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NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:42 am
by Laraqua
As Joel looks up, he feels the warm cozy feeling of floating amidst a sea of softness. The world before his eyes is darkness and for a long moment he peers about without realising that his eyes are still closed. Finally opening them, he finds himself tucked into a bed, the pale blue blanket pulled up under his chin.

To the left is a flowery pair of unfamiliar curtains billowing in the breeze from the opened window. To the right is a cupboard containing a vase of wilted flowers, a few cards and several family and friend photographs, and a green curtain pulled around the single bed on the railing.

His limbs feel tired and weak when he tries to move them.

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:55 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Question ... am I still ragingly insane? I was thinking of keeping a long-term insanity, a fear of gift shops and commisaries. Sound good to you?

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 6:33 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel's mind struggles to grasp his location... and tries to recall where he was last and what he was doing ... but it escapes him for the moment. Something horrible... but it must have just been a dream.

The boy notices he's very weak and wonders if he had been drugged. He looks about for an IV ... the cursed IV bottle... did it return to poison his veins with its juices again? Then he pushed the blanket down so he could examine his body ... make sure he still had all his limbs. His eyes wandered toward his stomach ... something about his stomach, was he wounded? No, that was just the dream, right?

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 6:37 am
by Laraqua
An I.V. bottle sits to the left of him. His stomach is emaciated but unblemished. He has lost a great deal of weight and his stomach's persistent growling signals an acute lack of food. Hunger and nausea roll over him in waves as he realises his predicament.

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:13 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Too weak to get out of bed? Is there a call-button nearby?

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:21 am
by Laraqua
There is a call button just behind him. Joel could likely stand and stagger about but he is far too weak to do anything complicated or to walk far without support. However, a wall would provide ample support - or so it seems. It wouldn't be the first time he'd felt better than he was up until he start moving.

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:49 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel holds off on using the call button for the time being ... he wants to make sure the nightmare world he just left isn't waiting in lurch right outside the window.

He pushes the blankets off of himself and rolls onto his side, then slowly pushes himself up into a sitting position on the bed. After taking a short breather, he gets up the energy to stand and make his way along the wall to the open window and peers out.

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:57 am
by Laraqua
The trees outside are in full blossom. Puffy white clouds lie scattered across a bright blue sky. The scent of pollen and freshly cut grass enters through the opened window. The sound of traffic, loud and blaring as ever, fill the room.

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:32 am
by ImpInTraining
Weakly, Joel staggers back to his bed and lets out a sigh as he sits down at the foot of the bed. "Thank god... just a dream." Looking to the end of the bed, he sees the clipboard that the doctors and nurses keep notes on for his medical condition. As he looks at the clipboard - where it hang on the bed - he begins to struggle for why it was exactly that he was admitted to the hospital. Tonsils, he thought... but they weren't going to take them out. There was no purpose for admission.

ooc: Does his throat still feel sore?

He reached for the clipboard and plucked it off of where it hung then began reading through ... squinting as if it were going to make the doctor's penmanship any better. He tried to determine his ailment... why was he in a hospital bed?

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:36 am
by Laraqua
His limbs tremble as he struggles to stand by the bed. The chart notes explain very little, the complicated scribblings being barely comprehensible, but one word does stand clear: 'coma'. The green curtain that rings his space in the hospital trembles as a dark shape brushes passed it and moves away.

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:42 am
by ImpInTraining
"Coma..." Joel said in shock... he wondered how long he had been out as he sought for a date of admission.

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:48 am
by Laraqua
The date listed for admissions is the last day he remembers in 2005. The other dates of medications, feedings and the like, are between the 3rd October, 2008, and the 9th October, 2008.

Re: Joel's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:10 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Holy shit! I've been comatose for 3 years?" Then how come I feel so much smaller?

Joel couldn't believe what he was reading, he didn't realize how loud he said that last bit. No wonder he was so damned thirsty. Joel got back into bed and pushed the call button. Maybe he could talk the nuse into bringing him something to drink.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:03 am
by Laraqua
Leroy's eyes flutter at the sound of someone's voice. The world spins on a silver screen, greying and colourising, over and over. He feels that he is restricted, held in a cocoon of warmth and security. The scent in the air is sterile and antiseptic with a wafting of flowers. To the left is an IV tube that leads into his arm, green curtain that has been pulled right around his bed. To the right is a cupboard containing a vase of wilted flowers, a few cards and several family and friend photographs. He feels weak and hungry, the muscle gone from his arms.

Joel feels better once he is back in bed. He hears the door open and footsteps enter the room. They sound rushed and anxious.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:23 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel struggles to push himself into a seated position with his wall resting against the back as he waits to see who comes through the curtain. Maybe he could get some answers to the puzzle that is his memories.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:12 am
by paradys
It takes Leroy some minutes to figure out whether hes still alive.

hospital..? he thinks. what this real, such terrible dreams

He looks at the photographs and feels his stomach lurch as he sees Toby.

thought he was dead why is that?

"Hello?" he croaks in response to the voice, and tries to move.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:51 am
by Laraqua
The curtain is pulled back by a red-cheeked and cheerful-looking junior nurse who beams down at him, her eyes near bulging with shock. "Gee whiz! He's alive!" She giggles, then looks over her shoulder at the door, before turning to give him a guilty look. "Sorry, that was wrong of me. I'm Nurse Higgins and you've ... well, you've been a bit out of it for awhile. But don't worry! You're fine. I should probably go and get a doctor first, though, to make sure just how fine you really are. Which is pretty fine! Well, y'know, more so ... now you're awake."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:18 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel heard someone croak next to him and thought it sounded somewhat familiar, but it was hard to tell... so he didn't respond.

Joel says, "Can I have some water please? And ... can someone tell me what happened? What made me fall into a coma for three years?"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:01 am
by Laraqua
A nurse pulls back the curtain, revealing Leroy to Joel and vice versa. "You're both awake! Are they all waking up? I must go and..." She turns, suddenly realising what Joel had said and what Leroy now knew. "Oh, I... Try not to think about it. I'll go fetch a doctor." She started for the door. "Oh, and water! Yes!"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:58 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel shook his head and rolled his eyes... typical ... adults wanting to keep their secrets from children...

Children? Wait, 3 years had passed. That meant Joel was about 18 now... an adult - with legal rights and such. Gave him quite a bit to think about. Joel turned his head toward the other bed and his eyes widened...

"Leroy? But ... it was just a dream, right?"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:33 pm
by paradys
The sight of Joel brings vivid chunks of his nightmare back to Leroy. The shock of seeing him in real life (?) on top of learning hes just woken up for a coma is enough to render him incapable of coherent speech. For a while he just stares, opening and closing his mouth...

"Joel?" he says eventually "Did i dream you or are you dreaming me?"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:16 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Good question," Joel says from his seated position in bed. "I checked outside, it's nice ... a pleasant day... white fluffy clouds, no signs of ash anywhere. I've got no scars on my belly ... so I'm confused. If it was a dream, why do I know who you are? If this is a dream... well, it beats the last one."

He looked around the room. If they had been admitted, there should be a closet or locker with their belongings. "Maybe if they kept all the stuff we were carrying ... that could prove things one way or another."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:36 pm
by paradys
"the stuff? yeah yeah." Leroy struggles to get up.

ooc: do the characters still have the same hp they ended up with in ch1. is leroy still hurting i guess is what i'm asking. can he stand?

"do you remember other people? sarah? louis?"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:46 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Sarah went off to help the others get the kids on the helicopter. And Obi-Wan decided to take his chances back in the hospital." Joel considered swinging his legs down off the bed but thought better of it, "I'm so... weak. I guess that is to be expected after 3 years of bed rest. It's hard to stand without holding on to something."

It dawned on him, the last part of the nightmare. He asked Leroy, "My mother... at least we saved her from ... whatever that thing was. All those pipes and black goo." He shivered. "I wonder if she's here, probably not. Not if we were in a coma for 3 years. They're probably calling her now."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:52 pm
by paradys
"And you don't think its weird that we dreamt the same thing, the same people. How can that be?"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:10 am
by Laraqua
Leroy feels nauseas and weak, but uninjured. There is a closet pressed against the wall for each patient but they only contain the two patients' normal clothes and a few knick knacks. Leroy's closet contains a box of old chocolates - the use by date indicates it's a year old.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:45 am
by ImpInTraining
"Who says I don't think it's weird?" Joel asked Leroy pointedly. "Whole bloody situation is weird. But it fits into the whole equation of what I was saying earlier. All that we experienced... the weird stuff... must have been a mass hallucination, even got to me at the end. Then the poison in the air finally took us down for the count. Instead of dying, we fell into a coma."

Joel coughed and put a hand to his throat, "At least my tonsilitis is not an issue anymore. Still got this stupid IV attached to my arm though." He chuckled as he looked over to Leroy following the IV tube in his arm up to the bottle suspended over his head, "at least I'm not the only one this time."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:37 am
by paradys
Leroy nods unhappily, accepting the explanation as the only one they have. He grins back.

"Look at you, all grown up." A moment later he is frowning again. "We need to find a doctor, someone needs to tell us what happened. I need to see my kid.."

Anxiety creeps into his voice as he sways slightly and grabs the bedrail for support. The situation seems a bit much for him.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:27 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel falls silent for a moment, feeling a little empathy for Leroy. He knew what it was like to worry about a loved one. And as far as he knew, they found his mother alive and well. Joel wasn't in a right state of mind at that moment. Leroy might know better, but he wasn't telling.

Joel broke the silence a minute later, "Say Leroy... you think this is the same hospital?"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:55 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel reaches for the cards and photographs on his right, looking through them out of interest. "I wonder who's been curious enough to keep tabs on me for 3 years during a coma?" he mutters to himself.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:42 am
by paradys
Leroy looks around to see if he reconizes his surroundings, then starts looking through the cards and photographs by his own bedside, anxious to find one from Marsha and Toby.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:13 am
by ImpInTraining
"You know what's funny, Leroy? I can't remember a lot of what happened at the end there ... but I do remember you saved me from something." He flipped to another card and read to himself as he continued talking to Leroy, "I want to thank you, even if we were just hallucinating. I appreciate your standing up for me and helping free my mother. I'm sure she'll be thanking you too."

He flipped to the next card and read through it, admiring the cute and funny nature - wondering if the people who sent it did so to relieve them from the burden of remembering a fallen family member, or because they truly felt he might wake up eventually.

"She said something at the end there ... 'Observe the story'. Not really sure what that meant." He looked up and tilted his head, "No, that's not right... observ...atory. Observatory. Yeah, that was it. Wonder why she was so keen on the observatory. Hell, I don't even know where one is."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:18 am
by Laraqua
There are a few cards from Marsha and Toby. It seems the two have been writing them together each month. Marsha seems to be going through the motions after awhile but not Toby. At least, not for the first year. After then, he had been receiving cards every Christmas and birthday. He also finds a card from Cynthia.

Joel finds cards from all sorts of family, relatives, even a few teachers but none from his mother.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:10 am
by paradys
"Observatory? The only one I know of is at Greenwich" says Leroy. "I remember taking Toby there..mad on astronomy that kid."

He starts reading Cynthias card. Its contents seem to trouble him.

"They are coming after you...hide.." he mumbles to himself. He sits down on the bed and starts to read through the pages in more detail.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:47 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Hmmm, no card from mom," Joel muttered to himself, thinking it strange. When Leroy said something, the boy turned his head quickly.

"What?" Joel asked ... although he'd been comatose for 3 years, it still seemed like yesterday that they were worried about every little bump in around the corner, and hiding every inch of the way. When he overheard Leroy say someone was coming after him, and to hide... it automatically sent of warning alarms in his mind. "Who's coming after me?"

He looked over at the door, anxiously awaiting the appearance of some mad doctor.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:28 pm
by paradys
Leroy doesn't read much further before getting up and heading for the closet.

"Grab some clothes" he says to Joel, "Its time to get out of here."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:07 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Are you kidding me?" Joel said in disbelief. "We're in no condition to go gallavanting around. It's gonna take weeks of physical therapy to get back to the shape we were in." He chuckled, "You'll be hugging the wall the whole way just so you don't fall down flat on your face, and eventually even that won't be enough. If you're lucky, you might find a wheelchair though. Why don't you just wait for the doctor? Then we can find out what really happened to us. There's nothing to be running from here."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:57 am
by paradys
Leroy turns around. He looks a bit bewildered, but all the same his voice carries conviction.

"I've got a card from Cynthia..its says someones coming for us, its says we've gotta hide, right now. I know that doesn't make any sense...theres more pages, but it says to read them once we're safe...whatever was happening to us, i think its still going on..."

Leroy grabs his clothes from out of the closet, and looks around the room they're in for an exit. Joel is right, he feels terribly weak.

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:18 am
by ImpInTraining
"This is crazy," Joel said crossing his arms defiantly. "Does that even make sense to you? Your ... what is she, your wife? Girlfriend? She writes you a note in a get-well card that you read who knows how many years later... and you act upon it like it's the utmost urgency. What is she, psychic?" Joel held out his hand, "Let me read the letter... make sure you're not seeing things."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:31 pm
by paradys
Having retrieved his clothes Leroy passes the letter to Joel but isn't going to wait around, he looks round again for the exits. Of course he realises its crazy but at the same time doesn't care...

"Say what you want, I don't think we're all the way through the looking glass just yet, and back where we were signs like this were all i had to go on. Cynthia had gypsy blood man, you need to listen to what she has to say."

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:41 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel looks at the message, reading quickly. "A gypsy, huh?"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:08 am
by Laraqua
There is a door into the unshared toilet. There is a door out into the foyer. There is the window that would let them out onto the garden. Technically this is the first floor and the ground was sloping away already but it would only be a six foot drop. In their state it would stun them for a bit, but it wouldn't injure them. They each have two sets of clothing. Leroy has his wallet, keys and the like, in a basket with a little card saying: "4 when you wake up". There's no money or credit cards in his wallet. Joel simply has some small, compact new gameboy type thing called a PSP and a few games.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:08 am
by paradys
Leroy goes into the toilet to change into his clothes.

How long have i been in a coma? he finds himself thinking. I hope i'm not out of fashion.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:10 am
by Laraqua
The clothes are a bit looser than he remembers and its an effort to stand and dress. It's a little surprising that he's even capable of walking, considering how long he's been unconscious.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:29 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: What does Leroy's letter from his girlfriend say, please. Do I see the same thing he claims it says?

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:44 pm
by paradys
ooc: you should do imp, i was just reading aloud what laraqua pm'd me.
by the way, to clear up any potential confusion - Cynthia is a childhood friend/ possibly sweetheart of Leroys, Marsha is his ex girlfriend and mother of his son Toby.

Leroy drinks some water from the taps, supporting himself with the sink.

You need vitamins to build up your strength, he thinks, or some lucozade - the old ravers favourite hah hah. Most of all we need money. There should be a phone in the foyer - reverse the charges, try and get hold of someone without causing a fuss - you should be able to make it that far..

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:56 pm
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Hey, in this game... I don't take anything for granted.

Joel folds up the letter and sighs. He looks at the window outside, and decides it's a beautiful day... nice day for a walk at any rate... even if he'll be barely strong enough to do it. "Ok, Leroy. I'll play your game. Besides, someone has to watch out for you... you're acting all crazy."

He got into the closet and got his clothes out as well as that strange PSP thing (looked like a Nintendo Game Gear, only fancier), removed his IV tube, and got dressed.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:20 am
by Laraqua

A doctor enters the room before Joel's finished changing. Leroy, in the toilet, can't see them but can hear them (was the door closed?) "Feeling stronger, I see," she says. Leroy recognises her voice as Dr. Sutcliffe's. "Where is your co-patient?"

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:39 am
by Piano man
Louie's smile brightens as he sees Leroy.

"Hey Joel. Glad to see that your up and about. How ya feeling? Is Leroy Ok?

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:48 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Ok... that's weird. What did Louie do, climb up the toilet?

Joel turned around suddenly, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. "Oh, uh, I think he was going to get something to drink. I'm sure he'll be back in a little bit."

Joel pulled his shirt on and asked, "What happened to us, doc?"

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:52 am
by Laraqua

"Oh, that's understandable," says Dr. Sutcliffe. "Just need to give you an examination to see how you're holding up. Considering the nurse's habits that you have met, I'm sure you have had the bad news broken to you. It's odd that everyone seems to be walking about okay though it is certainly a good sign. I need to take you to the exam room at the other end of the floor so I can access my equipment. Would you like to be taken in a wheelchair? We'll need to have you here for routine observation for a week but after that you should probably be able to go home."

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:39 am
by ImpInTraining
"What bad news?" Joel asked... and repeated, "What happened to us to put us in a coma for 3 years?" He didn't even dignify the exam question with an answer ... he was an adult now... he could act like an ass legally.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:12 pm
by Piano man
occ I guess it wasn't said, but I was wheel in with Dr. Sutcliffe

Louie almost doesn't recognize Joel, after all he's aged three years.

"Tell Dr. Sutcliffe what you remember while you were in a coma. I need to know I'm not crazy."

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:21 pm
by paradys
ooc: Leroy in his paranoid state of mind would definitly have closed the door behind him.

Hearing voices he jumps slightly, then edges close to the door so he can listen to whats been said. If it sounds like someones heading towards the door hes ready to duck into a toilet stall.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:58 pm
by ImpInTraining
"I'm not sure what you're talking about, Obi-wan" Joe said with a wink.

He walked beside Louie's right side, real close, and dropped Leroy's letter into Louie's lap as he tried to draw the doctor's attention away from Louie. He kept moving forward over to Dr. Sutcliffe's right side so that she was looking at him and not toward Louie - allowing him some moment of privacy to read the letter's important words.

"Doc ... come on ... tell me the deal. What happened that put us all in a coma for three years? And where can I get some rubbers? I'm 18 now... got some catching up to do."

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:40 am
by Piano man
Louie cautiously unfolds the note and reads it trying to keep it out of sight of Dr. Sutcliffe. After finishing it he folds it up and sticks it in his pocket for the time being.

While you examine him I need to go to the bathroom.

occ would Joel really have a size reduction considering he aged three years he would have grown as well.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:02 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Good question about the size change - I feel like Webster or Arnold from Different Strokes, and I don't really think you know Leroy is in the bathroom... just go on in. I just said he was heading out to get a drink. He's been careful not to let anyone know where he is.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:46 am
by Laraqua

"...rubbers?" Dr. Sutcliffe says with a short laugh. "There'll be plenty of time for that. As to the cause of the coma, that has yet to be determined. The army believes its some sort of biological weapon but as its not infectious, I can't see the point. Anyway, come along with me. We need to make sure you're half as healthy as you look."

OOC: Good point about the aging thing. Perhaps Joel can halve his size loss then. There are other reasons behind it all though. Siz doesn't just count how tall, wide you are, but your overall mass. I'm pretty sure if you were to talk across a rickety bridge, a Siz x 5 roll would determine if you weighed enough to break it.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:51 am
by Piano man
Louie looks at Dr. Sutcliffe and decides not to argue the point. Afterall Jill is waiting for him to get back.

Allright I guess I don't have to go that bad.

occ. After reading imps post I realized my mistake. So I'm going to edit.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:07 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel smiles uneasily, "Um... why don't you tell me where it is and I'll make my own way. I have to...." he nudged his head toward the bathroom that was occupied at the moment as he clasped his hands together overtop of his privates. "Shouldn't be long I wouldn't think."

Joel noticed that the clothes he had on were a size or two too small. He looked like he was ready to wade in flood waters. He'd have to do something about that... when he got the chance.

ooc: Half my size loss? That'd only be 1 point instead of two. Hardly worth worrying about. I have faith in my Keeper's insane and alien logic.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:05 pm
by Piano man
Louie turns to Dr. Sutcliffe.

"I'm going to get back to Jill and see if she is alright."

He adresses Joel next.

"Once your finished your examination come and find me. I'll probably be in the waiting room with Jill. She is expecting her husband. If you find Leroy have him meet me there too. We are all a little misplaced, so I feel comfort in your presence."

Without waiting for a reply Louie turns around and starts making his way to Jill.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:15 am
by Laraqua
Dr. Sutcliffe shuts the door behind Louie. "So, did you have any unusual dreams?" she asks casually, drawing out her stethoscope. "Might as well get the basics underway now."

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:01 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel instinctively steps back from the stethoscope. He smiles and said, "Uh... cold." He stepped up again and let her listen to his heart as he answered her question, "Dreams? Do people normally dream in a coma, doc?"

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:10 am
by Laraqua
"I suppose not," says Dr. Sutcliffe. "Breathe in ... out ... in ... out."

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:12 am
by OathinBlood
Carson enters the room, his hands on his janitor's cart in front of him. He glances at Joel, and Dr. Sutcliffe. Turning to the doctor, he says, "I heard that Leroy woke up. Is he around here?"

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:18 am
by Laraqua
"I think he went for a walk," says Dr. Sutcliffe. Her eyes widen. "Oh goodness me, he might have had a fall. I'd better go get people to look for him." She brushes passed Carson and leaves the room.

OOC: I edited your post. Louie left a bit ago. You might have seen him in the foyer, talking to men in suits.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 6:01 am
by OathinBlood
"Fall?" Carson follows the doctor, leaving his cart behind in the room.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:41 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel waits for the people to leave his room, then closes the door. He knocks on the bathroom door and says "Leroy... coast's clear. If you want to leave, now's the time. But honestly, everything seems pretty on the straight and narrow." He finished dressing and pocketing whatever items he had in the locker... then looked over the janitor's cart that was left in the room for anything that might be useful.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:49 am
by Laraqua
The janitor's cart contains the usual assortment of bleaches, plastic gloves and other all-important accessories.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:30 am
by paradys
Leroy emerges from the bathroom.

"Okay, maybe I'm being a bit paranoid. All the same, i'm going to stay out of the way until I've got an idea of whats going on. Do you still have Cynthias card?"

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:46 am
by ImpInTraining
"Louie pocketted it. I didn't think anything about it because for a second there I thought he was going to head into the bathroom and chat with you... then he suddenly changed his mind for some reason." He shrugged and said, "Sorry... but I thought you'd want him to be warned too."

Joel snagged a couple of latex gloves out of the box on the janitor's cart. "I suppose we have to find him then. Shall we?"

Joel headed over to the door and cracked it open, looking left and right cautiously to see if anyone was outside laying in wait. He commented to Leroy, "The doc thinks you've fallen on your ass somewhere in the hallway, maybe that will keep them occupied... on the other hand, maybe they'll be looking for you more attentively."

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:55 am
by Laraqua
Ward 19, Second Floor, sits at the end of a corridor. To the left is a closed window. To the right is a corridor, empty but for a stack of lunch trays. Looks like who ever was on food duty got called off duty.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:41 pm
by paradys
[quote="ImpInTraining"]"Louie pocketted it. I didn't think anything about it because for a second there I thought he was going to head into the bathroom and chat with you... then he suddenly changed his mind for some reason." He shrugged and said, "Sorry... but I thought you'd want him to be warned too."

"No, no thats good, probably the word should get around, its just i'm dying to know what it said"

He spots Carsons cart.

"And Carson was here too!!" He feels a wave of euphoria at the thought of seeing Carson again.

Which is strange, he thinks, because bc ( before coma ) all you ever did was take advantage of him. or exploit him if we're being accurate. Well, you were a lousy person. He considers the notion that having visions of the apocalypse could be character building in some way. Mums a catholic, maybe you should ask her. He realizes his mind is wandering again.

"Strange that everyone from our dream is here. Too strange. I wonder if Carson remembers getting shot. Or Louis remembers shooting him? Freaky."

ooc: before we go, is there anything around leroy could use as a lockpick? he might need to get up to his old tricks again.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:44 pm
by Laraqua
There may be various items in the cart that could work as make-shift lockpicks. They do give -10 to the lockpicking roll and a failure may break them on a failed Luck check. Still, better than nought.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:02 pm
by paradys
what would make a good lockpick without the -10%, a paperclip like last time?

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:03 pm
by Laraqua
Stationary of all kinds would be a good bet. Just not what's in the cart ... at least not what's visible in the cart. Empty it out and you might find some handy piece of wire.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:08 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Let's take the cart with us," Joel says. "It's hard as hell to walk right now. This will give us something to lean upon on the way... take some of the weight at least, until we find a wheel chair or two." He looked down the hallway, "Oh, look... another cart, that one has food. Dibs!"

Joel starts making his way down corridore two, leaning up against the wall on his way, and leaving the cart behind for Leroy if he wants to push it. Once he gets up to the lunch cart, Joel starts looking for something to drink, and then checks to see what's on the menu for today by lifting the cover off the food.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:16 pm
by Laraqua
There's several coffees and teas and a few cups of juice to choose from. The meals are standard Mercy Cross fare - better than usual due to vigorous charity drives at the local churches. There's a schnitzel and gravy with chips, peas and corn. Over there is a three-tier ham and salad sandwhich. Another is a vegetarian dish. A fourth is marked HALAL. There's a little tub of icecream. Here a little tub of jelly.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:22 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel will start drinking on a tea, knowing the caffiene will help bring him back to life. Then, he starts nibbling on the schnitzle, unwrapping a spork to do it.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:17 pm
by paradys
"Yo Joel wait up, let me in on some of that nourishment."

Leroy catches up, pushing/leaning against the janitors cart and feeling for all the world like a frail old man. Still, it was a good idea, and might even render them inconspicous to a certain extent. He sips on some juice, not sure if his body can handle solids yet. If that goes down okay, he'll try some ice cream.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:22 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel doesn't eat too much before his shrunken stomach is full. "Ok, Louis said something about seeing Jill down in the waiting room. That's where we should go next." He started pushing the food cart toward the elevator, before realizing he was on the first floor. "Oh, the waiting room should be on this floor somewhere, right?" He started looking for signs on the wall to point the way.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:36 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Actually, the second floor. I checked the map. No wards on the first floor but it's a fair enough mistake for a tired, just got out of a coma character to make.

The large lobby area of the second floor was as busy as usual. It was odd seeing the place without blooming rust flowers, blood stains and floating ash. The light seemed almost to have a too-bright quality to it. The voices seemed almost to be too loud. There was a poster on one of the walls, advertising guided tours through a Star-Watching Observatory in some small town outside of London - but it looked like the date for the tours were well over.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:28 am
by ImpInTraining
"Oh... I think we're on the second floor. Funny, I thought the ground was closer outside the window." He looked at the poster on the wall and said, "Look at that... an observatory. I'll have to check that out sometime."

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:10 am
by paradys
"Wait, wait!" says Leroy, feeling a strange chill go through him. "Ob-Observatory. Like your mother said in the dream remember?"

Fascinated, he goes over to the poster for a closer look. Also, he looks around for a telephone.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:20 am
by ImpInTraining
"Yeah, so what are you suggesting? The tour dates are over. Don't know if they're taking visitors, let alone really weak, recently comatose tourists," Joel said. "Forget about walking there too... we'd never make it in our shape."

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:10 pm
by paradys
"uh uh" says Leroy "if it was in our dream it means something maybe not literally but...theres a reason we chose to remember it. you know freud and all that shit."

He tries to get the name of the town and the details of the event.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:35 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel glances again at the observatory poster for a moment, then shrugged and started looking for the lift down. He got the odd sensation of deja vu and said, "Hey... isn't this about the place where we heard that strange whistling noise... right down that hallway." He pointed to the south-west corridore. "Wonder what that was." He shrugged yet again and turned to the north, spotting a sign pointing the way to the elevator. "There's the lift, Leroy. Let's get down to the waiting area. Should be one floor down." He started pushing his food cart toward the elevators.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:08 am
by Laraqua
Neither recognise the name of the town.

The path is clear to the elevator. Nobody seems to notice the two.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:35 am
by Laraqua
+1 to Hide, Spot Hidden and Listen for Leroy.

+1 for Fast Talk, Spot Hidden and Listen for Joel.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:21 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: is this a permanent change? Shall I make it to my character sheet?

Joel pushes the down button on the elevator, glad that they're in proper working order this time. He didn't think walking down a flight of stairs was a good idea for either one of them.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:23 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Yep. I assigned them this time because in almost cases, there were sensible skills to go into. I will probably vary between assigning and giving freebie points. Freebie points will probably be gained by successful missions more than anything.

The elevator doors open smoothly. There is a choice of going down to the first floor or going even further down to the ground floor. The ground floor requires somewhat more walking to reach the exit but Leroy, and possibly Joel, are well aware that its chronic business tends to help people fade into the background.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:34 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Ok, thanks!

Joel pushes the tray into the elevator and leans up against the wall for a brief rest. He says to Leroy, "Well, the waiting room is on the 1st floor, that's where Louis should be with that Jill... whoever she is. He's got your letter, so I'm guessing that's where we're heading, right?"

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:38 pm
by paradys
"Yeah, but more than anything i want to find a phone. Find out for real whats happening."

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:15 pm
by ImpInTraining
"There should be a courtesy phone in the waiting room, I would imagine," Joel said. "I had one ... three years ago - that cell phone from the ambulance. Wonder what they did with it? I suppose the service would have been cut off by now even if I did still have it."

Joel holds the elevator open for Leroy to get in, then presses '1'.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:34 am
by Laraqua
Enter Louie and Carson's thread.