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Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:07 am
by Laraqua
Louie came on with the other shadowy silhouettes. Going back over things, I don't think Aidan is likely to do anything other than gape in horror at this stage. Phil? Who the hell is Phil? *ponders* I really need to read this over again but I'm being dragged all over the place that it'll just bog down further if I have to read back. Can anyone give me a quick refresh? Yeah, I know, I've gone downhill as a Keeper... *sigh* That's the trouble with campaigns that take years to get to resolution. Just because you have time at the start doesn't mean you'll have enough time by the end of it.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:46 pm
by Mr. Handy
Louie will need an initiative score too, then.

Phil is Phil McGrew from World War Two. He was a sixteen-year-old mechanic's apprentice. Sarah and Cael found him hiding in that cupboard on the floor with the control center (Sarah stopped his nosebleed). Phil knows a lot about electronics and computers now, having learned a lot during the three years and four months he spent in the 21st century (of course, those memories are likely fabricated).

You're a great Keeper, and it's very hard to remember details from months or years ago in a long campaign. For instance, right now the in Sword section of Zombie Apocalypse I'm referring back to events that happened three years ago way back in Chapter 1. Speaking of Zombie Apocalypse, I need a Sanity roll from Cynthia (and an action too if you want her to do anything) - haven't heard from Helen either in weeks - and I'm waiting for a post for Katarina.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:48 am
by Laraqua
Jill - 22
Sarah – 21
Daniel - 21
Cael - 19
Ronald – 18
Charles - 18
Old Lionel – 18
Agnes - 17
Phil - 16
Aidan - 16
Stephen - 14
Dahlia – 13
Louie - 11
Annie - 10

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:49 am
by Laraqua
There, that should be all. I'll run Jill in the meantime.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:01 am
by Mr. Handy
Imme did check in earlier - she posted in the Masks Chit-Chat thread. Maybe we should give her a chance to post?

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:40 am
by Laraqua
At the moment, there'd be nothing that'd help Jill react to what's about to happen... However, I'm happy to have her considered having held her action until Imme returns to us.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:41 am
by Mr. Handy
Sarah's action is held too, so she can also interrupt what she's doing when it happens, but Jill gets to react first, since she's on 22 and Sarah is on 21.

Brianna's on 20, so she's up next.

By the way, you haven't posted in Zombie Apocalypse in a while. Things are getting very interesting in Juno (to say the least). I'm waiting for a Sanity roll and an action for Cynthia, and an action for Helen as well.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:11 am
by kabukiman
I will be out in hollidays in Holand, with no acess to net. I'l be out after to Belgium, so I will only have acess to the net in a regular way, after 20 of september. See you by that time.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:32 pm
Hey... I'm back from my crazy work summer. Can Ronald just jump back in or is there anything craszy going on.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:51 am
by Mr. Handy
Right now we're in a combat round, but the crazy stuff hasn't actually happened yet. We're going in descending order of initiative (there's a table some posts above). Right now it's Brianna's turn - she goes on 20. Ronald goes on 18.

By the way, I found a used PS2 version of Siren pretty cheap a while back, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I think Laraqua had called it "Forbidden Siren," but I know it's the game she was talking about because it mentioned sightjacking. I also saw used PS2 versions Fatal Frame 1, 2, and 3 for sale, but the price is $40 each. I have a discount card that gives me 10% off, but even so that's $108 plus tax for all three. Nobody's bought them in over a month, so I think it's safe to wait for them to lower the price.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:15 pm
by Mr. Handy
It's Cael's turn now, on 19. Then Ronald, Charlie, and Old Lionel go on 18.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:16 am
by Laraqua
Sorry everyone.

I've been sick off and on with various colds and flus. Mum blames it on the damp - there's mold that grows from mid-Autumn to mid-Spring on almost every door, window, and some of the walls in the house. Gotten worse since the new flat mates moved in as its doubled the number of showers. There's been net troubles, new flat mate settling in issues, job hunting, starting up with volunteering, and all kinds of other random stuff that keeps rearing its ugly head.

I'm sure that a few of the players will have dropped out since August. That's fine. I can understand that. Who's still here and still willing to play?

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:28 pm
by kabukiman
Sorry to hear that, I hope you get better. I'm here, always waiting for you ;)

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:57 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm still here and ready when you are! Welcome back, Laraqua! I hope things get better for you soon too. You might want to PM players who don't post in this thread to let them know the game is back on, as they might not even be checking it any more. Andrew still hasn't posted for Cael in your absence, and it's his turn to act.

Chapter 5 of Zombie Apocalypse has already gotten underway, but you haven't missed much. Your characters are fine and ready for you to take over again any time. The Chapter 5 subforum has all of the relevant threads. Katarina started out in the Lockbox, but she moved to Terror By Night partway through. Cynthia is in A Dark and Stormy Night (so is Helen, if Raziel returns too). You only have a few pages to read to catch up for each of them.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 10:06 pm
Still here. Ready to get crazy

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:17 pm
by trixie
Like you weren't well on your way already...... ;)

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:56 pm
by Andrew
Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your troubles, I've definitely had my fair share this year and more.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:37 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back, everyone! Here's the turn order again (slightly edited by me to include Brianna):
Laraqua wrote:Jill - 22
Sarah – 21
Daniel - 21
Brianna - 20
Cael - 19
Ronald – 18
Charles - 18
Old Lionel – 18
Agnes - 17
Phil - 16
Aidan - 16
Stephen - 14
Dahlia – 13
Louie - 11
Annie - 10
Charles gets to act now, and then I'll post for Old Lionel.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:16 am
by Laraqua
Just so you guys know, this is the last stretch of the campaign. Of course, by play-by-post standards that means we should be able to finish it by the end of 2010 (that still seems like a science fiction futuristic date). If we stay as quick as we were this week, we might be able to have it finished by August even.

Of course, that depends on a successful finish. Technically Cael could screw the whole helicopter rolls and crash the chopper and then the survivors could all flunk their rolls in the next monstrous encounter ... but failing that, woo! Homeward stretch!

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:18 am
by Mr. Handy
Hooray! :D Are we still in a combat round now, or is that resolved now that I've made my post?