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Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Rapidly following the man, John raises his shotgun, "Hey mister! Hold it!".... "BANDIT by the fuel dump!" "Stop or I´ll put you down!" He runs closer to get a good aim at the man.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:53 pm
by Ghost_1971
"Ok. Your the expert, Doctor."

Callum walks over to where the injured men are. He approaches quietly, trying to hear if they are talking about whatever has happened here.

As Dr.Greene and Callum reach the generator mechanics, Callum says "Hello there lads. I'm Callum, and this is Dr.Greene. We're from the Starkweather Moore Expedition. Looks like you've got some nasty cuts and bruises there. Do you want the good doctor here to take a look? It wont take a minute."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:51 pm
by Henrik
Raiko wrote:“No, we don’t know nothin’ about the German expedition; it’s very mysterious. The rumour is that Chancellor Hitler himself authorised it, but what would he want down here?”[/color]
"Well, I do not know much about Chancellor Hitler other than I have read in the papers. It remains to see if he can save the German economy. I've heard that things have been pretty bad there. Perhaps it is a ruse to raise the moral of the Germans. I hope that they haven't run into any trouble. Perhaps we should call on the radio to see? I learnt some German during my years in school, although it not as good as my French I believe that I could try unless someone else handles the language better."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:12 pm
by Steerpike
Mcraven spots the men and waves to them "Hey fellas, names Bill McRaven...I'm the flight engineer with the starweather-moore party...whats the condition of the plane and does it have a working radio?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:18 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:Jenner glowers resentfully for a minute or two, but Isugtag’s willingness to lend a hand with the heavy work eventually wins him over – as the second round of shouting begins inside the cabin the big man chuckles, “You’ve gotta give that Starkweather credit, he’s got some balls turning up here after all the trouble he’s caused!”
Isugtag works as hard as he can alongside Jenner. He, too, stops when he hears the shouting. At Jenner's mention of Starkweather causing trouble, he turns to the former and says, "Trouble? What trouble has Mr. Starkweather caused?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:41 am
by Decrepit
Good Lord, what's going on now? Jack wonders, chasing down the sounds.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:11 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:Rapidly following the man, John raises his shotgun, "Hey mister! Hold it!".... "BANDIT by the fuel dump!" "Stop or I´ll put you down!" He runs closer to get a good aim at the man.
John's actions stop all of the conversations, as members of the Lexington expedition turn to gawp at him.

The overweight man turns when John shouts, looking for the 'bandit', seeing John aiming the shotgun at him he squeals loudly and falls to his knees, curling up in terror. His bag falls onto the ground scattering medical instruments across the ice.


Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:12 pm
by Raiko
Henrik wrote:"Well, I do not know much about Chancellor Hitler other than I have read in the papers. It remains to see if he can save the German economy. I've heard that things have been pretty bad there. Perhaps it is a ruse to raise the moral of the Germans. I hope that they haven't run into any trouble. Perhaps we should call on the radio to see? I learnt some German during my years in school, although it not as good as my French I believe that I could try unless someone else handles the language better."
Chris shakes his head, “I don’t know Olof, until we get the main radio working we just don’t have the range to speak to the Germans. The aircraft radios were only good enough to speak to the guys on the Tallahassee – ”
Decrepit wrote:Good Lord, what's going on now? Jack wonders, chasing down the sounds.
Jack spots John raising his shotgun, taking aim at a rotund man who drops to his knees, begging for his life.

Chris stops talking to Olof and shouts, “Hey! Leave the Doc alone!”
Chris Hooper
Chris Hooper
Chris Hooper.jpg (26.59 KiB) Viewed 1605 times
The "other Lexington guy"
The "other Lexington guy"
The guy talking to Jack.jpg (8.16 KiB) Viewed 1601 times

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:12 pm
by Raiko
amarriner wrote:Isugtag works as hard as he can alongside Jenner. He, too, stops when he hears the shouting. At Jenner's mention of Starkweather causing trouble, he turns to the former and says, "Trouble? What trouble has Mr. Starkweather caused?"
“That's what I mean!” snarls Jenner. He clenches his fists and dashes across the ice towards John and the cowering man.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:13 pm
by Raiko
Steerpike wrote:McRaven spots the men and waves to them "Hey fellas, names Bill McRaven...I'm the flight engineer with the starweather-moore party...whats the condition of the plane and does it have a working radio?"
“Stay away from the damn plane!” The aggression and hostility in the man’s voice stops Pulaski in his tracks – both of the Lexington men look like they’re spoiling for a fight.

Gregor Pulaski turns to McRaven, “Perhaps we try elsewhere Bill, these men – ” his words are cut short by the sight of John confronting the Lexington expedition doctor.”

“What the hell!” shout the two Lexington men in unison. Seeing the opportunity for a fight, the pair dash angrily towards John, abandoning the Northrop for the moment.
The First Aircraft Guard
The First Aircraft Guard
Guard 1.jpg (10.58 KiB) Viewed 1604 times
The Second Aircraft Guard
The Second Aircraft Guard
Guard 2.jpg (17.97 KiB) Viewed 1602 times

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:14 pm
by Raiko
Ghost_1971 wrote:"Ok. Your the expert, Doctor."

Callum walks over to where the injured men are. He approaches quietly, trying to hear if they are talking about whatever has happened here.
The two men are just talking about the damaged generator. The wounded man watches his partner working and is extremely pessimistic about the chances of repair. The second man has his head and arms inside the generator, he’s saying “Well, we’ll just see about that.”
Ghost_1971 wrote:As Dr.Greene and Callum reach the generator mechanics, Callum says "Hello there lads. I'm Callum, and this is Dr.Greene. We're from the Starkweather Moore Expedition. Looks like you've got some nasty cuts and bruises there. Do you want the good doctor here to take a look? It won’t take a minute."
The wounded man nods, “Thanks for that – name’s Hopewell. I’ve nothing better to do – this generator’s wrecked.”

“We’ll see about that...” mumbles his partner who still hasn’t looked up from the generator.

Callum remembers that Hopewell was the name of the Lexington Expedition's radio operator, who's message initially led to this "rescue mission."

Greene is just starting to look at Hopewell’s injured arm when everyone’s attention is diverted by John and the overweight man.
Tony Hopewell
Tony Hopewell
Tony Hopewell.jpg (19.03 KiB) Viewed 1601 times

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Seeing the reaction of the Doc and the comment by Hooper makes John lower the shotgun. "Sorry, Doc! Proceed!" John stands with his palms open, the shotgun hanging over his shoulder in a strap. "Can´t be too cautious with people sneaking around fuel dumps... There are accidents everywhere now... I´ll be damned if there´d be one when we finally have gotten here! Is all things alright here? We´re here to help."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:01 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:“That's what I mean!” snarls Jenner. He clenches his fists and dashes across the ice towards John and the cowering man.
Hmm, that's odd, says Isugtag. He watches John for a moment, and when he sees the two from the plane running towards him, Isugtag starts to move in that direction. To Jenner, he says I'll be back in a minute. I must diffuse this situation and then I'll help with the boxes.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:53 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven looks over to pulaski "Goddamn it Gregor this is getting ugly"
He strides over to were John is, following to the two angry Northrop guards...he can see that the party has split up into little groups and getting more chaotic by the minute...Starweather should have taken care of this, before taking a chance to put one over the Lexington woman.

He takes out his pistol then fires one quick shot into the air

"Everyone calm the hell down. John, stop waving your gun in that guys face...everyone Hold fast, no one do anything stupid...I wanna know whats happened, I wanna know what needs doing to get you people out of this hole..And if mr STARKWEATHER and Ms LEXINGTON would care to join us" He adds shouting out the two names very loudly "Then we can get this show on the road"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:30 pm
by Raiko
The sound of McRaven’s gunshot reverberates around the Lexington campsite, stopping everyone in their tracks.

The arguing inside the hut stops abruptly and everyone hears Starkweather shout, “What the hell now!” from inside.

The two ‘guards’ turn around angrily to face McRaven and Pulaski, but they don’t make any other move.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:03 pm
by Steerpike
"Now I have everyones undivided attention...we can wait for our bold leaders to come forward then we can take this from the top and get things going...properly"

McRaven lowers his handgun but makes no move to put it away...he simply waits and watches.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:53 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Rhyes keeps his hands off of the shotgun. Still palms up, he offers the doc a hand to get up.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:56 am
by Henrik
Everything has happened real quickly. Olof is about to give his help with fixing the generator, but since the situation has become hostile he decides to keep quiet. He also keeps his hands where everyone can see them trying not to pose as a threat to the members of the Lexington expedition.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:26 am
by Decrepit
Well, that certainly got everyone's attention, Jack thinks ruefully. Of course, Starkweather isn't the sort of chap to just let someone else start calling the shots.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:31 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag stops before getting too close. He doesn't want the other group to think the Starkweather crew is too imposing or too much of a threat. He doesn't take his eyes off the action, though, and is ready to jump in if necessary.