stairs. The situation upstairs should be resolved by that time anyway."

Johnny is fairly adimant about not engaging the men in the car, especially not with guns.

[OOC: And, since we haven't gone to Chinatown yet, we only have Johnny's pistol (and maybe the BAR).

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:23 am
by Timour Rukov
<<"Sneaking! The Goddamn work of cowards!>>" roars Timour in Russian. "The enemy is there, I am armed, let us slaughter them all and eat their hearts! I tire of all this slinking about if they are too Goddamn stupid to leave us be then they deserve what they get."

Snapping the breech closed on his weapon Timour motions to his brother, <<"we waste time while our allies die. Take us back, I'm ending this.">>

((Timour is just frustrated at this point, he wants to help but feels panted into a corner. Oh and G, Timour's BAR is attached to his arm as long as he has no pistol :wink: ))

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:20 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I really don't think they're there," says Maksim. "If they were, why all the pretense about no one being home? If they were nabbed, they may have been nabbed en route. If we go and kill them we'll never find our friends."

<<I feel your anxiety, brother, but let's not waste time with worker ants when we can take out the queen.>>

"Let's wait and follow them home. If we wait long enough, we will have our answer if we see our friends come out, though I doubt they are there. If they intended on killing our friends, they likely have already, and if they had, then why not turn on the light switch to lure us inside? A house light is less suspicious than torches."

<<If they all come out, and you really intend on killing them, then they will be ideally placed on the side of the street.>>

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:13 am
by Grafster
OOC: This post has been edited to properly reflect what Maksim actually said.

The situation: We’re in a car, near Andrei’s apparetment, where we’ve sighted
1. Car out front, black guys, waiting
2. Flashlights upstairs in Andrei’s apparentment; assumed to be searchers

The opinions
Timour: Our guys are in danger, lets get in there and help them. Start with the closest foes and work our way in. Happy to use BAR and or methods that could attract attention.
Maksim: Doubts anyone is in danger. Would prefer to wait it out and follow the followers.
Johnny: Sneak in the building from a side entrance; deal with what’s in the apartment first. Would prefer to avoid attracting attention.

Since we’re all fairly set in our opinions I see two basic possibilities
1. Persuasian roll to see whose idea we go with.
2. We do some sort of gestalt. Johnny slips in the side enterance, gets up stairs. If Andrei and the others are up there and in trouble he fires his gun, and Maksim and Timour BAR the guys outside (and we probably try to flee the country). Johnny goes upstairs and doesn’t see Andrei or anyone then Maksim and Timour wait downstairs in the car. If the baddies leave before Andrei and them get here then we follow the baddies. Otherwise we provide support.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:56 am
by Raiko
All OOC Stuff:

I'd prefer it if you could sort this out without making skill rolls against each other, but I'll leave that up to you.

If you decide to use skill rolls, it would be fast talk rather than persuade skill.

What said all along that Timour was fetching the BAR, and so he does indeed have it with him. I'll assume that it is always 'in the car' or 'in the house' with Timour unless another character specifically objects.

Of course everyone (except Timour) knows that actually using the damn thing in the middle of New York is a terrible idea. :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:53 am
by Grafster
OOC Good morning Raiko!

I have to admit that I like my gestalt idea. I allows Johnny to do a bit of sneaking, Timour the 'possibilty of using the BAR' but most likely will lead to us following them when they leave the apartment.

And thus not actually doing anything dramatic (and suicidal).

Johnny thinks about how feasible it would be to get into the Andrei's building through the back door.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:21 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
OOC- Yeah, Timour wants to start blasting but if Maks says it's a bad idea he's inclined to listen, he'll just grumble about it.

He's one of those controllable, combat monsters :wink:

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:57 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: Are you all going with Grafster's 'sneaky' plan?]
thewhatchamacallit wrote: He's one of those controllable, combat monsters

An excellent resource for any party. 8)

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:09 am
by thewhatchamacallit
Sure, though Maksim may be away until later this week

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:02 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim is very much here now! Maksim will try and stall for time. He'll want to know the answers to four questions first before even thinking of agreeing...

"I say that if Elizabeth, Andrei and Caroline were up there, the gangsters wouldn't risk appearing so suspicious that they would walk around with flashlights. Better to just have a light on. Does anyone have any reasons to suspect that our friends aren't as observant as we are, didn't notice the light, and didn't just keep on driving?"

"If they aren't up there, what benefit will we have separating so you can creep around upstairs on your own, or with Timour, leaving me unarmed, rather than simply tailing the others to their home when they leave?"

"If we do separate, and these two are summoned away elsewhere, we would either have to separate even more so I can follow them, or let them leave, potentially losing our one chance to rescue our friends, were they captured en route. Does anyone have a better idea of what we should do were that to happen?"

"If they notice you, just how are you going to survive for long enough that Timour can reach you? Chances are, he'd take too long. We'd need a back-up plan."

"And finally, if you go up there and get yourself killed, not only will we have your funeral to go to, but any chance of tailing somewhat unwary gangsters will be gone."

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:12 pm
by Grafster
Maksim Rukov wrote: Maksim is very much here now! Maksim will try and stall for time. He'll want to know the answers to four questions first before even thinking of agreeing...

[OOC: Either choice is equally good from a story point of view IMHO.
Maksim Rukov wrote: "I say that if Elizabeth, Andrei and Caroline were up there, the gangsters wouldn't risk appearing so suspicious that they would walk around with flashlights. Better to just have a light on. Does anyone have any reasons to suspect that our friends aren't as observant as we are, didn't notice the light, and didn't just keep on driving?"

Johnny stops. Leans back. Pulls out his tobacco pouch. Puts it away.
"All of that is possible. I don't think it's likely that they noticed, per se, but if they did it's entirely possible that they would have gone off somewhere else." he says finally.

Maksim Rukov wrote: "If they aren't up there, what benefit will we have separating so you can creep around upstairs on your own, or with Timour, leaving me unarmed, rather than simply tailing the others to their home when they leave?"

"I'm saying that Timour stays in the car with you."
Johnny points at the BAR.
"If that's your idea of unarmed.... I don't know that I want to know what you think armed is..."
"It is not necessarily true that these fellows are not going to stay here for some time. If they think they're being watched then, in my opinion, and I have been doing this for some time,... In my opinion they are signficantly more likely to leave that to hang around anyhow."

Maksim Rukov wrote: "If we do separate, and these two are summoned away elsewhere, we would either have to separate even more so I can follow them, or let them leave, potentially losing our one chance to rescue our friends, were they captured en route. Does anyone have a better idea of what we should do were that to happen?"

"Look," Johnny says "I am not disagreeing that you're suggestion is the most probable. You're a bright fellow and you've probably got the right of it. But we're behind the eightball here. And to get out of it we got to oursevles some more information. Right now somebody's doing something that I didn't expect. That's been happening a lot. I'd like to get a bit closer and see just who that somebody is and what they're up to."
"How are they gonna get summoned? You think they got a phone in that car? They're gonna sit there until the searchers are done."
"And yeah, maybe something happens and the two of you and your machinegun, go for a bit of a trip without me. But that means I'll be here when Miss D and the rest swing by."

Maksim Rukov wrote: "If they notice you, just how are you going to survive for long enough that Timour can reach you? Chances are, he'd take too long. We'd need a back-up plan."

Johnny smiles tightly. "Don't take this the wrong way. But I wasn't asking you or your brother to come rescue me. It's to far and your only weapon's a bit large.
The plan is for you and Timour to sit tight.

"And finally, if you go up there and get yourself killed, not only will we have your funeral to go to, but any chance of tailing somewhat unwary gangsters will be gone."
"I can take care of myself just fine. -If- they see me." Johnny does his best to stress the first word in the second sentence.

"With all the events of the today I can understand you being a bit jumpy. It's possible that somebody is just rolling your rich buddy's apartment for money. I'm not saying that it's not something else, but there are a lot of possibilities. The negro fellows may not have anything to do with the flash lights upstairs and they may or may not have anything to do with this whole voodoo nonsense."

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:19 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim gives Johnny a real look of respect, twisting in his seat to do it. "Okay, you sound like you know your stuff and you've reasoned it all out. I figure you for the kinda man who won't rush in doing anything potentially stupid. However, the same can't be said for us. If we hear fighting up there, we're likely to come for you, and then we'll likely all die."

"And sure, you wouldn't think those in the car could get summoned, but if the others were captured en route, how do we know they won't pass on a signal? For all we know there's one of them waiting in a phone booth or that if they see a particular car drive by, they're going to rush off, leaving those upstairs lying in wait. More spy-related behaviour than gangster..."

He shakes his head to clear himself of the tangent. "Okay, so how'll you get in?"

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:36 pm
by Grafster
Johnnyfishes a out his tobaco pouch; but he just pulls out a toothpick and starts chewing on it.

"Look, you don't need to come rushing in. For starters, I can take care of myself. For seconds I'm not planning on getting into much trouble. And since they haven't got the lights on they probably aren't either. For thirds I've got the pistol if it comes to that."

"People die from time to time but it's not happening tonight. What happened to Elias was a shame. But that sort of thing just doesn't happen regular like."

"And I do agree that it's peculiar that Miss D., Andrei and the Doc aren't here yet. But don't think that anybody picked them up off the street."
Johnny frowns.
"At any rate since they aren't here what's most likely is that they stopped in for a drink somewhere. The second most likely is that they saw the lights in the window, or the fellows out front, got a bit rattled and headed to grand central to get the last train out west."

"As for getting in, I'll slip in the side door, easily if it's not locked, taking some time if it is. Then it's upstairs to see how many of them there are and what they're doning. If it's a lot of fellows in masks then obviously it's a serious situtation. If it's just a couple of fellows who heard some russian aristocrat lives here and are looking for family jewels then it's not so serious.
If it isn't either?
Then maybe this whole Carlyle criminal-conspiracy thing has legs."

"If the car leaves you stick with it as best you can. Remember, following a fellow.... it's like it's like..."
Johnny removes the destroyed toothpick from his mouth and absentmindely replaces it with another.
"It's like fishing. You can have great worms, and a good poll and bet a great angler.... some days you just aren't gonna get any fish."

"What I'm saying is that sometimes you get made and the important thing is not to let it bother you. If you can't follow them then don't"

"I'll probably be back down within 20 minutes. If you follow them then lets meet back at the Downing's Mansion in the morning."

{OOC I don't know if this means we split the thread again. Johnny gets out of the car (out of sight of the main enterance) and works his way into the building. He'll use the stairs and move up assuming that there will be someone in the stairway watching out for trouble.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:48 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"No," says Maksim just before Johnny gets out. "At Davenport Park, dawn. Best we meet up soon as possible. The mansion may well be being monitored."

OOC: Davenport Park can be that park Maksim was first seen at at the start of the campaign.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 9:45 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour yawns as he's forced to listen to Maksim and Johnny drone on and on about what they felt was best when he'd obviously already told them what they should do.

Timour exits the car and tips his hat down over his face, "you go nowhere without me Johnny. We're both paid to do our jobs and it seems we must find a compromise for I am no more staying out here than you are."

Pulling his fighting knife from his ankle sheath the big Russian looks the Chinaman in the eye, "if you think the gun too much there are many other ways to skin a cat."

Timour would do as much as he could manage quietly until the need arose for heavy firepower and then he'd settle this dispute with hellfire and brimstone.

Shouldering his machinegun Timour motioned for Johnny to lead on.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:48 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim watches them go sadly and spends the rest of the time checking the car door locks and waiting for one of the enemy to sneak up to his car, smash the window and slit his throat. He wonders if the discovery of his mutilated corpse would give the other two pause to reconsider their methods and wished he so much as a Derringer with one bullet to ensure he wouldn't suffer all that much.

Here they were, all risking their lives, on an unfounded suspicion that the others could potentially be somewhere. What were they going to do when they reached the right floor? Rifle the men's pockets and hope they found more match boxes? It was idiotic.

The worst thing was, if he did manage to tail the others back to their lair, he could do nothing until he managed to get back to the others, and they were likely to have moved on by then.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:58 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
OOC- Uh, and Maksim doesn't go with them because..?

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:06 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim is as sneaky as a kitten on catnip on the precious vase shelf at a store. Therefore, he is staying put, right where he can potentially do something more productive than giving everyone away.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:06 am
by Grafster
Maksim Rukov wrote: Maksim is as sneaky as a kitten on catnip on the precious vase shelf at a store. Therefore, he is staying put, right where he can potentially do something more productive than giving everyone away.

[OOC: Yeah. In a roll playing game sending one person is always the right move.
Since you roll a sneak roll twice, and either failure triggers a “failed” result, sending an additional person is always mathematically more likely to lead to failure.
(Unless the second person has 100% or something and doesn’t need to roll).

The odds of Johnny successfully sneaking are about 50%. The odds of Timour sneaking are about 10%. The odds of both of us successfully sneaking around together? 5%

Of course, IC, Johnny doesn’t know that Timour has no sneak skill. Good thing we have the BAR.
We gonna get ourselves a lot of xp.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:41 am
by Raiko
[OOC: There is a fire escape on the side of Andrei’s apartment block (an external one).

As Timour has decided to carry a BAR over his shoulder in the middle of New York, I’ll need a Luck Roll (-20%) for Timour in order to avoid Joe Public, if the luck roll fails then I need a sneak roll or a conceal (halved) roll from Timour to avoid creating a disturbance.

I also need a sneak roll from Johnny and from Timour to get to the fire escape un-noticed by the guys in the car. This roll has double the normal chance of success (max 99%).

If you don’t fancy those rolls, it’s not too late to leave the BAR.Leaving it means just a sneak x2 roll each is needed, and a failure will still allow a luck roll (even if the guys in the car spot you, they still may not be suspicious, provided you’re not carrying a machinegun).]

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:03 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
758831 [mon]Timour 1 1d100 [29] = (29) Luck- carrying anti-personnel device in NYC, nobody sees nothing, right? Luck -20%= 50% 2006-12-04 03:59:09

That lucky commie :wink:

758833 [mon]Timour 1 1d100 [91] = (91) Chap-2 Timour Sneak passed guys in car- Sneak 10%x2= 20% 2006-12-04 04:04:24

Look out for that enmpty trash can! Doh!

Better let us know what's around for cover...

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:32 pm
by Grafster
[OOC I love it when the Keeper doubles my skills.]

Johnny scuttles through the shadows toward the fire escape with rather deftly.

Chapter 1 - Sneak (50%x2) - Sneaking up the fireescape of Andrei's apartment
1d100->[8] = (8)

Johnny sighs (quietly) as he glances back at the Russian.
He's got one heck of a deathwish. Still... I couldn't wish for a better distraction.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:35 pm
by Raiko
Spotting the Russian ‘sneaking’ around with a machine gun, the driver quickly puts his idling car into gear and, with a squeal of tyres, accelerates down the street.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:11 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim will attempt to follow. I won't log in to my other account coz I burnt my fingers and am attempting briefness. :oops:

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:31 pm
by Grafster
[OOC: Sorry to hear about the fingers. Hope it's not serious.]

Johnny slips up over to the fire escape and begins to climb. He motions for Timour to stay in a convenient shadowed doorway or something.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:46 am
by Raiko
Middle East Side - New York
9:30pm - Thursday 15th January 1925

Maksim drives away, trying to catch up with the fleeing 'cultist' car.

The ladder at the bottom of the fire escape has already been pulled down, so Johnny climbs warily, when he reaches the fifth floor he finds that the door has already been forced open with a crowbar.

Glancing inside he can see a darkened hallway, doors to apartments line each side of the corridor. Andrei's apartment is 505, it should be the third door on the left, at the front of the building.

[OOC: I need a sneak roll from Johnny if he goes into the corridor, and a sneak roll from Timour, if he looks for a good hiding place]

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:25 am
by Grafster
[OOC I'm assuming that you'll make Spot & Listen checks for me as appropriate.]

Can't see anything from out here. Or hear anyhting either.

Johnny rests his cane against the wall near the damaged window. He checks his revolver to make sure it’s loaded before tucking it into a coat pocket.
As he slips into the room his sleeve catches on a jagged piece of the window frame and tears loudly.
Chapter 1 - Sneak (50%) - Sneaking into the hallway [1d100 -> 89]

Very professional Wong, Johnny thinks to himself and he stands silhouetted in the window frame.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:57 am
by thewhatchamacallit
760139 ]{mon}Timour 1 1d100 [53] = (53) Sneaking inside Andrei's building to the fifth floor- Chap 1 Sneak 10%

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:06 pm
by Raiko
Inside Andrei’s Apartment Building

As Johnny steps cautiously into the corridor he can hear Timour clambering up the ladder behind him.

He steps carefully along the hallway until he reaches door 505, Andrei’s apartment, but unfortunately a loose floorboard creaks loudly just as Johnny arrives outside the door.

Andrei’s apartment door has also received the attention of a crowbar, it has been forced open, then pushed shut again. The warped and splintered door may well stick if it is opened.

[OOC: Listen Roll please, BTW I’m assuming that Johnny’s ‘small handgun’ is a .32 revolver. If you want something different please say so now.]

Outside on the fire escape Timour reaches the open door to the fifth floor just in time to see (and hear) Johnny reach Andrei’s apartment door.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:12 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
761206 [mon]Timour 1 1d100 [2] = (2) Listening, chap 1 outside Andrei's apartment- Listen 50%

Couldn't have rolled that for the sneak?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:08 am
by Grafster
Johnny frowns and thinks to himself, Can't seem to hear anything. Maybe they've already left?

Chapter 1 - Listen (25%) - Listening at the door of Adnrei's apartment [1d100 -> 49]

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:12 am
by Raiko
Timour catches up with Johnny outside Andrei’s apartment door. He’s not certain, but he thinks that he heard cautious movement from inside the apartment.

The noise stops after a split second though, now there is only silence.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:18 pm
by Grafster
Johnny considers pulling out his gun but doesn't.

Johnny stands to the side of the doorway and carefully pushes the door open.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:25 pm
by Raiko
Andrei’s Apartment – Middle East Side, New York
9:35pm – Thursday 15th January 1925

Johnny - Luck (65%) = [70]

The splintered door scrapes quite loudly against the doorframe as Johnny pushes it open, both investigators cringe at the noise and peer into Andrei’s apartment.

Once their eyes have properly adjusted to the darkness, they see that the living room has been trashed; furniture is overturned, cushions slashed, cupboards and drawers emptied onto the floor. It will be difficult to cross the cluttered floor stealthily, especially in the poor light.

There are doors leading to the kitchen, and to a hallway from the living room; both doors are open half way.

[OOC: If either of you move or speak I’d like 4 separate d100 rolls from each of you please]

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:38 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
First thing- Timour crouches and pulls Johnny down with him :D If fired upon he returns fire :twisted:

763451 {mon]Timour 1 1d100 [95] = (95) Four individual rolls, Andrei's apartment fire-escape- Chap 1 2006-12-06 04:36:18 (accidentally didn't select 4 originally)

Then clicked four

763453 {mon]Timour 4 1d100

Four individual rolls, Andrei's apartment fire-escape- Chap 1 2006-12-06 04:36:27

And a fifth just for good measure

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:44 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Do we have a wall between us and the apartment? Does crouching add to our dodge or help in anyway if we're shot at from inside the apartment?

Does partial or full cover provide any benefit? Say Timour is under the window seal and firing through the window at assassins inside the apartment.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:57 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: You are in the hallway outside Andrei’s apartment door, the fire escape led to the end of the hall (as with the Chelsea). There is a fairly substantial internal wall between you and most of the apartment. Timour estimates that the walls of Andrei’s apartment will easily protect them from a .38 or .45 bullet, but his trusty BAR will blast great big holes straight through. 8)

Couching, taking cover, or other sensible precautions will always give penalties to the shooter, or bonuses to the defender in my games. It’s not handled by the rules though, but I promise I’ll take it into account.]

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:00 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
I have been for DI as well, crouch (partial cover) reduces your attacker's accuracy by a quarter, prone (full cover) by half or cancels out a point blank bonus.

I like what you said about the BAR :lol: , time to wake up the neighbours?

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:33 am
by Grafster
Johnny his eyes having finished adjusting gestures for Timour to wait in the hallway.

He puts his head near Timours and whispers "Yell if you're going to shoot"

He will try to slip into the room, staying low to the ground and near walls.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:58 am
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour waits and listens.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:10 am
by Grafster
[OOC If Timour so much as speaks in a loud voice Johnny is dropping to the ground as rapidly as possible.]

Johnny carefullypicks his way accross the floor.

Chapter 1 - Sneak (50%) - Sneaking into Andrei's apartment (unknown penalty for condition of the place) [1d100 -> 2]

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:45 pm
by Raiko
Johnny steps carefully though the debris that litters Andrei's living room floor while Timourcrouches silently, his automatic rifle readied in case of ambush.

There doesn't seem to be anyone hidden inside this room. Johnny has been here before with Elizabeth, so he knows that one door leads to the kitchen, and one leads to a hallway. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom off the hallway.

[OOC: Grafster you didn't make the 4 x d100 rolls for me, please could you do it]

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:52 pm
by Grafster
Raiko wrote: [OOC: Grafster you didn't make the 4 x d100 rolls for me, please could you do it]

[OOC: Apologies
1d100 -> [85] = (85)
1d100 -> [74] = (74)
1d100 -> [69] = (69)
1d100 -> [9] = (9)]

Johnny slips over to the door to the kitchen and listens and then pushes it open.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:57 pm
by Raiko
The kitchen appears to be unoccupied, indeed it doesn’t look to Johnny like it’s been disturbed at all yet.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:55 pm
by Grafster
Johnny nods to himself and moves back toward the main room.
He moves over to the other door and standing to the side of it (i.e. with his back to the wall) pushes it open.

[OOC If I need another sneak check then here it is
Chapter 1 - Sneak (50%) - From Andrei's kitchen to the door to the hallway. 1d100 -> [36] ]

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:49 am
by Grafster
[OOC Tread... titles... increasingly.... confusing... must.... remember.... still... in... China.... town.]

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:31 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: It’s worse for me, I have to post in both threads]

Johnny moves back across the living room to the hallway and looks inside. Again it is deserted. This corridor runs parallel with the main hallway outside the apartment (where Andrei still crouches), separated from it by an internal [OOC: Non BAR-proof] wall, there are three doors leading off this corridor.

Two are on the right, the first leading to the guest room, Johnny glances inside, the room is trashed again. The next door on the right leads to Andrei’s bedroom, adjacent to it, at the end of the corridor the third door leads to the bathroom.

[OOC: Here is a quick sketch of Andrei’s apartment to make things easier. The J and T ‘green circles’ are Johnny and Timour. This image is my website at the moment, I’ll move it to image shack when I get home.]


Timour hears somebody trying to sneak on the metal fire escape outside.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:40 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour peeks back over the fireeeacape, expecting trouble.

OCC Timour is crouching, unless Andrei suddenly appeared beside him :shock:

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:16 pm
by Grafster
Johnny inspects the room to the right (the guest room), looking for shadows and odd shapes to the best of his ability (behind the door, under the bed, in the closet).

If it doesn't seem like there is anyone in the guest room he decides that all this sneaking around, while his instinctive way of doing things, is getting a bit silly.
Supposed to be looking for Miss D anyhow.

He'll draw his gun and quickly check the other rooms. He opens doors carefully and avoids making unnecessary noise but he's decided to stop jumping at shadows.