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IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:00 am
by Raiko
Chapter Six – A Shock in the Lightest Night

Starkweather-Moore Expedition Base Camp – Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Sunday 19th November, 1933

By the end of the day on November the nineteenth the Starkweather-Moore Expedition’s base camp is finally operational. Although work is still to be done to complete the construction the laboratories, the darkroom, the weather shack and the aircraft hangars, enough of the base is construction is complete for the expedition to finally look towards their objective.

Conditions are cramped; indeed each of the two completed wooden huts has barely enough room inside for everybody to stand together, which makes Moore’s daily briefings extremely uncomfortable affairs.

Many of the expedition are currently housed in their tents, with low ice walls to shelter them from the harsh Antarctic winds.

The expedition guides and sled teams have spent much of the last two days surveying safe paths around the Base Camp and marking them with flags, over time these flags have been placed further and further away from the camp itself, so safe paths are now marked up to about two miles from the Expedition’s base. Three of the sleds are now prepared for tomorrow’s departure for the fuel cache, fully loaded with emergency supplies and drums of fuel.

While the exploration team surveyed the region, and the camp team worked on the facilities the technical team operated Professor Pabodie’s wondrous drilling machine for the first time on the ice, taking several core samples around the base camp to test the machine’s operation.

The aviation team, busy around the clock surveying and transporting since the expedition hit the ice, are now grounded as the weather turns throughout the region. Thin clouds of dry blown snow have made flying impossible. The Antarctic sun’s low amber rays appear and disappear between the clouds, casting the stark whiteness of the barrier ice by turns into vivid relief, long shadows, and impenetrable grey murk.

The wind has also picked up now, and the team have been forced to anchor down the two functioning Boeings: Weddell and Enderby, and the little Fairchild Scott as firmly as they can behind their makeshift ice walls. Eventually they will have proper hangars to protect them from the elements, but for now the pilots and engineers must make regular checks to ensure that the aircraft have not been damaged by the wind or snow.

Of the scientists, only the meteorologists and Sam Winslow, the glaciologist, have much to do for now. The rest organize their instruments, accustom themselves to the deadly cold, and rest, waiting for the weather to clear.

Members of the expedition settle down for the ‘night’ in bunks or tents ready for the departure of the overland expedition in the morning. The midnight sun shines dimly from the south through the fine clouds of ice, driven by howling gale force winds.

Re: IC - Chapter 5 - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:12 am
by Raiko
Starkweather Moore Expedition Base Camp
SME Base Camp<br />Image ©Chaosium.
SME Base Camp
Image ©Chaosium.
base camp scan768.png (345.67 KiB) Viewed 1932 times
OOC: I'm intending to produce my own base camp map, but here's the one from the book.

Re: IC - Chapter 5 - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:18 am
by Raiko
Starkweather-Moore Expedition Base Camp – Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
03:00am – Monday 20th November, 1933

As midnight passes the winds die down and an eerie silence descends on the camp. The low clouds still hang over the camp, but the air is now completely still. The sun shines dazzlingly bright underneath the clouds, casting long shadows across the base camp.

The silence is shattered at three in the morning by the thin clangour of an alarm bell...

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:22 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Being awakened from his sleep by the stirring of other members of the team who hear the alarm bell, John staggeringly gets to his feet and tries to figure out what´s happening. "What´s up, Nils?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:33 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Meeting Hut – Starkweather Moore Expedition Base Camp
03:01am – Monday 20th November, 1933
James wakes up instantly inside his room in the meeting hut. The alarm is very loud here, as the radio room is inside the same hut, but even so Professor Albemarle continues to snore loudly in his own bunk.

Inside the other room in the meeting hut, Louis Laroche wakes up Jack before dashing into the radio room to investigate.

Inside the Medical Hut – Starkweather Moore Expedition Base Camp
03:01am – Monday 20th November, 1933

In the other hut, housing the sickbay, the doctors Graves and Greene both wake up, but Kitt in still sound asleep in her own room.

Inside the Tents – Starkweather Moore Expedition Base Camp
03:01am – Monday 20th November, 1933
Syrinx wrote:Being awakened from his sleep by the stirring of other members of the team who hears the alarm bell, John staggeringly gets to his feet and tries to figure out what´s happening. "What´s up, Nils?"
The big Scandinavian guide stares back silently at John; already half way out of the tent , he appears rather surprised that John wasn’t instantly ready for action.

He turns back without uttering a word, following his younger brother outside. With his back turned, as he exits the tent Nils finally answers John’s question with a typically blunt, “Radio alarm!”


Elsewhere in the camp Callum, Isugtag and Olof are shaken awake by their tent-mate Samuel Winslow.

McRaven hears the alarm from inside the tent that he shares with the other male pilots and the engineer “Colt” Huston. As he sits up, he sees that Ralph Dewitt has also heard the alarm – he’s climbing out of his sleeping bag and pulling on his coat.

Everyone in the expedition knows the reason for the bell; it was explained to them all on the voyage south: the bell is the radio’s mayday alarm. Someone, somewhere, is calling for help, but who and where?


When you get outside – Starkweather Moore Expedition Base Camp
03:01am – Monday 20th November, 1933

Outside in the cold, James Starkweather emerges from his tent almost at once and jogs across the ice to the meeting hut without closing up his coat. The frozen ground chirps and squeaks beneath his boots in the sudden silence as the alarm bell goes mute.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:38 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Meeting Hut Radio Room – Starkweather Moore Expedition Base Camp
03:02am – Monday 20th November, 1933

Inside the hut a handful of explorers crouch around the radioman, Louis Laroche, as he flips switches and tunes the radio dials. A powerful signal rings across the hisses of static for a moment – <<DIT-DAHH, DITDAHH, DIT-DAHH>> – before Laroche tunes away and a voice can be heard.

<<Help! If you can hear me, land a party at once! The camp is under attack! This is Tony Hopewell calling Tallahassee. Mac, can you hear me? They’re>>

The voice stops suddenly, punctuated by two sharp reports like gunshots. A moment later the carrier fades, leaving only static.

Laroche and Starkweather stare at each other and at the radio, shock written on their faces. No one quite knows quite what to do.

A minute later a faint hollow rumble, like thunder, rolls across the camp from the north.

Starkweather’s astonishment fades swiftly. He runs, grabbing a pair of binoculars from a peg by the door, and hurriedly exits the hut.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:32 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag, though sound asleep initially, rises quickly when he is awoken. He looks at Callum and Olof and gives them a silent nod before heading hurriedly out of the tent. Seeing Starkweather enter the meeting tent he follows. After the radio and the loud sounds, he follows Starkweather again outside in the hopes of getting more information.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:21 pm
by Ghost_1971
Callum shakes the sleep from his head, and follows Isutag to the Radio shed to find out what's going on.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:26 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven gets his cold weather gear on and heads out to the radio shack, mind racing wondering whats going he gets close to the shack, he spots Starkweather holding fieldglasses, racing out of the tent...he decides to fall in with the expedition leader to learn whats going on...and more importantly how he can help.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:18 am
by Henrik
Olof is disoriented at first but prepares as quickly as he can and then heads out in the cold. What has happened? He heads together with his tent mates to the radio hut.

OOC: And I who entertained the thought of butchering the rival expedition in their sleep. Looks like someone beat us to it...

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:39 pm
by Raiko
Starkweather-Moore Expedition Base Camp
03:05am – Monday 20th November, 1933

After leaving the hut Starkweather heads for high ground. He climbs a nearby ridge and spends a minute or two scanning the ice to the north, but the haze hides everything – there in nothing to be seen.

“Damn it!”

Without another word Starkweather turns and jogs back towards the meeting hut, ignoring all enquires.

By now the rest of the camp is awake. Men emerge from their tents in disarray, curious and uneasy. Professor Moore arrives; he sets Lopez and Cole to preparing food and water, while Pulaski and Sørensen ready the dogs for two of the sleds. Moore then follows Starkweather back into the meeting hut.

Everyone seems to know that something is wrong, and that something needs to be done. But no-one knows just what has happened, or why.

Inside the Meeting Hut – Starkweather-Moore Expedition Base Camp.
03:06am – Monday 20th November, 1933

Laroche remains at his post while Starkweather is outside, he tries in vain to establish contact again with Hopewell, who he explains is the Lexington Expedition’s radioman.

Eventually as Starkweather returns Laroche gives up, “I shall try to contact the Tallahassee, perhaps they know more than we do.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:03 pm
by Decrepit
Jack, who has some slight radio expertise, stays with Laroche for now in case he can help, even though he knows the problem isn't technical but something much worse. What could have happened?

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:17 pm
by Ghost_1971
"Professor Moore. I think we should get a team together, and head over to the last known position of that camp." says Callum.

"I've no idea what's happened over there, but there may be casualties, and in these conditions they wont last long."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:14 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven arrives in the radio tent to hear Callum pitch his idea.
"Any idea how far they are? I'm only asking, because any trip we make will have to be ones going to be able to get a plane up in this weather"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:27 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Wh have to bring some arms, they were attacked by something...Yetis?! ...or what." John heads off to retrieve his shotgun as there seems to be a need for a slug thrower. "Get the sledges ready boys! We´ve some hunting to do..." If we get a bearing on where they are camping at... He thinks as he enters the tent he shares with the brothers.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:27 am
by Henrik
"Isn't there danger in leaving in the middle of the night?" Olof asks. "Isn't there a possibility of getting lost? We would not want to lose more expedition members! Shouldn't we wait for tomorrow instead?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:55 pm
by Raiko
Radio Room, The Meeting Hut – Starkweather-Moore Base Camp, Ross Ice Shelf
03:07am – Monday 20th November, 1933
Louis Laroche wrote:“I shall try to contact the Tallahassee, perhaps they know more than we do.”
A few moments later Laroche has MacAuley, the SS Tallahassee’s radioman, on the line. The resulting conversation between the two men reveals that the Lexington Expedition’s fuel cache and mess hall appear to be ablaze, along with several tents. No one can see much from aboard the ship – the haze shifts and obscures the shore – but men on watch report hearing gunshots, and everyone can see a pall of smoke over the scene. No one answers the radio.

The Tallahassee is helpless. Despite clear water at the foot of the barrier it in far too dangerous to come alongside the ice, even to put a party ashore, and there is nowhere for a small boat to land.

Starkweather returns to the hall just in time to hear the end of the conversation. He takes the microphone from Louis and leans over the radio. Tallahassee, this is Starkweather I’m preparing an overland party. It’s only fourteen miles, so we ought to be there shortly. I’m taking food, fuel, and medical supplies, but we cannot afford to bring a radio.”

“So I’ll fire off two white flares when we arrive. Do you understand? Tell your captain not to worry; we’ll do everything we can.”

Henrik wrote:"Isn't there danger in leaving in the middle of the night?" Olof asks. "Isn't there a possibility of getting lost? We would not want to lose more expedition members! Shouldn't we wait for tomorrow instead?"
He hands the microphone back to Laroche, then turns to address everyone in the room, “No, Callum is quite right we must do something - time is of the essence! Moore is already organising the sleds – I want some volunteers, anyone with military experience and everyone who has first aid training!”

“Get yourselves ready for a little trek, we leave in fifteen minutes,” he stops and grins, “We’ve a young lady to rescue!”

The smile fades as quickly as it had appeared, replaced with a look of steely determination – the look of a soldier preparing for battle.

“Everyone who comes must be armed, we haven’t got a clue what has happened, but from the Tallahassee’s report it does not look good. As you know Lexington’s Base Camp is located some fourteen miles north of our position – we should be able to make good time now that that damned wind has dropped.”

Outside the huts – Starkweather-Moore Expedition Base Camp – Ross Ice Shelf
03:08am – Monday 20th November, 1933

Outside, with quiet competence, Moore has already begun readying the equipment for the journey. Two sleds, prepared for the cache-deploying journey, are rapidly being restocked with emergency and medical supplies as the dog men harness two teams.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:22 pm
by Ghost_1971
"You can count me in Boss!" says Callum in reply to Starkweathers request for volunteers.

"As you know, I dont have the military experience, but I can use a rifle. Then again, my skills lay elsewhere, and if I can't get you there and back safely, I'm in the wrong job. I'm going to get my gear together. See you outside."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:23 pm
by Henrik
Olof thinks for a few seconds and then answers. "I'll go as well, if you'll have me. I have some experience with a rifle, if you have an extra you can lend me." The engineer does dress in his winter gear and he also brings some cans of food and water. Not so much for himself but for any survivors of the Lexington camp, they might be hungry. If there is a rifle to be spared he takes that as well.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:53 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"I guess the rye whiskey will come in handy?" Rhyes says as he returns from the tent with a shotgun slung over his shoulder. From the pack on his back comes a clanking of bottles. "Need to secure them precious draughts..." He takes a moment to fuzz with the pack then looks at Callum. "Time to get serious, nay?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:56 pm
by Steerpike
McRavens stiffens up at the talk of gunshots, and burning fuel.
"Wonder if they those poor bastards have been having the trouble we have..." He leaves the sentence unfinished. "Count me in, I'm handy in a scrap...let me go get my gear together"
With that the pilot leaves the radio tent and goes to gear up for the mission.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:47 am
by amarriner
Isugtag listens to the goings on quietly, trying not to get too worked up about things. He prefers to go at a problem calmly and cooly. It's difficult to do, though, knowing--at least partially--the situation at hand. He offers his services to the group as well. He'd like to see for himself what's happened.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:09 pm
by Decrepit
As Laroche appears to have the radio operations well in hand, Jack pipes up, "I should probably come too. You may need someone to document what happened, and though it's been a while, I think I can still remember which end of a gun is which, if need be." Jack knows it's the right thing to do to volunteer, but he's not anxious to see what lay at the other camp, given what he's already heard.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:45 pm
by Charles Graves
After discovering the dramatic events taking place a few miles across the ice, Graves hurries back to his tent.
He checks and packs his medical supplies into a backpack then reaches under his bed and pulls out a wooden box.
Slowly he lifts the lid and looks down at the officer issue service revolver that accompanied him throughout the horror of the Great War.
Many times he had sworn to himself that he would never touch the thing again, but he realised that with so many lives at steak this was a promise that he would be unable to keep.
After several seconds of gazing at the weapon he was snapped back to his senses by the sounds of the rescue team assembling outside the tents.
Packing the revolver along with the rest his cold weather survival gear, the Professor throws the empty box onto his camp bed and leaves the tent to meet up with the rest of the rescue party. Despite a growing sense of foreboding, he had a grim determination to make sure that nobody else would die in this desolate place and he felt ready to begin the journey to face whatever was awaiting them.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:41 am
by Dave Syrinx
John waits for Callum to get geared up and pulls the arctic survival anorach tighter. He keeps moving on the spot. He scans the surroundings for anything unusual.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:25 pm
by Raiko
Starkweather-Moore Expedition Base Camp – Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
03:25am – Monday 20th November, 1933

Two sleds are quickly prepared for the overland trek to the Lexington camp. An ominous atmosphere hangs over the camp, as armed men prepare to depart into the unknown. Starkweather’s grin is gone now, the expedition leader now looks every bit the military officer as he joins Moore supervising the preparations.

Isugtag offers his rifle to Olof, the Inuit guide has his pump action shotgun slung across his back and holstered pistols hang from his belt.

(OOC: I’d confirmed via PM ages ago that Isutag would provide Olof with a gun – prior to me dropping off the face of the world for a week or two)

Soon everyone is ready to depart, Starkweather and the investigators are accompanied by Pulaski, Sørensen and Greene. The two sleds, laden with supplies are tethered to eleven-dog teams. Pulaski and Sørensen, the expedition’s two most experienced dog-sled drivers, take the reigns, the rest are provided with skis. For most, this will their first long trek across polar ice. The dogs bark and howl excitedly, they at least are eager to depart.

“Ok men, we have a young lady to rescue, and no more time to waste!” With that Starkweather leads his party away northwards, only fourteen miles of crevasse scarred ice stand between them and their destination.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:22 pm
by amarriner
After giving his rifle to Olof, Isugtag checks his own pistol and then adjusts his gear before getting his skis on and fitted properly. Though the end result might be grim, the trip on skis will be exciting for him. Finally off the boat and into the snow...

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:22 pm
by Henrik
Olof thanks Isutag for the rifle and he puts it on his back. As they finalize their preparations Olof thinks about how Starkweather's thoughts about this. Was not he and the Lexington woman involved with each other previously? May he still have feelings for her?

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:06 pm
by Dave Syrinx
John had had a bad feeling about skiing in the night. However that had passed. As the skiing party move on he feels a lot better. It´s not that hard after all...

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:31 am
by Decrepit
Jack keeps his thoughts to himself. That this would end badly he had few doubts.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:02 pm
by Ghost_1971
Callum gets his head down, and sets himself a good pace. Occasionally he looks around to check on the less experienced skiiers, and also keep an eye on the weather.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:02 am
by Steerpike
Bill falls in with Callum nodding briefly at him but says nothing lost in his own thoughts and concentrating on his skiing...(this will be the longest trek he has ever had to make on the blasted things)...determined not to let the side down.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:28 pm
by Raiko
The Rescue Party - Out on the Ice Shelf
04:30am – Monday 20th November, 1933

The going is good at first, the dogs pull hard on their reigns, eager to get out for a run. Isugtag, Callum and John are the most experienced in these conditions and take the lead, followed by the two sleds and the rest of the skiers. Starkweather, enthusiastic as ever, takes the reigns of Pulaski’s sled a short distance from the Base Camp and guides the dogs expertly.

It is a hard trip, but an exciting one, most of the party have no problem with the skis, but Jack and Greene, just can’t seem to get the hang of it and struggle to keep up with the pace of the others. Eventually Greene (who normally excels at any sporty) gives up in frustration and hitches a ride on Starkweather’s sled.

The air is bitterly cold, breath freezes into puffs of white mist, rime quickly builds up on any exposed facial hair, and all are quickly chilled to the bone. Shifting clouds and occasional drifts of fog change the appearance of the landscape from moment to moment – the uneven light from the low sun distorts everything, making objects appear to be much farther or nearer than they really are.

To a casual observer the terrain between the camps would appear featureless, other than the continual rise and fall of great pressure ridges, but this is not the case. Holes and cracks are everywhere – most are open to the sky, fairly easy to spot although awkward and time-consuming to avoid. Others are much more treacherous, hidden beneath deceptive veneers of thin ice and snow.

On one of these concealed crevasses disaster strikes, Callum and John are in the lead some ten yards ahead of Isugtag and the first sled when the ground suddenly crumbles and collapses beneath their skis.

Callum reacts at once – hurling himself forwards he reaches the safety of solid ice across the fracture. John though is not so fortunate, caught half way across as thin ice gives way with a crash, he doesn’t have a chance. Panicking the experienced mountaineer desperately swings his ice-axe at the near virtual ice walls as he plunges from view.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:13 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag, seeing the disaster ahead, pushes himself a little harder to reach Callum and John as fast as he can. He surveys the scene as quickly as possible, and looks for any way he can be of help.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:44 pm
by Steerpike
He heard the crack of the ice and turning round sees both Callum and John falling in. His heart is thumping in his chest like drums **Christ that could have been me** Looking back the way he came he sees Isugtag coming up.

"Get a torch and some rope from the sleds!"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:55 am
by Raiko
The Rescue Party - Out on the Ice Shelf
04:31am – Monday 20th November, 1933

John buries the head of his axe deep into the ice wall with his first swing. One of his skis clatters noisily to the bottom of the crevasse, forty feet below his feet, but as far as he can tell he’s uninjured.

Looking up he sees Isutag and McRaven peering cautiously over the edge of the ice about twenty feet above him.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Not quite believing the fortunate stab with the ice axe, he clings on and shouts, "I´m alright, for now... A rope might be good!" "How are the others?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:10 pm
by Henrik
Olof who has reacted lately not having any experience with situations like this helps looking for a rope and tries to be useful.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:58 pm
by Raiko
Olof grabs a coil of good rope from Starkweather's sled.

Starkweather and Greene dash over to the crevasse to see if they can assist.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:04 pm
by Henrik
"I got a rope" Olof says and offers it to anyone more used to these things. The engineer does not want to do something he is feeling is outside of his expertise.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:58 pm
by Ghost_1971
Callum picks himself up from where he landed, counting his blessings as he does so. Looking around, he quickly notices that John is missing. He scrambles to the edge of the crevasse, and is relieved to see his fellow explorer clinging on.

"Dont worry mate! We'll soon get you out of there!"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Be sure to take failsafe measures, to avoid anyone else slipping in! I´ve got secure hold here!" John tries to find a ledge or uneven spot to rest his feet against. He keeps his arms fully stretched letting the muscels rest.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:33 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Gripping the rope, John tries the counterweight and securely ascends the icy wall. Well over the ledge he brushes off ice shards from his parka, "Nice save, mates! I´ll keep an extra eye on cracks now on." Getting ready to pursue the treck to aid the unfortunate others, John contemplates the encounter with mother nature.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:30 am
by Henrik
"Any bones broken? You're okay?" Olof asks John. He is amazed how lucky John has been. The engineer thinks about the people lost when they were securing the loose cargo and shudders. He does not want to see any other members of the expedition lost in unfortunate accidents.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:55 am
by Dave Syrinx
"Yes, I´m OK. Only a slight tension in the shoulder...Had I fallen any deeper- it might have popped." He moves the shoulder to loosen up the tension-

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:17 pm
by Raiko
Starkweather dashes across to join John and Olof, “You had me worried there John. I thought we’d lost you for sure.”

Greene quickly checks with John to make sure that he’s ok to continue, “I check you over properly when we’re next under cover, but you don’t seem to have sustained any serious damage. You’re a lucky man Mr Rhyes.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:30 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag gives John a hearty slap on the shoulder and grins. Nothing like getting the heart rate up to keep things interesting ...

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:29 pm
by Decrepit
Hang it! This skiing is too dangerous for a clod like me, Jack says to himself and looks for a ride the rest of the way. He's glad that John's made it through in one piece--he so easily could have come out so much worse, or not at all.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:53 am
by Dave Syrinx
To Starkweather and Greene, John says, "I have to agree that had I not been climbing those cliffs back home all those years ago - you´d be one less to return to the main land.""But let´s look forward!"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:09 am
by Henrik
Olof smiles for himself. Perhaps there is time for some luck on this cursed expedition instead of all the bad fortune they have had. The Swede's thoughts return to what is ahead of them. What could have happened? There is no dangers in this cold wasteland other than the cold itself...

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:16 am
by Raiko
Southern Approach to the Lexington Expedition Base Camp.
06:55am – Monday 20th November, 1933

With John luckily unharmed the party set off once again; first they have to follow the line of the deep crevasse for several hundred yards in order to cross safely cross to the other side – finally rejoining Callum.

Then they turn north again towards the Lexington camp, more cautious now after John’s brush with death.

Travelling over the barrier is immensely tiring. There are several long straight stretches of snow where the sleds can move freely, but the land between is abruptly broken and pressed upwards by the forces beneath. Some ridges can be climbed only with ropes; sleds and even dogs must be pulled or carried up or down slopes they could not climb. More than once the party reaches impassable ground and has to double back a short distance. Every muscle in the their bodies aches before the trip is done.

In the end it takes almost four hours to cover the fourteen miles between the camps, but finally the weary rescuers reach a row of red marker flags, set out by Lexington’s people to establish safe trails near to the base camp.

The path marked by the flags heads north over the next low ridge; a dark column of smoke rises into the air from beyond the ridge, and even here the air is tainted by the stench of burnt fuel.

Halting the party for a moment Starkweather eyes the ridgeline suspiciously and readies his Enfield rifle, “This is it lads, get ready.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:58 am
by Dave Syrinx
John makes sure the shotgun is functional, "Let´s see what´s what!", then he is ready to set off again.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:36 pm
by Decrepit
Jack feels his stomach lurch as he prepares to advance with the others. He's got that same "move-out" feeling that he remembered vividly from his days in the Great War--he'd hoped he'd never had that bitter mix of fear, anticipation, and thrill again.

He looks around to see whether there's a rifle he can pick up. He's rusty, but he thinks he remembers which end of the gun is which.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:46 pm
by Steerpike
William, reaches into the deep pockets of his suit and draws out his service revolver. At that moment, it just occurs to him that he has never really fired in anger at another man since the war...a cold chill comes over and he shivers slightly.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:27 pm
by Ghost_1971
Callum gets out his rifle and checks it over.

Once he's satisfied it's ok, he removes his old army surplus Field Glasses from their battered case, and tries to get a better view of the smouldering camp.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:31 am
by Raiko
Overlooking the Lexington Base Camp.
07:10am – Monday 20th November, 1933

The rescue party follow the marker flags to the top of the final ridge; at last the other base camp comes into view.

It is apparent at once that something has gone very wrong. The air over the site is full of the choking tang of smoke and the dark pall of burning fuel. Pale wisps of steam curl up from the soot-covered snow.

The Lexington Expedition’s base camp is smaller than the Starkweather-Moore camp. A single long wooden hut centres the site, with a short row of tents spreading out to either side like wings or the sides of a V. The neat cluster of huts and tents it covered by a thin film of ash, and the pristine whiteness of the snow is marred by the gutted remains. One end of the hut is blackened and burned.

In the middle of the V, where a generator shack once stood, now there is only the cooling aftermath of a bonfire, beside crumpled remains of a fallen radio tower.

Acacia Lexington’s two aircraft, a Northrop Delta monoplane and her small Cierva autogyro sit near the middle of the V, both are covered in soot, but appear otherwise undamaged. The scarred line of the landing strip is close by to one side of the camp.

Callum surveys the camp though his field binoculars and Starkweather soon joins him with his own pair. Lexington expedition personnel can be seen moving around the camp amid the smoke and steam, but there is no sign that anyone is particularly panicked – they all appear to be calmly putting things back together, and extinguishing the last of the fires. It’s possible that a fuel dump once existed close by the wrecked generator and fallen radio tower, but that area is now at the centre of the thickest concentration of smoke.

Starkweather is surprised – disappointed even – that there doesn’t appear to be a battle to charge into, “Lets get down there and find out what the hell is going on, they probably still need our help.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:37 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag lowers his pistol and nods at Starkweather before starting his walk to this new camp. He notes Starkweather's apparent disappointment, but cannot share the sentiment. Isugtag might be a burly fellow, but fighting isn't what drives him. He can get the job done if necessary, but he'd rather avoid it whenever possible.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:14 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Yeah, let´s see what we can do for them, and hope everything is secure back at our camp..." John slings back the shotgun and starts closing the distance to the charred camp.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:08 pm
by Ghost_1971
Seeing no obvious dangers down in the smouldering camp, Callum puts away his Field Glasses and packs his rifle back in it's case. "Looks like the fun's over for now. Oh well... let's get down there and see if they want any help."

"Keep your eyes open for fissures. I know we're nearly there, but you never know...."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:28 pm
by Raiko
The excited sled dogs bark and snarl at the stench of scorched canvas and gasoline as the sleds descend the gentle slope toward the camp. Hearing the unexpected sounds Lexington Expedition personnel turn their heads towards the newcomers. One man, walks out to meet the rescue party. Half a dozen others follow him at a distance.

As he closes with the rescue party you see that the man is tall and weathered, he carries a rather hefty looking iron bar. stopping just short of the party he speaks in a booming voice, with a pronounced Danish accent: “We heard you were coming. I’m afraid there’s not so much for you to do. Miss Lexington wants to see you in the cook shack.”

“Ah.” Starkweather replies, a bit taken aback. “Of course, whatever I can do. You knew we were coming?”

“Ja. The ship told us hours ago on the radio. Your camp is worried for you.”

Looking somewhat deflated Starkweather accompanies the Dane back towards the damaged hut, Greene makes to follow the expedition leader, but Starkweather shakes his head. Through gritted teeth he says, “No, I’d like to speak to Miss Lexington alone thank-you.”

Greene nods and stands watching as Starkweather heads for the hut.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:01 am
by Steerpike
McRaven wanders over to one of the survivors...pocketing his pistol as there doesn't seem to be any danger at the moment.

"Say buddy, what the hell happened here"

His gaze wanders over to the aircraft and he briefly wonders if there is any fuel in the planes...enough to get back to the camp in style?

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:10 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag heads into the camp to see if he can help with any cleanup or anything else. He's got an ear open to conversation about what's happened to these people, but doesn't initiate a conversation.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:13 pm
by Decrepit
Seeing no immediate danger, Jack, like the carrion eater his profession demands he be, takes out his camera [if it was somehow packed] and begins to try to assess from the people going to and fro what happened. He's sure he's not going to hear the full story from Starkweather or Lexington.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:59 pm
by Raiko
Decrepit wrote:Seeing no immediate danger, Jack, like the carrion eater his profession demands he be, takes out his camera [if it was somehow packed] and begins to try to assess from the people going to and fro what happened. He's sure he's not going to hear the full story from Starkweather or Lexington.
Steerpike wrote:McRaven wanders over to one of the survivors...pocketing his pistol as there doesn't seem to be any danger at the moment.

"Say buddy, what the hell happened here"

His gaze wanders over to the aircraft and he briefly wonders if there is any fuel in the planes...enough to get back to the camp in style?
McRaven – with Jack lurking close by, camera-in-hand – finds himself speaking to a young man who enthusiastically greets him, “Hi I’m Chris Hooper, I guess you guys want to know what happened.”

Another man walks towards the group, approaching from the direction of a fallen tent that he had been re-erecting.” He doesn’t speak, but he nods towards Jack in a friendly manner.

Other members of the Lexington Expedition drift away, back towards their work, one or two casting suspicious, even hostile, glances towards the newcomers.

Across the camp, Starkweather and his escort enter the hut.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:00 pm
by Raiko
amarriner wrote:Isugtag heads into the camp to see if he can help with any cleanup or anything else. He's got an ear open to conversation about what's happened to these people, but doesn't initiate a conversation.
Isugtag spots a man dragging a large burnt crate across the snow, towards the edge of the camp, where a pile of debris and damaged equipment is being made. A series of deep furrows through the ice and snow bear mute testament to the man’s industry.

He accepts Isutag’s assistance with just a nod, but pauses for breath when the two have finished hauling the scorched crate over the pile of debris. He offers the Inuit guide a handshake, his breath forms thick clouds as he pants in the cold air “Jenner, thanks for that.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:53 pm
by Steerpike
"Hello Chris, I'm Bill McRaven...the fella with the camera is Jack...So what in hell happened hear chris...looks like you've been in a war here"
McRavens gaze falls back on the aircraft
"Any of those kites still flyable?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:33 pm
by Ghost_1971
Callum takes a good look around the camp, and then approaches Dr. Greene.

"Come on Doc. Let's go and see if there are any casualties. I'll give you a hand."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:00 am
by Henrik
Olof tries to understand what has happened. Some sort of fire perhaps? But where did it start? And how? He decides to turn to Bill, Jack and Chris. He greets Chris. "How do you do. I'm Olof. It seems that we are not the only ones who had had some bad luck during our expedition."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:46 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:He offers the Inuit guide a handshake, his breath forms thick clouds as he pants in the cold air “Jenner, thanks for that.”
Isugtag accepts the handshake with a small smile and nods at Jenner. You are welcome. I am Isugtag. Seems to be quite a commotion here today, hmm? Isugtag then nods at the crate and asks, More beat up and burnt equipment?

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:24 pm
by Raiko
As the rescue party mingle with the rival expedition and help with the repairs a loud commotion breaks out inside the hut, Starkweather’s booming English accent can be clearly heard, as can the equally loud shouts of an American lady, presumably Miss Acacia Lexington. It hasn’t been more than two minutes since the Englishman entered the hut and already the act of gallant rescuer seems to have been abandoned as the two resume their bitter feud. The feisty New York business woman certainly seems to be giving as good as she gets.

“Imbecile woman! I should never have allowed you to...”

“ anyone tolerates your incredible arrogance! You...”

“...had about all that I can take of your posturing!”

“Don’t talk to me about posturing, you pompous...”

The shouting continues for a full minute, heard by all in the camp. At first everybody stops what they doing and turn towards the hut, but most quickly return to their work with a shake of the head or a wry grin. Eventually the argument dies down, at least enough to not be heard from outside, but it’s clear that it’s only a matter of time before the shouting begins again.

amarriner wrote:
Raiko wrote:He offers the Inuit guide a handshake, his breath forms thick clouds as he pants in the cold air “Jenner, thanks for that.”
Isugtag accepts the handshake with a small smile and nods at Jenner. You are welcome. I am Isugtag. Seems to be quite a commotion here today, hmm? Isugtag then nods at the crate and asks, More beat up and burnt equipment?
Jenner’s reaction is quite unexpected, his eyes narrow and for a second he stares at Isugtag as though he might be responsible in some way for the damage.

Turning back towards the tents Jenner growls, “No time for idle chat, if you want to talk help me with another one.”

Ghost_1971 wrote:Callum takes a good look around the camp, and then approaches Dr. Greene.

"Come on Doc. Let's go and see if there are any casualties. I'll give you a hand."

“Thanks Callum.” Greene points to the two men working to repair the generator. “That guy looks like he’s been wounded. Seems like a good place to start.”
Steerpike wrote:"Hello Chris, I'm Bill McRaven...the fella with the camera is Jack...So what in hell happened hear chris...looks like you've been in a war here"
McRavens gaze falls back on the aircraft
"Any of those kites still flyable?"
“I don’t think so, not until they’ve been checked over anyway. They were both a bit too close to the generator fuel when it went up.”

“They’re not totally wrecked though. We used the radios to contact the Tallahassee. Those two maniacs trashed the base radio. I’m not sure how much fuel we’ve lost either.”

Pulaski is nearby, he overhears this and head off towards the aircraft himself, “That is what we need, a radio.”

The smoke is clearing a little now and McRaven can see that the little autogyro looks to be the worst damaged. The Northrup looks ok from here.
Henrik wrote:Olof tries to understand what has happened. Some sort of fire perhaps? But where did it start? And how? He decides to turn to Bill, Jack and Chris. He greets Chris. "How do you do. I'm Olof. It seems that we are not the only ones who had had some bad luck during our expedition."
“Tell me about it. We’ve been having nothing but trouble since we set off.”

The young man grins, “still should be plain sailing now that the culprits have been caught.”
Syrinx wrote:John surveys the camp site.
John also notices the damage to the autogyro. Two Lexington expedition members stand staring morosely at the aircraft as Pulaski strides purposefully towards them. Elsewhere in the camp John notices another couple of fuel dumps, both appear to have been unaffected by the explosion. A man emerges from one of the tents and dashes towards the hut carrying a medical bag.

The man who nodded to Jack approaches him now, “Boy are we glad you guys are here, that’s what we need – a steady hand at the helm.”

He glances towards the hut, where the shouting match has resumed again, “The girl’s in over her head, no planning at all. Once all the accidents started she didn’t have a clue.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:41 pm
by Henrik
"Culprits? Have your expedition had saboteurs as well?" Olof is surprised and terrified at the same time. If the Lexington expedition had had saboteurs as well, what did that mean? Olof had nutured the suspicion that the saboteurs were sent my the Lexington woman or perhaps overzealous supporters of the Lexington expedition, but this...
"Have you heard anything about the German expedition? Perhaps they have run into similar troubles?" Olof does not mention a thought that strikes his mind, perhaps the Germans are responsible? Or someone else, someone determined that the expeditions should not reach Antarctica. Olof can not decide which theory is worse.

OOC: There was a German expedition, wasn't there?

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:27 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:Jenner’s reaction is quite unexpected, his eyes narrow and for a second he stares at Isugtag as though he might be responsible in some way for the damage.

Turning back towards the tents Jenner growls, “No time for idle chat, if you want to talk help me with another one.”
Isugtag blinks at Jenner, a bit surprised at his response, but doesn't get angry or hostile. He merely shrugs and says, Lead me to the next one. Manual labor is good for the soul. He wonders why the odd reaction, but he figures the guy's apt to spill more as they keep working.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:22 am
by Dave Syrinx
John moves over to the fuel dump to comfirm it´s safe. No leakage or such. He salutes the man running for the tents. "Casulties?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:50 pm
by Steerpike
Feeling like something of a spare wheel, McRaven also heads off to the larger aircraft...realising that it may indeed have a spare radio, it may also be flight worthy and possibly worth saving.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:26 pm
by Decrepit
Raiko wrote:The man who nodded to Jack approaches him now, “Boy are we glad you guys are here, that’s what we need – a steady hand at the helm.”

He glances towards the hut, where the shouting match has resumed again, “The girl’s in over her head, no planning at all. Once all the accidents started she didn’t have a clue.”
Jack keeps to himself the thought that if Starkweather is considered a steady hand, God help them all. It wouldn't help any to shake this man up any further.

"Tell me about the accidents. We've been having problems, too, and not all of them were accidents."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:24 pm
by Raiko
Note: Olof, Jack, Hooper and the other NPC are all stood close by, so the conversations kind of merge:
Henrik wrote:"Culprits? Have your expedition had saboteurs as well?"
Decrepit wrote:"Tell me about the accidents. We've been having problems, too, and not all of them were accidents."
Hooper looks genuinely surprised to learn that the rival expedition has also experienced “problems” on the way. “Damn! You don’t say? Hell, we’ve had no end of problems, food spoiled, weird storms, a suicide – the ship’s crew think we’re jinxed!”

He gestures enthusiastically as he speaks, “And then this latest thing, with Bradbury and Dinsdale shooting the place all to hell, shouting ‘They’re here! They’re here! Burn them out!’ Crazy I’m telling you.”

The other Lexington man interjects, “Yeah, this is too much, we’ve lost too much stuff now – food, fuel, radios, we can’t go on!”

“She just didn’t plan for anything to go wrong, it’s a disaster!”

Chris Hooper disagrees, “Hey Kyle, don’t be so downbeat! We can still manage, and I’m sure Mr Starkweather won’t mind lending a hand.”
Henrik wrote:"Have you heard anything about the German expedition? Perhaps they have run into similar troubles?"
Hooper shakes his head, “No, we don’t know nothin’ about the German expedition; it’s very mysterious. The rumour is that Chancellor Hitler himself authorised it, but what would he want down here?”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:24 pm
by Raiko
amarriner wrote:Isugtag blinks at Jenner, a bit surprised at his response, but doesn't get angry or hostile. He merely shrugs and says, Lead me to the next one. Manual labor is good for the soul. He wonders why the odd reaction, but he figures the guy's apt to spill more as they keep working.
Jenner glowers resentfully for a minute or two, but Isugtag’s willingness to lend a hand with the heavy work eventually wins him over – as the second round of shouting begins inside the cabin the big man chuckles, “You’ve gotta give that Starkweather credit, he’s got some balls turning up here after all the trouble he’s caused!”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:25 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:John moves over to the fuel dump to comfirm it´s safe. No leakage or such. He salutes the man running for the tents. "Casulties?"
Strangely the man ignores John’s call, he continues running towards the hut without looking back, he's rather overweight through and is struggling to move fast over the ice.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:26 pm
by Raiko
Steerpike wrote:Feeling like something of a spare wheel, McRaven also heads off to the larger aircraft...realising that it may indeed have a spare radio, it may also be flight worthy and possibly worth saving.
McRaven quickly catches up with Pulaski and the two approach the Lexington aircraft together. The two men by the Northrop watch them approach with suspicion. One of them takes an step closer to the plane, as though guarding it from the newcomers.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:29 pm
by Raiko
"Come on Doc. Let's go and see if there are any casualties. I'll give you a hand."[/quote]
“Thanks Callum.” Greene points to the two men working to repair the generator. “That guy looks like he’s been wounded. Seems like a good place to start.”[/quote]The two men are working so intently on the damaged generator that they don’t notice Callum and Greene approaching.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Rapidly following the man, John raises his shotgun, "Hey mister! Hold it!".... "BANDIT by the fuel dump!" "Stop or I´ll put you down!" He runs closer to get a good aim at the man.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:53 pm
by Ghost_1971
"Ok. Your the expert, Doctor."

Callum walks over to where the injured men are. He approaches quietly, trying to hear if they are talking about whatever has happened here.

As Dr.Greene and Callum reach the generator mechanics, Callum says "Hello there lads. I'm Callum, and this is Dr.Greene. We're from the Starkweather Moore Expedition. Looks like you've got some nasty cuts and bruises there. Do you want the good doctor here to take a look? It wont take a minute."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:51 pm
by Henrik
Raiko wrote:“No, we don’t know nothin’ about the German expedition; it’s very mysterious. The rumour is that Chancellor Hitler himself authorised it, but what would he want down here?”[/color]
"Well, I do not know much about Chancellor Hitler other than I have read in the papers. It remains to see if he can save the German economy. I've heard that things have been pretty bad there. Perhaps it is a ruse to raise the moral of the Germans. I hope that they haven't run into any trouble. Perhaps we should call on the radio to see? I learnt some German during my years in school, although it not as good as my French I believe that I could try unless someone else handles the language better."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:12 pm
by Steerpike
Mcraven spots the men and waves to them "Hey fellas, names Bill McRaven...I'm the flight engineer with the starweather-moore party...whats the condition of the plane and does it have a working radio?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:18 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:Jenner glowers resentfully for a minute or two, but Isugtag’s willingness to lend a hand with the heavy work eventually wins him over – as the second round of shouting begins inside the cabin the big man chuckles, “You’ve gotta give that Starkweather credit, he’s got some balls turning up here after all the trouble he’s caused!”
Isugtag works as hard as he can alongside Jenner. He, too, stops when he hears the shouting. At Jenner's mention of Starkweather causing trouble, he turns to the former and says, "Trouble? What trouble has Mr. Starkweather caused?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:41 am
by Decrepit
Good Lord, what's going on now? Jack wonders, chasing down the sounds.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:11 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:Rapidly following the man, John raises his shotgun, "Hey mister! Hold it!".... "BANDIT by the fuel dump!" "Stop or I´ll put you down!" He runs closer to get a good aim at the man.
John's actions stop all of the conversations, as members of the Lexington expedition turn to gawp at him.

The overweight man turns when John shouts, looking for the 'bandit', seeing John aiming the shotgun at him he squeals loudly and falls to his knees, curling up in terror. His bag falls onto the ground scattering medical instruments across the ice.


Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:12 pm
by Raiko
Henrik wrote:"Well, I do not know much about Chancellor Hitler other than I have read in the papers. It remains to see if he can save the German economy. I've heard that things have been pretty bad there. Perhaps it is a ruse to raise the moral of the Germans. I hope that they haven't run into any trouble. Perhaps we should call on the radio to see? I learnt some German during my years in school, although it not as good as my French I believe that I could try unless someone else handles the language better."
Chris shakes his head, “I don’t know Olof, until we get the main radio working we just don’t have the range to speak to the Germans. The aircraft radios were only good enough to speak to the guys on the Tallahassee – ”
Decrepit wrote:Good Lord, what's going on now? Jack wonders, chasing down the sounds.
Jack spots John raising his shotgun, taking aim at a rotund man who drops to his knees, begging for his life.

Chris stops talking to Olof and shouts, “Hey! Leave the Doc alone!”
Chris Hooper
Chris Hooper
Chris Hooper.jpg (26.59 KiB) Viewed 1617 times
The &quot;other Lexington guy&quot;
The "other Lexington guy"
The guy talking to Jack.jpg (8.16 KiB) Viewed 1613 times

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:12 pm
by Raiko
amarriner wrote:Isugtag works as hard as he can alongside Jenner. He, too, stops when he hears the shouting. At Jenner's mention of Starkweather causing trouble, he turns to the former and says, "Trouble? What trouble has Mr. Starkweather caused?"
“That's what I mean!” snarls Jenner. He clenches his fists and dashes across the ice towards John and the cowering man.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:13 pm
by Raiko
Steerpike wrote:McRaven spots the men and waves to them "Hey fellas, names Bill McRaven...I'm the flight engineer with the starweather-moore party...whats the condition of the plane and does it have a working radio?"
“Stay away from the damn plane!” The aggression and hostility in the man’s voice stops Pulaski in his tracks – both of the Lexington men look like they’re spoiling for a fight.

Gregor Pulaski turns to McRaven, “Perhaps we try elsewhere Bill, these men – ” his words are cut short by the sight of John confronting the Lexington expedition doctor.”

“What the hell!” shout the two Lexington men in unison. Seeing the opportunity for a fight, the pair dash angrily towards John, abandoning the Northrop for the moment.
The First Aircraft Guard
The First Aircraft Guard
Guard 1.jpg (10.58 KiB) Viewed 1616 times
The Second Aircraft Guard
The Second Aircraft Guard
Guard 2.jpg (17.97 KiB) Viewed 1614 times

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:14 pm
by Raiko
Ghost_1971 wrote:"Ok. Your the expert, Doctor."

Callum walks over to where the injured men are. He approaches quietly, trying to hear if they are talking about whatever has happened here.
The two men are just talking about the damaged generator. The wounded man watches his partner working and is extremely pessimistic about the chances of repair. The second man has his head and arms inside the generator, he’s saying “Well, we’ll just see about that.”
Ghost_1971 wrote:As Dr.Greene and Callum reach the generator mechanics, Callum says "Hello there lads. I'm Callum, and this is Dr.Greene. We're from the Starkweather Moore Expedition. Looks like you've got some nasty cuts and bruises there. Do you want the good doctor here to take a look? It won’t take a minute."
The wounded man nods, “Thanks for that – name’s Hopewell. I’ve nothing better to do – this generator’s wrecked.”

“We’ll see about that...” mumbles his partner who still hasn’t looked up from the generator.

Callum remembers that Hopewell was the name of the Lexington Expedition's radio operator, who's message initially led to this "rescue mission."

Greene is just starting to look at Hopewell’s injured arm when everyone’s attention is diverted by John and the overweight man.
Tony Hopewell
Tony Hopewell
Tony Hopewell.jpg (19.03 KiB) Viewed 1613 times

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Seeing the reaction of the Doc and the comment by Hooper makes John lower the shotgun. "Sorry, Doc! Proceed!" John stands with his palms open, the shotgun hanging over his shoulder in a strap. "Can´t be too cautious with people sneaking around fuel dumps... There are accidents everywhere now... I´ll be damned if there´d be one when we finally have gotten here! Is all things alright here? We´re here to help."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:01 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:“That's what I mean!” snarls Jenner. He clenches his fists and dashes across the ice towards John and the cowering man.
Hmm, that's odd, says Isugtag. He watches John for a moment, and when he sees the two from the plane running towards him, Isugtag starts to move in that direction. To Jenner, he says I'll be back in a minute. I must diffuse this situation and then I'll help with the boxes.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:53 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven looks over to pulaski "Goddamn it Gregor this is getting ugly"
He strides over to were John is, following to the two angry Northrop guards...he can see that the party has split up into little groups and getting more chaotic by the minute...Starweather should have taken care of this, before taking a chance to put one over the Lexington woman.

He takes out his pistol then fires one quick shot into the air

"Everyone calm the hell down. John, stop waving your gun in that guys face...everyone Hold fast, no one do anything stupid...I wanna know whats happened, I wanna know what needs doing to get you people out of this hole..And if mr STARKWEATHER and Ms LEXINGTON would care to join us" He adds shouting out the two names very loudly "Then we can get this show on the road"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:30 pm
by Raiko
The sound of McRaven’s gunshot reverberates around the Lexington campsite, stopping everyone in their tracks.

The arguing inside the hut stops abruptly and everyone hears Starkweather shout, “What the hell now!” from inside.

The two ‘guards’ turn around angrily to face McRaven and Pulaski, but they don’t make any other move.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:03 pm
by Steerpike
"Now I have everyones undivided attention...we can wait for our bold leaders to come forward then we can take this from the top and get things going...properly"

McRaven lowers his handgun but makes no move to put it away...he simply waits and watches.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:53 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Rhyes keeps his hands off of the shotgun. Still palms up, he offers the doc a hand to get up.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:56 am
by Henrik
Everything has happened real quickly. Olof is about to give his help with fixing the generator, but since the situation has become hostile he decides to keep quiet. He also keeps his hands where everyone can see them trying not to pose as a threat to the members of the Lexington expedition.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:26 am
by Decrepit
Well, that certainly got everyone's attention, Jack thinks ruefully. Of course, Starkweather isn't the sort of chap to just let someone else start calling the shots.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:31 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag stops before getting too close. He doesn't want the other group to think the Starkweather crew is too imposing or too much of a threat. He doesn't take his eyes off the action, though, and is ready to jump in if necessary.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:56 pm
by Ghost_1971
Greene is just starting to look at Hopewell’s injured arm when everyone’s attention is diverted by John and the overweight man.
Callum observes the altercation between John and the alleged "Bandit" for a few moments, then turns to the others, by the generator. "Don't worry about John guys. He gets a bit excitable sometimes..."

"Maybe it's a touch of cabin fever or something?!" he says, trying to laugh the incident off

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:07 pm
by Raiko
Ghost_1971 wrote:"Maybe it's a touch of cabin fever or something?!" he says, trying to laugh the incident off
“Yeah, guess you’re right – cabin fever, that’s exactly what the doc said about Bradbury and Dinsdale.”
Syrinx wrote:Rhyes keeps his hands off of the shotgun. Still palms up, he offers the doc a hand to get up.
The doctor looks very angry, but nonetheless accepts John’s offer to help him to his feet.

As he gets unsteadily back to his fete the front door of the main hut bursts open and Starkweather emerges with his revolver drawn, closely followed by Miss Acacia Lexington herself.

Quickly assessing the situation and drawing her own conclusions, the leader of the rival expedition wastes no time and immediately rounds on Starkweather:

“Don’t you think I’ve had enough trouble today already?!! Without your buffoons shooting up the camp as well?!!”

Starkweather’s face burns red as he stutters, “N-Now you just look here young lady!!!”

“How DARE you – you pretentious...”

It’s obvious that without immediate intervention, all that has been achieved is to bring the quarrel of the two bitter rivals out into the open. They don’t even seem to care about the gunshot anymore.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:29 pm
by Henrik
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! CALM DOWN! Enough has happened here for us to be at each other's throats. There has been attempts to sabotage both our expeditions. Personally I believed that supporters of the Lexington expedition behind all the troubles that befell us. We need to stop this bickering and begin working together. You two!" Olof points at Starkweather and Alicia. "You have to end this feud! If we are going to survive we need to begin working together! Who knows perhaps there are more saboteurs lying in wait? Are we supposed to do the job for them?"

OOC: If needed:

Persuade/Fast Talk (1d100=90)

A clear failure.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:50 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven simply raises his gun and fires again
"ONCE MORE FOR THE CHEAP SEATS!" He shouts out at the two expedition leaders "Olofs right...these people are wired up tighter than a snare drum and think we were to blame...this rescue was within a gnats hair of turning into a shooting war. While you two were in the tent arguing like an old married couple this camp was turning into chaos. You're the leaders, so take charge GODDAMN it and lets get these people the hell outta here!"

Persuade 15% (1d100=9)
ooc: Guess we don't need the bonus for the gun :)

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:19 pm
by Raiko
“Ok! Ok! Just put the gun away please!” Miss Lexington begins walking across towards McRaven, leaving a fuming James Starkweather behind her, “I’ve finished talking to this pompous fool anyway.”

“But let me make one thing clear – we will not be abandoning this camp. The maniacs who did this have been restrained until Doctor Anthony has properly diagnosed them. We will make a full assessment of the damage, and then offload any spares that we require from the Tallahassee.”

She reaches McRaven and Pulaski, and looks the pilot square in the eyes, “I’m sorry that you had a wasted journey gentlemen, but if you choose to follow “Captain” James Starkweather then it will not be your last!”

Behind her Starkweather shakes his head angrily, “This is ridiculous...”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:25 pm
by Henrik
"I for one is not interested in your and Mr. Starkweather's personal affairs, Ms. Lexington. I came with this expedition to get an opportunity to do some real science. Since there still can be lives at stake is it possible to speak with these saboteurs? I fear that they might be connected with the saboteur we found on our expedition."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:20 am
by Raiko
Lexington nods, "Ok, but not all of you, and only if the doctor agrees."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
John clears his throat and takes a few steps away from the doctor. "If things are settled here, in-camp, I´d like permission to watch the perimeter of the camp for new threats. Maybe we were not the only ones who picked up on your distress call. Bad things tend to be stackable..." John moves past the fuel depot to get a clear overview of the camp to assess where to post as look out. You never know with them Fritzes...

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:18 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag grunts lowly at Lexington's decree, and figures he might get something out of Jenner rather than try to go with the others to question the saboteurs. He figures others in the group are better suited to questioning anyway. Isugtag heads back over to where Jenner is in the hopes of softening him up a little. Ready to resume moving these boxes?

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:07 pm
by Henrik
"Jack? Do you want to follow me to interrogate the prisoners? You have a way with words that I lack" Olof asks.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:47 am
by Decrepit
"Of course," Jack says. "I think you overrate me, but I, for one, would like to hear what they have to say. Sometimes, the best thing about being a reporter is that you get to satisfy your personal curiosity and get paid for it." He grins tightly.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:52 pm
by Raiko
Gregor Pulaski speaks to Acacia, “I would like to use your aircraft radio to contact our camp.”

Lexington nods her assent, “Ok.” She turns to the two aggressive explorers who were guarding the aircraft earlier, “Let them use the radio, but keep an eye on the plane.”

She looks back at Pulaski, “Sorry, but I can’t be too careful, I still don’t know if I trust you.”

Pulaski nods and asks McRaven, “Are you coming Bill?”

Meanwhile Starkweather, incensed by Acacia’s latest attack on the integrity of his team, storms ahead.

“Bloody woman! Gregor get me Moore on the wireless!”

Pulaski chuckles to McRaven and turns to follow the leader back to the Northrop.


Doctor Anthony, having finished picking up his medical kit says to Olof and Jack, “Ok guys, follow me.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:03 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Meanwhile, John scouts the outer premisses of the camp, beyond the fuel dump.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:45 pm
by Henrik
Whenever Jack is ready Olof follows Doctor Anthony.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:11 pm
by Dave Syrinx
John takes position and stakes out the visible range. He pulls the parka over his head and chews on some snow to avoid giving his position away to anyone lurking.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:13 pm
by Decrepit
Jack accompanies Olof and the doctor. Damn it, man, I'm a journalist, not a psychoanalyst, he thinks, but he is genuinely curious.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:24 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Hut:
PCs: Olof and Jack
Lex NPCs: Doctor Anthony, Williams
SME NPCs: n/a

The man who approached Jack earlier says “I wouldn’t mind joining you too.” He looks a little angry and possibly plans to confront the saboteurs, but no one stops him. As he follows the doctor he pats Olof on the back, “Names Williams by the way. I’m meant to be a pilot – if we can get our planes into the air again after today!”
Doctor Anthony leads the trio into the Lexington Camp’s main hut, once they’re inside he head for a back room, “We’ve got one man – Priestly – guarding them. They’re both suffering from snow craze I’d say – brought on by the shear desolation of this place.”

“Bradbury is sedated and unconscious, but Dinsdale is awake and seems to be coming back to his senses.”

He opens the door into the second room. There is a central table and two double bunks. A man – Priestly no doubt sits in a wooden chair in the far corner he holds a revolver in his right hand, his left is clutching a blood soaked bandage against his cheek.

A second man – Dinsdale- sits at the table, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a steaming mug of coffee in front of him. Bradbury lays unconscious on one of the bunks.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:24 pm
by Raiko
By the Northrop:
PCs: McRaven
Lex NPCs: The two angry guys.
SME NPCs: Starkweather, Pulaski

Starkweather paces impatiently while Pulaski retunes the radio and attempts to contact the SME Base Camp. “Base, this is Pulaski do you read me? Over.”

“Base, this is Pulaski do you read me? Over.”

While they wait for a response Starkweather turns to McRaven, “That Bloody fool woman! The Antarctic is no place for a woman I tell you. You’ll have to watch out for that Kitt girl, Bill – I never should have brought her.”

“I told Moore he was making a mistake. Look what can happen. Bloody woman!”

The two Lexington men look even more angry with Starkweather, they glare at the Englishman, but hold their ground without a word.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:25 pm
by Raiko
By the Generator:
PCs: Callum
Lex NPCs: Hopewell, Sachs
SME NPCs: Richard Greene

Now that the shouting has stopped Greene returns to the task of examining Hopewell’s injured arm, while Sachs sticks his head back into the generator. Hopewell shakes his head, “That trigger happy guy of yours is right you know – this camp is unless without the generators, and those two manics wrecked them – we’ll never repair them out here. Acacia lied, she doesn’t have spares on the ship.”

“No generators, no radios, maybe no planes. This whole thing is over now!”

“I thought it couldn’t get any worse after Bicks died!”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:25 pm
by Raiko
Beyond the Southern Fuel Dump:
PCs: John
Lex NPCs: n/a
SME NPCs: n/a

John settles into position, he hasn’t spotted anything suspicious yet.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:25 pm
by Raiko
Hauling Damaged Gear:
PCs: Isugtag
Lex NPCs: Jenner
SME NPCs: n/a

Jenner finally talks as he and Isugtag carry damaged equipment to the ‘dump.’

“Starkweather got her in trouble you know. She really hates him.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:26 pm
by Raiko
Back at the Starkweather Moore Base Camp:
PCs: Graves, James
Lex NPCs: n/a
SME NPCs: Laroche on the Radio, Moore and Nils Sorensen are nearby

Laroche jumps with shock as the radio crackles into life, he and Moore plus a few others have waited for hours for news from the rescue party. Receiving only a terse message from the Lexington camp that they do not require the assistance of James Starkweather in any form!


«Base, this is Pulaski do you read me? Over»


«Base, this is Pulaski do you read me? Over»

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 4:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Behind the fuel dump-

John gazes out over the white haze. Taking a moment, he unscrews a bottle of Rye and downs a cap. Just one for enhanced concentration..., he thinks to himself. He screws the cap on and resumes the arduous task of scouting the perimeter.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:16 pm
by Ghost_1971
By the Generator
“I thought it couldn’t get any worse after Bicks died!”
"Who was Bicks?" enquires Callum

"And if you don't mind me asking, how did he die?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:34 pm
by Raiko
By the Generator:
PCs: Callum
Lex NPCs: Hopewell, Sachs
SME NPCs: Richard Greene

Hopewell looks reluctant to say more, clearly wishing he’d kept his mouth shut. Then with a sigh he tells his story, Bicks was a sailor, one of the Tallahassee’s crew. Me an’ him were pretty good friends, so we were out on deck one evening, sharin’ from a brandy flask.”

“It was cold, just before we got into the real heavy ice, just the odd ‘berg here an’ there.”

“Anyway we was talkin’ about nothin’ in particular when Bicks suddenly turns; he looks at me then back at the ocean – his eyes just getting’ wider an’ wider.”

“Then he turns them eyes back at me an’ I swear they were goin’ to pop straight out of his head! Then he just starts screamin’, just screamin’ – not sayin’ a word. I grabbed at him to calm him down, but he just pushed me off, an’ then he jumps right over the side.”

“It was the damnedest thing I ever saw, an’ he screamed all the way down into the sea, lookin’ back up at me.”

Hopewell shudders, “But I didn’t do anythin’ to him, he just started screamin’”

Looking very uncomfortable and embarrassed, Hopewell turns away and stops talking for a moment.

“And then this morning, while I’m on early watch, Bradbury and Dinsdale go crazy! They just come runnin’ out from behind the supplies pile shoutin’ an’ hollerin’ “They’re here!” an’ “Burn ‘em out!” I tell you, we can’t usually get Bradbury out of his bed, but there he was runnin’ round in the night with a rifle.”

“I thought there must be a real danger, so I’m lookin’ round to see want it is – exceptin’ maybe crazy old Starkweather’s come raidin’ the camp, when Dinsdale torches one of the tents. Jesus!”

“We all tried to stop them, but Bradbury threatens us with his gun.”

Hopewell shakes his head in disbelief, holding the bandage that Greene has just finished reapplying to his arm.

“It was like he didn’t even know it was me! He was just wild. Doc Anthony says he’s gone snow-crazy. Well I can sure believe that! He shot me in the damn arm!” Hopewell shakes his head again.

“I tell you there’s too much madness goin’ on. This expedition’s cursed!”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:39 am
by Ghost_1971
By the Generator

Callum's blood runs cold as he listens to Hopewell's tale.

"Bicks obviously saw something when he was on deck with you. Did you have a look where he was looking too?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:13 am
by Raiko
By the Generator:
PCs: Callum
Lex NPCs: Hopewell, Sachs
SME NPCs: Richard Greene

"No! There was nothing there, it was just me an' Binks I'm tellin' ya!"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:27 pm
by Ghost_1971
By the Generator

"And the other two, Bradbury and Dinsdale was it? Did they give any clue of what they meant by 'They're here!' "

"And did you see anything, or hear anything weird then?"
enquires Callum.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:59 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:Hauling Damaged Gear:
PCs: Isugtag
Lex NPCs: Jenner
SME NPCs: n/a

Jenner finally talks as he and Isugtag carry damaged equipment to the ‘dump.’

“Starkweather got her in trouble you know. She really hates him.”
At this last, Isugtag perks up and looks at Jenner. Got her in trouble? How so?

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:52 pm
by Henrik
Olof nods in greeting. "I'm sorry to trouble you. As you have already guessed we are from the Starkweather-Moore expedition. We heard about your troubles and we suspect that they are related in some way, or fear it is a better word. Could we speak with Dinsdale?"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:43 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Hut:
PCs: Olof and Jack
Lex NPCs: Doctor Anthony, Williams
SME NPCs: n/a

Henrik wrote:Olof nods in greeting. "I'm sorry to trouble you. As you have already guessed we are from the Starkweather-Moore expedition. We heard about your troubles and we suspect that they are related in some way, or fear it is a better word. Could we speak with Dinsdale?"
The man wrapped in the blanket speaks, “I’m Dinsdale, Ronald Dinsdale,” he reaches out to shake Olof’s hand, and he looks very embarrassed and his hand shakes slightly.

“I’m really sorry you guys ended up trekking across here – I don’t understand what happened. I never meant for anyone to get hurt.” He glances towards Priestly, looking even more embarrassed.

“I woke up really early this morning, absolutely convinced that huge spiders had invaded the camp. I really hate spiders,” he admits with an uneasy smile, “Absolutely hate them. That’s one reason why I came on this expedition because there aren’t supposed to be any spiders in Antarctica”

“My first thought was to burn out the critters, it seemed perfectly reasonable to me at the time – even though it seems crazy now. I just grabbed my gear and set to it.”

“I figured that the guys trying to stop me must be in league with the evil bugs and had to be stopped as well, I kept burning while Bradbury covered me with his rifle.”

“And the thing is... I can’t imagine what I was thinking. But I saw them. I mean I really thought I saw them; huge things, climbing over everything. Bradbury must have seen them too... mustn’t he..?”

Dinsdale’s voice trails off in confusion, he looks towards Olof, Jack and Williams as if for reassurance.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:44 pm
by Raiko
By the Northrop:
PCs: McRaven
Lex NPCs: The two angry guys.
SME NPCs: Starkweather, Pulaski

Pulaski wrote:“Base, this is Pulaski do you read me? Over”[/color]
There is a few seconds where the only sounds are white noise from the radio set, and quiet raging by Starkweather. Then Louis Laroche’s surprised (and relieved) Quebec accent breaks through the static:

«Pulaski, it is good to finally hear your voice. We were worried – you took longer than we expected»

Pulaski grins, “Yes, we had a little accident – John fell–”

Starkweather snatches the handset from Gregor’s hand, “Get me Moore, at once!!”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:44 pm
by Raiko
By the Generator:
PCs: Callum
Lex NPCs: Hopewell, Sachs
SME NPCs: Richard Greene

Ghost_1971 wrote:"And the other two, Bradbury and Dinsdale was it? Did they give any clue of what they meant by 'They're here!' "

"And did you see anything, or hear anything weird then?"
enquires Callum.
“What, more weird than my friend shooting at me? While another friend torches the camp?”

“No nothing, nothing at all.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:45 pm
by Raiko
Hauling Damaged Gear:
PCs: Isugtag
Lex NPCs: Jenner
SME NPCs: n/a

amarriner wrote:At this last, Isugtag perks up and looks at Jenner. Got her in trouble? How so?
Jenner leans closer to Isugtag and speaks quietly, “Yeah, you know? In the family way.”

“Starkweather took her on Safari in Africa, and they had a thing. But he ended up nearly getting her killed, he didn’t rescue her like the papers said – it was more the other way around.”

“Anyway, she had to keep a low profile for a few months after the safari, and daddy made sure that there were no more safari adventures for Miss Lexington.”

“In the meantime, your Captain Starkweather made sure he was the hero of events.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:09 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:Hauling Damaged Gear:
PCs: Isugtag
Lex NPCs: Jenner
SME NPCs: n/a

Jenner leans closer to Isugtag and speaks quietly, “Yeah, you know? In the family way.”

“Starkweather took her on Safari in Africa, and they had a thing. But he ended up nearly getting her killed, he didn’t rescue her like the papers said – it was more the other way around.”

“Anyway, she had to keep a low profile for a few months after the safari, and daddy made sure that there were no more safari adventures for Miss Lexington.”

“In the meantime, your Captain Starkweather made sure he was the hero of events.”
Isugtag thinks on this for a moment before responding. No wonder there's bad blood between Starkweather and Lexington. Well, don't blame her feeling that way, I suppose. What happened to the child?

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:49 pm
by Raiko
Hauling Damaged Gear:
PCs: Isugtag
Lex NPCs: Jenner
SME NPCs: n/a

amarriner wrote:Isugtag thinks on this for a moment before responding. No wonder there's bad blood between Starkweather and Lexington. Well, don't blame her feeling that way, I suppose. What happened to the child?
Jenner looks unsure, "Oh, I don't know. I guess some relative must look after it."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:42 pm
by Ghost_1971
By the Generator

Callum considers Hopewells' response for a second, then replies, "Oh well, our guys may be able to get some more information out of them. We have some very capable people with us. Once they're finished with what they're doing, I'll see if I can get one of engineers to give you a hand with that generator." offers Callum

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:30 pm
by amarriner
Hauling Damaged Gear:
PCs: Isugtag
Lex NPCs: Jenner
SME NPCs: n/a

Raiko wrote:Jenner looks unsure, "Oh, I don't know. I guess some relative must look after it."
Normally Isugtag wouldn't keep talking--it's not his style--but he figures it's a good way to pass the time while working with Jenner and helping to get the Lexington camp back to some semblance of normalcy. He briefly wonders how the rest of his expedition are doing, but figures he'll be called upon when needed.

Hmm. What was the purpose of this safari? Just for fun or were they looking for something? Isugtag figures Starkweather must've had something up his sleeve. In the short time he's known the other man, Isugtag feels he has a bead on the other's sensibilities. And I'm guessing Starkweather didn't do anything to quell the idea that he was the hero?

If nothing else, perhaps I can convince this man I'm on his side, thinks Isugtag.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:21 pm
by Henrik
"Spiders? You'll have to excuse me but that seems strange to hear? I'm no doctor but you must have been hallucinating. Have you eaten something peculiar? Perhaps something that both you and Bradbury ate but no one else?"
OOC,[i]OOC: Is Bradbury alive? Or is he dead? Need a reminder.[/i]

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:39 pm
by Raiko
Henrik,[b][color=#FF0000]OOC:[/color][/b] Bradbury is unconscious on the bed (sedated by Dr Anthony)

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:34 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Hut:
PCs: Olof and Jack
Lex NPCs: Doctor Anthony, Williams
SME NPCs: n/a

Henrik wrote:"Spiders? You'll have to excuse me but that seems strange to hear? I'm no doctor but you must have been hallucinating. Have you eaten something peculiar? Perhaps something that both you and Bradbury ate but no one else?"
“No, we’ve all been eating the same dried rations as each other.” Dinsdale looks quizzically at Olof, “The doc says that it was an hallucination – brought on by snow-craze – and he must be right. It’s just weird how me an’ Bradbury saw the same thing.”

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:37 pm
by Raiko
By the Generator:
PCs: Callum
Lex NPCs: Hopewell, Sachs
SME NPCs: Richard Greene
Ghost_1971 wrote:Callum considers Hopewells' response for a second, then replies, "Oh well, our guys may be able to get some more information out of them. We have some very capable people with us. Once they're finished with what they're doing, I'll see if I can get one of engineers to give you a hand with that generator." offers Callum
“Thanks, they’ll be wasting their time though, just like Sach’s is – this thing’ll never work again.”

Sachs curses under his breath, as he continues his efforts to salvage the generator.
OOC Info,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color] Can't remember if I've already said, but [b]Greene [/b]has finished threating the wound, so you can move on if you think you've finished with [b]Hopewell[/b].

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:37 pm
by Raiko
Hauling Damaged Gear:
PCs: Isugtag
Lex NPCs: Jenner
SME NPCs: n/a

Isugtag wrote:Hmm. What was the purpose of this safari? Just for fun or were they looking for something?
“I think it was just meant to be a fun trip for Acacia, I don’t think she knew Starkweather before the safari trip. He was running his own company out in Kenya, though I believe that her dad might have known him.”
Isugtag wrote:And I'm guessing Starkweather didn't do anything to quell the idea that he was the hero?
Jenner laughs, “He sure didn’t – and the press just love ‘Captain’ James Starkweather don’t they?”

OOC Info,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color] The investigators uncovered press reports about Starkweather and Lexington’s Safari near-disaster in an earlier chapter – chapter three I think. I’ll post a link to the information in case you didn’t know about it (as against you deciding that Isugtag didn’t know).

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:54 pm
by Raiko
Link to the article,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color] I was wrong it was in chapter 1, Here’s a link to the newspaper article: [url][/url] I think that someone investigated further, but without revealing much more. You also investigated the mysterious death of P.W.Lexington (Acacia’s father). Starkweather’s rage – Immediately before the breakfast – was the first time that Lexington was mentioned in the adventure – so most of the investigation into Acacia, P.W. and Starkweather probably occurred later in Chapter 1.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:36 pm
by Ghost_1971
By the Generator

"If you're all done here Doc, I'm going to go and check over the the sleds and dogs." says Callum. "If anything happens to them, we would be pretty much 'Up the Creek'."

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:16 pm
by Henrik
"Okay then. I do not know if I have any other questions. What about you Jack?"

If there is nothing else, Olof will thank the men and leave and see what the others are up to.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:25 pm
by Raiko
Starkweather rages for almost thirty minutes to Moore over the radio, but eventually the Professor manages to calm him down enough to ask if he can chat with Acacia himself. The Captain reluctantly agrees, and sends McRaven and Pulaski to find her, while he storms over to join Callum by the dogs, “Is everything in order Callum? Because we are finished here!”

While Starkweather makes rapid preparations for the journey back to his own Base-Camp, Moore begins the delicate task of negotiating an alliance between the rival expeditions. The Starkweather-Moore Expedition, down by one transport aeroplane, can benefit greatly from access to the Northrup, while the Lexington Expedition is finished without a way to replace their wrecked generators and radios. Sachs has by-now finally given up in frustration.
OOC Info,[color=#ff0000][u]OOC:[/u][/color] Stearpike is offline for a few days, so McRaven is temporarily an NPC.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:51 pm
by Decrepit
"No," Jack replies to Olof. "I don't think there's much more they can tell us, poor fellows." He gives Olof a slight pat on the shoulder and a tight grin.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:50 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag listens to Jenner as he finishes up with the work they've been doing. More evidence of Starkweather's character. But what does it mean? What can be taken out of this? Isugtag works in silence for a few more minutes before looking up and sensing that things appear to be wrapping up. He thanks Jenner for the discussion and the distraction of work and excuses himself to go back to where Starkweather is.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:18 pm
by Henrik
"Strange. I thought we were dealing with a group of organized madmen, but madness from snowblindness? Well, we can not really go against the doctor's opinion can we?" Olof shrugs.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:21 am
by Decrepit
"Madmen don't herd very well," Jack quips.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:37 am
by Dave Syrinx
Spotting no disturbance anywhere near the camp, John picks his shotgun up and brushes snow over his tracks. He arrives back at the camp site and reports to the big bosses. "No activity in the outskirts of the perimeter, Mr. Starkweather, Ms. Lexington!"

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:05 pm
by Raiko
SME Base Camp - Ross Ice Shelf
20:00 - Monday 20th November, 1933

The rescue party departs from the Lexington camp less than half an hour later. Starkweather is keen to get away, denied the opportunity to be the rescuing hero he does not want to remain at the rival camp for a moment longer than necessary.

The fourteen mile journey back to the SME Base Camp is uneventful, the party making good progress - partially due to Starkweather's uncompromising pace. He remains sullenly silent throughout the trek, Acacia Lexington was still in negotiation with Professor Moore when the rescue party departed her camp, and everyone in the party can sense their leader's barely concealed rage that the two expeditions might merge.

Visibility is still poor, as a low clouds still hang over the Ice Shelf. According to Professor Albemarle's forecast the poor conditions could last for weeks – preventing any air operations.

They arrive back at the Base Camp late in the evening, tired but relieved that the expected gun battle never happened. Moore greets the party when they return, quizzing each of them about the exact state of the Lexington Camp, and Jack and Olof in particular about the state of Dinsdale the "saboteur."

Starkweather retires to his tent immediately.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:49 pm
by Henrik
After answering everyone's question to the best of his abilities Olof retires to his tent. The trek has been hard and he feels that he could sleep for a fortnight.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:23 pm
by Raiko
Tuesday 21st November, 1933

The delayed overland expedition to setup a fuel cache finally departs early in the morning of the twenty first. The party consists of Nils Sorensen, Erik Frodesen and Olav Sørensen with three sleds. Their destination is a point two hundred and fifty miles away, half way between the Base Camp and the approximate location of Professor Lake's campsite at the foot of the Miskatonic Mountains.

Once there, they will bury an emergency fuel cache, with enough fuel to allow a stranded Boeing to return to the Base Camp, and also enough emergency supplies and rations to shelter and feed seven men for two weeks. The emergency cache will be clearly marked with flags, and it's exact position accurately charted on the expedition's maps.

All being well the journey should take five to six days in each direction, although poor weather could double these times. Air Operations to the region of Lake's Camp will be able to start as soon as the cache has been established, providing the low cloud cover has gone.

Professor Moore spends most of the day on the radio, negotiating with Acacia Lexington, while Starkweather angrily prowls the camp. By the evening a deal has been struck:

Wednesday 22nd November, 1933

Late in the morning Doctor Greene and Gregor Pulaski return to the Base Camp, accompanied by Acacia Lexington and Albert Priestly (her chief cameraman). Lexington is immediately ushered into the negotiations with Starkweather and Moore, while Priestly mingles with members of the SME expedition.

The cameraman has now fully recovered from his near death experience, a bullet graze to his cheek testament to how close the incident came to being infinitely more serious. Although he never uttered a word to Olof and Jack while he guarded the saboteurs the other day, Priestly turns out to be a very friendly character, with none of the mistrust of Starkweather's expedition that many of his party showed. He spends most of the day filming various aspects of the daily routine around the SME Base Camp, and introducing himself to the explorers.

That evening deal is finally struck, it hasn't been easy - Starkweather stormed out of the meeting hut three times during the afternoon, but eventually Professor Moore's more diplomatic nature prevailed and the two bitter rivals temporarily put aside their differences.

It is agreed that the two camps will merge at the site of the SME Base Camp. The Starkweather-Moore Expedition will gain the use of Acacia's Northrup Delta, to replace the Shackleton - the Boeing which was lost during the storm due to sabotage.

In return Moore had offered food and the use of the SME Camp's radio and power facilities to supplement Acacia's damaged stores and equipment.

She agrees to help to fly Starkweather's men and materials to Lake's Camp and beyond. Once the camps at Lake's campsite and the High Plateau have been made, Lexington is welcome to use them as bases for her photographic and mapping ventures.

Although neither Starkweather nor Miss Lexington appear to be entirely happy with the arrangements, both of them pose for photographed handshakes, and the Englishman puts on a show of announcing the "Historic alliance of two great expeditions."

Thursday 23rd November, 1933

Today is Thanksgiving Day, and Moore and the other Americans in the Expedition arrange a small impromptu banquet for everyone, including the two guests. This is a far more relaxing day, good after two days of danger and tense negotiation.

Acacia and Priestly return to their own camp that evening. The move to merge camps will begin tomorrow, although an airlift is still out of the question.

Friday 24th November - Sunday 26th November, 1933

Friday to Sunday are busy days, with low cloud still hanging over this part of the Ross Ice Shelf, the Lexington facilities and supplies must be hauled overland, mostly by the SME expedition's two tractors. The fourteen mile route between camps soon becomes well travelled and less dangerous, as the positions of all the dangerous crevasses are plotted and marked with warning flags.

At lunchtime Nils Sorensen contacts the Base Camp by radio to report that the emergency cache has been established. Later that evening Professor Albemarle announces that he expects the cloud cover to begin clearing within the next day. All being well, flight operations will begin the next day.

Re: IC - Chapter Six - A Shock in the Lightest Night

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:41 pm
by Henrik
Olof experience a feeling of relief when the deal is struck between the two expeditions. Not being of a competetive nature and longing for doing some real work. Perhaps this expedition can be a success anyway?