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OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:59 pm
by Raiko
Here we go then, may God have mercy on your souls. :twisted:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:43 pm
by Decrepit
... because we know the Keeper won't.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:30 am
by Raiko
Thanks for the posts, I was waiting until a couple of you had replied before continuing, I'll try to get the next post up at lunchtime today.
Decrepit wrote:... because we know the Keeper won't.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:48 am
by Raiko
I think I've got my act together now! :oops:

I've edited my IC post to include some details of the other two expeditions, both the Lexington expedition, and the mysterious German Barsmeier-Falken Expedition.

The classes will resume, weather dependant, there will be one or two additional lessons offered, including James Starkweather's Explosives Handling class. :o

I shall post a full list, together with a summary of the first few days sailing tomorrow.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:40 pm
by Raiko
I struggled to keep track of all the rolls last time for the lessons, so this time I'm giving a single list of all the classes that are being run. I'm assuming that Callum takes over the survival lessons from Sykes.

Each of you can pick two lessons as your favourites, even if they teach the same skill.
During the course of the voyage you will gain 6 skill points if you have less than 50% already in that skill, 3 points if you have 50-79 in the skill, or 1 point if you already have 80%+ in it.

You gain the increase for one skill for each of the two classes that you pick.

You don't have to take any classes if you don't want.

Additionally anyone teaching a class, has a choice of increasing one of the skills taught by 1%, or increasing persuade based on the rules above.

Anyone who isn't already teaching, who wants to can start a class of their own if they like, as you can see, now that morale has gone up, even silly classes have started. :D

Code: Select all

Lessons on the SS Gabrielle - Southern Ocean
Teachers (Class Name):                   Skill Gained:
Callum, Isugtag (Clothing, Equipment):   Polar Survival
Graves, Greene (Antarctic First Aid):    Polar Survival or First Aid
Sorensons (Skis and Snowboots):          Polar Survival
Prof Albemarle (Antarctic Weather):      Meteorology
Laroche (Radios):                        Radio Operator
Gilmore, Olof (Pabodie Ice Drill):       Operate Heavy Machinery
Prof Griffith (Antarctic Geology):       Geology
Starkweather (Using Dynamite):           Explosives
Greene (Ballroom Dancing :shock:):       Craft(Dancing)
Sean (Photography):                      Photography
James, Starkweather (Boxing):            Fists or Dodge
Winslow (Paper Folding):                 Art(Origami)
I also need a successful CONx4 roll from each of you, or you become sea sick.
If your character didn't suffer seasickness at all last time then you gain a 10% bonus.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 4:34 pm
by Decrepit
Raiko wrote:including James Starkweather's Explosives Handling class. :o
Just as long as he doesn't say, "I'm the only one professional enough in this room to handle dynamite!" right before blowing us all up. It's scarily like that awful YouTube video of the DEA guy handling a loaded Glock and bragging about his skill right before he shoots himself in the foot.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 4:36 pm
by Decrepit
I don't think Jack wants to take ballroom dancing for credit, but can he audit?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:56 am
by Mister Juan
Isugtag, for the class he's teaching, will increase his polar survival skill by 1%.
As for the two classes, he will be signing up for Antarctic Weather and Using Dynamite.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:26 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:A feverstricken John wakes up from the fever and realizes they have n John reached the ice...
When John fully recovers from his fever, he'll actually notice that he's still several weeks away from Antarctica. ;)

Sorry the chapter title is a little bit misleading, as most of the chapter deals with the final part of the voyage.

Don't worry about making posts to cover for absences, I've been fairly relaxed with when players post in this game. If someone isn't posting for a few days I just assume that their character is in the background with the horde of expedition NPCs. :)

Of course the more regularly you post, the more likely your character is to be involved with the exciting bits.

I'll be posting again in-character in another 24 hours, I've left the game over the weekend to give everyone who wants to a chance to reply.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:59 pm
by Charles Graves
Graves decides to enrol in the Clothing, equipment & Antarctic weather courses.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:51 pm
by OrionUK
James would like to take polar survival and also increae by 1% for teaching his boxing class with Starkweather

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:07 am
by Henrik
Olof will enroll in Callum's class and continue his teaching about the drill if there is interest. Polar Survival is on top of my list of skills to improve. I'm increasing Persuade as well based on my teaching.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:45 pm
by Raiko
I made a bit of a mistake when I requested the seasickness rolls from you. It turns out that as everybody found their sea legs during the previous chapter none of you need to roll now, except for during a storm. As John Rhyes is a sailor, we'll assume that he already has sea legs.8-)

Unfortunately the latest turn in the weather definitely counts as a storm, so everybody needs a successful CONx2 roll to avoid seasickness.

As Decrepit and Henrik were the only two who remembered to roll for me last time, I've let their characters pass this roll automatically. I've rolled for everyone else.

Seasickness Rolls:

Jack - Automatic
Olof - Automatic
Isugtag (CONx2=36%) = [18]
Kitt (CONx2=20%) = [01]
John (CONx2=36%) = [33]

Callum (CONx2=30%) = [79]
James (CONx2=24%) = [97]
Mcraven (CONx2=34%) = [72]
Graves (CONx2=24%) = [87]
Sean (CONx2=28%) = [39]

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:03 pm
by Decrepit
Shoulda saved that roll for Kitt... :?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:39 am
by Laraqua
Kitt is my luckiest character, actually. I really can't see anything bad happening to her. I mean, how infuriating must she be? DANCING when others feel ill? I'll be sure to have her drop by the cabins of any PC who's struck low, too.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:23 pm
by Raiko
I shall have the next post up in the next hour. :)

I only worked a half day today, and was out all afternoon. So unfortunately I missed my normal lunchtime posting spot.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:21 pm
by BlackGoat
Sean will be taking First Aid, and Explosives Handling >=)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:19 pm
by Raiko
I'll move the game along properly later today or tomorrow, everybody seems chatty so I don't want to just cut off the conversation.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:06 pm
by Raiko
This would be that 'action scene' that I've mentioned via PM.

The following characters are helpless with seasickness:
- Graves
- McRaven
- Jack
- Kitt

Everybody else has volunteered to save the ship, so your characters are fit, and you need to post daily.

Jack was going to take part, but unfortunately Decrepit has let me know that he won't be able to post between Wednesday & Weekend this week.

The ropes and flashlights are available without venturing outside, I require a successful DEXx3 roll from everybody though to retrieve the gear without crashing into something. Please remember to post the full invisible castle result into the OOC thread, as I can't view invisible castle at work.

If you fail your DEX roll, then a successful Luck roll allows you to grab a handhold otherwise you crash into a table or a wall. I'll determine any injuries myself.

Note: It's extremely dangerous outside the ship, every wave is crashing onto the deck, the wind is very strong and the wind chill brings the apparent temperature below freezing. The ocean/wind conditions are 11 on the Beaufort scale (violent storm), which means that the average wave height is almost 40 feet.

The deck will be slippery both from the crashing waves, and the low temperature.

It's also pitch dark outside.

As noted in an earlier post, the Captain ordered ropes to be strung along the length of the deck in order to assist movement outside, but it's still extremely hazardous. Anyone loosing their grip outside will almost certainly be swept off the deck unless (as Starkers is suggesting) they are lashed to other people.

If anyone wants to bottle out, just tell Starkweather. :lol:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:07 pm
by Raiko
Nice post Ghost, but don't forget to make those invisible castle rolls, or Callum will be injured. :o