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Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 9:57 pm
by jp1885
By the time everyone returns to the Nennington Arms, the Nutters are gathering in the skittle alley - pints in hand and excited grins on their faces.

The pub itself appears to be equally lively - no doubt the opposing team are making themselves comfortable until it's their turn to bowl.

Mike Butterfield lumbers out of the alley, accompanied by a grinning Neil.

"There they are! Our star players!" he bellows.

Behind him, the Nutters cheer.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy
Jordan grins. "Honestly, I'm not that good," he says, "but I'll do my best and have fun doing it."

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 10:02 am
by Snapper

Skipper gives a modest wave and a grin. "Right, time for a cleansing ale before battle commences."

He adds to his colleagues, "I hope everyone realises that my first two efforts were a complete fluke. There's no guarantees that is going to happen again, if this all goes relatively normally. On the other hand, maybe Ben Kenobi will offer me guidance from the other side. Proton torpedo, exhaust port."

Skipper heads off in the quest for fine local beer and then a spot to light up a cigar.

  Any sign of the Rev?  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 11:56 am
by Trivun

Izzy is in full agreement, as far as a cleansing pint goes, but she decides to make it half a pint of Rosie's cider instead. Probably better to keep at least some wits about her if a revenant does show up, after all.

"Actually, I didn't mention it earlier, but I do go bowling a lot with my mates. I'm not that bad, actually. Plus, if we're playing on behalf on the Nutters... well, since it's a home game, I have a feeling we're almost guaranteed to win..."

If there are supernatural doings afoot, then it shouldn't be too difficult for Izzy to keep her mind focused on sensing anything magical as the team plays. As soon as an errant ghostly hand nudges the ball one way or another, she'll be ready...

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 6:45 pm
by Philulhu

Assuming (hoping!) that she wasn’t expecting to take part, Des retreated to one of the stools at the back and settled down with her J2O to watch the match.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 3:51 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 492 times
Leo danced through the door, making crowd noises as he did so. "I'll certainly give it a shot," he said. Then he moved over to Des, giving her a knowing at Des. "After all, this is the Nutter's home alley, you know... Nudge, nudge, wink wink."

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 4:33 pm
by jp1885
Those in the pub...

It's much busier in the front bar than it was earlier, with the locals sharing the space with the Nutters' opponents - Walt's Ramblers from the Cross Keys, you discover.

Despite the fact that the match hasn't even started, the Ramblers look already half-defeated. Muttered accusations of cheating dampen what would otherwise be an exciting event in the rural sporting calendar.

Behind the bar, Dominic looks equally as surly, serving drinks with a smile that does little to lighten his sour expression.

Those heading into the alley...

You step into the building surrounded by back-slapping and high-fiving middle-aged men, as the Nennington Nutters crowd elatedly around you. Butterfield seems particularly beside himself with excitement - a stark contrast to the dour and cynical former detective you met earlier.

Please roll Sense Vestig- actually, don't bother. The atmosphere is thick with the vestigia you felt during your previous visit, but this time it's way stronger. The scatter of skittles, the rumble of balls, the snatch of a song and that petrol smell.

You feel it swirling around you and the Nutters. A wave of elation washes over you...

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 7:06 pm
by Philulhu

Des frowned. She was feeling the urge to be cheerful and that just felt… wrong.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 2:44 am
by Snapper

Skipper doesn't love the atmosphere in the pub. He's been in enough pub fights for one lifetime. He grabs a beer, raises it slightly to Dominic by way of 'cheers', and heads outside. Skipper finds a free space at an outside table somewhere to sit anonymously. He fishes out a cigar and fires it up with his Zippo, careful not to gross anyone out with passive smoke.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 5:57 am
by Mr. Handy
"I have a feeling we're going to win," says Jordan as he enters the alley. "Is there time to get some practice in?"

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 4:16 pm
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 445 times
If Leo hadn't already dealt with the timey-wimey stuff earlier, the strong vestigia would have been even more overwhelming. As it was, he paused for a moment before proceeding.

One doesn't make it to DC without paying one's dues; he'd helped break up plenty of London brawls after football matches so while he knew he could acquit himself well should things in here go pear-shaped, he would miss his faithful old stab vest.

He high-fives all of his teammates and passes in front of the other team, trying to get a better sense of where the vestigia is centered.

I am going to try to determine more specifically the source of the vestigia by walking around the perimeter of the alley high-fiving teammates and mildly taunting opponents. I know it is currently crowded, so that may not be possible logistically. Hopefully, now that it's much stronger, it will be easier to determine.

Sense Vestigia (60/30): 1d100

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 6:18 pm
by jp1885
"Oh, we don't need to practice!" bellows Butterfield.

"Let's get your names on the board..." he pauses for a second, working out who to write down first. "I'll lead the charge, then Neil, you can follow up. Then... yeah, our two newcomers."

He turns to you all. "What names am I putting down?"

Leo, the vestigia feels strongest around the playing area, where the players bowl from.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 6:25 pm
by Trivun

The wave of positivity passes over Izzy and she immediately thinks about stepping outside for a moment and calling Alice, but given the job at hand and the time she thinks better of it. They can always have a conversation later on instead. Besides, right now Alice is likely busy feeding Freya and settling down to watch something on Netflix.

Izzy heads across to Mike Butterfield, walking over with her half pint and leaning in to speak without prying ears listening. She pulls up the photo on her phone of the Nutters and the urn, from earlier, showing it to Mike. She doesn't mind if she's part of the team or if the others are more eager to step up, since she'll be focusing on tracing the supernatural dealings anyway whether she plays or not.

"Just when you get a moment, while we're sorting out the team, I don't suppose you're ever seen the urn in this picture before, have you? We think it's connected to whatever's happening here."

She doesn't give too much away, but watches carefully for any reaction from Mike to the picture of the urn and the runes that decorate it.

  Observation: 60%  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 12:19 am
by Mr. Handy
"You can put mine down," says Jordan. "Jordan Schneider. I'll bowl last."

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 2:18 am
by Snapper

Skipper puffs away on his cigar and drinks his beer in relative quiet. He watches the crowd in the pub with interest, and assumes someone will find him if he's late to Skittle. He wonders if there have ever been any Skittle related riots through history.

As an afterthought, he makes sure his phone is de-batteried.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 8:50 pm
by jp1885
Skipper - As you light up your cigar, you become aware of lots of angry looks being thrown in your direction.

Dominic hurries over, picking up some empty glasses as he does so.

"Hey, no smoking! What d'you think this is - the eighties? There's a shelter outside if you want to kill yourself."

In the skittle alley, Butterfield chalks up Jordan's name before craning his thick neck to look at Izzy's phone.

"Nah, ain't seen nothing like that. Neil, what about you?"

Neil also looks, but shakes his head.

"Dunno why you're asking though. Now, you bowling or not? You want me to put your name down?"

Izzy - you notice nothing weird, save a bunch if overly-excited middle-aged men.

  If you really want to check their reactions, how about a Read Person roll?  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:49 pm
by Trivun

"Sure, I'll give it a go. Izzy Cooper, that's spelled with a 'Y."

Izzy sees nothing, but she takes a slightly closer look just to see if she can pick up any sort of tell or subtle cue in the men's faces or body language...

OOC:   Sorry, forgot there was a Read Person skill! Same percentage for that, 60% for Izzy.  


Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 2:14 am
by Snapper

Skipper mutters apologies and heads to the shelter to finish his cigar and beer.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 4:10 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 394 times
"Leo," Leo added quickly. "Just like it sounds. L-E-O..."

He moved back to the Nutters area, and as soon as he got a chance, he muttered to Izzy, "It's strongest at the actual bowling spot, and it appears to be having the opposite effect on the other team. No wonder they win so often here."

*I wonder if there is something buried under that spot...*

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 5:08 am
by Mr. Handy
"Where's Skipper?" asks Jordan. "He should definitely play."

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 9:43 pm
by jp1885
Izzy, while talking to Mike and Neil, you notice Neil's eyes dart to the scoreboard for a second.

"So that's Jordan, Izzy and Leo - happy days, One of the lads can stay on the subs bench." Butterfield says, chalking your names on the scoreboard. "Skipper's having a smoke outside by the looks."

Skipper - Meanwhile out in the smoker's shelter, you wait, perhaps for a certain lady vicar? Alas, you see no tell-tale swish of goth coat in the evening gloom.

  Des, what are you doing while all this is going on?  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 12:14 am
by Philulhu

Des nursed her J2O and watched to see how the match developed, paying particular attention to the opponents, who already seemed agrieved before the game had even begun.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 4:25 am
by Mr. Handy
"I think we'll still win, even without Skipper playing," says Jordan.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 4:45 am
by Snapper

Skipper finishes his cigar and pint, determined to stay focused but disappointed nonetheless at the vicar-free environment. He bins the cigar stub and stalks over to the skittle alley.

OOC:   If there's still a space, Skipper will sign up for the Nutters.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 6:20 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 404 times
While everyone is getting ready for the match to begin, Leo sends another quick group text to the gang and Nightingale.

The vestigia is much stronger today, and it's the strongest around the spot where you bowl. Once the place clears out, I think we should try digging under that spot. Are there any recommended precautions?

Is Leo aware of any precautions?

Magic roll?

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 6:27 am
by jp1885
  Sure Leo, by all means try a Magic roll.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 8:56 am
by Trivun

Izzy whispers to Leo as soon as he sends the text through. "That might be where the strongest effect is, but I don't think it's where the urn will be. And it's going to be a bit noticeable if we start digging up the timbers to see if there's anything under the floor."

Her eyes dart across to the scoreboard as well, making sure that Leo notices, as Izzy takes out the batteries from her work and personal phones, and slides them back into her rather small shoulder bag as inconspicuously as she can.

"Neil looked towards the scoreboard when I showed them the photo. I'm almost certain that it's there. Or something is, at least. We might want to let the others know too, see if anyone can take a look while the punters are focused on the game."

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 5:01 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 385 times

Magic (70/35): 1d100

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 8:56 am
by Snapper

Skipper stalks in, camera in hand. So far as he can tell, the team appears to have been filled for now so he moves about unobtrusively, taking a photo here and there.

Skipper is a bit concerned about the mood of the opposition, so he keeps half an eye on them, looking for signs of Skittle Hooliganism breaking out.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 7:16 pm
by Philulhu

Des yawned and started scrolling through her socials on her phone…

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 3:17 pm
by jp1885
Excitement builds in line with the vestigia. You are hustled off the playing area and away from the wall as the names of rest of the team are written on the scoreboard.

As Leo fruitlessly thinks of a way to counter the effect, Butterfield gets up from a creaking stool to bowl.

You hear the song in your heads before the last skittle clatters to the floor...

"Why was he born so beautiful?
Why was he born at all?
He’s no bloody use to anyone,
He’s no bloody use at all!"

The heavyset man punches the air, chalking a perfect 27 on the board. Neil, sprightlier than his team mate, skips up next and almost robotically throws his three balls, scoring another perfect 27.

Even Des has to fight hard not to cheer.

Next up is Jordan...

  Jordan, please make a DEX and a STR roll.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 5:10 pm
by Mr. Handy
Jordan is strong as always, but not that accurate.

STR roll (70% stat) bowling:
DEX roll (40% stat) bowling:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 6:34 pm
by jp1885
Jordan - Sacrificing accuracy for strength, you fling the first ball down the alley, knocking down all nine skittles through force alone.

This elicits a collective shout and f jou from the mutters, which you try to ignore as you pick up the second ball.

As you step back to bowl again.

  Same rolls again please.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 9:53 pm
by Mr. Handy
"That was better than I was doing earlier," says Jordan, bowling again. This time he's more accurate, but not as strong.

STR roll (70% stat) bowling a second time:
DEX roll (40% stat) bowling a second time:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 12:10 am
by Philulhu

Des looked up from her phone, grinned, then frowned. What was going on?! It wasn’t like her to be so… cheerful?!

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 3:12 am
by Snapper

Skipper is happily sitting on a stool with a nice view, snapping photos of each contestant in action, trying to catch the look on their faces when he can. He's still using the IR-enhanced film, so no need for irritating flashes illuminating the room.

Skipper does cast the odd glance at the potentially mutinous opposition, and is watching out for oddness and flying books. Or just broken bottles about to be used to inflict GBH.

OOC:   Can he see anything strange or alarming going on?  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 5:25 pm
by jp1885
Leo - looking around, you realise that most of the opposing team are still in the pub. It appears that, during matches, the other side usually stays behind while the other team bowls, save a token member who watches to ensure no-one is cheating.

This guy - a scrawny fellow with a long beard, looks one grumpily as Jordan's accurate shot knocks the skittles down again.

[70] = 70
1d100: [ 70 ] = 70

[97] = 97
1d100: [ 97 ] = 97

He looks a little more pleased when Jordan's next throw bounces down the alley, striking the wooden railing before passing through a gap between the pins and hitting the back board.

There is a groan of disappointment; almost anger; from the Nutters, which you all find yourselves mimicking. You need to concentrate! There is too much a stake to lose focus now!

  POW rolls everyone please.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 5:42 pm
by Trivun

  POW roll - 60%  


Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 11:40 pm
by Philulhu

POW (70%)1d100

Des was completely oblivious to any change in the atmosphere.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 11:59 pm
by Snapper


  Critical success!  

Skipper has been industriously busy, jury-rigging a small IR LED torch to the top of his camera, so he can take photos without attracting much attention or annoying anyone. Satisfied with his efforts with this enforced archaic medium, he goes back to snapping photos of both the competitors and the face of the oppo's rep.

He notices everyone's shared emotions with some concern.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 3:49 am
by Mr. Handy
"Sorry," says Jordan, shaking his head. "I'm not the best at this."

POW roll (30% stat) after bowling:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 6:35 pm
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 547 times
One Leo realizes the rest of the locally based Nutters are waiting in the bar, he joins them, but not before gesturing to the others to let them know where we went.

POW 80/40: 1d100

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 6:55 pm
by jp1885
Des, Izzy, Jordan and Leo

Izzy it's your turn next. Without even trying, you bowl three perfect strikes! Another 27 chalked up on the board!

"Why was he born so beautiful?
Why was he born at all?
He’s no bloody use to anyone,
He’s no bloody use at all!"

You all sing in unison, dancing joyously.

Jordan, you hug Neil while Des, you dance arm-in-arm with Butterfield. Izzy, you punch the air and high-five a thin man in a golfing jumper.

Leo, it's your turn. You race down the skittle alley, high-fiving other Nutters as you go. Your hand reaches automatically for the first ball. You blink...


Suddenly, you find yourself standing there, all three balls bowled. Another perfect 27 chalked up next to your name.

"Why was he born so beautiful?
Why was he born at all?
He’s no bloody use to anyone,
He’s no bloody use at all!"

  You all have two choices: go with the flow, or fight the influence with another POW roll.  
SKipper - you stare dumfounded at your colleagues: acting like an audience at some second-rate Jerry Springer show. Even without magical training, you feel the vestigia influencing them. What did Nightingale call it? Glamour?

One of the Nutters, an elderly man jumping around like a teenager, bumps into you. He stops, eyes narrowing.

"Why aren't you celebrating?" he hisses. "You're spoiling it! Don't you dare spoil it!"

Other heads turn in your direction...

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:19 pm
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 540 times
Leo shouts with excitement as he watches the pins go down. He's never felt so moved by just watching gravity react to objects. However, a tiny part of him remembers that he's there for work, so he tries again to control the feelings.

POW 80/40: 1d100

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 10:58 pm
by Trivun

Izzy has no idea why she's feeling so happy. She bowls regularly, she knows she's good, but even when she's had three strikes in a row before (a rare occurrence in itself), she can't recall ever acting in such a manner. And the last time she felt this giddy was on her first date with Alice. Well, the second one too. And the third, and the fourth... you get the picture.

Still, she can't help but feel something on the edge of her mind, pulling away. In the corner of her eye, she spots Skipper being chastised by one of the other players. She tries to focus, tries to remember why they came here to begin with...

  POW: 60%  

Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. She turns back to the game, and cheers and whoops and dances with the rest of them.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 4:11 am
by Mr. Handy
Jordan knows that this is wrong. He wants to win, but he wants to so on his own efforts. This magical effect smacks of cheating. Still, he knows it wasn't helping him. Otherwise he wouldn't have missed the third time. He got an 18, not a 27 like the others, and the 18 was all him. And so he cheers and gladhands with the rest of them.

POW roll (30% stat) to resist:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 9:36 am
by Snapper

Skipper hastily shoves the camera into his backpack. He grins at the (apparently aptly named) Nutter. "Sorry old son, I was concentrating on taking photos, you know, capturing the Nutters' win for all time. Sometimes I get so caught up with my camera, forget to cheer. But I don't want to bring you all down, I'll just get out of the way now."

While hopefully keeping the wolves at bay with this ongoing chatter / dribble, Skipper hastily heads out the door. "Just grabbing another pint before I come back to cheer you all on."

As he heads for the door to get out, Skipper calls out, "Oi!! Team Sweeney Folly!! Get your game faces on!!"

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 9:46 pm
by jp1885
As Skipper heads towards the door, the Nutters cry in alarm.

"No! Where are you going? You're up next!" they cry.

Or do they? Their mouths seem to be shaping the words, but the actual voice seems to be coming from... well, everywhere.

Suddenly, Butterfield is at the door, barring Skipper's way. A big man, yes, but with decades of police experience he knows how to move quickly.

Leo also senses something is wrong. The Nutters near him are moving strangely, turning toward him as if spun slowly around by an unseen hand. Neil the barman snarls as he picks up a bar stool...

"You're spoiling it!"

Des, Izzy and Jordan also feel the rage. They've waited so long for this moment of glory - their life ambition fulfilled! How dare these outsiders, who showed so much promise earlier, now ruin everything?

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 11:46 pm
by Philulhu

POW (70%) 1d100

Des caught herself. ’Dancin’? You never fukin’ dance! Wat dafuq is goin’ on?!’ She pinched herself and looked around - Izzy, Leo and Jordan were prancing around, grinning like fools. Skipper looked clear-eyed and was trying to get out of there but Butterfield was in his way. A voice was shouting in her head about it being Skipper’s turn to play but he, like her, just wanted out so she hurried over to join him…

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 1:00 am
by Snapper

Skipper holds up a placating hand to Butterfield, using the other one to drop his backpack against a wall out of the way. "Easy, Mike, I'm just putting my backpack down. Not going anywhere."

"Actually, you know, my name's not on the board. So I'm not meant to be bowling."

  Can Skipper see a fire alarm anywhere? Something red with a "break glass" sign? Or ceiling sensors?  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 5:35 am
by Mr. Handy
"But you're the best player, mate!" protests Jordan. "You've got to bowl!"

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 6:41 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 480 times
Leo manages to come to his senses just as Neil the barman grabs the stool.

"Dank ferrik..." Leo growls. His mind races as he starts the forma for a Fireball, knowing if he casts it, he is probably done with Nightingale and magic forever. Then suddenly, a plan that might not result in Warrant Card loss comes to mind, and he screams "LOOK OUT!" while pointing at the opposite corner of the room.

Then he aims an impello at the biggest, brightest light fixture in the room.

While I know that there isn't a Boost effect listed for the spell, I would like to request to spend an extra magic point to strike a second light source.

Magic (70/35): 1d100

I would like to spend one point of Luck to make this a success.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 10:59 am
by Trivun

"Stop ruining it! Just play the game!"

Izzy can't believe that the others, her friends and colleagues, would stoop so low as to break the enjoyment for them all. Still, there's that niggling feeling at the back of her mind. This isn't right.

It gets pushed down by the euphoria of her three strikes.

OOC:   Am I able to attempt another POW roll on seeing Neil pick up the stool and sensing Leo about to cast a spell? I'd imagine the signare of Leo's Impello would be a bit of a beacon to someone magically trained like Izzy.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 12:19 pm
by jp1885
  Will do a proper update later, but yes, you can all do another POW roll if you wish and Leo, yes to your Magic suggestion :)  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 1:15 pm
by Snapper
  Any fire alarms to be seen? Pull handle / break glass etc.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 1:53 pm
by jp1885
  Good question. Make a luck check. If you pass, then yes :)  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 4:00 pm
by Trivun

The feeling at the back of her mind just won't go away...

  POW: 60%  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 11:55 pm
by Snapper


  Hard success.  

Skipper punches the break-glass fire alarm!

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 3:44 am
by Mr. Handy
Jordan finally snaps out of it.

POW roll (30% stat) to resist:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 5:40 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 439 times
At the exact moment that Skipper slaps the fire alarm, two perfectly aimed Impellos strike the lights above the alley. Please, in the name of Beverly let the globes be plastic.

Leo will not waste any time getting clear, but he will attempt to grab a few stragglers before updating Team Folly. Wp

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 7:23 pm
by jp1885
Several things seem to happen all at once.

Des reaches Skipper just as he bashes a break-glass fire alarm. As a piercing alarm erupts, a shower of glass and fine powder scatters over the angry skittlers, courtesy of Leo's attempts to knock out the lighting.


With the match all but abandoned, a wail of anguish echoes around the hall. Jordan, coming out of his reverie, catches Neil as he staggers backwards, dropping the stool and clutching his head.

Butterfield also falls lumpenly backwards, colliding with a bemused Izzy, who, seconds ago, was just about to stand up to bowl but now finds herself in the midst of chaos.

You all feel a rush, as the vestigia that filled the room is suddenly sucked into the scoreboard, as if something is gathering it's energies.


The board seems to bulge outwards as an eerie blue light streams from it. With shouts of alarm, Nennington Nutters rush out of the door and into the car park, crashing into those rushing from the pub to see what the hell is going on.

Neil is the last out, struggling through the throng. He cries as the blue light bursts through him, taking the form of a spectral humanoid, face snarling in anger.


"I WAS SO CLOSE!" yells the revenant of Lee Snelgrove as he swirls around the ceiling, sucking up stools, skittles and other ephemera.

  DEX or Athletics rolls please.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 8:41 pm
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 495 times
Not for the first time since beginning his police career, Leo wishes that he'd spent a little more time in the gym as a kid as he tries to dodge what's left of Neil.

As soon as I saw things go pear-shaped, I would've put up a Shield spell between me and any person I can step in front of/grab, not trying to be subtle this time. I will put a Magic roll below, just in case.

DEX (40/20): 1d100

Magic (70/35): 1d100

I will spend 4 Luck to make the Magic roll a success.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 10:34 pm
by Philulhu

DEX (75%) 1d100

Des wasn’t hanging around! She ducked past Skipper and the ex-copper and headed for the doorway!

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 12:24 am
by Trivun

With the spell broken, Izzy reacts as quickly as she can, dodging out of the way, or at least attempting to, and trying to find some form of cover from the revenant. This is exactly what she feared, and she hopes to hell that she and Leo, being the only practitioners present, can deal with the spirit before someone gets hurt...

  DEX: 60%  
  Another stinker! I'd like to spend 14 Luck to make that DEX roll a success please.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 3:19 am
by Snapper



Stunned briefly by events, Skipper is wrong footed and slow to react. "Khyber..."

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy
Jordan manages to dodge anything thrown at him.

DEX roll (40% stat) to avoid the objects:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 5:08 pm
by jp1885
With the skittle alley largely empty now, most of you are able to dodge the flying debris and reach the door.

Leo, quickly conjuring up a shield spell, is unharmed as a bar stool bounces off the invisible barrier in front of him (remember to spend 2 magic points as Shield is a 2nd order spell.) However, thus preoccupied with spellcasting, you do not reach the exit.

Neither does Skipper: knocked back by a heavy rubber skittles ball which cannons into your stomach (take 1 damage and mark your character as Hurt - no mechanical effect... yet...)

There is a loud groan as Neil, slumped against a table, tries to stand. Being insubstantial, Snelgrove was able to pass through him without causing explosive damage. The poor fellow does not look very well, however.

Wailing in rage and anguish, the Snelgrove Revenant continues to fling things at you. He also vents his anger at Neil, who receives a skittle pin in the back of his leg for his trouble, causing him to slump to the floor with a cry of pain.

  We're now officially in combat. You can each do one thing - tell me what you hope to achieve and make a relevant roll. You also each get to react to what your opponent does (throwing stuff at you in this case); options include doing nothing, dodging, fleeing, diving for cover or fighting back somehow (which you can only do once per round). Des, you have Fast Reactions, so get to fight back twice.  
[57] = 57
1d100: [ 57 ] = 57
Regular success

Penalty die if required [7]*10 = 70
1d10*10: [ 7 ] *10 = 70

Bonus die if required [8]*10 = 80
1d10*10: [ 8 ] *10 = 80

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 12:13 am
by Philulhu

Des ran for cover, keeping her head down! ”Do something!” she yelled at Leo and Izzy, the magic-users of the group.

Athletics - running away at speed! (60%) 1d100

Can Des hold her second action until she sees what everyone else does?

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 4:08 am
by Mr. Handy
Jordan scoops up Neil in a fireman's carry and hurries to take him out of harm's way, shielding him with his own body.

STR roll (70% stat) to carry Neil:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 4:38 am
by Snapper
  Skipper also has Fast Reactions.  


"Oof! Anthony Blunt..." Skipper's footballer instinct is to fall to the ground and roll from side to side, crying in agony until someone gets red-carded, but he fights that urge.

Instead, despite being winded, he picks up the skittle ball that hit him and fires it back at Lee. "Game's over Lee, cancelled due to cheating by you!"


More a footballer and BJJ expert than a cricketer, Skipper's throw misses the ghost (if a revenant can even be hit) and thunks into a wall. Meantime, he edges towards the exit, keeping the crazed spirit in his view but staying clear of Jordan and Neil.

"Come on Lee, one to you, zero to me, bet you can't hit me again!" Skipper is trying to keep the attention away from Neil.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 4:56 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 411 times
Quickly deciding that Nightingale would approve in this case, Leo starts the forma for a Fireball. He shakes his head sadly, "We could have been so good together..."

Magic (70/35): 1d100

Regular success = 1 damage + 1 base Fireball damage

I started out with 17 magic points.
-2 for the boosted Impello
-2 for the Shield
-2 for the Fireball
11 Magic points currently

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 8:21 am
by jp1885
  Des, yes you can hold your second reaction, Skipper, if you’re trying to distract the revenant, please make a Social roll.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 8:58 am
by Snapper


  Hard Success! Most unexpected...  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 10:43 am
by Trivun

The spell finally broken, Izzy ducks away from the objects being flung around by the revenant, and focuses her attention on the scoreboard. She had earlier noticed Neil's surreptitious glance in that direction, and she's certain that it hides something. Failing that, she can always give the skittles lane a try where Leo suggested earlier, but for now she makes for the scoreboard, hoping to see if anything is hidden behind it.

As she runs, Izzy conjures up an Impello, just a basic one, to pull the scoreboard away to reveal whatever may be lurking behind. She's just glad she remembered to de-battery her phones before the game began, as she attempts the simple spell...

  Magic: 60%  

  Phew! Success for the spell itself, presumed POW roll for moving an inanimate object to see if it does move (based on the spell description): 60%  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 2:04 pm
by jp1885
  Somebody make me a Luck roll please.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 3:00 pm
by Trivun
  Luck: 40% (current points)  
OOC:   Hmm, maybe I should have let someone else take the reins on that one...  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 4:10 pm
by jp1885
With Jordan effortlessly picking up Neil in a fireman's lift, an uncharacteristically slow Des provides an easier target for the revenant.

He readies a large table in the air before him, sizing up the target like a bowler sizes up a skittle, when Skipper's taunts draw his attention.

The floating spectre turns to the PI, but before he can respond, a fireball from Leo whooshes through his ghostly body, causing him to grimace.


At this point there is a loud crash as the scoreboard is pulled from the wall, courtesy of an impello spell from Izzy.

There, nestled in a gap in the wall insulation, is a small stone urn, which wobbles slightly, but stays in place.

The revenant that was Lee Snelgrove looks around bewildered, unable to decide a course of action, when suddenly there is a WOOSH! at the back of the hall.

Leo's fireball, passing though the spectre, has burned through the thin chipboard wall of the storage cupboard. Thick smoke begins to bellow out and into the alley as the wooden tables and chairs inside catch alight.

"NO!" yells the spectre, flying over to the fire and fruitlessly trying to put out the flames with it's non-corporeal flapping arms, it's glowing form increasingly obscured by the black smoke.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 4:40 pm
by Philulhu

Not one for social graces even at the best of times, Des let out a triumphant ”Yesss!” followed by ”Burn, you fucker!” as it was wreathed in smoke…

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 4:50 pm
by Trivun

Upon seeing the urn, Izzy continues running, making to grab it. She knows it's the key to all of this, and if the urn is destroyed, who knows what might happen to Lee Snelgrove? She doesn't know if he would be destroyed too, or if he would simply be free to roam with no means of containment, a far more dangerous proposition...

  DEX 60%:  

As she runs, however, Izzy notices the fireball, and sees the place starting to go up in flames. "Shit..." Whatever she does now, she needs to do it fast. She can't call for a fire engine, not with her phones devoid of batteries - she hopes that the others remembered, or else their own phones will be useless bricks right now. Even worse, she notices that the fire exit is right next to the store room which is now ablaze. At least the main entrance and exit is at the other end of the building to the fire. Another thought creeps into her mind...

Neil knew. She had only been alerted to the location of the urn by his reactionary glance towards the scoreboard, otherwise she'd have had no clue. Neil had known where it was. He's involved. We need to find out how.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 6:29 pm
by SaintMeerkat
OOC:   Speaking of calling the fire brigade, the books mention several times about Peter's method of jury-rigging a phone/Airwave for quick access. Is it safe to assume that Peter would have given at least one of us one of those?  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 7:16 pm
by jp1885
  Sounds like another Luck check to me :D  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 7:49 pm
by SaintMeerkat
OOC:   Group Luck rolls use the Investigator with the current lowest Luck. Mine is currently 56.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 8:57 pm
by jp1885
  I’m feeling generous, so anyone who thinks they might have access to such a phone can roll Luck.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 9:38 pm
by Mr. Handy
Jordan carries Neil outside and sets him down somewhere safe. There doesn't seem to be much he can do for his injuries, but he does always carry spare mobile phone batteries, and he was shown after the last escapade how to rig a phone to bypass the problems caused by nearby magic use, so he tries to call the fire brigade.

My pregenerated character sheet actually said I have spare phone batteries, so maybe I'd have something of the sort.

Luck roll (60% stat) to have a usable phone:
Medicine roll (70% skill) to treat Neil's injuries:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 9:45 am
by Snapper
OOC:   Building fire alarms are generally hard-wired to the local fire station, at least here in Australia but I assume everywhere, even the green, damp, and non-flammable UK.  


Skipper looks at Leo in exasperation (through the smoke). "Goyle, Harry Potter 8, did you not watch?! Just because you can play with fire doesn't mean you always should!"

Muttering about pyromaniacs, he grabs his backpack and heads for the door, desperately looking for a fire extinguisher. "Anyone see a fire extinguisher?!"

  If Skipper can't see an extinguisher near the skittle alley's exit, he'll bolt for the pub, figuring there will be one there.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 12:13 pm
by jp1885
  Skipper, please make an Observation roll, with a penalty due due to all of the stuff flying around.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 1:26 pm
by Snapper




Skipper charges towards the pub proper. "Dominic, I need a fire extinguisher!"

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 6:31 pm
by Philulhu

Des pulled out her phone to ring 999 then realised that the magic had fried the battery.

”Shit!” she cursed.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 7:01 pm
by jp1885
With the skittle alley rapidly filling with acrid smoke, it's difficult to see the glowing phantom swirling frantically around the walls, let alone a fire extinguisher. The longer you tarry, the harder it becomes to breathe.

  If you're staying in the hall, please make a CON roll. Failure means you breathe in the smoke and take 1 Damage, marking yourself off as Hurt (unless you're already Hurt, in which case you become Bloodied).  
Clearly audible above the piercing alarm and the moaning of the revenant, there is a low groan from somewhere at the back of the building, followed by a loud crack as bits of falling wooden ceiling briefly light up the murk.

Those that have already exited the burning hall stumble out into the car park into a scene of pandemonium. Dazed and frightened Nutters mingle with the opposing team and other pub-goers, who have rushed out at the sound of the fire alarm. No-one seems to know just exactly what is going on, although several are on their phones, obviously having the same idea as you.

Indeed, when calling 999, the operator assures you that a the Fire Brigade has already been alerted and will be on the scene ASAP.

Jordan - as you carry out a barely-conscious Neil, Dominic bursts out of the befuddled throng.

"Neil!" he yells, rushing to his husband's side.

"Is he okay? What happened?" he asks, looking alternatively at Skipper and yourself.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 12:06 am
by Snapper

With panic and smoke in the air, Skipper aims for short and clear communication. He looks Dominic in the eyes. "Neil will live. Jordan's a doctor. There's a fire. Point me to a fire extinguisher."

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy
"Yes, he'll live," says Jordan. "He may have a concussion, but I hope not. I'm not sure what happened, but there was debris flying around after the fire broke out. I think he got hit by a stray skittles pin."

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 1:37 pm
by Trivun

OOC:   Does Izzy reach the urn following that DEX roll previously?  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 3:22 pm
by jp1885
  Oops, missed that: apologies! Yes, you reach the urn (CON roll as above though please.  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 5:08 pm
by Trivun

Izzy bolts for the urn and manages to grab it, before it can be engulfed by flames. The entrance and exit door isn't far away, and she makes for it, but still takes in a lungful of smoke on the way...

  CON 40%:  
  Izzy takes 1 point of damage and is Hurt.  
The smoke gets right in and she coughs and splutters as she makes her way back outside, bursting through the front door. Even so, Izzy's going to be damned if she lets this urn be destroyed, or damaged. And she'll be doubly damned if she lets Lee Snelgrove loose upon the world. She spots Dominic, and immediately calls to him, hardly caring for the moment that his main concern is for his husband.

"Dominic! Do you have a landline I can use, it's urgent!" She's not letting go of the urn for anyone or anything.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 5:01 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 470 times
Leo decides to make a break for it, hoping that the brigade is on its way. He's done enough damage for a day, it seems.

"Gas leak?" he asks himself. "Yeah, gas leak..." he confirms as he exits.

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy
"Look after him, Dominic," says Jordan. "I have to see to my other patients." He goes over to Izzy and treats her for smoke inhalation.

Medicine roll (70% skill) to treat Izzy:

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 7:32 pm
by jp1885
Izzy - you feel a strange pull as you exit the skittle alley with the urn, as if it is somehow anchored to the building. However it clearly isn't very strong, as with a little effort you are able to leave with the container securely held in your arms.

Jordan - giving her a once-over you are able to pronounce the police officer fit and well (if a little tinged with smoke).

Leo - talking about a gas leak sends a whitter of panic among the crowd in the car park, so you would be forgiven for not hearing the anguished keening from within the burning hall, which diminishes into silence.

Skipper - Dominic is too busy tending to his husband to pay much attention to you, and simply waves an arm vaguely towards the pub. As the skittle alley roof slowly caves in, he allows himself a look of satisfaction.

Des - you mourn the loss of your phone as only the young can (or am I being terribly stereotypical about the youth of today?) Muttering curses, you edge away from the throng of panicky middle-aged white people and as such are the first person to spot the flashing blue lights coming from the direction of Hereford.

There is little else to say: the Fire Brigade swiftly extinguish the fire, leaving a smouldering shell of a prefabricated building.

With confusion in the ascendant, no-one is really sure what exactly happened. When questioned, the Nutters are at a loss to explain it - perhaps they were so wrapped up in their game that they failed to notice the faulty light fitting? Those in the pub can shed little light either: all they saw were people rushing out of the hall when the fire alarm went off.

The game is naturally abandoned and, oddly, the Nutters never quite feel like playing a re-match. This means forfeiting the game and, eventually, their position at the top of the league. No-one really seems to mind.

Only the members of the Special Assessment Unit know the truth and you, of course, are sworn to secrecy.

The urn is swiftly taken into the Folly for analysis. No trace of Lee Snelgrove is detected and, once carefully opened, all that can be found is the fine ash of burnt wood and paper. Perhaps, Nightingale surmises, the power of the urn relied on being in a special place, in addition to containing special things?

The runes, though largely unintelligible, will be the subject of some study - once time allows of course, for there is always so much to do...

  Thanks everyone for playing this scenario. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed running it. I'm going to be on vacation for a while, but am happy to open another case file for you in a few weeks' time for those who haven't had enough of me yet!  

Re: Statement 3: Why Was He Born So Beautiful?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 8:32 am
by Snapper

Skipper gets his old-school film developed and, as promised, sends his best church photos to the quirky-but-cute Rev.


Half-decent photos, probably not seduction-by-photography worthy.

The rest of the odds-and-sods collection of photos goes to the Folly again.
Including a few from the skittle alley - but seconds before the messy climax (what the Art of Photography refers to as the "money shot").