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Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:46 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Nuts! I made my taser roll a couple minutes ago since I hadn't heard anything, and it succeeded, but now I saw your post and failed my Dex roll. At least I have my taser roll in the bank.]


Lionel runs to catch up to Jason, but can't quite get there in time.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:03 am
by kabukiman
Ages try to help the people to get out of the room. If there is any children, she will help them first; but she keeps the machete.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:00 pm
ooc - Ronald really doesn't want to be trapped. Is there a way out of the room Brianna and Ronald are in other than the windows?

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:48 am
by Laraqua
There are windows in all the rooms this end of the hospital. They are covered in black-out materials though and there are staff in that room who'll likely object to you breaking them.

As Jason is moving out of the room, Agnes doesn't need to remove the survivors just yet. As he is currently passing close to one hospital bed (the one Ronald almost tripped into) we can assume that Agnes grabs that bed and pulls it out of the way to be sure Jason doesn't kill the person on his way past.

Jason slips into the room that Brianna and Ronald are in, the soft patter of his charred hands hitting the linoleum, his mouth twitching open, as he makes his charge.

Now, Ronald could attempt to parry Jason's attack and then smash the window but if he fails his parry he can't dodge without losing his chance to smash the window. He could attempt to parry, then dodge if he fails the first, and order Brianna to do it.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:58 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Let me know when Lionel is close enough to taser Jason. Since I've only got 8 Dex, I probably won't get to try until after he attacks.]


Lionel continues chasing Jason, huffing from the exertion, his taser gripped firmly in his hand. Sarah would have been able to catch that thing, he thinks. Just as well that she's not here to see this, but I do miss her.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:49 pm
by kabukiman
Agnes decide to take a blanket or something like that and put it in the head of zombie so he will be temporarily blind, and the others may escape/attack as they will prefer.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:04 pm
Laraqua wrote:
Now, Ronald could attempt to parry Jason's attack and then smash the window but if he fails his parry he can't dodge without losing his chance to smash the window. He could attempt to parry, then dodge if he fails the first, and order Brianna to do it.

Ronald pushes Jason away but can't get his hands up in time to parry the blows. He cries out for help, knowing full well that what little there was left of that cheeky little wanker inside this twisted bloody shell of a boy was gone. He dives past Jason and hopes he could get another chance to escape with Brianna. Dodging past Jason, Ronald calls out to reason with the poor demon.

Jason! Please stop! We can help you!

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:00 pm
by trixie
Brianna swiftly moves to Agnes' side, "Can I take the machete for a minute?" she asks.

If Agnes gives it to her, she'll smash the windows next round.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:58 am
by Laraqua
Agnes throws the blanket but it misses Jason who utters a disgusting snarl before lurching toward Ronald again. The medical staff in the room seem startled into inaction.

OOC: Ronald, another parry/dodge.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:02 am
by Mr. Handy

Lionel pursues Jason as fast as he can at his old age, taser ready to strike once he gets close. This is like no hunt I've ever been on! he thinks.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:07 am
by kabukiman
Agnes look puzzled to the child (Brianna) but agrees and give her the machete.
"-Be careful with that, it's a dangerous object"- and then understand the silly comment: the all situation is dangerous!

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:31 pm
Ronald grabs a bedpan and holds it out in front of himself for protection. He holds Jason at bay with a firey determination on his face.

You sick twisted demon wanker! You can't have her!

Ronald parries Jason to the side and then hurls the bedpan through the nearest window leading outside, hopefully unto the streets of London. He prays for sunlight or moonlight.... anything but the black void he and Louie saw last time.

Damn you Louie!

Brianna through the window! Move it!

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:38 pm
by trixie
[O.C. In case the bedpan hits the window with a clatter and bounces off...]

Brianna takes the machete and smashes it through the window.

She rips the black out curtain and covers the broken glass, before starting to crawl through.

[O.C. Is this more than one round of action? If so, ok]

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:38 am
by Laraqua
Light, sound, screams, loud. Ears ring into bleeding silence. Ash in mouth. Back there? No, dust, plaster. All around, that terrible silence, engulfing. Warm, wet, sharp pain. Lifted up, tossed back down. Mouth open, calling out, screams that aren't heard by one's own ears. The world is blackness, then light, then blackness. Struggling to see. Dizzy skulls don't understand which way is up. Moments pass. The dust settles. Vision clears.

OOC: An unexploded bomb near the hospital just went off and your characters were caught by the blast. The description above is meant to represent the confusion for the characters. Luck Rolls from everyone or be pinned by debris. Sanity checks - 1/1d4+1. Second Luck Roll to determine damage - succeed on this one and take 1d3 damage, fail and take 1d6+1. Oh, and don't worry, Jason isn't destroyed ... yet. I wouldn't take that pleasure away from my players. :twisted:

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:46 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: So Lionel still didn't catch up to Jason? I'm presuming he's close enough to be caught in the blast.]


For the second time, Lionel finds himself in the path of a German bomb. Fortunately, he is not pinned beneath the debris this time. He is only mildly shocked and escapes serious injury. Shrapnel opens up a moderate wound on his shoulder as he is flung to the ground. He quickly scoops himself up and, taser in hand, looks around for Jason.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:17 am
by trixie
Brianna luckily avoids the falling debris.

She sheilds her face and screams from the explosion. As the dust settles, she blinks and looks around the room. "R.r..ronald? Um.....Agnes? guy? Is everyone ok?"

[O.C. Sanity passed, 2nd luck passed, damage taken 1 (is the damage to hit points?)]

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:23 am
by Laraqua
The dust and plaster crowd the air making it nearly impossible to see. There is rubble and twisted metal hospital beds everywhere. Someone sobs "oh god oh god oh god". Somewhere else a person screams desperately. Someone nearer Brianna than anyone else ... snarls.

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:30 am
by trixie
Brianna looks up wide eyed, still clutching the machete tightly.

What made that sound....was it Jason? Oh no!

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:01 pm
by kabukiman
Agnes was very lucky and escaped the debris, and with a minor shock, but she had suffered, some injuries. She barely could stand in her feet, bleeding and looking aimless to the scenario and trying to think.
"Funny, it's my turn to need help, and nobody else is able to do it."

OOC: i don't think our characters had been introduced yet. Since she has lost 4 Hit points and 3 san, what can she do?

Re: HF - Lionel, Brianna and Ronald

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:18 pm
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Our characters know each other's names, as we've said them in front of each other. The only exception is that Agnes never gave her name. She only loses 2 hit points, not 4. The 1d3 was if you succeeded at the second Luck roll, and the 1d6+1 is if you failed. You don't lose both, so you only lost the 1d6+1. The loss of 3 Sanity is a shock, but she can still act and she hasn't been pinned by the debris either. She could even treat her own wounds with First Aid, but there may be others who need it more urgently.]


"I've had worse," says Lionel, following the sound of Brianna's voice and making his way towards her to protect her from Jason. "I can help you in a minute, nurse, once we deal with this creature. Is anyone else seriously injured?"