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Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:41 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel looks at the message, reading quickly. "A gypsy, huh?"

Re: Joel & Leroy's thread - NO ONE ELSE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:08 am
by Laraqua
There is a door into the unshared toilet. There is a door out into the foyer. There is the window that would let them out onto the garden. Technically this is the first floor and the ground was sloping away already but it would only be a six foot drop. In their state it would stun them for a bit, but it wouldn't injure them. They each have two sets of clothing. Leroy has his wallet, keys and the like, in a basket with a little card saying: "4 when you wake up". There's no money or credit cards in his wallet. Joel simply has some small, compact new gameboy type thing called a PSP and a few games.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:08 am
by paradys
Leroy goes into the toilet to change into his clothes.

How long have i been in a coma? he finds himself thinking. I hope i'm not out of fashion.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:10 am
by Laraqua
The clothes are a bit looser than he remembers and its an effort to stand and dress. It's a little surprising that he's even capable of walking, considering how long he's been unconscious.

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:29 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: What does Leroy's letter from his girlfriend say, please. Do I see the same thing he claims it says?

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:44 pm
by paradys
ooc: you should do imp, i was just reading aloud what laraqua pm'd me.
by the way, to clear up any potential confusion - Cynthia is a childhood friend/ possibly sweetheart of Leroys, Marsha is his ex girlfriend and mother of his son Toby.

Leroy drinks some water from the taps, supporting himself with the sink.

You need vitamins to build up your strength, he thinks, or some lucozade - the old ravers favourite hah hah. Most of all we need money. There should be a phone in the foyer - reverse the charges, try and get hold of someone without causing a fuss - you should be able to make it that far..

Re: NOR - Joel & Leroy's thread

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:56 pm
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Hey, in this game... I don't take anything for granted.

Joel folds up the letter and sighs. He looks at the window outside, and decides it's a beautiful day... nice day for a walk at any rate... even if he'll be barely strong enough to do it. "Ok, Leroy. I'll play your game. Besides, someone has to watch out for you... you're acting all crazy."

He got into the closet and got his clothes out as well as that strange PSP thing (looked like a Nintendo Game Gear, only fancier), removed his IV tube, and got dressed.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:20 am
by Laraqua

A doctor enters the room before Joel's finished changing. Leroy, in the toilet, can't see them but can hear them (was the door closed?) "Feeling stronger, I see," she says. Leroy recognises her voice as Dr. Sutcliffe's. "Where is your co-patient?"

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:39 am
by Piano man
Louie's smile brightens as he sees Leroy.

"Hey Joel. Glad to see that your up and about. How ya feeling? Is Leroy Ok?

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:48 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Ok... that's weird. What did Louie do, climb up the toilet?

Joel turned around suddenly, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. "Oh, uh, I think he was going to get something to drink. I'm sure he'll be back in a little bit."

Joel pulled his shirt on and asked, "What happened to us, doc?"

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:52 am
by Laraqua

"Oh, that's understandable," says Dr. Sutcliffe. "Just need to give you an examination to see how you're holding up. Considering the nurse's habits that you have met, I'm sure you have had the bad news broken to you. It's odd that everyone seems to be walking about okay though it is certainly a good sign. I need to take you to the exam room at the other end of the floor so I can access my equipment. Would you like to be taken in a wheelchair? We'll need to have you here for routine observation for a week but after that you should probably be able to go home."

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:39 am
by ImpInTraining
"What bad news?" Joel asked... and repeated, "What happened to us to put us in a coma for 3 years?" He didn't even dignify the exam question with an answer ... he was an adult now... he could act like an ass legally.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:12 pm
by Piano man
occ I guess it wasn't said, but I was wheel in with Dr. Sutcliffe

Louie almost doesn't recognize Joel, after all he's aged three years.

"Tell Dr. Sutcliffe what you remember while you were in a coma. I need to know I'm not crazy."

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:21 pm
by paradys
ooc: Leroy in his paranoid state of mind would definitly have closed the door behind him.

Hearing voices he jumps slightly, then edges close to the door so he can listen to whats been said. If it sounds like someones heading towards the door hes ready to duck into a toilet stall.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:58 pm
by ImpInTraining
"I'm not sure what you're talking about, Obi-wan" Joe said with a wink.

He walked beside Louie's right side, real close, and dropped Leroy's letter into Louie's lap as he tried to draw the doctor's attention away from Louie. He kept moving forward over to Dr. Sutcliffe's right side so that she was looking at him and not toward Louie - allowing him some moment of privacy to read the letter's important words.

"Doc ... come on ... tell me the deal. What happened that put us all in a coma for three years? And where can I get some rubbers? I'm 18 now... got some catching up to do."

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:40 am
by Piano man
Louie cautiously unfolds the note and reads it trying to keep it out of sight of Dr. Sutcliffe. After finishing it he folds it up and sticks it in his pocket for the time being.

While you examine him I need to go to the bathroom.

occ would Joel really have a size reduction considering he aged three years he would have grown as well.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:02 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Good question about the size change - I feel like Webster or Arnold from Different Strokes, and I don't really think you know Leroy is in the bathroom... just go on in. I just said he was heading out to get a drink. He's been careful not to let anyone know where he is.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:46 am
by Laraqua

"...rubbers?" Dr. Sutcliffe says with a short laugh. "There'll be plenty of time for that. As to the cause of the coma, that has yet to be determined. The army believes its some sort of biological weapon but as its not infectious, I can't see the point. Anyway, come along with me. We need to make sure you're half as healthy as you look."

OOC: Good point about the aging thing. Perhaps Joel can halve his size loss then. There are other reasons behind it all though. Siz doesn't just count how tall, wide you are, but your overall mass. I'm pretty sure if you were to talk across a rickety bridge, a Siz x 5 roll would determine if you weighed enough to break it.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:51 am
by Piano man
Louie looks at Dr. Sutcliffe and decides not to argue the point. Afterall Jill is waiting for him to get back.

Allright I guess I don't have to go that bad.

occ. After reading imps post I realized my mistake. So I'm going to edit.

Re: NOR - Joel, Louie & Leroy's thread

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:07 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel smiles uneasily, "Um... why don't you tell me where it is and I'll make my own way. I have to...." he nudged his head toward the bathroom that was occupied at the moment as he clasped his hands together overtop of his privates. "Shouldn't be long I wouldn't think."

Joel noticed that the clothes he had on were a size or two too small. He looked like he was ready to wade in flood waters. He'd have to do something about that... when he got the chance.

ooc: Half my size loss? That'd only be 1 point instead of two. Hardly worth worrying about. I have faith in my Keeper's insane and alien logic.