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The Cargo Lists

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:41 am
by Raiko

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 Starkweather-Moore Antarctic Expedition
 Equipment Manifest Number 1
 no.| description | stored in |lbs. ea.| total
 30 | crate, w. 2 boxes, w. 24 cans 1# butter | #3 tween | 52 | l,560
 25 | crate, w. 32 cans 20 oz. powdered milk | #3 tween | 43 | 1,075
 1 | chest, w. 4 boxes tea, 16 tins 12oz. each | #3 tween | 55 | 55
 2 | crate, w. 6 boxes of 2# dried apricots | #3 tween | 12 | 24
 8 | crate, w. 4 boxes each w. 24 cans 12 oz. prunes | #3 tween | 75 | 600
 20 | cases, w. 24 cans 2# baked beans | #3 tween | 55 | 1,100
 6 | jar, 1 gallon sour cream | reefer space | 10 | 60
 8 | crate, each w. 22 boxes of a dozen eggs | reefer space | 60 | 480
 4 | tub, 20# of lard | reefer space | 22 | 88
192 | crate, w. 90 blocks 1/2# pemmican (men & dogs) | reefer space | 50 | 9,600
 5 | sides of bacon | reefer space | 50 | 250
 | | | | 

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:42 am
by Raiko

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 Starkweather-Moore Antarctic Expedition
 Equipment Manifest Number 2
 no.| description | stored in |lbs. ea.| total
 2 | Ford snow tractors, cap. 750# cargo, tow 3000# | #1 tween | 1,450 | 2,900
 3 | 300 watt generators, gasoline powered, on skids | #1 tween | 80 | 240
 1 | heavy crate w.derrick, bracing struct for drill | #1 tween | 1,000 | 1,000
 1 | heavy crate w. generator, motors & drill-head | #1 tween | 1,000 | 1,000
 1 | frame cont. w. jointed drill-pipe, 12' lengths | #1 tween | 1,000 | 1,000
 1 | heavy crate w. electrical ice-melting equipment | #1 tween | 1,000 | 1,000
 2 | crated windmill generator, cplt w. 12' tripod | #1 tween | 300 | 600
 2 | kerosene stoves for base camp | #3 tween | 25 | 50
 2 | chalkboard, 4' x 4' on stand | #3 tween | 35 | 70
 6 | blowtorch | #3 tween | 5 | 30
 4 | kerosene lanterns | #3 tween | 2 | 8
 3 | boxed set cooking gear for camp (pots and pans) | #3 tween | 20 | 60
 2 | camp radio with antenna | #3 tween | 200 | 400
 4 | trail radio with antenna | #3 tween | 100 | 400
 20 | trail radio battery | #3 tween | 20 | 400
 6 | field telephone w. telegraph key | #3 tween | 20 | 120
 32 | telephone battery | #3 tween | 1 | 32
 1 | spool 8,000' telephone wire | #3 tween | 8 | 8
 | | | |

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:43 am
by Raiko

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 Starkweather-Moore Antarctic Expedition
 Equipment Manifest Number 3
 no.| description | stored in |lbs. ea.| total
 5 | bag, set aircraft tools | #3 tween | 50 | 250
 1 | crate tools (vise, sm lathe, files, drill, &c.) | #3 tween | 300 | 300
 1 | chest carpentry tools:base (saws hammers etc.) | #3 tween | 50 | 50
 1 | box, w. various nails & carpentry supplies | #3 tween | 50 | 50
 2 | sled, 900 board feet lumber for base | #3 tween | 4,000 | 8,000
 1 | pallet, w. 6 rolls tar paper | #3 tween | 380 | 380
 1 | box, set film developing equipment & chemicals | #3 tween | 35 | 35
 10 | Nansen cookers & primus stoves | #3 tween | 25 | 250
 2 | crate 1 doz. settings plates, mugs, utensils | #3 tween | 15 | 30
 12 | buckets (to melt water in) | #3 tween | 2 | 24
 12 | 4 person bellows-entrance tents, w. poles. etc. | #3 tween | 50 | 600
 20 | 5-pole sledding tents | #3 tween | 10 | 200
 40 | canvas and goosedown sleeping bags | #3 tween | 16 | 640
 8 | box, w. 6 cnt. of 60 'lifeboat' style matches | #3 tween | 5 | 40
 6 | flags (2 U.S., 2 Brit., 2 M.U.) on short poles | #3 tween | 5 | 30
 40 | pair snowshoes | #3 tween | 6 | 240
 10 | pair skis, bindings, and poles | #3 tween | 12 | 120
 12 | shovels | #3 tween | 3 | 36
 6 | axes | #3 tween | 5 | 30
 4 | bow saws | #3 tween | 4 | 16
 | | | |

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:43 am
by Raiko

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 Starkweather-Moore Antarctic Expedition
 Equipment Manifest Number 4
 no.| description | stored in |lbs. ea.| total
 6 | 600' coils. alpine rope | #3 tween | 40 | 240
 12 | bagged sets pitons, slings, other climbing gear | #3 tween | 7 | 84
 12 | ice axes | #3 tween | 5 | 60
 8 | Nansen sleds, 12' long, 2' wide, 1000# cap. | #3 tween | 100 | 800
 8 | sled meters | #3 tween | 3 | 24
 4 | box with 1" flare pistol and 10 flares | #3 tween | 4 | 16
 3 | metal box, 10 calcium flares (burn for 10 min.) | #3 tween | 20 | 60
 6 | cerise marker panels to signal aircraft | #3 tween | n/a | n/a
 6 | electric signal lamp (needs power source) | #3 tween | 3 | 18
 3 | oxygen snow tents | #3 tween | 50 | 150
 1 | heavy cargo ramp for unloading ship | #3 lower | l,500 | l,500
 36 | malamute sled dogs - usually 9-11 per sled | #5 tween | 90 | 3,240
 -- | bunks, benches, etc. for base Camp | #5 lower | -- | 800
150 | 8' bamboo poles | #5 lower | 2 | 300
 20 | 12' x 12' timbers, 18' long for base shelters | #5 lower | 1,300 |26,000
 10 | 24' telephone poles for base masts and bridging | #5 lower | 500 | 5,000
 | | | |

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:44 am
by Raiko

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 Starkweather-Moore Antarctic Expedition
 Equipment Manifest Number 5
 no.| description | stored in |lbs. ea.| total
 1 | spare rudder and rudder assembly | on deck aft | 2,100 | 2,100
 1 | spare ship's propeller | on deck aft | 2,700 | 2,700
 1 | raft built atop oil drums (for help unloading) | on deck aft | 1,100 | 1,100
 40 | bags, quick setting cement | #4 tween | 40 | 1,600
 2 | case of 48 sticks ammonia-gelatin dynamite | #4 tween | 60 | 120
 2 | set, welding equipment | bosun stores | 220 | 440
 8 | mallet | bosun stores | 8 | 64
 8 | large hammer | bosun stores | 2 | 16
 1 | wooden box, 100 no.6 non-electric blasting caps | bosun stores | 10 | 10
 6 | coil (50') of time blasting fuse | bosun stores | 10 | 60
 8 | large crowbar | bosun stores | 4 | 32 
 12 | ice scrapers | bosun stores | 3 | 36
 12 | snow shovels | bosun stores | 3 | 36
 12 | stiff brooms for sweeping ice off ship | bosun stores | 2 | 24
 4 | ice anchors (really big hooks) | bosun stores | 180 | 720
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Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:44 am
by Raiko

Code: Select all

 Starkweather-Moore Antarctic Expedition
 Equipment Manifest Number 6
 no.| description | stored in |lbs. ea.| total
 30 | crate, w. 30 1/2# cans sardines | #3 tween | 20 | 600
 4 | box, w. 8 cans 4 oz. pepper | #3 tween | 2 | 8
 2 | box, w. 8 jars 6 oz. mustard | #3 tween | 3 | 6
 2 | box, w. 8 jars 2 oz. tabasco sauce | #3 tween | 1 | 2
 4 | crate, w. 40 jars 8 oz. marmalade | #3 tween | 25 | l00
 1 | box, w. 8 bottles 3 oz. worcestershire sauce | #3 tween | 2 | 2
 4 | box, w. 80 boxes 4 oz. raisins | #3 tween | 22 | 88
 3 | crate, w. 150 jars 8 oz. orange syrup | #3 tween | 75 | 225
 3 | crate, w. 150 jars 8 oz. grape syrup | #3 tween | 75 | 225
 16 | box, w. 9 boxes, ea. w. 4 slabs 1# chocolate | #3 tween | 40 | 640
 48 | crate, w. 12 box, ea. 6 12 oz wheat&oat biscuit | #3 tween | 60 | 2,880
 14 | box, w. 20 boxes of 1/2# cubed sugar | #3 tween | 12 | 48
 4 | box, w. 27 boxes of 4 oz. w. bouillon cubes | #3 tween | 8 | 32
 10 | sack, 10# sugar | #3 tween | 10 | 100
 8 | bag, 12# all-purpose flour | #3 tween | 12 | 96
 4 | can, 2# baking powder | #3 tween | 2 | 8
 4 | box, 1# baking soda | #3 tween | 1 | 4
 1 | box, w. 12 drums 2# salt | #3 tween | 25 | 25
 5 | crate, w. 12 boxes of 4# oatmeal | #3 tween | 50 | 250
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Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:44 am
by Raiko

Code: Select all

 Starkweather-Moore Antarctic Expedition
 Equipment Manifest Number 7
 no.| description | stored in |lbs. ea.| total
 4 | canvas plane covers, 38' on a side | on planes | 150 | 600
 6 | heating hoods for engines | on planes | 10 | 60
 2 | case, with movie camera, tripods and film | deckhouse | 130 | 260
 2 | guitar | deckhouse | n/a | n/a
 2 | harmonica | deckhouse | n/a | n/a
 3 | still camera set | deckhouse | 25 | 75
 | - camera, lenses, tripod, film, 50 flashbulbs, | | |
 | - IR filters | | |
 1 | case biology, zoology, and botany instruments | deckhouse | 25 | 25
 | - microscopes, slides | | |
 1 | straitjacket | Graves' cabin | 5 | 5
 3 | pairs handcuffs | Graves' cabin | n/a | n/a
 1 | case of 24 bottles various "medicinal" liquor | Graves' cabin | 30 | 30
 1 | medicine chest with surgical and drug supplies | doc's cabin | 28 | 28
 1 | doctor's medical bag, for use on trail | doc's cabin | 12 | 12
 | - includes injectable morphine | | |
 1 | box, tobacco and cigarettes | SME office | 8 | 8
 1 | case. with typewriter, paper and carbon paper | SME office | 35 | 35
 1 | crate var. navigational instruments and charts | SME office | 50 | 50
 12 | binoculars, 7x50mm | SME office | 2 | 24
 1 | case astronomy instruments and notebook | SME office | 26 | 26
 | - Geiger-Muller counter for cosmic ray studies | | |
 | - quartz spectrographs to study sun and sky | | |
 | - spectra | | |
 4 | case meteorology instruments and texts | SME office | 13 | 52
 2 | chest paleontology equipment | SME office | 10 | 20
 | - reference works, wire brushes, small 'dental' | | |
 | - tools, charting equipment | | |
 6 | chest, geology-cartography tools | SME office | 40 | 240
 | - stakes, survey theodolite on aluminum tripod, | | |
 | - rock hammers, sample bags, drafting tools | | |
 2 | chest, geophysics set | SME office | 12 | 24
 | - precision compass and magnetometer | | |
 2 | chest, chemistry sampling and test equipment | SME office | 10 | 20
 | - test tubes, beakers & other glassware, bunsen | | |
 | - burners, test chemicals, tongs, stoppers | | |
 | - thermometers, reference works | | |
 4 | crate, 6 caustic soda canisters | bosun stores | 25 | 100
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