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Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:20 pm
by trixie
Did anyone see that SuAside put a hyperlink into the U-tube of Fawlty Towers? Hilarious FAVORITE.....everyone who doesn't know Fawlty Towers is indebted to click on it and watch it (only about 5 minutes or so)

The best part is the end....don't cut it short....his Hitler impersonation is just....well you have to watch it!!! :lol:

Imp...I can't believe you've been living such a sheltered life!!!!

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:44 pm
by ImpInTraining

Ah yes... I have seen one episode of Fawlty Towers... where their cook was drunk so they had to order the food from a different restaurant. It's not bad. No offense, but just seems like it's a lot of the Monty Python jokes dusted off and reused... if you ask me.
paradys wrote: by the way, where abouts in the States is everyone here from? be interesting to know.

North-east corner of Pennsylvania - the Poconos - honeymoon capital of the US ... well, we share the title with Niagra Falls.
trixie wrote: Imp...I can't believe you've been living such a sheltered life!!!!

Not sheltered ... just primed on American television. Have any of you Brits seen Hogan's Heroes? I know the Germans watch it just about every day... which is funny to me considering how much fun the show made fun of the Nazis.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:53 pm
by Seppuku

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:22 pm
by Piano man
ImpInTraining wrote: Ah yes... I have seen one episode of Fawlty Towers... where their cook was drunk so they had to order the food from a different restaurant. It's not bad. No offense, but just seems like it's a lot of the Monty Python jokes dusted off and reused... if you ask me.

I have to agree with the Imp. Trixie has been trying to get me to watch Faulty Towers for ten years now, and yeah they are funny, but not really my cup of tea. I like newer shows like Heros, and Entourage. Weeds is pretty good too.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:57 pm
by ImpInTraining
I was a Buffy fan ... and once it stopped airing, switched over to Angel, although I never really enjoyed it as much. What'd ya think of Supernatural? That's my favorite series of last season. I know... not a sitcom. For sketch comedy, I typically watch Mad TV.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:59 pm
by Piano man
I've never watched Supernatural. What season is it in?

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:39 pm
by paradys
i think hogans heroes is before my time but we get all the classics like cheers and roseanne, and the modern stuff of course. we used to have a sitcom called 'Allo 'Allo, set in the laugh a minute world of the french resistance and the gestapo. if you like benny hill i've got a feeling you'll like that - lots of innuendo, slapstick and national stereotypes

american drama just rocks right know - my favourites are House and The Shield - although someone has to tell me, is LA really like that? The Shield makes me never want to go there in my life!

I don't see how monty python and fawlty towers are the same - i mean ones all surrealism and ones character based surely. i know basil fawltys an exagerration but people like that used to exist!

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:12 pm
by ImpInTraining
Supernatural is going on Season 3 this fall, I hope it will anyway.

House is a great series. Jerico is another great series - post apocolyptic... sort of. It's about a small village somewhere in Central USA that survives after a dozen or so large cities are blown up, and the villagers attempts to survive the hard times that follow as they struggle to learn what had happened outside their little village. It's on season 3 this fall also.

Oh, I'm big on CSI as well... the one in Las Vegas, not Miami or New York.

Can't tell you anything about LA. I drove through once on the way to tour Hollywood, but don't remember anything about it... and that was 24 years ago.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:48 am
by Mr. Handy
I love Monty Python and Fawlty Towers too. There are only twelve episodes of Fawlty Towers, and I've seen them plenty of times. I also like Hogan's Heroes, but haven't seen it on TV in a long time. I also watch Allo Allo, which is hilarious. The New Jersey Network airs an episode on most Saturday nights, and I just saw this week's. I enjoy The Shield and Jericho too. I don't watch House, but I did see the first episode once. Interestingly enough, Hugh Laurie is a British comedy veteran (he's been in some of the Blackadder episodes, which is another great Britcom).

Seppuku's game looks interesting, but I don't have a MySpace account (or time to play in it, for that matter). The Zombie Apocalypse game Welsh and I are running uses CoC rules rather than AFMBE, but there the zombie outbreak is global from the start and the characters all start out close together. Our zombies would like to eat your flesh too.

I'm from Philadelphia, by the way.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:56 am
by ImpInTraining
Yeah? Only two hours south of me... hi neighbor! Depending on what happens over the next year, I may be moving down that direction ... somewhere close to Aberdeen Proving Grounds.

Oh ... while we're talking about good American TV, we shouldn't forget our most beloved cartoons, some of which play only late at night to keep the young a bit more innocent:
Family Guy
South Park
Robot Chicken <--- actually claymation, but it's skit comedy satirically portraying bits and pieces of shows, movies, people and events that people age 20 to 40 can relate with. Hrm, I'm not sure how well it would go over in another country since it does rely on its audience having some background knowledge familiar to most Americans in that age group. But it's funny as hell to me.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:59 am
by trixie
Robot Chicken isn't worth the time you spent to mention it.....

No offense of course 8)

Sorry Seppuku, your game looks REALLY makes me tired just looking at it, but I wish you well and hope you'll get some interested players who have the time to learn.
paradys wrote: I don't see how monty python and fawlty towers are the same - i mean ones all surrealism and ones character based surely. i know basil fawltys an exagerration but people like that used to exist!

Hi 5!!! I know...I don't see them as the same either. If you've only watched 1 episode of Fawlty Towers, you can't compare and say they're the same.

And I've heard such good things about Buffy. I'll have to break down and start getting addicted to it soon. And who else here is a Heroes fan???

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:44 am
RObot chicken is hilarious Paradys! don't take any guff from these swine. I love the one where Optimus Prime has a bad case of hemmeroids. He's like Owwwwwwwwww!


Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:03 am
by ImpInTraining
So there I am watching Red Dwarf season III, and I notice some peculiar changes that perhaps someone can help clear me up on. Maybe I missed something.

1. There is an android on the ship as part of the crew? I know they met up with one android butler type guy in the middle of season II , but he went rebellious at the end of that episode and they didn't show him anymore.
2. The computer had a sex change? Funny thing is they still seem to refer to the computer as a guy.
3. Cat is more participative with routine duties and less a free spirit. When did that happen?f
4. Their whole ship seemed to get a major 'while you were out' remodelling job.
5. I kind of miss the opening preface that the computer started out with each episode. :(

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:32 pm
by trixie
Seppuku you're a Jack Black fan? He cracks me up something fierce. Especially in Tenacious D, ending the movie with the 'just one cock push up' bit. :lol: It's not his best movie but the ending was hilarious. He's a good musician, SO talented.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
The android they met in Season II is in fact the same one who joins the cast permanently starting in Season III (Kryten). They did take him with, but he wasn't shown until the start of the next season.

Holly swapped genders (at least in terms of the talking head he uses to communicate) as a result of meeting the female Holly from the alternate universe. I also missed that little opening speech of his.

I'm not sure when Cat became more of a team player; I don't think I really noticed.

The remodeling job was probably one of Rimmer's anal-retentive ideas, but I don't think it was specifically mentioned (other than repainting the corridors an ever-so-slightly different shade of gray).

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:39 am
by ImpInTraining
Ah, thanks for the explanations there... that helps a bit. I'm half-way through season 4 now.

Trixie, you liked "Pick of Destiny?" Ugh. I just watched that a yesterday. I used to think Jack Black was somewhat talented... until that movie. His choice of lyrics were so peppered with obscenities just to make the song flow ... I feel he could have picked some better words. The whole movie was pretty much obscene... which is funny because they didn't show any nudity (yet still managed a rating of R).

Just didn't impress me. I only rated it 2 out of 5. I'm thinking you have to be as high as the people who wrote the movie to enjoy it.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:14 am
by trixie
Ha ha ha....yes I know I probably shot my rep all to hell admitting I like that movie. It dragged in some areas, but I genuinely enjoy his music. It was ridiculous with no promises of being anything ya it was entertaining but again, 2 out of 5, 3 out of 5 maybe.

Perhaps my opinion was swayed by some kind of mood enhancing something or other. I live in Vancouver after all....and BC can brag for the best.....uh......

Never mind....ha ha ha :lol:

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:43 am
by Laraqua
Sanity points are awarded mostly when you're somewhere safe and comfortable - in that way, you sorta regulate your sanity points by choosing to barricade yourselves in somewhere nice, have a good meal, make yourself much warmer, keep in large crowds, etc.

Skill points ... well, I forgot when I last threw out skill points at everyone. I think I've assigned them twice. Problem is that it's hard to keep track of when I did it last, etc. Not sure how to work that one out.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:52 am
by paradys
morning folks, what a weekend!

they've put a new traffic beacon outside the junior school so we all went down to marvel at the glowing fairies trapped inside. i made a terrible mistake though - took the family pig with me, got drunk and sold it to some stranger for a pile of 'magic beans'. Doh! Still, i might as well plant them in the back garden and see what happens.

So, whats been happening with everyone else?

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:55 am
by Laraqua
Not a lot.

Oh, I do need to remind y'all to check yourself before you wreck yourself. The temperature has been steadily dropping. It's probably about -8 degrees celsius since the last drop, about -4 before that. Hopefully the temperature will stay steady, but very soon I'ma gonna have no choice but to demand Con x 5 rolls every half hour from anyone not rugged up tight (every ten minutes for folk in flimsy hospital gowns). Not sure what I should do on a favour. Take away Constitution points temporarily (with resultant decreases in hit points) until the person is rested and warmed? Hit point loss? Any ideas?