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Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:11 am
by trixie
[O.C. Too many twinkies?? :lol:]

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:45 am
by Laraqua
There seems to be bells at the ends of each plank and new ones are set ringing with each step they take. Ronald just manages to catch his breath when he bangs his nose, forehead and then torso against something hard and solid. Reaching up, he feels some sort of large, metal wall in front of him that seems to be carved with something. Reaching his hands into the middle he feels two inward-curving holes. Reaching to the left and right finds him stepping down off the planks and finding that the metal is set into the rocky wall, though there appear to be no hinges.

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:48 am
Ow! Crap-er jacks!

Ronald rubs his nose and stomps his feet furiously.

Craper-jacks! Craper-jacks! Craper-jacks!

He pounds on the metal barrier with both his fists until he's too tired to hit the door any longer. Ronald then slumps to the floor and quietly sobs.


Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:43 pm
by trixie
Brianna hates seeing someone upset, especially Ronald. He's always been the first one to cheer her up. But he must've whacked his head pretty hard.......

Brianna sits down next to him and hugs him to make him feel better. After a moment, she pulls Mickey the Mouth out of his back pack while his head is down, and slips him on her hand.

"Hey there ol' buddy.....seems to me you put your smile on upside down today!" She says in a squeaky high pitched voice, hushed of course to not be too loud. "That poor ol shnoz of yours musta been stickin out again. You should really get it looked at!" Brianna puts Mickey's face very very close to Ronald's, and stares at his nose in the dark. "Yep, it's definately stickin out WAY too far...." she says after a moment. tee hee hee hee!

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:50 pm

Ronald chuckles at Brianna and then wipes his eyes.

Geez! Not in front of the kid you big poofter!

Suddenly Ronald stops crying and jumps to his feet. He pushes his face up to the holes in the crafted metal door.

Do you hear that Brianna? Holy smokes! There's kids out there!

Ronald yells through the hole.

Hey! Who's there! We're trapped! Somebody help us!

Sanity check : passed
Sanity check : passed
Sanity check : passed

[O.C. Ronald is keeping his mind but not his cool]

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:50 am
by Laraqua
The door splits in half with a tired groan and opens outwards, forcing them to step back. The doors stop once there is a one foot gap between them. Inside it is still just as dark but with a vague smell of damp.

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:53 am
Get behind me Brianna.

Ronald strains his eyes trying to get a glimpse of what is beyond the door. He listens carefully for what he can't see. Slowly he moves backwards, clearly frightened and unprepared for whatever is out there. He herds Brianna as best he can away from the door.

"Hello?............ Louie?"

ooc - listen check successful

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:05 pm
by trixie
Brianna is startled by the sudden groan of the door, and jumps out of the way. She moans a little out of sheer terror, and stands speechless. Oh no.. oh no.. oh no.. oh no.. oh no

The damp smell lingers in her nostrils and permeates every bit of imagination she has. What could it be....why is it damp? Is there water in there? Is it....

Brianna doesn't know what to think, feeling turned around and terrified. She sinks to her knees and grasps her arms around the sides, then starts rocking herself back and forth. "'t"

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:14 pm

Shhhh Brianna. It's OK! You'll scare the kids.....

Ronald squeezes Brianna's hand and reassures her he's there to help.

It's OK kids. I'm gonna get you all out of here. Can't you hear them all Brianna? Louie's been collecting kids! I knew it all along. He's the poofter!

Ronald, still scared and cautious listens carefully for any movement coming from behind the doors.

Ronald takes his puppet from Brianna and in Mickey's voice, uses his ventriloquism to make it sound like the voice is much closer to the doors than Ronald actually is.


Hey Boys and Girls! Who wants to get the H-E- Double hockey sticks out of here?

[ooc -listen check : successful]
[ooc - ventriloquism check : fail]
[ooc - sanity check : fail Sanity now 76

Ronald shivers in the cold dark air and seriously questions his plan.

Damn you Louie!

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:48 pm
by trixie
Brianna whimpers, and realizes her cheeks are soaked in tears.

"I..I'm n..not going in there.. R..Ronald. Not unless...unless we can s..see what's in front of us."

All of a sudden something occurs to her.

"Ronald, can you swim?"

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:47 pm
Swim? Yeah! What are you playing at?

Ronald continues to back away from the door slowly.

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:22 am
by trixie
"Oh. Oh ya, that's um....that's good."

Brianna feels confused and disoriented, and her head swims terribly all of a sudden. What's going on??? Why does Ronald think there are kids down here? I can't hear them??

"Are you gonna go in there, Ronald? Like to go after the kids? Cuz if you are, I think I'm just gonna stay here....."

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:37 pm
Ronald calls out one last time.

Is anybody in there! Come out! I'm gonna get you all out of here!

Ronald is confused at why Brianna isn't tring to help the children inside the room. Ushering Brianna backwards, Ronald, clearly frightened, takes another few steps away from the door.

Can't you hear them Brianna?

Oh man what do I do?

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:54 pm
by trixie
Brianna shakes her head, then remembers it's pitch black. "Um, no. I don't hear anything." She sticks a finger in her ear and wiggles it up and down. "You really here kids down here?" she asks incredulously.

Brianna's journey in this cold dark place has left her feeling hopeless and deserted. If only they'd brought the blankets, or could see. She walks backwards as Ronald ushers her back, and feels confused and disoriented.

How could Ronald hear something I can't? Is there something wrong with my ears???

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:20 pm

You can't hear them?

Ronald takes another step back from the open door and tries his hardest to see through the blackness.

Oh bloody hell and bollocks! Something is wrong here!

Ronald starts to shake and once again, is thankful Brianna can't see him. His mind races with paranoid thoughts that chill him to the bone. Ronald can't remember ever being so scared and helpless. Too scared to cry, Ronald continues feeding his paranoid episode.

Who would build such a thing to keep all these children loked up...... or locked out!

Run! Brianna... Run!

Ronald's heart races at the thought until he just can't take it any more. He scoops up Brianna and darts back down the tunnel, away from the door and the spooky childlike voices only he can hear.

Damn you Louie!

Spot Hidden (if it helps in the dark) : Fail
Sanity check : Pass

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:35 am
by Laraqua
The wood trembles underfoot as he makes his way back. His lungs heave, hurting under the need for oxygen as he sprints, his arms tremble, weakened by the blow to his head. Yet still he runs. More than a minute. More than two. Then the walkway abruptly ends and his shoes hit the dirt.

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:17 pm
Ronald sets Brianna down and looks back behind him with wild eyes full of terror. he stopped crying about 30 seconds ago as his heart was suddenly filled with purpose.

I gotta get Brianna out of here!

Ronald cups his hand around his ear and listens for any noise down the hallway. He scrambles back to the wooden planks on the walkway and puts his ear to the planks hopingh to pick up some vibrations from his persuers, imaginary or otherwise.

You OK kiddo?

[ooc - listen check successful. sanity check: successful]

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:15 am
by trixie
Brianna is wide eyed at Ronald's sudden change in behaviour. "Um......ya......I guess so. Are you???" she asks incredulously, and feels suddenly nervous. Why was Ronald acting so strangely? Should I be worried too? What's going on?

Brianna bends over and feels on the ground to see if there are any rocks. The dirt floor must have a few hiding somewhere.....

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:01 am
by Laraqua
There are no loose rocks. The sand is evenly spaced. The wooden boards do not vibrate with pursuers. There is no sound at all other than your selves and a faraway dripping sound that comes from the direction the planks led.

Re: Brianna & Ronald

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:47 am
by trixie
Brianna has had enough. "Is there nothing to throw in this god forsaken place!" she says angrily, likely far too loud to conceal their location. "EEEEEERRRRRRRRAAAAAHHH!!!!" She hits the sand with both fists and picks it up in fistfuls and throws it.