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Re: Ward 15, Third Floor

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:49 am
by jtull_84
Bernard makes his way toward the car, slowly waving his impromtu flag. He shouts "Survivors! Help!"

Re: Ward 15, Third Floor

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:15 am
by Laraqua
The three in the car seem to have noticed Bernard's cry. They're talking amongst themselves but no one has made a move to help just yet. Then the man in the rear seat unrolls his window. "Are you alright?"

Re: Ward 15, Third Floor

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:41 pm
by jtull_84
Bernard steps forward in his uniform to get noticed. He brings the ladies forward.
"Hello! My name is Bernard Cromwell, US Army, Retired. I have with me two women from the hospital in need of aid. I have Melissa, a pregnatnt, deaf Frenchwoman and a young lady who seems to be in shock."

Re: Ward 15, Third Floor

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:58 am
by Laraqua
Those in the car talk amongst themselves for a moment. Then the man in the back seat turns to look at the hapless trio, and points at the hospital. "The hospital is over there. They can help you."

Re: Ward 15, Third Floor

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:48 am
by jtull_84
Bernard almost jumps out of his skin. "We just came from there. There's nobody left alive. We were lucky to get out. We scavenged what we could, but we got out as soon as possible. We could really use a ride."

Re: Ward 15, Third Floor

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:03 am
by Laraqua
"They must have come from the other reality. It can't be that everyone's dead in the hospital here ... but maybe we should skip the hospital and go find this book of Louie's." The woman hops out of the car and gestures the people over. "Here, you sit up here," she says to the pregnant woman, indicating the passenger's seat. "The rest of us will have to squish."

As the trio enter the car, they see light break through the ash that seems to disintegrate and fall away, revealing a world of traffic, light, life and cars slowly moving through the intersection.

As if nothing had happened.

OOC: Please enter Chapter Two, Jill & Charlie's thread.