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Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:49 pm
by Raiko
My post is very late again sorry.

My Grandma died at the start of last week, and my wife had a (scheduled) operation at the start of this week. Up until the middle of last week I thought that I'd be able to keep posting regularly, but unfortunately I was wrong. :(

Anyway my wife is back home now, tired but getting better, and my Grandma's funeral was today. I'm off work for the rest of the week to look after my wife, and I hope to find time to post, but I might not - I've been trying to find time to make this post for most of the last week. :roll:

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:06 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Take your time, Raiko. The ice is moving very slowly, so there´s no rush. Life on the other hand is rushing by, right? Take care and see you when the time is right!

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:54 pm
by Henrik
Sometimes life is slow, sometimes life and time runs fast. Take your time. We are only in here for amusement. We will not drop out of this game. (After all, I do not think I'll get another chance of playing Beyond the Mountains of Madness)

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:16 pm
by Raiko
Hi, I’m back again now. :)

Thanks for all of your well wishes, my wife is feeling much better now (most of the time anyway).

I’ve just caught up on the latest posts in my Masks game, unfortunately there isn’t enough of my lunch-break left now to actually make a real post.

I’ll try my best to make a post from home this evening, together with the maps and photos of the camp, etc. If I don’t manage to post tonight (it’s pretty hectic at home still), then that will be my first job during tomorrow’s lunch-break.

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:38 pm
by Raiko
Things are back to normal now, I WILL post everyday this week.

The journey to Levington's camp will require 2 or 3 posts, assuming that no major hicups occur. So hopefully everyone will see that we are moving again by then.

Everyone who's character volunteered is assumed to be in the party, if you didn't initially volunteer, but now wish you had then just join in. :)

I don't think that Amarriner can post just at the moment, so I'll look after Isugtag until he returns.

For now I need an initial IC post from as many overland-party members as possible, as you depart the Base Camp. I also need a "skiing" roll from each of you. This section of the adventure seems to suggest that skiing rules are somewhere in the book, but I've not been able to find them. So I'll let you use the highest of DEXx3, Climb-10%, or Polar Survival for the rolls. Only a critical failure will have any danger (though if everyone passes then the party as a whole will move faster).

The character sheets in the character sheet thread haven't been undated yet, so your polar survival skill is better than posted, and your climb skill may be as well. I'll be undating the sheets in a few hours, and I'll post here again when I'm done. For now just make a d100 roll, it will be checked against the highest of the three ratings. :)

There are some more rolls to make later (checks for crevasses, etc), but only skiing checks are necessary as you depart the camp.

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:25 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:I don't think that Amarriner can post just at the moment, so I'll look after Isugtag until he returns.
Actually, I'm back and ready to go, too! Had some unexpected connection issues last week, but everything's cool now. Sorry to hear you were having some family things to deal with, Raiko. Hope all's well.

I've made Isugtag's skiing roll, too (5!):

Should pass any of the three skills checks! :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:03 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yikes! A life sucking mishap, awaits John....

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:20 am
by Henrik
Skiing roll (1d100=37) for Olof against his DEX (his Polar Survival skill is still at base chance)

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:56 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:Yikes! A life sucking mishap, awaits John....
This probably won't go well (given John's low POW score), but while we're waiting for some more players to roll, please make a luck roll to see how bad the mishap is.

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:59 pm
by Ghost_1971
Skiing(Polar Survival)check (1d100=80)

I think thats good enough - just :?

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:58 pm
by Steerpike
Polar survival skill of 40% Skiing roll (1d100=8) :o

Still in the race ;)

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:01 pm
by Dave Syrinx
John is out of luck...
:roll: awaits the wrath of winter

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:13 pm
by Decrepit
Sorry. I was trying to figure out what my InvisCastle login was and still can't. :oops:

And a lovely failure with a 56.

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:00 pm
by Raiko
Sorry, had a work deadline unexpectedly moved forwards by a month. :(
It's done now ( :D ), so hopefully next week will be more productive on the forums (like this week should have been).

Nasty work...

60 Foot Crevasse, fall 1d20 feet between each climb roll! (1d20=16, 1d20=5, 1d20=2, 1d20=8, 1d20=5)

John needs to make a successful climb roll (at half his normal skill) to stop himself. He falls 1d20 feet between attempts – the crevasse is a total of 60 feet deep. (it seemed like a good system at the time)

These 5 rolls are for the distance fallen between the first 5 climb rolls, the rolls were quite low so even if you fail on all of those you’ll still have 24 feet left to fall.

At each of these points John bounces off the side of the crevasse, if he makes his roll he stops himself. Critical success means he takes no damage for that “bounce,” any other result means that he takes damage as though he’d half the total distance so far.

So that’s:

First roll: 16 feet (damage for 8 feet: 0)
Second roll: 21 feet (damage for 10 feet: 1d6)
Third roll: 23 feet (damage for 11 feet: 2d6)
Fourth roll: 31 feet (damage for 15 feet: 2d6)
Fifth roll: 36 feet (damage for 18 feet: 2d6)

If John fails all five climb/2 rolls and is still conscious then we’ll roll some more d20s. :P

For now, please make 5 climb/2 rolls.


Decrepit: Jack can give up with the skiing like Greene if he likes, or you can make another roll after the crevasse, to see if he gets the hang of it.


One or two “volunteers” haven’t posted or rolled yet, I’ve assumed that their characters stayed at the base camp instead.

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The saves went as follows:
Climb 1/2= 43% (1d100=5, 1d100=82, 1d100=19, 1d100=34, 1d100=17)

Only the second was a failure if I read the instructions correctly... :o

Damagewise, what´s to roll? The first was a critical success, some light in the tunnel!
(Did he actually break the fall on the ledge???)

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:14 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag will help in any way he can. Looks like Callum is okay, right? If John survives the fall, can Isugtag drop a rope or do anything to assist?

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:57 am
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:The saves went as follows:
Climb 1/2= 43% (1d100=5, 1d100=82, 1d100=19, 1d100=34, 1d100=17)

Only the second was a failure if I read the instructions correctly... :o
You read correctly. As the first was a success, none of the others matter. :)
Syrinx wrote:Damagewise, what´s to roll? The first was a critical success, some light in the tunnel!
(Did he actually break the fall on the ledge???)
John stops himself, without injury, at the first opportunity. He’s currently hanging from his ice-axe 19 feet (6 meters) down the crevasse.
amarriner wrote:Isugtag will help in any way he can. Looks like Callum is okay, right?
Callum’s ok, he’s on the opposite side of the crevasse to everyone else, but you all need to head that way anyway.
amarriner wrote:If John survives the fall, can Isugtag drop a rope or do anything to assist?
He sure can. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:20 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Dear colleagues,

I didn’t abandon you, and I’ll never do, not on my own will. But I went through a series of “happenings” (some goods, other not so good) that prevent me from enter the game.

First, I had serious internet problems; I was without internet for a week. Unfortunately I don’t have other options, so I have to “live” with this one.

Then, because of this, I had to anticipate my work trip, because I need the internet to work and I spent more time there that I had expected. And although I have internet access there, I can’t enter the site. Not even my private e-mails I was able to access. New job, new conditions. We have to adapt.

When I came back, I got an infection, probably because of the last illness I had and it wasn’t well cured. I’m still doing some exams to search the cause of my problem. And because of that I don’t know when I’ll be able to dedicate time to the games, because I still have to work. I hope it’ll be very soon because I miss the games so much.

Hope to be back soon,

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:40 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:
amarriner wrote:If John survives the fall, can Isugtag drop a rope or do anything to assist?
He sure can. :)
Isugtag wouldn't mind using the rope to drop down to John, but I wasn't sure what stat to use and if there was someone else more fit around the crevasse?

Re: OOC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Get well, Laura/Jenn! The pace on the boards are like a reversed timeline from Donaldson´s The Land Chronicles. A month in real life is but a few ticks in game time :) . (Exceptions confirms the rule)
So, the explorers will head deeper into the wasteland of myth and we´ll be seeing you and your alter ego, when times are better!
/ Dave