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Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:03 pm
by Laraqua
One of the lights in the men's toilets flickered, sending shadows skittering across the unusual amount of graffiti that sprawled across the pale blue walls. The graffiti was written in a dark blue texta, across the walls, the ceiling. The floor was covered in a fine film of dirty water that had spilled from the sinks. Someone had filled the drains with a substance that had long since hardened. That very same person was likely responsible for turning the taps on.

Several patients had complained about the mess, though no one had any idea who had done it and so Carson Boyd had been sent down to clear it up. It was likely going to take several hours to do so and he couldn't be sure the substance in the drains could even be cleaned away without something more heavy-duty then what he had on him.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:59 am
by OathinBlood
Carson Boyd gave a weary sigh as he looked at the filthy washroom. He was forever cleaning, forever matter how many times he scrubbed the floors or rinsed the walls, they would always be dirty again. His efforts were futile, his struggles worthless...and he knew it. The only comfort in his life now came from the blank white pills in the bottle stored in his pocket, and the open but unseeing eyes of his vegetative father. Even the latter was now not much of a relief. No matter how many times he visited him, no matter how many hours he stayed by his side...not a single movement out of gratitude. It wasn't his fault, Carson knew, but it's hard to love someone when all they give you back is the sound of their machine-assisted breathing.

Carson stopped reminiscing, and snapped back to his dull reality. His hands searched his cart, and he picked up a large white bottle, whose label has long since been worn off. Opening the cap slightly and giving the chemical inside a slight whiff, Carson quickly identified it. White vitriol. Closing the cap and grabbing a small grubby flashlight from his cart, Carson Boyd entered the flickering darkness of the first floor toilets.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:47 am
by Laraqua
The dry chemical smell that permeated the toilet was familiar and vaguely unsettling. He could still hear the low sounds of chaos coming from the hospital corridors, the footsteps and fragments of speech, but he felt somewhat cut off now that he was in here. The barely legible scrawl that covered the walls contained a few bits and pieces that caught his eye as he entered the toilets:

uncoiling above us ... my favourite was always Law and Order ... call the Nurse for me ... I didn't like to do it ... tuna fish sandwhich ... my love ... is it the Nurse? ... better watch my step

Boyd remembered how his father used to love tuna and cheese sandwhiches with a bit of jam on the top of the cheese. He had also loved a lot of crime and punishment shows, though Boyd didn't think Law and Order was his father's favourite.

Lost in his reverie, he barely noticed that one of the toilet doors was slightly ajar as he passed it. His eye was caught by movement. It was just a flicker of shadow beneath the door that was possibly caused by the movement of his torch but it had seemed almost purposeful.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 1:53 am
by OathinBlood
Being naturally jittery, Carson backs up slowly and shines his flashlight on the mysterious stall.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 8:22 am
by Laraqua
Through the three-inch gap between door and doorway, Carson can see that the stall is empty. There is something written on the back wall, however, in larger lettering then what was on the rest of the walls. Only some of what is written can be seen.

"...did you put it, Carson? it hidden?"

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 8:52 am
by OathinBlood
"Leroy?", Carson mutters to himself upon seeing the words. Leroy might've left a message...but he wouldn't make it so obvious, and he wouldn't flood the washroom just so Carson could see it...

Carsons nerves are aflare, and he leaves the washroom to take a breather.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 9:40 am
by Laraqua
"Attention emergency personnel," says an unfamiliar voice over the intercom. "An emergency situation has developed. Will everyone who is not otherwise occupied, please go down to Accident and Emergency. I repeat, an emergency situation has developed. Will everyone who is not otherwise occupied, please go down to Accident and Emergency."

There is no real need for Carson to go down to Accident and Emergency. Unless they specifically ask for people like him, he's free to go about his usual chores. Like dealing with that toilet...

The two most obvious choices were to find Leroy or to finish off cleaning that toilet.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 11:10 am
by paradys
Leroy is helping one of the male nurses move a mobile xray unit into the emergency room when the call goes out over the intercom. The nurse looks up sharply.

"Are you going to be alright with this Leroy?"

Medical staff on the first floor are already starting to rush out of the wards and head down towards A&E. Leroy sees Carson standing outside the washrooms at the far end of the corridor. He looked jittery, but then again Carson always looked jittery. If he didn't learn to relax he was going to blow the whole deal.

"Yeah, i'm going to be alright man, it sounds like you better hustle."

As the nurse heads off, Leroy tries to get Carsons attention.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 8:48 pm
by OathinBlood
Carson looks over, and sees Leroy motioning to him. "Leroy! It's a relief to see you, man. Did you write that thing in the toilets?"

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:26 am
by paradys
"What thing's that Carson?", Leroy says, parking the xray unit in the nearest corner.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:51 pm
by OathinBlood
A confused look crosses Carson's face.

"The writing in the stall. Anyways, what's the 'emergency situation'?"

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 1:31 pm
by paradys
Leroy shakes his head, "I dunno, but most of the staff have gone downstairs. Hey Carson, what say we make the most of the situation, check out the dispensary. If we move fast, we can get enough scripts to last us the next few months."

Carsons acting strange he thinks, maybe its time to make one last score and bring their 'scam' to a close.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:04 pm
by OathinBlood
"Yeah. Yeah. Let's go." says Carson, rubbing his head to get rid of the headache that just came up.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:02 am
by Laraqua
The First Floor is busier than anticipated. Nurses hurry to and fro. A few doctors talk animatedly near the reception desk before disappearing into another room. The waiting area, as usual, is packed with people looking for a place to sit or a vending machine to buy from, or just a little space to be alone with their pain. The throng of people is a little thicker than usual, though, particularly around the dispencry. There doesn't appear to be any staff members hanging around the Dispencry, though, and knowing strangers consumed in their own pain, the likelihood of them even noticing something is amiss is slim to nothing.

Re: Toilets, First Floor

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 1:35 pm
by paradys
Leroy doesn't like to take chances. "What do you think Carson?" he asks "I don't think we should go in there unless we have an excuse ready, case somebody walks in."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:17 am
by OathinBlood
"There's an emergency, right? We'll just say we're trying to look for someone. Grab a doctor's name off one of the lists over there." says Carson, pointing vaguely in the direction of the receptionist.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:24 am
by paradys
"okay, okay..we'll go in, you stand by the door as a lookout and i'll have a look around. Anyone asks, one of the doctors sent me up here to find his clipboard or beeper or whatever."

Leroy already knows the names of the doctors, anyone asks questions he'll improvise.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:44 am
by Laraqua
The nurse who usually works in the dispencry must have been called away, the metal roller window has been shut but the door is unlocked. When they open the door, they find that someone has affixed sticky tape around the edges of the door. The walls are covered in locked cabinets, some with glass fronts, some with steel fronts. The desk has only a clipboard with several forms attached on it. This is where people who are getting medications from the dispencry are meant to sign.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:28 am
by paradys
Leroy walks over to the desk and looks in the drawers, for something obvious like a pad of blank prescriptions to steal. Failing that he looks for a paperclip, something he can use to pick the locks of the cabinets. Somewhere in the back of his mind he realises what he is doing is crazy, but the empty room, the closed shutters make it all too tempting..

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 12:28 pm
by Laraqua
There is no pad of prescriptions in the drawers. It seems that this is where some of the prescriptions were filled out or where medications for those residing temporarily in the hospitals were stored. There are, however, a number of paperclips and other suitable potential lockpicks. He succeeds in unlocking one of the cupboards, having chosen one full of sleeping medications and pain killers.

"Would everyone please remain where they are?" asks a calm voice over the intercom. It sounds like the hospital administrator, Arnold Dullard. "A chemical incident in London Central has caused massive storm clouds containing high quantities of dangerous substances. Could everyone please remain inside and, where possible, find a secure place to stay until the all-clear is called? Thank you and have a good day."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:55 am
by paradys
"Jesus Carson did you hear that?" It occurs to Leroy that the announcement might bring people into the dispencery. He grabs three or four bottles ( i'm assuming they're fairly small ) and stuffs them in his pockets, and passes a couple more to Carson. Distracted, he forgets to try and lock the cupboard door again. "Lets go find someone medical, see if they know whats going on."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 1:46 am
by OathinBlood
"Christ.." mumbles Carson, more to himself than to anyone else. "I wonder what chemical it is...I hope they have a sample or something, I'd wanna know what the hell is raining down on our heads."

He follows Leroy out the door, but not before dry-swallowing a light pain-killer.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 5:36 am
by Laraqua
The first floor is still swollen with patients, families and wannabe patients but it seems deserted of medical personnel, though even their numbers are greatly reduced. Nothing like a warning to stay indoors to have most people running for the hills. There is a mob of people standing around the reception desk, hiding any nurses who might be there from the two men's view. It's hard to hear what she's saying, if there is anyone there saying anything at all, over the multitude of voices that emanate from the several dozen people who press in against the desk.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:16 pm
by paradys
"Goddamit, we aint gonna be able to find out anything here". For the first time in a couple of days Leroy thinks about his boy, Toby. He should ring Marsha...
His mobile is in his coat pocket in his locker.

( i'm not sure where Leroys locker would be, in some kind of staff room? )

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 4:07 pm
by Laraqua
Leroy's locker is in a utility room. Many of the other orderlies and janitors have to share this space with a variety of cleaning supplies. Hospital renovations haven't extended to giving them room to move. The room contains a janitor called Paul Summers who clutches a clipboard in a white-knuckled grip, apparently checking up on supplies. Paul looks relieved to see someone.

"Hey, what's going on out there? They got all the children dosed up, someone's been vandalising all of the vents, and that graffitti... Shit, hope you know more than I do," says Paul. "Hey, you're an orderly, ain't ya? They want you lot down in Accident & Emergency but I wouldn't go down there. If it's something chemical, those people might be contagious. Well, not contagious, but, shit, infected with the chemicals, y'know? You might get contaminated. Shit, that's the word. Contaminated."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:54 pm
by OathinBlood
Carson's eyes light up when Paul says 'chemicals'. He's always had an interest in chemicals, and in between his drug-induced hazes and hospital cleaning he would often go down to the library to learn more about them. Applying them to his job, he has been able to clean faster and more thoroughly than the other janitors. He could probably identify whatever chemical was down there. Plus, if it was a chemical spill, or some chemical raining from the sky, the people couldn't be contagious. Contagion was for viruses and diseases.

"Hey, Leroy, I'm heading down to Accident & Emergency. Comin' with?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 9:48 am
by paradys
Leroy is torn between wanting to avoid any 'contamination' and wanting to know whats going on. He decides to try and get news from the outside world before making a move.

"sure Carson just give me a second"

He brings Marshas number up on speed dial and puts through the call.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:05 am
by Laraqua
"Hello?" A man's voice, sounding slightly panicked, answers Marsha's phone.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:27 am
by paradys
Who the hells that he thinks.

"Hello? I want to speak to Marsha. Its Tobys dad."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:48 am
by Laraqua
The mobile phone seems to crackle and fade in and out of hearing. It sounds like the signal is dying. "The woman who ... this here? She ran out ... paying for her groceries. What's ... on?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:55 am
by paradys
"hello, who is this? wheres Marsha? Goddammit!" shouts Leroy as the signal fades and dies on him.

He stands there scowling for a moment before turning to Carson.

"ok, lets find out what the hells going on"

He puts the phone back in his pocket. He'll give it twenty minutes then try and reach her at home.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:48 am
by Laraqua
"Before you go, you two boys want a drink?" asks Paul, brandishing a flask. He seems faintly bored. "It's good stuff. Man, I hate drinking alone. Have a bit before you go running off for a look-see."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 10:27 am
by paradys
Leroy looks at Carson. He's anxious but trying not to show it.

"I say we go now, I need to know whats happening man."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:36 am
by Laraqua
"Come on, man, relax a bit," says Paul, still offering the drink. "You really think running off half-cocked is gonna get you anywhere? Sit around and think a minute with me. You go out there and you'll never get to go home. You'll be too busy running around tending to people. Chillax!"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:48 am
by paradys
Leroy makes up his mind to leave and heads for the door of the utility room.

"some other time Paul"

anyway, he's not sure he wants to drink with someone who uses the word 'chillax'.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 7:25 pm
by Laraqua
Paul just nods. "Can't miss the end of the world, huh, Leroy?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:50 am
by OathinBlood
"Wouldn't miss it for the world..." mutters Carson, eyeing Paul.

On his way down to A&E he thinks about the paradox of not missing the end of the world for the world.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:59 am
by Laraqua
As they move out into the corridor, they can see people rushing this way and that. A crowd of people surges along, leaving a few startled staff members in their way. A pair of doctors attempt to stem the crowd, pleading with people not to attempt to leave, that they would be safer within the hospital, but most don't listen and continue on their way out the glass doors. The sound of a dozen car engines revving to life is audible even above this din.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:30 am
by paradys
Leroy tries to get the attention of one of the doctors, grabbing hold of them if nescessary.

"Hey, whats going on?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:34 am
by Laraqua
The doctor looks startled, then sighs deeply. "There's been a chemical accident of some description. We're trying to keep people inside. Look, just attend to your duties." He eyes off the janitor. "Isn't there a toilet somewhere you should be cleaning?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:02 am
by paradys
"I'll attend to the duty of kicking your ass", Leroy mutters as he walks away, loud enough for the doctor to hear but hopefully not loud enough to get called on it. It looked like he was going to have to go and look for himself. Mainly its Toby that worries him.

"See what happens when you have responsibilities", he thinks.

As he heads down to A & E he gets out his mobile and tries to call Marsha at home.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:29 am
by OathinBlood
"Doctor!" Do you know what kind of chemicals they spilt down there? I know my chemicals, maybe I could help." offers Carson.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:48 am
by Laraqua
A look of sadness crosses the doctor's face. "No idea. We weren't told any details. In fact, what I know got told to me by the administrator. He got a phone call, apparently. I've no idea what's going on." He turns as another group start heading out and rushes after them.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:56 am
by paradys
Leroy stays on the phone while Carson talks to the doctor.

"come on", he thinks as it continues to ring, "pick up"...

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:56 am
by Laraqua
"Why don't you go question the administrator?" the doctor asks angrily, calling out over his shoulder. The crowd running ahead of him slows to a stop.

There's a click as someone answers the home phone. A burst of static screeches into Leroy's ear. He can hear masculine grunts and feminine groans beneath all the static. The woman sounds like Marsha. In the background, he can hear a little boy crying, his wails barely registering on the phone.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:42 pm
by paradys

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:54 pm
by Laraqua
The bizarre noises continue. His son's wail becomes louder, increasing in pitch. The two can see through the windows on the other side of the hospital, a black curtain of nothingness approaching, causing the headlights outside to dim. The black wall appears to be only a few dozen feet away from the hospital windows. Those outside start pouring back inside.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:00 pm
by paradys
"TOBY", he shouts, to no avail. What was going on, was Marsha with someone? Events are too confusing for him to feel any other emotion than a growing anxiety. And what was that outside?

The mobile drops to the floor.

"Carson." he says "This is some seriously wrong shit."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:19 pm
by OathinBlood
"Wh-what's happening?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:56 am
by Laraqua
The curtain of nothingness continues to approach. Several people hold the glass doors shut, keeping several desperate strangers trapped on the outside. The two engage in a desperate tug-of-war that those on the outside lose. As the front edge of the dark wall reaches them, their flesh chars and strips away, their bones becoming ash within a few short seconds. Several of those who were holding the doors shut shriek and back away, leaving a few others trying desperately to keep it closed, but several wisps of whatever it is start coming in from under the door.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:30 pm
by paradys
"seriously, seriously wrong shit"

panic, confusion and adrenalin kick in, sending thoughts whirling through his head through his head

"this is actually it! some kind of dirty bomb chemical attack. its actually happening!"

he remembers the tape they saw around the doorways of the dispencery. "wisps coming under the door." he thinks "but how could anyone have known? it doesn't make sense."

"don't think move!"

He grabs Carson by the shoulder.

"we have to get in the dispencery. seal ourselves off from the gas"

at the same time he does a quick mental calculation. number of people on the ground floor versus number of people will actually fit in the dispencery.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:35 pm
by Laraqua
OOC: Ignore the title of thread. You're on the ground floor currently. There's a ramp, elevator and stairwell that will take you to the first floor.

From memory, the dispencry is a rather small area but it is larger than most elevators and a good eighteen people are said to fit in most elevators, so if everyone stood quite close together, they could fit maybe twenty or so people in there. The real issue is convincing twenty people to enter a dispencry while keeping any excess numbers out so that they could shut the door.

The wall of darkness and motes of ash moves steadily towards them, covering a foot every ten seconds.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:17 pm
by paradys
Ok, Leroy is running for the stairwell, assuming that Carson will follow him ( although he might not of course! ).

He realises ( or assumes ) that trying to get everyone into the dispencery will lead to panic stricken violence and intends to keep the idea to himself. None the less as he reaches the foot of the steps he finds himself turning and shouting.


Why the hell did I do that, he thinks as he carries on running.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:08 am
by OathinBlood
'Th-that's no chemical...', whispers Carson to himself. He turns, running after Leroy.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:24 am
by Laraqua
It seems Leroy's words are in vain as most of those within the hospital rush along the length of it, passing him by, no doubt trying to get out through the other end of the ground floor. Unfortunately, there are no exits that way nor are there windows as the ground slopes down from that end of the hospital and the ground floor is underground at that end. The staff and several patients, however, start rushing in his direction, hoping to get up the stairs. Once the medical staff start coming, all those behind follow.

Carson and Leroy make it up the stairs, the studded strips that give extra grip help keep their feet on the narrow steps where otherwise they might have slipped off. The fluorescent light above the first floor landing flickers with a sharp, buzzing sound as they pass underneath it.

The first floor is largely empty. There is no one in the reception desk. There is only a man and a child dragging IV tubes who look around in confusion.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:53 pm
by paradys
Leroy runs over to the kid and picks up his IV tubes.

"Theres an emergency downstairs" he shouts to the man "we're gonna put you somewhere you'll both be safe"

With that he tries to hurry them both into the dispencery, grabbing the kids hand and running with him if necessary.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:02 pm
by Laraqua
The child moves with a shuffling gait far more slowly than the man and Leroy himself do. The door to the Dispencry has been left partially open and it beckons to Leroy with its promise of safety. The fluorescent lights overhead begin to flicker, not in tandem, but in a bizarre sort of rhythm that make the shadows seem to come alive, twisting and contorting across the walls and making his head spin.

"What's going on?" asks the child. "Are you a doctor? Where's mum? They said there was a chemical thing."

"Now, look," says the middle-aged and rather rotund man, gazing at Leroy with a look of pure disgust. "Now, look, where's the real men in charge here? Shouldn't they be doing something for us?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:07 pm
by paradys
Leroy will pick the kid up and try and run with him to the dispencery.

"You can go and look for a doctor" he says to the man "or come with us and save your ass"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:20 pm
by Laraqua
The kid is light and easily carried. The man grumbles under his breath but follows with a deep, loud sigh.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:35 pm
by paradys
Once inside Leroy starts looking around for the roll of tape that must have been used by whoever sealed the door. His plan is to make sure they have more than enough tape for themselves then throw the roll out to anyone else who comes upstairs and tell them to seal themselves in somewhere.
As far as Leroy is concerned the dispencery is now theirs.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:59 pm
by Laraqua
Halfway through his efforts, the screaming starts.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:30 pm
by paradys
Shivering Leroy starts to seal the gaps around the door, using twice as much tape as it looks as though it needs and making sure there isnt the smallest possible space for the 'gas' to creep through..

"there must be some gauze or bandages around" he says " someone make the kid some earplugs."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:32 pm
by OathinBlood
Carson looks around for anything that might be of use - gauze, bandages, more tape...

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:29 am
by Laraqua
There is no fabric here that could be used for banages. Just paper, pens and medications.

The pimple-faced kid, no older than 14, has used his fingers as make-shift earplugs but even so he has gone quite pale and his breathing has gone from somewhat normal to laboured and shallow. He slumps to the floor.

The older man's tirade of irate abuse at the hospital, at the niggars that must have set off the bomb, at everything but the Queen herself snaps off at the sound of the screams.

The fluorescent lights overhead flicker, threatening to go out.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, First Floor Main Area

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:25 pm
by paradys
Once he is certain the door is perfectly sealed Leroy will go over to the kid and and make sure he is alright.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:26 am
by Laraqua
Now that there is no more urgency, the truth of their situation finally seems to sink in. Carson manages to shrug it off. Perhaps being in a Dispencry, surrounded by the drugs that make his days worthwhile, helps him with this.

Leroy is hit by the enormity of the situation. London, his home city, covered in a black fog that turns the population into ash, their flesh stripped and burned, as they hammered on the doors. His home city would never be the same. His life would never be the same. It was enough to make him falter as he moved towards the boy.

The man's voice becomes louder, more desperate and more strident. His whole body seems to help him project his booming voice. "I am Gregory Pickman, renowned lawyer, and I demand to know what's going on. When will we be evacuated? Where is the doctor? I refuse to stand in here like some fool. I need help. I need medical attention."

The lad merely sits upon the floor with his head in his hands.

As abruptly as it starts, the screaming stops.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:15 pm
by paradys
Feeling shaky Leroy crouches down by the kid but keeps his eye on Gregory Pickman in case he heads for the door.

"Hey man, didn't you hear those screams, its dangerous out there. If your hurting we've got painkillers, otherwise we wait here until the authorities say its all clear"

The nervousness is apparent in his voice. Visions of the people outside the hospital doors...corroding.. keep passing before his eyes

Note: if Gregory asks for painkillers Leroy will try and slip him some sleeping pills or sedatives, figuring it will stop him causing trouble.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:45 am
by Laraqua
Leroy's mobile phone rings.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:16 pm
by paradys
Leroy doesn't even remember picking his phone up, but hearing the ring fishes it instinctivly from out of his pocket. For a while he stares at it blankly. He knows he has to answer it but seems reluctant, letting the shrill tone fill the room, in tandem with the flicker of the lights...

Eventually he presses the answer button and puts it to his ear.


Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:34 pm
by Laraqua
An unfamiliar woman's voice responds: "Yes? Can you hear me? Where are you?"

Followed by a man's voice: "Hello? Yes, I can hear you! Are you okay? This is Aidan O'Connell, with Child Welfare... Uhm... I'm trapped in the Dr. Dullard's office... Is there anyway someone could let me out? This chemical spill has me a worried."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:42 am
by paradys
Leroy listens in frowning.

"Hello" he says "is there someone else there?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:18 pm
by Laraqua
"Someone else?" Aidan O'Connell says. "Here? No... It's just me, in the Administration Office. Dr. Dullard stepped out a minute ago and seems to have locked the door behind him and hasn't come back. With this chemical incident, I'm a bit on edge. You wouldn't be able to get someone to let me out, would you?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 7:00 pm
by paradys
"Listen dude, you need to stay where you are. And seal yourself in, make sure the gas can't get through the gaps in the door. This.. er gas, its dangerous you hear me!"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:23 am
by Laraqua
"Wait, there is someone else, there's me! My name's Jill and I'm in the Children's Ward ... or, well the Nurse's Station next to the ward. I'm getting a heater because the little ones are cold." Jill babbles at the same time as you do. "I, let me move the heater to the Ward and then I'll come find you, Mr. O'Connell. Who else is on the line?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:31 am
by paradys
"My names Leroy, theres four of us sealed in the dispencery on the first floor. But don't come down here! We heard people outside screaming. And on the ground floor.."

He stops, looking at the kid next to him and lowers his voice to a whisper.

"I saw the darkness come in through the front door, it killed everybody. Don't let it touch you!

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:56 am
by Laraqua
"Actually, I think the gas, or darkness, or whatever, has passed through," says Jill. "I went through the hallway to get here and mostly it's just cold. But it does look like some horrible stuff happened as the gas passed through."

Aidan speaks before Jill has finished, almost as though the phone is not sending and receiving the messages as quickly as it normally should. "Jesus... I'm on the fifth floor, and there's a window in this office. Please, someone let me out! Jill is it? Please, could I trouble you to let me out? ... But knock first... If I don't answer, then it's too late for me."

Then she replies: "Yes, I'll come for you. Just ... just stay calm. Leroy? I think the worst is over. You might want to take stock of resources. Maybe we can pool what we have. I might need some help taking care of these kids. I'm going to move this heater into their ward, and then I'll come get you, Aidan." The phone clicks.

"Yes, of course, tend to the children first. I will do what I can here for now..." he says and hangs up.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:41 am
by paradys
After seeing peoples flesh being stripped from their bones its going to take a lot to persuade Leroy to leave the safety of the dispencery, nethertheless he turns around and tries to peer through the shutters over the window. He is most anxious to look outside and find out whats happened to the city, but scared also to leave the room.

This can't be happening all over London, its too much to contemplate

He turns his thoughts off before they can turn to Toby and Marsha.

"We've got a shedload of medicine down here," he says into the phone, "but we're not in any hurry to leave. Hang on I'm just going to take a look outside.."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:08 pm
by Laraqua
He speaks into a dead phone. It seems they have both hung up. It's hard to be sure but the silence seems deeper now. Out the window is only darkness. The light from the room barely reveals a small patch of concrete and asphalt outside.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:23 am
by paradys
Leroy doesn't believe the 'gas has passed through' and decides to keep Jill comments to himself.

To the others he says, "Theres other people in the building but they're in the same situation as us. Everyones holed up until the emergency services arrive."

He has serious doubts about anyone coming to rescue them but doesn't want to start a panic.

He sits back down next to the kid.

"Hey whats your name?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:32 am
by Laraqua
"Outrageous," mutters the man.

"Joel," says the teen.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:34 pm
by paradys
Leroy shoots the man an irritated look then turns his attention to Joel. Part of him wants an argument in order to release some of the attention he's feeling, but the rest of him realises he has to try and keep the situation calm and control. At least talking to the kid will stop him thinking about how awful their predicament really is.

"well, you look like a brave kid Joel. whats with the IV?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:25 am
by Laraqua
Joel just sighs and shrugs. "How long d'you think it'd last before it clears?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:35 pm
by paradys
"I don't know" he smiles weakly "but better safe than sorry huh?"

Feeling restless he gets up again and walks over to the door. He leans against it and takes a deep breath, trying to get the potential sound of panic out of his voice.


Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:29 pm
by Laraqua
The words fade out only to be replaced by a terrible metallic screeching sound coming from upstairs as though something were being torn or dragged that didn't want to be moved. Joel rises to his feet with a frightened shriek and flattened himself against the corner. The older man looks briefly offended, then terrified, and points a shaking finger at Leroy. "Protect us! It's your duty!"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:09 pm
by paradys
Its my duty? Leroy almost laughs hysterically. Why is everyone depending on me all of a sudden? I'm only the hospital porter for crissake. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!

"WHOS THERE" he shouts, banging on the door, "WHATS THAT NOISE?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:11 am
by Laraqua
No answer. The screech of metal continues unabated.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:24 pm
by paradys
Leroy stares up at the ceiling as the screeching noise continues.

We're all going to die, he thinks

"Okay everyone stay came, right now we're in the safest place possible."

He tries to keep the fear out of his voice.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:02 am
by Laraqua
The temperature drops dramatically, leaving their breaths as white clouds. The flueorescent lights flicker overhead.

"This can't be good," says Joel, his Northern accent made abundantly clear in that one phrase. He had sounded far more of a Londoner before, perhaps the fear had shaken his well-practised attempt to cover his accent.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:15 am
by paradys
Shit, Leroy thinks, I have to know whats going on

He takes the mobile out of his pocket and brings up the number of the last incoming call, then presses dial.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:23 am
by Laraqua
He gets the engaged signal.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:03 pm
by paradys
Turning the phone off Leroy closes his eyes and leans back against the door. He knows soon someone is going to ask him what they should do, but perhaps they won't, perhaps he can just stay like this for a while. The screeching wails through his head making it impossible to think anymore.

He plans on staying like this until everything just goes away. Its cold.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:54 am
by Laraqua
The older man lets loose a frustrated cry and springs for the door, his eyes wild. "Let me out of here!"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 1:42 pm
by paradys
Leroys eyes flick open. He realises he'd been silently waiting for something like this to happen.

"NO! You'll kill us all!!"

He launches himself at the man and tries to grapple him to the ground.

not fast enough...

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:50 pm
by Laraqua
The older man opens the door onto a dark and ashen hospital floor. The sea green paint hangs in peels from the walls. Smears of ash and dirt line the linoleum. Ash floats in the air, though, settling on the floors and walls and coming loose in an unfelt breeze. There are signs of a rapid departure, of overturned drink bottles, of knocked-over equipment, a dropped teddy bear, a left-behind backpack, of a newspaper scattered across the floor and imprinted with footprints. Then the door flaps closed as the man flees into the darkness.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:57 pm
by paradys
Leroy stands there in shock and waits for the screams, but none come. He slowly shuffles towards the door and pushes it open again, staring at the devastation.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:01 am
by Laraqua
Translucent shadows, ghostly in their form, move about. Their features are too insubstantial to be recognised as they move in a grotesque mockery of human life. Behind them all stands a familiar female, watching them, her head lowered so that her eyes were hidden by her fringe, wet rust running down her vest and long-sleeved shirt, down her knee-high skirt, to run in rivulets down her hands and legs.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:39 pm
by paradys
Leroy blinks his eyes.

"Cynthia?" he says.

It occurs to him that he might starting to crack, or residue in the air is causing some kind of hallucination. Really he should go back where its safe, but he doesn't think he could stand to be sealed in that ice locker again, knowing the nightmare was outside.

Maybe Cynthia has some answers, but didn't she go away..?

He takes a wary step forward.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:51 pm
by Laraqua
The shades shatter like glass statue against concrete, leaving only him and her and a room that stretches impossibly forward. For a long moment, it seems to Carson, Leroy pauses on the precipice, but then he steps forward and is gone.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:21 pm
by paradys
Well Leroy, you're not in Kansas anymore.

He giggles, aware that he's not perhaps in his right mind. I always wanted to say that, but the right situation never came up.

"Cynthia, is this you. Is this because I never listened? Even if your a figment, you're here to tell me what to do aren't you? Like you always did."

"What happened to you Cynthia? I miss you so much."

"WHATS GOING ON!" he screams.

OOC: Shit Leroys lost it. But can you blame him?

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:35 pm
by Laraqua
Cynthia juts out her hip and puts a slender hand on her waist. Then she turns and struts down the stairs to the ground floor, disappearing from view.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:48 pm
by paradys

Bewildered Leroy runs to the top of the stairs and stares downwards.

This isn't real, of course. Perhaps she's a vision, or a visitation. A faery, he thinks recalling the scraps of Irish folklore told to him by his mother, come to show me the way out of this mess, tell me whats going on. And then I'll open my eyes and still be in the dispencery, leaning back against the door. Of course! There must have been something to all that blarney after all. And Cynthia, with her gipsy blood..

Leroy prepares to follow his 'vision' downstairs.

OOC: faeries? yeah right. I keep shouting at him not to go but he won't listen! come back leroy!

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:09 am
by Laraqua
The darkness downstairs is near absolute, though he can detect the hint of light coming from the Nurse's Station as he comes down the stairs. It seems the warm glow is coming from one of the cupboards down there. The sound of whispering reaches his ears as he reaches the bottom few steps, like several children were whispering just off the staircase. One utters a tiny giggle.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:54 am
by paradys
The hairs tingle on the back of Leroys neck. He has a very bad feeling.

Why didnt I bring a torch. Oh right yeah, because this is a hallucination. Still...he remembers the darker side of his mothers tales, hobgoblins and will o the wisps. Giggling children who turned out to be monsters, luring travellers to their doom. What if this were a nightmare insted of a dream? Perhaps he should go back upstairs

Feeling the panic rise he takes a deep breath, then starts running through the darkness towards the light in the nurses station.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:01 am
by Laraqua
He feels himself mobbed by many small shapes, pressing in on him and holding him back somewhat. Upstairs comes the comforting glow from the Dispencry.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:38 am
by paradys
"Who are you, whats going on?" Leroy shouts out as he continues to run, trying to shove the shapes gently out of the way.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:40 am
by Laraqua
His hands sweep through thickened air. The voices giggle around him as he reaches the Nurse's Station, lifts the flap and moves for the cupboard. A torch can be seen jutting out of one of the cupboard doors.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:42 am
by paradys
OOC: here we go...

He grabs hold of the torch and turns round, shining it at the shapes, trying to make them out.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:03 am
by Laraqua
Nothing. He is alone.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:33 pm
by paradys
He breathes a sigh of relief and slumps back against the nurses station.

Its all in your head of course, Leroy old boy. You must have lost the plot there for a while. Faery guides? Imagining old teenage crushes. What a cornball!

He tries to grin but it feels horrible and forced. Shining the torch around the ground floor he tries to spot anything unusual, before preparing to head back to the dispencery.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:40 am
by Laraqua
Accident & Emergency's intercom sparked to life. Beneath the static, a voice can be heard. "Nurse Sarah to Paediatrics Play Room, Nurse Sarah to Paediatrics Play Room," says an oddly toneless and genderless voice. Yet there is something oddly familiar about it. It's as though he knows the speaker, and despite it being warped, he could still tell.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:20 am
by paradys
Leroy pauses, unable ( or unwilling ) to distinguish between what is real and what might be an illusion.

Don't listen. Joel and Carson are upstairs waiting for you, they'll be wondering where you've gone. Someone trying to lure you...

All the same, he doesn't move.

Cynthia though, she did lead you to this torch. And maybe the voice is for real.

Sure Leroy, look around, its just business as usual.

Reluctantly he heads back towards the stairs and the dispencery, all the time casting the torchlight around the hospital behind him.

I'll go get Joel and Carson, and then we'll come back down. See if we can find any other survivors..

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:24 am
by Laraqua
As he places his foot upon the first step, he hears a man's voice screaming in agony coming from upstairs, coupled with the screeching of twisted, contorted metal being ripped to pieces. The screams don't stop, they continue on and on again.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:16 pm
by paradys
Joel! he thinks, and sprint up the stairs as fast as he can.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:31 pm
by Laraqua ... 0Ghost.mp3

He finds Joel still in the room, staring nervously at Carson who stands, trembling in the corner, facing away. Joel takes a few careful sidesteps towards Leroy.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:55 pm
by paradys
"Joel, whats happening, who's screaming?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:00 pm
by Laraqua
"Upstairs," Joel mouths, rolling his eyes upwards toward the ceiling.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:16 pm
by paradys
"Okay Joel, Carson? I've got a torch, its time to get out of here you hear me? Everythings clear downstairs and we're going to take a peek at the outside world, away from all that noise. Sounds pretty good huh?"

Thank you Cynthia, he thinks, you were showing me the safe way out of here after all

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:28 pm
by Laraqua
Joel slides the IV tube over to where Leroy stands. "L-let's just go, man. Let's just go."

Carson just stares at the wall, his shoulders rising and falling with his breathing. He makes little mewling sounds, as though he were crying.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:35 am
by paradys
Leroy grabs Carson and shakes him.

"Come on Carson we don't have time for this, get yourself together. We're a partnership remember, I need you watching my back."

If that doesn't work he'll give him a slap across the face in the grand old hollywood tradition.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:34 am
by Laraqua
He yanks Carson around and reels back in shock. Thick ropey blood hangs from his nose and lips, splashing and sticking to his shirt. Carson gibbers cheerfully, reddened tears running down from the corners of his eyes. "The water ... oh well ... can't be bothered for trying."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:52 pm
by paradys
Leroy grabs hold of Joel and pushes him towards the door as he steadily backs away from Carson.

"Hey, d-don't worry Carson" he stammers, "We're gonna get you er...m-medical assistance."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:20 pm
by Laraqua
Joel moves obediently. "Y-yeah."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:24 am
by paradys
Leroy backs out of the room with Joel and heads back for the stairway.

"You want to tell me what happened in there?"

A wall of guilt hits him as he thinks about leaving Carson behind.

But we're going to get help.

Yeah, right.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:27 am
by Laraqua
"There was water dripping down from one of the vents," says Joel softly. "It hit him on the face and he turned away, turned to the corner, and wouldn't talk to me. He started bleeding... I don't know. I know I don't want to go back in there."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:35 am
by paradys
Damn it

Leroy pauses on the staircase.

OOC: what are his chances of giving Carson medical assistance. are there drugs in the dispencery that could stop/slow the bleeding?

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:47 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Unlikely for that amount of blood. A doctor or surgeon could try to diagnose him properly and treat him if you could find one.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:00 am
by paradys
OOC: Well, that eases Leroy concience for the short term.

He takes his young ward down to the ground floor. Still uneasy he shines the torch around.

"There was a voice over the intercom, telling a nurse to come to.. pedeatrics I think."

but instead of heading in that direction he can't resist going over to the main entrance and looking outside, to try and see whats happened to the city.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:05 am
by Laraqua
As he approaches Accident & Emergency, he notices a few thin trails of blood that leads to a broken window into the outside world. It seems to be almost raining ash outside. The grey motes dance in his torch light. But that isn't what grabs his attention the most.

Moving onward, to the square that is Accident & Emergency's main entrance he sees the darkness pressing in on the outside from all sides. He also sees an ambulance partway into the Accident & Emergency lobby, a corner sticking in through glass that must have shattered awhile ago, littering the floor. Within the ambulance sits a nurse in the darkness - no torch in her hand - a mask over her mouth.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:10 am
by paradys
"Stay here Joel"

Approaching carefully he shines his torch into the ambulance, making sure he is some distance away.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah blinks, shielding her eyes from the glare of the torch. Her eyes are brimming with tears. "H-hello?" she stammers. "Geoff, is that you? Where did everyone go? I don't want to be alone...I'm so afraid..."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:31 am
by paradys
Leroy, all nerves, keeps shining the torch directly at Sarah.

"Who are you" he says sharply "Are you real?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah blinks again, this time in confusion. "I'm Sarah," she says, standing up. "Sarah Carpenter, and of course I'm bloody real. Who are you? Where did everyone else go?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:41 am
by paradys
Leroy points the torch at the ground.

"I'm Leroy" he says, "I'm an orderly...everyones dead. I mean..there might be pockets of people around and I've got a buddy upstairs, he's hurt bad. But most people, this darkness came in through the doors and killed them, I saw it, it touched them and they melted, like they'd been thrown into acid, dozens of them..screaming

And now the hospitals full of ghosts" he whispers.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"There's worse than ghosts out there," says Sarah, trembling. Now that the torch isn't shining in her face, she can get a better look at Leroy. "There were four other people with me in this ambulance. They couldn't have just vanished!" She cautiously steps out of the ambulance and looks around. "Wait, you said your friend's hurt? I can help him." She hefts her bundle of medical supplies in her left hand and slings it over her shoulder while clutching her scalpel in her right.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:04 am
by paradys
leroy.jpg (12.41 KiB) Viewed 873 times
Leroy doesn't seem too suprised to hear that people have been vanishing, he just shrugs it off.

"Yeah, this is real through the looking glass territory"

All the same, his relief at discovering somebody else is obvious, doubled by the fact that she seems competent.

"Ok, I have to warn you though, it could be a real mess and we need to take it careful. And this is Joel by the way."

He turns round and shines the torch on a fourteen year old boy attached to an IV.

For now he decides not to mention the worse stuff he heard, the screaming and the sound of twisting metal

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Nice to meet you chaps," says Sarah. She fishes out some surgical masks from the bundle and hands them out to Leroy and Joel. "Let's go. You'd better put these on. I'd originally donned mine to protect myself from the ash, but there's an even better reason to wear it. Believe me, I know all about needing to be careful now. We've got to stick together at all times."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:59 am
by paradys
"Thanks" syas Leroy, taking the mask and heading for the stairs. It occurs to him that if Carsons heamorraging they better move fast. "Do you think, I've been seeing some strange s**t, do you think the air could be toxic...that reminds me, Carson got sick after he was splashed by some water from one of the vents. I think this whole damn place is poisonous.."

He stops, mindful that Joel is listening. Something else occurs to him as they climb the stairs.

"You said your name was Sarah? Was there a call for you over the intercom?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:19 pm
by Mr. Handy

"If the air were toxic," says Sarah as she quickly follows Leroy and Joel, "we'd all be dead by now. And we're not hallucinating. I wish we were, but I'm sure all of this is real." She shivers again, looking carefully in every darkened crevice as they pass, dreading that something will leap out and grab her. She had been especially wary when walking through darkened areas of the hospital or through the car park at night ever since Lyle had started stalking her, but nothing had ever happened here. Instead he had finally come after her in the one place she had felt safe. "I heard the intercom message too, and it probably was meant for me. I don't know who was speaking, but the message had to have come from one of the nurses' stations or maybe the administrator's office. It can't be for real, though, or they'd have used my last name. I think...I think someone's trying to lure me there. I...I feel like I'm being stalked." Again.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:31 pm
by Laraqua
A smear of blood curves towards a broken window just past the threshold outside of the Accident & Emergency. As they come down the hospital corridor, their footfalls the loudest things they can hear, they notice a series of blood drops leading across toward the Linen Area. A clatter of metal can be heard coming from behind them as though someone had dropped a steel tray onto the floor.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:41 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah freezes, her blood running cold, and turns back towards the sound. She grips Leroy's arm and raises a finger to her lips. Then she silently hands him and Joel each a knife from her bundle and makes sure that all three of them have two masks each. She motions for them to put their masks on if they haven't already. Then she takes one silent step towards the source of the noise, clutching her scalpel firmly in her trembling right hand.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:24 pm
by Laraqua
There is no sign of anyone behind them. The sound did seem to come from the depths of the Accident & Emergency area.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:33 pm
by Mr. Handy

"There could be one of those...monsters...back there...or more," Sarah whispers to Leroy, "but it looks like someone's badly hurt. We've got to help them. Let's follow the blood trail, but be careful."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:41 pm
by Laraqua
The blood trail heads towards the large storage room to the left, in the opposite direction from the sound.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:49 pm
by Mr. Handy

"You've got the torch," Sarah whispers, "so you should lead the way. I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled for anything following us." She shivers again, feeling vulnerable out in the open like this.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:08 pm
by paradys
"monsters?" Leroy is instantly suspicous "look, i've got a friend upstairs and he's bleeding to death. shit, he's probably dead."

they lure you down here with ghosts of old girlfriends. now theres this attractive blond telling you to go ahead with the torch, show her you've got balls. follow the trail of blood thats a good boy

except she touched you didn't she. that was real.

"either way we go we're leaving someone for dead, you realise that?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:18 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. I want to save them both, dammit, she thinks. How can I decide? "If your friend is that bad off," she whispers, "we should go upstairs. It looks like it might be too late for this person anyway. I'll follow you either way. It's your call."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:27 pm
by paradys
Leroy looks at Sarah carefully, trying to sus her out, but he never could stand up to a womans tears.

"Ok, so we'll save both, but upstairs first"

He tries out a smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. Still, it was worth a shot.

"Everyone stay behind me, but keep an eye out for anything following us too."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:09 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods again and brings up the rear, constantly looking back and listening for any more strange noises. She knows she'll be the first one attacked if anything comes at them from behind, but Leroy has to lead the way with his torch and she can't let Joel take the risk. Where could Geoff and the others have gone? she wonders. How are we going to survive this mess? The Doctor isn't going to materialize in his TARDIS and save us, and I'm no Martha Jones. I'll do whatever I can, though. At least I'm not alone any more. She doesn't really know Leroy or Joel yet, but their presence reassures her.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:38 pm
by paradys
Leroy heads up the stairs, alternately shining the torch ahead and then behind to make sure nothing follows them.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:57 am
by Laraqua
There is a lot of blood running up the stairs from the First Floor to the Second Floor. Not enough to indicate someone who was dead but to indicate someone who was quite injured.

The sound of movement can be heard and when Leroy shines it in the noise's direction, he sees Carson jerkily unhinging the Dispencry's door with a screwdriver. Long lines of ropey blood hang from his nose, the edge of his lips and his ears as well. The blood seems to have clotted as it fell, or else, it had never been a thinner consistency.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:09 am
by paradys
"Well there he is", says Leroy, putting a hand on Sarahs shoulder as she prepares to go forward.

"You don't think that blood could be..infected do you?" Whatever is up with Carson he doesn't like the look of it. He moves towards him, carefully.

"Hey Carson" he says, trying to sound matter of fact and friendly. "Watcha doing?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:29 am
by Laraqua
"Building," murmurs Carson.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:19 pm
by paradys
"The bleedings stopped but..he isn't normal. Maybe he had some kind of brain heamorrhage, I mean the blood was coming out of his eyes and ears and everything. Do you think you can do anything..I don't know if we should get too close."

"What you building Carson, something useful?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:22 pm
by Mr. Handy

"It might be infected," says Sarah, setting the bundle down and opening it up. "Could have been something in the water. He sure is acting odd. In any case, I don't want to infect him further with these dirty gloves. She takes them off and puts on a clean pair from the bundle, then hands another to Leroy. "Here, put these on. If he doesn't cooperate I may need your help to talk some sense into him or, if necessary, restrain him."

Sarah begins to examine Carson, checking to make sure the bleeding has in fact stopped and seeing if there's anything she can do for him.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:29 pm
by paradys
"Hey old buddy" Leroy says to Carson, "I found you a nurse, just like I said I would, and a pretty one too. Shes just going to check you out, make sure the bleedings stopped, so you take it easy okay."

Leroy will walk up to Carson first and try to distract him with a load of amiable chatter. He especially keeps an eye on the hand with the screwdriver.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:36 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah can't help but smile behind her double masks. "Thanks," she says to Leroy, then turns back to Carson and continues to look him over. "My name is Sarah Carpenter. Just relax and I'll help you." She checks his temperature and listens to his heart, quickly getting into the rhythm of her job and able to at least temporarily stop thinking about her terrible plight.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:58 pm
by Laraqua
"Building ... the nets ... too close ... must keep it down." Carson smiles sleepily at Sarah but he doesn't otherwise respond to her, forcing her to take his temperature and listen to his heart rate while he takes down the door. Once he has it, he goes and puts it in the middle of the floor and goes into the Dispencry to start dismantling the cupboards.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:08 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah follows Carson, puzzled, and continues trying to find out what's wrong with him. "What nets?" she asks. "Keep what down?" She glances over to Leroy. "He's definitely acting funny. Was he this way before that water dripped on him? I was afraid the water supply might have been contaminated. I took the precaution of bringing some containers of water from the ambulance. We should drink only that and avoid anything that comes out of a tap, but it won't last forever. There's got to be water stored away somewhere, though."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:29 pm
by Laraqua
"Have to build," says Carson, irritated and demanding.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:53 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Probably best to just let him build...whatever he's building," says Sarah, packing the bundle back up. "He doesn't look like he's about to drop dead, at any rate. We saw those trails of blood earlier. There was the one downstairs, and there was also one leading upstairs to the floor above. That second trail looked like a lot of blood. Whoever left it must have been badly hurt, but probably still alive. You said you also heard screaming upstairs earlier, right? I can't go up there by myself, though, especially since I don't have a torch, but I don't like the idea of leaving Carson and Joel by themselves either."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:40 am
by paradys
"Well, one thing I probably should have mentioned before, Carsons got a bit of a painkiller habit. If I had to guess now I'd say he was doped up, it might be safer to leave him where he is. He seems happy enough anyway.

If theres anyone else in the hospital i'm down for seeking them out, as long as we stick together. What do you say Joel, you want to come with us? I'm not sure the outside world is ready for us yet."

nets, I wonder what Carson means?

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Well, that might explain his behavior," says Sarah. "Okay, if you're sure we can leave him alone, let's head upstairs to the second floor. Whoever left the blood trail leading up there is likely still alive but has lost a lot of blood and needs help quickly. Let's go." Besides, she thinks, I'm really dreading going back to the ground floor. Something was down there with us, and whatever was awaiting me in the Paediatrics Play Area probably isn't good. And whatever wounded these people is likely still down there.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:41 am
by paradys
Taking one last look at Carson, Leroy prepares to head up to the second floor.

"You were outside", he says to Sarah, "what was it like out there? Do you think this thing has affected the whole city?"

He's about to mention he has a son out there but cuts himself off. At some level he realises he's probably dead and he can't handle thinking about that, not right now.

Just pretend its not happening. Keep on playing happy families with Sarah and Joel. After all isn't that what the old man would have done?

Shut up, he tells himself.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:01 am
by Laraqua
"Was that a...?" Joel murmurs, stopping mid-step and peering down the stairs to the Ground Floor. "I guess not. Strange."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:30 pm
by paradys
"What was it Joel, you see something?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:59 pm
by ImpInTraining

Joel rubbed his eyes with his free hand, he had tucked the scalpel in his belt for safe keeping - his other pushed along the IV drip that he was quickly growing tired of. His throat ached, but not as bad as it was before coming to the hospital. At Leroy's question, Joel shook his head. "Mind's playing tricks," he said with a scratchy voice. He blinked his eyes and looked to the Sarah and Leroy standing before him and asked, "Do you think we can find my mum? She just went down to the shoppe to pick me up a magazine."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's horrible out there," says Sarah, wincing from the memory. "It looks like that cloud thing has affected the whole city." She turns to Joel. "Your mum went to the hospital gift shoppe? We can check it out once we've dealt with the injured. Wh-what did you see?" Sarah peeks timidly down the stairs. "Please, you can tell me. I won't think you're crazy, I promise. If I told you what happened in the ambulance, you'd think I'm crazy."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:00 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel pointed hesitantly down the stairs to the ground floor, as if doing so might bring about unwanted attention from an unseen enemy. He cleared his throat and said "There... I thought I saw a boy, about 2 years old ... but it's just the shadows on the floor, I think." Then turning away from the stairs, he asked, "After the injured, can we get some water to drink? They should have some in the gift shoppe, right?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"We should go see first," says Sarah, "just in case. Believe me, I have no desire to go back down there, but if there's a little boy toddling around we can't just leave him." She reaches into her pundle, pulls out a sealed container of water, and hands it to Joel. "I brought some of these from the ambulance, and I'm sure they have bottled water in the gift shoppe. For the long term maybe we can find some of those big containers of water they use in water coolers in a storeroom somewhere. First things first, though. You two ready to go downstairs?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:26 am
by paradys
"Talking about sounding crazy...earlier I thought I saw someone too, a ..friend from the old estate. When I followed her downstairs there were all these, what seemed to be ghosts down there, but when I found the torch and turned it on, everyone had disappeared, even Cynthia. What I'm trying to say is something might be trying to lure us down there..

We all know that whats going on isn't normal. If you ask me this is real book of revelations shit."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:36 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods. "You're right," she says. "That strange message on the intercom sure seemed designed to lure me. I really don't want to go down there. It's probably a trick of some kind. We'll go up to the second floor after all. That blood leading upstairs is real, I'm sure of that." She quivers as she takes another look downstairs. "When we were in the ambulance, I recognized a voice that was speaking on the radio. The voice of someone very bad...and someone very dead. I sure hope he stays that way."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:59 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel shivered. He wasn't ready for any of this... it was supposed to be a routine procedure, not the four horsemen of the apocolypse. And if that ash brought forth bad dead people, he hoped it wouldn't do the same for bad live people. His thoughts flickered over to the last time he saw his father, the day he knocked the man unconscious with his father's favored high-school trophey - the same trophey his dad waved in front of his face on countless occasions as he reminded Joel just how useless he was.

He took the water from Sarah and managed, "Thanks..." and he followed closely behind of the other two as they led the way.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:17 am
by Laraqua
The hospital gift shop is outside as the hospital administration had no way of finding room for it within the hospital itself. It is also a part of the cafe/restaurant area that is in the process of being renovated. It is surprising that it was open at all but then, the administration at the hospital tended on doing surprising things.

The large blood smear leads upstairs. Its dusty and coagulated, with lumpy, bloody footprints leading down the landing to the ground floor, only to disappear. Upstairs there is even more blood, leading alongside bloody footprints, to the Children's Ward. This floor seems almost static, lost in time, as though they were in a museam room where everything had remained the same for years.

A low whistling comes from the lower west side of the hospital floor (lower west on the map).

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Be quiet," whispers Sarah. "Whatever did this could still be around. Let's keep following that trail of blood. Wait, hold on."

She pauses when she hears the whistling, holds up a hand, and peers in the direction that it came from.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:39 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel looks toward the whistling, toward the Director's Office and the ICU, wondering what's making the noise. "Um... you don't think ... maybe that's the sound of air from outside coming in a broken or open window, do you?" The boy didn't like the idea of having a gaping opening to the outside so close at hand. He repositioned himself to make sure Leroy was between him and the whistling as interference.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah shrugs and listens intently, clutching her knife and trying to discern whether the sound is the wind, or if it has a human source.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:45 am
by Laraqua
Unless the human has mastered the art of being able to breathe in while whistling, then no. It is always possible, though, humans being capable of whistling in all sorts of ways, though Joel's idea is perhaps more likely. Or it would have been, had the whistling not seemed to be nearing them with each few moments.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Move!" hisses Sarah quietly, ducking back into the stairwell. "It's coming!"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:39 am
by Laraqua
A phone rings shrilly and persistently from downstairs and far away. It is not coming from the Nurse's Station by the foot of the stairs but further from the rear part of the Ground Floor.

The source of the whistling, low and eerie, continues to approach. Beyond and beneath the sharp-pitched sound comes the shuffling scrape of soft-bottomed shoes against the linoleum floor. The lights upon the Second Floor flicker on and off, creating a hellish kalaedoscope of half-forgotten memories and twisting, coiling, inhuman forms.

Sarah retreats downstairs, the sound of the telephone calling her, its insistent sound comforting in comparison to that alien whistle-shuffle of whatever approached, for the telephone was a human invention used for human contact.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"Follow me!" hisses Sarah as she scrambles down the stairs. "Hurry!" She easily outpaces Leroy and Joel, but she hopes that they're behind her. The thought of going anywhere alone terrifies her, and they've got the torch. All she knows is that she has to get away from that thing. Without realizing it, she heads past the first floor landing and towards the ground floor, the place she fears the most. She feels she has to answer that phone. It's coming from my duty station! she realizes. Could Daddy be trying to call me? That must be it! His shift ended hours ago, but he must have heard about what's going on. She quickens her step in the hopes of hearing his voice and speaking to him again.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:33 am
by paradys
Before Leroy realises, the situation seems to be out of control, although he's as freaked out by the whistling and footsteps as everybody else.

Theres no escape, the ghosts are everywhere!

He hears Sarahs 'follow me' and turns round to see her disappear down the stairs.

"For Gods sake Sarah, wait!" he says in panic, and starts running after her, hoping that Joel is quick enough to keep up with them.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:26 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel does his best to keep up, but it isn't easy lugging around an IV drip and going down stairs with it. "Can't we take the elevator? Doesn't this place have elevators?" Joel asks, not expecting an answer.

As he watches the two adults easily outpace him, he's reminded of the joke where two boys were running from a bear in the woods. The first boy says quite anxiously, 'I sure hope we can outrun this bear!' The second boy responds with 'I don't have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun you!' Joel laughs - at what could be such an awkward time. This brought him back to the present.

He had no idea why they were running. It was just a whistling noise. "You know... maybe someone was bringing a tea pot around on a roll-around burner?" He knew that didn't make much sense , but neither did running away from something just because something was whistling in the dark.

Now on the ground floor, Joel looked around for some lonesome two-year-old child... not really wanting to find it. That would seriously slow them down.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:37 am
by Laraqua
The phone call rings insistently. It has reached its third ring. A chill wind blows through the corridor downstairs, causing their breaths to form even greater clouds of condensation, and their bodies to tremble with lost heat. It seemed that the First and Second Floors were subtly warmer, perhaps by several degrees Celsius.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:04 am
by paradys
Halfway down the stairs Leroy finds himself having to choose between letting Sarah run ahead without a torch or waiting for Joel to catch up.

"Sarah!" he shouts again, as he stops and shines the torch back up the stairwell. When he turns back round he's lost sight of her in the darkness..

When Joel catches up he takes hold of his hand until they hit the ground floor, his guilty father feelings starting to kick in again.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:52 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Br-r-r-r-r!" Joel exclaimed as he shivered in his thin hospital gown. "Who turned on the Air Conditioning?" He was greatful that Leroy decided to hold up for him... and thoughts of how his dad might react in this situation tickled his brain.

'What's wrong with you? Are ya bloody cripple, bloke? You can't even keep up with an old man like me! Worthless piece of shite!'

Joel grimaced at the thought and tried to push it out of his head with more pressing matters. He looked around as they ran along searching for a jacket he might be able to snatch. He also tries to determine from which direction the chill wind comes, to see if he can associate it with the ventilation system, or if it might have a more natural reason. He supposes it could be some sort of chemical reaction caused by the ash, but why would it be more prevalent downstairs when the ash seemed to permeate the whole hospital excluding the sealed up rooms.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:28 pm
by Mr. Handy

What am I doing? thinks Sarah. She slows down so that Leroy and Joel have a chance to catch up and she can catch her breath. "Sorry, chaps," she says, huffing. "Sometimes I forget I'm practically a bloody track star. Is it still chasing us...the whistling thing? There is a lift, but I don't know if it still works and I wouldn't want to get trapped inside. That's the one at the duty station where I work, near the operating theaters. I think my dad's trying to reach me - he's a doctor who works here."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:05 am
by paradys
"I think we should stay away from lifts", says Leroy, shuddering at the thought of being trapped inside one, "but lets find the phone. I don't care if it is some sort of ghost, as long as they tell us whats going on!" He looks round. Carting patients to and from the operating theatre is something hes done dozens of times, so it doesn't take him long to get his bearings.

"Ok, this way."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:12 am
by ImpInTraining
"The ... stuff, it doesn't seem to have affected anything but people. Power's still on. Lifts should be perfectly safe," the boy reasons through his shivers. "I don't like this cold though... this isn't natural. Maybe I could hack into the mainframe and see if someone kicked the air coolers on? At least I could try to turn the heat on."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:20 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah shivers some more, the cold making bumps rise on her flesh. "Right, let's hurry," she says, keeping pace with Leroy. "I know the way too. We'll try not to stay down here too long. It's still cold upstairs, but not like this. The cold isn't natural. I don't know if the building's heat is still working. Maybe we could find a portable heater."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:09 am
by Laraqua
The whistling sound abruptly stops, leaving them in the silence of their own footsteps and harsh breathing. The cold air seems to be rushing up the left corridor and dispersing down the right. As they approach Accident & Emergency it becomes warmer and more moist as well as more powerful, slowing them down, only to halt and give them a few moments respite, just to blow again.

Six rings and they are halfway there.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:20 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah proceeds hastily alongside Leroy, looking around carefully and paying particular attention to their rear to make sure Joel is all right and that nothing is coming up behind them. She's been through these halls many times and knows them intimately, and yet she had never felt in such peril. Even when she had spotted Lyle stalking her, she had known that he wouldn't have tried anything with so many people around. Now the halls seem empty but for the three of them, and the ringing of the telephone with its promise of contact with the outside world.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:25 am
by Laraqua
The moist, fetid wind dies down. The ground trembles for a moment and then shakes with a violent force never before experienced by those inside. Each person is knocked flat to the ground and bounced as the floor seems to drop and rise. A loud booming sound can be heard not far from the hospital, followed by the sound of things being knocked down, and above it all, terribly high above it, is an alien keening, high and monstrous. The booms are timed well with the ground's movement and as the booms, crashes and crunches move away at incredible speeds from the hospital, so too does the keening sound, and so too do the forceful bumps weaken, until the noise crackles like thunder in the distance and only a vague shake catches their attention.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:36 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah yelps as she is thrown to the floor, only managing to hold onto her knife because she had been gripping it so intensely. Once the shaking settles down, she drags herself to her feet and collects the bundle of medical supplies, then looks over the others. "Are you lot okay?" she asks, her eyes big and full of fear. "What the devil was that?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:53 am
by ImpInTraining
The quaking and shaking had Joel rolling around on the floor, so too fell his IV Drip. In the jostling about, the IV bottle had become damaged and was leaking onto the floor. Joel looked up to Sarah as he was making his way to his feet, "Um... is this really bad?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let me help you with that," says Sarah. She pulls some medical tape out of the bundle and uses it to seal the breach in the bottle, then sets the stand upright and replaces the bottle on it. "I don't know what caused that, but I sure hope it doesn't come back!"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:38 am
by ImpInTraining
"Thanks," Joel said, though his face didn't reflect his mood. He had just about enough of lugging around the extra baggage while in a life-and-death situation. "I suppose that was an earthquake," the boy rationalizes. "Probably just opened up a large fissure or something." He shrugged and then added, "Or, could have been Godzilla, but I thought he was in Japan." The boy smirked. "Let's get going, I'm freezing my chest hair off, and I don't have that much of it to spare."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:33 am
by paradys
"An earthquake or a bombing raid?" says Leroy as he picks himself up. "Christ, when its the end of the world they don't go for half measures do they? I just hope it doesn't get any colder. Maybe we should try and find some of those silver blankets, you know, for people in shock that stops them losing heat?"

If theres a window nearby he tries to look outside to see what damage has been caused. Otherwise he listens to see if the phone is still ringing.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:40 am
by Laraqua
The telephone continues to ring. The area surrounding them has really been made a mess of. Files and folders, medical objects, pens and mugs, have all been knocked from their shelving to the floor. Outside, the world is so dark and thick with ash that the penlight can barely penetrate a few feet before being consumed.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:22 am
by ImpInTraining
At least, Joel thought, it wasn't as cold as it was back a ways. "Those silver blankets... like the material the astronauts use? Yes. Let's get some of them! Or at least, a jacket for me. This gown is too thin! Say, Sarah, do you think the morgue would have extra clothes laying around? You know... personnal effects of the dearly departed prior to all of this?" The boy leans down and picks up a permanent marker and a notepad, tucking the marker in his back pocket for future use. "Here's a silly question," Joel asks noticing Leroy's facination with the outside world, "what stopped that ash from continuing to come into the building?"

For a moment, Joel began to wonder if maybe they had all died in that sealed up room. And maybe this was Hell, like in the movie 'Silent Hill'. Then suddenly, he missed his mother fiercely. He hoped she managed to avoid the ash.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:00 am
by Laraqua
Ash floats about the hospital though not nearly to the same extent as it does outside. Here it is a light smattering that float and sink to the floor and walls, only to be picked up on some unfelt wind and moved about again. Outside, though, it is a thick cloud. As they continue down the hospital to Accident & Emergency, the ringing of the telephone becomes louder.

Sarah knows the laundries, soiled linen and other similar rooms would contain clothing or, at the very least, blankets. There would also be clothes in the various chests of drawers in the hospital wards.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:43 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah keeps hurrying towards the ringing phone with the others. "There were a couple of those blankets in the ambulance," she says. "I put one on one of the patients, but it vanished with him. I'm not sure what happened to the other one. There are also blankets in the laundry room, and probably clothes too. I think that blood trail led there. We can check it out after we're done with the phone. I don't know why so little of the ash is getting in, but I'm glad for it. I wouldn't want to be outside."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:03 am
by Laraqua
They reach the telephone on the fifteenth ring.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:06 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah grabs the receiver and speaks into it, her voice small and afraid: "H-h-hello?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:13 am
by Laraqua
"Sarah!" Lyle's voice crackles across the phone. "Oh, thank God! Are you all right? Do you know what's happening?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:25 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: I think you mean Lionel's voice! At least I hope you do... :shock: ]


Sarah sighs with relief when she recognizes her father's voice. "Daddy!" she says, sliding into the seat behind the counter and leaning her head back. "I'm all right, I'm just so frightened. I was so worried I'd never get to hear your voice again. I love you so much. Are you okay? Listen, I think the water supply may be contaminated, so stay away from tap water. There's this dark cloud sweeping over London raining down this odd ash, and just a moment ago there were these powerful tremors that knocked us down."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:24 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel says "Tell him I said hi..." with a bored look on his face. He looks around, spotting a computer at the station and sits at it, trying the keyboard to see if it still has power.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:32 am
by Laraqua
The computer doesn't seem to be working. Glancing idly across, Joel notices that the power plug is fused to the power socket with a black, voluminous fungus.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:38 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel taps on the keyboards, moves the mouse... then sighs. 'Maybe it's not plugged in?' he rationalizes to himself, looking under the desk to the power outlet. Joel blinks and looks at the electric socket, tilting his head curiously. "Hey... Leroy, what do you make of this?" he asked looking to the man as he pointed at the plug and its fungus growth. "Maybe using the lift isn't such an ace idea afterall... if this is what's happening to the electric cabling."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:38 am
by paradys
Leroy is listening avidly to the phone conversation, if Sarahs father is somewhere outside the hospital he's anxious to know what its like there. Still, he stops listening to inspect the fungus, putting his hand on Joels arm.

"Don't touch it whatever you do."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:39 am
by ImpInTraining
Refusing to give up the ghost, Joel unplugged the power cable from the back of the computer, and disconnected the rest of the cables as necessary, then rolled over one of the medicine carts, clearing off the top with a quick sweep of his arm. He lifted the computer onto the cart, and then began looking for a replacement power cord. "If we could find a clean outlet in a room with power, I could still get this working to do something about the environmental systems. Help me find a power cord," he requests without looking to Leroy.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:50 am
by paradys
Leroy decides stay by the phone listening until Sarahs conversation ends, then start looking around for clothes, blankets, power cords, all the things they need.

Well, you are still wearing your orderlys uniform. It looks like everyones got you pegged.

"Joel, don't go wandering off now" he says, sounding for all the world like a parent at the park.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:14 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel was losing patience, and didn't like feeling helpless and useless for very long. He rolled his eyes at Leroy... and continued to look around. "If we could find an extension cable, I might be able to leave the computer in this area and have it plugged elsewhere," Joel thought aloud as if the thought had just been handed to him by the inspiration gods.

Then he looked at the phone that Sarah was using, "Hey... that telly got an intercom function? Why not page the hospital with an announcement ... we can tell everyone who made it to safety to meet up somewhere. We'd fare better with numbers, don't you think?"

Joel looked around for a utility closet where he might be able to find an extension cord, but instead noticed a room labelled "Lockers" right across the hall from the nurse's station (If we are where I think we are). He tugged on Leroy's sleeve and pointed, "I'd wager what's left in my IV drip there's some clothes in there. Might have to bust a few locks, though."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:12 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah cups a hand over the mouthpiece while she listens to her father's reply and points to a separate intercom unit with her chin. "You could use that," she says, "I'll have to think about where we should all meet. There's one lock in the locker room you wouldn't have to bust. Mine." She tells Leroy and Joel which locker is hers and the combination. "Unfortunately, you gents would look rather silly in my clothes, but I've got a coat in there and my mobile phone. Don't go anywhere alone, though." She looks under the desk to see what Joel was looking at and recoils in disgust when she sees the fungus, reminded of the mushrooms that had very nearly sealed her doom.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:20 am
by paradys
That Joels a sharp kid, thinks Leroy, if i can just get him to slow down a bit, criss

He doesn't want to miss any news from over the phone, or leave Sarah on her own for that matter, but still, its just across the corridor, should be alright

"Hey Sarah, scream if you need us okay?" He takes a paperclip out of his pocket. "Ok, Joel I'll show you some tricks. Just don't tell your mum."

crap, why did i mention his mother, goddamn idiot.

"if theres something in those lockers we'll find it"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"Right," says Sarah. "If you hear me scream, come rescue me." And if you don't hear me scream, she thinks, it's probably because I never had a chance to.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:06 am
by Laraqua
The locker room is cramped and filthy with rust. Pools of rust-stained water line the floor. A flueorescent light flickers, indicating electricity still managing to reach this room. One of the lockers are open, a note fixed to the inside of the door:
Dear Sarah,
I missed you.
There is a coat, women's clothing, and a handbag inside the open locker.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:52 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah is afraid to be alone, but a little relieved to have some privacy. "You don't have to tell me twice," she says to her father. "I know, I was out there when it started. It was so awful." A flood of emotion washes over her, and a torrent of words spill from her lips. "I was in the parking lot doing triage. All these people had come to the hospital fleeing from the cloud, some of them horribly burnt and all the vehicles had been rusted and aged super fast. One man's heart stopped...I tried to save him but..." She sniffles. "His little boy lived, but he lost his whole family. Then an ambulance came from another hospital with two paramedics, Geoff and Karlene, and two patients. The driver looked like he'd been burned from the inside out...I thought he was dead...I took the boy and we all sealed ourselves inside the ambulance...there were these...things...out there. One of them ripped the doors got Karlene..." Tears start to run down her cheeks. "She screamed as it dragged her into the darkness, then her scream was cut off...I didn't see her die, but if she's alive she probably wishes she weren't...I couldn't save her either, all I could do was reseal the doors. Then something turned off the brakes, and the ambulance rolled downhill and crashed through the Accident & Emergency got so cold...I braved the cab to try to turn the heater on but all the controls were ruined...then I noticed the driver was alive, his heart was beating...I tried to help him, but...he wasn't human anymore...his mouth was full of disgusting, fleshy shrooms...he grabbed me and..."

Sarah chokes back a sob as she relives her terrible ordeal. She lowers her voice and forces herself to continue, relieved that Leroy and Joel aren't present to hear this. But her father needs to know. "He...assaulted me - but I'm okay! I'm okay! He...locked his lips over mine, and suddenly I couldn't move at was so terrible...he practically shagged me with his mouth...he tried to force the shrooms down my throat...if I hadn't been wearing a surgical mask...but even then, it was starting to tear...Geoff saved me, Daddy. He stabbed the...thing...and one of the patients helped him get it off was just like when Lyle attacked me, only...worse..."

Sarah's tears flow freely now. "Oh, God, and I heard Lyle's voice too before that, on the radio. He spoke the same words he spoke that night, too. He always said he'd never let me go. I thought with him dead it was over, but what if...what if he won't let even death stop him?" Sarah takes a few deep breaths to calm herself. "No, he's gone, he's got to be! Anyway, the others in the ambulance vanished suddenly and I was all alone, but then this orderly named Leroy and a teenage patient named Joel found me...uh, Joel said hi. Leroy brought me upstairs to help his friend Carson, whose face had been bleeding after water spilled on him from a vent or something. The bleeding had stopped by the time I got there, but he was acting real weird, building stuff and worried about nets or somesuch. We let him be and went upstairs to look for a wounded person, but this...whistling thing came at us, and we ran back downstairs. As we did, I heard the phone. I just knew it was you! We lost the...thing and came here."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:14 am
by ImpInTraining
"Where do you suppose all the water came from?" Joel asked curiously. He looked down at the water and remembered Carson and how the water from the vent effected him. "Do you think it's safe to wade through, Leroy?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:42 am
by paradys
"Well, I don't want the water soaking into my trainers, or yours for that matter. We don't know how that rust crap gets into your body. If we could make ourselves some stepping stones, or find a hospital trolley, we could get get over there without getting wet."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:46 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah gasps when she hears her father's frantic shouting through the phone. "Be careful, Daddy!" she cries. I just knew there'd be more than one of them.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 10:57 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel smirked and winked to Leroy, holding up a finger. He rushed over to the nurse's station and grabbed the roll-around chair there, then ran back, dragging the chair as it wheeled across the floor. "Ok... this should do, I think. Keep your feet up and push off the wall with your hands, or drag yourself along. Right? I can try it first to grab up Sarah's stuff if you want. Should be easy."

The boy looked over his shoulder back at Sarah who was near hysterical on the phone. In attempt to disarm the situation and bring her back to the moment, he called to her, "Sarah, someone left you a note in here, and your locker is wide open, I think."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:05 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah takes a deep breath and focuses on Joel. "Wide open?" she asks. "But I locked it when I came in, I'm sure of it! And you found a note? What did it say?" She swallows, dreading the answer. Lyle used to leave notes for her. No, she thinks, it's impossible! It can't be!

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:26 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel peaked back inside the locker room and read the note again, then said to Sarah, "Some guy named Lyle left it, said he missed you. Guess he knows how to get into your locker, hey what?" The boy put the chair into the locker room and watched it carefully. He wanted to see how the water would effect the chair before he tried putting it to use. As he did, he said casually to Leroy, "Personally, I don't see much to do about locker security now, it's tat."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:34 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah gasps in shock. "No..." she moans, shrinking back into her chair. "Oh, God, no..." She looks nervously from side to side, half-expecting to see Lyle sneaking around. "He can't be back, he just can't. No, that note must have been there all this time and I never saw it, or someone else put it in there to frighten me." Well, it's working, she thinks. But what about that voice on the radio? That was him, I'm certain of it. She speaks into the phone. "Oh, Daddy, I'm so scared..." Sarah tries to collect herself. "That screech I heard on the phone earlier, that was just like the noise the ambulance driver made when he..."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:23 am
by Laraqua
The water merely wets the chairs wheels.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"W-who is this?" asks Sarah, alarmed.

"It's okay, sweetie," replies Lionel,"this is Thomas, one of the fellows here at the cinemaplex."

"Well, Thomas," says Sarah, "I am not a little girl and it is not bloody safe! People have been disintegrated, the ambulance driver turned into a monster, the water makes people bleed and go crazy, there's a horrible whistling creature, and to top it all off I'm being stalked! Why, how are things with you?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:55 am
by paradys
"Woah" says Leroy, "lets slow down a bit."

"First off, I don't think there is any Lyle. Somethings got inside our heads and is using it to freak us out, if thats anymore reassuring..

Second, whats going on out there, did your father say anything Sarah?

Third, you think I'm scooting about in a wheelchair like a member of the paralympics water polo team your crazy! I'm going to find us a hospital trolley..and a mop to steer with."

like that will be any less ridiculous

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:56 am
by ImpInTraining
"It's no big deal. Look, the wheels are still fine..." Joel moves the chair back and forth a little. "You just do it like this." Joel sits in the chair with his feet underneath him. Then he starts pulling himself along the rusty lockers until he gets to Sarah's. Once there, he takes Sarah's belongings, places them in his lap, and then pulls himself back to the doorway (provided nothing eats him on the way).

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:12 am
by paradys
Leroy finds a medical trolley near the nurses station. Not that theres anything wrong with the wheelchair but somehow its a question of style, and manouverability. Although he was thinking of trying to open the lockers with the paperclip he also looks round for something heavy he can use to smash them open if that doesn't work. From the look on Sarahs face something heavy is going down and the other end of the phoneline sounds like mayhem.

Hes starting to think they may need to find something to defend themselves with, and then they need to worry about fresh food and water, if the outside world is a no go. Anyway, having something practical to do stops him thinking.

For some reason the theme from thunderbirds starts playing in his head. Its time to get organazized, he thinks.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:29 am
by Laraqua
Joel obtains the goods and slides through the water back to the entrance. As he moves, he hears a long, low wailing sound come from one of the lockers.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:05 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah hears a woman groan on the other end of the phone, followed immediately by her father's scream. "Daddy!" she cries, panic in her voice. "Are you all right?" All of her pain, all of her fears are forgotten. All she cares about now is him.

"Help!" shouts Lionel on the other end of the phone. Then more groans follow.

Sarah bursts into a fresh round of tears. "DADDY! Please don't die...please don't die..." She looks at Leroy and Joel helplessly. "My father's at the cinemaplex across the road...there were these small parasitical creatures outside that burrowed into some people and...turned them into monsters..they try to grab you and put their mouths over yours and spew this fungus down your throat...that's why the masks...the ambulance driver became one of them, but I didn't know what caused one of them has my dad, and there's nothing I can do for him..."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:17 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel, having braved the waters, proudly displayed Sarah's belongings as he deposits them down on the counter nearest her - including the note. "The masks? I thought they were to keep the ash out. Either way... I'm sorry about your dad," he said ... but his thoughts were selfishly on his own mother. Forcing himself to think of something else, Joel considered aloud, "I suppose that means an announcement might not be a great idea. It could tell those ... zombie things where to find us."

"Leroy, there's something strange in one of those lockers. I heard it as I was in there. I'd stay clear of that one, if I were you," Joel warns the man. "Do we have anything we could use as a rope? I could help pull you out in the event of an emergency. Sarah, were do you keep bedsheets?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:27 pm
by Laraqua
The sound comes again, the pleading note drawing out. Reeeeeoooooow. It is distinctively animal and not wholly unfamiliar. There's the sound of the locker rattling loudly.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Th-thank you," says Sarah, retrieving her things. She slips on her green overcoat, snuggling into the fleece and taking some small degree of pleasure in its warmth. "The masks do keep the ash out too, and that's why I put one on originally. If I hadn't...well, I wouldn't be here talking to you." She opens up her handbag and checks her mobile phone to see if it still works. "The ambulance driver attacked me when I tried to help him. They're not zombies exactly, his heart was still beating. If I survived, maybe my dad can too. Bedsheets are kept in the laundry area. That blood trail we saw in Accident & Emergency led there, but it's a ways off. There's probably some in one of the operating theatres. I don't know if these things are intelligent, exactly, but there's something intelligent out there so I guess the announcement's out." She hears the sound from the locker room. "I think that's a cat!"

Sarah examines the note. She drops it on the desk and draws back from it as if it's on fire. Then she works up her courage and picks it up again. "That's Lyle's handwriting, all right," she says softly. "This had to have been in my locker a long time and I just never noticed it there...right?" She gulps, then speaks into the phone again. "Hang on, Daddy! I love you!"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:11 pm
by paradys
"If you wanted to rescue your pops we could seal up the ambulance and drive over there, otherwise I don't know if its safe to go outside with all that ash flying about."

Leroy has equiped himself with a trolley and a mop and is prepared to go into the locker room. He won't go anywhere near the locker the noise is coming from. Even if it is just a cat he figures the thing could be infected and scratch him.

"in the meantime i'm going to look for some hardware"

Sliding across the room he'll use his lockpick on each locker in turn until he gets lucky. He has the mop ready to propel himself back towards the door if the unexpected happens.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:21 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm not sure if the ambulance works any more," says Sarah, "and by the time we get there it could be too late. I don't want to go outside either. Maybe we could seal it back up if it's still running, though." She stuffs her clothes into the bundle and looks at the note with growing dread. He just can't be back! she thinks. But what if he is? This isn't just some ghostly voice from the past on the radio. If he can write a note, that means he can interact physically...that means he can get me...

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:31 am
by Laraqua
The cat meows pitifully and scratches against the inside of the locker but Leroy stays clear of it, attempting to pick the first locker to the left and nearly manglingthe lockpick.

The next one is a perfect success and the door swings open to reveal a set of normal clothes folded up carefully on the bottom of the locker - easily of the right fit for Joel although with a slightly feminine cut, and a handbag out of which a Mars Bar can be seen poking. The sight of food makes his stomach growl.

The car meows more frantically.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:57 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah hears Lionel's shout over the phone, but it sounds a little more distant: "No!" Then there is a brief pause. "I'm okay, Sarah! You saved my life!"

Sarah exhales with relief, and she stops sobbing. I saved his life! she thinks. The information I gave him must have made a difference! Everything I had to suffer to get it was worth it.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:39 am
by paradys
Leroy takes out any clothing that looks warm and rifles through the handbag for anything useful. I guess he keeps going through the lockers as long as the exercise seems useful. The mars bar he throws out of the doorway to Joel.

"I have some clothes for you here Joel, they're going to be very err ..fetching." He giggles.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:50 am
by Laraqua
He fails to unlock the next five lockers but the sixth one opens easily. Inside is nothing but an unstamped postcard.

"Dear Sweetie,
When do we get to meet again? I miss you so very much.
From Snookie!

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:55 am
by paradys
"This is useless" he says, sliding the medical trolley back towards the doorway.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:09 am
by Laraqua
The cat again meows piteously, the tone at the end being longer and more desperate than before, as though it sensed him moving away.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:01 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel caught the Mars bar and held onto it for the time being. At hearing there was clothes to wear, the boy smiled and nodded ... wondering when Leroy planned on doing sommething about that poor cat that someone had shut into a locker.

He said to Sarah, "Ok... an announcement saying where we are, or where we're going to be might be bad... but you could warn everyone in the hospital of the dangers you witnessed. You could make a difference in their preparedness."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:51 pm
by paradys
"The lockers are harder to get into than I thought, but with something fairly heavy I should be able to bust them open. Considering the situation it might be stupid to worry about a poor old moggy, especially with all the trippy shit we've seen, but I keep on thinking about it starving to death in there. I mean why would someone put a cat in a locker anyway?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:57 pm
by ImpInTraining
"So... you're suggesting ... it isn't a cat? So now we need to second guess our perceptions?" He pulled Leroy away from Sarah and spoke to him quietly, "Have you considered, maybe Sarah's a bit off kilter? I haven't seen anything like these zombies she's talking about, have you? I've seen my imagination run away on me for a second ... but there's nothing here that can't be explained through scientific principles so far. Yes, I'll agree wholeheartedly that we are in a dangerous circumstance and there is a deadly environment all around us. I'll be surprised as all get-out if we don't end up with cancer ten years later from all this black stuff floating around, if we live through it at all. But you two are talking about ... monsters?"

He picked up a heavy-duty stapler from the desk and handed it to Leroy, "Strong enough for bashing?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hey, great idea!" says Sarah to Joel. "It sure helped my dad!" She turns on the intercom and addresses the entire hospital. "Attention everyone! The water supply is contaminated. Do not drink or even touch tap water, or any standing water you come across. Use only water in bottles or other sealed containers. Do not go outside under any circumstances, and avoid all exits or places that are otherwise exposed to the outside. It is extremely dangerous out there, and there are small parasitical organisms that attack people and burrow into their flesh. Once that happens, they are transformed into something no longer human. These creatures are alive and have a pulse, and their mouths are full of fleshy fungal material. They will attempt to seize their victims and lock their mouths over the victims' mouths. If they succeed, the victim is rendered paralysed and helpless, and they will then try to force the fungus down the victims' throats. Keep your distance from them at all costs, and keep your mouths covered at all times! A surgical mask will work, but the fungus will eventually rip through it. Two masks will last longer. Towels could also be used. Do not go anywhere alone if at all possible. If you fall prey to one of these creatures, you will need someone else to get it off of you.

Sarah takes a deep breath and then continues: "There are other strange creatures and phenomena as well. The dark cloud that has covered the hospital is raining down a strange black ash. Its effects are unknown, but you should minimize your exposure to it. It can be wiped off with moist towelettes, but again make sure that you do not use tap water. Metal objects have rusted due to the arrival of this cloud, and have apparently aged decades in rather short order. You may notice that your sense of time is distorted, and people may seem to vanish. You may also see apparitions or hear voices of people you know. On the second floor there was an unknown creature that produced a whistling sound. If it approaches you, run. It is possible to outrun and escape from it. This is Nurse Sarah Carpenter. Stay safe, everyone."

Sarah shuts off the intercom and looks back at Leroy and Joel. "Could be someone put the cat in the locker before the storm hit in order to protect it," she suggests. "If it hasn't been outside since then, it probably isn't infected or anything, but I can't be completely certain. Still, I hate the thought of leaving a poor kitty trapped in a locker."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:47 am
by paradys
Poor Leroy doesn't know what to think. Listening to Sarahs account of parasitic organisms and mushroom eating monsters, he exchanges glances with Joel.

"I don't know, Ive seen and heard a lot of strange stuff but haven't had the chance to judge whether its real or not. The only thing I fell fairly certain about is the air and water being infected. It occured to me that maybe the rest of its a side effect, a hallucination but.."

He looks back at the locker.

"You heard of Schrodingers cat? Maybe our chance to find out if this is real or not is by opening the box? If we open the locker and there isn't a mog in there then we know for sure we're hearing things. I'll try and unlock it if you do that thing you mentioned with the blankets."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:52 am
by ImpInTraining
"Laundry room is too far away," Joel stated matter-of-factly. "But I can use the draw strings on these shades over the window for the same effect." He pulled out his jackknife and started cutting the strings off the blinds and saw that it was a good 6 meters long in all tying loose ends together. He looped it around to double the strength and give him a 3-foot reach. Then he tied the rope around the cart that Leroy intended on using. "Alright, I think this will work," said Joel as he gave it a test pull. "Put your weight on it and I'll make sure the knots don't give under a heavy load."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:48 pm
by paradys
Leroy gets back on the trolley, feeling like a contestant on one of those dumb game shows.

Assuming the test run goes okay, he'll try his not so trusty lock pick, and if that doesn't work bash the catch of the locker in with the stapler, all the time bracing himself for the scratching, hissing ball of fur he expects to come flying out.

Bearing that in mind he also takes some surgical gloves from the nurses station, in case the cat has a temper.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:31 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Be careful, guys!" says Sarah. "Even if it is just a normal cat, it could still knock you off the trolley. Maybe you should strap yourself down first."

Hearing the results of her father's heated exchange with Thomas lifts Sarah's spirits. He's such a hero! she thinks. Good on him for standing up to that awful Thomas. She claps her hands and speaks into the phone: "Bravo, Daddy! Well done! I'm so relieved you're all right."

"That makes two of us, princess," comes Lionel's reply. "It takes more than that to kill us Carpenters."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:57 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel anchors himself by wedging his foot at the base of the door and putting his shoulder into the doorframe. He's ready to yank the cords back at a moment's notice.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:01 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah gets up and moves over to where Joel is just in case she needs to help him pull Leroy out.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:06 am
by Laraqua
The door isn't locked, opening smoothly. A rather small black-and-white cat, in the teenage stage of kitenhood and obviously crossed with Siamese, trembles in the corner. It sniffs in his direction warily, as though not quite believing it were free.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aww," says Sarah. "It's adorable! Check to see if it's got a collar so we can find out its name. Maybe there's a little basket or something out here we can carry it in." Since the kitten is obviously no threat, she returns to the station and the phone.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:20 am
by Laraqua
The Siamese has a collar with a little bell on it though it has obviously learned how to move without triggering the tell-tale tinkle. It takes a hesitant step out towards Leroy, head bent low, still sniffing.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:33 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah hears Lionel's voice on the other end of the line: "Sarah, honey, how are you holding up?"

"Okay, considering," she replies. "We just rescued a cute little kitten that had been trapped in a locker, and I've got my things back, including my mobile. That way we can keep in touch after we leave this station. I'll set it to vibrate so it doesn't make noise."

"Excellent idea. Mine is already set to vibrate. We're going to have to make a run for the superstore next door in a bit, so I'll have to hang up before we go, but I'll call you back once we're safe and I have a spare moment."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:36 am
by paradys
"Hello there kitty" says Leroy, reaching in to take the cat out of the locker. "Wads your name den, wads your widdle name?"

He signal for Joel to pull him out of the room.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:40 am
by Laraqua
Leroy feels a fog descend over his head. The air feels heavy, as though it were hard to move, to turn. He finds himself on his feet by the door to the lockers. A thirteen-year-old girl carries a struggling teenaged cat in her hands. "Mum? Dad?" She smiles nervously, stepping over a discarded IV tube, looking around at the dropped rubbish. She looks back over her shoulder as a crowd passes her by. Leroy can see himself and Carson speaking to the doctor.

"Mum?! Dad?!" She clutches the cat tightly in her hands, even as it bites and claws at her arms, drawing blood. She tries to stop a man, grabbing at her sleeve. "Please, my parents, we were outside..." The man shoves off her hands and runs, reprimanding her for bringing a cat inside.

The ash comes in as a violent wall of blackness. Carson and Leroy are running past. The girl steps back into the locker room, out of their view. She looks over her shoulder at the open locker, then at the cat struggling in her arms. "Middles, you wait in here," she says, shoving the cat in the locker and shutting the door.

She turns and runs down the corridor away from the wall of ash. Everything else is muted. There is only her frantic calls for her parents. Then a highpitched scream.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:13 pm
by paradys
Once hes been pulled out of the room Leroy gets off the trolley looking unsteady, his eyes glazed over like before. He starts to mumble.

"Something happened, I had some sort of psychic flash..saw the girl put the cat in the locker. Then I was back, right where I was when the ash came through the door..I saw myself..weird."

He starts to laugh. "I think that schrodinger guy needs to update his theories. The cat in the box is alright man. Its the outside world we don't what the f*** is going on. Here somebody better take the kitty, I still feel a bit strange."

"His name is Middles, by the way."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:04 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah searches around for a basket so someone can carry Middles, as well as a real first aid kit. "My hands are a bit full," says Sarah. "Otherwise I'd love to carry him. Hi, Middles!" She waves to the kitten. "We should probably get that nasty bell off of you to keep it from making noise. You probably don't like it anyway, do you?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:08 am
by Laraqua
Sarah has never seen a so-called first aid kit here but there are kits she's seen and used as a triage nurse when called out to a large, multiple car accident. Similar to paramedic's kits, it would no doubt be quite useful. There was probably one in the Triage area. Either that or a store room. Baskets could be obtained from the gift shop. The only other option was to raid wards until they found one bearing a lot of flowers or cookies. As Sarah didn't do the rounds, she couldn't know which one might have that.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"There's baskets in the gift shop and one of them could hold Middles," says Sarah, "but we'd have to go outside to get there and it's very dangerous. I know you said your mum was there, Joel. Does she have a mobile? You could try calling her on mine. We might also find a basket in one of the wards. Were there any other small handbags in the lockers? One of those might work. I'd like to stop by the Triage area when we're done here and pick up some medical kits. Then we can go to the laundry area to see about getting some blankets, but we'll need to be careful around there. After that we should go back upstairs to check on Carson. I don't think sealing the ambulance will work, though. We could probably seal up the back, but the cab is another matter. Whoever's driving would be exposed to the outside and end up just like the driver did."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:52 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel takes a deep breath, happy that his grip on reality still maintains a hold and a whole bunch of tentacles didn't grab Leroy as soon as he had opened the locker. "I'll hold the kitten," Joel said, "until we can find a basket or something... maybe a packpack. Come here, Middles."

As Joel takes the kitten away from Leroy and cuddles him with his one free arm, (the other one always pushing his IV along), he says "Leaving the hospital would be a bad idea. It may be spooky in here, but it's nowhere near as deadly as it would be outside. We should stay put until the government sends rescue crews. We should have enough food and water to survive for a while, right? Lets gather up what we need to survive and concentrate on establishing a base of operations, a safe-house." He asks Sarah "Is there a cafeteria in the hospital?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:47 pm
by paradys
"Well, we've got the kitchens and laundry in one direction and the triage in the other.

(ooc: i think this is right )

I say we all stick together though, its just a question of what our priorities are and which way we go first."

Leroy feels relieved that for now they are avoiding the gift shop. He knows the chances are that Joels mother is dead and the whole kids and grief thing is something he doesn't think he can handle.

( now he's less shaky Leroy can take Middles back if everyone elses hands are full. he still has the torch to carry though )

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"The cafeteria's right by the gift shop," says Sarah, "and you can't get there without going outside either. I think it's undergoing renovations. I'm with you, I don't want to go outside and we should definitely stick together. Nobody goes anywhere alone, not even for a minute." If I ran into another of those creatures by myself, I'd be toast. And if Lyle really is back somehow... She trembles. "We should be able to find food and water in a staff kitchen, though. Maybe I can find a bigger knife there too. There should be one not far from the laundry area.

[OOC: The maps show two kitchens on the ground floor, but none on any of the floors above. As far as I can tell Accident & Emergency is that square room in the lower left.]

"The triage area is pretty close to the ambulance. It's also rather close to the Play Area, where that intercom message was trying to lure me. It might be dangerous to go there. In any case, the kitchen and laundry are on the way to the triage area, so we should try them first. As for a home base, maybe we should use the dispencery until we can come up with something better. Carson is there, and we might not be able to convince him to leave in his current state, and what he's building might be useful. Let me just say goodbye to my dad for now.

Sarah speaks into the phone. "Daddy, we're getting ready to leave too. I've got my mobile now, so you can reach me on that."

"Sarah, apparently nobody else can get their phones to work," answers Lionel. "If I can't call your mobile and you can't reach me, I'll have to call this station again."

"You can also try the nurse's station on the first floor." She tells him the number. "We're planning to head up there when we're done down here. One more thing." She lowers her voice. "My locker was wide open, and they found a note in there from Lyle. Maybe it was in there all along this past month and I never noticed it, but I can't see how. The alternative is just as impossible, but so many crazy things are happening I just don't know what to think."

"Oh, Sarah...I wish I could be there to protect you. Don't try to go outside to get to me, though. Stay in the hospital and I promise I'll try to get to you once there's a safe way to do it. You stay with the others and don't go anywhere by yourself. We defeated those creatures. They were like the one you described, and the one that used to be the blind woman grabbed me and tried to clamp her mouth on mine. I didn't see any mushrooms, but maybe they take time to form. Some of the others were bitten, but they should be okay. I thought the seeing-eye dog had been infested too, but it must have simply gone mad. Those of us at the cinemaplex are going to make a run for the superstore next door. It's very secure and I'm with some good people...well, except for that Thomas lout. He even threatened to murder me after I forgave him and shook his hand. Don't worry about me, though, honey. I can take care of myself. I love you more than anything, Sarah. Stay safe."

"You too, Daddy. I love you too. G-goodbye." Her eyes start to tear up as she hangs up the phone. She stands and gathers her things. "Okay, I'm ready."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:48 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel says, "I think I'd like to try to ring my mother on the telly. She does have a cell phone... I think I remember the number. Do we have a couple more minutes?" He was frowning noticably with sad eyes, already sure of the worst, but hoping for something better. "Can you get me to an outside line?" the boy asks as he picks up the phone Sarah just put back on the cradle.

Once he had a dial tone to an outside line, he plugged away at the number of his mother's cell phone and hand his fingers crossed on the hand holding the cat.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:04 am
by Laraqua
The phone rang. One ... two ... three ... four ... five ... six ... seven ... eight ... voice mail.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:43 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel nearly hung up ... but decided to leave a message just in case. "Sarah, what's your cell number?" he asked holding his hand over the mouth piece of the phone. After getting the number, he said in the phone "Mom? I hope you're all right. I am. Still in the hopsital. Call me at this number..." and he passed the number over to the voice mail.

He hung up the phone and sighed, petting Middles with a hopeless look on his face. "Ok... I guess we can go now."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:14 am
by paradys
When everyones ready Leroy will lead the way with his torch. His recent flashback means he's ready to believe anything and he keeps an eye out for anything that will make a handy weapon, preferably a heavy object he can use as a club.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:52 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sarah's eyes start to water a little. She knows all too well what Joel is thinking. "I hope your mum's okay," she says. "There could be any number of reasons why she didn't answer the phone. Maybe she's trying to stay quiet to avoid attracting attention." She places a hand on his shoulder and looks in his eyes, empathy in her voice. "I...I lost my mum when I was only six. She had a stroke. I was the only one with her, but there was nothing I could do and the ambulance didn't get there in time. That's why I decided to become a nurse, so I'd know what to do and could save others' lives. My mum was a nurse too. If I hadn't had my dad, I don't know what I'd have done. I was more scared for him than I was for myself. He survived, so maybe your mum did too." She makes sure her cellphone is set to vibrate, clips it to the inside of her pocket, and picks up the rest of her gear. "Come on, let's go. I'm thinking we should try the kitchen first."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:21 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel nods quietly to Sarah's attempt at consoling him. He doesn't want to mention his own father... for fear that it might jinx him. His concern over his mother's health was momentarily sidetracked by a growls in his stomach with the concept of eating. How long had passed since breakfast? He wasn't even sure what time it was, or that the clocks on the walls could be trusted.

Before leaving, Joel untied the six meters of nylon draw string from the cart and he tied it around his waist like a belt. He walked along, one arm pushing the IV drip (that was nearing empty) and the other carrying the kitten. He kept looking over his shoulder in the event that someone was coming from the rear.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah brings up the rear, also looking back frequently. She notices the IV drip is running out. "Do you remember what's in your drip?" she asks. "Looks like you're going to need a refill soon. Maybe we can find some more in the dispencery when we go back upstairs." She tries to estimate how much longer it will last.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:17 am
by ImpInTraining
"The nurse said it was saline. I always thought that stuff went in your eyes," Joel answers in his scratchy voice with a shrug. "The doctor said I was dehydrated," the boy recalls. He laughed nervously, "Picked a fine time to be thirsty, huh?"

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:16 pm
by Mr. Handy

"You're in luck," says Sarah. "Saline is just salt dissolved in water, and I'm sure there will be enough of it. In the meantime, if you need more water there's some in the bundle here."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:50 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel nodded, then pushed his IV drip toward Sarah and asked, "So ... does that mean I can ditch this thing?" He was eager to be free from the IV, and it showed in his eyes.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:01 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm afraid not yet," says Sarah. "I don't know how bad your dehydration is or if you'll be able to make up for the lack of an IV just by drinking a lot of fluids, so I wouldn't take the chance. I'm not a doctor, so I can't really say for sure, especially not without looking at your chart."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:36 am
by Laraqua
The kitchen was thoroughly modern, having been renovated a year ago when the director finally found the money to replace 20+-year-old equipment. The gleaming surfaces were now streaked with rust however. The tiled walls cracked, a few tiles having fallen off.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:50 am
by paradys
Leroy shines the torch around and starts looking for store cupboards and refrigerators, anywhere they might find food and drink, also a trolley, sack cart or dustbin liners, anything they can use to carry it all.

"Anything we salvage we have to get upstairs. If we're really going to stock up we might have to think about using the lifts."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:59 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel set Middles down and helped Leroy search the kitchen for food and drink - anything sealed in should still be healthy. He also looked around for a can opener, meat cleavers, and butcher knives. "This kitchen is a pig sty. I bet the health inspector would have a field day here."

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:38 am
by Laraqua
There's a trolley against the far wall with several trays that are used to bring meals to the hospital patients. There is a large walk-in refridgerator, but it's out of power - inside it is still quite chilled and the seals haven't been busted open. There are bags of frozen vegetables, wrapped meat and the like.

Luckily, the cold state of the hospital would probably keep the food equally chilled outside of the fridge. All three of you have fingers and toes that have gone somewhat numb. Middles' hair is out - he's as bushy as he can be to conserve his own body heat. If the three of you are planning to hole up somewhere, it'd need to be with a radiator. Sarah knows that the staff rooms on the fifth floor are still equipped with radiators - despite the use of air conditioning, those aging contraptions are still kept around because no one could be bothered getting rid of them - or plugging them in, usually.

There are a series of cupboards filled with loaves of bread, cans of food, and other assorted goods. There are a few locked drawers and a butcher's knife embedded in a cutting board.

Luckily, there is not only a stairwell but a ramp in the above floors. However, the ramp doesn't come all the way down to the ground floor.

Re: Paradys, Oathinblood, Dispencry

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:57 am
by ImpInTraining
After taking a look in the cooler, Joel asks, "Should we even bother with packaged meat? I'm not sure how we would intend on cooking it." He grabbed some of the bagged vegatables and threw them on the trolley, then moved over to pick up the butcher's knife. He held it out to Sarah, saying "Bet this will do a lot better than that little scalpel of yours."

Noticing the locked drawers, and still not finding a can opener, he asks Leroy, "Think you can do your magic with these locks? We still need something to open these cans with." As he started moving cans of food over to the trolley, he grumbled to himself, "I'm going to keep my eyes open for a bloody crowbar."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:46 pm
by ImpInTraining
ooc: You changed the name, I almost didn't find it. :lol: Joel's Listen Check (1d100=42)... Listen Skill = 50%.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks," says Sarah. She wraps the scalpel in the bundle with the other knives from the ambulance and hefts the butcher knife in her right hand. "We can use the lift to move food upstairs if it still works while taking the stairs ourselves. We can just load the trolley in the lift, push the button while holding the doors open, and then get out. That way we don't risk getting stuck inside. Once it's on the first floor, we can use the ramp to move it up. Or maybe there's a dumbwaiter in here, though that would likely be rather small. There are staff kitchens upstairs where we could cook food, though I'm not sure if they've got grills for the meat. Still, there are ranges and microwaves. I know there's one on the top floor, and we can find radiators up there too so we can stay warm." She pauses, a sound catching her attention, and drops to a whisper. "Did you hear that?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:57 pm
by Laraqua
The noise seems to be coming from outside of the kitchen.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:03 pm
by Mr. Handy

Chills run through Sarah's body. She whirls to face the door, the butcher knife gripped tightly in her right hand, and she holds up her left for silence. She ducks behind the table, carefully watching the entrance and listening to the noise in the hopes of identifying what's making it.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:58 pm
by Laraqua
Footsteps. Shuffling footsteps. They pass the door and continue on.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:09 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Shhh..." whispers Sarah. She holds absolutely still until she is certain the footsteps have moved well away.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:18 pm
by paradys
Leroy stands frozen, holding the torch as steadily as possible so as not to cast any flickering light. When the footsteps die down he will look around to see how many ways there are in and out of the room.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:35 pm
by ImpInTraining
"What are you doing?" Joel asked in a hushed voice. "What if that's someone who's in need of medical help?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"Those shuffling footsteps," whispers Sarah, "they sounded like that thing that chased us down here. never occurred to me that it could be someone who needs help." She feels guilty for not having considered the possibility. "I'll take a look and check it out. If anything grabs me, come save me." She tiptoes to the door and peeks out in the direction where she heard the footsteps moving off.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:20 am
by Laraqua
She sees a nurse carrying a hammer and a few planks of wood shuffle down the corridor. The nurse pauses, as though sensing someone watching her, and begins to turn around.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's a nurse," whispers Sarah to the others. "She's got a hammer and some wood." Summoning her courage, Sarah calls out softly. "H-hello? Are you okay?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:26 am
by Laraqua
The nurse sighs deeply and shuffles off.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"Wait!" calls Sarah, stepping out into the hall. "It's okay, I'm a friend. My name's Sarah Carpenter."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:21 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel grabs a frying pan (or something equally big and hard) and follows Sarah.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:17 am
by Laraqua
The nurse sets the wood and the hammer down in a pile at the entrance to Accident & Emergency. Then she turns and starts making her way back. Her face is slick with blood that has dripped down from her eyes and ears. Thick ropes of coagulated blood hang from her nostrils. She doesn't appear to have noticed anyone.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:51 am
by paradys
Leroy enters the refrigerator and comes out with a frozen leg of ham that he holds by the bone like a makeshift club, then follows the other two into the hall.

"She's behaving just like Carson. Do you think they have the same..infection, or do they know something we don't?"

"Either way if we can't treat her I say we finish our own business and move out."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:09 am
by Laraqua
Sarah's cell phone rings. Sounds like a text message. The noise garishly loud and out-of-place in the hospital's dark interior.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:02 am
by ImpInTraining
"What the hell are they building?" Joel asked curiously. "I'm no expert here, but that doesn't seem like a common ailment... get a building bug and have to change your career to construction. What a choice of endings. Either get fungus-mouth by sucking face, or become a waterlogged slave. Well, I guess either one beats being corroded on the spot." The boy still had the frying pan ready in his hands as he backed back into the kitchen. "Come on, Leroy... we still need to find a can opener. Have you had any luck with the locked drawers?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:59 pm
by Laraqua
A painful screeching sound can be heard. Looking over your shoulder, you see a paramedic walking towards you, dragging a knife across the wall. Her jumpsuit torn across the front, though no obvious injuries, her hair slipped from the bun. Her eyes and nose bleeds but it isn't ropy or thick - sending sparse droplets across the floor.

"See Sarah run, run Sarah run, Sarah runs fast..." Karlene says, her lips twitching in and out of a smile.

Sarah's mobile phone stops signalling a text message.

"Unnnh," murmurs the other nurse, her head tilting to one side as she suddenly regards the trio.

OOC: Check the map if you plan on fleeing - many options are available. You three are right by the door. Karlene is coming from the direction of the stairs, the other nurse from the direction of A&E.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:09 pm
by paradys
OOC: afraid i'm not sure exactly where we are on the map or which part is A&E. (i know, slap my hand for not paying attention) but i can see 2 kitchens marked on the ground floor.

As far as Leroy is concerned they have two options. 1. Try and get some food together and then run. 2. Just run

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:12 pm
by Laraqua
The larger kitchen to the far left.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:23 pm
by paradys
"When I looked there were three doorways leading in and out of the kitchen" says Leroy, "and we got two infected, voodoo whatever the hell they are psycho fruitloops heading our way. I say we can grab a trolley full of food and out manouver them, thats if all the doors are open and no more of these freaks turn up. But its got to be a snap desicion."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:54 pm
by ImpInTraining
ooc: I'm not sure what A&E is either. Not listed on the map.

Joel looks at the approaching paramedic with the knife and asked Sarah, "Friend of yours?" He turned back into the kitchen and checked the doorknob for a lock.

ooc: changed 'nurse' to 'paramedic'. Thanks for the correction... not that it matters much to our situation. A madman with a knife by any other color would still be just as psycho.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:53 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: It's the paramedic who has the knife, not the nurse. Sarah's cell phone was set to vibrate rather than ring. I believe Accident & Emergency is that unmarked gray square in the lower left. Also, was there a dumbwaiter in the kitchen?]


"Oh, God," mutters Sarah when she sees Karlene. She's got a fairly good idea of what must have happened to her and she had narrowly avoided the same fate herself. She ducks back into the kitchen. "Back inside, Leroy! Hurry! We need to lock this door first and block it off! No time for food, and there's more upstairs! That's Karlene, but she's not herself. I don't want to hurt her!"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:09 am
by paradys
Leroy follows Sarah into the kitchen dragging Joel with him. He checks the door to see which way it opens - can they push something in front of it, are there handles they can shove something through? He doesn't want to use his lockpick for fear of not being able to unlock it again and cutting off a potential avenue of escape. Besides hes not been having that much luck with it.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:56 am
by Laraqua
The door opens inwards into the kitchen. The door into the other room opens outwards. The cat makes a low-pitched yeeeooow and struggles to escape.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:18 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel hands a chair to Leroy. "Might be able to wedge that under the doorknob," he says as he heads for the other room heading out from the kitchen, trying to keep up with the kitten. "Come on, Middles. We might as well scope out our avenue of escape."

ooc: Was there a dumbwaiter in the kitchen? If so, can we say we put the food on it for easy hauling up to the upper floors?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:53 am
by Laraqua
There is no dumb waitor in this kitchen. The first floor probably doesn't even pass over the roof above. Joel's sneakers - borrowed from that woman's locker - scuff the ashen linoleum, unleashing small clouds of ash that then float lazily through the air. The room is dark, the furnishing bare silhouettes in the left over light from Leroy's flashlight. His foot brushes something that clatters beneath one of the wheeled kitchen islands - a can opener.

The cat settles in his arms as he moves further from the door, appearing to calm down somewhat and it stretches out a paw into Joel's shoulder, sheathing and unsheathing its claws in a friendly poke.

The other door led into an area lined with sinks and shelves stacked with yet more cans and bags. A large store room of some kind. One of the sinks is filled with murky water. He can barely see through here, but the double doors at the other end are most certainly open.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:25 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel swallows and thinks better of heading into the pitch black beyond. He moves back into the kitchen, shoving the wheeled kitchen island aside so he can scoop up the can opener and tuck it into his back pocket while he's waiting on the others - specificly Leroy with his flashlight.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:09 pm
by paradys
Leroy wedges the door shut with whatever, picks up his trusty ham and follows Joel in to the storeroom. He looks around, then holding the flashlight low, moves over to the double doors, opens them a fraction and peers outside.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:40 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah hurries after Leroy and Joel, easily catching up to them. "Maybe we can get to the stairs this way and avoid Karlene," she whispers. "She was one of the paramedics in the ambulance, and something wrenched open the doors and dragged her away into the darkness. Her scream had been suddenly cut off, and at the time I'd thought she was dead, but I think it was another of those zombie-things like the ambulance driver. Karlene would have been unable to scream once it put its mouth on hers, and she didn't have a mask to stop it from pumping the shrooms down her throat. If that's what happened, they could have made her go berserk. That could have been me...that could have been me..." As she runs, Sarah checks the text message on her cell phone.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:49 am
by Laraqua
The text message:

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:58 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah sighs with relief. For a moment she had feared that Lyle had sent her the message. "U R Mine 4Ever" had been one of his favorites when he had been alive, and one she had come to especially dread. She offered Joel the cell phone and hissed: "This message is for you. It might be your mum."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:19 am
by paradys
If the coast is clear, Leroy tiptoes through the adjoining storeroom, carefully pushes open the door leading into the corridor and peers outside, moving as quickly and quietly as possible. He motions everyone forward, anxious not to hang around.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:21 am
by ImpInTraining
"No way!" Joel grabs the cell phone and looks at the screen in disbelief - sudden joy had crept back into his heart. Quickly, he typed a message back.

Mum? U OK?

It was difficult pushing the IV drip along, carrying a kitten, and typing a message on a cell phone with one hand, but he was managing it as he followed Leroy and Sarah through the storage room. Absently, he tried to keep a wide space between him and the sink.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:26 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah helps Joel with the IV as she follows Leroy to the exit. She nods as Joel gives the sink a wide berth and does likewise herself. "Yeah, avoid the water," she whispers.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:50 am
by Laraqua
The corridor is empty although there should be someone out there. Where did the paramedic and the nurse go?

The text message:
Oh, thank God, I thought you were dead.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's make our way to the stairs quietly," whispers Sarah. "I really don't want to have to hurt Karlene. Maybe the effects will wear off in time, or we can find a way to counteract them."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:21 am
by Laraqua
There's the muffled sound of a loud voice on some kind of speaker as the trio move cautiously forward. Then a gun shot, shattering glass, tearing metal, shattering concrete, and something deep within the bowels of the hospital groaning, making the whole place vibrate for a moment before there is a loud and noisy explosion of sound. It came from upstairs. The muffled loud voice returns for a few moments.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:41 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel types away at the cell phone:
The boy looked left and right down the corridore, then felt and heard all the rucuss. "What is going on?" he whispered. It just didn't seem right that noises from upstairs could cause the bowels of the hospital to let loose, but that's what seemed to be happening. "Is someone making it worse?" he asked, not really sure what he meant by the question. It just seemed feesible.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:12 pm
by paradys
leroy steps out into the corridor and shines the torch up and down.

"I don't know" he says "but we can't keep running away from theses bugaboos. I think we need to go upstairs and find out whats happening. Is there another stairway apart from the one Karlene came from?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:26 pm
by Laraqua
There's the elevator shaft. Even if the elevator doesn't work - and on the ground floor it couldn't go any further down - the hatch could be opened and the stairs climbed. Of course, they would need to go to Carson's locker area to get the required equipment to open the hatch - or just pry it open with some sort of prybar.

Otherwise, they could just leave via one of the windows (in the lower half of the map) and head on around the long way.

Other than that, there's not a lot they can do.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:05 pm
by paradys
"Ah, the hell with it" says Leroy and prepares to set off for the stairway. "The way I see it, upstairs sounds just as dangerous as down here, and staying inside is going to end up just as dangerous as going outside. Holing up somewhere isn't going to do us any good, the only way out of this situation is to find out whats going on. From the noises we're hearing, the answers are either upstairs or," he looks ominously in the direction of the basement, "down there somewhere. But I'm willing to put it to a vote. Three people, I guess that makes us a democracy."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:42 pm
by ImpInTraining
"That moaning noise might have been the boiler growling... and if it is going to explode, I'd rather be further away from it. I say we head up," Joel states as he hands the cell phone back to Sarah and fishes out his scalpel.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:11 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm for going upstairs too," says Sarah softly. She clips the cell phone back to the inside of her pocket. "Just the thought of going any further down spooks me, and we could get trapped down there easily. Besides, we left Carson upstairs." She turns to Joel. "I'm glad your mum's okay. Did you remember to tell her to avoid tap water?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:08 am
by ImpInTraining
"Oh... shit, thanks..." Joel exclaimed holding out his hand, "Can I see that phone again?"

When Sarah gives her phone over, Joel sends another text message:


Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"You should tell her not to even touch tap water either," whispers Sarah, reading the message.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:08 am
by Laraqua
The stair well is dark and empty. They can hear footsteps and talking above - coming from one of the floors above the first floor - though they can't be sure which. The words are slightly muffled but it sounds like they are speaking English.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"I hear people further upstairs," whispers Sarah, trying to make out their words. "Let's keep going up and see who's there."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:14 am
by ImpInTraining

He smiled to Sarah with a "Thanks," and followed the group going up the steps. "Yeah, but we should be sneaky about it. Can't let them know we're spying on them if we can help it."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:18 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods, silently clipping the phone back on and smiling back, though nobody can see it through her surgical masks. She proceeds upwards, being as quiet as she can. One or more of those people may have a gun, she thinks, considering that shot we heard. I just hope they aren't like the two we ran into downstairs.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:29 am
by Laraqua
Upstairs this can be heard in a man's voice: "Aah, Jill... I'm glad to see that you're all right... When you didn't come, I assumed... Well, I'm just glad that you're okay. What in God's name happened here?"

OOC: Roll sneak.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:38 am
by Laraqua
"You don't want to know," says a woman's voice in response.

The voices are coming from the Second Floor.

OOC: Do you turn off your torch?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah tiptoes up the stairs, relieved that the voices sound calm and rational. Every step she makes seems to echo loudly, however.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:07 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel would be quite the quiet lad, were it not for the IV drip that clatters with every step up.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:09 am
by Laraqua
A younger female voice can be heard, somewhat huskier, but still her youth is identifiable. "My ... parents are out there," she says, her voice trembling on the last syllable. She looks over toward the broken window at the unceasing darkness and the curtain of ash. "My parents ... my friends ... everyone ... out there. We know how you feel but we have to keep moving. Think. How do we get all these sleeping kids onto the roof?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think these folks are okay," Sarah whispers. "We should let them know we're coming so they don't get scared. Maybe we can help them."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:28 am
by Laraqua
The younger woman's voice: "Enough whining, boy-o. Our way out's on that roof, risking life and limb to save us. Be useful! Think of something."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:23 am
by ImpInTraining
"Why in the heck would they want to go to the roof," Joel asked in a whisper. "Yeah, let's go talk some sense into them. It can't be any safer on top than it is out on the streets."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:02 am
by Laraqua
"Oww! You bloody fu..." says the man. "Water! Is there any clean water we can get to from here?"

"Vending machines," says the younger female. "There's plenty of bottles there."

"Yes..." says the man. "Is... God damn... Is Sergeant Hawkings there? This is Aidan O'Connell at Mercy Cross Hospital."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:06 am
by paradys
Upon hearing voices Leroy turns off the torch (but fails his Sneak roll). As he listens he agrees with Joel and Sarah that they seem to be 'friendlies".

"I'll try giving them a shout" he says. If no one disagrees he calls up the steps.

"Hello? Is someone up there? Fellow survivors!?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:08 am
by Laraqua
Enter Imme, SuAside and Trixie's thread.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:00 am
by Laraqua
The First Floor is dark and empty. Carson is busy building what appears to be another room out of wooden doors, cupboards, drawers and book shelves. Leroy, Jason and I believe Dahlia all have flashlights. If one of them isn't coming, return to fetch a light or find some other way if you go down further or enter one of the rooms here. There is light coming from the men's toilets and from the Dispencry.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:03 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah makes her way towards the dispencery along with Leroy and Joel. "I'll collect the meds and put them in the bundle," she says. "Leroy, see if you can convince Carson to come upstairs with us."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:33 am
by Laraqua
The steel roller window is partially opened, affording Sarah a glimpse inside. The Dispencry has been somewhat dismantled. Broken glass and medicine bottles lie scattered about the floor. The desk is completely gone.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, no..." moans Sarah. She gingerly avoids the broken glass, cleaning it up if she has to step on the floor where it is, and searches for the medicines on her list in the hopes that they're intact.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:57 am
by Laraqua
The medicine bottles - being largely made of thick glass or plastic - appear to be fine. It is merely the cupboard that was destroyed. There are a lot of different medicines here, for heart problems, for thinning the blood, for pain, for asthma, for all sorts of troubles. She could easily carry one of each type the children need if she used the bottom of her shirt as a hammock but there is no way of knowing what secondary problems may lie ahead nor how long it might be before they can get more supplies.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:07 am
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Sarah also has her bundle, remember. Since she took the containers of water out of it upstairs, there should be more room in there too.]


Sarah opens up her bundle and packs it as full as she can with the medicines needed by the children as well as what she was looking for to help Jill, then ties it up and slings it over her shoulder again. She packs more into the bottom of her shirt. "Hey, Leroy!" she calls. "I found what I need, but if you help we can carry more of it upstairs. Where was that wheely cart of Carson's you mentioned earlier? We could load everything we need into that." She looks around for it.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:19 am
by Laraqua
Sarah has collected all of the Dispencry's supplies for the children though there are plenty of useful medicines lying around. One of the children, however, is awaiting appendix removal and none of these medicines will help with that.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah leaves the dispencery and rejoins Leroy and Joel. "I've got all the meds that the children need, but it's probably best that those who don't need medicine get on the chopper first just in case the other ones need something additional. There's also one child who's here to have an appendix out, and that one will have to stay here. If we can't find any doctors here, I'm going to have to operate myself eventually. I've assisted in surgery quite often, so I can do it if I have to. Let's get back upstairs; that chopper won't wait forever. Carson doesn't look any worse, and if you can't get him to come with us now we'll try again on our way back down."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:40 am
by paradys
By the time Sarah comes out Leroy has found Carsons cart and taken some dustbin liners from it in which to put the medicines. He approaches Carson, keeping a safe distance between them, and puts on a friendly tone of voice, although his nervousness might be apparent underneath it.

"Hey Carson, its Leroy, your old er.. friend, how you feeling? All shipshape and bristol fashion, yeah? I see you've really got into this DIY thing. You want to tell me what you're building?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:51 am
by Laraqua
Carson merely pauses to stare at Leroy.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:57 am
by paradys
"Er..well, we're going back upstairs..if by some chance you get lonesome and want to join us.. theres a whole lot of people up there and a helicopter, apparently and er..well, you just do what you think is best Carson.."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:39 am
by Laraqua
Carson continues to stare, the hammer held loosely in his hand.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:13 am
by ImpInTraining
(covering the conversation from earlier)
Mr. Handy wrote: "I didn't see the wire monster that the others saw, but from what they were saying it sounds like the wires attached themselves to the victims and dragged them off. The gaping hole in the wall looks like evidence to me, though. The former ambulance driver should still be down there along with those mushrooms, but he was twitching the last I saw him, so he could still be dangerous. As for the ash..." She thinks for a bit. I'm an expert now? Well, I've seen a lot of what's going on and I'm still alive, so I guess that makes me one. "This is going to sound disgusting, but I think the ash is just human remains, from people that got disintegrated when the storm hit. Probably not harmful after all, and it certainly wouldn't make people hallucinate."

Joel scoffs and rolls his eyes. "I'm sure part of it may be human remains, but this ash stuff hit before people started dissolving. No matter what you all might think, we weren't in an air-tight environment. Some of that stuff got in. I'm not about to lose my mind over this situation just because you all have gone bonkers. You show me some monster doodie, and maybe I'll start believing. I mean... heck, they gotta dump once in a while if they're feasting on the children upstairs, don't you think?"

Joel defiantly clings on to what he's come to know as reality.


(Back to current time)

Joel does the best he can to help Leroy and Sarah gather up the medicines they need. He keeps good distance from Carson, pausing only to say, "Oh yeah... he's gone. Lights aren't even on in that house."

The boy keeps an eye open for a working computer as well.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:28 pm
by paradys
"Yeah, I don't like to leave him but we've got a schedule to keep to. Lets get these meds upstairs before the chopper arrives. Anyway he seems happy enough for now"

actually, thinks Leroy, he seems more content now than before he lost his marbles. to think, all he really needed was a hobby...

"keep up the good work Carson," he says as he goes to help Sarah fill the refuse sack.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:30 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah loads the medical supplies she has collected from the dispencery into the dustbin. "Okay, I think we're done here. Let's get this stuff back upstairs stat. I don't know if we should call the lift from here, though. There might be something in it. It might be best to do that from upstairs so there are others around to help deal with whatever might be inside, provided you can lug that bin up the stairway. Once we're sure it's clear and it works, we can ride it up to the roof with the kids."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:43 am
by Laraqua
There's a ramp next to the elevator that goes up the upper flights, missing only the ground floor - much to numerous people's disgust back when the hospital was till running.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, yeah," says Sarah. "I forgot, we can just take the ramp. That'll be much easier. You chaps ready to go back up?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:54 am
by paradys
OOC: my idea was they'd just be in a sack we could carry, but i'm easy with either the stairs or the ramp.

Leroy freezes as another terrible screech comes from the basement and a wave of cold air hits him. He listens to Carson scream.

So he wasn't as happy as I thought. Jeez, who can blame him?"

"Lets go before this hospital caves in on itself. This may sound mean but screw Carson, he'll have to take care of himself, we don't have the time."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:56 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel nods to Sarah, apparently not having found a computer to attempt to tamper with. Not that it mattered much if they were all planning on leaving anyway. "Yeah... let's get out of here." He asked in afterthought, "You get the IV-drips I need?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:58 pm
by Laraqua
The Dispencry contains largely prescription medications though sometimes out-patients fill out prescriptions here as well. The I.V. drips would likely still be in their containers in one of the downstair store rooms, simply waiting to be made up.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:25 pm
by Piano man

A black figure appears as if from nowhere. All you see is a billowing cloak, and figure that stands well above six feet. He raises his hand and points at Carson. From below the hood of his cloak you can hear a low primal sounding voice.

"Step away from Carson. Do it quickly if you want to live. He is among the walking dead, and will make you one of them."

The figure reaches below the folds of his robe and pulls out a shotgun, and points it at Carson.

"I can't kill him, but I can buy you some time. Get away from him, get what you need and find the shortest route out of here. Be careful, all those screams you just heard were people just like him. Stay away from them if you want to live."

IF everyone clears away from Carson a shotgun blast will echo into the silence of the hospital. IF no one tries to physically stop him, he will then disappear back into the darkness after firing his gun.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:46 am
by ImpInTraining
"You crazy too, mister?" Joel said boldly to the mysterious doomsayer. "Carson's just suffering from environmental poisoning. He's not right in the head, but he's no walking undead." He looked to Sarah and Leroy, then back to the man, "I don't think we want you shooting our friend. Why don't you jog off."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:10 am
by Laraqua
Carson looks around anxiously at the other three, his fingers tightening on the hammer. He starts taking a few steps back, a bizarre smile twitching at the corners of his lips.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:01 am
by paradys
Tense, Leroy spins round grasping the axe tightly.

"And who the hell are you Obi Wan?"

He looks at the shotgun suspicously.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:31 pm
by Piano man

He remains unmoving staring in disbelief at the denial these people are living in.

"I am Tanar (Tunnar). My job is to stop the undead. Look at your friend that you protect. You can see that he is not human anymore. If you choose to protect him I will leave, but the burden is on your shoulders now. Be careful of his bite, or you too may share his fate of undying death. Heed my warning and forget this hospital. Get out while you still can."

With that Tanar waits one more minute for thier reaction. If it is clear that they are chosing to protect Carson he will lower his shotgun and leave.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:10 pm
by paradys
"Undead?" Leroy blinks. He's glad that someone else is seeing this although he's still not sure that its real.

"Carsons alright, hes just sick. He's back there building the dream shed he always wanted." He turns round to see what Carson is actually doing. His mind flashes back to the nurses downstairs and the sinister way they were acting.

"Well, maybe he's a little deranged. But how do we know you aren't crazy. Going around in a cloak calling yourself Tuna, that ain't right man."

I don't know whats real, he thinks, the only part about this that makes any sense is that bit about getting out of the hospital

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:13 pm
by Piano man

Tanar lowers his gun, and speaks to Leroy directly.

"Unfortunately Carson is not just sick. I truely wish it was so. I take no joy in killing, but the undead are not living. You question my sanity. That's fair, only an insane man would think that these events could be rationally explained. Think about what I said, but I'll waste no more time here. People need help, and unfortunately some of them are going to die. I can only do so much."

If no one else talks to him Tanar will step to the side of the door way out of site and sink back into the shadows.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:35 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel scoffs at Tanar's 'only an insane man could explain rationally' comment. "You're all bloody looney, that's my rational explanation. If you want to save the world, head down to the basement. I hear it's a hoot-and-hollar down there. A scream a moment."

Joel looks over his shoulder, noticing Carson's stance. He wasn't all gone, after all. The man was preparing to defend himself. He knew things were getting ugly. "Don't you worry, Carson. Help is on the way, and it doesn't come in 12 gauge."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:39 pm
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Whoa! Please slow down a bit, I haven't even had a chance to post for Sarah once yet since the thread reset.]


Sarah shivers as the wave of cold penetrates her body even through her thick coat. It feels like a thousand icy claws are grabbing her.

"NO!" she cries when the man in black points his shotgun at Carson. "Don't shoot him! He's not one of those zombies! He didn't get any of the parasites in him, he just got some of the water in his mouth and went a little funny in the head!" Then she pauses when she sees Carson's reaction and backs away from him, clutching her knife. "Oh, no! He's acting just like Karlene now! Can't we just knock him out and tie him up or something? Maybe this will wear off, or we can find a cure later."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:52 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel laughs, "He's acting just like I would if I had someone levelling a shotgun at me. Leave him alone."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"No, he's dangerous, Joel!" says Sarah, tugging on his arm with her free hand and trying to pull him out of harm's way. "He's twitching and grinning just like Karlene did when she came at us with her knife! We've got to get out of here!"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:22 am
by Piano man

Tanar nods as Sarah speaks.

"You're very smart. I will not shoot him, but he is dangerous. My only intention is to protect the innocent from the posessed. If you don't want it I'll leave."

He keeps his shotgun ready as he continues to speak.

" I over heard someone talking about a helicopter. I suggest that you head straight there as fast as you can."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:49 am
by Laraqua
Carson lets out a howl and lurches toward Sarah, the hammer raised high. "Need ... more ... incomplete."

OOC: Anyone with a Dexterity over 9 can make a move before he gets to act. You all seem reasonably suspicious of him so no surprise round occurs.

Tanar can act first with gun only.
Sarah acts first.
Leroy on Dex 11.
Tanar can act second to last for non-gun reactions.
Then Joel and Carson are on the same Dex.

Your rolls from last time can be reused. Carson's hit points can be seen in the Character Sheet thread.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:14 am
by Piano man

As Carson lunges for Sarah Tanar blasts him with the shotgun.

"Is everyone ok? I didn't want to do it, but I couldn't let him attack you. If he succeeded you'd become just like him......or worse."

He lowers his gun and backs away slowly, readying himself for an attack should it come.

Occ to hit 12 and damage 28

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:16 am
by Laraqua
OOC to Piano Man: I think Mr. Handy's the only one who's characters I don't confuse! Brianna / Dahllia. Tanar / Louie. Do me a favor and pick one of a diff gender next time!

Carson hits the floor in a crumpled pile. He twitches and doesn't bleed from his gaping wound.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah lets out a bloodcurdling scream when Carson tries to attack her, then calms down after Tanar blows him away. "Oh, God," she gasps. "He was going to..." She turns to Tanar. "Th-thank you. We've got to get out of here now! Come with us, it's not safe to be alone even if you have a shotgun. Leroy, get the cart. We're heading up the ramp."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:21 am
by Piano man

Tanar stares at Carson as if he expects him to get right back up.

"I will stay here and cover him until you all get out of here. He's not done, just temporarily stunned. Don't worry about me. I have other ways to survive other than a shotgun. NOW GO!!"

He stands just inside the room with his gun still pointed at Carson.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:26 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah nods, her lips quivering. "Follow us once we're safely away," she says. "Come on, Joel, we have to go!" She helps him with his IV drip. "Why do they always go after me? Do you believe in monsters now? That wasn't Carson any more. Nothing human could be blown apart so badly by a shotgun like that and still be alive."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:28 am
by ImpInTraining
OOC: Before I act, I have to clarify something... Joel just watched someone we were somewhat close to get blown away, probably a huge gaping wound on the side of his body or something. I think that would require a sanity check... wouldn't it?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:34 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Good point. 0/1d4 for everyone but Leroy who takes 1/1d4+1.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:34 am
by ImpInTraining
OOC: Sanity check...

Sanity check: Current sanity = 67 (1d100=17)

Lost nothing ... still the rock of sanity...

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:38 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel yanks his arm away from Sarah's grasp and backs away from the three adults. "You're all nuts... you point a gun to aggrivate the circumstance, and then you wonder why he attacks? Stay way from me... all of you!"

Joel pulls the IV tube out of his arm and starts running upstairs - heading for the roof.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah begins to sob, affected by what has just happened, but she is numb to the shock by this point. "Hey, you need this!" she cries, grabbing the IV drip and racing for the ramp. "Take the ramp, not the stairs! Get the cart, Leroy!"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:15 am
by paradys
OOC: phew, lot of catching up to do. leroy loses 3 san by the way.

(when I think of Leroy and his axe, why does the Shining keep coming to mind....)

Leroy stands and stares. He doesn't know which is worse, the fact that Carson has just been blows away or the fact the stranger was right about him. Look at the wound, he isn't bleeding, but thats impossible... His features harden and a blank gaze falls over his eyes. The last thing he wants to see is Carson get up again. But that won't happen, this is all can figure it out later. He grabs the cart and moves towards the ramp, not saying anything and trying not to look at the cloaked stranger.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah heads up the ramp with Leroy towards the second floor. "Joel, come with us!" she calls. "The stairs are dark, and we shouldn't split up! And you need your IV!"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:19 am
by Laraqua
The gunfire seems to have sent those above in a panic. Voices call out or scream and items are heard to thunk heavily on the floor.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:54 am
by paradys
Leroy shouts out in the hope that the people upstairs can hear him.

"Hey everybody, its alright, we've got the meds and we're getting out of here!"

its pretty bloody far from alright actually, he thinks, but we'll have to explain the rest of it when we get there

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:34 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel did run up the stairs and is heading for the roof (if possible). Where should I post?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:32 am
by paradys
Leroy doesn't realise Joel is missing until he looks back. He stops.

"Goddamit" he shouts to Sarah "Where did Joel go?!"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"We're okay!" calls Sarah up the ramp. She lowers her voice. "Come on, keep going! Joel pulled out his IV and ran up the stairs. I told him to come this way instead, but he didn't listen. Hopefully we'll be able to find him again on the second floor and I can give him back his IV."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:38 am
by paradys
"Yeah, hopefully."

If they don't see Joel on the second floor, Leroy intends to go looking for him.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:44 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Check out the second floor thread to find out!

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:42 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel trods on downstairs, heading for the ground floor, but peaking around any corners before heading down. He holds the bag over his shoulder, and the scalpel in his other hand. He heard Leroy calling from behind, but did not answer. The last thing he wanted to do was let the other loonies know he was wandering about.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:49 am
by Laraqua
As he passes the first floor, he can hear the sound of hand slaps across linoleum and in the light of the open Dispencry room dor, he can see the smear of gore where Carson had lain but the body is no longer there.

There is a dim glow of light in the Ground Floor from the ambulance he knew had crashed into the entrance.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:56 am
by paradys
Leroy jogs down the steps until he catches up with Joel.

Where did Carsons body go. Those hand slaps, they couldn't be..?

He turns the torch off as they approach the ground floor, so as not to give themselves away, but nerves get the better of him. After listening carefully for a while for anyone moving around on the ground floor he will turn the torch back on and check behind them.

"if we get that ambulance working, we can drive it over to the gift shop, avoid breathing in the ash" he whispers. He tries to treat the recent argument as though it didn't happen, ignoring the tension between them.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:48 am
by ImpInTraining
The slaps of the hand against the hard floor created visions in Joel's mind that he found hard to shake. He hoped to avoid finding out if his imagery was right for certain, because that would be the end of his grasp on reality.

Joel looked at Leroy, the guy had guts... admirable. Whispered Joel to Leroy, "Good idea, if we can get it unstuck. But remember, Sarah said there was one of those nutjobs in there. Let me sneak up and take a peek."

He started to move forward, but paused to turn back to Leroy and said quietly, "Hey ... you know, I said some pretty crappy things back there. I hope you know, I'm just on the edge. Worried about my mom. Thanks for coming along."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:17 pm
by Laraqua
Tools can be heard thumping against wood and steel to the left of the duo as they pass the corridor that leads to the many operating theatres. A flash of the torch reveals a partially formed barricade that partially closes over the corridor and a set of construction covering the walls - much of it is steel or drawers. More sounds can be heard down there. The scrape of cloth. The rip of flesh. Low-sounding wails.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:41 pm
by paradys
ImpInTraining wrote: "Hey ... you know, I said some pretty crappy things back there. I hope you know, I'm just on the edge. Worried about my mom. Thanks for coming along."

Leroy just shrugs, as if to say don't worry about it.

He creeps past the corridor putting his finger to his lips. Lets be quiet and get the hell out of here, his look says, try and ignore those terrible noises.

what was it Carson said before attacking Sarah, something about needing more materials..?

If they pass a storage room he'll stop to look inside and pick up another saline drip. Once they reach the ambulance he shines the torch through the windscreen to make sure there isn't anything lurking in the drivers cabin before they approach.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:32 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel waved Leroy over and whispered in his ear, "You know, I took a look on the fifth floor, and the third floor ... they were building those blockades every floor. I think I could squeeze through on the fifth floor to take a look further in, but I didn't want to risk it. Not without a torch - and with that strange chittering noise in the background. Thought there might be rats. On the fourth floor, there was a puddle of blood, so I didn't bother opening the door. What do you think they're trying to hide? And why aren't they blockading the second floor?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:54 am
by Laraqua
The two reach the large empty square that was the 'reception area' for those entering Accident & Emergency. The ambulance is facing outside of the hospital, the back doors are broken and swing open. The ash is far thicker in here.

A woman, familiar to Leroy, in a short black skirt leans against the ambulance examining her nails with a flashlight in one hand. Before Leroy can speak, his throat seems somehow clogged, there is a cracking sound outside and she stands and disappears around the far side of the ambulance.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:31 am
by ImpInTraining
"See that?" Joel stated... "She's using a flashlight. She must be ok. I didn't see any of the deranged ones using a flashlight. But, then again... who in their right mind would be lounging here about a broken ambulance checking their fingernails?"

Joel exchanged a glance with Leroy, and then muttered, "Women." All the same, he made sure his scalpel was ready in his right hand in the event things had to get nasty.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:53 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel makes sure his mask is in place as he starts moving forward, sneaking very quietly to take a peek around to where the woman headed off to.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:40 am
by paradys
Leroy clears his throat as noiselessly as possible and slips his own mask into place.

Cynthia? he thinks.

He pauses for a moment in confusion, then overwhelmed by curiosity he turns off the torch and follows Joel. His feet crunch on broken glass.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:25 pm
by Piano man

A figure aproaches silently from behind leaving the shadows and stands quietly for a moment taking in the surroundings. In a whispered voice he speaks.

"Aproach her carefully. From here not even I can tell if she is one of them."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:33 pm
by paradys
"Yeah whatever, just stay away from us you nutjob," Leroy whispers angrily, then approaches Joel.

"What can you see?" he asks, keeping an eye on the stranger behind them.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:19 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel grimaced at the noise that Leroy made and held his breath a second to listen for the woman to return. When she didn't, he continued forth and snuck a peek around the ambulence.

He heard the familiar voice of the jedi-wannabe behind them and frowned. He didn't say anything because he didn't want to give up his position.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:24 pm
by Piano man

Tanar knows he is not liked or trusted, but prefers the element of suprise that the cloak gives him. Even the undead seem to rely on thier senses. He stands there silently watching for the woman. When will these people realize that I'm here to help. Even if they don't want it I'm staying. I won't let another person be infected if I can help it.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:48 pm
by Laraqua
The world outside is nearly black with swirling ash. A horn blares in the background, a long, dull sound as though something were wedged against it.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:04 pm
by paradys
Leroy looks inside the ambulance. If theres no one there he opens the door and gets inside.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:16 pm
by Piano man

Tanar moves himself to have a better view of the ambulance. He keeps his shotgun at the ready in case any super natural builders show themselves.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:44 pm
by Laraqua
The ambulance is empty.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:51 pm
by paradys
Once hes inside the drivers cabin Leroy looks in the back of the ambulance to see if theres anything ( or anyone ) there. Then he looks in the rear view mirrors to see if 'Cynthia' is anywhere outside, checks the fuel gauge and looks for keys in the ignition

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:12 am
by Laraqua
There's fuel in the ambulance and the keys are in the ignition. No one is in the back seat and he can't see far enough in front of him to determine if Cynthia is anywhere nearby.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:48 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel jumps in too, and makes his way to the back to make sure the back door is shut. "All right, let's get the smeg out of here."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:58 am
by paradys
"No sign of Cynthia?" says Leroy. He thinks for a moment. "She must have meant for us to get in the ambulance.." He stops realising that what he's saying might sound strange. "What do you reckon to that Tanar guy, do you think hes dangerous? To us I mean."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:44 pm
by Laraqua ... t%20Me.mp3

The ambulance creaks under their weight as Joel enters the passenger side. The door, closed gently, does not close properly at all and sticks there a moment. The ambulance feels like an ancient station wagon rather than a state-of-the-art emergency vehicle. The seats are dry but uncomfortable, somehow more solid and unyielding than most car seats.

The headlights shine in the ashen gloom, reaching the front left corner of a blue Ford whose own indicator light is shattered, the paint peeling from the steel. The ash thins for a moment, allowing a glimpse of a young woman standing just by the bonnet. She looks left, then right, then left again, as though searching for someone. Her eyes were hidden by her long, red fringe, her ash-littered hair pulled into a pony tail. Wet rust has run down her vest and long-sleeved shirt, down her knee-high skirt, to run in rivulets down her hands and legs. She rubs her right hand, sighs, shivers, hugging herself.


Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:53 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel digs through the compartments in the back to find something he can tie the back door shut with - like a rope used for a tourniquet. He wraps the rope around from one handle to the next, tying a sturdy knot in it. After that, he starts digging around looking for a flashlight, fresh water, a first aid kit, or anything else useful in the vehicle.

ooc: I tried to listen to the mp3 file. It seemed to play, but I got nothing. - nevermind. Got it to work with a different player. Eerie....

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:48 pm
by Piano man

Tanar eases up beside the drivers window all the while keeping his gun at the ready. He leans to the window and talks to Leroy in his real voice. A voice that he would recognise.

"I know I seem like a freak, but people have been pushing me around and threatening me. Ever since I put this cloak on people have left me alone." He lowers his hood and reveals himself to be Louie the janitor. Being and orderly Leroy would know Louie as a shy, nice guy who is always willing to please. "I've seen things.....terrible things. I don't want anyone else to get hurt. I'll leave if you want, but to be honest I'm just scared."

Louie's face looks haggard, like he's been through a lot. Streaks cover his face where he has been crying, and he looks like he's ready to give up.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:01 am
by Laraqua
There are plenty of first aid items but no fresh water. There is no flashlight in the ambulance.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 8:14 am
by paradys
Leroy tries to stop himself laughing incredulously as Louis reveals himself from under the cloak. He rolls down the window a fraction.

"Louis you son of a bitch! You really freaked us out, we thought you were a ghost or something from the bloody netherworld."

A thought strikes him.

"Blimey Louis, you just blew away Carson, weren't you friends? Whats all this stuff about the undead? And who's been pushing you around? We've all seen nasty things man, and I can't say that its going to get any better"

Some lingering suspicions about Louis mental state prevent him from rolling the window down further.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:59 pm
by Piano man

As Leroy questions Louis about Carson tears start to well up in his eyes again. He shrugs it off and replies, his voice shaking a little like he could cry at any moment.

"That....that wasn't Carson. It used to be Carson but he died, and something took over his body. He's not the first one I've run into today. I went back and checked and Carson was gone. If that was him you tell me how he got back up. I've seen stuff today. I was with a little girl and a childrens performer....we were running. We were running from some paramedic girl who was chasing us. She had blood coming from her nose and mouth. She wasn't human. We took refuge a room, and when we went in there we discovered we weren't the only ones. Ronald got real angry and started yelling at them asking why they weren't helping people. They were just scared too. They helped me with this." Louie shows Leroy the wounds on his arms from where the wires grabbed him while he was trying to save the children. "Ronald got Brianna, the little girl, scared and upset. She didn't know what she was doing....she didn't mean to kill her." Louie is openly crying now tears streaming down his face. "There was a shotgun.....Brianna grabbed it. She killed her.....she killed Dr. Sutcliffe. There was nothing I could do. If Ronald hadn't had her so scared." Louie trails off as if reliving the moment again. "I knocked out Ronald and the rest of them took him and Brianna some where. They promised not to hurt them. Poor Brianna is so scared." Louie looks down at his robe and back up at Leroy. He wipes his nose with the sleeve of the cloak and continues. " I found this cloak. It's made of wool and is warm. It seemed that the undead didn't notice me when I wore it. It helped me be not so scared. I'm sorry I didn't show you my face earlier. I was just don't know who to trust."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:41 pm
by paradys
"Hey its alright, calm down," says Leroy, trying to take in all the new information. "I didn't mean to have a go at you, its just been hard to figure out whats going on since..well, since the apocalypse landed. We've been chased by that paramedic girl ourselves..or someone like her, but the way we figured it, some infection she'd picked up from the water made her crazy. Thats what happened to Carson, he drank some of it or got in his eye, started bleeding and went all vacant on us. The next time we saw him, well you were there...add to all that we're seeing ghosts." He nods in the direction of the woman outdoors. "See her? Thats Cynthia. Old friend of mine, except she keeps appearing and disappearing. She might be here to help, but well, who can say? You want to hop in the ambulance, I'm going to drive up and have a word. Theres room on the passenger side if Joel squeezes up. That alright with you Joel?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:57 pm
by Laraqua
Cynthia glances up and around as though she had heard her name.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:45 pm
by Piano man

Louie looks over at Cynthia and back to Leroy.
"Why do you think she is a ghost. Is she supposed to be dead. She could just be lost. If she needs help we should help her, but we need to be careful."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:07 pm
by paradys
OOC: I think the headlights are already on according to Laraqua

"Trust me" says Leroy. "I met up with her earlier upstairs and it was..very weird, and I don't plan on being anything but careful, thats why we're staying in the ambulance."

As an experiment he tries beeping the horn, to see what reaction it gets.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:13 pm
by Piano man

Louie jumps when Leroy beeps the horn.
"Warn me when you do that. I'm jumpy enough as it is. What exactly happened up stairs?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:21 pm
by paradys
"Hard to explain" mumbles Leroy. " I came out of the room we'd been hiding in and there were ghostly figures everywhere, but Cynthia was the only person I could make out clearly. She went downstairs and I followed was dark.. and the figures started pressing against me. Where Cynthia was standing there was torchlight so i ran towards her, grabbed the torch and turned around. The whole place was empty.."

He peer out through the windscreen, to see if Cynthia reacts to the sound of the horn.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:15 pm
by Piano man

At hearing Leroy's storey Louie shudders and takes a small step backwards.

"I think that I would like to join you in there after all. Let me in the back and I'll come up through the middle."

Louie turns and quickly makes his way to the back doors and tries to enter the ambulance.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 8:33 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel, already in the back, said "No, if you must come... just get in the passenger seat. I'll ride back here. Back doors are tied shut. Keep that bloody shotgun away from me though."

Joel starts calling out the inventory in the back so that Leroy knows what they have. "We have bandages, adhesive tape, rubber gloves, surgical masks, anti-bacterial ointment, burn cream, one of those blood-pressure arm thingies, rubber tubing, syringes, some various medicine - probably nitro to kickstart the heart and pain relievers. No flashlight, no water. I wonder if I can find a tire iron?" He starts lifting hatches in the floor where one might store a spare tire.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 8:45 pm
by Piano man

Louie nods and makes his way around the back of the ambulance to the passenger door, and gets in.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 8:58 pm
by paradys
"Is everybody ready? Then lets go for a little drive."

Leroy puts the ambulance into gear and drives it slowly forward to where the woman leans against the car. He lets it roll to a stop beside her, keeping his feet on the clutch and gas.

"Cynthia?" he asks.

ooc: maybe i should have waited to find out what happened when i sounded the horn before i posted this? oh well, we can always go back and edit.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:52 am
by Laraqua
Cynthia looks over at the ambulance, straightening when the horn blows and cocks her ear to one side as though listening for something. She looks in the other direction, mouthing something, but her lips are too obscured by her hair for Leroy to make anything out. As the ambulance roars to life and moves forward, she frowns, her eyes unfocused as it approaches. She starts to raise her hand as though to reach out, hesitates, then her shoulders slump and she turns away.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:55 am
by paradys
"Cynthia!" shout Leroy through he gap in the window."Is that you? Its me Leroy. Are you alright?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:57 am
by Laraqua
She hesitates again and draws her hand across her eyes as though she has just started crying.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:06 am
by paradys
Leory sits there for a moment biting his lip, then puts on the handbrake, slips his mask back on and reaches for the door release. Unless anyone says something or tries to stop him he steps outside.

and he takes the axe, you betcha.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:53 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel says from the back, "Ooooh, I don't like this buddy boy.... not one bit. If this was a friend of yours, she'd have come to you when you honked or called her name. No, she's lazing around in this deadly dust storm like it's a summer breeze. I think you should skip her."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:08 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel shivers in the cold and notices that the back of the ambulence has silver blankets. He remembered these were the sort of blankets that the astronauts used, having heard that on a PBS special. He grabbed one up and wrapped it around himself, then noticed that the back of the ambulence was equipped with a heater that the ambulence crew would crank up when they had a hypothermia patient in the back, or if they were just cold. Smiling, he turned on the heat and put it up to maximum.

ooc: Taking some liberties here. My wife volunteered as an ambulence driver, and I asked her what might be in the back of the ambulence for cold victims.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:53 pm
by paradys
Leroy hears Joel and realises that hes talking sense but.. he has to know. He steps out of the ambulance and moves forward a couple of paces.

"Hey Cynthia, its alright, its Leroy. Why don't you show me your face huh, so I know who I'm talking to."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:20 pm
by Laraqua
Cynthia whirls and fumbles around in her handbag. She withdraws a black marker and hurries back toward the hospital, her right arm passing through Leroy. She appears intent on doing something.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:42 pm
by paradys
Leroy shivers as her arm passes through him, but what suprises him most is how unsuprised he is.

She seems lost and confused, he thinks, just like us. I know, just know, she wants something from me but what is it, what is it she's trying to tell me?

He looks at the horizon where Cynthia was staring before, then examines the car, and finally watches her walk towards the hospital. He feels desperate to follow her but knows he has to help Joel get to the gift shop as well. He carries on watching Cynthia to see what she does.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:56 am
by ImpInTraining
With the silver blankets gone, Joel finds a whole stack of other blankets and puts a thick wool blanket to use, wrapping it around himself.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:12 am
by Laraqua
Cynthia steps inside the hospital and moves to the wall. He can't be sure as it's very dark and the ash obscures his vision, but she appears to be writing something. The air is very thick. Even with his sleeve pressed against his nose and mouth, he feels like choking (OC. you never said it was against your nose and mouth but I'm assuming you wouldn't wanna swallow people ash).

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:49 am
by paradys
ooc: Mr Handys right, I did post that Leroy was wearing his surgical mask, though he might have had to lift it up to talk to people. How far are we now from the hospital? If we're fairly near, Leroy will go back to the ambulance, tell everyone to stay put and not to panic and go after Cynthia to see what she's writing.

I suppose leroy himself doesn't know what the ash is, that would probably er upset him. Still i imagine he's getting covered with the stuff, poor sod.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:29 am
by Laraqua
OC: You didn't get very far. Most of the cars in the car park didn't get very far, either and they're packed in pretty tight. Also, Leroy probably does know ... he saw the people get turned INTO ash, stripped bare.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:20 am
by ImpInTraining
"Hey ... um... Obi Wan... there's a lot of useful stuff back here, let me know if you want any of it." Joel starts rambling off the inventory in the ambulance again:
  • at least 4 different types of backboards,
  • neck braces,
  • splints,
  • traction devices,
  • heart monitors,
  • drug box (probably 100 different types of medicine),
  • oxygen tank,
  • cannulas that go with the oxygen tank,
  • IV setups,
  • IVs,
  • saline,
  • 2 or 3 of the silver blankets that look like tin foil,
  • about 8 other blankets,
  • a whole stack of sheets,
  • a whole stack of towels,
  • a whole stack of wash cloths,
  • sanitizer,
  • gloves,
  • 4 or 5 quarts of sterile water,
  • eye cups,
  • 1 box each size of rubber gloves (small/medium/large),
  • 2-3 regular flashlights,
  • 2 pen flashlights (for checking pupil response),
  • O2 Meters,
  • stethoscopes,
  • Blood pressure monitors,
  • tool box full of tools of all different types,
  • rock salt,
  • stretcher,
  • clipboards,
  • papers,
  • book on drugs,
  • spit and puke bins,
  • alcohol,
  • bandaids,
  • betadine,
  • maternity delivery kit,
  • defibrillator,
  • male and female pee pots,
  • small shovel,
  • rope,
  • spider straps (for restraining to the stretcher / backboard),
  • head chucks,
  • pillows,
  • hard hats,
  • caution tape (the yellow 'catch your eye' kind),
  • glucose monitor,
  • cotton balls,
  • gauze,
  • ace bandages (elastic kind),
  • heating packs (pop and go),
  • cold packs (pop and go),
  • flares for road accidents,
  • charcoal,
  • syrup of ipecac,
  • scissors,
  • hazardous waste bin,
  • two-way radios,
  • regular radios,
  • 1 box of face masks to prevent contagion
  • a cell phone.
ooc: Laraqua, feel free to correct me in this. You said it was all there, wasn't sure if I should take off the two silver blankets, one box of masks and one box of rubber gloves.

Joel helps himself to one of the flashlights, and keeps flares, the heat packs, blankets, and two-way radios handy. He checks the cell phone for reception.

ooc: only edited to correct a dozen spelling errors. :(

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:28 pm
by paradys
Leroy pokes his head back into the ambulance.

"Hey Joel, you need to mind the fort here for two minutes. I have to go speak to Cynthia..its hard to explain, but I think she's got something important to say. I'll tell you more when I get back."

With that he disappears and runs back into the hospital, trying to ignore the subconcious feeling of disgust he feels as the ash brushes his skin, and also ignore the fact that he's starting to shake with cold. Once inside, he shines the torch around the lobby then points it in Cynthias direction.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:44 pm
by ImpInTraining
When Leroy tucks his head into the ambulance, Joel shoves a two-way radio to him, and says "Here... use this to keep in touch. Don't turn it up too loud. Use channel 1." He hands the other over to Louie. As Leroy starts heading back to the hospital, Joel whispers, "Good luck."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:31 am
by Laraqua
Cynthia writes on the wall with the black marker.

if you get this
meet me
I'm going home.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:31 am
by paradys
When Leroy gets back in the ambulance he is deep thought. The two way radio he has put into whatever spare pocket he has. He closes the door and sits there for a while. After a while he notices he is still shaking.

"Say Joel pass me one of those blankets."

He wraps it around himself but figures this will make it awkward to drive, so he borrows Joels knife and cuts a hole in the middle, making a kind of poncho.

"Clint Eastwood" he grins. "Pretty cool huh? So...first we drive over to the gift shop, see who's there. After that..I got a message from Cynthia, said she wants to meet me back home, on the old estate. Thats my plan, but if you want I'll take you back upstairs to the others first. I don't think..well, my guess is this thing with Cynthia is going to be pretty weird, seeing as she's getting in touch with us from the spirit plane...I don't expect you to believe that of course..but right now its the only way I have to explain things.." He trails off.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:29 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel says, "Ain't no way I'm going back up in that hospital. I'll take my chances back at your estate... unless mum has somewhere better to go." He shook his head and said, "I can't believe they're actually going to try to fly a helicopter in this mess. Those poor children."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:11 am
by Laraqua
The sound of the helicopter's spinning rotors reach their ears from the rooftop.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:41 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel says from the back, "We should get moving. I don't want to be near the impact site when that thing comes down."

ooc: Any word on the cell reception of the phone found in the ambulance?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:17 pm
by paradys
Leroy looks up and tries to make out the helicopter. The thought of it plummeting to the ground full of children makes him feel sick, but all that now seems out of their hands. He puts the ambulance into gear and tries to get his bearings. Secretly hes glad that Joel has decided to stick with him and guesses that Louis too is along for the ride. He manoveurs the ambulance as fast as seems safe through the carpark.

"Just a small word of warning," he says, trying not to look at Joel. "I don't know what we're going to find in the gift shop. Probably everythings okay, but you should be prepared for..for bad news." He coughs, and is about to mention that he still has his mobile on him, but the idea of announcing their arrival makes him nervous, so he decides not to mention it. "If we find your mothers phone..I mean if she has it on her" - cough - "we can get Sarahs number off it, let everyone know where we're going."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:59 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel doesn't respond. He stares out into the ash-blown world through the windows of the ambulance wishing beyond hope that his mother is ok.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:28 pm
by Laraqua
"Yeah, let's find your mother," says Louie, frowning.

The ambulance inches forward but has to nudge its way passed several vehicles as it moves toward the right of the hospital. The congestion here is pretty bad. It is possible the ambulance will become stuck if it is forced to go too far.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:16 pm
by paradys
ooc: is the ambulance just having trouble getting to the gift shop or is it going to be unable to get out of the car park altogether?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:12 am
by paradys
"The streets are going to be jammed like this all over London" says Leroy.

He starts to realise that the ambulance isn't going to make it very far. Bearing that it mind he considers using it ram their way through the congested vehichles as far as the gift shop. Hes not bothered about trashing the ambulance but doesn't like the idea of getting stuck and making a lot of noise while they're at it. The alternative is to make it to the gift shop on foot, as quickly as they can through the packed cars, then later look for something bigger they can use to get through traffic. Something articulated. He starts to scan the car park.

"What do you two think? Want to make a break for it? The gift shops about two minutes away."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:14 pm
by ImpInTraining
A look of concern crosses Joel's face. "Plenty of places to hide out there," he says looking out at the jam-packed cars. "If we're leaving the ambulance, we should take what we need while we're here. We could use some of the blankets, load them up with stuff, and carry them over our shoulders like a bag. And I've got this rope around my waist. We could tie off to each other so no one gets lost."

Joel opens a soda from his pillow case and starts to drink it. He's got to keep hydrating without that IV in his arm. "Anyone fancy a drink before the big, mad dash?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:40 pm
by paradys
"yeah, we'll have to move as quick as we can without running. I'll take a drink, cheers." Leroy suddenly realises how hungry he is. I hope the gift shop has snacks, he thinks. "I don't like the idea of being tied together though, that could end in disaster. I say we do single file. I'll go ahead with the torch and fireaxe, and louis can watch our backs with the shotgun. And on the way we'll keep our eyes open for a truck."

ooc: i don't know how much more Leroy can carry, he already has both hands and his pockets full!

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:43 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Obi-Wa... er, Leroy, do you need a flashlight? There are a few back here," Joel says checking each of them to make sure they work.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:51 pm
by paradys
"Okay Joel, it sounds like you should be in charge of supplies."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:25 am
by Laraqua
"Supply us up," says Louie.

Each person in the ambulance only has two hands to hold things. Louie should probably need two hands on the heavy shotgun to keep it steady. Pockets don't carry very much either.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:21 am
by paradys
Ok, so Leroys definitely carrying as much as he can at the moment. Sounds like Joel should go with his idea of filling up a blanket. Perhaps the shop has rucksacks or bags with shoulder straps?

looking through imps list i vote for trying to take - the drug and tool boxes, flares, heating packs, band aids and bandages, the batteries from the other flashlights, pen flashlights and flares. leroy has one of the two way radios on him already.

if the tool and drug boxes are light enough i reckon we can sling all this in a blanket for now and fill up a rucksack later. we should wait for laraqua to okay it though.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:25 am
by Laraqua
Sounds fine. You just need to have some hands free to carry it. Two hands should be enough to carry it but it'll be damn heavy. The toolbox would be one of those heavy 1.5ft x .75ft or something and a few kilograms. That way they'd have all the basics covered. There was a wheelchair knocked on its side not far inside the Accident & Emergency rooms. The rest of it is easy enough. To take ALL of them, you'd need a large backpack. To take only a few, you could use your pockets and the like. The flares, though, would all be too unwieldy to carry in someone's hands, though a few could be put in someone's armpit.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:33 am
by paradys
could louis carry the toolbox then put it down if he needs to use the shotgun? all the rest of it then i reckon joel could carry in a blanket ( making some assumptions here imp but you can correct me if i'm wrong ). or leroy could fashion some kind of belt to slip the axe into. be nice to have it ready though.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:12 am
by ImpInTraining
Regarding the drug box ... it's not so much something you can carry as it is a locked up cupboard within the ambulance. We could probably break into it and take the drugs... but really, what's the point of carrying a hundred bottles of assorted drugs when you have no training on any of it?

I'm going to look over my list and paradys suggestions and come up with something here momentarily. I still need to know the answer about the surgical masks, the gloves (size-medium), and the two silver blankets that Harvey said were already taken. Never did find out if the cell phone was working. If it was I'd have tried to get word to my mum that we were on our way ... just so they didn't shoot us by accident as we came in.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:27 am
by Laraqua
I answered the former in a PM: yes: not sure if you got it. The mobile rings out.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:37 am
by ImpInTraining
Ok, here it goes:

On the stretcher: 1 bag rock salt (50 lbs), Tool box, oxygen tank & cannulas, 5 quarts of sterile water, regular radio, four road flares, rope, all wrapped in a wool blanket and tied down with the spider straps. We let Louie push this stretcher, and lay his shotgun on top of the load. So if something nasty comes, he stops pushing and grabs up his shotgun. So long as we don't have to go up or down steps, this can be a one-man operation. But it will probably be easy enough for two men to carry all of this (if the second man puts the bag he's carrying on top of the stretcher).

In one wool blanket (carried by Leroy): saline, sanitizer, alcohol, 3 heating packs, 3 cold packs, syrup of ipecac, 4 cans of soda.

In the second wool blanket (carried by Joel): Spare batteries, stethoscope, the three boxes of rubber gloves (small/medium/large), bandaids, gauze, ace bandages, 1 box of face masks to prevent contagion, cell phone.

Joel is going to wear the pair of gloves to keep his hands warm, and put on one of the hard hats... in the event a helicopter comes crashing down. He'll carry a flashlight in his free hand. He's also going to make one of those makeshift ponchos out of the blanket he's currently using like Leroy did, and tie around his waist with the nylon cord he took from inside the hostpital.

Louis has one of the 2 two-way radios, and 2 pen lights to fit in his pockets.

Leroy has one of the 2 two-way radios, and a regular flashlight.

How's that look?

Oh, sorry Laraqua... I didn't see that PM for some reason. Thanks.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:50 am
by Laraqua
No need to apologise. 8) It happens.

Louie is fine with that arrangement. It all seems to be in order. And are those the sodas you nicked or do ambulances carry soda? :shock:

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:53 am
by paradys
that seems like way too much stuff to me, bearing in mind -

leroy has no hands free

does louis want his way blocked by a stretcher if it hits the fan?

are we gonna use it all? i'd rather be light and fairly mobile

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:34 pm
by ImpInTraining
Yes, the sodas are from the hospital. Just transferring them over.

Why doesn't Leroy have a free hand? How did he plan on carrying a blanket as a bag without a free hand? We could use the 30m of nylon cord I have tie off the ends of the blankets to keep them from falling open when we need to drop them.

Honestly, I don't think it's too much in sense of weight. I know Joel's pack couldn't weigh more than 15-20 pounds (6.8-9.1 kg), and the other pack might weight 30-35 pounds (13.6-15.9 kg) at most. The heavy thing is the stretcher, but it's got wheels. It probably weighs around 150-200 pounds (68-90.7 kg) all together.

I can see a use for any of the stuff we brought, depending on what we encounter. But if you'd rather take over being in charge of supplies, feel free.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:39 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel tries the cell phone again, trying to get to his mum to see if she'll answer. Then he also thinks to put it on vibrate.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:12 pm
by paradys
sorry if my posts were confusing, i'll try and clarify. Leroy wants to keep both hands free so he can carry the torch and axe if possible. i'd rather have the axe ready than have to untangle it from under a poncho if something rushes us. i couldn't remember what joel was carrying but seeing as he seemed to have most hands free i thought he could use his blanket idea and take as much stuff as he was happy with from the ambulance. putting stuff on the stretcher too is a good idea, i was just thinking of Louis having to run with it through all the parked cars in an emergency, but seeing as laraquas okayed that lets go ahead.

for the record - leroy will carry the torch and the axe by hand. in his pockets he'll put the twoway radio, spare batteries for the torch, some bandages and whatever painkillers and basics meds he can find in the drugs locker. he may need to make a pharmacy roll in order to identify them, i don't know.

he would consider making a belt for the axe if no one else was able to carry the toolbox, as they might need this to repair any vehichle they find, otherwise he'll stick with the above.

on the plus side - we're both going to look frickin cool in ponchos.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:47 pm
by ImpInTraining
What if we tie the blanket ends, leaving a hole to stick the axe handle through, then you can carry the bag at the end of your axe. If trouble comes, grab the axe by the head, dump the bag, and you're ready to rock and roll.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:22 am
by Piano man

Louie raises his hood back up.

"If we're going out there. I'm going to want my hands free. If you got a back pack back there I'll were it. This gun maybe the only thing to keep us alive."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:31 am
by ImpInTraining
"What, so you're not going to push the stretcher? Geez. You know what?" Joel says frustrated. "You guys figure out what you want... and I'll figure out what I want. Take what you want but don't go asking me to arrange for to be in charge of something, then tell me 'to hell with your ideas, boyo.'"

Joel started reorganizing the blanket he was packing for just items he was interested in. He packed:

stethoscope, box of face masks, box of rubber gloves (size medium), 4 road flares, 4 cans of soda, 2 quarts of water, 1 heating pack, syrup of ipecac, rope, cell phone.

He wore one hard hat, the pair of gloves to keep his hands warm, and carry a flashlight in his free hand. And of course, he has the make-shift poncho from the one blanket he was using.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:20 pm
by Piano man

Louie puts up is hands as if to stop Joel's barrage.

"Whoa Whoa, listen Joel. I didn't mean you had a bad idea. I just think that it makes more sense for Leroy to push and I guard us, because I have a shotgun. That's better protection I think. I thought I saw something flying outside earlier. I'm hoping to have a better chance of stopping it."

occ. I've been away so if you guys don't like Louie's idea He'll push the stretcher.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:46 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Something fly outside? More of these monster stories," Joel said. "What was it, Rodan? Mothera? Maybe a UFO from planet Your Anus. You guys need some serious psychological help." He hefted up his bag and looked to the men, saying "If there is anything flying out there, it's not seeing farther than a few feet... so just stay quiet as we move, and we'll be fine."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:00 am
by paradys
Tired of the squabbling Leroy leaves the ambulance and sets off for the gift shop.

"If anyone wants to follow me, thats fine," he says.

In the meantime hes smashed open the drug box with the axe and managed to reconise some useful medicines that he takes with him.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:06 pm
by ImpInTraining
Joel follows, hefting his make-shift bag over his shoulder.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:44 pm
by Piano man
Louie readies his shot gun and follows the other two closely.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:24 am
by Laraqua
The darkness is so thick with ash that the harsh light of the torch struggles to light things a dozen feet away. Cars with crumpled bonnets press against the dented boots of other cars. One ute had its passenger side door crumpled by a 4WD that had rammed it up onto a strip of lawn. There is a faraway monotonous sound of a horn persistently bleating, as though some heavy weight still lay upon it. The hospital walls shown aged brick - the plaster and paint having fluttered to the ground as some powerful force had peeled it.

Something skitters behind them.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:36 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Behind the hospital walls? Or behind us?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:39 am
by Laraqua
Behind ... you...

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:04 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel puts his hand on Leroy's shoulder and says, "You hear that? Might be rats." He turns around to shine his light toward where the skittering seems to be coming from.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:46 am
by Piano man

Louie turns at the sound using the Light on the shotgun to shine the area.

"I don't think those are rats, but you're not going to believe that because we're crazy. Look around if everyone but you sees this stuff than who's wrong. Don't let your guard down."

Louie continues to scan the area not willing to be caught off guard.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:44 am
by paradys
"If someone shouts run, we should be ready to run for, just in case" says Leroy trying not to sound nervous.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:29 am
by Laraqua
The skittering sounds in the opposite direction now. Was that movement behind the left front wheel of the brown station wagon?

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:33 am
by ImpInTraining
"Could just be some trash being blown around. Let's get outta here before our imaginations get the best of us," Joel says impatiently.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:40 pm
by Piano man

Louie looks around nervously. He knows that whatever is out there is quickly surrounding them. He shines his light all over trying to catch a glimps of what it might be.

"Uhmm......guys. I don't think that is trash. Something tells me that we should go back inside. We should'nt be wandering around out here. I might know where some more guns are inside. There is a room that is not to far from here. If we are going to try this we should be better armed."

Thinking he hears a noise to the right of him Louie snaps around pointing his gun so that his light shines.

"Ok I've had enough of this. I didn't come out here to die. I'm going back inside. Are you guys coming? I don't want to leave you, but I'm not going out there. I've seen enough to know we are being surrounded."

Not waiting for them to answer Louie slowly starts making his way back inside the hospital.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:19 am
by ImpInTraining
"See..." Joel says to Leroy, "See what mass-hysteria gets you? You start fearing shadows and jumping at noises. Which way to the gift shop?"

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:37 am
by paradys
"Straight ahead" says Leroy as he carries on making his way through the cars.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:04 pm
by Piano man

Louie yells out as he aproaches the hospital.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:59 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Yeah, because the hospital is just SUCH a save place to be," Joel called back to Louie. "If you head down to the basement, give us a call and let us know what's going on down there."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:55 am
by Laraqua
Movement sounds on top of the flat bed of the ute they are passing. The tarpauline shudders as lumps press up against it from beneath. Scaffolding and support structures are revealed from where the cafe is under construction - the structure bulges out from the side of the hospital.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:43 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel urges Leroy to move faster, threatening to pass him by. He may not think there are monsters about, but he knows there are deranged lunatics loose.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:03 pm
by paradys
Don't worry, Leroy is quickening his pace as we speak. He keeps shining the torch around.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:08 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel hums lowly to himself to calm his nerves and tries not to let his eyes wander too far off what is directly in front. He wants to get into the gift shop as soon as possible, and all these distractions are just slowing them down.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:48 am
by paradys
Despite shining the torch around, Leroy doesn't see or hear anything.

ooc: oh shit!

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:32 am
by Laraqua
Joel and Leroy move onward through the cold, ash-swept streets. The ash seems to have cleared somewhat, allowing a view into the depths of the rusted iron carcasses of the other vehicles and the shadowy recesses of the half-built structures.

The glass windows of the cafe become visible but they are smeared with some sort of brownish-red substance that makes it impossible to view within. The metal window frames are thick with an orangey-brown rust that blooms like pus from a leaking wound. The wooden doors, peeled and cracked, are partly opened. Inside is the dark gloom.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:41 pm
by paradys
Leroy walks slowly over to the doors, nudges one of them open and shines his torch inside.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:14 pm
by Laraqua
The blast of a gun can be heard several dozen yards away in the direction of the hospital doors.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:05 pm
by ImpInTraining
Looking to Leroy, Joel says, "The chemical reaction of this ash stuff on the cars and buildings is amazing. It can't be healthy for us. Probably end up developing skin cancer and respritory disease."

As they approach the building, Joel asks, "Is this the gift shop? Is this where my mum is?" His attention is suddenly taken by the sound of the shotgun in the distance. "Another one bites the dust, eh Obi-Wan?" He looks toward the hospital but can't make anything out at that distance.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:26 pm
by paradys
ooc: i think the gift shop is attached to the cafe? What did Leroy see when he shone the torch inside?

Leroy brushes some of the ash from his hair and grimaces.

"I feel like i could shower for a month and never get clean." He looks anxiously in the direction of the gunshot. "I guess Louis got himself in trouble - or finally went radio rental."

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:38 pm
by Laraqua
The light flashes through the gap between the two doors on the pitted and scarred ruins of the linoleum and the counter beyond. Chairs have been knocked aside, some have broken. A table lies on its side, a mess of food splattered on the floor just above it. There is most of that rust-coloured fluid on the floor, but it seems thicker somehow. The gift shop is to the left on the inside of the cafe. The rest of the structures were to be an extention to the kitchens/eating areas.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:24 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel reminded, "You know, you to still have that two-way radio. You can ask him if he's alright." He peeked through the door and shined his own light in. "Nasty... is that blood pooled up on the floor?" He shined around some more and said, "You know what I noticed? No bodies... still, no bodies."

He pushed past Leroy and entered the cafeteria, heading toward the gift shop. He wanted to call out for his mother, but the thought of giving away their location to whatever crazies were out there kept him silent.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:47 am
by Laraqua
Joel's feet clatter on the raw tiles that are barely covered by the pitted linoleum. He breaks a plastic coffee cup underfoot and notices the gore-streaked counter looming large before him. He turns toward the gift shop, his flashlight shining across the nooks and crannies of the shelving. Everything was in an advanced state of decay.

There was another part of the gift shop that he could not see from this point. He would have to move between the partition that blocks half of the gift shop from the cafe.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:00 am
by ImpInTraining
The boy's heart is beating so loud he can feel it in his throat. What did he expect to find in there? He felt his mother survived the initial blast of the storm, but where would she have hidden to be safe? He wasn't sure. He didn't expect to find her in the gift shop, come to think of it... and wished she had talked to him more on text via the cell phone. Then, Joel's eyes lit up. He fished out the cell phone he took from the ambulence and turned it on, then plugged in his mother's phone number and mashed the dial button. Instead of putting the phone up to his ear, he put his ear to the winds ... trying to hear the phone ring somewhere within this building.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:13 am
by Laraqua
A mobile phone sounds from around the partition in the gift shop.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:23 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel has a shortness of breath, and his throat starts to hurt again, probably from the hyperventillation drying out his throat. He looked to Leroy and motioned with his head toward the partition.

The boy lifted the phone to his ear as he slowly and as quietly as possible moved toward the partition to peek around it.

Re: Joel, Leroy and Nurse Sarah

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:07 pm
by paradys
Leroy grimaces as he stares around the gore strewn room. He couldn't help but feel that something terrible had happened.

"Be careful not to step in any of the fluid" he whispers.

When the phone rings he comes to with a jolt and moves towards the partition, standing on the opposite side from Joel.

Of course, it occurs to him, we have no real way of knowing who sent us those text messages..

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:44 am
by Laraqua
Joel's mother steps out in front of him. Her eyes widen at the sight of him and she smiles a little, her face beautific.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:51 am
by ImpInTraining
"Mum? Is it you? Is it really you?" Joel asks as he shuts the cell phone and tucks it in his pocket. "I've been so worried..." He takes a step forward. Although he wants to run into her arms, he has the nagging doubt that perhaps she might have been infected. One step suffices for now ... he waits to see her reaction... waits to hear her speak...

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:53 am
by paradys
Leroy puts his hand cautiously on Joels shoulder.

"Theres something behind her," he says "she seems to be..attached to something."

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:09 am
by Laraqua
A low hiss sounds from behind the partition and a pig-like snuffle. Black, greasy cords, bulging and pulsing, have entered Joel's mother's back and hold her a few inches from the ground, the points of her toes swaying a little as they brush the linoleum. A black, thick ooze seeps down from the corners of his mother's mouth and the whites of her eyes bruise before their very eyes.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:39 am
by ImpInTraining
ooc: Ok... I'm thinking another Sanity Check would really be appropriate at this point.

Sanity(65) (1d100=86)

And a FAILURE!!! Let me know how much Sanity I should be losing for this abomination to everything I held dear.

If it applies... here's my Idea roll.

Idea Roll(75) (1d100=18)

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:39 pm
by ImpInTraining
"Oh Smeg!" Muttered Joel as he gawked at his mother. His jaw dropped in shock.

ooc: more to come soon as I know the result of my sanity loss.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:36 am
by ImpInTraining
"It's got hold of her!" Joel exclaimed as he dropped his make-shift bag and ran to the aid of his mother. "Let go of my MUM!" The boy reached out to grab his mother and yank her free from whatever had hold of her from behind to rescue her and take her to safety.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:47 am
by Laraqua
Blades, pipes, wires, black pulsating, white tipped, clawed, erupt from his mother as he reaches forward to grab her. They dart forward, forward momentum carrying them too fast to dodge, and bursting through Joel, puncturing a lung, breaking ribs, tearing through his side and erupting through his belly. Slowly, the pulsating pipes' movement pushes Joel further along the lines toward his mother, while the clawed ends whip about in search of Leroy.

OOC: Despite the grotesquerie, its a clean stomach wound which will take hours to kill you if you leave it untreated. Joel has 7 hit points left and we'll say adrenaline and madness are what causes him to have no penalty to his actions - though be sure to play up the injury.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:24 am
by ImpInTraining
"Ugh!" Joel complains as his belly is injured, as the metallic pipes find their way through him. As painful as it should have been, he didn't seem to pay it any mind. He was more preoccupied with reuniting with his mother and saving her from the madness of the world around them. "MUM!" he cried out... "Leroy, Help me save my MUM!" He reached for his mother, longing to save her from her predicament. "It's ok! We'll get you out of here, Mum!"

ooc: Reread and realized I'm hung up on something... had to correct my post accordingly.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:21 am
by paradys
"son of a..."

ever since he saw the cords emerging from Joels mothers back, Leroys whole nervous system has been screaming at him to run.


instead he charges forward and attempts to sever the pipes connecting Joel to his mother, dodging the claw ended whip as he runs. if he had time it might have occured to him there was some kind of mad umbilical symbolism going on here. but he doesn't..

ooc: let me know what rolls i need to make. hopefully my '9' is still good.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:37 am
by Laraqua
The axe cleaves through the cords before Joel can be dragged any closer, releasing a shower of pus and black bile. Something behind the partition screeches and recoils. Joel's mother begins to slump. "Observa..." she murmurs, her eyes rolling back.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:21 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel, now released from the pulling sensation, continues moving closer to his mother, the two connected as if by metallic umbilical cord, to help drag her to safety. "It's OK... we're going to be just fine! You'll see."

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:50 am
by paradys
Leroy has no doubt that Joels mother is a goner but figures that he can get them both out of here quicker by helping to drag her to safety than convincing Joel to leave her. He picks up one end of the soggy mess and looks round tying to find somewhere safe to run to.

ooc: laraqua, only just read your pm, i'll make a dodge roll now if thats appropriate. shall we say the nasty whip things are still trying to get him? if so: its a fail - he takes 5 hp damage.

the squealing noise came from behind the partition - where we just came from?

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:35 am
by Laraqua
The partition has yet to be crossed. Joel's mother had stepped around it - the two still living never moved around the partition The whipping pipes hit Leroy hard, tearing through flesh and bone and causing him to dizzily regard his surroundings moments before the true pain hits.

"Tory," says Joel's mother weakly.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:17 am
by paradys
ooc: bearing that in mind i'm going to amend my last post slightly

the pain seems to make Leroy more angry than scared, or perhaps hes just to dizzy to think clearly. anyway, the sound behind the partition is enough to tell him hes hurt something.

i'm sick of this nightmare, he thinks, its time to deal with things

Steaming mad, he brushes aside the partition and steps through with the axe.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:58 am
by ImpInTraining
"Story?" Joel said to his mother innocently. "Of course I'll tell you a story," he told her as he continued pulling her toward safety. "Any story you want to hear. There'll be plenty of time to tell stories once we're out of here and back home, Mum. And I know a lot of them. I'll tell you the one about the Jedi in the Hospital. That's a good one."

The blood is soaking up Joel's shirt, and starting to discolor the blanket he fashioned into a poncho... but he seems oblivious to the pain and blood. His eyes are dialated and wide open, and he has a smile on his face... but not from being happy, more like a sad, lost, little smile that one gets when he gives up the ghost.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:53 am
by Laraqua
She clutches at his collar and pulls herself up nearer to him, blood bubbling at her lips. "Observa..." she whimpers.

A droplet of water falls upon Leroy's shoulder and he smells the strong scent of gas erupting from the hissing umbilical pipes as he pulls back the partition. The back wall is a mess of a store assistant, attached to the wall by blood, gore and bone, her flesh peeled back, her organs assimilated into the very fibre of the concrete. Her hair coils like wires. The space surrounding her is scorched with symbols of murderous intent (roll sanity - 1d6+1/1d12+1).

The pipes which erupt from the floor beneath her feet whip around and reach for Leroy - he feels himself tense up, ready to dodge or have his flesh rended (risk 1d6 damage).

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:57 am
by ImpInTraining
"What's that mom? A story about an observation? No..." Joel said with that lost little smile, "I don't do documentaries. But you'll like the one about the Jedi in the Hospital. Let's sit down and I'll tell you all about it."

The boy helped his mother to sit down next to the wall, oblivious to the life-and-death situation that Leroy was going through just a few meters away.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:47 pm
by paradys
Leroys dice rolls

thats a loss of 4 sanity points and 5 hp. i don't think thats good.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:12 am
by Laraqua
"...tory." She reaches out and presses her fingers gently against his eye lids, forcing them closed. "I love you... Watch the sky..." She breathes, her exhalation made with a terrible finality.

Leroy is shocked by the agony of the woman, causing him to react to slowly to the whipping things that shred the meat from his legs and arms. The world flashes and bursts in a flower of agony. Somehow, somehow, he remains standing.

Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:32 am
by ImpInTraining
Joel laughed, "Mum, you're so silly. How can I watch the sky if you close my eyes?" He looked upon his mother's face, now growing more pale with every minute, her eyes dead and unresponsive, her mouth slighly agape with a trail of blood and black juices trailing out the corners. "So there was this janitor who worked in the hospital..." he started his tale as he shifted his gaze upwards.

Re: Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:14 pm
by paradys
well, if theres anything left of Leroy (?) hes getting/staggering out of there

Re: Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:14 am
by Laraqua
Leroy is alive though his flesh is shredded and torn. His entire existence is a blaze of pain. The wires are ready to attack again, to tear him apart. His only chance is to dodge them on his way out and hope he doesn't bleed to death before he reaches help.

Joel is no longer there though there is a person-sized oil slick near the corpse of his mother.

Re: Leroy in the End Game

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:35 pm
by paradys
Leroy lets the axe fall to the ground and staggers back through the partition. His whole body is a flower of pain. His vision swim in and out of focus as he struggles to retain conciousness - he sees the exit, the oil slick on the floor - but no Joel.

"Joel?" he mutters

I promised to look after you..or perhaps you abandoned me..couldn't blame you..bloody useless

can't think....

he feels his legs go weak