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Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:20 pm
by jp1885

You march along the rain-slicked pavement to the ringing of the school bell. You see pupils piling out of their classrooms, happy that their lessons are finished for the day. Some are picked up in cars, while those walking home wait patiently at the school crossing.

Standing among the children is a plump, jolly looking woman in her late 60’s. She wears a high-viz coat and hat, and carries a lollipop-shaped stop sign. As she leads the children across the road she turns to look at you, head tilted. Around you, time seems to slow down and you feel an incredibly strong glamour emanating from her.

Weirdly, no-one else on this busy road seems to notice anything strange. Perhaps they lack your magical training and experience; perhaps they have grown accustomed to Mrs. Evans’ power; perhaps she has lifted the veil just for you.

Perhaps wickedness and guilt is not their cross to bear.

“Have you been looking for me, my dears?” asks Mrs. Evans, smiling pleasantly. “Are you crossing over or passing through?”


Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:29 am
by Snapper

Skipper grunted, amused despite all. "Gordon Bennett. So much for covert obs, I think we're cream crackered."

"Pleased to meet you, Mrs Evans. Ah, are you an immortal vampire who sends people to Hell with your lollipop sign?"

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:53 am
by Mr. Handy
"Just passing through, ma'am," says Jordan.

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:27 am
by Philulhu

Des gritted her teeth, trying to fight back against the glamour. ”Way to go to get ‘er onside,” she sniped at Skipper, trying to keep it as normal possible, trying to fight the urge just to run away…

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:30 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 538 times

Even under the powerful spell, Leo reflexively reaches for his warrant card as he draws inexorably closer. Old habits die hard. It slowly comes out as his brain melts with the effort to regain control.

"DC Leo Dansby...of the Met...and more recently, of The Folly. Yes, we have. It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Ms. Evans."

"I hate to name, I don't hate to name drop. Not this time. You know who trained us, and if Varvara or Nightingale hear that you were anything but polite to us and extended us every courtesy while we are on your turf, I can't imagine the fallout for you."

"Also, every single one of us have Peter Grant on speed dial," Leo added. "You know who he's married to." He quickly corrects himself. "Err, to whom he's married. Imagine if Bev gets her Mom involved."

"So, if you would be so kind as to release us from the spell, we would appreciate your assistance in our enquiries."

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:43 pm
by jp1885
While parents and children walk around you, unheeding and in slow-motion, Mrs. Evans studies each one of you in turn.

"Ah, Raymond... no, you prefer Skipper don't you? No dear," she chuckles, "I'm not a vampire who sends people to Hell - merely a conduit for those who think themselves deserving of judgement. And Hell? Well, Preacher Jones might think so I suppose."

"You're passing through, are you Jordan? Passing through to where though? Do you even know?"

"And you, young Des - passing through too? Or running away again, just as Councillor Short ran?"

The town, traffic, and schoolchildren fade away, replaced by a lush green grove. The sound of birdsong and the tinkle of running water can be heard. Mrs. Evans is no longer wearing her lollipop lady uniform, but has long wavy hair that seems to merge into her flowing white robes. Instead of a stop sign, she carries a skull-topped staff.

"I'm sorry you feel the need to threaten me Leo - there's no need to be afraid. I'm casting no spell - I cannot help what I do, or what I am - it's always been this way since your ancestors first picked up a stone to break open a nut - or a skull..."

She turns to Izzy.

"I've been asleep for so long. The Romans and all that came after them - they all had their own beliefs and I wasn't needed any more. But then the preaching and the hymns and the anger and the fighting - it woke me up. Since then, I've been doing what I've always done."

Looking past you, she focusses her attention on Mr. Lewis.

"Sending the guilty to where they deserve to go..."

Lewis holds out his handcuffed hands and falls cowering to his knees.

"I'm a thief and a burglar. I like hurting people; I've beaten up people for money and for fun!" He wails in between sobs of terror.

Mrs. Evans nods.

“So the guilty judge themselves,” she announces. “I am both guardian of the Gate and the Gate itself."

The scene begins to shift again - the grove darkening as the air grows hotter and more stifling.

"This man is judged, but the rest of you - what do you want?"

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:15 pm
by Philulhu

Des had to bite down on her first instinct which was to tell the woman exactly where to go! ”Time’s moved on. We got police an’ judges an’ dat. We don’ need someone makin’ crim’s disappear. It’s time f’r u to retire…”” she said.

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe I don't know where I'm going," says Jordan, "but I've always enjoyed exploring the unknown, and the journey can be more important than the destination. As for Mr. Lewis, he is in police custody. You would have to follow the extradition procedures if you want custody transferred to you."

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:40 am
by Snapper

Skipper looked unreasonably cheered by this.

"OK, the nice lady is not a vampire. Doesn't look much like one neither. Relax a notch, ladies and gents."

"I must say, Mrs, the old dears, ah, ladies I had afternoon tea with today spoke very highly of you. Said you was well respectable. 'Touch of class' one said."

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 6:15 pm
by BoyBlunder78
Looking around Eli comments, "I was right, the crossing is where the grove once was. What is your name? How did you re-awaken? Who awoke you? We've read about various disappearances throughout the years, but they are quite sporadic. If you had been handing out justice all this time they should be more...shouldn't they?" He asks looking in awe at Mrs Evans.

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 7:26 pm
by jp1885
As the sky darkens, Mrs. Evans frowns quizzically at Des.

"Retire? From what? I am what I am dear. I don't judge anybody - I just provide the gateway. Back in the day, people would come to my
grove be judged. Through my power they weighed their own worthiness. Good folk were rejuvenated, wicked folk were never seen again."

To Jordan, she shakes her head.

"Have you not been listening dear? I don't judge - I'm just a conduit. Mr. Lewis here has judged himself. I've no wish to take him into my custody - where he's going... well, he's brought that upon himself."

At Skipper's comment, she blushes.

"Ah, they all love me around here. It's a nice town - there's always someone willing to offer cake or biscuits. I suppose they know what side their bara brith is buttered on."

To Eli, she tuts, her Welsh lilt hardening somewhat.

"Another one who hasn't been listening. I've already told you: I went to sleep, then the preacher woke me up. When he died during the riot, he went away like all the other wicked folk. Like I said - everyone's nice around here so there's not much crime, but occasionally you get a bad apple: Councillor Short, and now this fellow..."

At this, Lewis whimpers.

"...whose time has come I think. Preacher Jones is calling for him - I can still feel his presence you know. I can hear him ranting his prayers, even over Councillor Short's cries."

  Are you really as guilty or innocent as you think? Another POW roll please.  

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 7:42 pm
by Trivun

Izzy listens to Mrs Evans, but she remains unimpressed. Just because one had come from so long ago as before the Romans, doesn't mean they had the right to act as judge and jury, and indeed executioner, in the present. Des was right. The police and the courts are there for that now.

"Times have changed, Mrs Evans... or whatever your true name is, because I doubt people were calling you that during the Roman conquest... but either way. What worked once won't always be the case. We didn't have the laws, the police, the court system then, but now we do. We have a better way now. A more enlightened way."

She pays Lewis no attention as he wails on the ground, but Izzy stands ready still to grab him if he tries to make a run for the gate. At least, she hopes she does. Even as she can feel the power of the gate and Mrs Evans herself pulling them all in...

"If you really have no wish to take him into your custody, then fine. Leave him in ours. Whether he's in a prison cell or whatever hellish dimension lies beyond that gate, he'll be away from people who he can hurt. And we got him first. Like Jordan said, he's under arrest and in our care, so if he wants to go through the gate himself, he has to pay bail first."

Suddenly, Izzy's voice becomes as hard and determined as steel. "Those are the laws of this country, now. And if you want to breach those laws, then that makes you guilty too. Another one to be judged."

She hopes the words get through... but even as she speaks, Izzy can feel the hardening of the compulsion, the glamour surrounding her, as she fights to keep control...

  POW: 60%  
  Social (to try and convince Mrs Evans): 60%  
  Oh well, I suppose resisting the gate is likely more important than persuading her anyway, she can't have that much Luck left to spend surely?  

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 1:42 am
by Snapper



"Perhaps it's the bara brith speaking, but I do have a bit of sympathy for this old school Welsh approach to justice. Cheer up Lewis, they've probably got WiFi down there by now."

Despite his doubts, Skipper stood ready to grab any of the Folly crew who looked like taking a header into Hades. Lewis could fend for himself.

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 4:09 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 375 times
"Oh, I wasn't making threats," Leo murmurs. "Those were just little reminders."

Leo summons his best professional smile and chimes in. "You said that the preacher woke you up. What would help you get back to sleep? You must be exhausted after of all of this..." he gestures around at the children. "Wouldn't a nice kip for another few hundred years be just the ticket? Wouldn't you like to go back to sleep?"

"We will happily provide any aid you need."

POW (80/40): 1d100

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 10:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

Jordan is suddenly struck with guilt. While he had previously thought there was nothing wrong with punching a Nazi, especially considering said Nazi had hit him first, he had still taken an oath to do no harm, and he had violated that oath. The fact that he had then given the Nazi excellent medical treatment didn't reverse the oath-breaking.

POW roll (30% stat) at the crossing:
Can I spend 20 Luck to make that a success?

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 10:51 pm
by jp1885
  Yes Jordan, you can.  

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 11:29 pm
by Mr. Handy

Then Jordan recalls his faith in Jesus Christ, that He went to the cross and died in Jordan's place for all his sins, and that He rose again from the dead, as a guarantee of his own eventual resurrection. Jordan's experiences with the supernatural only reinforced his faith, for how else could all these things exist? While he knew he deserved to go to hell, or whatever place this lady would conduct him, he also accepted that he was no longer under condemnation. The penalty had already been paid in full.

Spending 20 Luck.

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 10:26 pm
by Philulhu

POW 70 1d100


Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 4:39 am
by Mr. Handy

Spending 21 Luck is an option.

Re: Statement 5: The Road to Hell

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 8:20 pm
by Philulhu

Des doesn’t believe in guilt (well, not for her, anyway!) What’s she to feel guilty about? She just did what she needed to do to survive when she was living on the streets, a bit of shoplifting, dine & dashing…
