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Formal Dinner: Table Two

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:50 pm
by Raiko
Formal Dinner: Table Two

This thread is for the folloeing player characters:
Grey Wolf
William McRaven

The following NPCs are also sat there:

Peter Sykes (Lead Polar Guide)
Gunnar & Nils Sorensen (Polar Guides/Mountaineers)

Image Image Image
Peter Sykes, Gunnar Sorensen, Nils Sorensen

Dinner begins

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:36 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven took a more scenic route through the lobby to avoid the press, and soon found himself in the dining room proper. Walking through the throng of people here for the expedition, he soon arrives at table.

He glances over the people, already sat there and smiles broadly.

"Evening Gentlemen, My names McRaven, William McRaven, but you can call me Bill"

With that he sits down, waiting expectantly.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:57 pm
by Ghost_1971
"Thank God! A fellow Scot." Callum stands, and extends his hand towards McRaven. "I'm Callum McDonald. All the way from the beautiful city of Edinburgh. Pleasure to meet you Bill."

"And whom might the rest of you fine people be?"

friendly chit chat

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:06 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven Laughs as he shakes Mr McDonalds hand.
"I think my great great grandfather hailed form Aberdeen, but I was born and raised in Bolton, Massachusetts, but pleased to meet you all the same. If I may introduce some of our team here, or chaps as you might call them. The fellow to your left is Peter Sykes, and the boys next to him are the Sorensen Brothers, Gunnar and Niles. The others are new arrivals like your self, haven't had a chance to speak to them yet, perhaps they could introduce themselves now?"

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:34 pm
by Ghost_1971
"I knew there was some Scot in you somewhere" laughs Callum.

"Peter, Gunnar, Niles its a pleasure to meet you all. I trust you are going to get us to our destination safely!" he sits back down, still chuckling to himself.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:47 pm
by Mister Juan
Isugtag had been sitting in his designated place, staying as quiet as he could. Upright as if he was made of wood, the Inuit seemed as comfortable in his uniform as a fish out of water. Large ceremonial and formal dinners were not something common on the great white North. As a matter of fact, they never happened.

Nevertheless, Isugtag tried to follow the conversations around him, but piercing through some of the expeditions members’ accents and mannerism wasn’t easy. His own English probably wasn’t the best either…

When silence finally fell around the table for a few seconds, the tall and board shouldered man stood up from his chair. Putting his dress uniform cap under his arm, he gave a slight bow of the head to all whom were present.

“Gentlemen,” he turned toward Kitt “Madam. My people call me Isugtag Amaruq

Without adding another word, the Inuit sat back in his seat, putting his cap back on.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:47 am
by OrionUK
"Gentlemen, madam it is a pleasure to meet you all. My name is James from England. Please do tell what your chosen professions are?" he turns to the only lady on the table who still is to introduce herself - "please madam do not be shy I am truly intrigued as to your name & propsed part in this expedition"

the dinner

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:41 pm
by Steerpike
"Well, you're direct and to the point...For my part I am an expedition pilot and flight engineer"

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:18 pm
by OrionUK
"Hello, Bill was it you said?" "I do think direct questions get the most direct answers & I am interested to know whom I shall be spending the foreseable future with" James replies with a broad grin "I myself, do not as yet, have a chosen profession as I have been fortunate enough to have had a frugal parentage who have been able to provide a decent upbringing & set me up to enable me to invest my own monies to live off to date. I do enjoy dabbling in the odd motor race, travelling & general social activites, but am keen to get to know you all at the earliest opportunity"

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:06 am
by Raiko
"The Antarctic is no place for tourists," Nils Sorensen's ice blue eyes bore into James, "You should go back home to England."

Without another word the older Sorensen brother turns back to his food, ignoring the English Dilettante. His younger brother Gunnar laughs loudly, "Forgive my brother James, he takes everything too seriously, but he will make sure you are safe, as will I." He stands and reaches his hand across the table, his handshake is firm, his grip powerful.

"Gunnar Sorensen Polar-Guide, at your service. And this dour fellow is my brother Nils."


Meanwhile Peter Sykes chats to Callum, "I was under the impression that you were also here to guide us, maybe I should count on you to get there safely."

He grins wickedly, "I've heard much about you Callum, I'm glad you're with us."

"And you too Isugtag, I heard you're with the rangers, I've worked with them myself once or twice - good bunch. Mr Starkweather intends to make you Sergeant at Arms so you'll be in charge of security, as well as a guide."

Sykes laughs loudly, "I case we get attacked by penguins!"

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:36 am
by Mister Juan
Even though he would have never voiced it aloud, Grey Wolf agreed with Nils’ comment. Polar regions were one of the most extreme, and dangerous, places on the earth. The simple fact that this was the “second” expedition proved it. Grey Wolf had actually been expecting more scientists than survival experts… but only at his current table, he could count 4 others. It was reassuring, in a way. The leaders of the expedition didn’t take their lives lightly.

Isugtag followed the rest of the conversation in silence, eating his own meal. When Sykes mentioned the Inuit’s regiment, he simply bowed his head slightly, thanking him for the compliment. Very few people knew about the Canadian rangers. The unit was theoretically part of the Canadian Army, but could not be deployed outside of Canada… which Grey Wolf was slightly glad of. Having served in the Great War, from beginning to end, he had seen more than his share of fighting. The rangers’ main task was in keeping the peace in the remote regions, patrolling the vast country. They also served as guides for government and law enforcement officials. Getting an extended leave of absence had been a lot easier than Isugtag had anticipated. The expedition was one of the hottest topic in all of the so called civilized world, and so, Grey Wolf’s part in it would be good publicity not only for the rangers, but the Canadian Army and the country itself.

When Sykes mentioned Starkweather plans, Grey Wolf’s fork scrapped on its plate. It was not a task he had thought would be given to him. Antarctica was still mostly uncharted, and it was quite possible numerous species had yet to be discovered. Isugtag knew the dangers the great white North held. A polar bear had given him a reminder on a part of his face. Similar predators could very well be found on the South Pole.

Clearing his throat the Inuit looked up from his plate toward Sykes.

“Let’s pray that will not happen.” He said in a neutral tone.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:16 pm
by OrionUK
James turnes to the guide "Thank you Gunnar, I am glad there are people who will be taking this seriously, I hope I will not cause too much work for anyone. I am quite versed with the shotgun and was on the college boxing team so I do hope that if I do get into a little trouble I will be fit enough to cope". Turning to Kitt James continues "now are we going to hear from the, undesputabley, most beautiful person at this table?"

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:00 pm
by Ghost_1971
"Thank you very much Peter. I have some experience as a guide, yes, but I think I will just follow the lead of you and the other guides, unless circumstances change."

"I find it very reassuring, that there are so many people here, with Polar experience. And it is good to hear that Grey Wolf will in charge of security. I have had the privileged to have worked with Inuit before, and would trust them with my life. Its good to have you on the team Grey Wolf."

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:50 pm
by Shadow
Kitt blushed furiously. She was used to be around men who treated her like a man, not like a woman. It was her own fault though, she had made a point to dress up and look as good as she could. She could hardly blame the men for noticing.

Now how to tell these people what she did and have them take her seriously...

"I've been working in Nepal for the last few years, leading expeditions to the base camps and doing aerial reconnaissance of paths and routes. Mostly foul weather aviation and night landings. I am looking forward to getting behind the stick of the aircraft Starkweather has secured, they are some of the best in the world."

Now for the pin drop.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:24 pm
by OrionUK
James' grin broadens again and replies to Kitt "Not just a beautiful face then?"

the dinner goes on

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:10 am
by Steerpike
"Oh for chrissake" thought McRaven, "Is this guy for real?"

He looks towards the Sorenson Brother Nils, the guys frown said it all. No, scratch that, James said it all. Car racing and shooting shotguns.

James was a tourist, a dead weight, his position bought and paid for and he gets to run around playing at explorer. McRaven shrugged mentally, the rich kid was not going to be his problem. But he got one thing right at least, Kitt was a tomato, no mistake.

"That must have been hairy, what did you fly?"

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:09 am
by Shadow
Kitt averted her eyes, not used to such an open line.

Nice manners on that one.

She took a sip of her water, and answered the question.

"Lockheed YF-23 transports. They were designed for the Army for high altitude cargo delivery. They are powered by twin Pratt & Whitney engine. Their pretty good birds, similar to the aircraft I believe we will be using on the expedition?"

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:30 am
by Mister Juan
Grey Wolf looked up from his plate over to Callum. He locked gaze with the explorer and slightly bowed his head.

"Thank you sir. I will do my best to honor the reputation of my people."

pilots talking shop

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:22 pm
by Steerpike
"Ah right, the electra? Those are good planes, but I reckon the new boeings have got them beat. Got heated cabins too, kinda useful when you think about"

McRaven then notices the MoC standing up.

"Right, our gracious hosts are about to speak"

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:47 pm
by Shadow
Kitt pays avid attention to the presentation, when the subject of aircraft comes up she takes a pen and small pad out and writes down a few notes. After Starkweather finishes she lets out a low whistle.

"That is a lot of fuel. I hope this is a non smoking ship."

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:55 am
by OrionUK
After the speech is over and the applause dies down James turns back to Callum and say's "once all statements are in I will meet you in the lobby to see what we can do about having a quick look in the room" he also gives a quick nod to McRaven to include him in the statement.

time for a little digging

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:04 pm
by Steerpike
McRaven nods in agreement, as he heads over to offer his statement.
He glances over towards the gathering crowds of reporters. knowing the expedition has got off to a bad start.