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IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:13 am
by Raiko
Chapter One - New York, Starting 12th January 1925

It is the City That Never Sleeps. During the day ships, barges, tugs and pleasure boats ply New York’s bay and rivers, dashing beneath bridges and disgorging thousands of people upon the city’s shores. Each brings hope and dreams of a new life. At night the city blazes with myriad lights, diamonds dazzling in buildings that scrape the sky. Music, food, dance, dark rituals, and clandestine cults flourish beneath the mantle of New York City – Secrets of New York (Chaosium 2005)

Downing House - Long Island, New York
7:15pm – Monday 12th January 1925

Downing House

It is a lovely, clear winter evening, Long Island is watched over by a moon that is no long quite full, and a million glittering stars. Already a crisp frost is starting to cover the extensive lawns of Downing House, the residence of the Downing family since before the Civil War.

As Elizabeth Downing looks out of the sitting room window at the tranquil winter scene, she hears the housekeeper enter the room behind her.

“Excuse me Miss Elizabeth, a telegram has just arrived for you.”

Opening the envelope, Elizabeth reads the short message in surprise. It is from an old friend who she has not met for several months, although that isn’t particularly surprising for this particular friend. However the content of the telegram itself is quite mysterious indeed.


Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:09 am
by coffee demon
Andrei is sipping coffee in his upscale New York apartment. He's standing over his desk, where his most recent investment and financial statements are laid out.

The outlook is not good - so far, Andrei has had no luck with any of his business ventures in America.

"If this keeps up for another year, the family fortune will be down the drain", he thinks.

He thinks about Elizabeth, and what would happen to their relationship if we went broke. He could never let that happen. Or at least, he could never let her know.

He feels a headache coming on, and goes to the bathroom for an aspirin.
He changes his mind, pours his coffee down the drain, and makes a scotch instead.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:50 am
by Laraqua
Maksim tosses bits of bread to pigeons in the park, looking over at the chess game two old people are playing on the park bench. He is bored out of his wits and eventually offers to buy a homeless man something from a nearby food cart just to have a reason to start up a conversation with someone and find out what this city has to do.

He considers having some of the scotch he keeps in his trenchcoat pocket but, knowing what a lot of homeless people are like, refrains from drinking it in case the man, Bernard was apparently his name, wanted to share. As much as he didn't mind the company of the poor and broken-hearted, he wasn't naieve enough to trust in their hygiene levels.

"America, home of the free," he mutters in Russian during a break in the conversation, tossing some more pieces of bread at a few pigeons.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:32 am
by Decrepit
It's already evening, but the time on the clock hardly means anything anymore to Dr. Caroline Ward. Her practice was genuinely starting to become lucrative, due in no small part to the referrals she'd received already from her friend and patron Elizabeth and Elizabeth's family. Caroline could probably get more patients than even she, a diligent worker, could handle, and it would be easy to get completely lost in the work. But she also craved the nightlife and the world of ease that Elizabeth had helped introduce her to.

No friends like wealthy friends, Caroline thinks, amusing herself. But it really wasn't about money with her and Elizabeth, not really anyway. Caroline had come to think highly of her friend, seeing beyond the scads of money and glamourous facade. Caroline suspected that Elizabeth meant more to her than Caroline did to Elizabeth, but it didn't really matter.

Come to think of it, it had been a rather long time since Caroline had heard from Elizabeth. The other woman was probably having a ball--literally--while Caroline labored away at a stack of files.

"Hope you're having a good time," Caroline sighs to herself.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:05 am
by imme
An investigative team?! How exciting! I'm sure Jackson must be onto something quite interesting and involved if he's willing to share his work. And he's asking me to help! Hmm, who to bring? "Thank you, Dorothy. I'll be needing to send several telegrams myself. Oh, and I'll be needing to catch the next train into the city, if you could arrange for that."
"What do you mean 'at this hour'? I'm sure it's no later than 7 or 8 now."
"Fine, you can ask Johnny if he wants to accompany me, but I'm sure he'd rather rest his leg, he was complaining about it earlier today. Something about the weather change."

Elizabeth prepares the following messages to be sent out immediately:

"Dear Andrei stop There's a mystery to be solved, join my investigative team! stop We'll have a blast, I'm sure stop I'm coming into Manhattan now stop Warmly Ellie PS Are your pilot twins still in town?" That should take care of any brawn we may need

"Caroline darling stop Could you possibly break away from your work? stop I want to go adventuring and I need a doctor on my investigative team stop You'll love it, I'm sure stop If possible, meet me at my Manhattan apartment tomorrow stop Tata Liz" She'll be able to look after the brawn when they get themselves into trouble

"Dear Thomas stop I've got a mystery for you stop If you have the time tomorrow, please drop by my apartment so I can tell you about it stop Regards Beth" He's sure good at unraveling mysteries, and I think he'd have fun going on an adventure as well

And here I was, thinking I'd have nothing to do tonight. Elizabeth practically dances upstairs as she goes to put on one of her 'city dresses' and tell mother and father that she was going out to the city tonight afterall. She promises she'll come back later in the week for dinner again.

She'll catch a train into the city, and take a taxi straight to Andrei's place. (Or, if the trains aren't running this late, she'll just have her driver take her.)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:17 am
by coffee demon
imme wrote: "Dear Andrei stop There's a mystery to be solved, join my investigative team! stop We'll have a blast, I'm sure stop I'm coming into Manhattan now stop Warmly Ellie PS Are your pilot twins still in town?"

Andrei sets the telegraph down on his desk. A mystery? Investigative team? It must be some kind of event Ellie's friends were putting on. It sounds like fun, though. Andrei grins - count on Elizabeth to introduce some excitement just when he needed it.

He starts cleaning up the financial statements in preparation for Elizabeth's arrival. He considers what clothes one wears to a "mystery adventure party."

One thing nags him, though. Why did he have to introduce Ellie to the Russian twins? He loved their company, but everything they said to Elizabeth seemed like a flirtation. Not only that, they would definitely do something embarassing in front of Ellie's wealthy friends.

He decides to ignore her query about the twins, and if she asks, he can say he left a message at their hotel. No harm done.

Andrei proceeds to select a record that Ellie likes, chill some wine, and listen to the gramophone.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:13 am
by warhammer
Thomas is sitting in his office, leaning on the back of his chair as he calmly finishes his Xth cigarette of the day. The office is rather small and is often filled with smoke, even though it's always clean and has a lot of charm. Thomas's job as a defense attorney is starting to make good money, yet he never felt the need to move out to a bigger and less personal place - this is where he feels at home. Likewise, he is always dressed with taste, but dislikes wearing suits and never wears expensive clothes. He sports a "free" haircut which contrasts with the traditional well-combed style of the 1920s. But despite not spending much time on his appearance, he could be considered handsome in his own way.

A knock on the door is heard.

"Yeah?" says Thomas, and his associate Michael enters, quickly handing him a telegram before going back to work.

Oh, something from Liz, swell. Thomas thinks, reading with a smile. It had been a little while since they last went out together.

A mystery? This must be important if she won't tell me more in the telegram and asks to meet at her place. Either way I'll get to see her again, and she's not half-bad looking. It's a deal, I'm going.

Thomas packs his things and locks his office, saying goodbye to his associate on the way out.

"Mike, I probably won't be at the office tomorrow morning, something came up with that telegram. I'll keep you in touch, I'll most likely be back by the afternoon. Good night."

Thomas then has supper in a small restaurant nearby, before going back home and drinking a few shots of whiskey while reading a book. He will finish the evening going out to a pub smoking and listening to a live jazz band.

He will be ready to go to Elizabeth's apartment the next day, first hour of the morning, eager to know what's up.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:40 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour did his best to don his jacket while the Park Ave. socialite on his lips did her best to convince him to stay another hour.
“Oh, Arseni,” she cried in passion, using his middle name, the one he had given her at the department store. “Say something else in that wonderful Russian of yours.”

“I took $20 dollars and a few Cubans from your husband’s cigar box,” he said in silky smooth Russian.

She smiled and kissed him even deeper.

“I trust you won’t think poorly of me,” he continued in his native tongue.

She stopped kissing him and looked intently into his eyes, “I love that language. When can I see you again?”

He shrugged and opened the door, “my brother and I are leaving town shortly,” he replied in English.

She shot him a look that, if it had the power would have lashed skin from his bones.

“But I will be back in a few weeks, when I return we can spend all the time in the world together Anne.”

“It’s Helen,” she corrected.

“And what a beautiful Helen you are,” he breathed once more in Russian.

“Promise I’ll see you again,” she demanded digging her nails into his ribs.

“I would have it no other way,” he assured her as he backed out of the door and headed for the stairwell.

On the street he took his keys from the parking valet and leapt over the door of his black, convertible Big Six touring car and fired up the engine with an impressive, gasoline fueled roar.

Helen suddenly appeared on the street making quite the scene as she chased after him in her half-slip.

Timour watched her in his rearview mirror as he sped off, listening all the while as she called his name. Extending his left hand upward he waved a nice goodbye and smiled at himself in amused satisfaction.

Now he was off to find his brother, if only he could remember the name of that park?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:21 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim introduced himself to the gentle-seeming family sitting on a plaid picnic rug and managed to persuade them to let him join them. It was a lovely looking middle-aged couple, very much in love, with their two young boys, baby girl, and twenty-something-year-old niece.

He learned that the husband was a doctor, the wife has knitted her children the sweaters they wore, and the niece was an unpublished poet. He asked to hear a few examples and was quite intrigued by the odd grammar English poems possessed. He told them a Russian poem, in Russian, in exchange, and translated it straight to English, amusing them with its nonsensical sentence structure. They had a nice conversation about mistranslations and the oddities of foreign languages, then Maksim offered to escort the neice, a young lady known as Dora, with the children to a nearby swingset.

He and Dora pushed the children on the swings, talking gaily of current events and even religion. He took a few of her views and slowly attempted to convince her of a different way of looking at things, trying to play the Devil's Advocate.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:53 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour found the park with more ease than he had originally assumed he'd have. A lucky turn down a one way street dumped him onto an avenue that connected to one edge of the green area his brother had ask Timour to meet him at.

Gunning the engine he stopped along side the sidewalk and sat up on the back of his seat, using the heghtened vantage point to better see the faces of the park's occupants.

It took only a few seconds to spot his sibling near the swings. Maksim was with a pretty American girl and a set of children. Laughing to himself the Russia aviator shook his head and grinned broadly, when would his brother learn to pick women without so much baggage? He possessed the same good Rukov looks as Timour did, it could be far simpler to entice unattached women the same age and with the same figures as the one Maksim was currently courting. Women with less worries and who had experienced fewer heartaches.

One day he would finally pound that notion through his head, but for right now he merely wished to get back to driving and find a suitable party to quench his growing appetites for dancing and flirting.

With a long wail of his car horn he drew his brother's attention to his presence and began waving him over.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:05 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim looks over at Dora after spotting his brother's car. He lowers his head apologetically, letting his hair flop a little before his eyes and giving a little coquettish smile that was both utterly innocent and, when done right, utterly devastating.

"Ah, my brother," he says, giving a rough nod in his brother's direction and raising his arms in an exaggerated shrug. "Perhaps we will find each other again."

"Oh, perhaps," she says with a giggle.

"Fate is counting on it," he says, gives an exaggerated bow and jogs off towards Timour. He waits until his brother moves into the passenger seat and then slides in behind the wheel. The waft of perfume mixed with aftershave hits his nose. "Off womanising again, I see?"

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:11 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
"The pot tells the kettle," said the beaming Timour as he lit up a cigar and offered his brother one. "How is mommy and the kids? Planning a little instant family, just add Maksim?"

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:15 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim looks thoughtful for a long moment as he drives off. "Interesting turn of phrase. I wonder how that'd work out... I don't see many re-marriages." Realising what Timour actually meant, he glances over and gives him a friendly scowl as he pulled up at a traffic cop and waited for the signal to go. "And no, actually, Dora is the neice, not the mother. What about the woman you saw? You even bother to find out if she was a woman or was that a little too much conversation for you?"

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:22 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour slipped the pre-offered cigar away and reached over to mess his bother's hair in a good natured way. Maksim always could talk circles around his best jibes.

"I need a party, brother dear. Something fun and with music and gambling and free food if possible!" he roared in barely contained enthusiam. "Who do we know in town? That Andrei chap, from the old country. Let's see what he's doing, maybe we can meet up with that girl he knows. You know the pretty one with all the money."

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:24 pm
by Decrepit
Reading over the telegram again, Caroline smiles to herself, pleased at the prospect of seeing her friend again and leaving behind the paperwork for some fun--as all things connected with Elizabeth seemed to be.

Her smile drifted to a frown for a moment. But there was so much to do, and she had only a young assistant, Hazel, to manage the office; Caroline would effectively have to close up shop for the day--or more--to attend to Elizabeth's needs, whatever they proved to be. Knowing Elizabeth, it could take more than a day.

But Caroline owed most of her practice to Elizabeth and her family anyway; in more ways than one, she was endebted, even if she'd wanted to say no, which she didn't.

She would have to ring up Hazel, have her move all her appointments back, make referrals for the cases more serious than hangnails. Still, Caroline felt a little thrill at the prospect of some adventure.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:30 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim's perpetual half-smile slipped into a broader grin as he spoke in his native tongue, as he normally did around his twin brother. "Ah, I sense our pal Andrei isn't so keen on having us near his scrumptious lady friend. It is your reputation, I fear, that will have us turned away from his very door. What with my impeccable record, he surely couldn't be worried about me."

"Let us go there, then, and see if we can't talk our way into whatever he has planned. You and I both know that I am more then capable of that... On that note, what have you found to do with your time? I've found this city exceedingly exciting on most days but today... I don't know. I just feel a certain restlessness about the air. And you?"

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:35 pm
by imme
Andrei opens the door to find Elizabeth grinning at him. "Did you get my telegram? I said I'd be coming .... what are you wearing?"

"Anyway, I'm gathering a group together to investigate a mystery, and I've told them all to meet me tomorrow at my apartment. Oh, will your twin friends be able to come? But it's not too late to go out dancing tonight! Why don't you change into something .... something ... why don't you put on that suit you were wearing last Friday?"

Elizabeth will dance around the apartment while she waits for Andrei to change, and then will drag him off to her favorite jazz club. She plans on dancing the night away, but will wake up the next morning none the worse for it.

"I've been missing traveling around. New York's great, but sometimes my feet just get restless, you know?"

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:36 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour nodded, "I fear it maybe time to move on, little brother. I'm down to my last $20 and fear the growing specter of working for our keep looms on the horizon. Either we find gainful employment, liberate valuables from those unaware, a practice you know I frown upon or we push on to New Jersy, or perhaps up Canada way."

"Look see, there's Andrei's place. Isn't that that rich girl now, just going inside? Elizabeth, right? I dare say, fortune is smiling upon us my brother."

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:41 pm
by Laraqua
OOC: I assumed it was on the classic New York city street and thus there wasn't available parking right outside.

Maksim tilts his head and thoughtfully looks up at the building. "You realise, dear brother, that he might count as the unaware... Perish the thought, of course, but were we to require more funds, I'm sure we could scare up a nonexistent job opportunity or two. But yes, for now, let's see if there's something else on the horizon." He hops out of the car and trots to the front door. "Do me a favor and go park the car somewere that isn't illegal."

He takes hold of the door knocker and clanks it down, once, twice. He raked his fingers through his hair, straightened his tie and posed in his most evilly thoughtful manner. You never knew who might come to the door.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:44 pm
by imme
While Andrei is off changing, Elizabeth answers the door to find the Rukov twins standing there. "Aha! I was just thinking about you two. Mr. Rukov, Mr. Rukov, we're about to go out dancing, would you care to join us? Oh, and also I want to recruit you to go on an adventure, but I'll tell you more about that tomorrow .... assuming you're available to meet at my apartment?"

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:48 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim smiles at her and takes off his bowler hat, holding it over his heart. "I would love to go dancing with you," he says in a reasonably thick Russian accent. "And an adventure? What a beautiful thought. I am, as always, curious. Forgive me if I can't wait until tomorrow to hear of it though I will try to be patient."

He reaches out to grasp her hand and, if she lets him, he raises it a little, as though to kiss it, then changes his mind and gives it an awkward shake. "It is hard to tell, with a modern woman, such as yourself, what makes for the proper greeting. May we enter?"

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:08 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour who had quickly followed his brother upstairs after parking the car shrugs his shoulders and nods a quick greeting, "If we're going, we should go. I had to double park. The traffic around here is nightmarish."

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:27 pm
by Grafster
Johnny paused at the door of Elizabeth's apartment.
If she were around she'd be making more noise...
Miss Downing traditionally mentioned his leg when she was inviting him to an event but wasn't planning on waiting up. Or spending the night in.

Opening the door with the spare key he'd picked up on his way out of the Downing House, he stepped inside.
Not here for long; if she stopped by at all.

Dorothy had, as usual, provided a useful chunk of information. God, or whoever, knew the woman was a tremendous gossip. He tapped out a small amount of tobacco into a paper.
Elias... Telegram... Meeting later this week...

He idly lit the cigarette and worked through the current choices.
1. Hurry out, catch up and play shadow for the evening.
I'll only get one guess, and the guess would be the Russian. Which did me good in Paris. But she didn't know half the city. And I'd be up most of the night, if not longer
2. Look up Elias
Didn't ring much of a bell. Maybe he was in Egypt? Anyway he's not in town till later. If she wanted something snooped Miss Downing would have mentioned it.
3. Get a good nights rest; show up in the morning for marching orders.
Best idea

Johnny quietly let himself out and locked the door behind him.
She'd see the cigarette in the ashtray and know he was around. And if she was too busy to notice... then I'm not needed anyway.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:54 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei steps out of the bathroom, wearing the suit Elizabeth requested.

He freezes in his tracks when he sees the Russian Twins at the doorway. For a moment, he regards them with a cold stare, until he sees that both twins are watching him.

Andrei steps up beside Elizabeth and puts his arm around her. "You're coming out with us tonight, friends?" He asks. "Fantastic!" There's no use in trying to fight it, they'll come now no matter what. He is smiling, but his bright blue eyes are still boring holes in the two brothers.

On the way out the door, Andrei slaps Maksim on the back.

"So, how soon until you're leaving town?"

[OOC: Since I'm standing next to Elizabeth, (and behind her when I first see the twins), I'm assuming she doesn't see Andrei's piercing stare.]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:13 pm
by Laraqua
"To go on this adventure, you mean?" Maksim asks, eyes twinkling in response. He understands what he's trying to say even if Andrei won't come out and admit it. No reason to let him off the hook that easily. "Or is this supposed to be, how do you say it? Hush hush? Your lady friend seemed excited at the time. Or is this adventure something she has not told you about?" He turns to regard Elizabeth with a calculatedly sheepish smile. "If so, I am sorry to spoil the surprise."

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:51 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei reverts to his easiest way of talking - polite and formal. "It would be a pleasure to have you along." He falls silent, looking lost in thought.

An adventure with Ellie would be a dream come true. With these two along, it's going to be a nightmare. I can only hope it doesn't last longer than tommorrow.

Not wanting to look stupid, Andrei resolves not to ask Elizabeth anything more about the mystery. But the suspence is killing him. Tonight, after dancing, when they're alone, he'll ask her some questions. He doesn't want to be on an equal footing as the two brothers. Ellie is HIS girlfriend, so he should be the second-in-command of this "adventure."

Andrei will try to enjoy himself for the rest of the night, and will keep a close eye on Elizabeth and the brothers. He wants to make sure they don't try getting too close with her. They can dance together, but Andrei will always be watching.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:30 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim will be the perfect gentleman all night and will return Andrei's watchfulness with thoughtful scrutiny of his own. He'll attempt to persuade Elizabeth to move to a part of the room where he can hear better, only to quiz her as to the adventure she's got planned for him. He's quite keen on knowing what it might be and whether there might be a little financial reward at the end of it.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:34 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour alternately concentrates on his more carnal pursuits. He likes the look of Elizabeth but doesn't fawn over her like he sees the others doing. There are many amusements at the party and he has an eye for all of them.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:09 pm
by imme
Elizabeth seems very excited about "The Adventure", but in response to questioning will only reveal that it's about unraveling a mystery and will likely to involve travel to exotic locations. "You'll just have to wait until tomorrow" is her reply to any further questioning. "Don't you love some suspense in life?"

Her excitement is contagious, and anyone who allows himself to relax (OOC--I'm looking at Andrei, here) will have an enjoyable evening full of dancing and jazz at multiple clubs around the city. Elizabeth obviously knows where to go, and has an easy time getting in. Eventually, after many hours, she will admit to being tired and allow the Russians to escort her home, only charmingly intoxicated.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:31 pm
by coffee demon
After 4 or 5 drinks, Andrei worries less about Elizabeth. As with most introverts, he becomes a bit of an extrovert when drunk.

He buys drinks for the group, shares some belly laughs with the brothers about their Russian past and experiences in New York. He dances with Ellie, sweeps her up in his arms, and whispers funny drunken things in her ear.

The rest of the night is a blur for Andrei, but when he wakes up the next morning he feels good - his brain feels fuzzy, but a lot of the stress is off his chest. As always, Elizabeth makes Andrei feel like the world is his oyster.

He drinks a cup of orange juice, dons a freshly pressed white shirt, and brushes his teeth, all the while watching the clock. He decides to show up a little early at Elizabeth's apartment with a rose for her.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:43 am
by Laraqua
Maksim wakes up in the Studebaker with only the faintest trace of a hangover, despite the copious volumes of liquour he managed to con, steal or coax from that various patrons. He finds himself sprawled across the front seats and bangs his head against the steering wheel as he groggily tries to sit up.

Wincing more from the early morning light than anything else, Maksim gets the feeling that this just isn't going to be his day. He can already imagine what tales Timour would have to tell from last night.

He yawns and checks his pocket watch. Good, he still had time to get to Elizabeth's. There were two questions, though. Did he have the time to shower and not just straighten up his clothes? And where was he?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:37 am
by Raiko
Dakota Apartments - 72nd Street and Central Park West, New York
9:00am – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Dakota Apartments

As the sun slowly rises into the clear January sky above Central Park, the temperature is still well below freezing. The park itself looks beautiful shrouded in a thin layer of white mist that is slowly being evaporated by the weak rays of the winter sunshine.

Those people who are out and about on the park and the sidewalks are well wrapped up, their breath misty in the frosty morning air.

Throughout the Dakota and the other Central Park West apartments of New York’s rich and famous the party-goers of the night before are rising from their beds. Prohibition has had little effect on the Jazz Age nightclubs of this mighty metropolis, and many of those waking now have hangovers to prove it.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:46 am
by imme
Elizabeth wakes up bright and cheerful in the morning. Russians are always so much fun. I'm glad Andrei was able to relax and have fun. Sometimes he gets in funny moods. She has some orange juice and toast and puts herself together. She notices the cigarette. Oh, Johnny must have been here. I'm sure he'll come back now that it's morning. The doorbell rings and she rushes over to answer it.

"Oh, Andrei, what a beautiful rose. Thank you. Wasn't last night a blast?"

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:02 am
by Decrepit
As dawn broke, Caroline rose somewhat wearily from bed. It'd taken her longer than she'd expected to wrap up her business enough to be gone even for the day. Lord help her if she had to be gone longer than that. Hazel was an angel, but she wasn't a doctor, and she could only cover things for so long before her fickle patients with their ailments, real and imagined, found another fashionable physician.

As she drank her morning coffee, its magical properties clearing her head, she ruefully imagines what Elizabeth's head must feel like this morning. She was probably fine, actually, Caroline mused. She seemed to have a preternatural ability to imbibe without discernible negative effect. And she was doubtless with her Russian man, Andrei. Everyone knew how *they* could drink; they were practically medical prodigies. She'd be interested in taking his medical history. Purely for science, of course.

Later, dressing for the brisk weather, she hails a cab for the trip over to her friend's. She's brought only the clothes she's wearing and her ever-present medical bag. If Elizabeth needed her for more than a day ... well, Caroline would see.

She rings the bell, and after a moment is greeted by her dear friend.

"My dear," Caroline says playfully, "you look fresher than I suspect you have a right to."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:23 am
by coffee demon
imme wrote: "Oh, Andrei, what a beautiful rose. Thank you. Wasn't last night a blast?"

Andrei gives Elizabeth a big hug, picking her up and kissing her. "All because of you, my wild little rose! All because of you!"

Andrei helps Elizabeth make coffee in the kitchen, "Before the guests arrive and you let us all in on your little secret." He jokes with her about the hijinks of the russian scoundrels the previous night (he calls them scoundrels).

He hugs her again, making the most of the private time they have together. "I want to take you out for a nice dinner tonight, Ellie. Will we have time for that? Or are you whisking me away to Iceland this afternoon?"

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:35 am
by imme
"How did you meet those fellows anyway? Iceland? Can you only think of frozen places you big, silly Russian? Think somewhere warmer ... But we won't be leaving for a few days, I'm sure. Of course we can have dinner." Elizabeth is interrupted by the door bell. "Oh!" She scurries off to answer it.

"Hello Caroline! What do you mean? I was only out late dancing the night away, as usual." Elizabeth grins and leads Caroline into the apartment. "Andrei, you remember my friend Dr. Caroline Ward, don't you?"

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:45 am
by Laraqua
Maksim watches the mysterious woman rush up to Elizabeth's apartment as he walks from the parking spot he had slept in. She was an enticing sort, and apparently knew Elizabeth quite well.

He smiled, rubbing his hands, still encased within the leather driving gloves, and knocked on the door, flashing his most cheerful grin when the door is opened.

"Hope I'm not too early," he says. "What can I say? I'm a curious man."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:20 am
by coffee demon
Andrei looks over his shoulder at Caroline, where he's pouring coffee from Elizabeth's fancy new electric coffee purcolator. "Good morning, Ma'am."

He quietly pours coffee and listens to the two of them chat.

Andrei will offer any newcomers a fresh cup of coffee. He looks Maks up and down, smiles and says "You need this. Where did YOU end up last night?"

As more people arrive, Andrei politely greets/introduces himself, and quietly observes everyone from a chair next to Elizabeth's.

[OOC - Andrei often unconscioulsy uses his Psychology skill, evaluating peoples' interactions with each other, and watching their body language to see if they're nervous, comfortable, etc. If someone doesn't look comfortable, he'll make eye contact with them and give them a warm smile.]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:28 am
by Laraqua
"I ended up sleeping in my car," Maksim says, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. He turns to the woman he hadn't seen before and extends his hands, again uncertain whether to kiss it or shake it, it's hard to tell with some of these modern women and he would rather seem too modern than too traditional in front of Elizabeth. Normally it was safer not to extend a hand at all, but he liked the physical contact. Women often had such lovely hands.

"Maksim Mikhailovich Kliment Mechulaiev Drobnitsa Rukov." He felt in the mood to speak Russian and had the feeling that his name would be the closest he'd get to that. "And you are?"

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:57 am
by imme
Elizabeth will direct Maksim to the bathroom, if he would care to freshen up (she is so polite that this could not possibly be interpreted as an insult). As people arrive she will make introductions and encourage conversation, gracefully stepping into the role of hostess. She will fend off any questions regarding the mysterious adventure with a polite, "I'm still expecting some others, let's wait until we have everyone."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:55 am
by Decrepit
"Maksim Mikhailovich Kliment Mechulaiev Drobnitsa Rukov. And you are?"

"Charmed," says Caroline amiably, taking the offered hand. Another Russian, she thinks; how very interesting. And this one was more than a bit dashing, too, despite the scruffy appearance. Yet what kind of a man sleeps in his car?

"I'm Caroline, one of Elizabeth's many friends. I'm a physician in the city, and our hostess here"--giving Elizabeth a teasing look--"has pulled me away from my practice for what I hope is a very good reason.

"Oh, and very good to see you again, Andrei."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:33 am
by coffee demon
Andrei leans against a wall, sipping coffee, talking to Caroline.

"Good morning. What a surprise to see you here! But... I mean.. a good surprise! I wonder who else Ellie has invited?"

"I wonder what this is all about. No, she won't mention any details to me", he smiles at Elizabeth if she's listening.

"I think its some kind of surprise party. Maybe there will be a cake at the end!"

He glances over her shoulder at the door, expecting more visitors. Timour still needs to show up. I wonder what he got up to last night.

Looking over at Elizabeth (and quickly noting her body language as she talks to Maks), Andrei asks: "Who else did you invite, Ellie? At least tell us how -many- you invited! I need to know if I should make more coffee."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:22 am
by Grafster
Johnny makes his way up to the door of the apartment. Pausing for a minute to confirm that people are talking outside he quietly unlocks the door and slips in.
Once inside he'll tip his hat to Miss Downing before quietly making his way to a chair in the corner of the room. Perched on the chair with his 'bad' leg stretched out; he'll rest his hat on his golden-dragon capped cane and chew on his toothpick.

He addresses Caroline as "Doctor" and a polite nod if she speaks to him. Otherwise he greets anyone who greets him with a firm handshake and a "Hello".

She's mixing social groups. Caroline's not the natural choice to invite out with Andrei. And Andrei with Russian friends isn't a natural choice for an early morning brunch. Something is definitely up...

[OCC: A psych roll would suggest Johnny is fairly relaxed. He's either been in situations like this before or he's comfortable with his perceived role.
A really good psych roll might make someone wonder why a man who seems to go to great lengths to avoid attention has such a gaudy looking cane.]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:19 am
by warhammer
Thomas wakes up early, feeling fresh, and starts the day with a few cigarettes and two cups of black, smoking hot coffee. After calmly waiting at his balcony for the sun to rise, he puts on his hat and coat and walks out of his apartment to the cold New York streets of January.

He drives to Elizabeth's place, having no trouble remembering the address even though he has only been there once: he has developed a stunningly good memory over the years spent studying his many law books.

He then calmly knocks on the door and waits for Elizabeth to open.

"Good morning miss. As you can see, you piqued my interest with your telegram."

He looks at her up and down.

"Like the dress. Are you letting me in?"

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:19 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour fresh from a morning shower, wearing a newly pressed suit and obviously shined shoes exits his taxi cab and slips the driver a generous tip before turning to behold the majesty of the Dakota. He clasps the door man on the arm and gives him a warm smile before heading to the front desk and asking for Elizabeth Downing's apartment.

As usual he has no trouble getting inside and as he slips off his fedora in the operated elevator he makes small talk with the attendant until finally reaching his desired floor.

Standing before the door way Timour adjusts his tie and double checks his hair in the shiny surface of a nearby golden vase. Satisfide he rings the bell and waits patiently as the door opens.

"Good morning everyone, I trust I'm not fashionably late."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:17 pm
by imme
Elizabeth gives a nod to Johnny once she notices that he's there.

"Thomas, I'm so glad you could make it. I thought the less I said in the telegram the less chance you'd have to control your curiousity. And won't you call me Lisa? Please come in and meet everyone."

"And last but not least, Timour. You don't mind my being informal, do you?"

"Now that everyone's here, perhaps you would all care to make yourselves comfortable for what I have to say." Elizabeth will politely wait for people to seat themselves.

“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve gathered you here today.” Elizabeth begins straight-faced, but can’t maintain it and breaks out into a huge grin. “I’ve got an adventure for us all! Yesterday I got a telegram from an old friend of mine, Jackson Elias. You may recognize his name from the books he’s written. His most famous, Sons of Death is about how he infiltrated a cult of Thuggees in India and what he learned. I guess you could say he’s an expert in death cults and how the leaders manipulate their followers by using their fears against them. Damned interesting stuff.” Her eyes gleam a bit, as much from her pun as out of delighted shock from hearing herself swear.

“So, yesterday I got a telegram from him saying that he has information about the Carlyle expedition, needs an investigative team, and will be here on Thursday. Since he’s never willing to discuss a project until it’s ready to be published, it must mean that he’s onto something really big if he needs a team to help. We won’t know anything specific until he arrives, but I imagine we’ll end up following in the Expedition’s footsteps, going to Egypt and Africa! I’ve been to Egypt before and I’d love to go back. I hope you’ll all be able to join me in this adventure, it’s sure to be a blast!” Elizabeth gives everyone a huge smile, as if that alone could convince this group of people to drop everything and follow her around the world.

“I was also thinking that we could start gathering information before Jackson arrives, to be prepared for his arrival. I know that Roger Carlyle’s sister Erica lives just north of the Bronx, so maybe some of us could go talk to her. (I’ve never spoken to her, but we’ve crossed paths a few times.) I could also go talk to Jackson’s publisher, Jonah Kensington, who’s here in the city, but I doubt he’d be willing to tell me much about Jackson’s current exploits … even if he knows what they are.

“So, what’d you all think?”

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:21 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim seems quite intrigued by Doctor Caroline's admission to such a profession. Until Elizabeth starts on about the mission, he'll ask her several questions and listen with rapt interest. He's flirtatious with it but a successful psychology roll can tell that he's too distracted by curiosity to actually be trying to get her to fancy him.

He also refers to her from now on as Doctor Ward. OOC: That is her last name, right? I don't have time right now to check.

"How long have you been a doctor? Was it difficult? I imagine you've encountered a lot of hostility. Do you deal with the same complaints as male doctors? What do you think of the job? Do you know what Elizabeth wants us here for? Do you have any stories to tell?" Obviously he won't be as abrupt as those questions and prefers to slip such questions naturally into conversation, but the intentions are there.

He'll also greet Johnny with a good-natured tip of the hat before turning back to Caroline. There's a good chance he'll be just as interesting but it's more fun to enquire and flirt in the same breath.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:38 pm
by Decrepit
"I've only been a doctor for a few years now. Mr. Rukov," Caroline replies. "As I'm sure you know, it does take a very long while to push one's way through medical school and all the related training. With the help of our gracious hostess"--Caroline nods in Elizabeth's direction--"I've been able to start up a practice, something most new doctors aren't able to do. I'm very grateful to her. If it weren't for Elizabeth, in fact, I probably wouldn't have been able to afford to finish medical school."

Caroline stops for a moment. "It has been hard sometimes to be a 'lady doctor,' yes. Fortunately, I was able to attend Johns Hopkins, which has been coeducational for a few decades now, and we women doctors aren't as rare as the papers might have you think. I do sometimes find that some of my male patients are, well, a little uneasy talking about their medical histories with me, but on the other hand many of my female patients seem to open up rather easily.

"But I've ended up telling you a good deal already. Has anyone told you that you have a *very* compelling manner?" Caroline smiles in a way that conveys both pleased interest and a clinician's studious curiosity.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:46 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour listened to Elizabeth's proposal with sincere interest. He loved to travel and taste the fruits of exotic living, he'd never been to Africa and the opportunity intrigued him but only to the point of how much it would cost.

If she was offering to pick up the tab then he'd be willing to go, provided she allowed him a few travel necessities and permits to carry them and use them should he have a reason.

He also pondered his wage, but not for a second what was expected of him. He'd been a soldier long enough to perfect his art and he'd been a mercenary long enough to know when he was being hired to use it.

He had skills and talking to people about blah-blah-blah was not one of them. In fact gathering information sounded incredibly boring, it was quite obvious that she would be hiring Maksim to handle that part of the equation.

As for the others, they were likely just going along as servants and tourists, which was fine by him, the more the merrier as long as they didn't do anything that might get him or his sibling killed.

Timour watched as the others blasted their hostess with a barrage of questions and concerns, deciding that, he would pull her off to the side and speak with her about his requirements when the there was a quieter and potentially more personal moment available.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:19 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline is a bit taken aback by Elizabeth's proposal but tries hard not to show that in her body language.

It's one thing, she thinks, for Elizabeth to ask me out here at the drop of a hat for a short visit, but it's another to suggest that I close up my practice indefinitely to go god-knows-where for god-knows-how-long. Certainly it would mean laying aside a lot of hard work, but Caroline knew herself well enough to understand that what *really* bothered her was how this all reminded her of her debt to Elizabeth (and, make no mistake, there was a debt there, even if Elizabeth didn't realize it), their unequal footing, their difference in lifestyle. Elizabeth would merely be interrupting her dance-and-club schedule to go to Egypt; Caroline would be, in some ways, giving up her dream.

Caroline sighed inwardly. She knew she'd already made her mind up to go; she never could resist Elizabeth, not for long anyway. And part of Caroline *wanted* this, too--wanted to get away from richie-rich hypochondriacs, wanted to see exotic places, wanted to drink and dance till dawn, wanted to live Elizabeth's life. But part of her also knew that she was too responsible for that, and that *someone* would need to keep a clear head and ask the lucid questions wherever they were going. Maybe there was a happy medium somewhere.

"Sounds fascinating, Elizabeth," Caroline says.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:42 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim notices Caroline's odd demeanor and assumes she is merely nervous about travelling with so many strangers gives her a gentle and reassuring smile, resisting the urge to reach over and pat her hand. He was well aware of his own touchy feeliness when it came to women and the time for familiarity with her was not yet upon them. Perhaps later, after she had mended whatever damage tagging along with Timour was likely to deal him, they would be close enough for such familiarities.

"Don't worry," he says in a low voice, hoping that only she will hear. "We're not that difficult to get along with. I'm sure you won't have to spend too long in the company of strangers. We look like a sorry lot but we're a good sort."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:10 pm
by warhammer
Thomas nods to all the people inside, unaware of who they are. He will introduce himself if he is asked, but will not say anything if nobody asks him.

So I'm only a small fraction of a team here. Not quite the personal assignment I was expecting. Everyone seems to know each other here as well, except me. I don't know that I'm going to join in, it sure as hell looks like they could do fine without me. ... Thomas thinks, briefly considering heading straight back to his office and forgetting about this whole incident. He decides however to stay for a little more, if only to not offend Elizabeth by leaving so quickly.

(OOC - Thomas uses his high Psychology skill to prevent others from sensing his current feelings)

"What is it that you know about Roger Carlyle, Liz?" he asks after Elizabeth's speech, purposely ignoring her request to call her Lisa. "I remember him as some rich dog who used to live here, and financed his own expedition to Africa some six years ago or so. The papers followed that story a bit. He died there along with the rest of his party, didn't he? Know anything else about that?"

Thomas then lights a cigarette and pays little attention to anyone except Elizabeth, who is currently the only person he knows in the room.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:08 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei is frowning, listening to Elizabeth and processing the information gleaned from the questions people are asking.

Why would he ask Elizabeth for help? Her money, must be her money. Or maybe he's an old boyfriend that wants to re-ignite their relationship. God, I hope not.

He looks at the people around the room from his comfortable chair, fingering the empty coffee mug in his lap.

What a bizarre group of people we are. I'm not sure what this Jackson fellow will think of her choice of companions. I doubt we're going to Africa - probably some boring research in New York for him. I hope Elizabeth doesn't get disappointed when she finds out. Maybe there's a way to break the news to her more gently.

Andrei leans over to Elizabeth.

"Lets pay a visit to his publisher, then, Ellie." Hopefully he can help break the news.

"Of course I'm in! Whether its a trip to the library here in New York, or a boat trip to Africa, I'll be there."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:48 pm
by Decrepit
Andrei seems rather ... committed, Caroline thinks.

"I think going to the library would be a good idea. I'm pretty familiar with the stacks and the archives. I'd be willing to go."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:57 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour after overhearing some of the enthusiastic reactions about a trip to the library resists the temptation to chuckle in derision. If this was the extent of their adventure's excitement he was going to make a lot of money very easily.

OOC- if anyone tries to guage Timour's feeling about the more 'egg-headed' aspects of the adventure he will be resisting it, as he intends to keep his opinions as secretive as he can.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:12 am
by coffee demon
[OOC: this can happen after Elizabeth gives some information to Thomas about the Carlyle expedition, apologies if I didn't let you get a word in, Imme!]

Looking around the room, it seems that some people share Andrei's scepticism.

Poor Elizabeth.. I love how she gets so excited about things. I hope she's not going to be too disappointed.

Andrei stands up stiffly and clears his throat. He's not trying to, but his voice booms over the rest of the chatting.

"Before anyone goes anywhere, why don't we see if we can telephone his publisher? Lets see if we can learn something before we start running around town..?"

Andrei looks at Elizabeth for approval, then the rest of the group. He swallows hard. He's trying to look confident, but anyone observant can tell he's self-conscious in front of this many people. He's slouching a bit, trying to diminish his massive frame, and his hands play nervously over the empty mug in his hand.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:09 am
by Laraqua
Noticing how no one else can see the fun in Elizabeth's proposition, Maksim stretches and raises a hand. "I'm willing to go and talk to anyone you like. It wouldn't be the first time I've gone to random strangers for a talk. But as much as I love libraries, I've always just picked up any old book and started reading. I wouldn't know where to look when it came to finding perfect information."

He smiles lazily, enjoying the thought of having other people involved in snooping into other people's backgrounds. "I admit, this does sound like my idea of fun. Even if no one else is interested, I'm more than willing to help you." His smile spreads into a more flirtatious look and he turns to look at the others. "I'm surprised, but, what made you think of me? Has Andrei been gossiping about my snooping habits? Or did Timour complain of me talking to strangers? I can't really see how my pilot experience could have gotten you interested in me."

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:36 am
by imme
warhammer wrote: "What is it that you know about Roger Carlyle, Liz?" Thomas asks after Elizabeth's speech, purposely ignoring her request to call her Lisa. "I remember him as some rich dog who used to live here, and financed his own expedition to Africa some six years ago or so. The papers followed that story a bit. He died there along with the rest of his party, didn't he? Know anything else about that?"

"Oh, well, I know that they originally started in Egypt, but ended up somewhere ... was it Uganda or Kenya? before their unfortunate demise. I was thinking that you're so good at unraveling mysteries, Mr. Allan, lawyer extraordinaire, that maybe this one would prove to be a good challenge for you." Elizabeth flashes him a huge grin, giving the impression that she's sure he'll enjoy this puzzle she's offering him.
Laraqua wrote: "I'm surprised, but, what made you think of me? Has Andrei been gossiping about my snooping habits? Or did Timour complain of me talking to strangers? I can't really see how my pilot experience could have gotten you interested in me."

"From what Andrei's told me, you and Timour have been through some great adventures, and gotten yourselves out of some tough situations. I imagine such skills may prove highly useful here. Besides, your curiosity and enthusiasm will be valuable assets in this adventure, I'm sure."

Elizabeth turns to Caroline, "I think some research is an excellent idea. Maybe you and Thomas could start to unravel what happened to the Carlyle Expedition. Yes, Andrei, let's go talk to the publisher and try to find out what Jackson's been up to. I'm tempted to send you," she turns to the Rukov twins, "to talk to Erica, but she's not the party animal her brother was, and I'm not sure she could handle the two of you." (This is said with another grin and a twinkle in her eye.) "Although, in all seriousness, I would feel bad about making her think about her deceased brother." A frown passes across Elizabeth's face, an unusual occurrence.

"Well, anyway, I'd like to invite everyone to my home in Long Island tonight for dinner. That way you can all get to know each other better and we can share whatever we've learned during the day. Sound good?" (Elizabeth seems to have forgotten that she and Andrei had planned to have dinner together. She also seems to assume that Johnny needs no guidance as to his actions.)

OOC--At her first opportunity after this meeting breaks up, she will telegram her parents to tell them that she's coming home for dinner ... and bringing five friends. (She'll wait to tell them that she may be leaving for Africa soon until she can talk to them in person.)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:53 am
by Laraqua
"Perhaps it would be best to just send me," Maksim says with a wry smile. "I am good at giving a different kind of comfort to tearful women than my brother is." Then a look of serious concern passes over his face. "I am sure I could speak with her without causing too much pain on her part. I have dealt with crying widows and mothers before, along with shell shocked husbands and sons." He smiles again. "However, I suppose Timour might as well come along. It'll give him something to do."

"Dinner sounds wonderful," he says, thinking on his hungry stomach and lack of money. "I'm looking forward to get to know each of you." He looks over at Caroline and gives her a smile, trying to understand what kind of person she looks for in a man.

OOC: C'mon, give dear old Maksim a bone. He rolled low enough.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:28 am
by coffee demon
Andrei stays quiet for the rest of the meeting. He's hurt that Elizabeth forgot their dinner date. Or maybe she would rather be with -all- these people and her parents, instead of just him? He feels a little sick. Things haven't been as... "passionate" between the two of them for a while. They didn't even spend the night together last night!

This recent telegram, and these lawyers and doctors and chinamen aren't helping things either.

At least the two of them are going to the publisher's office together.

Andrei hangs around her apartment until everyone leaves. If someone looks like they're going to go with them, he suggests they go to a -different- library. "We should cover as many places as we can." If Johnny wants to follow, Andrei takes him aside and says, "Listen, Johnny, Ellie and I need some time together, OK?"

It feels like this will be the last time him and Elizabeth spend alone for a while.

He's not thinking about the trip much, and still imagines Elizabeth has overblown things. He hopes she has - the sooner its over, and all these strangers go back to their own lives, the better.

. . .

On the way to the publishers, Andrei will be a little reserved, but try to look happy. He'll help ask as many questions as he can think of when they arrive. Afterwards, he asks to buy Elizabeth lunch at a diner she likes, before they pack for a night spent at her parents' house.

[OOC: trying to get my word in before I go to bed and the rest of the party posts all night!]

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:00 am
by Grafster
"If she's half as well off as her brother it may be difficult to make an approach," Johnny's voice is low, but he speaks during a lull in theconversation making it easy to hear him. "She may be able to shake off her grief to talk about the subject if someone had something interesting to tell her about what happened to her brother though." His English is mostly unaccented though it had a bit of New York flavor (but not New Yawk level).

(If the brothers ultimately decide to approach the sister he'll go with. Otherwise...)
Johnny is going to pick up a copy of Elias' Sons of Death and accompany Miss Downing & Andrei to the publishers (if they leaveimmediately he goes with and gets the book after they're done, if not then he steps out for a minute, picks up a copy and comes back).

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:59 am
by warhammer
"Hold on a second there. Keep your pants on, everyone." interrupts Thomas as everyone is already making plans and getting ready to leave. "What are we going to bother Carlyle's sister for? We don't know anything about her, and as of now we don't know much about him either, or about what Ms Downing's friend, who sent the telegram, wants exactly." (OOC - Thomas purposely uses "Ms Downing" in response to "Mr Allan")

"I'll go to the NY library and look up the Carlyle expedition in old papers to collect more info. I've done this countless times to find archive material for my cases, so this should be a quick and easy job. But I reckon someone could do the same for Erica Carlyle, and I say we learn a tad more about this whole thing before we already go and bother her."

What are all these people so eager about? Thomas thinks. Is there something I don't know? Liz sure seems to know more than she lets on. Perhaps I should attempt to get some time alone with her.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:16 am
by Laraqua
Maksim smiles. Everyone was always so nervous about contacting complete strangers for redundant reasons. To him, it was a game but if the others wanted to be so serious about it, he might as well find out just why Elizabeth wanted to speak to her. Perhaps he and Elizabeth were kindred souls...

He sidled up to her, leaning against the nearest object, hands thrust deep in his pockets, in a slightly flirtatious way, subtle enough to not get himself into any trouble, but obvious enough that it would at the very least unsettle Andrei. Best to keep one's motivates mysterious.

"Well, well, I think everyone here wants to know what your great interest in the whole thing is. Is there something up your sleeve? Something we don't already know? Or are you just as keen for some excitement on such a cold, lonely day as I am?" He looked around. "Don't worry, to me it sounds like fun."

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:57 pm
by imme
warhammer wrote: "What are we going to bother Carlyle's sister for? We don't know anything about her, and as of now we don't know much about him either, or about what Ms Downing's friend, who sent the telegram, wants exactly."

"That's a good point, Thomas, but if the Rukov twins go to meet her now, they can at least get an impression of her, and then if they want to go back later once we know more, that'll be fine, too." Elizabeth's voice has a bit of a questioning tone to it, as if she's almost asking if her idea is actually a good one.
Laraqua wrote: "Well, well, I think everyone here wants to know what your great interest in the whole thing is. Is there something up your sleeve? Something we don't already know? Or are you just as keen for some excitement on such a cold, lonely day as I am?"

Elizabeth smiles back at Maksim. "No, I don't know anything more than you do. Well, I do know Jackson, and that he's always running around investigating interesting mysteries, but I don't know anything more about this case, specifically." Her smile widens. "I guess I also just enjoy whatever chance for excitement I can find."

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:07 pm
by Raiko
After spending an interesting morning at Elizabeth’s luxurious apartment discussing her “adventure” the investigators split up and head their separate ways.

New York Public Library
12:35pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Thomas and Caroline soon arrive at New York’s massive and famous Public Library and after making their way up the huge main reading room above the library’s towering stacks, they begin to work their way through the extensive collection of old newspapers, seeking information about what exactly became of the Carlyle Expedition.

Prospero House, New York
12:40pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Elizabeth and Andrei, feeling a little better now that he finally has his belle to himself, travel to Prospero House, publishers of all of Jackson’s books.

The publishing house is a small affair located on Lexington Avenue, close to 35th Street. When they enter they find that it is a welcoming and informal place with only a handful of staff. They are warmly greeted by the owner Jonah Kensington, a studious looking man of average build, he is slightly overweight, and has grey hair and a thick beard. Elizabeth has met him once or twice in the past, but they have ever really got to know each other.

Nonetheless he recognises the beautiful young lady at once, and crosses the office to greet her, “Ellie, what an unexpected surprise, what can I do to help you and your friend. Mr….?”

He offers his hand for Andrei to shake.

Outside Carlyle House, Westchester County, New York State
1:30pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Although none of the investigators knew the exact location of Erica Carlyle’s residence, it didn’t take much effort at all to find out, Maksim is soon sat beside his brother in Timour’s big Studebaker touring car heading north towards the Bronx, with Johnny Wong sat intently in the back.

Carlyle House, is located about 25 miles north of the city, in Westchester County on the bank of the Hudson River. The infamous Sing Sing prison can be seen a few miles further upstream.

Conditions are icy, and there is still a lot of patchy mist and fog, so the journey takes a little over an hour in all, but eventually Timour pulls up his car in sight of the gates of Carlyle House. The three investigators can see two gatekeepers stood outside the huge iron gates. Each man is in uniform and has a holstered handgun.

The estate’s five acre grounds are surrounded on three sides by a twelve foot high iron fence, topped with sharpened finials. The grounds are quite heavily wooded, but the season means that the towering trees are leafless, and there is little undergrowth, so it is still possible to see the house itself from the road.

From where they sit in Timour’s car, the investigators can see several other guards patrolling the grounds in pairs, each of these guards appears to be carrying a Thomson submachinegun slung over their shoulder, and each pair is accompanied by a large German Shepherd dog.

The whole scene appears quite creepy with the old, old house heavily guarded, and surrounded by towering gnarled trees, and patches of freezing mist.

[OOC: I’ll have to wait till I get home to post pictures (oops), and make some dice throws, but you should all be able to post something now, even if you just chat]

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:15 pm
by Decrepit
"So, Mr. Allan, why do you suppose Elizabeth wanted us in particular on this little adventure of hers?" Caroline asks bemusedly as the two head into the New York Public Library.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:32 pm
by Laraqua
"Suddenly, I feel like I'm back in Russia again," Maksim says. "I'm expecting chekists at any moment to come ask for my papers. Do people really choose to live like this in the land of the free?" He shakes his head, confused. "I don't get a good feeling from this."

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:40 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour looked from the driver’s seat at the yard and the house, searching for anything out of place or possibly dangerous beyond the gun toting goons and their leashed-razorblades.

Instinctively he slid his pistol from under his armpit and concealed it on his lap while quietly chambering the first round and making sure the safety was on before returning the .45 automatic to its holster.

“Maksim, from now on you drive,” he said in Russian, “I need to concentrate on our environment as much as possible.”

He then got out of the car and said in English to Johnny and his brother, “be ready for trouble.”

Timour would remain quiet and alert throughout the meeting and their tour through the mansion. Diplomacy was for diplomats and his job was being ready when diplomacy failed.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:50 pm
by warhammer
"I'm not quite sure, Mrs Ward." answers Thomas, as he pockets his car keys and lights another cigarette, after offering one to Caroline.

"How well do you know Elizabeth? Her friend is arriving in just a couple of days so we'll find out soon. I've got other things to take care of, but I admit feeling a bit of curiosity."

Thomas will work on getting information about the Carlyle expedition, while he suggests Caroline investigates the Carlyle family itself, more specifically Roger and Erica.

"Care to go for a drink afterwards?" Thomas also asks in an attempt to be friendly, understanding he may have to be social with Caroline for at least the few upcoming days.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:55 pm
by imme
In the car ride to Prospero House Elizabeth put her arm through Andrei's and her head on his shoulder, going on and on about Egypt and Africa, and how exciting this adventure was surely going to be.


"Mr. Kensington, let me introduce my beau, Andrei Zatisov. I found him in France." She grins up at Andrei and turns to Mr. Kensington. "How's business? Any new books you could recommend?" Elizabeth will start a conversation, waiting for Kensington to invite them to come sit in his office before turning the conversation to Jackson, if he's had any new books, and what he's been up to recently.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:01 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim nods and slides behind the wheel. "If they ask what you've got," he says to Timour in Russian, "give it to them without a fuss."

"Good day," he says, attempting to sound as English as possible to the gate keepers. "I would like to see Erica Carlyle just for a few minutes, if that's at all possible." He flashes them his most disarming smile. "The name's Max Rook." If they ask to see his papers, he shrugs and says that Rook is merely short for Rukov, he wasn't trying to cause any trouble.

If they don't seem like they want to let him through, he'll attempt to persuade them.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:16 pm
by Raiko
Outside Carlyle House, Westchester County, New York State
1:32pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

The gatekeepers each move to opposite sides of the Studebaker, one speaks to Maksim, the other stands around the back of the car, on the passenger side.

“Miss Carlyle isn’t expecting any visitors today, what is your business with her?”

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:30 pm
by Laraqua
"I know a friend of a friend of the family," Maksim says, annoyed that Elizabeth didn't at least have the decency to call ahead and try to arrange something. She would have had a lot more clout over here than he did. Fancy sending a couple of foreignors to a military-type compound. Why didn't she tell him about this? Why didn't she give him any clue of what was going on here?

"A Miss Elizabeth Downing and a Mister Jackson?" he says, hoping either name will ring a bell. "I'm afraid they couldn't come down in person so they sent me in their stead. Couldn't I just get to see her for a little of her time? Perhaps even if I could speak to her over the telephone? I do have something I rather need to ask her."

He hopes they won't make his message seem too urgent. He'd been given no real message to pass on and didn't want to lie too much. Otherwise, even if he got in, she'd likely send him on her way.

If the guards continue to refuse to let him pass, he'll say that he is collaborating on a novel documenting the heroic and brilliant tales of interesting men like her brother, and if only he could speak to her to make sure he got some of the details correct. He would never want to do such an honorable man a disservice.

OOC: I'm going to bed now. If the guards still won't let him pass or even let him telephone her, he'll slink off sulkily, fresh out of ideas.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:53 pm
by Decrepit
"I've known Elizabeth for quite some time now," Caroline says. "And, please, call me Caroline. In any case, I'm not married, so no need to call me 'Mrs.'"

She declines the proferred cigarette. "It's no secret, I guess, that she helped sponsor me through the last years of my medical program. I'm still not sure how I came to her attention, but she and I became friends sometime after that.

"I don't recall meeting Jackson Elias before, and I really don't know anything more about what's going on than you do, I suspect.

"I think your plan of dividing up the work makes good sense. I'd also like to find out some more information about Elias as well, time permitting. ... And by the time we're done, I may need a drink, if only to clear the dust from my throat," she says ruefully.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:23 pm
by coffee demon
On the way to Prospero House, Andrei tries to mirror Elizabeths excitement about the adventure. He almost gets caught up in the thought that this -will- be an adventure, but quickly dismisses it.

. . .

At the Prospero House, Andrei shakes Jonah's hand firmly and nods while Elizabeth introduces them. He is polite, if a little formal, and lets Elizabeth do most of the talking.

I wish I could sound as smooth as Ellie, he thinks while listening to her polite banter. A background in russian nobility doesn't always help in the modern streets of New York, but he is learning to act "cooler" every day.

Andrei lets Elizabeth bring up Jackson's message, but may ask a few questions, depending on what we find out.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:47 pm
by Raiko
Prospero House, New York
12:41pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

After showing Elizabeth and Andrei the latest books that Prospero have published – there are only a few, as they are very small - Jonah invites them both to sit own at his deck at the back of the room:

“Would you both like a coffee?”

He smiles warmly as he pours the coffees, and continues, “Tell me what really brings you both here, I’m sure you haven’t travelled here in this cold weather just to take a look at my modest selection of new books.”

Outside Carlyle House, Westchester County, New York State
1:32pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

The armed gatekeeper seems to take an instant dislike to the good looking Russian adventurer (he’s obviously either jealous, or an insane cultist).

“Look buddy, I don’t know who your talking about, stop wasting my time trying to hustle your way in here.”

“Now get out of here now, or I’m callin’ the cops!”

Main Reading Room, New York Public Library
2:45pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

The Main Reading Room at the New York Public Library

Between the two of them, if takes Caroline and Thomas only a couple of hours to uncover a series of newspaper articles following the Carlyle expedition, from the initial surprise news of his imminent departure, to the aftermath of the Carlyle Expedition Massacre, and the trial of the perpetrators.

[OOC: I’ll be posting the articles in the player handouts thread once everybody is back together, for now I’ve just PM’d them to Decrepit & warhammer]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:07 pm
by Decrepit
"We've made a fair start, Mr. Allan," Caroline says, "but I think we could squeeze a bit more research in before meeting back up with the others.

"I'm assuming Elizabeth can tell us something about Hypatia Masters since they doubtless traveled in the same social circles. We could look for more information about Erica, as we'd planned to do, but as she wasn't there and there's no reason at this point to suspect she had anything to do with the deaths, it *might* be more useful to read up on Aubrey Penhew or maybe Jack Brady. I'm sure there's a good deal on the former, as Penhew was prominent. I'm less sure what we could find about Brady. We could also look into Elias, but there now seem more urgent things to do, and he is, after all, Elizabeth's friend, so he's probably an alright fellow."

Caroline smiles. "But I'm open to suggestions."

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:12 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour scowls as the man's attitude suddenly turns hostile, he had hoped this would all go more smoothly and dreaded the thought of an hour drive back to the Downing estate to ask Elizabeth to make the proper arangements.

"Look my friend," he said turning on the charm, "there is no need for all that. We were sent here at the personal request of Elizabeth Downing. So please, just inform your employer that we are here and we'll be able to clear up this whole misunderstanding."

OOC Timour is trying to Persuade <crosses fingers> them now

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:13 pm
by imme
"Coffee, sounds good." Elizabeth gladly accepts a cup. "Well, Mr. Kensington, to tell the truth, I'm here to ask you about Jackson. I can tell he doesn't have any new books out, since I'm sure you would have told me. Are there any in the works? He's always investigating such interesting things."

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:33 pm
by warhammer
As hours pass and he is starting to learn more about the whole Carlyle affair, Thomas's interest in Elizabeth's request for assistance is quickly rising. From what he can read in the old newspapers, it appears as though the case was never really solved, and furthermore, the last articles he found seem to indicate random lives were sacrificed in a "mock-trial" whose sole aim was to protect the real perpetrators.

Thomas, having found a lot of information, carefully writes it all down on his own sheets of paper so that he can keep the articles for further use.

He walks up to Caroline and they share what they've learned.

"This bothers me more than a bit." he says to her after they shared their info. He is getting angry and has to struggle not to talk louder (being in a library, he has no choice but to whisper). "Obviously, we don't know what really happened and there are people out there with blood on their hands and a big smile on their face, just waiting for me to come and kick them in the a**. I'm all for getting on this case."

Thomas checks his watch and notices they still have time to do some research.

"I'm going to look up Aubrey Penhew myself." he adds. "How about you try Dr Huston? We can look up the rest later. I doubt we need to research Jackson Elias, when we can probably just ask Elizabeth."

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:53 pm
by Decrepit
"Yes, I suppose you're right about Elias," Caroline says, "though I do wish I knew a bit more about him. He's Elizabeth's friend, of course, but, well, Elizabeth is rather trusting, more so than I am.

"But I think your plan is better. I'll go research Huston. Maybe I can check out a copy of one of Elias's books. I could borrow one from Elizabeth, but I don't want her to know I'm checking up on him, as it were. At least not yet."

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:01 pm
by Raiko
Outside Carlyle House, Westchester County, New York State
1:32pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925


"That's it I'm calling the cops."

The gatekeeper walks back to the small 'lodge' outside the gate, ignoring any protests.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:43 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim frowns, his initial enthusiasm sputtering out like a dying flame as he reverses the car and attempts to drive off.

"Well, that was a dead end, thanks to Elizabeth for not bothering to call ahead and use her contacts to get us an interview," he says, trying to remove the blame from himself.

Timour would likely recognise that Maksim has slumped into a mood of apathetic despair and that, if not roused from it, would lead to a very silent drive back to the apartment building. Whether that's a good or a bad thing, is entirely up to Timour...

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:25 pm
by coffee demon
imme wrote: Elizabeth gladly accepts a cup. "Well, Mr. Kensington, to tell the truth, I'm here to ask you about Jackson. I can tell he doesn't have any new books out, since I'm sure you would have told me. Are there any in the works? He's always investigating such interesting things."

Andrei smiles pleasantly and slides down comfortably in his chair, listening and sipping coffee. He tries not to make eye contact with the publisher, quickly glancing across at Elizabeth if Jonah looks at him. People are sometimes discomfitted by his bright blue eyes.

Three things Andrei has learned from high-class social situations all his life.

1) If he looks comfortable, other people become more comfortable.
2) If he looks smaller (i.e. low in a chair), people aren't as intimidated by him. Sometimes they might even ignore him.
3) When you need to convince a man, let a lady do the talking.

Andrei waits to hear the publisher's answer, while studying the publisher's reactions. He may pipe up later in the conversation.

[OOC: If necessary, these actions are like using "Persuade" and "Psychology to look less intimidating, and to put the focus on Elizabeth while he observes. These things come naturally to him, he's barely conscious that he's doing it.]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:29 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour did his best to help his brother fight off his darkening mood but such interactions were never his strong point. As a creature of passion he didn't try to understand people anymore than he cared if they understood him.

His brother though was a special case, one of the few people close to him and one of the very few he truly cared for. Assuming his bestest and broadest of smile, he nudged his brother's arm, "that guard was just jealous of us. Later on, we'll find out his name, look him up in the directory and trash his house while he's at work," then Timour added a wink to show Maksim that he was being only a little bit serious.

OCC psychology I'm guessing...

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:02 am
by Laraqua
Maksim arches an eyebrow and slouches down in his seat. He's got that intense look in his eye that means he's thinking a little too long and hard about that criminal prospect. "That's one way of getting some cash. We're broke. No money at all after that club. If we want this job, we'll need to be more than a little less homeless. But then, that man does have a very big gun."

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:40 pm
by Raiko
Prospero House – Lexington Avenue, New York
1:00pm - Tuesday 13th January 1925

Jonah sits thoughtfully sipping his coffee, as if making his mind up what to say to Elizabeth. Eventually he says, “Erm, yes, Jackson is working on a new project. He’s been travelling extensively, researching some new death cult, you know how he likes to debunk such things.”

“I haven’t heard from him very often recently, you know how secretive he can be, though he did get in touch just last month. He was in London and his wire said that he’d be back in New York this month. I’m expecting to see him any day.”

Main Reading Room, New York Public Library
5:00pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Thomas and Caroline spent another productive two hours searching through the library’s records for information about Aubrey Penhew, and Robert Huston. They discover that the fashionable New York psychyologist Dr Huston received extensive coverage in the society pages of New York newspapers, while Sir Aubrey has had a biography written about his life,. Caroline also manages to pick up a copy of Jackson Elias’ most famous book Sons of Death.

[OOC: Note that I wrote Robert Huston instead of Aubrey Penhew in Thomas' dice roll by mistake]

On the road – Westchester County, New York State.
1:45pm - – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Unfortunately the driving conditions haven’t improved, so it looks like the drive back into New York will take just as long as the wasted drive out to Carlyle House.

[OOC: No need to make rolls for everything, just roleplay as you see fit when interacting with the other player characters, if you’d like to roll now and then as an aid, then feel free :)]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:34 am
by imme
"Ah, that would explain it." Elizabeth looks relieved. "You see, I got a telegram from him yesterday, saying that he would be in town on Thursday and would like my help. He must be hoping that I can help him with a bit of research or put him in contact with someone. I was worried that he had gotten himself into some kind of trouble. You never know, what with all the crazy people he investigates." She leans back in her chair, smiles at Andrei to share her relief with him. Abruptly she sits forward again and turns to Mr. Kensington, as if struck by a new thought. "I don't suppose it would be helpful, perhaps, for you to fill me in on Jackson's recent investigation, so that I'll be briefed for his arrival?"

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:40 am
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour looked at Maksim and noticed his brother's mood had not improved. Talk about being short on funds and their failed attempt at the Carlyle estate hadn't done anything more than sink him deeper into his funk.

"Excuse me," he apologized to Elizabeth's bodyguard, "but I have to speak with my brother in our native tongue for a moment."

It wasn't so much that he didn't trust Johnny, it was just that conversations about family and money were a deeply private things to Timour.

Then to Maksim he said in Russian, "how much money do you think this lady will pay us? She has at least three servants along with her and Andrei is likely living the high life on her tab. Do you think we'll make enough to get Tatiana and Yula away from the motherland?"

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:21 am
by Decrepit
"This Huston is a fellow alum," Caroline says to Thomas. "Lived quite a scandalous life, I gather, which means Elizabeth might know something about him." She smirks a bit. "Not that I think Elizabeth is scandalous, mind you, Mr. Allan.

Rubbing her brow tiredly, she asks, "How about that drink now?"

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:46 am
by Grafster
Johnny leans back in his seat and stares out the window. He didn't rouse himself for the approach to the mansion.

"Getting an introduction may be a good idea the next time we go," his voice is pitched low, and neutrally.

This was a more fruitful trip than I thought it would be," Johnny's mind skips about "No heiress I know has guards with tommy guns. They're something fishy about this broad.

During the ride back Johnny periodically pulls out his shiny silver cigarette case and fiddles with it. A casual glance back might catch him examining his reflection in it.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:36 am
by coffee demon
Andrei keeps smiling politely, sipping coffee, and listening. The conversation is between the publisher and Elizabeth, and for the moment he is content to listen and observe.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:38 pm
by warhammer
Thomas writes down all he finds on Sir Aubrey Penhew.

"I've researched Penhew thoroughly." he says to Caroline. "But I've not found much about him that would interest us, I mainly found generic biographies and the likes, you know. He was a rich dog, he set up his own foundation and apparently did much for archeology, and egyptology more specifically."

"But as you can tell, the man himself remains a mystery, so I got nothing juicy on him... for now."

Thomas finishes his cigarette butt and quickly packs all his things.

"I've got a bottle of scotch waiting at home." he says. "I'm gonna have one, you can join in if you'd like. You can tell all of us about Dr Huston later on, let's have a break first."

Thomas will also call his associate at the office and tell him to take care of business for him for the next couple of days, as the case turns out to be more interesting than he had expected.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:03 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim sighs and looks even more annoyed. "Doubtful she'll pay us more than the pittance she pays her servants. You remember what father's like? She has money because she doesn't pay her people well enough. I doubt we'll have enough to get anyone out of the old country. You forget, we are her servants now, and if we ask for too much, she will merely find new servants."

"Have no doubt that we will likely be earning our keep and barely more than that, particularly if we go to any other country. Travel expenses alone will be exceptionally high."

Having finished his pessimistic rant, Maksim hunches up his shoulders and scowls at the road.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:16 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour nodded at the logic behind both Maksim's and Johnny's remarks. But he didn't hold himself accountable. His job was to bring his gun, and he had

"I'm hungry," he said at length, "let's get back so we can get something to eat."

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:27 pm
by Decrepit
Thomas wrote: "I've got a bottle of scotch waiting at home." he says. "I'm gonna have one, you can join in if you'd like. You can tell all of us about Dr Huston later on, let's have a break first."

"I think I'll just start with a glass of scotch first, and see where that leads," Caroline says teasingly.

She didn't make it a habit to drink in a strange man's residence, but she didn't usually spend the day hanging around dusty stacks with a strange man, either. Maybe Elizabeth's influence was rubbing off on her.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:20 pm
by warhammer
Thomas drives back to his flat with Caroline and chats with her while drinking some scotch and listening to one of his records. Thomas seems to have a good tolerance for alcohol, although he stops drinking before he gets drunk. He is polite and friendly all throughout the afternoon, although he does not reveal all that much about himself. Being a lawyer taught him to be careful about his brash instincts, and he makes sure not to confide in people too easily. Caroline probably gets the feeling that, while he seems like a nice person, it takes a while to gain his trust and get close to him.

When the time comes, Thomas will drive to Elizabeth's place and join the others for the meeting.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:50 pm
by Decrepit
I'm not sure whether what we learned was of all that much use, Caroline thinks to herself, but it was an interesting day. Thomas, as she had finally come to call him, seemed like a decent sort, although he hardly seemed to open up, even with the consumption of alcohol. Caroline herself didn't say a great deal, either, although she could feel the scotch starting to unloosen her tongue a bit. It was just as well that the time with Thomas had ended when it did, for she knew from experience that she tended toward the moody when drinking, and she didn't do that often enough to be very tolerant of it.

And she had some reason to be moody. It seemed that Carlyle kept some odd company, if Huston was in the mixture, and the way the expedition had ended cast something of a pall over the present investigation, no matter how much Elizabeth's bounciness sought to lift it.

Caroline would meet up with Elizabeth and the others when the time came. In her spare moments, she hoped to begin reading--or at least skimming--Elias's book.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:29 am
by Grafster
Johnny snaps his cigarette case closed and leans foward.

"Gentlemen," his speech is more rapid, perhaps tenser, than usual "it appears we have roused an unfortunate degree of interest in our counterparts. We are being followed."

"I hope you understand why I feel it is necessary for us to lose our tail promptly."

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:28 am
by Grafster
OOC: In case I get busy in the next 24ish hours I just wanted to give some info so the game isn't slowed down.

Johnny would accept other alternatives to losing the tail such as driving off into some neighborhood with no connection to the group, spending some time driving around in the ice and the snow to see how aggressive thetail-ers are, or even trying to do a switchback and get a good look at who's following them (license plates?).

He won't suggest any of that himself, but he'll go along and assist as he can.

He -will- be strongly opposed to leading the tail to the Downings, or to Miss D.'s NY apartment. He thinks some other place connected to the Russians would be dumb but if that's what people want to do he'll make a single ,studiously neutral, comment on how it might be "inadvisable" and leave it at that.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:02 am
by Raiko
Prospero House – Lexington Avenue, New York
1:00pm - Tuesday 13th January 1925

Hearing what Elizabeth says, Jonah looks quite concerned, “Unfortunately I think your fears may be correct. Jackson’s last Telegram seemed quite excitable, and he’s been out of touch for quite some time.”

“I really can’t tell you to much about what he’s working on without consulting him first, but it concerns that Carlyle Expedition that disappeared in Kenya five or six years ago. Jackson is convinced that there was a cover up, and that the massacre involved a death cult. He often been right about these things in the past, but this time he’s become quite obsessed.”

“He thinks that the real perpetrators escaped justice; not only that, but he is also convinced that some or all of the expedition principles are still alive. It all seems quite extraordinary to me, and I’ll afraid that each time Jackson gets in touch with me his obsession and paranoia seems to be getting worse.”

Jonah stops for a second and shakes his head, “I’m quite sure that his involving you in this is all a mistake Ellie. Once you meet him you’ll see that his work with all of these dangerous cults has just become too much for him.”

On the road – Westchester County, New York State.
1:55pm - – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Looking in the rear view mirror of his touring car Maksim sees that Johnny is correct; a black Ford is keeping a discrete distance, but is definitely following them. There are at least four men in the Ford.

EDIT: I had thought that Timour was driving again, but I've corrected my post now, thanks What.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:19 am
by thewhatchamacallit
"Pull over and see what they do," scoffs Timour in English. "It's likely just some of those fat guards we ran into at the Carlyle place, or even more likely policemen come to see what we're up to. If they really want to be our friends so badly then let's stop and get to know them better."

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:20 am
by coffee demon
Raiko wrote: Jonah stops for a second and shakes his head, “I’m quite sure that his involving you in this is all a mistake Ellie. Once you meet him you’ll see that his work with all of these dangerous cults has just become too much for him.”

Andrei clears his throat and leans forward, entering the circle of the conversaton. In his best English, he says:

"I must say, sir, that I have the same concerns. If we're going to enter an agreement with Mr. Jackson, we should do so with caution. The last thing I want is for people to get hurt, especially you." He gives Elizabeth a warm look.

"Mr. Kensington, already we're indebted to you for providing us with this information. Thank you kindly for your help. I wonder, do you still have the latest telegrams from Mr. Jackson? Anything that might help us decide what to do would be helpful."

(If Jonah looks like he's going to decline, Andrei says):

"I'd hate to join Mr. Jackson on his adventure, and have someone get hurt because of it. We're both excited about the prospect of adventure, but..."

[OC: I know persuade is a longterm skill, but I'll try to sound/act as honest, innocent, and forthcoming as possible.]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:51 am
by Laraqua
Maksim gets an evil look in his eye, partly since his memories of machine guns and Russia makes him loathe to stop a car when followed by the heavily armed, and partly because he's in an extremely bad mood.

He'll attempt a boot legger's turn, even on the ice, to see exactly what the others are in possession of, their license plate for their dear friend, and also to startle the bastards. If they look likely to play chicken with his car, he'll attempt to turn into the nearest street or driveway and let the others pass, hopefully with the enemy at high speeds, and then either reverse out of the driveway and head the opposite way, or continue on down the street.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:07 am
by imme
Elizabeth is no longer smiling, and looks genuinely concerned. She lets Andrei take over the conversation.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:00 am
by Raiko
On the road – Westchester County, New York State.
1:55pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Accelerating a little to ensure that he has enough speed to pull off his planned stunt, Maksim waits for a convenient bend in the road to mask him from the tailing Ford for a few seconds. Pulling on the handbrake and wrenching the wheel around, Maksim attempts to fling the big touring car though a daring bootleg-reverse; but although he brings the car around he looses control of the turn, leaving the Studebaker sliding dangerously backwards toward a lamppost...

Luckily Maksim brings the car to a halt with inches to spare, his pride the only thing that is damaged. As the pursuing Ford comes around the corner, Maksim wrenches the Studebaker back into gear and drives straight at it. The driver of the Ford is in no mood to play chicken and his car mounts the sidewalk to avoid the Studebaker, as it roars past.

Breathing a sign of relief Maksim is too busy watching the road to get a good look at the other car, but Timour and Johnny get a glimpse of a very big bald-headed man in the passenger seat, and two guys with pump-action shotguns in the back.

Regaining the road the Ford roars away round the next bend, their cover blown.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:06 am
by Laraqua
Maksim lets out a whoop and grins confidantly at Johnny in the rear-view mirror. "This is what I'm good for," he says brightly. "Wonder why they wanted to follow us for? Is that woman well-guarded or is she just well-kept? It makes me wonder ... but then, maybe I am thinking too much like what the American magazines think of as a Soviet."

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:12 am
by Grafster
Johnny’s shocked expression greets Maksim’s gaze as the Russian glances back through the mirror. After a long pause the Chinese man looks away, releases his deathgrip on the door and begins retrieving his hat and cane from where they were cast to the floorboards by the sudden automotive acrobatics. When his face returns into view he seems to be fighting to keep the sides of his mouth from turning up.

“It certainly does seem like the young lady Carlyle is protected by a rather improbably impressive and aggressive security force. Why, I can not imagine,” Johnny seems to be struggling a bit to keep his normal level tone of voice.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:21 am
by Laraqua
"Well, whatever the case, that was a fun ride and I hope to do it again," says Maksim. "I am suddenly and deeply in love with Lizzie darling for putting us on this case. This is going to be so much fun. I mean, machine guns, being tailed, that lovely lady doctor..." He casts a long, sideways look at Timour. "That Doctor Caroline Ward whose heart I will no doubt soon win."

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:46 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
"I apologize for my brother's driving Mr. Johnny," says Timour after failing to recall the bodyguard's surname. "Sometimes he forgets he's not flying a bi-plane any longer and thinks the laws of physics between cars and aircraft are the exact same."

"And as for your fascination with this doctor woman," he says to Maksim in Russian, "I would forget about it. Smart women are more troublesome than they are worth. You should come with me to the bar where we can find some dynamite dames that won't require any more effort than a refill on their drinks."

"So," Timour breaths once more in English, "let's get back to the city, the others will be wondering where we got to and now I'm five more minutes away from getting some food in me."

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:56 pm
by Laraqua
"You never understood the value of a good stunt," Maksim says with a teasing smile. "And Johnny, if I were really the show off he thinks I am, I would attempt to drift around this corner instead of slowing down and turning gently. I've got more sense than that though I can't say I'm tempted. Besides, I saw that half-smile. I bet you loved it."

"And what's the point of an easy time with a girl? People were made to be complicated. Life was made to be complicated. Pretending that it isn't is an attempt to live a boring, half-lived life. The good doctor's got my interest hooked on more levels than one. I'm damn sure she'll drag me through the cobblestones just to see what'll happen and to tell you the truth, I'll be disappointed if she doesn't."

"And what is with your obssession with food and pub drinks, Timour? At this rate, you won't be finding a dynamite dame anywhere because you'll be too large to fit through one of the doors."

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:28 pm
by Raiko
Prospero House – Lexington Avenue, New York
1:01pm - Tuesday 13th January 1925

“Of course you are right.”

Jonah stands up and calls across the office to his secretary, “Mary! Please could you fetch the Elias correspondence file!”

A minute or so later Jonah’s attractive young assistant walks over carrying a large box file, which she places on his desk.

“Thank you MaryKensington opens the file and takes out a neatly handwritten letter, which he passes to Elizabeth. “This is the first correspondence that I received from Jackson regarding his new project, although I had spoken to him before he departed. As you can see the letter was sent from Kenya

“I received his notes through the mail as promised,” he takes several sets of neatly bound handwritten notes from the folder, and places them all on the table, “and then a wire from Hong Kong requesting the advance. I sent it immediately of course.”

Opening the bound notes, Elizabeth and Andrei see that they contain extensive notes taken by Jackson during his time in Kenya. They appear quite detailed and would take a while to read through.

“Then that was it, I didn’t hear another thing until this rather excitable wire arrived from London in the middle of last month,” Jonah passes the telegram to Elizabeth.

“I didn’t know quite what to make of it, but as it turned out that wasn’t the worst of it, just this morning I received another package, this time containing a second set of notes. I don’t really like to show them to anyone, but since you’re a good friend of Jackson’s, and he’s asked for your help I suppose that I should show you. But you must promise not to let anyone know the state of poor Jackson’s mind.”

Jonah hands Elizabeth the second set of notes, these couldn’t be more different to the first set. There are at least a hundred loosely bound, tattered pieces of handwritten paper. Opening them up and looking inside Elizabeth and Andrei see that they are clearly written by the hand of a madman. The scrawled handwriting appears to be totally unreadable, although on clearer examination the crazy handwriting does indeed share enough features to suggest that it was written by the same hand as the letter from Nairobi. It would take hours to make any sense at all of the scribbled notes, and would no doubt cause the reader a serious headache.

“You are welcome to take a look through both sets of notes, and make of them as you will, but I can’t leave them unattended and I have to leave the office soon, perhaps you could return tomorrow to look through them at your leisure? Although I doubt that anyone could make any sense of the second set.”

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:31 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
"Nyet," beams Timour smacking his belly loudly, "I eat and drink all I want and my meta-bol-ilism(he stutters trying to pronounce this one) takes care of everything!"

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:11 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim snorts. "Then why is it that the car tilts when you are in it and only manages to right itself when you leave, hmm? You think it's only muscle but I'll bet you're hiding a rather curved belly..." He switches to Russian. "So I take it you aren't interested in either Elizabeth or Caroline Ward? How rather dull of you!"

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:16 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour laughs uproariously and merely winks at his brother. Thinking it best to keep the young lad guessing for now.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:10 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei silently sifts through the notes, first reading the two letters, then shuffling through the rest of the papers. As he reaches the most recent documents, his forehead creases with lines of concern. Tingles of excitement run up his spine.

If this Jackson man isn't mad... well, he IS mad, there's no doubt about that.

He glances at Eizabeth, trying to read her reaction.

"Mr. Kensington, you're quite right. Something is not right here. We're going to meet with Mr. Elias in a few days, and.." Andrei's mind is spinning, he looks back down at the papers.

"..And yes, perhaps we could come back tomorrow? I think it would be... (Andrei looks for the right word) ...negligent... for us to agree to anything without reading through these papers."

He helps put the papers back in the file, and dons his hat while Elizabeth and the publisher exchange goodbyes. He shakes Jonas' hand firmly and thanks him again.


Once outside, he hails a cab and follows Elizabeth inside.

"Eliie, how well did you.. do you.. know this man, Jackson? How did you meet him?"

After reading the letter, Andrei is almost certain Jackson wants money from the Downing family, but these thoughts are eclipsed by his curiousity about this strange man and his recent adventures.

It's starting to feel like a big dark pool, that you can jump into and get lost in, or stay away from and forget about. Andrei is undecided, and will wait and see who else wants to jump.

[OC: Elizabeth should still feel free to ask more questions, I wanted to get us on the road just in case, though...]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:14 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei also asks Elizabeth,

"Lets please wait until after dinner to discuss our findings with the others. I would hate to disturb your parents with talk of Death-Cults and madness."

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:53 am
by imme
As Elizabeth looks through the papers, a crease appears between her brows and her lips form an uncharacteristic frown. From these notes, it sounds like Jackson's onto something huge, far bigger than anything he's uncovered before. And far more dangerous ...

Elizabeth merely nods agreement when Andrei suggests that they return tomorrow. As she is taking her leave she says, "Thank you so much for your help, Mr. Kensington. We must see what we can do for Jackson when he arrives."


Once inside the cab, Elizabeth leans on Andrei again, this time in a much less jovial manner. "I'm so worried for Jackson. That second set of notes were so unlike him. He's normally such a careful, thorough researcher. I can't remember how I met him, must have been at some party, but I've known him for quite awhile. His work has always interested me, how he carefully and skeptically works to uncover death cults. It's hard to believe that there's a 'massive worldwide conspiracy' behind the Carlyle expedition, but I can't imagine Jackson making that claim if he wasn't convinced of it by ample evidence."

She sighs and turns to look out the window. "I must admit, when I received his telegram all I thought of was adventures in exotic locations and exciting mysteries to be solved. It didn't occur to me that serious issues and possible danger would be involved. I only said that to Mr. Kensington to see what he knew. If what Jackson's saying is true, it must be dealt with, and will not be easy, I imagine." She turns back to Andrei. "Yes, let's wait until after dinner to discuss this with everyone. I wouldn't want my parents to worry. Now how about we go get some lunch?"

Elizabeth will be subdued during lunch and while they prepare to leave for her estate. She will steer the conversation away from anything related to Jackson or his mystery, although her mind seems to be still processing what she's learned.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:43 am
by coffee demon
Andrei falls silent in the cab, chewing his lip, thinking about what Elizabeth said.

Skeptic? This guy is a careful researcher and a skeptic, and he's talking about a worldwide conspiracy?

He looks out the opposite window, his hand on Ellie's lap.

Now I HOPE the poor guy has gone mad. Worldwide conspiracy?

His mind reels, trying to imagine what a 'worldwide conspiracy' could even be about. High-up political spies or something? What would that have to do with this Carlyle Expedition?

Throughout lunch, and the train ride to the Downing Manor, Andrei is also silent and thoughtful.

He tries to cheer up the mood by saying things like: "I can't wait to see the looks on the others' faces when we tell them!" and "You know, Ellie, no one can force us to do something if its too dangerous. Lets not get too worried yet."

"And lets not jump into this without getting all the facts and having a serious talk with Mr. Jackson Elias."

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:58 am
by Raiko
Downing House – Long Island, New York
8:00pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

It is another clear and frosty winter evening in Long Island. Outside Downing House the icy waters of Long Island Sound lap against the shore, while inside in the warm candlelit dining hall the staff have now made their final preparations for the evening meal of Miss Elizabeth and her unusual mixture of guests.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:13 am
by Laraqua
Maksim parks the car somewhere both convenient and expected, checks his hair in the rear-view mirror and straightens his tie. His pulse is beating a little too fast, his palms are a little sweaty and his lips seem far too dry. He wished he had something to drink but without the pay check that would likely be rather poor, he had nothing to buy with. That was the largely unfortunate thing. Particularly since he had nothing good to report. If they were being paid on a basis of successed, he was screwed. If they were being paid weekly, with no down payment, they were screwed.

He wipes his hands on his trousers, straightens his hat, fiddles with his tie. He had to look professional, damnit. He had to seem respectable. If he looked half as anxious as he felt, he wouldn't be able to make any headway wooing Doctor Ward, let alone impress Elizabeth.

He feels a little woozy but manages to do a damn good job hiding it. No one will notice how fragile he feels inside as he projects the aura of the suave, cool and collected professional.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:31 pm
by warhammer
Thomas drives to Long Island with Caroline on board. He is anxious to get there and learn about everyone's discoveries, even though he does not show it. He doesn't ask Caroline what she knows about Dr Huston, and doesn't reveal the little he knows about Penhew either, willing to keep a few cards up his sleeve for now. Although he is fully aware his search on Penhew was successful but not particularly interesting, which made him slightly annoyed: he would have preferred to be able to be the last person to speak after dinner and make a shocking revelation. Next time, old pal. he thinks to himself.

During the drive, he asks Caroline a few questions about her job, and whether she had heard of Dr Huston before. He suggests her status as a Doctor might make it easier to learn more about Huston's secrets, for example by asking former colleagues.

Once he arrives at Long Island, he knocks on the door and, unless Elizabeth has already arrived, introduces himself to the staff and enters. He will have a smoke and a glass of scotch if this is offered to him.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:07 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour struts up to the door with little in the way of self-consciousness, his brother matching his step as they both try to be the first at the house.

"Howdy, my good man," hollers Timour before dropping his coat on the outstretched arm of the doorman, "I certainly hope they've made enough to eat!"

In Russian he shouts back at the nearby Maksim as Timour scrambles first through the door, "keep up you skinny mama's-boy or I'll get all the women and wine for myself!"

OOC- possibly Andrei heard his boasting too

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:26 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim gives an apologetic nod to the doorman, tips his hat and passes him his own coat. "Careful, brother, or you'll over-balance and tip over," he says to his brother, patting his shoulder. "You have to remember all that food you eat..."

He casts about for either Doctor Ward, Elizabeth or Andrei, or perhaps any other interesting sort of person to speak with.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:33 pm
by warhammer
Thomas notices the loud arrival of the Russian brothers.

"You look a bit excited don'tcha? ... Maksim and Timour, was that it?" he asks. "I take it your day was eventful. By the way, mind your manners, lest you get thrown out of here for being obnoxious."

Thomas was amused rather than shocked at the twins' behaviour, yet he did not show his amusement and simply felt the need to test them. Since he was possibly going to have to team up with them for a few days or even more, he wanted to see how they'd react at a slight provocation.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:41 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour overeager brushed passed Thomas and broke into an almost full out run in an attempt to beat his brother to the dining and sitting rooms.

At the last moment he spots a woman in a white and black uniform holding a tray of empty drinking glasses coming out of an adjoined room. She wasn't watching anything but her step so it fell to the brash Russian to save them from an impending collision.

Straightening he threw his arms out for balance and began sliding along the highly polished hallway floor.

"Excuse me," he said apologetically as he whizzed by the serving woman, narrowliy avoiding her by an inch or two at the most and skated to a halt right in front of the gathered members of the party as they stood, sat and mingled freely.

Upon seeing his odd enterance they stopped talking and stared at him in surprise.

Timour grinned as dashingly as he could manage and tapped his foot on the hardwood floor, "whoever polishes these should get a raise."

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:41 pm
by Laraqua
OOC: As if my last roll wasn't good enough to suffice for this interaction. 8)

Maksim gives him a confidant smile and extends his hand. "Good to see you again, sir. If I seem a little rushed, it is merely because I barely survived losing one of the woman's guards, potentially armed with a machine gun, who followed me from her house. I had to pull a few interesting moves and it certainly got my blood racing. If you'll forgive my rude behaviour, I figured that considering the risks I've taken, I had a right to relax a little. Of course, if you find that too discomforting, I can assure you, I will be at my most professional at all times and leave the friendly chit chat to a later date."

Maksim continues to smile coolly and behaves with as much grace as he can muster in the next few interactions.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:57 pm
by warhammer
Thomas shakes Maksim's hand and offers a cigarette.

"That's okay with me", Thomas says, curious about the story he just heard but not willing to show it too much. "Just reminding you that we're in a social circle that both you and I are unusued to. It looks like we'll have material for a good conversation after dinner, then. I found some old newspapers that will undoubtedly interest everyone."

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:01 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour, his adrenaline pumping and heart racing walks slowly back over to Thomas and clasps the man's hand warmly and offers him a cuban cigar, "Timour Rukov," he says by way of greeting. "Mr. Thomas Allan, correct? Very good to see you again. Now tell me, Thomas, do you know what they're serving tonight?"

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:39 pm
by warhammer
Thomas accepts the handshake and the cigar.

"Caviar and roasted duck." he shrugs in answer with a faint smile, indicating he has no idea.

He did not know what to think of the twins yet, and therefore avoided giving too much away about himself. Instead he chose to politely chat and joke around.

"I wonder what's keeping Elizabeth?"

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:40 pm
by imme
Elizabeth enters the sitting room where everyone has been gathered, wearing a beautiful gown and on the arm of a well-dressed Andrei. "I see everyone has arrived; dinner is almost ready. We have had quite an informative day, I suspect some of you may have as well, but let's wait to discuss these matters until we have finished eating. I would rather not worry my parents, and I'm sure it wouldn't be good for digestion anyway." She grins. "If you would follow me into the dining room, you may meet my parents and then dinner will be served."

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:52 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline rubs her temples gently. It's been a long day already, and the slight scotch-induced fog that had descended over her mind has begun to lift, adding a further touch of surrealness to the evening.

In the car on the way here, she'd answered Thomas's inquiries rather noncommitally but honestly. She'd never meet Huston--he was significantly older than she, so it would have shared any classes as Johns Hopkins--but she'd agreed with Thomas that her background as a medical doctor and as something of a student of psycho-analysis would probably help her learn more about him. Huston was certainly a colorful character, and more than a bit of an odd one to take on such an expedition.

When Caroline sees Elizabeth, a smile returns to her face. Whatever she'd learned, it hadn't diminished her sense of fashion. Caroline herself didn't have all that much exciting to add, and she didn't think Thomas did, either, but the Rukov brothers seemed agitated. Maybe this was just normal for them? Time would tell, she supposed.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:34 pm
by Raiko
Downing House – Long Island, New York
8:00pm to 10:00pm – Tuesday 13th January 1925

Remarkably Thomas guessed almost right; after a dish of tortue claire (turtle soup), Elizabeth and her guests are treated to a confit of wild salmon with crab and tomato consommé and Oscietra caviar, followed by the main course: spiced duck with braised pak choi and pineapple tatin, garlic and cardamom sauce.

Desert is in the form of a selection of fine pastries. There is plenty of wine to go around, despite prohibition, including bottles of Château Tourcas (1914) and Schloss Bärkenheimer Reisling (1919). Cups of rich coffee complete the meal.

Finally by 10pm the older Downings retire for the evening, allowing Elizabeth and her friends to discuss the day's events.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:27 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei is characteristically silent during dinner; he chuckles at jokes, and makes idle small talk. He asks the Downing parents questions and makes sure they're part of the conversation. It's probably obvious to everyone (except the parents) that he's eager to finish dinner and talk amongst the group.

Many of the guests will look at Andrei and see that he's been observing them. He smiles and quickly glances away.

. . .

After dinner in the sitting room, Andrei is smoking in a large comfortable chair. He silently reads the copied notes and telegrams as they're passed around. Once everyone has read all the notes, he clears his throat and speaks in a low voice:

"There's more manuscripts from Jackson Elias at the publishers. They'll take a while to look through, but the more recent notes look... erratic. Ellie says that Mr. Elias is a thorough researcher, and generally skeptical about conspiracies and the like."

He lets the group draw their own conclusions from this. With everyone's eyes on him, Andrei sinks a little lower in his chair.

"At this point, I want to at least meet Mr. Elias - but I think it would be irresponsible to promise anything until we determine his... state of mind."

"I apologize, I'm getting ahead of myself. Lets go through what everyone learned, then try to come to some conclusions together."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:44 am
by Grafster
Johnny Post 5

Johnny followed the brothers Rukov up to the house but slipped in the side door. He when directly to the privacy of his room, where he spent a few minutes cleaning and checking the pistol he received from Mr. Downing when he was originally employed.

Looks like I may actually have to use it at some point.

He doesn't load it, though he replaces the bullets he's been carrying around in his pouch for a year now with fresh ones.

Johnny rejoins the group just in time for Elizabeth to make her grand entrance with Andrei and joins everyone for dinner. His attempt to slip off after the duck was was foiled by a probing question from Mr. Downing concerning the relative climates of Paris and New York. His second attempt, timed to occur when the coffee was brought around, would almost certainly have been successful but Mr. Downing's suddenly inquiry regarding whether the end of his cane hadn't gotten worn down, prompted another lengthy, and unavoidable, discussion.

Johnny seems disinclined to leave once the Downings have retired however, rolling and re-rolling a cigarette on a small table, slightly outside the circle of chairs and sofas where the group is seated. He watches speakers unblinkly as they speak, only looking away if they return his gaze.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:04 am
by Decrepit
"I'm afraid Mr. Allan--Thomas--and I found only some basic information about the Carlyle Expedition," Caroline says. "Mainly just what we've all seen in the papers--that the expedition went to Egypt by way of London, then went to Africa, where they went missing after leaving Nairobi. There's some question as to what they were doing outside Nairobi, with the wilder stories suggesting they were looking for Biblical treasure.

"Erica helped lead the search for her brother's group, but the expedition was found dead. The authorities hanged the tribesmen killers, thank God. A ghastly business.

"In any case, it seems Roger was keeping rather odd company, shall we say? One of the expedition members was Robert Huston, the psychologist. Did you perchance know him, Elizabeth? He traveled in fashionable circles, I gather."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:46 am
by imme
"In any case, it seems Roger was keeping rather odd company, shall we say? One of the expedition members was Robert Huston, the psychologist. Did you perchance know him, Elizabeth? He traveled in fashionable circles, I gather."

"I've heard of him," Elizabeth says, "but have never met him myself. He was quite a fashionable psychologist, so I could probably find someone who consulted him if I asked around. I had met Hypatia a couple times. She was the heiress to a large fortune and an accomplished photographer. I remember going to one of her exhibitions and being impressed by her work. Her close friend, Olivia de Bernardesta, can often be seen at nightclubs in Manhattan."

"If Jackson is right, and there was a death cult involved in the massacre of the expedition, this mystery would be interesting enough. However, he also claims that there is a conspiracy to protect the true murderers, in which case the hanged tribesman were just scapegoats and there are dangerous men still free. His last claim is, I think, the most amazing. Members of the expedition still alive! That would be incredible. Where have they been all these years?"

She turns to the Rukov twins. "These newspaper clippings report that Erica worked very hard to discover what happened to her brother. I'm sure she'd be interested in what Jackson has uncovered. Were you able to meet with her?"

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:02 am
by Laraqua
Maksim leans back in his chair, crosses his arms over his chest and smiles thoughtfully. "No. Her highly armed guards kept us from seeing her. As we attempted to leave, Johnny noticed we were being followed." He flashes a grateful smile at Johnny. "A few rapid moves on my part and we managed to leave them behind. I don't know if Johnny or Timour noticed any details about the person or the car. I was far too busy trying to lose them while driving in such bad weather. I was successful, that's all I know."

"Perhaps from now on when we try to speak with Erica or anyone like her, I should drive."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:26 am
by coffee demon
"Armed guards? That's not normal, is it? What do you suppose Mrs. Carlyle has to be afraid of?"

Andrei picks up Jackson Elias' final telegraph and reads it aloud again for everyone:

"Seen unbelievable terrible things. It is a monstrous worldwide conspiracy. Must be stopped, they have a timetable."

He paused for a second and lets the ominous words sink in.

"These are the words I can't stop thinking about. What do you all think of it? I can't stop wondering if Mr. Elias has gone crazy. And if he hasn't..." Andrei stops and rubs his face with both hands, like he's overtired.

"This might sound silly, but lets all assume we're getting into something very dangerous for a minute. What would you think of that?" He looks at everyone in the room, including Johnny in the back.

"This is what I wonder: when is the last opportunity we have to turn around? To stop and say 'I don't want to be part of this.' I don't think we're.. stuck in it yet, but the more information we get, the harder it might be to step away from this mystery. We should all think carefully about that."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:50 am
by Decrepit
"It's unwise to diagnose a person I've never met, but I'm inclined to think Erica might be afraid, maybe even afraid that what happened to Roger might happen to her." Caroline pauses.

"That would seem ... incredible. But given how even a solid researcher such as Elias has been shaken merely by his study of the expedition, it's no wonder that Erica, who was connected far more closely, is suffering from paranoia herself. Really, that must be all it is.

"I mean, what's happened to Elias and to Erica is lamentable, but at least in Elias's case it sounds just like illness. The mind is a mysterious organ that we've only seriously begun to learn about. It's possible to convince oneself of almost anything--we do know that."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:12 am
by imme
"But what if Jackson's right? What if there is a conspiracy to cover up the massacre? Suppose Erica stumbled across something she wasn't supposed to know and now she's been taken prisoner in her own house?" Elizabeth pauses and looks around sheepishly. "Sorry, my imagination runs away with me sometimes. However, I'm not yet ready believe that Jackson has gone mad. He is much too strong and skeptical to get carried away by silly fantasies. You can tell by his books that he is thorough in his work to investigate death cults. And as I've known him for many years, I can attest to his strength of character. If he's not mad, then we are dealing with a serious situation." She sighs. "If he is mad .... well, at least we'll know on Thursday."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:21 am
by coffee demon
Andrei nods.

"I would rather assume the worst.. for us. If Jackson is telling the truth, we could already be in danger. Do you understand what I mean? We should try to be careful. For instance, can we agree to keep this information," (he sweeps his hand over the documents laying around) "amongst ourselves for now?"

Andrei tunes everyone out for a moment and considers Ellie's latest thought - that Mrs. Carlysle is a prisoner in her own home. He would rather imagine the worst than get caught unaware. Worldwide conspiracy... terrible things...

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:30 am
by Laraqua
Maksim nods grimly. "It is not unknown back in the old country, for people to have been placed under house arrest, in both Soviet and Tsar-ruled times. But I hesitate to believe in a world-wide conspiracy. People like to talk. World-wide conspiracies need a lot of people. Someone would have talked by now. How could we not have heard about it? And what could he have found that his death wasn't enough to deal with? Perhaps a local conspiracy got her spooked, but not a world-wide one."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:35 am
by coffee demon
Andrei nods in agreement to Maksim.

"I know what you mean. It does sound a little farfetched. But what about the 'unbelievable terrible things'? All I'm saying is, it could be dangerous."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:38 am
by Laraqua
Maksim shrugs. "It doesn't need to be world-wide to be dangerous. In fact, smaller conspiracies are more dangerous, to my mind, because each member has everything to lose if anyone finds out. Something global may merely ignore people like us." He smiles. "If you are so worried, what are you doing for your own protection? How will you keep yourself safe when Timour and me go away tonight?"

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:00 am
by coffee demon
Andrei smiles genuinely, for the first time this night. Although Maks' comment seems to carry a bit of a sting, a little joke right now is like a breath of fresh air.

"That should be 'Timour and -I-', Maks..."

He's about to say something more, but is distracted by the rest of the conversation around him..

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:01 am
by warhammer
Thomas hands over the newspaper clippings he copied for all to see (all of which are currently posted in the handouts section).
Caroline Ward wrote: "Erica helped lead the search for her brother's group, but the expedition was found dead. The authorities hanged the tribesmen killers, thank God. A ghastly business."

"I'm not so optimistic... Ms Ward." says Thomas in response to this. "If you read between the lines of the papers, it's plain to see the investigation was a botched-up job to appease people's thirst for blood. "a short, expertly-conducted trial" ? Don't count on it. Short, maybe, yeah. But I wouldn't bet my money on "expertly-conducted". "Triumph of justice" ? Not a chance in hell, if you ask me."

"This what I found on Aubrey Penhew." concludes Thomas, passing around another stash of his handwritten notes. "Nothing too interesting but it'll help you know the character a bit more."
Viscount Colonel Sir Aubrey Penhew (1870-1919(?))

The Penhew Family trace their nobility back to the times of William the Conquerer, when Sir Boris Penhew acquired great holdings in the west of England. With the exception of one Sir Blaize who was beheaded for treason and black magic (his crimes nearly cost the line its titles and properties) the Penhew prosperity and prestige has been undiminished for eight centuries.

Sir Aubrey graduated with honors in classics from Oxford, but spent the next several years in Egypt, surveying and performing exploratory excavations amid the then little known wonders up-river, to the First Cataract and beyond. As his official biography notes, Sir Aubrey is credited with founding several important branches of Egyptology, and for several important archaeological discoveries, particularly at Dhashur. Nearly as important, the Penhew Foundation, set up by Sir Aubrey, has underwritten many important researches at home and abroad, and is responsible for the education of many brilliant but penniless scholars.

Early in the century he briefly (1901-02) served as a lieutenant in the Yorkshire Guards serving with distinction during the Second Boer War. Sir Aubrey re-entered the service during the Great War as a Colonel in British Army Intelligence, although this gets a brief mention in his Biography there is obviously no real detail of his Great War exploits, he retired from the army again in 1916 due to injury. Most of his achievements in Egyptology occurred between the two periods of military service.

Sir Aubrey had title to several famous stately homes, as well as mansions in London, the Cotswalds, Monaco, and Alexandria (Egypt), and townhouses in Paris, Rome, and Athens. He was incontestably wealthy, and reputedly made new fortunes from his American holding companies during the Great War.

Though a public figure, Sir Aubrey's private life is little known. He was a bachelor, dying without family or heirs other than the Penhew Foundation. His Egyptologist peers still hold him in high respect.

"Did you not learn anything else about Dr Huston?"

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:42 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Laraqua wrote: Maksim shrugs. "It doesn't need to be world-wide to be dangerous. In fact, smaller conspiracies are more dangerous, to my mind, because each member has everything to lose if anyone finds out. Something global may merely ignore people like us." He smiles. "If you are so worried, what are you doing for your own protection? How will you keep yourself safe when Timour and me go away tonight?"

"I agree completely," states Timour rising from his chair to address the group. "We are a part of your security force now, Ms. Downing. Even if we haven't yet had a chance to speak in private about the specifics of our job and tasks. We are at your disposal and shall do our best to guarantee you and everyone else's saftey. That will include us staying as close by as possible for the remainder of our employment."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:55 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim tries his best to hide his smile but doesn't quite succeed. Well, between the two of them, they'd managed to ensure they had a place to sleep and food to eat. Things should be a lot cushier for the time being.

He looks over to the good doctor to see how she's enjoying things. He meant to talk to her after the dinner, if she didn't need to rush off, though had the feeling that, being a hired bodyguard, rather than a consulted professional like herself, he wouldn't get the time of day with her now. After all, one can't have someone important speaking with the riff raff. What could they possibly say that was of any interest?

Feeling suddenly, inexplicably gloomy, he reaches into a pant pocket and fingers the edge of a deck of playing cards while listening to the others, all the while casting sidelong glances in Doctor Ward's direction to see how she was enjoying things.

Then again, perhaps that Elizabeth woman might make a better match... They seemed to have so much in common.

"It looks like you have found yourself a most interesting case," says Maksim, smiling openly now. "I'm impressed. It's been hardly a day and already your superb organisational skill has got us armed with far more information than I thought likely. So sorry I couldn't impress you with information of my own but those guards were an unhappy lot. I look forward to finding another way to show my own skills."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:16 pm
by imme
Elizabeth smiles at Timour and Maksim. "Thank you for your enthusiasm."

She turns to address everyone. "I understand that some of you may still be unsure what to think of this whole business; I'm not sure what I think yet, myself. However, it seems prudent that we remain cautious, at least until we can convince ourselves that none of this is true. I propose that we continue to investigate for another day, since Jackson doesn't arrive until Thursday, and I think we won't be able to decide anything until we meet with him.

"What is there to do tomorrow? There are the two sets of Jackson's notes at the publishers, there's Hypatia's friend Olivia. We could try again to contact Erica, although we might have to use a different approach. We could try to learn more about Dr. Huston, perhaps Caroline has connections who might know something? What else?"

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:01 pm
by Decrepit
"I didn't learn *much* more about Huston," Caroline says. "It's mostly just gossip. Like me, he went to Johns Hopkins, but much earlier. He studied under Freud and Jung--that was a very daring thing then. I gather he was quite the popular figure, and he reportedly was able to charge a great deal for his services. Both Roger and Erica were his patients.

"Speaking for myself, I find what little I know of his behavior to be puzzling, perhaps even unethical. It's possible, as you may know, for patients to become, well, very *attached* to their doctors, and this seems to be even more true for psycho-analysis. We call it 'transference.' Without getting into technicalities, I'm saying that I find the fact that Huston ended up on the expedition to be, well, ethically questionable."

She pauses. "I can certainly ask around about him. Perhaps, Elizabeth, you could do the same among your circle. I suppose I could--no, never mind."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:12 pm
by coffee demon
"Ellie, I definitely think you should call Mrs. Carlyle tommorrow. But be careful - please don't mention anything we've learned. Perhaps we can think of another excuse that doesn't involve Elias Jackson - just in case she's sensitive about him rooting up the past."

"I can go to the publishers tommorrow. Jonah knows me well enough by now, I'm sure he'd be OK with that."

Andrei maintains his demeanour, but is irritated by the Russian Twins wheedling in to 'ensure everyone's safety'.

They always have this certain tone, like they're undermining me. Especially Maks - his subtle little flirtations with Ellie have to stop. Thank God they're not going to stay the night.

He racks his mind, trying to think of something that will keep the twins busy until Jackson shows up.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:36 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour nods at Elizabeth's words and replies, "I really cannot stress enough how important it is that we spend the night."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:21 pm
by coffee demon
thewhatchamacallit wrote: Timour nods at Elizabeth's words and replies, "I really cannot stress enough how important it is that we spend the night."

"And why would that be important?" Andrei shoots back. "If you need a place to stay..."

[OC: I'm assuming this conversation is one of a few going on at once. I imagine a general hubbub in the room, but Andrei speaks fairly sharply here, so I wouldn't be surprised if he draws the attention of some others]

Barely controlling himself, Andrei crosses the room to where Timour sits. He bends down, but is still standing above him, grasping the back of the chair tightly. In a barely restrained quivering voice, he says in Russian: "Listen, what do you need? Do you need money? Are you out of money already? You need a place to stay? Here..."

He pulls his wallet out of his pocket and starts fingering through it energetically. Then he senses that others are watching him and stops. He speaks again in Russian: "If you need money, I can lend you money, OK? Just don't... Don't make a mess of things."

Embarassed, he sits back at his chair and keeps his eyes off the Russians for a bit. A minute later he manages a thin smile and says to them in Russian: "I'll lend you both some money, ok? At the end of the evening. OK?" He seems flustered.

[OC: Andrei imagines a number of horrible things, from the Russian Twins sleeping on the Downing couches indefinitely, to late-night flirtations with Elizabeth- and the worst: a constant battle of wits and charm between himself and the Rukovs - which he will surely lose.]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:49 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour is startled and slightly baffled by Andrei's response to a suggestion he made to Elizabeth.

Incidently, Timour's good-natured demeanor and lack of empathy hindered his ability to see Andrei's offer of money in any way other than an act of goodwill.

"Andrei, my brother," he replies in Russian and walks over to clasp the other man's shoulders.

He then peered around the room and smiled broadly at everyone looking on at them, "This man is my brother," he said in English, "he looks out for his own."

Wagging a finger at Andrei, he chuckles in sincere amusement, "like you, I to take care of my own. That's why we'll stay close, to watch out for our extended family."

Then Timour embraced Andrei, kissed him once on each cheek and patted him on the back before heading once more to his seat.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:34 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei manages to force a thin smile throughout Timour's escapade. Afterwards, he seems to refocus on the threads of converation still happening around him and forgets about the Russians. He also notes who was paying attention to their little encounter.

[OC: If possible, please mention if your character was paying attention to all that Russian stuff..]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:43 am
by Laraqua
Maks nods at Andrei, he hasn't missed a thing, he knows that his subtle flirtations are unwelcome but he figures it's all part of the game. As far as he's noticed, Elizabeth finds him amusing, but that's all right. He didn't expect to win over her heart, he just thought it was fun to try.

"We just have to stay and look after you both," he said. "Don't worry. We'll hold the fort for you. Considering how we got tailed before, perhaps I should be Elizabeth's chauffeur. Just to be on the safe side. I drive very well." He shoots a glance at Johnny, wondering if he'll contradict him. He tries to seem confidant in his ability, but something about his demeanor suggests that there's something about that last statement that has, at least once, been a lie.

OOC: That's what happens when I attempt to roll for everything. 8)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:11 am
by imme
Caroline pauses. "I can certainly ask around about him. Perhaps, Elizabeth, you could do the same among your circle. I suppose I could--no, never mind."

"You suppose you could what?" Elizabeth asks. "I think at this point we should try to collect as much information as possible."
thewhatchamacallit wrote:
Timour nods at Elizabeth's words and replies, "I really cannot stress enough how important it is that we spend the night."

"And why would that be important?" Andrei shoots back. "If you need a place to stay..."

"You are of course all welcome to stay here tonight. We have many rooms and it is a long trip back to the City tonight." Elizabeth gives the Russians an odd look, as if she's not sure what to make of their exchange. Then she smiles at a new thought. "Actually, I would be happy for you all to stay. Then we'll all have a night's sleep to think over what our plan for tomorrow should be. Caroline, Thomas, I understand that you two may have to deal with business matters tomorrow, but I would appreciate your help in any further investigation if you have time. Andrei, I think it would be great for you to go back to Prospero House and read Jackson's notes. Perhaps Timour and Maksim could go with you? I'm not sure what else there is to do. I will try to contact Erica, and perhaps Olivia as well."

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:43 am
by Grafster
Masks IC post 6

Johhny has been rolling, lighting and smoking cigarettes at a rapid clip pausing only to approach and carefully read the articles and telegrams. He blows smoke away from the circle of people; watching interactions intently.

"Miss Downing, the men following us in the car were openly carrying shotguns. If Erica Carlyle is of good character and is held against her by some sort of criminal group then extracting her will be a difficult proposition. The sort of thing best left to the authorities. Motivating that sort of activity on the part of said authorities would require some rather solid evidence. Evidence of that sort is, in my opinion, bestacquired when the target is not aware of the interest."

"Likewise, if she is voluntarily associating with these people, and knowingly employing armed thugs, then it is possible that demonstrating interest in her affairs could place the inquirer in physical danger."

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:57 am
by Laraqua
"Shotguns?" Maksim near yelps. "What do you mean? Why didn't anyone...? And you told me to pull over." He glares at Timour, then looks over at Elizabeth. "Well, I-I'm glad I thought of the right thing to do. But ... all right. Elizabeth, I must insist on being your chauffeur for two reasons." He smiles broadly. "You have the same sort of intense curiosity that I have and that means the most interesting things will likely happen around you."

He looks over at Andrei and gives a small smile. When he looks over at Elizabeth, the concern in his eyes is genuine. "And, secondly, I've known Andrei for a long time, I know he'd want to keep you safe."

Maksim sighs. "And if there is even a few people keeping an eye on things, they'll know he contacted you, they'll know you've been asking questions, and while they'll likely assume Andrei is the head of this, you're both an important and a highly visible target."

He then falls silent, his mind roving over what they know. He still doesn't believe there's any conspiracy but Erica could be quite mad and a threat. Still, if he could get paid for driving a car, he'd be quite willing to do it. That reminded him, after everyone left, he'd have to speak to Elizabeth about matters of payment, or should he speak to Andrei? He puzzled over that little matter for awhile. Damn these modern women... He could never be sure what to do.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:01 am
by coffee demon
Andrei listens intently to the discussion about Mrs. Carlyle. Although gun ownerships laws in America were much different than in Russia, he still knew enough to understand that Johnny might be right about a dangerous situation at Mrs. Carlyle's.

"Nevertheless, Johnny, Mrs. Carlyle seems to have key information that might help us decide if we're entering a dangerous situation or not. If Ellie calls tommorrow for some other reason.. say, planning a party or something.. what can it hurt? I agree that a personal visit probably wouldn't be safe. Perhaps a telegram or a telephone call might give us enough information. Maybe she could be invited for tea at the Downing Manor...?"

"I fear that, once Jackson arrives in town, word might get out that he is seeking help from the Downings. Then there might be no chance of getting unbiased information from Mrs. Carlyle."

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:14 am
by coffee demon
Laraqua wrote: Maksim sighs. "And if there is even a few people keeping an eye on things, they'll know he contacted you, they'll know you've been asking questions, and while they'll likely assume Andrei is the head of this, you're both an important and a highly visible target."

Maks and Timour were getting bloody annoying tonight... more than usual, and Andrei had no idea why. He could only assume Maks was still trying to flirt. Money obviously wasn't the problem, since he just offered them some.

Andrei sighs and slumps back in his chair, defeated.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:28 pm
by warhammer
"I'm going to attempt to learn more about that Jack Brady." says Thomas, coolly puffing on his cigarette and not giving much attention to all the agitation about money and the Russians' antics. "He seemed important enough to the party that he was mentioned by name in the newspapers, so there must be a reason why he was specifically chosen. The other people who went with Carlyle seemed to be big shots for the most part. It's most interesting that Dr Huston actually went with Carlyle even though he was also his, let's say, personal physician (OOC: I'm unsure whether the term "psychotherapist" was commonly used back then, but it seems as though that's what Hudson was). Either Carlyle was so troubled that he absolutely needed the long-term presence of Huston by his side, or there's something about Huston that made him particularly useful to the party. Penhew is a gimme, since it was his field of work, but why Huston?"

"Liz, you taking care of getting in touch with that Olivia? She seems by far the best way to learn about that other girl, and she might know about the rest of the party too."

"Ms Ward, I'd also like to have a word with you when you have a minute." Thomas adds, not indicating whether it's about the present business or about something else.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:18 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Laraqua wrote: "Shotguns?" Maksim near yelps. "What do you mean? Why didn't anyone...? And you told me to pull over." He glares at Timour.

"Brother, peshaw," Timour exclaims while scrunching up his nose, "I could have taken all three before they managed to aim."

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:38 pm
by imme
Elizabeth smiles at Maksim. "I appreciate your concern. I'm sure you will be the most interesting chauffeur I have ever had. Johnny, I think you make a good point. Whether or not Erica is choosing to associate with these people, it is a dangerous situation. I will not visit in person, but I think that, as Andrei said, it is worth trying to see what she knows. I will think of some reason to telephone her. I will also try to track down Olivia, while Thomas and Caroline find more information about the rest of the party. Andrei will have the important but headache-inducing task of reading Jackson's notes."

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:15 pm
by Decrepit
"What I was going to say, Elizabeth, was that I could probably get into Huston's confidential records. As he's dead, his records are probably in storage. I'd have to think of a good reason to ask for them, though, and if the authorities don't believe me, I could run into some serious problems.

"I hadn't mentioned that before because, well, I couldn't see why it was worth the risk. while I don't buy all this conspiracy talk, I am certain that something odd, probably very dangerous, is going on. And we may already have tipped our hand, Elizabeth, if your name got mentioned at all at Erica's."

She looks straight at Elizabeth. "So I'm willing to take the risk."

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:25 pm
by imme
She looks straight at Elizabeth. "So I'm willing to take the risk."

Elizabeth is quiet for a moment. Then, "I appreciate that, Caroline. If it would help, please use my name."

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:34 pm
by Decrepit
"Thank you for the offer, Elizabeth," Caroline says, warming up just a bit, "but I can't think of a legitimate reason for you to have those records, either, and I think mentioning you would just get you into more trouble. In any case, I think I can handle this.

"I'll look into this tomorrow."

Noticing Thomas, Caroline says to the group, "Excuse me for a moment.

"Yes, Thomas?"

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:13 pm
by coffee demon
When the night is wrapped up [OC: seems like some conversations still need wrapping..], Andrei goes to the rooms where the two Russians are preparing for bed. In the hallway, he pulls out his wallet. He looks uncomfortable.

In Russian, he quietly says,

<<Here. Here's some money, like I promised.>> He gives each of the twins $40. <<Let me know if you need anything else, OK?>>

He doesn't make much eye contact, and almost looks like he was forced to do this.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:16 am
by Grafster
Anyone looking for Johnny after the conversation breaks up notices that he's slipped out.

He'll amble quietly through the lower warrens of the house before picking up his hat and coat from the side-enterance closet . Then he'll walk out onto the Downing Estate. It's getting late but he still moves around the grounds. He's never given much thought to the security of the place, but now he wants to take a good long look around and see just how secure it may be. He's not killing himself over it, and will probably be back in the house within a half an hour. He doesn't have an electric torch with him or anything like that.

After that he'll return to the house, knock most of the mud off his shoes, and slip up to the library to see if there are any of Elias' books up there; especially the one about death cults. If he can aquire the book he'll take it back to his room and promptly nod off in his chair.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:38 am
by warhammer
"... Never mind." says Thomas to Caroline with an enigmatic smile, after a short pause.

Thomas actually wanted to suggest looking up Huston's confidential records, but Caroline had been faster in suggesting it herself.

He will follow through with his plans of looking up Jack Brady if nothing else comes up.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:13 am
by Laraqua
"Excuse me, Andrei," says Maksim with an attempt to be conciliatory. "I would like to speak with Elizabeth but considering the time of night, I think it'd be best, were she awake, to have you as an escort? I just want to ask why she's so very keen on being an investigator. How much does she know of this fellow she's researching for, and all that?"

If allowed to speak to Elizabeth, he won't push it if Andrei refuses, he will ask exactly that.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:34 am
by coffee demon
Laraqua wrote: "Excuse me, Andrei," says Maksim with an attempt to be conciliatory. "I would like to speak with Elizabeth but considering the time of night, I think it'd be best, were she awake, to have you as an escort? I just want to ask why she's so very keen on being an investigator. How much does she know of this fellow she's researching for, and all that?"

"I think its a bit late for that, don't you?" Andrei looks unimpressed. "Why don't you ask her tommorrow morning over breakfast?"

He's about to walk away when Maks asks him what -he- knows (OC: which is what I think you meant in your post.).

Andrei turns around and lightens up a bit. <<Well, she said she can't remember where she met him. At a party or something.>> He leans against the wall with his arms crossed in the hallway, speaking to the brothers in Russian.

<<What do you two think? I have a wierd feeling about it all. If it was one source of information, I wouldn't be so worried. But it seems like a lot of strange things going on in a lot of different places. Mrs. Carlyle's little army, Mr. Carlyle's disappearance, and his personal psychiatrist, and the disturbing letters from Jackson Elias. Something is going on, for certain.>>

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:44 am
by Laraqua
"Sorry, I wasn't aware we'd be eating together," says Maksim, feeling confused. He figured they were the hired help. Why would they be invited to the important people's breakfast?

<<What bothers me is more what those people might have attempted to do to us if I had stopped the car? I wonder just how far they are prepared to go and for what purpose. Someone has to be very paranoid to send armed guards after a car load full of what could have been just curious people. On the other hand, my Russian accent is hardly weak and there is a good chance she merely feared my apparent rampant Communism. It is something a number of Americans do fear.>>

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:01 am
by coffee demon
Andrei nods in agreement. He breathes a deep sigh and looks up at the decorative ceiling, thinking.

<<Sometimes it seems like these Americans think they're invulnerable - like nothing bad can happen to them.>>

He looks at the brothers, feeling a common bond growing between them again.

<<Lets promise to think very carefully about this whole thing after we meet Mr. Elias. Some of the Americans seem to be ready to jump right in, but lets reserve our judgement until then... I'm not ready to give myself over to this adventure until I know what we're getting into, and that we can get out if things go bad. I don't worry about you, or myself... or the Chinaman for that matter. It's the ladies and that lawyer that I worry about.>>

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:03 am
by Raiko
Downing House – Long Island, New York
8:00am - Wednesday 14th January 1925

With just one day to go before Jackson Elias' anticipated arrival in New York, the clear blue skies of the last week have given way to patchy white cloud. The extensive lawns of Downing house are covered with thick frost, and cold wisps of mist hang over Little Neck Bay and Long Island Sound.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:38 am
by Decrepit
Caroline wakes up, a bit chilled. These large old houses were lovely to look at, but they could be drafty in winter, and this day promised to be quite cold. She glances out the window and traces her index finger along the frosty surface of the glass.

This would be a trying day, she thought. What she was about to do would probably not result in any problems, but it would jeopardize her career. Anything for Elizabeth, she thinks, smiling ruefully. Then her smile disappears. It seemed like ages ago that she was happily practicing her profession by day, engaging in the social scene at night, and unaware of anything untoward. Now, suddenly, she and the others seemed to be looking into a void. Enough of this, she says to herself. Time for some coffee.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:51 am
by Laraqua
Maksim smiles up at Caroline as she comes into the room. He's already got himself a cup of coffee. It feels pleasantly warm in this room. It looks reasonable outside. Cold, but at least it wasn't snowing.

"So, are you excited about today?" he asks, unsure of what else to say. "Or has Elizabeth's infectious curiosity not infected you yet?"

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:12 am
by Decrepit
Caroline returns the smile. This fellow has a way of taking the chill off, she thinks to herself.

"Oh, Elizabeth has always had a way of bending me to her will," she says, not angrily. "I do fear she has gotten herself--and perhaps us as well--in over our heads, though. We haven't even met Mr. Elias yet, and she's already gotten me breaking the law--not to mention several canons of ethics. Not to mention discussing such escapades openly with people I hardly know."

She takes a sip from her cup, then runs her free hand through her hair. "Let's hope for the best, in any case."

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:48 am
by Laraqua
"I have to admit, it's been awhile since I've been involved in something like this," Maksim says. "I've always loved a good mystery. People, places, events... I've travelled a fair bit looking for something new to discover. You'd be surprised what people will tell if you ask the right questions." He smiles and blushes just a little, ever so aware that he's given away a lot more about himself and his motivations than he'd intended. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant... I love hearing what people have to say for themselves, I mean, about themselves. About what they've seen. What they've learned."

He smiles into his cup, swirling the liquid around. "Have you ever tried to look through the eyes of a priest? A homeless man? Or a five-year-old girl? Tried to see what they see? Feel what they feel?" He chuckles, still feeling embarressed but in a strangely talkative mood that he can't quite shake off. "Timour calls me a fool. Y'know what? He's probably right."

"But it's nice to see the world in a strange and different way even if it is all in my head."

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:16 am
by coffee demon
You can hear a murmur coming from an adjoining room.

Therein sits Andrei, with a folded newspaper sitting over his crossed legs, talking to Mr. Downing about purchasing shares in a new real estate venture.

(Andrei would have to spend all his money to do it, but often tells white lies about his actual holdings to impress the Downings. He doesn't like to talk to Ellie about such things, because he doesn't want to lie to her.)

He'll wait until Elizabeth calls Mrs. Carlyle, then try to organize a way for more people than just Ellie to get driven around in the Russians' car. Andrei can take the train downtown, if he's the only one going that way...

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:01 am
by Grafster
Johnny wakes up in the chair and spends around a half an hour stretching himself out, especially his leg. In his undershirt, pants and suspenders his slips up to the kitchen to pick up a cup of joe. Fortunately he hears Maksim and Caroline talking a second before he would have pushed through the door.

A few minutes later, having retrieved his cane and found a proper (if wrinkled) shirt he limps into the room, with a short "Good morning". The copy of Sons of Death he perloined from the library is tucked under one arm.

He will perch himself on a stool at the far end of the large table preperation table that Maksim and Caroline reading the book, drinking his coffee and smoking.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:29 am
by warhammer
Thomas wakes up early and goes to the kitchen for a couple of black coffee cups. He needs a shave, but that seems to be usual for him.

I want to solve this case. he thought first thing in the morning, after giving himself the night to think about it. It reeks of mock-trials, lies and deception from start to finish. I'll do what I can to make things right, it may be too late for the innocents, but I'm willing to do it just so that the actual culprits get what's coming to them.

"Good morning, sunshine... sunshines." he says with a slight smirk to the group.

Even though he still wasn't sure about the group (his job as a lawyer and his harsh youth in the streets had taught him not to trust people easily), Thomas was aware he would need to actively work with them in order to get anywhere. He still chose not to pay attention or get involved in any way in the bickering amongst the Russians. He feared this could potentially lead to important personal conflicts at the worst possible times during the investigation, and was getting ticked off at what he perceived to be unprofessional behaviour. However he did not voice this opinion yet.

"Ms Ward, I've been thinking for a good deal of the night about our next options, I don't think there's any good excuse you could think of to check out Dr Huston's file on Roger Carlyle. However it could be immensely important to understand the relationship between them. So we need to do it, and I'll help you with the legal side of things if I must. I reckon we're doing the right thing for both of them. If we don't learn as much as we can, we may never discover the truth."

Thomas remembers all his law books and all his previous cases, trying to find a legal loophole which would allow the party to request to check out Huston's files. If this wasn't enough, he would also attempt to use his reputation as a lawyer to make things easier.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:42 am
by Grafster
Johnny glances up from the book at Thomas, “If I recall correctly you mentioned being interested in this Brady character. Any reason to think he’s more than hired help?”

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:19 am
by warhammer
"I just look at it this way, Mr Wong" answers Thomas, lighting his first cigarette of the day. "Carlyle was stinking rich and it looks like he could afford pretty much anyone. He had Penhew with him, who was a top authority on Egypt and archeology. Dr Huston, who was a renowned doctor familiar with these supposedly groundbreaking Freudian methods. I don't give much credit to this new "psychotherapy" business myself, but that's a different story. Hypatia Masters, from what I gather, was a former girlfriend of Carlyle and had a knack for photography, so her purpose is understandable as well. Jack Brady is the only one who is introduced by the papers as "general factotum", yet he is still mentioned by name in the article. He might very well have had a purpose we just aren't told about. It's worth a couple of hours of research, I reckon. It may not lead anywhere, but who knows. These articles seem worthy of a second reading between the lines."

Thomas had just effortlessly quoted the newspapers from memory, with rigorous precision. It seemed as though he had carefully studied every word in the articles he had found, probably in his room at night after dinner.

(OOC: Did the newspapers have pictures of the expedition members? Do we know what any of them looked like?)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:29 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Laraqua wrote: He smiles into his cup, swirling the liquid around. "Have you ever tried to look through the eyes of a priest? A homeless man? Or a five-year-old girl? Tried to see what they see? Feel what they feel?" He chuckles, still feeling embarressed but in a strangely talkative mood that he can't quite shake off. "Timour calls me a fool. Y'know what? He's probably right."

Timour, freshly showered and shaved came in at that moment with a feigned serious look on his face and twinkle in his eye.


"I never called you a fool, dear brother," he said with a wink while fastening his cufflinks, "a black sheep maybe, but never a fool."

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:22 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline is struck by Maksim's words. "I don't think that's foolish, either. As a doctor, I often see people at their most vulnerable, and sometimes they're terribly, terribly alone when I give them some bit of terrible news. Sometimes, it feels like I'm being drawn into them and that I'll lose myself in their anguish. Then I have to steel myself and remember that they're counting on me to do my best by them, and I have to pull away and be a hard-headed woman of medicine again."

Looking right at Maksim again, she says, more quietly. "One does pay a price for such empathy."

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:46 pm
by imme
Elizabeth enters the room with a puzzled expression on her face. "Good morning, everyone." She pours herself a cup of coffee, mixes in some cream, and takes a sip, lost in thought. Finally, she looks around at the people in the room and says, "Did everyone sleep well? I don't usually eat a full meal for breakfast, but if anyone would like, there is a small buffet set up in the next room."

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:50 pm
by warhammer
"Do you mind if I use the phone?" asks Thomas to Elizabeth.

Assuming the answer is yes, he will call his associate at his office and have a chat with him. Thomas then looks slightly disappointed as he hangs up.

"I'm afraid no matter how I look at it, I can't think of a way to help you get access to these files, Ms Ward. It's just not legal. You'll have to find other ways and use your own connections."

Thomas had also been listening to the conversation about trying to see things through other people's eyes. It was a feeling he knew all too well with all the people who requested his services as a lawyer and who had big problems in their lives. While he tried to be emotionally detached while he was working, he didn't always manage it. So he preferred to tuck these feelings away in the back of his mind. Listening to Maksim and Caroline, he just shrugs and does not comment, not willing to be further reminded of this issue. He opts to have another cup of coffee instead.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:50 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
imme wrote: Elizabeth enters the room with a puzzled expression on her face. "Good morning, everyone." She pours herself a cup of coffee, mixes in some cream, and takes a sip, lost in thought. Finally, she looks around at the people in the room and says, "Did everyone sleep well? I don't usually eat a full meal for breakfast, but if anyone would like, there is a small buffet set up in the next room."

Timour disappears.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:54 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim smiles a little at Caroline's words. "I have never been placed in a position of responsibility, like you have," he says in a low voice so that others might have to strain to hear. "No, actually, I have, I guess, because everyone with..." He seems to catch himself on what he's about to say and pauses to reconsider. "Never mind. Maybe when we know each other better."

He turns, finally, to regard Timour's comment. "A black sheep, hmm? Are you calling father and mother a lech?"

Without waiting for a response, he looks over at Elizabeth. "So what interesting scheme or cunning plan do you have for us this morning? I just can't wait to see where you lead me."

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:37 pm
by imme
Elizabeth grins in response. "Well, the first order of business is to make a telephone call to Erica. I'm still not really sure what I'm going to say. We'll just have to see what happens."

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:31 pm
by Decrepit
"Maybe you should just play the innocent, Elizabeth, and laugh off any mention of yesterday's events as a simple misunderstanding. Maybe the boys were just there to deliver an invitation?

"In any event, you must try to relax.

"For my part, I'm going to head to the records office. As luck would have it, I have a patient in common with Huston, which should be enough reason for me to get access to his records. I'm counting on you to bail me out--literally and figuratively--if that doesn't work, Thomas."

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:17 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei remains in the other room, politely speaking with Elizabeth's father, but occassionally glancing through the doorway into the next room where the group is speaking. He'd like to get up and hear what's going on, but it would be impolite to interrupt Mr. Downing, who is giving a long sermon on hedge funds and declining interest rates.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:10 am
by imme
"I'm going to go call Erica now. Anyone want to come listen in?" Elizabeth grins and saunters out of the room and makes her way to the telephone.

"Hello? Miss Erica Carlyle, please."

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:53 am
by Grafster
warhammer wrote: "I just look at it this way, Mr Wong" answers Thomas, lighting his first cigarette of the day. <snip> Jack Brady is the only one who is introduced by the papers as "general factotum", yet he is still mentioned by name in the article. He might very well have had a purpose we just aren't told about. It's worth a couple of hours of research, I reckon. It may not lead anywhere, but who knows. These articles seem worthy of a second reading between the lines."[/i]

Johnny nods. "Approaching indirectly may be a better course of action."


"Miss Downing it is possible that the Miss Carlyle has not connected you with the Elizabeth Downing mentioned by Mr. Max Rook," he guestures toward Maksim, "when he approached their compound. The conversation was extremely brief, and the guard extremely skeptical of claims made. It may be possible that the guard does not even remember that your name was mentioned."

"If you feel a strong need to contact Erica Carlyle right now, before speaking with Jackson, then perhaps the following suggestion may be of some use:"

"Perhaps you've heard rumors of foreign con-men using your good name and are calling to assure her that you've no idea who they are or what they're after."

"It presents a plausible scenario for why you would wish to suddenly call her, distances you from the visitors yesterday and provides you with an opporutunity to offer your condolences."

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:18 am
by Laraqua
Maksim sighs with a smile. "Great idea for temporary reasons. I only hope it won't get us investigated by your government." He winks. "But then, I'm sure you'd fix any beaurocratic misunderstandings before they got too far."

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:19 pm
by imme
Grafster wrote: "Perhaps you've heard rumors of foreign con-men using your good name and are calling to assure her that you've no idea who they are or what they're after."
"It presents a plausible scenario for why you would wish to suddenly call her, distances you from the visitors yesterday and provides you with an opporutunity to offer your condolences."

Elizabeth covers the mouthpiece as she waits for the operator to connect her. "That's a great idea, Johnny. Much better than anything I'd come up with."

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:49 pm
by Raiko
Downing House, Long Island
9:30am, Wednesday 14th January 1925

The Carlyle telephone is answered by a deep voiced man:

“Hello this is the Carlyle residence, how can I help you?”

“Hello this is Elizabeth Downing, I wonder if I could speak to Erica Carlyle about a matter of some urgency.”

It sounds like the man on the other end of the phone recognises Elizabeth’s name:

“Ah hello Miss Downing, this is Mr Corey. I look after day to day things for Miss Carlyle; I’m afraid Miss Carlyle is very busy at the moment, what is the nature of your business?”

[OOC: I’m not really sure how much you want to say without speaking to Erica, so I’ll stop there for now]

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:38 pm
by imme
Raiko wrote: “Ah hello Miss Downing, this is Mr Corey. I look after day to day things for Miss Carlyle; I’m afraid Miss Carlyle is very busy at the moment, what is the nature of your business?”

"Hello Mr Corey. I'm calling about an incident that may have happened yesterday in which some conmen tried to use my name to see Miss Carlyle. I would like to speak with her about it, if at all possible. I'm very concerned."

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:59 pm
by warhammer
Suspecting he might not learn much at the library, Thomas will first call his associate on the phone and ask him to research all he can on Jack Brady, through their connections with other lawyers and with the police. Thomas will remain vague about his reasons; he and his associate completely trust each other and usually refrain from asking questions if no explanation is provided.

After doing that, he will drive to the library and research Brady, taking along anyone willing to go to the library as well.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:24 am
by Raiko
Downing House, Long Island
9:30am, Wednesday 14th January 1925

“Yes I remember the incident Miss Downing, I must admit that I haven’t troubled Miss Carlyle about it though, I doubt that they’ll be back.”

When Elizabeth presses him for details that he knows about the conmen Corey replies, “I attempted to pursue the conmen myself, but I’m afraid they got away for now. However I did make a note of their registration, and I’ll be following that up. There were three of them, one Chinaman and two Russians. That’s all I know.”

“I can assure you that if I catch up with them, they won’t be misusing your name anymore Miss Downing

As Elizabeth is quite insistent on speaking to Erica, Corey eventually says, “If you could wait just one minute, I’ll speak to Miss Carlyle…”

The telephone goes quiet for a few minutes, when he returns Corey says, “I’ll afraid that Miss Carlyle will be very busy for most of the day, but she will call you back in the evening if you like.”

“Alternatively she is hosting a large dinner dance on the sixteenth; she’d very much like to meet you so you’re welcome to attend with a guest.”

“Would you like Miss Carlyle to call you back?”

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:59 am
by imme
Raiko wrote: “Would you like Miss Carlyle to call you back?”

"Yes, please. Thank you."

After Elizabeth hangs up, she will inform the Rukov twins that they are being investigated through their car's license number.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:07 am
by Laraqua
Maksim puts his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees, and stares at the carpet. "Well that's us done then." He bites back a bitter comment on how things would have been so much easier if Elizabeth had called ahead in the first place but he is obviously unhappy with the current state of events.

"I can't drive the car, I can't go back to where I've been staying and I've no luck in talking with Americans," Maksim says, stressing the word 'Americans'. "It looks like I have been made redundant."

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:19 am
by imme
"What are you talking about, Maksim? This will all just be a horrible case of miscommunication. You are friends of Andrei, and were trying to find him through me. Somehow you thought that Erica could point you to me. I'll realize that the 'conmen' were just you, and then everything will be laughed off. A comedy of errors." Elizabeth's eyes sparkle in amusement, and she'll smile at Maksim, trying to cheer him up.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:30 am
by Laraqua
Maksim smiles shyly, but there's a sharpness to his gaze that Elizabeth catches, an unvoiced suspicion or, at the very least, lack of trust that is clearly visible in that one moment.

Then he looks away, now everyone can see he's rattled. He refuses to meet anyone's gaze. "Fine, fine. So what do you suggest I do?"

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:31 am
by coffee demon
Andrei wrests himself away from Elizabeth's father's conversation.

After hearing Ellie recount her phone conversation, he flits around the crowd, gathering his coat and finding his gloves. He's eager to find out more about the strange situation they've all found themselves in.

"So I guess we'll meet back here tonight then? Or would you rather meet in town? I know a fantastic restaurant where we could have a private room to talk."

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:00 am
by imme
coffee demon wrote: "So I guess we'll meet back here tonight then? Or would you rather meet in town? I know a fantastic restaurant where we could have a private room to talk."

Ignoring Maksim's question, Elizabeth responds to Andrei. "A restaurant would be fun, but I think we'll have to meet back here so I don't miss Erica's call this evening. I need to inform her that it's all been a big misunderstanding and the 'conmen' are actually some acquantainces of mine. We wouldn't want Maksim to be hauled off to jail, afterall." Elizabeth grins at him, but her tone conveys that she's teasing Maksim a little.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:07 am
by Laraqua
Maksim smirks, runs his hands through his hair and then grins broadly. "And here I was hoping for an impressive race through the city streets with you by my side and police sirens at my back. It could have been so fun."

He looks around with a sigh. "Can't wait to see what her reasoning is, chasing a poor Russian halfway across town. Think it'd be best if I was here or wasn't here if you manage to meet with her?"

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:15 am
by coffee demon
"We can hide you in the back room if she comes, Maks." Andrei looks like he's in a good mood - definitely a morning guy.

"In fact, if Mrs. Carlyle comes over here, maybe the three of us should hide. After all, if you' two are Russian con-men, why wouldn't I be?"

"I'll pick up some good cigars and scotch in town... just in case we have to hole up in the billiards room for the evening. How terrible would that be?" Andrei is smiling. "In fact, maybe we could hide in the billiards room whether Mrs. Carlyle comes or not!"

Having attracted enough attention for the moment, Andrei drops his gaze and says something about finding his gloves.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:17 am
by Laraqua
"Don't smoke cigars, sorry," Maksim says. "Not usually, anyhow. My first true love hated the smell and kinda convinced me to never touch them again." He frowns a little, then smiles. "But scotch on the other hand..."

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:29 am
by imme
Elizabeth rolls her eyes at the Russians and excuses herself to go get her purse and gloves, trying to hide a grin.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:51 pm
by Raiko
Prospero House – Lexington Avenue, New York
11:30am – Wednesday 14th January 1925

It doesn’t take Andrei too long to track down Ivanov, a Russian bootlegger that he knows quite well; he purchases a good bottle of scotch for $2.25, then heads for Prospero House, stopping off on the way to acquire some fine Russian Pastries for Jonah Kensington, and some cigars for himself.

Jonah greets the big Russian soldier warmly, and after thanking him for the delicious pastries, passes Andrei the pile of notebooks containing Jackson’s notes. Andrei decides to start with the pile of notebooks that detail Elias’ investigations in Kenya, saving the inevitable headache that the crazy London notes will cause for later.


Andrei spends about two hours reading through Jackson Elias’ Nairobi Notes, they are organised into eight separate hard-backed notebooks, with each page covered on one side only with Elias’ neat printing. They are reasonably well organised, and seem in many ways complete, yet are remarkable for the absence of conclusions, connections, and clearly defined themes – this makes sense as Elizabeth had said that Jackson keeps most of his information to himself, the notes are obviously intended to provoke Jackson’s own memory, rather than for direct publication. The hand is strong, and bold.
The Nairobi Notes of Jackson Elias wrote: The Nairobi Notes of Jackson Elias:

SET ONE of the Nairobi notes sets forth the offices, officials, and tribes which Elias visited, searching for material concerning cults and cult rituals. Nothing conclusive was learned, though Elias discounts the official version of the Carlyle massacre.

SET TWO describes his trip to the massacre site. He notes particularly that the earth there is completely barren, and that all the tribes of the region avoid the place, saying it is cursed by the God of the Black Winds, whose home is the mountain top.

SET THREE is an interview with a Johnstone Kenyatta, who says that the Carlyle murders may have been performed by the cult of the Bloody Tongue. He says that the cult reputedly is based in the mountains, and that its high priestess is a part of the Mountain of the Black Winds. Elias is politely sceptical, but Kenyatta insists upon the point. In quotes, Elias records that regional tribes fear and hate the Bloody Tongue, that tribal magic is of no protection against the cult, and that the cult’s god is not of Africa.

SET FOUR follows up on the Kenyatta Interview. Elias confirms from several good sources that the Bloody Tongue exists, though he finds no firsthand evidence of it. Tales include children stolen for sacrifice. Creatures with great wings are said to come down from the Mountain of the Black Winds to carry off people. The cult worships a god unknown to folklorists, one fitting no traditional African pattern. Elias in particular cites “Sam Mariga, rr-sta.”

SET FIVE contains a single page reminding Elias that the Cairo-based portion of the Carlyle itinerary must be examined carefully. He believes that the reason which prompted Carlyle’s Kenyan side trip is on the Nile.

SET SIX is a long interview with Lt. Mark Selkirk, leader of the men who actually found the remains of the Carlyle Expedition, and a Kenya hand since the Great War and the fight against the resourceful von-Lettow. Importantly, Selkirk says that the bodies were remarkably undecayed for the length of time which they lay in the open—“almost as if decay itself wouldn’t come near the place.” Secondly, the men had been torn apart, as if by animals, though what sorts of animals would pull apart bodies so systematically he could not guess. “Unimaginable. Inexplicable.” Selkirk agrees that the Nandis may have had something to do with the episode, but suspects that the charges against the ringleaders were trumped-up. “It wouldn’t be the first time:’ he says cynically. Finally, Selkirk confirms that no Caucasians were found among the dead— only corpses of the Kenyan bearers were scattered across the barren plain.

SET SEVEN is another single page. Elias ran into Nails Nelson at the Victoria Bar in Nairobi. Nelson had been a mercenary for the Italians on the Somali-Abyssinian border, and had escaped into Kenya after double-crossing his employers. Nelson claimed to have seen Jack Brady alive (March of 1923) in Hong Kong, less than two years before Elias was in Kenya and long after the Kenyan court declared that Brady and the rest of the expedition were dead. Brady was friendly, though guarded and taciturn. Nelson didn’t press the conversation. From this report Elias deduced that other members of the expedition might still live.

SET EIGHT discusses a possible structure for the Carlyle book, but is mostly featureless, with entries like “tell what happened” and “explain why:”

After making notes of his own Andrei takes a short break, eating a couple of pastries that he’d saved for himself and drinking some coffee. Fully refreshed Andrei feels ready to tackle the crazy notes sent from London by Elias:


Over three hours later, his head pounding, Andrei has made a second set of notes containing the few scraps of information that he manages to extract from the almost indecipherable pages. Everything else appears to be utterly unreadable scribble.
The Nairobi Notes of Jackson Elias wrote: The London Notes of Jackson Elias.
This set of notes embarrassed and alarmed Jonah Kensington. The pages are folded and stitched together to form a small quarto volume containing dozens of mismatched pages. Frequently a page or a dozen pages are blank. Sometimes a single word is repeated for several pages. Most entries are written with agitation and can barely be read.

All the words are clearly in Elias’ hand. The following quotes represent what can be gleaned from this text:
“Many names, many forms, but all the same and toward one end… Need Help... Too big, too ghastly. These dreams... dreams like Carlyle’s? Check that psychoanalyst’s files... All of them survived! They’ll open the gate. Why?... so the power and the danger is real. They... many threads beginning... The books are in Carlyle’s safe... Coming for me. Will the ocean protect? Ho Ho no quitters now. Must tell, and make readers Believe. Should I scream for them? Let’s scream together...”.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:54 pm
by Raiko
The Medical Affairs Board – Suite 1002 Park Avenue & 61st street, New York
11:00am – Wednesday 14th January 1925

Caroline gains access to the New York offices of the Medical Affairs Board without any problem. They are located in suite number 1002 on the tenth floor of a corner office block. Huston’s records are stored in several neatly labelled boxes stacked up in storeroom next to the offices of Mr Adrian Ferris, secretary of the board.

Unfortunately Mr Ferris takes his job far too seriously and refuses to leave the room while Caroline looks through the files. She spots the files of both Erica and Roger Carlyle, but is unable to look inside as the pedantic secretary isn’t distracted even for a second.

After making a few totally useless notes about her own patient’s paranoia over the non-existent affairs of her rich husband, Caroline is forced to admit defeat and leave the offices. If they want to gain access to the Carlyle files, it will require burglary!

Bloomingdale’s – 59th Street & Lexington Avenue, New York
2:20pm – Wednesday, 14th January 1925

Elizabeth tries calling Olivia at her Central Park West Apartment, but learns that she has gone out shopping for the day.

Thinking to herself that they both probably frequent the same kinds of shops as each other, Elizabeth takes the opportunity to combine good detective work with a new wardrobe, and drags Maksim off around Manhattan’s most fashionable clothes shops and department stores.

After several constructive hours of clothes shopping Elizabeth spots her quarry across the hat department of Bloomingdale's. Shouting her name and waving Elizabeth rushes across to Olivia, with Maksim following behind, his hands filled with paper carrier bags stuffed with Evening gowns, shoes and hats.

Thomas’ Offices
4:00pm – Wednesday 14th January 1925

Thomas calls his associate and then heads back to the New York Public Library, this time with Johnny as his companion.

Unfortunately neither he nor the Chinese bodyguard can dig up any useful information about the mysterious Jack Brady. His name is occasionally mentioned as an associate or companion of Roger Carlyle, but never in any detail. They find a few photographs of him with Carlyle, Brady is a big, hard looking man, his appearance suggesting a soldier or boxer, but they don’t find anything else.

Leaving the library frustrated, the two call in at Thomas’ offices on their way back to Downing House. It turns out that Thomas’ associate has had much more success.

Brady was a former US Marine and mercenary who fought for the Corps in China, before travelling the world as a soldier of fortune. He has a string of minor convictions for drunkenness and violence, plus one acquitted charge of murder...

Brady was changed with murder after throttling an opponent to death in a drunken brawl in Oilfield California. The murder case should have been an easy conviction; there were numerous eyewitnesses, many of whom had unsuccessfully tried to drag the enraged Brady off of his victim.

However the open-and-shut case was blown out of the water when the young Roger Carlyle became interested, for no apparent reason. After meeting Brady in his cell, Carlyle hired a team of the country’s best defence attorneys to represent Brady. Systematically destroying the credibility of each eyewitness in turn they soon reduced the case against Brady to a shambles.

Since then the unlikely couple seem to have become inseparable friends, Brady having never again been charged with any offence, any violence that he’s used has been perfectly reasonable in defence of Carlyle.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:59 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim helps her shop with good humour, putting on a terribly false British accent as he compliments her choices, the clothing design, the stores, no doubt to the disgust of the various people working inside the shop.

He'll chat to her about how she can possibly enjoy spending so much time shopping, whether she's ever thought of learning how to drive dangerously, and whether her parents know that she's gallavanting about the city with a devillishly handsome and fairly uncouth Russian pilot.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:31 pm
by imme
Elizabeth is highly amused by the charming Maksim (she's glad to see that he's snapped out of his earlier mood) and happily agrees to learn how to drive from him. "It'll be a blast!"

"Olivia! How are you? It's been ages. <blahblahblah> Have you heard the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra? They've got this new trumpet player who plays really hot music. <blahblahblah> I've got an apartment on Central Park West, beautiful view of the Park. I'm thinking of redecorating, sometime in the winter I always get in the mood for something new. Oh, please don't think me rude for asking, but do you know if there are any photographs by Hypatia still available? It's just that I loved her work so much when I saw it in college, and when I was thinking of what new things I'd like in my apartment her work came to mind."

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:33 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim will stay quiet during the conversation but when spoken to will attempt to be as charming as possible.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:44 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour hefted the heavy case of ammo onto the hand cart he’d brought with him and slapped the side of the wooden box containing his machinegun with a happy grin.

Americans made such good guns, he wondered sadly if his own Homeland would ever learned the craft as well, given the second hand French equipment they’d been forced to work with back in the war.

A swift, cold wind kicked up garbage and dead leaves on the street and forced the warm blooded Russian to pull his collar up and use a gloved hand to assist his buttons in holding the front of his jacket closed.

But it was more than the frosty wind that sent a chill up and down his spine. As he glanced once more to the far end of the alleyway and saw a long black car parked there. He couldn’t make out who was driving it, but he got the feeling they were a little too interested in what he was up to.

Reaching a hand inside of his coat Timour watched in amusement as the car pulled away and disappeared behind a nearby building. Chuckling to himself, the pilot pulled out a cigar and did his best to light it among the draft.

It appeared things were getting more interesting around here. Perhaps he’d made a good decision staying on with the Downing party after all.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:38 pm
by Decrepit
As she left the medical affairs office, Caroline could not believe her foul luck. I would have to find the one diligent bureaucrat in the entire Western world, she thinks darkly. Not much to do now but to return to Elizabeth's with the bad news. Someone else would have to try to bluff his way past the clerks, or ... something else would have to be tried. Good lord, what was she thinking? She was still smarting from her failure. I'll be the only one who's failed, I imagine, she laments.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:55 pm
by Raiko
Bloomingdale’s – 59th Street & Lexington Avenue, New York
2:20pm – Wednesday, 14th January 1925

It turns out that Miss Olivia de Bernardesta is quite a gossip.

“Hello Liz! It’s so good to see you again! What a great surprise. <blahblahblah> Yes I live along there myself and the view is superb! <blahblahblah> Now who is this fine man you’ve got carrying your bags? Ohh, your new driver? Well if you ever grow tired of him, send him my way! <blahblahblah> Terrible what happened to poor Hypatia, I was quite distraught. <blahblahblah> No, no she was just good friends with Roger, they went out once or twice, but never courted. But didn’t you hear about her little fling with that Marxist guy Raoul it was quite a scandal! <blahblahblah> Well obviously she had too get the baby aborted, I mean can you imagine what everyone would think! He was quite angry about that though. I’m quite sure that Hypatia took off on Roger’s Expedition just to avoid seeing him again.”

“I’ve got a few of her photos stored away, you must come to one of my parties sometime and I’ll let you have a few.”

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:37 pm
by coffee demon
Spending an entire day reading Jackson Elias' papers helps overcome Andrei's scepticism about what seemed to actually happen. By the end of the day, Andrei has a hard time not believing everything Jackson has written, and he's coming to his own conclusions.

In a dark and serious mood, Andrei takes the train back to the Downings with his book of notes. The potential severity of Jackson's situation sends shivers up Andrei's spine.

On the train ride, he flips through the book - did he really read those things?

"coming for me.." it read.

If they're coming for Jackson, what will it take for them to come to us?

Andrei will be distracted all night until they start talking about their findings again.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:02 pm
by warhammer
Thomas goes back to Elizabeth's place while attempting to chat with Johnny. He knew it was the man's job to be discreet and he had not been surprised that he had kept rather quiet so far. However, he still wanted to learn more about Johnny, who seemed to be a man of surprises.

"My associate had more luck than we did, though I didn't think we'd find much at the library." he says while puffing smoke from his cigarette. "Brady was almost sentenced for murder, but Carlyle stepped in at the last minute and bought his freedom through lawyers who might be less scrupulous than I am. How they met, and why Carlyle did this, remains a mystery at the moment. But it's understandable that they became close friends afterwards."

"That still doesn't get us very far." he adds with a frown after a brief pause. "How did you come to work for Ms Downing?"

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:46 am
by imme
"Look at this great hat I just found! <blahblahblah> Raoul? Who was he? <blahblahblah>" Elizabeth tries to wade through the flood of information coming from Olivia for anything that could possibly be useful.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:10 am
by Grafster
After getting the information about Brady "Fairly typical. Except for the beginning. I would like to find out what attracted him to Brady in the first place. Did he see the attack? Did he have some reason to dislike the man Brady killed?"
"There should be something about who Brady was attacking in the library. Unless Carlyle was in the habit of visiting people he didn't know in jail something should have sparked his interest."

Johnny tends to be fairly quiet, but spending a day with him does tease out information (as do direct questions on the subject). He knows, for example, his way around the New York Public Library, "from when I was a student". In terms of searching for information he seems to focus on certain kinds of information, trying to find things like police reports instead of more regular searches (i.e. news papers).

"I've known Miss Downing's father since I was a boy in San Francisco. In a sense he was my patron, he sponsored me to come out here and study after I wasn't allowed into college in California. I was very fortunate that he did not hold it against me after stopped communicating properly after college. When one of his agents looked me up I was unemployed. We came to anarrangement and I've been with them ever since."

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:40 am
by coffee demon
Andrei eventually shows up at the Downings. He steps into the room where Johnny and Thomas are talking, looking emotionally drained and exhausted.

"Would anyone care for a drink?"

He leaves the room to get whatever drinks the two would like, and pours himself a Scotch. Then he returns, dropping himself into a chair. He feels comfortable with these two men, who both seem quiet and level-headed.

He relates the day's discoveries:

"...the most significant thing is that Jackson Elias thinks he's having the same dreams as Carlyle. How would he know that? It all sounds so strange and...dark, and I can't help but believe that he's telling the truth.. or at least, he thinks he is. After reading so many of his notes, I'm really looking forward to speaking to him in person."

"His most recent correspondences speak about wanting to find Mr Carlyle's psychoanalyst's files. Maybe Caroline found them today. That might help piece this whole thing together."

After they speak for a while longer, Andrei asks,

"So... how.. risky do you two think this situation is for us? Do you have the feeling that we're getting into something dangerous?"

Andrei definitely feels like something ominous is approaching, and wants to know if its just him.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:08 am
by warhammer
"Yeah, give me a stiff one." answers Thomas as he is offered a drink. He drinks it fairly quickly, frustrated that he only managed to learn trivial bits and pieces so far.

"The psychoanalyst's files are of the utmost importance." he says. "Without them, we can't get a good grasp on Carlyle's state of mind, although he already seems pretty unstable to me. I sincerely hope Ms Ward won't come home empty-handed."

Thomas finishes his drink.

"Another one, please... Thanks. I don't know, Mr... I mean, Andrei. Perhaps we can drop the formality? We'll see how dangerous it all is once we learn a little more and once we finally get to talk to Jackson Elias. This might all be the delusions of a couple of deranged minds. We'll find out soon, that's for sure."

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:40 am
by Raiko
Bloomingdale’s – 59th Street & Lexington Avenue, New York
2:30pm – Wednesday, 14th January 1925

“<blahblahblah>Oh Raoul, well Hypatia was quite taken by him, he was a student at City College. He came from Honduras and thought of himself a bit of a freedom fighter fighter you see. Very dashing and scandalous.<blahblahblah>I think his full name was Raoul Luis Piñera, but I haven’t really seen him since Hypatia left.<blahblahblah> I never really liked Roger<blahblah>I mean he was ok, but that Jack Brady was scary<blahblah>heard he saved Roger’s life in a bar fight in California.<blahblahblah>”

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:03 am
by coffee demon
warhammer wrote: We'll see how dangerous it all is once we learn a little more and once we finally get to talk to Jackson Elias. This might all be the delusions of a couple of deranged minds. We'll find out soon, that's for sure."

Andrei swirls his drink around in the glass, considering Thomas' words.. he doesn't mind silences in a conversation.

"Yes. But if they're both deranged... doesn't that prove something? Most of Jackon Elias' notes are very coherent, up until recently. What would make someone become so frantic? And, in Mr. Carlyle's case, require a doctor to travel with him?"

Andrei lets these thoughts sink in with Johnny and Thomas.

"You're correct, though - we'll find out soon enough. Would you like a game of billiards? I could use a bit of a distraction from this whole thing."

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:54 pm
by imme
Elizabeth comes flying in the front door with many bags full of clothes and a new hat on her head. She walks into the room where Andrei, Johnny, and Thomas have gathered, pulling off her gloves. "Oh, good, most everyone is back. Caroline has yet to appear, but Timour is outside testing his new gun. Did you all have productive days? I ended up finding Olivia at Bloomingdale's--do you like my new hat? Trying to get information from her was like drinking from a fire hose, but I did manage to learn that Hypatia was involved with some communist named Raoul before the Expedition, was probably went to get away from him. I also heard that Jack Brady saved Roger's life in a bar fight, but I'm not sure if that's worth believing.

"Oh! I also had Maksim start teaching me how to drive! What a blast! He says, if I practice enough, soon I should be able to make a bootlegger turn!

"Is there anything I should know before Erica calls this evening and I explain that the Rukov twins aren't conmen?"

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:55 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline comes back, finally, to Elizabeth's place. Her attempt at a stoic look fails rather miserably, and it's clear to anyone watching that she's frustrated.

"Well, that was a bust," she says. "I could see Huston's papers were there, all boxed up, but for the life of me I couldn't get the clerk to leave me alone with them or even leave the room for a second.

"I guess we're just going to have to steal them," she deadpans.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:00 pm
by Laraqua
"She's an untrained natural," Maksim responds, not seeming to notice Andrei's suddenly surly demeanor. "But I wouldn't be expecting to do a proper bootlegger's turn until at least halfway through your second lesson."

"How are we going to steal them?"

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:18 pm
by Timour Rukov
"Steal what now?" asks Timour coming back after storing his machine gun in the trunk of his vehicle.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:53 pm
by Decrepit
"Wait, are we really going to steal them?" Caroline asks with a nervous laugh. "I was just joking." She glances around nervously, trying to gauge whether she's stepped into something really risky.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:03 pm
by Laraqua
"The good doctor wants us to steal some documents," Maksim says with a smile, folding his arms in front of his chest.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:17 pm
by Timour Rukov
"I'm in," replies Maksim's twin without hesistation. "If the doctor says we need to steal them, then obviously there is no other way."

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:22 pm
by warhammer
Thomas plays billiards with Andrei for a short bit. He perceived Andrei as a nice guy, albeit one who might let other people walk all over him at times. Although he did nothing to display his opinion, he spent a good deal of the game wondering whether this assumption was correct or not.

Before they can finish, Thomas and Andrei are interrupted by the arrival of the rest of the group.

Thomas mentions what he managed to learn about Jack Brady and confirms the story about the bar fight. "So that's why Carlyle helped him to begin with.", he nods. He greets the news of Caroline coming empty-handed with a few words of common courtesy followed by a disappointed (and slightly harsh) silence.

Thomas stands up and instantly reacts when he hears the rest of the group considering burglary.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold your horses." he says with a firm voice. "It's a pity Ms Ward did not bring the file back. "But we aren't, I repeat, we aren't going to commit burglary. I will not get you out of this if you get caught. And anyway you won't get caught, since you're not going to do it."

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:36 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim smiles and holds out his hands. "You thought I was serious? Have a little faith in me. I was only teasing the good doctor."

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:13 am
by Grafster
Johnny has politely, but silently, refused all offers of drink; though is volume of smoking almost doubles.

He doesn't respond significantly to the questions intially broached by Thomas and Andrei and becomes even more quiet as the number of people in the room increases.

"Certainly stealing those files would be a difficult, possibly dangerous and certainly illegal. I actually may know someone who works in that area. They may know of a sympathetic individual who could be persuaded to allow us to see the files, or at least give us an idea if there is a legal route."

"I'll need to be fairly specific about what we're looking for. He's not the brightest apple. Where did you say they were located again?"

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:04 am
by Raiko
Downing House – Bayside, Long Island, New York
8:30pm – Wednesday 14th January, 1925

The clear winter skies have slowly given way to heavy cloud during the day, and now outside the windows of Downing House the first flakes of snow can be seen tumbling down onto the lawns. The snowfall is only likely to be light here, and across the bay in Manhattan, the areas further inland will likely bear the brunt of the wintry weather.

This is nothing that the New Yorkers and Russians haven’t seen many times before, and they continue talking and drinking in the warmth of Downing House’s cosy billiards room.

Outside in the hallway the telephone rings, and a few moments later Jeffery the butler enters the room, “Miss Elizabeth, there is a Mr Corey calling for you.”

Disappointed that it isn’t Erica herself, Elizabeth takes the call:

“Good evening Miss Downing, it’s Mr Corey from Carlyle House. I apologise, but Miss Carlyle had to leave tonight on urgent business.”

“She sends her utmost apologies, and hopes that you will be able to attend her dinner dance on Friday evening. She is looking forward to meeting you.”

[OOC: I’ve added this part as problems with the board stopped Imme continuing the conversation before things moved on]

Elizabeth explains to Mr Corey that it was all a big mix-up; the Rukov twins are actually friends of a friend, not conmen and it was all a big misunderstanding. They were trying to find Elizabeth, and somehow thought Erica could help them.

“Oh well at least that’s sorted out now, no harm done. Perhaps your Russian friends would like to join you at the dance. I’d particularly like to meet the one who was driving their car.”

“See you on Friday, assuming we’re not snowed in here of course.”

Mr Corey chuckles and hangs up.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:59 am
by coffee demon
Andrei has also been quiet, drinking Scotches at a quicker-than-casual rate.

Finally he speaks up - he's speaking a little more loudly than he needs to, and his voice is tinged with aggression.

"Don't get so worked up, people. There's no need to steal anything, or contact shady individuals, if that's what your talking about.. Just wait until Jackson arrives tommorrow. Perhaps he can convince Mrs. Carlyle to retrieve the records instead. Don't risk yourselves over this thing, when you don't even know what's happening yet."

He turns away and fills his glass with scotch. Then he turns back to the group, about to ask a question:

"When.. oh, nevermind."

He shakes his head like he's clearing his mind, and leaves the room.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:00 am
by coffee demon
Andrei has also been quiet, drinking Scotches at a quicker-than-casual rate.

Finally he speaks up - he's speaking a little more loudly than he needs to, and his voice is tinged with aggression.

"Don't get so worked up, people. There's no need to steal anything, or contact shady individuals, if that's what your talking about.. Just wait until Jackson arrives tommorrow. Perhaps he can convince Mrs. Carlyle to retrieve the records instead. Don't risk yourselves over this thing, when you don't even know what's happening yet."

He turns away and fills his glass with scotch. Then he turns back to the group, about to ask a question:

"When.. oh, nevermind."

He shakes his head like he's clearing his mind, and leaves the room.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:17 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour pockets the fin he won off Thomas at pool and shakes his head while his opponent racks the balls for a second game, "no breaking and entering, no stealing valuable files. hell, you'd probably even have a problem with kidnapping that Carlyle broad and finding those answers we're looking for."

Judging the neutral look on Thomas's face he couldn't really tell if he'd gotten under his skin the way he'd meant to. "It's like my father always said; lawyers, no sense of adventure."

Then he winked devilishly to show he was half joking and broke for the next game.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:25 am
by imme
Elizabeth frowns as Andrei leaves the room, but doesn't follow after him. "Well, the next two days should be interesting enough. I think that by now we're all anxious to meet with Jackson and hear what he has to say. And then on Friday evening I can go to Erica's party and finally meet her."

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:21 am
by Laraqua
"I can't wait to see what new pieces of the puzzle are in store for us," Maksim says. "Have you done this sort of thing before, Elizabeth? I just get the feeling this isn't the first time you've chased after secrets."

He watches Timour playing pool and shakes his head. "So will we all go, then? Doctor Ward? Timour? Thomas, if indeed, I may call you that." He looks over at the other members of the group curiously. "I'm keen to follow dear Elizabeth wherever she goes but I'm a darn sight more curious that most everyone else I know."

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:43 am
by warhammer
"You can call me Thomas alright." says Thomas "You know, it's only been for the last few years that people even started calling me "Mr Allan"."

Thomas had looked unimpressed with Timour's comments and had just silently kept puffing on his cigarette. However, a few minutes later, he walks up to Timour and confronts him.

"Believe me, I've lived plenty of adventures." he says. "I'm 34 and have gone through more action, more thicks and thins, and more real, real life than most people ever do during their lifetime. I know when it's appropriate to put my neck on the line and I know when it's not. Impulsive actions will lead you nowhere and can easily ruin our chances to solve our mystery. Have a little self-control, if you think you can manage that."

In order to show he is also "half-joking", Thomas then cracks a faint smile and raises his glass to Timour.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:37 am
by coffee demon
Andrei walks slowly down the hall towards his room - he drank more than he should have and he feels awful. Deep down, he feels big, clumsy, ugly, and inept in busy social situations, and is tired of trying to compete with people that are good at it.

On the surface, he thinks: I'm tired of having these people around. I wish I could just go back to my apartment downtown - without Elizabeth.

Andrei is positive that Ellie is going to fall for Maks, and is trying to put up barriers before it even happens.

He sits down in his room, closes the door, and starts writing a letter to his sister in Paris. Secretly, he wishes Elizabeth would come, but he imagines her laughing and joking with everyone downstairs.

I'm too drunk to write my sister.

Andrei lies in bed, unable to sleep, thinking dark lonely thoughts.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:37 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour stifles a chuckle as Thomas finishs his confrontation, his point made. The Russian chalks his cue and gives the other man a half nod while pursing his lips.

It was clear, as most emotions Timour had that he was impressed at the man's ability to stand up for himself. Thomas could gauge that the pilot hadn't held out much hope that he would.

"Perhaps," said Timour leaning in close to maximize the privacy of his words, "perhaps, in the end you are a little bit more warrior than lawyer. Nyet?"

Satisfide he looks back at Maksim and shoots a sly look his way. In Russian he replies, "see that, the direct approach wins again. Already I've learned more about this man in one conversation than all your silly mind games have managed in days. Maybe it's time to forget those romance books and term papers and start learning from the master."

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:48 am
by Maksim Rukov
"You assumed he wasn't strong of heart and quick-witted?" Maksim asks in Russian, confused. "Or is there something else you're saying you have noticed? For despite my lack of focus on that man I did expect the reaction you got, both remarkably restrained and determined."

"And as for my mind games I must profess I haven't played any in a while, more's the pity, for I've been in some rather genuine moods. Perhaps I have been around you for far too long?"

"Did you notice that poor other man's upset nature at my taking his dear fiance for a drive? You would think I was you, judging by the way he reacted."

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:04 pm
by Raiko
Downing House – Bayside, Long Island, New York
9:05am – Thursday 15th January, 1925

The light snowfall has continued through the night, and an inch or two of snow now covers the grounds of the Downing Estate. The house-staff add fresh wood to the fires to ensure that the large house will remain warm throughout the day.

The rest of Long Island and Manhattan are also lightly covered with snow, exasperating the normal morning traffic queues between Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan. To the north the horizon is a grey blur, as heavy snow falls on the rest of the state.
In todays Newspapers:
President Coolidge intends to look outside the diplomatic service for an Ambassador to Germany to fill the vacancy to be caused by the transfer of Alanson B. Houghton from the Berlin mission to become Ambassador to Great Britain.

As the current political situation in China worsens Tuan Chi-jui, Provisional President of China, has given General Lu Yung-hsiang full authority to deal with the Shanghai situation. Eight trains with reinforcements from Manchuria are proceeding to Pukow.

Elsewhere in China: Negotiations in Peking between Japanese Minister Mr. Yoshizawa, and M. Karakhan, the Soviet Ambassador to China are said to be close to reaching a successful conclusion, Japan would get oil and coal rights in North Sakhalin and withdraw troops, but will recognise Russia as a state, the time of Japan's evacuation of the island has not been settled.

Also in the news Harvard is raising it’s tuition fees by $20-$50, and New York middleweight Paul Berlenbach last night scored a knockout over Rocky Smith of Battle Creek, Michigan in the fourth round of a scheduled ten-round bout.

[OOC: Meant to do the Newspaper thing from the start, but kept forgetting]

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:17 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim wakes up early to give the Studebaker a once-over. If anything dodgy happens, he wants to make sure the car is fit to go. The weather's not that bad compared to some of the windows he'd experienced.

He then goes inside to hunt down someone to talk to, feeling exceptionally cheerful and in a great mood to chat, a big grin on his face.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:09 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour steps out of the bathroom having changed into his latest suit. Adusting his fashionable new tie he spots Ms. Downing quietly exiting her room and turns to greet her, "good morning Elizabeth," he says with his most playful smile, "sleep well?"

His question may have been a social grey area, maybe an enquiry better reserved for people with a different relationship but he was fairly certain she'd be more amused than upset by it.

"Have a chance to look at the jacket of that book yet? I skimmed the write-up and thought it might have been just your kind of thing. High society, parties, intrigue, rocky friendships, a mystery, lies..."

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:22 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim comes across the two but stands back around the corner of the corridor, leaning against the wall and listening in with a smirk on his face. He won't interrupt, and he won't attempt to avoid notice were they to come around the corner, but he is listening carefully to what they say.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:00 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline slips out of bed, hoping that today will be a better day for her than yesterday. She realizes that she disappointed the others, especially on something that might turn out to have been important and that, really, she should have been able to handle. What must they think of me? she asks herself.

Enough, she tells herself. She was prone to dark thoughts and all too ready to condemn herself for the slightest misstep. Besides, all that talk about burglary was just a joke, really. They'd find some way around this obstacle without resorting to breaking the law ... again.

Reading Elias's Sons of Death had been no way to cheer herself up. Elias was a vibrant writer, especially for a scholar, and the pages pulsed with morbid imagery about the Thugee cult and their killing ways. Caroline found herself driven almost to distraction by the book last night, and she recalls some disquieting dreams of a shape she can only barely recall. Meeting Elias--if, indeed, he ever came around--would be interesting, at any rate. Andrei's assessment of Elias's most recent notes, however, led her to think that Elias's would not be a amiable visit.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:02 pm
by imme
"I did sleep well, thank you. How was your rest?" Timour notices a sparkle in Elizabeth's eye. "I love mornings like this, with a fresh layer of snow. Everything looks so pristine."

"Yes, I did start reading that book, thank you for the gift. It's funny that someone wrote about us here on Long Island. I'm not sure what I think of it yet, I haven't gotten very far in."

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:12 pm
by Grafster
Johnny sidles up to Maksim; which would put him out of sight of Elizabeth and Timour.

"Something troubles me," Johnny begins without preamble, "namely that my presence in the car with you two was noted. This fact, unfortunately, renders Miss Downings explanation somewhat transparent to someone inclined to consider the matter."

Johnny continues, "It is likely that the fact that Miss Downing is frequently accompanied by a Chinese has been noted. The suggestion that you (i.e. the brothers) were looking for Andrei through her is unlikely to hold water; since one would tend to presume that I would know where to find Miss Downing."

"If I saw the large bald man in the car then may have seen me as well. And the fact that Miss Carlyle has difficulty appearing on the phone is also cause for concern."

"Maksim I assume that the registration is in your name, and lists your address?"

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:14 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour nods to her and upon seeing Andrei suddenly arrive to investigate their conversation he bids her good morning, turns and goes downstairs.

She hadn't taken his bait, a clever girl. Most women, with the way he had let the sentence hang would have asked if he was calling them a liar.

He wondered absently if she was as truly naive as she would appear to others or more likley if she had already deduced for herself any lies she was currently living.

He suspected as he moved into the breakfast area that she would figure things out rather well on her own before too long. One thing he didn't see in Elizabeth's future was her getting her heartbroken over anything or anyone. Though the same could likely not be said about others when it came to chasing after her affection.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:17 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim nods thoughtfully. "Actually, it's registered under Timour's name. We don't exactly have a permanent address so that's hardly an issue..." He clucks his tongue. "We should tell the boss about this."

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:37 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei's first sight upon entering the sitting room is Timour leaning over Elizabeth in a close conversation. Anyone observing sees Andrei's face drop into a look of utter despondence. He stops in his tracks as Timour turns away.

That looked more than a little guilty to me.

Just as quickly, his face hardens, he drops his gaze to the floor, and continues walking - past the group with a muttered "good morning", and into the dining area.


A few minutes later, anyone looking out the front windows will see Andrei bundled up, hands in pockets, head down, strolling towards the far perimeters of the Downing estate.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:46 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Andrei can hear heavy footfalls in the snow behind him and good-natured shouts to wait. Glancing back, he can see Maksim attempt to jog behind him, dressed without his jacket.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:53 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei turns, his heart in his throat..

Oh God, the last thing I want to do is talk to him right now..

He manages a weak smile and waits for Maks to catch up, hands in pockets. Snow settles on his broad shoulders and grey cap.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:01 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim pants from the cold as he struggles to stop, his body trembling with shivers, but still he has that damn smile on his face, though at least his eyes show genuine concern, if Andrei cares to notice. "Wh-where are you off ... off to in such a hurry?" he asks.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:13 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei's fake smile warms into something more genuine, but he still looks guarded, hands in pockets, shoulders shrugged against the cold.

Its hard to stay angry around these brothers. And Elizabeth. Which is probably why she'd be better off with one of them instead. I'm such a wet blanket.

<<Nowhere in a hurry>>, Andrei replies in Russian. <<I just need a morning walk.>> He breathes a big sigh and evades eye contact, looking over Maks' shoulder at the manor. He's embarassed at his childish behaviour.

Surely everyone is watching us from the windows, too, he thinks. How sad is this?

Andrei isn't looking very talkative.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:21 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Well, enjoy your walk, I guess," Maksim says. Then he switches to Russian, head bent against his neck to keep himself warm. <<I'm sorry, Andrei, it was wrong of me to keep Elizabeth out in a car by herself, for both safety reasons and for the sake of the peace of your mind. If that's not what's bothering you, you're a stronger man than most, especially considering my brother's reputation. We merely got to talking about driving, which is a love of mine, and...>>

kicks at some snow. <<I didn't do too well earlier yesterday when I attempted to escape. The others didn't notice it so hopefully it remains between you and me, but it was more a lucky break that I pulled it off. I lost control for a moment and it frazzled me.>>

<<What I'm saying is, I was just keen to prove my driving skill by teaching someone with less skill than me, and it was refreshing to see someone so interested by what was happening. But it was still fairly scandalous and... Well, I'm sorry, but she doubtless loves you and so it's not that you need to worry about anything from her end.>> He rubs the back of his neck, waits for a reply, no matter how brief, then turns and marches back to the house with a nod goodbye.

He doesn't look back when he makes his final comment. <<Oh, and don't worry about Timour. He's an ass but he's not going to get far with a gem like your woman.>>

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:41 pm
by coffee demon
<<It's OK, Maks, I appreciate that.>> Andrei reaches over, squeezes his shoulder and gives it a friendly shake. He keeps his hand on Maks' shoulder, repeating, <<I really do appreciate that.>>

Andrei watches Maks walk away, smiling when he mentions Timour.

Then he puts his hands back in his pockets and takes a leisurely walk around the ground, breathing deeply and enjoying the fresh morning air.

That feels a little better. I still feel stupid though. Everyone must think I'm such an idiot. Why can't I just be easygoing about these things? Ah well, it's a beautiful morning. When I get back I'm going to give Ellie a big hug. He imagines her squealing when he tries to kiss her neck with his cold lips.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:46 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maks heads inside where the snow on him rapidly melts, making his clothes slightly damp and his hair even more so. Catching a glimpse in the mirror he considers the look more devillish than anything and so doesn't bother to towel dry his hair, preferring instead to annoy the good doctor. If she wasn't up yet, he'd make her get up. He'd spoken enough to Timour over the years and going to have a chat with Elizabeth wouldn't be a good move after being so apologetic to Andrei.

He wasn't sure if he was lying or just getting old when he had been so reassuring to Andrei. In the old days he wouldn't let a proposal stop him, after all, if the relationship was strong enough, nothing but potent mind games, of the sort he only played when he hated someone, could break them up.

He hunts down Caroline's room and raps on the door. If she answers it, he gives her a smile and says: "I'm bored. Entertain me?" in as charming a manner as he can muster.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:51 pm
by Decrepit
"Entertain you, you say?" Caroline says as she sees Maks knock on her door. "Entertain you?"

She steps closer to him, not breaking eye contact.

"I daresay, Mr. Rukov, that I didn't go to medical school and run up substantial debts and suffer from the ravages of lost sleep and worry so that I could someday find a way to entertain you."

Hoping for his full attention, she continues, less cooly but still firmly. "Mr. Rukov, if you wish to ingratiate yourself with me, you should appreciate the fact that I and other 'modern women' are not the appendages of some man, however handsome or charming he may be--or fancy himself to be. Should you wish for a shared entertainment, I may be all too ready to agree, but I do not serve at your feet or your whim."

The slightest hint of a smile returns. It's a smile that's intended to say she meant what she said but that no permanent harm has been done.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:59 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim looks confused. "Oh?" Then he takes a step back, eyes widening. "Oh!" His brow furrows. "What? I don't... I mean, I really didn't mean it like that."

"I'm not like my brother." He sighs, looking down at his two-tone shoes. "And neither are you. I'll try not to treat you like him, like a friend I already knew, and try to keep things on a more professional level."

He gives a shrug, the smile back. "I mean, hey, if modern women want to be treated like strangers, then I guess that's your right." He tips an imaginary hat. "Good day."

He turns and heads for some coffee and some more friendly contact.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:32 am
by Raiko
Downing House – Bayside, Long Island, New York
9:40am – Thursday 15th January, 1925

The telephone begins ringing in the hallway...

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:05 am
by coffee demon
Andrei is still walking, and won't return for a while yet.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:26 am
by Decrepit
Hmm, Caroline thinks as Maksim saunters off. He's extremely hard to read. Perhaps what she'd judged as garden-variety sexism had merely been an attempt--albeit a clumsy one--to be friendly, not obnoxious or lecherous. Perhaps Russian ways were simply ... different. This seemed to merit further study. There might even be a paper in this somewhere--the cross-cultural mating rites of the Russian male. But, then again, her field wasn't anthropology.

She then hears the phone ring, and ring, interrupting her thoughts. Is someone going to attend to that? she wonders.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:32 am
by Grafster
After it rings for a minute and no one answers Johnny[/b picks up the phone.

"Hello, Downing Residence, how may I help you?"

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:37 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim heads in the direction of the ringing phone, asking directions from any staff members he meets, on the way to it. He's curious, bored, and wants a distraction from Caroline's outburst.

It preys on his mind far too much...

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:45 am
by Raiko
The person on the other end of the telephone line remains silent for so long that Johnny is just about to hang up when they suddenly speak, their voice rushed and almost breathless, as if panicked.

"...Elizabeth Downing please."

Johnny does not recognise the voice.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:49 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour enters the room and spots the peculiar look on Johnny's face. Looking at Maksim he mouths the words, <<who is it?>>

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:01 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim shrugs.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:22 am
by Decrepit
"Did someone get the--" Caroline starts, then stops when she sees Johnny holding the receiver. A group had gathered, and no one seemed to be saying anything.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:07 am
by Grafster
Johnny says “May I ask who is speaking?”

Assuming it is Elias and Johnny thinks that the person in question is not lying.

“I will summon her immediately.”


Johnny continues, “She has been waiting for your call. She has been a touch concerned about your well being.”

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:28 am
by imme
After Andrei passed her with a brief “good morning”, Elizabeth got up and left the room through the opposite door, a frown visible to anyone who could see her face. She ran upstairs.


Elizabeth comes hurrying into the room. She seems flustered, but it’s hard to read any emotions behind that. She is a bit disheveled, but that could be from racing through the house to answer the telephone. “Thanks, Johnny.” She takes the receiver, “Hello?”

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:12 am
by Raiko
"Ellie, meet me at room 410, Chelsea Hotel, 8:30pm"

Jackson hangs up.

Elizabeth hardly recognised her friend's voice, he sounded so panicked and abrupt.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:15 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim is concerned by her dishevelled appearance. He hadn't seen her look so untidy before. He turns his face away, feeling rather guilty, as she gets the message, and goes to stand by Timour.

<<What an audience for a simple phone call, nyet?>> he says, then without waiting for an answer, he turns back to Elizabeth, who by this point is likely putting the phone down.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:57 am
by Grafster
Having overheard Jackson's instructions from his position standing near Miss Downing when he handed over the phone Johnny frowns. Glancing over at the clock he notes the time (~9:35am).

11-plus hours to stew. This could be some sort of scam; if he were really in trouble he'd probably want to see her sooner.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:51 am
by warhammer
Thomas had spent the remainder of yesterday sitting in the living room, smoking like a chimney and reading through the copy of the notes Jonah Kensington had given to Andrei. If he had been asked what he thinks of the notes, Thomas would have declined to answer and asked to give him the night to think about it. The attitude required for his job, especially when compared to his reckless days as a homeless boy, had taught him the value of not needlessly rushing into things.


Thomas wakes up slightly late the next day. The sound of the phone ringing and the agitation downstairs prompts him to immediately come down and see what the fuss is about, not bothering to shave. He is slightly puzzled when the others tell him about the call, but he quickly regains his composure.

"I don't know about you..." Thomas says after Elizabeth hangs up, "... but I'll be bringing this bad boy with me for our appointment." He shows the loaded handgun resting in his jacket.

"Why all this mystery? Jackson Elias must think he's in great danger. I would really like to know why he can't meet with us now, since he seems to be in New York already."

After remaining silent for a little bit, Thomas speaks again.

"How about we go there in advance? Not at 8:30pm, but... right now? And see if he's there."

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:56 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim twirls the Studebaker keys around his fingers. "How about I drive? Arrive, leave, see if anybody tries to follow me again. That way we'll know if there's something between Miss Carlyle and this mysterious caller? Anyone want to come for a drive?"

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:18 am
by Grafster
"Let me get my coat. I'll meet you in the garage."

Johnny limps off down a hallway.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:03 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Timour, time to go get all the smaller of the bad ideas you've bought," Maksim says. <<Nothing illegal. For all we know, it might be a police set-up or something else rather odd.>> "Anyone else who's up for excitement, feel free to meet up at the Studebaker. We can fit a total of five."

He turns to head back to his room, passing Caroline on the way, he gives her a cheerful grin and tips that imaginary hat again, and then goes into his nearby room to grab a few things, including his gun, which he holds for a moment, then discards. A concealed weapon will cause more trouble than anything else, especially in his hands, but then again, a spare gun is better than having Andrei reloading. Those machine guns still on his mind, he checks the gun and decides to check with the others what they think.

He chuckles, checking himself in the mirror, finger combing his hair and tossing on a dark brown trenchcoat and bowler hat. Just because he was likely to give the gun to someone else, and so wouldn't be armed, didn't mean the others had to know about it.

Whistling, he whips out a photograph, kisses it, and returns to the others within moments of leaving, swinging his pocket watch around in circles in one hand, loosely grasping a gun in the other. Today feels like it's going to be a good day.

OC: What's in << >> is in Russian.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:04 am
by warhammer
Thomas stops for a second, twirling his cigarette.

"Chelsea Hotel... Now that I think of it, the place is familiar. It's a posh hotel down here in Manhattan, where authors and artists and all kinds of people with tons of money live, renting rooms permanently. They do also rent rooms to visitors though. This should mean it will be fairly well guarded, which is a good thing. But let's stay on our toes."

"Maksim, I will follow you with my own car. Once I'm there I'll attempt to find out about Mr Elias's whereabouts and learn a little more about the whole situation. I'll make sure not to attract attention."

"I wouldn't mind a tag team partner for this." he adds, looking around the room. "But not more than one person. I want to remain discreet."

Now is not the time to remain passive and just wait for the appointment. Something smells fishy. Gotta think and act, and fast., Thomas thought. He was finally starting to think this case could prove to be remarkably interesting, and possibly dangerous. Something clearly wasn't right.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:38 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour curses something awful in Russian and then turns to Maksim, <<"what is this? I bring my own personal anti-infantry weapon and everyone thinks it's illegal, when I could find no laws to speak against its transportation or use in self defense>>" curses again about forgetting to buy grenades. <<"Ok, how's this little brother I was hired for security, you to swoon your little socialites. Ok, now you do your job and I'll do mine.">> His wink shows the humour in his message but his intent is clear. He bought the machine gun for a reason and not his brother, his employer or anyone short of a police officer was going to stop him from using it the way he intended.

<<"Nobody messes with us, then nobody gets to meet their maker,">> Timour adds while dropping the BAR onto the floor of the passenger side backseat.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:42 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim slips into the driver's seat and gives him a wink. "I was more worried about you bringing concealed weapons," he says, putting his handgun in his holster. He liked the weight of it, even though he had no real luck or experience shooting it. "Can't have Russian immigrants doing that in the city." He buttons up his coat over it and gives him a wink. <<Never heard anyone get that possessive over anything since Andrei got cranky at me taking Elizabeth for a ride. Is that why you never married?>>

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:45 pm
by Timour Rukov
"Oh, my pistol," he replies in a sheepish English, "forgotten about that." He weighs his decision carefully and then decides to keep it on him for now.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:48 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"You do realise we will one day get arrested," Maksim says. "One day, our luck will run out. But until then, we'll have one hell of a time." He pauses, looking back over his shoulder for their other passenger, then turns to Timour and waggles a finger. <<You know, that's a very good line. I must remember to use it on Elizabeth some day. I'm sure she'd like it.>>

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:54 pm
by Timour Rukov
<<"The same for me, brother. It's only a matter of time before my concealed weapon gets me into trouble. But so far the ladies have not complained of how I choose to use it.">>

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:07 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"I do not want to know," says Maksim. <<You realise that Andrei's getting more and more wound up about how well we get along with Elizabeth? Perhaps we should take a step back for a day or so, leave the natural Rukov flirtatious charm at the door with her, just to keep Andrei from removing us from all the fun.>>

<<Also, I believe you might not have noticed but I do believe that female doctor, Doctor Caroline Ward, has an interest in you.>> He gives his brother a devious smile. <<I know you're not so interested in that sort of woman but it might do you some good learning how to understand her type.>>

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:12 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour yawns over the mention of the doctor and points at his brother, <<"I've seen how you've been behaving around Ms. Downing and its shameful. Sometimes I cannot believe you are my twin, you don't see me chasing after anyone here like a lost puppy looking for a new home. What would Mother say?">> The older Rukov then 'tsked' loudly several times to show his amused disapproval.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:15 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Chasing after her?" Maksim near squawks. "Whatever makes you...?" <<I mean, whyever would you assume I had more than a passing interest in a girl like her? Looking at her is like looking at a mirror. Hypnotising, yes, mesmerising, of course, but still, utterly and completely ghastly, at the very same. She is more my twin then you ever will be.>>

"I can't believe you thought I was being a puppy. If anything..." Maksim chuckles. <<If anything, dear brother, I would have thought I was behaving more like you, or so Andrei thought.>>

<<Anyway, what's wrong with the good doctor? She seemed quite attractive to me. Or have you somehow grown professional courtesy when it comes to women?>>

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:19 pm
by imme
Elizabeth manages a weak, "but he said to meet him in the evening," before the swirl of preparations to go to the hotel overwhelm the conversation. She shrugs with a half-grin. "I'll go get my hat." After more time than really needed to put on a hat, she returns downstairs, looking neatly put together, with a fresh layer of lipstick.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:24 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour shrugs, <<"While you may have no time seeing women as your twins and indentifying with their... whatever it is they want. I have certain standards and one of them is never get involved with the boring ones."

"Let's just say any woman that jumps at the opportunity to go to the library and read forms at some civil servants office is not the kind for Timour Rukov!">>

Timour lights a cigar and grins, <<but I'd still buy her breakfast as a charitable, pity sort of thing.">>

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:33 pm
by Maksim Rukov
<<To be honest, she's not interested in you at all,>> Maksim says. <<She merely implied that I was like you and I felt it amusing, were you to go talk to her, that it would bother her. I really am a cold-hearted bastard, aren't I?>>

<<Anyway, what do you think of your Elizabeth?>>

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:34 pm
by imme
Elizabeth arrives at the cars and stops, unsure of which car to climb into.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:44 pm
by Maksim Rukov
<<Hold that thought.>> Maksim ponders a moment and has a flash of inspiration. Climbing half out the driver's side window and sitting on the door, he motions to her. "They already expect you to be acquainted with us. If they're watching the place, we don't want to give away the fact that there's two cars."

Satisfied that he was merely being logical, he remains seated on the car door until either Timour drags him in or Elizabeth wanders over.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:45 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour shrugs at his brother's comment, for every dove that escaped from the cage four more waited for his grooming. The fact that it was the boring dove, who's aspirations made him uncomfortable was all the better.

"Speaking of the snow queen," replied Timour in a whisper to himself alone.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:50 pm
by imme
Maksim Rukov wrote: "They already expect you to be acquainted with us. If they're watching the place, we don't want to give away the fact that there's two cars."

"Oh, good point." Elizabeth climbs into the car. "Hello, Timour."

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:53 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim slips back into the driver's side seat and gives Timour a cheeky grin, looks at the back seat and smiles at Elizabeth, starting the car and then turning back to view the snow. He felt confidant. He had a full house, a good audience ... he almost wanted to be tailed.

"So, when's that Johnny going to arrive?"

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:53 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour places his fedora on his head and tips it toward Elizabeth by way of polite greeting.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:55 pm
by Decrepit
One second we're getting a telephone call; the next we're picking up firearms, climbing into cars, and heading toward a hotel, Caroline thinks. Does no one stop to consider the implications?

She thought about suggesting that none of them go anywhere, that they stay here and true to lure Elias to them on their own court, as it were, but when even Elizabeth bounds off with every intent of going, Caroline realizes that there's no point in trying to halt any of this. She didn't normally think of herself as a passive person, but around Elizabeth, she found, it was all too easy to just go with the tide.

Seeing Maksim tip his imaginary hat to her--again--causes her both to roll her eyes and to issue a bemused smile. She found it very difficult indeed to hold a grudge against that one.

Later, catching Thomas's eye, and with the thought of reasserting herself, she says, "I wonder whether you and I shouldn't go in to the hotel and ask some discreet questions, maybe play the scout? I hate to see Elizabeth in the forefront all the time, and it's probably the least I could do, considering how little help I've been so far."

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:22 pm
by warhammer
"Welcome aboard... Ms Ward." says Thomas cheerfully, opening his car's door for her. He could sense the doctor's anxiety and found it rather endearing, although deep down he was very aware himself that things could get ugly before tonight.

"You're 100% correct, Elizabeth's mug is too well-known to make a good scout. We could pretend to be a couple, friends with Jackson Elias, having planned to stay in the room next to his for convenience. What do you think?"

"... This will help your confidence, in case you need it." he adds with a smile, opening the glove compartment to reveal a neatly stored half-full bottle of scotch.

"One last word of advice!" says Thomas to the whole group as he sees everyone ready to leave. "Hide your guns and use them in self-defense only. Better safe than sorry, but there's no reason why we would have to use them at this point. Keep your feet on the ground."

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:47 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim motions to Andrei as he comes out of the house. "We can squeeze you in, sir. I'm sure they'll recognise you if there's anyone watching so it's best you're in the marked car rather than the unknown one."

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:00 pm
by Decrepit
"Thank you, Thomas," Caroline says in reference to the scotch. "I'll abstain for now, but we'll see how I'm doing afterward.

"I think we'd make a presentable enough couple. For the scouting, I mean."

Ugh, Caroline thinks. She was finding the right words hard to come by. She was nervous, but she didn't think that reflected poorly on her--any sane person going into potential danger would feel that way. How everyone else could seem so sanguine about it was beyond her. She glances over at Thomas, who seemed as cool as the proverbial cucumber. Yet she thought her trained eye had seen some slight cracks in the facade.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:27 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei returns from his walk to find the sitting room empty, except one of the housekeepers who is picking up used cups and saucers and putting them on a tray.

"Where did everyone go?"

"The garage, I believe."

Andrei quickly walks to the garage, sensing that something has happened.
Maksim Rukov wrote: Maksim motions to Andrei as he comes out of the house. "We can squeeze you in, sir. I'm sure they'll recognise you if there's anyone watching so it's best you're in the marked car rather than the unknown one."

He nods and slips in beside Elizabeth. "What's going on? Did Elias call?"

After getting the details, he says "Wow" and falls silent for a bit. He puts his arm around Elizabeth and flashes her a look of excitement.

Its obvious that everyone is on edge, and talking about being careful, so Andrei doesn't add his own feelings about it.

"We should ask at the lobby who rents that room. Johnny, you probably know a clever way to do that, don't you?"

Andrei doesn't see any of the guns people are carrying, and doesn't even think about using one. Civilized people in a civilized place like New York shouldn't have the need for guns.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:55 pm
by coffee demon
[OC: assuming Andrei sees Timour moving the BAR to the front seat, or sees it's barrel poking out from the front seat.]

On their way out the drive, Andrei finally spots the BAR.

<<What the hell is that?>> He growls, in Russian. <<This is the BEST way to get us killed. What are you going to say if we're stopped by police?>>

By the tone of his voice, Andrei sounds deadly serious. In English, he says, "We are NOT gangsters here. Get this thing out of the car. Or at least put it in the trunk."

He sounds completely indignant and unimpressed.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:09 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour looks at Maksim and gives the faintest smile, before looking back at Andrei unconcerned, <<"there are two cars, you're welcome to drive in the safe one or the one behind us, it's your choice, but my possessions stay with me in my car, wherever I want them.>>"

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:32 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei spits out a retort, quickly going between Russian and English.

"This is ridiculous." <<You're not flying an airplane any more, Timour. This isn't the war.>> "What are you going to do, open fire on the front of the...building?!?" (In the heat of the moment, he forgets the name of the building they're headed to.)

<<I don't know about you, but I like this country and I want to stay for a while.>> " You're pushing us way deeper than we need to go. Stop the car."

His tone is slightlty tinged with an air of superiority over the twins. Finally there is something where he feels confident about his position.

Andrei looks at Elizabeth. "This is too dangerous. I don't want you driving in a car with these weapons." He takes her hand and prepares to leave the car (if they're going to stop it).

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:47 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"All righty then," Maksim says, driving around the yard of the estate. He keeps the speed up a fair amount to ensure that Andrei wouldn't want to dive out. "Work it out between the two of you. I am not pulling over and you are not getting into that car. If you were to, then driving two cars would be completely redundant because all we would do is give them another registration to look into."

"Andrei, I see what you're getting at. Feel free to take Elizabeth inside and sit this one out, but without your cool head, people might get into trouble."

"Timour, I know you feel naked without a firearm but this isn't Russia. I never really considered us getting pulled over. We should really give our handguns to these two for safe keeping. Treat them as our holsters, as you would say it, because we don't have the right license, until such time as they can smooth over us getting a concealed weapon license."

"Andrei, to be honest, these handguns would get us into more trouble, but we do need to be armed somewhat."

"Timour, the BAR is pretty useless. Don't you think it's too loud and obvious? Besides, as spies say, if you need a gun in a place you don't know, you've already failed."

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:24 pm
by imme
When Andrei climbed into the car and put his arm around Elizabeth he would have noticed that she is tense. Her return smile didn't make it to her eyes.


"Damn it! What's the matter with you all?! Andrei, Maksim is right. We have to be in this car so that if anyone is watching us they don't notice the other car. And I can't sit this out, even if I was willing to, because I'm the only one who even knows what Jackson looks like and the only person who he's likely to trust. Timour, do you really need to be carrying this huge gun inside the car? I don't think we'll need to open fire on the Chelsea Hotel, so could you put it in the trunk? Then, Andrei, the big gun will be hidden but, Timour, you and Maksim can still have your handguns, since it could be a dangerous situation. Yes?"

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:43 pm
by coffee demon
"The trunk would be fine."

Andrei doesn't mention the pistols, he never saw them before and assumes the Russians will keep them well-hidden.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:48 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour asks Maksim to stop the car and then gets up with a cross look on his face as he pulls the keys from the ignition, slings the machine gun over his shoulder and walks around to the back of the car. Fumbling in irritation his finally manages to pop the trunk and dumps the weapon inside unceremoniously.

Slamming the trunk forcefully he then procedes to walk back to the passenger side and flops down in his seat.

Maksim looks at him questioningly and he reachs back into his pocket and produces the car keys.

His twin nods and he crosses his arms moodily and stares out the window, mumbling, <<"what good is a BAR if I can't even use it?">> under the roar of the engine as they drive off.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:48 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim shoots Johnny and Elizabeth a despairing smile, with an exaggerated sigh for good merit. "The excitement starts and we haven't even left the property." He says this while Timour is out of ear shot, and once Timour is back in the car, merely drives away.

He tries to crack a few jokes on the way to make his twin brother laugh. He's not used to being the cheerful one while his brother sulks and is worried that he is beginning to rub off on him.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:53 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei smiles to himself - for some reason it feels good to put the imperturbable Timour in a sour mood.

He keeps his arm around Elizabeth for most of the trip, and tries more than once to make eye contact with her.

Failing that, he drops his hands into his lap and looks out his window and helps come up with a plan on how to investigate the hotel.

[OC: so the russian brothers still have their pistols]

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:29 am
by Raiko
Hotel Chelsea - 23rd Street, New York
10:30am – Thursday 15th January, 1925

Hotel Chelsea in the 20s

Conditions on the roads between the Downing Estate and Lower Manhattan aren’t all that bad despite the continuing snowfall. All the same though, the traffic moves very slowly throughout the journey so it takes almost an hour before the investigators’ two cars pull up, across 23rd street from the famous Hotel Chelsea. Maksim parks far enough away from Thomas’ car that hopefully nobody will notice that they are together.

Across the street stands the twelve story hotel, until twenty years ago the tallest building in New York. The investigators scan the fourth floor balconies and windows for anything unusual, but don’t notice anything.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:35 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim hops out the car and opens the door to let out Elizabeth and Andrei, who just so happened to be on his side of the Studebaker. He looks up at the hotel, rubs his hands together, his breath a cloud of condensation. "Well, we're here."

He tosses the keys to Johnny. "You've got keener eyes than me, judging from what you do for a living. Keep an eye out for trouble. Timour, be ready."

Then, with a little hop to start his walk, he heads into the reception area.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:00 am
by coffee demon
Andrei steps out of the car, eyeing the Chelsea warily. He stands in front of Ellie, trying to have a quick, personal conversation with her.

"Ellie, what do you think? Do you think its safe just to waltz in the front doors? Should we wait and let Thomas and Caroline check it out, maybe see who rents that room?"

I wish was there was something more meaningful I could say right now. I'm losing her - we need to talk so badly..

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:25 am
by Grafster
Johnny catches the keys.

He sits back for a moment and assesses the situation, looking around the building and the environment*.

I could go after them, but that would just generate more attention. It's probably too early for the scam-artist to have his scam set up, but you can never tell. Been fairly professional so far. Gonna have to move, we stick out like a sore thumb here.

After anyone who follows Maksim gets out, Johnny eases the car out of it's spot and begins to slowly drive around the building; after making a circuit he'll look for a spot that is inconspicuous** to park the car.

Johnny rolls and lights up a cigarette.

Johnny turns slightly to Timour and says "I'm not sure whether you're right about the legality of that," gestures to BAR, "but even if it is legal you should be aware, that given your status as a non-American, you would be lucky to find a jury that would let you spend the rest of your life in jail. Premeditated murder carries the death sentence. And carrying a gun of that size around would most likely be considered a premeditated action."
"It's good you looked it up though."

After he finishes his cigarette Johnnychecks his watch and pulls his hat down a bit while keeping an eye out under the brim. He probably doesn't have a good view of the front of the building but he'll keep a general eye on it. In particular he's looking for other loiterers.

Scammers work in groups. Especially if they're looking at a fat duck like a Downing..

* spot hidden

** sneak (in vehicle?)

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:15 am
by imme
coffee demon wrote: "Ellie, what do you think? Do you think its safe just to waltz in the front doors? Should we wait and let Thomas and Caroline check it out, maybe see who rents that room?"

"Maksim!" Elizabeth calls him back. "Wait. I think we should let Thomas and Caroline check things out first. If Jackson really is being hunted, and if those people are watching us, I don't want to lead them to him. What if he's not there right now? Then we would have accomplished nothing, except to show the 'bad guys' exactly where they can find him. I recommend we loiter."

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:39 am
by Decrepit
"Well, Thomas, how shall we 'play' this?" Caroline asks, looking around at the Chelsea.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:51 am
by coffee demon
imme wrote: "Maksim!" Elizabeth calls him back. "Wait. I think we should let Thomas and Caroline check things out first. If Jackson really is being hunted, and if those people are watching us, I don't want to lead them to him. What if he's not there right now? Then we would have accomplished nothing, except to show the 'bad guys' exactly where they can find him. I recommend we loiter."

Andrei leans over and kisses Ellie's forehead. He never does this kind of thing in public, but wants to do something that will elicit a returned smile, or any show of affection. Its completely the wrong time for this kind of thing, but he does it quickly and without thinking about why he did it.

He stands close to Ellie, hands in his pockets, blocking her from the constant flow of people bustling down the sidewalk. He turns and waits for Maks to (hopefully) return.

He also looks over the traffic and crowds at the entrance to the Chelsea, trying to see if anyone is watching them.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:03 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim smiles sheepishly and returns. He feels foolishly over eager and now, foolishly embarressed and ashamed to have behaved thoughtlessly in front of the others. And he had seemed like such a voice of reason, at least to his own mind, inside the car when dealing with his brother and Andrei's little tiff.

Timour's right. I am a puppy dog.

Suddenly unsure of what to do with his hands, since he never smoked and had no lady to carress, he takes out his cheap and battered hip flask and takes a swig of vodka. At least it warms him up. A little.

He then goes over to the happy couple, swinging his pocket watch around, and tries to look busy.

"So..." he says. "So, uh..." He scratches the back of his neck. "What should we talk about?"

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:07 am
by coffee demon
"Lets get inside somewhere."

Andrei looks for a cafe or eatery on this side of the street, with windows facing the Chelsea. If there isn't one, he'll suggest all get back in the car [OC: I'm assuming its still there] and find a place to park where we can see the front of the Chelsea.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:29 am
by imme
coffee demon wrote: Andrei leans over and kisses Ellie's forehead.

Elizabeth pulls back a little and with a frown of annoyance whispers, "Not now." She turns and watches Maksim approach.

"Yes, it's cold out here. Let's find a cafe."

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:41 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim pats his pockets. "I seem to have left my wallet back at the estate," he says apologetically. "So I guess I won't be able to eat or drink with you. A shame, but such is life."

"By the way, uh...?" He rubs the back of his neck again. "Sorry for almost going in straight away like that. It was dumb of me, I guess."

"Now, where to go? Where to go?"

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:49 am
by coffee demon
"I'll buy, Maks, it's OK."

Andrei leads them inside the cafe, and finds a table near the window.

[OC: Who's here, should we assume Timour with us too?]

He orders a coffee, and after everyone else has ordered, asks for some chocolate cake for everyone.

After the waiter is gone, he leans over the table so everyone can hear, and says quietly "Its hard to see from here. Should we take turns walking outside?"

Andrei won't volunteer to go first, unless someone does it for him. When its his turn, he'll ask Ellie to walk with him.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:54 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Might be suspicious to go out singly," says Maksim, trying to make up for his earlier indiscretion. He feels like a boy again. He glances over at Elizabeth a little too quickly, stifling the thought. "Two of the men out for a smoke. A loving couple gone for a walk." He flicks his hand in Andrei and Elizabeth's direction. "Since I don't smoke and I'm without a fiance, it looks like you'll be up on both those times, hey Andrei?"

"A shame, really," he says, stretching and enjoying the warmth.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:04 am
by warhammer
Decrepit wrote: "Well, Thomas, how shall we 'play' this?" Caroline asks, looking around at the Chelsea.

Thomas takes Caroline's arm and calmly leads her towards the hotel.

He abandons his cigarette and whispers to her with a smile, pretending to tell sweet words in her ear, when in fact he's discussing their strategy.

"We're Mr and Mrs White. We are travelling together with our friend Jackson Elias, who already checked in, and we want a room next to his. But he returns from a long journey and he probably needs rest. We'll ask if he's in his room, but if he is, we won't want to disturb him just right now."

"Chelsea Hotel is big, as you can see. There's got to be lots of staff around. I'm not sure how much of a "trap" there could be in there. We'll find out soon, that's for sure."

"When we know of Jackson Elias's whereabouts, it will be a good idea to walk all around outside the hotel and search for any escape route from the room he's supposedly in. If there's someone inside and if they want to do us harm, then they are trapped, not us."

Thomas affectionately squeezes Caroline's arm. "I'm feeling fine about this. Are you?"

If Caroline agrees to at least the first part of his plan, Thomas will then go inside the hotel and tell the front clerk the story he just told Caroline.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:12 pm
by Raiko
Hotel Chelsea – 222 23rd Street, New York
10:32am – Thursday 15th January, 1925

Crossing the street and the crowded sidewalk Thomas and Caroline enter the Chelsea’s large marble floored lobby. A collection of cosy armchairs, mostly occupied, are arranged around a coffee table and big fireplace, where a coal-fire blazes merrily. Art adorns the lobby’s yellow walls, all painted by the hotel’s residents; and across the lobby is the base of the Chelsea’s big rectangular staircase, and its lavish iron banister styled to match the Victorian balconies outside. There are also two Victorian iron-framed elevators, with a bell-boy waiting by each of them.

When they reach the receptionist’s desk “Mr and Mrs White” are greeted by a tall receptionist, his brown hair slightly receding. He pushes his spectacles back up his nose before looking through the hotel’s register book, “I’m sorry Mr White, but all of the rooms on the fourth floor are full, Mr Elias took the last one when he arrived yesterday.”

“There are rooms available on the fifth floor though, and your friend is here, he returned not more than five minutes ago.”

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:02 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour having no interest in more coffee gets up from the table and places Andrei's scarf around his neck, "I have the solution, merely watch for my signal."

The broad-shouldered Russian then heads back out to his car ignoring the protesting looks and murmurs from the others and walks around to the trunk of his automobile.

He wasn't sure over the wind if Andrei was yelling at him from the store front but he could assume the man's reaction either way.

Smiling to himself he reaches in with both hands and says, "come to papa baby," as he lifts the spare tire from the boot.

Applying the jack Timour hoists the car up on the driver's side (the one away from traffic so that he might face the Chelsea) and makes himself appear busy replacing the tire on that side of the car. He was fairly certain, if he also fiddled with the back tire later on that he could extend the charade for at least a couple of hours.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:08 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Better him than me," Maksim murmurs, trying not to feel guilty. He fidgeted with his tie, glancing around. He didn't like being here, caught with only the 'loving couple' for company.

He'd noticed Elizabeth's reaction to the kiss and was ready to bolt if it seemed a lover's quarrel was going to happen. Or worse yet, if they got lovey dovey. Just thinking about it made him feel like lonely, and that loneliness made him feel pathetic...

"How long do you think the others will take? Shouldn't be too long, right? I mean, Timour will freeze out there. Perhaps I should go tend to him. Oh, never mind, that'll look even more suspicious. So what should we talk about? I'm enjoying this cake, by the way."

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:22 pm
by warhammer
It's time for plan B., Thomas thinks, as he calmly lights another cigarette to give himself a few seconds of reflection before he has to answer the clerk.

"He just returned?... So he was out and about again, that's the Jackson I know, he never could sit still in the same place for very long! He'll be glad to see us, darling, don't you think? Why don't you go and fetch the present in the car for him? We'll have a room on the fifth floor then, that will do."

Thomas figures a room on the fifth floor will probably be useless, but he decides to go on with his story and rent a room anyway so that the clerk doesn't find him strange. He will pay for one night and will take the room's keys, but will decline being accompanied there if he is offered to. "I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself, thank you." he'll say.

Thomas takes Caroline by the arm again and whispers to her again when they are away from the clerk and away from anyone's earshot.

"This is what I'm going to do... I go up there in five minutes and listen to the door, see if I find anything suspicious around. You can go outside and discreetly warn the others who stayed back. If someone wants to go up as well, that's okay with me, but I want them to be discreet. Some of the others should walk around the hotel and watch for any possible escape routes."

"Alright, Caroline?"

Thomas had noticed the young doctor was not very at ease in such situations. She'll get used to it... One gets used to anything, eventually. he thought.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:16 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour Rukov wrote: Timour did his best to help his brother fight off his darkening mood but such interactions were never his strong point. As a creature of passion he didn't try to understand people anymore than he cared if they understood him.

Timour thought about that as he faked his way through changing the tire on his car. In the cold air his mind wandered to distract him from the chill slightly biting at his hands and feet. He pondered his recollection deeply and knew that it was a lie, a façade he put on to fool the world, his family and even himself.

He had always considered himself aloof from the problems of others. A habit that oft-time made him feel guilty. It was only in those quiet moments that Timour could allow himself time to reflect on his past actions and memories, a personal indulgence that he could never have around Maksim who with his sharp penetrating gaze and intuitive mind would have picked up on immediately and started to pester him about.

He was angry now and ashamed, the incident with the stupid machinegun had made him feel foolish and bad on so many levels. But he had felt it was the best way to proceed, perhaps now though, he understood he had been wrong.

But if he was wrong about this, then what else might he have been wrong about? What other mistakes were awaiting him?

He didn't know why he was thinking all of this at that very moment but it was making him glum. If he was wrong about such a simple decision as to which artillery piece he should bring on a stake-out, then what other tragic, maybe life-threatening errors would he be possible of in the future? And worst of all, he wondered who would pay the price for such failings?

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:29 pm
by imme
Elizabeth is far from her normal, bubbly self. Her responses tend to be short and it seems as if she's not really paying attention to the conversation. She is distracted and tense, often glancing outside at the street.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:38 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Her mood seems infectious. Maksim, halfway through an anecdote, suddenly pauses, realising its not working, and looks down at his cup. He swirls the drink, chuckles a little in that nervous I'm-really-not-happy way, and gets up abruptly.

He holds out his index finger, about to speak, shuts his mouth, reconsiders, and takes out his pocket watch, which he spins around. "Y'know... Timour isn't that good with cars." He then shrugs on his coat.

Well, you've done well for yourself. Been here a day or two and already you've got an offended Caroline, an unhappy Andrei and a sulky Elizabeth, who was no doubt unhappy with his conduct so far. Damn Capitalist dogs, he thought to himself as he straightened his cufflinks, releasing his inner Soviet for a moment of spite. All I did was approach the wrong door, but then, workers don't get second chances and I am just the chauffeur. Best remember my place.

"Sir, madam," he says, tipping his hat and spinning on his heel to go find Timour.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:53 pm
by Decrepit
warhammer wrote: "Alright, Caroline?"

"Of course, darling," Caroline says, unconsciously keeping up the ruse out of a slight nervousness. She'd been trying to stay calm, especially in front of the clerk, but it'd been a bit of a challenge. She wasn't a coward, or at least had never thought herself so, but then again she'd never been required to practice much deceit, any more than telling Elizabeth or some other social creature that her dress was lovely when it wasn't or his story was fascinating when it was dreadfully dull. She figured she'd blown it somehow at the records office, betrayed her real intent, which is why the secretary wouldn't leave.

But here, again, she was overthinking it. "I'll go tell the others. I should probably come up to the fifth floor, too, with the 'present.' I guess it probably shouldn't be the machine gun." The last she says with a hint of a smile. Thomas really had been very reassuring, and she wanted to let him know that she could be relied upon.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:56 pm
by imme
Elizabeth watches Maksim leave, and then looks down at her coffee. Interrupting whatever Andrei is about to say, she quietly says, "Look, I know you want to talk, but this isn't the time or place. Besides, I'm pretty worried for Jac .... him right now. Oh, I wish Caroline and Thomas would come tell us something."

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:39 pm
by coffee demon
The nervous energy around everyone at the table is palpable, and Andrei tries to counteract it with a silly grin and inane comments like "Yes, this is wonderful cake". He tries to act like they're sitting and chatting in a coffeeshop, which seems totally inappropriate with the others constantly looking out the window and fussing around.

Now it must seem like I'm trying to patch things with Elizabeth, which is a stupid thing to do at a time like this. What a mess.

When Maks gets up to leave, Andrei feels a sinking feeling - he's not looking forward to a conversation with Ellie right now. There's no way it'll come across well given the circumstances. He watches Maks leave and turns to her.
imme wrote: Interrupting whatever Andrei is about to say, she quietly says, "Look, I know you want to talk, but this isn't the time or place. Besides, I'm pretty worried for Jac .... him right now. Oh, I wish Caroline and Thomas would come tell us something."

"I agree completely", he gently replies. He lays his hand on her arm for a moment, then draws it away. "Just... lets try to spend some time together soon..?" He searches his mind for something perfect to say... nothing comes, so he sits quietly beside her, thankful for the din of cafe to keep their mutual silence from becoming too painful.

He maintains his gaze out the window, but is lost in more personal thoughts.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:00 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline gives a glance around outside as she comes out from the hotel. Trying to look as casual as possible, she endeavors to see whether anyone's watching; she also looks around to see where all of her friends are.

After a moment, she heads over to the cafe where Andrei and Elizabeth wait. Entering, she suddenly wonders whether she should sit down with them, or would that be too conspicuous? Gad, this paranoia is getting to me, she thinks and decides to come over to the table.

Quietly, she says, "No luck with getting a room on the right floor. Thomas--"Mr. White"--is one floor up. He says some of us should scout around the exterior, see if there are any exits. I need to go back up with a 'present' for Jackson. Almost forgot," she says sheepishly. "Jackson is up there, just got back a little bit ago. Thomas will try to listen at the door, then he'll go up to 'our' fifth-floor room. If anyone else wants to go up, you'll have to be discreet about it.

"How's the coffee? I sure as hell could use some," she says, shaking a bit with nervous energy.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:19 pm
by coffee demon
"What room number did you get?"

"Maybe you can buy a pastry here and box it as a present?"

"I think we should get in from the street - we can only stay in this cafe for so long. Ellie and I will meet you in the fifth floor room in a bit."


Once she leaves, Andrei tells Ellie, "Everything is probably just fine, but in case it isn't, you're the one people will be watching for. Lets go tell the others, then find another way to the fifth floor. There must be a back entrance and stairwell somewhere."

If Elizabeth agrees, they'll find the car and tell the others what's happening. "Maybe some of us should wait outside in the car for a bit, keeping an eye on the front door, just in case. I'll come back down as soon as... as soon as possible, I guess."

Andrei will take Elizabeth around the rear of the building, keeping himself between her and the front doors when necessary. Anyone else is welcome to come, but Andrei thinks at least one person should stay at the front

"Apologies for taking the less glamourous route, my dear", Andrei manages a thin smile as they pick their way past the rubbish bins. He quickly peeks into any unlocked doors they pass to see if it enters on a hallway or stairwell. No running through kitchens or anything like that!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:45 pm
by Maksim Rukov
After listening to Andrei silently, Maksim checks the wheels to ensure they're all on correctly and goes into the reception room. Since he knows that there isn't a chance in hell he would recognise Elias, that even if he thought someone was up to no good, Maksim hadn't the ability to do anything other than try to hold him up or simply shoot him, he figured there was no point being watchful and wary.

So he scouted around for someone attractive to flirt with, settling for the receptionist if no one else seems likely. At first he figured he might be stuck with someone like her, who seemed rather dull-headed, when an attractive and, more importantly, unescorted woman came through the door and sat down, lifting up a newspaper.

He sidled up to her, flashed her his most dazzling smile and started asking her innocuous questions, at first, slowly layering on the flirts, all the while sussing out what she found was funny and then aiming for her style of humour. Soon the two are laughing and joking around and he started wondering if, maybe, he should try to close the deal, Timour-style.

At the very least, he should get her room number for later.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:32 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline gives them the room number.

OOC: I don't think I actually know it.

"Thanks, Andrei. That's a good idea about the pastry. I'll take care of that and head up to the fifth floor. Good luck, both of you, and be careful."

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:07 am
by imme
coffee demon wrote:
imme wrote:Interrupting whatever Andrei is about to say, she quietly says, "Look, I know you want to talk, but this isn't the time or place. Besides, I'm pretty worried for Jac .... him right now. Oh, I wish Caroline and Thomas would come tell us something."

"I agree completely", he gently replies. He lays his hand on her arm for a moment, then draws it away. "Just... lets try to spend some time together soon..?"

Elizabeth nods agreement and takes a small breath of relief.
When Caroline tells them that Jackson is in the hotel, Elizabeth responds with a smile and her shoulders finally relax.
As Elizabeth and Andrei try to find a back way into the hotel, she seems to start enjoying herself and gets a mischievous glint in her eye.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:13 am
by coffee demon
Andrei spots Elizabeth's excitement as they scamper up the back stairs. He smiles and grabs her hand. "Come on."

The excitement is making Andrei forget about the moods and arguments of the past two days. He seems more confident and full of life than he has for a long time - since France, maybe. He's almost forgotten about what they're involved in - it's starting to feel almost like a game.

I have to remember, this could be serious.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:34 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour moves ahead of the giddy lovers, he has understood the growing danger of their situation since it was discovered men with guns had been following them back from the Carlyle place.

"Listen," he says to them in a lower voice, "inside of here there may or may not be trouble. Ms. Downing I'd like you to pay attention to the exits and Andrei should the need arise I want you to make sure she gets back outside and into one of our cars."

He stops and places a hand on the other Russian's chest forcing him to pause and gather the seriuosness of their situation, <<"take care of your woman and don't play the hero. That's what I get paid for.">>

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:17 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim enjoys the sound of Christabel's laugh but holds back a corny comment about how her voice was as sweet as a bell. Terrible poetry wasn't really his angle when he tried to flirt. It was good having her attention focused on him. It always made him feel great when people who knew him too well tired of him, to get the attention of a stranger.

Sometimes he wondered whether it was the fact that people could only enjoy his company for short stretches of time or, hopefully more likely, he simply chose the wrong sort of people for company. This Christabel was good company, largely because she liked him, because her personality left much to be desired for. Perhaps he should leave the others to their duties, leave Timour to play the servant, and he could simply talk his way into a job in America, find himself an audience of adoring friends, and leave such seriousness to others.

But then, within minutes of meeting Christabel, he was already tired of her, so he jotted down her details and decided to creep up the stairwell and see if they had already gone into the hotel room. It wasn't as though waiting down here was going to help anyone. He wouldn't know a suspicious person walking past unless they were carrying a machine gun, and if they were, he would let them pass.

So he excused himself, and started for the stairs, hoping to eavesdrop on the conversation. He makes sure not to mount the steps until he's sure that Andrei and Elizabeth aren't on them.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:54 pm
by coffee demon
Timour Rukov wrote: "Listen," he says to them in a lower voice, "inside of here there may or may not be trouble. Ms. Downing I'd like you to pay attention to the exits and Andrei should the need arise I want you to make sure she gets back outside and into one of our cars."

He stops and places a hand on the other Russian's chest forcing him to pause and gather the seriuosness of their situation, <<"take care of your woman and don't play the hero. That's what I get paid for.">>

Andrei scowls and grabs Timour's hand. He looked offended and shocked when he put a hand on Andrei's chest - almost like it was the first step towards inciting a fight. "We're going straight to the fifth floor, Timour. To the empty room Thomas rented. There shouldn't be anything dangerous about that. If you want to lead the way, fine." <<But don't be stupid about playing heroes.>> There's fire in Andrei's eye's, like he's just about had enough of the Russians' games.

"Now lets go."

He starts moving again, forcing Timor to either move, physically stop Andrei, or fall over.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:32 pm
by imme
Elizabeth is surprised by Timour's use of "Miss Downing" and the sudden hostility between the Russians. She takes Andrei's hand and quietly says, "Come on."

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:53 am
by Timour Rukov
"JESUS CHRIST!!!" thinks Timour inwardly as he struggles not to break the hand that feeds him.

As the other man strides away it's all he can do to control his growing rage. "I was hired as security and I don't even get to do my goddamn job!" he growls silently.

As soon as this hotel business is over he's getting his brother and leaving them. He wasn't crazy about the lack of a formal contract or his employers' dismissive attitude toward he and his twin's monetary concerns and he'd be damned if he was going to let some stooge, jack-in-the-box like Andrei what ever the hell his name was dictate to him the way he was going to preform his duties! He'd dismissed the BAR incident by swallowing his pride but this time was the last straw.

Thinking on it as he stormed after them he'd made up his mind, if they didn't appreciate the help the Rukov twins could offer then they would have to learn to live without.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:13 pm
by imme
There is a rap on the door of the 5th floor room, and Caroline opens it to see Andrei and Elizabeth standing there with Timour a step behind. "Hi Caroline, has Thomas come back yet?" Elizabeth steps into the room and paces around nervously before taking a seat on the bed. She taps her foot and asks Caroline, "So, have you tried any of the pastries yet?" with a decent attempt at a smile.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:20 pm
by Decrepit
At Elizabeth's remark, Caroline starts giggling, a product of the tension of the situation and the absurdly of Elizabeth's question under the circumstances.

She covers her mouth so as not to give any other guests in the hotel the impression that something odd was going on in the room.

After a moment, she says, "No, I haven't tried the pastry," almost seized with another spasm of nervous giggles. More seriously, more like herself, she continues, "I haven't heard from either of them. I'm sure they're all right--aren't they?"

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:28 pm
by imme
Decrepit wrote: "I'm sure they're all right--aren't they?"

"Yes, of course they are," Elizabeth responds, but casts a nervous glance at Timour. She turns back to Caroline, with a strained attempt at jollity. "Well then, let's see if the ones in the box are as good as the ones in the cafe" and gets up to open the box.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:31 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei sits at the edge of the bed, listening to the ladies talk, trying to figure out if they're being over cautious.

Ellie said he sounded scared - but we do know he's going a bit crazy. Either he's crazy, or he has reason to be scared, in which case, we're right to be careful. Maybe there's people waiting for him in the lobby. No, he was out this morning - so he hasn't barricaded himself in the room...

He continues with these kinds of thoughts, staring blankly at the ladies.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:19 pm
by Timour Rukov
imme wrote:
Decrepit wrote:"I'm sure they're all right--aren't they?"

"Yes, of course they are," Elizabeth responds, but casts a nervous glance at Timour. She turns back to Caroline, with a strained attempt at jollity. "Well then, let's see if the ones in the box are as good as the ones in the cafe" and gets up to open the box.

Timour didn't like the feeling that was starting in his belly, but remained quiet, no since alarming anyone if it was nothing but... He'd wait a little while, avoid Andrei and keep an ear open for trouble.

"I'm sure it's fine," he replied to Liz with a shrug.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:10 am
by imme
Elizabeth half-heartedly chats with Caroline, but her attention is obviously elsewhere. Eventually the conversation will die out, and she'll sit in silence, staring into space and nibbling on a pastry.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:42 am
by Raiko
The conversation is interupted by the sound of a gunshot from the floor below.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:59 am
by Decrepit
"Good God, what was that?" cries Caroline, though she already has a good idea. "Come on! We have to go down there!"

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:01 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour pulls his gun and rushs toward the sounds of the gunshots.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:29 am
by imme
Elizabeth drops her pastry and rushes out after Timour.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:49 am
by Decrepit
Oh, dear, I think I left my bag in Thomas's car, Caroline thinks quickly and ruefully. Best just to go see what's happening and improvise.

She heads after Elizabeth.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:25 am
by coffee demon
Andrei also takes off down the hall. He has no guns, so he makes sure he's behind Timour. He would like to be in front of the ladies, if possible.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:48 am
by Raiko
Timour, Andrei, Elizabeth and Caroline reach the fourth floor landing just as Maksim followed by Thomas arrive on the staircase. They are each holding a revolver.

Behind them hotel guests on the fourth floor are emerging into corridor from their rooms, a middle aged lady screams hysterically as she looks through the open door of room 410. A man points at Thomas and shouts, “Look out he’s got a gun!” He quickly ducks back into his room.

There are more people arriving from other floors, and the sound of more screaming is coming from below on the third floor.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:54 pm
by warhammer
Thomas swears obscenely as the situation is taking a turn for the worse.


Thomas looks angry and his forehead displays a large frown.

"Jackson's dead." he tells the rest of the group. "One of his assassins is on the third floor right now. There's another one in room 410, less lively, he was shot by Maksim after he tried to cut me in half. In all the excitement we omitted to close the room's door. If someone opts out of trying to catch the running assassin and wants to be useful, they could go and lock the door. But be warned... it ain't a pretty sight."

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:34 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"One shot," Maksim says to Timour with a grin as he jogs down the stairs by Thomas' side. "Now back me up."

"You realise I don't have a handgun license," he says to Thomas in a low voice,

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:02 pm
by warhammer
"This isn't your gun", answers Thomas, jogging down the stairs as fast as he can, but still being careful never to enter a close-combat range with the cultist. "You found it in room 410 and used it in self-defense to save my life. I was there and that's what I saw. It was the only sensible thing to do."

Thomas knew it was a lie, but he also knew that Maksim did save his life, for the cultist was faster than him and he might very well have been able to stab him to death if his brains hadn't been splattered on the floor before he could get a chance to try. As a lawyer, he knew all too well that false testimonies were no small deal, not in regards to himself (there was no witness in the room who would be able to contest Thomas and Maksim's version), but in regards to his personal work ethics. He knew that Maksim did indeed do the right thing, and that he owed him, so letting him get in trouble for this was absolutely out of the question. And even though lying about the gun's ownership was a completely victimless crime, Thomas couldn't help thinking that, as a man whose job constantly consists of finding and exposing the truth, he loathed giving himself the right to decide when to rewrite or not rewrite history.

He chased these thoughts out of his head and decided that, for now, he would only focus on the action at hand.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:36 pm
by imme
warhammer wrote: "Jackson's dead." he tells the rest of the group.

"No!" Elizabeth yells in disbelief. "Caroline, hurry!" She takes off down the hall to room 410.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:36 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour shakes his head at his brother bragging, one, Timour had slain 50 in the war some in close quarter knife fights, one with a gun was as easy as taking candy from a baby but he had to admire Maksim's pleasure with himself, maybe there was hope of making him a warrior after all.

Upon hearing the assassin had escaped from Jackson's room and heading to the 3rd floor he bolted after him, there were questions to be asked and more bullets to be fired.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:45 pm
by Decrepit
"Are any of our group hurt?" Caroline asks quickly. Determining that the answer is a negative, she dashes after Elizabeth toward Room 410. Calling to whomever, she says, "Can someone fetch my bag from Thomas's car?"

She'd seen a great deal already in her relatively new career as a physician. She'd seen corpses, of course, and performed surgery on the seriously injured. But she'd never been at the site of what sounded to be such a gory incident--such a fresh incident. Steeling herself, she prepared to enter the room.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:04 pm
by warhammer
"Liz..." shouts Thomas as he sees Elizabeth about to enter room 410. "It's a bad idea for you to go in there. You won't like it. Caroline is a doctor and she's more used to seeing the human body... that way. Why don't you let her?"

Thomas will also throw his car keys to Caroline before he finishes dashing to the third floor.

(OOC: He will only throw them if Caroline is 100% bound to catch them, he won't take that risk if there's a chance of them falling down the stairwell or any other such stupid incident :) )

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:24 pm
by imme
warhammer wrote: "Liz..." shouts Thomas as he sees Elizabeth about to enter room 410. "It's a bad idea for you to go in there. You won't like it. Caroline is a doctor and she's more used to seeing the human body... that way. Why don't you let her?"

Assuming Andrei also tries to keep her from going into the room, Elizabeth will turn and begin to weep into Andrei's chest.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:27 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei pats Elizabeth on the back, but is assessing the situation in the fourth floor hallway. People are everywhere, this is about to turn into a mess. And there's still a "less lively" assassin in the room with Jackson.

Andrei firmly grabs Elizabeth's shoulders and holds her so she can see his face.

"It'll be OK. Caroline, give me the carkeys. Here, Ellie, go down and get Caroline's bag, and tell Johnny what's happened. Be very careful." Andrei gives Elizabeth the car keys. He's keeping a remarkably clear head at this point.

"There's still someone in that room, and I want to make sure Caroline doesn't get hurt."

Andrei pushes through the crowds and steps cautiously into room 410. His first priority is finding the "cultist" and making sure he's incapacitated. Next, he'll close the door behind himself and Caroline.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:40 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline hands off the keys then enters the room.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:48 pm
by Raiko
Room 410 – Hotel Chelsea, 23rd Street, New York

Andrei and Caroline don’t need to look far to find the assassin shot by Maksim, his body lays in the doorway itself. He is a large man, his face covered by a hideously carved African Tribal Headdress, which features a long red tongue or trunk that protrudes grotesquely from the front. Maksim’s bullet has torn a hole through the front of the mask right between the assassin’s eyes and blown most of the back of his head away. Blood and brain matter are splattered on the door, which will be impossible to shut without dragging away the assassin’s body, which now lies in a large pool of blood.

More horrible by far is what awaits inside the room, on the blood soaked bed lies Jackson Elias’ mutilated body, his throat has been hacked open, as has his stomach. The author’s intestines are spread across the bed, and a symbol has been carved bloodily into his forehead.

The glass doors to the balcony are wide open, and the room shows signs of having been searched by the assassins. Drawers and wardrobe doors are wide open, and the floor is littered with clothes and other items.

[OOC: Caroline is immune to sanity loss from the mutilated body due to her profession, Andrei isn’t as he wasn’t involved in combat during the war, but he passes his check anyway]

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:57 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei chokes back a gag and looks away from the two bodies. The smell is too much, so he quickly walks to the balcony. He doesn't bother trying to shut the door to the hallway.

We shouldn't be in here. But we were supposed to meet him, we've done nothing illegal.

He takes a deep breath outside on the balcony, trying to figure out why the balcony door was left open.

Could the assassins have climbed in from another balcony onto this one? [OC: in the photo, it looks like all the rooms are connected by the balcony. Is this the case?] He also looks at the balcony door to see if it was forced. Anything to stay out of the room and in the fresh air.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:04 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: I forgot to say that by the dead assassin is an unusually shaped machette, it's large blade is curved sharply by about 30 degrees in the middle]

I'll let Decrepit reply before I post again, but there is no sign of forced entry through the balcony doors. The balconies are divided by railings between each room, it would be easy to gain access to an adjacent balcony. Moving between levels would be dangerous, but there is screaming coming from the room directly below.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:21 pm
by Decrepit
Oh, God, Caroline thinks. This was worse than she had imagined it would be. Somehow, she had hoped there would be someone to save or at least treat, but a quick look seemed to confirm that each person was beyond any mortal aid.

The assassin's death was plenty bad, but she'd seen gunshot wounds before. Bullet enters; bullet exits, leaving often-gaping hole.. The physics were cruel, heartless, but predictable.

The cause of Elias's death, however, was, although equally obvious, far more depraved in its implementation. What could possess a person to commit such an outrage? she wonders. Perhaps possession was the right word. Her training in psychology, as well as her reading of Elias's work, had suggested this sort of possibility. To be confronted with it, though, was something else.

For the moment, Caroline leaves the assassin and examines Elias's body. Although the cause of death is all too evident, a part of her is detached enough to wonder whether the assassin left any clues to his motive, method, or origin on the body of the deceased.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:46 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei puts both hands on the railing, looks up to see if anyone is looming above him on the 5th floor balcony, then leans out to see if he can see anything happening on the 3rd floor balcony below him.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:52 am
by imme
Elizabeth grabs the car keys and rushes downstairs and outside to Johnny. She will try to avoid the staircase that Timour went down. She has the presence of mind to try to walk through the lobby instead of running and drawing attention to herself.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:34 am
by Raiko
There is nobody on either of the balconies, above or below Andrei. A woman continues to scream hysterically from the room below.

Examining Jackson’s body, Caroline sees that the symbol carved into his head is an almost symmetrical rune. She has no idea if it has any meaning.


A gunshot can be heard on the floor below.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:40 am
by coffee demon
"Good Lord."

Andrei turns back into the room, starting to panic a bit. He stifles another gag when he smells the exposed entrails, pulls a glove up from his pocket, and covers his mouth and nose with it.

"We have to get out of here. I don't think we should be associated with this."

Andrei can't help but feel implicated for some reason.

He purposefully keeps his eyes off the blood and gore, but scans the rest of the room quickly. First, he looks closer at the man with the mask on. What colour is his skin? And what kind of clothes is he wearing? Anything with pockets?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:06 am
by Decrepit
There wasn't much time, Caroline thinks, and a lot of variables to process almost simulateously. She was a doctor; they were there legitimately to see Elizabeth's friend; they hadn't started anything; one of their number had killed someone; there were two mutilated bodies; Caroline and her friends had just happened to show up at the same time as the deaths; there had been another gunshot.

"Come on, Andrei," she says firmly, seeing his indecision. "Let's go see what's happening. Maybe we can help." She moves to exit the room, hoping he'll follow. The best thing they could do was act as helpfully and as innocently as possible right now.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:11 am
by Grafster
Johnny is parked outside, car idling.
He is about to drive around to the back side of the building (22nd street).

But Miss D comes around he'll stop to pick her up before doing that (and/or follow instructions to the contrary).

As far as I'm aware of the Doc's bag is in Thomas' car, not the car that I'm in (which is Maksim's).

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:15 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim suppresses a sigh as he sees the damage, spins on his heel and starts barrelling back up the stairs. "Where's Caroline?" he screams out.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:51 am
by Decrepit
Caroline rushes toward the sound of Maksim's call, using the nearest stairs and heedless of whether Andrei comes with her.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:24 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Someone's hurt," Maksim says when he sees her, catching her by the shoulder. His eyes shine, the adrenaline buzzing through his veins, causing him to speak louder than he intended. "Where's your kit? In the car?"

When she responds, he nods and holds the gun pointed at the floor in front of him, eyes scouting for trouble. "Let's go for it. I'll protect you. Just make sure no cop shoots me. Some poor man's stabbed on the third floor."

Then he heads down the stairs with her, moving at her side and quickly looking in each corridor.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:05 pm
by Raiko
Room 410 – Hotel Chelsea, 23rd Street, New York

Andrei is still checking the Assassin’s body as Caroline runs out of the room. The assassin is black skinned, and is wearing a scruffy suit. Inside the jacket pockets Andrei finds a letter addressed to Jackson from a Miriam Atwright, it is typed on paper bearing a Harvard University letterhead. He also finds a business card for “Emerson Imports,” turning it over he finds what appears to be Jackson’s handwriting on the back.

Harvard Letter (Click to Enlarge)

Image Image
Front and Back of Emerson Imports Business Card (Click to Enlarge)

Outside the Hotel Chelsea

Moving more hastily through the hotel, Maksim and Caroline catch up with Elizabeth as she emerges from the Hotel onto 23rd Street. Across the street Johnny is just parking Timour’s car in the same spot that Timour had left it. A short distance away stands Thomas’ car.

In the distance the bells of police cars can be heard, it will be a minute or two before they arrive.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:12 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim swears profusely under his breath in Russian, certain that some American is going to shoot him in the back of the head, assuming he's one of the killers attempting to make a get away. He wondered if he was covered in blood. He didn't pause to check.

"Elizabeth, the first aid kit, hurry," he says, then returns to the stream of Russian curse words. "Hope we get to that poor man in time."

If Thomas' car is locked and Caroline hasn't already got the keys out by the time they reach it, he'll smash the window with the butt of his gun and grab hold of it. He fully expects to get screamed at for it but isn't so sure he cares. All he can hear are the frantic screams of the wife in his head.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:59 pm
by Raiko
More gunfire comes from behind the hotel.

[OOC: You have to go through the hotel, or round the block to get into the backstreet]

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:38 pm
by imme
At this point Elizabeth breaks into a run, fumbling with the keys as she heads for Thomas' car. She quickly opens the door, and if Caroline isn't there already, will grab the doctor's bag.

Assuming Johnny has moved into earshot, she will say, "Jackson is dead. Assasins. People have been hurt." Her eyes are wild, and she is breathing heavily.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:53 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Seeing Elizabeth has bet him to it, Maksim will pause, seeming confused, then makes a grab for the keys, hoping to get into the car and drive around the back. While he doesn't think much of his aim with a gun, he believes his aim with a car could work much better, were any of the assassins to have hurt his brother.

"Must drive," is all he will choke out, as he makes the lunge.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:17 pm
by imme
Elizabeth throws the keys at Maksim, as much to give them to him as to fend him off.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:29 pm
by Decrepit
Grabbing her bag--finally; she'd never let the damn thing out of her sight again--Caroline shouts, "I'm headed up to the third floor!" She has only a half second to wish that Maks was coming with her or to wonder whether Elizabeth is following her. Duty was callnig, loudly.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:30 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim holsters his gun and hops in, gunning the engine. He heads out around the block, looking for his brother. This was getting too bloody, too fast. He didn't want to be involved in all this. The only good part about being in the war was the chance to die and even that had been ruined by having his twin in the passenger seat, a potential other victim.

One thing was for sure. He didn't want to die anymore.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:34 pm
by imme
Elizabeth races off after Caroline, ignoring any attempts by Johnny to convince her to do otherwise.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:06 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei pockets the documents without looking at them. He quickly looks up - there are people in this hallway, and some are looking at him.

What am I doing?!? I shouldn't be picking through the clothes of a murderer!

Too panicked to make up some excuse, he mumbles something and starts to walk quickly for the rear stairs. He tries to keep his head down so he's not recognized, but is painfully aware of his blonde hair and huge stature.

I need to get out of here before the police arrive - quick, Andrei. Don't run.

Once he hits the rear stairs, Andrei will run down the stairs, stopping to quickly peek in the 3rd floor hallway, then continuing to the rear exit at ground floor.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:14 am
by Raiko
Outside the Hotel Chelsea

As Johnny hurriedly follows Elizabeth and Caroline back into the Hotel Chelsea, Maksim revs up Thomas’ car and hurtles off around the block, searching for his brother.

On the Third Floor
Arriving on the third floor Caroline finds the victim, a hotel guest collapsed in a large pool of blood outside room 310, his body brutally hacked by machete attacks, his distraught wife stands over his body sobbing uncontrollably, having eventually stopped screaming, and a small crowd has gathered.

It doesn’t look good, the big knives have done massive damage to his body, Caroline pushes through the crowd and finds that the victim still has a weak pulse.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:05 am
by Decrepit
"Ma'am," Caroline says reassuringly to a person who appears to be the victim's wife, "I'm a doctor. I'll do whatever I can to help."

This is what she had been trained to do--help people in need--and she seems to have helped him.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:49 am
by imme
Elizabeth gasps at the sight of the hacked-up man. "C-Caroline, is there any, anything I can do to help?" If not, she will try to comfort the wife.

She looks around, realizing that she has no idea where anyone else went. Where is everybody?

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:17 am
by Grafster
Johnny is wondering the same thing as he enters room 410.
Between the crowds and the leg I lost Miss D and the Doc.

Surveying the inside of Jackson's room all he involuntarily speaks aloud.

"This isn't fake."

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:58 pm
by Raiko
Room 410 – Chelsea Hotel, New York

Johnny quickly recoversfrom the sight of the bodies, and makes a quick search of the hotel room Johnny spots an empty matchbox under Jackson’s bed. Under the piles of Jackson’s clothes scattered on the floor Johnny locates a grainy and blurred photograph, showing a steam or diesel yacht on a river, there are also several junks on the river. Buildings are visible on the opposite bank. Only part of the yacht’s name is visable “DAR.” Looking around Johnny sees that there doesn’t appear to be anyone watching, so he takes the photograph and matchbox.

Yacht Photo

Matchbox (All sides)

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:05 am
by Raiko
On the third floor

Meanwhile downstairs Caroline has managed to stabilize the wounded man’s condition, but he is still in a very bad way and will certainly need surgery at a hospital. By the time she has finished her work the cops have arrived, two of them are walking towards her and Elizabeth, who has done her best to calm the man’s distraught wife, but with little success.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:32 am
by Decrepit
"Thank heavens you're here," Caroline says to the officers approaching her. "I'm a doctor. I've done all I can here to stabilize this man, but he needs to be transported immediately to the nearest hospital."

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:35 am
by imme
"Officers, my name is Elizabeth Downing and a friend of mine has been m-murdered upstairs."

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:57 am
by Grafster
Masks post 20ish IC

Johnny wraps the discovered items in in cleanest handkerchief and places them in his inner suit jacket pocket. Pulling his hat down over his face he slips out of the room and makes his way down to the third floor.

Somebody said something about someone injured... obviously wasn't talking about this poor sap. If this whole kerfuffle started up here, and the mask wearers went downstairs then they probably did someone on the 3rd.

Johnny will make his way down using the stairs and try to make eye contact with Elizabeth. If he can he'll try to get her downstairs and out of the building quickly. He'll avoid the police (and by extension Doc Ward) if he can. In the unlikely event that someone does pick him up for questioning his story is that he's a driver for someone and was downstairs in the car waiting for them to finish having coffee at the cafe. After coffee the lady went across the street to the hotel to try to say hello to a friend. He heard gunshots, got worried and came to investigate. Johnny will run the "just drive the car buddy" routine till the cop gets bored.

Or that's his plan anyway. He takes one look at Miss Downing talking to the cops, sighs and makes his way back downstairs to go sit in the car (and stash the stuff he found under the driver's seat). He'll move the car out of the way but in view of the doorway.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:43 am
by imme
While talking with the cops, Elizabeth fails to notice Johnny subtly making his way downstairs. She will openly admit to the cops that Jackson is ... was an old friend of hers, who had recently arrived in town, and she was supposed to meet him at the hotel today. She has no idea who may have killed him, or why. She is very distraught as they question her.

If the cops find any of the Russians, Thomas, or Johnny, she will admit to their having accompanied her today, but will not mention anyone they don't find.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:46 pm
by Raiko
Cheslea Hotel – 23rd Street, New York

Johnny walks downstairs and manages to get out of the hotel just before before the cops stop anyone else from leaving.

On the third floor...

The cop turns to his partner, “Go down and call for an ambulance!”

That done he turns back to Elizabeth, “Ok Miss Downing, if we just step out of the hallway where it’s less noisy you can tell me exactly what’s going on here.”

Before leading Elizabeth in room 310 he speaks to Caroline, “You’d better stay with this guy for now, but I need to talk to you as well.”

Once he gets off the chaotic hallway the cop says, “What’s going on here then, you said your friend upstairs has been murdered? Who is he? Did you get a look at the killers, and what does that guy outside have to do with this?”

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:51 pm
by imme
Raiko wrote: Once he gets off the chaotic hallway the cop says, “What’s going on here then, you said your friend upstairs has been murdered? Who is he? Did you get a look at the killers, and what does that guy outside have to do with this?”

"What guy outside? Who are you talking about?" Elizabeth asks in genuine confusion.

"Yes, have you been up to 410 yet? He is Jackson Elias. I did not see the killers, but I think one of them is in 410, dead. The other did this," Elizabeth indicates the wounded man, "on his way out, I think."

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:33 pm
by Decrepit
"Certainly I'll stay with him," Caroline says. "In fact, I insist upon it. I'd be happy to answer your questions, but I'm afraid that's going to have to wait until I'm sure he's safely under care. In any case, I don't have much to add to what Elizabeth--Miss Downing--has already said."

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:28 am
by Raiko
The cop seems happy with Elizabeth's explanation for now, after a few more predictable questions he says, "Ok thanks for your help, I'll need both you ladies to wait here until the detectives arrive, they'll want to speak with you both."

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:31 am
by imme
"Officer, I woke up this morning expecting to see a friend I haven't seen in quite awhile. Instead, I arrive to discover that he has been murdered. I'm really very upset and shocked and ... well, tired. Do you suppose you could possibly let us go home and have a detective come ask us questions there? I just ... don't want to have to stay here, knowing my friend is d-dead upstairs."

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:45 pm
by Raiko
Cheslea Hotel – 23rd Street, New York

“I’m sorry Miss Downing, but you’ll have to wait, I’m sure that the detectives won’t be very long.”

[OOC: Sorry, had to penalise your roll for that]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:54 pm
by imme
"Oh, okay. Well, would you at least allow myself or my friend the doctor to go tell my driver what has happened? I wouldn't want him to worry."

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:57 pm
by Raiko
"Ok you'd better go, we need your friend here until the ambulance arrives."

[OOC: I let you previous persuade roll count for this, easier request]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:17 pm
by imme
Elizabeth thanks the officer, tells Caroline that she's going to inform Johnny of what has happened, and makes her way out of the hotel.

She will leave through the main entrance and hope to find Johnny outside somewhere.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:19 pm
by Raiko
Hotel Chelsea – 222 23rd Street, New York
11:30am – Thursday 15th January, 1925

Elizabeth is allowed out past the police officers guarding the entrance to the Hotel Chelsea. Once she gets onto the street she spots Johnny sitting in Maksim’s car outside the café.

There are also some reporters from the New York press starting to arrive.

[OOC: I avoided time stamps until now, as I decided you’d loose track of time during all the chaos]

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:58 am
by Raiko
Johnny spots Elizabeth as soon as she comes out of the hotel, however several of the reporters spot her as well.

Photographers snap her picture, while four other journalists dash across with their notepads readied.

“Miss Downing! Could you spare a minute?”

“What happened in there?”

“Did you see the killer?”

“How many are dead?”

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:44 pm
by imme
As Elizabeth is barraged with questions and blinded by flash bulbs, she is obviously rattled and glances around nervously. She doesn't answer the reporters' questions, saying, "Not now. Please, no." Gratefully, she sees Johnny coming to help her escape from the press.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:57 pm
by Decrepit
As she looks after the victim--the living one, she corrected herself--Caroline hopes that Elizabeth will be all right getting out of there to Johnny. She also hopes everyone else is all right. She assumes that the immediate danger hsa passed, but who knew? Insane things were happening in such a short period of time. She had been expecting to find an unstable, maybe even deranged Elias. Instead, she found a dead one, brutally slain. Perhaps Elias's paranoia, which had seemed so abnormal earlier, had been justified.

She suppressed a shudder and went back to monitoring her patient.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:26 am
by Raiko
NYPD Headquarters – Centre Street, New York
The Afternoon – Thursday 15th January 1925

NYPD Headquarters, Centre Street

After a few long telephone calls between the cops at the “crash site” and the detectives at the Hotel Chelsea, it is finally established that Thomas and the three Russians are with Elizabeth, and that they were pursuing Jackson’s murderers.

They are spent straight to the NYPD’s impressive headquarters downtown on Centre Street to tell their story to the detectives, but are not actually arrested for anything. Thomas is allowed to drive his car, while Andrei and the Rukov twins are transported in police cars.

Lieutenant Poole

At the headquarters the four investigators spend the afternoon talking to Lieutenant Martin Poole the senior detective on the case, he has just returned to the HQ after talking to Elizabeth, Caroline and other key witnesses from the Chelsea. As it turns out he is very grateful to the investigators, as Jackson’s murder is ninth in a string of unsolved ritual murders perpetrated across New York City over the past two years. The victims had no apparent connections. They were wealthy, poor, black, white and from all across the city. All of the victims had the same marks cut into their foreheads.

Known voodoo cults do not seem to be connected, and do not use that symbol, but Poole is convinced that the murders are the work of a cult, the ritual slayings of those people unlucky enough to have learned too much. The dead assassins are the best lead that the cops have, although the veteran Lieutenant does not think that this is end of it.

They also learn that the Huston car was reported stolen earlier in the day, by it's owner Thomas Witherspoon.

After a few hours the four investigators are released without any charges, although Timour and Maksim’s pistols are taken by the cops, and they are warned not to carry a concealable firearm again without a licence, “or we’ll throw the book at you.”

Dakota Apartments - 72nd Street and Central Park West, New York
7:30pm – Thursday 15th January 1925

Dakota Apartments

It is 7pm by the time the four arrive at Elizabeth’s plush Manhattan Apartment, they find that Caroline, Johnny and a grieving Elizabeth are already there; after half an hour spent discussing what has happened that day, they are ready to plan their next move.

The victim from room 310, Robin Davis, made it to hospital and is expected to survive his injuries thanks to Caroline's first aid.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:38 am
by Maksim Rukov
<<Let's talk after the debriefing,>> says Maksim in a low voice to Timour, looking over at Andrei as they head to Elizabeth's place. <<Until then, let's wait and watch to see what happens.>>

Maksim removes his cap as soon as he enters the room where Elizabeth is and bows his head respectfully. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish..." He let the word trail off, gives a thoughtful nod and merely goes to sit down.

He listens to the others explain what happened, feeling more need to listen to what he didn't already know than to explain anything. He feels uncomfortable around Elizabeth. There's nothing anyone can say that can actually make her feel better and that means he's at a loss for words, which doesn't commonly happen to him. Perhaps if they had time alone together, he might have been able to try and salve her wounds with the shroud of privacy to allow her to speak her mind, but that would merely enrage Andrei, and he didn't think that would be the best thing for her right now.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:31 am
by coffee demon
When the Russians and Thomas finally get to Elizabeth's apartment, he rushes to see her.

"Are you okay?"

He picks her up in his arms and gives her a long hug, whispering in her ear, "I'm so glad you're okay. It's going to be all right."

Andrei sits next to Elizabeth, studying her face to ascertain how affected she is by the death of her friend.

Andrei seems rushed to talk through their findings. Once he hears about the reporters, his face falls. If there are any more of these cultists, they're going to associate the Downings with Jackson. Her whole family is in danger. Again he looks at Elizabeth, wondering if she's realises this.

"Lets hope all these cards and letters came from Jackson's room. If any of it came from the assassins, they have information on a lot of Jackson's contacts, like Jonas the publisher. It's too late tonight, but we're going to have to warn them first thing in the morning."

He pauses for a second, and swallows hard before adding, "We'll also have to check the newspapers tommorrow, to see if those reporters mention any of us."

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:42 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Do you think we'll be safe here?" Maksim asks, his tone neutral, his eyes showing concern and a touch of something else.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:30 am
by imme
Elizabeth is far from her usual self. She is obviously upset by Jackson's death and shocked by the events of the day. When she first received the telegram from Jackson, all she could think of was exciting adventures traveling through Egypt and Africa. During the last couple days she realized that there actually was some danger involved, but today her idealized vision of adventure was shattered. Her friend was gruesomely murdered by a cult that seems to be operating in this very city. She saw a man who had been hacked up by a machete, her first experience with actual violence. And, once already in a flustered state, she had been bombarded by the press with their photographs and questions. Finally, she had been questioned by detectives regarding the whole affair.

Elizabeth will sit and listen to the discussion, holding Andrei's hand and leaning against him for support. Mostly she seems exhausted from the day and grief over her friend's death. She remains quiet and withdrawn from the general discussion.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:05 am
by coffee demon
Maksim Rukov wrote: "Do you think we'll be safe here?" Maksim asks, his tone neutral, his eyes showing concern and a touch of something else.

Andrei looks at Maks, and speaks around the rest of the conversation. "I don't know - I don't think we should stay here for long anyways. Someone should see what this lecture is about." He picks the 'Death Cults - Tonight Only' brochure off the table and holds it up. "We don't know if it's happening tonight, but.." (he checks the clock on the wall) "if it is, the lecture is starting in less than an hour."

"Ellie, would you like some water or anything? Anyone else want something?" Andrei whispers "I'll be right back" in Ellie's ear and heads to the kitchen to get her something.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:35 am
by Maksim Rukov
"That's not the best idea," says Maksim, following Andrei out into the kitchen. He seems genuinely concerned and respectful. If there's anything else hidden away behind those thoughtful dark eyes, it's hard for Andrei to tell. "They know who you are and what you look like. We don't have any concealed weapons and if we do obtain some, we will be put in jail, therefore we can't protect you without risking our lives behind bars."

<<And to be honest, you simply aren't paying us enough for us to risk life, limb and jail time. I am very sorry for Elizabeth's loss but I simply don't think it's wise that we pursue this matter any further. At least, not until the requisite preparations are made.>>

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:11 am
by warhammer
Upon entering the Dakota, Thomas throws his hat on the coat-hanger and almost immediately pours himself a scotch.

He gives a pat on Maksim and Timour's backs to indicate he appreciated their dedication back at the hotel.

"Are you alright, Liz?" he says. "Here, have a scotch. It'll warm you up better than water. We'll get the bastards. Not just the ones who did the deed, whom we already got... but the higher ups too."

"How about you Caroline? Need anything?"

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:00 pm
by warhammer
Seems like I can be of some use in here after all, Thomas thinks. There is a lot of tension around and many of these people probably rely too much on their emotions to guide them. I believe now that most of them are good people deep down, but they also need someone who's got his head straight on his shoulders, or this investigation will take a wrong turn sooner or later. Pity about Liz, she's really shaken.

Thomas had another look at all the documents they had placed on the table. There were many potential leads to follow, including a few that were located right here in New York. Most of these documents must have been stolen from Jackson Elias's pockets. And if the assassins wanted to have them, it could only mean they were relevant.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:06 pm
by Timour Rukov
"Far be it for me to try and play detective," quips Timour as he extinguishes his cigar, "but our leads are many and it already feels our time is short. Each minute passed sitting on our thumbs cools the flames of our curiousity and splashes cold water upon the prospect of us unraveling this apparent mystery."

"From what I can see here there is a symbol to look into, the one carved so affectionately into Jackson's mutilated corpse," at this point he waves off Andrei's protestation over his use of such dramatic descriptions and concentrates on the cold, hard truth of the facts before them.

"Next a picture of a yacht, so graciously presented by Johnny, this leads me to believe a trip to the local marinas and the harbour itself are called for. Maybe someone has seen the ship in question and can shed light upon it's ownership and uses."

"The Stumbling Tiger Bar, for sure Johnny will once again prove invaluable in researching its patrons and delving into whatever secrets we may find therein."

Timour shakes his head as several of the gathered members attempt to interrupt him, "please let me finish. Prospero House Publishers, Jackson wanted to get a book from them; which book?"

"Emerson Imports, Jackson had something delievered to himself or received something or sent something from or to someone else; what was it?"

"What is the Penhew Foundation? Who runs it and what do they do?"

"The Lecture on this Cult of Darkness, whatever the hell a cult is. Someone should listen in on that, myself excluded."

"This letter from Fraz Najir, who's that and what does he do? Jackson was interested in his land, why?"

And lastly these strange masks of whatever, that these men, these assassin's chose to wear. What do they represent and why would they chose to wear them in the first place? And why were they so willing to die rather than surrender?"

"These my friends are the questions we must immediately find out answers too, or all those who have died because of them, will have done so in vain."

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:28 pm
by warhammer
Thomas lights a cigarette and stays silent for a moment. He had hoped they could wait and make sure everybody had recovered, and was still on board, before they got down and dirty with the business. Sitting pensively and blowing smoke out of his nostrils, he reluctantly concedes that the trail is still hot and that it must be followed quickly.

"I understand we're all in somewhat of a hurry, Timour, but first of all I would like to ask if everybody is still with us. The cards have been dealt again, now that we stumbled upon a gruesome murder along the way."

Thomas then looks around the room, making eye contact with everyone, silently asking them: "Are YOU still in? It's entirely up to you."

"I can already tell you this much about our leads." he eventually tells Timour and anyone else eager to discuss the documents. The Penhew Foundation was founded by Audrey Penhew... Does that name ring a bell? It should. He was the egyptologist on Carlyle's team. They finance expeditions and help penniless students with their studies in egyptology. Elias was probably in contact with them... and so should we be. As for that letter, it was not addressed to Prospero, but to a Harvard professor. We can probably track her down and make enquiries."

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:36 pm
by Raiko
Dakota Apartments - 72nd Street and Central Park West, New York
7:35pm – Thursday 15th January 1925

While Thomas is talking, Timour casually glances out of Elizabeth’s seventh floor window. Far below on the sidewalks, and across on Central Park many pedestrians busily make their way to their homes, or to the Theatre District just south of the park, others stand chatting under the streetlamps, rubbing their hands to see off the chilled breeze as snow continues to fall lightly out of the evening sky.

Timour notices how quite a few of these people are black-skinned; is this normal, just the paranoia of a man of action, who now sees a murderous Cultist on every corner? Or have the assassins’ allies located Elizabeth’s apartment already?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:44 pm
by Grafster
Johnny fesses up to everything in the story presented.

Johnny says "I made a big mistake when I thought this was run-of-the-mill. I don't know -what- it is, but it's not run of the mill. I'm not ready to say it's all connected, but it doesn't need to be. We're behind theeight-ball, and to get out of that we're going to need to get sharpish. And that means information."

Johnny picks up the match book, "I'll look into this. And I'll accompany Timour and whoever else to this "Death Cults" event."

"We also need to think hard about whether you'll be taking up Carlyle's invitation tomorrow Miss Downing"

Johnny gets up to get himself a soda water on ice a few minutes later.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:51 pm
by Grafster
Johnny also says to Timour "When we go for the lecture we call also think of someplace to keep that oversized popgun of yours. It can't sit in the front seat under my coat forever."

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:15 pm
by imme
warhammer wrote: "Are you alright, Liz?" he says. "Here, have a scotch. It'll warm you up better than water. We'll get the bastards. Not just the ones who did the deed, whom we already got... but the higher ups too."

Elizabeth gratefully accepts the scotch with a quiet, “Thank you” and takes a drink.
warhammer wrote: "I understand we're all in somewhat of a hurry, Timour, but first of all I would like to ask if everybody is still with us. The cards have been dealt again, now that we stumbled upon a gruesome murder along the way."

Elizabeth clears her throat and, keeping her eyes on the scotch in her glass, says, “I appreciate the desire of those of you who still wish to pursue this matter. I, for one, feel like I have no choice. I would rather forget the whole thing happened, but what’s done is done, and for better or worse I’m now involved. Also …. it seems like something needs to be done about this cult. The police are obviously having a hard time with it, and if I can do anything to help, I feel like I must.” She then looks up for people’s responses and takes another drink of scotch.
Grafster wrote: "We also need to think hard about whether you'll be taking up Carlyle's invitation tomorrow Miss Downing"

“Oh! I’d completely forgotten. This morning seems so long ago. I suppose it’s an important lead to follow, but … if Erica’s gotten herself involved with the cultists (in one way or another), couldn’t it be dangerous?”

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:06 pm
by coffee demon
Maksim Rukov wrote: If there's anything else hidden away behind those thoughtful dark eyes, it's hard for Andrei to tell. "They know who you are and what you look like. We don't have any concealed weapons and if we do obtain some, we will be put in jail, therefore we can't protect you without risking our lives behind bars."

<<And to be honest, you simply aren't paying us enough for us to risk life, limb and jail time. I am very sorry for Elizabeth's loss but I simply don't think it's wise that we pursue this matter any further. At least, not until the requisite preparations are made.>>

Andrei looks like he's half-listening, cracking ice cubes into glasses. "You're right, I completely agree, we have to be careful about where we go, but I think the assassins at the hotel were dealt with, weren't they? This might be the last night we have before our faces are all over the newspaper. I don't think it would be too dangerous if a couple of us showed up."

"Yes, we need to talk about payment and all that. Lets wait until things settle down here." Andrei peeks into the sitting room. "Timour looks like he still needs to calm down a bit," he says with a smile.

When Johnny enters the kitchen, Andrei asks to hear his version of what happened, while cutting lemons and squeezing them into drinks.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:29 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline swirls around the drink she's fetched herself. It wasn't like she'd never seen someone who'd been murdered before; that came with the job. She also had the luck of having been able to save someone's life today; that didn't always come with the job. Still, she felt herself sinking into her chair cushion, feeling the scotch warm her cheeks a little, seeing the others a bit surreally. She wasn't intoxicated but rather lost a bit in the swirl of events. After hearing about the actions of Thomas and the Rukovs especially, she begins to wonder how she ended up here. She wasn't surprised by the violence--albeit defensive--perpetrated by the Rukovs--they were foreign and moody, after all--but she was a bit surprised by Thomas, who seemed as much a man of action as the others. Was she the only one without a handgun? she wondered.

"I would be willing to go the lecture," she hears a voice say, surprised to find that it was her own. Becoming a bit more focused, she says, "I've been reading Elias's book, and that may help a bit."

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:50 pm
by Grafster
Johnny manages to rescue his glass before Andrei puts any liquor in it. He also helps Timour go pick up the BAR from the garage, though he won't have anything to do with Jackets. The thing is properly wrapped (cloth of some sort, and a rope) and a reasonable excuse (Miss Downings peculiar taste in foreign art) is given for the odd shaped parcle.
Decrepit wrote: "I would be willing to go the lecture," she hears a voice say, surprised to find that it was her own. Becoming a bit more focused, she says, "I've been reading Elias's book, and that may help a bit."

"I was thinking something similar. But the subject of Elias' book don't seem to share any traits with these so-called voodoo cults. They used guile to approach their targets and used pickaxes, yellow sashes, and sugar. It didn't mention masks or anything else either." Johnny sets down his untouched soda water.
"I doubt these voodoo murders and his Thugee cult are related."

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:54 pm
by Decrepit
"I suppose that's right," Caroline replies. "Maybe I was just lumping things together. It has been a stressful day, and I admit I'm not thinking as clearly as I might. But at least it's all broadly related--secret goings-on. And in any case, I would be interested to hear the lecture, if indeed it is tonight.

"Could we telephone someone and perhaps save ourselves a trip if 'tonight' isn't actually 'tonight'?"

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:24 am
by coffee demon
Andrei re-enters the main room, giving everyone their drinks and placing a water-and-lemon beside Elizabeth's scotch. He sits down beside her again and listens.


When Timour and Johnny return with the BAR, Andrei watches intently. He rubs his face like he's tired and frustrated.

"Whether the lecture is tonight or not, we don't all have to go. There's a lot of things to do downtown tommorrow, so maybe we should stay here overnight. My apartment isn't too far away either, so there's lots of room if anyone needs a place to sleep."

As the conversation goes on, Andrei whispers to Elizabeth, "You need to rest. We'll find a nice quiet place to relax in a bit. And I'll make you some breakfast in the morning."

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:07 am
by warhammer
Thomas notices Caroline is upset and sits next to her.

"I understand you did not expect this." he says." Neither did I. But it's always been my point of view that when the shit hits the fan, you need to pull yourself together and act while it's still time, and not sit down and analyse the situation. I'm not sure we took the best course of action back there. But we did the best we could, given what we were able to do. I'll understand if you decide you can't handle this kind of thing happening again, and decide to bow out at this point. It's now or never, that's for sure."

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:38 am
by imme
"I'd go with Caroline and Johnny to the lecture tonight," Elizabeth says, surprised at herself. "I have read several of Jackson's books, afterall." She half-smiles at Andrei and squeezes his hand, to show him that she would be up for it and also that she appreciates his care. "Shouldn't we be leaving soon?"

"You are all, of course, more than welcome to stay here tonight, if you'd like. I have plenty of space."

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:32 am
by coffee demon
Andrei returns Ellie's smile.

"I think the Russians need to talk about.... Russian things.." he says with a half-smile. "If you all think its dangerous, perhaps the three of us could follow in another car. If not, I would be happy to buy you two a drink and we could talk." He looks across at the Rukovs with a raised eyebrow.

"We could kill two birds with one stone, actually - the three of us could wait outside the lecture in the car... and bring a bottle to keep us company..."

Andrei might not be a soldier or a flamboyant ladies man, but he spent a lot of time gallavanting back in Russia, and is comfortable having drinks and relaxing with the boys.

Everyone is on edge, and understands the danger they may be in, so Andrei is trying to balance things out a little by trying to seem relaxed. His primary concern is the Downings - he's not looking forward to seeing the paper the next morning.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:27 am
by Decrepit
Colorful language aside, Thomas did seem to have her best interests at heart, Caroline thinks. He seemed to be the kind of fellow that it would be useful to know in a pinch.

"I appreciate your words, Thomas," she says. "You're right. I was second guessing things. I do that, probably too much. Sometimes it's easy to see so many possibilities, so many things one could've done differently." Turning a tad more serious, she continues, "You seem not to have that problem, though. Oh, you might think about things afterward some, but you don't appear to be plagued by self-doubts." She leavens her words with a smile.

"Thank you, indeed, but I do think I'll try to see this through, for Elizabeth's sake, and maybe for my own too."

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:54 am
by coffee demon
Decrepit wrote: "Thank you, indeed, but I do think I'll try to see this through, for Elizabeth's sake, and maybe for my own too."

Andrei overhears Caroline talking, and turns to her.

"See what through?" Andrei raises his voice a bit so everyone can hear. "Don't tell me anyone is thinking about picking up Carlyle and Jackson's research. What we have to see through, is the fact that a cult of assassins killed Jackson, and, depending on the newspapers tommorrow, they may be looking for us. The assassins tried to take all his documents, and we took them instead. Why they wanted these documents, I don't know, but I don't want to barricade myself in an estate like Mrs. Carlyle for the rest of my life, in fear of these scoundrels."

"We need to help the police find out who these people are. And I suppose this lecture would be a good start."

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:29 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim sighs deeply, staring out the window, hands thrust deep in his pant pockets. "Whatever you think's best, Andrei. However, if it's likely to be dangerous, it would be best not to drink." He shrugs and sighs again.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:51 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour walks back in accompanied by Johnny. With one smooth motion he pulls his brother's coat from off of his Browning rifle and sets it gently on the coffee table for all to marvel at. As he hands the coat back to Maksim he doesn't even seem to grasp the notion that the weapon might have made some of the gathered people uncomfortable, after all in his experience guns most often were a means to assure one's comfort went uninterrupted.


As Maksim takes his coat he notices with some agitation that the inside liner now carries the sweet, heavy scent of gun oil. An odour that completely overwhelms even the pungency of his aftershave/cologne and threatens to transfer onto his clothes should he place the jacket back on.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:41 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim gives the coat a depressed look, folds it up and places it on the ground by his feet. He looks at the BAR and then at the assembled group, then takes a swig of vodka from his battered hip flask. He seems rather melancholy.

"Will the lecture begin soon? If so..." He lets the sentence trail and looks first at Elizabeth and then at Andrei.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:52 pm
by imme
Elizabeth looks a bit stunned by the BAR in all it's "glory". Last time she saw it, it was on the floor of the car and not so prominently displayed.
Maksim Rukov wrote: "Will the lecture begin soon? If so..." He lets the sentence trail and looks first at Elizabeth and then at Andrei.

"Yes. Let me call NYU to make sure the lecture is actually tonight and then we, that is whoever is going, should take off." Elizabeth leaves the room to go make the call.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:57 pm
by Decrepit
"Andrei," Caroline replies, "I'm not really sure what you're saying. We should go to the lecture but not get involved in all of this? I realize it's been a long day, but I'm not following you.

"In any case, it seems as if, as you note, we are already involved. I'm not suggesting that we chase these madmen down to the ends of the earth, just that we follow up on a few things and then turn the matter over to the police."

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:11 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim flips his pocket watch, catches it, opens it, flips it again. "A lot can be done in one night but not if we all go to the same place at the same time. On the other hand, if they're after us, believing we're unarmed, and some of us now are, and we are each in separate places.... But if we wait, who knows how many of the trails go cold?"

"The question isn't whether who's there is dangerous. That can't be controlled so we merely have to be prepared and hope for the best. What matters is whether who's dangerous follows us." He dangles his pocket watch, swings it in an arc. "I can do my best to shake a tail but my car, sorry, my brother's car, only carries so many people."

"So what can we get done in a night? Whether separately or together going from place to place?"

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:06 pm
by Raiko
Elizabeth calls the university, but learns that the “Cult of Darkness” lecture was held the evening before; Professor Cowles took the first train the Boston this morning, he should be back in Arkham by now.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:40 pm
by Decrepit
"Well, I guess no one's going to the lecture, then," Caroline says. "We could call up this professor or take a trip to Arkham--though not tonight, please."

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:35 pm
by Timour Rukov
Decrepit wrote: "Well, I guess no one's going to the lecture, then," Caroline says. "We could call up this professor or take a trip to Arkham--though not tonight, please."

"Bah!" says Timour as picking up his machinegun in his right hand and chomping down on a fresh cigar, 'no better time than tonight."

Stepping toward the door he looks back on the assorted members of the room, "think of all that's happened? None of you accepted the possiblity that Jackson was in mortal danger either and look what happened. These men we're in a race against are not lounging around sipping vodka and acting dower! They're out there right now shutting us down, terminating our leads and trying to find the best way to snuff us out," he adds emphasis but squashing his stogie into an ashtray. "They want to know how much we know, who we're going to talk to next. If they'll kill one man to guard whatever it is they're protecting than why wouldn't they kill everyman or woman," he adds looking at Liz, "that stumbled into their path?"

Timour stands off to the side of the front door, "I say we get out there, this instance and crack this case, no more wasted words, no more sorrowful glances. Victory! Or nothing else I say, now who's coming with me?"

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:43 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim sidles up to Andrei and murmurs in his ear: <<See? You want this man on your side. His enthusiasm is rather catching, isn't it? You have to give him that much at least.>>

Then he casts a sidelong glance at Timour and spreads his arm as though playing up to a crowd. "You have a plan, yes? For what we can do and in what order? I, for one, don't really want to leave anyone unguarded and currently there are only three men with guns, or so I have assumed, and one man's gun..." He looks at the BAR. " unacceptable in most places, what with the whole cop thing and store owners or whoever we talk to not often liking the look of highly armed foreignors."

His theatrics are well-meaning, not sarcastic, but stem partly from the vodka he's swigging and partly from the stress of the day, rather than genuine enthusiasm.

"What would you say we should do, brother, to make the best use of our time?"

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:49 pm
by Timour Rukov
"One team goes to Arkham to talk to this lecturer, tonight, with a suitable guard. Either he's a part of this or in danger of becoming a part of it. We need to protect him or at the very least find out whay Jackson was so keen on hearing him speak."

Timour looks at Johnny, "Next the oriental bar. Only one man here stands a good chance of walking in there and finding out what we need, I'd say Johnny with whomever he feels comfortable with."

"I suggest myself for Arkham, as my brother says," Timour indicates to his gun, "I'm not dressed appropriately for a night on the town, but for a social call, maybe."

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:09 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Has anyone here thought that this might be a smoke screen?" asks Maksim. "It all seems kinda convenient. Some masked black men..." He looks over at Elizabeth sadly. "Some masked black men spend some time murdering a person, leaving clues everywhere, including a big mark. Isn't there a chance that Jackson had mundane enemies? The husband of a woman he'd spent too much time with? A scorned woman, even? Or maybe a rival."

"Perhaps someone's even trying to hurt Elizabeth for something she, or her family, have done. Love or money are the main reasons why people do the terrible things they have done. True, I'd like to pop vengeance into that list right there, but that's just me."

"What I mean to say is, can we honestly say they're not just two-bit hoodlums bought and paid for?"

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:25 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei watches Timour intently, averting his gaze if Timour tries to make eye contact. He'll let the others decide.

He adds, "My impression is that you took care of all the assassins at the Chelsea. Am I correct? If thats the case, any other assassins are going to wonder who we are, but they won't know. Until tommorrow, at least, when the newspapers are printed."

"I suppose that, if there's anything that needs to be done before Jackon's death is made public, it should happen tonight. I'm not sure what that would be, though."

Andrei is trying to stay diplomatic. Timour is obviously worked-up, and Andrei doesn't want to directly oppose him, fearing an all-out fight.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:39 pm
by coffee demon
Decrepit wrote: "Andrei," Caroline replies, "I'm not really sure what you're saying. We should go to the lecture but not get involved in all of this? I realize it's been a long day, but I'm not following you.

"In any case, it seems as if, as you note, we are already involved. I'm not suggesting that we chase these madmen down to the ends of the earth, just that we follow up on a few things and then turn the matter over to the police."

"I apologize, Caroline, I'm tired too", Andrei answers with a weary smile.

"I agree with you, we're involved. Any remaining assassins are going to know who we are, starting tommorrow, if the reporters print this story. They might even know we killed some of their friends. We'll probably be hunted. I agree, anything we can do to help the police is a good idea. I'm not encouraged by the fact that the police haven't found any leads on these fellows, after, what was it? 8 or 9 other killings? But they're not quite as... motivated as we might be." Andrei rubs his face again, looking tired.

"However, I don't think we should start digging in Kenyan ruins, just because Jackson and Carlyle did. First priority is making sure we're safe - that's what I'm trying to say, I guess."

"Which means following all these leads, as well. Something will help us figure out who these bastards are, I'm sure of it."

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:08 am
by Decrepit
Timour's outburst causes Caroline to wonder yet again into what kind of company she and Elizabeth had entered into. It seemed like a good thing to have someone like Timour on your side, but he also seemed mercurial enough for one to wonder how long he might remain on one's own side.

"All right, then," Caroline says after a moment. "I'm persuaded, a bit reluctantly perhaps, that immediate action is what's called for. You'll have to forgive the fact that I'm not a 'private eye' by training.

"I guess I'm still willing to go to Arkham."

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:12 am
by coffee demon
Andrei nods to Caroline. "Some people should stay here as well. You might be spending the night in Arkham, especially with this snow. I think its important that some of us remain in New York, so we can get an early start tommorrow morning."

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:23 am
by Grafster
Johnny frowns. "The purpose of physically calling on this gentleman in Arkham instead of calling him would be? A tactful approach would probably be prudent. Since he travels for lectures is it not possible he may have headed off somewhere else?"

After giving Andrei a look he turns and speaks.
"Miss Downing it seems likely that your name will be in the papers tomorrow, and most probably, not limited to the society section. It might be an excellent idea to give your parents advance warning. Depending on what else has happened today the press may decide among themselves that this sort of event is -particularly- newsworth and visit the estate as well."

"If one is inclined to accept the more improbable, though I must admit possible, theories that have been suggested, your name will now have appeared three times to this suppposed criminal gang.
Once when we visited the Carlyle estate.
Twice when you called to speak with Erica.
And now, in the papers, as a close friend of Mr. Elias."

"Assuming there is a violent criminal conspiracy with, or without, religious delusions it may be prudent to ensure that proper precautions are taken."

Johnny hobbles over to the phone and waits for instructions.
[edit= fixed poorly constructed first sentence.]

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:00 am
by imme
"Oh! You're completely right, Johnny. Of course I must call my parents. At the very least I wouldn't want them to worry when they see my name in the paper tomorrow morning. Why didn't I think of that? Also, I agree that there is no need for anyone to rush out to Arkham tonight. I will place a call to Professor Cowles, uh, regretting that I missed his lecture last night. Perhaps he could give me a summary?"

Elizabeth turns to Maksim, "I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that Jackson really was ... that cultists are actually responsible. Over the years he has revealed multiple cult leaders as the phonies they are. Perhaps this time he found himself in more trouble than he was prepared for." Her voice fades out, and she looks as if she may start crying. Then she pulls herself together and turns back to Johnny. "Would you please ring my parents? I'll call them first, and then try to reach Professor Cowles." She takes another drink of scotch, emptying the glass.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:27 am
by Grafster
"A summary of the lecture could be very interesting. I wonder if Mr. Elias was in town for it."

Johnny works the phones. First to the Carlyle Estate and then (presuming there is nothing tremendously shocking) trying to get put through to the Arkham Professor in Boston. Once he has the respective people on the line he'll turn the phone over to Miss D.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:39 am
by warhammer
Thomas had been sitting pensively and smoking while he had let the others discuss for a while without interrupting. The ones with a talent for psychology could sometimes faintly read approval or disapproval on his face when the others were speaking, but he had kept quiet for a while, organising his thoughts and not willing to open his mouth before he had made sure everything was clear in his head.

When he is finally ready, he stands up, requests a moment of silence, and starts talking while walking around the room.

"I ain't staying here." he says.

"... tonight." he adds a few seconds later when he understands by the looks he's getting that some thought he was quitting the investigation. "As has been pointed out, this place will soon enough be raided by journalists and the likes. We might even get a visit from some visitors that are even more unwelcome. We totally lacked discretion at the hotel and I'm willing to bet it's a blunder we haven't finished regretting. Now, don't get me wrong, I was part of it. I'm not blaming anyone in particular."

"When it will be time to sleep, I'm going to spend the night in my office, and I'll make sure to get there discreetly. I might even walk instead of taking the car, it's healthier for your body. I recommend that nobody stays here late tonight, and I recommend that nobody stays on their own. You're safer with a companion."

"I'm calling Harvard tomorrow and asking about the book Jackson Elias was after. If it seems useful I'll also take a trip to their library and research a few things. Another thing I want to do tomorrow is make a tactful visit to Emerson Imports and find out what business Elias had with them. I also want to decipher what he wrote on the back of the card. This will require some smooth talking, so please, no rushing with this. I want to be there when we make enquiries.

"Someone investigate the harbour and try to find out about that yacht on the photo. Someone finds out about the Stumbling Tiger Bar. Someone else get ahold of Anthony Cowles. And someone must keep trying to get Dr Huston's file on Roger Carlyle. No burglary."

"That's all I have to say for now. Oh, and Liz... If you go see Erica Carlyle tomorrow, which I recommend you do... Keep your eyes open for a safe, will you?"

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:03 am
by Grafster
Johnny, finishes his first phone conversation, "Yes she's here. One minute." He passes the receiver to Elizabeth.

"If you don't stay here then someone will have to go with you; this evening as well as tomorrow during the day."

"I can look into the harbor as well as the bar." Johnny touches his coat pocket with the matchbook from the Stumbping Tiger.

We still need people to look into "Cowles and Huston's psychology files."

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:51 am
by imme
warhammer wrote: "That's all I have to say for now. Oh, and Liz... If you go see Erica Carlyle tomorrow, which I recommend you do... Keep your eyes open for a safe, will you?"

"A safe? I would assume she has one, but it is likely hidden. Why does it matter, anyway?"

Elizabeth takes the phone from Johnny. She turns away from the group, but the conversation is still uncomfortably public. "Hello? Mother? I need to tell you something before you read it in the papers tomorrow. ... No, I'm not in trouble, I'm fine. Except, well, that is to say, um, do you remember how I was going to meet my old friend Jackson this morning? Um." At this point she begins to choke up. "When I went to his hotel this morning, that is when we went, some of the people you met the other night went too." She takes a deep breath but can't keep the tears from coming. "He was k-killed. Jackson. By horrible people. ... Yes, I'm fine, I'm fine. But, well, there were cops and the press and I didn't want you and father to worry when you read about it in the paper tomorrow." The rest of the conversation mostly consists of a weeping Elizabeth trying to reassure her mother that she is okay. Towards the end, she tells her mother, "Just be careful, okay? I don't know who killed him, or why, but in case they somehow associate my name with Jackson, I just don't want anything to happen to you two. Tell father, would you? ... Okay. ... Yes, Johnny's here. I'll be fine. ... I love you, too. Give my love to father. Good night."

Elizabeth hangs up the phone, still in tears. Without turning around to face anyone, she says "sorry. Excuse me please" and goes to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:11 am
by Grafster
Johnny will quietly ring back the mansion and speak with staff, confirm that the situation is fine. He will also mention that it seems to have been a "freak event".

He'll ask the guards (or other abled bodied menfolk) to double check the windows and doors tonight and ask the gardener to keep an eye out for any suspicious types. "Just to be safe."

He'll also mention to the staff that "should the press become persistent," he glances up at Andrei. "the vacation house may provide a more relaxing alternative." And suggest that they confirm travel schedules, packages and so forth should the Downings decide to take a few days off away from the hustle and bustle.

He doesn't ask to speak to the Downings. If spoken to he'll be supportive without providing any signficant additional information. "They spoke this morning, so it was a great shock." "Some elements of the event, nothing to do with the young lady of course, may be seized upon by the more lurid elements of the press." "Jackson, may he rest in peace, was a colorful individual, that may add to the news' interests in the area." "The lady doctor, Miss Ward, is here with us, along with Andrei and Thomas so Miss Downing has company to talk to." "We'll be spending the evening in, of course."

Johnny says he'll call again in the morning before hanging up.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:31 am
by Decrepit
"I'd almost forgotten about the files," Caroline says. "Seems like ages ago already. "I could go back down there maybe one more time without drawing too much suspicion. I think I might need help, though. The board secretary is, shall we say, extremely diligent in carrying out his duty. He wouldn't let me out of his sight for a second. Perhaps someone could distract him while I obtain access to the desired files.

"As for sleeping arrangments, would someone be willing to take me home? I'm guessing that would be safe enough, at least for the time being."

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:17 am
by coffee demon
Andrei is obviously distracted by Elizabeth's distress and teary exit.

He listens for a while longer, but keeps looking at her bedroom door. Finally he stands up, looking uncomfortable, and says, "I'll be back in a while." And in Russian, <<If we don't talk about your... about money tonight, we can do it first thing tommorrow, I promise. Here are the keys to my apartment, you can stay there if you like.>>

He gives his keys to Maks, and heads to the bedroom. He hesitates, like he's going to say something else, then knocks softly on the door and enters.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:19 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I'll be your escort," says Maksim. "If your home hasn't been found out about yet, there's no need leading anyone there and like I've said before, shaking a tail is something I'm better prepared to do, though to be honest, I haven't had much experience in actually spotting a tail."

"If we're really all planning on going in separate directions, did you want to wait awhile and have Elizabeth and perhaps Andrei come to? Like the others have said, it's best not to be alone at this point although it might make sense for us to all go sleep on your living room floor rather than in such a visible target." He smiles, dropping his gaze for a moment. "And I'm pretty sure you don't want to be asleep in your home, alone but for me, am I right?" He gives a little shrug. "I think Timour should stay with Miss Downing, armed with the BAR, wherever she goes, since she's likely the one they'll come after."

"Don't suppose anyone has a spare gun for me? I'm not about to take a gun out in public but I'd rather have one if I'm holed up somewhere."

"So yes, Timour should guard Andrei and Elizabeth. I'll drive Caroline home but I don't want to leave you alone. Who do you want with you? And why are you unwilling to stay here with everyone else?"

"It's a shame cars weren't larger and warmer. I swear we'd be safer if we kept moving around. But then, I don't think anyone wants to take turns driving with me until dawn."

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:13 pm
by Decrepit
"I'm rather sure I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Rukov," Caroline says. "It was just that there had been some suggestion about us leaving this place. I'm all right with going home--my place isn't far--and anyone is welcome to come along. If everyone thinks it's better to stay here, then that's fine as well.

"Do I sound indecisive? I suppose I am, a bit, when it comes to hiding out from deranged cultists and inviting Russian men I don't know to my apartment to sleep in the next room. I assume this will all become normal in time."

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:15 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Who could sleep," Maksim murmurs, seeming deep in thought.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:16 pm
by Decrepit
"Well, in any case, I need to pick up a few things at home, Mr. Rukov. I didn't come prepared for a campout. If you think you can get us through this snow without mishap, let's go. We can come back here in the morning, or we can head straight to the medical office and then come back.

"And you're welcome to make use of my couch for the evening."

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:06 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Say," says Maksim. "Say, I think we better go out and come back here, Doctor Ward. We don't know how quickly these people are prepared to move and if they are gangsters they may very well have connections with the police which means they'll have a very good idea about what's going on. So as much as I like the idea of a couch, I think we should come back afterwards."

"As to whether I can get through this snow, that all depends on how thickly it snows between here and the clinic. See, I really don't know how thick that is and I'm pretty sure no one's car here is fitted to get through more than a little. If we go out, we might just get stuck in the middle of a snow drift, maybe. Not sure how this city fares under snow. I may be good with cars but there's only so much you can do with a foot or so of snow."

"I mean, I said I'll take you so I'll take you. I'm just letting you know that we might both end up stuck in a snow drift so maybe borrow one of Elizabeth's coats."
He shrugs. "Just saying."

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:18 am
by imme
After awhile, Elizabeth and Andrei rejoin the group, hand in hand. She does look sad, but has managed to pull herself together again. "It occured to me that perhaps Mr. Kensington, Jackson's publisher, could be in danger. If the cultists are looking for what information Jackson had uncovered, wouldn't they think to check the publishing house? Anyway, I think it'd be better if he found out from us instead of the paper tomorrow morning. But, well, would someone mind calling for me?" She looks at Andrei.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:02 am
by warhammer
"Perhaps it's best to leave Mr Kensington alone for the time being." says Thomas. "If we are indeed being followed and observed, anyone we talk to is potentially in the same mess we are in. So right now, you all might want to be careful who you talk to."

"As for Kensington specifically", he says, pointing at the Nairobi notes that were copied from his office, "these notes are the reason why he needs to keep a low profile, and why he shouldn't be seen with us. They are extremely interesting. If you haven't noticed that, you should read them again. If Jackson Elias was killed for what he knew, then by all means anyone who read these notes is probably somewhere on a "wanted dead" list as well."

"As for the safe, Liz, I was referring to the London notes. See? "The books are in Carlyle's safe." What books? I don't know. But they seemed relevant to Jackson Elias."

Thomas lights a new cigarette and lets his suggestions sink in. He is ready and about to walk to his office within a few minutes to spend the night there.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:13 am
by Decrepit
"Looks like the snow's not that bad, Mr. Rukov," Caroline says, "but I can understand if you don't want us to go. Perhaps I could just borrow some clothes from Elizabeth. I was partly thinking that I didn't want to go down to the records office looking like I'd slept in my clothes. I'm probably already going to raise enough suspicion going down there again so soon."

She pats his hand in a friendly fashion. "I do appreciate you offering to drive me around."

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:27 am
by coffee demon
The evening has been a mess of ideas and suggestions. Andrei is tired of trying to piece it together, and everyone seemed to be shooting down each other's plans, and coming up with their own.

"Ellie, why don't you gather some clothes, maybe get some for Caroline as well. Lets head to my place. On the way, we could drive past the publisher's office, just to make sure the place looks okay. I doubt he lives above his office, so there's nothing we can really do there tonight anyways. It was a good idea, though, Ellie."

"Does anyone else want to stay at my place? Let's meet again tommorrow morning at my apartment, say 8 o'clock?"

Andrei is becoming more comfortable around the group, willing to speak up when he has a thought. He still talks a little louder than he needs to, like he doesn't know how to use his voice in a group of people.

He grabs his coat and waits impatiently in the front room for people to sort themselves out and arrange rides. He's too tired to bring up work and money with the Rukovs, and tries to avoid looking at them.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:30 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim looks a little guilty as she pats his hand. "Best time for it might be dawn, really. Before the newspapers are released but after we can get a good view of what's waiting for us. I'll take you down then, okay? We can head to the records office together. I tend to be pretty good at distractions." He smiles sadly. "At the very least, I look swell in a chauffeur's uniform."

His stomach growls and he looks embarressed.

He looks at the others, feeling self-conscious. Here he was, having to convince a lady that it was too dangerous. Any of the other people here would have gone in a heart beat. It was only him who was having heart palpitations.

Then again, stripped of a gun and a plane, he really was nothing more than a mechanic with a handsome face. Unlike the other people here, he had no real belief in his other skills. His smooth talk had hardly worked at the Carlyle estate. Heck, he'd hardly proven himself driving yet.

He felt tired, hungry and in need of a drink but refused to give in to any of it. He would stay, listen, and hope his cowardice wouldn't undermine his own efforts to be helpful, yet again.

When Andrei makes his suggestion, Maksim merely shrugs. The look on his face shows he has no interest in talking about money just yet. "Timour and the BAR should stay with you two. My vote is that Caroline should stay with you..."

...and I should stay in the car with the rest of the useless belongings. At least then I wouldn't be watching people slowly die, piecemeal, or getting in the way of other people's lives.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:38 am
by Grafster
Johnny's eyes dart around from person to person. Since Andrei doesn't look like he'll be using the phone for a bit he quietly picks up the receiver and says, "Yes, I'd like to be connected to a Mr. Cowles. An Anthony Cowles in Arkham. That's right, in Massachusetts. Yes, please."

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:47 am
by coffee demon
Andrei nods to Maks. Sure, Timour and the BAR. Might as well get that talk over with.

When he sees Johnny picking up the phone, he sighs loudly and leans against the wall near the exit doorway, arms crossed over his folded jacket. He starts fiddling impatiently with the lining of his gloves, ignoring anything but direct questions.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:00 am
by warhammer
"I'll see you around..." simply says Thomas as he puts his hat and coat on. Everyone was being overly emotional and starting arguments about pretty much anything, and it was beginning to irritate him. He felt there was absolutely no good reason for him to stay at the Dakota at the moment. He felt further discussions about the investigation were best left to tomorrow, and personal discussions would not amount to anything good in such a situation.

"You have my number if you need me." he adds after a pause.

"Meeting here tomorrow in the afternoon?" he says while standing on the doorstep, finally turning his head to look at the others.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:01 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim runs his fingers through his hair and leans in towards Elizabeth and Andrei. "Hey, uh, well, y'see, Caroline kinda needs some new garments to wear and, well, it's best we don't split up too much so I was wondering if maybe you could, perhaps, sling some her way?"

He puts his hat on his head, sniffs at the coat slung over one arm and reels a little. He tosses it to Timour. "Looks like it's your oil rag now."

He shivers, bracing himself for the cold outside in little more than a three-piece suit.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:04 am
by coffee demon
warhammer wrote: "Meeting here tomorrow in the afternoon?" he says while standing on the doorstep, finally turning his head to look at the others.

"Tommorrow morning, my apartment, 8:00 am. Unless you're planning on taking matters into your own hands," adds Andrei.

Thomas seemed like he was good at taking the reins, but, in Andrei's tired and irritable state, the lawyer's strong personality was starting to grate on him.

Andrei ignores Maks' talk - any more talk meant staying longer and he was ready to go. He sweeps the notes and cards up from the table and tucks them carefully under his arm, putting the smaller pieces into an inside pocket of his coat.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:13 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Look, Thomas, I know you wanna go home and all but you gotta gun and this here lady needs to pick something up," Maksim says the moment he notices Andrei's resolve not to speak, without waiting to see what Elizabeth says, attempting to take hold of Caroline's elbow. "How about you do me a big favor and play the armed escort while I take her home to get a few things? Then I drop you off home?"

"Personally, I don't figure I'll be able to sleep anytime soon so I'm up for a game of cards or something at your place or Caroline's, though odds are, knowing my luck, you're both tired and not in the mood." He shrugs, setting his hat even more firmly on his head. "In which case, I still ask if you could do me and Caroline that favor, anyway."

As far as Maksim's concerned, he'd rather brave gun-toting gangsters than deal with a grieving woman and her irritated fiance. He genuinely feels in the need for a little camraderie and maybe a little vodka, though has prepares himself for what he believe are the inevitable excuses and hurried demands to go home.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 3:39 am
by imme
Elizabeth pipes up. "Oh, Caroline, of course you're welcome to borrow some clothes. I need to pack some for myself anyway. In fact, I have an outfit that would suit you quite well, I think. Why don't you come try it on, and then you can save yourself the trip home in this weather? Johnny, could you ask about the lecture for me, please? I'd like a summary if at all possible." She turns, beckoning Caroline to follow, but spots the coatless Maksim. "Maksim, you can't be thinking of going out without a coat! It's freezing out there. You know, I think there's an old coat that's been hanging in my closest, left by someone last winter. Let's see ..." she opens the closet and pulls out a coat that's obviously made for someone taller and thinner than Maksim. "Oh, that won't do at all. I'm sorry." She blushes a little, puts the coat away and heads toward her bedroom, encouraging Caroline to follow.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 3:54 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim frowns a little, startled by her reaction. "So no game of cards then?" he calls out after their departing backs, then shrugs. He clasps Andrei's shoulder absent-mindedly and speaks to him out of the corner of his mouth. "I figured you'd want time alone with your lady which is why I haven't invited you."

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:13 am
by Grafster
imme wrote: Johnny, could you ask about the lecture for me, please? I'd like a summary if at all possible."

Ear to the phone, Johnny nods. "That's right he's a professor," he tells the operator.

Phone plan:
1. He'll ask for a schetch of the seminar,
2. any recommended books

Three leading questions:
1. "It must have been quite an interesting night,..." (designed to ilicit any comments like "yes, in fact there was a man wearing a mask and holding a butcher knife in the front row the whole night... he gave me his business card... I have it right here... his name was....")
2. "I know that Mr. Elias' was hoping to be there." Relationship between Cowles and Jackson.
3. "Actually this whole cult-thing is quite a topic right now, what with that horrible string of murders. The press have taken to calling them voodoo-killings. If you can imagine such a thing."

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:45 am
by Decrepit
"Thanks, Elizabeth. Let's take a look at that outfit." Caroline follows her friend, momentarily happy just to be doing something seemingly normal for a bit.

She looks back toward Maksim. "Looks like I won't need that ride after all." She'd felt like she'd been in the middle of a tug-of-war, with different ideas and plans pulling in different directions. Something as simple as going home for a little bit had turned into an ordeal. She understood there was good reason to be cautious, but it all had gotten a bit crazy. She felt like she was in the middle of a play wihtout a script, without any idea of who the players were.

Well, perhaps it was time for bed, she thinks as she stifles a yawn.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:54 am
by imme
Decrepit wrote: "Thanks, Elizabeth. Let's take a look at that outfit." Caroline follows her friend, momentarily happy just to be doing something seemingly normal for a bit.

"Please Caroline, only my parents call me Elizabeth." She rolls her eyes but gives Caroline a smile. Elizabeth also seems to enjoy the normalcy of trying on clothes, and her spirits lighten as she helps her friend put together an outfit.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:18 pm
by Timour Rukov
Maksim Rukov wrote: "So yes, Timour should guard Andrei and Elizabeth."

Timour rubbed his face in annoyance as his brother offers up his services as a baby-sitter. Oh course he had told them all exactly what they should be doing but they were all too cold and frightened to tackle things properly. Best defense was a great offense. None of them had listened. Looking over at his brother he wondered sullenly if these soft elitists were going to get both of them killed.
Maksim Rukov wrote: Maksim puts his hat on his head, sniffs at the coat slung over one arm and reels a little. He tosses it to Timour. "Looks like it's your oil rag now."

When the eldest Rukov turned to see what his brother was talking about he caught jacket square in the face and a button dinged his tooth with a sharp crack that made him wince and wonder if it had been chipped. Rolling his eyes as his oblivious brother walked away the big Russian reached down and picked up the coat to sniff it. Hmm, Maksim was right, it stunk of gun oil but it was far too big and made of the wrong material to be used effectively as a rag. Unless he shredded it into tinier pieces...

When he heard Maksim at the door he rushed over to him. He was escorting Caroline outside and when Timour caught up to them he yanked his brother around roughly and stared at him with a disapproving grimace, <<“you’ll catch your death.”>> he said and placed his own jacket around his brother’s shoulders.

Stepping back inside he retrieved his other possessions and headed toward the exit and the awaiting cars.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:34 pm
by Raiko
On the telephone.

«I’m very sorry sir, Professor Cowles has been delayed by the weather. He's staying at the Parker House Hotel in Boston overnight, but he hopes to be back in Arkham tomorrow. You could try to contact him at his hotel, or I’ll take a message for him if you like.»

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:28 pm
by warhammer
"That's okay with me if somebody needs an escort." answers Thomas, still standing on the doorstep. "However, I intend to walk, as my car was involved in the chase earlier, and it's probably the worst car to drive at the moment if we want to keep a low profile... which is what we ought to do."

Thomas then leaves the Dakota (accompanied or not), keeping an eye open for any suspicious behaviour around him.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:20 pm
by Raiko
Johnny manages to contact Cowles on the phone, at his hotel in Boston. The phone is initially answered by a lady with an Australian accent.


“Hello, I was wondering if I could speech to Professor Cowles, it concerns his lecture in New York.”

«Ok just one minute»

Johnny can hear talking off the phone, «Dad, it’s for you! Somebody asking about your lecture»

A few seconds later an Australian man speaks on the phone, «Hello this is Anthony Cowles, what can I do for you?»

“Hello Professor, I’m in New York and I unfortunately missed your Cult of Darkness lecture at NYU, I was hoping you could tell me a few of the details over the telephone and that maybe I could attend your lecture at a future venue. Your university told me where you were staying in Boston.”

Professor Cowles is audibly happy to have a ‘fan’ on the phone and immediately begins chatting enthusiastically, «Of course, of course. Well I’m stuck in Boston because of the weather at the moment, but I’ll hopefully be back in Arkham tomorrow. You’re welcome to come and see me anytime once the weather has cleared. No need to wait for a formal lecture, just come and see me at the university or at my house, I’d be delighted to run you through the whole thing»

«My lecture concerns a bat cult that once existed among the Aboriginals of Australia. It was known across the continent, and the god of the cult was always known as the Father of All Bats. Adherents believed that by making human sacrifices to their god they themselves would become worthy enough that the Father of All Bats would appear to them. Once he was enticed to appear, he would conquer all men. Sacrifices were run through a gauntlet of worshipers who struck the victims with clubs embedded with the sharp teeth of bats. The teeth were coated with a sub- stance derived from rabid bats. The poison was quick-acting, but victims apparently went mad before they died. Leaders of the cult reputedly could take the forms of bat-winged snakes, enabling them to steal sacrifices from across the land.»

«An Aboriginal song cycle mentions a place where enormous beings gathered, somewhere in the west of Australia. The songs say that these gods, who were not at all like men, built great sleeping walls and dug great caves. But living winds blew down the gods and overthrew them, destroying their camp. When this happened, the way was open for the Father of All Bats, who came into the land, and grew strong.»

«Of course this is all myth and legend, and this cult clearly became dormant or extinct hundreds of years ago. However in 1921 an explorer, one Arthur MacWhirr of Port Hedland located some enormous blocks of stone deep in the Great Sandy Desert, pitted and eroded but clearly dressed and formed for architectural purposes. Some of them seemed to have carvings cut into them. However while they investigated the stones MacWhirr and his men were attacked several times by a party of Aboriginals. MacWhirr kept a dairy in which he recorded
deaths to victims from hundreds of small punctures, reminiscent of the earlier bat-cult.»

«I have the diary, but it’s at my home in Sydney. I have a few photographs of MacWhirr with his men and the stone blocks, I show them as slides during my lecture.»

The Professor finally stops talking and so Johnny says, “My friend Jackson Elias is a admirer of your work, I think he was going to your lecture?”

«Jackson Elias? Well I know the name I’ve read a couple of his books, but I don’t ever remember meeting him. He may well have attended the lecture, but if he did then he didn’t make himself known to me.»

“It must have been a memorable night?”

«Well I suppose it was, it’s good to go to a big university and draw a crowd.»

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:10 am
by Grafster
Raiko wrote: “It must have been a memorable night?”

«Well I suppose it was, it’s good to go to a big university and draw a crowd.»

Facinating. I thank him, casually mention the voodoo murders, wonder if he's heard about the symbol we found on the body and then hang up.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:54 pm
by Raiko
On the telephone

Professor Cowles doesn’t recognise the symbol carved into Jackson’s forehead from the description that Johnny gives him, nor does he have any knowledge of the voodoo murders. After a few more minutes chatting though he does offer some help:

«To be honest African cults aren’t really my area at all, but I’m sure that there would be an expert at NYU. If not then I can put you in touch with someone at Miskatonic. You really must come up to Arkham anyway, once the weather has cleared. You’d be most welcome to have dinner with us. My house is number [OOC: I’ll look the address up at home, and edit], I hope I see you soon.»

The conversation quickly ends after that, and Johnny hangs up.

[OOC: I’m assuming that you all split up, as per your plan now. I need a few dice rolls to resolve thing now (see OOC thread)]

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:40 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei flicks on the lights at the rear of the hallway, shocked to see Timour laying in the darkness with his BAR pointed at them

He lets out a fearful whoop-ing sound before relaxing. "Oh!" he calls. "Good to see you!" To Caroline and Elizabeth, waiting anxiously on the fire escape below, he smiles widely and says "It's Timour!"

Andrei crawls through the window and walks to his rooms. "We had a hell of a time", he explains to Timour before opening the door and surveying his belongings.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:50 pm
by warhammer
"Turn all the lights on and stay on your guards until we've looked everywhere." says Thomas, entering with Andreï without wasting time with chit-chat.

I'll be social later. First, we make sure there are no intruders in there. Stay on your toes. he tells himself, still keeping his gun handy and attempting to detect any sign of any cultist still being inside.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:02 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei flips on the lights, throws open the door, and stands back quickly to give Thomas a good field of view. He's pretty sure things are ok now, but he'll indulge the lawyer.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:27 am
by Grafster
Johnny relaxes further hearing the conversation outside. Sounds like she's safe. Good.

As Andrei flips on the lights Johnny he sees Johnny standing nochalontly in the doorway. He looks slightly uncomfortable.

[Quote=Thomas]"Turn all the lights on and stay on your guards until we've looked everywhere." [/quote]
The Chinaman gestures silently with his hand toward the end of the hallway, which contains the bathroom and Andrei's Russian-love-pala... bed room.

Johnny won't draw his pistol but will follow the lawyer (or anyone else) who decides to go to the last two rooms.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:39 am
by Raiko
coffee demon wrote: Andrei crawls through the window and walks to his rooms. "We had a hell of a time", he explains to Timour before opening the door and surveying his belongings.

[OOC: In case you haven't read the Chinatown Thread]

The living room has been trashed; furniture is overturned, cushions slashed, cupboards and drawers emptied onto the floor.


There isn't anyone hidden in the guest bedroom, it's trashed like the living room though. That just leaves the bathroom & Andrei's bedroom to check (as Grafster already posted).

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:45 am
by coffee demon
"My old Officer's pistol is...was... in the bottom of my trunk in the bedroom", Andrei quietly offers. He also relaxes visibly, even though his room is trashed and someone may still be in the bedroom.

will wait behind Johnny and Thomas, surveying the damage quietly.

"Where's Maks?"

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:32 am
by Timour Rukov
coffee demon wrote: "My old Officer's pistol is...was... in the bottom of my trunk in the bedroom", Andrei quietly offers. He also relaxes visibly, even though his room is trashed and someone may still be in the bedroom.

will wait behind Johnny and Thomas, surveying the damage quietly.

"Where's Maks?"

"Unfortunately we arrived too late to stop them from searching your apartment, but we scared them off. I'm just glad I wasn't in the mood to shoot first and take names later on that balcony or your wedding plans would have been cut in half," laughs Timour, happy to see them alright. "As for Maksim, wasn't he downstairs in my car?"

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:46 am
by coffee demon
"We came around the back. We saw a few people waiting in a car outside earlier, and there were more up here. Not only that, people were searching Thomas' office at the same time. There's a lot of them, and somehow they know where we live."

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:50 am
by Timour Rukov
"A lot of them?" Timour seems perplexed, "I assumed we were dealing with but a handful of men, but this sounds more like an organization were dealing with than a few crackpots smoking too much of the blossum. Perhaps I do need grenades?"

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:03 am
by Grafster
Johnny taking advantage of all the aural cover provided by the chit chatting in the living room will silently slip down the hallway. After pausing to listen at the doorways [please roll for me if necessary] he'll either:

If hearing nothing check the bathroom and then the bed room and check for Andrei's gun.
If hearing something wave to Thomas and draw his pistol. He doesn't particularly want to shoot anyone but he'll try to quickly open the door and intimidate.
If anything physical happens he kicks out knees and otherwise tries to do painful but not fatal type of disabling stuff.

Gonna be away for 6-8ish hours. I've copied the roll above below.
Chapter 1 - Sneak (50%) - Down the hallway to check the rest of the apartment. [1d100 -> 3]

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:19 am
by coffee demon
Timour Rukov wrote: "A lot of them?" Timour seems perplexed, "I assumed we were dealing with but a handful of men, but this sounds more like an organization were dealing with than a few crackpots smoking too much of the blossum. Perhaps I do need grenades?"

Andrei looks quickly at Timour's face, to read if he's joking or not. For the first time, it doesn't look like the big Russian is passing judgement on Timour. He looks back down the hall toward Thomas and Johnny and chews his lip, thinking.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:16 pm
by imme
Elizabeth crawls in through the window and breathes a sigh of relief upon seeing Timour. She walks into Andrei's apartment, stifling a small gasp as she sees the damage done to the living room. "Are we safe here now?"

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:49 pm
by Raiko
Grafster wrote: Johnny taking advantage of all the aural cover provided by the chit chatting in the living room will silently slip down the hallway. After pausing to listen at the doorways [please roll for me if necessary] he'll either:

If hearing nothing check the bathroom and then the bed room and check for Andrei's gun.

Johnny creeps silently down the hallway with Thomas covering him. He checks the bathroom, finding it empty - although again the room is trashed, the contents of Andrei's medicine cabinet dumped all over the floor.

Then he turns his attention to the final door. Pushing it open he surveys Andrei's bedroom:

Time seems to freeze...

An open trunk...

An empty polished walnut case...

A grotesquely masked man crouched by Andrei's bed...

Pointing the huge revolver right at the doorway...

Johnny throws himself sideways back towards Thomas, just in time as the cultist pulls the trigger. The .44 bullet misses Johnny by inches, blasting a big hole straight through the wall behind him.

Everybody else turns towards Johnny, startled by the ungodly loud report of Andrei's huge revolver.

Before Johnny is even back on his feet, a second cultist burst out of the room brandishing a machette.

Please reply to this in the OOC thread.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:31 am
by Raiko
Elizabeth shrieks as she joins Caroline ducking behind the overturned furniture, Andrei attempts to usher the ladies out of the room, shouting "Go! Go! Get Maks, he's downstairs in front!", but ends up joining them as Timour fires a deafening burst from his Browning Automatic Rifle.

The Russian fires the BAR straight through Andrei's living room wall, in the direction of the gunshot, then dashes into the hallway towards Johnny and Thomas.

Things are not going well for that duo. Thomas' first shot misses the masked attacker by inches as he closes in, brandishing the wickedly curved machete.

The cultist is unaffected by Johnny's weak sweep, and swings the huge knife at Thomas. The lawyer's second shot also misses, as he despirately backs away from the masked man, but at least he avoids the deadly machete.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:31 pm
by Raiko
Johnny draws his revolver and, ignoring the machete wielding maniac only a few feet away, takes a quick look into Andrei’s bedroom. The masked man armed with Andrei’s revolver is nowhere in sight, but there is a big smear of blood down the back wall, and more blood on Andrei’s bed.

Thomas slips as he tries to escape his masked attacker, the cultist looms over him his machete raised and Thomas wonders whether he can get a shot in quickly enough.

There is no need though, before the cultist can attack Timour fires from the doorway, his bullet slams straight through the centre of the grotesque mask killing the cultist instantly.

Johnny steps carefully into Andrei’s room, his revolver ready, just in case. He glances behind Andrei’s bed and sees the other cultist’s body, three bloody holes torn through his chest by Timour’s burst [OOC: :shock:].

Andrei’s revolver lies next to the body, covered in fresh blood.


Andrei, Caroline and Elizabeth run down the stairs, and out of the front entrance, but neither Maksim, nor Timour’s car are anywhere to be seen.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:44 pm
by Decrepit
"Is anyone hurt?" Caroline says, lugging her bag as she heads downstairs. "Any of us, I mean." She was used to sometimes being the one who helped a victim of violence, but she'd never been this close to the actual perpetration of violence as it took place. Twice in two days, she'd been with the freshly or newly slain, and it wasn't an experience or a feeling she wanted to get used to. Not that it looked like she had a choice.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:34 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei curses when he finds that Maks is missing. He leads the ladies upstairs, taking the steps two at a time.


Upon re-entering his apartment and seeing that everyone is OK, Andrei starts piling his business documents from his desk into a leather satchel. "We need to get out of here before the police come."

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:44 pm
by warhammer
Thomas sits up and stares blankly for a second, scratching his head. Only minutes ago, a cultist was standing over him raising a deadly machette and intending to kill him with it. He was saved because of someone else's intervention, something he was not used to, and something that had happened to him twice in a short amount of time.

He gets up and, for once, does not display his traditional unphased attitude. After muttering a few words of thank you's, he comes back to his senses and packs his things.

"Yeah. Let's get outta here. I suggest using the fire escape again. By now, all the neighbours are probably sh*tting themselves and looking through their keyholes to try and see anyone coming down the stairs."

"Good to see everyone's OK." he adds after a pause.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:17 am
by Grafster
Johnny squats down and pulls the mask of the mans face. He'll search the body for any items of interest before picking up Andrei's handcannon and returning to the central room.
“We’re going back to the estate.” It’s more of a statement than an order.

"Timour if it's all the same to you I'd like to have you and Thomas take the BAR out of her now. If Maksim isn’t out front then you’ll have to carry it away through the snow.”
Johnny will find a sheet to help wrap the BFG.
He’ll hang on to the Andrei’s gun, sticking it in a bag from Andrei’s apartment (if he can find it). His pistol goes back in his pocket.

He'll check the second body (if no one else has), examine but leave the machete, and help Andrei pack up and leave. He doesn’t forget the cane he left on the fire escape but uses the stairs to go down.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:23 am
by imme
When Elizabeth re-enters the apartment and sees the dead cultist, her eyes go very wide and all color drains from her face. After staring for a few moments, she shakes herself and studiously ignores the body for the rest of the time in the apartment.

During the commotion of getting ready to leave, she says, "Where did Maksim go? I thought you said he was outside. We'll need to find a taxi."

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:33 am
by Decrepit
"I gather the attackers are quite dead," Caroline says. What was it about these men that drove them to such seemingly insane lengths? She hadn't much of a clue. She knew, of course, that Freud and a few others gave credence to the depths of man's dark natures, but she doubted whether the good doctor had been confronted with murderous men such as these she had encountered twice in short succession.

She looks to Beth, who seems quite shaken--and understandably--by what she's seen already. Sadly, Caroline suspected, it wasn't going to get any better for any of them, at least not soon.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:10 am
by Raiko
Andrei’s Apartment
9:40pm - Thursday 15th January 1925

Both attackers are black, and shabbily dressed in old suits. Their wooden face masks / headdresses are virtually identical, except for minor artistic differences in how they were hand carved. Both masks feature the same red tongue or trunk protruding obscenely from their centre. There is very little in the style of the headdresses to suggest that they represent human faces, hence the difficulty of determining whether the red leather represents a tongue or a trunk. The masks possibly represent some pagan deity.

Both men were armed with the same kind of machete, they bend by about thirty degrees in the middle of the blade; apart from that one bend the single edged blades are relatively straight.

Searching the bodies Johnny also finds that each man has a flashlight, some cigarettes and matches and a small amount of cash, $15.28 in total. They have no identification of any kind.

None of the neighbours have investigated the gunfire yet, but it’s likely that the cops will arrive any minute now.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:05 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour rolls the BAR up in the living room throw carpet and motions for Thomas to get the door, "we'll need to hide my weapon, is the trunk of your car secure?"

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:46 pm
by Grafster
"The trunk of any car associated with us, anywhere around here, would be a searched if the police find us." Johnny opines tossing Andrei's gun into an old pouch and pulling it over his shoulder.

Johnny looks at Thomas "is your car down in front?"

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:48 pm
by imme
Elizabeth speaks up. "Thomas left his car parked at my apartment." She reaches into her purse, pulls out a beautifully engraved hip flask, and takes a swig.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:51 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour curses loudly, sets the weapon down and looks out in the hallway, there had to be somewhere to hide the blasted weapon.

"Andrei do you have a secret compartment or anything big enough for it?," he says softly before he goes to search the halls.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:12 pm
by warhammer
"What she said." says Thomas. "We actually used a cab to come here. How did you come? Our best bet could be to hide the gun in a secure place and fetch it back later. Give me a second to think about it."

Thomas lights a cigarette on which he puffs heavily, thinking about their best option. But somehow, he can't concentrate properly.

"Yeah, I can't think of any better idea right now." he adds with a shrug.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:26 pm
by coffee demon
"There's no secret compartments," Andrei says, quickly giving his apartment one last look before shutting the door. "This is going to look bad."

He looks around quickly in the hall. "Maybe we can throw it onto the roof from the fire escape and come get it later? Let's not risk running through downtown New York with your gun wrapped up in a carpet. Come on!"

Tucking his satchel over his shoulder, Andrei half-jogs to the rear fire escape. He checks outside to see if police have arrived, quickly turns to see if Elizabeth is following, and starts making his way down the stairs.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:14 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods.
"The roof it is. Timour you're with me. Miss Downing perhaps you could accompany Andrei, Thomas and Doctor Ward back to the estate."

"Assuming we can hid the BAR and get away before the police find us we'll meet Maksim at dawn and then join you there later.

Johnny passes Andrei the pouch with his pistol and hefts one side of the carpet-wrapped-minigun.

If possible he'll go up the stairway and hide the BAR on the roof. If not then it's up the fireescape (the least discreet thing he can think of, but anyway).

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:36 am
by Grafster
Johnny hefts the BAR up onto his shoulder. He todders a bit before getting his balance. "Just go. GO!" he says as he makes his way out the door. He uses his hand to steady himself against the wall as he makes his way toward the roof.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:44 am
by imme
Elizabeth follows Andrei down the fire escape.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:43 am
by Decrepit
Caroline, bag in hand, tags along with Beth and Andrei.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:17 am
by coffee demon
As he makes his way down the ladder, something thats been sitting in the back of Andrei's mind comes together.

He recalls Jackson's notes, from the day before - and the masks, with their huge carved tongues. What did Jackson write? Something about a black tongue? red tongue? I must look at those notes again, as soon as we get back to the Downings' house!

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:18 pm
by imme
Climbing into the taxi, Elizabeth tells the driver, "Queens, Bayside District", and moves over so the others can get in.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 2:11 am
by coffee demon
Andrei squeezes in with the satchel piled on top of him. He quickly sneaks the bag containing the bloody pistol in the satchel as well.

As they drive, Andrei says to the others, "I remember reading something in Jackson's notes about the Cult of the Black Tongue, or Bloody Tongue, or something like that. I'll check up on it as soon as we're at your parents', Ellie."

Other than that, Andrei stays mostly silent - many different thoughts are running through his head.

...I still have Ellie, and I have my finances, who cares about all the clothes I won't be able to retreive. Oh! My best leather shoes that I just bought, too! The police might come looking for me when they find out who owned that apartment, but I think I can make up a convincing story. Maybe I should call them from the Downings'. Damn, I'm hungry - I don't think I've eaten since I had that pasty across from the Chelsea...

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:46 pm
by Raiko
Middle East Side, Manhattan – Close to Andrei’s Apartment.
10:05pm – Thursday 15th January.

The taxi heads towards Long Island, glancing back from inside the four investigators do not spot any sign of a tail, and soon the cabs is cross the East River towards the relative safety of Downing House. The snow has finally stopped, and stars shine brightly in the cold evening sky.


Meanwhile Johnny and Timour manage to escape the area just in time as several police cars, and a truck descend upon Andrei’s battle-damaged apartment.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:40 pm
by warhammer
"I think the best thing we can do is deny all knowledge of what happened here." says Thomas, looking at the other passengers in turn through the rearview mirror. "Now that we're fleeing the scene, there's little point in fabricating an elaborate story. We're all acquaintances so it won't be a problem if they find our fingerprints in Andrei's apartment."

Thomas is concerned about how much and how long they'll need to escape from the police. For having worked together with them on several occasions, he knows that sooner or later it will have to stop or, should they be arrested, they won't even have a case to defend anymore.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:30 pm
by Decrepit
"I'm not sure how good a liar I am, Thomas," Caroline says. "I see your point, but it's not going to be too hard for anyone to make the connection among us, and, in any case, our foes don't seem to care much for legal niceties, or basic humanity, for that matter."

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:43 pm
by imme
Elizabeth had been staring out the window, lost in thought, but now turns to join the conversation. "Do you think we really could get away with denying that we were at the apartment? In the detective stories they always manage to find some neighbor who happened to be walking the dog at just the right time and saw the whole thing. But I guess it will also be hard to explain the huge bullet holes in the walls."

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:44 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline sighs. "It may not matter whether there's evidence connecting us to the bullet holes. There are plenty of people out to get us, it seems, and the police, or at least some of them, may be complicit. In that case, they'll track us down with or without evidence."

Caroline sags back in her seat a bit. "Beth, darling, could you pass me that 'medicine' I saw you with a bit ago?"

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:18 am
by Grafster
Johnny, in the front seat, seems to have finished rolling up a cigarette and lights it.

After a minute he says, "I am going to need to meet Maksim. I will get off at the next corner," he says to the driver.

"Giving the police something to chew over will make them happy. Giving them nothing will irritate them. If they are looking for scapegoats then irritating could be tempting."

With that Johnny tips his hat to Miss D, "I will be along promptly" and slips out of the car.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:24 am
by Grafster
Once out of the car Johnny finds a phone and calls the Downing House to indicate that Miss D and company are on their way home.

He also asks if anything has happened of note this night at the house before hanging up.

He'll make his way to the park by dawn, but before that he'll check out this "Bar on Lantern Street" and make arrangements for getting some guns.

If I get him a little gun maybe he'll stop using the big one....

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:43 am
by imme
Elizabeth passes the hip flask to Caroline. "Just what the doctor ordered?" she says, with a small grin on her face.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:27 am
by coffee demon
Andrei ignores the girls banter and flask-sharing, and thinks about what Johnny said before leaving the car.

Yes, we have to come up with something to tell the police. I think it's best to feign ignorance - better than coming up than a story we all have to agree on. It would be too easy for one of us to screw that up. And I wonder about the integrity of the police - maybe they're looking for any excuse to charge us. Or am I being paranoid?

Surely we could tell some of the Downings' housekeeprs to say we've been in all night? Any connection to that automatic rifle fire is going to get us in trouble. Yes, it's probably best to pretend we don't know anything about it.

I'll discuss this with everyone as soon as we're out of the cab. No use having anyone else hear it.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:22 pm
by Raiko
Downing House – Bayside, Long Island, New York
10:30pm – Thursday 15th January, 1925

The taxi stops outside the gates of Downing House at the end of the tense, but uneventful drive from Andrei’s apartment. Seeing that Elizabeth is inside the taxi the gatekeeper opens the large iron gates and waves the taxi inside.

Davenport Park – Lower Manhattan
7:05am – Friday 16th January, 1925

It is still ten minutes before sunrise as Johnny and Timour wait stealthily in the small park where Timour had enjoyed happier times only a few days before. The temperature is somewhat below freezing and the two investigators pat their gloved hands together to keep warm.

Earlier they had asked around Johnny’s haunts in Chinatown about the mysterious ‘Stumbling Tiger Bar,’ but nobody knew of such a bar in New York, or indeed of any Lantern Street.

However during a visit to a seedy mahjong parour, thick with opium fumes and under the watchful eyes of Triad heavies, Johnny finds a Chinese Sailor who identifies the location shown in the grainy photograph. He says that the buildings in the background are from the “Bund” – Shanghai’s International District on the west bank of the Huangpu River.

Before leaving the parlour Johnny spoke to the Triad men and arranged to acquire three .38 revolvers from a local dealer. The guns will be ready to collect at noon, they are ‘clean’ and will cost $50 each.

Now as the pair stand under the twilit morning sky they spot Timour’s car parking by the entrance to the park.

[OOC: Johnny – Luck(65%) = [42] – Legwork in Chinatown]

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:10 am
by coffee demon
Once inside the Downing residence, Andrei asks the housekeepers if anything suspicious has occurred tonight. He greets the Downing parents, then excuses himself to go upstairs for a moment.

He climbs to the highest floor and peeks out the windows looking in each direction from the estate. He keeps the lights off so anyone outside couldn't see him. He's looking for suspicious cars parked beyond the walls of the estate, nearby copses of trees where people may be watching, or likely places where someone could jump the wall of the estate without being seen.

Afterwards, he goes downstairs and quickly meets with Thomas, Elizabeth and Caroline. He proposes feigning ignorance to the police, and asks Elizabeth to talk to her parents, or whoever she thinks should be complicit in their alibi.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:23 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim Rukov appears with a pasty in a brown paper bag and a cup of hot coffee. He waves a gloved hand as he approaches. "I met the sweetest old lady last night. Such a kind woman. Fed me a feast and let me sleep in the spare room despite me coming across her on the way home so late at night. The world is still full of the innocent, no? I must remember to buy her a gift." It's hard to tell whether he's kidding or not. Timour's car is nowhere in sight.

"It's good to see you two didn't get yourselves killed. As you can see, abandoning me in that car, unarmed, didn't get me killed either." He gives them a cheery wink.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:13 am
by Grafster
Johnny's stomach rumbles loudly as Maksim's pastry gets into sniffing range.

"You're safe. Good. That's very good."

"We need to go back to the Downing Residence. There were more masked men in the apartment," Johnny's voice is pitched low, almost comically low for a man in the middle of an empty park at dawn.
“Your brother had a chance to use his favorite toy. He’s a good shot though.” Johnny puts his hand up as though he is about to pat Timour’s back. Then he puts it down at his side.

“Lets get back to the residence.”

Once in the car Johnny will have fallen asleep before Maksim has turned the engine on.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:52 am
by imme
Elizabeth goes to talk to her parents, to ask them to cover for her and her friends.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:06 pm
by Grafster
Johnny stretches out his legs. He's staring at the picture, identified as being in Shanghai and rubbing his head.

Another piece to a puzzle that I'm starting to think isn't ever going to make sense.

He lights a cigarrette and looks around the breakfast room at the assembled crew of investigators.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:14 pm
by Raiko
Downing House – Long Island, New York
8:00am – Friday January 16th 1925

[OOC: I’ll update this when I know exactly what Elizabeth is telling her father]

Elizabeth’s father deals with the detectives, he explains that Elizabeth and her friends have been at Downing House since early the previous evening, the cops apologise for taking up his time and leave after a brief chat to Andrei. They explain that his apartment is “a bit of a mess” and that he shouldn’t return there for now, as it is a crime scene.

Johnny and the Rukovs arrive back shortly after the cops leave.

The day outside is clear and cold, it isn’t forecast to snow again today, although some areas of New England further to the north aren’t so lucky.
In today’s newspapers:

Unsurprisingly the violence at the Hotel Chelsea makes the front page of all the Newspapers, the article states that Jackson was the target of a brutal ritual attack, and that police are linking the murder to previous ritual slayings across the city. Elizabeth, Caroline and Andrei are all mentioned by name on page 2 as the ‘friends of Jackson Elias who discovered his mutilated corpse.’ The violence at Andrei’s apartment also receives a mention on page 5, the police are “unsure whether it is connected to the voodoo murders.”

Jackson Elias’ murder shares the front page of the New York Times with the news that Gerald Chapman, mail robber and jail breaker, was identified yesterday as the man who stole a mail pouch containing $10,000 from a Long Island train near Merrick on Tuesday.

Also on the front page is an article stating that car deaths in the New York State had risen to 2,029 last year, an increase of 63 over those from 1923 (in the year the Rukovs arrived, a coincidence? I think not. :D)

Other local news:

An aeroplane will be used to record events during next Saturdays total eclipse of the sun, it will make the observations from an altitude of 12,000 feet, Army fliers on board will report to the public by radio. Six scientific expeditions will also all make an attempt to measure natural light during the sun eclipse of Jan. 24 from several locations in the eclipse’s path. The results are expected to prove of both scientific and commercial value and importance. The totality of the eclipse will be visible from northern parts of Manhattan.

And the proprietor of a small Harlem dairy was shot and instantly killed last night by one of three hold-up men who, a few minutes previously had robbed the dairy of the day's receipts of $130.

International News:

Germany finally has a new Chancellor and a new Government after a wearisome crisis which has worn thin the patience of all who waited day after day for the long-delayed solution. Dr. Hans Luther, hitherto Finance Minister, is the new German Chancellor, succeeding Dr. Marx.

And Archaeologist Howard Carter may reopen King Tutankhamen's tomb on Janaury 25th, but he could require at least two years to clear all of the king’s treasures.

Sports News:

In response to questions following the publication of an article in The Sun, District Attorney Joab H. Banton said yesterday that his office would investigate the baseball scandal involving Jimmy O'Connell and Cozey Dolan, formerly of the Giants, if Commissioner Kenesaw M. Landis presented evidence to him that a crime had been committed under the laws of New York.

And Suzanne Lenglen engaged in a tennis singles match in tournament play yesterday for the first time since she left the courts at Wimbledon last June. She appeared in good condition, although somewhat thinner than formerly, and disposed of Mlle. Neven, a handicap player, without the loss of a game in two sets.

[OOC: Elizabeth’s Dad – Credit Rating (90%) = [86] – Lying to the cops (that was close :shock:)]

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:50 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline is struck by a sense of the surreal as she skims through the stories describing her life and that of her friends, new and old. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep, or that ingestion of alcohol on a nearly empty stomach, or just the nigh-insanity of it all--or the curious objectivity of reading about oneself, as if one were just another person--but Caroline felt a fuzzy disconnection from reality.

Hearing conversation around her, she snaps back to this-worldliness. "It appears that we are public figures now," she says to no one in particular. "Well, some of us who weren't before, anyway. In any case, it's much different to be on the front page than on the society page."

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:01 pm
by imme
"Yes it is." Elizabeth bites her lip and then speaks to the group, not making eye contact with anyone. "I was thinking about all of this last night, and I just wanted to say ... sorry. When I got the telegram from Jackson I thought it was the beginning of an exciting adventure. Obviously that's not the case. I've dragged you all into a gruesome and dangerous mess. I'm not really sure what I can do about it now except to say sorry." In a quieter voice she says, "If any of you can think of something I can do to help you get out of this, please do let me know."

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:46 pm
by warhammer
Thomas is sitting in the living room, drinking hot coffee and flipping through the newspaper. After close inspection, it appears he is not mentioned by name in the articles. This is good news to him as this could give him a dodgy reputation and hurt his career.

... But it looks like what I got myself into will give my career a serious hiatus, in any case... he thought. I'm still willing to go on. Finding out the truth about the Carlyle murders and getting the world rid of the kind of madmen we've just encountered will at least do a little good. And doing a little good is what it's always been about.

"There's no way out unless we all move to a different country and come back after ten years have passed." Thomas finally says, while lighting his first cigarette of the day. "... Or unless we take things into our own hands and see where this investigation leads us. You can be active or passive about it. I know I made my choice. The guys who tried to get us last night will try again, until they succeed or until we get them first."

The first thing he will do is call his associate and enquire about the office, whether the police have asked any questions, etc. He will also mention that he might not be able to come back to work at the office anytime soon, and will advise his associate to be careful and keep a very low profile until things calm down.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:55 pm
by Raiko
warhammer wrote: Thomas will call his associate and enquire about the office, whether the police have asked any questions, etc. He will also mention that he might not be able to come back to work at the office anytime soon, and will advise his associate to be careful and keep a very low profile until things calm down.

Thomas' associate doesn't answer the telephone, nobody does.

It occurs to Thomas that his associate occasionally works late at the office, later than the time that the cultists were there.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:06 pm
by warhammer
"Good lord, no answer from Mick." says Thomas, slamming the phone down and immediately putting his coat on.

"I'm going there... now. I need someone with me."

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:37 am
by Grafster
'Perhaps we should consider Miss Carlyle's offer to visit again. It could be a source of new information. I'm getting sick of dealing with people who are just triyng to stab us. Maybe she'll be more talkative."

From the way that he is smiling Johnny seems to find his comment amusing.
warhammer wrote: "I'm going there... now. I need someone with me."

"Perhaps your associate was just shocked by their appearance or scared them off. And has not been able to contact you."

Johnny latches on to his cane and pulls himself to his feet.

"Best to check, of course." He gathers his hat and coat. "Provided Miss Downing is staying in until we return then I will come with you."

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:23 am
by coffee demon
Andrei was upstairs for a while, and comes down with a sheaf of notes he made when studying Jackson's correspondances with the publisher.

Seeing Thomas and Johnny preparing to go, he drops his hands to his side, looking frustrated. "Where the hell are you going? Can we sit down and piece some of this together for a minute?"

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:41 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour checks over the holster his newest revolver should be in and shrugs at Thomas and Johnny, "want some back-up?"

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:20 pm
by warhammer
"No... and yes." Thomas laconically answers to Andrei and Timour, respectively.

"My associate isn't answering the phone. I can only hope he hadn't decided to work late yesterday, or else he probably won't ever answer anything again. I gotta check it out before anything else."

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:05 pm
by imme
"Yes, Johnny, I'll stay here." Elizabeth almost says something more, but cuts herself off and turns to Caroline instead. "Have you called your office yet?"

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:04 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei looks slightly irritated - then again, everyone in the room probably looks on-edge.

"I'm staying here." He pats the leather satchel beside him and continues in a lowered voice, "Best that some people and their weapons stay here, just in case."

After Thomas and the others leave, Andrei pulls out Jackson's notes. "Look at this - I knew I remembered something from the notes! Jackson talks about a Cult of the Bloody Tongue in Kenya. It must be the same as those assassins - remember the tongues on their masks?"

He falls silent for a few moments, scanning the notes he took.

"Yes, see? Cult of the Black Tongue - he didn't think they existed at first. Apparently they have a high priestess, which is part of the Mountain of Black Winds, whatever that is." Andrei puts the papers on the table, for others to look at.

"Lets wait until the others get back, but I agree with Thomas. We need to be proactive. If we sit around, we're going to end up like Mrs. Carlyle, hiding for the rest of our lives. They must have a leader in New York somewhere. I suggest we set a trap for some of these cultists and get some answers from them."

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:00 pm
by imme
"Don't forget, I'm invited to a party at Erica's house tonight. It should be interesting. Obviously she learned something in Africa and has been hiding from the cultists ever since. I don't think she's a prisoner, because the cultists seem much more interested in killing than anything else."

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:19 pm
by Decrepit
Seeing Thomas call his office made Caroline think of her own office and her assistant, Hazel.

"God, I should call my office, too."

As she waits for Thomas, she says with a sigh, "I was supposed to go down to the records office again. I'm a little concerned about doing that, though, now that I've been mentioned on the front page. What do all of you think? It would be helpful to have those records, but I'm not really inconspicuous anymore, assuming the secretary reads the papers, of course."

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:46 am
by coffee demon
Andrei nods to Caroline. "You're right - getting in the records office isn't going to be possible with any subtlety, is it? Maybe we should talk to Mrs. Carlyle tonight, maybe she'll be willing to help."

"What I meant by 'prisoner', Ellie, is that Mrs. Carlyle might be too afraid to leave her estate any more, in fear of assassination. Not to different from our own position, I dare say."

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:20 am
by imme
"Except that we're not going to hide. I can't believe she went all the way to Africa searching for the cause behind her brother's death just to come back and hide from the world. Jackson wasn't my brother, but I'm not going to hide from the people who are responsible for his death." Elizabeth is usually an easy-going person, difficult to anger. From the tone of her voice it's clear that the cultists have managed to do so.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:48 am
by coffee demon
Andrei watches Elizabeth with wide eyes, wondering if her anger is directed at him. He falls silent, leaning against the wall and listening to everyone else.

Elizabeth is right. That doesn't seem right about Miss Carlyle. Why would she hide, after going on such an adventure? I hope she's not angry at me. After a few more minutes of listening, Andrei pipes up,

"I think you're right, Ellie. About Miss Carlyle, I mean."

Then he shyly falls silent again.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:23 pm
by Raiko
Downing House – Bayside, Long Island, New York
9:00am – Friday 16th January, 1925
Characters Present: Elizabeth, Caroline, Andrei, Maksim

When Caroline calls her surgery the phone is answered immediately by a distressed Hazel.

«Oh Dr Ward, I’ve trying to get in touch!»

«It’s terrible, absolutely terrible – we’ve been burgled! I can’t tell what they’ve taken, but the whole surgery has been ransacked. It’s a complete mess!»

Thomas’ Offices
9:25am – Friday 16th January, 1925
Characters Present: Thomas, Johnny, Timour

When the three investigators arrive at Thomas’ offices, they find them total trashed, but deserted.

The whole place is covered in papers emptied from the many filing cabinets. There is no sign of Mick, nor of any bloodshed, but worryingly Mick’s overcoat and hat lay on the floor, by the overturned coat-stand.

[OOC: If Laraqua gets chance to post she can have Maksim accompany Thomas to his office, otherwise he can stay at Downing House where he’s ‘safe’]

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:46 pm
by warhammer
Thomas mutters a swear word and searches all over the place, but is obviously too upset to find any hidden clue.

"They must have taken him somewhere else. I'll find out what happened, no matter the cost. But knowing these people and what they could do to him, we might actually want to wish he's already dead."

Thomas feels engulfed by sadness at the thought he might never see his associate alive again, however he does not openly display any emotion and simply pours himself a shot of whiskey, which he downs almost immediately. He will attempt calling at Mick's flat, but doesn't expect any answer since his coat and hat are still in the office.

"No point feeling sorry for ourselves now. Let's investigate. I reckon we should go and ask all the neighbours if they saw or heard anything. One of them might have a hint for us."

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:48 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Hearing Elizabeth's rage, Maksim holds out his hand in an attempt to calm her. "We can't know what it is that causes a person to do what they do. In your circumstance, with your allies, this is what you choose to do. This may be the right path. But we have no idea what she has been through, who she has lost or who she risks losing if she were to act. Let's not judge her just as I wouldn't want to be judged by anyone who didn't know what happened to me."

Maksim waits until Caroline gets back into the room. "There's something I wanted to mention but I didn't get the time before and I'm a little... Never mind. I might have located where the cultists are hiding out."

"When I followed their car, they went into a dead end in Harlem. I didn't follow them inside because Timour's car stuck out like a sore thumb and I was unarmed but I circled the block to see if it exited onto any street. It didn't. I remember where it was but I can't say if they weren't just leading me into some nameless dead end where they were planning an ambush."

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:36 pm
by imme
Elizabeth replies to the comments about Erica with a "we'll see tonight, won't we?"

"Oh, that's great, Maksim. I'm glad you weren't ambushed, you were on your own without a weapon." Elizabeth sounds partly admonishing, partly impressed.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:06 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"The other two left me in the car watching a carful of cultists with nothing but a car to keep me company," says Maksim, smiling sheepishly. "Personally, I wanted them to wait with me so we could all follow the cultists together and act on what we found but from what I've heard, that would've got everyone into trouble. I vote we all meet up at someplace nondescript next time. How about the ... Cafe just outside the ... Park? Maybe next time at noon, though. I just think it'd be better if we had someplace certain and public to try."
"Please, please, please, may we never get split up like that again?"
he asks. "Oh, and Elizabeth, would be okay if I accompany you to Erica's? I tend to be good with people though I have had a run of bad luck lately when it comes to that. I'm a good shot and nowhere near as cocky as Timour." He says that with a shy smile, as though saying something he shouldn't. "And Andrei? You will be coming too, right? Perhaps all four of us should go. It's not too big to be scary but not so small that it's particularly dangerous."

OC: Will edit the ... when Raiko can give me a few good-sounding names since I don't have confidence in my research ability. :oops: Will edit out this bit too, at the same time.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:18 pm
by coffee demon
"Of course I'm going!" says Andrei, indignantly. Ellie, maybe you should call and see how many guests you can bring. Maks is right, I don't think it's safe to go with only a few of us. Honestly, I'd rather that we were all at Miss Carlyle's.

When Maks starts talking closely to Elizabeth, Andrei will move over and sit on Elizabeth's opposite side.

He leans over Elizabeth, putting his hand on her lap, and says to the Russian, "That's great news about the place in Harlem! Finally we have information on them that they don't know about!"

I can't wait until the others get back, and we can plan some kind of... assault, or something. If we can apprehend their leader, everything should die down.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:26 pm
by imme
"Well, I do remember that the man who called on behalf of Erica, a Mr. Corey I think, said I could bring along 'my Russian friends' as well. I recall that he was particularly interesting in meeting you, Maksim. I think your driving impressed him. And please don't call me 'Elizabeth', only my parents call me by my full name." The last comment is said kindly and with a smile.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:41 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim nods. "What am I supposed to call you?"

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:18 am
by imme
"People use all sorts of nicknames for me: Liz, Ellie, Beth. Call me whatever you want." Elizabeth turns to Andrei, "maybe I should call Erica to see how many people I can bring ... but first shouldn't I wait for Thomas, Johnny, and Timour to get back so I can ask if they even want to come?" A thought strikes Elizabeth and she looks the Russians up and down, "Oh dear, all your clothes have been ransacked. What are you going to wear tonight?"

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:23 am
by coffee demon
"We'll find something", Andrei quickly interrupts, before he has to listen to an innuendo from Maks.

"Ellie, why don't you call Miss Carlyle now? If the others decide not to come, we can say they cancelled."

"Maks, you need something to wear. You're too small for my suits, but we could find some clothes for you in town."

Andrei has completely forgotten about paying the Russians, but it pops back into his head now, for the first time.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:46 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim nods a little at Elizabeth's words. "I'm not entirely sure what I should call you. Perhaps Veta? In Russia, Elizabeth is Yelizaveta. What is the point of having a real name and a nickname, if everyone uses the same version of the latter?" He gives her a wry smile, then turns back to Andrei. "Yes, I think we should all start keeping several changes of clothes on hand." He turns serious. "How will we make things normal again, I wonder?"

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:00 pm
by imme
"Veta?" Elizabeth tries out the sound of it and smiles. "That's definitely a new one." To Andrei she says, "Fine, once Caroline is off the phone I'll call Erica, although I don't really see what the hurry is, since we're stuck here with nothing to do anyway. Still, it will be interesting to see if she's read the morning papers yet." Elizabeth tried to turn the last statement into a sarcastic comment, but the sarcasm falters and she finds herself uncomfortable joking about yesterday's events.

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:21 am
by Decrepit
"Oh, Hazel," Caroline says, "I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this. Listen, dear, I'm fine, and I want you to be fine too. Please just close up the office, taking everything with you that you think is worth keeping. I'll try to come by for it sometime, but, in truth, I don't know when ... or if ... that'll be.

"No, no, there's nothing you can do to help. The best thing you can do, in fact, is to keep yourself out of any of this. You've seen the paper this morning? No? Well, once you do, you'll start to see. I'm afraid I can't tell you any more than this is a bad business.

"Dear Hazel, please take care of yourself. I'm sorry to leave you unemployed like this. All right. Farewell."

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:27 am
by coffee demon
Andrei's heart sinks when he hears Caroline's phone conversation. He swallows hard and watches Caroline's face with a genuine look of concern.

I didn't consider that this situation would affect people's lives so completely. I never thought about Caroline or Thomas' careers, I guess.. it's easy for me, I don't have a job to attend every day. Poor girl. I do have some financial loose ends, but it would take nothing to finish them up. I'd do better with my money in a bank than all the poor investments I've been making anyways.

He sighs loudly, and asks Caroline, as she sits down, "Are you okay? It won't be long before this is sorted out, I promise."

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:48 pm
by Decrepit
"Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern," Caroline replies gamely. "I'm more worried about Hazel than myself.

"I hope you're right about things getting back to normal soon, although I'm not as optimistic as you are, I'm afraid."

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:11 am
by imme
Elizabeth looks very guilty. "I'll ask around and see if I can find someone who needs a medical assistant and can hire Hazel."

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:40 am
by Grafster
Johnny squats amid Thomas' apartment, his keen eyes roving over the mess.

Chapter 1 - Spot Hidden(85%) - Checking out Thomas' office (1d100=28)

“Don’t suppose you borrowed a lot of money from an Italian fellow, maybe from Chicago, and forgot to pay it back?” Johnny smiles weakly.

Once they get done making a search; Johnny will call the Downing Residence and update the others using Thomas’ office phone.

He will steer the others towards returning to the house quickly.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:45 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour chuckles despite Thomas obvious annoyance, "looks like you need a better maid."

Looking about he figures this was the work of the same cretins he had been making corpses out of for the last few days.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:19 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline beams at Beth and squeezes her hand. "Oh, that would be lovely, dear."

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:03 pm
by Raiko
Thomas’ Offices
9:40am – Friday 16th January, 1925
Characters Present: Thomas, Johnny, Timour

finds Mick's broken spectacles near to the door. Interestingly, despite the mess, nothing appears to have been taken from the offices.

[OOC: It will take you about 30 minutes to return to Downing House if that's what you want. The phones are working if you want to call]

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:24 pm
by Grafster
Johnny nods approvingly at Timour, "Sharp eyes."

He picks up the phone "The Downing Residence please. Yes, that's right, Long Island."

Once he gets Miss D on the phone he speaks ellipitically. "Thomas' office. No problems. Unfortunately it looks like our friends from last night were here. Probably met his partner. No, no. Nothing like that Miss. But his glasses were here and broken.
We'll be back promptly."

Johnny intends to pile back in the car and head back, unless someone has some sort of strong objection.

He falls asleep again as soon as they're on the road. Not waking up til the car engine turns off.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:59 pm
by imme
Elizabeth returns from the phone call. "That was Johnny. He was speaking vaguely, but it sounds like there's some evidence that the cultists found Thomas' partner in the office. They're coming back now."

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:22 pm
by warhammer
Thomas half-smiles at Timour's joke. It would have made him laugh if only he didn't have the awful feeling that he would most likely never see Mick alive again.

"I really think we should ask the neighbours if they've seen or heard anyone before we go join the others again." he says. "Maybe we won't learn anything we don't already know. But it's worth a try and I don't want to neglect any possible lead, unless you have an objection."

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:41 am
by Grafster
Johnny shakes his head. "Of course not. Asking around for a few minutes is a fine idea. There any other lawyers or other types who work late around the building?"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:21 pm
by Raiko
Thomas’ Offices
9:45am – Friday 16th January 1925

Thomas and his friends spend the next half-an-hour asking around the neighbouring offices, searching for witnesses, but hardly anybody else was working at the time of the break in, and those that were didn’t notice the disturbance.

With little hope of finding other clues, they set off back towards Queens.

Downing House – Bayside, Long Island, New York
10:55am – Friday 16th January, 1925

Thomas, Johnny and Timour arrive back at Downing House safely, they don’t think that they were followed.

[OOC: Let’s assume that Andrei has discussed money with Maksim, as per Coffee’s OOC post.]

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:08 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour rubs at his eyes, he was exhausted and more than likely the other men in his company were just as fatigued as he was.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:20 pm
by imme
As the three men enter the room where the others are seated, Elizabeth looks up and asks, "What happened to your partner, Thomas?" She is tired and fears, but expects, that she's about to hear more bad news.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:40 am
by Grafster
Johnny stretches the kinks out from his nap in the car before hobbling into the house.
He shakes his head quietly at Miss Downing’s question but doesn’t respond as he takes his seat in the corner of the room.

Going to have to turn around and get those guns at noon… unless I can postpone the pickup.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:57 pm
by Raiko
Dakota Apartments - 72nd Street and Central Park West, New York
11:30am – Friday 16th January 1925
Characters Present: Everyone.

Dakota Apartments

plush Manhattan apartment appears to have been untouched. There is also no sign of any Harlem death cult members lurking outside the building. Maybe the cult are saving the Downings for last...

Looking at the clock Johnny sees that it is now only thirty minutes until his appointment with the Triad arms dealer.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:19 am
by Grafster
Johnny leans on his cane.

Perhaps the Masked men did not come here because they hoped that Miss Downing would be coming to them....?

He clears his throat, "I need to pick up the supplies that we discussed. I should be back by one. Perhaps someone could give me a lift?"

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:59 am
by Maksim Rukov
"If there's nothing else I need to do, I'll do it," says Maksim with a wry smile as he gets out the keys. "The one thing I know I'm good at is playing chauffeur. Y'know, it might be worth something for the ladies here to legally obtain a few small handguns. We can never know what might happen if someone gets separated. Oh, and does anyone know where I might get some handcuffs? Because it would be really nice if we could capture a cultist alive."

For once he's not hoping for a long discussion, but figures it'd be nice to get a straight answer for some place that just happens to sell handcuffs that he could visit on the way back. True, the odds of it were quite low but one never knew.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:02 am
by warhammer
"I fear the worst." Thomas simply says, throwing his hat on the couch. "I swore to myself I would find out what happened to him, and I will, I just ain't got much hope to find him alive. We found his belongings scattered on the floor. I should have reacted sooner."

Thomas contemplates the fact he might have to take a long career hiatus because of this, maybe even start from scratch in another city. This did not bother him all that much, but he was clearly bothered about his friend and associate's fate.

"How about the rest of you? Got any better news?"

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:35 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I might know where their hide-out is," says Maksim. "Sorry to hear about your friend, by the way. That just convinces me even more that we need to capture one of these guys. Handcuffs would do it if we can put them on the floor." He looks over to Timour with a short nod, hoping he understood what Maksim implied. "I've seen in comic books, natives using blow pipes to render the enemy unconscious."

"There's a point, I might be over-thinking things, I tend to do that, but if I have found their home, if we can just poison their supplies with some kind of general anaesthetic or incapacitating diarrhetic or something, we could arrest the whole lot of them. We could find out all the answers we wanted. It's a huge risk. Far larger than going in shooting but if it could be done... Milk bottles are left on door steps in certain places. Does that happen in Harlem? Because if we could drug that milk that might have an effect? Even if only a few are made unconscious, that's enough to find the answers we need."

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:22 pm
by Timour Rukov
"Capturing one alive has proven problematic. I'm willing to try whatever course you choose brother," replied Timour but in reality he had only one thing he'd like to do to every singal one of those lunatics.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:34 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Doctor, do you know of any chemical that could put them to sleep, if they do indeed get milk deliveries?" asks Maksim. "Ignoring, of course, the difficulty in swapping the normal milk with drugged milk? If we could manage it, we would not only be able to find answers but we might be able to locate the good lawyer's friend. And that is something I feel we should all aim to do."

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:36 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline feels herself suddenly growing cold. While for a seemingly--no, an undoubtedly--good cause, such an action as Maksim proposed cut ran afoul of her admittedly highly developed sense of ethics, personal and professional.

Finally: "Well, yes, I suppose I do know something about how to render a person unconscious, Mr. Rukov."

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:02 am
by imme
Andrei clears his throat and unnecessarily projects his booming voice into the room. "I think that if we can capture their leader or someone we can question, good. Regardless, we must take the fight to them. Let us hope, however, that it does not become necessary for the ladies to have to carry weapons." He scowls at Maksim.

Elizabeth has remained silent throughout the discussion so far, lost in thought. "Excuse me," she says, "I think I'll try to call around and see if anyone is in a position to hire Caroline's assistant." She will go to the phone and starting ringing up her medical connections.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:03 am
by Grafster
Johnny stands by the door with his hat and coat in hand; listening to the conversation.
I'll ask Maksim where he followed that car to when I get back, he thinks.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:09 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Think about it," Maksim says as he heads over to Johnny, jingling the keys in his hand and flipping his hat onto his head.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:44 pm
by Raiko
“The Back Room” – Wing Yung Bakery, Chinatown, New York
12:00pm – Friday 16th January 1925
Characters Present: Johnny, Maksim

Located in the back of Wing Yung Bakery, the business place of Billy Chin smells much better than you’d expect of a seedy Triad arms dealership.

The two heavies stood by the door look exactly the part though as they stare suspiciously at Maksim.

Billy unwraps a cloth package on the stained table in the centre of the small room, revealing three Smith & Wesson .38s.

<Cantonese> “Here are the guns, you have the one hundred and fifty dollars I trust? Why did you bring the European barbarian pig, did you not trust me?” </Cantonese>

Emerson Imports – 648 West 47th Street, Hells Kitchen, New York
12:15pm – Friday 16th January 1925
Characters Present: Thomas, Timour

The Emerson Imports company is housed in a long narrow warehouse building located near to the Hudson river docks.

There is a loading bay at each end of the building, several people are visible working inside. Despite the seedy area there is nothing to suggest that anything disreputable goes on here.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:56 pm
by Timour Rukov
"Seems inauspicious enough," says Timour to Thomas, "but you never can tell. Want to scout around out here abit before heading inside?"

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:24 pm
by warhammer
"I doubt we'll get murdered right here, surely all these people can't be cultists." says Thomas, waving towards all the workers with his cigarette-holding hand.

Somewhere in his mind, even though he probably denied it to himself, Thomas also wanted to believe he could still find and save Mick if he hurried enough. So he wanted to obtain information as quickly as possible, and he simply glanced around the place, without wasting too much time for it..

"Let's go inside, I'm willing to be brief and good here."

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:16 am
by Grafster
Johnny grins.
Used to be I was looking forward to running guys like this in... I must have put some sort of order in for 'life, with a double order of irony' before I got squeezed out.

"What? Him? He's my driver. You think I can drive with leg like this?" Johnny picks up and examines the action on one of the guns.
"Look at him... He thinks he some sort of lady's man. I leave him out front and he makes eyes at the wrong girl... Who's gonna drive me home?"

Johnny finishes checking the remaining guns and tries to turn the conversation to more fruitful areas, "you hear about the crazy coolies with their religous cult? Running around trying to cut people up and eat them? Some kind of african thing?"

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:47 am
by Raiko
“The Back Room” – Wing Yung Bakery, Chinatown, New York
12:00pm – Friday 16th January 1925
Characters Present: Johnny, Maksim

“We know a little of this cult. They operate from Harlem where we have virtually no influence. The natives of Harlem fear the cult and will not speak of it anyway. They stay out of Chinatown, and we stay out of Harlem.”

“Their ‘high priest’ is said to have been shown the secrets of some old African god,” Billy chuckles to himself, “apparently he has ‘powerful magic,’ it keeps the negroes in line anyway! Ha!”

Green = Cantonese

Emerson Imports – 648 West 47th Street, Hells Kitchen, New York
12:15pm – Friday 16th January 1925
Characters Present: Thomas, Timour

There are some mezzanine offices up a staircase inside the warehouse, up there Thomas and Timour find Arthur Emerson the owner, he introduces himself and seems friendly enough:

“What can I do for you guys?”

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:31 am
by Grafster
"Aah. So the rumors were true. Those insert appropriate racial epithet sure are stupid. Still they breed like rabbits so there must be a lot of them," Johnny smiles grimly.

I knew there was some kind of criminal gang connection. The religious stuff is just some kind of cover.

Johnny makes sure to bargain for some bullets before getting on their way.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:08 pm
by warhammer
"Hello Mr Emerson." calmly says Thomas, firmly shaking the man's hand.

As he sits down, Thomas attempts to use his skills to read human behaviour and detect anything shady about Arthur Emerson, but, still bothered by Mick's disappearance, fails to live up to his usual performances. Thomas then decides nothing seems wrong about either the building or Emerson... and if they were part of the cult anyway, then they most likely would already know who Thomas and Timour were and would already be planning something against them. Thomas thus chooses to be blunt.

"I'll be direct, Mr Emerson, as we have no time to lose. I hope you won't find us rude. I suppose you've read the papers about the death of Jackson Elias. We were friends of his and we would like to find out the last things he did before dying, in case it sheds any light on the matter. We have reasons to believe he did business with you recently, or wanted to do business with you. Could you check in your records, and see if it rings any bell? That would really help us."

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:17 am
by Raiko
Emerson Imports – 648 West 47th Street, Hells Kitchen, New York
12:15pm – Friday 16th January 1925
Characters Present: Thomas, Timour

“No need to look, I remember Jackson Elias well; I’ve heard about the murder, but I didn’t realise it was the same guy. Take a seat guys, I’m sorry to hear about his death. Did you know him well?”

Once Thomas and Timour have sat down Emerson continues speaking, “Mr Elias came here on Wednesday afternoon. He was looking for information about imports into New-York from Mombasa, Kenya

“I told him that I’m the only U.S. agent for an exporter in Mombasa called Ahja Singh. His only account here is with a place called Ju-Ju House in Harlem, they sell African bric-a-brac, tribal masks and stuff. Ju-Ju’s what the darkies call magic.”

Emerson walks to his filing cabinet and takes out an account book, “I told Mr Elias the address...” He flicks through the book, “Ahh, here it is Ju-Ju House, Number 1 Ransom Court, Harlem. It’s just an alleyway really, off of 137th Street near Lenox Avenue. The manager’s a darkie called Silas N’Kwane

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:23 pm
by warhammer
"That's extremely interesting." says Thomas, lighting a cigarette and thinking for a moment. He now recognised "Silas N'Kwane" as the words written on the back of Emerson's business card. He also makes a mental note of the Ju-Ju House's address, although he now had a strong suspicion that it was the same place Maksim had found out about.

"Would you have any contact info about Ahja Singh? In case we need to contact him later."

After this, Thomas will be ready to leave when Timour is, and he'll make sure to thank Emerson for the help.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:36 pm
by Raiko
Emerson Imports – 648 West 47th Street, Hells Kitchen, New York
12:15pm – Friday 16th January 1925
Characters Present: Thomas, Timour

Emerson looks carefully at Thomas, “I hope you’re not stealing my customers.” He grins and points to the invoice book again, “Ahja Singh Import Export, Kilindi Harbour, Mombasa, Kenya.”

Dakota Apartments - 72nd Street and Central Park West, New York
01:00pm – Friday 16th January 1925
Characters Present: Everyone.

By one o’clock everybody has arrived back at Elizabeth’s Manhattan apartment, fortunately there is still no sign of anybody watching the building.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:10 pm
by imme
Once everyone has arrived, Elizabeth excuses herself and reappears from the kitchen with a platter of sandwiches. "I'm sorry it's not very fancy, but I figured you all might be hungry, so I sent out for something to eat." Andrei follows with a coffee pot and cups, "for anyone who's as tired as I am."

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:35 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Oh Veta!" Maksim exclaims, attempting to keep himself from lunging at the sandwhiches, eyes rolling, instead contenting himself by licking his lips and moving slightly quicker than usual towards the sandwhiches. He doesn't even notice Andrei's coffee, so intent is he on food. He'd spent too many nights without food recently and while he'd managed to have breakfast that day, he was still very hungry.

He frees her of the heavy platter burden and spirits it away to place it on the coffee table, then rushes over and kisses the back of her hand with a carless abandon, one eye still on the food, then hurries over there, his excitement too evident for him to bother hiding it. He grabs a handful of sandwhiches and, mindful of how quickly he is about to eat them, excuses himself to go check on something. He devours the sandwhiches quickly once out of sight and curses himself for being empty-handed, particularly since there were so many people in there. He could do with a platter to himself but now it had to be divided by seven people.

He opens the door to the room, prepared to say he was just about to nip out for a minute, then realises that he would probably be captured, tortured and killed if he went out on his own. Instead, he takes a seat as far from the food as possible and tries to focus on something other than sulking. While his skill at lying was formidable and he managed to make his body language seem at rest, his growling stomach and the knowledge of his earlier excitement means he likely fools no one.

All of this occurs within the space of a couple minutes.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:44 am
by Grafster
Johnny watches Maksim’s food related antics for a bit from his seat by the corner of the room.

After a few minutes of silence he speaks.

“Well, they’re definitely based out of Harlem. And they’re active and well known enough for them for the Chinese gangs to be aware of them. And they’re good enough that the Chinese don’t want to tussle with them.
Which means that they’re fairly dangerous.
But we knew that.”

“And there is definitely a religious angle. They’re following some sort of priest. I got the impression not a Christian one either.”

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:50 am
by warhammer
Thomas takes off his hat and sits in one of the couches.

"The whole cult's headquarters might be based out of Harlem, but there's certainly something up in there." he says. "Emerson immediately remembered meeting Jackson Elias, he was seeking information about Kenyan imports to some place called the Ju-Ju House. He gave me the address, and what do you know, it's located in an alleyway in Harlem."

Thomas pauses and pours himself a glass of water. He knew this was going to be an important day and, for once, he decided to completely give up on alcohol to stay as alert as he could be.

"The owner is called Silas N'Kwane. Remember Elias's handwriting on the back of Emerson's business card? There you go. That's him."

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:30 am
by Grafster
"That's a genuine lead."
Johnny smiles a big, wide smile.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:11 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour yawns and accepts a pre-offered sandwich from his brother, Maksim. They clearly were in another boring part of the job.

Listening to the more bookish members of their eclectic little group was like staking out a bunker waiting for the perfect moment to pick off an enemy officer. Sure in the end you got to excel at what you did best but in the waiting lie the hardest part of the task.

Resignly he admitted to himself that he should be more active in their discussion, "excellent point Thomas," he exclaimed when he saw Johnny's reaction to the lawyer's last unheard comment. But it gave him a terribly upset stomach just thinking about all the paper sorting and reading and talking his companions had invested time in.

Timour wanted the action, there were people out there in need of red-hot, leaden baptismal and here he was waiting patiently for the others to tell him where they were and what they looked like so he could go down and discuss philosophy with them while using the proper blend of sensitivity and fire-power.

Soon enough though there would be leaping and running and screaming and all sorts of chances for him to prove himself a warrior. Soon he promised himself, soon.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:19 pm
by imme
Andrei listened with a furrowed brow. The more they learned about what was going on, the worse it seemed. It was not going to be easy to get out from under the attention of an organized cult that even the chinese triad feared.

Elizabeth speaks up. "So after all his traveling around the world, poking his nose into the business of dangerous people, Jackson got into too much trouble by investigating a shop in Harlem? Isn't it strange that his trek around the globe led him back to New York?" A wave of sadness flows over her face, but she takes a deep breath and clenches her teeth in frustration. "Well, since we seem to be known to this cult anyway, I see no reason not to try to discover what Jackson had learned."

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:33 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim stares at his hands, the yawning pit of hunger in his belly turning into something else. He could read Timour well enough, usually, though Timour had done a lot of jobs without him, been on a lot of missions... Maksim was a pilot, a driver, a damn good one.

But he wasn't a killer. Not on his own terms, outside of a combat situation. It wasn't as though he'd aimed the gun himself or pulled the trigger so it wasn't really his fault...

Both helped make someone a target, a mark, both let a person manipulate events, a police raid here, a frame-up there, though such tricks were of no use in a strange land where he knew so few people. The real question, though, the real kicker, the one that gave someone power was...

"Why'd they do it?"
asks Maksim, seemingly out of nowhere. "Why do things like that? Love or money. That's what most things boil down to. What do they want? Why are they targeting these people? What if Ju-Ju isn't the end of it? What if it's a front, a safe house, a place where they bring their families? We don't know what's in there and if we go in there, white people like us, white men with guns, there's going to be trouble and not because of some evil scheme but because it's scary."

"There'll be innocents in there. There's always innocents. How're we gonna make sure they don't get hit? That we don't kill them, too, or just wound them real bad? Have you seen how thin the walls are in a poor man's house? They won't stop a bullet but a kid will, an innocent worker will, some poor guy who's visiting will."

"I know no one's mentioned going in there like cowboys but no one's really mentioned any other way of going about it, either. So what I want to know is, what do we do? Keep investigating? For what? To hand it over to the cops? Which cops? To deal with it ourselves? Are you really ready for that? Are you really ready to risk kicking down a door and spraying some poor kid hiding in a closet behind a protective daddy clutching a shotgun?"

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:40 pm
by imme
"Maksim," Andrei snarls, "I would ask you to restrain your language in the presence of the ladies. There's no need to speak of these things. At least, not yet."

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:47 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim looks at Andrei, his eyes haunted and sad. He holds out his arms and gives a defeated little shrug. "Why? Silence won't change what it is we are thinking of doing," he says softly. "Murder."

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:58 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour rolled his eyes over their endless bickering, "Blah-blah-blah-blah, honestly you two squawk like starving cats! No one will get in our way, at least no one who doesn't already deserve a bullet for their stupidity. We go in hard and fast, rough up a few locals, shake down a few prostitutes and follow the pointing fingers until we find the sons-of-bitches were looking for. See? Simple, no need for further arguement."

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:06 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"I don't believe you really think it right to kill anyone who happens to want to protect their beloved, their neighbours or their own people," Maksim says. "This isn't just your life you're thinking of risking. We go in there and we risk ending everything for these people, whoever they are and however innocent they may be. I'm not going to let anyone put it out of their mind and pretend they can keep track of every bullet. Thin walls, frightened people, the fact that I doubt any one of us can tell them apart from one another."

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:46 pm
by imme
Andrei begins to say, "now see here," but is interrupted by an angry Elizabeth. "What are you talking about, Maksim. We're not murderers. These people are responsible for slaughter, not only of Jackson, but quite possibly the entire Carlyle expedition as well. They're crazy! They run around hacking people up with machetes, I don't think they return at the end of the day to tuck their children into bed. There aren't going to be any innocents around these bastards. I'm not saying that we should go gun them down, but the police obviously aren't going to take care of them, and something must be done, damn it!"

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:49 am
by Decrepit
Caroline was used to thinking of Maksim and Timour in the same breath, the Rukov brothers. Now, though, it was becoming much clearer that, whatever faults Maksim had, and, in her estimation they were many, he was no brute. Timour, on the other hand, seemed like the kind of fellow that one would do well to stay as far away from as possible. Useful, yes, if he were on your side ... up to a point where he decided he was either no longer on your side or no longer interested in you, period.

She found herself trying to analyze Timour because, frankly, anything else under discussion seemed too outlandish, too gruesome, even to contemplate. Storming into Harlem was hardly something she could imagine herself doing, and for a second she almost burst out laughing at an image that formed in her mind of she and Beth carrying a smoking revolver in each hand.

Yet doing nothing just left them all in danger, and all their friends and loved ones in peril as well. She realized that she needed to be made of sterner stuff than all that.

"As everyone no doubt knows, conducting assaults is not my specialty," Caroline says, finally. "However, doing nothing, or relying on others to help us, seems hopeless at this point, and the longer we wait to do something, the greater the danger we seem to put ourselves and others in."

She clears her throat when she sees others' attention turned toward her. "So I'll help as much as I can. However, we must take care to protect the innocent and seek the least violent solution possible."

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:07 am
by Timour Rukov
imme wrote: Andrei begins to say, "now see here," but is interrupted by an angry Elizabeth. "What are you talking about, Maksim. We're not murderers. These people are responsible for slaughter, not only of Jackson, but quite possibly the entire Carlyle expedition as well. They're crazy! They run around hacking people up with machetes, I don't think they return at the end of the day to tuck their children into bed. There aren't going to be any innocents around these bastards. I'm not saying that we should go gun them down, but the police obviously aren't going to take care of them, and something must be done, damn it!"

Timour laughs and claps his hands at Liz's passionate speech, "yes, she's got it," he replies with a broad smile. "Justice, that's the word for it. Not murder my dear brother but justice, or righteousness even, served with a healthy side of self-defense and payback. If we don't save the little people then who will?"

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:24 am
by Grafster
The ghost of a smile lingers on Johnny's lips as he nods along with Miss D.
After thoughtfully pursing his lips he says, "Whatever we might like to do the fact remains that we do not have the sort of evidence the police would require to launch an investigation."

"Perhaps we should investigate Harlem after attending Miss Carlyle's party? A drunken and bolsterous showing would help provide a stronger alibi should someone later assert that we were involved in a break-in in some seedy part of town."

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:27 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Have you seen how far a bullet travels through the thin wood people build those tiny houses poor people live in?" Maksim says. "Even if there's not an innocent person living in that building, because, obviously, murderors don't breed or have families..." He snorts and looks Timour dead in the eye as though reminding him of something that happened a long time ago. "I can say for a fact that isn't true. But let's say there's not, there's gonna be dozens of people in the houses on either side, dozens of families, because poor people generally can't afford a house per nuclear family. And Timour's BAR will chew through the neighbours' building and then some... But oh, that doesn't matter, neighbours don't exist, cheap shitty walls don't exist, we can spray and pray and so long as we don't need to see the bodies, they're not there."

Maksim throws up his arms. "I've had enough of this in the army. I've had enough of people pretending they're any better then the people they fight when they're more than willing to let people take a bullet or a bomb simply because they're more than likely to get the people who did this. Let alone the fact that this might be a third party doing the slaughtering and the people we're about to attack might be businessmen. Hell, these might be the real targets, having their white friends killed, trying to incite a group like us to go running in there guns blazing..."

Maksim looks around at each one of them, his eyes settling on Liz. Then he shakes his head and throws his arms up again. "I'm out. I'll go pretend you aren't doing this, be a hypocrite, but I'm not lending my bullets to those thin walls, I'm not risking a civilian hit."

He turns and heads for the door.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:02 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour rolls his eyes, he didn't even have his BAR any longer, jumping up he grabs his brother by the arm before he has a chance to depart and drags him into the bedroom for a private 'Russian' conversation.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:55 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim Rukov arches his eyebrows and screws up his lips, giving him the kinda look a person gave when they knew the other person was going to try and fail to convince them of something but who couldn't wait to hear how the other person was going to spin it.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:31 pm
by imme
A small smile had crept across Andrei's face during Elizabeth's outburst, but it quickly turned into a deep frown when Maksim continued to push his point, practically accusing Ellie of being willing to murder innocent children. Seeing the look on her face, Andrei clears his throat in the awkward pause surrounding the departure of the Rukovs and softly says, "Come on, Ellie, let's go get some water from the kitchen." He leads her out of the room.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:49 pm
by Timour Rukov
<<"What the hell are you doing?">> asked Timour once the door was shut and his twin and he had gained a sembelance of privacy. The big Russian's tone was edged with annoyance.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:44 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim Rukov just looks at his brother, waiting for him to continue with something a bit more interesting.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:27 pm
by Timour Rukov
<<"What's with all of this fearmongering?">> replies Timour well versed in his brother tactics for arguement, <<"can you not see we need to be united here? That voices of derision do nothing but hinder our chances? But that's Maksim,">> added the older twin with a shake of his head, <<"always about you, damn anyone else that gets swept up in the turbulence your mouth gives off. Those people in there are scared to death but instead of offering viable advice on how we can all get out of this alive you just start rambling on and on about what they can't do. You were in the army Maks, you know how negative thoughts can drag down morale. You've seen it yourself first-hand how despair can kill a man quicker than any poison.">>

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:18 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"True, brother," says Maksim, nodding. "It is obviously far more important for me to let these rich, comfortable white people be safe and secure in the knowledge that they couldn't possibly do anything wrong with this vigilanteism that is even illegal in their own country. Much better to let stray bullets go over the place. You still haven't answered any of the issues I raised and I bet you're not going to. After all, none of that matters, does it? It's people like that who matter." With this, he points towards the door. "People who have always had power."

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:42 pm
by Timour Rukov
<<"Once more the conversation shifts to aid your own objectives>> sneers Timour, <<"people like that?!? How quickly you forget where you come from. That you and I are cut from the same cloth as they are? As for your raised issues what more can I say than time has and shall continue to demonstrate over and over again that the offensive approach is the only one worth taking while dealing with scum. Mark my words, if the Czar had me by his side when the communists rose up the Soviet Union would still be Russia!">>

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:55 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"The Czar was a fool but he was a good man," says Maksim, his words soft and his eyes sad. "I pity his death. But I wouldn't call his government one that needed any more men like you. Have you forgotten when all those men, women and children brought a mere petition to where they thought the Czar was and they were shot down for it. Perhaps it was things such as that, perhaps it was the ever so gallant way we murdered them, shot them for so much as questioning us, that started the revolution itself?"

"And yes, I am just a rich boy with delusions of conscience. I've done terrible things in my life, awful things, but I'm not going to pretend that thin walls are going to keep my bullets from entering the heads of children playing on the streets. I've seen that happen before. I won't be a part of it."

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:11 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour ignored what his brother said about the Czar, Maksim was just being overly dramatic to support his side of their 'conversation', <<"where are these children?! Did you read about them in the paper? Or see them on a newsreel somewhere? All you talk about is caution around children but after two shoot outs, which we did not start and which were brought to our very houses I see no evidence of these harmed infants you keep going on about. Please enlighten me how you know of their existence. Can the great Maksim Rukov now tell the future? If so tell me how we can get out of this? What's your awe-inspiring plan to save us all from these lunatics? Should we sit around until they run out of goons to throw at us? Or should we set down our guns and surrender?! You're very, very good at telling us what we shouldn't do- a point I brought up and you refuse to address, but when it comes to actual decisions and action you have nothing to say.">>

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:24 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Children, you say?" Maksim asked. "You're right I must have made them up. Whoever thought children might exist in the overcrowded slums. You're right, though, we didn't run into any in the hotel, but then, as far as I know, all of our bullets hit their targets. And later? The second shoot-out? How can you be sure you didn't hit a neighbour? Did you check? Of course, if you didn't, if two shoot-outs don't produce casualties, a third couldn't. That'd be impossible. Things never change on a third outing."

"And it wasn't just children I'm mentioning. It's hitting any random neighbour or passerby. You're right, we haven't hit any, we might not ever, but the difference between you and me, is that you will risk killing them and you don't care. That's what bothers me. How everyone here are so busy condemning these people, which is all well and good, but if we're prepared to let other people die so we can have our vengeance, so we can be safe, then what good are we?"

"You ask me for better answers? I mentioned the possibility of drugging milk. Hell, we could gas them out and arrest them. People do it to foxes all the time. Sure, there's risk, but compared to starting shoot-outs? At least none of the neighbours would die."

Maksim sighs and stares up at the ceiling. "Hell, maybe I'm a fool. I don't care. What if this time it's different? What if this time people die and it's all our fault and they have nothing to do with our problems? Neighbours, passersby, people asleep in their beds? The walls won't soak our bullets. Flesh will. But that doesn't matter to you. It's worth the risk because it's nor your life on the line. Now it's your life, when you do nothing, when you're aiming the gun, that's your life, you're not going to die from your own gun, whereas those random strangers just might, some negro on his way to work, that's okay. He was probably bad anyway."

"Yes, I'm being melodramatic but it's better than being indifferent to what pain and suffering we could cause. It happens. It has happened. Right around the world, people are dying from bullets not intended for them. You don't wanna think about it. They don't wanna think about it. No one cares. I can't be a part of this. I have too many sins on my soul, too many marks against my conscience, I cannot risk another one. I would rather die. Why can't these people just go into hiding like every other..."
Maksim looks away, his eyes glittering with tears. "Like anyone else in their place."

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:47 pm
by Timour Rukov
<<"I'm insensitive?">> growls Timour, <<"I am insensitive? The kettle asks the pot. You, who have spent a lifetime developing techniques on how to grind those around you into the dust with your verbal tirades has the audacity to call me insensitive. Who was it that saved your life all those times in the war? Who is it that sees all the faces of those burning and bloody men in his dreams everynight? Men killed to save you, to keep both of us alive up until this point? Who do you think has to beg those men forgiveness each and every night all the while knowing that instead of removing those faces from his mind he will only multiply them as he's forced to fight over and over again?!">>

Timour walks to the door emotionally drained and sickened by their heated discussion, but before he exits he looks back at Maksim and gives him a look stuck somewhere between an apology and continued disappoinment, <<"if you have too many sins on your soul my dear brother, then you would never want to be me.">>

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:53 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"We choose the path we walk, brother," says Maksim. "That choice is our fault alone."

He drains his hip flask of vodka to bury all thought of his dilemma and waits a few moments for the alcohol to reach his head. Then he wipes the tears that trickle silently from his eyes but they refuse to stop, as they had done before, they continue. He wishes for more vodka. Or gin. Or whiskey. Anything. Alcohol could stop the flow of tears that his body didn't acknowledge, didn't react to. There were never any sobs when he cried, no ribs that shook, nothing but a mild tremble in his hands, blurred vision and a twisted throat to let him know, to remind him.

He sits and pulls out the photograph but he doesn't look at it. He just holds it and stares at the ceiling, counting slowly to ten, over and over, in a whispered voice.

One day it would be okay. One day, he could be proud of being human and of the choices he faced.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:23 pm
by imme
Talking could be heard from the kitchen, but it wasn't possible to overhear the words, especially over the loud Russian emanating from the hallway. Elizabeth re-enters the room, followed by Andrei. "I would like to apologize for my previous outburst," she says, "I am still upset about Jackson's death, and eager to see justice done. However, I do not think that our next move should be to go attack this place in Harlem. We've got a party to go to." Elizabeth smiles despite herself. "Caroline, you're quite welcome to borrow a dress, if you'd like. If any of the rest of you need anything, tell me, and I'll see what I can arrange."

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:05 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim jogs down the hallway, patting his pocket to be sure that he had Timour's car keys. There was enough vodka in that car to keep him safe for a long time. As he passes a mirror hung over a small table he catches sight of himself in the mirror, even with the blur caused by the tears in his eyes, he couldn't mistake the sight of a man crying.

He felt a stab of revulsion and took hold of the frame around the mirror, fully intending to rip it off the wall and slam it against something, like he might have done in his youth, but he manages to steady himself. There was another way to feel real, to combat the paradox of a man crying that made him nothing, because men didn't cry yet he wasn't a woman. The way would bring calm, peace, reality, from everything.

The thought of it stopped his tears and he began to smile. It had been awhile since he had seen his mistress, she who controlled him. He swings the keys around his finger as he opens the front door.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:56 am
by Decrepit
"Yes, I think I will need to borrow something, dear," Caroline says, a bit distractedly. It sounds like someone's left, presumably one of the Rukovs. That seems a bit reckless, she thinks, but then again, these two seemed the epitome of reckless, though their carelessness manifested itself in different ways.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:15 pm
by Raiko
Dakota Apartments – Central Park West, New York
1:30pm – Friday 16th January, 1925

Elizabeth’s telephone begins to ring...

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:56 pm
by warhammer
Thomas calmly walks to Maksim and grabs him by the arm as he is about to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" he says.

As Maksim looks up to him, he can see the man seems troubled.

"Get a grip on yourself, pal. This is just the beginning. You know this. For all we know the situation won't be anything like you described. What's the point of getting all worked up about things that may not even happen at all? Let's take a drive to that place and see what it looks like before we assume innocents will be killed, or before we assume anything else. I'm as concerned as you are by the thought of innocent people dying. My father died like a dog, after being beaten up by people who wanted the meager possessions he had. And he had never done anything to anyone... that didn't have it coming, at least. This is life. I''ll do whatever I can to have things work out in the best possible way, and so will you. Now get back inside, and no more alcohol for you. Here, have a cig instead."

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:02 am
by imme
Elizabeth walks over to the telephone and picks up the receiver. "Hello?"

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:29 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim found himself grabbed as he slowed to stand by the front door on the inside and looked at Thomas in startled bewilderment, as though broken out of some reverie. His eyes are red-rimmed and a little juicy but there's a kind of faraway look to them that suggests he had calmed down, in a rather odd manner. He also stands a little differently, his feet shoulder-width apart, his back very straight.

He sighs, waving away the cigarette. "I believe you misunderstood what I was trying to say, sir, or at least why I was trying to say it. However, you are right about it being stupid for me to go walking out there on my own. I was just going to wait here for awhile and sort myself out. I apologise for the ruckus. I'd forgotten I was under a sort of contract. Forgive me, it won't happen again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to spend some time alone. Inform Miss Downing if you'd like that I will remember my contract and, of course, act as a driver and if need be, a pilot."

He smiles a little, more of a jerk of the corner of the than anything else, one that for the first time that Thomas has seen, doesn't touch his eyes.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:28 am
by Raiko
Dakota Apartments – Central Park West, New York
1:30pm – Friday 16th January, 1925

«Hello Miss Downing, it’s Jonah Kensington. I thought that you’d like to know that Jackson’s funeral will be held at ten thirty on Monday morning at Trinity Church downtown.»

There is a seconds pause, then Jonah continues, «Terrible business, I don’t know what else to say.»

[OOC: Please assume that Elizabeth knew that Jonah had her telephone number. This isn’t supposed to seem sinister]

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:20 am
by imme
Slowly, Elizabeth responds. "Thank you for informing me, Mr. Kensington. I will definitely be there." After her own pause, she continues, "Mr. Kensington, this may seem like an odd question, but did you happen to have a break-in at your office?"

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:23 am
by Raiko
«Erm, no I haven’t. Why do you ask?»

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:36 am
by imme
"Oh, well I guess I'm just a little shaken by the terrible manner of his ... passing. I can't help but imagine horrible possibilities. I'm glad everything is okay with you. I must learn to suppress my overactive imagination. Thank you for your call." Elizabeth finishes the call.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:52 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Actually, sir, I think I will accept that cigarette," Maksim says, popping the cigarette behind his ear until he found somewhere safer to keep it. It was amazing how friendly you could make someone with an offered cigarette. It was a handy thing to have. He told himself to buy a pack at some point. Nothing like a shared vice to turn strangers into friends.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:16 pm
by imme
Elizabeth returns to sit next to Andrei, sliding her arm through his. She seems tired and sighs before saying, "That was Mr. Kensington. Jackson's funeral is set for Monday morning."

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:20 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline moves near to Beth to pat her gently on the shoulder. "Dear, I think you could use a little rest before the party, which is going to be plenty difficult to deal with."

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:51 am
by imme
Elizabeth smiles at Caroline. "You really are very sweet, darling. I think will take the doctor's advice. Please everyone make yourselves at home." She stands up to leave, and Andrei also rises to join her.

Before he leaves the room, Andrei turns back to say, "It seems that whatever Elias began to uncover, there are people determined to keep it hidden. I have taken the precaution of gathering together all the documents and clues we have discovered so far. They are currently stored in the safe here. I suggest we continue to keep careful record of what we learn."

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:13 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei joins Ellie in another room, making the most of the small amount of time he can spend with her. "I'm really looking forward to sitting down for a few minutes and piecing through all this information again, Ellie. It's all swirling around in my head. There has to be an easy way out of this."

He doesn't voice his main thought: I hate this feeling, like I'm trapped in a situation. This is why I left Russia, damn it. 'The land of the free', and all that.

He seems a little distracted, constantly checking peeking into the main room to see if there's an important conversation going on. He doesn't want to miss out on an important decision.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:38 pm
by imme
Elizabeth smiles at Andrei. "Then why don't you go back in there and work things through? I'm too tired to think clearly right now. I'm just going to go lie down for a spell." She rises up on her toes to give him a kiss.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:33 am
by Grafster
Johnny leans back against his chair and rubs his eye tiredly.
"You're white men walking into Harlem. Your plan is to check out a warehouse we know is filled with religious fantatics with a penchant for flieting people. If you want to go then go. But think about your loved ones before you get out of the car."

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:39 am
by coffee demon
Andrei smiles affectionately at Ellie, and leaves the room.

While passing through the main room, he hears the last half of Johnny's statement.

"I completely agree. If we're even seen by these fellows, they'll know we're on to them, and it will ruin any chances of surprise in the future. We'll just drive by." Looking at Thomas, he says, "Come get me when you're ready to leave."

Andrei steps to the back room, where the safe is hidden, and shuts the curtains. Then he opens the safe and removes the notes he took from Jackson's papers, sits at a chair, and sorts through them again, puzzling through the situation.

How did Jackson know he was being followed? He knew he would be attacked. But then... why did he have Silas' name written down? Was he going to contact him? Maybe it was a trap. Maybe Silas called Jackson, tricked him into giving the number of his hotel room...

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:36 am
by warhammer
"I don't know that we'll learn anything by just driving by." says Thomas, shrugging and puffing on his cigarette. "Chances are we'll only see an ordinary front door and not much else. We can do that first if you'd like, but we must be prepared to do more, or we might as well stay home."

Thomas also thought Mick was likely to be held in there (although he feared to see him in the same state as Jackson Elias's body, or something even worse) and he wanted to act as quickly as possible. However he knew deep down that this might endanger the whole group's safety for reasons that were personal to him, and for now he preferred to keep that particular dilemma to himself. In return, although he did not say so immediately, he was willing to lead the way and take the most risks.

"That being said, I'm ready when you are."

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:52 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"The place I tailed the cultists too was in a dead end. The address of the Ju-Ju House and that street are the same." Maksim sighed, feet shoulder-width apart, eyes briefly touching upon each person in the room in turn, expecting them to rise up in a clamour of complaints and dismissals. He was getting really tired of working with them but he was under contract so he tried not to show it.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:38 am
by coffee demon
[OC: Assuming Andrei goes into the other room after this conversation is done, then...]

Andrei sighs impatiently.

"There's a lot of information we could gain from driving by the building once or twice. Maybe there's a back alley that we should know about before planning any kind of assault. Maybe there's a fire escape leading to the roof, or a building across the street where we could safely watch the Juju place."

Hearing the tone of challenge in his own voice, Andrei tries to lighten the conversation a bit.

"Besides, I do need to get some new clothes, so either way, I need to go out for a while."

He manages a wry grin.

"Shall we go, then?"

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:13 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim gives Johnny a despondent smile, hoping he might understand that even if no one else realised it, Maksim realised the suicidal nature of their mission and the difficulty involved in 'driving' by a dead end alley.

"Yes, sir," is all he says to Andrei, his words devoid of emotion, his posture the slightly slack posed of a well-disciplined soldier about to go over the top of the trenches. His general mood would likely only be noticeable to a fellow soldier. To anyone else, his body language appeared merely nicely subservient although people could likely make an assumption judging by context.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:30 pm
by warhammer
"I'm not willing to "drive by" a dead-end alley. That would be everyone's death warrant if they decide to tail our car back here. That is, assuming they don't already know about this place but have not attacked it for whatever other reason." says Thomas, getting slightly irritated by the lack of action. "I want to go, but I stick by my idea to park the car several blocks away so that they can't tail us afterwards."

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:16 am
by Maksim Rukov
Unless they follow us back to the car, Maksim thinks but doesn't say anything. People like this couldn't be reasoned with. They had no idea about patience or planning. Each minute had to be filled with action, preferably bloody. He moves out toward the door.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:46 pm
by warhammer
"My associate might be dying in there." simply says Thomas, understanding the look in Maksim's eyes.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:41 pm
by Decrepit
"Then maybe I'd better go as well," Caroline says, swallowing hard. "He may need immediate medical attention." Or one of you might.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:34 am
by Raiko
Dakota Apartments – Central Park West, New York
1:45pm – Friday 16th January, 1925

The apartment door slams shut as Maksim, Thomas, Andrei and Caroline leave for Harlem.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:15 am
by Grafster
Glancing up at the closed door as if he was awakened from slumber, Johnny pushes himself to his feet.
"You need anything before I nod off?"

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:51 am
by imme
"No thanks, Johnny. I'm about to lie down myself. Sweet dreams."

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:41 pm
by Raiko
Dakota Apartments – Central Park West, New York
03:00pm – Friday 16th January 1925

After napping for about an hour Elizabeth gets back up and starts reading her book. Timour and Johnny are still fast asleep and the others haven’t returned from Harlem yet, but there should still be plenty of time for Caroline to get ready for Erica’s party when she returns.

[OOC: just so that you know I haven’t forgotten you]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:10 pm
by Raiko
Dakota Apartments – Central Park West, New York
3:35pm – Friday 16th January, 1925

A taxi pulls up on Central Park West outside the Dakota. Andrei, Maksim, Thomas and Caroline step out. As far as they can tell there aren’t any of the voodoo cultists watching the apartments.

It’s started to snow again, but only very lightly, the temperature is hovering above zero, but it feels colder to the four investigators as they step out into the chilly January winds.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:32 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei bumps into the apartment first. Despite the cold weather, he seems to have lost his jacket and shirt. He's only wearing his thin undershirt, which bears brownish stains around the collar. His hair is matted into clumps, and seems stained darker in places. He looks completely exhausted.

He's carrying an old paper bag that's wrapped around something heavy - probably his pistol.

Without saying a word, he goes to the bathroom and closes the door. A few minutes later, the shower starts running.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:10 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline trudges in next, unhurt but weary looking, a mix of anxiety, irritation, and fatigue on her face.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:03 am
by Grafster
Johnny rolls to his feet and pulls out his gun....
or tries to, but the gun isn't under his pillow and his stiff leg causes him to totter.
Fortunately no-one sees his antics in the converted closet he sleeps in.

Damn. This thing has me jumpier than a grasshopper on a skillet.
He pokes his head out of the closet, just in time to see the Doc coming in.

"Everyone alright?"

Once he's acertained that everyone is...
Tottering about with his cane in one hand and a pistol shoved through his waist belt the undersized detective checks the window, checks the hallway outside, rebolts the door and goes make a hot pot of coffee.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:13 am
by imme
Elizabeth drops her book and jumps up to welcome everyone back. She looks surprised and concerned at Andrei's disarrayed appearance. Turning to Caroline with wide eyes, she says, "What happened?"

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:24 am
by Decrepit
"You'll have to ask one of the others," Caroline says flatly, going to pour herself a drink and then flop down.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:30 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim goes looking to find some alcohol. If he finds any, he'll down a shot and then go to read the newspaper. This wasn't his business. Let them discuss it amongst themselves.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:46 pm
by warhammer
Thomas just takes his hat off and sits down. He looks irritated and slightly weary.

He doesn't say a word except "Hey." and will answer "Not too bad." if he is asked how it went. He figures he has talked enough for now and will let others do the talking.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:12 pm
by coffee demon
After a few moments, the shower turns off and Andrei is heard rustling around in the bathroom, and Elizabeth's bedroom. He emerges in a few moments. He's exchanged his clothes for the pants and shirt he was wearing the night before. Sensing a bizarre quiet in the room, he starts talking.

"The JuJu house is hidden in a courtyard, and accessible only by an alley. Fortunately, there's an empty pawnshop across the courtyard that we can access another street. Anyone in the pawnshop has a view of the courtyard, the front of the shop, and the alley leading into the courtyard."

He glances at Thomas, frowning slightly.

"If I were going to approach the shop carefully, I would put a large weapon in that pawnshop to provide covering fire. Just in case."

Andrei glances at Timour, then stands a little taller. It's not like him to discuss things in such a militaristic manner.

"Thomas, Caroline and Maks went into the shop. They found a trapdoor under a mat, is that right?" He looks across at the other three for some agreement.

"The place is..." he pauses and swallows hard. "There are a lot of angry negroes in the area, it's hard to tell who's an assassin and who isn't. Regardless, there were at least three. I shot one." He looks at Elizabeth quickly, searching for some sort of reaction.

"Another of them went running for help, so we can assume theres more. Maybe a lot more."

He stares intently at Thomas for a minute.

"Thomas, do you think your co-worker is down that trapdoor? If so, we don't have much time to lose, do we? I think it would be dangerous to approach the shop again during the day, though."

<<Oh, Timour, I ruined your car. I'll buy you a new one.>> He smiles grimly. <<Maybe we can do that right away.>> He nods faintly, like he really wants you to accept.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:50 am
by Grafster
Johnny, dodging the Doctor as she nabs a glass of sherry, finishes making coffee and returns to the living room to pour cups for everyone as Andrei begins his story.

He keeps pouring a moment too long (coffee flows over a cup and into the saucer) when Andrei mentions shooting someone but otherwise manages to project an air of studied nonchalonce.

"So Thomas, Maksim and the Doctor managed enter the building. You remained outside in Timour's car. Or were you in the pawn shop?"

"Since you haven't investigated the trap door I presume these angry negroes took issue with your invasion of the shop and forced everyone to retreat. And you shot one of them as the three of them returned to the car, no?" Johnny's voice is low and slightly clipped. His head remains still but eyes flit from person to person.

"Did you see anything in the shop that suggested a strong connection with the voodoo murder cult? These peculiar sorts of knives or masks that keep turning up?"

[edited=to reflect the fact that Timour wasn't with with investigating group]

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:07 am
by coffee demon
Andrei takes a deep breath and tries to answer Johnny's question.

"The three of them entered the store, I hung around at the head of the alley, out of sight of the store. Three assassins appeared across the street, and out of sight from the JuJu shop. They must have been phoned or signalled somehow. Two approached me, and the thrid ran off quickly. I suspect he was going for more help.

I spotted their machetes in time to take cover in the car, and they started hacking through the windows of the car. In broad daylight. In the middle of a busy street. That's when I shot one."

He pauses for a minute, thinking.

"This occurred a block away from the Juju House. I drove back to the store, honking the horn, and made enough noise to get the other three out."

"Thankfully, I thought it would be prudent to stand watch where I did. Otherwise, I suspect the men would have waited for more help, then approached the Juju Shop en masse."

Andrei ends his story with an air of conceit.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:07 am
by imme
When Johnny begins pouring cups of coffee, Elizabeth smiles and takes one from him. She begins to raise it to her lips, but at Andrei's mention of shooting someone, her eyebrows fly up her forehead and her mouth drops slightly open. A moment later she smoothly brings the cup the rest of the way to her mouth and takes a careful sip. However, her eyebrows do remain raised as she continues to listen.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:10 am
by coffee demon
Andrei can't help watching Ellie's reaction.

After a moment of silence, his self confidence starts deflating again.

"He was an assassin. If I didn't shoot him, he would have killed me."

Andrei looks down at his hands and picks nervously at a thumbnail.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:16 am
by imme
Elizabeth lowers her cup and, looking directly at Andrei, says, "I'm glad you did."

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:01 am
by Decrepit
Hearing Andrei finally explain what happened, Caroline restrains herself--barely--from saying, See, that wasn't so hard, was it?.

What the hell, she thinks, looking around and rolling her eyes. The whole world's gone insane. She swirls around her sherry, takes it down in a gulp, then looks for something a little stiffer to chase it down with.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:40 am
by Grafster
Johnny takes a sip of his own coffee. "If the assassin's had those knives it seems extremely likely they're part of the same cult."

"Did you happen to see anything of interest inside of the shop? A evidence that Thomas' partner was inside?"

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:25 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim watches the group nonchalantly, wondering what new hair-brained scheme they would come up with. Lawyers and doctors, heiresses and fiances, all rushing about as though they had any real idea of what to do in this situation. They were out of their league. He wondered why they didn't just pay mercenaries to clear up the situation for them.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:37 am
by coffee demon
As the conversation continues, Andrei takes a cup of coffee and walks to Elizabeth's side. He puts his arm around her and gives her a quick squeeze.

"Apologies for wearing the same shirt as yesterday," he whispers in her ear. "I'll buy more this afternoon."

Andrei hates wearing wrinkled, dirty clothing.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:59 am
by warhammer
"I can't see where else he would be." says Thomas, in response to those asking about his partner.

"The shopkeeper keeps the key around his neck. I'm not sure how we could go about obtaining it stealthily, since if the shopkeeper is around, then so should the rest of their group. So unless somebody has a bright idea, we may need to go through the trapdoor by force."

Thomas was thinking more and more that he had very little chance of finding his partner alive, considering the brutal methods used by the cult. But he would not be able to live with himself if he didn't do everything he could to try to save him anyway.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:34 am
by Grafster
Johnny leans forward on his chair. "But no evidence? Because evidence would be the sort of thing that would let you go back there with a squad of police."

"You're sure you didn't see anything?" Johnny's leaning so far over the chair it looks like it might flip over underneath him.

"A broken pair of specticals, perhaps, slid part way under a shelf?" his features are drawn, and tense."A pair you are sure belonged to your missing colleague?"

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:02 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour stumbles sleepily from the back room, unshaven and no where close to being put together. He looks at everyone, seeing they survived his nap he nods and thrusts his chin at Maksim, "coffee brother. When I'm clean I'm going for my BAR. I'm naked without her."

And with that and a scratch the well built Russian saunters off to the bathroom.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:41 pm
by Decrepit
"Would the police really help in any case?" Caroline wonders aloud.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:52 pm
by imme
Elizabeth smiles up at Andrei and whispers back, "I'd rather have you here in a dirty shirt than not have you back at all."

In response to Caroline, she says, "I know we could make the police help if we complained to the public, but I don't think we'd want the attention."

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:21 pm
by coffee demon
"We talked to the police before - that's what attracted them to Thomas' office in the first place."

Andrei thinks for a minute.

"If we're going to contact the police, I suggest we're very selective about who we talk to. Does this country have some kind of... less corrupt section of police?"

He half-smiles, like he just told a joke.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:51 am
by Grafster
Johnny's eyes breifly flit to Andrei's face before returning to Thomas'.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:07 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim goes to make some coffee.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:01 pm
by warhammer
"I don't trust cops." says Thomas. "They're more interested in their own profit than in the justice and order they're supposed to be enforcing. That being said, the cops already know about us, and so do the JuJu folks, so telling the cops couldn't make the situation worse than it already is."

"I'll have coffee as well. Black, and loads of it. Thanks."

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:15 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour returns from the bathroom looking suitably descent. "All right who's coming with me?"

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:49 pm
by imme
"What? Where?" Elizabeth looks genuinely confused.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:15 pm
by coffee demon
"Shopping," Andrei says to Elizabeth. He's unintentionally lying, because shopping is what's on his mind.

<<I'm going with you,>> Andrei says in Russian.

<<And Timour... we'll need to take a cab. Your car is in very bad shape, in a vacant lot in Harlem.>>

Before he can protest, Andrei speaks above him.

<<I'll buy you a new one, right now. And I'll get you some better clothes for the party tonight.>>

He looks at Timour's slept-in clothes with displeasure.

"We'll be back in a couple hours, in time for the party. Don't worry, we're not going to do anything stupid."

Andrei tries not to, but can't help glancing at Thomas.

"Is anyone else coming?"

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:43 am
by Grafster
Johnny silently passes Thomas a cup of black coffee before returning to his seat.

"It seems like you've made up your mind."

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:32 am
by Decrepit
Caroline looks around at everyone, seemingly torn by indecision. She'd volunteered before, and the situation hadn't really changed--for the better, anyway--but she was shaken up by the most recent events ...

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:03 pm
by warhammer
"Sure." says Thomas, slowly drinking his coffee. "I'll go."

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:53 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I'll stay," says Maksim as he brings a tray with coffee cups resting upon it back into the main room. "Keep the women safe." <<I'd only get in your way.>> He's not sure whether he's being cautious or cowardly but is a little beyond caring. Everything seems like a fool's quest. He just wants to sleep but knows sleep won't be coming anytime soon.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:06 am
by Grafster
Johnny glances over at Maksim. "You look a bit peaked. Unless I'm mistaken we'll be heading out to the Carlyle's tonight. If things go poorly your driving skills will be needed again. Why don't you catnap in my bunk? Thirty minutes will do you good."

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:49 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim just smiles gratefully at Johnny. While it was probably a selfishly motivated sentiment, it was still nice to be considered. The moment made him feel nostalgic for the golden days and he had the sudden impulse to smash something but he hides it behind a smile, even as he looks over the smug, rich people sitting around, discussing death like it were a card game. Whether selfishly motivated or not, Johnny was likely the most decent person here. Maksim had no belief in either himself or his brother being able to claim that title...

Stupid meddling capitalist scum...

He offers to pour everyone a coffee according to their specifications, interrupting ever so often to ask just how they liked it, all the while brooding about how much more fun it'd be to just set alight to this pretty little apartment and walk away. The feeling passed but he did wonder how many other people had thoughts like he did.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:09 am
by coffee demon
warhammer wrote: "Sure." says Thomas, slowly drinking his coffee. "I'll go."


Standing at the door, ready to go, Andrei watches Thomas slowly drink down his coffee, wasting time.

Is he bothering me on purpose, or is he always this way, Andrei wonders.


In the cab...

"I don't know what you fellows are thinking, but I'd like to go back to that Juju House tonight. Who knows if that's too late for your friend, Thomas, but we should at least be able to find out who's leading this group. I suspect its this "Silas" character. Maybe we'll find evidence that can be used to put him in jail."

Then our lives can finally go back to normal.

"Shall we go back after the party? That should be late enough."

"Timour, I'd like to get an older car for you. I'll buy you a new one when the situation is over. I'm afraid that a new car is going to make us stand out - especially in Harlem."

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:20 am
by thewhatchamacallit
coffee demon wrote: <<And Timour... we'll need to take a cab. Your car is in very bad shape, in a vacant lot in Harlem.>>

Timour's features darken as he hears of his baby's hardship, but he holds his tongue.
coffee demon wrote: "Timour, I'd like to get an older car for you. I'll buy you a new one when the situation is over. I'm afraid that a new car is going to make us stand out - especially in Harlem."

Rolling his eyes the Rukov twin concentrates on how he was going to get up to his weapon. The money would buy him a new car and that was fine-

"Wait," he said looking at Andrei with a bit of shock, "what the hell did I miss?"

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:49 am
by coffee demon
In the cab:

Andrei relates the story of their trip again. He speaks in Russian, so the cabbie can't understand. Even better, by telling the story in Russian, Thomas wouldn't be able to get his word in.

When he finishes, Andrei says (in Russian), <<I spotted an excellent place to provide covering fire on the courtyard, alley, and Juju House. It's a perfect place for the BAR. It's an abandoned pawnhop - the back opens on the courtyard, and the front opens on another street. We can leave your new car waiting on the opposite side of the pawnshop, and we can escape that way instead of going up the alley. Its a very good idea, you'll see - I'll draw you a map when we get back to Ellie's apartment. >>

This is as close as Andrei will get to admitting that they needed the BAR - by trying to make it sound like using it was HIS idea.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:03 am
by Grafster
In the apartment

Johnny follows the others to the door. Dressed in an wrinkled shirt and pants he looks even scruffier than usual. He catches the door as it closes... about thirty seconds after the others have gone down in the elevator he surpticiously glances around the hallway.

OOC: Assuming he sees nothing.

Johnny goes to the door. Holding the curtain closed so that only a shaft of light comes in he'll scan the street for several minutes, seeing if anyone follows Andrei and company or seems to be lingering outside of the building.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:21 am
by imme
Elizabeth, bored at the thought of just waiting around the apartment, turns to Caroline. "Why don't we figure out what we're going to wear tonight?" Looking at her friend more closely, she amends, "unless you'd like to rest for awhile, that is."

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:25 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim smoothes out his jacket sleeve and casts about for a book or something to read. He feels anxious for the others, far too anxious to sit or sleep, but there was nothing for him to do. He was a poor shot and had the worst luck of anyone he knew. He would have just gotten in the way.

Keep telling yourself that, kiddo...

He sighs deeply and goes to see if Johnny had any idea of how he might make himself useful. The two women had each other for company. All he had was a devout professional but at least they could relate on the matter of security concerns. Hopefully.

"Anything I should do?"
he asks.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:53 pm
by Decrepit
"Perhaps I should go lie down, just for a few minutes," Caroline says. The alcohol had rushed to her head, and, combined with the stress of earlier in the day, had nearly sunk her. "Wake me in just a bit, and then we'll take care of things."

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:09 pm
by imme
"Of course, darling. Sleep well." Elizabeth goes to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of fresh orange juice. She returns to the book she had been reading before everyone returned. Poor Daisy, she seems so sad.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:14 am
by Grafster
As Miss Downing passes through the kitchen on the way to her bedroom Johnny coughs politely from his vantage point by the curtain.

"I am troubled by something."

Johnny barely waits a moment before starting. His rapid fire comments tumble forth. Save for his mouth the rest of his body hardly moves.

"Thomas beleives his partner is trapped in this pawnshop's cellar. Given the size of this cult and its apparent resources I don't see any reason to beleive that is actually true."

"He also seems to think that the police would have no interest in investigating the kidnapping of a white lawyer by a negro death cult. A negro death cult that has been in the front page of the news for perpetrating multiple murders across the city.
Our earlier encounter with the police suggests that they take this investigation very seriously.
Whatever experience he may have had with police on the take he should be aware that we're not talking about a parking ticket."

"Asserting that his friend's specticals were found in the pawnshop would give the police plausible reasons to enter and search."

"However it's possible that he misses his partner less than he says or has other reasons for not wishing to contact the authorities. Whatever his reasoning or motivation his insistance on going it alone has probably doomed his friend."

"Normally it wouldn't be my business. However, I have the impression that the gentlemen who left just left to get the, ah, gun so that they can use it. In some sort of military style attack on a neighborhood in harlem. Against a death cult that is now aware that we know the location of their base."

"This is... profoundly stupid."

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:55 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim sighs deeply but holds his tongue. As much as he agreed with Johnny, doing so verbally would only damage Johnny's arguement so he keeps quiet.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:19 pm
by warhammer
Thomas smokes and looks rather moody and deep in thought during the whole car trip. His desire to find his friend was impairing his ability to act to the fullest of his possibilities, and was making him act too impulsive, and he was annoyed at himself for it. While working, he was used to precision and to having a solid preparation for every case, so that the amount of "surprises" would be kept to a minimum. It was the opposite here, not enough preparation, too many surprises.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:24 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
coffee demon wrote: Andrei says (in Russian), <<I spotted an excellent place to provide covering fire on the courtyard, alley, and Juju House. It's a perfect place for the BAR.

<<"Excellent,">> replies Timour, <<"this is all I need to know">>

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:32 pm
by imme
Elizabeth is quiet for a moment after Johnny finishes, processing his rapid fire assessment. When she speaks, it is in a tone that is thoughtful, like she is genuinely asking for Johnny's advice. "Well, they've already gone, so I don't see what we could do about it anyway. Besides, it seemed like general opinion was that they should wait until dark to do anything. The whole thing seems horribly dangerous to me, but if Thomas thinks that his partner is still alive, I don't see what choice he has besides trying to find him.

"I think you're right, we could get the police to go check things out. But how could the cultists have known to search Andrei's apartment and Thomas' office unless they had a contact in the police and learned that they were involved in the incident at the hotel yesterday? Even if the police did investigate this pawnshop, it seems likely that the cult would hear about it ahead of time, and take anything incriminating (or Thomas' partner) with them before the police arrived.

"What do you think we should do?"

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:14 pm
by coffee demon
In the car:

Andrei directs the car to a certain intersection in downtown New York. "This will only be a quick stop."

He pays the cab as they step out onto the busy streets of the downtown metropolis, and leads Thomas and Timour into fancy looking shop nearby. Andrei looks comfortable here. He approaches a nearby clerk and asks, "could you please outfit this man in some decent evening wear?" He points at Timour.

Andrei quickly moves to the back of the shop and picks out a fashionable new suit for himself, and a supply of new pants and shirts. He also finds a suit for Maks, and guesses at Maks' measurements.

After this, the car. Then the weapon, Andrei thinks. He gets flutters in his stomach. For a minute there, he felt like everything was normal again. He had a comfortable life, only days ago...

If I ever get back to that life, I'll never take it for granted again.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:06 am
by Grafster
Elizabeth wrote: But how could the cultists have known to search Andrei's apartment and Thomas' office unless they had a contact in the police and learned that they were involved in the incident at the hotel yesterday?

Johnny sighs "From Jackson himself before he died?" "From asking around the hotel?" "If you beleive it's an international group they could easily have been monitoring his communications abroad.""Any of that could have lead to you, Miss."

"Following people, or greasing palms, could easily have lead to other places."
Elizabeth wrote: Even if the police did investigate this pawnshop, it seems likely that the cult would hear about it ahead of time, and take anything incriminating (or Thomas' partner) with them before the police arrived.

Johnny nods, "Which, in a logical arguement, would suggest against attacking the pawnshop."
Elizabeth wrote: "What do you think we should do?"

Johnny refill's his coffee cup from the second pot brewed by Maksim

"His partner's safety is not really something that I take responcibilty for," Johnny shifts his shoulders. "So I would tend to ignore it in favor of visiting the Carlyles Estate and seeing if we can get information there. She's been to Africa and may be able to shed some light on the situation. Your author friend suggested that this was related to Carlyle's expedition, though I can't see a connection."

"If I were to take responcibility for it, for Thomas' partner's well being, then I would be inclinded to go speak with Poole, the police liutenant who interviewed us. -He- was already talking about 'death cults' before he even met with us."

"Even if this..." Johnny seems lost for words, "this... theory -- that a white police officer is working with a negro cult or crime family or what have you -- is true it doesn't really hurt us. This so-called-cult is already aware that we know about the pawnshop. Telling Poole, who, in this theory is their patsy, won't provide them with any additional information. If Thomas' partner is there then he'll be picked up by the police, if he isn't then he won't."

"Of course if Poole were working for this cult he probably wouldn't wander around talking about how he thinks that these murders are being committed by a voodoo death cult. I know I wouldn't."

"Of course, involving the police, getting them to move expediently, would work best if someone tells them that they found the specticals in the shop and are convinced that their partner is trapped in the cellar. These things always work better when you have something like a broken personal item," Johnny pauses. He seems to have winded himself talking.

"People believe what they see."

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:12 am
by imme
Johnny wrote: "His partner's safety is not really something that I take responcibilty for," Johnny shifts his shoulders. "So I would tend to ignore it in favor of visiting the Carlyles Estate and seeing if we can get information there. She's been to Africa and may be able to shed some light on the situation. Your author friend suggested that this was related to Carlyle's expedition, though I can't see a connection."

"Of course there's a connection. Jackson got into trouble because he was trying to uncover what really happened to the Carlyle expedition and came to the notice of dangerous people." A shadow passes over Elizabeth's face as she remembers that these people have now noticed them. "Erica had the same goal, and I'm curious to meet her and see why she's shut herself away now. Besides," she says with a forced smile, "I've been shut up all day, and I'm looking forward to getting out."

She listens thoughtfully to what Johnny has to say about the police. "Hmm, those are good points." She pauses in thought for a moment. "Well, if they have gone off to attack the pawnshop, there's nothing we can do about it. Calling the police would only make matters worse, I think. If they haven't, then we can talk to Thomas when he gets back and try to convince him to call Poole. I think you're right, it's unlikely that he's working for the cult."

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:13 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods. "I'll go get that suit your father ordered for me."

He starts to move, then pauses and looks at Maksim.

"When I was looking out the window earlier I noticed that they left in a taxi. Did something happen to the car?"

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:19 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"The window was smashed and its covered in blood," says Maksim.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:10 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods.
"Is it parked in the garage?"

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:34 am
by coffee demon
Downtown New York:

Andrei, Timour and Thomas come out of Le Chiz, each carrying two bags filled with suits, ties, shoes, pants and shirts. Andrei tries to look stoic, but he hasn't felt this good in days.

I never realised how out-of-fashion some of my shirts were! Well, no longer.

They hail a cab and drive to the nearest car dealership, where Andrei buys Timour a car. He buys a plain-looking car, preferably a cheap one with a few dings in it.

"Think of this as a temporary solution. After this is finished with, I'll make sure you have whatever car you want - but for now, we don't want to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves."

[OC: Assuming that goes okay..]

The three drive towards Andrei's old apartment. "How do you want to do this? Where did you hide the BAR Did you throw it on the neighbour's roof?"

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:17 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
"Up there," replies Timour, "but Johnny, that guy who didn't come, was likely the best one to retrieve it."

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:34 pm
by coffee demon
Downtown New York:

"It shouldn't be too hard. We'll get into that building, go up to the top floor, and find a way onto the roof."

Andrei is already tracing the path of the fire escape on that building.

No, no, that would be silly. We should be able to do it from the inside.

"Let's go."

Andrei goes to the front door of the building to see what's inside, and to see if the front door is unlocked.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:34 am
by Raiko
The building is an apartment block, similar to Andrei's, but slightly less classy. The front door is unlocked and the lobby is visible through the glass.

Andrei can see the staircase inside, across the lobby; there doesn't appear to be anyone around.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:04 am
by Maksim Rukov
"We got rid of the car."

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:07 am
by coffee demon
Near Andrei's Apartment:

"Come on, this shouldn't be too hard. Act like we live here."

Andrei opens the front door, and takes the stairwell instead of an elevator (if there is one). He'll calmly walk straight to the top of the stairwell, looking for some entrance to the roof.

If there isn't one, he'll walk through the top-floor hallway, looking for trapdoors in the roof, or another stairwell that might have some sort of access.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:07 pm
by Raiko
The staircase leads right up to the roof.

Fortunately Timour's automatic rifle is still there, wrapped up and apparently undisturbed.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 9:43 pm
by coffee demon
Near Andrei's Apartment:

"There it is!"

Andrei hefts the wrapped-up rug over his shoulder, and nonchalantly walks back down the stairwell. He'll pleasantly greet anyone going up the stairwell, and, if asked, will say he's "taking out his rug."

Unless the other two disagree, Andrei suggests stowing the "rug" in the trunk and getting back to Elizabeth's to prepare for the party.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:51 am
by Grafster
Maksim Rukov wrote: "We got rid of the car."

Johnny blinks.
"We may want to report it was stolen. Early this afternoon."

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:04 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
"In the trunk?" asks Timour a scowl on his face, "where it can do us absolutely no good? Oh Andrei, I'd thought you'd learned."

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:27 am
by coffee demon
Andrei ignores Timour and puts the BAR in the trunk. A number of appropriate responses go through his head, but this time he's wise enough to keep his mouth shut.


Back at the apartment, Andrei is mostly silent. He gives Maks a bag. "Here's a suit for tonight - try it on."

He goes to Elizabeth's room, puts his clothing bags on the floor, and starts picking out the proper suit. "Ellie, what are you wearing tonight? Will this shirt work well with your dress?"

It feels good to have a new wardrobe.

"Oh, another thing, Ellie. Would you mind carrying a larger purse? Really, I don't think it will be safe going anywhere without this gun any more. Would you be okay with carrying it in your purse?"

He rubs his nose nervously, hoping he's not being too brash with this suggestion. Elizabeth might notice that Andrei has been a little more quiet, and more direct with his conversation, since he shot the man in Harlem.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:04 am
by imme
"Oh! That's a great shirt you bought. Sure, it will go swell with this dress, I think."

Elizabeth wrinkles her nose a little at the purse suggestion. "Well, sure, I guess. I'll have to figure out what I have..." She searches through her closest, and pulls one out. "This will do, but it's going to be heavy, isn't it? Perhaps I could convince you to carry it for me?" She smiles up at Andrei, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Oh, and I was talking with Johnny. I think we should call that detective we talked to earlier, Poole, and tell him about the shop. The cultists already know that we know about it, so it couldn't do any harm, and could only possibly help. Johnny said that if Thomas said that he saw his partner's spectacles there, then the police would have a reason to enter."

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:23 am
by coffee demon
"Sure, that sounds like a great idea."

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:28 am
by imme
Elizabeth smiles and leaves to go find Thomas and tell him what Johnny suggested.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:56 am
by Decrepit
Catching Beth on the way to, well, wherever she was going, Caroline smiles weakly at her. "Darling, do you have an aspirin? Or two? I guess I'm really not 'cut out' for a seat-of-one's pants lifestyle. I do hope you're not too disappointed in me."

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:18 am
by imme
"Oh, darling, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. It has been crazy these last couple of days, and it sounds like your experience in Harlem was quite frightening. Here, I'll go get some aspirin, and you can go start looking through my closet for something to wear tonight. You'll feel better in no time." Elizabeth gives Caroline a smile and turns to go find the medicine. Over her shoulder, she calls, "I think there's a midnight blue gown that would look absolutely fabulous on you."

She retrieves the aspirin, gives some to Caroline, pulls out the blue gown for her to try on, and goes to find Thomas.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:31 am
by warhammer
"It's worth a shot." says Thomas, a bit disillusioned at the moment.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:59 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei is buttoning up his shirt, thinking deeply about things, a slight frown on his face. His thoughts change to the police idea and he comes out of his reverie.

Stepping into the main room, where Elizabeth, Thomas, and some of the others are, he says,

"There's a great place to watch the JuJuHouse without being seen. It's an abandoned pawn shop across the courtyard. If someone wanted to sneak into that pawnshop before we called the police, we could know what happens. You can get into the pawnshop from a completely different street, but the door is locked."

He pauses for a minute.

"Just a thought."

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:26 am
by Decrepit
"Thanks, sweetie," Caroline says to Beth in reply. "I'm doing my best to be plucky, but I wasn't born to be a gun-toting adventurer, I don't think." She smiles a bit meekly.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 7:08 am
by imme
In response to Caroline, "Oh, you're doing great, darling. I don't think that anyone is born to have to deal with what we've been through recently. Well, except maybe Timour, this does seem to be his forte." She smiles and gives Caroline a quick hug. "Do try on that dress. I have a necklace that accents it quite well."


In response to Andrei, "Yes, that sounds like a good idea, except that whoever goes would have to miss the party, or perhaps come late. I think we should call Detective Poole right away, there is Thomas' partner to think of, afterall."

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:18 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim slides the curtain open just an inch and tries to peer out into the city street without revealing himself.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:53 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei goes back to the bedroom and finishes dressing. He doesn't know enough about America to offer suggestions on how to deal with the police.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:05 pm
by imme
Elizabeth hands Lt. Poole's card to Thomas. "You're welcome to use the phone in the living room."

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:31 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour twidles his thumbs and checks every watch and clock he passes. He seems eager for something more exciting to do.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:28 pm
by warhammer
"Yeah, thanks Liz." says Thomas, trying to shake off his gloomy mood. He knew being sulky and irritable was totally unproductive, so he thought he might as well stop now. Now was not a time to let personal feelings get in the way of efficiency.

Thomas sits on a couch in the living room, and dials Lt Poole's number.

"Lt Poole? This is Thomas Allan, the lawyer. I'd like to report my associate is missing and I have reasons to believe a certain shop in Harlem was involved in his kidnapping."

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:11 pm
by Raiko
On the telephone:

«Thomas Allen? Ok, so I guess this relates to the Voodoo Murders, or at least Jackson Elias’ death in some way?»

«Well first of all, who is your associate, how long has he been missing, and what makes you think that a store in Harlem is connected to his disappearance?»

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:40 pm
by warhammer
"His name's Mick Taylor. Our office got ransacked while he was, by coincidence, working late that same night. I haven't heard from him since then. By chance, we found his glasses lying around in the shop I'm talking about. They didn't get there magically."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:03 am
by Grafster
Johnny checks his gun. He sets out the two other weapons, purchased in chinatown, on in a bag with some additional ammunition.

He checks the road outside again for anyonee watching the building.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:19 pm
by Raiko
On the telephone:

«Ok, what’s the name of the store? You really shouldn’t have been carrying out your own investigation Mr Allen, you could have been in real danger.»

«How did you end up looking there? And did you take the glasses, or are they still there?»

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:57 pm
by Grafster
Johnny remains perched by the window staring out intenty at the street from behind the curtain.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:59 am
by imme
Elizabeth goes to get dressed for the party.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:47 am
by warhammer
"Allan." corrects Thomas, simply ignoring the comment about how he shouldn't have been investigating.

"The shop's called The JuJu Shop, in Harlem." (he gives the address)

"We pretty much got there by chance. We took the glasses, otherwise we figured they would have seen'em and taken them away."

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:06 pm
by Raiko
On the telephone:

«Ok we’ll take a look at that place right away. I don’t think you’ve given me enough to go to a judge for a warrant yet, but this is the best lead we’ve had on these guys, thanks. If your partner is a hostage there we’ll get him out.»

Poole hangs up...

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:39 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline also gets dressed for the party. She wasn't sure she'd be much use there, either, but at least she knew how to behave at parties. Well, at least at parties where everyone isn't a crazed member of some dreadful cult or living in fear of one.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:36 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods to himself when he hears that the police are headed to the juju house.

"If it's all right I'll slip over to the house and see if anything transpires. Since everyone is headed to the club it would be a good way to make sure that your partner," he glances over at Thomas "gets out all right."

[quote=Miss D (from OOC forum)]
"Just be careful."[/quote]

Johnny nods affirmatively, picks of his hat, his cane and a second gun (stuck in an oversized trenchcoat pocket) and heads out to door.

"If it's over quickly I'll pick up a cab to the Carlyle estate. Otherwise I'll be here in the morning."

He stops in the doorway, "There are two men sitting on the bench across the way. It would be interesting to see if one of them follows me when I leave."

Then he leaves.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:02 am
by warhammer
Thomas lights a cigarette and stays silent for a few moments, thinking carefully.

"I might as well attend the "party"." he says. "I doubt I'll be having any fun there, but that's ok with me. In a way I want to go to Harlem but I'd probably just make Johnny get noticed. He's better off on his own."

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:38 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
warhammer wrote: Thomas lights a cigarette and stays silent for a few moments, thinking carefully.

"I might as well attend the "party"." he says.

"Me too," replies Timour, "it feels like months since I had the pleasure of a woman's intimacy."

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:55 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim sighs deeply at Timour's statement. Normally the idea of distracting himself in a woman's arms or, more rarely, in her heart, would seem ideal but at this moment, seeing himself so set apart from the others, he just felt terribly alone and with a genuine craving for what he doubted he had ever actually experienced, that mystical, undefinable thing called 'love'.

His whimsical expression became a scowl. Well, to hell with love! It didn't exist, did it? It was just a toy, a manipulated feeling gone out of control, something that was always a one-way street. Hell, he'd love but he'd never been loved. Women were probably incapable of it.

He eyed the group assembled around him and wondered if maybe, just maybe, it was because these were the people he spent time with. Was it any wonder he'd never found anything more genuine then a couple of bucks and someone to spend the night with? It had nothing to do with women and everything to do with these people. They were doubtless soulless. Not a potential friend in the bunch, apart from his brother, and he'd always doubted Timour actually liked him. That was the problem. The party wouldn't fix that.

The rant made him feel better for a little while as indignation flared through him but there was something underlying it all that unsettled him. The fact they didn't seem to understand a word he said. The fact that they were all together and he was apart. The fact that men hurt men while the women laughed, swooned and pretended to look the other way.

It all seemed rather hopeless to him.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:14 am
by coffee demon
Andrei emerges from the bedroom, dressed for the party. He's self-consciously holding Elizabeth's handbag. His handgun is inside the bag.

Trying to speak discreetly, he says,

"Ellie. Hold this. Does it feel too heavy?"

I wonder if people are going to think I'm crazy, trying to sneak in this gun. I never would have considered it before today. Is that logical, I wonder? Or am I being totally irrational about this?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:21 pm
by imme
Elizabeth smiles in approval of Andrei's outfit. She is dressed in a gorgeous evening gown. Taking the handbag, she wrinkles her nose and says, "It's not too heavy, but it is a bit awkward. And how could I possibly explain it if someone found out? Based on Johnny and the Rukovs' experience, it seems like security will be rather strict tonight."

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:43 pm
by Raiko
Approaching Carlyle House – Westchester County, New York State
09:00pm – Friday 16th January 1925

The snowfall has been considerably heavier outside the city, though it isn’t particularly heavy at the moment. Fortunately the roads of Westchester County have mostly been cleared, nonetheless the journey is still considerably more difficult than when Maksim made the drive a few days ago, and it takes well over an hour to reach the Carlyle Estate in Thomas’ car (OOC: or Timour’s new car??? :?)

As they drive cautiously towards the heavy wrought-iron gates of Erica Carlyle’s private fortress the investigators can see the forms of the armed gatekeepers illuminated in the beam of their cars headlights.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:47 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei sits quietly in the back seat, his heart pounding. He still wishes he had his gun. Memories of the horrible assassins' attack, just hours ago, keep flashing through his head.

He doesn't especially like large parties, but he knows how to act like he does.

"How exciting!" he says aloud.

I could really use a few drinks.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:58 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim drives somewhat cautiously, being sure to check for any unwelcome followers. His face is dead pan and he's barely said a word since he left the apartment. At least now, in the car, he feels comfortable and relaxed. He understood cars. People could go to hell for all he cared.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:56 am
by imme
Elizabeth is peering out the windows with obvious curiosity. "Yes, we're finally going to meet the mysterious Erica Carlyle."

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:26 am
by coffee demon
Andrei is looking out the opposite window at the approaching manor.

"If you could ask her about those medical files..."

...then what? More links between Jackson and Carlyle, more talk of madness? We've been running around so much, I need to sit down for a good long time and think about this mess.

Andrei doesn't finish his sentence aloud.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:01 pm
by Decrepit
"I'd almost forgotten about them," Caroline says distractedly, as if Andrei's words are barely able to reach her through the fog in her mind.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:59 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour whistles distractedly. He wondered how many people would be at the party, what kind of food they would have and of course the age and quality of the women present while hoping to God he wasn't already escorting the only passable ones.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:20 am
by Raiko
The gatekeepers signal for Maksim to stop as he approaches the gate.

Through the gates you can see that several other cars have arrived at the party already.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:44 am
by coffee demon
From the rear seat of the car, Andrei discreetly examines the gatekeepers. Are they armed? If not, are there signs of other gatekeepers nearby who are armed?

He also tries to spot guards on the lawn beyond the gate. According to Maks, Timour and Johnny, this place was very well guarded a couple days ago.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:27 am
by imme
Elizabeth peers at the cars through the gates, trying to see if she can recognize anyone.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:47 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim smiles gently as he pulls the car up where indicated and leans back to look at the others shortly before the guard arrives. There is a moment of compassion in his eyes as he notices, seemingly for the first time, the stress, worry and, in some cases, fear that holds them. He shrugs, and with a show of temporary bravado says: "Don't worry so much, with me here to protect you, this might as well be just another party."

He gives them a wink and then rolls down the window to speak to the guard, leaning out somewhat with an easy smile on his face. "Hello there! You wanted to speak to me?"

He slips into the facade of an easygoing gentleman expecting an enjoyable evening, attempting to bring all of his charisma and charm to bear, and, like all good con men, his thought patterns change so that he was the superficial and happy guy - though one with his eye on the exit. This was a con, pure and simple, it always was.

At the gate.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:52 pm
by Raiko
At the gates of Carlyle House
09:01pm - Friday 16th January 1925

The gate guards are different from those of the other day, so they don't recognise Maksim or Timour.

One of them is holding a clipboard and says, "Hello sir, I just need to check you against the guest list."

Through the railings Andrei notices two pairs of guards stolling around the grounds, each pair are accompanied by a large German Shepherd dog, and despite the evening's party they are still armed with submachineguns. The two gatekeepers have only holstered pistols, but the small gatehouse could obviouly contain heavier weapons.

Elizabeth doesn't recognise any of the parked cars, but counts ten in all. The other guests must already be inside the house.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:17 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Yeah, not sure what name we're under though," says Maksim, then rattles off the names of the richer people in the car, while trying to be playful enough to get a smile from the man. If the guard had once been a soldier who'd seen battle, he was sure he'd react, at least subtly, in a friendly way. Maksim knew how to play on a soldier's sense of humor. Otherwise, he was probably a well-trained guard but not anyone that dangerous. Servants knew how to not smile. True soldiers hardly did. At least, that was what he found.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:03 am
by imme
Elizabeth restrains herself from answering. Let Maksim and the guard figure it out.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 7:36 am
by coffee demon
Andrei keeps quiet in the back of the car. He feels like they're entering some kind of secret military base.

I should have brought that gun. No, that's silly. He shivers involuntarily, thinking about the assassins again. If someone doesn't deal with those negroes soon, I'm going to be a wreck. I hope those damned police are following up on the JuJu House, like they said!

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:15 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Timour's anticipation was higher now. Seeing the house, that damanable house he'd never gotten into the last time around got his blood flowing. What sort of secrets did that house hold? What kind of mysteries would make a such a wealthy woman so paranoid she'd hire an army to defend them and herself.

He could barely sit still as the guard and his brother took their sweet time admitting them.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:12 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline smiles gamely, letting Maks do the talking for them. What would they find inside? she wondered to herself. Allies or more enemies?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:31 pm
by Raiko
Outside Carlyle House
09:02pm - Friday 16th January 1925

Carlyle House

"Here you are, Miss Elizabeth Downing and friends, have a good time," the guard returns Maksim's easy smile and waves them on through the mansion's gates, as his companion swings them open.

The long gravel driveway has been cleared on snow and there is plenty of room to park outside of Carlyle House itself, several of the house staff are waiting outside to assist guests. They all appear to be unarmed.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:45 pm
by imme
Elizabeth gracefully steps out of the car, and puts her arm through Andrei's. She couldn't help but smile, parties never failed to excite her, perhaps even more so when she was invited to one hosted by a mysterious recluse. Together they enter the mansion.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:11 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei puts on his most charming smile and nods pleasantly to people as he enters. As soon as he's inside, he scans the crowd to see what sort of people are here. His noble instincts kick in, and he looks for the youngest male in the group - someone he might have something in common with. It's not the same as carousing with landowners' sons in the Motherland, but he knows how to befriend those sorts of people.

Women, he's not so good with.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 3:15 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim stands beside Caroline and tilts his head in her direction. "Schmooze with me," he whispers. "Women are more comfortable talking to pairs then single men and men can always be distracted with a beautiful lady." He gives her a hopeful smile. His battered ego preferred having someone beautiful to hide behind in case he made a mistake and needed to flee.

It never occurred to him that he technically had his own looks to hide behind.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:11 am
by Decrepit
"All right," Caroline says. "Let's see what we can find out."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:51 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim flashes her a pleased smile, the sort that would make most women's hearts crumble to mush, a moment of sincerity passing into his gaze. He threads his arm through hers and peers out into the crowd. Then he leads her forward to insinuate themselves into various conversations as deftly as he can, taking great care to encourage her to join in, all the while capitalising on all chances to subtly gain more information on the mansion, the Carlyles and the sort of people who were at the party.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:49 am
by Decrepit
Maksim seemed quite interested in leading her through the party, Caroline mused, even though she had more experience then he at such affairs. After all, since entering Beth's orbit, pulled by the wealthier woman's powerful gravity, Caroline had been to many a soire.

Still, this time was different, and, after the rather craven way she'd been acting, she couldn't really begrudge Maks for thinking that she might need to be guided.

She put on her best, warmest smile and tried to chat up whomever she encountered.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:33 pm
by Raiko
The Ballroom - Carlyle House
9:05pm - Friday 16th September 1925

Stepping out of the snow into the warmth of Carlyle House Elizabeth and her friends are directed through the lavishly appointed foyer into a large ballroom where the majority of Erica's guests are currently mingling. A live jazz band is playing on a small stage. The black musicians are excellent and their lively music fills the ballroom, though the party guests are mostly just stood chatting, nobody is dancing yet. A small army of servants pass among the guests carrying silver trays full of sparkling champagne flutes. There are probably at least fifty guests here already, too many for the number of cars outside.

The guests at Erica's party seem to be mostly middle aged bankers, businessmen and the like, rather than members of New York's normal socialite party-set. Elizabeth spots a few familiar faces including some business associates of her father. At her side Andrei surveys the crowd until he spots his prey, a young bespectacled man who stands chatting to an elderly businessman and his wife. He heads in that direction, easing his way through the crowd (OOC: Accompanied by Elizabeth?).

To Timour's slight disappointment almost all of the ladies present are presently in the company of these businessmen, however the evening is young and they will no doubt soon drift away from their partners. The majority of the ladies are middle aged like their husbands, but several are much younger, some scandalously so given the age of their partners. There are one or two unattended young ladies who catch his eye though.

Maksim and Caroline easily insinuate themselves into the conversations around them, but it is pretty dry stuff. Captains of industry chat to bankers about dividends and turnovers as they smoke expensive cigars and sip champagne, while their pretty wives look on - politely concealing their boredom behind false smiles and timely giggles.

Erica Carlyle herself is nowhere to be seen.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:03 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei is pleasantly surprised - if there's one thing he can discuss, it's investments. His American holdings are performing dismally, but he thinks about it often, and its nice to have a chance to discuss such things with like-minded people.

Keeping a close eye on Elizabeth, Andrei introduces himself to the young man as an investor from Russia. He asks the young man about interest rates and other fascinating things. After a few minutes of conversation, he asks, "Are you a close friend of Erica's? I'm a friend of a friend, I don't know her well, to tell the truth... But I didn't imagine the party would be... like this. I thought it would be one of those 'society' parties, you know, with artists and all that kind of thing." He laughs condescendingly.

"I wonder if she's looking for investors in some sort of project? It seems like she's gathered a specific cross-section of people here."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:08 pm
by Decrepit
"I don't see Erica anywhere," Caroline whispers to Maks. "And we're not learning anything just milling around with these people."

Before she has time to think, she says quietly to him, "I wonder whether we shouldn't wander upstairs. No--not for that. You could pretend I was ill, or tired, or I suppose drunk, and say you're looking for some place for me to get some rest. That would give us a chance to look around the place some more and still have some reason for doing so, or seem to anyway."

She takes a breath. "What do you think?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:11 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim's rolls his eyes at the 'not for that'. "Believe me, I didn't for a minute assume you meant anything more unseemly then a con. Let's wait another fifteen minutes before we try that, though. No need to make ourselves more obvious. Give us some time to develop the plan, too." He flashes her a wicked smile as his estimation of her goes up a few more notches. The trick was how to pull it off...

He sweeps her around the room so he could get a better look at how everything was moving along, his mind working a billion miles an hour as he tries to work out timing, behaviour, comparing social standards and what one 'ought' to do in such circumstances to what would be most useful for them to do, and watching the patterns of staff behaviour, all the while attempting to liven up some of the conversations while not derailing them enough to provoke the ire of the businessmen. His father sometimes cruised in similar circles, he knew how to make a banker laugh.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:06 am
by imme
Elizabeth looks around the room, her excellent manners hiding her disappointment at such an unfortunately dry party. As Andrei begins to discuss investments, she politely excuses herself and drifts off through the crowd, watching social dynamics as she goes. She deftly snags a flute of champagne on her way to greet her father's business associates. Good manners must be attended to first, and then perhaps she could figure out how to make this party more interesting. Where was Erica, anyway?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:50 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
<<"Why do you not have drink?">> asks a beverage laden Timour in Russian of the most attractive lady currently unguarded. <<"Scandalous, to say the least.">> he continues while handing her something smooth and sweet.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:43 pm
by Raiko
The Ballroom - Carlyle House
9:07pm - Friday 16th September 1925

The lady takes the offered drink and giggles at Timour's spoken Russian, "I don't understand a word you said, but that is so sweet." She looks the Russian up and down and smiles mischeivously.


The young man is about to reply to Andrei when a set of side doors into the ballroom opens and very large man walks into the room, attracting everyone's attention for a moment. Standing over six feet tall and built like an ox, the shaven headed newcomer is undoubtedly the same man who chased Timour's car away from the estate a few days ago. The jacket of his dark business suit is a little too tightly fitted to effectively conceal the bulge of a large handgun in a shoulder holster.

The man looks around the crowded ballroom for a moment, his piercing gaze finding both of the Rukovs before settling on Elizabeth. He closes the doors behind himself and advances across the dancefloor towards her.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:55 am
by coffee demon
Andrei only half listens to the man in spectacles. His muscles tense and he watches the large man carefully. He's prepared to run to Elizabeth's side if it looks like something strange is happening.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:39 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim draws Caroline a little closer to himself, whether out of a sense of protectiveness or to reassure himself, is unclear, even to himself. "Should we approach?" he breathes in her ear, his eyes fixed on the man. There's something about him, or the situation, that sends little shivers up his spine.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:22 am
by Decrepit
This was a new side of Maks, Caroline thought. She'd seen goofy, maudlin, hungry even ... but fearful was rather new and disconcerting.

"We may as well. We're here to help Beth, remember?" She's not accusatory, just nervous too.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:39 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim moves to Elizabeth's side, drawing Caroline along with him, trying to keep her a step behind, despite the fact that he knew the man wouldn't start firing into the crowd and despite the fact that a few dozen minutes ago he had been bristling with resentment at these very people, now, after a few bare minutes of congenial niceties, he suddenly felt more of a friend then an employee. The thought struck him as irritating, after all, they weren't friends. It was only an illusion, a con, wrought for the benefit of the crowd, and yet here he was, pretending...

He cursed himself and his moods, but nonetheless, stood just behind Elizabeth, hoping to lend he rmoral support.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:15 am
by imme
Elizabeth's eyes go wide when the huge man enters the room, and wider still as he advances across the floor toward her. Forgetting to smile, she glances at Andrei and then at Maksim and Caroline as they move to her side. She stands her ground and waits for the gorilla to approach.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:17 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Raiko wrote: The lady takes the offered drink and giggles at Timour's spoken Russian, "I don't understand a word you said, but that is so sweet." She looks the Russian up and down and smiles mischeivously.

"Oh my how terrible of me," replied the smiling Russian, "when I saw your beauty, the way every eye in the room was drawn to you I just assumed you had to be from my mother Russia. And now I've been so rude speaking and you do not even know the wonderful things I have been saying of you, quickly, I beg you tell me how I can make it up to you."

Timour was eager for the girl's response when his gaze suddenly fell on the man who had just entered the room. A titan the older Rukov recognized instantly.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:58 am
by Raiko
The towering man makes his way directly to Elizabeth and speaks in a gravely voice, Miss Downing? My name is Mr Corey we spoke on the phone.”

Miss Carlyle will speak to you and your friends in the library.”

He gestures back towards the doors that he entered the room through.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:18 pm
by imme
Elizabeth smiles. "Ah, Mr. Corey. It's a pleasure to meet you."

She glances at her friends around the room, and nods for them to follow her into the library.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:03 am
by coffee demon
Andrei glances around to ensure Elizabeth is looking at him. At an appropriate pause in conversation, Andrei excuses himself.

"It was very nice talking to you, but it looks like I'm being invited to... something in another room. Pressing matters." Andrei smiles. It feels good to act like he's a more important guest.

"We'll have to continue this conversation later!"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:19 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim smiles and follows Elizabeth, still holding onto Caroline with a loose grip, though it is plain that if the doctor wants to be released, she can easily do so.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:31 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
When the others begin to gather and depart Timour excuses himself in a cavilier way and makes haste to join the group.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:40 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline follows Maks's lead, both curious about what is about to develop and rather relieved that she doesn't have to play out a ruse ... this time.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:41 am
by jtull_84
Thomas sets the glass of scotch he had been nursing down on the bar. He cuts through the ballroom and joins Erica's menagerie. He keeps his eyes open and the exits in mind.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:06 pm
by Raiko
Mr Corey leads the investigators out of the noisy ballroom into Carlyle House's large library. In this room are several easy chairs, tables and reading lamps, ashtrays and spittoons. There is an elaborate Victorian iron fireplace in one wall where a wood-fire blazes merrily, and a magnificent teak and slate billiards table stands in the centre of the room. Several thousand leather bound volumes are cramped within the glass bookcases that line the walls.The sound of the jazz-band can still be heard through the library's thick oak doors. Gravel crunches outside as the cars of more guests arrive.

"I'll tell Miss Carlyle that you have arrived, she will be down in a minute. Please make yourselves comfortable."

Corey exits through a second door, leaving the guests alone in the library.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:57 pm
by imme
Elizabeth smiles at her friends and there's a mischevious glint in her eye. "This should be interesting, don't you think?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:10 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei quietly meanders along the bookcases, glancing at the bindings, before sitting near Elizabeth's side.

He looks at his companions again, as though for the first time.

What a group this is. The things we've been through together already, in the last two days, is positively stupefying. I never thought I'd think it, but I'm starting to enjoy their company. At least we know how we react in stressful situations - that's more than I can say for my friends back home.

He tips back another long sip of gin, and feels the liquid burn pleasantly in his stomach.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:07 am
by jtull_84
Thomas lights a Pall Mall and gives Ellizabeth a reassuring smile.
I look forward to hearing what Miss Carlyle has to say. I'm sure she can shed some light on the expedition's dissappearance.
While he waits, Thomas browses the library, seeing what Miss Carlyle has been reading.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:07 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim suddenly realises he's held onto Caroline a little too long and lets go to examine the book bindings with a look of curious excitement barely supressed. He runs his finger across the back of a leather book, memories of the various libraries of Moscow and St. Petersburg flowing through his mind.

"The books are in Carlyle's safe," Maksim muses, glancing back at Caroline. "I wonder what kind..."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:08 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim moves from bookcase to bookcase in the moment's silence and respite, fingering the spines of the many books, the simplicity of potential answers. [color=Darkblue"Does anyone else get the same feeling I get here? Of an answer just behind a cover... An answer to a question that need only be asked."[/color] He chuckles, rubbing his forehead. "If only I could realise the question I could find the answer, maybe, here. Astrology, astronomy, chemistry, history, psychology... I don't know what the question is yet but sometimes I feel I get close."

He picks out a book and idly fingers it, looking over at the others, his genuine smile fading at the expressions he perceives on the faces of those around him. Idle disinterest from Caroline and Thomas, irritated boredom on Timour's face, a haughty look of contempt in Andrei's eyes and an expression of irate distraction from Elizabeth. He looks a little crestfallen, expecting a stern talking-to for his distraction from the task at hand, or merely a few words of idle incomprehension.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:46 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei taps his fingers on the leather arm of the couch he's sitting in, and surveys the room again. He slugs back the rest of his drink, and immediately starts casting his eyes around the room, looking for another decanter that he can fill his glass from.

Andrei replies absently to Maks' question. "I know the feeling."

The answer is in that goddamned Juju House. That trapdoor..

He stands up quickly, looking irritable, and sniffs at a glass container on the library desk that contains some kind of liquid.

Old water...must be a flower vase... dammit.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:37 am
by Raiko
The Library - Carlyle House
9:25pm - Friday 16th September 1925

Wandering around the library bookshelves Maksim and Andrei find leather-bound complete editions of Trollope, Dickens, Buiwer-Lytton, Mrs. Radcliffe, Francis Parkman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, the earlier works of George Washington Cable, and other fosterers of culture during the previous hundred years.

Andrei finds one section along the east wall that looks promising contains many books on the occult, there are several volumes on the subject of voodoo, as well as others discussing more traditional African magic and folklore, Western witchcraft, and various cults. Two early works by Jackson Elias are visible, Masters of the Black Arts and The Way of Terror.
The Ballroom - Carlyle House
9:07pm - Friday 16th September 1925

As Maksim chats to Caroline he casually glances at the bookshelves lining the library's north wall. The case is filled with old reference works in English and French; Oddly, a fat edition of Poe’s collected poems is tucked among these volumes, it appears out of place and everything else has been so carefully and correctly ordered.

The library doors open and Erica Carlyle enters, accompanied by the hulking presence of Mr Corey. Miss Carlyle is a very attractive lady in her mid twenties, her fashionably cut blond hair does not quite reach her shoulders and she is wearing a sparkling blue evening dress. She looks delighted to see Elizabeth, and greets her like an old friend, "Elizabeth, it's so good of you to come, and in such dreadful weather."

She glances at Elizabeth's towering boyfriend and the Rukov brothers, "Oh and you've brought your delightful Russian friends, Mr Corey has told me all about them..."

Corey shuts the library doors and watches impassively, his eyes glancing at each of the men in turn before settling on Timour.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:37 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim smiles devillishly at Miss Carlyle. "I'm glad I was so worthy of comment," he says, his voice a little deeper then usual, trying to be slightly saucy. "You have a most exquisite collection..." he says as he moved backwards to Poe’s collected poems, reaching out to grasp it without taking his eyes of Miss Carlyle, wondering if he were being overly suspicious or whether she would attempt to keep him from reading it. "Poetry. I've always adored poetry." Regardless of her reaction, he opens it and peers inside, expecting merely what the cover said.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:20 am
by jtull_84
I'm pleased to meet you Miss Carlyle. It's been a long couple of days and I'm glad to find some more good company.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:40 pm
by imme
Elizabeth grins. "A little bad weather would never keep me from a party. Let me introduce my friends." She wraps an arm through Andrei's. "This is Andrei Zatisov, I found him in Paris. And these are his friends, Maksim and Timour Rukov. Perhaps you already have met my friend, the doctor Caroline Ward? And this is Thomas Allan, another friend of mine."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:04 am
by coffee demon
When Miss Carlyle enters the room, Andrei takes his hand off the book he was about to flip through.. Masters of the Black Arts by Jackson Elias.

Maybe she'll let me borrow it, if we play our cards right, he thinks.
Elizabeth wrote: Elizabeth grins. "A little bad weather would never keep me from a party. Let me introduce my friends." She wraps an arm through Andrei's. "This is Andrei Zatisov, I found him in Paris. And these are his friends, Maksim and Timour Rukov. Perhaps you already have met my friend, the doctor Caroline Ward? And this is Thomas Allan, another friend of mine."

Andrei nods and gives a charming smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:52 am
by Decrepit
"Miss Carlyle, it is a pleasure," Caroline says a bit stiffly but not (intentionally) impolitely. She found herself curious about what Maks was up to. She'd never pegged him for the literati type. Ah, well. Probably just trying to entice their fetching host.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:06 pm
by Raiko
Maksim Rukov wrote: Maksim smiles devillishly at Miss Carlyle. "I'm glad I was so worthy of comment," he says, his voice a little deeper then usual, trying to be slightly saucy. "You have a most exquisite collection..." he says as he moved backwards to Poe’s collected poems, reaching out to grasp it without taking his eyes of Miss Carlyle, wondering if he were being overly suspicious or whether she would attempt to keep him from reading it. "Poetry. I've always adored poetry." Regardless of her reaction, he opens it and peers inside, expecting merely what the cover said.

The Library - Carlyle House
9:25pm - Friday 16th September 1925

Erica appears a little puzzled as Maksim steps back towards the Poe book, she glances towards another bookcase across the library that is stuffed with collections of poetry.

Only when the Russian actually removes the thick book from the it's shelf does her expression change, a look of realisation and alarm replaces her puzzlement, she takes a step towards Maksim and starts to speak, but too late.


Maksim opens the thick book and begins to flick through the pages.

Erica's eyes narrow and she whirls back around to face Elizabeth, her voice is low as she speaks, "Perhaps we should stop beating around the bush, you sent these men here shortly before they started shooting up Manhattan, and now you go straight to something that I'd long forgotten."

"What are you after Miss Downing, explain yourself or Mr Corey will escort you from the grounds."

Corey remains by the door; as Erica speaks he reaches under his jacket, but doesn't draw his gun.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:06 pm
by imme
Elizabeth is confused by such a strong reaction to a simple book, but quickly regains her composure ... and desperately hopes that Erica and Mr Corey are not cultists. But if they were, they would probably already know what has happened. "Excuse me, Erica, but I think you have the wrong impression of these gentlemen. They have been valiantly protecting me and my friends. Perhaps you read about the incident at the Hotel Chelsea? My friend Jackson Elias was gruesomely murdered by some strange cult and now these cultists are after us. We think he found out too much about what happened to your brother's expedition. I am truly sorry to bring up memories that perhaps you would rather keep forgotten, but I'm afraid that we have been swept up into whatever trouble killed Jackson. Unless we want to lock ourselves away for the rest of our lives we must do what we can to stop ... well, whatever is going on." The last sentence wasn't meant to be an explicit critique of Erica's choice, but Elizabeth couldn't quite keep the disapproval out of her voice.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:59 pm
by coffee demon
When the large man reaches for his gun, Andrei lets his hand fall from Elizabeth's grasp. He still stands at her side, but his hands hang loosely and he gauges the distance between himself and Mr. Corey.

Barely listening to Elizabeth speak, he thinks, I'll be damned if I let him point that thing at Ellie. If he makes another motion with it, I'll have to be quick. He's bigger than me, but if I lunge forward, I miht be able to grab his hand before he fires.

Andrei starts to sweat. Vivid memories of his own gun battle, mere hours ago, flood his mind. The destructive force of a bullet at short range was not something he wanted to witness again for a long time.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:21 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline scarcely knows how to react. She stands motionless.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:40 pm
by jtull_84
As Ellie speaks, Thomas remains silent. He guages the distance to Corey and prepares to help Andrei subdue the armed man if the gun is drawn.

When Ellie is done, he chimes in. "Listen to what Miss Downing has to say, Miss Carlyle. We seem to be collecting enemies at an alrming rate. We came here to feel you out, maybe find a friend to stand against the darkness. We all want a little justice here, what happened to your brother was wrong, and it seems like there's more to it than just him. So let's think twice before your man draws his iron, okay?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:42 pm
by Raiko
The Library - Carlyle House
9:25pm - Friday 16th September 1925

Erica nods silently to Mr Corey, the huge man withdraws his hand, adjusts his jacket and then once again stands statue-like by the doors.

"My brother's murderers were hung in Africa, the whole thing was just another of his ill conceived follies anyway, dashing off at the whim of that Negro woman," she stops abruptly.

"As far as I'm concerned that matter is now closed. Anyway, I'm afraid that you are mistaken if you think I'm hiding here, I'm hardly a hermit! The heavy security is the result of several break-ins, particularly to the library."

Erica looks suspiciously at the book in Maksim's hands, "The burglaries began shortly after I returned from Africa; I hadn't considered it before, but perhaps that is what they were after..."

"...what makes you think that your friend's death was related to my brother's murder?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:12 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"I'm sorry," Maksim says, peering down at the book. "I saw it and it looked out of place and I grabbed it because I assumed there would be great mystery attached to it but I didn't really think there would be." He returns it to her, seeming genuinely apologetic. "The safe numbers, I presume? I'll let the others answer why we think there might be a connection... I think I'll let the others explain that. I just, well, I'm worried. My brother, my friends, they're all at risk, and maybe it has nothing to do with your brother personally but there are signs that there's something they might want from your family." He pauses and takes a deep breath, looking somewhat sad. "Perhaps what's in that safe? I could understand, of course, if you wouldn't want to show us, I just ... I just hope you could understand why we might want to know, to understand. Look at us for a minute. Whatever else we might be, we're also scared, if we make mistakes or look confused or suspicious, it's because we have no idea what's going on."

"But someone's made at least two attempts on our lives."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:20 pm
by imme
Elizabeth nods at Maksim and turns to Erica. "My friend was investigating the circumstances surrounding your brother's expedition's disappearance. And I don't think that you actually believe his murderers were hanged in Africa. Whatever you found in Africa, it was not evidence of a single massacre. Jackson's specialty is, was revealing cultists, and he may have been able to find more than you did. For one thing, he found a witness who saw Jack Brady in Hong Kong, and evidence that perhaps other members of the expedition survived as well. He was preparing to write a book revealing the truth, but apparently he came to the attention of some large conspiracy that wants to keep its secrets."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:12 pm
by coffee demon
..."dashing off at the whim of that Negro woman.."

The phrase turns over and over in Andrei's head. Surely this negro woman must be affiliated with the assassin cult! After all, the Juju House was run by a negro man, wasn't it? Andrei hadn't seen the man, but who else would run a JuJu House?

Andrei listens patiently, waiting for a chance to ask Erica more about the negro woman.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:40 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline follows the conversation but remains silent for now. She didn't sense any untruthfulness out of Erica, but clearly the other woman was suspicious of things. Maybe all we've done is lead someone else into even greater danger, Caroline thinks pensively. But it wouldn't be our fault. Erica was already in trouble before we got here, even if she hadn't realized it.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:00 pm
by jtull_84
Thomas lets Ellie speak. He visibly relaxes abit once Erica keeps talking. He still keeps his eyes on Mr. Corey.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:56 pm
by Raiko
The Library - Carlyle House
9:26pm - Friday 16th September 1925
Maksim wrote: "The safe numbers, I presume?"

"Yes my brother's safe, I worked out the combination long ago and wrote it there."

"I had quite forgotten about it, and Roger's books. We have another much better safe elsewhere now."
Elizabeth wrote: "...For one thing, he found a witness who saw Jack Brady in Hong Kong, and evidence that perhaps other members of the expedition survived as well. He was preparing to write a book revealing the truth, but apparently he came to the attention of some large conspiracy that wants to keep its secrets."

Erica looks startled, "Someone saw Jack Brady alive in Hong Kong? How reliable is that information?"

"You are correct, I've never really been satisfied that those men hung in Africa were the true culprits. Although it was my opinion that they were probably acting on behalf of that Negro Woman."

Erica indicates one of the table and the comfy chairs around it, "Perhaps we could sit down for little while?"


Once everyone who wishes to has taken a seat (Mr Corey remains by the door) Erica begins talking again, "Roger was never the reliable sort, always pursuing one foolish whim or another, he was thrown out of all the best universities, and almost brought the family business to ruin. The only good thing to ever come of it was Jack Brady, my brother saved him from certain execution while he was studying at USC."

"Brady was fanatically loyal to Roger, and managed to keep him out of a lot of trouble."

"But none of my brother's previous excesses compared to his obsession with that Negro Woman. I don't know how he came to meet her, but he would disappear for days at a time - then suddenly reappear wild-eyed and crazed, saying only that he had been to Harlem. Roger was quite obsessed by her, he said she was queenly, a Priestess; and that she had secrets that he must possess."

"He started to suffer from constant nightmares and would wake in the middle of the night screaming, but he would never discuss them with me except sometimes he mentioned that he had dreamt that something seemed to be calling for him."

Taking the Poe volume from Maksim, Erica indicates the pencilled in safe combination, "As I said I worked out the combination to Roger's safe and wrote it here. Roger had several books that he would spend days pouring over, he always locked them away. I took a look at one of them The Pnakotic Manuscripts, but it was distressing to read as it seemed to bear out Roger's crazy ideas."

"I managed to persuade him to visit a friend of mine Doctor Robert Huston, an expert on matters of the mind. I was convinced that the Negro Woman had drugged him or something."

"The expedition to Africa was Robert's idea not Roger's, and I thought it was a good idea. The Negro Woman went with them, and I was sure that once they reached Africa she would be exposed as a fraud and Roger would see that her tales were just mumbo-jumbo."

"Sadly it seems that I was mistaken, the Negro Woman was certainly responsible for their deaths, or so I've always been convinced. Now you say that your friend had found evidence that some of the expedition survived?"

"But why would they not reveal themselves? It doesn't make any sense."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:13 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Maybe they're afraid they wouldn't live long if they do," says Maksim from his position, seated as close to her as he could find without encroaching on her space. "And as for privately revealing themselves, maybe they're worried for your sake." He clicks his fingers twice as though realising something. "Books, there was something we found that mentioned books... What was it?" He looked around at the others in confusion. "Perhaps it was those books in particular the note or whatever it was had mentioned. If you could let us have a look at it, we could let you know what we find?"

He looks suddenly a little guilty. "Oh, I'm sorry. You lost someone special to you and here I am treating it like some game, a puzzle to be figured out. I just... I feel like I'm on the verge of putting together some of it and after feeling so trapped I can't help but get a little over excited that all these problems are solveable, that we can find out whoever's doing these things and end it. Still, it's pretty cruel of me to be..." He sighs and sits back a little, smiling sheepishly, taking a moment to try and put together some of the longer English words he knew. "I hope I didn't offend you. Please, don't take my erratic behaviour to be any indication of the group's moral fibre."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:47 am
by coffee demon
Andrei waits impatiently for Maks to finish talking.

"Who is this negro lady? Does she live in New York? Do you know her name?"

Andrei likes the sound of The Pnakotic Manuscripts, and imagines poring through the book late at night, comparing information with the notes he took at the publisher's house. He imagines his satchel being filled with old mysterious books and important notes. This is the first time he's actually romanticized this debacle, turning it into an exciting mystery in his head.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 4:46 am
by imme
Elizabeth nods. "Yes, who is this woman? I think this is the first we've heard of her, but somehow it doesn't surprise me to know that a negro woman was involved. The cult that's after us seems to be completely made up of them, and they have some sort of headquarters in Harlem.

"We were supposed to meet with Jackson. He had sent me a telegram asking me to put together an investigative team."
A faint smile crosses Elizabeth's face as she remembers her initial excitement, but it quickly turns into a frown. "But they ... had killed him before we arrived, and so we weren't able to speak to him. Our only information is from his notes." She looks up at Erica with a sense of pride for her lost friend. "But Jackson was a thorough investigator, and would always remain skeptical until the evidence conclusively proved something. So if he believed the story of the witness who saw Jack Brady, I think we should, too. And if I remember right, his notes said there may be reason to believe that others survived as well."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:34 pm
by Decrepit
"Speaking of notes," Caroline says, breaking her silence. She clears her throat nervously. "Speaking of notes. Miss Carlyle, I realize this is a delicate, difficult matter, but we feel it might be helpful--for all our sakes--if we could be granted access to Dr. Huston's files, especially the ones pertaining to your brother. I realize you were a patient of his as well, and I know this stretches the bounds of ethics, but I think we need all the information we can obtain."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:34 am
by Raiko
Erica shrugs bitterly, "I wasn't even remotely interested in learning the Negro woman's name. I doubt it would be real anyway, the woman was clearly a fraud. Roger's obsession with her was quite abhorrent."

"You are welcome to take a look at the books after the party if you like, but they must remain in the library. I don't have any use for the things myself, but I'd imagine that they are rather valuable."

In answer to Caroline's query Erica says, "Are you sure that that's really necessary? I think that any access to Doctor Huston's conversations with Roger would have to be supervised by my legal representatives."

"My brother was a fool, but I must protect his reputation all the same."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:53 am
by jtull_84
"Miss Carlyle, I'd be glad to supervise the reading of Dr. Huston's notes along with your representatives. I can assure you that we are not interested in sullying your brother's reputation in any way. We just need to get all the information we can before we can move on. Your brother's conversations with Dr. Huston might hold valuable clues, perhaps more about this mysterious Negress."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:16 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline feels her face flush. "I am a trained and licensed physician, Miss Carlyle, and I would like to assure you that I do know how unorthodox what I'm asking is."

She wasn't sure whether that sounded like wounded pride or justified assertiveness. Her thoughts were muted by the echo of Erica's and Thomas's words.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:15 am
by coffee demon
Andrei falls into a silent reverie.

This negro woman.. she's obviously connected with the Juju House.

He visualizes storming the Juju House, and viciously interrogating its owner until he gets answers. Memories of the previous days' frustrations and the attack in Harlem start to resurface, and he struggles to contain his anger.

Suddenly a thought occurs to him, and he slowly moves to Timour's side. While the others talk, he whispers in Timour's ear, in Russian, <<We need to find this negro woman. Do you think we made a mistake, calling the police on the Juju House? What if they scare the owner away? He might be our only lead.>>

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 9:52 pm
by Raiko
Timour nods in agreement, replying in Russian, «In Russia a man does not rely on the police to fight his battles! We three should have taken the fight to the enemy.»

«Then given time alone with the owner, I would have learned all there is to know of this Negro woman.»


Across the library Erica continues talking to the others, "I'm certainly not questioning your professionalism Doctor, but your friend has already stated that this Jackson Elias has been writing about my brother's expedition.

"Nonetheless if there is some evidence that my brother could have escaped the massacre then I'll provide you with whatever assistance I can."

"Mister Allan; I shall introduce you to my legal advisor, Bradley Gray, he's here tonight. He will make the necessary arrangements for Doctor Ward to access the records of Roger's conversations with Doctor Huston."

Turning to Elizabeth once more Erica asks, "Elizabeth, do you intend to continue Jackson Elias' investigations? As I said I'll provide any assistance that I can."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 4:52 am
by jtull_84
Thomas nods his thanks, and intends to meet Mr. Gray when they return to the party.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:58 pm
by imme
Elizabeth firmly nods her head. "Indeed I do. I can't stand the thought that Jackson's death was meaningless, and if there really is some worldwide conspiracy it seems like, well, someone must try to do something. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Could you, would you tell us what you learned in Africa?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 1:57 pm
by Raiko
"Ok, but obviously it's a long story, perhaps we could continue this after the party?"

"Your friend could take a looks at those books then as well."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:07 pm
by imme
"Of course, we can go back to the party. But, Erica, why have you invited such stuffy people?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 3:04 pm
by Raiko
Erica laughs, "Oh I quite agree Elizabeth. The guests are mostly clients and investors in one of the family businesses, quite a dour lot I'm afraid."

"Still the band is good, and perhaps you could come again to a real party, once all of this unpleasant business of your friend's murder is resolved?"

Opening the door Erica leads her guests back into the ballroom, "I'll introduce you all to Bradley Gray."

The party looks a little livelier now as, despite the conditions outside, more guests have now arrived - including a couple of rather attractive young ladies who the Rukov brothers notice immediately. Many of the guests have begun to dance now. As Erica said the band is excellent.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 11:01 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei immediately heads for the bar and orders a strong drink. Sipping it contentedly, he steps back away from the crowd, and keeps his eye on Elizabeth.

He also watches Timour, and waits for a chance to continue his conversation with him. Andrei's thoughts are on Johnny.

I hope those cops in Harlem don't mess this up. It would be nice to get over there and see what's happening.

Andrei checks his watch, and looks out a nearby window to assess the falling snow. How long would they have to stay before they could politely leave? And how long is too long to risk getting caught in the miserable weather?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:51 am
by Decrepit
Caroline hardly knew what to do with herself at the moment. Whether by design or accident, her credibility had, she felt, been questioned, even tossed aside by a brusque comment or two. It appeared that Erica preferred to listen to a male voice over that of one of her own sex. Unsurprising--indeed, all too common--but something of a disappointment nonetheless.

She spied Andrei nursing a drink, and she immediately starts to think that might be a good idea for her to do, too. Then she catches herself--just what the hell am I doing? She sighs; she needed to find a better way to cope with the whirl around her.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 5:27 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim decides to let everyone have their privacy, figuring that they probably needed it, and went to find a suitable place to brood, eavesdrop and watch the dancers. This could have been so much more fun, if only everyone else would just lighten up instead of ... what? He couldn't so much place his finger on what they were doing.

He felt like distracting himself, perhaps distracting himself with a dance or two with one of the lovely ladies, but he just couldn't shake the mood he'd been slipping into all day. Hopefully a good night's rest would cheer him up. Perhaps new company would be better? He had often found it so much easier to drop the present company whenever things got too irritating or gloomy for him and go find himself the company of strangers.

He craved a drink but for the moment he held back. Truthfully, he was thirty more for water than alcohol. A condition Timour had no doubt rarely encountered.

He smirked at that. Nothing like a smug sense of superiority to brighten a man's day...

Caroline seemed a little jostled, though he had no idea what had unnerved her, if anything. She was probably mad at him for something. Curious, like a cat about to bait a snake with a flash of a paw, he approached her, willing to test out whichever rebuff she no doubt had in mind. Fascinating...

"Would you like to dance?" Maksim asked, the right-hand corner of his lip twitching into a smile as he gave her his most devillish look.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:08 am
by jtull_84
Thomas follows the group out into the party. He relaxes a litle now that the band is hopping. If he can, he hits the bar for another scotch and water. He kepts an ear on Erica for when she points out Bradley Gray.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:22 pm
by imme
Elizabeth thanks Erica and walks back into the ballroom. She looks around the room, surveying the crowd with a look of determination on her face. Well, I will just have to liven this place up myself. Since Andrei is holding up the wall and has the company of a drink, Elizabeth searches the room for a likely dance partner. Finding a young man, she wanders over to him and joins the conversation. She taps her feet to the music and waits for him to ask her to dance.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:45 pm
by Raiko
Erica returns after a couple of minutes, with a tall, balding man in his mid-fifties. When she reaches Thomas she says, "Mr Allan, this is Bradley Gray my family's lawyer."

She looks around, "Where has Caroline gone? I thought you'd both want to speak to Bradley."


From his vantage point by the bar Andrei spots Timour introducing himself to two quite stunning young ladies. Meanwhile he notices that Elizabeth seems to have found herself a rather handsome dance partner.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:11 pm
by Raiko
imme wrote: Elizabeth thanks Erica and walks back into the ballroom. She looks around the room, surveying the crowd with a look of determination on her face. Well, I will just have to liven this place up myself. Since Andrei is holding up the wall and has the company of a drink, Elizabeth searches the room for a likely dance partner. Finding a young man, she wanders over to him and joins the conversation. She taps her feet to the music and waits for him to ask her to dance.

The gentleman in question wastes very little time in turning his attention away from his conversation (about the dull party) and onto Elizabeth, "Suddenly Erica's party seems much better, you look absolutely radiant. Would you be so good as to join me for a dance?"

The man is probably in his late twenties and is certainly handsome enough.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 5:52 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline nearly jumps when she hears Maks speak to her. "Oh, dear me, I'm a frightful bundle of nerves today," she says to him. Recovering her balance, she studied him for a moment. His look was obviously calculated to ingratiate, yet there was a certain irony about it, as if he knew that she knew that he knew ... Oh, to hell wtih it.

"Why, of course, Mr. Rukov. I'd be delighted."


For a time, she manages to lose herself within the admittedly heady charms of the striking Russian. Despite herself, she feels herself melt into his arms. She thinks to chastise herself for relying on a man to make her feel safe, but there it was.

After a time, she notices Erica and Thomas with a third person, and they seemed to be scanning for someone. Remembering the earlier business, she assumes that she's being sought. "It looks as if I must go now," she says to her dancing companion. "Duty calls."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:26 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Mind if I tag along?" asks Maksim pleasantly enough. Her reaction had caught him a little off-guard and his mood had turned to playful. Besides, perhaps they were to talk about those books... He had always loved a good read. He sure didn't want to miss that.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:07 am
by imme
Raiko wrote: The gentleman in question wastes very little time in turning his attention away from his conversation (about the dull party) and onto Elizabeth, "Suddenly Erica's party seems much better, you look absolutely radiant. Would you be so good as to join me for a dance?"

Elizabeth grins. "Of course. What a waste it would be to just stand around listening to such a hot band. I'm determined to find the life in this party." With a mischievous glint in her eye, Elizabeth lets the gentleman lead her out onto the dance floor. "I'm Elizabeth, pleased to meet you, Mr. ...?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:42 pm
by Decrepit
"It's a free country, or so I hear," Caroline says, smiling, sinking into the spirit of the party rather despite herself. Maks had proved to be a more-than-adequate dancer.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:43 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei feels his heart jump sickeneningly into his throat, and his hands go sweaty and cold as Elizabeth and the man turn onto the dance floor. He suddenly feels lame, and leans against the wall, trying to look more casual. His piercing eyes are fixed on Elizabeth.

Surely she's going to look over at me, to show me it's okay? I'm over here, Elizabeth. Do you even care?

He wrestles to keep a pleasant smile on his face, but the best he can manage is one tight upturned lip. Still watching Elizabeth intensely, he swigs back a large gulp of his drink. It's starting to make him feel hazy, and he welcomes the relief.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 1:15 pm
by Raiko
imme wrote: With a mischievous glint in her eye, Elizabeth lets the gentleman lead her out onto the dance floor. "I'm Elizabeth, pleased to meet you, Mr. ...?"

"Charles Thomas, but please just call me Charles," he replies as they walk out into the middle of the dance floor.

More people are gradually filling the floor, so the party is at last becoming livelier. Charles proves to be an adequate dancers, though certainly not exceptional. As they dance he says, "I don't remember seeing you at one of Erica's parties before Elizabeth, but you do look rather familiar. Have we met before?"


At the edge of the room Caroline and Maksim reach Thomas, and Erica introduces them both to Bradley Gray.

Bradley has no objections to granting Caroline access to the medical records now that Erica has given her consent, "I'm free on Monday morning Doctor, so I could meet you there then, and Mr Allan as well if he likes. Would 10 o'clock be ok?"

[OOC: Note that Jackson Elias' funeral will be held at 10:30 on Monday morning]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:08 pm
by imme
Raiko wrote: As they dance he says, "I don't remember seeing you at one of Erica's parties before Elizabeth, but you do look rather familiar. Have we met before?"

"Perhaps. I've never been to a party here before; I'm more of a Manhattan girl, myself." She grins.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:57 am
by Raiko
As the party is livening up inside Carlyle House, the weather outside is gradually deteriorating. With each passing minute the snowfall is getting heavier. Now nothing is visible through the ballroom windows except for a swirling torrent of snowflakes, brightly illuminated by the lights of Carlyle House.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:09 pm
by Decrepit
"Ten in the morning on Monday would be fine, Mr. Gray," Caroline replies. "The funeral for Mr. Elias is around that time, but I think I would rather go as soon as possible to look at these files."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:12 pm
by jtull_84
That sounds fine Mr. Gray. We'll be there. Ellie and Andrei will probably go to the funeral. Dr. Ward, myself, and perhaps one or two of our fellows will meet you.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 10:32 am
by coffee demon
Andrei waits another minute, his eyes boring into Elizabeth's back.

Damn it, I KNOW you know I'm watching, Ellie. Are you trying to anger me on purpose?

His face starts to feel flushed, so he abruptly turns away, looking for a distraction. Standing almost a head above most other people in the party, Andrei feels clumsy and conspicuous. As he moves through the crowd, his shoulder bumps into another man, and he mumbles "'scuse me" before focussing on a waiter carrying a tray of tall glasses.

He scoops a glass off the tray (a little less gracefully than he'd like), and heads to the nearest doorway - a set of french doors leading to a low balcony. With a drink in each hand, he slips outside into the blessed silence and solitude of the winter storm.

Sipping a drink quietly, he thinks again about Johnny, and wonders about gathering his companions before its too late to leave the manor tonight.

Ellie is going to think I'm lame if I start gathering everyone up. Fine. I'll wait this out.

Andrei takes another long sip. He plans on getting very drunk, then finding a comfortable corner of the manor to lie down, and sleep through the rest of the party.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 11:00 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim can't help but notice the tall man's expression as he had watched Elizabeth. Maksim tried to keep his mind on other things, the pleasant company, the sounds of the band, but when Andrei turned and took some booze outside, he felt that sinking sensation he often got when sympathy clashed with selfishness. A look of weary resignation crossed his face as he politely excused himself to go after Andrei. He whisked a couple drinks off a nearby waitor, spinning in a circle as he did so, flashing a broad grin and taking one last moment to note where everyone was, then he dashed outside into the cold.

<<Ah motherland, invading Russia however she pleases!>> says Maksim obscurely, as he went to the balcony railing and gazed out at the snow, purposefully keeping his eyes off Andrei's face to allow him some privacy of feeling.
<<An exquisite band inside, no? I do wonder, of course, just how many songs they know... I often wish I'd paid more attention to American music. I have a pressing urge to make a request but I don't know what song might be best. Do you have a favourite?>>

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:05 am
by imme
Elizabeth tilts her head to the side in thought. "Actually, I guess I used to think of myself as a Manhattan girl. Perhaps now I am more international." Her chin rises a little in pride. "I recently spent a lot of time running around the globe. What a blast! Have you travelled much, Mr., I mean Charles?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:35 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - Outside on the balcony

Standing out in the snow Andrei and Maksim can see that the snowfall is already deep enough to make travel by road precarious. A few guests have started leaving already in the hope of not being cut off, but the majority appear content to stay the night if necessary.

Carlyle House - In the Ballroom
jtull_84 wrote: That sounds fine Mr. Gray. We'll be there. Ellie and Andrei will probably go to the funeral. Dr. Ward, myself, and perhaps one or two of our fellows will meet you.

"Excellent, I'll see you both there with your friends."

Glancing towards the windows Erica says, "The weather really doesn't look so good. If you'd all like to stay the night you are welcome to; it will give you chance to take a quick look at those books of Roger's, and in the morning we can discuss whether I can help you."

imme wrote: Elizabeth tilts her head to the side in thought. "Actually, I guess I used to think of myself as a Manhattan girl. Perhaps now I am more international." Her chin rises a little in pride. "I recently spent a lot of time running around the globe. What a blast! Have you travelled much, Mr., I mean Charles?"

Charles looks seriously impressed, "I must admit my own travels have been rather limited, I've been to London a couple of times of course, and also to France during the war, though I arrived too late for the fighting, thank God."

"I'd like to go back, but I'm not sure I'll get the chance - after all New York is the place to be these days anyway."

"Where are you planning to watch the eclipse next week? I'd imagine it will be really spectacular. I hear there will be some good parties in Harlem."

As she dances Elizabeth notices Maksim follow Andrei out of the room.

[OOC: The eclipse in question is the total eclipse of the sun visible from the North of New York on the 24th]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:53 am
by coffee demon
Maksim Rukov wrote: <<Ah motherland, invading Russia however she pleases!>> says Maksim obscurely, as he went to the balcony railing and gazed out at the snow, purposefully keeping his eyes off Andrei's face to allow him some privacy of feeling.

Andrei keeps his back to Maks and remains silent. He looks out over the balcony at the departing vehicles.
Maksim Rukov wrote: <<An exquisite band inside, no? I do wonder, of course, just how many songs they know... I often wish I'd paid more attention to American music. I have a pressing urge to make a request but I don't know what song might be best. Do you have a favourite?>>

Andrei is silent for a few moments. Keeping his back to Maks, he eventually speaks. His voice sounds dull and throaty, like he's holding back a strong emotion. <<Pick whatever song you like, Maks. I don't care.>>

Before Maks has a chance to respond, Andrei continues. His voice wavers and crescendoes as he speaks, like he's about to start yelling, or crying. <<We're going to be trapped in this goddamn house if we stay much longer. I guess everyone is having fun, are they? I goddamn well hope so! We should all be having fun, shouldn't we? What do you think, should this be FUN? Because I'm NOT having much FUN!>> He spits out the final words and falls quiet again before he loses control.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 10:33 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim pauses for a moment, apparently unfazed, staring out over the snow. <<It's funny how easier things are to see from the outside. If I were on the inside, I'd never see it, but then again, perhaps I'm wrong.>> He rocks back on his heels and thrusts his hands deep into his pockets. <<She misses you, Andrei. If only you would pick a romantic song and gently, in only the way you know how, show her how much she means to you. What's out there...>> He motions to the road beyond. <<What's out there is pain, uncertainty, but here, right now you have a moment, not to rest, but to be. Call me a fool, an idiot, someone who can't mind their own business, call me what you like, it'd certainly be true, but so is what I'm telling you now. I've been in your place, your shoes, don't be me, be the calm, dashing sophisticate I know you are.>>

He grins wickedly. "Trust me, I've read many a romantic novel. I know about these things!"

He chuckles, anticipating a torrent of abuse, even welcoming it if it would make Andrei feel better. He'd lied plenty of times but now he just genuinely wants to be useful. "The future, them out there, that'll wait for you. That's the problem."

OOC: Respond how you will to each line. He'd say it the same way regardless of response, well, other than if you actually shot him.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:58 am
by coffee demon
Maksim Rukov wrote: Maksim pauses for a moment, apparently unfazed, staring out over the snow. <<It's funny how easier things are to see from the outside. If I were on the inside, I'd never see it, but then again, perhaps I'm wrong.>>

Andrei remains silent, still facing away from Maks.
Maksim Rukov wrote: He rocks back on his heels and thrusts his hands deep into his pockets. <<She misses you, Andrei. If only you would pick a romantic song and gently, in only the way you know how, show her how much she means to you. What's out there...>>

From behind, Maks can see Andrei's shoulders tense up. <<What the hell are you talking about?>> He snaps. <<That's not what I'm talking...>>

He spins around to face Maks - his face is contorted in anger and pent-up emotion, and his face is extremely red. Maks interrupts:
Maksim Rukov wrote: He motions to the road beyond. <<What's out there is pain, uncertainty, but here, right now you have a moment, not to rest, but to be. Call me a fool, an idiot, someone who can't mind their own business, call me what you like, it'd certainly be true, but so is what I'm telling you now. I've been in your place, your shoes, don't be me, be the calm, dashing sophisticate I know you are.>>

narrows his eyes. He'd like to believe that Maks is honestly complimenting him, but he closes off the thought immediately. Russian men never speak this way, unless they're making fun. Maks is the sophisticated one, why is he pushing me like this? <<You're a goddamned madman, Maks. Why don't you shut up?>>
Maksim Rukov wrote: He grins wickedly. "Trust me, I've read many a romantic novel. I know about these things!"

Andrei shakes his head and looks aside, disgusted. <<Great. Thanks. Why don't you go inside now, 'friend'?>> He waves his hand at Maks dismissively, and throws back another long swig of Scotch. He coughs at the taste, and turns away.
Maksim Rukov wrote: He chuckles, anticipating a torrent of abuse, even welcoming it if it would make Andrei feel better. He'd lied plenty of times but now he just genuinely wants to be useful. "The future, them out there, that'll wait for you. That's the problem."

Andrei chuckles a little. The alcohol burns his throat and stomach, and he's starting to feel numb. <<Maks, you need to stop talking, you're not making any sense.>> He turns around again to face Maks, but only makes eye contact for a fleeting instant. Maks can see that his eyes are watery - whether its from the swig or Scotch or not, is uncertain. <<What are you even talking about? Are you lecturing me?>> He chuckles again, looking at the snowy ground. <<Go inside, Maks.>> This time he speaks with more conviction - he's almost pleading.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:03 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Madmen see what sane men don't," Maksim says gently. "And I am nothing if not mad. Have your moment of privacy but remember, she needs you. You're all she has. Give her a moment before all this starts again." He waves dismissively toward the road, then turns to go inside, intending to find someone who would let him have a look at these most mysterious books.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:09 am
by coffee demon
Andrei turns away and falls silent again, considering Maks' final words. He's too drunk to assess Maks' intentions, and only thinks about Elizabeth.

Should I go back in? And what? Interrupt her dancing? She'll think I'm a fool! Make idle chit-chat? I'm too drunk now. I'll stay outside and sober up for a minute.

He sets the two empty glasses aside and submerges his hands in the snow on the railing, hoping the cold will wake him up. He sighs loudly, watching the snow, and wishing he was somewhere with less people.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:00 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline was starting to feel a bit better about things. There was a plan now; she was useful again, not just following others around.

She takes in the scene at the party. Andrei had gone off somewhere in a huff, but that, it seemed more and more, was Andrei all the time. Beth was talking, flirting--and nothing about that was a surprise at all. Caroline frowned, thinking about the combustibility of the Beth-Andrei relationship. The two made a handsome couple, but it didn't take training in psychology to see that they were ill-matched--although, come to think of it, Caroline wasn't sure who would be a good match for the Russian.

Where was "her" Russian, anyway? She giggled a little. He'd been a good dancer, and Caroline wouldn't have minded another turn or two around the dance floor, but he was nowhere to be seen. Probably off with Andrei, she thinks. She could barely credit it, but Maks, by contrast anyway, seemed like the stable, sane one. And he was good-looking ... Oh, hell, I'm losing my mind, she scolds herself.

She takes a moment to glance out a window. The snow was falling thickly, and the chances of the group of them getting home were dwindling by the minute. The thought did not overly disturb her. They were probably safer here than anywhere else they could be in the city, including their own "marked" homes.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:57 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim opens the double doors from the balcony with a flourish, feeling invigorated by the cold night air. He shut the doors equally dramatically and strode across the floor, grinning broadly at Elizabeth and Caroline, the only other two whom he recognised. The music, the lights, the drama! A party in full swing, cold and snow outside, ah, it was like Imperial Russia again. His step faltered, his smile slipped, his eyes traced a path downward through memories of stolen moments, philosophical arguments, hidden games of chasey and hide and go seek. He glanced back, suddenly uneasy, memories of fevered imaginings of snow, of pallor, of pale blue lips weakly crying out, while a party was in full swing. Only imaginings, never actually knowing...

He takes a glass of wine from a passing waitor and gulped it down with a shake of the shoulders, waking himself up from the past. His smile is still somewhat weak and shaky as he approaches Caroline, wishing somewhat that Elizabeth weren't busy, simply because Elizabeth was so much more safe, forever reassuring in her cheerful demeanor. He trembles slightly as he goes to stand by Caroline's side and politely engages in banter with a little bit of friendly teasing thrown in. If not for the slight tremble and the way he warily eyes the dance floor, it would be impossible to notice his sudden attack of the nerves.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:50 am
by coffee demon
After a few more moments, Andrei steels himself and re-enters the party. The heat of the people, the sounds of the music and laughter hit him like a splash of hot water after his quiet reverie outside.

Andrei tries to keep his eyes away from where he last saw Elizabeth, and heads to the bar for another Scotch.

Just one more drink, then I'll go talk to her.

As he waits to order the drink, he scans around the room and sees that Elizabeth is still dancing with a man. From across the crowd, he can't tell if its the same man or not, and he turns away quickly before he can learn anything else. He feels his face going flush. Dammit, this is stupid. I shouldn't be here. None of us should be here. Is everyone fooling themselves? Does anyone remember what kind of mess we're in?

"Two Scotches, please. Thank you."

With a drink in each hand, Andrei quickly slips around the edge of the party, trying not to make eye contact with anyone he knows, especially Elizabeth. He slides into the library, grabs one of Jackson's books, and flips through it halfheartedly. He's leaning against the bookcase, back to the doors, with the drinks sitting conveniently on a nearby table.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:31 am
by imme
"Oh, France was one of my favorite places, especially Paris. Perhaps not quite as exciting as New York, but it does have an old-age charm to it. That's where I met ..." Elizabeth smiles and scans the room just in time to catch the exit of the Russians onto the balcony. Her smile disappears and she falters in her conversational savvy. Luckily Charles changes the subject. "The eclipse? Oh, I hadn't given it much thought. In fact, I suppose I must have forgotten all about it. I have been ... rather distracted recently." Another shadow passes over her face and she fails to respond to Maksim's grin as he re-enters the ballroom, alone. As a new song starts up and Charles shows every intention of remaining with her on the dance floor, Elizabeth re-affixes her best socialite mask. She is determined to enjoy herself, at least for as long as she can ignore recent events. "Do you have plans for the eclipse? Aren't they supposed to be rather rare?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:01 am
by jtull_84
"That very hospitable Erica. And your suggestion to take a quick peek at Roger's books sounds like a good idea. I think I'll grab Andrei. I thought I heard him mention wanting to read them."
After Erica tells him where the books are and the code for the safe, he looks for Andrei and eventually finds him in the library.
"Good evening Andrei. I wondered if you'd like to take a look at those books of Roger's with me. Erica told me where they are. Perhaps I could also join you for scotch?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:44 am
by Decrepit
Caroline glances at Maksim standing near her, talking, looking ill-at-ease. Trying to sound reassuring herself, she says to him, "Whatever's the matter can wait a few more hours. Take it from me; I'm a born worrier." She grins a little sheepishly, offering her hand. "Would you like to dance, Mr. Rukov? We may not get such a chance again ... soon, I mean."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:18 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim looks a little startled, but recovers admirably, taking her hand and drawing her onto the dance floor with a flourish. She can tell he's performing, making the dance a game she's invited to join, a faux seduction, building up the drama with subtle smiles slowly growing into smouldering glances and seductive flair. Maksim tries to keep the whole thing conscious enough of itself that she wouldn't get intimidated or offended while still serious enough that no one but the two of them could know, not to show her off or himself off, but to keep the game alive.

It was a movie scene to him, straight from the silver screen, with intermittent cliches brought to bear at appropriate moments in the dance, when he dips her or when slow songs end.

"This night, my dear, is our night."

"Despite the dangers, I'd never have chosen anything else above this dance. I'd rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special..."

The intensity of his own moods had tired him out and he now feels uncontrollably playful as though by turning everything into a game he could stay awake and keep the seriousness away. If his behavior annoys her, he's not sure whether he'd shrug and find a new partner, find a bed to sleep in or go and take a look at those books.

Anything to escape a minute of himself.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:36 am
by coffee demon
Andrei turns quickly to see who's entered the library. For an instant he hopes Ellie has noticed him missing, and found him, but his hopes are dashed when Thomas enters the room. The hulking Russian turns his head back to his book as Thomas speaks.
Thomas wrote: "Good evening Andrei. I wondered if you'd like to take a look at those books of Roger's with me. Erica told me where they are. Perhaps I could also join you for scotch?"

Everyone certainly is acting friendly to me tonight. Do I appear so gloomy that everyone feels sorry for me?

"Yes, of course," Andrei snaps, answering at least one of the questions. He suddenly becomes conscious of his own drunkenness, and plans to speak little so he doesn't reveal his handicapped state of mind. "I'm just... reading here. Yes, should we... where are these books?"

Damn! Keep your mouth shut, Andrei.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:11 am
by Raiko
Erica follows Thomas into the library, "I'll open the safe for you now."

"I must warn you Roger's books are rather disturbing."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:36 am
by jtull_84
"Thank you Erica. I appreciate your candor. I'm willing put up with a disturbing notion or two if I can understand this whole mess a little clearer."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:26 am
by coffee demon
Andrei turns to Erica as she enters, and his world spins dizzily for a moment. He nods a polite thank-you, and silently follows behind her and Thomas. On the way out of the room, he unconsciously grabs the remaining glass of Scotch he left on the table. His head feels like its full of cottonballs.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:47 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline realizes that Maks is having a bit of fun, but it seems not at her expense but rahter as an antidote to the harrowing time they've already had--and probably (no, certainly) will experience again all too soon. She does her best to match him move for move, playing the ingenue to his dark, brooding, foreign masculine self, for the time enjoying the game as much as he seems to.

After a time, though, her mood turns slightly darker. "The others have gone off somewhere. Perhaps they're looking at Roger's books? We should at least see if everything's all right with our companions, should we not?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:42 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim draws back from her and gives her a deeply thoughtful look. "Perhaps... But only if we pass the nibblies on the way, no? I am starved."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:45 am
by imme
Elizabeth notices the last of her friends leaving the ballroom. I just want to stay here and dance the night away, forgetting everything. Why can't things be normal again? As the dance ends she smoothly thanks her partner and excuses herself. She follows Maksim and Caroline.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:05 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - Back in the Library.

Erica removes the big Poe book that Maksim noticed earlier, and then opens a small panel hidden behind it. She presses something there and that whole section of bookshelf unlocks, allowing her to swing it aside revealing a wall-safe.

Reading from numbers written inside the front cover of the Poe volume Erica begins turning the dial of the safe, "I haven't looked into this safe at all, since I worked out the combination before Roger left. The attempted burglaries would suggest that someone thinks Roger's books are still here though."

After twisting the dial one final time, Erica turns the handle and opens the safe...

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:50 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei is extremely curious, but is more conscious about the about the strong smell of Scotch on his breath. He deliberately maintains a distance from everyone else, keeps his mouth shut, and avoids eye contact. He's leaning against the couch at the back of the group, trying to look casual.

He'll flip through a book or document if there's anything left after everyone disperses from the safe.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:53 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline is content to help out in whatever way she can with the books. She thinks there might be insights that her training in psychology would give her into the books, but she's late in getting there and so doesn't make it a point to press.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:25 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim wants to at least catch a glimpse of each book and makes up his mind that if he can't read one of these odd books, he'd at least peer over other people's shoulders ever so often. He did so love books, though he rarely ever finished one. Endings were such pooring constructions. Much better to imagine the possibilities.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:13 am
by imme
Elizabeth eagerly approaches the safe. These are probably exactly the type of books she found particularly interesting in college.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:43 am
by jtull_84
Thomas leans in to get a closer look.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:31 pm
by Raiko
Raiko wrote: After twisting the dial one final time, Erica turns the handle and opens the safe...

...Inside the safe are four books which Erica removes and carries across to one of the tables. She lays them out and waits for the investigators to gather around.

Two of these books are larger and appear to be far older than the other two. The first actually appears to be a folio composed of various manuscripts, rather than an actual published book, the front bears the title Pnakotic Manuscripts. This is clearly the disturbing book of which Erica spoke earlier. It's ancient pages are hand written in Old-English.

The second book, a large leather bound volume, is even older, it's stained brown cover contains no identification. This book is handwritten in French, the first page reveals that it is called the Livre D'Ivon and written by Gaspar du Nord in the year 1241.

Both of the newer books are leather bound, and neither cover contains a title.

The first turns out to be the dairy of one Montgomery Crompton, entitled Life as a God it covers the years 1805 to 1807.

The remaining book is a collection of Poetry written by Justin Geoffrey, and called The People of the Monolith. This is another manuscript, seemingly a publisher's proof. It appears to have been rescued from a fire at some stage, as the back cover is damaged and the edges of some of the pages are charred.

The books are all rather disturbing to even look at, they certainly don't remind Elizabeth of any of the books she read at college.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:34 pm
by jtull_84
As Thomas examines the books before the group, he considers reading the Livre D'Ibon, as he speaks French. However, there are other members of the team who speak it better than he does, so perhaps either the book of poetry or the People of the Monolith would be better. He knows of no one who speaks Olde English, perhaps that professor from Arkham?
Out loud he asks, "So who wants to tackle what? We should probably at least skim them tonight since travel would be difficult. In the morning we all have our different objectives. Seems a shame to waste time."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:12 am
by coffee demon
The sight of the mysterious books tweaks Andrei's curiousity more than he anticipated. Suddenly there are real objects to inspect, not fleeting stories from across the oceans, or dangerous attacks from assassins.

Since Andrei first copied Jackson's notes into his own book at the publisher's shop, he has coveted those writings, and often found comfort in studying the notes in solitude when he was feeling insecure. He's always made sure to keep the notes and clues safely locked away, or bundled near to his person in his leather satchel.

These new books build upon his desire to collect more information, and stir up an irrestible urge for a "safe" bookish adventure. Old texts! What secrets they must hold!

Ignoring the stench of Scotch on his breath, Andrei pushes to the table and greedily snatches up the Pnakotic Manuscripts (OC: the coolest looking book, it sounds like.) He flips through the book eagerly, trying to get a sense of what sorts of information are contained within.

He's too drunk to read any passages - instead, he's looking for diagrams, or mention of cults or assassins, or anything else particularly interesting.

"What IS this?" he mumbles to himself, delightfully oblivious to the people surrounding him.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:05 am
by imme
Elizabeth is slightly repulsed by Andrei's scotch-breath and odd behavior. She shifts further away from him and turns to Thomas. "Yes, I suppose you're right. I probably have enough french to attempt this text, unless someone else would prefer to read it?" Although she'd much rather be out on the dance floor, the old text in her hand does pull a little on her love for all things historical. To think, this was actually written by hand by someone back 1241!

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:43 am
by Decrepit
Caroline is certainly interested in what's going on, but she feels on the periphery of things. She feels like she might learn something from looking at the books, but there are others clamoring for a look--even Andrei, who's clearly three sheets to the wind. Maks looks tired--or bored, it's sometimes proved hard to tell with him. She stifles her own yawn, barely.

"I can barely keep my eyes open," she says finally. "What time is it, anyway? I feel like I could sleep for ages."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:46 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Oh, I've no idea," says Maksim, twirling his pocket watch. He doubts he could focus enough to read any antique text. "Still, I don't know if us all separating into different bedrooms with the party in full swing is the best idea. With that racket, nobody would hear you scream." He says all of this idly, without the hint of a naughty suggestion. He looks around the furniture, wondering if there were a few comfortable couches he could possibly have a rest on.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:18 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - The Library

Maksim and Caroline sit for a while in the library while the others read, but eventually return to the dance floor once again. The party is still going strong, and given the conditions outside it appears that many of the guests are prepared to dance till they drop.

Maksim glances around the room, but he cannot see his brother anywhere. Then again Timour was chatting to those ladies earlier, so it's not so surprising.

Back in the library Elizabeth, Thomas and Andrei study Roger's strange book collection. As Erica said these books are disturbing to read, they speak of strange otherworldly entities, of vile and powerful sorcery, of great civilisations that predate man by eons, and of the blasphemous terrible gods that ruled over them, and will return to rule again.

Despite this they are compelling to read drawing the reader in, each page seems to hint at hidden secret messages that would not be revealed to a casual reader, the two older books in particular contain whole sections that are written in cyphers, or strange languages. Time seems to have no meaning as they read the dark words.

Andrei is fascinated by the ancient manuscript before him, even Jackson Elias' insane writings do not compare to this enigma. But the Russian has drunk far too much this evening to closely study a tome such as this. His eyes become heavy and soon he falls asleep at the table, clutching the ancient text closely lest anyone take it away.

It's been a long and stressful day and soon Thomas and Elizabeth join Andrei sleeping in their seats, Thomas lasts the longest, Justin Geoffrey's book of poetry is a considerably easier read than the archaic French tome that Elizabeth is studying, but Geoffrey's verses are haunting and terrible all the same.

As the three sleep their dreams are vivid and upsetting, seemingly influenced by the strange writings. And yet upstairs Maksim and Caroline also sleep uneasily despite never having looked at the disturbing pages of these forbidden books...

Carlyle House
The investigators are awoken from their awful dreams by a women's shrieking screams, the screams seem to be from the second floor of Erica's mansion.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:10 pm
by imme
Elizabeth jumps up off of the couch, knocking the book onto the floor, and stares around wildly, orienting herself. "Thomas! Andrei!" The screams send shivers up her spine ... and she's too afraid of what she'll find to go out alone to investigate.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:50 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei awakes with a start, and chokes back a scream of his own.

He grabs both arms of the chair for support and stares around the room, taking a few seconds to re-orient himself, while the screaming continues.

"Come on!"

He grabs Elizabeth's arm and rushes for the door to the main room, where they can access the second floor. He pauses halfway out the door of the library, like he forgot something.

"Hold on a minute!"

He rushes back into the room, gathers up the four books that were in the safe, and rushes back to Cat, and towards the screaming. The books are safely tucked closely to his chest against one huge forearm like a running back with a football.

[OC: If one of the other players is holding their book, Andrei doesn't try to grab it from them, but will make sure they bring it.]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:29 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline is pulled out of what was perhaps the most intense and lurid dream she's ever had to the sound of a scream. It takes a moment to make sure the scream isn't her own, then another moment to get a sense of where it came from. As quickly as she can she rushes for the door to investigate, then stops, turns around, and grabs her bag first.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:11 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim does not yet pull his gun for he fears being shot by one of the guards as a baddie. However, he does keep his hand in his jacket even as his other hand snakes out and grasps the poker. He checks in on Caroline first and their foreheads nearly collide as she starts coming out the door. Seeing she's okay, he heads in the direction of the scream, calling out to any staff that he sees that he justs want to help, and hoping he doesn't get shot in the process.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:56 pm
by Raiko
Second Floor Guest Rooms - Carlyle House - Westchester County, NY
8:01am - Saturday 17th January, 1925

As Elizabeth, Andrei and Thomas start dashing up Erica's huge and ornate staircase, Maksim and Caroline are the first people to emerge from Erica's guest rooms.

Further along the landing is one of the attractive young ladies that Timour was chatting to the last time that anyone saw him. She is half naked and is screaming hysterically and pointing back through an open doorway to one of the guest bedrooms.

Spotting Maksim the lady screams even louder and then feints.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:32 pm
by imme
Elizabeth clutches onto Andrei's arm. "Oh no. No!" The color drains from her face.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:50 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim meets her eyes, a look of peculiar confusion crossing his face. He seems completely innocent in that moment, utterly angelic, his hand that clasps the bannister seemingly suddenly child-like. Thoughts swirl beneath his conscious mind, everything falling into place, but his eyes don't reflect this. His eyes reflect an odd calm that has suddenly swept over him as though he were isolated, frozen, in a moment that was meant to take eternity. He didn't move, for subconsciously he knew that moving would break the spell, would send him hurtling, crashing into reality. So instead he stood and gave her his peculiar look. Then slowly, in queer, almost shuddering movements, he turns his head and looks down at the others.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:36 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline sees Maks' ashen look and near-swoon and heads over to him to place a supportive arm around him. Then she grits her teeth and prepares to enter the indicated room, dreading what she's going to find.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:52 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim accepts Caroline's arm and looks down at her, his expression beatific, as he slowly moved alongside her. His weight is light, but whenever she makes to move away, he slumps forward a little, as though without the emotional support her arm conferred, he would collapse. Part of him teemed with self-loathing for his weakness, that he should be running forward, that Timour would be so quick nothing bad could possibly hurt him, that with each slow step Timour would die, and yet he remembered his dream and felt with a near-certainty that it was all over. He was weak. Timour was strong. How could Timour die? The larger part of him refused to believe it. He listened. Were the screams still going? He felt they were, though he wasn't sure if the screams were merely in his head. Had they been a man's screams? What was wrong with him? This was nothing. This was everything. He should move.

He should move but what was the point?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:10 am
by coffee demon
Andrei feels his legs turn to jelly. He collapses onto his knees, holding the wall with both hands, staring in horror at the screaming girl and the doorway. The books fall to the floor.

He tries to speak, but words don't come out. His eyes start to tear up. He tries to shout, and manages a hoarse exhalation, "What IS IT? IS IT STILL THERE?"

Tears are now streaming down his cheeks, and he backs away from the doorway on his hands and knees, half-choking and coughing. His eyes are bloodshot and his face is as pale as a dead man's.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:13 am
by Raiko
Some of Erica's other guests are beginning to appear from guest rooms, or follow Elizabeth and her friends up the stairs. Seeing the lady collapsed on the floor a middle aged couple start moving towards the open door to help her.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:34 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim abruptly breaks away from his supporter, throwing her aside with more force than attended, and breaks into a run, slamming open each door as he passes, the gun in his hand now. He would not be weak. He would not fail. He would do as Timour would have done. He would not be weak. He could succeed.

It wasn't too late.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:31 pm
by Raiko
A Guest Bedroom - Carlyle House
08:01am - Saturday 17th January, 1925

Timour's body lays motionless on the bed, his eyes and mouth are wide open as if silently screaming, his face contorted in utter terror. The sheets have been pulled mostly off the bed as the young lady scrambled to leave the room.

Other than Maksim and his brother's body there is nobody else in the room.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:51 pm
by imme
Elizabeth remains still for a moment, poised between helping Andrei and following Maksim into the room. Quite frankly, Andrei's behavior scares her. She makes her choice. "Andrei! Get up!" She kneels down by him and tries to take his hand. Speaking in a more gentle voice, she says, "Please, stop it. Maksim will need your help."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:26 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline follows the others into the room, her bag in hand but her knowing that it's probably useless.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:51 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei barely seems to notice Cat, but grabs her outstretched hand tightly like a baby would hold tightly to its mother.

He looks past her down the hall, and watches in horror as Maks and Caroline enter the room.

He tries to yell, "DON'T GO IN THERE, PLEASE!", but it come out as a loud, hoarse whisper.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:50 pm
by imme
Elizabeth wraps her free arm over Andrei's shoulders. "Shhh. It's okay. Whatever it was is gone now. Shhh." Except it's not okay, Timour's dead. Maybe Maksim and Caroline will come out and say that actually he's fine. Somehow Elizabeth can't convince herself of that, and tries to keep her own anxiety out of her voice as she mutters vague, comforting statements to Andrei.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:45 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim is so shocked he fails to notice anything in the room.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:46 pm
by Decrepit

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:40 am
by Maksim Rukov
OOC: Assuming he doesn't explode. If something happens that would interrupt this post, tell me and I'll edit.

Maksim moves to sit by his brother's corpse and tries to lift the corpse's hand to clasp his own shoulder. "You shouldn't have been so slow, Maks. No one would have had to die if you had been quicker." His frown deepens. "Only a fool like you would die from fright. Only one of us ever had a weakness like that. It would only be possible to die from a dream if ... if..." He pauses, deep in thought. "Damn you. You were always the weaker twin," he says softly. "Bravery had never been your strongpoint." He folds his brother's arm's across his waist, or tries to, and then attempts to shut his brother's eyes and relax the rigid muscles in his brother's face.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:10 am
by Raiko
As he touches his brother's body, Maksim realises that Timour is not dead. The signs of life are very feint, Timour actually appears to be conscious, but does not acknowledge his brother's presence in any way.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:18 am
by Maksim Rukov
It takes a few moments for the realisation to sink in. Aghast, Maksim recoils as though he had just touched something filthy, knocking Caroline out of the way. He stares at his hand, at his brother, turns and flees.

Death, he could understand. This ... this is too much for him.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:09 pm
by imme
As Maksim runs out of the room, Elizabeth looks up from the floor, where she's still wrapped around Andrei. "Maksim!" The obvious question is written across her face.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:37 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline seems just as shocked as Maks that Timour is still alive, for he looked dead to the world. Well, perhaps that wasn't so far off, she thinks, and begins an examination.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:08 pm
by coffee demon
When Andrei sees Maks running out of the room, his worst fears hit him. Something is still in there!

Before his insticts take over, he chokes out "RUN!"

Andrei pushes backwards off the ground like a sprinter, still holding onto Elizabeth's hand. He twists around, trying to pull Ellie with him, and pounds down the hallway towards the stairs as fast as he can. The hairs are standing up on the back of his neck, and every muscle is tense. He expects to hear someone else scream any second - or maybe he'll be next. Maybe its slithering up behind him right now.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:59 pm
by imme
Whatever response Maksim may have made to her question, Elizabeth is unable to hear it, as she is dragged down the hallway by the strong and forceful Andrei. She tries her best to stay on her feet and manages to gasp out "Andrei! What is going on? You're hurting my hand."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:54 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - The Second Floor, Near Timour's Room.

Mr Corey arrives on the landing. Seeing the collapsed young woman, Andrei almost in tears half dragging Elizabeth back down the stairs and Maksim charging away from Timour's room - the massive housekeeper grabs Maksim as he approaches.

He holds the Russian roughly in both his powerful hands and shakes him as he growls, "What the hell is going on here Mister Rukov!?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:03 pm
by Maksim Rukov
For a moment, Maksim is too startled to speak. "That's exactly what I would like to know," Maksim snarls. "My brother is having some kind of fit in the bedroom, possibly brought on by something this household gave him to eat or drink. Now what exactly is going on? And what kind of security allows a guest to be poisoned?" As he speaks, he feels more coherent. Of course, it must have been poison, some kind of toxin, of course. "Shake me some more, goddamn you?! It's my brother who's damn near dying so why'nt you shake me some more? Go on, why not take a swing at me? Oh, the lawyers would love to hear about that. Come on!"

Maksim, if released, will dart around the larger man, attempting to bait him with more insults and threats of legal suits. His blood is up, the Rukov aggression that he normally kept tightly wound up has come out to play, and he wants to goad this man into action, though he is ready to dodge out the way if a fist comes flying. The childishly predatory instinct confuses something deep inside, something that was already on its way to being confused, on its way to becoming unstuck.

The room was a stranger's room as was mine and yet it wasn't,
The bed he lay on was within a stranger's room, just as mind was and yet it wasn't,
The body on the bed was dressed as mine was, and yet it wasn't,
The flesh on the body was as mind was, and yet it wasn't,
The face on the flesh was as my face and yet it wasn't,
The terror on the face was my terror and yet it wasn't.

He wishes for the pain of a strike to bring him clarity. He wants an excuse to fly into a rage. It's all he wants.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:26 am
by coffee demon
At the bottom of the stairs, Andrei drags Elizabeth to a nearby window and fearfully opens the curtains. His body is quivering as he looks cautiously into the sky.

He coughs, then grabs Elizabeth tightly by both shoulders. He leans into her hair, and whispers uncontrollably, "Elizabeth, please help me, we need to leave here, he need to hide."

He hugs Elizabeth tightly and collapses with her in his arms, weeping and shuddering.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:09 am
by imme
Elizabeth emits a small whimper as she is smothered by Andrei's significant weight. Struggling under his shuddering body, she whispers, "Okay, okay, we'll go hide. But we need to bring the others with us. We can't leave them behind. Let's go get them. Please." A few tears run down her face. First a horrible nightmare, and then Timour--she thought she read his death on Maksim's face. Now even Andrei was frightening her with his behavior.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:32 pm
by Raiko
Inside and Outside Timour's Bedroom

Corey raises a fist, ready to strike the Russian, but as Maksim prepares to dodge, the big man checks his anger and pushes past. As he heads towards Timour's room Mr Corey asks, "Poisoned? How?"

He arrives in the room as Caroline finishes her initial examination of Timour; her friend is alive and doesn't seem to be in any danger, but he is not responding to external stimuli at all. She's never seen anything like this before, though it reminds her of accounts of the traumatised soldiers executed for cowardice in the trenches of the Western Front. Not a condition normally encountered in New York.

Meanwhile on the landing Thomas finishes lighting a cigarette and steps into Maksim's way, attempting to stop him pursuing Mr Corey, "Timour, poisoned? Are you sure?"

Downstairs in the Atrium

A telephone is ringing...

As Elizabeth comforts Andrei, attempting to talk him into returning upstairs a member of Erica's staff approaches, "Miss Downing? I'm sorry, but there is a gentleman who wishes to speak with you urgently."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:50 am
by imme
Someone's calling me here? Who could it be? "Oh, okay. Come on, Andrei, I need to answer the telephone." Elizabeth gently pulls herself out of his grasp, and firmly takes his hand. "Come with me." Maybe it's Johnny!

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:57 am
by Decrepit
"It'd certainly be an odd sort of poisoning, to do this," Caroline says, gesturing back to Timour. "Mind you, I can't rule it out, as I've never seen the like, but my judgment is that something has traumatized him."

She pauses for a moment. "There was the odd dream I had about all of this, too," she utters absentmindedly. "Ordinarily, I'd dismiss such an event as a mere coincidence. After all, we have been through a great deal in the past days. But there are many mysteris of the human mind, and psychology has only just begun to plumb them. It's possible that whatever shocked poor Timour here was so powerful as to project itself forth from his mind."

She suddenly becomes aware again of the others, looking perplexed. "Well, I know it sounds unscientific, but Drs. Freud and Jung wrote as much about myth and magic as they did about mundane things we can see and touch."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:43 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim ignores him and stares after Mr. Corey, feeling helpless.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:09 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: I forgot to say, Andrei doesn't spot anything unusual outside the window. The snow has stopped during the night, and under more pleasant circumstances it would be an idyllic scene]

Carlyle House - Downstairs in the Atrium

The servant leads Elizabeth and Andrei to the telephone, he hands the receiver to Elizabeth and then discretely steps away.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:59 pm
by coffee demon
Still wiping the odd tear from his face, Andrei eyes the servant suspiciously as she steps away. His heart is fluttering madly. He's still squeezing Elizabeth's hand tightly.

All he can think of is leaving the mansion as quickly as possible, and hiding. He loathes the idea of running to the car, in the open, exposed to whatever might be out there, watching.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:06 am
by Grafster
As Elizabeth picks up the receiver she hears Johnny's voice. Raspier than usual. "Miss Downing? I'm afraid things have not gone terribly well."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:48 pm
by imme
Elizabeth closes her eyes and leans against the wall. "Johnny. I'm so glad to hear from you. We ... the police raid. They failed, didn't they? And Lieutenant Poole was taken to ... to be tortured?" Her voice becomes uncharacteristically shrill and she squeezes back on Andrei's hand.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:14 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei's eyes widen as Elizabeth speaks, and nasty shivers run up and down his spine. He grabs her hand with both of his, and moves around to make eye contact with her. As she listens on the phone, he leans towards her face, inspecting her eyes closely and silently mouthing "You as well? You too?"

Although he's trying hard to communicate with Elizabeth, his eyes are in a faraway place. He doesn't seem to care who's on the other end of the phone.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:06 am
by Grafster
There is a long pause.

"Yes... that is... that is.... in fact, precisely what happened."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:24 pm
by imme
Elizabeth lets out a long, slow breath. She nods at Andrei. "They, or something, got Timour. Are you okay? Can you come here? I don't want you to be separated from us any longer. We need to figure out what to do."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:17 am
by Grafster
"I see..." Johnny's voice is haggard. Thoughout the conversation he rambles uncharacteristically.

"If they know you are in the Carlyle Estate it may be extremely unwise to stay there. The apartment here is being blatantly watched. I slipped in through the side and think I avoided detection," Johnny pulls back the hammer of his gun as he looks at the door.

"I would not normally suggest this sort of thing, but frankly, after everything I've seen tonight I... in all good conscience,... as an employee entrusted with a responsibility that includes your safety.... well... I think you, myself, everyone, ought to leave. New York at the very least, or, more meaningfully, the country."

"Whatever Poole tells them will almost assuredly increase their desire to... well... I'm not sure that we could stop them if we were located and they came in numbers."

"Iೈ will join you at the Carlyle Estate as soon as we finish speaking but Iೈ would not wish to tarry there.... If you preferred I could see what the options we might have if we were to embark on a trip..."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:15 am
by imme
"Of course, you're right. We can't stay here. You should stay in the city and figure out travel plans, but please use the utmost caution." A tear slides down Elizabeth's cheek. This was a nightmarish parody of the trip she had hoped to take when she first received Jackson's telegram. "I will gather our group ...", another tear falls as she thinks of Timour, "and return to the city immediately. Or ... I guess perhaps my parents' estate would be safer?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:10 am
by Grafster
"With all due respect Miss Downing, I think that you should not return here, or to any place you customarily frequent. If the weather were not so treacherous I would be tempted to suggest traveling further north to Boston."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:13 am
by imme
There is a pause in the conversation as the color drains from Elizabeth's face and the seriousness of the situation continues to dawn on her. "I see. Perhaps we should just head to Boston, then. I will ask Erica if there's a train we could take from here, otherwise we will have to make a quick trip into the City to catch one at Penn Station. Where can I call you once we know where we're going?" Thoughts fly through her head, making it difficult to keep up with her side of the conversation. What about my parents, are they in danger? None of us have packed any clothes to bring. Who do I know in Boston? What's wrong with Andrei? What happened to Timour?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:29 am
by coffee demon
Andrei is still standing beside Elizabeth, listening intently to her side of the conversation. The tightness in his chest eases a little when he hears mention of running away.

Andrei breathes a strong sigh and straightens himself, squeezing Elizabeth's hand and making eye contact with her. He manages a weak smile.

After another moment of conversation, he breathes in deeply, steeling himself, and heads back to the stairs. There is no more commotion from the second floor, and the giant russian is more confident that the threat has passed for now. Either way, his fear is overcome by the desire to gather the others and prepare to leave as soon as possible.

Andrei won't enter Timour's room, but will call anyone from the upstairs hallway, telling them that Johnny is on the phone and we need to leave. He's aware that Timour needs to be dealt with somehow, but his mind can't cope with anything that complicated at the moment.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:18 am
by Grafster
Johnny coughs, an unpleasant hacking sound.

"If there is a nearby train line something from the Carlyle's then I think it would be best to avoid returning to the city. Best to avoid picking up any tails. Professor Cowles was staying at the Parker House Hotel in Boston. We should either meet there or, if accommodation is not available, then we should leave word of how to get a hold of one another there." Johnny seems cheered by the idea of getting out of the city.

"There was something else about Boston. A book Elias was looking for went missing. It may be worth following up."
(Successful idea roll to remember the book.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:36 pm
by imme
"The Parker House Hotel," Elizabeth repeats back to herself. "Okay then, we will meet you there as soon as possible. Please be careful, I don't want anyone else to get hurt." She pauses, and then asks in a rush, "Johnny, are my parents in danger? Would you call them, please? I know that if I try my father will just try to convince me to come home."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:43 pm
by Raiko
Inside Timour's Room

Caroline senses Mr Corey as soon as he enters the room; the big man looms behind her and speaks in a low, gravely voice, "Should I call for an ambulance? It could take a while to get here."

"Your friend thinks his brother was poisoned, but he looks more shocked to me."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:39 am
by Grafster
"Of... of course. I'll call him before we leave. I'll tell him something reasonable."

"I will be careful. Yourself as well Miss."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:47 am
by Grafster
Johnny sits in the chair looking about the darkened room.

"Something reasonable..." he sticks the gun in his waist belt, makes himself a cup of coffee. "Something reasonable... weather's depressing... still upset about Elias'... death...leaving the city for a change of pace... " Johnny is only vaguely aware that he's muttering to himself and he concocts what he hopes will be a reasonably convincing, if vague, story.

Braced by the thick black sludge he's concocted he picks up the phone and calls the Downing Estate.

[edited post to change what Johnny was saying. He could plan on lying to Mr. D. but he wouldn't actually be able to go through with it.]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:54 am
by imme
Elizabeth hangs up the phone and goes upstairs to join the others. She cautiously peers into Timour's room.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:14 am
by coffee demon
Andrei is standing in the hall, consciously NOT looking into the room. He just stands up, after picking up Mrs. Carlyle's books, which he previously dropped on the floor. He mumbles to himself self-consciously when he sees Elizabeth, and stands well back from the room, listening to any conversation within.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:00 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - Second Floor, around Timour's Room.

Erica Carlyle arrives to see what the disturbance is, at the same time Timour's female companion aided by some of Erica's other guests finally recovers her consciousness. She sits on the floor outside the room sobbing quietly.

Mr Corey walks downstairs to call for an ambulance, he speaks briefly (and quietly) with Erica on his way past.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:38 pm
by imme
Elizabeth slowly walks up to the bed where Timour lies. Her mouth hangs open. She had dreamed of something happening to him and had woke thinking it was so, but, as they say, seeing is believing. Her mouth snaps shut and she turns to Caroline. "He's not dead? We need to leave, I've talked to Johnny, and we'll meet him," she suddenly becomes conscious of the others within earshot and paranoia trickles down her spine, "out of the City. The police raid failed and we shouldn't return to anywhere we could normally be found. What needs to be done for Timour?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:55 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline shares something of the haunted look that Beth has. I wonder whether she's thinking what I'm thinking.

"Timour's alive, yes. Despite Maksim's rantings, he's not been poisoned, nor is there anything that appears physically wrong with him. He appears to have had some sort of shock, though not a kind I'm familiar with.

"It would be possible--even desirable--to move him, I think. He could probably go to a hospital, but perhaps some form of private care is more ... appropriate, under the circumstances. Things tend to get impersonal at a hospital, maybe especially so at mental hospitals. Besides, his condition is so ... unusual that I doubt a harried public employee is going to be able to do anything for him.

"More than anything, it looks like he just needs time and someone to try to bring him 'round."

She finally stops. She's been prattling on, even worse than usual. This mess with Timour has apparently really disturbed her. She feels her confidence rocked and her mental condition in some disarray.

"I think we owe him our best efforts, Beth. Can you make some arrangements? They had better be quick ones, though, if we are to get away from here.

"Oh, and best not to tell Erica too much about this. For her own safety, of course." Caroline adds that last bit in for Beth's benefit. Caroline does, certainly, care about what happens to Erica, but she's becoming worried about telling any relative stranger anything about what's going on.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:02 am
by coffee demon
Andrei calls into the room, "I'm going to the car, I'll meet you there." With that, he leaves the house.

He wants nothing more to do with the house, and hopes that people will move faster if he's waiting in the car for them. He's still a bundle of nerves, and wants nothing more than to get away from everything.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:11 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - The Atrium

When Andrei reaches the bottom of the staircase he finds himself confronted by the towering Mr Corey.

"I have called an ambulance for you friend, it may take a while to arrive though."

He looks sternly at Andrei's bulging satchel, "Now, I trust that you are on your way to the library, to return Miss Carlyle's valuable books."

Corey's gaze moves back up from the satchel to stare into Andrei's eyes, the big housekeeper stands statue like between Andrei and the entrance to the house.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:30 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - Second Floor Landing, Outside Timour's Room.

Thomas takes a look into Timour's bedroom, then returns to Maksim, "Maks, Andrei is right you should get out of here as quickly as possible. Take care of the ladies, you're much better in a fight than Andrei - they need you. Remember you're supposed to be Elizabeth's bodyguard."

Thomas lights a cigarette and takes a long drag from it before continuing, "I'll take care of Timour for you, you can trust me and I can't leave New York yet. Not until I know what really happened to my associate anyway, and I still have my business to think of."

He presses his business card into Maksim's hand.

"Go now, stay in touch. Once Timour is better I'll get him safely back to you I promise."

[OOC: As Jtull_84 can't post for the time being, and didn't plan on taking Thomas beyond New York I think he's the best bet to make sure Timour is safe.

Jtull_84 can have a fresh character as soon as he's back]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:05 pm
by imme
"Yes, of course. I owe it to him to leave him with the best care possible." Since if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been pulled into all this mess. "I ... really, Caroline, I have no idea where to put him. Could you choose some place appropriate and I'll take care of the logistics?

"I need to go talk to Erica and tell her ... something. And ask about trains."
Elizabeth snorts. "This morning she was going to tell us about what she learned in Africa." Now I'm not so sure I even want to know.

Elizabeth tries to put her tangled thoughts in order as she leaves the room in search of Erica. Unless they stop her, she will quickly pass by Thomas and Maksim. She has no idea what to say to Maksim beyond "I'm sorry", and that doesn't seem nearly adequate.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:33 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - Second Floor Landing, Outside Timour's Room.

Erica is actually outside on the landing, she is helping to comfort Timour's female companion.

She sees Elizabeth approaching and asks, "What's happening Elizabeth? Is your friend alright?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:37 pm
by imme
"No, not really. Is there somewhere we could talk privately?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:46 pm
by Raiko
Carlyle House - Second Floor Landing, Outside Timour's Room.

"Erm..." Erica nods her head and stands up, "Yes, of course. We can talk in my private study."

Erica leads Elizabeth back towards the stairs.

[OOC: I'll pause here in case Maksim has anything to say to Elizabeth as she and Erica pass him]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:29 pm
by coffee demon
Raiko wrote: Carlyle House - The Atrium
He looks sternly at Andrei's bulging satchel, "Now, I trust that you are on your way to the library, to return Miss Carlyle's valuable books."

Corey's gaze moves back up from the satchel to stare into Andrei's eyes, the big housekeeper stands statue like between Andrei and the entrance to the house.

Andrei's heart is pounding, and he wipes a bit of sweat from his forehead.

"Yes. Of course I was. Returning them, that is."

Here, why don't you take them?

Andrei gives Mr. Corey the books, and walks out the door to the car as quickly as possible. His head is swimming.

I need water, sleep, and a bit of food. And a new place to live. What a goddamned mess.

[OC: Andrei's satchel is in the car, he was carrying the books casually under one arm.]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:37 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline is trying hard to think of what to do with Timour, but it's not all that easy in her frayed condition. She'd done her best to look and act professional--and, indeed, thinking about Timour as another patient helped calm her some--but now she feels her mind drifting around to uncomfortable and unhelpful thoughts again.

She then overhears Thomas's offer of assistance, and she feels a wave of relief wash over her. She assents to his plans, offering any specifics that she can about discreet places offering good mental care.

She wasn't sure why it was so hard to make a seemingly simple decision about where best to put Timour--this should be as simple as pie--but it was. At least she wasn't running around screaming or accusing people of poisoning Timour or something. Which reminded her that she needed to attend to her friends, not just dwell on herself, but she felt her own competence at a low ebb.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:29 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim just nods and stares over the railing.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:04 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim smiles to himself and wanders down towards the car, obeying any basic directives and muttering something about needing to be near his car if anyone inquires as to where he's going. He spots Andrei halfway to the car and jogs over to catch up to him. His own head swims with questions but he quiets it all down.

Here was purpose. Here was need.

He starts to talk to Andrei, carefully trying to calm him down and give him a chance to vent, his own mind skirting past all mention of Timour. He had done this many times before to widows and widowers, to the shell shocked and the terrified. Many a time the subject matter had been close to home but he managed to shutter his eyes and close off the feelings. Tonight he would feel them, tonight locked up in his room, perhaps it would be staved off by sex, drugs or alcohol, but it was always in the night that things like this caught his throat. But right now, he could make Andrei matter more than himself. Right now, he could try and show Andrei he was not alone.

Whether Andrei swears at him or refuses to talk, Maksim presses on, trying to elicit a response, trying to gain the trust necessary to provide a moment of rest. Trying to give him a chance to speak.

OOC: I know Psychoanalysis only restores sanity points when rolled once per in-game month of analysis but Maksim doesn't know that. I figured that it could at least provide some sort of temporary comfort, if not relief, and perhaps even make for a nice moment of bonding. Coffeedemon, I'm cool to in-game speak some of what happens but I need you to kick it off to give me a starting point! :lol:

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:45 pm
by Raiko
Erica's Study - Carlyle House, Third Floor

Once they reach her study Erica sits down behind a large polished desk. She gestures to some cosy chairs.

"Make yourself comfortable Elizabeth. I'm very sorry about your friend; I've never seen anything like it."

Behind Erica the study's two large leaded windows look out across Carlyle House's extensive snow-covered grounds. The walls are panelled; one is entirely given over to a large bookcase, stuffed with textbooks about business practise, accounting and law. The opposite wall has a small fireplace, unfortunately only containing cold ashes, leaving the study distinctly chilly on this winter morning.

"I meant what I said last night though, I'll assist in any way that I can to uncover what really happened - both to my brother, and your friend the author. What to you plan to do now?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:55 pm
by imme
"Leave." Run away. Elizabeth had met Erica less than twenty-four hours earlier--could she really be trusted? The secrets Elizabeth was carrying were quickly becoming darker and more dangerous. Yet here was someone who might believe them, who might be able to help. You have to trust someone.

She runs her hands over her face and through her hair. I must look a mess. She sighs. "I received a call this morning. The police tried to raid the Harlem headquarters of the cult that seems to be behind this, or at least behind what happened to Jackson. They failed and the man in charge was taken to be tortured. My friends and I have to leave. I think ..." Go on, maybe she'll believe you. "I think that whatever happened to Timour was done by these people.

"Is there a train station nearby that has service to ... that has service outside the City?"

Hopefully that wasn't a mistake, because if it was, it's likely a fatal one.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:07 pm
by Raiko
Erica's Study - Carlyle House, Third Floor
08:30 - Saturday 17th January, 1925

"Yes there's a station in the village; the express trains don't stop there, but there is a local service. You can travel into the City or out to New Haven from there."

Erica looks concerned, "You think that this cult murdered Jackson because of something he found out investigating the Carlyle Expedition massacre? And now they have got to your friend Timour while he slept here?"

"Ordinarily I wouldn't entertain such ridiculous notions, but I'm at a loss to explain what happened to Timour, and I've never been satisfied by the official investigation into the massacre."

"Is there anything that I can do to help?"

[OOC: From New Haven you canboard an express train onto Boston]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:07 am
by coffee demon
In the Car, Outside the Carlyle Manor

Andrei falls sullen for the first few minutes of Maks' talking. He turns his head away and stares out the window, apparently ignoring Maks' words.

Eventually, after a long silence, Andrei speaks, in Russian. He's still facing the window, and speaks quietly, almost to himself.

<<I had a dream last night about this. About Timour, and the police... did you hear, Johnny called, the police raid didn't work, they're all dead. I dreamed that the captain was taken away to be tortured. I dreamed everything that happened. And, you know what else I dreamed? That they can SEE us, no matter where we are. If everything else came true, who's to say this isn't true as well?>>

<<What the hell are we suppose to do then? Keep running? Surely this is what happened to Jackson, and Mr. Carlyle as well. They tried to run, but it caught up to them. Jackson ran from Africa, and it caught him here. Where are we supposed to go?>>

He clenches his fist and turns to Maks. There are dark bags under Andrei's bleary eyes.

<<I want to FIGHT! But there's nothing to fight! I don't want to run! I'm... I'm going mad already, running isn't going to help! We need to talk to Johnny, I want to put a bullet in that Juju man's face for this!>>

His anxiousness is quickly turning to anger. As Maks knows, anger is the first step towards taking action. Maybe he's pulling Andrei out of a bad place, but its going to take a lot more for Andrei to feel like he's completely himself again.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:14 am
by Maksim Rukov
"There is a fine line between running away and waiting for a strategic hit," says Maksim, forgetting to mention that he had a similar dream. "They have had time to organise themselves. Let us have the time to organise ourselves against them. We've done pretty well for ourselves." He tries to encourage Andrei to brainstorm the various ways they've succeeded, the shootings, the burglaries, the information they've found on a well-hidden cult. He tries not to say it himself because it's easier to ignore another person's words than one's own.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:46 pm
by imme
Elizabeth sighs. After all of the recent events, it felt remarkably comforting to have someone offer to help. "Thank you, Erica. I appreciate your help. I think that my friends and I won't be truly safe until we can figure out who is behind this and ... try to stop them." She shivers.

"So the best help you could give us is to tell us what you know, or even what you suspect, about what happened to your brother. Jackson was obviously on to something. Also, Thomas is going to stay in the City, so perhaps he will be able to find out something from your brother's medical records.

"I really am sorry to bring the past back to your front door, so to speak. But I will promise you that if we can discover the evil responsible for all that has happened, we will do our best to stop it once and for all."

The brave words lift Elizabeth's spirits. Maybe they don't just have to flee. Maybe they will be able to find a way to fight back.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:17 pm
by Decrepit
With Timour's status decided, more or less, Caroline starts looking for Beth.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:25 am
by coffee demon
Maks is leading Andrei down all the right paths. He gets angrier and angrier as he discusses their exploits - chasing away the cultists at Jackson's Hotel, spying on the Juju House, defeating an ambush in his own apartment...

<<So what do you think, when should we attack, Maks? And who? I think we'll have to be careful at night - perhaps someone should stand watch as we sleep. There are more of us than just one person - perhaps that's how Carlyle and Elias were caught. We can't let them seperate us. And we can't trust anyone but ourselves!>>

Maks might detect a tinge of paranoia in Andrei's last statement.

<<It sounds like Timour is in a coma? Perhaps this damned JuJu man could bring him out of it, if he had a gun to his head!>>

Unfortunately, Andrei is still too worked up to consider any options other than outright violence.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:23 pm
by Raiko
Erica's Study - Carlyle House, Third Floor
08:31am - Saturday 17th January, 1925

Erica stands and walks over to one of the windows, she gazes out at the snow-covered grounds of the Carlyle House estate for a few moments before replying.

"My brother's expedition spent some time in Egypt where they made several digs at various sites, mostly around Giza and Saqqara. These must have been genuine, serious digs I think; not some whim of Roger's or a part of that Negro Woman's web of lies. I never met Sir Aubrey Penhew myself, but the man had a reputation as an excellent Egyptologist, and I doubt that such a man would give so much of his time or money to mere folly."

"The reasons for the expedition's sudden departure from Egypt to Kenya are unfortunately somewhat mysterious, and anybody who would know the truth was assumed to be dead; at least until your friend Jackson started digging into the mystery."

"There were rumours that they had headed into East Africa on the trail of lost Biblical treasures after uncovering evidence in Egypt. Other sources claimed that the Egyptian climate was too hot for some of the expedition party, either Roger or Hypatia Masters may have fallen ill. The Kenyan expedition was rumoured to be a chance for them to recover whilst on safari, and they would then return to Egypt at a later date."

"Personally I believe that the Negro Woman always planned to lure the party to their deaths. She doubtless originated from the region, and no doubt planned this ahead with the savages that killed them!"

Erica takes a moment or two to compose herself again.

"However none of the bodies of the white expedition members were ever recovered; only those of the local bearers. The authorities believed that the other bodies had been moved and buried somewhere in the jungle, they said it was unlikely that they would ever be recovered. I don't believe that those savages that they hung were guilty, at least not of this crime. I get the impression that justice must be 'seen to be done' in British East Africa, regardless of the actual truth!"

"Until you spoke to me yesterday I had never expected to receive further news about Roger's fate. I'll provide any support that I can, financial or otherwise, if your investigation has a chance to prove that some of them survived. Even one survivor could at least provide the true story."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:39 pm
by imme
"Indeed. We will surely search out any surviving expedition members. Although if they have managed to survive whatever happened, I imagine they will be rather hard to find. Perhaps we will be able to find something by following Jackson's trail ..." Elizabeth stares into space for a moment. Recovering herself, she gives a nervous little laugh and says, "Sorry, it has been fairly hectic recently. And last night's sleep wasn't particularly restful." She shivers and returns to her conversation with Erica.

"So you weren't really able to learn anything in Africa? I guess that lack of knowledge has kept you safe over the years. It seems like all these secrets are lethal ones. But was there anyone you met who was helpful or leads you wish you could have followed? Since we already seem to be in danger, we might as well look into things that you might not have been able to.

"Do you have any of your brother's notes regarding the expedition? At this point any and all information would be useful to us."
She sighs. "I really wish we could stay and thoroughly investigate things from this end before leaving, but it seems that a quick departure is necessary. However, Thomas will be remaining behind. I would be most obliged if you would provide him with whatever help he may need. I do fear for his safety."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:18 pm
by Raiko
Erica's Study - Carlyle House, Third Floor
08:33am - Saturday 17th January, 1925

"Roger keep notes?" Erica laughs, "I'm afraid that would have been quite out of character. The limit of Roger's planning was to enlist the help of Sir Aubury, he left all the real work to him, which I thought a blessing at the time."

"Sir Aubury might have documented all of the planning, but he only met up with Roger in London."

Elizabeth wrote: However, Thomas will be remaining behind. I would be most obliged if you would provide him with whatever help he may need. I do fear for his safety

"Yes I'll help Thomas in any way that I can, I'll make sure that your friend Timour is safe as well."

"I'm not really sure what other information I can offer about my trip to Africa, the search was conducted by the Kings African Rifles, the local British army regiment. They located the massacre site with the help of some of the less savage types of natives. The leader of the search party that located the site was a man called Selkirk, a Lieutenant I think."

"As for the local judiciary, they'll be no help at all. I left before the trial itself, I didn't have any faith that the real culprits were going to be found."

"It was clear to me at the time that my brother was dead, and that it was unlikely that his body would ever be recovered. There didn't seem to be any reason to stay."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:30 pm
by imme
"If he is still out there, we will find him." Elizabeth knows that this is something of a false promise. If he is still alive, he must be very thoroughly hidden, but she says the words anyway, as if the mere saying can make them true.

She stands, eager to be on her way. "One last thing, Erica. If you wouldn't mind, perhaps it would helpful to have a letter from you, saying that you have given us permission to look into the incidents surrounding the Expedition's disappearance."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:45 pm
by Raiko
Erica's Study - Carlyle House, Third Floor
08:34am - Saturday 17th January, 1925

"Of course, yes."

Erica opens a desk drawer and quickly writes the requested letter, she places it into an unsealed envelope and passes it to Elizabeth.

"There, I hope it's helpful to you."

[OOC: Unexpected Handout to follow :D]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:56 pm
by imme
"Thank you." Elizabeth shakes Erica's hand. "For everything. I will try to keep you informed as to what we find. Good bye."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:52 pm
by Raiko
South Station - Boston, Massachusetts
07:10pm - Saturday 17th January, 1925

South Station, Boston

After an exhausting rail journey that takes most of the day the investigators finally step down onto the platform of South Station, Boston.

The journey had begun badly, no train at all had arrived at the local station until 10:30, and the bad weather had made the journey to New Haven, normally a two hour affair, stretch out for almost four.

Then a fifty minute wait at New Haven for the connecting express had been followed by another four hour train journey. Mercifully the express route was relatively unaffected by the wintry weather conditions, none the less all of the passengers (not just those running from murderous death cults) were relieved when the snow-bound landscape of New England eventually gave way to the cottages and mansions of Boston's suburbs.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:46 pm
by imme
Elizabeth steps off of the train, thinking to remind the porter to be careful with their luggage ... and then remembers that they have none. Her stomach rumbles. She leads the way to the waiting taxi cabs and directs the driver to the Parker House Hotel.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:22 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline moves around groggily as their destination is reached. Even if she hadn't been so tired yet unable really to sleep much at all, it would've been a difficult trip. Andrei and Maks seemed impossible to reach, and even Beth was distant and somber, or at least she seemed so to Caroline. Thomas would've been a comfort, she thought, but he was stuck back in New York with Timour and Erica and God knew what else.

Caroline wasn't naive enough to think that a sidle to Boston would make them safe, but at least it might give them a few hours' peace. Right now, she was tired, hungry, and lonely.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:23 pm
by Raiko
Parker House Hotel - School Street, Boston
7:20pm - Saturday 17th January, 1925

As it turns out the Parker House Hotel is less than half a mile away from South Station, and so the taxi ride is very quick. Snow is falling steadily, but it isn't deep in the downtown area.

As they step into the warmth of the hotel's plush reception area the investigators can see a few guests sipping from coffee cups, but there is no sign of Johnny Wong.

Parker House Hotel, Boston<br />(Images copyright Omni Hotels 2007)
Parker House Hotel, Boston
(Images copyright Omni Hotels 2007)
parkerhouse.jpg (25.11 KiB) Viewed 1519 times
Parker House Hotel Lobby<br />(Images copyright Omni Hotels 2007)
Parker House Hotel Lobby
(Images copyright Omni Hotels 2007)
ParkerHouseLobby.jpeg (24.45 KiB) Viewed 1520 times
[OOC: Both images are taken from Omni Hotels website, where they also have a pdf detailing the Parker House Hotel's history. There's no mention of voodoo cults so you should be safe here :)]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:34 pm
by imme
Elizabeth walks up to the reception desk to ask for rooms and inquires whether any messages have been left for her.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:04 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline tries to subtly gain Beth's attention. "Could we share a room? I know it's cramped, but ... honestly, I'm not sure I want to be alone after all this. Maybe there's safety in numbers?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:52 pm
by coffee demon
"Johnny should be arriving later than us, it'll be fine."

Andrei is completely drained. He slept fitfully on the train ride, but still feels exhausted. despite what he says, he's nervous that Johnny isn't here, and wishes everything would go as planned for once so he could rest without worrying.

Regardless, Andrei is going to take a long shower, eat some food, and rest until the next morning, no matter what the others are planning.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:58 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim stands by the window, peering out through the glass at the world outside. For the first time in a long time, his mind wasn't wild with thoughts. At least, now his conscious mind. Somewhere beneath it all, he felt a great pressure, as though an explosion of thought and fear would overwhelm him. For now, though, he was safe.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:26 pm
by imme
Elizabeth takes Caroline's hand and smiles. "Of course, darling. We'll get two adjoining rooms and Andrei and Maksim can share one."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:30 pm
by Raiko
Parker House Hotel - School Street, Boston
8:30am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

The night passes without incident; nobody sleeps well, but at least the bad dreams seem natural enough this time.

There is a copy of the Boston Globe waiting outside each room in the morning.

[OOC: You can summarise who slept with who in your next posts if you like :)]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:11 pm
by coffee demon
When the others awaken, they realise that Andrei isn't around. His bed is neatly made, and it looks like he used the bathroom sink - his toothbrush is neatly placed on the countertop, and a damp facecloth is folded on a rail next to the sink.

It doesn't take long before someone finds him in the restaurant downstairs, sipping a coffee, with an orange juice and some half-eaten toast set on the table. His clothes are rumpled, but he looks better than he has in a day or two. One leg is crossed over the other, and he's reading the Globe.

Anyone stepping closer will notice that Andrei has noticeable bags under his eyes, and his eyes are still a little bloodshot. He rubs his hands over his face occasionally, as though he's trying to wipe some invisible thing away.

The first words out of Andrei's mouth when one of his companions approaches is, "Any word from Johnny?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:26 pm
by Raiko
As he speaks Andrei turns the pages of the Globe and spots a New York story:
Boston Sunday Globe - Sunday 18th January, 1925

New York Publisher confirmed dead!

Jonah Kensignton (48) & his assistant Mary Baker (21) were yesterday confirmed as the two victims of the mysterious fire that gutted Prospero House and the adjacent buildings on Lexington Avenue late on Friday night. The N.Y Fire Dept have confirmed arson was the cause.

The NYPD have launched a murder investigation, but have refused to confirm whether they think that this fire was related to the recent murder of the author Jackson Elias, who's works have all been published by Prospero Press.

They have also declined to speculate whether there is a link to the deaths of at least six NYPD officers during a raid on Harlem store, Ju-Ju House on Friday night. The Ju-Ju House store was also gutted by fire.

Detective Lieutenant Poole, leader of the NYPD raid is still missing, although it is thought that his body may have been entirely consumed by the fire.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:51 am
by imme
Elizabeth shakes her head. "No, but I haven't check at the front desk yet this morning. I'm guessing he will try to find us directly first." She sits down at the table with him and takes a bite of his toast, followed by a sip of the orange juice. The sleep last night does seem to have done her some good, but she's still not her normal energetic self. There's a sadness about her.

She glances up at Andrei and then back down at the toast as she asks, "How did you sleep?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:28 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim comes down and takes a seat by himself, apparently ignoring the others.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:45 am
by Decrepit
At some point, Caroline sees the headline that blares out from the Globe, and, like most of the news anymore, she just tries to take it with a glum resolution. Nothing to do but press ahead, she thinks. But so many dead already.

She sees Maksim sitting by himself and decides to sit down at the same table. She is concerned about him, but she declines to say anything to him, respecting his privacy, unless she's spoken to by him.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:39 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim stares at his breakfast rather than eat it. He's not feeling very hungry. He eyes Caroline suspiciously when she comes over, expecting a lecture. When none comes, he settles into a rather awkward silence. He would do anything to silence the quietly gloomy thoughts that race through his preconscious and glances around for some pretty girls to chat up but the thought of that just makes him more miserable. It's just what Timour would have done...

No, Timour would have saved me. Timour was a hero.

Oh yeah? So how come he died in his sleep.

He's not dead.

Probably wishes he were.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:30 pm
by Raiko
Parker House Hotel - School Street, Boston
9:30am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

By the time everybody has finished eating their breakfast, it is clear that Johnny has not yet arrived in Boston, or surely if he had then he would have made contact by now.

When somebody thinks to ask at reception, they learn that no messages have been left there for them.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:59 am
by coffee demon
Andrei passes around the newspaper so everyone can see it. He doesn't openly comment on the paper - he can tell that everyone's concerns mirror his own.


"Ellie, did Johnny say how he was going to travel here? By train, I would assume! Our train made the trip without a problem. I'm going to call the station and see if any trains have been delayed."

Andrei will call the train station, then call the Downing manor. He'll talk to one of the manservants, asking if Johnny has left a message there, and if not, when they last saw him. He'll also call Thomas and tell him about the newspaper article, warning him to be careful.

While he's on the phone, he makes a mental note to invite Mr. and Mrs. Downing if they end up travelling overseas. He doesn't want them to be in danger while they're away.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:37 am
by Raiko
Parker House Hotel - School Street, Boston
9:45am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

On the phone to Downing House:

Andrei learns from the servant that Johnny phoned Mr Downing the previous morning to say that Elizabeth would be traveling north to Boston to recuperate.

Everybody assumed that both Johnny and Andrei would be with Elizabeth, he asks if there is a problem, and would Andrei like to speak to Mr Downing?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:29 am
by coffee demon
Andrei hesitates.

"No. No, I'm sure everything is fine. We're in Boston now, taking a visit to Harvard." Andrei doesn't want to explain things to the Downings - Elizabeth should do that. He doesn't want to raise a fuss by saying the wrong things. Dealing with Ellie's parents always felt like a sensitive issue. "We were going to meet Johnny here. I'm sure its just the weather. Yes. Yes. All right. Goodbye."

Andrei returns to the others and tells them about his discouraging phone calls.

"Why don't you head to the library, I'll wait here. Ellie, do you think you should warn your parents about all this?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:29 am
by Decrepit
"Beth, I agree. I think the library is the best plan at the moment," Caroline adds in assent. "We could just all sit around waiting for Johnny, but I'm sure he'd rather we followed up on this possibility." She suspects that Beth is concerned about Johnny; besides, staying still didn't seem all that safe to her, and moving seemed the better option even with a dispondent Maks and without the protection of Timour and Johnny ... and Thomas. Good heavens, she thinks, "this group is getting smaller by the moment, it seems.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:22 pm
by imme
"Okay, let's try." Elizabeth knew that with all of the nervous energy she had, sitting around all day would likely be a poor choice. Better to try something, even if it doesn't work out.
Andrei returns to the others and tells them about his discouraging phone calls.
"Why don't you head to the library, I'll wait here. Ellie, do you think you should warn your parents about all this?"

"No!" Perhaps she expressed more vehemence than she meant to, because she then speaks more calmly. "I had Johnny call them yesterday so they wouldn't worry about my leaving the City. If they know too much they will insist that I return. I trust Johnny to judge how much to explain."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:28 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline is a bit fidgety around Andrei, having found him to be volatile on a good day--and it'd been a while since he'd had one of those--but she nonetheless feels compelled to side with Beth on this.

"The less we tell anyone not accompanying us, the better off for all of us, them included." A bit more glumly, she continues, "I'm not sure it's even a good idea that anyone knows we're in Boston, or where we go from here."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:33 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim, forgotten, gets to his feet and walks purposely out.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:43 am
by coffee demon
Andrei watches Maks saunter out of the room. He gives Ellie and Caroline a puzzled look, then jogs after him.

"Maks!" He slows down, walking next to him, matching his pace. <<What's going on?>> he asks in Russian. <<Don't walk out now, I don't want to be the only man left with those two ladies! We'll end up...>> Andrei tries to think of a good joke, but he's not witty about that sort of thing. He shrugs and gives a smile - the first smile he's shown for a while.

Maks has done a lot to support Andrei in the past few days, and he feels compelled to return the favour to Maks if he's in need.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:21 am
by imme
Elizabeth watches the Russians run off with a sad expression on her face. "You know, darling Caroline, the longer I know Russians, the less I feel that I understand them," she says wistfully. "Let's leave them to their cultural interaction and go find a telephone. I suspect the library will be closed today, but we know the librarian's name, don't we? So perhaps her number's listed. At least we can call to see if the library's open before we go."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:46 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maks shoves his hands deep into his coat pocket and just smiles mysteriously, looking about.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:57 am
by Decrepit
"The Russians I've met have mostly been through you," Caroline says. "While they do seem strong and passionate, they also seem prone to moodiness and outright depression." She stops herself. "Silly me, giving a lecture.

"I have to admit, when I first met Maks, I thought he was a blustering fool, and then I met Timour, and Maks seemed better by comparison." She smirks. "Really, though, Maks seems like a decent fellow at heart. He means well, anyway, which, while it isn't everything, is something.

"Andrei ..." she trails off. "Andrei I'm less sure about. He's so tightly wound. I worry about ..." She stops, smiles.

"Anyway, yes, your idea's a fine one. Let's try calling this librarian, either at work or at home. I have a feeling our time spent in any one place should be limited."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:59 am
by coffee demon
Andrei pauses with Maks, staring intently at his face.

<<Maks? Maks? Are you listening?>>

Andrei is starting to wonder how badly his brother's coma has affected the Russian. Is the shock just hitting him now?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:04 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I'm trying to think whether or not I have made any friends in the police force back there," says Maksim. "If anything happened to a group of police officers, all the cops should know about it by now. They can tell me their version of the events. It may be more complete than anyone else's. I know, I'll check my address book. I tend to write down all sorts of phone numbers and addresses, with a little note to jog my memory. You never know when you could use a friend." He smiles politely and heads up to his room. He won't stop Andrei from following but he makes it clear that this is something he'd prefer to do on his own.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:59 am
by coffee demon
<<Okay. Good luck.>>

Andrei watches Maks retreat to his room. He's positive Maks doesn't have friends on the police force.

Something's wrong with Maks, no doubt about it. Ah well, we all have our problems here, don't we?

Andrei is actually relieved that he doesn't have to console Maks - he's not very comfortable with doing that kind of thing. He returns to the ladies, telling them that Maks is having some time alone, and shouldn't be disturbed.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:20 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim waits until Andrei is gone and then locates the hotel's room. He puts in a call to his friend, Shaun Murphy, at the NYPD Headquaters. "Hey, it's Maksim Rukov here. How's your cat? Did you do what I told you to do? Yeah? He still doing that thing you didn't want?"

"Look, this isn't really a social call. My friend gave you guys a tip on a place called the Ju-Ju House and from what I hear, a lot of terrible things went down. As much as I damn well hope they pay, and as much as I hope to hell none of your friends went down there, I gotta admit I'm most worried that somehow they might wind up tracing the tip back down to my friend. The lead cop, Lieutenant Poole, knew my friend's name and I'm scared that'll come back to me and my friends. I want to help you find the bastards that did this and I'm in the position to do a little footwork outside of the New York area. If you'll tell me what you've got on the bastards, of what happened and of what is going to happen, all the information that isn't private, I can try chasing leads at this end. I will, of course, keep you involved with everything. And before you ask, no, I can't come down to the station to answer a few questions. The last time we tried that, they worked out we were onto them. I don't even know anything more about them. I'm just trying to chase down a lead on a missing person's case and that's how we stumbled onto it."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:42 pm
by imme
Caroline wrote: "Andrei ..." she trails off. "Andrei I'm less sure about. He's so tightly wound. I worry about ..." She stops, smiles.

Elizabeth gives her an inscrutable smile in return.

As she sees Andrei returning, she turns to Caroline. "I'll go try to make some calls, then" and leaves.

She'll try calling the library first to see if it's open. If it is, she'll ask after the librarian. If not, she'll try to call her home.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:11 pm
by Raiko
imme wrote: ......She'll try calling the library first to see if it's open. If it is, she'll ask after the librarian. If not, she'll try to call her home.

Elizabeth calls the number for Harvard's Widener Library, but as she half-expected there is no one there to answer.

Looking through the phone directory, Elizabeth finds that there is one Miss M.Atwright listed in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at 23 Everett Street which is very close to the university campus. She calls the number, but frustratingly there is no answer again.

[OOC: Laraqua: I'll PM a reply to your post in a few minutes]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:11 pm
by Decrepit
[OOC: Assuming this isn't obviated by the PM]

"Oh, dear," Caroline says when it turns out that calling both numbers is unproductive. "I was so anxious for her to be there."

Then her mood turns darker. "Do you think that something could have happened to her? There are all sorts of reasons for a person not to answer a telephone, but ... Perhaps we should go over there."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:01 am
by imme
Elizabeth echoes Caroline's grim mood. "That is absolutely what I was thinking as well. Hopefully she's just stepped out for some simple reason ... but why don't we check with the Russians and head over there immediately?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:05 am
by coffee demon
When Andrei hears the news, he agrees that they should investigate her house immediately.

He'll suggest that the ladies leave a note for Johnny, in case he arrives. In the meantime, Andrei will go upstairs and get Maks. He'll bring along his precious satchel, which contains all the notes and documents they've retreived up until this point.

In a side pocket of the satchel is his handgun. All the blood from yesterday has been carefully cleaned off of it.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:19 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim looks thoughtful as he comes down, meeting Andrei halfway. Silently taking in the situation, he heads for the car, expecting to be the one to drive it.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:19 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim scowls when he realised they'd left the car back in New York and he turns to Andrei, more out of politeness than because he really believed Andrei had any money. Still, buttering up soft marks required tact and he would start with that.

"Say, Andrei, we're gonna need some wheels if we're to be chased halfway across America by mad cultists. We might not be here for very long but we will need a car. Know where to buy one? The trading post, perhaps? I need something we can just dump if it gets damaged by those people, without any questions asked. We can sell it before we leave or just give it away to charity."

He arches an eyebrow, tapping his foot slightly impatiently in order to imply that this should be a minor concern that any decent rich person could easily deal with. He tries to insinuate that his idea is so purely logical, and at its heart sweet-natured with the mention of charity, that to say otherwise is to be a miserly scamp.

In truth, he wants the car because driving settles him down. On a less selfish note, he was annoyed at the world and was turning that response into his usual socialist bitterness and wanted one of these rich people to give a car to charity.

Deep down, he was well aware that Timour wasn't the only beloved person he had lost to bourgeois needs and he was to be damned if he wouldn't make them pay for it. Still, the bitterness and rage directed towards his friends was well-concealed, covered by a carefully performed act he had perfectly since his adolescence. Only a real master of the con could peer into his blue eyes and detect the bitter trickster lurking beneath. To anyone else, he would be the same old Maksim.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:45 pm
by imme
Elizabeth leaves a note with the front desk for a Mr. Wong:

"We have gone to find the woman. Will return.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:21 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei frowns, and inspects Maks' face carefully as he speaks.

"We might only be paying one visit to this woman's house - I don't imagine we'll be in Boston for long. Why don't we just take a cab?"

Andrei still thinks Maks is in shock from losing his brother - he watches the young Russian's face, trying to detect whether Maks can understand the logic in not buying a car.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:08 pm
by Decrepit
imme wrote: Elizabeth leaves a note with the front desk for a Mr. Wong:

"We have gone to find the woman. Will return.

Cryptic, but he'll know what we mean, Caroline thinks. Assuming he makes it here at all, that is, she continues glumly.

"Let's hurry if we can. Either she's all right, and we need to find her and move on, or there's been trouble, and we need to move on."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:25 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Might be," Maksim muttered. "Who knows what we'll find? But fine. Let's just get a taxi or something."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:32 pm
by Raiko
Everett Street - Cambridge, Massachusetts
10:30am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

There is a short wait the receptionists to arrange a taxi, but once it arrives it takes less than fifteen minutes to travel to Everett Street. The route goes past Beacon Hill, across the Charles River and around the impressive Harvard Campus itself, before pulling up outside 23 Everett Street.

Miss Atwright's house is a pleasant looking two story building overlooking Jarvis Field.
23 Everett Street
23 Everett Street
23Everett_small.jpg (13.25 KiB) Viewed 1471 times

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:39 pm
by imme
Elizabeth waits for Andrei to pay the driver. I really must get some new clothes, I just can't keep wearing this same dress every day. It's already dirty-looking. Once he finishes, she will wrap her arm through his and march up the front steps.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:52 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline trots after Andrei and Beth. She's brought her medical bag mainly because she takes some comfort in its presence, a reminder of her professional competence in particular and normality in general. She hopes she has no cause for it now.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:59 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim takes the lead and goes to knock on the door, very aware of his gun. The poor woman, to have several ghoulish dilletantes, desperate for information, banging down the door... He tensed up and knocked, half expecting a shotgun shell to come splintering through the wood. He told himself to never play with rich people ever again.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 6:11 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei, arm-in-arm with Elizabeth, is standing a bit back from the door, extremely conscious of the satchel in his right hand, and the position of the gun inside.

As Maks knocks, Andrei is looking side to side, watching for movement in any windows beside them or above them.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:26 pm
by Raiko
Everett Street - Cambridge, Massachusetts
10:31am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

Andrei doesn't spot anything suspicious as he scans the houses windows, and the surrounding area.

Maksim's knock is answered by a well dressed, middle aged lady. She is tall and slim, with dark hair in a bun and spectacles. She looks a little surprised to see four complete strangers standing outside her door, but she smiles nonetheless and says:

"Hello, can I help you?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:40 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Miss Atwright, I presume?" asks Maksim Rukov.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:52 am
by Raiko
Number 23 Everett Street - Cambridge, Massachusetts
10:31am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

"Yes that's right, I am Miriam Atwright."

Miriam looks more closely at Maksim and his friends, "I'm afraid I don't recognise any of you though."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:59 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Miss Artwright, I'm so sorry to have disturbed you but this is a rather delicate matter," Maksim said with a gentle smile, deciding to go with a near-truth rather than the whole-truth. "I am a private detective, Kruglov, and this is my associate, Mr. Shevkova, and our two secretaries, Miss. Anne and Miss. Kennedy. I'm sorry that we have all landed on your doorstep but the lead my associate was chasing dried up, I'm afraid. If you would prefer not to invite us all in, or any of us, I quite understand. It's just that we're an investigating a murder, you see, of Jackson Elias?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:54 pm
by Raiko
Number 23 Everett Street - Cambridge, Massachusetts
10:31am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

Miriam looks a little alarmed when Maksim says he's a private investigator, but is devastated when he mentions Jackson Elias' murder.

"Jackson murdered? But how, why?"

Tears well up in the lady's eyes, "Forgive me Mr Kruglov, do come inside. If I can help you then I will."

She leads the investigators into the living room and, after wiping her eyes with a handkerchief enquires again about Jackson Elias' death.

"I'll answer any questions you have, but please tell me first - what happened to Jackson?"


Maksim - Fast Talk+20%(83%) = [09] It was only a little lie, so I gave a bonus

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:09 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim smiles sadly as he takes a seat. "Miss Anne knew him too, I'm afraid. This pains her as well. We are doing everything in our power to find the culprits..."

He takes a deep breath, it makes a hissing sound between his teeth, and he takes the moment to look her over, seeing if she is genuinely surprised at the news and, more importantly, genuinely upset.

"Jackson Elias was the unfortunate victim of a fanatical religious group. We believe he's not the first and that he may not be the last. That's why it's imperative that you tell us all you know. I will pass on all the relevant information to the police although while it is perfectly safe for you to send them an anonymous letter or speak to your local police, I would suggest not going directly to the police in charge of the case. This is an unusual request and one that may not make much sense but there appears to be a leak in the police department intent on helping the murderor deal with any loose ends. My brother..."

He frowns, a flicker of grief briefly crossing his eyes, a semi-conscious leak designed to both appease her suspicions and appeal to her as a grieving man to a grieving lady.

His questions are gently asked and what is mentioned below is a general indication. If one of her answers makes another redundant, he won't ask it and will move to the next one.

"What was the nature of your relationship with Mr. Elias? How did he seem when you two last spoke? Did he have any enemies? Or did he receive any threatening messages? Mr. Elias sent you a request for a book, is that correct? What sort of book?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:06 pm
by imme
Elizabeth looks at Maksim with some surprise, and some respect, as the lies and half-truths flow from his tongue. She's relieved that someone else is taking charge of talking to this woman. As she watches the librarian deal with the news of Jackson's death, she's reminded all to clearly of her own continuing grief. And Mr. Kensington as well! She'd tried to block that news from her mind; she didn't feel up to dealing with it ... and in fact, she isn't.

She interrupts the questions. "Excuse me, where is the ..." Without waiting for an answer, she quickly leaves the room, before she starts bawling in front of everyone.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:33 pm
by Raiko
Number 23 Everett Street - Cambridge, Massachusetts
10:32am - Sunday 18th January, 1925
Maksim Rukov wrote: His questions are gently asked and what is mentioned below is a general indication. If one of her answers makes another redundant, he won't ask it and will move to the next one.

"What was the nature of your relationship with Mr. Elias?"
After wiping away another tear Miriam answers, "Oh I've known Jackson for many years, although I only see him rarely; I am a great admirer of his work. I've often aided him with research on his books, we are blessed with a magnificent library and Jackson often sought historical information about the cults that he investigated."
Maksim Rukov wrote: "How did he seem when you two last spoke?"
Miriam smiles, despite her grief, "I must say I haven't actually spoken to Jackson at all since..."

She think about it for a few seconds, "...oh it must have been around Christmas the year before last. He seemed perfectly ok at the time; he told me that he was preparing to start a new book. His best yet, he said..."

At this point Miriam bursts into tears, and cannot continue the conversation for another minute or two.

"I'm dreadfully sorry, but this is such unexpected news."

"Anyway where was I, oh yes I received a letter from Jackson - quite out of the blue - during the fall. In it he said that he was in Kenya, and that the story was bigger than even he had expected. He asked if he could take a look at a book in our collection called Africa's Dark Sects by Nigel Blackwell, and said that he should be back in the country by the end of the year."

"Unfortunately there is a bit of a mystery surrounding that particular book, you see it was part of the library's private collection, and could only be viewed by prior appointment."

"But one day, a month or so before Jackson contacted us, it just vanished. It was most peculiar. There was an unspeakable odour in the collection the day we noticed it was missing."

"So I wrote back to Jackson, care of his publisher, to say that book was no longer available, but I suggested that perhaps the information that he sought could be found elsewhere in our collection."

Maksim Rukov wrote: "Did he have any enemies, or did he receive any threatening messages?"
OOC: I'm saying that this is the point where Elizabeth walks out:
imme wrote: She interrupts the questions. "Excuse me, where is the ..." Without waiting for an answer, she quickly leaves the room, before she starts bawling in front of everyone.
"Oh dear! Is she ok? You said that she knew Jackson as well?" Miriam looks very concerned for Elizabeth.

OOC: I'm assuming that either Andrei or Caroline will follow Elizabeth, so Miriam is caring enough to do so herself otherwise. Which would stop the interview at this point.

"Where were we? Enemies, well I would imagine that Jackson had many enemies I'm afraid. The people whom he wrote about are unsavoury con-artists at best, mass-murders at worst."

"But he always took it all in his stride, you never expected it come to this..."

With a look of determination Miriam asks, "You said that Jackson was the victim of a fanatical religious group, do you have any details? Perhaps I could help you? The library is closed today, but I still have access. I'll do anything that's in my power to help bring Jackson's killers to justice."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:14 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline follows after Beth. "Poor dear. This must be dreadful for you, going through all of this again," she says soothingly.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:17 pm
by imme
Elizabeth buries her face in Caroline's shoulder. "Yes."

"I'm sorry to have dragged you into this, but I'm so glad you're here."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:25 am
by coffee demon
Andrei was enjoying the show of being Mr. Shevkova, the investigator. He was thoughtfully rubbing his chin when Ellie ran from the room. He half-rises from his chair to follow, but sits back down when Caroline gets up.

"Sorry about that," Andrei mumbles to the librarian, as his girlfriend can be heard weeping in the adjacent room.

He continues nodding and trying to listen to what Mrs. Artwright is saying, but can't stop thinking that he should have chased after Ellie.
Miriam wrote: With a look of determination Miriam asks, "You said that Jackson was the victim of a fanatical religious group, do you have any details? Perhaps I could help you? The library is closed today, but I still have access. I'll do anything that's in my power to help bring Jackson's killers to justice."

Andrei maintains a stoic, investigative frown as he speaks. "Yes. I'm sure that would be helpful. There are a few things we'd like to look into." He glances at Maks, hoping he said the right thing. Maks is far better at this kind of thing.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 6:33 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I'm sorry, Miriam, I know it's terrible to have to keep asking questions when you're so obviously upset but unfortunately, clue trails tend to go cold if you wait." Maksim gives her a truly apologetic look.

"Do you know what was in that book he had? And were there any suggestions as to whether it were stolen or misplaced? Can we find out who else has looked at the book shortly before it disappeared? Why couldn't anyone just simply access it?"

"If I show you a picture of a rune drawn at the crime scene, would you be able to tell me if you recognise it?"

"Would we be allowed to go to the library and take a look around ourselves? Today, preferably?"

If MIriam agrees, he will attempt to make her feel better in the car ride but won't be particularly good at it.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:59 am
by Raiko
Maksim Rukov wrote: "I'm sorry, Miriam, I know it's terrible to have to keep asking questions when you're so obviously upset but unfortunately, clue trails tend to go cold if you wait." Maksim gives her a truly apologetic look.

"Do you know what was in that book he had? And were there any suggestions as to whether it were stolen or misplaced? Can we find out who else has looked at the book shortly before it disappeared? Why couldn't anyone just simply access it?"
"The book, as far as I am aware was a study of various cults and religious sects that it's author claimed to have existed in Central and Eastern Africa. Apparently the book was rather too graphic in it's exploration of the various religious ceremonies and tribal rites preformed by these cults. It's also largely conjecture and has rather too many occult connotations. The book is actually banned, but we have special licence to hold books such as this in our collection, provided they are not made available to general users of the library."

"The book Africa's Dark Sects was kept in a private reading room, along with some other banned occult texts, and some old books that are either too delicate or too valuable too allow general access."

"The book was almost certainly stolen, it never left that room before it vanished, but there was no sign of any break-in. There certainly should be a record of everybody who view that book, yes."

Maksim Rukov wrote: "If I show you a picture of a rune drawn at the crime scene, would you be able to tell me if you recognise it?"
Miriam nods her head, "I'll take a look; even if I can't identify the rune here, we might be able to find out what it means in the library."

Andrei takes a sketch of the rune from his satchel and passes it to the librarian, who adjusts her spectacles and scrutinises the drawing carefully for a few minutes. Eventually she looks up and shakes her head disappointedly, "I'm sorry I don't recognise this symbol at all. I thought that it might be Egyptian, but I doubt that it is. It's certainly Egyptian influenced though, and probably refers either a god, or more likely a king. The Egyptians always framed the names of their kings within a cartouche, and sometimes did this with their gods as well."

"These curved lines that bound the rest of the symbol seem to suggest a stylised cartouche."

She smiles weakly at Maksim, "Not very useful I know, but I'm sure we'll be able to identify the symbol completely later."

Maksim Rukov wrote: "Would we be allowed to go to the library and take a look around ourselves? Today, preferably?"
"Yes of course, I'll make us all a coffee first - I think that your secretary needs one as much as I do. Then we'll go straight there, it's only a short walk."

Miriam walks into her kitchen and fills the kettle, and soon the pleasant aroma of coffee drifts into the living room. Miriam returns a few minutes later with five cups of steaming coffee.

She passes a cup to each investigator, adding milk and sugar where necessary. Once everybody has a drink she asks Maksim, "So Mister Kruglov, how did you become involved in this dreadful affair? You said that Miss Anne knew poor Jackson as well?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:33 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Miss Anne went to visit her friend after he had been away. The hotel... We happened across the ... act. We managed to kill at least one of them but at least one other got away." A look passes across his face, a sort of puppy dog innocence at odds with his previously authoritative demeanor, and he gently clasps her wrists in his hands. "Grief never comes in the same form twice so I can never know how you feel but I've ... in the investigation ... I've..." He blinks back a couple tears and pulls out a hankie. "Excuse me, I have allergies."

He turns away, pulling back the curtain a little to peer outside. "These people, they work with poison and knives. I don't mean to alarm you, miss, but it'd be best if you didn't let it get out that you know anything about the cult. There is no safety in idle gossip."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:28 pm
by Raiko
Number 23 Everett Street - Cambridge, Massachusetts
10:40am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

"Oh of course, I'll be most discrete!"

"And I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to cause you distress Mister Kruglov. Perhaps we should go to the library at once?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:00 am
by imme
Elizabeth pulls herself together, does what she can to repair her face, and returns with Caroline. "Sorry," she whispers. She will hang back with Caroline and let the men continue to interact with Miriam.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:01 am
by coffee demon
Andrei stands, holding his satchel in both hands. He's watching Ellie as he speaks.

"Yes, as soon as possible would be best."

Andrei touches Ellie's arm as they file out of the house. Enough so she knows he's concerned, but not enough to make her feel any consolation. He doesn't know why, but the fleeting touch made him feel queasy, like he was doing something wrong to Elizabeth, or wasn't doing enough.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:11 pm
by Raiko
Widener Library - Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts
11:00am - Sunday 18th January, 1925

Once everyone has finished their coffees, Miriam leads them outside and through the snowy Harvard campus to the impressive Widener Library building.

Built in memory of former Harvard student Harry Elkins Widener who died in the Titanic disaster, the Widener Library with it's fifty-seven miles of bookshelves is quite possibly the greatest university library on Earth.

The front doors are locked for the day, but Miriam has a key for a side entrance and leads the investigators inside.
The Widener Library, Harvard University
The Widener Library, Harvard University
WidnerLib.jpeg (15.2 KiB) Viewed 1671 times
03:20pm - Sunday 18th January, 1925

Once they are all inside, and with four able bodied investigators to help fetch books, it takes the experienced Miss Atwright only a few hours to trace the identity of the rune carved so viciously into the foreheads of the 'Voodoo Murder' victims.

Apparently the rune is an Ancient symbol representing The Bloody Tongue, a cruel deity worshipped by a murderous cult - The Cult of the Bloody Tongue. Based in Kenya, they are believed to have been an offshoot of an even older cult driven out of Egypt during dynastic times.

As far as Miriam can see the Bloody Tongue were believed to have been entirely wiped out by the British Army during the Victorian Era.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:51 pm
by Decrepit
"Well, now we have a link between Egypt and Kenya," Caroline says absentmindedly. Though many details were missing, a broad pattern was starting to form, linking many of the seemingly disparate events together by more than just the Carlyle Expedition. It would almost certainly mean that they'd be leaving the country soon, and a wave of anxiety swept over her, which she tried to fight.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:05 am
by imme
Elizabeth helps with the research, but seems oddly detached. Or maybe that's not odd, considering that they are researching the cult that killed her friend and now threatens her life. Normally she isn't happy unless in the midst of an amusing conversation. For the last several hours she has just buried her face in book after book.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:57 am
by Raiko
Widener Library - Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts
03:20pm - Sunday 18th January, 1925

Looking up from one of the books, Miriam says, "If this symbol was found at the scene of Jackson's murder, then it does seem to connect his murderers here in New York with journey to Africa, and with his request for Africa's Dark Sects; rather than enemies from his previous investigations."

"Is there anything else that you can tell me about his investigations? I know that Jackson wasn't returning directly from Kenya, where else did he go?"

"Did he get any information to you before he died? And have you spoken to Jonah Kensington? He's Jackson's publisher in New York, a very kind man - I'm sure he'd help your investigation."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:45 pm
by Decrepit
"Oh, dear," Caroline says to the librarian. "You haven't seen the paper today?" She grimaces. "Mr. Kensington and his assistant were killed in a fire." She pauses. "Under the circumstances, we must assume that this was no coincidence."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:33 am
by coffee demon
Andrei rubs his face, trying to think.

"We also read something about a 'Cult of darkness', based in Polynesia... And, something called "The Mountain of Black Winds". I believe the mountain was in Kenya?"

He says this aloud, to everyone. He's daunted by the massive stacks of books, and hopes that others will know where to look.

However, Andrei helps as much as he can - retrieving books, searching Indexes, and scanning through pages. The others will often notice that he's watching them, searching their faces, but glancing away as soon as they notice. Or chewing on a thumbnail, staring into the distance. Something is obviously on his mind, and it's nothing that a library will give him an answer to.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:57 pm
by Raiko
Widener Library - Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts
03:22pm - Sunday 18th January, 1925
Although she did not know Jonah anywhere near as well as she did Jackson, Miriam is terribly upset to learn that yet another person that she knew, even fairly indirectly, has been murdered by this dreadful cult.

After taking a little while to compose herself again Miriam says, "But this is awful; absolutely awful - is anyone safe from these murderers?"

"If someone followed Jackson from Kenya and killed both him and poor Jonah, what else have they done? Will they track down all of Jackson's associates in order to silence whatever story Jackson had uncovered? Am I safe here in Cambridge?"

"Surely we should warn people! Jackson had a friend in England who sometimes aided his investigations - Nethaniel Moore - I'm sure that if he knew he was in danger, he would have contacted Nethaniel at least in passing on his way back from Africa."

"I really think we should telegram Nethaniel immediately, his life may be in danger!"

Miriam begins to cry again, "Oh Dear! What if it's too late?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:18 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim gives her a solemn look and moves in a little toward her, trying to be subtle in his advances, as he reaches out and clasps her shoulder, using his other hand to tilt her chin up. "Of course, we will. Of course. Merely give us his details and we will be sure he's warned. There's no need to lead them any closer to you."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:28 am
by imme
While Maksim is busy flirting with the librarian, Elizabeth glances at Caroline and Andrei. Well, I guess we know where we will head next.

Is she in danger? I sure hope not.
The thought of another person pulled into this dangerous mess made her feel sick.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:41 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline can rather imagine what Beth is thinking at the moment. In any case, perhaps a trip to England would be a good form of escape at the moment.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:30 pm
by Raiko
Widener Library - Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts
03:23pm - Sunday 18th January, 1925

Miriam takes a half step backwards, subtly avoiding Maksim's touch, she does manage a sad smile though.

"You are a kind man Mr Kruglov, but there is little that you can do to ease my grief," she wipes away her tears, "or my fears."

"Please warn Nethaniel, and I do hope that you find those who are responsible..."

06:30pm - Sunday 18th January, 1925

The rest of the afternoon passes by slowly, as Miss Atwright and some of the investigators search methodically through the Widener Library's many miles of bookshelves for more information about the mysterious cults

Nobody finds any further reference to the mysterious Egyptian cult that are rumoured to have preceded the East African cult of The Bloody Tongue, neither does there appear to be any information regarding The Mountain of the Black Wind, though Miriam comments that, "Perhaps it's just a local name, in which case it may be undocumented."

Maksim and Caroline uncover old newspaper articles, containing some details of previous 'voodoo murders,' but as Lt. Poole had already suggested there does not appear to be any way the nine victims could be linked. Two victims were from Harlem, but the others were from all across the city, indeed one - a Chicago Lawyer - was only visiting New York.

Elizabeth and Andrei search in vain for information about the 'Cult of Darkness' until Elizabeth remembers that Professor Cowes told Johnny that the cult worshipped a god called The Sand Bat. They then learn that in aboriginal folklore the Sand Bat is said be a mighty foe of the nature god Rainbow Snake, erupting like a sandstorm from a great cave in the sky. In the Gadudjara language the black shape is known as Hungry Wing, while further east, the Bindubi know of the entity as Foe Eater.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:07 am
by imme
Elizabeth looks up at the old clock on the wall. My, but it's gotten late. She had been completely absorbed in reading about these strange cults, somehow comforted by the normality of losing herself in an interesting book. Things written in books were somehow distanced from the reader, and she didn't have to remember that there actually were cultists like these, and that they were out to get her.

Her stomach reminds her that lunch was a long time ago. She sighs. "Shall we call it a day and see if Johnny is at the hotel waiting for us?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:45 pm
by Raiko
Parker House Hotel - Boston, Massachusetts
03:23pm - Sunday 18th January, 1925

Returning to their hotel the investigators find that Johnny still hasn't appeared.

However when she enquires at the reception desk Elizabeth learns that he has been in contact.

"Yes Miss Downing, Mr Wong called this afternoon, he said to tell you that he's taken a circuitous route but I will be joining you in about twenty-four hours. Do you have another message it Mr Wong calls again?" The young receptionist is smiling mischievously, she is clearly enjoying speculating about the nature of these clandestine messages.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:20 pm
by Raiko
Parker House Hotel - Boston, Massachusetts
03:05pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

Everybody gets a relatively nightmare-free night's sleep, and wakes up refreshed on Monday morning. The snow has stopped completely and it's a chilly, but sunny day.

Thomas calls in the morning to say that he will be travelling to view Dr Huston's records of his interviews with Roger Carlyle today.

Under the circumstances Erica suggested to him that he and Timour remain at Carlyle House until Timour has recovered. She has arranged for appropriate medical staff to attend her house and provide care. Although he obviously doesn’t entirely trust Miss Carlyle, Thomas is at a loss to think of a better arrangement; after all if she were in league with the cultists Erica could easily have had them all killed last Friday.

Timour's condition is extremely unusual, physically he is fine, his motor actions are ok, he can even be fed, etc without too much difficulty, but other than that he is totally unresponsive to everyone around him.

Enquiring at the hotel about Ocean Liners to England in the next week or two, Elizabeth learns that White Star's Leyland Line operate a weekly Wednesday sailing direct to Liverpool, this weeks vessel is the SS Devonian, the SS Winifredian sails next Wednesday.

Cunnard Line operate an irregular service from Boston to Liverpool, via Cobh, Ireland (called Queenstown until Ireland's independence in 1922). The SS Scythia departs on Sunday morning, but the next Cunnard sailing after that isn't until March.

No other companies currently operate transatlantic routes between Boston and Great Britain; increasingly strong immigration restrictions over the last decade have seriously reduced transatlantic traffic, causing all lines to concentrate on their New York services and on 'Prohibition Busting' cruises up and down the Eastern Seaboard.

At five past three in the afternoon, as you all sit down in the comfortable lobby to plan what to do next, a taxi pulls up outside and you all see Johnny Wong as he walks in through the hotel entrance.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:18 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline starts as she sees Johnny come in. It feels like it's been forever since she's seen him, and she finds his being alive both surprising and reassuring. Maybe we can make it through this, she thinks.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:11 am
by Grafster
Johnny looks haggard as he makes his way into the lobby but he smiles genuinely when he catches sight of the group sitting in the lobby. He makes his way over slowly over, making ample use of his cane, and drops a large battered bag on the ground.

Up close you can see his suit is a mass of wrinkles and his eyes are bloodshot, probably from fatigue.

He'll slide into a seat at the earliest opportunity.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:03 pm
by Decrepit
"Are you all right?" Caroline asks. "I mean, are you hurt? Is there anything I can do?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:46 pm
by imme
"Yes, Johnny, are you okay?"

Elizabeth is concerned by his appearance, but much more relieved by the fact that he's finally here. She's learned to rely on him over the years.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:14 am
by Grafster
Johnny rubs his face. He smiles uncharacteristically broadly.
"I am fine. All things considered I'm in exceptionally good health."

He leans forward intently, looking from face to face. "I have had a good time to think during my sojourn..." he pitches his voice lower "and I am extremely curious as to how you found out what happened at the Juju House. It seems you," he looks at Miss Downing, "knew of the results of the police action... well... how did you know?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:18 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim arches an eyebrow and glares at the others for their heart-felt expressions of concern, his upper lip turning in a sneer of contempt. His brother in a bed, practically dead, and not so much as the merest sign of compassion from any one of the toffs here. He slaps his hand against his thigh, hard and loud, and feigns a smile. "Yeah, huh." He rubs his chin, then moves forward to clasp Johnny on the shoulder, leaning in a little to show a more genuine look of concern - Johnny wasn't in his bad books, yet - "Good to see you." Then he heads straight for his hotel room.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:59 am
by imme
Elizabeth looks a little startled at Johnny's question. "I, well, I dreamt of it." She looks at the others sheepishly. "I think I am not the only one?"

"Please, Johnny do tell us what you know. Unless you would rather we went somewhere more private?"
She looks around the lobby, trying to gauge how easily they might be overheard.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:43 am
by Grafster
Maksim moves forward to clasp Johnny on the shoulder, leaning in a little to show genuine look of concern "Good to see you."

The detective nods and smiles at Maksim. "Likewise."
He watches as the Russian leaves the room but is quickly pulled back into the conversation.
imme wrote:
"Please, Johnny do tell us what you know. Unless you would rather we went somewhere more private?"

Johnny leans forward. His bloodshot eyes intent.
"You dreampt it? Dreamed about it I should say? Correctly? With specific details?"
Johnny rubs his face, leans back and stares directly up at the ceiling for a while. He doesn't seem to notice when his hat falls off his head and onto the floor behind his seat.
At length he leans forward and returns to the conversation.

"It sounds as if you have gathered the most salient pieces of information already. So I will summarize what I experienced last night, or, rather..." he closes his eyes for a minute struggling with something. "rather... the night of the 16th, which was a Friday. So three nights ago." He nods to himself.

"I followed the plan we'd agreed upon on Friday evening before seperating. As far as I am aware of I was not noticed by anyone at any point. I arrived surveyed the scene via taxi, approached and entered the pawnshop."

"From the second floor rear window I was able to observe the courtyard in front of this 'Juju House'." Johnny seems to shiver slightly. "There were a group of members of this, whatever-it-is-we're-dealing-with, out front, pretending to be derelicts. There true nature was revealed when another group brought someone, who I believe to be Thomas' late acquaintance, to the house. The person was bound and their head was in a sack. However their dress and general appearance support the notion that they were a white male professional who had been in captivity for at least a day."

"I confess to thinking seriously about trying to go in after him, but the police arrived shortly thereafter, in the persons of Detective Poole and a squad of flatfoots. I confess to no small measure of glee at that moment. It seemed that everything was about to cleanly wrapped up."

"Needless to say I could not have been more wrong. One of the derelicts had managed to make it into the House, I expect they were warning the... ah... ceremony participants about the approaching police.

"Did I mention the noise? There was noise. It started earlier, chanting, horrible chanting. Terribly distracting."

Johnny pauses for a moment, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh yes. And the screaming. There was screaming before Poole got there. Even more unpleasant than the chanting."

"So what with the screaming and all Poole went directly for the door. Left two men at the entrance. About a minute later they interrupted the ceremony. Or tried to. Lacking evidence to the contrary it would appear that after the police uninterrupted them, the celebrants paused to deal with them. The chanting stopped. There was an inexplicable sound. Poole screamed. I really can't be sure though. That it was him I mean. There was definitely a scream after the sound. And then there was gunfire. Perhaps three shotgun blasts. Two pistol retorts. And then the ceremony was resumed."

"The volume and tenor of the screaming suggested that several of the police who had been with Poole were still alive at this point. Fulfilling the same role perhaps as Mick."

"Naturally the men stationed above ground made some effort to assist, but a horde of cultists boiled out of the house. They were caught between the derelicts and the horde and torn apart." Johnny looks as though he's going to say something else, looks around at the faces, waves his hand vaguely and subsides into silence.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:54 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline blanches. Johnny's story only tells her what she already knew, but it was nonetheless chilling to hear it all repeated. "Thank God you weren't found out," she says finally.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:06 pm
by imme
Elizabeth is as pale as Caroline. "Yes, indeed." After a pause she says, "We're going to leave this country."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:04 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods and waits.

After a minute he begins again, his voice is even and organized and he ticks things off on his fingers as he says them.

"The ceremony lasted for some time. Poole was brought out of the house alive after they finished and taken to a car. The whole procedure was being overseen by a large negro man. They departed in three cars. I followed in a Taxi for a while but eventually gave up pursuit. I don't think that they knew I was observed the," Johnny stops ticking with his fingers and looks up, waving his hand vaguely "... the massacre."

He the detective begins ticking again, "There were really no other cars on the street. Following them further would probably have tipped them off. With several cars they could easily have split up and intercepted me while taking Poole off somewhere. They were apparently traveling a good distance."

Staring at his hands he flicks each as he emphasizes each point. "At the time I was firmly convinced that I was the only observer of a massacre; it seemed imprudent to give away too much. Particularly since Poole will probably tell them that, "
Johnny holds up a thumb, "I called him to tell him about Juju House"
Johnny opens his forefinger, "I work for you"
Johnny opens his middlefinger, "I told him I was doing it on behalf of Thomas"
Johnny holds up his ringfinger, "I lied about something when I did it, specifically that he'd seen Micks glasses in their shop"
Johnny opens his hand fully "and anything else they want to hear."

The Chinese man slides his hand through his hair and continues in the same even staccato tone.

"There were two Negroes casing out the apartment when I returned later that morning. I think I avoided being seen by them when I entered. We spoke on the phone. I left and made sure they saw me following. I made sure to have a woman's scarf hanging out of my bag. They followed me to Grand Central and made a phone call. I assume a report."

"I took a train to Chicago. They followed me, and rode in the same car. I led them to Chinatown there, lost them, backtracked to a different train station and got on a train here. My hope is that they will think that I am rendezvousing with you in Chicago."

"I confess to being a bit surprised at their willingness to get on a train and just follow someone across the country. Though why that, of all things, surprises me I can not explain."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:26 pm
by imme
"Johnny, that was brilliant. Maybe we can even make it to London and they'll have no idea." The horror of his story is becoming all too familiar, but the fact that these cultists can be tricked gives Elizabeth a little hope.

Elizabeth insists on a private compartment on the train for their party (assuming one is available), and encourages Johnny to get some sleep.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:22 pm
by Raiko
Boston and Maine Railroad Depot - West High Lane, Arkham, Massachusetts
05:05pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

The first train calling at Arkham departs from Boston's South Station precisely on time at 16:20. The journey through the idyllic snow covered Massachusette landscape takes only three quarters of an hour, and the shadows lengthen throughout.

By the time the train crosses the Miskatonic River and pulls into Arkham's small railway station, the sun has set and the last traces of twilight are rapidly vanishing from the sky.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:49 am
by Grafster
The sounds of passengers wakes Johnny from where he has been curled up on the top bunk. If he's aware of how pungent he's become from three days of straight traveling he gives no sign. He mechanically checks the pistol he caries with him, spinning the cartrage idly for a moment before snapping it closed and returning the gun to his pocket.

As the group disembarks from the train into the cold night air he suggests "Perhaps we should insure lodging for the evening? We might be able to call ahead before we pay a visit to the professor as well."

After an extremely short pause he shambles off inquiring of a nearby, randomly selected, passerby of "directions to a decent lodging place" as if everyone had heartily agreed.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:41 pm
by Raiko
The random passer-by gives Johnny one of those 'we don't like strangers in these parts' type looks, but does manage to recommend the Miskatonic Hotel and provide directions to get to College Street, before he walks briskly away.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:35 am
by Grafster
Johnny affably thanks the stranger's departing back, hefts his bag and leads the group off to the hotel.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:23 am
by Raiko
Miskatonic Hotel - West College Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
5:30pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

It takes fifteen minutes to walk to the Miskatonic Hotel; the route takes the investigators back across the river and around the university campus. By the time they arrive at the hotel the last rays of sunlight are gone, the streets of Arkham are eerily quiet after dark, nothing at all like the bustling streets of a Manhattan evening.

The Miskatonic Hotel itself is a multi-storey building, constructed from red brick, it appears to be the tallest building in this small city, with the possible exception of the lofty spires of some of the churches.

Inside it's homely enough; though certainly not as grand as the Parker House in Boston, it's still far superior to the dilapidated East Side hotels that Maksim frequented with his brother only a week ago.

There are three adjacent rooms available of the ninth floor, with a view of the university campus and the Miskatonic River.

After quickly settling into the rooms, a couple of short phone calls reveal that Professor Cowles is back at his house on Pickman Street, only a few blocks away. He hasn't prepared dinner yet, and would be delighted if you could all join him.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:49 am
by Grafster
Johnny finishes inspecting the street outside from the window of the magnificent old building. He eyes a comfortable looking easy chair in Miss Downing's room where the group is gathered but remains perched on his cane.

"Perhaps we should see the professor while he is available? He didn't seem intimately acquainted with Jackson, but perhaps we can tell him more about the things we've discovered and it will jog something in his memory.

I'm not sure what his Australian bat cult has to do with those butchers in New York; but Elias surely thought they were related. I do not think he would have gone to see the seminar the night before his death otherwise."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:45 am
by imme
"Yes, let's join him for dinner. Besides, we'll need to eat and this town doesn't look like it has much in the way of fine eating establishments." Elizabeth gives each member of the group an appraising look. "Perhaps we should all freshen up before we head over."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:07 pm
by Raiko
Professor Cowles' Bungalow - Pickman Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
6:15pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

Once everyone has freshened up it takes only ten minutes to walk from the Miskatonic Hotel to the professor's house on Pickman Street.

The house itself is a well maintained bungalow with a small garden at the front, located between West and Garrison. Your knock on the front door is answered by a beautiful young lady with long blond hair and a figure to die for.

A delicious aroma of roast meat drifts out of the doorway. The young lady who you guess probably about twenty speaks with an Australian twang, "Hi you must be dad's friends; come in he's expecting you."

She smiles, "I'm Ewa. I hope you're all hungry."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:38 am
by Grafster
Johnny tips his hat as he passes into the house, stomach audibly rumbling. He as the others meet and greet he casually slips to a window, surveying the street outside the house.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:04 pm
by Raiko
Professor Cowles' Bungalow - Pickman Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
7:30pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

Professor Anthony Cowles is a stocky, flamboyantly dressed man, with bright red hair and a bushy beard. Both he and his daughter are excellent hosts, although the professor is rather eccentric, who are delighted to have you all as dinner guests. He insists that you all call him Anthony. His daughter Ewa is quite obviously very attracted to the handsome Maksim Rukov, she blushes slightly every time the Russian mercenary speaks, and giggles at anthing humorous that he says.

After a little small talk the meal is ready - a large joint of roast beef, complete with heaps of vegetables. After checking that nobody present is a prohibition agent, the Professor goes down into his basement and returns with two bottles of wine.

Anthony talks a lot. Once he gets going on a subject it's difficult to get a word in edgeways, he spends a lot of time discussing the main points of his lecture again, without actually going into any more detail, although he takes the opportunity after you've all eaten to show you all the slides of Arthur MacWhirr's discovery.

He also enquires about Jackson Elias; since his earlier conversation with Johnny, Anthony has read about Jackson's dreadful murder in the newspapers, and also realises that his house guests are most certainly the friends of Jackson Elias that are mentioned in some of the newspaper reports. He is most interested in hearing how you think Jackson's murder in New York could possibly relate to his lecture on a death cult in the Australian outback.
Main Points of Prof Anthony Cowles’ NYU Lecture


A bat cult once existed among the Aboriginals of Australia. It was known across the Continent, and the god of the cult was always known as the Father of All Bats. Adherents believed that by making human sacrifices to their god they themselves would become worthy enough that the Father of All Bats would appear to them. Once he was enticed to appear, he would conquer all men. Sacrifices were run through a gauntlet of worshipers who struck the victims with clubs embedded with the sharp teeth of bats. The teeth were coated with a substance derived from rabid bats. The poison was quick-acting, but victims apparently went mad before they died. Leaders of the cult reputedly could take the forms of bat-winged snakes, enabling them to steal sacrifices from across the land.

Cowles believes that this cult became dormant or extinct hundreds of years ago. Its former existence is the reason that he became interested in Jackson Elias’ books about present-day cults.


An Aboriginal song cycle mentions a place where enormous beings gathered, somewhere in the west of Australia, The songs say that these gods, who were not at all like men, built great sleeping walls and dug great caves. But living winds blew down the gods and overthrew them, destroying their camp. When this happened, the way was open for the Father of All Bats, who came into the land, and grew strong.


Cowles shows the investigators a set of four over-exposed glass slides. Each shows a few sweating men standing beside enormous blocks of Stone, pitted and eroded but clearly dressed and formed for architectural purposes. Dim carvings seem to decorate some. Billows of sand are everywhere. Though he did not bring the book with him, Cowles says that the discoverer, one Arthur MacWhirr of Port Hedland, kept a diary in which he records several attacks on the party by Aboriginals. MacWhirr reportedly records deaths to victims from hundreds of small punctures, reminiscent of the earlier bat-cult.


Cowles tells finally of a tale he collected from near the Arafura Sea in northern Australia. In it Sand Bat, or Father of All Bats, has a battle of wits with Rainbow Snake, the Aboriginal deification of water and the patron of life. Rainbow Snake succeeds in tricking and trapping Sand Bat and his clan into the depths of a watery place from which Sand Bat can only complain and is unable to return to trouble the people.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:28 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim seems more distracted by Ewa then the lecture notes. In his paranoid, dark mood, he can't help but wonder if she's taking the mickey and queries less and less, until he simply stares at his hands, his thoughts on Timour. Finally, he abruptly stands, rubbing his chin, staring at the roast. "Yeah, I, um... I remembered ... I ... left something in the car. Sorry." He looked around, his cheeks burning, and he turned to walk away. "Sorry." He draws his sleeve across his eyes the moment he's outside and leans against the wall, sniffing strongly to keep from weeping.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:06 pm
by Raiko
Professor Cowles' Bungalow - Pickman Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
7:35pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

Maksim's hasty exit brings the discussions around the dinner table to an abrupt halt. Poor Ewa doesn't seem to know which way to turn, her face goes bright red and she seems torn between following Maksim out of the room and hiding herself.

Opting for the latter she mumbles an excuse and dashes into the kitchen, pulling the door to behind her.

Anthony doesn't know what's going on. Stopped in mid flow discussing a particularly grainy slide of what might be an ancient sandstone column, he sits open mouthed waiting for somebody to speak.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:27 pm
by Decrepit
"Do go on, Professor," Caroline says. "Our friend has, well, had a rather severe shock, and it seems that the best thing we can do for him right now is to give him some time to try to recover as best he can."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:18 pm
by Raiko
Professor Cowles' Bungalow - Pickman Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
7:40pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

"Oh, ok..."

"Yes, I suppose that you've all had a traumatic time recently."

Anthony resumes discussing the grainy slides, he says that MacWhirr's diary claimed that the pitting indicated that the pillars must be at least ten thousand years old, which would mean that the buried city pre-dated any other recorded civilisation.

MacWhirr's diary is unfortunately currently in Anthony's house in Sydney, Anthony says that he'll be returning to Australia when his fellowship ends in seven months time, and that you are all welcome to have a look, "If you happen to be in the area."

After a few minutes Ewa returns to the room, "I could do with some fresh-air dad, and I already know all about your lecture. So I thought I'd go out for a walk."

She heads for the door.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:15 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline is torn between wanting to go with the young woman and wondering whether she was acting on a pretext to look in on Maksim. Caroline had no problems with the latter, but she was a bit worried about the girl going out alone, given the trouble that seemed to follow the group.

"Would you like some company?" she finally offers, noncommittal.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:24 pm
by Raiko
"If you like," replies Ewa, equally noncommittal.

She opens the door to leave.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:26 pm
by Decrepit
"Well, all right then," Caroline says, "I'll join you." A foreboding washed over her, but she fought it down.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:00 am
by Grafster
Johnny looks up, "If you're going out in this weather you'd best take a warm scarf. I'll get you mine."

He slips to his feet and works his way past the doctor and out into the hall. He returns with Caroline's coat as well as a ratty old scarf. As she puts on the coat Caroline may notice a heavy object in one of the pockets.
"I'm sure things will be fine in a nice quiet town like this one; but perhaps you shouldn't walk too far off. It could start snowing again."

Johnny returns to the room, sitting down with the professor and Miss Downing.

At some point he takes a moment to bring up a delicate conversation topic "If I understand correctly, it sounds like there is evidence that this Bat-religion is still being practiced... Seems remarkable in the modern world. I don't suppose there is evidence of -other- religions. Old ones. Being practiced, I mean. These so called "voodoo murders" make one think."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:31 pm
by Raiko
Outside Professor Cowles' Bungalow - Pickman Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
7:40pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

...Maksim is snapped out of his contemplation when the door of the bungalow opens. The beautiful Ewa Cowles steps outside, followed by Caroline. Both are dressed for the cold.

OOC: I'll let you both post before Ewa speaks.

Inside Professor Cowles' Bungalow - Pickman Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
7:40pm - Monday 19th January, 1925
Grafster wrote: At some point he takes a moment to bring up a delicate conversation topic "If I understand correctly, it sounds like there is evidence that this Bat-religion is still being practiced... Seems remarkable in the modern world. I don't suppose there is evidence of -other- religions. Old ones. Being practiced, I mean. These so called "voodoo murders" make one think."
Professor Cowles' eyes light up, clearly this the kind of thing that he loves to discuss.

"Well, there's not all that much in the way of real evidence, but there are certainly dark rumours of a wide variety of such cults around the world."

"Indeed that's what interested me in the books that your friend Jackson Elias wrote in the first place. Although he never found evidence to support the superstitions, he did expose several conmen and murderers who used such superstition for their own evil ends."

"I expect that the voodoo murders, the Carlyle expedition massacre and the events surrounding Arthur MacWhirr's expedition are all much the same thing: Some unscupilous individual reviving an old religion as a cover for their nefarious activities. I once studied a copy of the Pnakotic Manuscipts, a quite dreadful collection of writings, most copies have long since been destroyed. Anyway these Manuscripts are extemely old, and claim to be translations of even more ancient texts. They discuss several ancient and twisted deities, the Sand Bat amongst them. It would be easy for a suitably charismatic conman to use such texts in order to 'revive' these religions, particularly amongst primitive societies. Unfortunately the University of Sydney's copy of The Pnakotic Manuscripts was stolen several years ago."

Anthony shakes his head sadly, "I'm quite sure that Jackson must have found some connection between this New York voodoo cult, and their allies in Africa - smuggling most likely, and paid for it with his life."

"These 'ancient death cults' must make excellent cover for smugglers and bootleggers. There's nothing like a bit of the supernatural to encourage the inquisitive to keep their noses out."

"If Jackson did attend my lecture, then I do wish he'd spoken to me. Perhaps he'd discovered a link between the cults in Africa, in New York and the Sand Bat cult in Australia, but I'm afraid that whatever link he may have found has almost certainly died with him."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:54 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim draws up his collar, draws his bowler hat down a little over his forehead, shoves his hands into his pockets and walks for the car.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:37 am
by Grafster
Johnny's face takes on a relaxed, almost euphoric, glow as the Professor continues to speak.

"Of... course... you're completely right Professor. That's exactly what's happening. Smugglers and conmen taking advantage of gullible immigrants. I've saw the very thing in San Francisco when I was on the force. It's just what's happening here. Quite right. Covering up a smuggling operation or the like. It's the only sensible explanation."

Much rejuvenated, positively gleeful, Johnny leans forward. "Can you tell us anything else about this 'bat-gang'? Obviously we're not anthropologists but I've some experience with immigrant gangs and smuggling and we've access to some of Elias' notes. We don't understand all of it, you may be able to help shed light on some of it."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:01 pm
by Raiko
Outside Professor Cowles' Bungalow - Pickman Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
7:40pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

As Maksim starts to walk away, Ewa calls out, "We're going for a walk in the university grounds Mister Rukov! Would you like to join us? I love to walk in the snow."

Ewa looks hopeful, and genuine.

OOC: Laraqua, there isn't a car here (you arrived in Arkham by train). I assume Maksim was still walking away from Ewa & Caroline though.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:19 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim hesitates before turning around. His eyes are a little red, though there's no immediate evidence of tears. With his hands shoved deep in his pockets, he looks like a sulky child waiting for his mother at the school gates. "Why?" he asks slowly, suspicion written all over his face. Then he realises that Caroline wasn't the one to have said it and the look of suspicion melts into a happy smile.

The thought that hid beneath the rest of his thoughts was somewhat light and eager, only partially crushed by the terrible incomprehensive lack of Timourness that filled the area.

Of course, strange girls just love me... Why, so long as I just keep travelling, everyone'd love me... A shame Doctor Dullard is coming along.

He smirks and glances at Caroline as the Doctor Dullard part flitted across his consciousness. He was being childish, he knew, but it made him feel a little bit better. Besides, if she were any kind of a doctor she would have stuck by Timour's the side the way she would have by other patients... Oh wait, no, she was a doctor! Not someone who cared ... like a nurse.

He wondered what Ewa would look like in a nurse's uniform.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:37 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline sees that Ewa was probably out here to meet Maks after all, and she has no desire to interfere. She realizes that Maks has gone through a traumatizing experience and that he could use a bit of a pick-me-up ... or pick-her-up, as it were. She stuffs her hands in the coat pocket and is about to beg off the walk when she notices the gun that Johnny must have left in the pocket. The coat had felt a little heavy, but she hadn't paid attention until now. It couldn't have been an accident; Johnny must've wanted her to have it. She grew a bit colder still, and wrapped the coat more tightly around her.

Maks is going to think I'm a fool for coming along, but Johnny must have had his reasons ...

She trots along after the other two, a few steps behind, trying not to feel self-conscious or as if--somehow, impossibly--Maks and Ewa can see that she's carrying a gun.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:03 pm
by Raiko
Miskatonic University Campus, Arkham, Massachusetts
7:45pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

Ewa is delighted that Maksim has joined her for the walk, and relieved that his hasty departure from the dining table may not have been her fault after all. As they stroll ahead of Caroline through the snow covered university campus, she asks the dashing Russian mercenary what his roll is in Miss Downing's little band.

Inside Professor Cowles' Bungalow - Pickman Street, Arkham, Massachusetts
7:42pm - Monday 19th January, 1925
Johnny wrote: Much rejuvenated, positively gleeful, Johnny leans forward. "Can you tell us anything else about this 'bat-gang'? Obviously we're not anthropologists but I've some experience with immigrant gangs and smuggling and we've access to some of Elias' notes. We don't understand all of it, you may be able to help shed light on some of it."

Anthony nods enthusiastically, "I could certainly try to help you; do you have Jackson Elias' notes with you? Perhaps I can make sense of them?"

"I don't really have any information about the contemporary Sand Bat cult, if it even exists, other than MacWhirr's diary. Whoever they are though, the aborigines that MacWhirr encountered appeared to have been unusually determined to press their attacks on his party. And the weapons used seem to match those of the ancient Sand Bat cult, rather than traditional aborigine weaponry."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:40 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods. "Yes, I think that Maksim has them. They are, ah, a touch discombobulated. But any insights you might be able to share would be appreciated."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:04 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I'm the getaway driver," Maksim says with a wan smile. "No, actually, I'm just the chauffeur. Just part of the staff, really."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:02 pm
by imme
"Of course, we would be most appreciative of any help you could add in decoding his notes. They become ... difficult to understand," Elizabeth replies.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:51 pm
by Raiko
Professor Cowles looks first though the neatly presented set of notes made by Jackson during his trip to Kenya, he nods several times, as if agreeing with Jackson's assessments:

"You see! Jackson is sceptical of this Johnstone Kenyatta's theories about the Cult of the Bloody Tongue, if such a thing exists, it's likely just a cover for bandits."

In another set of the Kenyan notes Jackson follows up the Kenyatta interview, confirming with several other good sources that the Bloody Tongue cult does exist, "fascinating, fascinating..."

"Kidnappings, sacrifices, great-winged creatures, fascinating." Cowles looks up from the notes, "I must say that I have never come across either this Cult of the Bloody Tongue, or the Mountain of the Black Wind before, but the conspiracy that Jackson has uncovered is certainly intriguing."

"Do you plan to follow this investigation into Africa? It seems that Jackson found this man Sam Mariga in Nairobi particularly helpful, do you have any idea what rr-sta could mean? Also Jackson is convinced that the true reason for the Carlyle expedition's sudden departure for Kenya is something that they discovered in Egypt, rather than illness as the press speculated. Did Jackson ever learn what this was? I think that it's important that you follow up that lead, it could shed light on later events in Kenya, and would doubtless make your task easier if you choose to travel to Kenya."

When Cowles reaches the notes discussing Jackson's interview with the mercenary 'Nails' Nelson, who claims to have seen Jack Brady alive in Hong Kong in 1923 he exclaims loudly, "Bloody Hell! Could this be true? If Brady is still alive, then what of the other white expedition members? Lt Selkirk stated that no white bodies were discovered at the massacre site, could they all still be alive? But why the secrecy, if Brady survived then why stay hidden for so many years?"

Then Cowles looks at the last set of notes made by Jackson, those written in London only a month or so ago, "Good god..."

The professor shakes his head as he furiously attempts to compare the hand writing of the two sets of notes as if to confirm that they are indeed written by the same hand.

"...How could this be? What could possibly have happened to poor Jackson during those four months to cause such a change?" Eventually returning to Jackson's disturbing London notes Cowles studies them for some time hoping to make some sense of them.

"Hmm, Jackson says that they all survived! The expedition presumably, but what does he mean 'they'll open the gate,' what gate?"

"Look this looks like it might be a name, 'Insp Barrington,' inspector perhaps?"

"And here Jackson writes 'The Scoop,' there's a London tabloid called The Scoop."
Cowles chuckles, "I've read it once or twice myself, it's hardly highbrow stuff, but it's certainly the paper to read for conspiracy theories, monsters, or all details of bloody murders."

OOC: There's a couple of new clues, I'll move back to the hotel (and then onto Boston) tomorrow, after you've had chance to reply. I'm feeling much better now, so no more delays. :)

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:41 pm
by Grafster
Johnny listens avidly to the Professor, vigorously jotting down notes in his little notebook with a pencil stub.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:49 pm
by imme
Elizabeth thanks the Professor for his help, "but please, Professor Cowles, do keep this mystery to yourself. Jackson was murdered because of his investigations, and if it became known that you were aware of at least some of what he found, I fear your life would be in danger, too."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:33 pm
by Grafster
Johnny takes his cue from Miss Downing (or thinks he does) and works to avoid providing him with any more information.

"As you say, some of this is hard to understand, "gates" and so forth. It's possible that the Jackson was aware he was in some danger and choose to write in code. Or it's possible that a man, traveling by himself in places civilized folk rarely go, grew a bit confused. No doubt this confusion was abetted by this criminal organization's inclination towards cloaking their activities in mysticism."

"As for where we'll go next...I believe that is still up for discussion. Ms. Downing and I have been to Paris before... It's quite a relaxing place to visit. After a suitable period of recuperation we may make inquiries and so forth. Try to get things cleared up. But really, we're more interested in communicating with the authorities than getting caught up further in this mess."

Since the last paragraph is basically a lie do I need to make some sort of check?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:48 pm
by Raiko
Arkham, Massachusetts
11:05pm - Monday 19th January, 1925

Maksim, Caroline and Ewa return from their walk around the Miskatonic Campus just as the others are finishing discussing Jackson's notes on his investigation of the Carlyle Expedition.

Everybody (except for Maksim) thanks the professor, bids him goodbye and returns to the Miskatonic Hotel to discuss what to do next. Maksim spends another couple of hours chatting to Ewa, they share a cocoa in front of the professor's large fireplace, and for a few minutes at least the troubles of the last few days seem to ease a little.

Eventually though it is time for Maksim to leave and return to the others at the hotel. He takes his time though, taking a circular route through the dark streets of Arkham, his breath visible in the cold winter air as he strolls towards the hotel.

Meanwhile back at the Miskatonic Hotel, the others they are speaking on the phone to Thomas, who's back at Carlyle House in New York. There is great excitement, Thomas has managed to view Doctor Huston's notes on Roger Carlyle as planned, but much more importantly Timour has recovered!

The Russian awoke this morning while Thomas was travelling to the Medical Affairs Board, by the time Thomas had returned Timour had left - bound for Boston. Apparently without the support of Timour Arseni Rukov, his 'little brother' Maksim wouldn't last five minutes against these cultists.

Doctor Robert Huston's Notes on Roger Carlyle:

Code: Select all

First Meeting: Jan. 11, 1918 
Reference: Erica Carlyle 
Closest Relative: Erica Carlyle 
    At his sister's insistence, Mr. Roger Vane Worthington Carlyle visited me this morning. He deprecates the importance of his state of mind, but concedes that he has had some trouble sleeping due to a recurring dream in which he hears a distant voice calling his name. (Interestingly the voice uses Mr. Carlyle's second given name, Vane, by which Mr. Carlyle admits he always thinks of himself.) Carlyle moves towards the voice, and has to struggle through a web-like mist in which the caller is understood to stand. 
    The caller is a man--tall, gaunt, dark. An inverted ankh blazes in his forehead. Following the Egyptian theme (C. has no conscious interest in things Egyptian, he says), the man extends his hands to C., his palms held upward. Pictured on his left palm C. discovers his own face, on the right palm C. sees an unusual, asymmetric pyramid. 
    The caller then brings his hands together, and C. feels himself float off the ground into space. He halts before an assemblage of monstrous figures, figures of humans with animal limbs, with fangs and talons, or no particular shape at all. All of them circle a pulsating ball of yellow energy, which C. recognizes as another aspect of the calling man. The ball draws him in; he become part of it, and sees through eyes not his own. A great triangle appears in the void, asymmetric in the same fashion as the vision of the pyramid. C. then hears the caller say, "And become with me a god." As millions of odd shapes and forms rush into the triangle, C. wakes. 
    C. does not consider this dream a nightmare, although it upsets his sleep. He says that he revels in it and that it is a genuine calling, although my strong impression is that he actually is undecided about it. An inability to choose seems to characterize much of his life.
September 18, 1918.    He calls her M'Weru, Anastasia, and My Priestess. He is obsessive about her, as well he might be--exterior devotion is certainly one way to ease the tension of megalomaniacal contradictions. She is certainly a rival to my authority.... 
December 3, 1918.    If I do not go C. threatens exposure. If I do go, all pretense of analysis surely will be lost. What then will be my role? 
OOC: It's too late now to get a train back to Boston before morning.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:37 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods at Timour when the 'lost russian' enters the room before finishing painstakingly taking down the report over the phone from Thomas. After reading back from his notes Thomas to confirm the points he thanks Thomas and says they will call him back shortly before hanging up.

"He...Hudson... traveled with Carlyle's exhibition, no? And who is the M'Wer... M'Were-oo..." Johnny struggles to get his mouth around the name. "It's the first I've heard of a female in this gang."

He rubs his eyes, red and rimmed with fatigue, tiredly.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:42 am
by Decrepit
"I've heard of cases like this one," Caroline says. "The transferrence and countertransferrence here, though, is well beyond what one could normally expect. Huston seems to have implicated himself in Carlyle's delusional paranoia--or, anyway, what Huston *thought* was delusional paranoia."

She looks up and sees Timour enter. Honestly, she'd never expected to see him ambulatory again. His "illness," if that's what it was, was well beyond anything she'd seen before. Why he was suddenly up and moving again, she had no idea; she would need to keep an eye on him, at least for medical reasons. At least, she hoped, this would improve Maksim's disposition, which had been a drain on the group--not to mention for Maksim himself.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:52 am
by Maksim Rukov
OOC: Let's assume Maksim hasn't entered yet to give Timour a chance to speak.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:02 am
by imme
Johnny wrote:"And who is the M'Wer... M'Were-oo..." Johnny struggles to get his mouth around the name. "It's the first I've heard of a female in this gang."
"But there was that negro woman that Erica told us was traveling with her brother. That sounds like an African name," Elizabeth observes. "Erica didn't like her, and it seems like the doctor didn't either."

She looks up to see Timour enter the lobby and her eyes go very wide. A huge grin breaks across her face and runs over to give him an enthusiastic hug. "You're okay!"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:12 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour hugs Elizabeth back with a chuckle, picking her up a little off the floor.

"Now there's a proper welcome!" he says with a laugh, setting her down with a wide grin, then nods to the others. "You didn't expect to see me again, did you? Here you thought I'd let you have all the fun? Not in a million!"

He nods to Johnny and grins at Caroline, then notices her perplexed expression,"I know it seems strange." He runs his hand through his dark wavy hair, and shakes his head,"I don't remember much."

He looks back at the doorway for a moment, then turns back to Elizabeth, "Where is my brother? I'm dying to surprise him!"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:22 pm
by imme
"He will be so relieved to see you!". Elizabeth turns toward the door. "I would have expected him to be back by now." A brief frown crosses her face.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:35 pm
by coffee demon
For the past few days, Andrei has been exceptionally silent. Tonight, at the Professor's residence, he sat in the rear of the room, but leaned forward and listened carefully as the Professor explained what he knew.

On the way back to their hotel, Andrei loiters behind the group, hands in pockets, deep in thought.

There's more to this than smuggling. I know what Jackson was onto. There are too many things in common between this African cult, and the Australian one. Toothed clubs parallel these savages' machetes. He described "Living Winds" in his lecture, blowing down from the heavens. That parallels the Mountain of Black Winds in Africa.

I daren't say these things aloud, the others might think I'm crazy. I think they already suspect it...

Andrei's dark thoughts continue into the evening. He retires to the lounge for several drinks before going upstairs to their rooms.


The massive Russian hears joyful conversation in one of the rooms. That sounds like...

Andrei throws open the door.

"Good Lord! Timour! Is that you?" Momentarily losing his shyness, Andrei spins the man around and envelops him in a bearhug. "Oh Lord! Oh, God! What happened?" His head is buried in Timour's shoulder.

After a moment, he stands back and wipes his hand across his face, regaining his composure.

"Timour, how did you find us so quickly? Thomas must have.. of course." He pauses for a second, thinking to himself. Finally he manages a weak smile. He glances nervously at the occupants of the room, and says aloud, "Come along, Timour, lets find Maks. I'm sure he's in his room. He'll be so happy to see you..."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:04 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim enters the room as if on cue, his face set in a deep frown. He seems unsurprised to see Timour, though there is little recognition on his face. He tilts his head to one side, raises his finger in a half-hearted point, narrowing his eyes a little. Then he shakes his finger as though struggling to remember someone. "Wait ... wait ... I know you, don't I?" He chews his bottom lip. "Yeah ... where did I see you before?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:17 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour laughs heartily at Andrei's warm welcome, and gives him a few enthusiastic slaps on the back, returning his crushing hug with one of equal strength.

"You are happy to see me, my friend, eh?" He laughs loudly again, "I woke at the Carlyle house. Thomas was gone to the city already. It is still hazy in my head...I don't remember everything." His eyes flicker and he smiles wide, "Ah....but I remember the party eh? He jabs Andrei a few times in the arm. "And the lovely Victoria.....heh heh heh" He grins, then notices Andrei's tight lipped smile, and quickly changes the subject. "Yes, I must see my brother. You know where he's hiding? "

Just then, Maksim walks in.
Maksim Rukov wrote:Maksim enters the room as if on cue, his face set in a deep frown. He seems unsurprised to see Timour, though there is little recognition on his face. He tilts his head to one side, raises his finger in a half-hearted point, narrowing his eyes a little. Then he shakes his finger as though struggling to remember someone. "Wait ... wait ... I know you, don't I?" He chews his bottom lip. "Yeah ... where did I see you before?"
Timour looks at Andrei in bewilderment, then laughs. "Surely he's joking!" Timour replies simply, then laughs heartily, and messes Maksim's hair.

He slaps him on the back a few times, then makes a few playful punches at his arm and stomach, stopping just before he hits him.

"My brother!!! My brother!!! You tease me too much, Maks!" He grabs Maks in a bear hug, smiling wide.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:19 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim is passive within the hug for a moment and then struggles to get loose, his face going deathly pale, his lips tight and his dark gaze piercing. "Get off me. I have no brother. What in the devil is going on? Who in God's name are you and why are you being so ... so close?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:23 am
by imme
Elizabeth stares aghast at Maksim, but wisely keeps her mouth closed. She lets the Russians deal with this.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:47 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour looks at Maks with a puzzled expression, then extends both arms out as though waiting for him to reach out. "Maksim," he drawls his name out, and smiles. "Don't toy with me. You should be happy to see me, eh? I almost died after all." He takes a deep breath. This was not unlike Maks to act the injured puppy after all.

"We should have a drink. A toast! Andrei, have you bought any good vodka? Or still that cheap giggle water you served last time?" He smiles at his chum and enters the room, trying his best to ignore Maks' dark mood.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:53 am
by Laraqua
Maksim turns to face the wall and leans on it with one hand, the other covering the side of his face that the others can see. He stands there a moment, trembling, before he straightens, wipes at his face and turns to the others. "Do you all know him?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:07 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour keeps a watchful eye on his brother's odd behaviour, before walking back over to the doorway. He touches him lightly on the side of the arm, "Come with me, my brother. We will go for a walk just the two of us, eh? We will catch up like old times."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:16 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim's trembling worsens and his face goes quite red.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:37 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour figures it is best to let Maks have his sulk, and walks back to the others.

"Andrei! A drink my friend!"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:41 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim manages to last until Timour's back is turned before the laughter erupts in giant, knee-slapping waves. He titters so hard he falls back onto a comfortable arm chair, tears rolling down his face.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:45 am
by coffee demon
Andrei swallows hard and turns away as the awkward conversation progresses. He has no idea how to deal with these sorts of situations.


When the brothers start laughing, even Andrei can't help crack into a wide, toothy grin.

"Jesus Christ! You two are too much!" In Russian, he roars, <<You're damned right we'll have a drink! Stay here! Stay here, everyone, no wait, come with me!>>

He rushes out the door, and down the hall, hoping to find someplace to buy a few bottles before the town closes down for the night. He's already had a few to drink, and it seems like the perfect time for everyone to let loose. Like the good old days, only a week ago.

[OC: I just typed a highly dramatic post. Andrei just about had it. Phew! Glad it didn't come to that.]

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:49 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour hears the laughter as he walks away and can't help but guffaw himself. He turns abruptly and tackles his brother, flipping him over the back of the chair. Maksim lands on the ground behind, and Timour tries to grab his hands and pin him down.

"You sly devil!" he says, finally, laughing all the while. "You had me going, little brother!" he chortles, letting Maks up. "Yes yes, a drink!" he says enthusiastically, and follows after Andrei in hot pursuit.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:01 pm
by imme
Elizabeth thought she had become accustomed to the Russians' strange behavior, but this was something else. As Timour and Andrei go rushing from the room, she turns to the other non-Russians and raises an eyebrow.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:12 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline stays on the sidelines for this oddness.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:17 am
by Grafster
As Miss Downing's eye, beneath a raised eyebrow, falls upon Johnny she notes that his chin is resting upon the top of his cane and his eyes are closed.

The diminutive detective seems to have fallen asleep in his chair in the excitement after Timour's entrance.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:52 pm
by Raiko
SS Devonian
SS Devonian
cretic1[1].jpeg (41.81 KiB) Viewed 4158 times
The Eclipse Party - The Boat Deck, SS Devonian - Somewhere in the North Atlantic
Mid-Afternoon - Saturday 24th January, 1925

Owned and operated by the Leyland Line, the SS Devonian is certainly smaller and less splendid than the glamorous liners that operate out of New York, but she is sea worthy enough and the departure of Elizabeth Downing and her friends passes by uneventfully, and hopefully unnoticed.

The last two days in America had been busy ones; with much of their personal belongings left behind in the haste to depart New York, many purchases had to be made in the department stores of Boston to prepare for what could be a lengthy trip overseas. Funds had to wired and traveller's checks obtained, and of course happily there was the issue of unexpectedly having to fast-track all of Timour's travel documentation. Fortunately not too many travellers wish to brave the stormy mid-winter waters of the North Atlantic aboard such a small liner, so over half of the Devonian's cabins were still available.

Andrei telegrammed Paris, to facilitate a mail-forwarding service, something that proved more time consuming than he had expected - Parisian bureaucracy would probably not be the greatest obstacle to overcome during Elizabeth's 'adventure,' but it would probably prove the most frustrating.

Meanwhile Johnny contacted Mr Downing at his family's New England holiday retreat, to ensure that both he and Elizabeth's mother had arrived safely.

Numerous new suitcases and baggage trunks purchased by Elizabeth were stuffed full of clothes, mostly for Elizabeth and Caroline - everything from comfortable and rugged walking cloths to glittering evening dresses - hopefully the shear volume of baggage, combined with Elizabeth's unquestionably good character, would serve to conceal both Timour's disassembled BAR and several rifles from the inquisitive eyes of any English customs officials.

Despite a hurried two days, everything that needed doing seemed to have been done, and on the chilly morning of Wednesday 21st January 1925 the investigators boarded the SS Devonian together with just over one hundred other passengers, and joined them on deck to watch the coast of Massachusetts disappear slowly over the horizon.

The first two days of the voyage were rather tranquil, while the Atlantic Ocean was certainly not glassy-calm, the 30mph wind and 10ft waves where nowhere near bad enough to stop everybody on board from having a thoroughly good time. As well as a well appointed dining room and several bars (serving legal alcohol, goodbye prohibition!) the Devonian had a small gymnasium, a skeet-shooting range (from the stern of the ship), a smoking lounge, a dance hall and a billiards room.

The bad weather finally hit on Friday morning, the whole sky ahead was an ominous shade of black first thing in the morning and the wind soon picked up, causing the outside decks to be closed to passengers for their own safety. As the fierce storm closed in, the small liner had little choice but to turn and run ahead, lashed by 60mph winds and 30ft waves.

The storm continued all though the day, and the night, as the Devonian slowly edged her way around, turning gradually back onto her easterly course once more. Only those with constitutions of iron survived the storm without vomiting almost continually, and soon the whole ship reeked of it, but eventually mid-morning the storm broke and the Devonian emerged into clear skies and a fresh breeze.

Now most of the passengers stand on the boat deck, champagne flutes in hand as the sinking sun and the moon converge. During the terrible storm of the previous day, it seemed likely that today's total solar eclipse would either pass by unnoticed, or the Devonian would be so far off course that the view would be ruined, but whatever cruel god lorded over this violent Ocean had relented, and now all aboard would be treated to an excellent and memorable view of the solar eclipse.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:38 pm
by imme
Although Elizabeth unhappily joined the ranks of those feeling unwell during the storm, she is now standing on the deck, champagne in hand, ready to enjoy the spectacle of the solar eclipse. Perhaps she hasn't fully recovered from the tumult of the bad weather, but those who know her realize that her smile is a bit strained. Nevertheless, she chats amiably with fellow passengers and helps to build the excitement for the imminent celestial event.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:34 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour strolls down the ship's deck, happy the boat is no longer tossing and turning. The evening before had been an unpleasant one at best. I'm used to the plane bumping around from the cumulous clouds, but that was another story! Glad I was never a marine....

Timour takes a drink from one of the waitors large serving platters, and nods at Elizabeth, standing by the railing. He gives her one of his dashing grins as he approaches, and straightens his tie. As he walks over, he can't help his roaving eye from noticing how beautiful she looks.

"Good evening," he says politely to the people she is speaking to. "All dolled up, I see? It looks good on you!" he says evenly to Elizabeth, and grins again.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:26 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline joins her fellow--what? fellow cult-hunters?--on deck. Dressed in one of the new dresses that she and Beth had picked out and packed, Caroline is satisfied with her appearance, if not fully comfortable with her state of mind. Maybe they'd left their troubles behind them, but she suspected they hadn't. If anything, in fact, they seemed inclined to stir up trouble rather than run away from it, which, she admitted to herself, was her strongly held if cowardly preference.

She decided to take a look for Maksim, if only just to see whether he was adjusting well to his brother's return. She had to admit that Maks had fooled her, too, with the not-recognizing-his-brother routine, and she hoped it had just been an act. She actually found herself concerned for Maks and his welfare, despite her early and negative impressions of him. Of course, she wasn't sure that Timour would be such a wonderful influence on him, but clearly his absence had left Maks moody, depressive, and unpredictable.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:28 am
by Grafster
Johnny is loitering nearby on the deck, 10 feet or so from Miss Downing and Timour.

Outwardly he seems little changed by the events save for an, occasionally awkward, tendency toward restlessness hovering. His habit of coming and going from interactions and conversations, frequently changing his seat, and occasionally following people (both members of the party and others) about the ship has the potential to put people on edge.
His stock of worn novels, which he frequently read and re-read during previous voyages across the Atlantic remain untouched in his cabin.

He seems especially on edge during the nighttimes, roving the ship, lit cigarette in one hand and cane in the other. Some of the sailors have complained of finding him poking around in the bowels of the ship, leaving a trail of ash and extinguished butts in his wake.

Party members who spend time by themselves in their cabins, or who skip regular gatherings, often find Johnny dropping in on them on some transparent pretense.

He seems lost in thought as he rolls another cigarette, just within earshot of Timour and Miss Downing .

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:00 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim Rukov's moods had been left excitable and desperate by Timour's routine, as though he had once more realised the fragility of life. However, his moods had toned down after he had found a newlywed couple to mother, advising and guiding the two through their rather tumultous honeymoon. The two seemed glad for it, as he mostly stayed out of their way, giving them lots of romantic time, only to return to provide advice or conversation.

The seasickness others received had shown another side of Maksim as he mother henned those who were ill. Distracting and coddling the sick and following the ship doctor about to find out just what advice was needed before spreading it about. He tried to keep people's spirits up, as though by sheer force of will and persuasion.

Now he was alone, staring thoughtfully out at the wake of the ship, a rare look of contenment making his face seem almost boyish. He didn't even notice Caroline arrive.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:15 am
by imme
Timour Rukov wrote:"Good evening," he says politely to the people she is speaking to. "All dolled up, I see? It looks good on you!" he says evenly to Elizabeth, and grins again.
"Thank you," Elizabeth replies with a grin. "I actually bought this dress with the eclipse in mind." She waves an arm casually at the shimmery black material as if it explains itself. (A trained eye would recognize the tasteful balance between an evening gown and one more appropriate for daytime, as this event would naturally incorporate both.) She shrugs away any recognition of the thought she put into her attire and smiles even more broadly. "It is so good to see you up and about after," her eyes momentarily stray to the other passengers present, and she smoothly changes the end of her sentence, "your extended illness. A Timour who isn't out charming the ladies isn't a Timour at all." The shadow of a memory briefly darkens her eyes, but her extensive social training allows her to keep the smile from faltering.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:55 am
by coffee demon
Andrei was busier than most in the days leading up to the Devonian's departure. He had numerous financial affairs to get in order. Timour's return seemed to bounce him back into a better mood, but he still had a nervous air about him.

Once they were on the ship, Andrei avoided most of the social events, and spent almost every evening locked in his private quarters. When asked, he would say that he was reading, and avoid further questions. Some of his fellows may have noticed that his quarters were lit until very late at night. Andrei would still be awake before everyone else, drinking coffee and orange juice, but the dark shadows under his eyes revealed much about his lack of sleep.

He and Elizabeth were seen bickering on at least one occasion. It was unclear whether they were still together or not, although they would occasionally dine together.

Andrei was insistent that his fellow travelers remain secretive about their destination. If he saw someone speaking for too long with a stranger, he would quiz his friend, to ensure that no information was slipped. "We must be extremely careful!" he would exclaim. "Perhaps we can avoid any more of this madness, but we mustn't make a single mistake." His constant warnings may be starting to irritate some of his companions.


On the night of the eclipse, Andrei wanders the deck. He notices Elizabeth wearing a stunning dress, and is about to walk up to her, when Timour beats him to it. Before either of them notice, he turns away, and moves to a higher balcony where he can watch the sky and keep an eye on Elizabeth at the same time.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:53 am
by Timour Rukov
imme wrote: "Thank you," Elizabeth replies with a grin. "I actually bought this dress with the eclipse in mind." She waves an arm casually at the shimmery black material as if it explains itself.
"Well, you look stunning, Elizabeth. A pity Andrei isn't here to see you. Where is he anyway? Not lurking about I hope." He takes a moment to survey the deck as he says it, then turns back to her and grins.
imme wrote: "It is so good to see you up and about after," her eyes momentarily stray to the other passengers present, and she smoothly changes the end of her sentence, "your extended illness. A Timour who isn't out charming the ladies isn't a Timour at all." The shadow of a memory briefly darkens her eyes, but her extensive social training allows her to keep the smile from faltering.
"Ah, go on! I'm not obsessed over the dames, now am I? Alright, I am! I suppose you have my number, there." He laughs loudly and shares a knowing look with some of the other men standing with them. Timour raises his glass. "To the eclipse! I'd fancy a party and an excuse to have a drink! It's been days since I've felt this relaxed, I must say." What you don't know about that night.....better to leave it that way I suppose. I'm rather happy to be up and about also...but the memory of that night will not soon be forgotten....

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:54 pm
by imme
Timour Rukov wrote:"Well, you look stunning, Elizabeth. A pity Andrei isn't here to see you. Where is he anyway? Not lurking about I hope."
Elizabeth shrugs, saying without words that it's the last thing she cares about right now.
Timour Rukov wrote:Timour raises his glass. "To the eclipse! I'd fancy a party and an excuse to have a drink! It's been days since I've felt this relaxed, I must say."
I'll drink to that. "To the eclipse." Elizabeth raises her glass and takes a larger sip than is really necessary.

She expands the conversation to include the others gathered around. "It's quite lucky that the sea calmed down to let us see this, is it not? Apparently solar eclipses are rare phenomena, and you have to be in just the right spot to see them, or so I've been told."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:29 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline sidles up to Maksim, who apparently hasn't noticed her arrival. She cleared her throat. "Lovely evening, no?"

Before he can get much further, her nervousness takes over and she starts in. "Look, I have something to say. I think we got off on the wrong foot the other day. Oh, dear, that does seem a lifetime ago, doesn't it? Anyway, I wanted to say that, well, I think it's important now that we get along, as we--I mean, all of us, not just you and me--really have only each other to rely on." Not sure what to do next, she thrusts out her hand as if for a handshake.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:48 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Will you marry me?" Maksim asks with a wry smile, turning around and leaning haphazardly against the railing. He clutches in one hand a diamond ring (or so it appears) and two gold rings.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:52 am
by Timour Rukov
imme wrote: She expands the conversation to include the others gathered around. "It's quite lucky that the sea calmed down to let us see this, is it not? Apparently solar eclipses are rare phenomena, and you have to be in just the right spot to see them, or so I've been told."
"Not only rare, but also quite mystical. They've been known to stop battles in history!" Timour boasts, winking at Elizabeth and grinning.

Timour wondered about the shrug Elizabeth had made regarding Andrei. He'd ignored it, but it wasn't hard to ignore the fact that Elizabeth and Andrei were at odds as of late. I wonder why?

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:02 pm
by Raiko
Everything goes quiet on the Devonian's boat deck, and gazes turn to the sky as the sun begins to slip behind the moon.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:13 pm
by Decrepit
Maksim Rukov wrote:"Will you marry me?" Maksim asks with a wry smile, turning around and leaning haphazardly against the railing. He clutches in one hand a diamond ring (or so it appears) and two gold rings.
"Why, Mr. Rukov ... I mean, darling Mr. Rukov, this is so sudden, and yet ... so welcome! Yes, yes, of course!" She claps her hands excitedly. "Oh, I must run and tell Beth immediately! I always assumed she would marry first, but it looks as though I was wrong."

She dashes off, then returns quickly to grab the rings, gives Maks a peck on the cheek, and runs off again.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:24 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim exhales slowly and runs his fingers through his hair. He had thought the suddenness obvious but now he remembered all of the movies where engagements were even more sudden. Why, Clark Gable and Carole Lombart had an exceptionally quick engagement in the movie 'No Man of Her Own'. He had visited, flirtatiously, she had told him to give her a chance, and suddenly there were wedding bells!

He turned back and leaned on the railing. "But it's me..." he murmured, staring at the wake of the ship with screwed-up eyes. "Yeah," he straightened, and looked back up at the sky, a brief moments look at the eclipse before giving his eyes a moment to recover - as a pilot he knew the risks of the sun. "It's me and that's her... She's playing me with a deck of rigged cards and a straight face." He smiled, shaking his head, impressed. "What a gal! What a real live wire."

He follows in Caroline's wake now, wondering just how far she was planning on taking it. He was sure she'd probably playfully punch him in the arm - well, no, not that but something metaphorically similar - and ask him what he really meant. A sham marriage was an excellent thing to have with a bodyguard in foreign climates. It gave the man access to the room, gave the lady a dignified way to turn down men without the risk that the men might become hostile and aggressive... Some men could be real barbaric... It wasn't the first time he'd played the husband or the fiance. Sometimes even for strange women who needed a hand out of a rough situation. Of course, with a handsome face like his, he got his fair share of fights regardless.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:26 pm
by Decrepit
Eventually, Caroline turns to find Maks following her.

"Oh, darling, there you are! I was just off to see Beth but then decided to see whether I could track down the captain instead. We are in international waters, after all, and you know what that means ..." she singsongs. To a puzzled look, she replies, "Silly. He can marry us out here! I don't see any reason to wait."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:08 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I never thought you'd respond so cheerily," says Maksim, grinning, but his eyes are shrewd. "As you said, you were always so unsure of me... I am a broke fool of a man, after all. I travel near constantly to find methods of paying my way, am prone to dark moods and have always seemed to do little but arouse your suspicions..." He closes the gap between the two with graceful style and clasps her hands between his. His head is cocked to one side as he searches her gaze for hints as to her true feelings.

"I love you truly, freely, sweetly and passionately, and have done soon after I first met you... But I never felt your feelings were the same... Forgive me my suspicious nature, but I can't help but wonder, did you truly mean that you wanted to be my wife or was something else motivating you? A simple desire to be married, perhaps? Or ... something else?" Here he smiles, expecting the closeness of their stance to rattle her, to get her to give up the poker face he believes she has.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:40 pm
by imme
Elizabeth is distracted from Timour's last remark as the moon begins to eat the sun. Chills run up and down her spine and she instinctively reaches out and grabs Timour's arm.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:39 am
by Decrepit
Maksim Rukov wrote:"I love you truly, freely, sweetly and passionately, and have done soon after I first met you... But I never felt your feelings were the same... Forgive me my suspicious nature, but I can't help but wonder, did you truly mean that you wanted to be my wife or was something else motivating you? A simple desire to be married, perhaps? Or ... something else?"
"Why, my dear, you're not getting cold feet, are you?" Caroline asks, taking his hands in hers, then pulling him close. She sighs, then releases him. "Well, perhaps you are being the sensible one. We've really only just met, after all, and you hardly know anything about me, or I you." Her smile returns. She walks her fingers up his arm. "Indeed, how would we know that we were . . . compatible?"

She sighs again. "Ah, well. Perhaps it has all been too much--the waves, the eclipse, the champagne, the danger, your confession of love . . . Oh, my dear, you mustn't look so. Here, take these." She puts the rings back in his hand and closes it up. "For now, at least."

She walks off, then calls softly over her shoulder, "Please . . . don't follow me. I-- I couldn't bear it." She quickens her pace.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:44 am
by Maksim Rukov
"I'm keeping my eye on you," he calls after her, playfully, ambiguously. He felt almost disappointed and somewhat lonely at how everything was now back to normal. Normally, in this sort of situation, he would find some woman and flirt horrendously with her but that didn't feel appropriate. Instead he attempted to sneak after Caroline, hoping to hear a little giggle once she felt she was safely hidden away. If it was a game she wanted...

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:23 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour grins as Elizabeth puts her hand on his forearm, and instinctively puts his arm around her waist. He moves slightly behind her, breathing in the intoxicating scent of her hair. He looks up at the moon, and leans in to whisper in her ear.

"Beautiful sight....imagine a warrior fighting a battle, only to look up at the sky and see this sight in front of him. It's no wonder they dropped their swords." He flashes a mysterious smile, and meets her gaze with darkened eyes. "After all, a beauty has a way of calming a man's heart."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:35 am
by Raiko
As the sun slips completely behind the moon, the SS Devonian is plunged into darkness, day magically becomes night. The moon is a black hole of nothingness in the sky, a gods eye, bathed in a halo of orange radiation.

A murmur ripples though the passengers assembled on the boat deck, champagne glasses clink together, the atmosphere is electric.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:05 pm
by imme
Elizabeth tilts her head to one side, a question hiding behind her eyes. She breaks her gaze with Timour and looks up at the spectacle in the sky. Beautiful? Perhaps, but the gaping darkness where the sun once was unnerves her, and Elizabeth leans back into Timour, hugging his arm more tightly around her waist.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:10 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline waits in hiding a moment until Maksim, following her, catches up.

"Ah, so you think this is some sort of game--is that it?" she asks, a bit indignantly.

"Well, maybe it is, a little," she says finally but not harshly. "But I suspect you have been toying with my affections more than just a little yourself. 'Loving me at first glance' and all that." She smiles.

"Anyway, I had every intention of smoothing things out between us when I came on deck to find you. And then, of course, you proposed. I just couldn't help myself: knowing you weren't, couldn't be serious, I wanted to play along, see whether I could turn the tables."

She looks down a little, then back at him. "Did I have you going at all? I do admit to having a bit more fun with it than I had expected. Was I too much of a 'ham' back there when I told you not to follow me? I'd seen that in a movie." She giggles. "OK, maybe more than one movie."

She looks at him appraisingly. "And you followed, just like in the movies.

"Perhaps ..." She clears her throat. "Perhaps marriage would be a bit premature, but I wouldn't mind a moonlight stroll. That moon ... that moon is splendid."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:57 pm
by coffee demon
From his position on the higher deck, it looked like Timour and Elizabeth were engaged in an innocently flirtatious conversation. He was getting used to the Russians' antics by now, and wasn't nearly as protective as he used to be in these situations. But, as the moon passed in front of the sun, he sensed something more.

Andrei curses as the ship slips into shadow, and Elizabeth and Timour fade from view. Was Elizabeth leaning in towards the handsome Russian? They had been staring at each other for a long time - that was undeniable. And, in the moment before darkness, did he see Ellie reaching out, grabbing for Timour's arm?

Andrei curses again and leans against the railing, barely breathing, heart in his throat.

He waits for the light to return. The couple's position was memorized in his mind.

If they've moved... I'll know, I'll know if something has happened.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:08 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim chuckles. "Good doctor, I had no intention of playing with your heart and every intention of playing with your head." He taps her temple for good measure. "One of the most entertaining games I have is riling you up and then having an entirely innocent alternative meaning hidden behind my words. I assumed you would stamp your foot and get quite cross... I was worried when you leapt at my words, I assumed you... I didn't want to hurt you but let's face it ... a doctor and a commoner? Well, minor nobility practically, but what's that in Russia? Worth a penny? Worth a dime? Anyhow, what I meant by the proposal was still quite sincere."

"There are many benefits to having a bodyguard who can access your room. To being able to turn down other men by saying you're married rather than telling them honestly that you wouldn't be seen dead in their arms. And, well, if we ever go to Africa after the expedition... An unescorted woman can find a lot of trouble in places that shouldn't be any trouble. I was taunting you, but I am worried for your safety."
He adds cheekily, "You are our doctor, after all."

"And yes, you did have me wondering."
He chuckles again. "To be honest, if it hadn't been a trick, I would have simply married you and tried my best rather than break your heart. The only hearts I've toyed with are those of a trickster's... Well, that's not quite true. Sometimes flirting does earn one a discount at the local bakery." He runs a hand through his hair, feeling sheepish now for his admittance.

"If you want to walk, let's walk before I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid and ruining our chance to see the eclipse," he says and holds out his elbow. "If you'll still have me, that is. Oh, and..." He gazes at her with a newfound appreciation. "Never change. Being a trickster is just so much more fun."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:22 am
by Grafster
As Andrei's eyes adapt to the eclipse's dark gloom he picks out the glowing end Johnny's cigarette moving down the deck away from Miss Downing and Timour.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:51 am
by Decrepit
"You haven't spoiled anything," Caroline replies gently, offering her arm.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:50 am
by Timour Rukov
Elizabeth's hair gently blows along with the wind from the surf, and Timour feels her lean into him. He smiles devilishly. Its all working out to plan....Andrei will be a mess soon enough and will beg me to leave her be....perhaps he'll even throw a little more cash my way....a good game of cards and a few drinks with that would really brighten my night for sure....

Timour leans down and holds Elizabeth close, staring off at the mysterious sight in rapture. It was a rare sight, and one that words would surely spoil. Instead he wrapped both arms around her, and breathed in the smell of her perfume. Elizabeth was quite the dish, one he'd certainly like to enjoy at some point or another. But he knew better than to let it go farther than he'd planned.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:35 pm
by Raiko
The eclipse lasts for almost five full minutes, bathing the Denovian in it's projected darkness, then - slowly - the sun begins to emerge again and daylight returns.

The band begins to play, and the 'after the eclipse festivities' begin.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:58 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"I gotta admit that I envy Andrei," says Maksim, attempting to put a congenial arm around Caroline and drawing her to him in a squeeze/shoulder-hug that showed comdaderie rather than romantic intent. "A night like this and a love like his..." He pauses as the music begins, closing his eyes to enjoy it for a moment. "Oh, he'd better be taking advantage of it all! A dance and a kiss..." He pulls away from her playfully. "A love like bliss! These are the things that romance is made of."

He begins to hum along with the band as he dances an invisible lady around, no doubt to the chuckles and chortles and baleful stares of those around him. "Oh, what a tremendous occasion to be in love!" He gives a pair of young ladies a wink while his face is discreetly turned away from Caroline. "Oh, he had so better have left his sulk to be with her. Many of us will never have the chance to see a solar eclipse again let alone with the love of one's life." He says this last bit quite ruefully, thoughtfully, turning his face to the sky though not to the sun. "Wouldn't you say?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:18 pm
by imme
Elizabeth leans her head back against Timour's chest and quietly watches the mystical event. As the sun begins to creep back out from behind the moon, she sighs and turns her face away from the sky, gently pulling herself out of Timour's embrace. She lays a hand lightly on his arm and looks up into his eyes. In a quiet voice, only audible to Timour and even then only barely, she asks, "What did you dream about while you were in the coma, I wonder?" She blushes, hardly meaning to have vocalized her question and now embarrassed to have asked it.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:00 pm
by Decrepit
"Yes, I suppose I would say," Caroline replies, more to herself than to Maks, who seemed to be off in a private world now. "What an odd day it's been. I feel as if we're in a Shakespeare comedy."

She approaches him again. "I've thought a bit more about your 'offer' of marriage. Perhaps that would be a good idea--the sham part, I mean, especially if we end up going places where a single woman is, well, even more suspicious than it is where we've come from.

"Of course, I'm not sure how ... convincing I can make that look. Do we look like two people in love?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:09 pm
by Maksim Rukov
He moves in cautiously, gallantly, with a great deal of showmanship, draws her in by the elbows and gazes into her eyes, head tilted back slightly so that the gesture would be more appraising and less intimidatingly close. "No one ever said both needed to be besotted... But for my part, I can play the role. I've done it before though not always after being asked. Strange women being bothered by even stranger men... All I ask is that you let that little kitten out of you to play and give as good as you get. Some say I tease women's hearts, I say I merely give in to the moment... Turn my games back on me and we'll have ourselves a little sport."

He chuckles and leans in to whisper... "We'd best make this look good. In case, of course, we're being followed already. Blush hard, it'll look better. Besides, I never actually got to do a proper proposal." He leans back and falls to one knee and clasps her hand in his, raising the engagement ring with the other. He gives her his most enchanted look, his face positively radiant. "My darling Caroline, will you marry me?" he asks, his voice craking with emotion.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:09 pm
by Timour Rukov
imme wrote: She lays a hand lightly on his arm and looks up into his eyes. In a quiet voice, only audible to Timour and even then only barely, she asks, "What did you dream about while you were in the coma, I wonder?" She blushes, hardly meaning to have vocalized her question and now embarrassed to have asked it.
Timour smiles and looks at her with a caring glance, stroking his hand down her cheek softly. He averts his glance for a moment, looking off into the distance thoughtfully, then meets her gaze again.

"They were nightmares, really. I can't call them dreams. If I could've woken in a feverish sweat, it would have been better than being tormented for days without the ability to wake from them." Timour scratches the back of his head thoughtfully. "But don't worry your pretty head over it. I hope you weren't thinking of me while I was gone. I'd hate to be a worry."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:11 pm
by Decrepit
"Well, now, a proper fake proposal," Caroline coos. "I blushingly accept--if you promise to uphold our phony vows. Should your eye wander, I shall pluck it out--and, believe me, I know how." She grins and punches him lightly on the arm.

"Now, is there a ceremony, or do we just head straight to the honeymoon?"

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:17 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim says nothing as he slips on the rather large gold solitaire ring - it must have cost an absolute fortune. "Straight to the honeymoon," Maksim cries, lunging forward to spin her around and lift her up into his arms - careful not to touch her bottom or upper torso not to hold her too close to himself. He attempts to run off with her, a little unsteady due to the awkward pose and she realises that he's had a bit too drink.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:26 pm
by imme
Elizabeth looks sad. "I'm so sorry. I thought I was inviting you and your brother to join us in an adventure. Little did I know it would turn into a nightmare, especially for you."

She looks down and sees the champagne glass she still holds. "I forgot, we're at a party. Shall we forget the world and just enjoy ourselves tonight? Come, dance with me."

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:45 pm
by Decrepit
Caroline follows willingly, giggling, enjoying the attention, however acquired.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:14 pm
by coffee demon
No one sees Andrei for the rest of the evening. The lights are off in his room, and no one responds to any knocks at his door.

The next morning, Andrei is still conspicuously absent, although the chef will note that the huge Russian ordered coffee and orange juice very early in the morning, and took the drinks out of the dining hall, before any other passengers were up and about.

For the remainder of the voyage, Andrei orders food to his room, and only walks on the deck at night, or when absolutely necessary. He never answers his door, and if cornered, denies that anything is wrong, or that he's been hiding. If he ever encounters Elizabeth, he will rudely brush her off.

In other words, he's acting like a complete child and looking quite foolish.

Re: IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:23 am
by Grafster
Johnny, as is his custom, drops in on, or tries to drop in on, Andrei at least once a day. He leaves once he gets some sort of sign that the Russian is within.