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Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:13 pm
by Decrepit
Before coming down, Jack was in a poor mood. It was bad enough that he didn't get to the library at all, or to his own office until 8 p.m. The worst part was helping Starkweather coordinate interviews with Jack's own competition. As much as his professional pride was wounded, he was also troubled by the parading around of Kitt. Not that she hadn't handled things well--the gal was a real trooper, answering the same banal question over and over with as much patience as any human could be expected to. Still, the occasional glances they shared suggested to Jack that this had been a trial and that the dangers of the frozen land would be as nothing compared with the hassles of dealing with the press sharks.

Jack, heading downstairs, considers whether to take another run at getting Moore to absolve him of some of the tedium of the expedition preparation when he notices Graves's pensive look. Curious, Jack joins the knot around the professor.


After listening to Graves, Jack says, "Well, I'm nosy enough, and concerned enough, but Moore has us all on a short leash. And, as Starkweather was kind enough to remind me, we are--or at least I am--in a delicate spot. I can probably be more easily replaced than any of you, quite frankly."

Jack sighs. "But it seems something needs to be done. Have we ruled out approaching Moore? I can tell you from experience that Starkweather is unlikely to say much, or at least what we want to hear."

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:13 pm
by BlackGoat
Sean raises a curious brow at the entire situation. Eventually the weight of the issue reaches him. He then begins to think over Graves mention of the numerous problems and it hits him too that perhaps something is being hidden.

"I will surely accompany you Mr. Graves"

Sean Also begins to ponder...

Could such dangers really be true? If so what dangers could possibly lay waiting in the cold south of the world? Could someone just be trying to spook us into not going? Lexington? No time to lose your wits, best see it all through first

this is were i came in

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:46 pm
by Steerpike
The hotel lobby doors swing open allowing a group of men to come wandering in. 4 of the men are laughing quite loudly at some story being told by the fifth.

McRaven shakes his head at the story by DeWitt, but cannot help but laugh. Out of the corner of his eye he spies a group of his colleagues all gathered round the proffessor. He has to think a while to recall the guys name...Graves!

Although he has problems placing names to some of the faces still, he recognises the look on the academics face. Something is clearly up.

He tells his fellow pilots he'll catch up with them later and saunters over to the closely huddled group.

"Whats up boys. Starkweather got you checking boxes of widgets and rivets now?"

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:38 am
by Raiko
The letter that Graves has just read seems strangely familiar to Callum. He remembers a similar passage in Lawrence’s diary. Perhaps he could look it up later.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:32 pm
by Ghost_1971
Before the investigators all disappear for the day, on their respective tasks, Callum quickly runs up to his room for the diary. In the elevator, on the way back down, he scans the worn pages of the small book.

I'm sure I've seen something like Graves' note in here!

Once back in the lobby, Callum makes his way through the throng of people to the Professor. "Professor Graves, take a look at this. You may find it of interest. This is Lawrences diary."

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:44 pm
by Decrepit
While Callum buttonholes Graves, Jack says, "Kitt and I have another damnable press conference at one today. I make it out that that gives us a few hours between now and then to head to the library and do some research. I meant to get there the other day but couldn't. Anyway, if someone can think of a reason to come along, I can try to talk Moore into it. He saw through me yesterday, but maybe he'll be even more distracted today, or maybe I'll be more glib.

"Maybe for an interview?"

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:45 pm
by Charles Graves
"Thank you Sean, your help is very much appriciated and Jack any time you are are able to escape from the press conferences your detective skills will be invaluable."

Graves looks over to Callum as he hurries across the lobby clutching the diary.

"Ah, yes old chap I see what you mean, all this talk about dreams and the fact that our expedition doesn't just put our lives at risk but the whole world. Whatever does all this mean?" Deep in thought he closes the book and hands it back to Callum.

"We haven't much time to investigate so we must use what little we have very wisely. Can anyone think of any leads we may look into while we are still in the States, other than the library?"

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:12 am
by Raiko
The diary that Callum hands to Graves is open at the final two pages that the daed engineer wrote, about a week before the formal dinner.

Viewed before, they seemed to be merely the final cracking of a madman plagued by insane dreams.

But the similarity with the handwritten note (written in a hand that is obviously not Lawrence's) is remarkable, how can this be?
Lawrence wrote:
Friday August 18th 1933.

I saw It today, he must be stopped the fool, they must allll b e stopped
Finally I pass passsed beyond those damnable mountains those awful terrible mountains



No I see it still, dreaming not me

Behind cold ancient walls of ice and time

The fools they will all dead die they cannot

Cannot not live

beftter thaty if
it is my hand




What are dreams anyway?

Starkweather you will die
to save this world you must be sacrificed

Lawrence wrote:
Saturday 19th August 1933.


Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:06 am
by Henrik
"I'll accompany you as well, professor. So you visited Arkham? By a chance I phoned and spoke with professor Pabodie. I had some questions about the drill of his, but mostly I was curious. Why wasn't Pabodie a member of this expedition? He only answered that he never would return to Antarctica. He seemed agitated and did not want to continue our chat after that. Did you by any chance happen to visit him?"

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:57 pm
by Decrepit
"Ah, so that's what got Pabodie so skittish," Jack says. "Oh, well. He probably wouldn't have talked to us anyway, just showing up at his door and all.

"As far as leads go, there seem to be, first, the library, second, Moore himself, who seems to know things we need to know, and, third, the mysterious person handing us notes, though I don't know how we're going to find him."

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:11 pm
by Ghost_1971
"I'll come along with you too, Professor. I'm finding all this 'Cloak and Dagger' stuff very intruiging. And right now, I believe Moore cant really stop us going off and following our leads. At this late stage, he would find it near impossible to replace us, and there is no way on earth Starkweather would postpone the expedition. What with Miss Lexington throwing a rather large spanner in the works. So if we stick together, we can do just about anything we like."

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:26 am
by Raiko
“Starkweather has already put his pride before our safety. He will send you home, even if you cannot be replaced.”

The Sorensen brothers are stood amongst the group gathered around Graves, and this is the longest speech that anyone has ever heard from Nils, “He is a fool to move the schedule forward, there may not be time to check everything. Too many mistakes have been made, maybe it is the work of the Lexington woman, as Starkweather suspects.”

“But Graves is right someone must look into these events. I return to the ship though.”

For once it is Gunnar who stands silently.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:22 am
by Decrepit
"Well, I'm off to the library," Jack says. "It'd be no problem for Kitt to come, as long as we get a move on. If anyone else wants to come, I can try to talk Moore into it, or that person can. Either way, time's a wastin'."

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:20 am
by Henrik
"After I phoned Professor Dyer, I went to the room of Moore and asked him if he knew more of the matter. According to him Moore had asked if Dyer would want to come along. I got the feeling that Moore wanted to tell me something more, but he got hesitant and chose not to tell me. Moore definitely knows more about the old expedition than he seems to."

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:15 pm
by Charles Graves
Graves ponders the situation for a moment. "If I may make a suggestion. In the short time I have known you Jack you have struck me as a man with what the Irish would call 'the gift of the gab' and I think that is exactly what we need in the person that should talk to Moore. I on the other hand have spent much of my life in dusty libraries and feel I would be of more use amongst the books. Would you mind having the delicate chat with to the Professor to see if you can find out what he knows."

Heres a wild idea!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:58 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven has been rattled by the news of the letter, and the similarity of the phrases. He realises that they need to know what the hell is going on, now McRaven is no bookworm, oh sure he knows the way around a tecnical manual, but thats about it. As for tackling moore, that clearly needs some used to getting people talking....but He realises that they also need to know who wrote this new note.

"Listen guys, this all well and good. Check out the books, even give Moore the third degree, but we need to get a handle on our note writer...and I may have a suggestion there. The captain of the Arkham, Capt Douglas, He's joining the our expedition right?...He might recognise this what do you think?"

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:00 pm
by Decrepit
"Well, if all of you think that it's a good idea for me to talk to Moore, I'd be willing to try," Jack says.

"I'm headed off to the library first, though, before the whole morning's gone. I'd like to try to dig up some more information with which to present--or confront--Moore. I hear Moore's already at the docks, so I might as well catch up with him a little later.

"I'd like to know more about the note-writer also. How's Douglas going to help with this?"

Grasping at straws

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:15 pm
by Steerpike
"I'm not sure Jack..But he was captain on the Arkham during the original expedition. He would have met and dined with most of those guys who went out there. He would have seen and heard signals and radio transmissions. He would have been there when the team came back."

"Going by that new letter, Whoever is writing them was a member of that team...I'm sure of it."

"He may recognise the man from his writing, or a description of the man who the delivered the letter, assuming he was the letter writer."

Mcraven looks each of the men in the eye, holding their gaze for a few seconds before moving on.

"I think it could be important. Whoever it is, means us harm, and they might not do us the courtesy of sending another what do you think?"

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:27 am
by OrionUK
James has been a little quiet due to the severity of what is in the note. "To avoid us all going off together at once & causing concern to the expedition leaders I will volunteer to head back to the docks to carry on with some of the work and will try to ascertain any information from Moore regarding this if you like?"

James usually is quite good at getting conversations going without appearing bolshy or threatening due to the social skills required for English University survivial.

"I can help question him with Jack, in a manner that will just seem inquisitive, as a co-financier of the trip once Jack returns from the library"

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:21 pm
by Raiko
"I will continue checking the lists for now," says Gunnar turning to leave with his brother.

Before he departs he speaks to Professor Graves, "Professor, you said that you were concerned for your safety. You will obviously be ok at the library today, but if you need protection in the future you need only ask me and Nils and we will be there for you."

With that he turns and follows Nils out of the hotel lobby.