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Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:09 am
by Raiko
The receptionist doesn’t even blink as she says, “I’ve already said that Mr Brackman is not available today. Legal matters regarding his deceased client will not be settled until after the funeral in any case. If you have information regarding the death of his client, then I’m sure Mr Brackman would suggest that you give it to the police.”

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:52 pm
by Decrepit
Jack looks over at Kitt, shrugs, and prepares to leave. "Thanks for your, er, help, ma'am," he says to receptionist.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:09 pm
by Raiko
SS Gabrielle – Pier 74, New York Docks, Hudson River
The Morning – Thursday 7th September 1933
Characters Present: Everyone (hurray!)

Peter Sykes

The final fittings of everybody’s cold weather clothing takes a long time, but Peter Sykes does a very professional job, so hopefully this will prove to be a morning well spent. Sykes checks every item of clothing as each explorer is dressed from the skin outwards in many layers, complete with several pairs of gloves and mittens, boots, hats and masks.

As each new item is added he questions the explorer about the fit. There are one or two minor errors, but nothing unexpected, and eventually each explorer has a full fitted set of clothing. When each fitting is completed, the items are packed into a box which is then stored in that explorer’s cabin, where it will remain until the expedition reaches the Antarctic region.

Mid way through the morning Jack and Kitt arrive back from their investigations, they join the back of queue with Nils, McRaven and Callum who have now been relieved at the warehouse by Gunnar and James, and also Olof who keenly awaited Jack’s return from Brackman’s office.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:37 pm
by Decrepit
Anticipating questions, Jack says, "Brackman was a bust. His receptionist gave me the kind of look I haven't seen since I last talked to one of the former Mrs. Wilsons.

"However, it sounds like he's going to be at the Commander's funeral, along with Philip. Kitt and I were already going, but now it's doubly important that we be there.

"I did manage to pick up some information from the police on the Lexington case, but I'm going to need some time to go through it. I may be able to tell you more in the morning."

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:28 pm
by Henrik
"Nicely done, Jack, Kitt. A shame about Brackman but I guess we can get to him tomorrow. Do you need help with the material about Lexington? I would not mind doing some late night reading." Olof had hoped for more information about Brackman but he does not believe that he would have succeeded in learning more where Jack learnt nothing.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:11 pm
by Decrepit
"Well, thanks for the compliment, but I don't feel like I got much," Jack replies. "For whatever reason, that receptionist took an instant dislike to me.

"Thanks for the offer to sift through all this reading material. Maybe that would help; I'm not sure. Kitt and I started reading through it in the cab ride to Brackman's, but I'm not sure there's a good way to divide up the work. I'll let you know."

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:52 pm
by Henrik
"Okay. If you need me, don't be afraid to ask." Olof's attention turns back to Sykes and the artic clothing. The fitting has been a reminder that they actually is going to embark on an expedition in two days!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:54 pm
by Raiko
SS Gabrielle – Pier 74, New York Docks, Hudson River
The Afternoon – Thursday 7th September 1933

The Captain’s Office
Characters Present: Starkweather, Captain Vredenburg, Jack, Sean

[OOC: I’ll assume that Sean is coming along with Jack, I’ll post an image of Vredenburg later]

Jack and Sean are warmly greeted by Starkweather as they enter the Captain’s office, on the boat deck of the Gabrielle. He gives each of them his usual firm handshake as they step through the door.

“Jack, Sean good to see you again! Terrible, terrible news about Commander Douglas, but Captain Vredenburg here has kindly agreed to take command of the Gabrielle for us on very short notice,” Starkweather points to the other man in the room, a stocky bearded gentleman wearing the uniform of a merchant marine captain. He nods to the two journalists while the English expedition leader continues in his normal enthusiastic tone.

“The captain has sailed before with First Officer Turlow on another ship, so the two know each other well. He’s agreed to an exclusive interview with you Jack, and for Sean to take a few photographs.”

Elsewhere on the pier…
Characters Present: Moore, Everyone Else

The loading of the expedition’s fuel and aircraft begins on schedule midway through the afternoon, there are a total of 22,000 gallons of fuel for the planes in 440 fifty gallon drums to be carefully loaded and secured into the #2 Lower Hold. The Fairchild Monoplane will then be securely lashed on top of them all.

The three disassembled Boeings will be secured in the #2 and #4 Tween-Deck Holds, along with two additional spare engines. The process of loading the expedition’s aircraft and their fuel requires the utmost care and will only be completed an hour or two before Saturday morning’s departure.

The pier is a hive of activity, all under the watchful eyes of Professor Moore, and James’ team of “Saboteur Hunters.”

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:46 pm
by Henrik
Olof's interest in all things technical is awakened by the sight of the aeroplanes. If there would be time he would have loved asking the technicians and the pilots about the planes, but now is hardly the proper time and place to disturb them in their important job, a job that if it would be sabotaged would ruin the whole expedition.

"It would be a masterstroke to sabotage the planes in some way" he thinks. "Perhaps..."

Olof turns to Kitt. "Who is checking the planes? I'd rest assured that someone like you took an extra examination of them and the fuel. If I was a saboteur I'd never miss the opportunity to sabotage the aeroplanes, if it was given."

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:22 am
by Steerpike
Olof turns to Kitt. "Who is checking the planes? I'd rest assured that someone like you took an extra examination of them and the fuel. If I was a saboteur I'd never miss the opportunity to sabotage the aeroplanes, if it was given."


McRaven checks of his list as the fuel is slowly and carefull loaded. He keeps a watchful eye on the proceedings as the crew go about the business of lashing the fuel drums together.

Taking nothing to chance, he looks over the stowed fuel before heading top deck to join some of the other pilots as the fairchild is loaded next.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:16 pm
by BlackGoat
After formalities Sean raises his camera a bit to signify he'd like a shot of the new captain.

"If you wouldn't mind Captain, A shot of you with Mr. Starkweather would be nice."

Preparing his Camera, He sets up a few photo's and proceeds to take them.

"Good to have you with us Captain." He smiles.

Sean thinks to himself.

Hopefully you don't turn up Ace Deuce aswell

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:13 pm
by Decrepit
"Captain Vredenberg," Jack says, "I suppose I should begin by saying thank you for joining the expedition on such short notice. It's a little odd for me to have to begin by thanking my interview subject, but this is a rather unusual circumstance.

"In any event, I'm wondering if you could tell me--oh, and my readers, of course--about your previous experience. About how familiar are you with the ice and all that."

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:26 pm
by Ghost_1971
Callum goes for a quick look around the aircraft. He isnt normally interested in these kinds of things, but curiosity finally got the better of him. If I'm going to spending alot of my time in this flying 'Tin Can', I'd better show some interest in it.

When he's finished he resumes his duties, checking on the manifests.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:57 pm
by Raiko
The Captain’s Office
Characters Present: Starkweather, Captain Vredenburg, Jack, Sean

Captain Henry Vredenburg

When Starkweather has properly introduced them, Captain Vredenburg greets both journalists with a handshake and a warm smile. After posing for a few photographs for Sean he offers everyone a seat, and a cup of coffee.

Once everyone is seated, Vredenburg starts to answer Jack’s questions, “Oh I’ve spent half of my life down there Jack, my father was a whaler and so was I. The Rorqual Whales are plentiful in the southern ocean, the Humpback in particular.

“I’ve spent years at a time down in those waters amongst the ice bergs, and into the packs themselves when they start to break in the spring,” Vredenburg looks thoughtful and says: “This will be the first time that I’ve gone as far as the Ice Shelf itself though.”

“It’s a pleasure for me to join your expedition, although I wish it could have been under happier circumstances.”

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:37 pm
by Laraqua
Henrik wrote: Olof turns to Kitt. "Who is checking the planes? I'd rest assured that someone like you took an extra examination of them and the fuel. If I was a saboteur I'd never miss the opportunity to sabotage the aeroplanes, if it was given."

gives him a shocked look. "Oh no, what a terrible thought. I must ensure that they've all the equipment we need." She rushes off to make sure that the planes are all in working order, tenderly checking each small piece. The idea that she might not be able to fly these stings her and she will spend each and every hour possible trying to organise other mechanics on their spare moments, using her feminine wiles if she has to, just to make sure they'll be in working order when they move off.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:52 pm
by OrionUK
James rests only when necessary as he is spending every spare moment walking around the compounds and equipment looking for anyone or anything that might look suspicious. He spends twice as long around the aircraft and other areas of importance to ensure nothing is done to the equipment.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:14 pm
by Henrik
Olof looks around to see if someone needs his help with anything.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:16 pm
by Decrepit
In response to the captain, Jack says, "Thank you, Captain. Your resume sounds very reassuring, and, as you know, I have a more than casual interest in seeing that this expedition comes off safely." He smiles a bit, hoping to ingratiate himself with the captain.

"I'm curious, though, how a man of your skill and experience became available on such short notice, and for what seems like a rather lengthy undertaking." He does not add "snakebit" to his description of the expedition, though he thinks it.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:31 pm
by Raiko
Vredenburg chuckles, "I'm afraid these hard times hit the whaling company as well, we were owned by a bigger consortium who were badly hit in '29. They never recovered and eventually took the whaling business under with them. The ships were sold by the creditors"

"So Mr Starkweather came to me at a time that I was out of work. I may well retire after this little adventure, but if not then hopefully you can make me famous enough to find easy employment elsewhere! Eh Jack?"

The captain laughs louder.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:46 pm
by Decrepit
"Sure thing, Captain," Jack says. smiling, for some reason feeling a renewed optimism in this expedition. Something about the sailor's manner suggested confidence.

Jack continues asking some more routine questions for the sake of form, but any thought that the sailor would have any genuinely useful information for him had faded to nothing.