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Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:56 am
by Laraqua
The helicopter engine hums. Above, black storm clouds roil with flickers of lightning lighting up the sky. There is a dim light, patches of sky that allow some light through. The helicopter idles on the hospital rooftop, the searchlights lighting up the gloomy rooftop and the ash particles that float about, obscuring vision at a distance of about fifty yards. The co-pilot watches the surroundings tensely. Things had gotten real quietly after the nurse and the suited man had come and taken away the other cop to come and get them a payload of children.

When the pilots had first brought the helicopter to the hospital, their spotlights had illuminated a boy in one of the windows, shortly before the wall collapsed - though the child had not fallen. It's been about three or four minutes since the other officer left but it feels longer.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:12 am
by Andrew
Cael looks to his co-pilot and says, "Hey Stephen, why don't you see if you can get Officer Jacobs on the radio again. I'm sure it was just interference that blocked the signal before. It's been an awfully long time to be out of radio contact, we have to know what's going on. He better not make me get out there with Rachel (his rifle's name) and blast holes into anything." Cael tried to smile but it came out more as a grimace, it was this damn ash that was making things so much worse than it needed to be.

As Stephen tried to radio Officer Jacobs, Cael leaned on the dash looking out into the sky, hoping for a brief let up with all this ash. However his thoughts drifted to what the nurse had said, Things? What in the hell could she have possible meant by that? Either he was hearing things or he should really pay better attention to what was being said. With the radio going off in one ear, the engines roaring and people shouting it was any wonder he could hear anything at all.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:43 am
by Laraqua
Stephen attempts to make the call but all he gets is an odd crackling sound. It isn't surprising. The radio has been acting up for awhile. One of the few places they'd managed to contact with any reliability was the local police station. Everything else ... quiet. The military base they flew around - taking great care not to fly over it, the fuel pumps they got more juice from, everywhere else.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:37 am
by Andrew
Cael sighed and shook his head, he didn't want to take off but he didn't like sitting here either. He took off his helmet and ran a hand through his short auburn hair trying to decide whether or not to get out and scout ahead for the others. "Stephen, hold the fort down, I'm going to go for a look." At that he moved to a panel and unlocked it and drew out his rifle.

"Now if I'm not back in ten minutes... come and rescue me! I'm not kidding! You come and save my ass!" Cael stated, a look of seriousness on his face. At that he jumped out of the chopper and moved towards the stairwell and turned on the flashlight mounted on the weapon.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:36 am
by Laraqua
"Wait, what are you nuts?" Stephen shouts. "One by one they all go down into that place? Look, if he's not back in a few minutes we go and get a LOT of cops to come help us. I ain't sitting in this shit heap alone."

If Cael continues on, Stephen merely cusses at him.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:06 pm
by Andrew
Cael stops and considers Stephen's logic for a moment. As copilot he could easily fly back on his own if he needed to and the people down inside the building might need the extra hand, plus firepower. "Stephen, radio for back up now, don't wait. If you can't get through then take off. Just make sure you come back! We'll need an evac for sure, I don't expect to walk out whatever's left of the frontdoors. One of the reasons I'm going is I have better training than Officer Jacobs, if something is down there they stand a better chance with me there, I have to help them."

At that Cael heads off into the hospital.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:09 pm
by Laraqua
Andrew comes face to face with a blood-spattered eight-year-old girl who holds the roof top door open.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:34 pm
by Andrew
Cael stops dead in his tracks and stares at the girl for a moment. Then he shakes his head, grabs the girls wrist and runs back to the chopper and puts her in. Once she's secure he heads back.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:13 pm
by trixie
Dahlia furrows her brow at Cael. "Well helloooooo to you too!" she says, wrenching her wrist away. " But nobody drags me anywhere without my permission." She stops dead in her tracks on the roof before he's tried to move her, and peers out into the darkness of the roof.

"Who the heck are you?" She asks him.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:35 pm
by Andrew
When the girl wrests her wrist back Cael doesn't try to grab her again. Instead he says, "I'm Cael O'Reily, I'm one of the pilots of that helicopter, I'm a policeman. Let me get you on that bird and my copilot can take you to the police station while I'm down there looking for the others... You did see another police man with a lady dressed like a nurse and another man didn't you?"


Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:03 am
by trixie
"Huh???" It takes Dahlia a moment to register what Cael is talking about. After all she's seen today, she's feeling a bit hazy.

"Um....I don't think I know what you're talking about. I've been on the 1st could really use your help down there cuz all the kids that are down there.....they um....." Dahlia trails off blankly. How could she possibly describe what happened to her, without sounding slightly loony?

"They're.....all wet? And um.....they....well you probably wouldn't believe me....." Dahlia stands there fidgeting, looking nervously at the helicopter, and then back to Cael. "C'mon." she grabs his hand to lead him into the staircase.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:46 am
by Andrew
Cael was about to object, if he could at least get this little girl to safety he'd at least saved one child but it was the way she spoke that made him hesitate and realized he needed to follow her. "Take hold of my elbow and stand behind me, just direct me where to go." Cael instructed waiting to make sure she was protected, "By the way what's your name kid?" Cael asks.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:27 am
by trixie
"Dahlia, my name's Dahlia." she answers him. "So you're a police officer? good guy?" She asks him this warily, looking him up and down, then as quick as she says it, dismisses her own question and takes his elbow. She goes ahead of him, however, ignoring his order to walk behind."There's been weird stuff going on, Cael. Like, reaaaaaaallly weird!" she says, and starts down the stairs. "First there was this metal thingy that ripped kids apart..." Dahlia shudders as she scampers down the stairs, "it had huge big metal arms and there's lots of blood and guts in the children's ward right now." She stops midstep on the stairs and turns around. "It's not pretty, by the way. Have you got a weak stomach?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:44 am
by Andrew
"Well Dahlia I'm glad you found me and yes, I am a good guy. If I wasn't my mum would whomp the wholly hell outta me. She's Irish and has the stereotypical temper of Irish women. So don't worry kid, as long as I'm around I'll look after ya. To answer if I have a weak stomach, no on that, me mum's Irish." Cael smiled broadly and concluded, "and she's a stereotypical Irish cook."

Cael frowned a bit as Dahlia led the way but he figured he could push her behind him fast enough if he need to. "So how did you get to be here? Were you sick or visiting someone who was?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:31 am
by trixie
"Mmm....I had my gall bladder out two days ago, " Dahlia replies, "And by the way...I love your accent!" She smiles, amidst her blood spattered face, and flashes a coy look, then continues down the stairs. " Well anyways, I'm glad to hear you're not going to woof your cookies, cuz it's pretty gross down here. After that wiry thing ripped apart some of the kids, we were trying to pull out the other kids and get them out to safety. But then.....well it's just that......they got kinda wet. Like for no reason. And I don't think it's safe down there,"

Dahlia trails off thoughtfully. "Say, how many bullets you got in that gun?" she changes the subject very matter of factly, pausing again on the stairs down. "Like, is it one of them fancy things that you don't have to put more bullets into all the time? Not that I KNOW for sure that you'd hafta use it...but um......well you might want to be ready anyways." Dahlia stands with her hand on her hip, very know-it-all like. Inside, she shakes with adrenaline. It's just like those movies I watched at Samantha's sleepover....'cept now I'm in it!

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:08 pm
by Andrew
Cael squats down so he's eye to eye with Dahlia the look on his face is very concerned. He wasn't sure what wiry thing she was talking about or what she meant by, "they got kinda wet." What he did know was that this kid was covered in blood, someone else's for that matter and he still hadn't heard back from his officer and that nurse that showed up. "Hey listen Flower..." Cael's mother used to call his sister that, that was before her young and untimely demise. "What's the chance I could get ya to wait in the bird? Sounds like you've been through Hell already. All I need to know is what floor the kids are on."

He knew that she wouldn't take the offer but he had to try. No kid this young should ever have this much courage and strength. He smiled to himself and thought, 'When this one grows up, she's going to be one tough S.O.B.' Then a little voice in the back of his head piped in, 'Assuming she does grow up.'

Cael aimed his weapon down the stairs and squeezed the trigger slightly to activate the flashlight, looking ahead of them the way seemed clear. "Unfortunately this is just a standard HK UFC, great weapon against the normal baddies out there but I'm not so sure how it'll fair up against wiry things. My pistol is a HK MK23 but again, not sure how well it'll fair. Anyway, let's get going, we have quite a mission before us, terminate all hostiles and rescue the good guys, sounds like a good time." Cael finished with a smile, at that he stood up and started to head down the stairs.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:26 pm
by trixie
Andrew wrote:Cael squats down so he's eye to eye with Dahlia the look on his face is very concerned. He wasn't sure what wiry thing she was talking about or what she meant by, "they got kinda wet." What he did know was that this kid was covered in blood, someone else's for that matter and he still hadn't heard back from his officer and that nurse that showed up. "Hey listen Flower..." Cael's mother used to call his sister that, that was before her young and untimely demise. "What's the chance I could get ya to wait in the bird? Sounds like you've been through Hell already. All I need to know is what floor the kids are on."
Dahlia shakes her head. "Nope. I don't think I even WANT to go in the helicopter. I mean, maybe.....but um....d'you know Joel? HE said that it'll crash to the ground cuz of all the ash in the sky. Are you sure it's gonna be safe??"
andrew wrote: He knew that she wouldn't take the offer but he had to try. No kid this young should ever have this much courage and strength. He smiled to himself and thought, 'When this one grows up, she's going to be one tough S.O.B.' Then a little voice in the back of his head piped in, 'Assuming she does grow up.'

Cael aimed his weapon down the stairs and squeezed the trigger slightly to activate the flashlight, looking ahead of them the way seemed clear. "Unfortunately this is just a standard HK UFC, great weapon against the normal baddies out there but I'm not so sure how it'll fair up against wiry things. My pistol is a HK MK23 but again, not sure how well it'll fair. Anyway, let's get going, we have quite a mission before us, terminate all hostiles and rescue the good guys, sounds like a good time." Cael finished with a smile, at that he stood up and started to head down the stairs.
Dahlia pipes up, "Um.....I forgot to say that the wiry thing is gone. Now it's um.....that's another thing about the helicopter that I'm scared about. Anyways the only weird thing in the children's ward right now is that the kids are dressed like olden times and they're all wet. OH....but then there was this crazy nurse too...."Dahlia laughs nervously....."" Dahlia trails off, then wrinkles up her nose. "Is this making any sense to you? Maybe you should just come see yourself." This time she goes behind Cael, following him down the staircase.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:57 pm
by Andrew
"No, I don't know Joel but I do know he's wrong. I mean I flew here in the helicopter and I didn't crash, right? Sure it makes it harder to see but it isn't any worse than a hard rain or thick fog and with my instrument panel telling almost everything I need to know, I honestly barely even have to look out the window." Cael said with a reassuring smile. "Besides, one of the best damn copilots in the world in sitting in there. You know he was in the Army as a pilot, used to fly into war zones with people shooting at him. You'd be safer with him than you would be with me. You've gone through a lot today, I just want to make sure you'll be alright."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:07 pm
by trixie
Dahlia wrinkles her nose again, trying hard to remember Joel's words, "Well he said that the ash could get inside the helicopter. And that then it would crash. But I don't remember why. Like inside the engine I think? But the big wiry monster went out the window, and it's probably still out there. It could grab hold of the helicopter really easy, y'know. Like one smack from it's arm and Jill's legs were in was really gross what it did to the kids too. But I hope it's not still out there, cuz if I could get away from the hospital....well I just might. 'Cept my mum won't know where to find me then....." Dahlia gets quiet then and walks down the stairs in silence.

"Do you think there's people still alive outside there? Like if you were in your house....d'you think you could survive?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:31 pm
by Andrew
Cael winced as Dahlia mentioned the girl getting her legs ripped off. It was bad enough for adults to die in such a fashion but for children it was inexcusable. "The chopper will be fine, I promise. When we get back it'll still be there, she's a tough old bird." Cael looked around as they descended the stairs and wished he was in a different place. He wasn't a coward by any means and he was a pretty good 'above and beyond' kind of guy. However he wasn't so sure he was ready to see a bunch of dead children and he could feel the dread settling into his bones. 'No matter what, Flower has to survive.' He thought to himself.

"I don't know if I could survive if I was at home. It would depend on a few things, who was around me, what items were available, who was I being attacked by and so forth. However I'm sure there's a lot of people still alive." Cael said trying to sound reassuring.

OOC: I need a quick debriefing on what's happened. I'm not sure if Cael knows about anything other than the strange Ash or if reports of monsters have been widely reported. So far I'm playing him as if he knows nothing and this hospital thing is some sort of freak disaster. In his mind he thinks the girl is telling the truth from her point of view but the wiry thing was a snapped cable that lashed out or something of the like.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:46 pm
by trixie
[O.C. Let's wait for Laraqua to post. At some point we may hear someone banging on the door from the inside. We've gone down quite a few flights by now...let's just wait for her.]

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:02 pm
by Andrew
OOC: LOL, I was thinking the same thing actually!

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:13 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Roll for Listen. Success means you DO indeed hear a banging on the inside of the door. The door won't open properly, though, so even if you do hear and decide to act, it'll require a roll on the resistance table - your Strength as the active stat, the door's resistance as the passive stat (the rusty door has a Resistance of 11 - thus pushing against it is like pushing against a Strength 11 person). So yeah, Andrew, you'll need to create a new sheet.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:43 am
by trixie
[O.C. Listen 40%...rolled 38]

Dahlia pauses for a second, then puts her hand out to Cael's arm. She grabs hold of his arm, "SHHH!!!!" They stand in the dark for a moment, and Dahlia listens carefully. "Did you hear something?" she asks? "I could swear I heard someone banging..."

The dim light of Cael's flashlight is enough for her to see the door in front of them. "We must be already here....I betcha....maybe it's Jason!" She tries the knob of the door. "It won't budge!"

She bangs herself against the door, but can't get enough strength behind it. "Maybe you wanna try?" she asks Cael.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:02 am
by Andrew
OCC: I'm at a stand still right now. I don't know anything about CoC, I don't have any books and I have no idea how to make a character. Plus even if I had a character infront of me, I have no idea what I'm supposed to roll or how. Sorry if this gets delayed, I've basically said the same thing to Laraqua as well.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:47 pm
by Andrew
OOC: I have a listen skill I can roll but I don't see a dice roller on the site. How do you go about rolling? Do we just roll regular dice and use the honor system? If so my Listen is 45% and I rolled a 29.

Then how do you go about rolling a strength check for the door?

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:13 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Ok, Rolled on Invisible Castle. Listen check (1d100=3) Str check (1d100=73) Not sure if this is done right. I have a Str of 14 so on a D100 I have to roll under an 11? If so I failed miserably.

"I hear something as well." Cael simply said and then added, "Hold on Flower, let me get that." At that he took two steps back and shouldered the door.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:17 am
by Laraqua
The door shudders beneath the blow but remains in place. Andrew and Dahlia can no longer hear anyone shouting on the other side.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:45 pm
by Andrew
"Damn door is really stuck, wish I had a portable ram." Cael said as he rubbed his shoulder. "Well we could try again but all seems quiet now which I'm guessing is a bad thing. Why don't we go down another flight and check the door there?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:34 pm
by trixie
"Ok" Dahlia replies, and turns to continue down the staircase. "I don't think we would've wanted to be there anyways, cuz of those weird kids there. Did you wanna pull some of the kids up to the roof? Is that why you came down?"

As they descend the stairs the temperature seems to get colder. Dahlia pulls her warm coat around her and shivers. "It gets colder the lower you go." she says simply, and looks at Cael's clothes. "We had to look for lots of warm sweaters and stuff inside. Are you warm enough too?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:52 pm
by Andrew
Looking up the stairs at Dahlia for a brief moment, Cael nods his head, "Yes, well originally I just came to find out what was taking the police officer so long. Before I met you a woman and a man came up to us and told us that they had kids they needed to get aboard the chopper. That was about 5 minutes before I met you. With the radio all schitzy I had to come down and see what was going on. I was hoping for a simple evac but I guess not."

Cael was about to continue when he felt the cold as well suddenly, his adrenaline had been pumping and he hadn't noticed it until it was mentioned. "I really can't wear much more than I am, to much bulky clothing will make my skills harder to use. Besides, the cold will help me to stay focused at the task at hand. Just make sure you stay as warm as you can." He paused and turned to her and said, "Wait. What weird kids?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:23 pm
by trixie
Dahlia stops in disbelief, "You know, they're all wet....and they're dressed like olden times?" She looks at him blankly, wondering if he'd heard everything she'd said before. "They're weird, you know, like we have to figure out who's who now between them because some of them are all wet and they walk really close to you. I left when they started that. I don't know if they were the ones that got caught by that wiry thing or if all the kids are like that now. I know I'm not! So I hope that we can still save some of them."

Dahlia chokes a bit at the thought of her friends in the children's ward being in danger. She hadn't spent long there, after having her surgery, but the boredom of laying in bed resting was aided by the friends she made laying in the beds next to her. "Listen to me, Cael. Some of the adults here think that taking kids away from the rest and making them into sacrifices will make all the ash and the monsters go away. I've been telling the others we have to keep the kids together. But now I'm not so sure that's the best thing, you know? I had a book that told us all about the hospital and what was going on inside it. The doctor's wrote it before it all happened. The book got destroyed when the kids went all wet and weird. Like the book was right there in front of me and next thing I knew it was soaked. So I need some help because a nurse ran off with Charlie, he's only 5 years old and now he's all by himself, and that's a really bad thing in this place. The kids have to stay together to be protected, but we have to be careful cuz some of them are like.....weird. We have to figure out which ones are good and which ones are weird. Do you get it?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:30 pm
by Andrew
Cael's mind reeled at the possibilities of what there weird wet kids could be, Dahlia was right though, they needed to sort this mess out and fast, before things got any more south of cheese than they already were. "Alright Flower, what floor were the kids on that you were with? We'll start there."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:58 am
by Laraqua
Cael's walkie-talkie buzzes. "Hey, Cael? Anyone? You still up there? We could use a little help down here," says Constable Radcliffe.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:26 pm
by Andrew
OOC: (1d100=35) For the portable ram check against the door.

Cael smiled as his radio squawked at him, "I hear ya Radcliffe, the roof door is jammed up here but I have a CO19 kit up here in the bird. I'll bust this door down and get moving, what's your position?" Cael shoulder his weapon and ran into the chopper and told Stephen what was going on and asked him to radio headquarters as to the situation here.

Grabbing the ram he ran to the door and slammed the ram into it. Once the door opened he wedged the ram in place to hold it open.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:04 am
by Laraqua
The door pops open, revealing the darkness of the stairwell.

"The third floor," says Radcliffe into the walkie-talkie. "Can we meet you on the stairs? And I hope that banging sound was you..."

Another voice murmurs in the background of the walkie-talkie.

Radcliffe, again: "Yeah, yeah, let's move it..."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:12 am
by Andrew
"Yeah that was me unsticking the door and yes, the stairs would be just fine. I am also bring down an 8 yr old girl named Dahlia, codename.." He looks at Dahlia and smiles, "Flower. See you in a few constable"

Cael slings the strap around his neck and shoulder and holds the weapon in an offensive position, "Alright Flower, you ready then?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:15 am
by Laraqua
Footsteps sound on the landing below.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:34 am
by Andrew
Cael trains his weapon below him and gentley pushes Dahlia against the wall, in a loud whisper he calls out, "Radcliffe?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:37 am
by Laraqua
"Yeah, we're coming up," says Constable Radcliffe. "We're..." A sudden cry, cut off with a grotesque gurgle.

"Run!" shouts a woman's voice and a set of footsteps comes charging up the flights of steps below.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:50 am
by Andrew
Cael's eyes shot up in alarm, "Flower! Stay put!" He shouted as he ran down the stairs, his weapon leading the way.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:55 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah runs for all she's worth, adrenalin coursing through her body. She runs faster than she has ever run before, just on the edge of panic. As she bounds up the stairs, Cael comes into view ahead. "Get back upstairs!" she calls, her chest heaving. "It got Radcliffe...too late for him...we need to get out of here!"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:00 am
by Andrew
"Run past me, I'll cover you and grab the kid." Cael shouts, trying to remain calm although he could feel his own adrenaline pumping. He moves as close to the side of the railing as possible and fires a three round burst toward the next floor. (Assuming Sarah is out of the way.)

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:05 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah sprints past Cael and up the stairs with lightning speed before he even raises his rifle. "Careful!" she warns him. "Aidan's coming behind me! Don't shoot him!" She sees Dahlia up ahead. "Quick! Back to the chopper!" She ignores the ache in her muscles and runs for her life.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:20 am
by Andrew
Cael radios his copilot, "Starter up! We need to get out of here... fast! Stephen, do you copy?" At that Cael starts moving backwards up the steps, ready to bolt at a moments notice.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:27 am
by trixie
Dahlia stands amongst them, flabbergasted, and stammers out, "Huh?? What...what's going"
She looks entirely disoriented and slowly follows the group. She checks over her shoulder for whatever might be headed up the stairs. Then she hurries to catch up, and heads towards the chopper.

Tears stream down her cheeks as she meets up with the group, and she stands next to Cael, shaking.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:28 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah keeps running up the stairs, her legs and lungs burning with the effort. "Thank God you're okay, Dahlia!" she says between short, sharp breaths. "We've got to go!" She's operating on pure instinct. There will be time to think and cry later - if she makes it out alive.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:34 am
by Laraqua
Stephen starts the rotors going and gives a crisp: "Whatever," into his walkie-talkie which, for Stephen, was a clear affirmative.

OOC: Now let's wait for TheKingInYellow. If he followed Nurse Sarah, he'd be about ready to come around that corner...

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:08 pm
by Andrew
"Don't whatever me! This shit is about to get real heavy! I want that chopper a few inches off the ground, ready for people to jump in and take off!" Cael shouted, anger and anxiety rising.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:16 am
by TheKingInYellow
OOC: My apologies about my infrequent posting. I think I should have the time to post more frequently from now.

Aidan follows behind Sarah, lagging by fault of his own weak constitution. His head held down and a thick sweat trailing down his forehead and neck, he falls to his knees to hack out a throaty cough, dropping the golden spike to his side.

With some effort he gets to his feet and grabs his weapon, only having a moment to lament having left his briefcase behind. He staggers to the others. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... ... Let's go."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:24 am
by Laraqua
"Yeah, yeah," says Stephen with a chuckle over the radio. "Whatever."

Cael stands on the Fifth Floor landing. Footsteps come from behind him. All who are on the landing are brutally exposed as the staircase sits in the middle of each floor. A noise comes from behind the stairwell, footsteps, someone approaching.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:25 am
by trixie
Dahlia looks at Aidan worriedly and takes a small step back from him.

"Are....are you're ok??" She stammers, and looks wide eyed at him for a moment. "How come you keep carrying that?" she asks, pointing at the golden spike.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:25 am
by TheKingInYellow
Aidan nods, panting heavily. "I'll be fine."

He holds up the spike, looking at it almost nervously. "I... One of them is afraid of it... I don't know why, but she was terrified... I'm hoping that the rest also fear it."

Hearing the footsteps, he tightens the hold on his little charm.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:50 pm
by Andrew
"Look guys, we can chit chat later once we're safe in the chopper but we have to get to the roof first. Get running and I will do my best to cover you!" Cael moves past everyone so that Dahlia, Sarah and Aidan are all behind him and he's looking down into the stairs, his flashlight showing him probably little.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:55 pm
by trixie
[O.C. Ok now I really am confused...Laraqua posted we're already on the roof. There is a staircase leading down, but we're not in it....we were running away from it. So we're currently standing on the roof, close to the chopper....unless I'm mistaken again??? ]

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:26 pm
by Andrew
OOC: I thought we ended up going down the staircase and right now were standing in the stairwell.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:17 pm
by TheKingInYellow
OOC: I thought we were in the stairwell on the fifth floor, going up to the roof.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:32 pm
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: I think the rest of us are on the stairwell leading from the fifth floor to the roof. Cael was deliberately bringing up the rear, so he was still on the fifth floor. In Andrew's last post, it looks like he moved down those stairs past the rest of us so that he is covering our retreat, guarding the stairs.]


Sarah's mind finally catches up with her legs, and at last she realizes that she could have been running not just away from danger but straight into it too. She redoubles her efforts to run up the final stairway leading to the roof and out to the chopper, panting heavily and bathed in sweat. She leads the way up, remaining alert to her surroundings and gripping her weapons intently.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:44 am
by Laraqua
[Okay, now, I assumed that once Dahlia and Cael got the door open, they moved into the stairwell to meet up with the constable. They didn't get very far at all. Now, unlike most stairwells that are enclosed, this stairwell is enclosed only by railings. It is in the center of each floor, after all. Other than about six or seven steps that pass from the fifth floor ceiling to the rooftop door landing, the rest of the steps are most certainly in each floor. Thus, those on the stairs can get a good view of the surrounding floor and the surrounding floor can get a good look at you.]

Sarah reaches the rooftop and can see the bright lights of the helicopter as the rotors increase their pace.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:50 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah stops to catch her breath, waving to the pilot and then turning to look back down the stairs. "Keep going, Dahlia and Aidan! You're almost here! I'll cover you from up top!"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:09 am
by Andrew
OOC: Thank you Laraqua, that's what I pretty much thought.

Cael in full combat mode just starts yelling "Move!" over and over as he walks backwards up the stairs. As soon as the last person is behind him he turns and runs as well. He didn't plan on dying today, at least not yet.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:23 am
by Mr. Handy

Once Cael starts up the stairs and Sarah is certain that the others will make it safely to the top, she turns and runs for the helicopter. As she does, she puts her gun back in her pocket and her knife in her handbag. She stops when she gets to the helicopter so she can help Dahlia aboard before she climbs inside herself.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:10 am
by TheKingInYellow
Aidan follows behind, gasping hard for air. Grasping his side, he pushes through the roof door and and staggers towards the helicopter, flopping himself through the door.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:19 am
by Laraqua
"Yo," says Stephen appreciatively as he sees Sarah, his face hidden largely behind his helmet. He tsks as Aidan falls into the helicopter.

As Cael moves back up he sees a teenaged girl start coming around the stairwell, clutching at her throat with one hand - stemming the flow of foaming blood - while reaching for him with the other.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:55 am
by trixie
Dahlia scrambles into the helicopter, and wipes tears from her cheeks. She hadn't really wanted to be the first to try the helicopter after what Joel said, but it sure beat being out there with all the strange crazy people tonight.

"What was down there, Sarah? Like how come you were all running? Was there something chasing you?" She sits in the back of the helicopter, clutching her jacket around her and smearing her tears down her blood streaked cheeks. Some tiny part of her was still brave in this moment, and yet the most of her just wanted to break down and cry.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:43 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, something was chasing us," says Sarah, sitting down beside Dahlia. "I didn't even see what it was, just a shadow. There was no warning. Poor Constable just sliced him open and dragged him down through the gap in the stairs...he never had a chance...I was standing right next to could have been me..." She longs to break down and cry too, but she knows she can't. I have to stay strong, she thinks, for Dahlia's sake. How's she supposed to keep it together if she sees me lose it? She struggles to hold her tears back, but a few escape. She hugs Dahlia to comfort her. "I'm okay, though, Dahlia. We're all going to be okay now. We're going to get out of this awful place. Where did all the others go? When we got back to the Children's Ward, everyone was gone! Do you know what happened to the other children, and Nurse Hammond and Jill?" She notices the blood on Dahlia's face. "Are you all right, sweetie? Were you hurt?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:27 am
by Andrew
Laraqua wrote:As Cael moves back up he sees a teenaged girl start coming around the stairwell, clutching at her throat with one hand - stemming the flow of foaming blood - while reaching for him with the other.
Cael looks at the teenager and for a split second goes to grab her but realizes quickly that she'd just die in his arms. Instead of letting her die slowly, Cael puts a round in her head and runs for the chopper. As soon as he slides in he yells for Stephen to take off and moves toward his own seat. Once situated he takes the controls. "Is everyone accounted for and buckled into their seats?" He asks.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah buckles Dahlia in and then straps herself in. "All of us are here," she says. "Dahlia and I are strapped in. Aidan, are you all right? You buckled up? Say, chaps, is it okay if I call my dad back on my mobile phone? I'd like to let him know I got out of the hospital so he knows I'm safe and he doesn't try to get there to rescue me, and to fill him on what's happened. I know on airplanes they don't want you to use them, and they say it could interfere with the electronics or something. If it's a problem I'll just wait until we get to our destination."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:02 am
by Andrew
Cael smiled and said, "Didn't you see that episode of Mythbusters? A cellphone won't cause any of the instruments to fail, I think airlines just don't want you to use your own phone because then you wouldn't have to pay to use theirs. Please, by all means, call your pop and let him know your safe. The only problem you'll run into is the sound of the rotors possibly drowning out his voice."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks!" says Sarah, smiling herself. She takes her cell phone out of her handbag, turns it on, and calls her father's cell phone.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:48 am
by Laraqua
Stephen lifts the helicopter off the roof.

Sarah's phone call gets through.

Stephen chuckles. "Got a message while you were out, Cael. Seems like there's a military outpost within fuel range that are willing to take in refugees."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:26 am
by trixie
mr.handy wrote: She hugs Dahlia to comfort her. "I'm okay, though, Dahlia. We're all going to be okay now. We're going to get out of this awful place. Where did all the others go? When we got back to the Children's Ward, everyone was gone! Do you know what happened to the other children, and Nurse Hammond and Jill?" She notices the blood on Dahlia's face. "Are you all right, sweetie? Were you hurt?"
Tears stream down Dahlia's cheeks unchecked now as the helicopter lifts off, and she cries silently. After a few sobs and hiccups she answers Sarah, "I'm fine. I wasn't hurt....but that wiry thing splattered blood all over me and then I went back in to help and I got more on me....and I just.....I just......I wanna go hooooooome!" She dissolves into audible sobs then, looking out the windows of the helicopter and watching the hospital grow smaller and smaller. A wave of relief flooded over here, and also a desperate uncertainty of her family's survival.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's okay, Dahlia," says Sarah while she waits for her father to pick up. "Just let it all out." She allows her own tears to flow freely. She reaches into her bundle of medical supplies, takes out a couple of moistened wipes, and cleans the blood off of Dahlia's face.

"Hello?" comes Lionel's voice on the other end of the phone. "Sarah, is that you? Are you all right?"

"I'm better than all right, Daddy!" gushes Sarah. "A helicopter came and landed on the roof and evacuated some of us! There's also a brave little girl named Dahlia and a child welfare worker named Aidan. The pilot just said we're going to a nearby military outpost. Maybe once they drop us off they can come back for you and the others at the cinemaplex."

Lionel sighs with relief. "That's wonderful news, angel! I'm so glad you got out of there. We're about to head for the superstore now. I'll ask the man who works there if there's a way to access the roof and if a helicopter could land on it. There are 49 of us here, not counting Mark. He appears to have buggered off. Technically fifty, as there's a pregnant woman who's near to term. I'll have to stay with her in case she goes into labor."

"Mark..." says Sarah, twinging from the memory. "That was the ambulance driver's name..."

"This is a different fellow, but that reminds me. I think I know what those mushroom things were, but I don't think you'll like it."

"Probably not, but you'd best tell me anyway. We'll need to know."

"I believe they're some form of eggs that contain the parasites' offspring. That must be how the creatures reproduce."

Sarah goes pale and quivers in her seat. "Oh, God. No wonder it felt know." If those things had gotten inside me... she thinks, trying to shake the mental image of hideous creatures growing inside her belly and bursting their way out. "It's a good thing I was wearing protection."

"Quite. We're getting ready to leave in a few minutes. Anything else new at your end?"

"Gosh, where do I start? Well, after I got off the phone with you earlier, I went with Leroy and Joel to the kitchen. I got a bigger knife there, but we didn't have a chance to gather any food or water. Karlene came after us with a knife. It must have been one of those parasite-infested people who got her and dragged her out of the ambulance earlier, only she didn't have a mask on. We retreated into the kitchen and locked the door, then left by another door and managed to get upstairs." She continues recounting her terrifying ordeal.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:32 am
by Andrew
Cael nods in acknowledgement of Stephen's statement and asks him for the coordinates to the outpost. Once the coordinates are received he sets course. It's not difficult for Stephen or anyone to realize that Cael is being quiet and has a blank stare to him. Shooting that girl shook him up a bit.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:32 pm
by trixie
Dahlia can't help but overhear Sarah's conversation, and the thought of whatever eggs she was talking about getting stuck inside of someone.....

She can't contain it any longer. Quickly she pulls the small travel sickness from the back of the seat in front of her, opens it, and starts to wretch.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:37 pm
by TheKingInYellow
Aidan looks out the baydoor windows, taking in the destruction, seeing his home in ruin. How in God's name could this have happened? It doesn't make sense. He can't help but wonder how many of his friends and family are alive. He can only hope as many of them survived as possible, though death and life seem to be about as good as the other right now.

Dahlia's wretching breaks his concentration and returns him to wretched real world. "Hey," he starts, "You all right?"

Before the question even finishes leaving his lips he realizes that it's a foolish question to ask, but it's out there.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:54 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Only Lionel mentioned the eggs, not Sarah. I wouldn't think Dahlia could hear his half of the conversation, and he didn't even mention that they could get inside someone (that was in Sarah's thoughts, not her speech), but I'll go with it.]


Sarah squeezes Dahlia's hand. "Hang in there, kiddo," she says. Then she speaks into the phone again. "Anyway, Joel's mum had survived in the gift shop, and the two of them texted back and forth on my phone. Also, the people who got the contaminated water in their mouths all turned into some weird kind of zombies. They go around collecting materials and building things, and they can't be reasoned with. There was a nurse on the ground floor like that, and Carson was one of them too. When we got back up to the dispencery, he was still constructing some kind of barrier.

"Then we heard a gunshot coming from the second floor, so we went up there. That's when we met Aidan, a volunteer named Jill, and a bunch of the kids in the Children's Ward. Some doctor had sedated the children earlier, and a huge monster made of wires had snatched up several of them and broken out through the wall. The shot we had heard was Jill firing after it had left. She gave me the gun, which she had found somewhere, and told me about the helicopter on the roof. She had been cut by the wires, but I managed to treat her wounded legs.

"I went back down to the dispencery with Leroy and Joel and gathered the kids' meds. When we went to check on Carson, we met a man in a black hooded robe with a shotgun who called himself Tanar. He told us about the zombies and said not to let them bite you, or you'll become one. Then suddenly Carson said 'need more' and 'incomplete' and tried to attack me! Tanar blew him to bits point blank and saved me, but Carson was still moving and there was no blood whatsoever. Tanar sent the rest of us back upstairs, but Joel got angry because he's in denial about the monsters and stormed off downstairs, and Leroy went after him. That's the last I saw of them. I think he went to try to find his mum. I hope they're all right.

"When I got back with the meds, I met Nurse Hammond there. She told me who Tanar really is, but I promised not to tell anyone. I called the lift to get to the roof, but someone...or something, had ripped out all the buttons inside. Then I heard the chopper start to take off, so I raced upstairs. Aidan followed me, but I had to run ahead. I knew it was risky, but nobody else could have done it. I was the fastest runner, and Leroy had given me the access key to the roof. I made it up there just as they were about to leave."

"I'm so proud of you, Sarah," says Lionel.

"Thanks, Daddy. Constable Radcliffe from the chopper came with us back down to the Children's Ward, but the place was deserted. We went up to the third floor to look for the others, and I saw a woman I thought was Jill go through the Training Room and lock a door behind her. I called out to her, but when I heard her cackle I knew she wasn't Jill. I heard a little girl screaming on one of the lower floors, and we were going to head down to look for her. Radcliffe called Cael, the co-pilot, on the radio, and he started down from the roof. Then something I couldn't see slaughtered the constable and dragged him away downstairs. Aidan and I ran up to the roof fast as we could. Cael covered our retreat. Dahlia had made it to the roof and was with him. I heard footsteps behind us, so I know we were being pursued. All four of us got in the bird and we escaped from that awful place. I don't ever want to go back." Best of all, I got away from my stalker, she thinks. Whether it was really Lyle, or just some other sicko who knew all the details, I'm free of him.

Sarah takes a deep breath after all her talking and stifles a yawn. "I should probably let you go now. I love you so much, Daddy."

"I love you too, sweetheart. I'll call you back when we're safely in the superstore. Call me when you get to the outpost, or any time at all if you want to talk."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye!" Sarah disconnects her phone, then puts it away. She leans back in her seat and tries to relax. It has been an exhausting day to say the least. She had worked most of an 8 hour shift to start with, then had witnessed the end of the world as she knew it. Next an inhuman thing had molested her and bloody nearly impregnated her with those parasitic mushrooms, and her nightmare had just been beginning. She had been running around terrified, getting attacked by more monsters seemingly at every turn, and barely escaping death - or worse - a number of times. She could scarcely believe she had survived so far. It's like someone's watching out for me, she thinks, protecting me. Like a guardian angel or something. Maybe it's my mum! If Lyle can come back from the dead, why can't she?

Sarah's eyes slide shut as the throb of the rotors washes over her. I'd better rest now while I have the chance. Who knows when I'll have another? I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time caring for wounded soldiers.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:56 am
by Laraqua
The helicopter ride seems slow and sombre. The city streets pass beneath them in a grey and ashen blur. Eventually, they close in on their co-ordinates inside one of the less built up areas of the city. The ash is much thinner here and you can easily see the leafless branches of the many trees and bushes that dot the landscape. Beyond these trees is a high, stone wall, topped with barbed wire and beyond that is an ocean of lawn. A large grey building, about two-storeys high, and quite probably was someone's mansion before it was an outpost, is visible beyond. There's a helipad painted onto a flat section of the roof.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:33 am
by Andrew
Cael sets the chopper to hover and starts to flip through the radio channels looking for the outpost. Once he finds them he asks for permission to land.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:36 am
by Laraqua
He gets a rather terse reply allowing him to land. Several armed soldiers come out onto the helipad to await their arrival.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:51 am
by Andrew
Cael nods his head, thanks the person and heads down for a landing.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:54 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah rolls over on her side. Faint sunlight touches her eyelids and they open. She finds herself lying in her own bed, safe and sound, though drenched in a cold sweat. "It was just a nightmare!" she says to herself. "Oh, thank God!" She climbs out of bed and rushes to the window, basking in the light of the newly risen sun. "Boy, do I need a shower."

Sarah walks into her bathroom, her bare feet padding on the tile floor. She shuts the door and turns on the water in her shower, making sure it is nice and hot. She looks at herself in the bathroom mirror while she waits for the water to heat up. She can still see the fear on her face, and her hair is a mess, but she looks none the worse for the wear. She slips off her nightgown and her underwear, then hangs them from a hook on the bathroom door, then tests the water with her hand. Good, just the way I like it, she thinks.

Sarah steps into the shower and closes the glass door. The hot water cascades over her body, and steam begins to build up on the glass. She leans back, letting the water soothe her aching muscles and plaster her hair to her head and shoulders. Sighing, she shuts her eyes and loses herself in the moment.

"Sarah..." whispers a voice. Her eyes fly open, and she looks around with fright. That sounded like...Lyle, she thinks. She shakes her head. No, it couldn't be! I must be imagining things. That horrid dream...

"I missed you, Sarah..." says the voice again, a little louder. Sarah backs into the rear wall of the shower, her eyes bulging in terror. She crosses her arms over her chest and starts to hyperventilate. The glass door is covered with steam, and she can't see through it. For a few seconds she stands there, stock still. Then she finally works up the courage to open the door and peek outside.

The bathroom is empty. Sarah steps out of the shower, grabs a towel, and wraps it around herself, shivering despite the warmth. She glances at the steam-coated mirror, and is shocked to see that someone has written on it by wiping the steam away with a finger. The message says: "SARAH YOU BELONG TO ME FOREVER" in large letters.

Sarah yelps, stepping back. Then she shrieks in alarm when she glimpses the reflection of Lyle standing behind her in the mirror. She spins on her heel, ready to defend herself - but nobody is there.

"I've got to get out of here!" she says, pulling open the bathroom door. No sooner has it opened a few inches than an invisible force wrenches it from her hands and slams it shut. No matter how much she pulls on the knob, it will not budge. Terrified, she backs away until she steps into the shower again, steamy water falling all around her. Blood is pounding in her ears, and her heart is beating a mile a minute. Then the shower door slams shut, sealing her inside. She wrestles with it, but it's just as unmovable as the bathroom door had been.

Sarah turns around and grasps the faucets to shut off the water, but they won't move either. When she turns back to the door, Lyle is standing between it and her. She screams, again and again.

"Hello again, Sarah," says Lyle.

"No, it can't be!" cries Sarah. She flattens herself against the back wall of the shower. "You're dead!"

"That is not dead which can eternal lie." Lyle presses up against Sarah, pinning her to the wall. She struggles, but he's too strong for her. He moves his face right up to hers and opens his mouth. She screeches when she sees that it is full of horrid, fleshy mushrooms. He clamps his mouth around hers, and her muscles freeze up. He thrusts against her repeatedly, slamming her into the wall, and she can feel one of the mushrooms enter her mouth and slide down her throat...

Sarah awakens with a start at the sound of Cael's voice. She is once again seated in the helicopter. She takes several deep breaths, slowly recovering from her nightmare as the chopper sets down.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:50 pm
by Andrew
As the chopper touches down Cael relaxes and lets out a deep sigh, he unbuckles from his safety restraints and removes the helmet. He reaches into a pocket and draws out a cigarette and lights it, leaning back in his seat heavily he inhales and seems to melt a little more. "Ah shit, that was an experience."Turning around in his seat he looks at his passengers, Dahlia especially, "You ok Flower, thought I heard someone getting sick back there." Then looking to Sarah and Aidan he says, "What about you two? Any of the blood on you yours?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:58 pm
by trixie
Dahlia smiles weakly at Cael, then notices him light his cigarette.

"I'm ok I think. I just...." she pauses, looking at him take a drag of his cigarette, then continues, "You shouldn't really smoke, Cael. Dontcha know it's bad for you?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:31 pm
by Andrew
Cael looks at the cigarette, "You're right you know. I think it's about time I quit anyway." He said and then crushed it out. "Flower... do you know where your family is at? I'm sure they're worried about you something fierce."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:27 pm
by TheKingInYellow
Aidan gives himself a quick once over. All things considered, he is in fact alive and well. His legs ache and chest ache from fatigue, but save for a few incidental scratches he's okay.

"I'm, actually, good." He says, sounding quite surprised by it himself. "So then, where are we, exactly?" He asks, unbuckling.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:42 pm
by Andrew
"We are at a refugee outpost my copilot Stephen here found on the radio. Glad he did to because only place I knew to go was the police station and it's crammed." Cael stated. Looking out his window he sees the armed escort moving in on their position. "Soldiers are running up to us, everyone remain calm, I'm sure this has become standard procedure." Cael stated as he loosened his Glock in it's holster.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:59 pm
by TheKingInYellow
"I ... See..."

Aidan folds his hands into his lap and tries to be calm, but the situation makes him feel like he's gone from one peril to another.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:20 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm okay," says Sarah, gradually coming to her senses. She's had nightmares about Lyle before. They had greatly decreased in frequency after his death, but her recent experiences had brought it all back to the forefront of her mind. She is relieved that Cael has extinguished his cigarette, but then she sees his hand move to his holster and her worry returns.

Sarah recalls having seen 28 Days Later, when survivors had reached what they had thought was a safe haven run by the military in eerily similar circumstances. To their horror, they discovered that it was in fact a trap, and the soldiers abducted the women. A tingle of fear returns, as she knows all too well that sometimes the worst monsters are the human ones. They'd better not try anything with me! she thinks. Oh, who am I kidding? These guys have the numbers and the firepower. If they want to have their way with me, there isn't anything I - or any of us - can do to stop them. She rests her hands on her lap, appearing calm but fully alert and ready to reach for her weapons should the worst happen. I'm probably just being paranoid again. These are British soldiers, and the collapse of civilization isn't that far along. They wouldn't do anything like that...I hope...

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:07 am
by trixie
Andrew wrote:Cael looks at the cigarette, "You're right you know. I think it's about time I quit anyway." He said and then crushed it out. "Flower... do you know where your family is at? I'm sure they're worried about you something fierce."
"I don't know where my family is, but I think if they have a phone I could try phoning them. I wonder if they're ok too," she says, as she looks out the window.

Dahlia turns to look back at Cael, and beams as he puts out the cigarette. "You know what Cael? I think," she says, stressing the two syllables as though her opinion were of utmost importance at this point, "that you're gonna be MY hero!" She smiles widely at him again, practicing her eyelash batting that she'd practiced dozens of times before in the bathroom mirror, and grins at him happily.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"Mine too," says Sarah, grinning. She looks over to Dahlia. "You can borrow my mobile to try to call your family if you like. Do you know the number?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:33 am
by TheKingInYellow
"You may just very well be mine, too." Aidan remarks, though it's clear his attention is directed on the armed men.

Seeing the others calling their loved ones, he can't help but feel like he should call his father. But right now he doesn't know if he could handle any more bad news than's already on his plate.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:15 am
by Laraqua
A Captain comes leisurely strolling passed the other armed and ready soldiers. He grins at the contents of the helicopter before turning and giving the pilot an awkward salute that he somehow found quite funny. He didn't have the demeanor of a Captain. He had the demeanor of a private or a sergeant, knee deep in the war and having had it with rituals and regulations. In fact, the nine soldiers who had crowded the helipad didn't have perfectly clean and arranged uniforms.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah watches the captain and the soldiers nervously, waiting for the pilots to speak first. Is this lot for real? she wonders, her earlier fears bubbling to the surface. After what's happened, anyone could put on a uniform. Still, they do seem to carry themselves like soldiers, and I wouldn't expect their uniforms to be clean. I know I must look a sight.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:28 am
by trixie
Dahlia's watched enough movies to know that these soldiers were very strange.

"Umm.......does anyone know these guys already? Cause they don't look much like real soldiers."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:52 am
by Andrew
Cael tips his head to his three passengers and says, "Not at all a problem, I'm just thrilled that we got you guys out." He smiled and added, "I never been anyone's hero before." He then get's out of his seat and says, "Wait here, I'm going out to talk to this guy. Stephen be ready to take off if anything strange should happen."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:08 am
by Laraqua
The Captain leans back on his heels, hands clasped behind his back, as Cael gets out of the helicopter. "Don't worry, I'm a real soldier. I was only a Sergeant till an hour ago when the Captain and all other higher ups got taken by the things in the cages. We got the other higher-ups locked up in a few rooms in the base. It's been a long night." He peers up into the ashen sky and then gives Sarah a knowing look. "By the law of 28 Days Later and many others movies, any evil things I plan to do will be foiled by these pilots, so I should probably shoot all of the men dead."

"But then I really can't be bothered doing all those evil sorts of things." He frowns. "Policemen, eh? We could use a few inspectors around these parts." He then motions towards the mansion. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the most bizarre castle in hell."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:17 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah can't help but laugh awkwardly. "It's like you're reading my mind," she says. "I'm sorry, I...have trust issues. I'm Sarah Carpenter, a nurse from Mercy Cross Hospital, and I'm very very very lucky to still be alive. I daresay I could be useful as well. Things in cages, you say? I haven't run into any of those, but I've seen a lot of things you lot need to know about. There are also a lot of other survivors out there that need rescuing. How many more people can this place support, and do you have any fuel for the helicopter?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:28 am
by Laraqua

OOC: Best I could do for a piccie, sorry if it's wrong.

"The mansion's population got reduced considerably when the military's playthings got loose ... though don't worry, I really doubt they had anything to do with what's happened here." He smiles. "At least, this base didn't. To be honest, I think we could probably survive a couple months with what we have here if it's just us lot - though the meat and fruit will need to be eaten first. With additional food and medical supplies, we could probably last much longer with more people. There are sixty bedrooms here, in all." His grin broadens. "Good to see a regular nurse, too, that way we don't need to deal with medical workers here. Don't suppose that kid over there is a doctor?" He smiles at Brianna.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:37 am
by trixie
[O.C. Piccie works for me :D , and I think you mean Dahlia]

Dahlia giggles shyly and follows the group.

It's really weird that he knew what we were talking about in the chopper.....I'm not sure I really trust this guy......

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Dahlia's a little young for that," says Sarah, "but she's brilliant. Give her time, and who knows? I don't think it'll be a problem finding enough people to eat all that fruit and meat. There are about fifty survivors across the street from the hospital. And if you're looking for a doctor, there's one there: my father, Dr. Lionel Carpenter. There are other survivors in the hospital too, but it would be extremely dangerous to return there. We lost a constable to something horrible. I didn't even see anything but its shadow, and it got him before anyone could react." She pauses. "What exactly happened here? Why are the higher-ups locked away, and what's the problem with the medical workers?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:44 am
by Laraqua

"She looks tough enough," says the Captain, holding out his hands to help Dahlia off the helicopter. "I'm Captain Daniel Blackworth." He looked down at his medals sheepishly. "Well, Sergeant Daniel Blackworth. Whatever. I'm commanding officer here and these good lads are my troops. The others, well, to hell with them really... They can wait. Your friends by the Cinemaplex can't. I guess we should go fetch them. A proper doctor is a hard asset to lose, let alone a bunch of civilians who are doubtlessly bristling with all sorts of obscure knowledges we need. Like a cook. A decent cook can go a long way with morale." His grin broadens. "Can't half tell I'm a Sergeant, can't you?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:54 am
by trixie
Dahlia looks at Daniel for a moment in silence, then narrows her eyes. She puts a hand on her hip and looks at him curiously.

"Hey! How do you know so much stuff about what WE know? We didn't tell you much yet.....but you already know things....."
Dahlia backs away from Daniel slowly, then looks at Cael and Sarah timidly. She begins to shake her head, frightened.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:00 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah holds onto Dahlia tightly and makes sure she stays in the helicopter. Her eyes narrow. I never mentioned the Cinemaplex... she thinks. And he knew I was thinking about 28 Days Later, too. Then her gaze meets Daniel Blackworth's, and she knows that somehow he knows what she's thinking this instant, so there is no point in remaining silent. "Cael, get back in fast!" she shouts. "I never said anything about the Cinemaplex!"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:01 am
by Laraqua

"Yes... You did." The Sergeant just smirks a little, his eyes twinkling. "How many mobile phone calls do you really think have been made in the past few hours?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:04 am
by trixie
Dahlia looks at Daniel incredulously, then back to Sarah, like a frightened deer caught between two predators.

"That's called eavesdropping ya know,"
she says matter of factly to Daniel, "and it's pretty RUDE to do it!"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:06 am
by Laraqua

He raises his hands apologetically. "We needed to see if anyone was alive out there. We thought about phoning Sarah but ... judging by how many freak phone calls happen we weren't sure if the message would be successful. We've had much better luck with radios."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"I never mentioned 28 Days Later, either," says Sarah, "but I thought it. You didn't get that from my phone conversations. You have been reading my mind! I insist that you stop it this instant! There are private things in there, things I don't want someone I just met to know..." Tears form in her eyes. He knows all about Lyle! she thinks.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:21 am
by Laraqua

Blackworth arches an eyebrow. "Look, lady, I don't have time for this. You want help in rescuing your dad or what? 'Cause if all ya wanna do is go for another joy ride in your little bird then fine. I've got more to do with my day then send a few of my men to a place they might not come back from."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:29 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah begins to cry. "Please," she says, "you know exactly what I've been through. Go easy on me, 'kay? You know full well I want my dad safe and sound, but I'm going to need some assurance that I can trust you." She looks to Cael for guidance.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:45 am
by trixie
Dahlia shakes her head, looking up at Sarah, and she slips her little hand into Sarah's in an effort to be reassuring.

A lump begins to grow in her throat however, and it feels like it's rising and growing until she fears she'll explode. Before she knows it, tears stream down her cheeks. "How can we trust you, after all we've seen? How can you ask that of us?!" she says loudly, almost accusatively. "We've seen very weird things tonight....and then you show up and know more about us than....." She squeezes Sarah's hand tightly all of a sudden, shaking her head defiantly. "No, no I I don't like this at all."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:05 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah hugs Dahlia, keeping her brimming eyes on Daniel Blackworth. My most private thoughts, she thinks, laid bare and exposed. He knows all about me, but he's told us bugger all about himself and the situation here. We could be walking into anything. If only he'd at least be honest, admit he can read my mind, and tell me how he's doing it.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:11 pm
by TheKingInYellow
Aidan steps out of the helicopter, his hand still holding his spike like he expects he'll need it.

"Yes, eavesdropping... That actually makes good sense." His voice is cheery and excited, as though completely ignoring the tension going on between the the group and Blackworth. He extends a hand to the new man, making proper introductions. "Aidan O'Connell, Child Protective Services. So then, you know what's going on in the city?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:08 am
by Laraqua
The soldiers seem to now be paying more attention to the surrounding environment than to the helicopter, though a few continue to pay attention.


"Let's go inside. Standing out in the ash can't be healthy," says Blackworth. "And we've all had a long day. Not to mention but I'm pretty sure dinner's on. That's what made me think of 28 Days Later, actually, the fact that the closest thing we have to trustworthy cook ... can't really cook. We have soldiers who can but they're not so shaken up that they can't resume active service. At least we have good ingredients."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah takes a deep breath and climbs out of the helicopter. I hope I'm not making a mistake, she thinks. I'll take the risk that they do have nefarious designs on me after all for the chance to rescue my father. She looks Blackworth in the eye. But if anyone harms one hair on Dahlia's head - well, you bloody well know what I'm capable of! "Actually, I think the ash is probably the remains of the people who were disintegrated when the storm hit," she says, extending her arms to help Dahlia out of the helicopter. If he can read my mind he'd know that - unless he's just trying to pretend he can't. "I noticed that it's thinner out here, which makes sense because this area seems less populated than the area around the hospital. Probably harmless, but still disgusting. My mask keeps me from having to breathe it in, but you already know there's a much more important reason to wear one. I'll have to check to see if I have some more in the bundle of supplies I salvaged from the ambulance. I didn't have a chance to grab a proper medical kit - I was far too busy trying to keep anything from grabbing me! I'm not sure if my father and the other survivors are still in the Cinemaplex or if they've already gone to the superstore. If not, would it be best for them to stay there and try to get on the roof? I can call him to let him know; I should probably tell him we've arrived safely anyway."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:39 am
by Laraqua

"I'd assume rooftop landings would be safest simply because its harder for others to reach," Blackworth peers up at the wan light that escapes from the thick, grey clouds. He shoves his hands in his pockets and turns to head back through the door.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, I know that," says Sarah. "What I meant was, should I tell them to stay in the Cinemaplex and use that roof rather than the superstore's roof?" She glances back at the others before following Blackworth. "Coming? I don't want to go in there by myself."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:52 am
by Laraqua

"Depends on the rooftops," says Blackworth before Cael can respond. "Most roofs can't support a helicopter - not just because of a peaked shape or whathaveyou but because the rooftops aren't reinforced. Judging by the roads, finding a safe place to park will be no mean feat. If you want my bet? Tell them to get to the hospital. Either that or find something large enough that a clumsy bird with a big tail can set down in the dark."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"Easier said than done," says Sarah with a shiver. "Even if they make it there, just surviving the trip to the roof would be iffy. I'll call my father back now and let him know. The people with him might know if one of the roofs over there will support a chopper." She takes out her mobile and gives Lionel a call.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:28 pm
by TheKingInYellow
"The hospital may not be a bad option, actually." Aidan chimes in. "If we take a few armed men with us, we would be able to gather needed supplies in addition to rescuing the others.

Not to mention that I could grab my briefcase.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:40 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah looks terrified at the prospect. "You want to go back there?" she asks, color draining from her face. "We barely got out of there in one piece. I don't know if I could ever go back after everything that happened there. I feel terrible about all the people we left behind, but we should probably leave the rescuing to the professionals. I can draw a map of the hospital and fill everyone in on what can be found where, and the last places I saw the others, though."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:42 pm
by trixie
Dahlia looks from one person to the next. No matter what's happening...I just know they're gonna leave me behind....

"Leave the rescuing for the professionals? Isn't that what he is?" she asks, pointing to Blackworth. "I say you should go try to get more people out from the hospital. And maybe you can convince your dad to drive to the hospital and get up on the roof." she adds, looking at Sarah cautiously.

Dahlia looks from one to the other, and then hangs her head. "But you're gonna need lotsa room in the chopper, so where am I gonna go?" she asks, then looks back to Blackworth timidly.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"You should stick with me, Dahlia," says Sarah, offering her hand. "I'll look after you, and I'm sure Cael and Aidan will come with us too. These soldiers are the professionals, yes. You're right that they'll need as much room in the chopper as possible to fit everyone they're rescuing, so they can't bring a lot of people. I wish it were that easy for my dad to drive to the hospital, but it's so dangerous to even set foot outside. One woman at the cinemaplex didn't even make it ten feet before...My dad warned her not to go out, but she didn't listen. Plus, you'd never fit fifty people in anything smaller than a bus, and I don't think they've got one. It's also hard to see through the ash. As for me going back to the hospital with them..." Sarah shudders. "I'd hope the soldiers have a medic who could take care of anyone who's hurt and who is also trained as a soldier. If they don't..." She swallows. "I guess I'd have to go with them, in spite of the risk."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:44 am
by Andrew
Cael listened to the conversation exchange and remained quiet throughout, he had nothing to put in except maybe a boast about his flying skill, he could easily hover a chopper a foot off the top of a roof for a evac rescue, no need to actually land the bird.

Cael looked to the captain and said, "I'm a damn good pilot and even on a rooftop that can't support the weight of my baby, I can do a evac easily, with my eyes closed and half asleep. My bird isn't big enough to carry a lot of people as we know, do you have anything larger, a UH-60 or maybe even an old UH-1Y? If not we might be able to modify my chopper to fit in a few extra people."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:52 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah brightens considerably at Cael's words. "That's a great idea!" she says, looking expectantly at Blackworth and trying to size him up. He knows the innermost secrets of my heart, she thinks, but I can't tell what's in his.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:29 am
by Andrew
Cael smiled as Sarah brightened at his idea but it wasn't a smile that lasted, "Captain, you realize you look an awful lot like the prince right?" Cael stated still with a smile on his face and then it faded into a more serious expression. "How many men strong is your facility here? What type of equipment do you have available to you and if the shit hits the fan could you expect backup in a reasonable amount of time? What kind of defenses do you have in place that can protect the innocent and enfeeble when the shit goes down? I've heard about your wonderful stash of ingredients but when it gets heavy, throwing a tin of raspberry jam at someone might not be the best defense there is. Cael stated not moving from the door of his chopper, one hand on Flower's shoulder. "I'm sorry to get so inquisitive on you but I have to know whether I can trust this facility with the lives of these people, especially Dahlia's."

Then he squatted down so that he was at Dahlia's level and said, "I honestly don't know right now where you'll go when I leave again. A part of me wants to make sure you stay with me, another part wants to make sure you're no where near me since I know I'll be headed into a combat zone, I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt. However we'll cross that bridge when we come to it... okay?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:42 am
by trixie
"If there's room for me, Cael, I wanna come help." Dahlia says bravely. "I can stay and help the people you rescue into the helicopter maybe..." she says uncertainly. "And trust me....I've seen weird stuff already and I think I'm good at helping. But if you need me out of the way, then I guess there might be something for me to do here too..." she looks at Blackworth again, and feels like the insides of her are melting out and running down. Inside she feels empty, hopelessly worried about what she might find inside this strange place, without anyone familiar to be with her.

"Maybe I should call my mum...." she says, the thought of her family making her feel sick. What if they're dead....what if they can't come get me when I ask them to....what if there's strange things at home too....

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"You can borrow my mobile to call your mum once I finish talking to my dad, Dahlia" says Sarah. "I don't want you to get hurt either. If we do both end up staying here, maybe you could help me look after people who are hurt."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:17 am
by Andrew
Cael looked a bit surprised as if he just remembered something and reached into a pocket on his flight suit and withdrew his cell phone which he handed to Dahlia, "There ya go, giv'em a call, I bet they're worried sick." Then he looked to Sarah and said, "Good idea, I think she'd be a great helper, to smart not to be."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods, her eyes sparkling. "Would you like to learn how to be a nurse, Dahlia?" she asks.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:30 am
by Andrew
Cael smiled again, he didn't know these people long but he felt a certain connection to them, like soldiers in a battlefield, then he looked to the Captain for answers.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:57 am
by trixie
Dahlia beams at Sarah and nods, "Yup, I'd like to be a nurse someday. I don't even get grossed out by blood or anything!" She smiles at her. "Did you know I already know some science stuff?" she says proudly, straightening herself to look as tall and grown up as possible.

"Thank you," she says as she takes the phone from Cael, and starts dialing her family's phone number, listening into the receiver.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's wonderful, Dahlia," says Sarah. "I'm certain you're going to be a great helper!"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:12 am
by trixie
While the phone is still ringing, Dahlia adds, "Except'd really rather be a doctor." She wrinkles her nose up as she said it, as though she'd told Sarah she wanted to be a nurse simply to spare her feelings.

Do I sound mean? No....I don't do I? Girls can be whatever they want.....

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:19 am
by Mr. Handy

"I should have been a doctor," says Sarah, half to herself. "Daddy always said I have the hands of a surgeon. I guess I was always afraid I'd do something wrong and patients would die. I've been thinking lately about going to medical school. Guess it's too late now."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:33 am
by Laraqua

"We've got ourselves a good quality field surgeon hunkered down in a basement somewhere," says the Sergeant ruefully. "Need to get him back." Then he frowns and turns to Cael. "What prince?" His gaze flutters down to Dahlia's and he tilts his head to one side and takes a little step back. "Hey, whatever the little girl wants to do. I get the feeling that we have Newt right here. She'll probably out-live us all and not just because she's younger." Then he turns back to Cael. "If you can hover, then I suppose you can pick them up from the front doors even. Never thought of that. Helicopters were never my style."

"As to the question of defences, some of that lawn out there is mined and the three-foot thick, twelve-feet-tall concrete walls are topped with electricified barbed wire. Inside we got a whole bunch of our own monsters in lock-up along with some of the more inhuman kind. We're encircled and we're rotten at the core but this place has plenty of supplies, including medical supplies - just not enough to hold fifty people indefinitely. Fortunately, there's a lab downstairs - hydroponics - that can provide a little more food. It's a terrible place but it's the only place we got. I challenge you to find better."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"I wouldn't risk the front doors if the survivors can get to the roof," says Sarah. "The area outside the cinemaplex is crawling with those parasites." She looks closely at Blackworth. "I think Cael means you look like Prince Harry. I see the resemblance now." She shivers at the mention of monsters. "You already know about the monsters we ran into at the hospital. Do you have any of those here, and what other kinds are there? Are you sure they can't get out? This field surgeon of yours, is he suffering from post-traumatic stress by any chance? Maybe I can get through to him. I've got a touch of it myself, so I can identify, plus I've had some psych training. First I'd better call my dad back and tell him not to leave for the superstore if he hasn't already." She dials his number on her mobile.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:50 am
by Laraqua
One of the soldiers lets loose a barrage of machinegunfire. The noise is loud enough to make non-combat types flinch.


"Let's go inside," says Sergeant Blackworth. "Lock up the chopper and we'll talk in there. Anything's safer than on the roof." He leans in to mutter to Nurse Sarah, his hot breath a moment of warmth against her cheek. "Prince Harry? Is that a good thing?"

If anyone starts to move off, or talks to Dahlia, they notice a glazed expression in her eye and her face is somewhat slack. OOC: This will wear off the moment Trixie posts, and is a stop-gap measure and a clue for now. So, until Trixie arrives, do with her character as you wish!

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, yeah, I think so," says Sarah, nearly jumping when she hears the gunfire. "He is rather cute. I...uh...I mean..." She blushes and looks away, then notices Dahlia's slack expression. "Come on, sweetie, we'd best get indoors!" She takes Dahlia's hand and follows Blackworth.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:02 am
by Laraqua

Sergeant Blackworth gives a grim smile before heading off toward the door. Something dark and rubbery, a winged insect of mammoth proportions, swoops down to the sound of gunfire and the Sergeant ducks out of the way before unslinging his flamethrower. "Civvies first," he said with a wry smile.

Steven, the helicopter pilot, locks up his bird. "Don't you fire that at my baby!"

"Sure will!" says Sergeant Blackworth, as one of the soldiers lets loose a burst of submachinegun fire. Something inhuman screams above.

"Whatever," says Steven, grinning. He comes up behind Dahlia and Nurse Sarah, a hand on each shoulder, hustling them indoors.

The door leads into a corridor guarded on the inside by a sweating, balding private clutching a rifle. Behind him sits a gaunt man in pale blue slacks and a long-sleeved shirt. He gives them a lazy smile and rises. "There's a lounge room this way. Fridge, too. Don't got beer, though."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:04 am
by trixie
Dahlia looks back at Blackworth and her eyes widen. She jumps for a split second, then stares at him silently for a moment, searching his face, and shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably. She looks for all the world like she's lost in her own thoughts. She shivers a bit and a deeply bothered look crosses her face, as though she's just seen the road to hell.

She follows Sarah as she's guided towards the door, but her face is expressionless, as though she weren't really listening or hearing anyone else.

Suddenly she snaps back to reality and looks at the others with a dark look. She begins to step back from the group, her eyes set on Blackworth intently. She bites her lip and clenches her right hand, then relaxes it, then clenches it again, and furrows her brow as though she's confused. The sound of gunfire rings in her ears, and she stares at Cael's firearm hanging off his belt for a long moment. She backs away numbly, deftly putting one foot behind the other in an effort to get away.

I have to get away from here.....

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:14 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah gasps when the flying insect swoops down, picking up her pace and hurrying inside. When Dahlia comes to her senses, Sarah looks concerned. "What is it, honey?" she asks. "What's wrong?" She's looking at Blackworth, she thinks, recalling his earlier intrusions into her mind. She concentrates on trying to block him from reading her thoughts, though she has no idea if it's working or even how to do it. Maybe she looked into his mind - and it looks like she didn't like what she saw!

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:18 am
by Laraqua
"What's wrong?" the man snickers as he looks over his shoulder at the two. "I guess she didn't like that there was no beer!" He takes the third door on the right into a small lounge area with two two-seater couches, one three-seater couch, a coffee table, a mini fridge and a microwave.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:19 am
by trixie
Dahlia looks at Sarah wide eyed, her unresponsive mouth paused in an 'O' while she stares at her with dark eyes that seem to penetrate Sarah's, showing fear mixed with pain. It makes Sarah's skin crawl. She looks at the man looking over his shoulder as though he's non existant.

"Uh....what?" she asks, still backing away from the group. She looks at Sarah for a moment as though she doesn't even recognize her, then back to Blackworth in sheer terror.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:23 am
by Laraqua
Blackworth disappears out of sight of the door frame. More shots can be heard.

"Git inside!" comes a shout of one irritated Yorkshireman.

"Fine, fine," says Steven, trying to bring Cael and Aidan with him.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy

Dahlia's terror is contagious. Sarah finds herself breathing quickly, all of her senses screaming at her to flee this place. She kneels down beside Dahlia and whispers: "What is he?" she whispers, glancing back at Blackworth while trying to keep him out of her mind. "Is he even human? Did he try to read your mind too?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:33 am
by trixie
Dahlia looks at Sarah for a moment, and then blinks. "He's done....some.....really bad things." she says simply, then slips her hand into Sarah's. She shudders deeply all of a sudden, and closes her eyes. "Ooooh....." she moans, thinking of the memory. "It was.....ooohh....." A look of distaste crosses her small features.

Dahlia opens her eyes and blinks again, small tears forming in the corners. "Sarah? Please....please don't alone with him, k?" She looks at her trustingly, and shivers again. "He's still human, like nothing really gross, but he's been a soldier right? So he's done some really yucky things." And Sarah? you have a gun?" she asks her suddenly.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah hugs Dahlia tight. "I promise," she whispers, trembling, "I'll never leave you alone with him. I'll die before I let anyone hurt you." She clenches her teeth. "I've still got my gun, but only four bullets. He knows I've got it too. He knows everything about me. He can read minds. Try to concentrate on keeping him out. Maybe it'll work." Sarah shakes. Oh, God, she thinks, maintaining her mental shield. What if he does want to do something horrible to me?

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:43 am
by TheKingInYellow
Aidan follows behind Blackworth flinching as though he's going to jump out of his skin with every burst of gunfire. It's clear that his nerves are frail.

"So then... What is the plan? You seem to be well fortified in here. Are you expecting a protracted occupation? Have you heard anything from outside of London?" He holds his questioning for a moment, mulling over the possibilities. "What about outside of the city? Are other parts of the country in similar circumstances?"

He isn't sure he wants to hear the answer to the question.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:17 pm
by Andrew
Cael unholstered his sidearm and began to inspect the weapon, he checked the clip to make sure it was loaded still and put it back. He then switched the safety off and cocked the weapon. Even though Blackworth was out of sight Cael said, "Sargent Blackworth, do you have a larger helicopter here or am I going to modify mine? We have a bunch of people in need of an immediate evacuation and I'd like to get going as soon as possible. I'm sure Sarah would like to see her father soon as she can."

He then turned to Dahlia, "You get ahold of your family Flower?" He asked.

Then it occurred to Cael that there were supplies in his bird that they could probably use. He stood up and whispered to Sarah, "It's not hard to see that you and Flower seem to be nervous, I haven't caught everything you've said but if half of what I heard is half true then that's good enough for me. I have a small med kit and ammo on my chopper, let's get back there and see if we can get out and go rescue your dad. You can reload your gun while in flight." It wasn't hard to see that Cael still held his weapon, that had just been cocked and ready to use.

"Stephen, go back to the bird and radio headquarters, I'm sure dispatch is going nuts wondering where the hell we disappeared to. I'll meet you out there in a few minutes." Cael instructed, only hoping that Stephen felt the vibe and knew what he truly had meant.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:12 pm
by trixie
Dahlia looks nervously from Cael to Sarah, and watches Cael with the gun carefully.

"Can I hold it?" she asks him suddenly, and reaches out. Her eyes are fixated on his gun. "I won't pull the trigger, I promise. But I just wanna hold it for a sec, k?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:24 pm
by Andrew
With a bit of alarm Cael whispers, "No, absolutely not, it's very dangerous. Besides... I may need it to protect you."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:57 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods slowly, standing and putting her hands in her pockets. She grips her pistol tightly, the butt of the gun reassuring in her hand. "It's dangerous out there," she says softly, "but it may be more dangerous in here if you know what I mean. My gun's a .38, so I don't know if you've got the right caliber or not, but we'll see. I'm really good with a knife, though." Her natural adroitness and her precise knowledge of human anatomy made sure of that. "Is there going to be enough room in the chopper? There's a pregnant lady in the Cinemaplex with my dad who's very near to term, so we'd need to bring her with him, and anyone else who isn't in the best of health. We can't just leave without Aidan, though."

An icy chill runs down Sarah's spine, and her flesh crawls with the thought of what could happen to her here if she stays. I think Blackworth was flirting with me outside, she thinks, making certain to keep her mental barrier in place. He may have a thing for me. That could be good, since that gives me some measure of influence over him, but it could also be very, very dangerous for me. He's in charge of this entire garrison, and with his ability to read thoughts he knows what everyone's going to do before they do it. I'm not sure what he's capable of, but he could be truly nasty if he wants to be. Dahlia said he's done awful things, and it sounds like it's worse than just the ordinary awful things one does in war. Was one of those things rape? Sarah feels her knees go weak. Oh, wonder she was so to get out of here...

Sarah collects herself, stands up straight, and takes out her gun. "I don't think we should eat or drink anything here just yet," she adds quietly. "They might put something in our food to knock us out." And I could wake up tied to Blackworth's bed! Oh, God...

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:05 pm
by Andrew
Looking into her sparkling eyes, Cael handed Sarah his combat knife and nodded slightly. "If we get back to police headquarters there's another chopper that can probably help us out rescuing people there, for now, let's just worry about our own skins. As for .38 ammo, it's possible, not used much anymore though but there might even be a spare Glock in there, I'm sure I put a backup in place." Cael said quietly as he made his way towards the door they came in through.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:21 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Th-thank you," says Sarah softly, wrapping her free hand around the hilt of the combat knife. It is perfectly balanced, and the crossguard means she can use it to block attacks too. The polished metal gleams in the light. She feels less afraid, but only a little. "It's...beautiful. Dahlia, you should go between me and Cael so we can protect you from both sides."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:17 pm
by trixie
"Why can't I have my own weapon?" Dahlia asks, her arms crossed sullenly in front of her. "Daddy let me fire his shotgun lots of times you know," she says to Cael, looking at him from under furrowed brow. "Besides, if I'm gonna be any use at all in the helicopter, I might need to protect myself. That way you can go off and find the survivors, and no one needs to babysit me. " She rolls her eyes, and sticks one leg out in a precocious fashion, as though trying to look cool.

"I really think you guys need to start treating me like less of a baby you know....if you needed me to help you guys out, I should have something.....anything to protect myself....and possibly you guys too if you get in trouble. I've seen Jill get in lots of trouble while trying to save people Cael. I may be a kid, but I'm not useless. It's not like I'm gonna blow random heads off or anything."

"And another thing....I don't think we should rule out taking Blackworth with us quite yet. I said he did yucky things right? But we might need him to do more yucky things. There seems to be people walking around that aren't supposed alive? Like somebody's gotta help kill 'em."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:29 pm
by Andrew
Cael listens to Dahlia go on about weapons and needing to defend, he knew better than to try and persuade her otherwise and he knew there wasn't a chance in the Hells that he was giving her a loaded weapon either. He quickly moved over to the drawers by the microwave and started rummaging through them until he found what he was looking for and then moved to Dahlia, "Here Flower, this is the only weapon I'll give you." At that he hands her a plastic disposable spoon.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:08 pm
by trixie
Dahlia stamps her foot angrily and throws the spoon back at Cael furiously.

"I've been the one to help you know! You only just got didn't see what we were fighting in the hospital, or what I did to out trick that big wiry didn't see it!" she narrows her eyes at him and clenches her fists tightly.

"Alls I'm saying Cael is that we're gonna have lots of trouble come our way. And I'm little and can get hurt quickly if one of you isn't around."

Dahlia takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down. That wicked temper again....mum always said it would get me in trouble, and Cael has only been nice to me so far.....but it really doesn't matter anyways....i'll just do what I want when he's not looking.....

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:20 pm
by Andrew
Cael gave a disapproving look, "That was quite a tantrum there Flower but that spoon is the only weapon I'm giving you. I'm not going to be the one held responsible for giving a kid a loaded gun, no matter how bad the situation is. Ask Aidan if he thinks you should have a weapon of that magnitude, being a child service worker I'm sure he'd agree that guns are best left to adults... but hey, I could be wrong."

OOC: What? She didn't like the spoon? I thought it was hilarious! :)

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:25 pm
by Mr. Handy

"She does have a point, Cael," says Sarah. "When I in the ambulance, I was totally helpless. There was a little boy with us who picked up the pair of scissors I had dropped and tried to help me. He wasn't able to, though, and it was Geoff who saved me, but if he hadn't been there...We don't have enough guns to go around, though. Dahlia, don't you still have that knife from the hospital? If not, I've got an extra one you can use if you promise to be careful with it."

She pauses, then thinks about what Dahlia had said earlier and lowers her voice. "I think Blackworth would need to stay here, since he's in charge, but he'd be sure to send soldiers to help. Are you sure we can trust him after what you said? Who did he do the yucky stuff to? Was it just bad guys, or did he do it to women or children?" Maybe I misjudged him and we can stay here after all. I've got 28 Days Later on the brain...and Lyle. I'm just so scared of being betrayed again...

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:48 pm
by trixie
Dahlia fetches her little knife from her pocket, and shows it to Sarah. She looks a little defeated, and miserable, but nevertheless bites her lip at any further 'temper tantrums', as Cael called them. "I just thought there might be an extra gun that I have one too" she whines miserably.

"Anyways, Sarah, I don't think he did anything to women and kids, no. It's he killed the three people I saw him kill, but they might've been bad people. I also saw him rescuing somebody, so he can't be all bad." Dahlia's head swims and she closes her eyes for a moment, trying to gain back her equilibrium. "He'd probably come in handy against anything super bad, you know?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:00 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah sighs deeply in relief. "That's good to hear," she says. "I think it's okay for us to stay here after all, which is good since I can't imagine where else everyone could fit. When you said you were afraid to be alone with him, I thought...all sorts of awful things. I was so terrified of what he might do, but I needn't have worried. He's a soldier, and soldiers sometimes have to do awful things to enemies in war. It is good to have him on our side. I jumped to the wrong conclusion, and I'm sorry. I guess this is why people shouldn't read other people's minds."

Sarah hesitates, then lowers her voice. "I...I had to do something yucky like that once too. I had to kill a bad man, a man I used to like. He wasn't always bad, and he wasn't entirely bad, but he...he turned very mean. And then he...he tried to..." Gosh, how can I explain to Dahlia what he did to me? she thinks. "He tried to hurt me in the worst possible way. I fought back, and...and somehow I won. I didn't want to kill him, but I had no choice. I even tried to save his life aftewards, was too late." A few tears drip from the corners of her eyes and roll down her face.

She looks at Blackworth with newfound respect, and lowers her mental defenses. I'm so sorry I feared the worst about you, she thinks at him. I was so wrong. I see now that we have much in common.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:04 am
by Andrew
Cael shakes his head, holsters his weapon, takes a seat and props his feet up on the table. He puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes. "Wake me if anything interesting happens or I'm needed." He said, a slight annoyance in his tone.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:12 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah relaxes too, for the first time in what seems like ages. She puts her gun back in her pocket and sits down at the table. She then returns her new combat knife to its sheath, unzips her coat, and attaches the sheath to her belt so she can reach it if needed. She sighs again, trying to push her morbid thoughts out of the way and think about happier things. We're going to save my father! she thinks. And soon I'm going to get to see him. She takes out her mobile and tries to call him again, hoping she can get through.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:23 am
by Andrew
"Dahlia, if you're done with my phone I'll need it back please." Cael said.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:47 am
by trixie
[O.C. Dahlia tried to call home but there was no post from the keeper about it...should I assume she got through?]

"Sarah, you shouldn't trust Blackworth too implicitly. Having him around is one thing, but the way he killed those people? He's capable of putting a lot of pain in people. I still wouldn't want to be on his bad side."

While Cael's eyes are closed, Dahlia approaches him quietly, and puts one finger on his gun. Then satisfied that she'd at least touched it, she sticks her tongue out at him, starts to snicker and begins to dance around.

"I think it's still ringing. Hold on." Dahlia puts the phone to her ear again.

[O.C. Ps I didn't think the spoon was funny! :evil: Dahlia's got far too much of her own mind to put up with being mocked for being 8.... :D ]

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:10 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Sarah has also been trying to call her father, and I've been waiting for the Keeper to say whether the call got through.]


Sarah nods to Dahlia. "Yeah, you're right," she says. "I often trust the wrong people, and then I overcompensate by not trusting anyone. It's okay to trust someone, but trust needs to be earned. But I no longer think he wants to hurt me that way." Well, he might still want to tie me to his bed, she thinks, but only if I were a willing participant. She gives Blackworth a sidelong glance and a slight smile. And that's not going to happen, so you can just stop thinking about it. I don't need to be a telepath to know what's on your mind!

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:22 pm
by Andrew
As Cael leaned back he thought of his own childhood. His whole family had been cops, mostly NYPD, he was the first in his family to become a cop in England. He remembered sneaking into his father's room to play with his revolver, he remembered the way it felt in his small hands, the texture of the grip against his palm.

He couldn't fault Dahlia for wanting a gun, not with what was going on but at 8 years old? Could she even hold it properly? They were made for adults. Wouldn't the recoil cause her to miss horribly? Possibly even cause her to drop it and cause further damage to herself or someone around her? Cael knew that a gun was a bad idea for her but he wasn't her father...

He could easily remember the beatings from his father when he was caught playing with a loaded gun. He remembered the baton crashing on his head, the split skull, broken cheek bone and smashed nose and that was just the first time, there were several more injuries. His teachers must of thought he was quite the accident prone kid.

He sighed heavily, and thought about his father's funeral. He was gunned down in the line of duty investigating a murder. Apparently the mafia didn't want him looking into it, shot him down like a dog and dumped his body in the Hudson River. After his father died, his mother struggled to keep things together for almost four years until she broke down and moved her two kids to London where her parents lived. Once they had been enrolled in school and were settled in, she shot herself with the very revolver Cael used to play with as a child. No one was sure how she got it past everyone.

His grandparents after that were very estranged to Cael and his little sister. They were considered half breeds to the well to do people they lived with. The fact that their daughter, who was brought up with the finest education that money could buy, married a dirty Irishman made them want to vomit, the fact that they had two children together made them want to commit murder, however they didn't. By that time Cael was almost seventeen and his sister twelve and for the most part they were ignored. The only thing that their grandfather did and Cael was sure it was more out of cruelty than anything, was retrieve the gun that killed his mother.

Cael felt horrible when he left his grandparents home but knew that he had to in order to save his sister. He worked his fingers to the bone and eventually enlisted in the Army once he turned eighteen. He ended up sending his sister to the cheapest private school there was but she was now free of their grandparents. Every last cent he made he sent to her. When she became old enough she began to work during the summers and ended up paying for tuition herself, vowing one day to repay Cael for all he had gone through and done for her.

It was after his enlistment in the Army ended that Cael went to London's police academy and became a cop. 'What a fucking life.' Cael thought to himself.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:34 am
by Laraqua
Blackworth is well out of sight though there are several photographs of soldiers together - one of which contains him him - so Sarah could give that one the glances. We'll assume the man in light blue who led you here left, as I'm sure you all wouldn't have that conversation with him in the room. As to the phone calls, let's assume Dahlia's on the phone and it's been ringing all that time. At this point, the phone cuts out as its been calling too long. OOC: Who was she calling anyhow? Her parents are dead.

Steven responded to Cael's request by raiding the fridge with a noncommital grunt. OOC: For simplicity's sake, Steven is a part of the party with no real secrets. You may control him whenever you feel the need - he's not very verbal but he'll largely obey. Anyone may post for him whenever they like, including me. He got a bit nervous after some of the talk but ended up far more relaxed, took off his helmet and had a sit down.


Blackworth ushers Aidan inside, a little cross - perhaps because he had lingered out with them. The other soldiers fall in behind them and the door is shut, bolted with an ordinary bolt and has a large makeshift solid steel bolt plank put onto two makeshift brackets for added reinforcement. He leans against the wall beside the door, massaging his temples. Glancing up when the man in blue arrives, he gives a short laugh. "So many questions... No plan. Very protracted occupation. We're practically outside London ... other than that cop shop? Not a whole lot. Country the same? We tried contacting the American army. We, uh, we got through. The woman on the radio's not quite the same. Didn't ask what she heard."

OOC: The others in the little meal room can hear all this and can exit into the corridor to see the soldiers milling about - they can't see Aidan or Blackworth through them - though they can hear them. There are soldiers watching the corridor so you can't sneak off. Those who raise their guns will be shot. Does Nurse Sarah reveal her weapon? The soldiers guns are half-raised if anyone's gun is in their hands, this means that they get to shoot first - your legs are in range.

"No other helicopter, I think someone asked about a helicopter, though we got a real good land vehicle. I know where we can get a better helicopter. That's if it's not full of lean, mean soldiers who aren't comprised of 30% lean, mean women to keep the men in line." He cracks a smile at his lame joke.

One of the three female soldiers out of the group that the party has so ready seen groans. One just looks bored.

Blackworth frowns, still massaging his temples. "The main issue is fuel. I don't think we got helicopter fuel about here. You'll need to fuel up if you wanna make it back to that hospital and return here. In the meantime, we've taken over the officer's bedrooms which is probably something you lot will prefer. You guys can take the bunk beds - four to a room, more if you drag in mattresses onto the floor. They're cramped but if you're feeling paranoid, they'll do. Of course, it does make it easier to lock you all up or pin you all down if you decide to go on a murder spree. Paranoia goes both ways, y'know. We'll need to assign a babysitter for you lot when you wanna go walkabout. Make sure you aren't all nuts or sent by them above. Those who wanna come make some decisions, fall in at the meeting room. Everybody else, go to your usual stations. Those newcomers who wanna go for an explore, talk and walk with me and I'll assign you someone suitable. You want communications? We got 'em. You wanna look at the defences? I know who you go talk to. Medical? Well, we can dig up that surgeon no doubt though the nurses, bless their souls, got eaten. You wanna look at the rotten core? Permission denied. Half will make you go nuts and the other half are in isolation till we work out what to do with them. Let's keep our focus, people."

Blackworth frowns. "Oh yeah, guns. Some of you no doubt got 'em. I wanna see some police I.D. for those who got the guns to make sure you are who you say you are. Everyone else has to surrender their guns and knives to the cops or the soldiers or to their rooms. Your choice. I respect our internal security force, the cops, too much to let paranoia rob them of their arms but nurses, children and others don't get the same priveleges. I don't know who the hell half of you are and after the surprises today, I don't want a jumpy civvie killing one of my respected soldiers. If this means we can't be friends, feel free to leave."

As if to punctuate his statement, something slams into the door.

"Any questions? Any complaints?" Blackworth smiles as though expecting plenty.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:56 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: I think you're mixing Dahlia up with Brianna again. Brianna is the orphan. The fate of Dahlia's parents is still unknown. Also, did Sarah manage to get through to her father on her phone yet? She had put her gun away in one of my earlier posts. The only thing she's holding in her hands is her mobile phone.]


Sarah cringes when Blackworth mentions that the nurses got eaten. "Uh, the nurses here got eaten?" she asks. "Eaten by what?" She's afraid to hear the answer, but not knowing is even scarier. "What happened here, anyway? What did the officers do, what kinds of monsters are there besides the ones we already know about, and what are 'them above'? Dahlia and I can share a room. I'll let Cael carry my weapons when I'm not in my room, but when I'm in there I'd like to hold onto them. One of the knives is his anyway." At least I can hold onto my pepper spray, just in case, she thinks. "I'd like to go to the meeting room first. How about you lot?" She looks at Dahlia, Cael, Aidan, and Stephen, and allows Cael to take her weapons when he's ready. "Will you please stick close to us in case something happens?" she asks Cael. That way if we're attacked by something he can both protect us and hand out our weapons quickly, she thinks.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:08 am
by Laraqua

Blackworth seems surprised by her compliance and it takes a full moment of silence before he speaks again. "Let's go to the meeting room first." He peers over his shoulder at the door. "They can hear us. We'll give it 48 hours - then if we judge you fine you can all get handguns. We'll even teach Dahlia how to shoot."

OOC: Neither Dahlia nor Sarah's phone gets through. Both just ring out.

He heads for the meeting room, accompanied by a female soldier and a male soldier who bring up the rear, their guns pointed at the floors but at the ready. So far, none of the privates have spoken. There is an anxious silence to the air. They pass the elevator and go down the stairs instead, down one floor, then through a series of corridors. Blackworth staggers, falling against the wall, as though his left leg just gave out. He clutches at his forehead and winces. The male private makes a move as though to go to his side (does any PC?) - the perceptive notice in this moment a strong sense of camraderie - but the private changes his mind as his gaze flickers over the large crew of refugees in front of him.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:12 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah moves to Blackworth's side, concern on her face, making sure not to make any threatening moves. "What's wrong?" she asks. "How can I help?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:15 am
by Laraqua

"S'allright," mumbles Blackworth, more reeling off the wall than standing. He looks at the others with a glazed and confused look in his eye and his gaze once again meets Dahlia's. Then he turns and starts staggering down the corridor as he unscrews the lid off a bottle of unmarked pills.

OOC: Medicine rolls to diagnose a possibility.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:20 am
by Mr. Handy

You don't look all right, thinks Sarah, looking Blackworth over closely. And what are those pills you're taking? Hmm. I've seen symptoms like these before, I know it!

"Are you sure you're all right?" asks Sarah. The familiar symptoms were too close to home. Her mother had displayed some of them in the time leading up to her death. She had thought they were migraines, but she had been dreadfully wrong. "You were in such pain. It could be a sign of a stroke. I should examine you." But still, there's something different about them, she thinks. It seems to be affecting his cerebellum. Possible side effect of excessive use of psychic powers? Or maybe... She recalls that he had looked at Dahlia before he had had his seizure. Maybe a side effect of getting a taste of his own medicine. I wish I knew what those pills are. I wish my father were here! "What medications are you on?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:54 am
by Andrew
Cael already didn't like this guy, he understood where he was coming from but still though the guy an asshole. He moved to a seated position and then stood and threw two forms of ID on the table, his old military ID and his current CO19 ID. He then put his hand out to take Sarah's gun and his knife back.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:57 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Sarah gave Cael her gun, his combat knife, her butcher knife, and any small knives left in the bundle of medical supplies back in the small room.]

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:16 am
by Laraqua
Once they were in the meeting room and the door was closed, Blackworth seemed able to compose himself. The room is large and rectangular, with wood-panelled walls with a number of portraits hung from them. There is a side cabinet of rich red wood, locked, with a coffee machine on top. At the head of a table is a slide projector, a pulldown canvas for the projector to display across and a whiteboard. A laptop sits to one side, connected to the projector. The table itself can seat twenty five on large, comfortable, wheeled chairs. The table is also a rich red.

Dahlia looks quite out of place on one of the large chairs. A tin of hot chocolate that sits by the coffee machine also seems quite innocuous, particularly as it is home brand. Three more soldiers who are different from that met before and are dressed in different uniforms enter as do six in uniforms that quite clearly are for noncombatants. Only four out of the whole lot are armed. The man and woman soldier, armed to the teeth, stand by the doors. Blackworth takes up a cane that is propped up by the heavy door and walks to the front of the table.


Blackworth examines Cael's ID carefully before limping over to the front of the table and picking up a big, black texta. "First question?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:19 am
by TheKingInYellow
"No complaints." Aidan says in response to Blackworth's rules. His tone is definitely defeated- Perhaps it's all for the best, but this isn't the haven that he had hoped for. He makes a clumsy attempt to tuck th the golden spike in his jacket.

When Blackworth stumbles, Aidan goes to help him up at first, but already he feels paranoid. He decides making sudden movements at the commander doesn't bode well for him. Instead he stays back and let's the soldiers handle it.

What's the next move? Where do we go from here?

Following into the meeting room he feels a wreck. He feels more like a prisoner than a refugee. He takes a seat as far away from anyone as he can manage, and waits to see what happens next.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:23 am
by Andrew
OOC: Yep she sure did, sorry about that.

"Yeah of course I'll stay close to you guys, I've got no plans but to get out of here and rescue some people." Cael answered Sarah and then stated to the person who answered him about the bigger helicopter, "I'd like to check that out though as soon as possible. Hell Steven could go and inspect it even, he's a good pilot, only reason he's still a co-pilot is because he's legally missing a few certificates for a full license."

Cael drew his knife from out of it's sheath and began to do a few mindless tricks with the blade, spinning it in the palm of his hand, flipping it end over end and such, 'Where do you guys go for a smoke around here?' Cael whispered to one of the soldiers.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah raises her hand. "I have a question," she says. "Actually several, but I'll start with one. You've made several references to events that took place here earlier, but those of us who just arrived don't know what you're talking about. Would you mind filling us in on what exactly took place here?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:27 am
by Laraqua

One fellow starts up the coffee machine and picks up his hot chocolate tin with loving familiarity. He gives Blackworth a wink and then goes to crouch beside Dahlia. Psychology roll reveals a sense of brotherly camraderie. "Oi, missy, ya want a bit of hot chokkie?" he murmurs.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:33 am
by Laraqua

"We'd taken in some coma patients," says Blackworth. "We were investigating the cause of 500,000 such patients. Some weird ash cloud blew in from the south-east. It destroyed most of those outside. Luckily this building is pretty much sealed. We were safe. Unfortunately, at the same time, some of the people got free of their cages. Only they weren't people anymore. At least, that's my assumptions considering that little, if anything, remained of the people who came in here."

"Me and my soldiers were just doing routine guarding. I did wonder why we were dragged here and not sent to Iraq or some other forsaken country. We got out those we could from the cage section and locked it down. Basement level 3 is off limits. Luckily, they've got their own ventilation systems so they can't escape out here. We're toying with the idea of switching off the air supply but so far haven't been able to bring ourselves to do it. As far as we can tell, they killed the people who hurt them and they tried to kill the people who shot at them. Seems fair. I'd have done the same. We're waiting on some signs of sentience. Got a few trusted personnel watching the cameras."

"As for the rest of those involved, the higher-ups tried sending us all out on a few suicide missions. Capture stuff for further study. We refused and the loyalists shot at us. We shot back. We, what's left of we, won. The rest are all in the jail cells on Basement level 2 - not far from their pets. Any more questions?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:37 am
by TheKingInYellow
Aidan watchs the subtle interaction between the soldiers. Brothers in arms, something he's read about but doesn't have much real knowledge of.

Turning to Blackworth and listening to his story, the entire account frightens the hell out of him. "You mean to say that... We're sitting atop of untold amounts of... them?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:40 am
by Mr. Handy

That chap and Blackworth must be chums, Sarah thinks. Almost like brothers, but they don't really look alike.

Sarah nods. "Thank you," she says. "I have another one. What do we know about what we're up against? I take it everyone here already knows about the monsters we encountered in the hosptial from the mobile intercepts, but if they don't let me know and I'll fill you lot in. What monsters have you come across, and what do you know about them? We briefly saw one of those flying insect things out on the roof. You also mentioned that something...ate the nurses here." Sarah can't help but shake a little. If there's something with a taste for nurses, she thinks, I ought to know about it.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:44 am
by Laraqua

"Only twelve now," says one. "They kinda turned on each other. These twelve appear stable. Mutants of some kind. Ever seen Resident Evil? That T-Virus? Yeah, looks like they were making that thing that says 'STARS!'" She blushes. "Sorry, we gotta look a sight to you guys. We're, uh, veterans, and not really what you'd call, uh, polished. Never been much for drills. Too good at my job." She chuckles. "I'm Sergeant Anna Blaize. I've largely taken over Communications and Security. I'm co-commander here, much as Blackworth likes to pretend I'm not. That other fellow is Sergeant Morrison, that Cockney beggar is in charge of Personnel and Medical. We're the only three sergeants remaining. Blackworth is kinda just in charge of ideas and explanations. He's good at talkin'."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:57 am
by TheKingInYellow
"Wait? They're building something down there? ..." Aidan clasps his hands together nervously. "They were building things at the hopital, too. The nurses were building a... lattice?" He stops himself, almost feeling silly for bringing it up, but his in his mind he's already thinking about the situation.

Do they all have some sort of compulsion for building?

He recalls a study he read about parasites that affect the behavior of their host. Usually it's parasites that change the behavior of insects so they make themselves more available to predators so the parasite can be introduced into a bigger host. Perhaps, it's something similar?

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah smiles at the female soldier, feeling at ease around her, though she can't really get a good impression of her. "It's nice to meet you, Anna," she says. "I'm Sarah Carpenter, a nurse from Mercy Cross Hospital. I suppose I'll be working for Sergeant Morrison, then. I was the one who made those telephone calls, but I can't seem to get through to my father now. It just kept ringing. Did these...mutants get that way from drinking the water? There were some like that in the hospital. And...other things..." Do they all know about...what happened to me in the ambulance? she wonders.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:07 am
by Laraqua

"No, not building, not building words that say STARS, it's a, well, it's what this really big mutant in Res Evil used to say," Sergeant Blaize says, trailing off. "They're not really doing anything. They seem to be, well, waiting. No idea how they turned up like that. All the records are in there with them. Can't access their databases from up here. That level's all sealed off. Only thing we got control of is the air supply." She shrugs. "I'm sure Sergeant Morrison would just love to have a nurse on board. Rather than one whacked out surgeon." She frowns. "Hey, would you prefer if we put the whole soldier act on? We got used to being at ease in the week since it all happened. But if it makes y'all uncomfortable..."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:13 am
by TheKingInYellow
Aidan feels silly for jumping to conclusions, though the apparent truth doesn't seem to make more sense.

"So then where do we go from here?" He asks, half to himself.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:23 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah grins. "I don't mind if you stay at ease," she says. "It actually makes me more comfortable than if you acted all soldier-like all the time." She thinks for a moment. "Yeah, I remember that game, and the monster. Nemesis, innit? Ooh, that one was really scary, stalking me throughout the whole game. It was so satisfying when I finally got to take it down. I might be able to help the surgeon out too, maybe bring him around. My father's also a doctor, so if we could bring him here..."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:30 am
by Andrew
Cael laughs at 'The whole soldier thing.', "Hell, just a few years ago I was honorably discharged from the Army as a Company Sergeant Major, I out rank all of you! I was in for ten years in Special Operations or Blacks Ops, whichever you prefer. I was the sniper in my team." Cael then gets up and heads to the coffeemaker without saying anything further. It seemed like more intel on the larger chopper had fallen on deaf ears.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:54 am
by Laraqua

"Last lot of people who out-ranked me are in jail," says Blackworth cheekily. "Since you're military, you got any advice?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:10 am
by Andrew
"Not that you haven't already done sergeant, trust me though, there isn't anyway in the Hells I want command of this outfit, it's all yours. I just thought it was a bit funny was all." Cael stated and then added, "I need to get my bird fueled up and start ditching some unneeded things in her, where's the fuel depot?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:49 am
by Laraqua

"Hartley Range is the nearest place which services helicopters. It's a bit further out into the country but it should see you back all right. Take a few of our fuel drums and fill 'em up too for later. Haven't heard anything from Hartley Range, mind, but it could be worse."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:31 am
by trixie
Dahlia has remained quite quiet throughout the walk to the meeting room. She'd noticed Blackworth fall, noticed the look he gave her, and his pills he popped right after. Ha! Gotcha....I hope it hurt.... She feels guilty right after for feeling this way, but it was evident to her that he shared a way of knowing other's thoughts. It made him......dangerous.

She sits in on of the chairs, legs swinging back and forth above the ground, and listens to the adults talk. Blackworth said they'd teach me how to shoot! Yes!!! I wonder if it's anything like Daddy's shotgun. The first time Dahlia shot his gun, it kicked her back right onto her butt, and she laughed it off, but it really hurt. She just didn't want to say anything. If she'd whined, Daddy'd never let her shoot it again. So she smiled and talked big about the fun she had, and rubbed it after when his back was turned.

She's been clutching Cael's phone this whole time, having forgotten it was still in her hand, and looks at it strangely for a moment before flipping it closed and passing it back to him. No answer....I wonder why.....are they dead?
Laraqua wrote:Image

One fellow starts up the coffee machine and picks up his hot chocolate tin with loving familiarity. He gives Blackworth a wink and then goes to crouch beside Dahlia. Psychology roll reveals a sense of brotherly camraderie. "Oi, missy, ya want a bit of hot chokkie?" he murmurs.
The closeness between the two is lost on her, but she smiles at him. "Yes please!" She grins and jumps up to help.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:07 am
by Laraqua

Morrison smiles and lets her help. "You remind me of my kid sister," he mumbles. "She was a darn sight more withdrawn. Poor thing. I'll bet you're a real tough one, though. We'll need steelly-nerved people like you to help with the effort. A lotta adults get a touch of the nerves and it's no good. Wanna come help me with Personnel?" He gives her a level, serious look. "This ain't a blow-off assignment. Kids are like cats, good for nerves. You'd make a better counsellor than I ever would. Help people remember what they're fighting for. Unless you got some other secret skill you're good at? Don't s'pose you're a master chef?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:12 am
by Laraqua

"Ten years in special ops, huh?" says one fellow to Cael, out of uniform but with the distinctive bearing of a soldier. "That ain't nothin'! What kinda wars you been in anyway?" The man looks from Cael to Steven.

Steven just quietly assembles a pyramid out of paper clips. He was terrible in civilian matters but he was a darn good pilot. Some thought him autistic. He was starting to look at.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:16 pm
by Andrew
Looking at Steven, the man looked bored to death, "Hey Steve, you want to go and get the bird re-fueled? Get you out of here and doing something I know you you'd rather be doing. If not let me know and I'll go."

He then turns his attention to the man that's out of uniform, "Wars? You wouldn't know a single battle I've been in unless you have a top security clearance. Special Ops don't fight wars boy, that's what you grunts are for. When the shit hits the fan and they need the best, that's when me and my team roll in. If we show up at your door, chances are you've done something real bad to bring us there."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:17 pm
by trixie
Laraqua wrote:Image

Morrison smiles and lets her help. "You remind me of my kid sister," he mumbles. "She was a darn sight more withdrawn. Poor thing. I'll bet you're a real tough one, though. We'll need steelly-nerved people like you to help with the effort. A lotta adults get a touch of the nerves and it's no good. Wanna come help me with Personnel?" He gives her a level, serious look. "This ain't a blow-off assignment. Kids are like cats, good for nerves. You'd make a better counsellor than I ever would. Help people remember what they're fighting for. Unless you got some other secret skill you're good at? Don't s'pose you're a master chef?"
Dahlia looks at him undecided, but the minute he mentions cooking, she wrinkles up her nose. "Ugh....mum used to make me peel potatoes for her.....I HATE I'm no good at it. I always manage to burn myself on the stove."

"But I'd like to help you with personnel....I think. It sounds like fun. Do I get to intimidate them?" Dahlia grins, clearly kidding, and accepts the warm mug of hot chocolate gratefully.

"Um.....are there any other kids here?" she asks suddenly, remembering the book and it's disturbing foretellings of children sacrificed.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:34 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I think I could help out in Personnel too as well is in Medical," says Sarah. "I've had psych training, and I could help boost morale. And I know from years of nursing that a pretty smile can be as important as medicine sometimes." She puts her own phone away. Why doesn't dad answer the phone? she wonders. He picked up not that long ago. At least he knows I'm safe. I just hope he's all right.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:23 pm
by trixie
Dahlia looks up at Sarah, relieved that she'll have familiar company to come along to wherever personnel was.

"Hey ya! We can work on it together! You poke em, I'll prod em!" Dahlia grins, kidding again. She's watched far too many cop shows to be taking this entirely seriously.

"I'm kidding you know." she says to Morrison.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:41 pm
by Mr. Handy

Daddy's probably in the process of moving everyone to the superstore, thinks Sarah. That's why he couldn't answer the phone. Yes, that must be it! I'll try again later. She gives her best smile to demonstrate, then turns to Dahlia. "Yeah, it'll be fun to work together!" she says. "You'll be very good at reminding people what we're fighting for, Dahlia, because you are what we're fighting for! Children are our future, now more than ever. It's children that give us hope that we will have a future, even in these dark times."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:09 am
by Laraqua
Andrew wrote:Looking at Steven, the man looked bored to death, "Hey Steve, you want to go and get the bird re-fueled? Get you out of here and doing something I know you you'd rather be doing. If not let me know and I'll go."
Steven shrugs. "Need guns with me."
Andrew wrote:He then turns his attention to the man that's out of uniform, "Wars? You wouldn't know a single battle I've been in unless you have a top security clearance. Special Ops don't fight wars boy, that's what you grunts are for. When the shit hits the fan and they need the best, that's when me and my team roll in. If we show up at your door, chances are you've done something real bad to bring us there."

The man shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, still ain't no conflicts worthwhile, is what I say."


Blackworth gives him a dry look. "Let's re-schedule this pissing contest till five, eh? We could even compare scars..." He frowns. "Re-fueling the bird will need some grunts..." his eyes flick over to Cael "...with you. Just what are the plans, though? We need to know exactly where you'll be going afterwards."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:12 am
by Laraqua
trixie wrote:
Laraqua wrote:Image

Morrison smiles and lets her help. "You remind me of my kid sister," he mumbles. "She was a darn sight more withdrawn. Poor thing. I'll bet you're a real tough one, though. We'll need steelly-nerved people like you to help with the effort. A lotta adults get a touch of the nerves and it's no good. Wanna come help me with Personnel?" He gives her a level, serious look. "This ain't a blow-off assignment. Kids are like cats, good for nerves. You'd make a better counsellor than I ever would. Help people remember what they're fighting for. Unless you got some other secret skill you're good at? Don't s'pose you're a master chef?"
Dahlia looks at him undecided, but the minute he mentions cooking, she wrinkles up her nose. "Ugh....mum used to make me peel potatoes for her.....I HATE I'm no good at it. I always manage to burn myself on the stove."

"But I'd like to help you with personnel....I think. It sounds like fun. Do I get to intimidate them?" Dahlia grins, clearly kidding, and accepts the warm mug of hot chocolate gratefully.

"Um.....are there any other kids here?" she asks suddenly, remembering the book and it's disturbing foretellings of children sacrificed.


"Nah, unfortunately, so it'll be a bit dull for you, I'd think. We can try and keep ya busy, though. We've got chairs on wheels and bicycles and a lot of corridors. Enough to keep anyone sane."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"And I'll be here to keep you company, Dahlia," says Sarah. "We can play games, do each other's hair, all sorts of things." She looks at Cael. "Thank you for going out to look for the fuel. It's very brave of you. If Steven is staying here, you should leave my weapons with him. If you're both going, it would be best to have them put in my room."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:06 am
by trixie
"Bicycles?" Dahlia beams. Until Sarah mentions doing each other's hair.....then she goes ballistic.

Dahlia starts jumping up and down. "Hey do you know how to cornrow hair? Like you know all those teeny tiny braids??"

A little niggling voice in the back of her head wonders about being the only kid.....are there crazy people here that will try to sacrifice me? Is it really creepy like the hospital was? Suddenly Dahlia's mood sobers. It's going to be weird being the only kid around here.....

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:08 am
by Laraqua

"There are probably kids among the various survivors you're trying to pick up," Blackworth says. "You won't be alone for long. Who's going up in the bird, who's staying, where will the bird be going? Also, remember to loot wherever possible. Most people won't be needing it anymore. We will."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"No, I don't know how to do cornrows," Sarah tells Dahlia, "but if you know I'm sure you can teach me. I usually wear my hair straight, though sometimes I like it wavy. When I was on duty at the hospital I had to put it up, but now I can let my hair down."

When Blackworth speaks she returns her attention to him. "I know there were a bunch of other children at the hospital, and there probably are some at the cinemaplex too. Dahlia and I should probably stay here for now, but maybe we should see if we can round up that surgeon of yours and bring him to his senses. For the trip to the airfield you'll need space for all the combat personnel you can get."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:58 am
by Laraqua

"I can spare four grunts ... just," says Blackworth. "As to the surgeon, he's in a very delicate mental condition. I don't think it would be good for his health to meet a strange and attractive young woman just yet. Instead, would you like to see the medical bay? I'm sure Sergeant Morrison could show you around?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"Sure," says Sarah, her cheeks turning red again. I had a feeling he was attracted to me, she thinks. "If there are any patients who need medical care, I should see to them first. Dahlia, do you want to come with us? Anyone else?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:30 am
by trixie
Mr. Handy wrote: When Blackworth speaks she returns her attention to him. "I know there were a bunch of other children at the hospital, and there probably are some at the cinemaplex too. Dahlia and I should probably stay here for now, but maybe we should see if we can round up that surgeon of yours and bring him to his senses. For the trip to the airfield you'll need space for all the combat personnel you can get."
Dahlia looks startled. Those kids weren't normal kids.... "Sarah! Didn't you see those kids? We can't go back and rescue some of them, they weren't human anymore. They were......well....they were dressed like they were from olden times. And they were all wet. I doubt there's any normal kids left to go back for."
Mr. Handy wrote:"If there are any patients who need medical care, I should see to them first. Dahlia, do you want to come with us? Anyone else?"
"Yup, I'll come." Dahlia takes the last sip of hot chocolate from her cup, and sets it down on the counter behind. "Let's go."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:33 am
by Laraqua

Sergeant Morrison frowns. "Sure, there's a few injured people in the medical bay. Ah, if anyone goes out there, though, can you keep an eye out for this young woman?" He takes out a pair of blurry b&w photographs and passes one to Steven and one to Cael. He then picks up two mugs of hot chocolate. "Come along anyone who's coming."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:38 am
by Andrew
"She's not an overly large bird, she can't hold many people. Even if I dump out unnecessary things, she'll only be able to carry about six people at the absolute most, rip out the passenger seats and maybe eight but then I'm also pushing the weight capacity easily. Military choppers were designed to carry more than is recommended, hence why the blades on a military chopper are so long. If you ever listen to a civilian chopper compared to a military one, the sound of the rotors spinning on the military chopper have a much deeper sound to them, it because of the longer blades." Cael stated at length, he cleared his throat and continued.

"I'll go at it alone, I'm not worried about a solo mission, by myself I'll be able to carry an extra person. I'll go fill up, bring the extra fuel back and then head out to pick up as many people as I can. I'm not going to be able to loot anything, not if lives are more important. I've done a lot of horrible things and can take orders, this is your show. You tell me that a generator is worth more than a life and I will kill any man, woman or child that stands in my way. You tell me that children are a priority and I will save just the kids and let the adults fuck off. As for where to go afterwards... that's up to you. I save them, you determine where you want them."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:45 am
by Laraqua

Blackworth seems impressed. "Wait, are you volunteering to serve under me? Sure, that might work. Still, take a spare man who shoot straight. Your military experience may surpass mine in special ops but when it comes to the higgeldyjiggeldies, I'm well aware. You prove yourself and in the next 24 hours, you can consider yourself acting adviser, commanding officer or whatever the hell you want, or special missions in which you've got expertise. By looting, I more meant that if you walk past a wrapped Mars Bar, CD or book and you have an empty pocket, take it. We're in for the long haul and make do and mend will only get us so far. As to the rest, our solar panels ain't gonna do jack shit and both the helicopter and generator fuel types are a priority. Get both if you can. Sergeant Blaize can give you the co-ordinates... I think we can russle up somebody who knows where I'm sending you. He'll know the lay-out, hopefully."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:19 am
by Andrew
Cael nodded thoughtfully, he really hadn't meant to volunteer but it made sense. "All right, it makes sense to me to join your outfit but I don't want command. I've had my day in the sun, it was bright and hot and it is over. I was honorably discharged but not before I shot my CO's foot off. I didn't like him, he was a paper pusher, not a warrior and he was telling me how to lead my men into battle. After several months I marched into his office told him that I was tired of him and shot through his desk and nailed him in the foot. The only reason I wasn't in the brig was because of my service record. I was told if I left quietly I would be granted an honorable discharge. I kept my word as did they. So, no command but I will be more than happy to advice you on whatever I can."

At that he stood and continued to speak, "I am not a careful man and in truth I play so close to breaking rules and regulations it isn't funny. I am reckless but not dangerously so and will do just about anything I have to to complete my objective. As for the looting... um yeah, I knew that." Cael finished with a slight blush.

"I'll get to my bird and start cleaning her out, just send a man out and we'll get things under way." At that Cael moved and shook Blackworth's hand and exited the room.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:24 am
by Laraqua

"There are things out there, you should do what you need to do in shifts," says Blackworth. "There's some green vision thingies ... Blaize knows more about them than I. Go and get one first. Make sure there's nothing in the air waiting for you when you go out there. Private Jones ... get someone who knows that outpost. What was her name? Doskins? Shit, I forgot. She's not a soldier, she's a clerk, but she's the only one who can let you know. The fuel pumps shouldn't be too far from the helipad anyhow. Private Jones could accompany you instead..." He gestures to the man out of uniform who had challenged Cael earlier. "You might be able to find a military helicopter lying around. Not sure if they're locked or what-not but if you can find a way to get it, do so. Try and contact the outpost first, though, before trying to land. Y'know the army. Oh yeah, and good luck."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:27 pm
by Andrew
Cael snapped to attention, did an about face and walked out of the room. He went to his bird and began to prep for flight while waiting on Doskins and Jones.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:42 am
by Laraqua
A couple of the soldiers who wait by the top floor door give him an odd look when he says he would like to go outside. "Out there? Like that? Without even a vision set?" Something screeches on the outside. "Maybe you'd like to leave them alone out there for a moment?"

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:22 am
by Andrew
OOC: Vision set? I'm not sure what that is.

Cael sighs, 'I don't have time for this.' He thinks to himself. "All right, what's the chance you guys have an old flamespitter, you know a flamethrower? We can just go out there and blast them. I've got more important things to do than to hang around and wait for the beasties to go away."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:24 am
by Laraqua
One shrugs. "Sure, we can get out Bessie." He goes into a nearby room and returns with a large flamethrower. "We keep her here just in case. The main issue is, light and sound can attract them and fuel ain't cheap but hey, if you got clearance to do this, you got clearance."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:35 am
by Andrew
"That's one of the things I'm going for is fuel, that and to save people's lives. Strap that thing on and let's go. I need cover fire long enough to get my bird started and for Doskins and Jones to get in... You know, on second thought, might as well wait until they get here. No sense in making two trips out like that when one will do." Cael stated.

While he waited there he double checked his rifle making sure it was good to go. "You boys had any contact with your families?" He asked making small talk until they were ready to take off.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:45 am
by Laraqua
"No," says one. "But I know mine are dead. Been that way a long time."

"No," says the other. "Gonna keep trying, though. Got a sister at Oxford. She was in the library when shit hit the fan. She might be all right, maybe."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:05 am
by Andrew
Cael nodded a bit sadly himself, "My parents are dead but I have a sister as well. She became an archaeologist and was in Egypt. I can't get ahold of her either."

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:08 am
by Laraqua
Private Jones appears at the end of the corridor, in uniform and fully armed, followed by an attractive and anxious-seeming woman in a knee-length black skirt and long-sleeved, frilly white blouse.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:29 am
by Andrew
Cael gives the woman an odd glance, "Shouldn't she be wearing at least a pair of BDUs? Oh well, we don't have time. All right, get that spitter ready, we'll make a run for the chopper, jump inside and I can get us airborne in under a minute, I'm good like that." He finishes with a wink to Doskins.

At that Cael locked and loaded his rifle grabbed the door handle and waited for the go ahead signal before he opened the door to make the mad dash to the chopper.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:35 am
by Laraqua
Private Jones passed Doskins and Cael a set of night vision goggles. The other two soldiers settled their own over their eyes.

The soldiers went out in a very professional manner. Doskins stumbled as she ran for the helicopter. Definitely a pen pusher.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:27 pm
by Andrew
Cael slid open the door and allowed all who was coming in first, jumped in after them and closed the door. "We have stuff in here we need to ditch, namely the seats. They're heavy and if we take them out we can squeeze in an extra body or two. Jones, I have a toolkit behind that panel there if you'd start unbolting the seats, Doskins... What's your first name sweetheart and why are you here again, what can you do besides use a pen?" Not waiting for her answer, Cael went and unlocked the small artillery behind his pilot's seat, he was looking to take stock of what he had in there but didn't have the time right now.

"Doskins, everything in that compartment I just unlocked is labeled, read off to me what we have in there please." Cael stated as he jumped into his seat and started the chopper up.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:08 am
by Laraqua
Doskins just gave him a meek and anxious look. "I-I..." Then when she was given the task of reading off contents, she did so. Jones began unbolting seats.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:15 am
by Andrew
OOC: Is it possible to get a list of the inventory in the artillery case or is it something (within reason) I can make up?

Once all systems were go, Cael lifted the bird in the air and asked where to.

Re: Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:19 am
by Laraqua
Doskins gives him the full co-ordinates. "May I attempt to establish radio contact?" she asks anxiously.

OOC: Make up the contents, within reason. This is a fairly shared story telling process, anywho.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:32 am
by Andrew
"Please do, it'd be nice to know if someone's home." Cael stated as he punched in the coordinates and took off in the direction indicated.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:34 am
by Laraqua
Doskins got into the co-pilot's seat and made herself at home with the radio equipment, requesting permissions and acknowledgements, speaking to what seemed to all intents and purposes to dead air. She'd obviously done this sort of thing before.

The airbase is far enough away from the facility Cael has left, that Jones manages to finish unbolting all of the chairs before they reach it. A broad expanse of lawn, littered with ash, can be seen in the lights of the helicopter. A large brick building, plain and broad, no doubt containing the mess halls, libraries, gyms and dormitories, stands to one side. The reinforced shelters stand somewhat near it, containing the airplanes. Three helicopters appear to have already set down here - having landed near the entrance to the larger building. Several anti-aircraft guns stand as silent guards against some unknown predator.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:50 pm
by Andrew
Cael looked at the scene unfolding in front of him with a skeptical eye, he didn't like the look of things one bit. "I'm going to land this bird next to those other helicopters (Any of the three bigger than what he's got? Are they military?) and we can search for the fuel depot. Jones, I know I don't have to say it but be on high alert. I'm going to check out the three choppers down there first. If one is bigger, unlocked and fueled we'll grab it."

As Cael manuvered his bird around he kept a close eye on those anti-aircraft guns. He'd soon more times than he cared for what those things could do. "Doskins, what was your first name again?" He asked knowing that civies usually didn't use the surname like it was their first.

When the bird comes down, he leaves it running in case of an emergency take off.

OOC: Contents of the artillery case include: 2 boxes 9mm ammo, 1 box .38 caliber ammo, 2 boxes 5.56mm ammo, 2 Glock 17, 2 combat knives, 5 flares, 2 flashlights, 2 radios.

Also found this website for police choppers, it's even from the UK. Derbyshire Police

Top one is what Cael wants ;), bottom is what he probably has.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:42 am
by Laraqua
"Jane," says Doskins, seeming more confused.

As the helicopter comes down lower they see that out of the three helicopters, one is mounted with guns, one is a rescue police helicopter and another - the biggest - seems to have crash landed and is somewhat crumpled. There are long smears of blood coming from the open rescue police helicopter door. Something seems to be written on the tarmac - the entirety of the tarmac. It looks like almost a whole book was written on the air base.

The headphones Doskins and Cael wear screech with some bizarre interference, hurting their ears.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:21 am
by Andrew
Cael grits his teeth through the screeching and lowers the volume slightly to a more tolerable level. "This looks warm and welcoming." He said sarcastically. "Well two out of three are no good, that rescue chopper might be bigger and made for rescue but with all that blood, that's just bad mojo. Now that gun ship has promise, hopefully it's fueled up and we can just grab and go. If not we're gonna have to spend time locating the fuel depot and filling up. What's the chance either of you two know how to pilot a bird? If it's at all possible, I'd like to take two back." Suddenly Cael wished Stephen was around.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:27 am
by Laraqua
"I have a pilot's license," Doskins says quietly. "It's been a long time since I've flown a helicopter... I'm a mechanic, first and foremost. Mostly computers and other electronics, though it did used to be planes and choppers."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:36 am
by Andrew
"Really! That's great! Hopefully we'll be able to take back both back. I'll let you take this one, it's practically brand new and flies like a dream, easy as pie. I'll bet your flight simulators are harder to fly than this. Now that gun ship... that things flies like a tank with rotors and it is really, I'll take her, I've flown her kind before anyway. It's nerve racking to say the least, like going from a little sporty car you know and love to a big moving truck that you barely can understand it's operation." Cael exclaimed, suddenly his mood was lifted even though the feeling of impending doom was upon him.

At that Cael sets down as close to the helipad as possible, careful to avoid the other helicopters.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:39 am
by Laraqua
Doskins nodded, peering over the various controls. "I was a civilian pilot attached to an ambassador in the middle of nowhere. I should be all right with this helicopter. It was nine years ago, though, but hey, it's like riding a bike, right? I mean, I know how to repair this thing too. It's why Blackworth and Anna Blaise was sure to take me outta the cells."

"Lock and load," Jones said. "Aww, shit, there's something in that big building over there ... and, uh, eyes up." He peers over at Cael. "Do not read what's on that road. Some kind of occult mumbo jumbo. Steer clear of any Mythos things unless you want your eyes to give birth to tarantulas." He raises his weapon. "Let's party."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:57 am
by Andrew
Cael smiled, "Don't worry Jonesy, I can't read anyway. I'm a mental patient who's only pretending he knows soldiering and piloting, escaped this morning."

Cael landed the bird, doubled checked his rifle and grabbed a combat knife. He handed Doskins a pistol and instructed her to look for the fuel depot with Jones, he was going to head towards the gunship.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:01 am
by Laraqua
"No can do, buddy," says Jones. "That ain't how we do it in our army. No splitting up. Efficiency don't mean shit with eye tarantulas." He grins. "We'll all go out together."

"I'd listen to him," says Doskins, as the two attempt to follow Cael, both looking in varying directions. "It'll be far too tricky otherwise. Oh, and next time, let's get some earpieces. We'll do better that way."

The door to the building across the helipad was knocked open and closed in a sharp wind that blew through the air base. It was an eerie sound. The sound of abandonment.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:10 am
by Andrew
Cael knew it was not the time to argue, he just shook his head and made a beeline towards the gunship keeping as low to the ground as possible.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:14 am
by Laraqua
The gunship towers over the trio as they make their way stealthily in the darkness. Pieces of metal torn from the broken helicopter tangles Cael's feet when they're not looking and glass crunches beneath Cael's shoes. The words are hard to ignore, splashed in white paint, but so long as they only utilise the light of the helicopter they have left behind and the automatic lights that ring the runway, the blur of the night helps protect them. The troop door of the gunship (don't know what it's called - that large sliding door) has already been slid open.

(Made a few rolls - had a few failed rolls).

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:20 am
by Andrew
Cael signals for Jones to stay low and for Doskins to get behind Jones. Cael slowly and quietly as possible lays on his belly and slides into the gunship, his finger on the trigger of his rifle he uses his other hand to flip on the flashlight located on the underside of the rifle's barrel, with the small light, he scans the inside of the ship.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:23 am
by Laraqua
A voice can be heard coming from a child's walkie-talkie only a few feet away. "Hello? Daddy? Hello?" Silence.

The gunship appears to be empty though he can't get a good view of the driver's seats. At least it is far, far larger than his helicopter and better armed as well. His right hand slips in something wet, crimson but thankfully cold. Apart from that little amount of blood, there seems to be no further gore.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:29 am
by Andrew
Cael lets out a low soft, 'All's clear.' whistle and ignores the walkie talkie, no way in hell was he going to even bother, one rescue mission was about all his nerves could take right now. When Jones got closer, Cael indicated the pilot's seat and for Jones to cover him as he crept up to the seat for further examination. Hopefully it'd be empty and this bitch would be full and ready to fly.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:31 am
by Laraqua
Cael found the seats both empty. The gunship was about 3/4 full of fuel. Doskins and Jones entered after him and stood, aiming their guns at the world beyond. Doskins, no matter what kind of a pilot she was, seemed rather incapable when it came to holding a firearm.

"Do I go to the other helicopter now?" she asked.

OOC: I'll let you come up with additional equipment that might be aboard the gunship.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:43 am
by Andrew
OOC: That works for me, I'll do some research to get it as accurate as possible.

"No..." Cael began, "We need to refuel that bird, it won't get far, the tanks are about dry. This one could really use a top off as well, it's about three quarters full but this beast sucks up fuel something fierce. However we can leave it here in the meantime, the three of us can take off in this, go rescue Sarah's dad and there should be easily enough fuel to drop them off and come back here to refuel both choppers. Knowing that something is lurking in that building, I say we bring more men and bigger guns next time."

Cael wasted no time, while he was speaking he was already going through the preflight sequence. "I'll have this big bitch up in no time. Jones, see if you can man those guns, should be .50 cals, those babies will tear through something if need be. Doskins sweetheart, if you'll please have a seat next to me, I'd appreciate the assistance."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:46 am
by Laraqua
Doskins nods and does what she is told. She looks at the controls as though they were completely alien to her. "Why couldn't planes be more advantageous?" she mutters as she puts the headset on. "I know my planes..."

Jones frowns at the guns. OOC: How different would these guns be compared to standard guns? In other words, just how computerised is it?

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:50 am
by Andrew
OOC: Not computerized at all. These guns would be belt fed which they are probably loaded all ready. An actual soldier would easily be able to fire one. All there is to it is to pull back the bolt and literally push a button to fire the weapon. If it wasn't mounted the thing would kick like a mule on steroids, luckily it'll just vibrate a lot.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:53 am
by Laraqua
Jones takes a moment to get into position, his tongue poking out from between his lips. "You're all right, y'know that? Still don't think you've ever been in a real war, though."

Doskins looks to Cael. "Where're we going? The police station packed with refugees needing an out? The cinemaplex or shopping store? The hospital itself? We don't need much in the way of medical supplies though some more pharmaceuticals would be welcome. What we do need is food and entertainment."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:53 am
by Andrew
OOC: Two .50 cal machine guns used today.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:59 am
by Andrew
Cael smiles at Jones, "I pray that you never see the wars I've fought. This shit is like a day at Disney World compared to that." Then looking at Jane he answers, "The cinemaplex first, swing in and see if they're still there. Radio in and find out what Sarah's father's name is, I know he's a doc but I have no clue what his name is, first or last... Hope Sarah's last name isn't Conner." He says as an after thought.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:02 am
by Laraqua
Jones snorts at Cael's statement. "Yeah, yeah..."

Doskins nods and contacts the other place. OOC: Forgive the cliches. "DSTL, can you read me? We're heading out to pick up the doctor. Need a name and co-ordinates. Over."

Blaize responds: "Lionel Carpenter. Co-ordinates are {Insert Here}. Bring me back some popcorn if you enter the Cinemaplex. Over."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:11 am
by Andrew
Cael responds back, "Roger that, I'll bring you back the whole damn popcorn maker if we go in, thanks for the info, Big Flying Bitch out." Cael then sets the coordinates and heads towards their destination.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:15 am
by Laraqua
"Will we even be able to land this thing in the carpark?" Doskin mutters as they fly out and back towards London.

London is far darker with a curtain of ash that hangs over it, hiding all but a few glimmers of light. If not for the helicopter's complicated navigation system, the helicopter would need to hover low over the city streets simply to find its way. The lights barely penetrate the ash.

The cinemaplex stands beside a large superstore. Neither appear to be much damaged. Both have flat roofs and no apparent easy roof access though the superstore does have an emergency stairwell from the top floor that one could use to get onto the roof.

The hospital sits, darkly, across the street.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:30 am
by Andrew
OOC: Sorry, carpark doesn't compute fully. In the U.S. we call them parking lots... same thing just different terminology I'm thinking.

"No, probably not. I thought they were waiting on the roof." Cael stated as he put the bitch in hover mode. He moved over to the PA system and called out, "Dr. Lionel Carpenter! This is Sergeant Major Cael O'Reilly with the SAS, do you copy?"

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:44 am
by Laraqua
Both the cinemaplex and the superstore are eerily silent.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:20 am
by Andrew
"We don't have time or fuel for this." Cael stated. "I can land this ship in the parking lot but I really hate the idea of hoofing it around here. Jane, radio in and see if you can get the location of the good doc. See if Sarah got ahold of him. I'm not putting this down with just us three, not around here and not without back up."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:19 am
by Laraqua
"No word back from him so far," Doskins says. "Sergeant Blaise says we're to either check for refugees at the hospital or the police station. Says its a lost cause. He intercepted a mobile call that didn't get through to the nurse apparently. Went through to her message bank, maybe, who knows? Didn't sound good. We're not to frighten the nurse just yet, though, or so he says."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:46 pm
by Andrew
Cael frown, "Tough break, poor kid, she'll be devastated." At that Cael manuvered the gunship to the parking lot and set down. "Well since we're here, I say he attack the food store and grab all we can. Maybe they'll even have a DVD rental in there, be nice to come out with a few hundred movies."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:48 pm
by Laraqua
Now that the helicopter is on the parking lot, it becomes obvious that the superstore is a super furniture store. Fortunately, the neighbouring store is a Woolworths.

"Depending on how many refugees we have, we might need more bedding," murmurs Doskins. "There's always the food in the Woolworths... Seeds, too. We do have some hydroponic devices."

"Make do and mend, sheets can be dresses, curtains can make coats," says Jones. "Sorry, something my mum liked to say."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:53 pm
by Andrew
"Good old god damn Woolworths." Cael said, "Well then, let our one stop shopping spree commence. These guys have a little of everything, the predecessor to Walmart... now if we could only find one of them next to a Home Depot we'd be set."

Armed once again, Cael took the lead and began to head for the Woolworth store.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:19 pm
by Andrew
As he hopped out of the beast he turned and gave it one last look and was about to issue an order and stopped, with his mouth hanging open he stared at the beast they just exited from, slowly a large smile spread across his lips. He unslung his G36 rifle and absentmindedly handed it to Doskins and took a few steps to stand next to the .50 cal sitting on it's mount.

Lovingly he caressed the weapon and kissed the side of the barrel. Looking on the underside he slide out the lock pin and removed the weapon from it's mount. "Now... this is a weapon." He said more to himself than anyone. He then grabbed the machine gun with both hands and walked back to the others, "We ready to rock and roll?" He asked.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:34 pm
by Laraqua
Doskin stared at the G36 rifle dubiously and went to pass it to Jones.

"Hey, I've got my flamethrower," says Jones.

"Yeah, that'll be brilliant for close-combat," says Doskins. She rummages around in the back of the beast. "Gotta have some communication devices in here... Why didn't we leave with a proper unit."

"I never got to use one of these back in the forces..." says Jones, stroking his flamethrower. "Comm units, whatever. We did without them before."

"What do you do to signal distress?" Doskins asks.

Jones smiles. "Scream real loud."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:55 pm
by Andrew
Cael laughed at Jones' last comment, "Yell real loud and hope something doesn't drown you out." At that he made his way towards the entrance of Woolworths.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:58 pm
by Laraqua
The air is thick and choked with a grey ash that covers everything, robbing London of its natural colour. The Woolworths glass is cracked, the paint and brick facade chipped away as though with time. The doors that once opened automatically simply sit there, one door pushed further back than the other, as though someone had forced their way in.

Those wearing their night vision goggles see glimmers of light - heat sources that flitter and move, scuttling behind large shapes on the road (cars?) or simply standing frozen in the air (streetlights?). Through the glass doors, a dimly glowing shape can be seen laying across one of the counters. It appeared humanoid.

Somewhere, from further within the building, comes a low whirring sound.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:02 pm
by Andrew
With Flower not around, Cael grabbed a cigarette and lit up, "Shit, I'm not worried about these things killing me anymore. Speaking of... so when we die in here either of you two have anyone that'll be heartbroken?"

At that he forced his way through the tattered entrance and crouched, waiting for the other two to get in, he knew there was no sense in remaining silent, they knew they were here.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:13 pm
by Laraqua
Jones mutters to himself. It sounded like a prayer.

"Who the hell needs food anyway?" murmurs Doskins.

The Woolworths is terribly still. Rusted tin cans have been knocked from their pyramids, cardboard boxes have erupted, spilling their contents. One checkout continues to rotate - the conveyor belt moving constantly through. Doskins removes a chocolate bar and places it in front of the I.R. light to stop it.

"It won't be so bad further in," says Jones. "At the very end, there'll be food."

Something rustles, as though in answer, from somewhere deep inside.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:36 pm
by Andrew
Cael looked at Jones, "Either that or we'll be food. Looks like the place has been ransacked pretty well already. Let's see if there's anything we can salvage."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:38 pm
by Laraqua
The three move slowly down the nearest aisle of tinned foods. The rustle of their shoes against the linoleum, the hiss of an exhalation, these are all they hear as they make their moves. Jones' prediction becomes increasingly true. The goods are less damaged the further they go.

Something deep and guttural howls in the distance. Its very voice causes the linoleum to tremble and their bones to shake. Several objects fall from the aisles with a heavy clang and roll to drift toward their feet.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:48 pm
by Andrew
OOC: What's your thoughts about cursing or swearing? My characters in games like this tend to do a lot of it as I'm sure you've noticed.

"Alright Jonesy, I take it back, this sure as hell ain't Disney World. At least before I knew that if I could see it, I could shoot it and therefore it would die. Now... not so sure. Anyone have anything they'd like to get off their chest before we die? Doskins, how about you? Is that blouse to tight and confining?" Cael smirked trying his best to keep his sense of humor through this.

Then something deep and guttural howled in the distance.

Cael stopped moving forward and whispered to Jones and Doskins, "We need a plan and honestly, I'm tired of shaking in my boots. I don't know about you Jones but I've always been Billy Badass wherever I go, I'm not used to this run and hide bullshit and it's pissing me off. I don't know what damage this .50 cal will do to it but I'm turning the tides here, going back on my training, I'm the motherfucking hunter, not the hunted! With your flamethrower and the .50 cal, I think we stand a damn good chance of killing that fucker, then we can get our groceries in peace! To bad we don't have a 30mm grenade launcher... that was in the other chopper at the station." He finished with a smile.

At that Cael began to climb the aisle, looking for the bitch who was now their target.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:00 pm
by Laraqua
The terrible noise had come from outside the Woolworths but even knowing that, there is a dreadful sense of being watched that comes from within the store. Something moves overhead as Cael moves to the shelving. His mammalian senses shriek. How many legs did that thing have?

"Oh God..."
says Doskins. "Did we ... did we ever go check that corpse? To make sure it was... I mean, did we even see it or just assume its colour meant it was dead? Just that..."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:22 pm
by Andrew
"Fuck... what the hell was that thing?" Cael asked to no one, "No, we went right for the food. Let's just grab what we can and haul ass out of here. I've heard what's in the hospital, that's where I met Sarah and Flower, I have no plans on going there unless it is absolutely unavoidable."

Cael looked around for shopping carts or some type of container the could hold mass amounts of cans.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:26 pm
by Laraqua
Doskins goes for a trolley and attempts to pull it back into the aisle. The trolley holds fast, held by some invisible force. She turns on her flashlight and screeches as the light picks up what the night vision goggles didn't. Strands of translucent webbing hold the trolley in place.

There is a red shopping basket only a few feet away from Cael. The shopping trolley could be cleared and then used - it's already half full of items.

Something scampers overhead.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:34 pm
by Andrew
Cael kicks the trolley in front of him and whispers, "Use this one." As he tries to track what just went over their heads, his guess was a large spider of some sort, with the webbing, the scampering above their heads and thinking he saw something with eight legs... "We need to find the bug spray." He said aloud.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:37 pm
by Laraqua
The thing, whatever it was, is out of sight by the time Cael looks about. Doskins abandons her trolley and picks up the hand-held cart instead and starts filling the basket with cans. She shrieks, dropping one of the cans, as a dozen small spiders come crawling out from the shelving. She peers into her own basket, holding it out from herself, but there doesn't appear to be anything moving inside of it.

OOC: Spot Hidden.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:03 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Spot Hidden 25% (1d100=79)

Cael looks about at what was dropped and grabs the cart in front of him. Using the barrel of the gun, he starts to sweep cans into the cart, oblivious to anything at the moment but the task at hand.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:07 pm
by Laraqua
Something darts passed. Jones screams, his voice pitched strangely high. Hairy, long legs are visible over his shoulders. Doskins screams with him, the rifle slung forgotten over her shoulder, as she clutches her shopping basket - filled with tinned fruit - to her chest.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:30 pm
by Andrew
Cael draws his knife knowing that the thing is to close to open fire upon and attacks.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:36 pm
by Laraqua
Jones is lucky so far (OOC: 4). The things tries to seek purchase for its fangs but it keeps getting caught up in his clothes. Cael attempts to strike the spider, but his desire to not injure his colleague gets in the way and he misses (OOC: 88).

OOC: You have only base Knife score. I only realised now that you never really were informed of a Knife skill though you would have missed on that roll regardless. I suggest putting the skills you already have from either Headbutt or Kick into Knife (25% base rate - 1d4+2+db for a combat knife).

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:01 pm
by Andrew
OOC: I will definitely take the suggestion for the knife skill. Must save Jones!

Cael tries again to stab the thing on Jones.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:12 pm
by Laraqua
Cael darts in, his knife slicing down the middle of the giant spider with terrible ease (8 damage all up). It makes an awful chitinous sound before collapsing to the floor, twitching, its legs spasming. The sight sickens Cael but he manages to tuck it out of mind as does Jones.

"I hate spiders now," says Doskins, her voice several octaves higher. "I don't want to be here anymore."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:26 pm
by Andrew
"Whew! That was gross. I can blow a man's head off but that close to something that gross takes the cake. Let's get to the canned meat section and grab that stuff as well. However, we need to hurry!" Cael stated, a bit shook up himself. Looking at Jones and Doskins he asked, "You two alright though? It didn't bite you did it Jonesy?"

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:37 pm
by Laraqua
"No," says Jones. "But I don't think that's the last of them."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:53 pm
by Andrew
"Well then, let's stick together and run through this place like a bunch of kids at a candy factory giving out free sweets. I'll tell you though... that thing reminded me of the facehugger from Aliens. You guard our backs, don't worry about the tins, so see something... torch the fucker!" Cael stated as he started moving double time to get the cans.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:57 pm
by Laraqua
"Fuckin' oath," says the soldier, releasing a gout of flame - whether just for good measure or because he saw something, it's hard to be sure.

The three move towards the tins of canned tuna, soups and sausages.

OOC: Spot Hidden. If failed, Dodge.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:10 pm
by Andrew
OOC: spot hidden 25% (1d100=90) No idea how to use/roll for dodge. My dex is a 17 so x2 would be a 34%? If so: Dodge (DexX2) 34%? (1d100=66)

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:19 pm
by Laraqua
Cael doesn't even notice the spider as it launches itself at his chest. For a moment it looks like its going to get its fangs caught in the flight suit but then Cael feels the needles prick his skin. The agony is like fine wires being [url=feels]inserted down into the flesh[/url] and flowing down through the veins. Cael begins to tremble.

OOC: Flight suit protects you from 2 H.P. worth but it got three. Make your next move, you're the highest in DEX order.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:34 pm
by Andrew
Cael grits his teeth against the pain and pulls out his Glock and shoots the bastard.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:37 pm
by Laraqua
OOC: . Thank god, if you'd missed by much, you woulda shot your own face!

The spider explodesin a hunk of chitin, membrane and some slimy gloop that covers Cael's face and shoulders.

Jones lets loose a gout of flame across the top and sides of the aisle, stepping too far back he bangs against the row of shelving behind him before righting himself.

"We got enough!" cries Doskins, attempting to move the trolley passed Cael. In the confusion, she probably didn't even notice. Neither of them probably did.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:43 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Whew! That was a close one!

"Yeah I agree, let's get the fuck out of here." Cael stated as he clung to his chest and dragged the .50 cal behind him.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:47 pm
by Laraqua
More chitinous movement. The things moved, keeping up alongside. Jones hit one, two, and four, but the third lunged down trailing silk. Jones stepped out of the way, Cael managed to duck aside, but the thing landed on Doskins who didn't seem to have so much as noticed what went on. It plunged its fangsdeep into her throat

Dodge: Success, fail, success.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:52 pm
by Andrew
"Fuck!" Cael yelled as he grabbed the spider. "I'll toss it! You torch it!"

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:59 pm
by Laraqua
Cael fails to get an adequate grip on the spider which slithers from his grasp.

Doskins flings herself backward and crushes the spider between back and linoleum, causing its limbs to tremble as it attempts to bite again.

Jones fails to hear his cry over the blast of his own flamethrower.

The spider gets her again, causing blood to well from her ruined throat though it has yet to attack her windpipe. Doskins begins to spasm.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:05 pm
by Andrew
OOC: I hate that site, damn near every roll fails. Party killed but giant fucking spider. :shock:

Cael grabs Doskins and yells at Jones, "Let's get the fuck out of here! We stay much longer we're all dead! Cover us, torch this fucking place!" Cael throws Doskins over his shoulder and grabs up the .50 cal and makes a run for the chopper.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 3:32 am
by Andrew
Edit to last post:

Cael pulls out his Glock and puts a few rounds into the thing and stomps it with his boot. He places Doskins in the cart and runs like hell for the exit. "Cover us! Just keep blasting the firespitter in bursts! That should get us out of here safely enough. We don't know how many more there are."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 3:55 am
by Laraqua
Jones: "Can do!"

OOC: Ouch.

One row of shelving topples over with a crash, hit by something large on the other side. Doskins' trolley, pushed by momentum, makes it out the other side and smoothly coasts through a check out lane towards the doors. The dashing duo manage to drop into the gap where one set of shelving leans upon the other. Jones manages to hide hisface from most of the cans and other heavy implements but Cael gets a whack across the face.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:28 am
by Andrew
"Ah!" Cael yelled out in momentary surprise and seeing Doskins roll forward, Cael made a mad dash towards her.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:41 am
by Laraqua
Cael must crawl within the gap between the standing shelving and the fallen shelving. Things scuttle about him. The sticky wiry webbing clings to his face and hair. Something heavy moves away from them.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:10 am
by Andrew
OOC: Can Jones torch the crawl space? If so Cael would ask him to do so. That way it'd be safe to crawl through there

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:13 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Sure. There's not too many flammable materials on the shelving. Will require a Luck roll, though.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:12 am
by Andrew
OOC: I don't have luck on my character sheet.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:17 am
by Laraqua
POW x 5.

FFS: You roll it, will ya? That's too many dud rolls by the Keeper...

Btw, this isn't me cranky with you, just the consistentlly high rolls on invisible castle. Perhaps I should only roll when your rolling for damage dealt to a monster?

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:18 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Luck POW-14 x5=70 (1d100=2) Now that's a bit how I like it, to bad it didn't come sooner! ;) I was kind of beginning to wonder if I had made you mad at me, I was like damn!

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:34 am
by Laraqua
Jones covers them with gouts of flame that send whatever was scampering over the shelving, off again.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:45 am
by Andrew
Cael begins to crawl through the space to get to the cart and Doskins, he only hoped they could get her back before she died.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:50 am
by Laraqua
Something large and terrifying, bigger than all of the other spiders, scuttled passed silently as the duo crawled. He caught sight of parts of a pustulently bloated body, bristling hair, of legs thicker than tree trunks. The sight troubles him and sends shivers of fright up his spine and limbs.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:00 am
by Andrew
Cael doubles his efforts to finally get the hell out.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:05 am
by Laraqua
A murmuring chant sounds behind Cael and the flamethrower stops blasting. Looking back, Cael can see Jones kneeling with his fingers pressed together, as the large hulking thing comes moving towards them.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:18 am
by Andrew
Cael sighs, this was not the way he wanted to die. At that he turns around and swings the .50 cal around and opens fire.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:35 am
by Laraqua
The shelving is blown out and away from the two of them as Jones releases his hands. He turns his head to regard Cael with a hopeful smile moments before the bullets tear through his torso in a fountain of blood that registers as a warm splash in the night vision goggles. He collapses to the floor, clutching at his ruined torso, one arm intact, the other severed from the elbow down, and writhes in agony. His mouth works but his lungs, ruined by the spray of bullets, merely gurgle bubbles of air and blood out through the ruined gap of torso.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:47 am
by Andrew
Cael laughs and tosses the weapon and crawls through as quickly as possible. He'd killed many people, even friendlies before but everything that had happened today on top of this was starting to get to be to much.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:50 am
by Laraqua
The thrown shelving seems to have landed on that large, scuttling beast and it heaves beneath it, its mass thankfully hidden from view. Cael reaches Doskins, who lays haphazardly upon the tinned food, her limbs twitching and her lips foaming. The wound has already shown a purplish bruise.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:52 am
by Andrew
Grabbing the cart Cael rushes her out of the store and heads for the chopper, one person died in his team today, he wasn't about to loose another.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:53 am
by Laraqua
The two reach the helicopter with little trouble though Cael is eerily aware of other organisms moving about the streets.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:56 am
by Andrew
Getting Doskins and the cart inside he shuts the doors and starts the chopper up and takes off, not wanting to come back unless he has more armed men ready for actual combat. He had a gut feeling this was going to be a failed mission.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:59 am
by Laraqua
The helicopter was ready for flight. He thought he saw movement out the front windshield. Something small and bipedal.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:18 am
by Andrew
Cael swiveled the front cannons and started to take off slowly, he'd wait a few seconds to see if he could see what it was.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:19 am
by Laraqua
The figure disappears as the ash around the helicopter thickens. It did seem to be moving away from the helicopter, however.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:28 am
by Andrew
With Doskins possibly dying, Cael took off and headed for HQ.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:29 am
by Laraqua
The journey back is surprisingly uneventful.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:31 am
by Andrew
OOC: Do I keep posting here or else where now?

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:35 am
by Laraqua
Cael's helicopter reaches the large helipad on top of the HQ. The thick, tall walls that obscure the helipad from the rest of the compound are wide enough to set down even this helicopter but not with ease.

OOC: Pilot check. Also, post here for now.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:46 am
by Andrew
OOC: Pilot Check 71% (1d100=65)

Still quite heavily shaken up, Cael lands the chopper but not with the grace he usually possesses. He shuts everything off and looks outside to see if anything is around.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:48 am
by Laraqua
There is no one in sight. Cael can see the door however.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:58 am
by Andrew
Cael opens the door to the chopper and makes a run to the door to the base while pushing the cart with Doskins in it.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:00 am
by Laraqua
The steel door is locked and bolted. He can hear someone working at it from the other side. Its also somewhat crumpled from this side. Obviously, something's hit it before. There is a pad beside the door - an intercom.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:10 am
by Andrew
Cael mashes the intercom button, knowing he should have radioed in, "This is Sergeant Major Cael O'Reily, I have a woman in need of immediate medical attention!"

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:45 am
by Laraqua
A few more agonising moments pass before the door is opened and the two drawn inside by two soldiers.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:01 pm
by Andrew
As they get inside, Cael picks up Doskins and asks where the medical bay is at, he hoped like hell Sarah could help Doskins.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:48 am
by Laraqua
The soldiers direct him to the floor and tell him to take the corridor on the left. They can't leave their station.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:53 am
by Andrew
Cael follows their directions as he runs down the hall, "Medic! I need a god damn medic now!" He yells once he's on the correct floor.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:55 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah bursts into the medical bay, out of breath. "Let's get set up fast!" she gasps, clearing an operating table. She takes off her coat, washes up hurriedly, and arranges the medical supplies. "Any word on the antivenom or the doc?" When she hears Cael's voice, she raises her own. "In here, Cael!"

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:58 am
by Laraqua
"The doc can't work around other people," says Sergeant Morrison, now dressed up in a suit. "It's either him or you..." He produces a tray. "All the antivenoms they got. Mostly snake bite."

Doskins' trembling form is extremely pale. Her neck wound shows two pairs of large puncture marks that have gone purplish and swollen. Her saliva foams at the lips. She swings her head back and forth on the table and mutters incoherently.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:05 am
by Andrew
Cael breathes a sigh of relief knowing that Doskins is in good hands. "I got bite as well, damn spiders the size of bulldogs got us. Jones is dead, I blew him to pieces with a machine gun, it was either that or let those things get him." He said as he stepped back and began to remove his flight suit to his waist and pulled off his undershirt to see exactly how bad he was bitten.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:07 am
by Laraqua
His wound is marred with traces of what appears to be some sort of poison but other than mild pallor and trembling, Cael seems fine. It looks like he'll need stitches more than anything.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's me, then," says Sarah, helping Cael get Doskins on the table. She works desperately to save the woman's life, finding and administering antivenom for spider bites. With help from Cael and Morrison, she manages to extract much of the poison and stabilize Doskins. "I'll be with you once I'm done here, Cael."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:11 am
by Andrew
OOC:First Aid 50% (1d100=45)

Cael moves over to a corner and grabs some rubbing alcohol and gauze and cleans out the wound, trying to squeeze out any venom that might be still in there. Grabbing some needle and thread he begins sewing up his injury.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:13 am
by Andrew
OOC:First Aid 50% (1d100=45) Not sure how posted twice but ignore the other one I guess. I'd delete it but I apparently can't.

"I'm fine, just a bit shakey is all, just worry about her." At that Cael moves over to a corner and grabs some rubbing alcohol and gauze and cleans out the wound, trying to squeeze out any venom that might be still in there. Grabbing some needle and thread he begins sewing up his wound.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:14 am
by Laraqua
Antivenom has its own dangers and should not be administered lightly. There are several polyvalent (when they are effective against a range of species, or several different species at the same time) antivenoms available. There are venom-detection kits available that you could use though it will take a little time and presumes that there even is a similar anti-venom that you want available. Therefore, the First Aid check will simply prolong her life and give you a bit more time.

On the plus side, if she's survived this long, at least you know the large spiders aren't crazily poisonous.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:19 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Um...Sarah succeeded at a Medicine roll, not First Aid.]


Sarah continues to treat Doskins, checking her vitals and doing her best to keep her stable. "I wish my father were here," she says, though she is doing a decent enough job. "I'd still better look over your wounds later just to be safe, but I'm sure you could also use someone to talk to about what happened out there, Cael."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:23 am
by Laraqua
Still, unfortunately, Medicine won't do it easily either. The wrong administration of antivenom can have disastrous consequences.

Your Medicine roll accomplished this...

Management of severe envenomation involves:

Airway control (intubation), administration of muscle relaxants, hyperventilation.
Invasive monitoring.
Gastric drainage (to prevent acute gastric dilation occurs).
Sedation - benzodiazepines.
Anti-adrenergic agents early to control hypertension; later, inotropic agents and volume support - may require swan-ganz monitoring if difficult to manage.

I'll need a Pharmacy or a Chemistry roll for the correct use of the antivenom detection kit. You could ask for someone with those qualifications and on a successful Luck roll, they have someone on staff nearby. On an unsuccessful one, they'll need to retrieve someone with it.

If you're lucky...

Antivenom administration - one to two ampoules intravenously, slowly. May be repeated, according to response, at 10 to 15 minute intervals.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:34 am
by Andrew
An odd look, one mostly of confusion crosses Cael's face as Sarah mentions her father. He quickly tries to cover for his slip as he turns the look of confusion into a grimace of pain while sewing up his chest. "Sure, I'd love for a pretty girl to look at the wound on my chest." Cael said with a playful smile and wink and then his expression turns more serious, a slight worried look is apparent on his features. "Actually there isn't much to say about it but I would still like time to talk with you. There are a few things I want to say."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah wipes her brow, which is covered in sweat. Doskins is still alive, but she isn't sure how long she'll last. "She's hanging on," she says. "We've got the antivenom here, but it's dangerous to administer. Frankly, I don't think I'm fully qualified to do it properly. Even what I've already done has pushed my medical skills to the limit. Is there anyone on staff here who could do a better job?"

When nobody steps forward, she looks down in dismay. "Can you get someone quickly, then?" she asks. "I'd be taking quite a chance doing it myself."

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:40 am
by Laraqua
"A venom specialist?" says Morrison. "Don't have one of those but I'm sure one of the pharmacists or chemists from the cells would come up and do it. Doskins is technically one of them." He taps the wire on his ear. "Uh, hello? Hello?" Then he moves to the intercom. "We need a lab monkey. Someone who can deal with anti-venom. Tell them Doskins got poisoned. The nurse here doesn't know what to do about it. Send them up right away. Winner regains their freedom." He let go of the intercom. "...for now."

He turns to Nurse Sarah. "It'll be a minute or so."

OOC: Medicine roll to keep her stable in the meantime.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:50 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods. "Thanks," she says. Now that she's found her stride, she is quite able to keep her patient stable. She glances at Cael as she works, wondering what's going on in his mind. He's flirting with me, at a time like this? she thinks. Not that I'm not flattered, but...if he really did what they said he did, that kind of scares me. I think I've got some insight into him, though.

Re: Ash - Andrew - Cael

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:57 am
by Laraqua
A shabbily dressed man and woman, their clothing crumpled and their gaze anxious, are brought into the room, followed by three well-armed soldiers with rifles. Each of the soldiers were dressed up, the two men had their hair slicked back and the woman had her hair curled and make-up on.

"Worked on a farm in Brisbane," says one of the soldiers in a thick Australian accent as a way of explanation as he unslings his rifle and passes it to another soldier. He moves up to Cael, frowning at the injury. "Strewth that's a big one! Don't s'pose your brought a specimen. Could probably identify it if you showed it to me - that is if it's an ordinary spider made bigger."

The two prisoners quickly went about using the venom detection kit, swabbing for a poison sample and going through the motions. One took a rather complex manual from the kit and flicked through it to check on what the various outcomes meant.

OOC: Sarah, make another Medicine roll to keep her stabilised.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"Cael, you saw the spiders," says Sarah. "Why don't you describe them for him?" She works furiously to keep Doskins stabilized. It's touch and go for a while, but she manages to hang on.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:14 am
by Andrew
"Whew... I'll do my best, it was dark and we were using our night-vision goggles. They were big and hairy is about all I can tell you unfortunately. They go up in flames pretty easy though... Fuck!" Cael yells as he grabs his head in obvious frustration. "Look I can go back and grab a dead one or make one dead even, give me a 30mm grenade launcher and I'll get one real easily." At that Cael cut the stitching that was remaining, job half done and started moving towards the door.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:17 am
by Laraqua
"Big and hairy, huh?" said the Australian. "Look, don't worry about it. We can get a specimen if the docs wanna examine it later. Not gonna be of much help. On the plus side, not all big and hairy things are dangerous... What about the webbing? Did it arch up when it attacked? Were there any other defining features? It bit her twice so they were obviously aggressive."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:20 am
by Andrew
From the doorway Cael stated, "It was sticky. What else is there?" Then he added, "It jumped on us and latched on actually, it didn't use it's webbing for any type of attack. I remember making the comment about how they reminded me of the face-huggers from Aliens."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:22 am
by Laraqua
"Plenty," says the Australian. "Was it thick and compacted? Was it loose? Was it funnel-shaped? Was it just a few thick cords? Were they on the ceiling or the floor? There's plenty about it. Australia's got some of the most poisonous spiders. If we're unlucky, it's one of ours."

OOC: Also, edited previous post to include further questions.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:23 am
by Andrew
I edited my post as well.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:26 am
by Laraqua
"That's pretty aggressive, most aren't. Really, most spiders won't bother you if you don't bother them. No distinctive colouring or markings? Shit, has Doskins ever been to Australia?"

One of the scientists looked up. "Yeah, actually, she was attached to some ambassador there. Had to fly him about coz the cities are so far apart."

"Figures," he snorts.

OOC: Nurse Sarah, make another Medicine roll.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:27 am
by Andrew
"The web was very thick actually. I remember seeing one web when I was picking out cans, that web was somewhat tubular. Also the spider had two black spiky things off its bottom." Cael stated feeling more relaxed, he quickly realized his adrenaline was coming down.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:31 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah manages to keep Doskins stable, and she even seems to be showing a little improvement, but without that antivenom it won't last. "I've still got her stable," she says, "but I can't guarantee how long she'll stay that way. Sergeant Morrison, didn't you say something about being out there causing one's fears to become real? Is she afraid of spiders, perhaps? If she's seen them when she was in Australia, maybe..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:32 am
by Laraqua
"Bloody oath," says the fellow, puffing out his cheeks and exhaling mightily. "There is this theory tossing around that some of the things you meet are the kind of things from your head. If that theory's right, you're right and it's right she's been to Australia... Like the nurse said, too... That'd be worth studying, f'sure. But I dunno, maybe we should wait for the venom detection kit. I'd make a guess but I could be wrong." He looks to the nurse for guidance. "What do you say?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:34 am
by Andrew
"I'm scared of dust bunnies and I didn't see giant ones of them attacking us. It would have incapacitated me... I'm really allergic to dust." Cael stated with a bit of a grin.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, how much longer will it take?" asks Sarah. "She's been lucky I've managed to keep her steady this long, but she could turn south any minute. If you've got a ways to go and you have to make a guess, that's the one I'd make. I'll try to keep her going as long as I can in the meantime."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:35 am
by Laraqua
The Australian merely gives him an odd look.

The two lab technicians looked at each other then continued their work.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:37 am
by Andrew
"What can I do to help her?" Cael asked feeling somewhat helpless.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"There may be something to that theory," says Sarah. "Some of my deepest fears seemed to be coming to life back at the hospital."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:40 am
by Laraqua
"Make the decision," urges the Australian. "Administer what I say or wait for the results..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:42 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC: Will it take long enough to get the results that I'd have to make two or more additional Medicine rolls?


"How much longer will the results take?" asks Sarah.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:44 am
by Laraqua
Technically, this is for snake venom detection but it's close enough...

• Locate the bite site (cut off bandage over the bite site only to gain access, if there is first aid in place). Make sure no-one washes it! Alternatively, if there is clearly systemic envenoming and the bite site is of poor quality, test urine.

• Take one of the cotton bud swab sticks provided in the kit and an unused "Yellow Sample Diluent" bottle. Unscrew the cap off the bottle, revealing the dropper cap. Lever this off, using a finger nail and put it to one side.

• Put the swab stick into the sample diluent fluid to thoroughly moisten it.

• Rotate and rub the moistened swab stick vigorously over the bite site and adjacent skin, to pick up venom on the skin around the bite and from just beneath the surface of the bite marks.

• Place the swab stick back in the "Sample Diluent" bottle and twirl it around, to get any venom off into solution, then remove the swab stick and replace the dropper cap. You are now ready to start the test procedure.

• Open a pack containing test wells (silver like pack), remove the enclosed set of 8 joined wells and place them in the holder. There is a lug at one end to enable easy placement in the right orientation. Remove the cover from the wells.

• Place 2 drops of the sample diluent you have prepared into each well.

• Leave to stand for 10 minutes.

"About six minutes," says one of the assistants.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:48 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Okay, but how many more Medicine rolls would I have to make during that time? I've made four already (two barely!), so I could extrapolate and judge how many more would be left.]


"I don't think she's got that long!" says Sarah. "We'd better administer it now."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:00 am
by Laraqua
"Sounds like a funnel web spider," says the Australian. "Famous and deadly."

Nurse Sarah has had experience with a funnel web spider bite before. Some spider enthusiast had brought across three specimens and had been badly bitten.

The bite is usually immediately painful, and if substantial envenomation occurs, symptoms commence usually within a few minutes. They include, progressively (bolded parts weren't seen):

Piloerection, sweating, muscle twitching (facial and intercostal, initially), salivation, lacrimation, tachycardia, and then (fairly rapidly) severe hypertension.
Vomiting, airway obstruction, muscle spasms, writhing, grimacing, pulmonary oedema (of neurogenic or hypertensive origin), extreme hypertension.
Unconsciousness, raised intracranial pressure, widely dilated pupils (often fixed), uncontrolled twitching, and death unless artificial ventilation is provided (she is here).
After about 2 hours the muscle fasiculations and most symptoms start to subside, and are replaced with insidious but profound hypotension, primarily due to severe cardiac failure.

The moment symptoms or signs of systemic toxicity develop, the antivenom should be administered intravenously. The initial dose is two ampoules and can be repeated every 15-30 minutes. Supportive management, including oxygen, iv atropine, antihypertensives and sedation is usually required even if the antivenom is given. If the antivenom is administered early, the clinical situation is unlikely to get out of control. Unfortunately for Doskins, it already has gotten out of control. The antivenom is a highly purified rabbit IgG immunoglobulin and is highly effective; it should be given as soon as signs of significant envenomation are seen. Prophylactic adrenaline is not required, nor steroids, and there have been no reports of adverse reactions following its use.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:05 am
by Andrew
OOC: So when can Cael expect to start coming down with these symptoms?

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"I've actually seen a case of that once, and I concur," says Sarah. "We'll administer it through the IV. Two ampoules to start, and it can be repeated every 15-30 minutes. She's also going to need atropine in her IV, as well as continued supportive management and antihypertensives, and she'll have to be sedated. Let's get to work." She follows the proper procedure to administer the antivenom to Doskins. "The case I saw before wasn't this far along. It's a miracle she's even still alive."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:15 am
by Andrew
"She's a tough one." Cael stated, at that he left the room and walked down the hall and lit up a cigarette.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:19 am
by Laraqua
OOC to Andrew: About that... :twisted:

The job went steadily downhill. The injection seemed to get some response out of the woman but not enough. The venom had lingered too long in her system. After a half hour of trying, the trembling subsides for a few moments before Doskins finally she went into cardiac arrest and died on the table.

The Australian simply swears.

"If it helps any, it was similar a funnel web spider bite," says one of the lab assistants sadly. "Or at least similar to it. There were some odd qualities to it... Some would call it extra-terrene... It's difficult to explain. We're no physicists. I just ... I'm not sure any anti-venom would have worked."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:23 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods, slumping over in a chair, utterly drained. Tears fill her eyes and roll down her cheeks. "I couldn't save her..." she cries. "I know I did everything I could...we all did...Thank you, it does help knowing I made the right decision. I don't know how my father copes..." She wipes the tears and sweat from her face and gathers herself up again. "We'd best check Cael's wound. If it's envenomed, he'll need immediate treatment!"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:27 am
by Laraqua
"If he's envenomed he'd know it by now," says the Australian sadly. "Shame to see that even with all this fancy high-tech gadgetry, cures still aren't easy to come by. Still, it's certainly an improvement. I'm Mick Gerald, by the way."

+1 to First Aid, Medicine, Pharmacy & Psychology give to Nurse Sarah.

+1 to Sub-machine-gun, handgun, spot hidden & pilot helicopter given to Cael.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:31 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah lowers her surgical mask and forces herself to smile. "I'm Sarah Carpenter," she says, offering her hand, "and I'm very pleased to meet you. My father's Lionel Carpenter; he's a doctor. He always says you can't save everyone. I know that, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Say, is there any news of him, Sergeant Morrison?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:34 am
by Laraqua
Nurse Sarah notices that one of the lab technicians does a little double-take at the mention of her and her father's name.

Sergeant Morrison sighs. "Sorry, no. Cael didn't manage to rescue anyone."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Quite understandable, given the circumstances," she says. She approaches the technician who reacted to her and her father's names. "Excuse me, but do you know my father?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:41 am
by Andrew
Cael paces back and forth in the hallway, unsure of what to do next or where to go. A strong urge to get back in the chopper wells within him.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:45 am
by Laraqua
The lab technician merely frowns. "Sorry, no, I must have been mistaken. I just ... I think we should get the pathologist out to autopsy the body. We can run a chemical analysis... Look," she turns to the others. "I know you don't like us but at least release the scientists. You need what we can offer."

"And risk you stabbing us in the back?" says Sergeant Morrison. "Risk a mutiny?"

"We're scientists. We don't care who's running the establishment so long as we can do our job," she said. "We can do a lot of good here."

Sergeant Morrison arches his eyebrows.

"You needed Doskins for what she could provide. Now you need the rest of us. You don't have enough soldiers..."

"And having you people running about won't help that situation," says Morrison.

"Frankly, you're already fucked."

"We've released you two, we've got a new nurse, some SWAT guy and a kid, that's enough new people for today," says Morrison grumpily.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:49 am
by Andrew
Cael was standing in the hallway opposite the room everyone was in, "Hold on." He said as he walked back in, "Morrison, why exactly are these people being treated the way they are? Did I miss something? Why would they stab us in the back?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:53 am
by Laraqua
The lab assistant crossed his arms. The tension in the room escalated greatly. On a successful Psychology roll: There was a great threat in the air - only it wasn't aggression. It was fear. Each person in the room, the scientists in crumpled clothing, the soldiers in their suits, each were tense with fear, an uncertain truce between the two groups that sat fragile in the middle.

"Actually, uh, the scientists all sided with the upper military because we were used to it," says the lab assistant. "These guys are still sore at us because we got 'em plugged full of holes. We just want peace. We just want to do our jobs and salvage what we can."

The tension lessens in the room considerably.

"How are things going in the medical bay, people?" comes Blackworth's voice over the intercom.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:56 am
by Andrew
"Bad!" Says Cael, "You got these guys locked up because you're pissed off at them? What's your take?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:59 am
by Laraqua
Morrison gives him a dry look. "We're understaffed and we know for a fact their soldier buddies would like to take a piece outta our asses. All we need is a mutiny of their fifty or so scientists and we'd have a whole bunch of bad raining down on us. That's something we don't need."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"We lost the patient," Sarah says into the intercom, oblivious to the undercurrent of fear in the room. "Everyone did all they could, but too much poison had been in her body for too long. I'm sorry."

She turns back to Morrison. "I might be able to help with the autopsy if you decide to do one. We actually picked up two SWAT guys - don't forget Stephen. And Aidan, the child welfare worker who was at the hospital with me and Dahlia. When you said we're not getting any new people tonight...does that mean you're not going to try to rescue my dad yet?" She looks crestfallen. She then faces the female technician again, the one who had recognized her family name, and extends her hand. "While we're making introductions, what's your name?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:21 am
by Laraqua
Morrison smiled slyly. "Stephen and Aidan, yeah, we don't really count them as new. He seems to be top stuff."

"Professor Sharadon," she says. "I'm a specialist in biochemistry so I'm well schooled in both biology and chemistry. This fellow here, Professor Leon, is a specialist in plain old chemistry though he has a mild nanotechnology background. If they won't release anyone else, you'll need to be our resident pathologist..." She pauses. "I don't believe we had one of those on staff anyhow so there's no reason why you couldn't be it." She smiles at Cael. "And, really, do be gentle on these people. I think we've all been through quite enough." She turns to Morrison. "Of course, I'm sure the biologists, psychologists and other potential releasees are far too dangerous and annoying to you. However, surely the chemists and certainly the physics staff are safe enough to release? There's been no bad blood between our departments and yours, surely?"

"Well, technically, no," says Morrison.

"Well, that's settled then."

"I don't have clearance for that!"

"Clear it with your boss," she said with a crisp smile. "Anyhow, Nurse Carpenter, willing to take a crash course in pathology? Or did you want to read up on the various medical equipment we have in here? Learn how to use it all properly? I'm afraid this place isn't really my area of expertise but you're always welcome in the chem lab. I am allowed access to my lab and office, right?"

"Uh, yeah."

"And my room?"

"It was requisitioned."

"Charming. Well, I suppose I can make do really. I'm rather busy and the nurse looks famished. Go have some food brought down to us." She turns to Cael with a smile. "I appreciate your protectiveness and how you stood by having us all released but we're really no victims here. You obviously have a military background, or you're a career cop, either way, I've noticed that your sort tend to think that we civilians are somewhat defenceless and in need of a saviour. I won't deny the usefulness of a saviour but Sergeant Morrison is quite right when he says that even scientists can be dangerous. The good sergeant should know above anyone, just what civilians in times of duress are capable of."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:27 am
by Andrew
Cael walks over to Sarah and says, "Where are you guys hiding the antibiotics at? Probably don't want this getting infected but then again..." Looking at Doskins he continues, "I'm a dead man walking anyway."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, that's true, Sergeant," says Sarah, recalling how she rose to the occasion when she was in the direst jeopardy. "And feel free to call me Sarah, Professor. I don't mind using first names. I would be interested in learning pathology. I do have some biology and chemistry background, and while I'm far from an expert, I'm willing to learn. Though I am intrigued about the equipment here, too. What do they have that isn't in a normal hospital?"

When Cael approaches her, she looks concerned. "Let's look you over first. I don't think you're dying - are you experiencing any symptoms?" She begins to examine him.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:34 am
by Laraqua
Mick Gerald, the Australian, chuckles. "You'd know it by now, mate. You'll be fine. Just get some stitches into it. I'll swap with whoever's got your room, Professor Shaden, and then I'll give it up to you! I prefer sleeping on a bunk anyhow."

Professor Shaden smiles. "How thoughtful of you. And as for you, nurse, this could be an excellent teaching facility. I have a feeling we're going to be at this little mystery for a number of years. I'm not giving up thoughts of a repaired London just yet. Oh, considering the state of the Archaeology and Archival Rooms, I wouldn't consider opening that one up just yet. You have got it sealed, yes? Or did that dreadful Blackworth succeed in having it flame thrown?"

"Bree convinced him not to," says Morrison.

"She would do that, wouldn't she? Well, you needn't worry. I'm far too fascinated to do anything troublesome. Lock me in my labs and I wouldn't even notice. Anyway, I'm sure you're all busy, being dressed up and all. Why don't you all sod off and leave us to our work? Leave someone posted here, though, would you? We do need some cups of tea to be getting on with or has someone repaired the coffee machine in the little room?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:36 am
by Andrew
Speaking to Sarah, "Trembling and I think I'm losing my mind but with us SAS guys we never really were sane anyway." He said with a smile, "So is this a bad time to ask what you're doing Friday night?" His smile only got larger, a bit goofier even.

Then turning to the professor, "I'm no one's saviour and I don't doubt what civvies can do in times of duress however as ex-special forces, a cop and a human being I don't believe in false imprisonment either. So if everyone is comfortable with their situations then far be it from me to rock the boat. However though you're right, I am the protective sort... speaking of." He turned to look at Sarah again, "Where and how is Flower?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"What happened with the Archaelogy and Archival rooms?" asks Sarah. "Is there something dangerous in there? I also hope we can rebuild London. Maybe whatever is happening won't last forever, or we could find out how it happened and discover a way to undo it."

She walks over to Cael. "I was going to bring Dahlia with me, but the soldier guarding the room said she had to stay behind. She ought to still be there. I asked them to send Aidan or Stephen down, but I heard her tell the guard she didn't need them. As for those stitches, I think I can help there." She patches him up. "There," she says with a triumphant smile. "Good as new!" If only healing his invisible wounds were so easy, she thinks.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:49 am
by Laraqua
Morrison simply grunted. "Anyone wanna go back to their rooms? Mick, you can be posted out here with the scientists."

Mick groaned.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's go check on Dahlia," Sarah says to Cael. "Then we can get something to eat. And we really should have that talk."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:54 am
by Laraqua
Morrison smiles. "All right, I'll take you back to the room." The two are led to an empty room - two bunk beds, two foot lockers, four standing lockers. "Who unlocked the door?" he said. "Can she pick locks?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:55 am
by Andrew
"Thank you Sarah." Cael said looking at his wound, "Better than the field stitches I was trying to do." At that he put his undershirt back on and just tied the sleeves of his flightsuit around his waste. He looked at Sarah and smiled. 'I wish I could have some time alone with her, I need to talk to her and don't want anyone around.' Cael thought to himself.

Looking at Morrison he asked, "There a place where I can grab some BDUs, a shower, chow and then maybe a bunk?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:56 am
by Andrew
"Not that I'm aware. Great where'd that little rascal get herself off to?" Cael stated with a smile.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're quite welcome, Cael," says Sarah, returning his smile. "Of course, I did have the benefit of a fully stocked medical lab," she adds, modestly. When they reach the room, the unlocked door alarms her. "I don't know who could have unlocked the door. The guard, maybe? He was the only other one here when I left. Say, shouldn't he still be here? We've got to find her! Oh, I never should have left her alone..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:12 am
by Andrew
Cael smiled and said to Sarah, "Even the best stocked lab wouldn't help someone with a poor skill. I'm serious, that's a good job there, only have a little scar." Cael was somewhat grateful that Sarah hadn't asked about the other scars on his chest and back, he had a tough time once in Russia and they didn't play around once under interrogation, torture was like a second nature to them.

"Isn't there a intercom that can be heard throughout the building? We can page her to either come back or meet us in the break room." Cael suggested.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good idea!" says Sarah. "We still should look for her, though. There are dangerous things in this place, and the guard not being at his post is very disturbing. We'd better page him too. I promised Dahlia I'd look out for her. And...uh...thanks." She blushes a little.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:40 am
by Andrew
Cael brightens up and exclaims, "I almost forgot!" and hands Sarah a fully loaded Glock. "I know you can't carry it around with you here but there was a spare in the chopper, when you need it or can carry it with you it's yours. If the have a place to target practice I'll teach you the proper way to shoot if you're interested, I'm a good shot, I can show you a few things."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you!" says Sarah. "This is a lot better than that .38, and it's got a lot more ammo too. I'd love to learn how to shoot. I'm not allowed to carry it around yet, though Blackworth said I can carry the combat knife you gave me now, so I'll put the Glock back in the room with the other one." She ducks back into the room and puts the pistol away, then returns.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:49 am
by Andrew
"You're welcome, when I saw it I made sure to tuck it in my flight suit for you. I know women prefer flowers and chocolates but I'm the kind of guy that gives weapons out anyway." Cael stated, for some reason hanging out around Sarah made him feel better, he was starting to feel more like himself again only now he could feel himself blushing slightly.

He cleared his throat and looked to Morrison and said, "There a way I can get a set of BDUs? 32 inch waist, 32 long, large size shirt. This flight suit just isn't cutting it."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:00 am
by Andrew
Laraqua wrote:+1 to Sub-machine-gun, handgun, spot hidden & pilot helicopter given to Cael.
Do you add this to the sheet or do I?

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:12 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: I believe we're supposed to add them ourselves. That's what I did.]


"Considering what's happening," says Sarah, "I prefer the weapons." He really is sweet on me! she thinks. I'm just so confused I don't know how I feel. He's heroic and rescued us, and he's very kind to me and Dahlia, but he's also got this dark side to him. I'm a little afraid to get involved with him, but if I reject him that might push him over the with Lyle. I don't think Cael would ever do anything like he did, though. "I put the guns away out of reach in case Dahlia comes back so she doesn't get her hands on them. Sergeant Morrison, let's page them over the intercom and also notify all personnel to look for them. What was the name of the soldier you assigned to guard us? It's very odd that he's gone too. Could he have taken her somewhere?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:17 am
by Andrew
OOC: Thanks!

Cael got down on one knee in front of Sarah, he looked up and smiled at her and then tied his boot laces. "Well I agree that we should move out, see if we can't track her down even. Look for smudges of grease or whatever at about a four foot height on the walls and doors."

'Cool it Cael, you're going to end up freaking Sarah out if you keep saying this shit. She's got the idea, if there's a mutual feeling, the ball's in her court for the next move... otherwise you sound like a desperate pervert.' Cael thought to himself as he stood.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:26 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: You're welcome!]


"Okay, good thinking," says Sarah. "We' later. First let's find Dahlia." She looks around the hallway outside the room to see if there's any trace of which way the girl went, but without success.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:48 am
by Laraqua
"BDU?" asked Morrison. OOC: Psychology roll. "Maybe. I'll check. As to you two searching... I think you've had a long enough day and since you can't roam the base without a guard, it's not like the three of us can split up to cover more ground. On the plus side, every dangerous room requires an access code and unless she's a brilliant hacker with all the tools, she ain't getting in there. If neither of you trust me enough to hunt by myself, one of both of you can sure come with me to keep me company but it will mean you'll be tired tomorrow. As for the guard, he probably got called away. We are understaffed, and so far two guards have already been assigned to the new people. Dahlia probably just wasn't considered much of a threat so he went to guard the barricades or maybe even get some shut-eye."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:56 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah completely misses any insight into Morrison. "I'm going to be tired tomorrow anyway," says Sarah. "As exhausted as I am, I don't think I'll be getting any sleep until I know for certain that Dahlia's safe. I'm certainly willing to come along and help search. Plus she might not trust you lot yet and could hide from you and the other soldiers, but she knows us. Will you come too, Cael?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:59 am
by Laraqua
"You got a point there," Morrison says with a sigh. "Of course, if you two come along there are areas I can't search because neither of you have clearance to be there."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, you could send us back to our room when it's time for you to search those areas," suggests Sarah. "Dahlia wouldn't have clearance for them either, but if they're not fully guarded maybe she slipped in."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:11 am
by Laraqua
Morrison looks deeply depressed. "This is going to be one long night..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:28 am
by Andrew
"Yes, BDUs, Basic Dress Uniform... fatigues. I need something other than this over grown child's romper." Cael stated to Morrison then to Sarah he answered, "Yes of course I going to search. Dahlia is a smart one, I'm sure she's off exploring something, probably having a good time to. I can only imagine what this place must seem like to an 8 year old."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:21 pm
by Mr. Handy

"You're probably right," says Sarah, "but I'm still worried about her. I'm curious to see more of this place too. At least we'll get a guided tour while we're searching for her. Okay, let's send that message out over the intercom first and then start looking. Maybe we should check the bathroom first, in case she just went there."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:02 pm
by Laraqua
"The main intercom that gives out that kinda information... There's one near here..." Morrison looks around. "One that lets you talk out over the whole base. I'm not sure."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:07 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Sounds like that's what we need, then," says Sarah. "Let's try that first. The sooner we can tell Dahlia we're looking for her and tell everyone to be on the lookout for her, the sooner we'll find her. You can also order the guard you assigned to report in; he might be able to explain how she managed to get out. What was his name?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:15 pm
by Andrew
"Yeah Morrison, the sooner we find her the sooner we can all get some shut eye. By the way, where can I grab a bunk after we find her?" Cael asked. "I saw an extra bunk in your room, if you don't mind a mostly harmless soldier turned cop crashing in your room that'd work for me. Also let's me be there for you should anything arise."His voice was sincere as he stated the latter half of his statement.

At that he began to walk down the hall looking for the intercom and any signs of where Dahlia could have gone to.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:02 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah walks with Cael. There's so much I want to talk to him about, she thinks, but that's going to have to wait. Where could Dahlia have gone? How did she even get out of the room?

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:35 am
by Laraqua
"This is just great ... little kid, so many places to hide," grumbles Morrison. He leads them to a security command center.

Several rows of televisions show the various rooms and corridors, flicking from one to another. One fellow, dressed in a blue garb - similar to a hospital patient - sits back in a chair, pops a can of coke and barely gives a wave. he's the same fellow Sarah briefly met in the hall.

"I don't know which command goes out across the whole facility," admitted Morrison.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe this chap knows," says Sarah. She smiles at the man. "Hi. We need to send a message out to the entire facility. Could you please help us? The little girl I arrived with, Dahlia, has wandered off and we need to find her." She glances at Morrison. "Maybe the guard on our room left his post to go look for her. He might have an idea of where she's gone, or at least where she hasn't."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:43 am
by Laraqua
The man grins broadly. "I saw him leave, tracked him. He went to help fend off a breach on the Ground Floor. Think he's a little busy. I'd switch channels to show you but you might just lose your lunch... As to the major communications thing, I dunno, I just know how to switch channels."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:50 am
by Mr. Handy

"Already lost it, thanks," says Sarah with a shudder. "I'll pass all the same. Did you see her leave too, by any chance, or did she show up on the cameras anywhere else? Do you know which way she might have gone?" She then realizes what he had said about the breach. "Do these...breaches...happen often? What exactly was it that tried to get in?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:52 am
by Laraqua
"They happen sometimes, not so bad as it could be, though," says the fellow cheerily. "Our defences and all."

The television cameras switch to show basement levels (the top-right corner has B1, B2 or B3 on it) and he moves forward to switch all of the cameras off. Nurse Sarah catches sight of cells but not much else.

"No sign of Dahlia, didn't know she'd left. To be honest, I normally read a book and just glance over this stuff."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks anyway," says Sarah. "Well, I wouldn't begin to know how to use this equipment. Cael, are you any good with computers? Maybe you could figure it out."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:11 am
by Andrew
OOC: Computer Use 31% (1d100=16)

"As a matter of fact I'm not to shabby at computers, let me give it a whirl." Cael stated a little aggravated that the man in charge of watching the security cameras was doing such a piss poor job of it.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:15 am
by Laraqua
Andrew locates the public intercom with ease. The man in blue simply smirks at him. Morrison rubs at his temples.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:39 am
by Andrew
Cael picks up the intercom and says over the loud speaker, "Private Dahlia, this is Sergeant Major Cael... Nurse Sarah and I would like you to meet us in the breakroom where we went when we first arrived at this complex. We want to make sure that you are all right." Cael says in a gentle tone, he didn't want to scare Flower or make her think she was in trouble.

Covering the mouth piece he looks at Sarah and asks, "Is there anything you want to add sweetheart?" As soon as the last word escaped from his mouth he scrunched up his face in a 'I can't believe I just said that' kind of look. He looked back to Sarah, a look of nervousness was apparent as if he almost expected to get slapped, "Anything else you want to say to her?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:57 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah grins sheepishly at Cael. I wonder if he's falling in love with me? she thinks. I wonder if I'm falling in love with him? She nods and takes the microphone from him, her hand gently brushing against his. "Hi, Dahlia, it's me, Sarah. Please meet us in the breakroom. You're not in any trouble or anything, we're just so worried about you."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:13 am
by Andrew
When the expected slap didn't occur, Cael straightened himself up a bit more and felt tingles go through him as her hand touched his. 'What am I still in high school?' Cael thought to himself.

He also quickly realized that before now he never had time for anyone before. After he had left his grandparents it was all about survival. He had been homeless for awhile while he worked up enough money to rent a small flat for himself, then once he turned eighteen he enlisted in the Army to help himself and to help pay for his sister's schooling. While he was an SAS soldier he never had time for any serious relationships, never let anyone get close to him or get to know him because he never knew if his next mission might be his last... Russia seemed like it was going to be the end. Then once he left the Army and became a cop... two years ago? Had it been that long already? He had to prove himself to his fellow officers that he could do the CO19 jazz with his eyes shut. Once they learned of his SAS history they had no doubts.

Then it was on to flight school and now... here he stood with a wonderful nurse that he hoped he could talk to soon, he had something he wanted to tell her in private.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:30 am
by Laraqua
"Guess we're going to the breakroom, huh?" asks Morrison, looking terribly disappointed with the whole state of affairs.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:44 am
by Andrew
"Why yes we are there buddy boy." Cael stated, a little tired of Morrison's attitude. He was exhausted as well but he could sleep when he was dead, right now there was a little girl to find.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:57 am
by Laraqua
Morrison shrugged and slunk off, leading the way back to the elevator and up.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:25 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Let's go," says Sarah, smiling at Cael. She walks beside him as they follow Morrison. Maybe we'll get a chance to talk privately in the breakroom, she thinks. I feel giddy as a schoolgirl! I haven't felt like this since...Do I dare let him into my heart? Can I truly love again?

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:23 pm
by Andrew
Cael smiled back, at Sarah, "You know up until today the most noble thing I thought I had done with my life was working to pay for my sister's school so she could get out of our grandparent's house. Now... the greatest thing I have ever done was rescuing you and Flower from that hospital." He was about to touch Sarah's hand when he realized that his palms were sweaty, he didn't know much about women but he guessed that they didn't like a sweaty hand holding theirs.

"I don't have any children and I don't expect I will but the way I feel about Flower I imagine is about as close as it gets to feeling about your own kids. I feel like my own daughter has run off and I swear if anyone hurts her they will pay, Zeus doesn't not take kindly to strangers hurting the ones he loves. Zeus was my call sign in the SAS, I rained down lightning death so they nicknamed me Zeus." Cael said, be could feel is blood pressure rise at the thought of Flower in trouble.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:33 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah meets Cael's gaze, her eyes shining with admiration. "That's so sweet," she says. "And thank you for rescuing us. You were so brave in there. If you hadn't shown up, we'd probably both be dead - or worse - by now." She takes his hand, clasping it tightly and not minding the sweat one bit. "I feel the same way about Dahlia. I've never had children and hadn't expected I ever would, but I also consider her my own daughter. I have the same concern for her that I know my father has for me. I'd die to protect her. So you were in the SAS? My grandfather, Oliver Carpenter, was one of the first to join the SAS, back when it was established in 1941. He was a Sergeant Major too by the end of the war."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:40 pm
by Laraqua
Morrison sniffs and murmurs: "Strewth mate ... incomprehensible ... daft old codger."

They reach the break room. "I'm gonna sit out here. You two love birds go make happy." He slides down the wall, clasping his hands in front of him.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:46 pm
by Andrew
Cael's heart nearly skipped a beat when Sarah held his hand and his smile broadened as he looked into Sarah's eyes, "I would lay down my life in a heartbeat if it would protect either one of you..." Cael stated and stopped it looked like he was about to say something further but hesitated then in almost a whisper as if the damage done might not be so great he added, "I love both of you and I would do whatever is needed to keep the two of you safe."

He then cleared his throat and said, "That's really cool about your grandfather, there's a plaque on the wall with the original SAS members, I think I remember seeing his name, it's just been almost ten years since I've seen it. But hell, the only reason I rose to Sergeant Major as quickly as I did was because of field promotion. We were in some heavy fighting and our Sergeant Major at the time for some reason took off his helmet and stood to look around a corner, sniper got him, he died in my arms. I was just a sergeant at the time but I took command and got us through to see another day."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

"My grandfather got field promotions the same way too," says Sarah, gazing into Cael's eyes, her pulse racing. "A lot of brave men died on D-Day, in Operation Market Garden, and in the Battle of the Bulge, and he was in all of them."

"Thank you, Sergeant," says Sarah when they arrive. She leads Cael into the break room and sits down at a small table, motioning for him to take the seat across from her. She rests her arms on the table and looks at him, smiling nervously. He's only the second man to profess his love for me, she thinks, not counting family, of course. And unlike Lyle, I believe he truly does love me. "Well, I guess we've got a lot of things to talk about. I know you have a lot of things to get off your chest, and so do I. I want you to know I'm here for you, Cael. I can help you get through this. I don't know exactly what happened out there, but I can see it's affected you deeply. Would you like to talk about it?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:01 pm
by Laraqua
There's a thud outside in the hall. A cranky Australian "ouch", the door is slammed shut (though as it doesn't appear to be lockable it probably wouldn't bother you) and then footsteps move off somewhat - though not all of the way away.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:12 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah stops speaking when she hears the noise, her heartbeat quickening again, this time from fear. She pads quietly over to the door, standing beside Cael and listening intently. She can't make out what the commotion is, however. She looks at him questioningly, her hand resting on her hip near the knife he had given her. What's happening? she wonders. If anything dangerous got loose in this place, I know he'll protect me with his life...but I don't want him to die. I just found him - I can't lose him now!

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:13 pm
by Laraqua
Whatever it was, the footsteps moved at an ordinary pace rather than a run.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:01 pm
by Andrew
Cael smiles and lets out a small chuckle, "Sounds almost like someone had a bit to much to drink." He said with his hand resting on the butt of his pistol. Slowly he moved his hand and took Sarah's in his, his heartbeat was racing and beads of sweat were apparent on his brow. He lead Sara over to the table and kicked two chairs so that they were facing one another and sat her down in one and he took the other. Taking both her hands in his he leaned in close and lightly kissed her cheek, "I do have something to say but first I want you to know that I hold you in the highest regards and if it's not love I feel for you, when love does come it will knock me off my feet like a blast from a frag grenade." He stopped for a second not believing he just used the words 'love' and 'frag grenade' in the same sentence.

"I hate to be the one to tell you and if you end up hating me for it I will understand. Anyway, when I was out with Doskins and Jones, I radioed in on the last known whereabouts of your father. What I was told was that it was a lost cause... they said he was dead. I even called out to him on the PA system and didn't get a response from anyone. No heads popped out, no one was on the roof. At your command I will go back with a pocket knife and search for him if you wish and will stay out there until I'm killed, you have only but to ask." He then leaned back and let go of her hands awaiting her next move, it was apparent that pain and sorrow were etched into his features.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:14 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah's breath catches in her throat. Without thinking she folds her arms around Cael and begins to weep, pressing her face into his chest. "No..." she chokes out. "He can't be dead..." The tears flow freely, spilling onto his flight suit. But he was fine! she thinks. I had just been talking to him. How...? Why? WHY? " could they even know? What do they mean, a lost cause? He's got to be alive, he's got to be! You didn't actually see his body, right?" She takes a deep breath and starts to recover. "I don't want you to take any unnecessary risks, but I have to find out what happened to my father. First we'll find Dahlia, then we'll find out exactly what they know and how they know it. Then if there's any hope he's still alive, we'll search for him...together." She clasps his hands. "I could never hate you, Cael. I...I love you, too." She blinks back her tears and looks him in the eye. "Blackworth didn't say anything about that, but he did tell me that you...killed one of the soldiers, Jones. He told me you thought it was a mercy killing, but he thinks you lost it. H-how did it happen?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:05 pm
by Andrew
Mixed emotions overtook Cael and at first he wasn't sure where to begin, however he knew the import thing was Sarah's emotions and he wanted to sooth them as best he could, "I didn't see his body, if I had I would have brought him back to you. As far as I'm concerned it hasn't been confirmed, all I got was the message on the radio. As for going back to look for him together... We can't. I lost two people out there and there was nothing I could do about it. Doskins was fine one second and the next I knew she was being attacked, and Jones... He was about to get swarmed by those spiders, it was a mercy killing, he must have gotten bitten already because his flamethrower stopped and he was kneeling on the floor as the bastards came for him. I'd hope someone would ghost me rather than let that kind of death happen. I do loose it for a short time but seeing you made me come back and put things into perspective. You saved me too Sarah." Cael said as he held her tight, running his fingers through her hair.

"I can't take you with me though, Dahlia needs you and if something happened where I couldn't protect you she'd be without the both of us. I've been a soldier one way or the other for almost fourteen years, I've always known the my life was expendable and would end in a battle. Finding your father for you couldn't be a more noble reason for me to lay my life on the line. It would be the most noble reason I ever put myself in harms way, with the exception of saving you and Dahlia. I don't know if my sister's alive, she was in Egypt, she became an archaeologist but besides her, you my love and Dahlia are the only two people I have in this entire world and I would go down to hell and fight the devil himself to protect you." Cael stated, tears welling up in his eyes. The last time tears came to him in an emotional state was when his mother had killed herself almost 20 years ago.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:20 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah rests her chin on Cael's shoulder and her cheek on his. Their tears mingle with each other, and she clutches him tighter. "I don't think I could have brought myself to kill him, and I wouldn't want to die like that. I know you're a good man, a heroic man. You tried to save Doskins...if my father had been here he might have succeeded where I failed. You rescued us from the hospital, risking your own life. I know if you go back out there I'll worry about you while you're gone. I wasn't there so I can't know exactly how you're feeling, but I can tell it's been tearing you up inside and you really needed someone to talk to about it."

Sarah kisses Cael on the cheek. "I do know a little of where you're coming from, though. You remember what Morrison said about what civilians are capable of when under duress? Well, I know it's true firsthand. I...I don't talk about this with men I've just met...or at all for that matter, except my father and the police. But I feel a connection to you, like we're kindred spirits. If you're going to get involved with me, you ought to know about it." She looks him in the eyes. "I killed a man once. I didn't want to, I tried every other way I could, but I had no choice." She takes a deep breath. "My last boyfriend was a lawyer named Lyle Hamilton. At first he was charming and I was quite taken by him, but I eventually came to realize that he was very possessive and controlling. I tried to tell him I needed a little breathing room, and he blew up at me. I broke up with him, but he wouldn't let me go. He kept stalking me, harassing me, terrorizing me for months on end. I learned how to defend myself, and it's a good thing too." She pauses to collect herself.

"One night about a month ago he broke into my flat and attacked me. He...he bloody nearly raped me, Cael. He was on top of me in my own bed, and he was so much stronger than me I didn't think there was any way I could stop him, but I had to try. I still don't know how, but I managed to fight him off and get free. He came after me, chased me into the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and...It all happened so fast, I didn't even have time to think. The blade went right into his heart, and that was it. I...I even tried to save him, but there was nothing I could have done."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:27 pm
by Andrew
Cael nodded and smiled, "I know you're strong Sarah I have no doubts however it is in my nature to protect people, especially women and little girls. I was the kid that at seven would confront a very drunken and angry father so my mother and sister would be spared. I took the beatings, the broken bones the fractured skull and so on to protect my mom and sister. The only thing I wish I could have done was to spare them the site of my broken and bleeding body laying on the floor. I never got the chance to truly stand up to him, he was killed by the Mafia in NYC when I was twelve. I grew up in New York by the way and after my father's death, my mother moved us to England to stay with her parents. My mother killed herself shortly after we moved there and my grandparents barely acknowledged our presence. I never told anyone all that before." He laid his cheek on Sarah's shoulder and began to relax, he hadn't realized our tense he had become as his muscles started to unknot.

"As for killing the lawyer... I actually remember the case. A friend of mine was the homicide detective assigned to your case. His instincts told him to close the case, it was very obvious you acted in self defence. Even if I didn't know anything about it except for what you told me I'd believe you without a doubt. You are everything I could have ever wanted in someone, a kindred spirit, tough but not to tough, smart but not so smart that she thinks she's perfect from it, kind and gentle when she needs to be, a bitch when it's called for, extremely beautiful even in green scrubs. I can't tell you what those scrubs are doing for me!" He said as he sat up with a large smile. He then closed his eyes and went in for the big kiss on the lips, making it lingering and sweet but not open mouthed and forceful he then whispered in her ear, "I love you Sarah."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah returns Cael's kiss with equal fervor. It's been too long since I've been kissed, she thinks, and never like this! I've never felt this way before. My father might be dead, and it's ripping me apart, but Cael is here to hold me together through all this. At last she has hope, not just for survival, but for a brighter future. She loses herself in the moment, just enjoying the sensations flowing through her body, relaxing in his firm yet gentle grip. After what seems like a long time, the kiss finally ends and her green eyes stare into his, still glistening with moisture. "And I love you, Cael," she gushes. "I didn't think I could ever feel this way again, but I do, and stronger than ever. You and Dahlia are everything to me, and I want us to be together forever. Thank you for complimenting me, thank you for saving us and for risking your neck to try to rescue my father, thank you for being so wonderful, thank you for everything..." She sighs deeply, looking down at herself. "These scrubs are fantastic, aren't they? Well, if you think they're flash, you should see this gorgeous dress that was in my room. I think it'll fit me, too. There's supposed to be a dance soon, and I'm going to wear it then. I can't wait for you to see me in it.

In spite of her elation, Sarah still can't shake her memories of the horrors she has endured. "The worst part about that night wasn't when he tried to bang me, it was when he forced me to kill him. That'll haunt me for the rest of my days, but I know I can get through them now. I will survive, with your help. There were other things that happened to me in the hospital, dreadful things. You know how they were talking about how fears might be coming true? Well, it seemed like Lyle was back from the dead somehow. I heard his voice on the radio, saying one of the exact same things he said to me that night, word for word. And then...there was a note from him in my locker, in his handwriting. I've still got it in my purse. He was stalking me from beyond the grave, and I was so terrified he was going to get me, but now that you're around to protect me I don't need to worry any more." She leans in and kisses him again, closing her eyes. For the moment, the rest of the world doesn't exist, and it's just the two of them.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:18 pm
by Andrew
Cael took her hands in his and looked into her green sparkling eyes, "I know what you mean but horrors. One day I will tell you everything I can about what happened to me in Russia. It was over five years ago but I still wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweat dripping off me. The nightmares are so vivid and the things that were done..." His voice trails off and a slight blank look crosses his features as it's apparent that he's remembering some detail of his experience. A pained look crosses his face and he fights to snap out of the memory, "I'm sorry, try my best not to think about it."

"I love you to Sarah, more so than I ever could have possibly thought possible for an old fighting dog like myself. I never thought I was going to find love, always thought I'd die alone and forgotten on the battlefield. I promise you I will not fail you even if death is eminent I will find a way to not fail you. So try is my love for you I know it must be blessed by God Almighty." At that he places his hands on Sarah's neck and kisses her with a fiery passion.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:05 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah melts in Cael's arms, holding onto him as if a hurricane will pick her up and fling her away if she lets go for even a second. He's got so much pain inside... she thinks, just like me. We need each other so much. "This was meant to be," says Sarah, resting her hands on his shoulders. "I've narrowly avoided a terrible end a number of times, I know God is looking out for me...for both of us. I wish we could have met under better cirucumstances. Seeing the world torn asunder around us...but we can rebuild it, together. I won't ever let you down either. I'll do whatever I can to save you if you're hurt or in danger. I hadn't expected to find love either, but I'd never given up hoping, wishing...I didn't think I'd be ready for another relationshp so soon, but I've learned that life's too short. When you're ready to talk about Russia, I'll be there to listen." Sometimes a pretty smile can be the best medicine. I'm exactly what he needs...and he's exactly what I need.

"I need to tell you about what happened to me when this started - what that thing in the ambulance did to me. I took shelter there just before the storm hit. There were two paramedics, Geoff and Karlene, as well as two patients and a little boy I rescued in the parking lot. His whole family was killed by that storm. I tried to save his father, was too late. The driver, Mark, was dead - or so we thought. It got so cold in the ambulance, and we could hear these...creatures...out there, feel them hitting the ambulance. Then one of them ripped open the doors and the ash swirled took Karlene...I could hear her screams as it dragged her away, and then they were just cut off. I thought she was dead, but it was worse than that. I couldn't do anything for her, all I could do was seal the doors and keep them shut. I was so terrified that something like that would happen to me too...and then it did...

Sarah trembles as she recounts her ordeal. "Something disengaged the handbrake, and the ambulance rolled downhill and crashed through the front windows of the hospital. The barricade separating the cab from the rear got breached, and I had to seal that too. Then I heard that voice on the radio. It got even colder, so I volunteered to go into the cab and try to turn on the heater. I wrapped myself in an insulated blanket, put on a pair of safety goggles, a pair of gloves, and a surgical mask to keep the ash out, and took some scissors to protect myself. The heater wouldn't turn on, but I noticed that the driver was moving. I checked his heart, and it was still beating! I was so excited that I might be able to save his life, and I unbuckled his belt and tried to bring him into the back. That's when...that's when he...

Tears begin forming in her eyes. "He wasn't human any more. He was...a monster...he grabbed me...his skin sloughed off his jaw...he opened his mouth, it was full of these...horrible...fleshy mushroom things...he screeched...I screamed...I screamed so loud...he brought his mouth towards mine...I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong and I was too panicky..." She sniffles. "He snogged my face off, but it was worse than that. He...he practically rogered me with his mouth. I was totally paralysed, couldn't move a muscle. I was completely powerless, but I could feel everything that was happening to me. I could feel his saliva dripping through my mask and into my throat, and worse...the mushrooms...he tried to force them down my throat...they were ripping my mask...poor Karlene didn't have one, and I think one of these things got her too...I thought I was done for...I really believed that was the end...

"Then Geoff saved me. The ambulance driver had been his best friend, but Geoff was able to stab him in the heart to rescue me. I...I had feelings for him too, but not like this. I didn't know if he was interested in me, or he could have had a girlfriend - or a wife - for all I knew. We were talking, making plans for getting out of the ambulance and gathering things to take with us, and then everyone else just vanished and I was all alone, in the dark and cold. I knew if another one of those creatures got me, there'd be nobody around to protect me next time. Then Leroy and Joel found me and got me out of there.

"When I was able to talk to my father, we figured out what those things were. There are these small parasitical organisms out there, they look like hybrids of various animals and they seem to be composed of fungus. They jump at people, burrow under their skin, and take them over. Then they produce those mushrooms - those are their eggs. They grab people and force the eggs down their throats, in order to reproduce. That's why it felt so much like a sexual assault - that's exactly what it was. I told my father about the thing that seized me just before one of them attacked him, and the information saved him. I...I just can't believe he's dead after all that. I would have...felt it. I just know he's alive, somehow, somewhere."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:55 am
by Andrew
OOC: Sorry for the post length, his Russia experience isn't something he wants to skip through. If he's going to tell Sarah what happened, he's going to tell her what happened.

Cael stood as she began to tell her story and wrapped his arms around as she spoke, it was obvious that it was a horror like the movies but this happened to the woman he loved. The sudden urge to avenge her swelled up but logically he knew that there was nothing to really attack. After she finished recounting her tale he whispered in her ear, "We will find him, come hell or high water I will bring him back to you." He moved slightly and kissed the knap of her neck gently and gave her a long slow squeeze. He then moved to stand next to the counter in the break room and frowned when he noticed there wasn't any coffee.

"You told me two horrible tales that happened to you, now it's my turn to tell you about Russia what I call my trial by fire." He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and withdrew a pack of smokes with the other. He lit the cigarette and said, "I can't give you particulars of the mission itself as it's still highly classified however I will tell you everything I can and even a few things that are technically classified." He took a long pull of the cigarette, held in the smoke for a bit longer than normal and let it out. It was obvious that he was trembling and he balled his hands into fists to try and stop it although he knew it was a moot point.

“It started like any other day, my Lieutenant walked into the barracks and rung the bell that meant he needed our attention. I was just a sergeant at the time and order the men to grab some floor and listen up, while they sat, I remained standing behind them. Lieutenant Black told us we were headed to Russia; there in Russia was a scientist that we needed to extract. The KGB or what remains of them was holding this man with threats of death if he didn’t produce some sort of chemical weapon that effected the DNA sequence in the human body, being a British scientist it was our duty to Queen and Country to get the man out of Russia and safely onto British soil. We were also told that if the shit got bad, to exterminate the scientist to ensure that the Russians never got the formula.

Within 30 minutes we were off bound for the Russian border. It was winter as I can still remember clear as day a cold that I had never felt before, it was so intense all I could do was to keep moving in hopes I didn’t freeze to death, which was a good thing considering we had a 60 mile hike ahead of us. Well we got into the city, snuck our way into a vacant building across where the scientist was being kept. Our intelligence told us that there were storm doors that would take us into the basement of the building that our target was in. We slept for four hours and under the cover of darkness slipped in.

The building was huge and the basement more so as catacombs stretched throughout the entire area. We saw these things in cages, they resembled humans and may have been so at one time but they were misshapen and grotesquely disproportioned. As we were moving past, I here Donaldson let out a shriek and then the wet sound of a man gurgling in his own blood was apparent. One of the creatures used its tentacles, grabbed Donaldson and ripped his throat out.

There was nothing we could do to save him and we knew it as we watched the creature diner on his flesh. Jax, my best friend then, barfed on the floor and he then shined his torchlight onto the floor. Now we all had the feeling we were walking on a wet floor but being it was in a basement thought it was water… it was blood, gallons upon gallons of blood everywhere most of us lost it and began to regurgitate or at least gage. Our Sergeant Major lost his stomach as well, slipped in the blood and smashed his head on a steel pipe. The mission had just began and it was going south of cheese fast, I was now in command for the first time, it wouldn’t be until later… 6 months to be exact that our Sergeant Major would take a bullet to the head and leave me in charge permanently.

How he was out of the fight, the medic felt the back of his head and he had crushed it in, his blood was mingling with that on the floor. The medic bandaged him up but he was unconscious and we left him in a dry place, a bench out of the way of those creatures. We reached the back door and checked it for booby traps, finding none we tested the door and found it unlocked. Patel slowly opened the door with the rest of us covering him when all hell broke loose. A flashbang went off blinding us temporarily as the night vision gear we wore showed the brightness in a much higher magnitude. Only man who had removed his was Cooper, youngest man in our unit, fresh out of high school.

It was then that machine gun fire sounded, I ripped off my gear and saw that Patel and Cooper were shot to shit. That left me, Jax, Snyder and Tagart. We moved for cover and were engaged in a fire fight when we suddenly heard the sound of metal grinding on metal. We looked back and realized quickly that someone had opened the cage to these monstrosities. The four of us were pinned down by enemy fire and now we had these other things coming towards us. Tagart grabbed Cooper’s weapon and held both MP5s, he let out a battle cry and ran down the hall blasting it to shit. Jax, Snyder and myself saw our opportunity and ran after Tagart. It was useless, I watched Tagart get shot so many times in the head that he ended up decapitated, Snyder, even though we had on Kevlar was shot once in the chest by a armor piercing sniper round, he was dead before he hit the ground. Jax had his knees shot out and I was shot in the chest four times. Somehow nothing vital was struck.”

Cael noticing his cigarette burned out lit another, then turned on the tap and took a gulp of water from the faucet. He took a few quick drags off the cigarette and continued. “I awoke in a hospital room and Jax was next to me but asleep. While I went in and out of consciousness I remembered seeing images here and there, a nurse coming and going, two people talking and so on, normal hospital stuff. For a moment I thought I was home, rescued or handed over. Then a man with a thick moustache stood over me and began to speak to me in a thick Russian accent.

He demanded to know why we were here and other information about the British military. When I refused he looked at Jax and smiled, he picked up a metal crutch and with both hands slammed it into his knees. Jax screamed out in pain, the Russian demanded I tell him the information, I refused and he slammed Jax again. It went on like this for what seemed like hours, sometimes lightning quick, sometimes very slow. Finally the Russian pulled out a gun and shot Jax in the head.

I was then taken down to a dark concrete room with no windows and a small dim light. Inside were various torture devices. I didn’t find out until later but I was there for three months. However, there first move was to set me down on a wooden chair, strip me naked and put two nails through my scrotum. Then they did everything in the world to make me jump, squirm and pull against the nails, I don’t know how long I lasted but I ripped the nails out. I suffered through many beatings with various objects and it was finally a hammer to my face that knocked me back, ripping me off the nails.

I was thrown on a cot and left there. I heard a metal grate slid and saw a small cup of murky water and a bowl crawling with maggots with a chunk of moldy bread on a tray. I tried to get to it but fell off the cot and submitted to unconsciousness. I awoke on the floor to several men pissing on me, when they were down they hoisted me onto a rack and slowly stretched my limbs taut. Then they began to burn me with cigarettes, lighters, hot pieces of metal and so forth. They never burned me bad enough that it would kill me, mainly first and second degree burns. They never asked any questions.

On and on they went, sometimes leaving me alone for several hours but when they returned it was to enact something vicious and wholly evil. They kept sending me the same meal everyday and I ate it knowing that if I was to survive I had to keep up the little strength that I had. As time went by I started to become numb to their torture and they saw it, it when then they started to torture me psychologically. They strapped a pistol in my hand, loaded one round and placed me in a room with a woman and her daughter. A board was taped to my arm so I could not bend my wrist and shoot myself. I was told to pick one and kill her. I refused and they beat me more, I kept refusing and they kept beating me telling me all the while that the pain would end, I just had to fire the weapon… and eventually I did. I thought about which one and I killed the little girl.”

Cael was visibly shaken; his whole body was trembling as he sunk to the floor and curled into a ball. He tried to lit another cigarette but he was shaking so bad that the flame kept going out. “My reasoning was to spare the child anymore pain, I kept telling myself over and over again that it was the right thing to do. They hauled me out of the room and started calling me a baby killer; they hacked off the child’s head and strapped it to my chest after they bond my hands behind my back. If I looked down, I saw her face.

They left me alone in the room for a while, it was long enough that the head was decaying and was stinking horribly. However, because of my weight loss, because they had not beaten me so severally I had gained my strength back to a more recognizable state. I did every exercise I could think of to hone myself, come hell or high water I was getting out. I may be killed in my escape but I was getting out of the room.

I was asleep the morning I escaped or so my captors thought. One walked into the room and before he noted that my arms were in front of my body I silently killed him by choking him to death with the cuffs. I removed the girls head from my body which was nothing much more than a skull and found keys and a pistol. Still naked I quickly removed the man’s clothing and made my way out. I got pretty far before someone saw that I wasn’t the man I just killed and sounded the alarm before I could delete him. It was a now or nothing moment and I ran like hell, killing whoever stood in my path. I made it out the doors and ran through the side streets and into the sewers. For days I hide down there dining on rats and whatever other wiggly critters are in the sewers. I found other clothing that had been discarded and finally made my way to the British embassy. It didn’t take long for them to realize what I said was true once I removed my shirt and the wounds where obvious. I was brought home and placed in a hospital for over a year under going treatments. ”

Cael didn’t move as he finished, he had never in his life told anyone what he just threw down and was in a state of shock.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:20 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: No need to apologize, it was very well written! My posts were on the long side, too.]


Sarah wrinkles her nose when Cael lights a cigarette, but says nothing. Let the poor man smoke, she thinks. He clearly needs it. I can help him quit later. She sits in stunned silence while he tells her about the horrible tortures he underwent and what they made him do. And I thought I'd been through hell! I don't know how any human being can endure that, but somehow he did. I can't even begin to imagine what they'd have done to me if I'd been in his place. When he finishes, she lies down on the floor beside him and just wraps her arms around him, holding him, comforting him. Then she recalls how his tale started and something occurs to her. "A chemical weapon that alters human DNA, you said?" she asks. "Things in cages that eat people? That sounds exactly like the mutants they've got locked up below! You don't think...? Could this weapon have something to do with what's happening? My God, what do Blackworth and the others know about it?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:34 am
by Andrew
He held Sarah tightly and took a few deep breaths, pushing the images and the sound of his own words out of his mind. "I've thought about that, about the chemical weapon doing what's been done but it doesn't explain all the ash unless they figured out a way to 'improve' it." He then kissed Sarah again and smiled, 'She sure as hell is the cure for my soul!' He thought to himself as he began to stand. He helped Sarah up and brought her close to him with his arms around her waist, "You are good for my soul Sarah Carpenter, you have a true healing touch. Even after reciting my experience as long as I'm holding you, even that seems like a trivial matter." With that he kissed Sarah again and then said, "What's taking Dahlia?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"And you're good for my soul, Cael O'Reilly," says Sarah, embracing him and letting his warmth flow through her. "I think it helped us both immensely to talk about what we've been through. I don't know if the chemical weapon caused the ash or not, but those mutants...Did you know this place used to be the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory? If anyone was working on such a weapon, it would be them. I'm getting worried about Dahlia too. She should be here by now. We have to be careful about Blackworth. Somehow he has the ability to read minds. He knew my thoughts when we landed, and he probably read yours too. Dahlia also has some kind of psychic ability, and she saw that he killed a few people horribly, but that he's also rescued people. Maybe he's like you in some ways, but I'm not sure we can trust him. Let's go look out into the hall and see what's going on." She puts her arm around him and leads him to the door.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:54 am
by Andrew

As they approach the door Cael moves away from Sarah slightly so in case anything should happen they aren't tangled up in each other as they separate he lightly pinches her butt, a playful grin appears on his face, "Sorry, I wanted to do that ever since I saw you run up the stairs at the hospital. Even running for our lives I thought you were incredible."

Then with his hand on his weapon Cael opened the door slightly just enough that they could peer into the hallway.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:01 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah giggles a little. "Thanks," she says softly. "I like the way you run too - you're the only one I know who can keep up with me." She also rests her hand near the hilt of the combat knife as she stands at his side and looks out into the hall.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:04 am
by Andrew

As he opens the door, "I will for the rest of my life try to keep up with you." He says with a smile. 'I can remember a time not to long ago... this morning, when I never smiled. It seems like all I do now is smile at Sarah and Dahlia, they make me happy. I could easily see spending the rest of my life with them, hopefully in less hostile situations.' He thinks to himself.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:04 am
by Laraqua
Morrison is playing a furious game of solitaire out in the hall, his gun flopped across his lap, his face deep in thought.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah relaxes when she sees nothing is wrong, but she's still concerned that Dahlia hasn't shown up yet. "Any news about Dahlia yet?" she asks. "Oh, and what was that noise we heard earlier?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:12 am
by Andrew

Cael sighed and said, "Something isn't right here. Either our message to her didn't get out or she's somewhere she didn't hear us or... worse. I say we get out of here, go back to the room just in case she headed there, maybe wait there for a bit in case she's enroute and then look elsewhere. I'm thinking that if she went exploring, she'd go somewhere she's either been or somewhere close to that. I think she'd want to keep fairly close to where she knows she's at. I know she's brave and tough but she's still only 8 years old. Thoughts?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, maybe," says Sarah. "I don't see how she could have missed the message. It went out to everyone. But if she did hear it, how come she didn't show up here by now? We could check the room, but I don't know about staying there while she's still out there? On our way back we should send another message out, telling her we're still looking for her and where she should go. Then if she turns up or someone else finds her, they can radio Sergeant Morrison. The only other place she's been besides here and our room is the medical lab, so she might be near there."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:24 am
by Andrew

"Alright, pass by and send out another message, check your room and then swing by the medical bay and look in the surrounding area... got it." Cael stated as he stepped out, "Look lively sergeant!" Cael stated with a grin, "We're going to get on the intercom... say, is there any place in the building that's not wired into the intercom?" He turned to look at Sarah and said, "It could be that she's somewhere where there isn't an intercom to begin with and all she hears is the sound of what would sound like people talking in the distance."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:26 am
by Laraqua
Morrison gives Cael a dark look. "I wouldn't know that, sir." He rises awkwardly to his feet, wincing as he goes and gives the cards a kick. "Let's give out another message then..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:31 am
by Andrew

Cael returns the look, anger starting to boil in his veins, "Then who would know Morrison? There's an 8 year old girl around here somewhere that your fucking man lost. Someone unlocked the door and now she's roaming around, if this place was safe it wouldn't matter so much but with a breech that occurred I don't like the idea of my daughter being alone here all alone." Cael barked, he then realized how he had referenced Dahlia.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:33 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods firmly in agreement. "If you don't know where she could be that the intercom doesn't reach, might Blackworth?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:37 am
by Laraqua
"Blackworth's busy checking defences," says Morrison, somewhat sulkily. "Kinda more important, what with Dahlia's life depending on them..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:41 am
by Andrew

Cael balled his fists, he was close to hitting the son of a bitch and even through instinct he felt his hand rest on his pistol grip. He gnashed his teeth together hard and stormed past Morrison heading to the security camera room where they made the announcement the first time. He was practically stomping as he walked away mumbling something about toy soldiers.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:45 am
by Laraqua
Morrison gives Cael a cold look as he storms past. He mouths something, though even Sarah can't see enough of his lips to read them. It didn't seem polite.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah catches up with Cael, putting a hand on his arm to help him calm down. Getting angry wouldn't help them find Dahlia any sooner. "Maybe she simply got lost and couldn't find the breakroom," she suggests. "This is a big and confusing place. If we tell her how to find the stairs, then tell her what floor the security station is on and give her directions, she might be able to find it. Then they can page us on the intercom if she makes it here before we locate her. I remember a trick for finding one's way through a maze. If she consistently follows either the left or the right wall, even going through doors that aren't locked or otherwise off-limits, she should eventually make it to the stairs - unless there's a loop."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:49 am
by Andrew

As Sarah placed a hand on his shoulder, Cael listened to what Sarah said it was logical and made sense. Then something crossed his mind and he started to laugh he looked to Sarah and gave her a big kiss and laughed again. "You have your cell phone on you? Call this number 8922 1538, it's my cell phone number. I gave her the phone to try and call her parents and she never gave it back."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:56 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah grins wide. "Brilliant!" she says, taking out her mobile phone and dialing the number - saving it in memory while she's at it. "I hadn't remembered that you gave it to her." She waits hopefully for Dahlia to pick up.

As she does, she notices the message that was left for her. "Hey, there's a message from my dad! The phone never vibrated, though. It's so...disjointed...he's referring to things he wouldn't have known..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:00 am
by Andrew

Cael says in a low tone, "I hadn't either until just now. I was going to suggest we split up, and get your phone number to keep in contact when I realized I didn't have my phone, then it hit me that I gave it to her to call her parents." He grabs his shirt collar and said, "Sometimes I amaze myself at my brilliance." He stated with a smirk.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:10 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah shivers when she hears the voice on the phone. At first she thinks it's her mother, but when she realizes who it really is it seems even more impossible. Without even thinking about it, she puts the call to Dahlia on call waiting and dials her own number.

The reply she gets stuns her, and she tightens her grip on Cael. Oh, God, I knew it! she thinks. "Cael," she whispers in his ear. "I need to talk to you alone. Now." Then she switches over to her call to Dahlia and speaks into the phone. "Dahlia! Can you still hear me? Do you know where you are, or what floor you're on?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:29 am
by Andrew

Fear gripped Cael's heart as he grabbed Sarah's hand and ran into the breakroom again. He shut the door and turned around to listen to what she had to say. He had never experienced this kind of fear before and he didn't like it.

He withdrew his pistol, switched the safety off and cocked and load the firearm. He really wished he could get home to grab his trusty Sig P226, it had been with him everywhere... except Russia, the one time he had actually left it behind because it was still in pieces being cleaned.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:01 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah blanches, her eyes showing her abject terror. "Oh, no..." she says in a soft, frightened voice as she hugs him tight. "My instincts about this place were right all along. I should have trusted them...Cael, I just got a call from...myself, in the future...and I don't think it was far in the future. There was a lot of static, but I clearly heard 'call me,' 'quickly,' and 'you're making a mistake.' Then I called my own number. I should have gotten a busy signal, but instead I got my own answering machine and my future self picked up. Oh, Cael, it was horrible, and it was all my fault! That's what she...I...said too. There was weeping...probably me...and chanting in the background. She said 'I shouldn't have' but not what it was I shouldn't have done. Then she said don't trust Blackworth and everyone's dead! That...that means you, and Dahlia..." She begins to sob. "She said I was the only one left, and she had said someone or something was going to find her. Then I heard Dahlia say 'I can heeear you' before the connection went dead! Oh, could I have failed her like that? I promised her I'd die before I let anyone hurt her, but I was still alive and she..." The fear she had felt when she had made that promise hits her magnified a thousand times, for now she is certain that doom awaits them all.

Sarah takes a few deep breaths and finds her inner strength. "No, I won't fail her, or you, not this time! We can change it! Oh...if Dahlia heard that too...she must think it's happening now! That everyone's dead except for me, and that I'm about to be found! Cael, it was a mistake to come here. Have you noticed how anxious Morrison is for us to go to sleep? It's like he's waiting for that before he and the others do something. At first I thought they just didn't want us to get in the way, but now I'm afraid they're going to do something to us! He had told us there would be a dance tonight, but when Dahlia and I asked him about it he backed off. Maybe the 'dance' is code for...something else, something awful! We don't have much time! They intercept all mobile calls, and once Blackworth gets wind of it he'll know we're onto him and step up his plans! Good thing this place is so disorganized.

"We have to find Dahlia quickly, round up Stephen and Aidan, and get the hell out of this place. We...can go to that police station! We'll tell them Dahlia's too scared to stay here tonight...prolly quite true...and we're taking her there instead and we'll bring back some refugees. Only we won't come back, not ever! We can't let Morrison or anyone else get a hint that we're suspicious. If anyone asks what this was about, we'll say we heard Dahlia briefly and lost the connection, and we needed to talk about the message from my father." She plays it for him:

"Dark sweet breath mint fell down in it and down and down and the hands went r my thread you arent there where are 2007 gone i miss down in the gutters rain over whistle blow raiders passed he blackwroth gone down down hand over blood call help wedding day would be like a game of cards dont lose it cant lose it took it got it back mine mine mine never stood for all over up and down but i cant please please?"

"He said Blackworth's name but pronounced it wrong. How does he know who Blackworth is, anyway? How does that Professor Sharadon know who my father and I are? I think...I don't know...he was trying to warn me too." She wipes away her tears. "We'll proceed as planned, broadcasting directions over the intercom and then stopping by our room. You'll pick up the guns, since we might not be able to stop back there."

Sarah takes Cael's hands in hers. "If we don't correct my mistake, everyone will die except for me, and Blackworth is responsible. I don't think it's a coincidence he saved me for last. I think...he wants me. He's got plans for me, horrible plans...and he was about to find me when I made that call!" I could wind up tied to his bed after all! "Cael, I want you to promise me one thing. If the worst happens...promise me you won't put a bullet in my head or anything. I want to live, and whatever Blackworth does to me, I can survive it. I'll find a way to turn the tables on him, somehow. This...this is my Russia..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:38 am
by Andrew

Cael put his hands on Sarah's shoulders and when he spoke it was in soothing tones. "Calm down, that's the first thing you need to do. I forgot who said it but they said that outside our worst fears come true. You experienced it in the hospital. Well there was a breech tonight and who's to say what could have or did get in. Think through this logically and put your emotions in check for now." Cael said.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:55 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods and tries to slow down her breathing. "You didn't hear my voice on the other end," she says. "I was so brokenhearted, so terrified, so full of despair. It was my worst fear coming true, but don't think it's quite the same thing that happened in the hospital. We've been given a second chance to avert disaster, and if we don't take it it'll all happen again...I've experienced weird time distortions before. I heard Lyle's voice from the past once, so maybe I really am hearing my voice from the future. I believe that really was me speaking, and I trust myself. Plus, you heard my father's message. Why would he mention the current year, 2007, and say it was gone? Maybe he's in another time, and that's why nobody could find him."

Sarah molds herself to Cael's body. "Look, we can make decisions about what to do later since the main part of our plans remain exactly the same: finding Dahlia. I just found you two...I don't want to lose you..." She impulsively takes his head in her hands and kisses him intensely. "In case I don't get another chance. Before we go back to the intercom, let me try phoning Dahlia again and see if I can get through this time." She dials her number again, concentrating on her love for the girl. If love really does make the signal stronger, maybe I can reach her, she thinks.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:20 am
by Andrew

"Look sweetheart, I trust you and whatever you want to do you'll always have me by your side... until I get eaten by a giant ferret or something. Point is, I'm not trying to shoot down your theory and you are 100% right about needing to get out of here. Let's find Flower and get the fuck out." Cael stated with a smile, he doubted they'd get very far especially if Blackworth could read minds.

When she kissed him he grabbed her as well and pulled her close to him, he could feel his weapon digging into her back as he held her tight. "No matter what happens Sarah or what goes down, know that I love you, come whatever may. Do not doubt that for a second even if they try to get between us. I will never hurt you, I will always protect you even if it means my death, and I will love you until I am nothing but dust blowing down the street, even then I will fight whatever afterlife there is to keep you safe from harm, not even death will stop me in my promise." Cael whispered softly in her ear.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, thank you, Cael," says Sarah, holding him close. "I'm not going to let you down this time. I won't make whatever mistake got you killed. If the Grim Reaper comes for you, I'll kick him in the jewels and clobber him with his own scythe! I'm sorry I panicked. Maybe running away isn't the answer. Even if we get out of here, we'd be condemning everyone we leave behind to their terrible fate. All those patients in the medical bay are helpless, and they're counting on me. I feel guilty enough already about all the people we left behind in the hospital. Besides, we could just as easily get killed if we do leave. The police station can't sustain all the people it has now, and it's not as secure as this place. Plus, whatever Blackworth is planning could reach us even there. If this place is responsible for what's happened today...Maybe we should try to figure out what Blackworth is up to and try to thwart it somehow, and only flee as a last resort. Now that we've been warned, we may have a chance. We'll see what Dahlia has learned during her expedition when we find her.

"It's a good thing Blackworth is so busy. He might not be able to do his mind-reading trick all the time. It could be that he can only take a snapshot of what you're thinking about at a particular moment. When I was talking to him later, he didn't seem to know what was on my mind. Try to concentrate on keeping him out if you run into him; maybe it will work. Even so, once he hears the intercept of that call I got...Don't trust Morrison either; he and Blackworth are buddies. When he told me about the 'dance,' he said Blackworth found a CD with something on it he likes. Maybe that's connected to his plans. It's also possible that Blackworth and all the soldiers get killed too, or turned into monsters. I just realized that maybe when I heard Dahlia's voice on the phone it could have been her in the future, like maybe she was the one looking for me. She might turn into one of those zombie kids she told us about if we don't stop whatever is going to happen." She presses SEND on her mobile phone and puts it to her ear, calling Dahlia again in the hopes of reaching her.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:39 am
by Andrew
Cael rubbed his chin noticing the thick grow of stubble, he was glad that Sarah didn't mind... 'Dammit! All I can think about is Sarah, I can't think straight. Now I know why I never fell in love before, it effects your brain, your logic and reasoning!' He looked at Sarah and smiled broadly, 'On the other hand, I never met a woman like her either, she makes me feel sort of funny, like when I just to climb the ropes in gym class.' At that he laughed out loud.

"Well I could always go up to Blackworth and just shoot him in the head. I wonder how dangerous it is outside? Dammit it I wish I knew where Dahlia was at!" He grabbed his smokes and lit up again and sat on the edge of the table, swinging his legs. "I need to radio headquarters and let them know where I'm at... plus if I could inform them of this place we'd either have back up against Blackworth or a whole lot more monsters to fight if things went south of cheese. I need to get to my chopper!" Cael stated more to himself, his tone easily was frustrated.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"You can't simply shoot Blackworth!" says Sarah, appalled. "He hasn't done anything yet, at least not that we can prove. Anyway, if he reads your mind he'd just shoot you first, and the other soldiers would even if you succeed. I know how to get to him, though, if it comes to it. Remember when he collapsed in the hallway earlier? I think Dahlia might have done that to him. She's got psychic powers of her own. I'm calling Dahlia now. Once we find her, then we can go to the chopper. It might be a good idea to take her to the police station for safety and come back with a bunch of cops, but I don't want to leave Aidan and Stephen here." Come on, pick up, she thinks. Please...

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:07 am
by Andrew

"I wasn't quite serious about shooting him but if the opportunity presents itself I will not hesitate. If I can take him out to save the two of you and everyone else then I will happily be gunned down. However by doing so might be what triggers this 'event' to happen. Argh! Now I'm second guess plans. Anyway I don't much like the idea of leaving them here either but... what a minute, where are they at? I haven't seen them since we got here. Maybe if we can get to them, we'll at least have four strong, two of us with military background." Cael whispered.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:12 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods, still holding the phone to her ear. "Their room should be near mine and Dahlia's. We'll have to ask Morrison where they are. If that's where they are, we'll pick them up when we go down there, ostensibly to help us search. I don't want you to die taking down Blackworth. I couldn't bear to lose you, and Dahlia and I both need you. I hate second-guessing myself too, but I know that whatever is due to happen is all my fault, and it'll happen again unless I do something differently. I just wish I knew what it was..."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:23 am
by Andrew

"That's the problem Sarah, you don't know what you did in the first place... Wait. What if you don't do anything? I mean if what's to happen is all your fault... which I don't buy. How can an angel sent from heaven do something to cause such evil to happen? Anyway, let's say that we fully believe this to be true and it's not your greatest fear come true, so if something you did caused it to happen, if you did nothing it couldn't happen. Sounds simple and easy and probably to good to be true but it's another line of thinking. We could just hole up in the room for a few days and make out." Cael said a huge comedic grin appearing on his face as he concluded the idea.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:31 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah smiles sweetly at Cael. "As much as I'd love to," she says, "what if me doing nothing is exactly what causes it? All that's required for evil to triumph, et cetera."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:47 am
by Andrew
Cael shrugs and says, "I figured you'd say that. Anyway, think you can call Flower and move at the same time? We can head towards your room, and hopefully grab Beavis and Butthead."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"If she picks up," says Sarah. "Otherwise we'll have to use the security centre intercom near here." Beavis and Butthead? she thinks with a smirk. I wonder which one is Stephen and which one is Aidan?

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:03 am
by Andrew

"If she doesn't pick up let's just hope my battery died." Cael stated, fiddling with the pistol in his hand as he popped the clip out, pushed it in and then kept repeating the process. "You ever play a drinking game where the loser has to swallow a live round? A bullet?" After a seconds guess and feeling a little silly that he was showing such a soldiers way of thinking he added, "Probably not."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:56 am
by Andrew

Not waiting for Sarah to answer the stupid question he went on just to break the silence, "If we base these events on horror movies... let's see, neither of us are virgins, bad for us because they usually survive. However you are pretty much the leading female here and they rarely if ever die so that's good for you. I'm a white guy so that's good for me as they do get killed but not as often as Blacks, Asians or other ethnic groups, however I am a cop and former military, they die all the time so I'm basically screwed. Dahlia being eight will probably survive because well... she's a child and they generally never kill of kids. In fact I will probably die saving her or you because again... that's how it goes. Which if I have to die, isn't such a bad way to go. Nothing like sacrificing your life for the ones you love, in fact you two are the only ones I'd sacrifice myself for otherwise it'd defeat the purpose of our being in love and wanting to be together for the rest of our lives." He took a breath, took a drag on the smoke and continued.

"Anyone who has sex in a horror movies dies... damn, I hate that one." Cael smiled maliciously, "So no doing that until later. Although we might be alright because usually only single people die. We're in love and both consider Flower as our daughter plus we have plans of being together until we're old and feeble or I can't lift my gun anymore so again we might be safe." Cael couldn't help but laugh, he knew he sounded silly but what else did he have to do? Dwell on their situation? He'd seen far to many times when plans went to shit only to have to make them up on the run.

"We could also go up to Blackworth and use the direct approach, 'So Sergeant, I get the feeling you're about to unleash something horrible and would like to discuss it. Since I out rank you I order you to stand down.' or something to that effect." Cael sighed, all he really wanted to do was grab Sarah and Dahlia and go home. He missed his Black Labrador, Fuck Off. Again he smiled, the look on the vets face when he told her that his dog's name was Fuck Off.

'Mr. O'Riley,' the vet said, 'What is your dog's name?' Cael looked at her with a deadpan expression, 'Fuck Off.' 'Well... I never, please leave sir.' She replied as she pointed to the door. Cael smiled at the thought then thought about all the piles of dog shit that would be left in the house should Fuck Off live, his smile faded.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:07 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah blushes. "Actually, I...uh..." she stammers, "I am still a virgin. The only other man I had ever considered sleeping with was Lyle, but I never did. Guess it was those instincts of mine. And he never...uh...penetrated me that night." She changes the subject, not wanting to think about that any more. "Oh, it would be so wonderful if we could get married and be a family for real. Of course, hopefully Dahlia's parents survived too, but we'd still visit her all the time. You know, my father did say 'wedding day' - I wonder if he's in the future too? I hope so, since then I'd know there is one. I so want him to be there to give me away when we get married, and I can't wait for him to meet you."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:11 am
by Laraqua
There's a sound at the door. Thud-thud-thud-thud-thud. As though something were being driven into the walls.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:17 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah holds Cael tighter, if that's possible. "What was that?" she asks softly, alarmed. "Maybe we'd better check it out. I don't understand why Dahlia isn't picking up."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:27 am
by Andrew

"Hopefully the battery is dead is all." Cael stated as he squeezed her back and kissed her. He then hoped off the table and moved to the door and opened it as if they didn't have care in the world. The first thing he did was note if Morrison was around.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:30 am
by Laraqua
The door opens to reveal a steel plate. Pressing against it does nothing. It must be bolted to the wall.

A voice over the intercom: "We gotta situation and we can't have you two running about like wankers," says Morrison. "You're about the least trustworthy bunch right now..."

"C'mon, Morry," comes the Australians' voice.

"Over," says Morrison.

The intercom switches off.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're the wanker!" shouts Sarah. "Let us out! We haven't done a bloody thing! We just want to find Dahlia!" She looks desperately around the room for an air vent or some other means of escaping.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:34 am
by Laraqua
There is a grille overhead. It's screwed securely to the ceiling.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah exhales with relief. "Hey, Cael," she says, pointing upwards at the grille with a sly smile. "Got a Swiss Army Knife or something?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:44 am
by Andrew

Cael sighs, "Dammit." He said calmly. "Well there's no way we're getting through steel and the air duct is screwed securley in place which probably won't stop us just slow us down. Before we get to filled with anxiety let's quickly find out what we can use in here." At that Cael starts to open drawers and doors taking inventory.

OOC: What are the walls made of? Is it a drop down ceiling? Is there a second door? Are there any windows? What's actually in the room as far as furniture and other things go?

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:49 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods and helps Cael search. "I think they've been monitoring our conversation in here," she whispers in his ear. "That's why they blocked us in. Be careful what you say." She also looks around for any hidden cameras or listening devices. Oh, God, what if it's too late? she thinks. What if I've already made the fatal mistake. Cael dead...Dahlia dead...everyone but me dead, and me hunted and trapped...No, pull yourself together, Sarah! There's still time to change it...there's still time...

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:25 am
by Laraqua
This is an interior room with no other walls or doors. The ventilation grille itself does not appear to be firmer than most, though the screws appear to have been screwed in tightly with an electronic screwdriver. The walls themselves are thick. This whole building was probably made last century and appears to be entirely brick, even internally. There are a ring of cupboards and drawers containing the usual utensils required to cook microwaved food. There is food in the fridge and in some of the cupboards. There are a few dozen mugs, sets of cards and board games and a coffee machine.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:30 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Are the screws Phillips head or standard? If the former, this trick might not be as effective.

EDIT: Thanks! Did Sarah obtain a proper medical kit when she was in the medical bay earlier? Also, are our rooms on the 3rd floor (where we seem to be), or the 1st floor?]


I wish we had a sonic screwdriver right about now, thinks Sarah. That would open that grille right fast. Then she notices the cards. "Hey, I've got an idea," she says, taking a joker out of the sturdiest-looking deck. She moves the table underneath the grille if it's necessary, stands on it, then inserts the card into the slit in the head of the screw and tries to unscrew it.

Her first attempt is too clumsy, but she tries again and adroitly removes all of the screws in short order. "Ta-dah!" she says, beaming as she sets down the grille and screws, then pockets the deck of cards for later use as makeshift screwdrivers. She climbs back down and whispers in his ear. "Saw it on the telly once. So, anything we need to grab in this room before we leave, darling? Where do you think we ought to go first? There are guns in my room, plus we can check for Dahlia and the others in that area. There's also those prisoners in the cells in B2. If we spring them, they could help us, but I don't know if we can trust them. If we're going to move about in the vent shafts, we probably won't be able to go back up once we've gone down."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:49 am
by Andrew

Cael walks over to the fridge and finds a jar with a metal lid, he takes out a pickle and munches on it and offers one to Sarah, "Hey sweetheart, you may want to try using the metal lid on the jar, the lip is about the size of a flathead and with it being circular you can get a shitload of torque out of it."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:53 am
by Andrew

Seeing Sarah got the screws with the card, "See, what do you need me for?" He said smiling. He couldn't remember how many times he'd been in situations like this but he knew one thing for sure, he'd never been in a situation like this with a woman before. Apparently they were really good with cards.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah gives Cael a quick peck. "I don't care much for pickles," she says, "but we should grab some snacks and get a drink of water." She pours some for the two of them at the sink and hands one to Cael. "Cheers! We could find more food in the kitchen on the first floor if we need it later. There's also an armory on that floor, but it's bound to be locked and guarded. I think we should check our rooms first, since they're on this floor and we can pick up some guns and knives, and maybe our friends." Sarah's panic is gone and she is flush with excitement. "This is just like in the movies! I just wish I were any good at sneaking about."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:13 am
by Andrew

"As for sneaking about goes in an air shaft remember one thing... slide. Think of it as an ice rink and your hands and knees are the skates. If you slide through you'll make little to no noise." Cael says and then adds in hesitantly, "I've done this a few times, best way to get the drop on someone so you can kill them without a fight." He stops and decided not to think of what else could happen, 'Suddenly you're trapped when they open fire and you're pretty much a goner.'

Cael put the jar down and quickly search for dry goods, he zipped up his flight suit and started to utilize the many pockets it had. "I'm not trying to be macho here but I think I should go first, if anything comes at us I'll get the brunt of it. Should anything come from behind us, I want you to flatten yourself out as low and small as possible so I can shoot over top of you. If there's room try to get behind me and against the wall in a fire fight, my body will shield you and you'll be out of the way for me to do my thing. Okay my angel?" Cael said as he placed a hand on her face. nice and gentle and kissed her ever so softly.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah kisses Cael back. "You're right," she says. "That's for the best. Uh...kill them? I...I'm not sure if I can bring myself to kill someone, not again...but if they're trying to hurt you, or Dahlia, I'd do it without hesitation. It's possible that not all of these soldiers know what Blackworth's up to. He's very secretive, that man. I'd like to avoid killing if we can." Suddenly the gravity of their situation strikes her. It's not all fun and games, she realizes. This isn't 'Sarah Carpenter, Action Hero,' it's deadly serious. I might have to kill again. I might...die... "Oh, but I've got something good for taking someone out without a fight!" She shows Cael the pepper spray in her purse. "I bought it when I was being stalked, and even after Lyle was...done...I held onto it. After all, some ordinary rapist might have tried to grab me in the car park some dark night. I'm rather good with it, but I'd have to be less than ten feet away."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:45 am
by Andrew

Cael nodded at the pepper spray, "Only problem with that is that it'll incapacitate them but they'll scream and you still have to neutralize them... kill them. Look, unless the situation gets completely out of hand, I'll kill everyone we have to, no biggie, I've killed a LOT of people." Cael stopped and winced knowing that sounded horrible. "What I mean is it doesn't effect me to kill someone, I'm sort of numb to it. However whether all his soldiers know what he's up to or not it doesn't matter, they will all be hostiles and if they get in the way they're going down. I really wish I had my service pistol, it had a sound suppressor on it. Inside an air vent this piece of shit 9mm is going to sound like a cannon." At that Cael jumped up onto the table and looked up into the air vent and crawled in just enough to get out of the way and help Sarah through.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:17 am
by Andrew

As Cael pulls Sarah into the air shaft he says, "By the way, do you know you smell incredible! I'm not sure if that's perfume you're wearing or if you smell like this naturally but... wow! I'm not kidding either." It was obvious that the more stressful the situation was becoming, the more relaxed and unstressed Cael was becoming. "Also, I'm sorry if my comment about killing people bothered you, I'm a soldier, it's what I do. However I will let you know that I've never killed anyone who didn't have it coming except..." His jaw locked up and he fought the memory aside, the girl in Russia. "I'm an ex-SAS grunt, my job description had kill written all over it and I've lost a few marbles along the way but not enough to EVER hurt the two people I love in this world, well three, I wouldn't hurt my sister either. Which brings me to something else, wedding plans. With my sister being the only family I have and all my friends dead, my side will only have her on it... if she's alive that is."

He was about to turn around and start crawling when something else she said suddenly struck him, "You said you're still a virgin? Well hell Sarah! You're going to be all right then! I'm sticking close to you, virgins never die in horror films!" Cael finished with a goofy grin. Oh yes, death was near, hell was on Earth and Cael was just like a child at Disney World.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:18 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Our rooms and our current location are both on the 3rd floor, correct?]


"I'm actually not wearing perfume," says Sarah. "I think what you're smelling is my sweat. I really need a shower...but that has to wait. Besides, I know what happens when you take a shower in a horror movie." She recalls her nightmare during the helicopter ride, and shivers a little, but being close to Cael restores her confidence. "I don't have much family left either, I'm afraid. My dad has two sisters, and they've got their own families, but I've no idea what's happened to them in all this. Say, didn't his message also mention playing cards? I wonder if he was giving me a hint, and what other clues could be in his cryptic message? He said 'Blackworth gone down down hand over blood' - whatever that means." She lets out a breath. "I can do this. The blood of heroes flows through my veins. Not just my grandfather, but my grandmother too. Her name was Claire, and she was in the French Resistance. I've only known her as a sweet old lady, and it's hard to imagine her skulking about the woods, blowing up bridges and shooting Nazis, but she did it. She and my grandfather met in the wee hours of D-Day, when he hurt his ankle after a bad landing. The Nazis were closing in on him, and she took them out and saved his life. Then she took him somewhere safe and patched him up until he was fit to return to his unit." She gives Cael a wicked smile. "My dad was conceived during that time.

"Anyway, our best bet is not to be detected at all, so we should keep noise to a minimum once we move out. If it comes to a fight, guns will make a lot of noise, but knives are quiet and I'm quite good with mine if...if I have to be. Even so, I doubt I can bring someone down with just one blow. I also know a bit of Tai Chi, but I'm no Jackie Chan. It would be a good idea to get some disguises so we can walk about freely as long as nobody gets too close a look at us. I know that there are a couple of lab technician uniforms in my room, and some of the techs do have their freedom, but soldiers' uniforms would be the best disguise. We might find some spare uniforms in their dorm rooms on the 1st floor later, and maybe some weapons and ammo to boot. If the soldiers are all busy, they probably won't be there. Could also be uniforms in the supply rooms, or the laundry. Still, we ought to check our own rooms first. There are two guns in mine, and even if Dahlia didn't come back she might have left a message for me. Oh...but what if that guard did take her? That would explain why he was gone and the door was unlocked. If she's a hostage..." Sarah closes her eyes briefly. "Well, we'll worry about that if it happens. Hopefully she managed to get out on her own and the soldiers won't find her. Oh, and speaking of lab techs, if we encounter them we should try to get them on our side. They were locked in the cells before, so they can't be too pleased with Blackworth, and we could help them spring their chums from prison. I'll follow your lead here, since you're the expert on James Bond stuff. I'm content to be the Bond Girl." She leans in and gives him one more kiss. "Even if we both die tonight, the brief time we've had together has made it all worthwhile."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:48 am
by Andrew

Cael nodded, agreeing with what Sarah had to say and smiled warmly at the tale of her grandparents. "Tell you what, let's get our roles straight, you are the brains and beauty here, I'm just the muscle. I am now and will always be your personal bodyguard. I also believe that message from your father is nothing but clues and codes and I will guarantee that if we can figure out what he means we will have our wedding. Will we come out of this? I am sure of it as long as we trust and listen to each other, no matter how ludacris one of our ideas sound, if the one with the idea knows it'll work, then we need to trust in that person and follow through. We will have scars, physical, mental and emotional. However, remember it's you or them and if you have to kill... NEVER and I mean NEVER stop to think about it, your survival instinct will take over I promise. Later when this is all over I promise I will hold you together if you fall apart." Cael cracked his neck from side to side, "Remember to slide in the air duct."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"I will," says Sarah, touching Cael's hand. "I can kill if I have to. They say the first time's the hardest, and I managed that already. And if you fall apart, I'll hold you together. Just lead the way, and I'll follow."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:59 am
by Andrew
Cael gave her a salute and said, "Yes boss." and smiled. As he moved into position he said, "I guess it's a good thing I'm going first. If the roles were reversed I don't think I could concentrate with your tush in my face."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hey, I'm quite distracted here myself," says Sarah, returning both Cael's smile and his salute. "Not that I mind, though." She follows his instructions, sliding through the air shafts towards their quarters.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:22 am
by Andrew

Cael chuckled, had it been just him he would have been more reckless, if Sarah had just been some pretty dame in scrubs this whole event would have gone differently. The fact that he loved her and would kill himself should he fail her spoke volumes. He had educated himself in some of the things he held interest in and one of those topics were Japan's Samurai. His honor was everything to him and his promise was his word. To break his promise was to go back on his word therefore dishonoring himself. He promised to protect Sarah and Dahlia and he would do so until his death. His name in Japanese was Keirebu which meant Faithful. Towards the end his troops called him Keirebu because they knew that if nothing else, he was just that, faithful to those he cared about.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:59 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Check the Base thread. It lists what sort of rooms can be found on each floor.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:04 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: I'd already checked it, I just wanted to confirm.]


Sarah follows Cael through the ventilation ducts towards her quarters. He's my soul mate, she thinks, my hero, my protector. But can I protect him? Can I undo my mistake this time and save his life, or am I doomed to that terrible end: alone, brokenhearted, cornered...No! I'll do better this time! I've got to!

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:10 am
by Laraqua
OOC: To find a place you've been before on the floor, in this confusing maze of ventilation ducts, as it's unfamiliar and all, make three Idea rolls. You must succeed on all three, or get lost and try again. One sneak roll is required for each three Idea rolls made.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:14 am
by Andrew

Cael went through the vent system slow and quiet pausing only when he heard the soft sound of Sarah whispering in his ear for directions or orders. 'It's the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine' Cael didn't like REM but yet he couldn't get the song out of his head.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:15 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Okay, I'll make the Idea rolls since I've got the higher Int. Do we both have to roll Sneak, or only one of us? By the way, Cael is at full health - Sarah treated him back in the medical bay. I critically succeeded at the first 2 Idea rolls and only missed the third by 3. Does this mean we still have to start over?]


Sarah points out to Cael the way to go, steering him by touch to maintain silence, quite certain of how to get back to her room.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:18 am
by Andrew
OOC: If it only has to be one of us for the sneak roll, I just nailed that bitch! I have no clue on the idea roll anyway. I didn't see it listed at all.

Going by Sarah's touch, Cael navigates them through the shaft.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:24 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Silly! Only if Cael is somehow responsible for the noise you make. You gotta roll as well. Due to the two critical successes, you only need to succeed on one of the next three Idea rolls to get there.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:27 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Since we only have to make Sneak rolls for every three Idea rolls I make, since I found my way to the room in less than three Idea rolls, does this mean we don't have to make a fresh set of Sneak rolls yet (I hope!)?]


Sarah manages to do a decent job of remaining quiet as she makes her way through the shafts.

She gets a bit lost close to her destination, but soon finds it.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:35 am
by Andrew

OOC: Sneak 50% (1d100=10) Whew! Not sure what constitutes as a crit but the first roll was a 1 and this one was a 10.

Cael keeps sliding around the shaft wishing he had oil to just propel himself at great speed. 'That'd be a blast going door to a different level.'

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:56 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: A 1-5 is a crit, but getting 1/5 or less of your score is a special success, which you did since your Sneak is 50. My Sneak is 10, so my roll of 10 was only barely a success. We didn't need to roll a second set of Sneak rolls yet since I only needed two more Idea rolls to find the room, so you've got that one in the bank for the next time you need it. ]


Sarah uses the playing card to unscrew the ventilation grille in the ceiling of the room she shares with Dahlia. She moves it to one side and, after Cael climbs down, gently lowers herself into the room. Nobody else is there, but the door is still unlocked as they had left it. She looks around for the Glock and the .38, but both pistols are missing. "Blast!" she whispers with a frown. "I should have known they'd take them." She can't find any messages from Dahlia, but the clothes are still in the wardrobe. "Here's that dress I was telling you about," she says into his ear, indicating a lovely black sleeveless gown with a plunging back. "Wish I had time to model it for you, but we have more pressing business. We'll change into these. Less conspicuous than what we've got on."

Sarah takes out two lab technician uniforms and passes one to Cael. She pulls the top of her scrubs off over the top of her head, disrobing in front of him without a second thought. Underneath she has on a white strapless bra. She takes off her shoes and then her trousers to reveal matching knickers and long, well-toned legs. She gives Cael a slightly shy smile and lets him admire her for a second before putting on the lab tech outfit, leaving the top two buttons of the blouse undone. She transfers her possessions from the pockets of her old outfit into the new one, then hides her scrubs in the back of the wardrobe. She straps the sheathed combat knife around her belly and covers it with her top so it isn't readily visible but can still be drawn in a hurry, and she slips her pepper spray into her cleavage. "Lab techs aren't supposed to be walking around with weapons," she whispers, "so we'd better hide them. And this will give me an ace in the hole in case I get captured." Though knowing Blackworth, that's the first place he'd look! she thinks.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:27 am
by Andrew

Cael frowned at the lab tech clothing, it was restrictive for sure. The flight suit or a pair of BDUs were made for combat, however he was a soldier and if movement was really restricted he'd fight in a pair of skibbys and boots. He grabbed the lab tech uniform and unzipped his flight suit taking off his torn undershirt as well. He was a little embarrassed that Sarah had to see all the scars on his body so early in their relationship and he could tell he was a bit red in the face. When he was just in his boxers and boots, he struck a muscle man pose for Sarah and bit his tongue to keep from laughing to loudly, he then dressed in the lab tech stuff as well, transferring his items from one pocket to the next. "By the way, in case I don't live to tell you later, you have a rocking body!" At that he let out a low soft whistle and then kissed her.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah gives Cael a somewhat sad smile when she sees him undress. She is quite pleased to see his muscles, but she knows how he must have come by those scars and it upsets her to think of the pain he had to have gone through. Her mood is lightened by his pose, and lightened further when he kisses and compliments her. "So do you," she whispers, embracing him and kissing him back. Then she puts the flight suit away in the wardrobe and shuts it so nobody could tell they've been in here at first glance. "We need to check the other living quarters in this area for Aidan and Stephen. Do you want to check the hall to see if it's clear first? If we're spotted leaving this room the soldiers will be suspicious, uniforms or no. Then we can see if the other doors are unlocked and if anyone's inside. If any of them have been sealed off it's a good bet Aidan and Stephen are inside, and we can spring them via the vents."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:02 am
by Andrew

"I think we should just crawl through the vents, it's safer right now and less of a chance of being spotted. I have a bad feeling though that Aidan and Steven are either not going to be there or they're been neutralized though, just a gut feeling." Cael stated, his eyes now back on her face. "However, going door to door will be a lot faster. So we have safe and slow or dangerous and fast. Personally I know my vote is for dangerous and fast. These are men right now, I know how to deal with them."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"Okay," whispers Sarah. "I'll wait up in the shaft for you to come back from the hall and tell me it's clear. If something goes wrong, I'm sure there'll be a lot of noise. That way if something happens one of us will still be free. Or I could go out there instead while you wait in the vent. I'm pretty sure they want me alive."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:13 am
by Laraqua
The door opens and a barely pubescent girl appears in the doorway. Part of her face and arms are badly scarred and pitted - though the scars do appear quite old. She tilts her head to one side, her right lip twitching oddly. "Who's theeeere?" she asks, her voice melodic.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:20 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah tries to remain calm and smiles at the girl. "Hi!" she says. "I'm Nurse Sarah. What's your name? Are you hurt?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:21 am
by Laraqua
"Bree..." she says, her head tilt deepening. "You're not meant to be in here..." She raises a finger and screams at a very high pitch.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:26 am
by Andrew

Cael had his weapon trained at an adults height, it was the girl's movement that caught his attention. He looked up and down the hall and whispered for Sarah, "All clear but this kid and she looks fucked up."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"We were just leaving!" says Sarah, standing on a chair underneath the grille and hauling herself into the vent shaft. Panic claws at the edges of her heart.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:27 am
by Laraqua
The girl backs away when Cael approached the doorway. Then she turns and runs down the empty corridor at a fairly decent speed. Several feet away from her is an alarm.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:29 am
by Andrew
Cael curses and dives on the kid, clapping her mouth shut. 'I knew I should have shot her, creepy fucking brat.' "All right kid, if you don't shut the hell up, you're not going to like what happens next." Cael whispered in her ear.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:30 am
by Andrew
Cael takes a few steps and throws his knife at her.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:34 am
by Mr. Handy

What do I do? thinks Sarah halfway into the shaft. This is all my fault! If only I hadn't given her my name... She drops back down onto the chair and follows Cael quickly into the hall, not wanting to leave without him.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:38 am
by Andrew

Just after he released the knife he draws his gun and looks at Sarah and smiles but has a look of 'now what?' apparent on his face. If he had to he could play the hunting game and silently move through taking people out one by one until they got him. With Sarah in tow he risked her life doing it that way... "If I could only get to the fucking chopper." That seemed to be such a recurring statement for him today.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:10 pm
by Andrew
Laraqua wrote:Erm, that fight got a little confusing... There was a post where he caught her and one where he threw the knife.

Either way, settle on what ya wanna do, roll some dice, make a post. If you throw the knife, she doesn't dodge as she can't see it. If you try to catch her, she can dodge - or attempt to.
OOC: Since everything here got confusing, given the choice between killing the kid or grappling her, Cael would grapple her (he don't need another Russian incident.) to keep her quiet. Here's what he actually did... the rest was just... thought. Yeah that's it! He had a flash of what could also happen! :)


Cael dives on top of the kid and wraps his one arm around her while using his free hand to clamp her mouth shut. "Sarah! Tear up a sheet so we can gage her!" He whispers loudly.

'I knew I should have shot her, creepy fucking brat.' He thought to himself.

"All right Bree, if you don't shut the hell up, you're not going to like what happens next." Cael whispered in her ear, he could just as easily snap her neck from this position.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:42 pm
by Mr. Handy
[OOC:Good call, and good roll! Sarah and I are both relieved you didn't try to kill Bree.]


Sarah darts back into the room and fetches a sheet from the bunk bed. She tears it into strips as she runs back to where Cael is struggling with Bree. "Calm down, Bree," she whispers. "We don't want to hurt you. We just want to find Dahlia. Have you seen her? Do you know where she is?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:25 pm
by Andrew
OCC: Yeah it was important for Cael to impress Sarah but not killing Bree. Show a more human side of him, figures the killing will come soon enough.

"What's wrong with this kid? I mean the scars on her are unreal." Cael stated.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:31 pm
by Mr. Handy

"It looks like she's been abused quite a bit," says Sarah, sorrow in her eyes, "or...experimented upon. And that singsong voice of hers...Dahlia sounded just like that when I heard her on the phone."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:40 pm
by Andrew

Cael had a quizzical look cross his face, "Are you absolutely sure it was Dahlia you heard?" Cael hated mind games, if you could find the mind that was coming up with the idea then you could shoot it, otherwise you had to play the game. "You know, I think this is going to turn out to be someone's idea of a game. Deadly yes... well for me at least. You're right I think they want you alive, I think Blackworth fancies you. That son of a bitch has a hell of a fight on his hands then. I'm the jealous type, you're my girl and I am not into sharing. He'll just have to wait until the next chopper pilot brings in a hot nurse in green scrubs... Shit, I wonder if it'll be possible to get to the chopper."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:40 pm
by Laraqua
The girl struggles something fierce, obscene and strange mutterings coming from behind the cloth, and she fights to get her hands free.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:43 pm
by Andrew

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:46 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sure it was her," says Sarah, working quickly to gag Bree with the strips she tore from the bedsheet and then to tie her arms behind her back. "Her voice is different from Bree's, of course, but it was the same sort of melodic speech. The chopper's no doubt guarded, and we probably shouldn't discuss our plans where little pitchers can hear us. I won't let Blackworth take me without a fight either. If he tries, it'll be his undoing. Hasn't he ever read the Evil Overlord list?"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:48 pm
by Andrew
"Sarah, she's a slippery thing, I don't know if I can keep a hold of her. If I had a free hand I'd club her and knock her out." Cael said, wishing he could call game over and go home. This wasn't funny anymore.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'll help hold onto her," says Sarah. "I've almost got her arms done, and I'll do her legs next. I'm sorry to do this to you, Bree, but you're acting very nasty and you need a time out. Hey, maybe I've got some sedatives in my medical kit! Have to use the proper dose for a child, though."

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:56 pm
by Laraqua
Bree begins to cry. Her nose runs and tears run down her cheeks. She seems desperate to say something.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:01 am
by Andrew
Cael let's go of her mouth by mere millimeters, if she goes to take a big breath to scream again he's knocking her out.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:02 am
by Laraqua
"Why?" she asks, whimpering.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"Bree, sweetie," says Sarah soothingly, "I'm so sorry about all this. Our little girl Dahlia is missing, and we need to find her. Morry was supposed to help us, but he did a very naughty thing to us. We couldn't have you sound the alarm, or he and his chums would have got us and done awful things to us. Please tell us if you have any idea where she might be." I'm certain I've got a handle on this kid, she thinks.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:09 am
by Laraqua
"Aksenna kiitan wae," she said desperately. A ring of flame and force erupts from her in an explosion of light and sound.

OOC: Your Strength vs. 18 on the Resistance table or be knocked against the wall. 1d6 damage either way. Luck roll to avoid your clothes igniting.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:11 am
by Andrew
Even though the situation was grim, Cael couldn't help but to smile at the way Sarah handed the kid. One day, even if the kid wasn't Dahlia and he was dead and rotting somewhere, Sarah he knew would live on and make a good mother. She wouldn't ignore her kids or yell at them when they became bothersome.

...And then the little bitch tried to blow him up.

OOC: How do I roll that?

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:16 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Cael has 14 Strength, so he must roll 30 or less to hold onto her. Luck is just POW x 5.]


"Bree, please don't!" cries Sarah. "We're not going to hurt you. I know you're scared of us, but we're the good guys. I was once a little girl like you, and so is Dahlia. We just want to help her. Please don't hurt us. I want to be your friend." It didn't look like the child was buying it, though.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:20 am
by Andrew
OOC: He blew it big time!

Cael tried as hard as he could but couldn't hold on.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:27 am
by Andrew
OOC: Damage (1d6=2) and he's he's naked. I hate dice programs.


As Cael get's thrown against the wall his clothes ignite as well. If it wasn't for his training he'd panic but he quickly removes his items from his pockets and quickly begins to shed the burning clothes. As they burn he kicks them under a sprinkler head hoping the smoke sets it off.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"Cael!" cries Sarah, tears in her eyes. Her own clothes are not burned, but she is severely injured. Reacting quickly, she takes the untorn portion of the sheet and attempts to beat out the flames. "Hang in there! I love you! Nurse Sarah will make it all better." She looks at Bree imploringly. "We're not monsters. We're normal people like you. Please don't hurt us. I want to help you." Then she passes out, agony tearing through her charred body.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:41 am
by Laraqua
Bree's only clothes are aflame but her chanting seems to keep her from burning. Kicking free of the bindings, she attempts to flee, screaming in panic. "Blackwoooooorth!"

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:48 am
by Andrew
DAMN! I just had a big post and deleted it by accident!

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:50 am
by Andrew
"Sarah!" Cael yells out. He then grabs his gun and goes to shoot Bree, she was now a hostile and orders were to terminate with extreme prejudice.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:04 am
by Andrew
OOC: Handgun 53% (1d100=32)

Cael fires off his gun and then grabs Sarah and places her on the bed. He wets a scarp of bed sheet and places it on her forehead not knowing what else to do. "I only know how to butcher men, not heal them." Cael says in a pleading voice to Sarah, "Please wake up." He then goes into the closet and grabs his flight suit back out and puts his stuff into his pockets.

Then it occurs to Cael, "Perhaps this is how we get separated. In her phone call from the future Sarah believes I'm dead but what if that's just something she gets told and doesn't know for sure. She might not actually see me die because I leave her here!" Every fiber of his military training told him to shut the door and begin the hunt.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:14 am
by Andrew
OOC: Damage from 9mm (1d10=6, 1d10=9, 1d10=8) Handgun 53% (1d100=34, 1d100=8) The other two.

As the feeling of knowing he didn't protect Sarah like he had said he would, a dark feeling comes over him. The thought of seppuku was there but he knew before it came to that, Blackworth was dead.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:21 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: That third roll is an impale, which happens when you get 1/5 of your effective skill or less. That means that it does an extra 1d10 damage. Not that you need it...]


Sarah lies unconscious on her bed, her chest moving slowly up and down. Thankfully, she feels no pain in her current state.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:25 am
by Andrew

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:25 pm
by Andrew

Cael kneels beside Sarah and kisses her on the lips like Prince Charming to Snow White, a few tears rolled down his cheeks and splashed onto Sarah. "I am so sorry I failed to protect you, I am obviously not the warrior or protector I thought I was. Pride got in my way and I made a foolish mistake of thinking I was good enough for you and Dahlia. I..." He wanted to promise something else but since he had already broken his promise to protect her, he felt that his words were meaningless. He buried his face in the knap of her neck and didn't move for a few seconds, he then got up, kissed her cheek and gave her the gun and other combat knife leaving himself weaponless except for his wits. He hid the weapons on her and then reached under his shirt and withdrew his dog tags. He hadn't taken them off since he was eighteen and he inspected them:


He then placed them around Sarah's neck and began his hunt.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:53 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah remains blissfully asleep. She hasn't been too badly burned, and her clothes are only barely singed. Most of the damage she has suffered comes from being flung across the hallway with tremendous force and slammed headfirst into the wall. A tear leaks out of the corner of her eye when Cael kisses her. Her lips tremble briefly, as if she wants to say something, but no sound comes out.

Re: Ash - Cael and Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:04 pm
by Andrew
OOC: That was quite the intense scene there. I thought Cael giving Sarah his dogtags was a nice touch.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:06 am
by Laraqua
The place is quiet. How many did Blackworth say were around? Nineteen? Minus that girl, Doskins, Jones... That'd be sixteen if he didn't count the two scientists ... assuming they'd even get in his way.

Sixteen spread about the facility.

The mission was almost finished.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:34 am
by Andrew

Cael crept down the hallway listening for anyone that might be around, any rooms that were open he inspected for anything that might be used as a weapon.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:35 am
by Laraqua
The first set of rooms he encounters that are unlocked are identical to the normal bedrooms. He reaches the end of the T-intersection. The elevator is to the left.

OOC: Sneak roll.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:06 am
by Andrew
OOC: Sneak Roll 50% (1d100=84)

As Cael came to the intersection in the hallway, he realized that he was practically stomping and mentally scolded himself. How was he going to get to Blackworth if he couldn't get through his guards quietly?

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:06 am
by Laraqua
"Who's there?" comes a voice, from the direction of the elevator.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:15 am
by Andrew
Cael went for his gun and frowned when he felt the empty holster, 'Just like Indiana Jones.' He thought to himself, then in response he said, "Just the chopper pilot, I'm lost here. Where's the door to get to my bird?"

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:16 am
by Laraqua
He hears footsteps approach. The corpse that is Bree sits visible in the corridor.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:22 am
by Andrew
Cael moves to the corner of the intersection and places his back flat against the wall. When whoever came around the corner it was go time.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:24 am
by Laraqua
The gun appears around the corner first, the person starting to angle it around as they move, though they are obviously far too amateurish to turn with it.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:32 am
by Andrew
Quickly, Cael grabs the barrel of the gun and shoves it in the person's face.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:21 am
by Laraqua
Cael flicks the rifle back, startling the hell out of the soldier and getting a look both quizzical and horrified. The soldier seems young, barely out of his teenage years, with only a smattering of peach fuzz. He, too, is dressed in a suit.

OOC: You beat their Dex, that was your surprise round. What next?

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:28 am
by Andrew
Cael throws an open palmed attack to the soldiers face in an attempted to break his nose and subdue his opponent but misses

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:36 am
by Laraqua
The grunt swings the butt of his rifle forward and it brushes past Cael's forehead, almost connecting yet not.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:40 am
by Andrew
Cael steps into the soldier's body and puts his leg behind the guard's. He then tries another open palm attack to the boy's nose. This time he feels the crunch of cartilage as the boy's nose splatters from the blow.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:43 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Rolled your damage. 3 outta 1d3. 4 outta 1d4. Congrats!

The slight fellow reels under the blow and attempts to bring the gun up to bear but fires off a shot too soon. The noise is very loud, however.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:48 am
by Andrew
Cael then trys to rip the rifle out of the grunts hands.

OOC: What roll is needed and if it helps to speed things up, by all means please roll for me, I honestly prefer not to have to roll. Dice Gnomes hate me really bad.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:49 am
by Laraqua
OOC: You sure? Remember what happened last time I rolled for ya? Never mind, you win.

Cael snatches the rifle from the soldier.

The soldier's gaze flicks from the rifle to Cael's face.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:56 am
by Andrew
Flipping the rifle around, Cael grips it and readies it for use, he's just about to squeeze off a round into the boy's head but suddenly hesitates, "Kid... You are so fucking lucky I fell in love. Get in one of those bedrooms, I'm locking you in so you won't be troublesome." At gun point, he leads the kid into the room and then locks the door. 'All right Sarah, you're even having an effect on my hunting style.' He thought to himself as he realized anyway that that fish was just to small to eat and had to be thrown back anyway.

He then heads towards the elevator.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:58 am
by Laraqua
The door lock is very simple. A spoon used from the other direction could easily undo the lock. Perhaps there's a better room to lock him in but it'd require some searching.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:59 am
by Andrew
Then when the boy's back is turned, Cael would just smash the back of his head with the rifle butt to knock him out.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:06 am
by Laraqua
There is a terrible crack as the skull gives wayto the rifle butt. The teen slumps in the hallway, gurgling and spasming.

OOC: He only had 11hp. You dealt 14 damage.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:09 am
by Andrew
Cael winced and shook his head, "Even when I mean to just incapacitate I seem to kill. God help me that was truly and accident, he was just a boy..." Snapping out of his thoughts, he knew he had a mission to complete and with little time. He searched the soldiers body for anything useful and then dragged the boy and Bree's body into a room and locked the door. He grabbed a smoke, lit it and continued on the hunt.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:12 am
by Laraqua
The soldier held ammunition, a rifle, and a wallet. The two corpses leave a trail of blood though it is easy enough to carry the girl, being as small as she is. Fifteen to go...

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:21 am
by Andrew
OOC: This is going to take awhile!

Cael heads to the elevator and heads for the second floor.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:38 am
by Laraqua
He reaches the 2nd floor and sees a stark corridor - three branches, a sign hung above with arrows - Medical Bay, Laboratory, Hydroponics.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:48 am
by Andrew
Knowing the lay out of the medical bay, Cael makes his way there first.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:58 am
by Andrew
OOC: If you want to summarize Cael going through taking out 15 people I'm fine with that or do a summary until he gets caught or killed. Otherwise this could take weeks at this rate. I'm fine with either scenario but in case you wanted to move things along. I don't know if Cael is behind everyone else or ahead of them. Your call, I just wanted to let you know that I'm cool with a quick summary. Only thing is is that Cael won't kill unless he has to, just part of SAS training really. These guys are hostiles but they're unknowing hostiles as far as he can tell.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:40 am
by Laraqua
OOC: So what's the plan then? To incapacitate? Coz that's where things get tricky. It ain't hard to murder the unsuspecting, but incapacitating them is when things get troublesome. :roll:

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:53 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Cael isn't a murderer, he's a soldier, if he doesn't have to kill them he won't. Strike that, he'll take them out, he's trying to do what he thinks is right in a hostile situation. However this would only apply to other soldiers, doctors he wouldn't kill and normally kids he wouldn't kill.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:07 am
by Laraqua
The medical bay is guarded by a middle-aged fellow clutching a cigarette and a weedy, younger fellow who are both staring through the glass into the medical bay.

"Whatchya think?" asks the weedy fellow.

"Guarding that lady's far better than guarding Basement Level 1," says the middle-aged man.

"Y'reckon," says the weedy man, more a statement than a question. "Gotta admit... I just wanna get through those doors and... I mean, c'mon, why won't Blackworth allow it? The keycards to the armory are in there."

"Not the passcodes, though."

"Yeah, pretty sure they're in there too. They wouldn't have locked up them computers in there, would they? Didn't get the chance! All sorts of things in there. Information. All sorts."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:53 am
by Andrew
Without just outright killing these guys, taking them both down was going to be difficult and Cael knew it. They didn't sound like the most intelligent sort but he was pretty sure they were standing guard mainly against someone like himself... there was one way to find out.

Walking in plain view towards them, his rifle pointing towards the ground, Cael made a coughing sound and said, "Evening lads, you guys have a smoke I can bum from you?"

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:21 am
by Laraqua
"Aren't you supposed to be locked up?" asked the weedy fellow in confusion as the middle-aged guy went to raise his rifle.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:22 pm
by Andrew
Cael gives the weedy guy a strange look and laughs, "Come on guys, think... if I was supposed to be locked up I wouldn't be walking around here with a rifle asking you blokes for a smoke now would I? I would be sneaking around, trying to stay hidden and doing things covertly but I'm not. Think about it logically. So... how's about that smoke my friend?" He then moves over to the glass and leans his right side against it so he can still see the two guards, "So what're you guys guarding in there?"

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:50 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Fast Talk - make your roll at +20% to see if you succeed in confusing them.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:55 am
by Andrew
OOC: Fast Talk 25% (1d100=29) Somehow I wasn't surprised.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:59 am
by Laraqua
"Uh, the scientists wanted to do an autopsy," said the weedy man. "They, uh, on Doskins... You sure you aren't meant to be locked up?"

The middle-aged fellow kept his rifle somewhat raised, but he seemed confused now.

Sure enough, within the medical bay, the two scientists were drawing something from Doskins bite and running it through various diagnostics.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:04 am
by Andrew
"All right then, carry on." Cael stated avoiding the question altogether and went about on his way.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:11 am
by Laraqua
The two just stare after him for a moment.

OOC: Does Cael look back over his shoulder?

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:26 am
by Andrew
OOC: Nope, that would indicate a trick or distrust. He just keeps walking until he rounds a corner then he'll stop and wait.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:09 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Listen check.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:36 am
by Andrew

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:57 am
by Laraqua
Cael easily hears the voice of the weedy man. "Yeah, hello, we saw that new guy with a..."

OOC: Do you let him finish?

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:16 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Yes.

Cael does an About Face and walks back towards the weedy man, his rifle down but in a position it could easily be brought back up, "Excuse me but who you got on the line? I'd like a word with whoever is running this, Blackworth or whoever, don't care."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:56 am
by Laraqua
"...rifle down by the Medical Bay," the fellow finishes. He looks a little perplexed when he sees Cael approach once more. "Uh, Blackworth? No... We could probably get him for you."

"Cael?" asks the voice on the intercom. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Check in as you usually do at quater past the hour."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:36 am
by Andrew
"That'd be lovely then, see the way I figure it, whatever the hell is going on out there is something beyond our control. However in here we're all brothers in her Majesty's Armed Services. I don't want to hurt anyone that I don't have to, so if I can have a chat with the big cheese, that'd be swell." Cael stated in a soothing tone.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:18 am
by Laraqua
The weedy fellow presses the button, all but floored by the current circumstances. "You getting all this?"

"Yeah," comes the voice. "I'll speak to Sergeant Morrison and see if I can scare him up. Just who does Cael want to speak with?"

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:22 am
by Andrew
"Anyone who can order everyone not to shoot me." Cael stated at first and then added, "I really don't want to hurt or kill anyone else."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:24 am
by Laraqua
"Else?" asks the weedy guy, his voice a little squeaky.

Cael gets the sudden impression that the two men weren't soldiers at all. They moved like civilians, stood like civilians, were even dressed as such. Only their weapons marked them as warriors. Odd...

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:28 am
by Andrew
"Yeah, shot some kid in the head when she did some kind of magic trick and torched my girlfriend and I, she was shot on purpose. Then the guy I got the gun from, I went to knock him out but apparently busted his skull open, that was an accident, I really just wanted him out of the fight, not dead. You boys know I'm an SAS soldier right?" Cael stated.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:30 am
by Laraqua
The two look at him in confusion and shock.

"Bree's ... dead?" asked the weedy one.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:38 am
by Andrew
"Bree... sure, that could have been her name. Little bitch practically killed my girl, for all I know she is dead. My line of work she was a hostile and we don't play nice with them. You guys so far... well you're cool until you raise those rifles at me, then we have a problem." Cael said then laughed as the shit got serious. "Look... I just wanted to bum a smoke from you guys originally, you still got one I can get? I'll be on my way then."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:40 am
by Laraqua
"I have one in my back pant pocket," said the weedy guy, nervously. He slowly reached behind himself, the look in his eye similar to that of someone staring Death in the face.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:43 am
by Andrew
Cael smiled, he knew that look far to well, "Look man, I have no want to kill you, I swear. We stay cool and in a few hours we'll be laughing this whole thing off. I just want to make sure Sarah and Dahlia are alright and find out what Blackworth is up to, just have a chat with him. I get the feeling people are becoming to tense around here."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:46 am
by Laraqua
The weedy guy withdraws a back of Horizons and tosses them on the floor, sliding them towards Cael. Cael can hear footsteps in the hallway coming from the direction of the hallway. At least three, possibly more. OOC: Listen check and Idea check to get precise information.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:53 am
by Andrew
OOC: Cael's ears explode off his head suddenly. Listen 43% (1d100=98) I didn't see an idea check on my sheet but it's a safe bet to say I'd miss it. I've missed just about every roll so far.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:56 am
by Laraqua
Perhaps it was only one or two people approaching from the front. :twisted:

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:59 am
by Andrew
Cael gave the weedy fellow an annoyed look. "I'm not stooping down to pick those up. Anyway I have a pack in my pocket that I just remembered." At that he pulled out a Dunhill and lit it, "Well, who's a coming?"

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:04 am
by Laraqua
"I don't know, they didn't say," said the weedy fellow. "Its an intercom, you heard pretty much what I heard."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:08 am
by Andrew
Cael leaned against the wall and waited for the guests to arrive. He held his weapon ready but pointed at the ground... for now.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:28 am
by Laraqua

Sergeant Morrison came into view, flanked by several soldiers who did have their guns raised. "Cael, good to see you again."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:57 pm
by Andrew
"Howdy guys." Cael beams as he raises his rifle as well. "We want to lower those? No need for further blood shed."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:16 am
by Laraqua

"Might be an idea," said a female voice from behind him. Five soldiers, including the sergeant, have snuck up on him from behind. "You're flanked."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:40 am
by Andrew
"Groovey, doesn't mean I won't take someone out with me. So where's this heading? If you intend on shooting me you'd have done so already. You can't shake a man that goes into combat believing he's already dead, just a bit of brainwashing we get during training." Cael casually stated.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:50 am
by Laraqua

"True, but Miss Carpenter is in our hands, not yours, and she isn't dead, though she will be without medical care." The Sergeant says this all coolly, without a hint of malice or pride. Out of everyone here, she seems the most powerful, and the most intimidating.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:01 am
by Andrew
"Like I said, where's this heading? Unless I open fire you have me, what next? I assume we're not just going to stand here in the hallway forever." Cael stated, growing annoyed.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:22 am
by Laraqua

"Put down the weapons and slide them over to me," she said softly, yet loud enough to hear. "That way the veangeful bugger who's been stationed with Sarah Carpenter will still have my orders to answer to. If I am killed then, well, no promises..."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:47 am
by Andrew
"Negative, I will keep my weapon but will allow an armed escort to wherever we're heading... which is where again?" Cael asked, his tone sounding more like a command.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:36 am
by Laraqua

"Sergeant Morrison over there is the closest thing to a medic we have and he'll be involved in any armed escort because he's also one of our best men ... unfortunately, if he's busy escorting you and your rifle, he can't be busy patching up the nurse. Your choice."

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:45 am
by Andrew
"Ah fuck it." Cael states as he opens fire on Morrison.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:46 am
by Laraqua
The lights go out at the same moment as blood pours from Morrison's ruined torso. For a moment, he feels something snap, a sound that wasn't a sound, a scent that wasn't a scent. Something that was there and is now gone.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:51 am
by Andrew
Cael immediately hits the deck and starts to crawl away quickly to behind the female sergeant.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:55 am
by Laraqua
The female sergeant stood with a row of soldiers behind him. He had been flanked. There is nowhere to crawl in the corridor unless he wants to prise between their legs. There was a door beside him, though.

He hears a series of shots ring out - a submachinegun by the sound of it - and the sounds of screaming coming from Morrison's side. The screams don't end. At least a few people were lying, injured, judging by the different tenors of the voices.

"For fuck's sake, hold your fire!" screams Sergeant Blaise, her voice enraged.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 5:13 am
by Andrew
Cael slips in the door staying in a low crawl.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 5:16 am
by Laraqua
Flashlights flick on in the darkness.

Cael glimpses for a moment, in the dim ambient glow loosed from the torches that filters into this medical bay, a woman's reflection in the smooth steel of the counter on the other side. A brunette woman, no, more a youth, blood bubbling at her ruined throat and at her lips, a puckered hole of a bullet in her forehead. Above him, by the door, is a window in the wall, each can see through it. He has about a four foot gap of wall between the floor and the long, wide window.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy

The speakers overhead crackle to life:
"Cael..." says Sarah's voice. "Please, protect me! You must stop them, or I'll die! There's no other way - you have to shoot them!"

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:28 am
by Andrew
"Bullshit." Cael states, he knew Sarah well enough to know she would never request such a thing, plus he knew she could operate the loud speaker.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:31 am
by Laraqua
Cael hears footsteps approaching the closed door.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:51 am
by Andrew
He moves into the room ducking behind cover and waits.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:52 am
by Laraqua
A line of submachinegun fire shatters the glass entirely. It doesn't seem designed to injure him, as he crouches behind the hospital gurney and surgical tray.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:53 am
by Andrew
Cael covers his eyes and holds his position, now watching the windows as well as the door.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:54 am
by Laraqua
Something cylindrical is tossed into the room, rolling across the floor after hitting the linoleum with a metallic Thunk!

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:58 am
by Andrew
"Shit!" Cael thinks to himself as he scrambles towards the noise hoping to find the, what sounds like a grenade before it blows. "They'd blow this whole floor if they're using live grenades." he thought.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:00 am
by Laraqua
The grenade goes off in his face, a noise so loud it brought silence, a burst of light so bright it brought darkness. His face pounded with a headache that made him weak at the knees. Something, somewhere, approved of his efforts. He felt it in his bones.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:02 am
by Mr. Handy

"Cael!" shouts Sarah's voice from somewhere. "Blackworth is coming!"

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:05 am
by Andrew
Cael rolled over onto his back, this was all wrong and he knew it. Come what may, whoever came through those windows or door was getting shot... or so he hoped.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:27 am
by Laraqua
His head pounds as he sits back, firing off pot shots in the direction of the door and windows. Time creeps slowly, achingly passed, yet the blindness doesn't seem to cease. There is a smear of dull light somewhere, a rectangle of very vague light where he'd presume the windows might be.

How long has he been sitting there? The bullets are running dry. He has few enough left. Four? Five? His head hurts so much it forgets moments after he counts them. His mouth and throat are dry. He's so very thirsty. It almost feels as though ten minutes have passed and yet it shouldn't have been. Time has a very odd feel to it, slippery, flexible.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:34 am
by Andrew
Cael knew something was not right, he kept hearing Sarah when he knew she was not there and this whole situation seemed to odd. Cael figured it had to be a dream or some strange trance, it was time to take drastic measures especially since he was blind and deaf and to him that was dead already with the enemy out there.

Taking another shot towards the light blur, Cael then spins the rifle around, puts the muzzle of the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:35 am
by Laraqua
Agony. Nothing but agony.

OOC: Sarah was talking over the intercom.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:45 am
by Andrew
Cael fell back, and just laid there. It was too much to attempt it a second time.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:23 pm
by Andrew
'Okay... so this shit is real and I have a bullet wound somewhere in my head. I'm blind, deaf and now wounded and the woman I swore to protect is on the intercom begging for my help. Hostiles are outside the room and you're out of ammo. All right you've been in tighter spots than... actually you haven't. The Russians fucked you up but this is different. Technically you haven't been captured and no one has come in, though they could all he ready to blow your head off and you'd never know. All right soldier! Get to your feet!' Cael thought to himself as he struggled to rise. "This is seriously going to suck some major ass." he stated aloud while trying to clear his vision, at least he could make out a light blur.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:10 am
by Laraqua
The door is unlocked. The window glass broken. Through the blur, he can make out a discarded gun by the window, in the corridor, a flashlight still equipped, providing the glow. There are holes chewed up in the wall on the other side of the corridor. Its too blurry to be certain without touching them, but they look like bullet holes. Is that dark smear on the floor blood?

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:54 am
by Andrew
Painfully Cael moves to the weapon and picks it up and feels how many rounds are still lift in the magazine. He then stumbles over to the foor and opens it. Noting the dark smear he knew that he shot the shit out of Morrison and that the others had opened fire. It was time to go check on Sarah.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:57 am
by Laraqua
The rifle is empty of bullets and the barrel has been splintered, as though some great force had struck it. Now that he is in the corridor, he sees the walls awash in smears of blood and lumps of gristle. Chunks of flesh squirt blood underfoot as he moves down the passageway. A light flickers around the corner - white fluorescent light.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:31 am
by Andrew
Weaponless and wounded, Cael curls his lip in disgust of what's before him, when the fuck did this suddenly do Resident Evil on his ass? As quickly as he could move he headed to Sarah, knowing he wouldn't find her where he left her but he didn't know where else to start.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:46 am
by Laraqua
The journey to her room seems to stretch on til forever. Partway along, the darkness flickers to red life as the emergency lighting comes on. He hears nothing but a ringing in his ears but at least now he can better see. The elevator doors spread wide as though to embrace him at his approach and takes him gently to the first floor.

One of the doors he passes on the first floor is slightly ajar, its door marked Armoury. The iron tang of blood and the stink of fecal matter burn his nose as he nears it.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:57 am
by Andrew
Cael moves to the side and hugs the wall, he pulls his shirt up over his nose to help cover the smell and peers in.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:05 am
by Laraqua
The weapons lockers, still locked, have been hung with spilt intestines like it was tinsel. A man's bones, still pink with blood, but empty of innards and with merely a few tatters of skin and hair, lays in the middle of the floor. The sight is so disgustingly premeditated and designed that it causes the hairs on even Cael's neck to rise (0/1 SAN loss because you've seen a lot of combat).

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:50 am
by Andrew
OOC: Yay! I lost 1 point. Sanity 64% (1d100=68)

Cael grits his teeth and winces at the mess he tries to see if he can locate an actual man made weapon, otherwise a femur would do for now.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:54 am
by Laraqua
The weapons the man has been carrying lies in pieces across the floor. A femur would be rather easy to pull loose (20% chance to hit, 1d4+db damage).

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:54 am
by Andrew
Cael rips out the femur and trudges onward to find Sarah.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:52 am
by Laraqua
The room where he had laid Sarah seems almost undisturbed. The computer's dark screen reflects, somewhat, the empty bunk bed across the room. The smell of smoke still lingers.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:31 am
by Andrew
Cael sits on the bed and lays down the femur and lights a cigarette. Realizing the hole in his throat makes smoking difficult he puts his hand over it and continues to smoke. While smoking he scans the room looking for any clues or discarded or forgotten weapons or items that were useful.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:02 am
by Laraqua
The cigarette burns his throat, the smoke scraping its way down the bloody hole, sending fresh agony screaming along his nerves. The world spins from the pain and he nearly blacks out. Blinking back tears of pain that juice up his eyes, threatening to spill over, and yet somehow not - largely due to previous experience and training - he sees that the room is largely empty.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:09 am
by Andrew
Cael grabs the femur and decides to try the intercom room, maybe she learned how to use it watching him and it really is her broadcasting.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:54 pm
by Laraqua
The corridor is dark as he moves and he almost loses his bearings twice. However, he has been in enough military facilities and even more confusing places, so he manages to keep himself going in the right direction. Much of this floor, at the very least, is not smeared with blood. The building seems more abandoned than anything else. His ears ring, blocking out all noise. Red emergency lights flash. An alert is on. But why hasn't anyone found him? And why haven't the back-up lights come on so that he can see more easily?

He senses movement behind him. Whirling, he sees Blackworth at the other end of the corridor, smeared with blood. The man raises a hand in greeting, two fingers torn off from the rest of the hand, then he jerks sideways and out of sight, too fast to be human.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:48 am
by Andrew
Cael raises the club and starts to cautiously move in the direction Blackworth went.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:51 am
by Laraqua
He hears a loud buzz of a voice but can't distinguish anything else beneath the ringing. It almost seemed to come from above and to the right of him. The intercom?

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:11 am
by Andrew
Cael decides to give up his hunt for Blackworth and double times it to the communication room.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:20 am
by Laraqua
Sarah, or someone who looked like her, stood at the monitors in the communications room, facing away. Someone occupies the chair beside her, something clasped between the figure's blood-stained fingers. Blonde hair is visible from the figure on the chair, only, there's something wrong, its hair is far too white and twisted, flaked with dried blood. The stink of bleach and blood is nearly overpowering.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:21 am
by Andrew
"Sarah?" Cael asks hoping his voice was loud enough for her to hear.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:47 am
by Laraqua
Enter Nurse Sarah's thread.

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:52 am
by Andrew
OOC: YES!!! I finally break out of this thread! :)

Re: Ash - Cael

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:18 pm
by Andrew
Posted sheet here for easier viewing.


Sergeant Major Cael O’Reily-
32 yrs old, Dirt Blonde Hair, Green Eyes, 1.8m, 82kg.
Born: Dublin, Residence: London
Occupation: Police CO19/Pilot/SAS

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 14
Size: 12
Intelligence: 11
POW: 14
Education: 16
Appearance: 10

Sanity: 70 - 6 = 64
Hit Points: Was 14, Now 9.
Armour: 2pts* (only against certain attacks)

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%): 60%
Computer Use (01%): 31%
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 05%
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2): 39%
Drive Auto (20%): 50%
Electrical Repair (10%): 35%
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%): 50%
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%): 40%
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%):
Listen (25%): 43%
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%):
Other Language:
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%): 72%
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%): 50%
Spot Hidden (25%): 27%
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%): 70%
Grapple (25%):
Kick (25%): 45%

Knife (25%): 55%

Handgun (20%): 53%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%): 55%
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%): 59%

Cael was born in Dublin but raised in New York City and moved to London when he was sixteen. Cael O’Reily came from a long line of cops, when his ancestors arrived from Ireland the first job his great grandfather landed was that of a beat cop. His grandfather too took up the career and ended up a lieutenant and his father was a homicide detective before he was shot and killed in the line of duty when Cael was only twelve.

From the moment of his conception he was destined to be a police officer but by the time he was sixteen he knew he didn’t want to be something one of his family members had been before. As he was going through the police academy he noticed a flyer on the bulletin board announcing tryouts for the SWAT team. Thinking that this was his chance to go that extra step in his career he tried out. Cael did fairly well, he was abnormally strong or any smarter than the average Joe out there but what he had was speed and a good eye.

Cael graduated from the police academy as part of the SWAT team as a sniper but that wasn’t his best ability and those that knew him well knew that his real dream was to fly. He played and owned the best and most expensive flight simulation games on the market and had several hours logged in on real flight simulators. It was his best friend and partner Jack that ended up helping Cael get his career going where it ought to have been.

One day as Cael was suiting up, ready to go out on a job, the captain walked up and pulled him aside. Cael was informed that the department needed chopper pilots across the city and badly, they were even willing to pay for him to get his license and certifications. Cael immediately jumped at the opportunity.


Glock 17
Combat Knife
Flight Suit
Cell Phone
Zippo Lighter
Dunhill Cigarettes